

Dr. Benjamin Livshits Web Security

Web Attacker

Sets up malicious site visited by victim; no control of network

Alice Network Security

Network Attacker

Intercepts and controls network communication

Alice Web Malware Attacker

Malware Attacker

Escapes the browser to wreak havoc on Alice’s machine

Alice Web Threat Models

 Web attacker  Control https://attacker.com  Can obtain SSL/TLS certificate for https://attacker.com  User visits attacker.comThis is what connects the world  Or: runs attacker’s Facebook app, etc. of web attacks to low-level  Network attacker memory-based exploitation  Passive: Wireless eavesdropper we’ve seen so far  Active: Evil router, DNS poisoning

 Malware attacker  Attacker escapes browser isolation mechanisms and run separately under control of OS Goals of Web Security

Safely browse the web Support secure web applications

 Users should be able to  Applications delivered over We willthe see web a lot should have the visit a variety of web of Java sameand PHP security properties sites, without incurring and JavaScript,we require for stand-alone applications harm: but not C or C++  No stolen information such as login credentials or  Maybe even better properties because most cookies web applications enjoy the  Site A cannot compromise protection provided by session at Site B memory-safe languages Looking Ahead

 HTTP  Communication  Rendering content  Navigation  Cookies  Security User Interface  Isolation  Frames and busting HTTP URLs or URIs

 Global identifiers of network-retrievable documents

 Example: https://courses.cs.washington.edu:80/courses/cse484/14au/#schedule

Protocol Fragment

Hostname Port Path

 Special characters are encoded as hex:  %0A = newline  %20 or + = space, %2B = + (special exception) Short and Long URLs


 Bit.ly: http://bit.ly/1vEIGks

 http://longurlmaker.com: http://www.longurlmaker.com/go?id=7continuedg20fIs.gd0GetShortyagl56001drawn%2Boutu6lingeringShortlinksX .sestretchedd7lingeringzc8faraway0UrlTeajbstretched15jcontinued011expanded86v3stretchedqdXil40ShortenURLk Xilz401spun%2Boutq54bextensiveShrtndwoutstretched151TinyLinkcontinued2lastingdltallaU76nr0h61g5aIs.gdd01 41cMooURL085ShortURLcShortenURL40stretchrangyXil3p17hSitelutionsuwURLvi1enlargedc03743186701Dwarfurl 4aefwextensive0EasyURL315continuedbprotractedb19GetShorty2SHurl171enduring038r8bURLviremote6URL1Shor tURLspun%2Boutelongated0aX.seoutstretched0d4distantSimURL27highd418olasting9ShoterLink8stretchedoSHurl4 lankydrawn%2Bout0drawn%2Boutlofty19a2kenduringShortenURLxs0spread%2Bout9distantFly2d10101great0w78 NutshellURL190Minilienstretchedn0stretchd0ShortenURL0enlargedtallX.seelongated9URL.co.ukspun%2BoutURLvi8 e1012Shim00Ulimit7lasting3Shim034far%2Boff47spun%2Bout17nwelongated17a99eeexpandedtallm9MooURL1dr emote46URL11NutshellURLStartURLb5itall40c6Shrinkr0Fly2lasting91n8clengthened51X.se5Minilien2ShredURLBea m.to99continued131G8L1ffarawaycontinued0distantrangy7c04964300315a2RubyURLfU76154j1roh82lengthened0 faraway1z4outstretched1lr1B654301URL09stringyq8ShrinkURL184h7Dwarfurldrunningloftylingering18spread%2Bo ut68101ShortURL10kalengthy9B653ab41fextensive0prolonged7p11expandedprolongedremotec2Minilien0dB65str etchingarfaraway3extensive1yclnk.in9lankygreat50TightURL173cURL.co.ukmba2049815920prolonged8fprotractedf 0stringy6i164eelongatedMiniliene9elongated0PiURL1488gd2020a30far%2Breachinglengthy216d411t691elongate1 6extensived0drawn%2Bout11lankyYepItB65Shim31extensiveURLCutterShim99GetShorty1042Fly2af0e8protractede longatey0111563FhURL9c3TinyURLn8toweringDwarfurl10d6350c5TightURL3lnk.in03Shrtnd6g0lingering18gangling prolonged8astringy7StartURL100TraceURLSmallr01drawn%2Bout60ganglingstringy80Beam.tocdistantsG8LX.sedra wn%2Boutedrawn%2Bouty040SitelutionsU7601drawn%2Bout6f53A2N2lasting1194stretchinggangling20lnk.inURLC utter135b80b3ShortURL6far%2Boffm013q515deep8WapURLShrinkURLd410090lnk.infar%2Boff701far%2Boff96ling ering8a6x38118Redirxfar%2Breaching1stretched0protracted16t0l21130b90106zShoterLink967Smallr9R HTTP Request

Method File HTTP version Headers

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1 Accept: image/gif, image/x-bitmap, image/jpeg, */* Accept-Language: en Connection: Keep-Alive User-Agent: Mozilla/1.22 (compatible; MSIE 2.0; Windows 95) Host: www.example.com Referer: http://www.google.com?q=dingbats

Blank line Data – none for GET

GET : no side effect POST : possible side effect POST

12 POST /pass.php HTTP/1.1

Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0 Accept: text/,application/+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate DNT: 1 Referer: Cookie: passx=87e8af376bc9d9bfec2c7c0193e6af70; PHPSESSID=l9hk7mfh0ppqecg8gialak6gt5 Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 30 username=zurfyx&pass=password Automation with CURL

13  curl --data "birthyear=1905&press=%20OK%20" http://www.example.com/when.cgi

 curl --data-urlencode "name=I am Daniel" http://www.example.com

 Submit/POST binary data to a URL  curl -X POST --data-binary @myfile.bin http://foo.com HTTP Response

HTTP version Status code Reason phrase Headers

HTTP/1.0 200 OK Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 02:20:42 GMT Server: Microsoft-Internet-Information-Server/5.0 Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/html Data Last-Modified: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 17:39:05 GMT Set-Cookie: … Content-Length: 2543

Some data... blah, blah, blah

Cookies Common HTTP Codes

15 200 OK 401 Unauthorized 300 Multiple Choices 403 Forbidden 301 Moved Permanently 404 Not Found 302 Found 410 Gone 304 Not Modified 500 Internal Server Error 307 Temporary Redirect 501 Not Implemented 400 Bad Request 503 Service Unavailable 550 Permission denied Browser Tools

16 Watch the HTTP Traffic

17 HTTP Supports Caching

18 And Responses Can Be Interesting

19 And Surprising…

20 Interacting with Google using CURL

21 1. Authenticate with Google first

 curl https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin --data- urlencode [email protected] --data-urlencode Passwd=yourpasswd -d accountType=GOOGLE -d source=your.org-your.service- your.service.version -d service=wise  SID=DQAAANcAAABjXXX; LSID=DQAAANoAXXX; Auth=DQAAANkAXXX

2. Get your spreadsheets

 curl --silent --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=DQAAANkAXXX" "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/spreadsheets/private/full " | tidy -xml -indent -quiet

3. Get a particular spreadsheet

 curl --silent --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=$AUTH" "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/download/spreadsheets/Exp ort?key=$KEY&exportFormat=tsv" | sort -n -k 15 -t $'\t' Rendering Content Rendering and Events

 Each browser window  Events can be or frame…  User actions:  Loads content  OnClick  Renders it  OnMouseover  Processes HTML and  Rendering: scripts to display page  OnLoad  May involve images,  OnBeforeUnload sub-frames, etc.  Timing:  Responds to events  setTimeout()  clearTimeout() Connecting it All Together

24 Slightly More Complex…

25 (DOM)

 Object-oriented interface used to read and write docs  Web page in HTML is structured data  DOM provides representation of this hierarchy

 Includes Browser Object Model (BOM)  window  document  frames[]  history  location  navigator (type and version of browser) Deep DOM Trees

27 Pre-Year 2000


frame Pre-Year 2000: Functionality Added Via JavaScript 29

frame Changing HTML using JavaScript, DOM

 Some possibilities  createElement(elementName) HTML  createTextNode(text)

  • Item 1
  •  appendChild(newChild)
 removeChild(node)

 Example: Add a new list item:

var list = document.getElementById('t1') var newitem = document.createElement('li') var newtext = document.createTextNode(text) list.appendChild(newitem) newitem.appendChild(newtext) HTML Image Tags

31 …

… … Any security issues? Image Beacons

32  Communicate with other sites 

 Hide resulting image 

 Spoof other sites: add logos that fool a user Beacons in Practice

33 onError in JavaScript


 Triggered in case of error  Can register a JavaScript handler Port Scanning Behind A Firewall

 JavaScript can:  Request images from internal IP addresses  Example:  Use timeout/onError to determine success/failure  Fingerprint webapps using known image names

Server 1) “show me dancing pigs!” scan

Malicious 2) “check this out” Web page

scan 3) port scan results Browser scan

Firewall 36

Break… Cookies: Client State

37 Cookies: Browser State

POST … Browser Server HTTP Header: Set-cookie: NAME=VALUE ; domain = (who can read) ; If expires=NULL: expires = (when expires) ; this session only secure = (only over SSL)

Browser POST … Server Cookie: NAME = VALUE

HTTP is stateless protocol; cookies add state Cookie-Based Authentication

Browser Web Server Auth server

POST login.cgi Username & pwd Validate user

Set-cookie: auth=val auth=val Store val

GET restricted.html Cookie: auth=val restricted.html auth=val Check val

If YES, YES/NO restricted.html Cookie Security Policy

 Uses:  User authentication  Personalization  User tracking: e.g. Doubleclick (3rd party cookies)

 Browser will store:  At most 20 cookies/site, 3 KB / cookie

 Origin is the tuple  Can set cookies valid across a domain suffix Cookies From www.marketplace.org

41 Secure Cookies

GET … Browser Server HTTP Header: Set-cookie: NAME=VALUE ; Secure=true

 Provides confidentiality against network attacker

 Browser will only send cookie back over HTTPS

 No integrity  Can rewrite secure cookies over HTTP  Network attacker can rewrite secure cookie  Can log user into attacker’s account A Real Secure Set-Cookie Request

43 httpOnly Cookies

GET … Browser Server HTTP Header: Set-cookie: NAME=VALUE ; httpOnly

 Cookie sent over HTTP(s), but not accessible to scripts  cannot be read via document.cookie  Helps prevent cookie theft via XSS

 … but does not stop most other risks of XSS bugs