The Ingham County News
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section One INGHAM TY NEWS Pages 1 to 9 VOL. LXVIII INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1927 NO. 22 JAIL TRU.STIES MAKE .ST. JOHN.S PROVES JIN.X EiCOEftOOFTHE HOLIDAY E.XCUR.SION . M TRIALS COi iSON INDEPENDENTS TO MASON GROCER WHO AL TO LANSING MONDAY PATROLLED IJOAD SUNDAY ERS RECEIVE TRIBUTE Four trusties at the county jail ABRUPTLy TO CLOSE BADLY BEATEN MONDAY "They .shall not pass,'' seemed NOMINATE MASeS who have been working outside for to be the determination of St. THINNINfi RANKS CIVIL WAl{ wages and whose terms of confine- CASES SETTLED CAUSE TERM NINE HFTS AND FOUR ERRORS Johns last Sunday when Mr. and WOULD BRING HflNORS TO CLUB' VETERANS MARKED. ment had nearly expired asked the CALENDAR COLLAPSE. LETS LESLIE WIN. Mrs. .\. D. Snyder and family twice MEMBER.S. shertlr Memorial Day if they might attempted to get beyontl that city Valiant Deeds Of Men In RItte Re luive an hour or so of liberty to Jury Excused Siil)ject to Call hut Utt- Di>ul>l« I'hiys Fatiil to Mason's Op. enroute to a holiday at Houghton Mothers ''Ti> Dattgihfer.s'' Not "Of" counted While Defenders Of '08 walk around, town a bit. Their likely More Trials Will he portuniitics as Leslie WitVs Lake. Had an the forces at Ver- Urged hy Speiaker at lntcrest- And '17 Carry Torch. records were good' so the kind Heard in May Term. Shut-out 9 to 0. dun been on g'uai-d there the re- ing Monlihly Galihcring. hearted sheriff gave his perm'l.'.- suits would have been the same. Never l)efore since May 30 \vas set sion. They had been absent but a The May term of circuit court so Tiie Mason Independents suffered The Snyder family .started out The .Alaiedon Farmers Club met at_ aside lis the day when valiant dead short time when some one gave the far as jury atteudance is concerned the loss of their first baseball game bright and early Sunday morning the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Liv tip the (luartette was headed for are memorialized, was tbe fact that a came abruptly to a close Wednesday of the sea.oon at Leslie Monday after- to enjoy the t\vo-day rest and ev- erance of Okemos, Saturilay, May 28. Lansing. .All were booze hounds generation is pa.^sing tnore forcibly when one case after another had been noon by the wide margin of fl to 0. erything was t-unning smooth until Notwithstanding the unusually busy- impressed ui)on the mind than on so their destination was easily con- announced to Judge C. B. Colling-wood Thc outcome yy'as not unlocked for as St. Johns was sighteil in the offing. jectured. They had boarded an in- season a go'odly number partook of Mondiiy. Men of 'I7 assumed tbe as having been settled out of court. Mason, had not practised and many Then the motor went wt-ong and it the very bountiful dinner served by terurban electric and were nicely was found nece.ssary to return for places held in former years by the The jury members were told to re strange faces wet'e also included in the hostess an dcommittee. The pres Boys of Blue and the veterans of the ensconced in a certain resort in turn to their homes and businesses the lineup. Barker was on the moimd repairs, illeing unable to get ser- Lansing, having ot-ilered drinks as ident, E. M. Moore, opened thc meet- Spanish war. ln the address of tho and if their attendance was required for the Independents and was-touched vice in Lansing Mr. Snyder ilrove yvell as a taxi to make the return liack to Mason and secured another tng by community singing. Roll cidl dav the message held a challcnge for later they yvould receive notice l^rom for nine hits by his former team yvas responded to by namingv famous the youthful world war vets to grasp trip to Mason, when police officers the court. auto. The luggage was hastily at the I'equcst of the sheriff swoop- mates. The Mason infield also con women and that for which they were thc tiorc.h yvhich feeble hands tnust now When Judge Charles B. Collingwood tributed four glaring errors which transferred and the party again set ed down upon them. The good time .sail for thc north. As in the fit'st famed. Miss Dorothy Turo then fav lay aside. The lesson of the hour was came to Mason Tuesday to take his materially helpe'fl Leslie fans to en- with which they had been credited instance everything was lovely un- ored the club with a violin solo ac that of iiomagc to heroic dead, tribute was promptly wiped away and they turn at jury trials, it was expected joy the holiday. Barker lacked iliis companied by Miss Speer, respontling- to thc faltering few yet remaining of that the case of the Motor Wheel til St. .Johns was sighted; ' then will now remain the guests of u.siial control but deserved better sup- again the motor went wrong. In to-an encore. Mr. Moore then gave that great army which stood together Corporation against the Federal Sur- SherilV and. Mrs. Silsby the full port than he rcceive<l. But six hits disgust thc car was then headed a report of the fund raised bv this iluring the dark days of civil war, and cty Co., which involved large sums imit. were gleaned off J./Cffler, the Lansing toward Mason imd the balance of community for the relief of the Bath, honor for those who answered when of money, would occupy the court for pitcher imported by Leslie for the day, thc vacation was spent reducing sullerers, reporting moi-e than ij;50a liunmnity cried out in '!)8. the week. On thc contrary attorneys Ilall, Otis, .less Harkness and Hallie the temperatures of thc disappoint- rai.scd.. He thanked the club member.s •Mason which once boasted of two notified the court their dieiits had Harkness getting one each while Bar- ed vacationists. and the community for their generou.s active Grand Army posts and where reached an agreenient without trial. ker tried to inspire his mates by response and hearty co-operation. two day solilier's and sailor's reunions The jury was therefore excused for cracking out two blows. In the fifth Vet'y few were found but whom were wei'e at one time annual events, saw ALAIEDONlEiSAIDS the day while the court engaged it- frame with the bases loaded and but wil lng, waiting and anxious to help, but five veterans of tlic civil war able self in lining up other cases for trial. one man down Smalley had the hard ani he felt a just pride in the club to take part in Memorial Day cere- Wediiesd'ay the case of Howard and luck to hit into a douijlc play, losing '"'ll •'^""ott't'li'iK' community. monies. Thinning ranks of the lierocs ATHCOlONITy RELIEF William Miller vs. James Russell, all a golden opportunity to score. LROUTES Mrs. Fred Brenner then gave a re of '(lij was never more in evidence tiian of Aurelius, came for trial. This case Leslie crossed the plate three times .$.-.00 COI.LECTED AS RESULT OF port of the committee appointed to when these five found their way to had been heard by a jury in Justice in the second inning on a two-bagger nominate candidates for the Master FEW HOURS EFFORT. t.hc platform in Pastime theater Mon- Shrffcr's court in September of last by lild Blackmore that was lost in the GEO HERE Iaruior conte.=t. E. M. Moore, Floyd day, soon thereafter to hear read the year, a verdict in behalf of the plain- high alfalfa and went for a home run, Stt'atght and Raymond Eifert having Rrinarkiiibk' Response to Dire Need loiig roll of ijieir comrades who had tiff having been rendered from which and walks to LeIVIer and Seidell sup- CARRIERS ABSORB MILEAGE NO. been chosen as noniinces for this hon- licon mustered out during the past ('i)iifnmlinig Distrcf Whcrc an appeal to the higher court was plemented by a costly error by Otis 7 CANCELLICD. 01', Mrs. Jas. Hulett suggested that twelve nionth period. Col. I-/. M. Ives, I'ragic Dwith Slalki'd. taken, li'ourteen acres of land be- at short. Leslie gained two runs in the iircsident appoint someone to visit Theo Bortles, Henry l^clers, Andrew longing to Mr. Russell had been work- each of the fifth, sixth and seventh. Tcrrtlory Scrved Remains The Same the Master Farmers of the state dur Keesler and Nelson DeCamp were More tliaii five hundred dollars yvas ed for several years on a .50-50 share Seidell, thc l..eslie grocer, pulled the But Wilih One Li'fis Carrier Eni- ing the coming year. those able to aiqicar. turned into the naih comnninity re- basis l)y the Millers. The suit involv- feature play of thc game, taking a l>lDyril, Cionipeiisnlinn Incrca.sed. _ Mrs. Janies True then gave a very With lowering skies threatening lief funds as tile result of eiforts of cd a field sown to clover iiy tiio Mil- nose dive and' making a double somer- Interesting and instructive paper on rain, jilnns for nut door ccrcmnnies members of tlie Alaiedon farmers lers which Russell rcfuseil to let them sault when he stole thit'd tn the sev- Rearrangement of Mason rural 'Mothers and Their Daughters.'' She were abandoned, rnstime theater was club led by its president, E.