Bank Register Per Copy Volume Lxxiv, No
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10 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PER COPY VOLUME LXXIV, NO. 27. KED'BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1952 SECTION ONE— PAGES 1 TO 16. Nary Sworn in Gleim, Liebert 250 Attend Middletown 'Family Dinner' Budget Increase Krauss Sworn in as Sea Bright Mayor; As Rumson Mayor; Start New Terms In Store for '52 Stevens Resigns to Become Clerk SEA BRIGHT—New Years day; 2 New Councilmen In N. Shrewsbury In N. Shrewsbury saw the swearing in of Gaorge Hi Kmus.H aa mayor and John Pick* Lainboru and King Mayor Stevens Urges Stevens Suys Kisinjz nally and Clarence Stevens as councilmen at the reorganization Inducted; Goetscliius New Efforts Be Made Cosls Appear Sure meeting of the borough £ovcrnin£ body. Is Council President To Improve Borough To Cause a Boost It abo saw Councilman Stevens' NEW SHREWSBURY — Mayor set something o! a record for brev- RUMSON—A mayor and two new NEW SHREWSBURY-Council- men Henry S, Glclni and Richard George Stevens told The Register ty in elective ofilec—by resigning councilmen were sworn into office u'cnlt .1.- .ices no way-to prevent his three-year post within a haif- , at the reorganization meeting of W. Liebert were sworn In for new terms and Mayor George Stevens a higher borough budget COL- l'J52. huur Ui ncccptan appointment a» the local governing body at noon 1 borough clerk, a job he lost last made a pledge tc aim for new lo- No ostlmatt of elthrr iiflditiunnl Tuesday, Francis J, Nary, who has money necti^d nor whnt a new tax yea r. been serving on the council, be- cal progresress at thle New Years day reorganization meeting of the local late would be coult' bo mnde with- The ultimate result gives ths came the borough's chief executive, out further study, he snld. borough a government of a Re- succeeding Peter H. B. Cumming. government. publican-elected mayor friendly to Appointed 'and Inducted as coun- The all-Republican mayor and Tho bildsct will ho studied next! Monday, when various council com- large section of local Demo- cilmen were Ralston P. Lamborn council body met at the Sycamore crats, three Republican and tWQ . of River rd., who takes Mayor ave, home of Mrs. Margaretta, L. mittees will moot In caucus ses- sions to discuss the measure. A Democratic cojncilmen and ono | Nary's place on the council, and Reed, borough clerk. Asido from iinoll vacancy. Garrison C. King of Bucna Vista carrying through regular appoint- public healing of iho. hiiilgcl may ' avc., who succeeds Randall M. ments, It took the time to study bo held in connection vvilli council's I'ledgc* Good Administration reffutar meeting Thursday, Feb. 7. j Kcator, Jr, Although Mr. Keator's both the past and prospective fu- Upon entering oliicc, Mayor term had not expired, he tendered ture of this new borough, now en- Mayor Stevens said that ill bucl- KCt planning, borough ollidnls avc Krauss wished the council and ait his' resignation at the final meeting tering Its second year. others present In the crowded, of the year due to pressure of bus- For Councilmen Gleim and Lie- having [o consider a numbr-r of now expenses. These include the councllroom a "happy and pros* iness, bert. the occasion was the start of pcrous new year." He said ha Mayor Nary was sworn in by Bor- full throe-year terms of office. Both possibility of setting up n one-man, one-car police department, the like- would do his best as mayor.-thank- ough Clerk Albert A. Kerr, Jr., and had been elected to one-year terms cd the voters for electing him and Councilmen I<amborn ahd King by following New Shrewsbury's 1050 ly purchase of a new borough truck, improvements on Piccn pi. expressed his "hope for a good Mayor Nary. separation from Shrewsbury town- t - - wwss&o ?<asw .. '- Ti. t* —««• " and prosperous administration." Councilman Harold J. Coctschlus ship. They were rc-tlected In No- and possible wage increases for vember. Key Republican officials from various levels of government honored the Middletown borough employees. The new board succeeded ons was elected president of the council. Smitli Suggests led by Mayor Thomas Farrell, a The following appointments by Pearl Is President township Republican organization Saturday by their attendance at the annual "family, dinner" School Costs ltisinc; Democrat, and three Democratic) Mayor Naiy were unanimously con- The board unanimously elected at Bacbstadt's restaurant, East Keansburg. Tho dinner is sponsored by the township commit- Recently Paul T. Ryder, president and three Republican councilmen. firmed: Mary M. O'Rourkc, borough Councilman Fred A. C. Pearl as Going off the old board wero trcaEUrcr; Theodore D. Parsons, tee and other officials for their friends from every nook and corner of the big township. From of the Shrewsbury township board Firm Action by council ppresident. No major of education, said it also was likely auncilmcn John E. Donnelly and borough attorney; George K. Allen, left to right are J. Russell Woolley, county clerk and Republican county Isader; Senator H. Neils Jacobson, Republican. Mr. borough engineer; Thomas J. Gll-change was noted in the appoint- that his board's budget may have ment list, which won full council to go up this year, also because or Jacobson has had over a quarter-, llgan, road superintendent; Robert Alexander Smith, Republican, New. Jersey, principal speaker; Howard 'W. Roberts, county U.N. in Korea century of council service. Mr. T,; Wilson, road department me- confirmation. higher local costs. The combined In a "state of the borough" ad- counsel and key figure in the Republican county organization; Lawrence A. Carton, Jr., chair- statements Indicate a property tax Donnelly participated in the brief chanic; Daniel M. Shea, lire depart- Scnnlor Makes First wind-up session, preliminary to the ment mechanic; Walter R. Ncu-dross, Mayor Stevens said; "We man of the township committee; Congressman James C, Auchincloss, and Edward Broege, clerk boost for 1952. had a rather busy 1951 . , but Speech Since Hcturii reorganization meeting. , hauECr, janitor; Elmer Pcarsnll, of the Board of Freeholders- Mayor Stevens made his budget building Inspector; . Mary M. probably more Important at this forecast after council held its yenr- McCormick Is President O'Rourko, official search officer; J. time is the outlook toward the end meeting last Thursday night, From Asiatic Tour future." Councilman Lawrence Stanley Tcunon, borough auditor; He also disclosed that Borough EAST KEANSBURG — United mlcli. Democrat, was unanimously; Ruth H. Clejka, clerical assistant His recommendations for the fu- Attorney Lawrence A. Carton, Jr., ture took in a paid police depart- States Senator H. Alexander Smith, elected council president. in, clerk's offlco; Charles R. Thomp- Minugh Agency Friis Honored Wilson Sworn. had written him his hope that the Just back from Korea, told H50 ofll- Mr. Cray explained that Mayop son, road department foreman; Dr. ment, more extensive zoning, more Monmouth Consolidated Water public-protection measures, work cluls, dignitaries and members of Krauss, operator of Harry's Lob« Stephen Casagrande, police sur- company may be forced 'to comply the Middletown township family stcr house and holder of a plenary geon; Francis J. Nary and Nell W. fbr ever greater co-operation be- At Bell Labs In As Mayor' with a July 19. 1P50. decision by the tween vnrlniis municipal organiza- Reports Recent at tlie annual dinner Saturday, consumption liquor license, is Chiohester, members uf Hie plan- RUMSON — H. T. Fills, 30 East state Board of Public Utility Com- btirrcd by state law from presid- ulna board for two years; Albert tions, and observe careful control missioners to install new lupins on The United States must demand of the local tax rate. ; River rd., director of radio research. Hint the United Nations take firm ing over such council functions ag • A. Teeter, Sr., member of the plan- Realty Sales for Bell Telephone laboratories, Of Oceanport Sycamore rfnd Tlnton aves., at no magistrate and police matters and His gluncc bad: at the past dis- cost to the borough." action and not 'Addle around' with ning board for six years; Oliver R. closed how council had worked hits been appointed director of re- Wood, Ingram and the slx-month-old truce tnllts action Involving othor business per- Macintosh and Henry S. Minster, with success to give the borough, All Three Transfers search, high frequency and elec- Mr. Carton's letter wns based up- ^liioh in tho end can only estab. sons with liquor licenses. 'members of the zoning board for in 1951, a scries of. carefully tronics. Dr. M. J. Kelly, president Kicck Take Office on action by the P. U. C. In hearing llsh a cease fire line nnd lead to Mr. McCormick took over sec- adjustment for three years; Peter planned ordinances, some of which Affect Property in of the laboratories, announced last both boftugh and water comnany new demands by Red China for tions of the rcorganizt&ion pro- H, B, Cumming, member of the week. arguments at Newark Dec. 10 rc- wore put on the books only after As Coiiiipilmcii admission to the U. N." Tho din-ceedings having to do with tha zoning board of adjustment for the locally-drawn legislation was made liuinson Borough frardinj; Now Shrewsbury's rcauest ner wns held at Baclistadt's res- appointment of the police commit* unexplrcd terni'of Ralston P. Lam- that the commissioners deny Mon- too, John Weir as municipal mag. state law, and other progressive The John U Minugh agency, real- OCEANPORT — Mayor Edward taurant. l>orn| John Gnlm, member of theaction. C. Wilson 'vas sworn into ofnee for mouth Consolidatcd's appeal to re- Declnrinff he supports the views istrnte and the special police.