Lindsey Davis | 352 pages | 01 Apr 2008 | Cornerstone | 9780099515081 | English | London, United Kingdom The Iron Hand of Mars PDF Book

Trivia About The Iron Hand of Mar 11, Julie Davis rated it it was amazing. Download as PDF Printable version. As per the preceding two novels Falco and Helena appear to be on shifting sands relationship-wise, with the influence of a potential imperial suitor muddying the waters between them. Of course 'The Iron Hand of Mars' wouldn't be a Falco novel without the presence of Helena Justina, the senator's daughter who is the perfect match to his character. But there is more to Xanthus than meets the eye, and Falco wonders if he's really an assassin. Falco is sent on another seemingly impossible errand for to the outposts of the Roman Empire and beyond. Marcus Didius Falco 4. The Clocks Agatha Christie. Whilst I enjoy all Falco novels from Lindsey Davis, there are some that stand just a little bit above the rest. Please enter your Gift Voucher Code. Falco is sent on an undercover mission to Roman Germany to locate a high-ranking Roman officer, who was sent as a "present" to a sinister tribal prophetess. I didn't enjoy this one as much as the two previous Falco mysteries. Our newsletter will gently land in your inbox at random intervals, bearing tidings of comfort and joy about new releases and other mysterious items. Join the world's largest signed first edition book club. The mystery, on the other hand, was a little thin, often giving way to the details of Falco's Imperial task, in which he goes from being a detective to being a spy for Vespasian. I've read a few of the books in this series. Category: Crime. The Iron Hand of Mars First edition. It's best to start with the first book, Silver Pigs. It's more of an adventure story than a mystery, so readers expecting a whodunit might be disappointed. Vespasian sends him on a mission north, across the Alps, to Germania and we learn all about the Empire's difficulties in dealing with barbarians. So, it is not known whether Veleda just prophesied the victory or actively incited the rebellion. Falco really doesn't want to go - not least with Helena in his life and his abode. Jan 15, Kathy added it. The result of these accessions to the forces of Civilis was another uprising in Gaul. And just for fun, he's saddled with the former barber to the former Imperial family. Just the mystery. The situation in Germany is dangerous, since the Batavian forces led by Julius Civilis, formerly in the service of Rome, have revolted. Tags: Contemporary Fiction Mystery. Just as things begin to look bleak, however, Justinus rides in and speaks with Veleda in Celtic , offering himself up as a hostage in return for the safe passage of Falco and his team back to civilisation. Falco's mission in Germany takes many twists and turns, and the last part of the book is particularly exciting, as Falco gets lost in a dense forest, with several inept recruits as his companions. Out of stock. Schultz rated it liked it. I realize that my review is just a complaint. Crime novel. That was a long time ago in another place and Falco would rather not think about it. In the latter half of the 1st century CE Veleda was regarded as a deity by most of the tribes in central Germany and enjoyed wide influence. Taking Falco out of the capital and sending him on a decidedly dodgy mission in the wilds of Gaul and Germania allows for some colourful scene setting Whilst I enjoy all Falco novels from Lindsey Davis, there are some that stand just a little bit above the rest. Search Enter your search term Search Close. They were exempt from tribute, but were obliged to supply a large number of men for the army. Sign in Register Basket. A lot of soldiers in this but no warfare. Ever in need of reliable work — especially if he ever hopes to have enough to boost his status and marry daughter-of-a-Senator, Helena Justina — Marcus Didius Falco reluctantly accepts an assignment from the emperor Vespasian. She left the civil service after 13 years, and when a romantic novel she had written was runner up for the Historical Novel Prize, she decided to become a writer, writing at first romanti Lindsey Davis, historical novelist, was born in Birmingham, England in Still loved it though! The Iron Hand of Mars Writer

Civilis, himself, was defeated at Augusta Treverorum modern Trier and Vetera, and forced to withdraw to the island of Batavia. Falco traipsing around the Germanic forests with a bunch of legionaries who we never get to know properly isn't as much fun as Falco closing in on a mystery as he pounds around the streets of Rome, dealing with the same old stubborn faces. Schultz rated it liked it. Not the characters. Falco's past as a member of legion that had not done well in Britain always hangs over him when he has to mingle with the military and the 14th legion that he has been sent to is a less than excellent legion in any case. However, the eldest son of the emporer, charming, rich, handsome if you like that sort of thing is sniffing around Helena Justina, daughter of a middle ranking senatorial family, and invites her to a banquet. He lives in a slum. This is due in no small part to the location of most of the book's narrative. The inhabitants of the Roman settlement of Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium now Cologne accepted her arbitration in a conflict with the Tencteri, an unfederated tribe of Germany. This is one of my favorites with Falco being sent to Germany where we encounter the barbarians who have been violating the truce calling for them to stay on their own side of the Rhine river. And will his love for Helena win out over his duty to the empire? Over the course of the novel, Falco manages to succeed in his mission - more or less - and address his own continuing personal issues, all while staying alive in hostile territory and confronting some of the dark history of Rome's military past. I would definitely recommend this book, but probably not as the starting point for readers new to the series. So, there is quite an opportunity for Falco to strut his stuff on a scale far greater than his usual sleuthing in back alleys. Download as PDF Printable version. Jun 23, Jeanne rated it really liked it Shelves: couldn-t-put-it-down , go-to-author , mystery-suspense , humor , historical-fiction. In Rome, one pays for the privilege of changing rank upwards by literally buying it, like getting a license to drive, apparently. He knows the 14th will remember the details only too well and will not appreciate his A lot of soldiers in this but no warfare. The best in this series, so far. Our newsletter will gently land in your inbox at random intervals, bearing tidings of comfort and joy about new releases and other mysterious items. Germania Libera: dark dripping forests inhabited by bloodthirsty barbarians and legendary wild beasts, a furious prophetess who terrorises Rome, and the ghostly spirits of slaughtered Roman legionaries. After an English degree at Oxford University Lindsey joined the Civil Service, but became a professional author in The Iron Hand of Mars Reviews

Nor was I disappointed. Other editions. Granted they need a certain amount of cash before they can marry due to class difference, but for the love of the gods, get on with it. Poor Falco, sent off to do the emperor's dirty work yet again. Publisher Hutchinson. Contact Account. There, the Roman commander, Hordeonius Flaccus, was murdered by his troops and the remaining Roman forces were induced by two commanders of the Gallic auxiliaries--Julius Classicus and Julius Tutor--to revolt from Rome and join Civilis in a new independent kingdom of Gaul. I also enjoy listening to BBC radio dramatizations, so I had no hesitation in checking One last job remains to be solved — finding Civilis. And I'm getting a bit tired of the on again off again relationship with Falco and his lady love. In a jealous fit of pique, Falco takes himself off on an investigation and when he returns he discovers Helena has gone. Sign in Register Basket. Jun 23, Jeanne rated it really liked it Shelves: couldn-t-put-it-down , go- to-author , mystery-suspense , humor , historical-fiction. But Falco is his usual sarcastic, wisecracking self, and there is much of the delightful banter between him and Helena. Falco's trip is marked by a number of misadventures — poor food and even poorer wine, unscrupulous souvenir sellers and cramped conditions, as well as murder. No matter the bumps and craters, the way the cynical yet romantic plebeian informer and the wilful, passionate, intelligent young matrona gel is perhaps the secret behind this and other Falco novels. Much to Falco's annoyance, he is also to escort an ex-slave named Xanthus into Germany as well, whose specialty is hairdressing. The Iron Hand of Mars. Veleda agrees and gives Falco a silver token taken from Lupercus' body. Such is the setting for this edition in the ongoing adventures of Falco and the characters that surround him. Helena then buys a bowl from Julius Mordanticus for Falco to bring back as a gift for his mother in Rome. Jan 15, Kathy added it. When Falco arrives in Germany, he finds out that another general has gone missing, and he faces hostility from the general's legion, the Fourteenth, because Falco's former legion had failed them in battle. BBC Radio 4. Titus sends a barber named Xanthus, who wants to see the world, as Falco's traveling companion. In this book both Falco and the author get lost in the wilds of Germania. Taking Falco out of the capital and sending him on a decidedly dodgy mission in the wilds of Gaul and Germania allows for some colourful scene setting Whilst I enjoy all Falco novels from Lindsey Davis, there are some that stand just a little bit above the rest. Disturbing hints that things are not right with the officers or the legions stationed in these far north Roman forts have been filtering out to the ears of Vespasian. As usual, the characters and enviroments are flawless and there is a lot of humor. The Silence of the Lambs Thomas Harris. Great chunks of history phrased in most modern language that sounds appropriate to the nature of the characters. Professionally Packed All of our books that a have dust wrapper are covered in clear protective, removable film and are packed professionally in bubble wrap and a box for shipping so that they reach you in perfect condition. Her interest in history and archaeology led to her writing a historical novel about Vespasian and his lover Antonia Caenis The Course of Honour , for which she couldn't find a publisher.

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This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. Falco discovers that Dubnus is selling curios which may have been relics of Varus' ill- fated expedition , and asks Dubnus about Veleda, who tells him that she lives in a tower in the middle of the forest somewhere in the north. And I'm getting a bit tired of the on again off again relationship with Falco and his lady love. Soon Helena joins her brother and Falco there, but Falco has to decide whether he should let Helena marry Titus for the good of Rome. But at the same time "The Iron Hand of Mars" is a little different from its predecesors in its tone. Read more Feb 25, Laura rated it liked it Shelves: audio-books , read Ever in need of reliable work — especially if he ever hopes to have enough to boost his status and marry daughter-of-a-Senator, Helena Justina — Marcus Didius Falco reluctantly accepts an assignment from the emperor Vespasian. Hidden categories: Articles needing additional references from December All articles needing additional references. Imperial Rome's answer to Columbo stars in his fourth adventure in this series of detective thrillers set in . Aug 25, John Frankham rated it it was amazing Shelves: crime-detective. It took me a while to get the rest of the books, but I went back and read the series in order. Her books are translated into many languages and have been dramatized on BBC Radio 4. Titus sends a barber named Xanthus, who wants to see the world, as Falco's traveling companion. The Clocks Agatha Christie. I've read a few of the books in this series. She asks Falco and Helvetius to use a galley captured from Petillius Cerialis now decrepit from neglect to escape so as to throw off the tribesmen's suspicion — she must not be seen aiding the Romans. In this case Vespasian has tasked Falco with several missions, all of them difficult. Marcus Didius Falco 4. Recommended Reads. However, the eldest son of the emporer, charming, rich, handsome if you like that sort of thing is sniffing around Helena Justina, daughter of a middle ranking senatorial family, and invites her to a banquet. Disturbing hints that things are not right with the officers or the legions stationed in these far north Roman forts have been filtering out to the ears of Vespasian. He must also persuade a mysterious prophetess. Later, three apparently drunk soldiers attack Falco, but he is saved by Xanthus who kills one of the soldiers, and finally discovers that Justinus has another guest, and it's none other than Helena, who has also brought along his niece, Augustinilla, because her mother, Victorina, is having "woman problems". Romance in The Court. It is a very informative 'mystery', but I thought the military history of Rome is the main scaffold and focus for the plot, with Falco's romance with Helena coming in as a continuing thread in the background. Several books ago, he began doing odd jobs for the Emperor Vespasian, and he also met a Senator's daughter, Helena Justina, who is WAY out of his class. Released May 7, Falco immediately identifies Mordanticus' relatives as the men killed in Gaul, and tells Mordanticus to contact Helvetius, while Helena uncovers strong business rivalry between the potters of Lugdunum and Moguntiacum over commercial contracts to supply high-quality ceramics to the Roman army — suggesting that Gracilis himself was bribed by Lugdunum. I liked that and I think it benefits Falco and his f I've read a few of the books in this series. May 20, Helen rated it really liked it Shelves: historical-fiction , historical-mystery , fiction. Namespaces Article Talk. Germany - only partially conquered, and the natives aren't inclined to remain so.