4242 yearsyears ofof coveringcovering SouthSouth BeltBelt Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 Thursday, November 8, 2018 Email:
[email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 43, No. 41 H-E-B to honors vets H-E-B Blackhawk will honor veterans by hosting a luncheon at the South Belt-Ellington Chamber of Commerce, 10500 Scarsdale, on Nov. 6 general election results tallied Saturday, Nov. 10, from noon to 2 p.m. All vet- erans and a guest are invited to a spaghetti lunch The results from the Nov. 6 general election cratic senatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke. both Proposition A and Proposition B. us as we work to balance the city’s budget with with salad and dessert. For more information, have been tallied, with Democrats making huge In that contest, O’Rourke was narrowly de- Proposition A, which asked voters to reap- an additional $100 million a year added to our call the chamber at 281-481-5516. gains at the county level. feated by Republican incumbent Ted Cruz. prove the city’s existing ReBuild Houston street expenses.” Democrats swept all 59 judicial races in Har- At the state level, Cruz received 4,240,942 to- and drainage program, passed with 74 percent of Turner further said the city may legally chal- Heavy trash pickup set ris County, unseating even longtime County tal votes (51 percent), while O’Rourke received the vote (347,587 votes). A total of 121,335 vot- lenge the election, citing the ballot’s ambiguous City residents south of Fuqua will have Judge Ed Emmett.