4141 yearsyears ofof coveringcovering SSouthouth BBeltelt Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 Thursday, March 16, 2017 Email:
[email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 42, No. 7 Beltway 8 closures set At least one inside lane on both the east- bound and westbound Beltway 8 frontage roads from Beamer to South Wayside Drive will be SJC receives prestigious national award closed daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. through Fri- day, March 31. The Aspen Institute for Community College could impede their success. This recognition as fellow Texas school, Odessa College (Odessa), ents. The U-turn lanes on the Beltway 8 frontage Excellence recognized San Jacinto College as one of the top fi ve community colleges in the na- also received a Rising Star award. Each of the “San Jacinto College is delivering high- road at Beamer and at Pearland Parkway will one of the top fi ve community colleges in the na- tion is proof that we are accomplishing those ef- three schools received $100,000. ly-skilled graduates to fuel economic growth both be closed continuously until midnight, tion, presenting the school a Rising Star award. forts.” Other Aspen Prize fi nalists included Ano- and enable social mobility in the Houston re- Friday, March 31. The announcement was made at a luncheon in For its efforts, the college was awarded ka-Ramsey Community College (Coon Rapids, gion,” said Joshua Wyner, executive director of Both the Blackhawk exit and Monroe en- Washington on Tuesday, March 14. $100,000. The area school was one of 10 fi nalists Minn.), Chaffey College (Rancho Cucamonga, the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program trance on Beltway 8 will be closed through “I am honored and humbled to accept this Ris- for the prestigious Aspen Prize, which was pre- Calif.), Northeast Community College (Norfolk, and author of What Excellent Community Col- Saturday, July 8.