Final Fantasy X – the Jump (Version 0.12)
Final Fantasy X – the Jump (version 0.12) Prototype Version. & a shoutout to Lycoris for setting foundations in place. Scream at Dirge if changes are needed or there are questions. “Listen to my story. This…may be our last chance.” Traveler, first and foremost, welcome to Spira. Spira, a world locked in a cycle of death and rebirth. On the surface, Spira is calm as its denizens go about daily life without interruption, living in small peaceful villages scattered over the main continent. Underneath the veneer of tranquility, relics from Spira’s turbulent past are still crawling about, making its future an uncertainty. In this world there are the Ronso, beast people of the North. The Guado, the protectors of the afterlife. The Al Bhed, masters of machines since ancient times. Of course, there are also your day to day Spiran humans. They live in harmony…or so it seems. Traveler, the world may seem calm, but do not mistake stagnation for tranquility. For in this world, a great beast stirs – its name is Sin, and it is out to complete a singular mission programmed into its existence: The reduction of civilization to a primitive state. Without the removal of Sin, the people of Spira will never grow, will never advance. Know this, Traveler, Sin perpetuates stagnation. When Sin deems it fitting, it will destroy Spira, and you along with it. You will have the total time of ten years in this world. Though survival alone would already equal success, Sin will not wait idly by for ten years for you to enjoy the peace.
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