Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province, 2008

Chapter P of The 2008 Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal

Professional Paper 1824

U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Cover. Eocene strata along the north side of Van Keulenfjorden, Svalbard, include basin-floor fan, marine slope, and deltaic to fluvial depositional facies. The age and facies of these strata are similar to Tertiary strata beneath the continental shelves of Arctic Eurasia, thus providing an analog for evaluating elements of those petroleum systems. Relief from sea level to top of upper bluff is approximately 1,500 feet. Photograph by David Houseknecht. and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province, 2008

By Timothy R. Klett and Janet K. Pitman

Chapter P of The 2008 Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal Edited by T.E. Moore and D.L. Gautier

Professional Paper 1824

U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of the Interior RYAN K. ZINKE, Secretary U.S. Geological Survey William H. Werkheiser, Acting Director

U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia: 2017

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Suggested citation: Klett, T.R., and Pitman, J.K., 2017, Geology and assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province, 2008, chap. P of Moore, T.E., and Gautier, D.L., eds., The 2008 Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1824, 15 p.,

ISSN 2330-7102 (online) iii

The 2008 Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal


A. Introduction to the 2008 Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal (CARA) Professional Paper By Donald L. Gautier and Thomas E. Moore

B. Methodology for Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources for the 2008 Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal By Ronald R. Charpentier

North America

C. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Chukchi Borderland Province, 2008 By Kenneth J. Bird and David W. Houseknecht

D. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Hope Basin Province, 2008 By Kenneth J. Bird, David W. Houseknecht, and Janet K. Pitman

E. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Arctic Alaska Petroleum Province, 2008 By David W. Houseknecht, Kenneth J. Bird, and Christopher P. Garrity

F. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Yukon Flats Basin Province, 2008 By Kenneth J. Bird and Richard G. Stanley

G. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Northwest Canada Interior Basins Province, Arctic Canada, 2008 By Marilyn E. Tennyson and Janet K. Pitman

H. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Franklinian Shelf Province, Arctic Canada and North Greenland, 2008 By Marilyn E. Tennyson and Janet K. Pitman

I. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Sverdrup Basin Province, Arctic Canada, 2008 By Marilyn E. Tennyson and Janet K. Pitman


J. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the West Greenland- East Canada Province, 2008 By Christopher J. Schenk iv

K. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the East Greenland Rift Basins Province, 2008 By Donald L. Gautier


L. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Jan Mayen Microcontinent Province, 2008 By Thomas E. Moore and Janet K. Pitman


M. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Mezen’ Basin Province, 2008 By Timothy R. Klett and Janet K. Pitman

N. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Timan-Pechora Basin Province, , 2008 By Christopher J. Schenk

O. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the East Barents Basins Province and the Novaya Zemlya Basins and Admiralty Arch Province By Timothy R. Klett

P. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province, 2008 By Timothy R. Klett and Janet K. Pitman

Q. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Northern West Siberian Mesozoic Composite Total Petroleum System of the West Siberian Basin Province, Russia, 2008 By Christopher J. Schenk

R. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Yenisey-Khatanga Basin Province, 2008 By Timothy R. Klett and Janet K. Pitman

S. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Northwest Laptev Sea Shelf Province, 2008 By Timothy R. Klett and Janet K. Pitman

T. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Lena-Anabar Basin Province, 2008 By Timothy R. Klett and Janet K. Pitman v

U. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Tunguska Basin Province, 2008 By Christopher J. Wandrey and Timothy R. Klett

V. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Lena-Vilyui Basin Province, 2008 By Timothy R. Klett and Janet K. Pitman

W. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Laptev Sea Shelf Province, 2008 By Timothy R. Klett and Janet K. Pitman

X. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Zyryanka Basin Province, 2008 By Timothy R. Klett and Janet K. Pitman

Y. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the East Siberian Sea Basin Province, 2008 By Kenneth J. Bird, David W. Houseknecht, and Janet K. Pitman

Z. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Vilkitskii Basin Province, 2008 By Kenneth J. Bird, David W. Houseknecht, and Janet K. Pitman

AA. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Long Strait Province, Russian High Arctic, 2008 By Kenneth J. Bird, David W. Houseknecht, and Janet K. Pitman

Arctic Ocean

BB. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Amerasia Basin Petroleum Province, 2008 By David W. Houseknecht, Kenneth J. Bird, and Christopher P. Garrity

CC. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Lomonosov- Makarov Province, Central , 2008 By Thomas E. Moore, Kenneth J. Bird, and Janet K. Pitman

DD. Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Eurasia Basin Province, Eastern Arctic Ocean, 2008 By Thomas E. Moore and Janet K. Pitman vi


The 2008 Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal...... iii Abstract...... 1 North Kara Basins and Platforms Province...... 1 Province-Boundary Definitions...... 1 Petroleum Occurrence...... 1 Tectonostratigraphic Evolution...... 1 Precambrian...... 4 Paleozoic...... 5 Mesozoic and Cenozoic...... 5 Total Petroleum System...... 5 Source Rocks...... 7 Reservoir and Seal Rocks...... 8 Traps and Timing...... 8 Assessment Units...... 8 North Kara Basins and Platforms Assessment Unit...... 8 Geological Analysis of Petroleum Probability...... 8 Geologic Analogs for Assessment...... 8 Summary of Assessment Results...... 11 Acknowledgments...... 11 References Cited...... 12

Appendix [Available for download at]

1. Input Data for the North Kara Basins and Platforms Assessment Unit vii


1. Map showing location of the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province and Assessment Unit...... 2 2. Map of North Kara Basins and Platforms Province, showing major structural features and locations of geologic cross sections and total petroleum system models used in assessment...... 3 3. Regional geologic cross section of the North Kara Basins and Platform Province...... 4 4. Lithostratigraphic column and total petroleum system (TPS) events chart, showing TPS elements and major tectonic events in the North Kara Basins and Platform Province...... 6 5. Burial-history model for a pseudowell depicting thermal maturity...... 7


1. Rift/sag basins used as geologic analogs in the North Kara Basins and Platforms Assessment Unit assessment...... 9 2. Field densities, median sizes of oil and gas fields, and exploration maturities of geologic analogs used in the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province Assessment Unit assessment...... 10 3. World statistics for oil and gas coproduct ratios, ancillary data, and depths...... 11 4. Assessment results (conventional undiscovered resources) for the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province...... 12

The 2008 Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal Edited by T.E. Moore and D.L. Gautier U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1824

Chapter P Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province, 2008

By Timothy R. Klett and Janet K. Pitman

Abstract part of the Taimyr-Kara Platform (fig. 2). A fault system along the east edge of the St. Anna (Svyataya Anna) Trough sepa- rates the North from the province (fig. 2). An The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recently assessed offshore structural high, which is related to early Cimmerian the potential for undiscovered oil and gas resources of the thrusting of the Novaya Zemlya fold and thrust belt, separates North Kara Basins and Platforms Province as part of the its the province from the South Kara Sea Basin (Bogolepov Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal. This geologic province and others, 1990; Otto and Bailey, 1995). The Paleozoic and is north of western Siberia, Russian Federation, in the North Mesozoic history and stratigraphic succession indicate that Kara Sea between Novaya Zemlya to the west and Severnaya the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province can be treated Zemlya to the east. One assessment unit (AU) was defined, the in this study as a single rift/sag basin. The deepest part of the North Kara Basins and Platforms AU, which coincides with province (Uedineniya Trough) is filled with 10 km of primarily the geologic province. This AU was assessed for undiscov- Paleozoic rocks and 4 km of presumably Neoproterozoic ered, technically recoverable resources. The total estimated rocks (fig. 3). A thin (<1 km thick) section of Mesozoic and mean volumes of undiscovered petroleum resources in the Cenozoic rocks overlies the older rocks. province are ~1.8 billion barrels of crude oil, ~15.0 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and ~0.4 billion barrels of natural-gas liquids, all north of the Arctic Circle. Petroleum Occurrence

No wells have been drilled in the North Kara Basins North Kara Basins and and Platforms Province as of this study (2008), and so any Platforms Province petroleum occurrence is speculative.

Province-Boundary Definitions Tectonostratigraphic Evolution

The North Kara Basins and Platforms Province (fig. 1) The North Kara Basins and Platforms Province occupies is on the North Kara Sea Shelf, between long 67°–100° E. part of a continental block, including the northern part of the and lat 75°–85° N., with the South Kara Sea to the south, the Taimyr Peninsula (North Taimyr platform and Taimyr fold and Barents Sea to the west, Severnaya Zemlya and the Taimyr thrust belt) and Severnaya Zemlya, that is considered one of Peninsula to the east, and the North Kara Sea Shelf margin to the largest Arctic massifs (Zonenshain and Natapov, 1990). the north (fig. 2). The province covers an area of ~338,000 km2 The tectonostratigraphic evolution of the province is inferred entirely north of the Arctic Circle, of which ~93 percent is from observations on small islands within the North Kara Sea, offshore in water depths <500 m. on Severnaya Zemlya, and on the Taimyr Peninsula. Geologic In this study, the North Kara Basins and Platforms cross sections (fig. 3) show the characteristics of the basin fill; Province contains smaller subbasins and local structural highs: structure and tectonostratigraphic events are shown in figure 4. the North Kara Basin (including the Uedineniya Trough), Although only a few interpreted geophysical profiles have been the North Kara Platform (consisting of the Vize High, the published (for example, Bogolepov and others, 1992, fig. 3), Ushakova High, and the Severnaya Zemlya High), the they provide some information on the geologic structure of Schmidt Trough (also known as the Voronina Trough), and the province. 2 The 2008 Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal 200 MLES 200 KLMETERS E 00 1 110 00 1 0 0 Kara Sea --500 100 1,000 ater depth, in meters ater E 100 EPLANATION Province and Platforms Assessment Unit and Platforms North Kara Basins North Kara Basins Assessment Units Assessed Arctic provinces E 0 ARCTIC OCEAN E 80 Map showing location of the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province Assessment Unit.

Barents Sea Barents E 70 Figure 1. Base map from Esri, 2007, used herein under license. Clare 18 Stereographic North Pole N N 85 80 Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province, 2008 3 KLMETERS 250 200 MLES 100 150 E 100 50 110 50

25 TAIMR FLD AND THRUST BELT THRUST AND FLD TAIMR 25 0 0 E 100 Location of cross section Maor fault Location of petroleum model Severnaya emlya High Platform Taimyr-Kara I' E 0 Trough Uedineniya Shallow structure Structural high ( 4 km) E I EPLANATION 80 High Ushakova Vize High Vize E 70 North Kara Basin

Deformed zone Basement > 4 and 6 km Structural low (> 6 km) E ANNA SAINT TRUGH 0 Basin South Kara GRUMMANT UPLIFT FRAN JSEF LAND Basin Map of North Kara Basins and Platforms Province, showing major structural features locations geologic cross E


North Barents Belt Thrust Novaya emlya Fold and Fold emlya Novaya Figure 2. sections (see fig. 3) and total petroleum system models used in assessment. Data from Persits Ulmishek (2003) Bezrukov (2005). and Vinokurov Base map from Esri, 2007, used herein under license. N N 75 80 4 The 2008 Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal

I I'


Severnaya emlya High Uedineniya Trough Taimyr-Kara Platform

0 Triassic to Cenozoic

Upper Carboniferous to Permian

5 Lower Paleozoic Depth, in kilometers


Upper Proterozoic Crystalline Basement

0 25 50 MLES

0 25 50 KLMETERS Modified from Bogolepov and others 12 15

Figure 3. Regional geologic cross section of the North Kara Basins and Platform Province (see fig. 2 for location). Modified from Bogolepov and others (1992).

The North Kara Basins are rift/sag basins that formed on thrust belt have been much debated, and even the dates of the Arctida or continent, the same basement that under- major continental-collision events are controversial (Scott and lies the Barents basins. The sedimentary section is presumed others, 2003). to be composed mainly of Proterozoic through Paleozoic rocks, on the basis of outcrops on Severnaya Zemlya. The Mesozoic stratigraphy is similar to that of the East Barents Precambrian Basins Province but thins and becomes unimportant east of the west province boundary. The Kara block has been interpreted as either an inde- Vinogradov (1991) described two major deep basins that pendent microcontinent (Cocks and Torsvik, 2005; Metelkin are observed in seismic-reflection profiles (fig. 2). One basin, and others, 2005) or part of a larger continent, such as Arctida the Uedineniya Trough, is in the east, and the other (unnamed) or Baltica before or during the Timanide (Neoproterozoic in the west; both contain 14 to 16 km of sedimentary deposits. [Vendian]) orogenesis (Zonenshain and others, 1990; Gee and A northwest-southeast-trending high separates the two basins. others, 2006; Lorenz and others, 2007). Basin formation may The sedimentary section consists of four sequences separated have begun with intracontinental rifting during the Neopro- by regional unconformities (Vinogradov, 1991). The timing terozoic, resulting in as much as 4 km of Riphean and Vendian and style of deformation throughout the Taimyr fold and strata filling the rifts (Vinogradov, 1991). Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province, 2008 5

As stated earlier, the North Kara Basins and Platforms Some studies suggest that the collision might have been an Province includes the northern part of the Taimyr Peninsula extension of the Uralian collision (Zonenshain and Natapov, (North Taimyr platform and Taimyr fold and thrust belt) and 1990; Vernikovsky, 1995; Inger and others, 1999), although Severnaya Zemlya. According to Zonenshain and others no Uralian suture rocks have been observed in the Taimyr fold (1990), the North Taimyr was probably a continental and thrust belt (Lorenz and others, 2007). Moreover, no Paleo- fragment that collided with another continental margin, pos- zoic oceanic rocks and Uralian collisional assemblages have sibly Arctida or Baltica, resulting in flysch deposition and the been observed in this belt (Gee and others, 2006). Late Car- initial formation of the Kara block. The North Taimyr terrane boniferous collision is responsible for the regional metamor- contains Paleoproterozoic (2.2–2.4 Ga) crystalline basement phism, granitic intrusions, and transformation of the Siberian and strongly deformed Neoproterozoic and possible Cambrian continental margin (Vernikovsky, 1995). The Kara block was deep-marine sequences, mainly flysch (Zonenshain and uplifted and eroded at that time, shedding clastic sediment to others, 1990). The Riphean flyschoid deposits (sandstone and the Sverdrup and Barents Basins and the South Taimyr passive mudstone) are interpreted as metamorphosed continental-slope margin (Zonenshain and Natapov, 1990). No upper Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (Zonenshain and others, 1990; Uflyand and rocks have been observed on Severnaya Zemlya, which was others, 1991; Vernikovsky, 1995). part of the Kara block (Churkin and others, 1981).

Paleozoic Mesozoic and Cenozoic

Riphean and Paleozoic rocks of the Kara block were Only thin Mesozoic rocks (Upper Triassic through deposited along a passive margin, on the basis of rocks on Cretaceous), Paleogene clastic rocks (mainly sandstone), Severnaya Zemlya and in the North Taimyr terrane (Zonenshain and unconsolidated Pleistocene and Holocene sediment are and others, 1990; Uflyand and others, 1991). The Kara block exposed on Severnaya Zemlya and in the North Taimyr terrane contains 2 to 5 km of Ordovician through Devonian sedi- (Churkin and others, 1981). Outcrops on the North Kara Sea mentary strata (Bogdanov and others, 1998). The block was islands are of mostly unconsolidated Cretaceous clastic sedi- covered by a shallow sea in a platform setting during the ment, ranging from Aptian through Cenomanian and Santo- Ordovician and Silurian (Zonenshain and others, 1990). The nian (Churkin and others, 1981). Lower and Middle Ordovician rocks are primarily clastic, Another (early Cimmerian) major tectonic event associ- whereas the Upper Ordovician and Silurian rocks are primar- ated with dextral transpression is assumed to have occurred ily shallow-water, probably shelf, carbonates containing fauna during the Late Triassic and possibly into the Early Jurassic with Siberian affinities (Zonenshain and others, 1990). (Inger and others, 1999; Torsvik and Andersen, 2002). The Silurian and Devonian rocks on Severnaya Zemlya event resulted in deformation of the Taimyr fold and thrust indicate lagoonal and continental deposition, including Old belt (Torsvik and Andersen, 2002). Red Sandstone facies, red-beds, and fossil fish with European The North Kara Basins and Platforms Province most affinities. The Old Red continent formed by the beginning likely underwent periodic glaciation from the late Pliocene of the Devonian during the Caledonian orogenesis, deposit- onward. However, the thickness, duration, and extent of ice ing clastic sediment from the deformation front to Severnaya sheets in the province and, in turn, the severity of glacial Zemlya (Zonenshain and Natapov, 1990). Lorenz and others exhumation are poorly constrained. According to Vågnes and (2007) suggested eastward migration of Caledonian deforma- others (1992), glacial erosion on the North Kara Sea Shelf tion across the Old Red Sandstone to Severnaya ranges from 600 m along Severnaya Zemlya and the Taimyr Zemlya. Devonian clastic rocks exposed on Severnaya Zemlya Peninsula to 1,200 m in the Schmidt Trough but generally are similar to those exposed on Svalbard and in other parts of from 800 to 1,000 m. the northern Caledonides (Churkin and others, 1981). On the basis of the orientation of folds and thrusts and the presence of Old Red Sandstone facies on Severnaya Zemlya, the Kara block was probably part of the Caledonides (Churkin and oth- Total Petroleum System ers, 1981). The sedimentary section was moderately deformed at the end of the Devonian and the beginning of the Carbonif- A Paleozoic composite total petroleum system (TPS) was erous (Zonenshain and others, 1990). defined for the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province. Subsidence continued throughout the Paleozoic and The name implies that potential source and reservoir rocks Mesozoic, except for short periods of uplift and erosion. Sub- occur in the Paleozoic stratigraphic succession. Seal rocks, as sidence rates differed within each of the two deep basins of the well as trap rocks and timing, are also elements of the TPS. province (Vinogradov, 1991). Neoproterozoic rocks probably entered thermal maturity Siberia collided with the Kara block in the Taimyr area during the Paleozoic and became overmature by Mesozoic beginning during the late Carboniferous (Vernikovsky, 1995, time. A lithostratigraphic column and TPS events chart for the 1998; Bogdanov and others, 1998; Golonka and others, 2003). province is shown in figure 4. 6 The 2008 Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal

Earth System Petroleum System Comments

Geologic Time Scale Sea level curve, in meters Average global Average temperature, in degrees Celsius Source rocks

o o Lithostratigraphic column Stage Eonotherm Eratherm System Series Ma 15 20 C 200 100 0m Source rock Reservoir rock Seals Traps Maturation and migration Petroleum loss

M Pleistocene E Gelasian Piacenzian Pliocene anclean Glaciation Messinian Tortonian Serravallian Miocene Langhian Neogene Burdigalian

20 Uplift 12.5 Auitanian

Chattian Regional ligocene Rupelian Priabonian Cenozoic Bartonian 40 Eocene Lutetian

Paleogene presian Thanetian Paleocene Selandian 60 Rifting Apart of 2.8 Danian Maastrichtian Lomonosov Ridge; Regional Uplift, Campanian Breakup Unconformity, 80 Late Santonian North Barents Basin Coniacian Turonian Cenomanian 100 29.0 Albian Cretaceous

Aptian 120 Early

Barremian 2.6 Hauterivian Valanginian 140 Berriasian

Tithonian Mesozoic 25.0 Late Kimmeridgian xfordian 160 Callovian Bathonian Middle Bajocian Aalenian Jurassic Toarcian 180

Pliensbachian Early Sinemurian Hettangian 200 Early Kimmerian Rhaetian Event, Novaya Norian emlya 1.2 Late 220 Carnian Triassic Ladinian East Barents Basins Subsidence Extension, Middle Anisian 240 South Barents Basin Early lenekian Induan Changhsingian Failed Rifting, Lopingian Wuchiapingian Phanerozoic West Siberian 260 Capitanian Basin Guadalupian Wordian Roadian Kungurian

Permian Artinskian 280 Cisuralian Sakmarian

8.0 Asselian Uralian rogeny 300 Gzhelian Late Kasimovian Middle Moscovian

Early Bashkirian Pennsylvanian 320 Late Serpukhovian

0.4 Carboniferous Middle Visean 340 Severnaya Inversion Mississippian emlya Early Tournaisian

Unconformity Eposodic Structural 360

8.0 Famennian Figure 4. Lithostratigraphic Late column and total petroleum Frasnian 380

Givetian system (TPS) events chart, Devonian Middle Eifelian ld Red 0.3 400 Sandstone showing TPS elements and major Paleozoic Emsian Facies Early Pragian Lochkovian tectonic events in the North Kara Pridoli Ludfordian 420 Ludlow Gorstian Wenlock Homerian Basins and Platform Province. 9.0 Sheinwoodian Telychian Silurian Llandovery Source rocks column shows Aeronian Rhuddanian 440 Hirnantian the percent of the world’s total

Upper Caledonian rogeny

460 petroleum reserves generated by Darriwilian Middle source (modified from Ulmishek rdovician Red Marls, Sandstone Lower 480 and Klemme, 1990). Average Tremadocian Kan’on River Early rifting, opening Unconformity of the Uralian cean 1.0 Furongian global temperature data is from Paibian 500 Frakes and others (1992) and Middle Barrett (2003). Sea level curve

Cambrian 520

Lower is from Golonka and Kiessling (2002) and Hardenbol and others 540 EPLANATION Continental clastic rocks (1998). Geologic time scale is that 560 Nearshore clastic rocks of Gradstein and others (2004). Offshore clastic rocks 0.2 Carbonate rocks Petroleum system data are from Ediacaran

Proterozoic 580 Neoproterozoic Ocean anoxic events Gee and others (2006) and Lorenz Snowball Earth and others (2007). Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province, 2008 7

Source Rocks sufficient thermal maturity to generate petroleum during the late Paleozoic as a result of burial by thick Silurian and Potential source rocks in the North Kara Basins and Devonian sections, and reached overmaturity by the end of Platforms Province are interpreted to be similar to the black the Mesozoic. Modern heat flow is zoned east to west, ranging mudstones observed within the Upper Cambrian through from 30 mW/m2 in the western part of the North Kara Basins Middle Ordovician sections on Severnaya Zemlya (Gee and and Platforms Province to 60 mW/m2 west of Severnaya Zem- others, 2006). lya, returning to 40 mW/m2 on the Severnaya Zemlya islands Burial-history modeling (fig. 5) indicates that Upper (Khutorskoi and others, 2003). For most of geologic history, Cambrian through Middle Ordovician source rocks reached however, heat flows of 65 to 70 mW/m2, which are normal for Age, in millions of years before present 450 350 250 150 50 0 PALEIC MESIC CENIC rd Silurian Devonian Carboniferous Permian Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous Paleogene Neogene 0 Water Cretaceous Jurassic Triassic 1,000 Permian/ upper Carboniferous Lower 2,000 Carboniferous Middle Devonian

3,000 Lower Devonian

4,000 Burial depth, in meters

5,000 Upper Proterozoic/ EPLANATION Silurian Immature ( 0.6 R ) 6,000 o il zone (0.6 - 1.3% Ro) Lower-middle Gas zone (1.3 - 2.0% Ro) Proterozoic 7,000 Overmature (> 2.0 Ro)

Age, in millions of years before present Temperature, in degrees Celsius Easy Ro, in percent 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 0.10 1.00 10.00 PALEIC MESIC CENIC 0 Water Perm. Tri. Jur. Crt. Pg. Neog. 200 Cretaceous Paleowater depth Jurassic 0 Triassic 1,000 Permian/ Meters Upper Carboniferous 200

2,000 Lower Carboniferous/ 400 Middle Devonian 40 Sediment-water interface temperature

20 Immature ver mature 3,000 Lower 0 Devonian Degrees CelsiusDegrees Gasil 20 4,000 100 Burial depth, in meters Heat Flow 80 5,000 Upper Proterozoic/ Silurian 60 suare meter Milliwatts per 40 6,000 Figure 5. Burial-history model for a pseudowell depicting thermal maturity (see figs. 2 and 3 for location). Ro, vitrinite reflectance, in percent (%). Data from Levashkevich and others (1992), Vågnes and others (1992), Verzhbitskii (2000, 2002), Khutorskoi and Podgornykh (2001), and Khutorskoi and others (2003, 2008). PetroMod references: Wygrala (1989), Sweeney and Burnham (1990), and Integrated Exploration Systems (2008). 8 The 2008 Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal rift/sag basins, were assumed for the burial-history model. A Most likely source rocks are mature Ordovician and Silu- spike in regional heat flow to 90 mW/m2 was assumed for the rian mudstone. Potential reservoir rocks and seals are lower late Permian and Early Triassic in accordance with regional Paleozoic carbonates and reefs, similar to those in the Timan- extension and magmatism in the adjacent East Barents Basin Pechora Basin, and upper Paleozoic clastic rocks. No wells and northern West Siberia. have been drilled within the AU as of this study (2008); only seismic surveys have been conducted. Reservoir and Seal Rocks Geological Analysis of Petroleum Probability Potential reservoir and seal rocks include Lower Ordovi- The probability that the North Kara Basins and Platforms cian nearshore-marine, passive-margin sandstone and con- AU contains at least one accumulation greater than or equal to glomerate, Upper Ordovician basal sandstone, and Upper the minimum field size of 50 million barrels of oil equivalent Ordovician and Silurian carbonate platform and associated (MMBOE) is estimated to be >50 percent (0.504). Because reef rocks. no petroleum accumulations have been discovered in this geologic province as of 2008, source, reservoir, seal rocks, and Traps and Timing trap configurations can only be inferred. The assessment input data are listed in the appendix and summarized below. Potential traps are associated with folds and faults that Charge Probability.—A charge probability of 0.70 was formed during Neoproterozoic rifting, early Paleozoic exten- estimated because the presence of thermally mature source sion (sag phase associated with thermal subsidence), and late rocks has not been proved. Ordovician and Silurian source rocks probably occur in the two deeper basins of the AU. Paleozoic compression and inversion. The traps formed before Rock Probability.—A rock probability of 0.80 was esti- and during petroleum generation. However, late Paleozoic mated. The presence of reservoir rocks and traps consisting through Cenozoic erosion might have caused some of the pre- of lower Paleozoic carbonates and reefs and upper Paleozoic viously accumulated petroleum to remigrate or be destroyed. clastic rocks is inferred but has not been proved. Coarse clastic Other potential traps include stratigraphic onlaps and pinch- sediment similar to the Devonian Old Red Sandstone was outs along structural highs, drapes over structures, carbonate deposited over the area as a result of erosion of the Caledonian shelf- and reef-associated deposits, submarine-fan deposits, deformation front; these deposits might provide reservoirs and submarine-channel sandstones. should adequate seals exist. Timing and Preservation Probability.—A timing and preservation probability of 0.90 was estimated. Petroleum generation models indicate Paleozoic source rocks would have Assessment Units been mature by the end of the Mesozoic and that traps associ- ated with rift/sag formation were present before petroleum A single assessment unit (AU), the North Kara Basins generation. Inverted fault blocks, anticlines, and other com- and Platforms AU, was defined for the North Kara Basins and pressional traps could have formed as a result of late Carbonif- Platforms Province. In this study, an AU is defined as a volume erous through Triassic deformation, although some previously of rock within the TPS that has consistent geologic character- trapped petroleum accumulations might have been modified istics. The estimated numbers and sizes of undiscovered oil and destroyed. and gas accumulations in each AU are listed in the appendix, and the geologic analog data used to evaluate the AUs are summarized in tables 1 and 2. Geologic Analogs for Assessment

Data for rift/sag basins (tables 1, 2) from the USGS North Kara Basins and Platforms Analog Database (Charpentier and others, 2008) were used as Assessment Unit analogs to estimate the number and size distributions of undis- covered petroleum accumulations in the North Kara Basins The North Kara Basins and Platforms AU follows the and Platforms AU. The resulting analog dataset contains 20 AUs outline of the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province representing rift/sag basins that underwent extension and com- (figs. 1, 2). The AU is bounded on the west by the North pression, with both clastic and carbonate rocks (table 1). These Barents Basin and the St. Anna Trough, on the east by the AUs have discovered oil and gas fields greater than the mini- east edge of the Severnaya Zemlya High, on the south by mum size defined for this assessment (50 MMBOE) (table 2). the Taimyr Peninsula, and on the north by the North Kara Number of Undiscovered Petroleum Accumulations.— Sea shelf margin. The AU area is 338,084 km2, 93 percent The number of undiscovered petroleum accumulations in of which is offshore in the North Kara Sea. The AU is com- the North Kara Basins and Platforms AU (see appendix) was pletely north of the Arctic Circle. The stratigraphic interval estimated by comparing field densities (estimated number of includes the entire sedimentary section from Neoproterozoic undiscovered accumulations plus number of discovered accu- through Mesozoic. mulations >50 MMBOE per 1,000 km2) in the analog dataset Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province, 2008 9

(table 2). The density of discovered petroleum accumulations, of undiscovered gas accumulations are 1 (minimum), which generally is smaller than the density of both discovered 18 (median), and 95 (maximum). and undiscovered accumulations, was used to calibrate the Size of Undiscovered Petroleum Accumulations.—The densities of undiscovered petroleum accumulations for this minimum, median, and maximum sizes of undiscovered oil AU. Median and maximum densities of ~0.1 and 0.3, respec- and gas fields in the North Kara Basins and Platforms AU tively, were used. The median density, 0.1, is lower than that are listed in the appendix. The minimum sizes of undiscov- (~0.25) in the analog dataset (table 2) because some poten- ered fields defined for the AU are 50 million barrels (MMB) tial petroleum accumulations trapped in rift/sag traps might of crude oil and 300 billion cubic feet (BCF) of natural gas have been destroyed during late Paleozoic and Mesozoic (6 BCF=1 MMBOE). The median sizes of undiscovered oil compression. The maximum density of undiscovered petro- and gas fields in the AU, 100 MMB of crude oil and 600 BCF leum accumulations estimated for this AU (0.3) is less than of natural gas, are approximately equal to those (110 MMB that of the analog set (1.12, density of discovered accumula- of crude oil and 590 BCF of natural gas) in the analog dataset tions and 1.78, density of both discovered and undiscovered (table 1). The low-probability, maximum sizes of undiscovered accumulations; table 2) because the maximum density in fields in the AU, 5,000 MMB of crude oil and 30,000 BCF the analog dataset is 0.4 to 0.6 (table 2) when the values for of natural gas, are larger than the largest median and mean analogs that do not represent this AU are removed. Because sizes of oil and gas fields (1,060 and 3,156 MMBOE, respec- of the geologic risk associated with this AU, the minimum tively) in the analog dataset. The expected maximum sizes number of undiscovered fields is 1, and the total, median, and of undiscovered fields in the AU (not reported in appendix) maximum numbers of undiscovered petroleum accumulations are estimated at 1,000 MMB of crude oil and 6,000 BCF of are 1, 35, and 100, respectively (see appendix). The estimated natural gas, much smaller than the estimated maximum sizes numbers of undiscovered oil accumulations is 0 (minimum), of undiscovered fields and equivalent to the median size of the 16 (median), and 90 (maximum), and the estimated numbers largest accumulation in the analog dataset.

Table 1. Rift/sag basins used as geologic analogs in the North Kara Basins and Platforms Assessment Unit assessment.

[Analog data from Charpentier and others (2008)]

Province Name (Assessment Unit #) Structural Setting Trap System

Bohaiwan Basin (31270101) Extensional Extensional grabens and other structures Bohaiwan Basin (31270102) Extensional Extensional grabens and other structures Dnieper-Donets Basin (10090102) Extensional Basement blocks Malay Basin (37030101) Compressional Basement-involved blocks Malay Basin (37030102) Compressional Basement-involved blocks Malay Basin (37030201) Compressional Basement-involved blocks North Sea Graben (40250101) Extensional Extensional grabens and other structures

North Sea Graben (40250102) Extensional Extensional grabens and other structures Stratigraphically undeformed, salt-induced structures, extensional grabens, and other North Sea Graben (40250103) Extensional structures related to normal faulting North Ustyurt Basin (11500201) Compressional Local uplifts, origin uncertain North Ustyurt Basin (11500301) Compressional Local uplifts, origin uncertain Stratigraphically undefined, growth faults, Pannonian Basin (40480101) Extensional basement blocks Stratigraphically undefined, growth faults, Pannonian Basin (40480201) Extensional basement blocks Sirte Basin (20430101) Extensional Extensional grabens and other structures Sirte Basin (20430102) Extensional Extensional grabens and other structures Songliao Basin (31440101) Unknown Extensional grabens and other structures Songliao Basin (31440102) Compressional/extensional Extensional grabens and other structures Songliao Basin (31440201) Compressional/extensional Extensional grabens and other structures Basement-involved blocks, stratigraphically West Siberian Basin (11740101) Compressional undefined Basement-involved blocks, stratigraphically West Siberian Basin (11740201) Passive undefined 10 The 2008 Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal

Table 2. Field densities, median sizes of oil and gas fields, and exploration maturities of geologic analogs used in the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province Assessment Unit assessment.

[Analog data from Charpentier and others (2008). Rift/sag basin analogs listed in table 1. Asterisk (*), not reported in U.S. Geological Survey Analog Database. BCF, billion cubic feet; MMB, millions of barrels; MMBOE, million barrels of oil equivalent. Gas volumes are nonassociated] Density of Field size Exploration Exploration *Density of discovered Field size distribution maturity in maturity in discovered and distribution Maximum Province (assessment of median percent age of percent age of fields undiscovered of median field size unit) gas-field oil by volume gas by volume >50 MMBOE fields oil-field size (MMBOE) size in oil fields in gas fields per 1,000 km2 >50 MMBOE >50 MMB >300 BCF >50 MMB >300 BCF per 1,000 km2 Bohaiwan Basin 0.31 0.43 110 594 90 65 (31270101) Bohaiwan Basin 0.08 0.13 113 544 66 0 (31270102) Dnieper-Donets Basin – 0.12 92 555 0 0 (10090102) Malay Basin 0.39 0.64 104 677 88 52 (37030101) Malay Basin – 0.16 70 375 0 0 (37030102) Malay Basin 0.36 0.51 212 1045 100 93 (37030201) North Sea Graben 1.12 1.78 125 851 84 88 (40250101) North Sea Graben 0.64 0.83 111 380 92 98 (40250102) North Sea Graben 0.77 1.05 116 572 82 69 (40250103) North Ustyurt Basin 0.01 0.04 58 752 53 87 (11500201) North Ustyurt Basin – 0.04 – 610 – 0 (11500301) Pannonian Basin 0.11 0.09 106 585 100 96 (40480101) Pannonian Basin 0.15 0.13 85 1097 100 96 (40480201) Sirte Basin 0.35 0.41 164 342 93 100 (20430101) Sirte Basin 0.23 0.36 122 614 89 75 (20430102) Songliao Basin 0.10 0.17 108 343 92 0 (31440101) Songliao Basin 0.55 0.71 264 574 100 100 (31440102) Songliao Basin – 0.02 – 370 – 0 (31440201) West Siberian Basin 0.15 0.32 130 1171 78 99 (11740101) West Siberian Basin 0.01 0.13 100 778 68 90 (11740201) Median 0.27 0.25 110 590 89 81 1,060 Mean 0.33 0.40 122 641 76 60 3,156 Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province, 2008 11

Composition and Properties of Undiscovered Petroleum crude oil is 1,807 MMB, with a 95-percent probability (F95)

Accumulations.—Oil/gas mixture, coproducts, and petroleum- of 0 MMB, a 50-percent probability (F50) of 488 MMB, quality properties for the North Kara Basins and Platforms AU and a 5-percent probability (F5) of 6,810 MMB. The risked were derived from data gathered from discovered petroleum mean volume of undiscovered nonassociated natural gas is accumulations on Kolguyev Island and in the Timan-Pechora 12,129 BCF, with an F95 of 0 BCF, an F50 of 4,115 BCF, and an Basin, as well as from world statistics (table 3). Minimum, F5 of 44,522 BCF. The largest expected size of an undiscov- modal, and maximum oil/gas-field ratios of 0.05, 0.5, and ered oil field is ~968 MMB, and the largest expected size of an 0.9, respectively, were estimated because the petroleum undiscovered gas field is ~6,148 BCF. composition within the basin is unknown (see appendix). The geologic probabilities for the AUs in this study were Drilling depths for undiscovered fields (see appendix) were determined on the basis of a consideration of the geology of estimated from interpreted seismic profiles in the AU (fig. 2) each province and on the geologic probabilities assigned to the and petroleum-generation models (fig. 5). Minimum, median, AUs in all Arctic basins. Using this approach, the probabilities and maximum depths for undiscovered oil and gas fields were estimated at 1.0, 3.0, and 5.0 km, respectively. were consistently applied throughout the Arctic region.

Summary of Assessment Results Acknowledgments

The assessment results for the North Kara Basins and We are extremely grateful to the USGS library staff for Platforms AU and Province are summarized in tables 3 and 4. their help in obtaining rare, hard-to-find geologic articles Estimates represent undiscovered, technically recoverable, from the Russian scientific literature. We also thank Feliks conventional petroleum resources. Persits for geographic-information-system (GIS) support, and The North Kara Basins and Platforms AU has an overall Donald L. Gautier and Gregory F. Ulmishek for their reviews probability of 0.504. The risked mean amount of undiscovered of the manuscript.

Table 3. World statistics for oil and gas coproduct ratios, ancillary data, and depths.

[Data from Charpentier and others (2008)]

Variable Minimum Median Maximum Coproduct ratios Natural gas-to-crude oil ratio in oil accumulations 100 1,000 20,000 (cubic feet per barrel) Natural-gas-liquids-to-natural-gas ratio in oil accumu- 5 25 85 lations (barrels per thousand cubic feet) Natural-gas liquids-to-natural-gas ratio in gas accumu- 5 25 75 lations (barrels per thousand cubic feet) Ancillary data for oil accumulations API gravity (degrees) 20 38 55 Viscosity (centipoise) 0.01 3 30 Sulfur content of oil (weight percent) 0 0.3 1.5 Ancillary data for gas accumulations Inert gas content (percent) 0 2 10 Carbon dioxide content (percent) 0 1.5 10 Hydrogen sulfide content (weight percent) 0 0.5 3.5 Depths Depth (meters) of water (if applicable) 0 50 2,700 Drilling depth (meters) 350 2,000 7,000 12 The 2008 Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal

Table 4. Assessment results (conventional undiscovered resources) for the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province.

[AU, assessment unit; BCF; billion cubic feet; MMB, million barrels; TPS, total petroleum system. Results shown are fully risked estimates. For gas fields, all liquids are included under the natural gas liquids (NGL) category. F95, 95-percent probability of at least the amount tabulated, and so on for F50 and F5. Fractiles are additive under the assumption of perfect positive ocrrelation. N/A, not applicable. Numbers do not exactly add to totals because totals were added by statistical aggregation]

Total Oil (MMB) Gas (BCF) NGL (MMB) petroleum AU Field systems and probability type assessment F95 F50 F5 Mean F95 F50 F5 Mean F95 F50 F5 Mean units

Assessment results—entire province; Paleozoic composite total petroleum system

North Kara 0.504 Oil 0 488 6,810 1,807 0 519 11,246 2,845 0 12 272 68 Basins and Platforms Gas N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 4,115 44,522 12,129 0 105 1,198 322 AU Total undis- 0 488 6,810 1,807 0 4,634 55,768 14,974 0 117 1,470 390 covered petroleum resources

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Appendix. Input Data for the North Kara Basins and Platforms Assessment Unit

Appendix is available online only, and may be accessed at Klett and Pitman—Geology and Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the North Kara Basins and Platforms Province, 2008—Professional Paper 1824 ISSN 2330-7102 (online)