Via EMAIL only Montréal, February 23, 2021 RE : Request for information N/D 032 142 000 / 2020-2021-076D , This letter is in reference to your access to information request received at our offices on January 28, 2021 whereby you wish to obtain: « Data on both current and/or historic (as far back as 2000) locations authorized to sell alcohol in your province». Firstly, we must mention that Société des alcools du Québec is a government corporation whose mandate is to sell alcoholic beverages through its stores. However, there are many other locations authorized to sell alcohol in Quebec (groceries, bars, restaurants, SAQ affiliated agencies, etc.). Therefore, we can only give you access to the Société des alcools du Québec operated stores, current and as of 2007, which is the oldest list that we have in our possession. We hereby wish to inform you that you may apply for a review of our decision before the Commission d’accès à l’information. You will find attached herewith an explanatory note regarding the exercise of said recourse. Best Regards, Le Responsable adjoint à l’information Daniel Collette P.J S O C I É T É D E S A L C O O L S D U Q U É B E C 7500, rue Tellier, Montréal (Québec) H1N 3W5 Tél. : (514) 254-6000 poste 5713
[email protected] Fichier des succursales de la SAQ en 2007 414 # Nom succursales Bannière Adresse Ville CP 23001 Sainte-Catherine Express 1108, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest Montréal H3B 1H4 23002 Val-d'Or Sélection 1746, 3e Avenue Val-d'Or J9P 1W4 23003 Halles de la Gare Classique 895, rue De La Gauchetière