As Talks Break Down on the Zambesi As Talks Break Down on The
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As talks break down on the Zambesi As talks break down on the Zambesi More hangings in Zimbabwe TWOmoreZimbabweans andtotakeactiontosecurethe were sentenced to death bya release of political priscmers and SlsuyCouart on Au~gust 15 . deanesthere TheywereBenson Mcubeand, Si triesincluded Labour MPs Robbie -N yay theySidney Bidwell, Bpb Huges and Bothz~ne &~standoe JudithHart a 0theleaderofthe B enl edhentidty, Jereyt.horpe MP, hares f ecoua- AtJEWPresldens HugghiScanlon, 4 gnbsix youths to aatderg6 ASTMS5 GeneilSecretary Clive~ militaoryoftanee ds Jenkns,,thetin s echniciasunion Thec ofrwrs followed bywreports General Se cretary Alan"apper ofscrthigsof Zimabwe yiPatG enerlecetaryof fredomfighters. th'nandReu eStffAssociaInL.Aonrdnot7ana"l asionenGil1,Genrtr y of peole demanding ef sirth e r elease ofGerl tyG n Maurice h yagu o, Johnan Mon tasa Mcntian r swellas oird radon, . and Moae w chi, whso have also Glenda Jackson, Rt Relvd. David been chare with recruitng Shepherd, Bishop of Llverpool,-Rt. -poplefo aaing,andall R ;yd.MervynStocwndBnishop Zimbabwan p o litical prisoners , pf Suthwark, NS Presidene Next tdy they were joined by Charies Clarkt and Bishop Ambrose more protesters and over 150 Reeves, Pmesidept of the Antipeople picketed Rhodesia House in Apartheid Movemwent. IB support of the same demands. Other organisations which have Afterwards a delegation, led by witten to the Foreign Secretary Ani-Apartheid Movement's asking him to take stron measures Chairman, John Ennals, went t to secure the release of Zimbabwean the Foreigtn and Comhmonwealth political prisoners inclutde Office, where they delivered a letter Westminsterrades Council and Anti-Apatseid Movemnent ~spporters pickceted R to the Foreign Sectretaty asking Wolverhampton and Bilston Branch Austto mad h release of poitietl prisone himtorevokealldeathsentences oftheIL (Rhodesia) on political prisoners in Zimbabwe French unions call. for t otal arm.4 THE FRENCH governsment's assured at thesametime thsat t more Frenc submarines. world o;: announcement that it will no action would'hive "no effect" on The French announcemem: was I The/ loger sel som catgoris of friendlyties between thse two described bythme African National immddia armstoSouthAfricahasb CongressofSouthAfrica,ina support criticisedbyFrench trade SouthAfricais currentlynego- statement in bar es Salaam, as "a tai5 man unions as "asn extrenmely tiatisg for the purchase of three farce aim~ed at placating African and Charter, belated and limited action." A statermot issued by the General Confederation of Labour (CGT) said: "The CGT calls on the government to stop immediately arm~s supplies of all kids and to break diploamatic, economic and other relations w lth the racist government of Pretoria." President Giscard d'Estaing announced during a isit to Zaire that Francewill bas the sale to South Afric6 of all arms except naval equipnment. This will tot effect licensing agreemehts wider which South Africa manufactures Mirage III and Fl aircraft, Cac tus isiles and -Panhard armopured icars. French Foreign Ministry sources were reported to have said that the Vorster government was given The Transail C-160L-an aircraft designed jointly by France and West Genmany-suppljed . advfance witning of the ban and byFrance. How~it is being used in Nl'la , page S change course on Southern Africa? Namibia (South West Affncs), page 5 How SA women are fighting apartheid SOUTH African women areplaying a big part in their country's fiberalion-struggle. ANTI-APARTHEID NEWS looks at the special problem of women under apartheid and shows how women ame fighting back, page 10 How SA is losing the war in Namiij SWAPO (South West African Poeple's Organisation) is scoring new military successes in northern Namibia. At a press conference in London in August, SWAPO's Administrative Secretary, MOSES GAROEB, made new revelations about South African loss, page 9 Why MPLA is still fighting in Angola WHAT is happening in Angola? BASIL DAVIDSON explains the .background to the current fighting and argues that Angola's only path to real independence is under the leadership of MPLA, page 8 .u- I=, .u .1- pswefmoer f t5. -age 2 ACTION~ NATONAL AND INTERNATIONAL Britain Zimbabwe A NATIONAL Antj-Apartheid ,,Movement conferen "'Rhoddsia or Zimbabwe". is to be held October 18-19 at the Digoeth Hall, Birmingham. The conference is being jointly organised with the Birmingham Anti-Apartheid CommitteeIts aim is to provide all those committed to the struggle for a free Zimbabwe with the opportunity of extending their understanding of the issues at thiscrucial period. As well as a representative of the African National Council, speakers will cover a variety of topics including Britain's role, the South African connection, and background discussions on'labour, the economy, the history of the liberation stfuggle and political persecution. A major function of the conference will be the discussion of campaigning initiatives during, this, the tenth year since UDI. Delegates are expected from political parties trade unions, church organisations and student unions as well as local AAMactivists. Further details can be obtained from the AAM office. London THE GREATER London Council is considering ending purchases of South African goods. In reply to a question by Croydon Central member, David White, the Chairman of the GLC General Purposes Committee, Tony Banks, backed the call for a boycott of South African goods. "It is essential that we cease purchasing anything from this loathsome fscist country, he said. He disclosed that the GILC purchases abou;i £39,000 worth of South African tinned fruit and frnit pulp annually, for the ILEA I Catering Service anq the catering services of other London Borough Education Departments. He said that he was satisfied that alternative, equally cheap supplies of tinned fruit and fruit pulp could be obtained from elsewhere and thahe would ask for a repor to be made to the -GLC's General Services Management Board. In reply David White told the GLC that the General Purposes Committee's chairman's stand on the issue would be "welcomed by the African Natifiaf Congres and, other repretentatives of the black majority in South Africa who have called for a boycott by people in this country of goods produced by the despicable apartheid system". Scottish AA A SCOTTISH Antr-Apartheta Committee has been set up to increase contact among anti-apartheid groups in Scotland. It is Also asking other Scottish organisations, including Scottish trade union committees, to affiliate. The Committee will hold its second meeting dn Saturday September 13 in Glasgow. Contact: John Nelson, Secretary Scottish Anti-Apartheid Committee, 3 Rosevale Crescent, Hamilton, Lanarkshire ML3 8NX. Tel. Hamilton 26781 Wilby MEMBERS of Londonanti-apartheid groups Ie ted and sold ANTIAPART outslde showigsaof "Te ilby Conspiracy" atthreeLno cinemas during "The llby Conspiracy" i thriller set inSoultAfrica whsich sho-es soethig of what life is like for bl4u nder apartheid. Other antiapa*theid groups are asked to look out for showings-of the fllI intir areas. A leaflet specialty prepared for distribution outside the film is available from the Anti-Apartheid Movement, 89 Charlotte St., London Wl ,Glasgow GLASGOW Anti-Ap artheid Group members leafletted onlookers atthe World Youth Sailing Championships at Largson August 9 in protest against ihe participation of a South African team. Glasgow AA has also wri tten to Robert Hughes MP thanking him for cutting off a Scottish Sports Council grant to the Event while he Championships in Pretoria, November4-11. Roy Chavez is local resident. SIn a letter to the Hornsey journal, the Group's Secretary,, Margaret Ling, points out tlhat the decision to hold the Mr. World finals in Pretoria was taken by the International Federation of Body Builders without regard to the 1970 decision of the International Olympic Committee to expel South Africa froin the Olympic Movement. SANROC (South African Non Racial Open Committee for Olympic Sports) has asked the foreign ministers of the 37 compeing nations to take urgent action to boycott the competition. The Kenyan government has already resporided by asking the Kenya Amteur Bodybpilding Federaton to make a public statement that it will not take part in the competition and that it strongly protests to the President of tI lBB against the decision to hold the chamionships in South Africas;l WH-ILE Slou~gh BoroughtfCounil' was negotiating to sign aeaustwith" Csopair Litnithed so thtlth com' pany could build a large office block in the-town centre, thse company, was charged with sanctions- busting, in the East Ham Magistrates Court, found guilty and fined £7000. A motion, asking the Council to condemn the Rhodesian regime and. to link t. thtcptdenmnation the activities of companes whos upport East London EAST Londpn ,.nti-Apatheid Grou and ackney Committee Against Racialism will hold a joint public meeting on racialism at 3pm on Saturday October 4 at the AllNations Club, Martllo St., Hackney. The main speakerfwil I be Putuse Appollus of the SWAPO Women's League and there will be a showing of the film "The Liberation Struggle of Namibia", recently released by a Swedish film teame. Other speakers will include Chris Searle, Jack Dash, Althea Lecointe and a London dockers representative. On Tuesday October 14 the Group plans t hold a public meting ot Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) at& pm at H.8,.The Green, off Water Lane, London E.]S. The speaker wil be Gary.andizla, a member of 'AN (.Zimbabwe African National lnionywshospent 9 years in prison in Salisbury. Contact: Dave )immonds, T74 Romford Road, Lsndon E.7. Tel. 534-2263 TUC AN ENDj to all British investment ii South Africa is called for in a motion to be moved by the civil servants union CPSA at this year's Trades Union Congress in Blackpool, September -5. , The resoluti6i ?ailfs'lor to- wasstill Minister of-Stite responsible. the regime by trading with it, and Four members of the Group further to terminate its intention to attended the textile company Coats lease any land to Compair Ltd, was Patons annual general meeting and debated by the Council on 15 July.