THE SUNDAY TIMES PLUS Sunday , December 09, 2018 15

1992 June born Moratuwa 5’ 5” height Bodu ACADEMICALLY and professionally CAPITAL City 1988 born B/G studied CLOSE by Colombo 1987/12 Buddhist Govi COLOMBO suburbs respectable Christian NUGEGODA Buddhist Durawa Novem- Govi smart son studied at Colombo Leading qualifi ed son is sought by B/G parents for in Leading Girls’ College, Accountant & with respectable family background 5’ 4” Retired parents seek educated simple kind ber 1994 5’ 6” educated Museaus College, School, Moratuwa University BSc Engineer, their daughter 1982 born, 5’ 5”, IT qualifi ed, studied in Law Stream, employee younger slim fi gured very pretty daughter educated son for daughter born 1982 5’ 2 1/2” fair Received Commerce Degree at Melbourne CIMA qualifi ed, Law College Second Year, working at Private Sector, legally separated daughter of the family, parents seek Kuja 7 at Reputed Girls’ School & employed as an pleasant looks younger (Sales Assistant). & currently employed in Melbourne, pretty Call 0112413472 B82841 C/o Sunday currently employed in a Leading Company without any encumbrances. Reply with full matching educated virtuous son. Elder son Offi cer in Private Establishment. Mother moral charactered daughter. Entrepreneur family details and a copy of horoscope. seeks well employed smart virtuous son Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T841739-1 father seeks suitable partner for his daugh- as Executive, owns house with land and Permanent resident in England, married. partners 42-47 are sought for Email: [email protected] B82615 from same caste. Only sister a Software EDUCATED ter. Own substantial assets in Nugegoda. new vehicle. Father Chartered Engineer & 2nd daughter married to son who is highly 1975/4 Dental Doctor and 1977/10 B.Sc C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom- Engineer. Own lands, properties & addi- Non malefi c. Inquire with horoscope copy. mother Administrative Offi cer in Govern- employee in Sri Lankan Airlines. Send the M.Sc Executive daughters 5’ 2” by B/K/V B83399 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 bo T840388-1 tional income. B83555 C/o Sunday Times, ment Service, only brother studying Gov- horoscope with the details. B83558 C/o parents. Caste immaterial. aen7779@ Colombo T846870-1 1983 Kiribathgoda Buddhist Govi Shani (07) educated, well established, fl uent in P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T848914-1 ernment University. Parents seek pretty AN Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo B82565 C/o Sunday Times, ONLY child of Buddhist Govi Entrepreneur Uchcha, 28 look 5’ 8” in height with long English, refi ned, kind partner with a honest COLOMBO 34 years Bodu Govi 5’ 3” in daughter Doctor/ Engineer/ Accountant. T849009-1 P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T840036-1 parents in a Town close by Colombo. Born plait of hair having 5 Millions fi nancial dow- personality (from Australia or ) is height, Science Graduate, Postgraduate Please respond with full details & horo- CAPITAL City Government Company EMPLOYEE in America B/G 1990 born in December 1981, 5’ 3” in height, pretty ry. Pretty, executive grade employment in a junior daughter of family, holding Director 5’ 3” in height fair daughter, parents seek scope, telephone number. Email: uweera- sought by Buddhist father from Colombo Executive Grade employee B/G Karawa fair complexioned daughter. Completed company. Educated / businessman virtuous for his daughter born in November 1977. Post in family Private Company, mother virtuous partner. Resident in America is [email protected] B83220 C/o Sunday Times, 1982 October born 5’ 2” in height, studied CIMA & engaged in business affairs, seek smart son is sought for the daughter, kalu- Young looking, attractive, 5’ 5”, slim and seeks respectably employed suitable Grad- special. [email protected] [email protected] B83582 C/o Sunday P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T844939-1 in Matara Convent, Kelaniya University educated entrepreneur or employed son never married. Graduated from a renowned uate partner for her daughter. Horoscopes B82034 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 for marriage. B83554 C/o Sunday Times, Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T850611-1 1996 December born Bodu Govi 5’ 3” in B.Com Special 2nd Upper Pass Degree, with Kuja Dosha compatible. B83547 C/o Colombo T836046-1 University in the U.S. (BSc.), professionally P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T848913-1 1983 born 5’ 5” in height B/G MBM Gradu- height A/L qualifi ed currently pursuing a Buddhist highly connected respect- well qualifi ed, earns a six-fi gure salary as a Colombo University MBA, Final Master Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo GOVI PANADURA Buddhist Karawa 29 years 5’ ate employee in Executive Grade, legally Degree in Business Management at NSBM able parents Government Pensioners Co- Director at a Global Company in Colombo. Graduate, CIMA Half completed, reading T848811-1 in height B.Sc IT MBA Graduate engaged divorced as the complained party after short (Final Year) qualifi ed & beautiful very reli- Buddhist Govi of a respect- lombo suburbs seek an educated son with Inherits a new modern house, car and other for CIM Final Level, parents seek Executive COLOMBO in a Executive Grade @ an International time, mother seeks educated virtuous son gious daughter bearing good character able family parents engaged in higher em- employment for their only child born 1991 fi nancial assets. Caste, religion immate- Grade, employee or educated business vir- Software Institute drawing a higher salary for her pretty daughter. Non malefi c horo- owning assets worth of several Millions, ployments Postgraduate highly employed hold a LLB Degree (English Medium) from rial. Please respond with family details, tuous son for their pretty virtuous daughter. with dowry slim fair complexioned attractive scope. T.P. 0112838632 Email: dehkan- only daughter (having one brother) busi- higher salaries entitled to assets slim bright a State University. At present reading for horoscope and contact number (essential). B83563 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Attorney-at-Law Final Exam. Height below for daughter parents looking for a devoid of [email protected] B83579 C/o Sunday ness parents seek qualifi ed Businessman pleasant virtuous for daughter looking for Email: [email protected] B80226 C/o Colombo T849569-1 5ft. She inherits substantial assets includ- vices educated virtuous a son. B83577 C/o Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T850468-1 or highly employed Bodu Govi son of moral Colombo/ Foreign Buddhist Govi of a de- Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo Colombo B/K 5’ 5” middle complexion Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo CAPITAL City suburb B/G 1994 born ing a Fix Deposit. Educated abroad and Lo- 1985 values owning a house. (Kuja 7, Kumba La- cent family devoid of vices religious educat- T850394-1 pleasant Foreign MBBS Graduate Doctor, T818055-2 5’ 4” in height fair pretty studied in an In- cal International Schools. T.P. 0112918390 gnaya, Puwaputupa Nekatha) B83568 C/o ed highly employed very handsome 29-33 PARENTS seek educated son for their only child with assets. Parents seek suit- B/K parents seek well-mannered, qualifi ed ternational School Degree in Australian B83610 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo 5’ 8”-6’ a son. Preferred Engineers with all T851124-1 daughter Bodu Govi having professional able partner. Need horoscope. B83548 C/o partner below 37 years for 33, 5’ 6”, pretty, University (in Sri Lanka) employee in Ex- Colombo details, horoscope, Tel. No, via post/email. Teaching profession in Australia Bachelor parents and Engineer younger brother obe- Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T850002-1 qualifi ed, Pre-School Teacher of an Inter- ecutive Grade daughter, Teacher mother IN years old decent housewife with 2 sons, [email protected] B83575 C/o Sunday of Science and MSc, 1983, fair complex- dient 1989 October 5’ 6” educated at well T848814-1 50 national School. Reply to: propowije123@ seeks equal caste virtuous handsome son. Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T850343-1 ioned, slim, 5’ 9”, pretty daughter. Kandy, known Colombo Girls’ School (BSc Statistic 1985 Colombo IT Quality Assurance En- 23 years and 14 years. Financially depend- B83590 C/o Sunday Times, Write the correct details with the copy of Special) Colombo University, ACMA, MSc ent on the husband who is demanding COLOMBO Kurunegala Bodu Govi 27 Buddhist, Govi. Father a Senior Executive gineer 5’ 4’’ fair complexioned religious P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T850674-1 the horoscope. [email protected] years 5’ 2” in height Graduate in UK em- in State service seeks educated moral Business Analytic Final Stage serves as separation/ divorce. Looking for a kind, daughter, seek a son with equal status. BODU Salagama Doctor 5’ 4” 26+ pleas- B83591 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 ployed as a Fashion Designer beautiful charactered partner for his daughter. 081- Talent Analytic in Colombo Leading Firm. caring and wealthy person with possibil- Shani 7 [email protected] B83343 ant, parents Bank Managers seek Doctor/ Colombo T850680-1 daughter parents seek qualifi ed & teeto- 3840370 [email protected] B81992 C/o Write with telephone number, family details ity of marriage. [email protected] C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom- Engineer/ Bank Executive and other Execu- CAPITAL City, studied in Leading Girls’ taler partner of moral values. She owns Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo and copy of horoscope. vinsheg.123@ bo T846529-1 B82824 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 tives for their daughter. B83615 C/o Sunday College Sinhala B/G 31 years old 5’ 4” in land worth of 1200 Lakhs from Kurune- T835395-1 B83576 C/o Sunday Times, 1988 June born B/G 5’ 4” pleasant, fair T841644-1 B/G parents seek an educated P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T850361-1 Colombo Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T851450-1 height fair pretty Bank Executive Offi cer gala together with a house from Kottawa. KANDY daughter possess a Honours Degree, and professionally partner for fair good looking daughter 5’ PARENTS seek suitable partner for pro- ACADEMICALLY BODU/ Govi, very respectable family from daughter. Retired parents seek educated B83570 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Masters and professionally qualifi ed and qualifi ed N/S T/T caring son is sought by 5” age 28 Science Graduate employed at fessionally qualifi ed daughter 46, divorced Colombo, professional parents seek an ed- decent employee devoid of all vice virtuous Colombo T850054-1 employed in a Respectable Position in Kandyan Teacher parents from Kundasale ucated son, for their B.Eng. qualifi ed, pretty, CEB Power Plant. Kuja 8. Reply with family after brief marriage. No children. Write son. Own a 2 storied house new vehicle COLOMBO suburb B/G educated 47 years particulars with horoscope, contact number. Government Sector. Owns a new car and for their MBBS Doctor daughter who is very fair, 5’ 3”, born in 1990, with excellent with horoscope. [email protected] now getting nearly 1 Lakh of salary, around old 5’ 2” in height pretty virtuous Postgradu- B82476 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 a valuable assets. Business parents from born in 1990 5’ 5” height slim fair attractive character, kind hearted Engineer daughter, ate own a land Government employee B83488 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo seek a good mannered, academi- 50 Million assets. Job & resident in Capital Colombo T839477-1 pleasant and well mannered. Presently she working in an International Firm, currently daughter, parents seek son who is devoid Colombo T847842-1 cally & professionally qualifi ed son from Co- City. Cancer Lagna. Need the horoscope. KANDY Upcountry B/G 1992 May works in Reputed Government Hospital as engaging with Post Graduate studies in a of all vice pleasant honest employee or PRETTY, fair caring daughter who has a lombo or suburbs. Reply with family details, born 5’ in height, Computer Diploma, joint B82582 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 business unmarried young partner for their professional job in the Australian Govern- telephone number and horoscope. pro- RHO. Please reply with family details and State University. She inherits modern new for Developing Authority & employee in Colombo T840127-1 daughter. 0113174262 B83589 C/o Sunday ment Sector, owns her own apartment. She [email protected] B82751 C/o Sunday horoscope or contact. 0812420763 B82182 upstairs house from Colombo, luxury ve- Highway Project, Retired father seeks C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom- hicle and other assets. Please reply with a CATHOLIC Burgher father Retired Rear Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T850665-1 7 Kuja matching, employee son for his is 5’ 3” 36 years, looks much younger. We Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T841259-1 Admiral of the Navy, mother Govi Buddhist, are B/K, however religion and caste im- bo T837188-1 copy of the horoscope and family details. COLOMBO suburb Buddhist daughter daughter. Inherits money & properties. 1989 June born B/G Nugegoda resident, material. Families with sons in Australia to ACADEMICALLY and professionally Email: [email protected] B82585 C/o parents seek professionally qualifi ed son born in July 1981 height 5’ 6” slim pretty Write with the copy of the horoscope. studied in Leading School, J’pura University B83593 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 show interest with family details and contact Management Graduate, employee in Capi- qualifi ed partner is sought by respectable Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo less than 32 years for their daughter born and looks younger employed in a Highly Colombo T850692-1 details to Email: proposalduwa@outlook. Govi, Buddhist professional parents for T840158-1 in 1991. She is fair and pretty. 5’ 3” height. Reputed Bank in Colombo Head Offi ce tal City Leading Private Company, 5’ 2” in MOOR parents seeking qualifi ed, hand- com B83588 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX height, pleasant, charm, virtuous daughter. their only daughter, 1992 November, 5’ 2”, BORN in 1987 February academically quali- Studied at St. Bridget’s Convent Colombo. as a Manager, academically qualifi ed with B.Sc (IT) and MBA. She owns a modern some groom age below 27 for Daughter 2047 Colombo T850660-1 Parents seek equally educated, virtuous, educated at a Private Girls’ School in Co- fi ed up to Masters Degree from an Austral- Possess a Degree in Management and car and a new house. Parents Government 22, 5’ 8” Pretty, Qualifi ed IABA, homely. PROFESSIONALLY Roman Catholic devoid of all vice son to marry. Contact only lombo. International Business & Finance ian University. She is 5’ 3” in height fair and MBA while being employed as an Execu- [email protected] B83628 C/o Sunday Pensioners. Email: [email protected] living in Colombo seek aged 45-55 years, non-malefi c horoscope. Specially around pretty. B/G parents from Western Province tive in a Leading Company in Colombo. Will Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T852694-1 Degree and CIMA, working as an Account- B83619 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 for their only daughter 46 5’ 5” fair and from Colombo. B82003 C/o Sunday Times, ant for a Foreign Company. Malefi c horo- seeking for a well mannered son age no own a house close to Colombo. Reply to: MY daughter is a qualifi ed Dentist working in Colombo T851603-1 pretty. BSc. Graduate in the State Sector, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T835566-1 more than 36. Please reply non malefi c hor- [email protected] B82190 C/o the UK. We are searching for a respectable scopes preferred. Reply with family details COLOMBO suburbs Christian parents divorced, no children. Preferred Doctors, 1990 November born Buddhist fair pretty oscope only to: [email protected] Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo person for our daughter. She is a pretty and and horoscope. Email: ourproposals123@ seek a suitable Christian/ Catholic partner High Rank or Armed Offi cers or Magis- CIMA qualifi ed inherits substantial assets with contact numbers. B60566 C/o Sunday respectable B/G 32 years old Dentist living B82349 C/o Sunday Times, T837224-1 for daughter 30 years professionally quali- trates. Owns luxury house and other as- Government Assistant Accountant daugh- Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T615646-7 in London. Please no divorcees. If your P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T838464-1 CHRISTIAN Parents seek a committed fi ed Accountant, will be gifted a house and are interested please send me your son’s sets. (Only widowers, divorces). Respond ter, mother seeks Executive son who is BUDDHIST Govi 27 years 5’ 3” Graduate, ACADEMICALLY professionally quali- life partner for their 27 year old profession- will inherit substantial assets. Email: mpro- details and his horoscope. sarathm2018@ family details. [email protected] devoid of all vice, good looking, educated. CIMA 3rd Stage, reading for M.Sc, em- fi ed, well established loving caring partner ally qualifi ed daughter. B82608 C/o Sunday [email protected] B83550 C/o Sunday B82853 C/o Sunday Times, B83405 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 B83583 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 ployed, pretty daughter. Parents seek suit- preferably from U.K. is sought by Bodu/ Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T840345-1 Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T848827-1 P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T841829-1 Colombo T846959-1 able partner for her. Colombo suburb 2 sto- Colombo T850624-1 Govi parents living in America, for their 33 ried house as dowry. Kuja 1, 2, 4, 12. Email: 1990/08 5’ 2” Govi Buddhist BSc (Hons), years, 5’ 3” well mannered, accomplished [email protected] B83552 C/o CIMA completed and MBA about to com- daughter, qualifi ed with B.S.C (U.S.A) MSc Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo plete daughter working as Management Bio-Chemistry (U.K) well employed in U.K. T848911-1 Trainee in Government Leading Bank, dual Citizen in U.K. and U.S.A Reply with Retired father seeking educated son from BUDDHIST Retired Executive full family details and horoscope. matale- respectable family. Dowry available. Please parents from Colombo seek a professional- [email protected] B83559 C/o Sunday reply with horoscope and family details. ly qualifi ed partner for their daughter height Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T849150-1 B83135 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 5’ 1” born in 1986, ACMA qualifi ed and cur- ACADEMICALLY, professionally, quali- Colombo T844033-1 rently employed in a Leading Multinational fi ed, well employed son is sought by Re- 1992 Bodu Salagama , educated at a Company in Colombo. Inherits a house National School, Kelaniya Campus Gradu- tired G/B parents from Colombo suburbs from Colombo and other assets. Reply ate (Hons) 2nd Class Upper. MBA qualifi ed for their pretty, fair, slim, very young looking with family details and copy of horoscope. pretty religious very obedient daughter with daughter. Born in 1987, 5’ 3”, studied at a B82110 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 dowry. Educated well employed (Doctor, Leading Colombo School, Graduated B.Sc. Colombo T836547-1 Engineer, Accountant preferred). Father (Sp) from J’pura University, ACMA, CGMA, BUDDHIST Salagama, received Higher a Retired Regional Manager of Peoples employed as a Manager (Fin.) in a Reputed Education in England & domiciled in Eng- Bank seeks well brought up son devoid of Company, Kuja in 1st House but favorable. land, with Europe Citizenship, 23 years liquor & all vices. [email protected] Reply with H/C. Email: prop.187@yahoo. pretty daughter with dowry. Parents seek 0912277118 B83607 C/o Sunday Times, com B82437 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX suitable partner for her. B82925 C/o Sunday P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T851112-1 2047 Colombo T839271-1 Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T842292-1 B/K Business parents with means form Co- CLOSE to Colombo Bodu Govi/ Deva only GOVI Kandyan parents from a respectable THE SUNDAY TIMES PLUS lombo seek pretty, educated daughter from child MBBS Doctor (with Promotions) 38 family seeking educated well mannered a similar background for their 28 year old, years 5’ 10” younger looking son, Retired daughter for their son 95 February born Sunday , December 09, 2018 fair, handsome son, height 5’ 8”. Educated parents seek Government or Government height 5’ 4”, SLIM qualifi ed Executive in a at an International School and BSc Honours Bank Executive employed fair complex- Leading Company. (Kuja 7) anjana.kandy@ 16 in Business Management. Working as the ioned beautiful daughter. G83566 C/o G82590 C/o Sunday Times, Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo Managing Director in the family Construc- P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T840186-1 T849749-1 tion Business. Inherits valuable assets. Re- KANDYAN, Govi, Buddhist, Retired plies with full family details and horoscope COLOMBO B/G 1989/12 born 5’ 8” in height BSc (Hons), CIMA, CGMA (UK), mother seeks an educated, pretty, kind, re- to: [email protected] G83595 C/o ligious daughter below 28 years to her only Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo inherits house & properties, Senior Execu- son. He is a Quantity Surveyor (BSc, MSc, T850741-1 tive Grade Offi cer son, Graduate parents MAIQS) working in Dubai. He is handsome B/K business parents with means from seek educated daughter, with Kuja Dosha. Colombo seek pretty, educated daughter Details with the horoscope. G83002 C/o 5’ 11”, tall, teetotaler, non-smoker. mar- RC/G parents seek academically profes- VEYANGODA Buddhist Govi 1989 Gradu- 1987 December Buddhist Govi 5’ 11” in A well-connected, wealthy, respectable Sin- from a similar background from Sri Lanka Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo [email protected] G83597 C/o Sunday sionally qualifi ed son for their daughter ate daughter, in Executive Grade in Reput- height smart religious absolutely devoid hala Buddhist family from Colombo, seeks a or Abroad for their 30 year old, fair, hand- T842973-1 Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T850791-1 born in 1985 5’ 1” Graduated (MBA, CIMA) ed English Media Establishment. Parents of smoking, liquor. Own house, modern suitable daughter from a respectable family, some son height 5’ 10”. Educated at an COLOMBO Battaramulla Buddhist Govi 31 KIRIBATHGODA Buddhist Govi Born in years smart humble son employed in Bours currently working at a Reputed Private Retired from United Nations Organization vehicles, businesses and other valuable for marriage to 6' 2", handsome, well-man- International School and Higher Studies 1994 5’ 8” in height, own businesses, ve- Company. She inherits substantial as- Company as Pharmacist 5’ 9” in height, hicles, houses, lands. Entrepreneur father seek Graduate permanently employed assets, educated intelligent entrepreneur nered son. He is 32 (1986), doesn't smoke in Australia. Professionally qualifi ed in the sets. [email protected] 0112226720 Tourism & Hospitality Industry. Currently a seek a daughter in Teaching Profession fair & mother seek virtuous daughter, for their religious devoid of vices partner. Horo- son. Entrepreneur parents seek suitable or consume alcohol, is highly educated with complexioned honest, Maa, Denata, Sitha B83545 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Director in the family Construction Business son. (Free of Kuja Dosha) Tel: 011 5945609 scope wanted. B83565 C/o Sunday Times, partner for him. (Legally separated from 3 a Ph.D., has a good personality, an entre- Nekatha, Raksha Gana ideally suitable. Colombo T848720-1 preneur (Major Share Holder/ Director of a and is in the process of opening his own G83585 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T849702-1 months unsuccessful marriage being plain- G83598 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 RESIDENT in Colombo Southern Province Hospitality Business early next year. Inher- Colombo T850646-1 Company) and will inherit substantial wealth Colombo T850812-1 Buddhist Govi 1987/06 about 5’ in height WESTERN (Colombo) employee South- tiff) No liabilities. Kuja 8, Asvida Nekatha. its valuable assets. Reply with family details including a house. Please email informa- COLOMBO Buddhist Govi 30 years 5’ 8” KURUNEGALA B/G 1990 born 5’ 10” in English Graduate Teacher daughter, par- ern B/G 1981 April born 5’ 3” in height Sri G83604 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 and horoscope to: [email protected] height Moratuwa University IT Graduate, ents seek Graduate son. Father a Special- tion to: confi [email protected] in height Graduate Junior son, Managing Jayawadanepura University Statistic Mas- Colombo T851080-1 G83596 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 engage in business, business father seeks ist Doctor. Rahu 1, Kethu 7. proposalgle@ G82305 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Director of family Private Company, mother ter Degree, Lanka Electricity Board Clerk, born Galle B/G 5’ 10” in height, Old Colombo T850748-1 B83562 C/o Sunday Times, 1988/12 Colombo T838056-1 seeks educated suitable partner for her business or decent family pretty educated with pension, ETF, fair good looking virtu- Boy of Ananda College, Colombo University BG 1983 born, well educated, non-smoking, son. G83549 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX daughter for his business son. He has more P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T849506-1 ABLE B/G Colombo Lawyer parents seek fair and good looking Manager & Entrepre- SINHALA Govi Catholic parents with a very ous, can have the responsibilities daughter, Masters, employee as the Manager of Mul- 2047 Colombo T848815-1 than 100 Million assets, houses, vehicles Retired parents seek educated virtuous professionally and academically qualifi ed, neur with assets, including a Car, Villa front COLOMBO suburb B/G parents seek an & business place. Non-malefi c horoscope. well established business and professional tinational Company, parents seek educated well brought up, pleasant daughter cur- of a lake, restaurant and a 3 storied luxury Permanent employee or educated virtuous educated slim fair daughter of same caste G83580 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 background seeks a well-educated/ profes- decent employee daughter for their smart rently living in Australia, less than 37 years house with a pool. Seeking a beautiful, sionally qualifi ed partner for very attractive business son. With assets. B83601 C/o for their son Engineer 31 years 5’ 5” hand- Colombo T850548-1 son. [email protected] G83581 C/o of age, for their handsome young looking, fair educated bride below 29 with an Eng- some with good manners. Educate at Co- and pretty daughter (5’ 3”), 24, educated in Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo never married Software Engineer son 5’ lish speaking background from a reputed MOOR AUS citizen Parents seeking reli- the Leading Catholic School and overseas. lombo Leading School and State University. gious, qualifi ed, pretty, smart bride for Son T850988-1 T850592-1 6” in height and an Australian Citizen. TT/ family. Caste, religion immaterial. Email: Reply with horoscope, family details, con- Currently, assist in managing the business. 24, 5’ 10” Bachelor, Financial Specialist. WESTERN Province Buddhist Dewa 1993 1989 Galle B/G 5’ 6” in height MBBS Doc- NS. Reply with horoscope, full family details [email protected] G83289 C/o Sunday tact numbers. [email protected] Must be a person of good character and and telephone number. Email: prop3030@ [email protected] G83629 C/o Sunday 5’ 5” in height educated at girls’ school in tor son, parents seek educated employee Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T845715-1 G82588 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 strong family values. dharshiliyanage585@ T852702-1 G83129 C/o Sunday Times, parents living in UK seeking for a well T840175-1 Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo B83295 C/o Sunday Times, Colombo. Pretty, very fair complexioned virtuous daughter. Contact with the copy of BG Colombo P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T843999-1 mannered and educated girl for Business- COLOMBO suburbs B/G Retired from Ex- NEAR Capital City B/G decent family back- P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T845838-1 only daughter of family. Employed in lead- the horoscope. G83599 C/o Sunday Times, ACADEMICALLY qualifi ed, studied up man handsome 27 years with Higher Stud- ecutive Grade mother seeks professionally ground business parents, 32 years old 5’ Engineer daughter in a lead- ing company, seek well employed & en- SOFTWARE P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T850831-1 to A/L, at a Leading Buddhist School in ies and has EU Citizenship. One more qualifi ed, pretty, well mannered daughter 10” in height, studied in Colombo Leading ing Company in Colombo, 37 years, 5’ in trepreneur son. Western province suburbs 1991 March born 5’ 11” in height resident of Colombo and Graduated from a Leading daughter in the family. Please reply with for her son 1983 5’ 9” Lecturer (Electrical, School, Director of family business, Gradu- height. Slim, fair complexioned, pretty, preferred. (No Caste barriers) B83587 C/o Galle Bodu Salagama from a respectable University in USA. He is now employed in Electronic) Engineering and also runs and young looking. Salary two lakhs. Own a horoscope. [email protected] ate son. Parents seek decent family back- Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo family background, BSc in QS & CM also USA and is a Citizen of USA. He is 32 years Tel: 00447586470972 G83621 C/o Sunday owns Higher Education Institute Nugegoda, ground educated non employed daughter. house. Buddhist/Ka parents retired from 5’ 11” height (Kuja in the 7th house). We T850657-1 Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T851615-1 non-smoker, teetotaler, owns properties Send the details with the copy of the govt. service invite executively employed MSc in Personal Management, employed are Sinhala Buddhist Govi parents living WESTERN born in 1987 5’ 4” in height as a Civil Engineer overseas, parents seek BODU Govi parents from Colombo seek Nugegoda, Kandy, has Australian PR. horoscope. Email: upropo.marriage1986@ respectable kind son. Govikula also con- in Colombo, seeking a kind and pleasant Shani Mangala Yoga horoscope. Please sidered. Free of family encumbrances, or- B.Sc, M.Sc Colombo Graduate employed qualifi ed & beautiful daughter of moral a pretty, educated, fair and slim daughter G83594 C/o Sunday Times, daughter who is willing to migrate to USA or from Colombo for their handsome son age write with horoscope. G82000 C/o Sunday dinary family. B83584 C/o Sunday Times, @ a International Private Institute for presently living in USA or Canada, of possi- P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T850713-1 values. Dowry not necessary. Only sister 28 and 6’ 2” tall, working as an Assistant Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T835540-1 P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T850628-1 daughter parents looking for permanently ble please respond with a copy of the horo- PARENTS of son Galle Bodu Govi 1986 is a Teacher & is married to an Engineer Manager for a reputed Bank. Reply with COLOMBO well connected Buddhist Sal- SOUTHERN B/G 1974 5’ 3” in height employed devoid of all vices virtuous a scope. Confi dentiality assured. Email: mar- born 5’ 3” Seaman owned to house seek & residing overseas. Doctor/ Engineer family details, horoscope and contact agama parents seek a pretty accomplished pleasant virtuous young looking inherits son. No barriers. 0112085023 B82645 C/o [email protected] G83620 C/o Sunday beautiful daughter. 0912247272 G83573 preferred. Others are also encouraged to details to Email: [email protected] preferably well employed daughter for their substantial assets, Science Graduate, Gov- Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T851612-1 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom- apply including those who prefers to reside G83618 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 handsome only son 26 years in Executive ernment Teacher daughter, Government T840553-1 AUNT and Uncle seek a partner for neph- bo T850226-1 Colombo T851571-1 Capacity at a Leading Multinational Bank Retired parents seek equal caste devoid of & those already residing overseas. (Kuja ew 51 divorced with a daughter who lives Sri Lanka, living abroad will also be con- SINHALA Christian family established in all vice highly employed or educated busi- 2 Suwana Nekatha) G83567 C/o Sunday with her mother. Innocent party. He is a BORN in 1980/08 5’ 8” in height up country. Buddhist Govi smart Engineer son seek sidered. Caste immaterial. G83137 C/o Australia appreciating family values, seek a ness son. Need the horoscope. B83602 C/o Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T849914-1 Govi Buddhist, vegetarian. Has a monthly equally educated pretty daughter from Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo suitable partner for their son born 1982, 6’ Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo 1991 fair complexioned smart well em- income of more than 5 Lakhs and assets T844061-1 tall, smart & a caring person. Professional T851026-1 over 200 Million. Email: [email protected] same caste for quick marriage. Legally sep- ployed MSc, ACMA educated son, father a arated from a brief marriage. prop7460@ GALLE District B/K respectable parents Engineer working in Australia. Those liv- SOUTHERN, Bodu Govi, pretty daughter G82650 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 seek a daughter with equal professional Government Director seeks very fair com- G83592 C/o Sunday Times, ing/ educated in Australia preferred. Family born in 1991, qualifi ed MBBS, currently Colombo T840572-1 qualifi cations and status for their only son sitting for ERPM Exam, brought up with plexioned above 5’ 3” Bud/ Govi daughter. B/G 5’ 10” in height 30 years old, legally P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T850690-1 visiting Sri Lanka in January. Email: srilak- kind religious and well mannered 33 5’ 6” [email protected] G82257 C/o Sunday values and morals, respectable family, both [email protected] G83560 C/o Sunday separated because of wife’s mistake, no BURGHER/ Sinhalese Christian parents N/S T/T BSc. (Hons) Electrical Engineer parents Medical Specialists and only broth- Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T849432-1 children, devoid of all vice, charm, State seek Convent educated intelligent pleasant Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T837690-1 1970 Kadawatha Bodu 5’ 10” in height own Moratuwa University holder Post Gradu- er is a Medical Student in a State Medical 89 Western Province Buddhist Govi 6’ in Superintendent, owns 50 Acres of Tea state mannered good looking bride for profes- ate, Diploma in Computer Science and SRI Lankan Buddhist Govi mother from Co- fully completed new house & vehicle. In Faculty in Sri Lanka. Seek a suitable part- height, Mithuna, Uthrasala, Shani 7, Kuja & inherit big house in the Center of the City, sionally qualifi ed son 28 years 5’ 7”, em- Engineering same University Registered for lombo suburbs seeks pretty fair well man- Sales Executive Grade in Private Sector valuable vehicle, only son. Retired Teacher ployed as Industrial Designer at Leading nered educated willing to migrate daughter ner, local or overseas. All details including 1 compatible only son running a Retail Ph.D from next year in Sri Lankan Govern- horoscope and family background in the Permanent employment. Religious moral mother & Social Services & kind person in Company, conducts Visiting Lectures at from a respectable family for her elder son. Shop, seek suitable daughter. 0117082747 ment University, previously attached to an fi rst correspondence. Reply to: daugh- charactered son. Fair complexioned virtu- the area father seek unmarried, divorcees University of Moratuwa, educated at Lead- American Company in European Coun- He is handsome fair 5’ 11” 35 years. He is [email protected] B83504 C/o ous daughter is sought by father. Call after G82889 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 teacher or widower. Write the details with ing Catholic College in Colombo, should be try, presently working in an International Doctor and working as an Assistant Profes- Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo 8.00 pm. 0112927911 G83612 C/o Sunday Colombo T842171-1 the copy of the horoscope. Will reply to all. preferably 24-28 years, animal lover, fun Company in Colombo, drawing high salary, sor in Reputed Overseas University. He G83027 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 loving, patient, compassionate and unso- T847907-1 Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T851243-1 A Fifty year old Muslim Businessman look- owns house with land, vehicles and other was educated in Leading Buddhist School Colombo T843254-1 phisticated. G83038 C/o Sunday Times, SOUTHERN Bodu Govi 1989 born em- 1978 Karawa Govi Bank Executive IT Grad- ing for a lady below 45 for marriage. Caste/ income, divorced in an incompatible pro- in Colombo and higher studies in overseas. Colombo mother seeks an educated T843352-1 ployed as a Quantity Surveyor at a Re- creed immaterial. Email: publicwatchsl@ B/G P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo posed marriage as complainant limited to Kuja 7. Reply with your family details by uate (Special) 5’ 9” smart son, seek very working daughter below 39 years unmar- City Bodu Vishwa 37 years old puted Constructionary Firm, BSc Graduate, G82730 C/o Sunday Times, CAPITAL a few days without paying compensation, email. [email protected] G83544 pleasant looking 5’ in height also willing pretty daughter from a entrepreneur fam- ried divorced without children for 43 years 5’ 9” in height Govt. MBBS Doctor, legally 6, 7, 8 houses empty, G/caste considered P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T841093-1 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom- to migrate. Retired parents who consid- ily or foreign country considered. Kuja 12. old young looking son height 5’ 4” divorced separated from a brief marriage, father except the divorced. Reply with true details bo T848698-1 ers all barriers as immaterial invites son in G83611 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 A beautiful, smart, loving sister is sought for no encumbrances, employed Executive seeks educated partner for his son. Send horoscope and telephone. Email: fi eld- compatibility towards Shani 4 & Kuja 10. Colombo T851159-1 our brother who is an Assistant Professor/ Offi cer. Reply: [email protected] the horoscope & T.P. number. hildath@ [email protected] G83521 C/o Sunday TAMIL Christian parents seeking a pretty fair well educated daughter age below 30 to B83572 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 1986-10 B/D parents from Mount Lavinia MD living abroad. He is smart, kind hearted, G81934 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 G83142 C/o Sunday Times, Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T848067-1 Colombo T850077-1 seek educated well mannered daughter very much young looking in his 50’s. She Colombo T834726-1 P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T844095-1 GOOD looking English skilled social, I’m their son 5’ 5” 33 years old who is employed TAMIL Roman Catholic mother seeks a for Graduate son Business Management, should be below 42, able to travel, willing to B/G parents seek an educated, fair and CAPITAL City suburb, B/Karawa, employ- looking for a partner below 46 years to in a MNC FMCA well qualifi ed (HNC, HND, pretty daughter for their CIPM qualifi ed BA (Hons) and MSc). Contact 0572229216 qualifi ed groom for daughter 1986 born, CIM (UK), height 5’ 10” fair, handsome, em- migrate without any incumbencies. Please ee in Executive Grade parents, fair, smart, marry. I’m employee in Colombo Private professionally qualifi ed and well employed. Assistant Manager son born in 1982 5’ 11” devoid of all vice, studied in Colombo Executive Grade Job & own a business, G83616 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 ployed as Assistant Manager in a Leading provide complete details on fi rst letter. Self Reply with full details. Tel: 0112935381 height. Please respond with horoscope, Leading School, MBA qualifi ed, employee legally divorced, no barriers for assets, Colombo T851458-1 Corporate. Owns house and a car. Kataka replies are appreciated. psamantha76@ Email: [email protected] B83603 contact numbers and full family details. as Permanent Lecturer in Govt. Adjunct caste. Contact by your self. 0117903933 UPCOUNTRY Bu/Govi 1986 5’ 8” edu- C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom- Kuja 7. No barriers. G83586 C/o Sunday G82538 C/o Sunday Times, G83543 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 University, high salary, 5’ 6” in height, 29 G83001 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 cated at Leading School in Kandy, Gradu- bo T851034-1 Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T850651-1 P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T839898-1 Colombo T848666-1 years old son, parents seek slim, pretty, Colombo T842961-1 ated son employed in Private Company educated, employee daughter. Send the GOVI Buddhist fair tall teetotaler Lawyer in Colombo in Management Grade. Own horoscope with family details. wedding- from Western Province with substantial as- house, vehicle. Retired mother seeks edu- [email protected] G81955 C/o sets & income seeks Lady Doctor of same cated partner of same caste for her son. Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo caste below 50 years of age. Please ap- Only sister an Engineer & living in England. T835017-1 ply with horoscope. G82344 C/o Sunday G83553 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Province - Bodu decent fam- Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T838437-1 CENTRAL Colombo T848912-1 ily graduate Bank Executive offi cer inher- GOVI Buddhist parents residing overseas USA Citizens parents seek below 33 years its properties good looking 33 yrs old son HI!! MAGAZINE seek suitable bride for their son 29 years partner willing to reside in USA for their retired mother seeks employee, educated, non smoker 5’ 3” tall Law Graduate studied 38 years old son. Buddhist Govi, followed fair, daughter, nominal Rajaka. No barri- in England and possessing good qualities Medical Degree in Sri Lanka & serving ers. Kuja 7 G83625 C/o Sunday Times, and presently employed in Law fi rm over- in USA in an Affi liated Section. Respond P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T851768-1 seas. Second son is also Law Graduate OUT NOW CLOSE by Colombo born in 1988 Bud/ Govi Studied in England and currently employed through Newspaper. [email protected] 5’ 6” in height very smart fair complexioned in a reputed Law fi rm. Their son is currently G83609 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 devoid of all vices entrepreneur son with studying in England. Father is a senior Colombo T851118-1 substantial assets. Parents seek pretty fair Manager in reputed Government organi- WESTERN born in 1986 5’ 10” in height Packed with exclusive features, parties, complexioned moral charactered suitable zation overseas. We seek a good daugh- bright very handsome Executive in Harbour daughter. Respond with horoscope copy. ter to join us from decent family. Contact: devoid of vices for Graduate son, avail- [email protected] 0112991373 G83561 [email protected] G83627 C/o able a house and vehicles. Shani 7 Kuja 8. dances and so much more C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom- Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo 0113883200 G83578 C/o Sunday Times, bo T849468-1 T852321-1 P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T850420-1

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Printed and published by Wijeya Newspapers Ltd. on Sunday , December 09, 2018 at No. 8, Hunupitiya Cross Road, Colombo 02.