10 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PER COPY VOLUME LXXIV, NO. 27. KED'BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1952 SECTION ONE— PAGES 1 TO 16. Nary Sworn in Gleim, Liebert 250 Attend Middletown 'Family Dinner' Budget Increase Krauss Sworn in as Sea Bright Mayor; As Rumson Mayor; Start New Terms In Store for '52 Stevens Resigns to Become Clerk SEA BRIGHT—New Years day; 2 New Councilmen In N. Shrewsbury In N. Shrewsbury saw the swearing in of Gaorge Hi Kmus.H aa mayor and John Pick* Lainboru and King Mayor Stevens Urges Stevens Suys Kisinjz nally and Clarence Stevens as councilmen at the reorganization Inducted; Goetscliius New Efforts Be Made Cosls Appear Sure meeting of the borough £ovcrnin£ body. Is Council President To Improve Borough To Cause a Boost It abo saw Councilman Stevens' NEW SHREWSBURY — Mayor set something o! a record for brev- RUMSON—A mayor and two new NEW SHREWSBURY-Council- men Henry S, Glclni and Richard George Stevens told The Register ty in elective ofilec—by resigning councilmen were sworn into office tl.ls u'cnlt .1.- .ices no way-to prevent his three-year post within a haif- , at the reorganization meeting of W. Liebert were sworn In for new terms and Mayor George Stevens a higher borough budget COL- l'J52. huur Ui ncccptan appointment a» the local governing body at noon 1 borough clerk, a job he lost last made a pledge tc aim for new lo- No ostlmatt of elthrr iiflditiunnl Tuesday, Francis J, Nary, who has money necti^ nor whnt a new tax yea r. been serving on the council, be- cal progresress at thle New Years day reorganization meeting of the local late would be coult' bo mnde with- The ultimate result gives ths came the borough's chief executive, out further study, he snld. borough a government of a Re- succeeding Peter H. B. Cumming. government. publican-elected mayor friendly to Appointed 'and Inducted as coun- The all-Republican mayor and Tho bildsct will ho studied next! Monday, when various council com- large section of local Demo- cilmen were Ralston P. Lamborn council body met at the Sycamore crats, three Republican and tWQ . of River rd., who takes Mayor ave, home of Mrs. Margaretta, L. mittees will moot In caucus ses- sions to discuss the measure. A Democratic cojncilmen and ono | Nary's place on the council, and Reed, borough clerk. Asido from iinoll vacancy. Garrison C. King of Bucna Vista carrying through regular appoint- public healing of iho. hiiilgcl may ' avc., who succeeds Randall M. ments, It took the time to study bo held in connection vvilli council's I'ledgc* Good Administration reffutar meeting Thursday, Feb. 7. j Kcator, Jr, Although Mr. Keator's both the past and prospective fu- Upon entering oliicc, Mayor term had not expired, he tendered ture of this new borough, now en- Mayor Stevens said that ill bucl- KCt planning, borough ollidnls avc Krauss wished the council and ait his' resignation at the final meeting tering Its second year. others present In the crowded, of the year due to pressure of bus- For Councilmen Gleim and Lie- having [o consider a numbr-r of now expenses. These include the councllroom a "happy and pros* iness, bert. the occasion was the start of pcrous new year." He said ha Mayor Nary was sworn in by Bor- full throe-year terms of office. Both possibility of setting up n one-man, one-car police department, the like- would do his best as mayor.-thank- ough Clerk Albert A. Kerr, Jr., and had been elected to one-year terms cd the voters for electing him and Councilmen I

Lint-rod Mrs.- Frederick Tloo gave a sur- L W.S.C.S. l<> ICnliirn prise birthday party for Mr. Tlce Mr. anil MM. Frank Toop, Sr., Holiday Dime Curds Friday, Dec. 21. Among the gucsto me spending n. tew months at West were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Turklng- ••«?•• ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—Mcm- Palm Beach, iHa. They are visiting tcn of Fair Haven, Mr. and Mrs, ibers of the Women's Koclcty of Mr. und Mrs. James TOOJI and Mra. Charlca Morgan of Holmdel and CLEARANCE SALE Y Christian service of the Methodist Frank Toop, Jr. Master sigt. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Hodge Boulwaro of fchurch here will return holiday Toop is now stationed in England. Fair Haven. . *•' : dime cards when they meet next Dinner giicats or Mr. and/Mra. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowe entor- Tuesday lit 'I p. m. William Vvarnelicr Christmas were taincd Dec. 22 for Mrs. L. G. Mann Hostesses 4-Way Cold Tabs, lo Korcn. "The Guide Post," n T practical KUWC to .successful living, children Janice, Carol and Vickie Frederick Tlce, 3O'» edited by Dr. Normun Vincent of Columbia, S. C, vi6ilcd on Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and CHERIiOSOTE I Peale, has been sent to three Christmas with Mrs. I.cola Domid- Mrs, Ralph Layton were Mrs. Jen- church members now on activo Ion. nie C. Fisher, of Little Silver and nexall Cough Syrup 8oit. ' service In Korea. Mrs. Doinldion and children Pel- Mrs. Carrie' R. BDi'dcn, Mrs. Grace 3 OZ. JAR QUIK-BANDS ! H Mrs. Dennett was authorized to or nnd Sally Ann visited with Mr. A. Kuppler ;and Joseph L. Curtis : Rexntl phc, 36 purchase a refrigerator for the and Mrs. Elmer Codicil ot lied of Kcfl RnnK. REG. $1.00 AT THE parsonage. iJ:-i!k last week. Cpl. Jnnies Volk of Camp Lo- ENO SALT .3 Flvo "children of Mrs. Charles .luene, N, C, visited his parents at Soothes, smooths against win- Conovor'a Sunday-school olnss are Marhi fatm over tho holidays, Effervescent 2 o«t._^ McCormick Kc/icws being promoted to Mrs. Harold Albert Phillips and family of i ter irritation and dryness! SHOWROOM Morgan's class. They arc Suzanne Demand i'or Lists Flcmington visited Mr. a,nd Mrs. Children's Laxative S ozt.. Morgan, Joan Long, Pntly«McCar- Roland Backhaus Frldayi ** 10 0Z. JAR SEA BRIGHT — Councilman ron, Mary Alys Warncker and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Volk spent , WITH THE Lawrence McCormick Friday night Karen Brownlcc. Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, An-! So rich, a mere dab on each Zonilc Aiilisc|)tiu RQg again criticized Borough Assessor Service will ho hold at the Com- thony Xiinnl, Mr. and.Mrs. Thorn-1 hand brings velvet-softness! Arthur 0. Axolsen' for not com- munity church next Sunday morn- as Schotl' and Mr. and Mrs. WII-' LAVOKIS 7QW': RED FRONT plying with borough council and ing at 11 o'clock. Stanley Stilwoll's Ham Volk of Matawaii. 1 his own requests for lists of per- sermon topic will he "The Long Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ludlow of IVlouthwnih $1 tlzc 20 on. ' **" . sons who have received voternns' Look." Sunday-school will be held Port Monmoulh nnd Mr. and Mrs. OVER /3 OFF! VASELINE real estate assessment exemptions. as usual at 10 o'clock. , Elmer Sachsoand Children of Or- Hnlr Tonic 2 ozi. 470 "Wo asked for those lists and Guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. nngc spent Saturday with Mr. and WHITE LINEN STATIONERY still, you sec, tlfcy have not been John Lamken wern Miss. Lillian Mrs. Milton Sachsc. Butinic Ben-Gay 7 MAURICE presented," ho said after the. coun- Knoth and Miss Florence Hagcr- Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Grccr and ?? <; In Cello Pack To Save You Money I cil meeting. "I'm not giving man of Irvlngtun, Mr. and .Mrs. ....,_ ,.__ .,, , »: "-oy #38 Rod Bank, N. ). » and 5 ounces regular size Revlcn lotion. |00 Inhiston Tablets ,'36'» 98c 21 Monmoulh Slrcel Hcd Bank 6.0663 T«l. Rid Bank 6-2500 Grove's Antamlne:... .in 39c ' BOTH FOR I PEgTSTBB. 3. Marine Ends , ncs/ vehicular radios, Hit South East Signal school,] • Nor.. Fiord Import. • Bern ol Hollywood • •rod.Stard Crystal Signal Corps Unit switchboards, teletypewriters and Camj) Cordon, Go.. Jan. 20; the field wire. It will also give 40-hour •17th Infantry division tit Camp Since 1911 PHONE KE 6-2316 To Tour South courses of instruction on the tele- Rucker, Ala.. Jan. 24; tho 10th] Have you tried the many delic ous typewriter. Army Corps nt Camp I'olk, La., ! FORT MONMOUTH — "Opera- Headed by Capt. Glenn Black- Jan. 29 and Headquaitcrs, Second. I KETTLE COVE PRODUC'S? tion Dixie," a Jl-day tour of South- lldge, assistant chief of the new Army ut Fort George llna.de, Md., ' J. H. WHITE ern camps by a crack Signal equipment Introductory team, tho Corps Engineering; laboratories sol- Keu. G. It return.': to r'ort Mon- dier-specialist team to introduce unit Is scheduled to demonstrate moutli Feb. !). ! Newman Springs Road Chocolate Elegante the latest lightweight equipments the equipment to tho 82 Airborne I Course* will ho given lit Foil i Division and 18th Airborne Corp.-! with rum flavoring to the armed forces, will begin Hnigtf, Kort Jackson. Camp Gor-1 RED BANK next Monday. at Fort Bragg, N. c. Jan. 10-11; don, Camp Rucker. to the 31st Infantry Division, Port Other new equipment introduc- • Hoof) nc of ajl kinds Complete Harm air Slices During their trip the 25-man, Jackson, S. C, Jan. 14-15, nnd the tion team units nro now in Eu- heatinp systems three-offlcer group will demon- Headquarters, Third Army, Kort rope Htitl the Fur Eastern theaters. ver your drinks and desserts strate new Signal Corps handle- McPhcroon, Ga., Jan. 18-19. • Leaders, Cutlers Ductwork talkie and walkie-talkie portable From there tho group moves to nut at \tt iv.iilers <• Cherries Flambe CIIMIHCII AIU"—Adi-

..tii,itiiiii:.Li.jiMt!urjit^mjii?iir,iuiminBiui " Maraschino Cherries . ij ii IHUHJ uitu rniiiiii tn «n«! n jjjtiniwti inn H if i MIIIMJUJ 111:; • s rtrmixi rwi ut!'ti 'iri'ti BHi sB: HH i s sH* i s* i i£ Wo Have tliom and many other tasto-temptlng delicacies.

LL&lDSOl N F.F.C. David A, Hovyell ^ GUTS • FURNITURE • ANTIQUES PARRIS ISLAND, S. C. — Ma STARTS TOMORROW AT 9:00 A. M. SHARP 137 BROAD STREET . " RED* BANK 6-2003 rlne P.P.C. David A, RDWell, son of Mrs. Anna Rowell, 82 Madison • Schumann'. China Irom Bavaria • John Wagner and Son. ave., recently climaxed training here at the Marine Corps Recruit depot by receiving a promotion to his present rank and,winning the silver badge of. Marine Marksman. Rowell finished training In field tactics, precision drill, military coiirtcsy and Marine Corps his- tory. SEMI-ANNUAL He fired other Infantry weapons In addition to the Garand rifle, and observed operation Df the ma- chine gun, mortar and flame thrower. fort Monmoutli The Port Monmouth .prownies lcld their Christmas party at the home of Mrs. George Gajanoc of Main st. Wednesday of last week. Gifts were exchanged and each clear sale Brownie received a wrist pocket- book,' given bjr' the troop commit- tee members. The Brownies made Christmas cookies for their fath- ers, and hand-painted tile hot plate lads for their mothers. Attending cere Patricia and Sue Davis, Ann Goebol, Rosalie Gajanec, Blanche Hancock, Crystle Mitchol, June No- blo, Maryann Lentz, Donna and Kathy Green, Jane Verpent, Lynn Search, Patricia Collins, Arlene men's clothing Thompson and Kay Ehrman. Tho Amico class of the New Monmouth Baptist church held its annual Christmas party Friday evening-, Dec. 28. A covered-dish supper was served and secret pals WSfe revealed. Attending wore Mrs. ,olla Hcndrlcks, Mrs. Pearl Cas- sr, Mrs. Mildred Beaver, Mrs. SAVE b to 30% Barbara Seeley, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, Mrs. Edith Wllli. Mrs. Bornlce Acker, Mrs. Maud John- son, Mrs. Ester Garrett, Mrs. El- sie Schanclt, Mrs. Geraldine Mac- Suits, Topcoats, Overcoats, Zip Coats, Sport Jackets and Slacks Lennon and Miss Ada Styvesant. P.F.C. Sam Alsbaek has return- ed to Camp Gordon, Ga., after a SOLD ONLY BY YOUR FRIENDLY' INDEPENDENT GROcW ten-day furlough spent at home from Kridel's Regular Stocks at Very Substantial Reductions! with his mother, Mrs. Irene Als- baek, of Main at. Pvt. George H. Gass, son of Mrs. Frankly, our inventories arc iiiutii loo higli Tliia year, We slocked up licavily nionlha Henry Gass of Brlarcllff pi., will be stationed at the Marine base at ago because all signs then pointed to shoiinyes. But llicrc were no shortages! In addi- Parrls Island, S. C, for the next eight weeks. A Christmas party was given to tion, a warm October and Novunihcv slowed up sales. Kcsull? Abnormally largo slocks TO START THE the Boy Scouts of troop 83 at the lire house Friday, Dec. 21. Attend- that must be leveled o(T by ilt'iislic reductions! Hut extensive as ibis is, we do want to ing were Scout Loader Louis NEW YEAR WITH Deutsch and Assistant Leader Jos- ~ remind you that the clearances are all from our regular, current stock, ol' course. We eph McCarthy. Scouts attending SUPPLIES AND wore Robert Zaborney, Robert would say the ussorlnicnl is pood but not complete. So•imrr) \i\ for first selection! Licht, Kenneth King, Stanloy Modzelskl, Robert Bergcr, Frank STATIONERY FROM Alloocay William Eryles, Fred Burd and Robert Moody. TETLEY'S Mr. and Mrs; Charles Leventhal, Jr., uf Long Branch, spent New FINE SUITS REDUCED Years day with their mother, Mrs. Charles Leventhal, Sr., who ob served her birthday, Reg. 49.50 Leslie York Suils 34" Mrs. Robert Bothwcll and her brother, William Reed, spent 90 Christmas day at the Home of Reg. 55.00 Leslie York Suils 39 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Moore of • CALENDARS Stalcn Island, 90 Mr. and Mrs. William Snyder of Reg. 55.00 lo 69.00 Leslie York Suils 47 Cranford, John Dlmbrlssltl of Sayrcville, Miss Grace Oregorson (a few Maileigli, Harris Tweed and some Joshua Trent Suils included) • LEDGERS of Leonardo and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller of Port Monmouth 90 .wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Reg. |65 lo $75 Miirleigh and some Joshua Trent Suils« 58' ert Hyncman at a party given at •PUNCHES the Homestead, Atlantic High- 90 lands, New Years eve, Reg. $75, $35 and $95 Joshua Trent and Willy Bros. Suits 68' Word was recolved by Mr, and Mrs, Robert Hyneman of Collins * STAPLERS avc, that their son, Corp. Ken- neth R. Hyneman, stationed with the Air Force In Japanf/has been promoted to sergoant, ZIP COATS, OVERCOATS & TOPCOATS REDUCED * PEN SETS Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Sinlnski and children Sharon and Deborah Reg. 49.50 Zip-Lined and Gabardine Coals of Poplar at., spent the holiday 39'° week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James 47.»o • DESK LAMPS MoCurnln of Jersey City, Reg. 59.50 Harris Topcoats 90 •FILES Reg. to 65.00 Cheviot Winter-Weight Coals 47 * CASH BOXES Reg. to 65.00 Covert & Gabardine Zip Coats 47»° SAFETY VAULT Reg. to 75,00 Belter Topcoals & Overcoats 58'° «Dictionaries Reg. 175.00' 100% Cashmere Overcoats FILING CAB1, 'A •BLOTTERS IT ALWAYS : No. 197Y WORRIES WOMEN SPORT JACKETS and SLACKS REDUCED Small enough to fit any nook, Reg. 16.95 to 25.00 100% All-Wool Gabardine & Covert largo enough to k«op Iclfart,' * Payroll Books First, they worry about bills and personal papers or- Slacks' dsrly. A steel safoly. vault pro- g et ting an engagement M , tect) valuablos (only YOU •TIME BOOKS ring, Then they worry know His combination], Ty/o Reg. 29.50 to 49.50 Sport Jackets 19'° to 3 8 ball-boarfng letter .flloi. 'about loitrig It — being" •«$;• high, 15 y4" wide, •INK & GLUE 17Vi deep, Colo jraybokitl robbed,' or having th« OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P. M. onamtl flnlth. itoni fall out. We can't BOYS' DEPT. CLEARANCE With plunger-typo lock for • Account Books help you gtt' tht ring In both drawon, Reg. 16.95 All-Wool Snow the first place , ,. but we M ,,,..$00,00 Sulti, Junior SUI'COHIH HIKI «an Insure It and the rest Storm Coal! , 12 " of your Jewelry against lots or theft, Reg. 29.95 Storm Cunts, J.fCrfc/e/ Sut'coali, Zip-In Coats R E D B 'A N K. Poynton&Doynton 94 Reg. to 3,95 Pajamas anil Clutrpo If You WIBII ... 3 Mouths to Pay. •« , • DRUMMOND PL Sport Shirts 17 DIIOAD STREET g* . , " A l.^.,^ Clark and son of Jersey City. Friday night to municipal officials, 20 x 40 each William Harnett and family who, in turn, took action to lease Riverside Heights spent Christmas with Mr. and Mra, the major part of the building to tfred Harnett, Jr., of Bloomfleld, the fire department for $1 a year Members of Girl Scout troop 46 , Miss Lois Compton and Pvt. for 89 years. PLAIDS & SOLIDS held their Christmas party at the George Stiefold of Fort DIx spent Land for the addition was do- home, of Mrs, John Burr of Con- Saturday at New York city where nated by Mayor Eogar O. Murphy. Cannon's First Quality Absorbent Towels over ,pl. Seventeen members were they attended the play, "Glgl," and The addition to the first floor in- present. Games were played and a show.at Radio City. Miss Betty cluded space for another nre truck prizes won by Mary McManus, Gor- lnd on the rd floor or m eBt Jane Cooper of Linden and Ralph I «"°, {. »'1 , : aldlna Kalman, Joanne Donato, Frasler of Trenton were Sunday in« na" and k|tohen. The original PLAID SHEET BLANKETS Betty Ann Crawford and Laurace guests of Miss Compton. building, erected In 1904, housed Wllley. Each girl received a pres- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown and two fire engines ,nd the public ent from the grab bag. Mrs. George family spent the week-end with library. OO Morford received a wallet In ap- Mr. and Mrs. C. Steeves at Med- FULL SIZE preciation of her help to the troop ford, Mass. last year when she was leader. The V.F.W. delivered baskets of food each Mrs. William Brown spent the and toys to the needy families in! 1 presentation was made by Mrs. week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Marshall Smith, Refreshments were the community for Christmas. Let us help you build or buy thejio'use of your dreams Excellent make and big value at this price. In pink, blue, liam Brown at Roxbury, Mass. Herbert Brown'and family and served by the patrol leaders and Charles J. Klemm, Jr., a senior green and brown plaids. assistant patrol leaders. Mrs, Lillian Brown spent Christ- with a low-cost loanl Your best boost to home-ownership Of Pace college, New York is mas day with Carol Brown who Is Jacqueline Hershblegel of Lake- spending the Christmas and New a patient at Betty Bacharach lies in our experience and counsel ... in our tailored-to- side ave, had her tonsils removed Tear holidays with his family. home, Longport. .your-needs loan plans. Wednesday of last week at River- Corp. Edward Grob of. Lock- .Mr, and Mrs. William Kelly, for- CANNON DISH TOWELS view hospital. I bourne Air force base, Columbus, merly of Rome, N. Y., are tem- Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Stahl ot New O., spent/the week-end holiday porarily residing pn Main st, Bel- York city rjient Christmas week- with his parents, Mr., and Mrs. ford. " COME IN TO TALK IT OVER! WE WILL known for their absorbency; variety end with John E. Turner and fam- Earl Grob. Mist Emma Snowflaek of Jersey ily of Frost ave. James Kelly of Washington, D. City spont this week with her BE HAPPY TO ADVISE YOU, AND GIVE YOU of multi . Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Dowllng C, spent the week-end holiday nieces, Mrs, William ' Meyer and and daughter Daria of Cleona, Pa., with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. An- family and Miss Mildred Morris, THE BEST LOAN POSSIBLE. 5-1 spent Christmas weak with Mr, drew Kelly. Elizabeth Brida Bourque, daugh- Turner and family. Mrs. Francis Bourque of rt. 36 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bour- Patty Leek, daughter of Mr. and celebrated her birthday Dec. 26 que, was christened Thursday, Dec. Mrs. George Leek, has been con* with a family party. Mrs. Brlda 27, at St. Mary's Catholic church. fined to her home with Illness. Bourque of North Attleboro, Mass,, His godparents were Mr, and Mrs. RED BANK SAVINGS 7/eSURPRlSE/Aw Holiday guests of Mr..and Mrs. who Was been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Burnette Bintllss of Palmyra. William P. Woodward, Frost ave., Bourque for the past three weeks, On New Years eve, Mrs. Edna and LoAN were Mr. and Mrs. William Warner has returned home. Thorne entertained at a, party jRt ASSOCIATION MONEY BACK STORE OP 1001 BARGAINS Headquarters and Miss Peggy Ann Warner, Way- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher Mr. and Mrs. James LaDesa of far side; Mr, and Mrs. John Malley, Jr., and daughter Sue spent Christmas Red Bank, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt GUARANTEE and Tommy and Sharon Malley, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher, Heyer of River Plaza and Mr, and 'She Door to Security WORK Keansburg; Mrs. Ella Fenton, Mrs. Sr., ot Plainfleld. Mrs. William VanNote, Belford. No red tape In making 8 BROAD ST., RED BANK 10 BROAD AT. RED BANK» NEW CLOTHES Abram SanVorri, Sr,, and Mrs. Har- Mr. and Mrs. Nell Bluh and sons Dinner guests Tuesday Included adjustments. old potter, Red Bank;.Mrs. Sophie of Drexel Hill, Fa., were holiday Mr, and Mrs. William Perry, Sr., Plttenger, Shrewsbury, and Mrs. guests ot Mr. and Mrs. John Euler. Mr, and Mrs. William VanNote and •Edwin Ford, Halifax, N. S. The ladles' auxiliary of the Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Heyer.


THE STORY Drastic Reductions On Our Complete Stock Of room FURNITURE CHECK THESE SAVINGS!

TOMUNSON Provincial Cherry Mahogany . . , 4 pieces . .. Dresser, TO - Chest, Full Sixe Bed and Night Stand. ' REGULARLY 8519.00...... NOW *3 9 5 *°°

FANCHER Chippendale Mahogany ... 4 places,.. Triple Dresser, Chest- en-Chest, Step-Table Night Stand and Full Site Bed. The opporlunity of a lifetime to purchase that bedroom suite REGULARLY 8895.00 ,N0W *670'°Q you've ahruyg wanted. These tremendous reductions include the products of the most famous manufacturers in the United States, "KLING" Solid Maple Modern ... S pieces,.. Triple Dresser, Chest-on- such as ... "KLING" • "DREXEL" . "WHITNEY" . "KENT- Chest, Night Stand and Twin Beds. COFFEY" • "FANCHER" . "TOMLINSON" • "BASI&WITZ" REGULARLY 8561.00 NOW *419'°^ • . . and many others. Listed to the right are just a few of the many outstanding values of this great sale. All sales are final and ' "KENT-COFFEY" Limed Oak Modern . . . 4 pieces . . . Triple Dresser, delivery must lie accepted within 30 days, as we need the room Chett

Tide" Rinso Tomatoes Quaker Oats Split Peas

GARDENSIDE-19 oz. size

Don't miss this golden opportunity to save money on quality foods 1 We're offering special values during our big January Food Sale—wonderful buys on favorite foods. It's time to stock up. Check the low prices in this ad for items you want to Frozen Foods Dairy Foods -Include on your list.. .then hurry on over to Safeway— and SAVE I Bel-air Orange Juice « «•«»17' Bel-air Grape Juice 6 «• «n 18< Lucerne Milk APPWVED fj Lucerne Milk HOMOGENIZED V," BEL-AIR BABY SIZE- - FROZEN 1.0 oz. pkg. Bel-air Broccoli »EARS tooz. Pkg. 22<= LIMA BEANS 12 A8 s BeJ-air Strawberries « ** 35« Cheese Spread »°"' ««.«iP32e W Cheddar Cheese •««»« ««-W 33« BEL-AIR - F?.OZEN Libby's Asparagus s*u.s Z4& 10 Birdseye Cut Corn «• &*• 23= Swiss Cheese SUCED-STIC >" 69< MINUTE MAID 2'„", 37= Gruyere Cheese80RD£NS «««• »k»-37« /V.I::ED - OAK C-LEU 4 /-L JJ /-L CHATHAM .. -7-7 LARGE EGGS ^ Juice ^EMA,O -27c Cheddar Cheese REAL SHARP |b //« Jekyll Island Shrimp 12«-pk«- 65= CHERUB MILK EV/.PC?.ATED SYRUP SLEEPY HOLLOW 24 oz. bot' FRESH PRODUCE n Ol S|ZE White Bread MRS- WRIGHT'S 1 b loaf 15= Armour Treet «»" 47?'.;• H0ME STY lb lcal 1 The wonderful fresh flavor of Safeway's vegetables and Skylark Bread " ' 18= Libby's Cornea Beef' ^«1;67;/;..: fruits is the result of q 'careful system of quality control thai Sauerkraut' STONE CROCK: Sliced Pineapple IAUNI-^W.^?^' begins at the farms where our expert buyers select only the $3520.00 living «xp«mei produce they know will be good eating. •Burr/s Copkies: Jpfoi $1480,00 for dt lux* Tomato Paste "STINO «««niQc *', ; faml^, vacation . CHEEZIT 'Sunshine Crackers Ml 19= Sweet Peas- GARDENSIDE -17.oa.eah i'3c;/'". 101 Mh« piim In Hi) mw imliit by Kitchen Craft Flour Fleet Mix " Check These Oranges 31 Cleaning Aids AirWay Coffee MILD in>b«s77e IOT d ~ r^~l JOHNSON'S ., >. CO Nob Hill Coffee HEARTY Fancy Carrots O-LOat HARD GLOSS WAX "inl Cin J7' Edwards Coffee ^mPACK 1«n 88c Grapefruit Juice Aero Dust Mop WITHHANDU.ACII1.10 TOWN HOUSE Edwards Instant Coffee8 ««• i«f 93= Budget Broom * *I«DY . ««H 1.02 Bosc Pears 17 n Hudson Napkins «o« PKG. 2 pk . 25= 18. oz. can Renuzit Dry Cle,aner i"" « 37« S 11 Sliced Pineapple WIANI 9«.« -15c Steel Wool AFRICAN 2 <*•'• 1 9' n Delicioys Apples 2" 27 Soilax pkg. 23« Facial Tissue SCOTTIES-200*. PkB. 14<= Oakite 2 e^ 27« Pennant,Tea Bags Pk8.oM«i3c Apple Sauce Seedless Grapefruit LAK^EAD ;< lib, can 1' l Sweet Potatoes 2 23'

All the meat you, find, at your Sdfeway it prepared for you with special Crisco Ivory Soap Swan Soap care. Safeway meat exports "foakeiure every cut and kind of meat Margarine PERSONAL SIZE MEDIUM SIZE reaches you at Its peak eating perfection, so you en|oy finest flavor 1 POUND SIZE and juicy tenderness, ... SUNNVBANK C 3 b« 17« 2b.»i7< can 35 FRYERS ., Grisco Ivory Soap Swan Soap Frying Chickens READY-TO.COOK lbl 55c 3 POUND SIZE MEDIUM SIZE LARGE SIZE Sliced Bacon HAWTHORNE ,99- 2 • 29< Lima Beans SKINLESS ib. Silver Dust Ivory Soap Boned Chicken Frankfurters SUNNY HILL'S - LARGE DRIED LAROE SIZE 18 OZ. SIZE ;, ,-n i SWANSON'S WH0U or HALF oz. c«llo; 2b.,,29c Fresh Ham lb, 53 Pkg. 3 1< 6 ot cm 5 O*

ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH Smoked Picnics xis <> SATURDAY, JANUARY^,-. A POPULAR V4lb, Somerset Bologna . FAVORITE pkg. We ruim lh» rfijht fo limit quanfiflu SAFEWAY Page Six JIED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 3, 1952 itself is a notable achievement. Vov Mrs. NEW MEMBER OF THE RED POLITBURO RED BANK REGISTER VanVliet, however, her tour of duly was LETTERS FROM EVENTS OF YEARS | 40-42 Broad Sited, Red Bank, N. J. marked by so many personal kindnesses OUR READERS ESTABLISHED 1878 that it is impossible to adequately list them. By John H. Cook and Henry Clay A personable, friendly person by nature 'TICK-A' BENDER' FROM REQISTER FIL# Fifty Years Ago THOMAS IRVING BKOWN and an unsurpassed mother and wife, Mra. Box 172, RFD 1, Twenty-Five Years Ago, -£t Editor and Publisher VauVliet took those attributes to lier job Keyport, N. J. A, Percy Sherman, who occupied The appointment of MyroifeV. a store ih the Hogan block at Broad l JAMES j. IIOUAN, Associate Editor To the Editor: Brown as a councilman,' tho Jfro- as tax collector. The excellence of her char- I wonder how many old timers and Front its., as a meat market, motion of four members of the'J]Jo- M. UAUOLD KELLV, Associate Editor ueter has been rellected in her record in remember playing tlckly bender on rented the three other stores in the lice department, and tho announce- M. HAKKV PENNIKGTOK, Plant Supt. thB Shrewsbury river when the iceblock and would occupy the entire ment of a policy of oppositionT^to office. broke up in tho spring. premises in the spring. The ad-Sunday movies were the outstand- Thin neWSDuper aiauities no rceputitilbiliUci, for Let's hear from some of them. ditional stores rented were former- statements ol opinions in letters from its readers. l!y an understanding application to the ing features of'the re-organlzaflpn William F. VanNote, ly occupied by Mtes A. L. Morris, meeting of the Red Bank coijjjj^l, Membet of the Aitodated Press office, Mrs. VanVliet was directly responsi- Everett milliner; Mrs, Zerga's Sweot store, Mr. Brown succeeded Alphons'eJjM. The Associated Pretb it entitled exclusively to the use THANKS FOR CO-OPERATION and James Svord's bootblack estab- Gaskcll .who moved to Pa'ter'ao'n. for republicitcloii ol all the locul nuwe tn-inted in tbU news- ble for the important high percentage of lishment, paper, as veil us all AP news dispatches. Harry VanNote waB promote4.i$o collections which lins been Shrewsbury's Intii'l Federation Catholic Alumnae Mr. and Mrs. John T. Campbell police captain, Joseph Bray detec- Member Audit Huroau of Circulations boast these many years, To her home came Monmouth Circle of Colt's Neck, celebrated their tive captain, and Edward Coniiors 146 Maple Ave., golden wedding, entertaining SO and Harold A. Davidson lieuten- The Ked iJaj*ic KcifUter Hssuined no (ttinnclnl reMiionslhlll* Red Bank, N. J., Shrewsbury residents, old and new, Proba- guests at a family dinner. Both ants. " S0: ties for typographical emus in advertisements, but will re- : Dec. 30, 1951 print that part oi an advcrliecnivnt years ago, lust year he luul been "blast- recovering nicely from her serious illness without which he probably could evon though they never met be-Red Bank, held its annual Christ- It was given to him as a Christmas n Japan must transform them- not have been re-elected In 1872,fore. They may live next door up ed'' editorially by The Red Bank Register. of the past few mouths, an illness which selves, within ninety days of Html home yet have to drive 1,800 miles mas tree party for children of its gift from his father, John Wood- He also had tho help of a very to get acquainted. Distance lends a members,' The society sang several ward. Adrian was having a grand His statement wns miule at the time some ratification, from ' a victors' army able Secretary of State—Hamilton forced the first interruption of her service of occupation Into troops merely handshake. selections, Mrs. L. do la Rcussllle time taking his young friend out 5(1, members uf tlie Oaklund Street, Jle- Fish — Whose conduct of foreign Callers over the Yuletlde were and her son Leon gave selections in his new craft. to the community she served so well for stationed on a friendly power's soil relations was certainly far more for the latter'** defense. , . , Jack and Ann O'Neill, the Gibsons, on the piano and violin and Mr. and Two new councilmon wore sworn' clianic Street antl St. James Parent-Teach- so long a time. successful than that of Secretary tho Griftins and plumber Tarnow Mrs. Oeorge Gramman rendered Tho Army has lived on a high, in at Fair Haven. They were El- er associations presented, demands for bet- Acheson has been. On the other of Belford! the Parkers ol Port vocal selections. wood Smith, who was elected, and To her successor, Mrs. Isabelle Parker, wide and handsome basis in Japan hand, Grant had no such asset Monmouth, the Shulmans, Blakes ter police protection-for children going to for some six years, Tho high-brac- MUs Bortha L. Ward, daughter Arthur G. Sickles, who was appoint- we wisli every success. In this connection, as tho powerful political machine and Rosenfelds of Ideal Beach, the of Mrs. Charles Conover of Atlan- ed for ono year. Mayor Charles P. and from school. ket housing, luxurious hotels, golf which the Democratic party has Cullops and Sutherlands ot Red courses, cheap plentiful service and Bank and the Waitings of Keans- tic Highlands, was married at the Cross, who was re-elected, was also it is interesting to note that Mrs. Parker built up on the basis of federal bride's homo to Harry Lloyd sworn in. When con Iron led by two Register re- opportunities for many a junior benefits and subsidies. burg. is the daughter-in-law of the late Mayor staff officer and hla family to live The climatic change Is noted, Schenck of New York. Rev. S. H. William H. Henderson of Mont- porters Friiluy, Mr, Gray admitted that Benjamin Parker, who appointed both 'Mr. "better than thoy ever had it bo- In the case of Grant, as in that mostly, by the children who, in-Qulllan, pastor of the First Baptist clalr, bought the farm of Matthew 1 fore" arc not readily surrendered. of Truman, tha really devastating stead of catching a cold throwing church of Atlantic Highlands, per- Stoothart on Wyckoff rd., Eaton- lie had never been "blasted ' editorially by and Mrs. VauVliet to the office. We trust scandal was that affecting the Bu-snowballs, catch a tan throwing formed the ceremony. town for $6,000. He planned to use Neither is the practically UEoful oranges. All aro up to date on The Ecd "Hank Kejrister on increasing the power represented by tho domin- reau of Internal Revonuo. And Miss Eva M. Walling, daughter tho place as a country home. that relief from the duties of collector will then, as now, tho shocking disclos- fashions, a light coat of tan pre- ir.s presence of tho massivo occu- vailing. of Henry Walling of Koyport, was Ono hundred persons attended a size of tliu local police force. The ono arti- afford Mrs. VanVliet every opportunity t« ures broke at tho beginning of a married on Christmas day at Pat-card party given by the Highlands (ioii headquarters in the heart Presidential year. Then, as now, Ted Breton, cle he bad in mind was a faclual news story enjoy ninny, many years of good health of.Tokyo, Therein lies the difll- 965 Stillwater dr., rick Dane of Holmdcl, Rev, M. C. welfare society, Prize winners at bribery nnd "Axing" of many va- Miami Beach, Pla. O'Donnell, rector of St. Joseph's cards wore Hattlo Davis, Mrs. Hen- from the Park How News service of Netv culty. If the Far East wore at rieties were Involved. safe in the knowledge that her successor— peace It would be easy to advise church of Keyport, officiated at a ry Quast and Miss Calla Wlchard. York city, and carried by The Register There was no income tax in church wedding, who is tlio present court clerk—has the the Army that the slcigh-rlde is f Poetry The annual Christmas party of those days and much of he Fed- Michael McGarrity was elected under a Xew York dateline. The story was over; that it should surrender Its A KOKKAN the River Plaza woman's club was ability to continue what has-been a sterling privileges and retire (fsomewhat as eral revenue was derived from president and Potor Lang vico pres- held at the home of Mrs. Btlrt M, marked (Special to The Register). administration. our forces In Britain have done) very high taxes on distilled spir- CHRISTMAS CAROL ident of St. James club'of Bed Decltor. The arrangement commlt- The lead: of this story follows, "Red Into Its own base areas and can-its. Always the opportunity for Editor's note:—This poem was Bank.' Tlio board of managers con- tco consisted of Mrs. Alexander tonments and leave the Japanese graft Increases as taxes of any written by u group of soldiers In sisted of John Kierney, Patrick Spence, Mrs. Charles Thompson, Bank taxpayers have a larger annual bill alone to work out their own des-kind become complicated and ex-Korea. In the group were several Grennan, Charles A. Hawkins, Mrs. Clifford Stiles and Miss Flor- for police protection than do residents of No Gambling in County? tiny. Unfortunately, the Par East cessive. A dishonest rovenuo ofll- local youths. Charles Johnston, Harry Hawkins, ence Brand. A large gaily decor- is not at peace, cial can always find somo mistake 'Twas the night beforo Christmas, and M, J. Maloney and John Armstrong. ated Christmas tree with Yuletide OP technical violation In a tax re- most cities of its size in the United States. Two news stories appeared next,to each Glob.il diplomacy makes it im- all through the tent The Red Bank Knights of Pythias decorations, the exchanging of gifts, turn and then threaten prosecu- Was the odor of fuel oil (the Btove pipe lodge elected Charles Cook chan- and other ueual [features were in This is shown in dala gathered by the in-other in last week's issue of The Register, perative that tho spirit as well as tion and heavy penalties. After In- was bent). the letter of the Japanese treaty The shoo pales were hung by the oilcellor, John H. Robblnson vice pres- evidence. , j ternational City Managers association for one with a Freehold dateline, the ."other timidation comes tho "shakedown," stove with care; ident and William T. Cole prelate. should be fulfilled and that the ex-which like any other form of In the hone that they'd issue each man Edward Young gave up his job its current municipal year book." with an Asbury Pnrk dateline. The Free-periment in Japaneso independence blackmail tends to continue once a new pair, An old-fashioned social gather- in Walter D. Field's automobile on which ,11 is based should be The weary Ill's wero sacked-out In their ing was held at Ernost Hlltbrun- paint shop at Colt's Neck to • take The story ended with the paragraph, hold item had to do with Prosecutor J. started. Alternatively, the corrup- beds, [loyally carried through. But thetion, may start with the taxpayer And vlaiona of augat'-bnhe? danced ner's at Scobeyvllle Christmas eve. a position with the VanSyckle auto- "The comparisons, it is noted, do not take Victor Carton's announcement that'county Chinese in Korea make It equally himself offering bribes. through their heads; Present were Mr, and Mrs. Thomas mobile, agency at Freehold. : imperative that Japan be main- When up on thu ridgc*line then) \ose Riordan, William A. Tilton and'his Several husky •'policemen, armed into account that some cities, witli un- gamblers contributed $11,250 to the county Both methods were used in the such a clatter, daughter Anna^*. Misses ,Sadle and tained as an efficient base for ac- (A Chinese machine -gun had started with billies, revolvers,arii, other <&• treasury in 1951 in the way of court flues. tlvo military operations in the pen-Infamous "Whiskey Ring" of the Bertha Polherrius, Paul and Frank usually heavy traffic to handle, or with Grant administration, which curi- to chatter). ' cbuterments of forco/.sfood In tne insula, and no command can easily .1 rushed to my rifle and threw back the Hiltbrunner, Daniel W. Polhomus, lobby of Ihe Carlton; {heater with other special local problems, heed more The other story dealt with Charles-Little's surrender its authority over its ously enough originated with Mis- bolt. William McClaln_ .and J. H. S. 1 instructions not to allow anyone to* police than they would otherwise.' report that no federal gambling tax stamps base while its front linos aro in souri politicians. In St. Louis' alone, Tho rest.of my tent'inatcB Awoko with Parkes, all of ScobeyvytSj pass their line to buy tickets for;a. combat. . In 1874, the distillers defrauded a jolt. Capt. James Hub'bs of Bclford, The facts contained in this special sur- have been su/ci at his Internal Revenue the government of $1.2 million—a Outside wu could hear our platoon Set. Sunday performance, A. few per- The average citizen will say at Kelly, underwent a serious operation at sons managed to Inealc-l'ie line and bureau. largo sum for those days—of which A hard little man with a HUle pot belly. St, Vincent's hospital at New York. 'Toy article were lyavet' refuted. once that the Army must have the a large proportion went to Fed-"Come Ynncey, come Clancey, come bought -tickets, but were prcychtijd ifal powers and prerogatives It Connors and Watson, Mr. Hubbs' affliction was caused from "entering the • playhduso.-'Man- When asked by the two Register re- The $11,250 in fines for gambling repre- eral officials. Grant's private sec- Up Miller, mi Shlller, up Baker and by an infected ear, requires to conduct the Korean retary accepted a S2.400 diamond ager Morris Jacks decided tbtgWe porters, if he knew the difference between sented the lowest since 1016, a condition War and fulfill its defense mission, OodBonl" Mr. nnd Mrs, Alonzo Field of ticket-buyers.llietr motley U^cKund shirt stud, and while mink coats We tumbled outside in a awlrl of Wallace st., -entertained relatives at a factual news story and an editorial, Mr. while It must also be prepared to were not in fashion there were confUBion, opened tho door for a frocshow. which Mr. Carton credited to effective po- give up the mere luxury and pres- So cold that each man could have used dinner on Christmas. Their guests Warren H, Smock, the town.,coun- many instances ot lavish enter- were Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Field, Gray replied that, "Ft was hard to tell be- lice work and reduced gambling. In the six tige It may now enjoy beyond that tainment. a transfusion. sel stated the "pollco could .-ifiStj-pro- requirement. But the line isn't go- "Get up ton that hill top,' and silence Wayman Wilson and family of Ked vent the theater operators'ifrom cause The Register did so much editorial- years lie has been prosecutor, Mr, Carton In November, 1875, Internal Rev- thm Ked, ; ',••••. I •-• ' Bank and Mr. and Mrs. David giving a free show," land iWHh {a ing to bo simple to draw. This And don't, you corner back*'till you're izing in its news stories." When pressed for has had much to do with limiting book- country still has much to learn enue Supervisor McDonald was sure ,that he's dead." Moore and family .and Jacob Mor- wave of his hand, the pQllbe; stepped an explanation of this statement, Mr..Gray, about Its now role In international sentenced to Jail and the ohlef Then Rutting his thumb up In front of roll of .Little Silver. ' ' aside and tho crowd went'In as Mr. making activities. Wi tli the. revenue people affairs.—New York Herald Tribune. clerk of the. Treasury was put .on hts nose., - ' -' : ; ,' Charles Cumberson,'Ernest Pach, Jack's guests. ..' ••' \~ •>;;.; > f trial. Orvllle E. Babcock, Grant's Sgt, Kelly* took icavo'Of ua shivering said he took exception to the lead para- now directed to take vigorous action to Joes. Charles Woodward, Arthur Mat- Firo of undetermined "origin des- 1 aocrotary, followed him Into the Dut we all., henid him say", In a voice thews, Oliver Sutphen and Thomas graph of a story in Tim Register on thecollect the wagering tax, 1952 promises to •RIDE 'EM, COWBOY! dock and was acquitted, but under soft and light: troyed two . adjoining store; build- Bennett went to Camden as sub-ings owned vj>y 'the William. ^. Due, 3 meeting of the Red Bank mayor be a mighty interesting one for bookie, Eighteen centuries ago, in the circumstances that' forced his din-"Merry Christmas to all— may you live stitutes for the Red Bank cavalry missal. Then came the Impeach- through the nlghtl" , '-• Truex oatato on tho. .cast side Of creative Imagination of Hcnryk troop to attend Senator Sewoll's Broad st, at a' total loss estimated and council. police official and the public alike. Slenklowtcz, Ursus, tho strong man, ment trial of Secretary of War THE GOOD OLD ARMY funeral. ' Belknap for soiling appointments. at $35,000. The stores woro occu- The paragraph he considered editorial- overcame barehanded the wild bull Editor's note;—This poem was Charles Bennett and - Raymond pied by Clayton's meat market, It Is pointed out that Ruther- izing follows: to tho horns of which Lygla, the written by Corporal George Quack- White, both of Red Bank, were Christian Burdgo's vegetable and A Battle for Freedom Christian maid, had been bound. ford B. Hayes, the Republican can- enbusb, who la stationed with the employed In backstage positions in produco market, Presto's lunch and "In answer to a request made .more And thus the novel "Quo Vadls"didate In 1876, waa not defeated,Army in Korea, George called his a Brooklyn theater, restaurant, and tho Grace dress comes to IU final climax. However his,Democratic opponent, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Mrs. Hannah. Lambert Borden of shop. : tlian two years ago by Prosecutor J. Vic- A freo American can view only with Last week in Michigan an ama- Samuel Tllden, did receive a clear Quaokenbush, Little Silver, from Shrewsbury widow of Francis majority of tho vote cast by an George H, Roberts,.John D. Sul- tor Carton, the Rod 1'aiik council Monday importance what has become a nationwide teur flier spun tho propeller of his Fuson Dec, 20 to wish tliem a Borden, died at the ago of 85 years. livan nnd John Adams formed B small plane with the engine throttle electorate deeply disturbed over Merry Christmas, She * was the daughter of Jerusha niglrt Introduced an ordinance requiring editors' battle against suppression of in- thn scandals, new sale's company under the firm too wide open. Then for 10 frantic Over in the Far tfast; and Abram Holmes and was born of tho George H, Roberts, Co., Inc., Hayes obtained his dubious vic- Korea li the spot, at the old Holmes homestead In the registration with local police of all formation about the operation of govern- minutes In zero weather until res- Here we aro doomed to serve our time and leased the new stucco build- cued, he clung stubbornly to tho tory by one electoral vote, and In the land that Gad forgot. Shrewsbury, She was the oldest Ing ,on the. state highway between criminals within 24 hours of.arrival in ment ut nil levels. Throughout the world, tall of tho plane while It carooned that only because the disputed member of the Shrewsbury PrcBby- Throutn the day with carbines, Red Bank and Hcadden'a Corner, town." censorship has become n weapon dictators wildly around tho airfield, and thus vote of three Southern states, un- In tho place whero men nro blue, terlan church In length of mem- owned by Harvey W. Dobbins, j . prevented a pllotless take-off and der caroctbnT government, waa fl-Riuht in tho middle of nowhero, bership, having joined on July. 29, use to crush the will of their own people. John Patterson of Eatontown, This.is factual again, but Mr. Gray, who probably disastrous crash, nnlly allotted to him,-So fnr as the Too many miles front you, 1832. \nd, in recent years, the trend toward .news will of the voters counted, tho was killed In an automobile' acci- is also one of Mr, Carton's ussislnnt prose- A century and a half ago, as re- To Hell with the snakes and lltirds, Mrs. Hannah Catherine Chasey dent and Fred Mauser of Baton- Republican* were repudiated as a Digging the wound with a pick, died at tho home of her. son, Lev la cutors, claims .that he did not know Hint suppression ami censorship has bean grow- corded In Victor Hugo's novol, result of tho scandals thtt forced' Doing the work of n slave, town was badly Injured when the "Ninety-Three," a stool-nerved gun- And too damned tired to kick. Chasey of Lelghtoh ave. She wascar in which they woro riding, Sir. Carton had made the request. Tlio re- ing in the United States—in Washington Grant Into retirement,—Felix Mor- 7B years old. During a mad dog nor aboard a Fronch man-of-war loy. In Tho Pathfinder. It Is a great endeavor t crashed into a pole on tho Shrows- quest by Mr. Carton was made in writingand In the stales, cities tiiul towns. trapped and captured a ponderous It's more than we can stand, scare tho previous summer, Mrs, bury-Eatontown rd., nearly opposite oannon which had broken loose Wo aro not really convicts, Chasey was bitten on tho hand. Frederick Hill's gasoline station, j to Mayor Charles R. English under date Throughout the nation, tliti'big attack from Ita lashings In a storm and FREEDOM CAN BB LOST Wii'to defendants ot our land, About a month prior to hor death, 'We sweat, wo freese and we shudder; tho complained of cramps In the Clarence W. Filling's hand laun- of April 15. 194(1. It was read at an open is directed against news suppression in was rumbling madly about the Llks all good things that nro on- deck, periling both ship and crew. 1 ahould have listened to Mother. hand and hydrophobia developed. dry at Rumson, was badly damaged. joyed over R long period of time, by flro whloh was dUooverod bfr meeting of the Red ttank council, and theWashington und In the armed forces, both freedom of the preira hnfl come to We, the doggies ot the Army, James Naulty died at the home A fow days back a Connecticut Earning out meager pay, of his son, John J, Naulty of Fair Edward Cosher who turned In the letter is still in the lilcs of Tloronish Olevk containing oluciuls whose actions lmvo n housewife, whoso spinning "home bo taken for granted by thn Amorl- Ouardlnt the Wall st, millionaire, alarm, Damogo was estimated at enn neople, along with their other For two and a'halt a day. Haven, He was 67 years old and Mrs. Ain,y Shlnn, The wimp written request more serious result when directed against laundry" had snapped Ita anchor- death waa due to heart disease, He SS.rsOO. Mr. Pilling planned to put age to the basement floor, leaped freedoms. Living with lust our memories, Up a new building and took tem- Waiting to see our gall, was born in Ireland, but had lived was sent by Mr, Carton to evtiry luunici- the people. The light is being led by Jamca upon it in the approved fashion of We don't expect that freedom of porary quarters in the Steven's a rodeo bulldozer and rode the Hoping that when we get homo In this country 85 years, pnllly'in the county. S. Pope, executive editor of the Louisville, the pri>ss would live behind the Thoy haven't married our i'als. Alonzo Hand, postmaster at tho building at River ave, and Black bouncing contraption until her "Iron Curtain" In Russia and the Point rd, Ky,, Couriei'-Jounml and Times, und chair- startled daughtor arrived and Nobody knows we're living, Highlands, mot with an accident The Register made a gross understate- Soviet-dominated satellites, Wo Nobody jlvoi a damn I while gunning at SAidy Hook on Miss Thelma Castor, daughter of turned off the olectrlc switch. grow a little alarmed when we read Bunk home we're soon forgotten, Mr. and Mrs, Charles A, Cosier of ment when it said Hie request wns made man of the Committee on Freedom of In- As children of Uncle Sum, Christmas day, which necessitated Since those latter-day exploits of tho great South American nowj- the removal of a leg, Belford, and John Lentz, ton of Mr, by Prosecutor Carton iiiove'tlmii two yenm fommtion, American Society, of Newspaper woro chronicled merely In the dally panor, "La Prcnsa," being snuffed This port of our lite wo attend In the and Mrs, Henry Lonlz of Ea«f service, "Beatrice Fowler, age six months, ago. If we had really wuiik'd to rub It In,Editors. • ; preta, and since no Slonklowlcz or out because It did not bnw down to Is a part we will always mlisi daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Theodore Keansburg, wero married at tha Hugo Is around to weave them into the Argentine dlotntor, Feron, So If the draft don't get you, Fowler of Branch av«,, died sud- brldo's home New Years afternoon we would have said HID request wns made After Its recent convention, the editors' aagni, wo shall do thorn honor, ai But what'should make u> really For Bod's sake don't enlist. denly Ohriitmat night. Mr, Fow-by Rev, Harry 'Fuhrmann ot S| nioi'p. than live yearn ago, group stated, "We are beginning to fiispoet beat wo can, in those columns. quake In our boots Is thnt "It canAfter our living Is over, ler put the child to bod, apparent- Stephen's churoh, Newark. ' | And W" net to the place we know so ly In Us usual good health, but John Vandervoer of NavMlnJfj In conclusion we would like to stnto that the l%ge»t uncovered Htor.v of our Oonquorori of tho flying and hn,;)pen hore," In fact, It HAS hip-, well, wanning maohlncs, take your bowal Honed hero in these United Statei, St, Peter will sayi ','Comp homo, my when iho awakened the following ono of tho oldtJt resldonts of oast- emphatically that Tim Register has never 11 mo Is tliu insidious sulssure of news pro- —Tho Christian Solonoo Monitor, In Louisiana, a courageous newi- Udt morning ihe found th« ahlld dona, em Monmouth, died New Yeari paper and Its staff have been You've spent your tlmo In hell." The child had won the prlio a morning In hU 91st yoar, Death beiMi agnliiHt or never him cililorlally op- rnptlvea by public officials. Wo pdltoru was oausod bv a gonoral bronkdowij tfHB TBtMAN-ClllANT threatened with fines and possible short time previously as the prat- posed police pmioL'llmi for school children! linvu been nsHiimlng that no one would PARALLEL Imprisonment beoauae they dared Mayor Qulnii Suggests tloi,t baby In Red Bank at tho due to his adyanoed ngo, ' ' Anybody who «II,VH-W(> hnvn IK lying mid Is dispute this promise: 'flint wticn the people to join with a group of alarmed Parking Meter Plan Glass Blowon exhibition In the Monroe Eisner'joined tha group 1 It It true that "history never ctltzena to fight corruption In their Mercantile bank building, of lot yaoht enthusiasts by bftoom; (lullni'iMitt'ly ntlc'iiilitlng to becloud tliu iMilfl Hn»v hove a rlplit to know what limit repeoti," In the aenso that all thotown, FREEHOLD—flvo major too- Franola White, who oonduoted t Ing a boat owner, He purahaitq datall* art exaotly duplicated, But ommendatlona, Inoludlng tha insti- roal estate builno<« In Red Bank Roubon H, White's Comet, Mr, and, and confuso I ho people, public servants nro doing." Time nnd ngalii often historical parallel) «ro ao Crooked politician* and blg-tlme 1 oilmo are nlwaya on tho alert to tution of narking meters In tho many yean, took his son Howard Mrs, Elmer wore out In their now Mt , 1'ope tins run head-on into President oloia that what happened before knife ft newspaper that ha» thobualnui district, wove made by Into partnership, The firm nsm« beat for their Initial spin with othS Truman nnd other louder* to show them will give a claar Indication of what courage and tho ability to fight Mayor Frtd Qulnn Friday night In wns changod to Franoli Whlti A tr momboi'i of the Elmer family A Notable Record of Service li likely to happen now, That'll corruption wherevor It finds It, ,, hit final borough council meeting Son, and loveral frlonds and thoroughly how n dlr'entlvo meant uoiiHot'iilil'p und bowwhat makoa the atudy of history and thoy havfl had aomo auccoaa In beforo ending a slx-yenr tenure, Patrick Kearney and Potor Lowli injoycd tho sport from ivcry angle] Ali% Oi'tniilc C. ViinVlhit hint night cyiiHoi'shlp could lini'in, not, lielp, tlio conn- profitable. Amorloa, oven In Georgia. In addition to1 recommending of Keyport wore drowned at Far Mr, IOIsner boeama a mnmhor of Batwoon tha icandiUi that be- tha North Shrewsbury oluli at Its' 1 Without freedom of tho prcaa, parking meters, tho retiring mayor Rookawoy while) oyitorlng, ll IIH In.x I'ullirtor of tlic bnroiigl tr.v, Mi , Pope (incti an Id; "When niwir In set the Truman administration at urged his successor, Wllllnrd K. Timothy Roddlngton, ion of John January meotlng, 1 1 the beginning of 1089 and those how long oould our other tradition- J, Daniel Tullnr wus elected nroiJ of HlirWtibui'.v al'U'i US yearn awlue, Him Hiippi'CHHoil, nil the uewHpnpern lone IN n nl froodomi—freedom of apoeohi Prlggo, and the new council to con- Rcddlngton of Now Monmouth, whloh faued Pwldcnt Ulyiioa 8, tldan purohnio of A motcroyele for wai badly burned and out about Ident of the Red Bunk borough: took over that JIOHI fi'iun hci' lnihlmiid, Slew Mlory, Hut tlio puoplo IOHO touch with and Grant ot tha bofflnnlng ol 1874 freedom of religion, freedom from oounoll, suecoodlng Robirt H. John- slnvory and «ubjugttlon—survive? trafflo patrol duty) Installation ot the faci on'. Ohrlitrtai duo to an art VnnVllct, who luul held It for I wo conli'iil of tlmlr Bovei'iiiiient,'1 there ar« aome vary •trillion to- truffle llghti at'three, buiy.lntor- explosion of t ,ot powlor, HU ion whqtp torrp HI pounellmnn ox- iimbltncoi. The corruption In Freedom of tho proaa haa alroady •eotloni and the roaulgnniont of Injuries woro dreaied by Dr, D, B, plrod, ••' i yum* Tn«(itliur, tlio A*nu Vllutm liiliiilli'(l,tll« Tlic bi({ llRht nKiiln«t tlionidit control Waihlnuton then waa mioh thru mutalned loaaea, Thnt It ihould ro- tho throe pql|oanym initially, sta- Hondrlokioh of Mlddletownl Howard \V, HtiborU ot N«w Mon-i Important ufllau for nil Hie yearn Shrews- Grant oould not ba n eundldato, gnln those loiaai and be win IUtlonid thtrs to othir pUoti In the Stmucl a, Cogglni ot W>it Fiont mouth, wan appoltitnl uttdrnoy lor, In on, And The nc«lnti'i', America's flrotiteit ftlthouih w« know that ho hudvtforoua ni In the brave dayg of bofoughi conildarntlon of A m>r-It,, wai awarded a prln of fto by thn borough of Koinsburn ' no objection In prlnoljiln in mirv. bury hllN lil'CII II Illll'Ollgll, Country Weekly, will u»o ltd full puwor lo aui' founding fathom ihould bo tinoantllo licensing'law, nnd to nollolt the Jewilin' Rnvliw for being tho Mr. and Mrs, A, J, Hdllartd o( Inf > third torm, Tho corruption ooncorn of every American, new Indujtry^and buslneii,,(or.t,h,8 moit popular ialnman,tr»villni in A wpiin uf -8 yeui's uf public tuvvkn Ju aid tlio coiupulgu, , In WMhlnfton now li iuch that Marlboro, left (or Tixai, wHsrs thoy, -Mancheitor, Oa. Mercury, boroOf|hi" •'•"."",• * .:••'•;'. -.-" • • Ponniylvanla, , i MPiol«d to (t&y i|Vo»1 WjiCKi. j EED BANK KEG1STKK, JANUARY 3, 1952 Paso Seven '.F.C. Jervis Reports In Kod Bank It • Jersey Central Margaret Kelly's SHERMAN'S for 'o, Cherry Point, N. C. • CURTAINS C & K CONSTRUCTION CO. WE REQUIRE A • DRAPERIES P.F.C. Harry Jervis, U. S. Marine • SLIP COVERS Promotes Lewis !orps, son of Mrs. Marjorle Jervis • LINENS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Will Is Filed • VENETIAN BLINI The Jersey Central lines has an- >f 41 Chestnut st. and the late FREEHOLD — The will of Miss nounced the appointment, effective Harry Jervla, left Friday for the For Developers and Builders DRAFTSMAN Margaret A. Kelly of Red Bank, Shop-Bt-Home Service Marine air station at Cherry Point, New Years day, of Alvln H. Lewis who died Dec. ID, was filed for pro- I'honc RE) » 2046 at our new }Iarlboro plant for drawing board of 317 Bath ave., Long Branch, as N. C, after spending a ten-day bate last week in the oillcc of Sur- Alterations • Estimates |Cheerfully Given) passenger trainmaster of Its cen-leave at home. rogate Dorman McFaddin. Sherman's work on simple electro mechanical products. tral division. Miss Kelly willed her shares of Home Decorators HIGHWAY 36 KE 6-1066 WEST KEANSBURG, N. J. Lewis, whose headquarters will stock in J, H. Kelly company to IS BROAD STREET RED BANK be at Jersey City, succeeds George PER HOUR her brother, Edward M. Kelly, and A. Herman of Dunellen, who is re- sister, Mary C. Kelly. The remain- RATE OVER $2.00 TO START tiring after a Jersey Central career der of her estate goes to the sister, of nearly 42 years. Herman had Wellington Wllkins, Jr., of Little depending upon experience, age and skill. This is an been passenger trainmaster since Silver, who died Dec. 9; Charles unusually attractive permanent opportunity with the May 18, 1940, Zigenfuss of Long Branch, who died Effective with Lewis' promotion Dec, 11, and George W. Turner of fullest employment benefits available to tho right man. the railroad also announced thoBO Avon, who died Nov. 19, willed their If you can fulfill these requirements and wish to better appointments; estates to the respective widows. Alex E, Bjorkner of Belleville to yourself, or if you know of anyone who might be inter- Thomas A. Smith of Neptune R. THOMAS BOWERS succeed Lewis as trainmaster of the township, who died Dec. 14, willed ested, New York & Long Branch railroad his entire estate to Holy Spirit and of the Jersey Control's south- Catholic church, Asbury Park. Mrs, Real Estate, Consultants' Call MR. A. HASELMAN. Vlee-Pres. ern division, with headquarters at Blanche Garrity of Matawan, who Long Branch. died Dec. 3, willed her estate to Elmer Mingle of Plainfield to BUC- her husband, Mrs, Minnie Morris of 12 BROAD STREET. , RED fAN.K;;•••;...>";; •;; COMMUNICATION PRODUCTS ceed Bjorkner as assistant passeng- Long Branch, who died Dec. 2, er trainmaster at Jersey City. willed her estate to her husband RED BANK, N. J.\ COMPANY, Inc. Oscar B. Hovik of Port Rich- and children. Robert J. McCrodden of Manalapan township, who died • •..:•.••'•"•; ••^>>:C.C mond, N. Y., who has been assist- 0 . •'• :i, -I • Marlboro, N. J. Phone Freehold 8-1*880 ant trainmaster at Ellzabethport, Dec. 11, willed his estate to his ; to succeed Mingle as assistant brother, George. Mary Gillully of MANAGING ^CON.SU;LTiNG trainmaster, main line. Millstone township, who died Dec. 7, willed her estate to her son, Wil- The railroad also announced the liam Gillully. John H, Jansen of appointment of John D. Galuppo of Manasquan, who died Nov. 29, ' • May we send you o\jr.Biw'eekjy:l^iters''.> '' Allentown, Pa., as assistant" term- T.F.C. Harry Jervis willed property In Manasquan to : inal trainmaster at Elizabethport, his son, Walter E. Jansen, and and of James J. Blcltcl of Allen- P.F.C. Jervis will undergo alr- daughter, Marguerite L. Fi-icl. Wal- ;On matters ol interest tofieal Bstg^eiiivneri?^,', town, Fa,, to succeed Galuppo as sraft maintenance instruction at ter also will receive his automobile, terminal trainmaster at Allentown, the onglno school at Cherry Point. The rest of the estate will be shared Pa. His leave followed completion of by his six other children, Mary Lewis, who has been trainmaster boot training at Parris Island, S. C. at Long Branch since 1947, joined A 1946 graduate of Red Bank Madeline Lansing, Jessie Lansing, the Jersey Central In 1920 as a ilgh school, Jervis was employed John Jansen, Knthleon Dunfee, Al- yard brakeman and rose through or three years as a photo-engraver fred Jansen and Grace Kenlein. the positions of conductor, yard- >y Dorn's-Photo shop prior to his master, general yardmaster and tnlistment In mld-Octobcr. He was Asbury Park Police assistant passenger trainmaster. iwarded the sharpshooter's medal 'wh.ra tho buJt.t-wli«... tCONOMliE| Herman started railroading in t Parris Island, Academy lo Open 1910 as agent at Wanamle, Pa,, The Asbury Park Police acade- became chief clerk to the passeng- Headden's Corner my will start its third regular ses- er trainmaster at Jersey City in sion Thursday, Jan. 10, at 7:45 p. m. 1914, assistant passenger train- Mrs. Barclay Henderson ccle- master in 1918 and assistant train- irated her birthday Thursday with Subjects will Include basic po- master of the road's central divis- party at Cliffwood Inn. lice practice and procedure and ion in 1935. Mrs. Edward O'Flnherty spent related subjects as recommended Christmas day with her niece and by tho state office of civil defense. The classes are open lo all reg- VISITORS FROM ENGLAND nephew, Mr, and Mrs. John Hig- :1ns, of Morgan. ular, reserve and auxiliary police. ATLANTIC- HIGHLANDS-Mr. Mr, and Mis. Stanley Mlcloch left Applications will be received until CHILD ADULT AND WEDDING and Mrs. Edward McGuirc of Eng- last week to spend three weeks' va- Wednesday, Jan. 9, or until the land, are spending several weeks :ation with their son and daughter- maximu™""m1 , number of 125 trainees PORTRAITURE with .Mrs. McGuire's brother-in-law in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mle- is reached. and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William loch, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Specialized courses for regular ... 35 S1LVERTON AVENUE,. LITTLE SILVER, N. J. Wenzel of Ocean blvd, Mr. and Mrs. Manny Morris spent last and reserve police will be an- Mrs, MoOuire arrived here last PHONE RED BANK 6-0232 , week with relatives at New York week aboard the S.S. America. ity. include emergency trnfllc control, bomb recognizance and chemical Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vasnellis of warfare agents. Linden spent Christmas with Mrs. Vasnellis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Information is provided by Set, frank H. Rowland, director of the lademy, COO First ave., As- Parlt. made a trip with tho Sundny-school: Applicants 'must no members of Do you need more of tho Red Bank Presbyterian a police component and endorsed church Thursday to New York by their moyor, chief of police or space in your home? city. The class attended a telecast local director of civil defense. from the studios of WABD, and There are no charges or costs Here are 3 suggestions visited the NBC studios. to attend the school, but each Corporal Joseph Davis of Camp trainee must supply his own note Gordon, Ga., is spending a furlough book and writing material. you'll find jusf the stytes you ore that will give you the with his family here. ' Patrick Rush was elected chair- looking for... and SAVE MONEY, too! added room you need. man of the entertainment commit- tee of the Key port lodge, Woodmen MATERNITY GIRDLES OARTERBELTS The cost is less than of tho World, for 1052. BRAS LINGERIE Mr. and Mrs. Barclay Henderson had as dinner guests Christmas day you'd expect, so why TUCKER'S Grand

PUBLIC SALE lace Trimmed and Tailored Due to 111 health I am obliged to dispose of my home and all my Household Ooods and Furnishings at rublic Auction on Ilio premium nt: beauties that you'd expect to puy ADD DORMERS 22 NORWOOD AVE., LONG BRANCH, N. J. way more for than this low prit9. ROOM ADDITIONS Northwest Corner of CotiDver St., and Norwood Ave, Regular $1.99 Dormers will make your attic liveable Another distinctive way to add space SATURDAY, JANUARY 12th . , , allow light and air to come • to your homey Is a room addition. 10t30 A. M. HOUSEHOLD GOODS: Old Fine Wash Stands, Antlquo China and through. Dormers also add a new This will add length and depth to Glassware, Pair Four Pastor Mahogany Twin Beds, Bugs (Room nnd Scattor Sizes), Plated Silver Tea Pols, Spool Bed, Flvn Early American Vo/oei to handsomeness to your hom.e. There your home making for a new, strik- Straight Chairs, Pictures, Books, Complete Set of Harvard Classics, Voaoa, Bookcases, Stands, Tablet, Eleotrlo Heater, Kltchenwaro, loo Exquisite MULTI-FILAMENT CREPE are various'styles . . • call u«, we'll ing appearance. Estimates are free, Box, Vacuum Cleaner, Rogers Group (John Alden and Priscllla), Oo: oaslorial Ohalra, Large Lot of old vlotrola Records, Handmado Music be happy to discuss It with you. « so call now for a consultation. Cabinet (Walnut and Maple), Chest* of Drawers, Oil Paintings, Bu- roaus, Drouora, End Tables, Radio, Mirrors, Pillows, Llnons (Bed and HANDBAGS Tablo), Curtain*, Cedar Chen, Single and Double Beda, Dresnors. Trunks. Take your pick Wing Back Chair, Library Table. Parlor Heating Stove, Kitchen Coal Range, Korosono Heater, Porch Chain, Approximately two torn of stove Famous Maker permits us to tell ooal, Hand tool*. Garden Tools and entire content! Including everything from cellar to attlo. at thli low price for thli event REAL ESTATEi Two-story frame dwelling In good state of repair, Easy Monthly Paym First Floor: Living Room, Dlnlng_Room, Breakfast Room and Kltohon, 9 Foyer, Open Stairway, Second Floor! Thrao Bedrooms—eaoh an out- NOW! t|'. «. - TAKI YEARS TO PAY - sldo room with amplo closet and storage space, Attlo permits additional storage, Oroundsi 40 feet frontage on Norwood Ave, by 128 foot In depth on Conover St, An Ideal oorner bu«lno«s lot. Located In the EVERY JOB INSURED i parking e ROOFING! <> PAINTINO e CARPENTRY itablo for Genuine e 8ID1NO . ,• NEW BATHROOMS • KITCHEN CABINETS ..,., „ i ~~iT -»••«,—r »A Tux Man of the city of e ROOM ADDITIONS Long Branch as being In Section 8, Block 37 and Lot No. 1, Taxes I PORCH ENCLOSURES e DORMERS ' 1130,00, The properly will bo sold Immediately nt [ho oonoluilon of tho Savings« e EXTENSIONS * Inlo of tho furnishings and will bo sold without ronorvo to the highest e EXPANSION ATTICS '• OARAGES / e MASONRY blddor who •hall pay a deposit of 30 por oont (Cn*h or oertirtod chock), at tlmo ofnalo and sign tuual real oitate nurehn«o agreement. Title to • FLOOR ft WALL TILING <• HEATING • ELECTRICAL WORK bo convoyed will bo that of a Warranty Detd, While all the Informs lion contained herein wu obtalntd from sources doomed reliable the roal ostato will bo sold subject to whatovir state of facts an aeourato survey mny show, Tho undersigned and Auotlonotr shall not bo re- sponsible In lha ovont of acoldont or Injury to any person or porsons In, on, or about tho nrimlsos, Renrdlou of wisthii1 conditions lalo will bo held Indoors, Roal Ditato Is Doing offend at Public Auction sub- llllJ bnstruction Co. loot to prior » ' inspection may bo hau by contacting the Auotlonoor, 59 «a. Ity Order ofi HATTIE DINGMAN 84 BROAD ST., RED BANK II, a, Conk Auctioneer 400 llalli Avo, Long llnuii'li, N. •), Phono i 8-3D9H, Mombori StiUeand National Ainoqlatlon of AuotlonnjM Henry U. UrliUey, Attorney, M Brawl St., K«4 Butt, N, J. Phono i t-Olil Page Eight BED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 3, ,1952

hour. At ebb tide the current does Legislature In 1422, there is a quo- New Jersey Beaches not return along tbc shore, but lnvtation from an address by Mr. NEW SPRIHOB stead ha: been observed passing John A. Brodlo in England, HELFSB BPIUNOS HEAWMCKSPMS the Ambrose Lightship anchorage Speaking before the Institute of S 86 degree E. (South 86 degrees MJUHJLEAVES • fi\ MADE& COOP COSH •' MY DOCTOR 5AYS Municipal and County Kn'glneers SO you GOT HIT BY Are They Being Ruined or Preserved ? East)', and at a rate of about 0.23 BEPAU_LEAVES TeM DAYS Mr. Brodle said in part: "Expert J& REPAIRED AM AUTOMOBIUE, BUT MY LAWYER By knots per hour. (2). opinions on sea defense works arc COO. SPHMM HOW UOKO MUST SAV5 TEN WEEKS. The northerly flowing current divided between the use, of sea- CENTER BOLTS* VOU WEAK THOSE R. S. FINDLAV, P.E, with moderato southerly wavo ac- BAMD/VJES? walls and groins (jetties). As usual GcD tion Is generally credited with the SHACKLES It is seldom that a symposium Girt to Sandy Hook (See Coast &. —neither Is of universal application is discussed by the public on Beach Geodetic Chart No. 1215). Thctf spreading of sand on the beaches —but apart altogether from the CLIPS Erosion, that function being gen- are no protecting promontories as Is evidenced by the accumula- adequate protection of the coast V BOLTS MADE erally left to academic assemblies. along the entire coast Consequent- tion of sand on the south side ot line, it must bo obvious that groins TO YOUR ORDER However, the time Is not far dis-ly, when the shore is subjected to all beach obstructions. Were there (jetties) are very unsightly and in- tant when academic disctuslons on a northeast storm of two or three no obstructions on the beach the convenient on a wide sandy fore- sand grains would naturally level RED BANK SPRING S&KVICE beach erosion will become the topic days' duration, much beach mater- shore used for recreation purposes SHREWSBURY AVE. PHONE RE"6-I55I of the layman, ial Is lost through wave action themselves, and form a natural and should be avoided whore pos- Sandy beaches are the delight Nature, fortunately, has provided beach. sible on these grounds alone." of all who frequent the shore— a seemingly endless supply of sand When tl;e northward current (Notel This was submitted to the Electrical Appliances or AH Kinds Repaired. for those who bathe, those who In this area, and a change of wind meets an obstruction' such as Legislature in 1922.) lounge, the children with lliel with the aid of tidal currents and jetty, the accumulation^ of water Paris and Service for All Makes Radios, Washers, pressure on the south side is un- In 1924, Engineer Henry Clay Kip- sand palla and the aurf fisherman moderate southerly swells soon re- ley read a paper before the Amer- who tests hl« skill with rod andstores tho beach—provided no ob-derstandably spent by flow around , Vacuums, Ranges and Refrigerators. the seaward end. I ican Society of Civil Engineers en- line. Such enjoyments, however, structions prevent the orderly titled: "Beach Erosion; IU Causes Motors Serviced and Repaired are mostly confined to the warm spread of sand, The resulting eddy or "scour" is the cause of the deep water at the and Cure" (4) and such, at that days of the year. Stormy days When property owners built timoi well known ongineers as the find tow beach visitors and when homes along tho ocean they at- seaward end of jetties and their gradual undermining at this point, late Victor Gellncau, formerly a real storm hits the shore, ap- tempted to confine the sand on Chief Engineer, N. J, Board of Com- prehension la telt by all who make their property by building jetties A typical example of this submers- ion Is the rock jetty on the north hicrcb and Navigation; Professor their homes near the aeashore. extending from high water to low Lewis M. Haupt; Col. E. J. Dont water mark, This type of struc side of the "Ship Ahoy" property A lengthy exposed coast line, un- in S»a Bright, and others took part in the dis- To pull you out of eo. less protected by nature, or arti- turc usually was of timber con- cussion. ficially,' is apt to undergo serious struction and invariably followed The budgets of many shore mu- RED BAHK, II.J.flU.R.B.6 Itbl nicipalities are being strained to Mr. Ripley advocated breakwat- damage due to wave action,, and as the slope or natural elevation of ers off the New Jersey coast sim- mud and snow the New Jersey shore has no pro-the beach, thus allowing sand to meet the cost of maintaining jet- ties and the Legislature is being ilar to thoso constructed in France tection It is gradually being worn overtop the structure without un and'Brazil, Tho only.flaw in Mr. away, Acoording to records in the due disadvantage to the adjacent asked to provide 70% of the cost. According to the Plaltiflold "CoUr- Rlplcy's design was that his break- office of tho Now Jersey Bureau of northerly beach. However, like all water would be submerged at high v Commerce and Navigation, 2,200 jetties, they hindered restoration ier-News" of June 2, 1851, Mon- mouth county Is asking $1,626,- tide which would be dangerous to Oar Teacher wears acres have been washed to aea in of the beach. With a rising tide local navigation, He did make the SO years, between 1840 and 1920.and northerly flowing current the '00.00 for seawall and jetty con- struction. Long Branch asks $646,- point, however, that: "Without tho Data on how many acres have been saaward end of the jetty soon be- action of waves, the littoral cur- washed away since 1920 are not came so eroded that the piling no 000.00 to be spent on jetties, Asbury STUDDED SUESE-GRIP the NEATEST Shirts 'ark wants "good Jetties" which rents rarely, if over, would disturb You get "maximum traction" going or corning from the available at this writing. longer had sufficient hold of the tho sand on the beach by virtue The agencies set up by the state, sand to offset its buoyancy, The poses the question what arc "good arrangement of the heavy-duty studs. Self- cities" and the paramount ques- of Its own velocity—Let the cur- and the various municipalities, to result was collapse of the seaward rent have its full sway but control cleaning studs rid themselves of mud and snow as the in school" combat the ravages of the eea, portion of the structure, This was tion—What Good Aro Jetties? Sea Bright asks .for $250,000.00 to tho wave action." In the discus- tire revolves. The .Studded Sure-Grip is the finest tire have spent millions of dollars In no doubt the cause of the destruc- sion Mr. Gdlneau said Inl part: the building of structures along the tion, around 1924, of the Deal jetty, build a seawall (or all things)! Sea you can buy for added traction in "soft-going". It Bright cvldcntally is not acquainted 'Wherever the beach exists In a shore, «uch as jetties (sometimes major portion of which broke natural state, that is without bulk- will pull you through. called groins), seawalls, and a and floated onto the beach. The with the Galveston seawall, the Son Francisco Esplanade and to heads, groins (jetties) or other ob- heterogeneous collection of bizarre shortening of some piles to a trad structions below the line attained architecture which defy descrip- die a pipe line was advanced at come nearer home the seawall built at Longport, N, J. by storm seas, and the alongshore tion. that time as the cause of failure, current Is slight or practically non- According to the report submit- but it Is* the writer's opinion that Had Sea Bright contemplated existent it Is usually safo to as- ted by the Erosion Commission to buoyancy was the cause. building a breakwater, the munici- sume that the beach will not read- MOUNT TIRE SERVICE Gov. Alfred E. Driscoll In January The beach at that' period suf- pality would have taken a step in ily undergo permanent change. 75 White St. Red Bank ! (1951), It is estimated that $30,- fered relatively little damage by giving the area protection from 1 Fluctuations will occur, but the ef- 'GOOD/WEAR) 000,000 has been spent on protec- timber jetties, However, later, when storms, and the building up of a fect of one * set of conditions In PHONE 6-0484 tive structures, Essential future rocks were - added to keep them safe bathing beach. wearing down a beach will be off- ^ TIRES, "' construction will require $27,633,000 from floating shorewards, more Tho theory that jetties protect of which $12,093,000 Is estimated for rapid deterioration set In, and the he shore has been questioned by (Continued on Next Page) Monmouth county. end is not In sight. many engineers, their lack of ef- Beach erosion Is not con/lned to The New Jersey coast being ex- fectiveness has boen discussed and the New Jersey coast; parts of the posed to an extensive reach* has their conclusion has boen that jet- coast of Holland, at Zoutelsnd and the added disadvantage of having los arc a detriment, West Kapclle (1) have extensive to accommodate Itself to an extra This theory evidently is not ac- coast protective works, and since three or four feet of water at high cepted by . present day policy Roman times It Is calculated that tide during a northeast gale of two makers, otherwise heed would have the east coast of England has lost or three days' duration. When a been paid to the. criticisms ad- HAVE YOUR PLUMBING, HEATING about threo miles. The supposi- normal, tide of 4.8 feet has another vanced over the past thirty years. tion also prevails that England was throe or four feet added to It, and Tho , Pan-American Congress cut off from France between Dover la moved by a gale traveling a dis- meeting in Washington te VJ\5 toi* and Calais by erosion. tance of several hundred miles, the his to say: "Regarding orosi'on of Many eminent engineers have energy expended when it collides the New Jersey coast—No general AND SHEET METAL written on the subject and discus- with an obstruction eventually plan has been pursued and no gen- sions before the learned societies causes collapse If the structure Is eral protection has resulted—but are numerous. All agree that wave improperly designed. Were there great damages have been done to DONE BY action is the major cause of erosion. no obstructions, wave action would the buildings and properties be- In 1922 the New Jersey Board ot gradually dissipate Its energy on hind the bulkheads. More and Commerce and Navigation': sub- the shore. But if a bulkhead or more the beach has been receding mitted to the Legislature a-report seawall U encountered, repeated as- —so that it was concluded that the on New Jersey beach erosion'drawn saults of wave action will ulti- structures were wholly inadequate,! MARTIN J. McGUIRE up by a body of well-known en- mately cause erosion and possible were improperly designed, and, In gineers, and like all writers on I he collapse. The seawall which col- many cases, actually aided in the REGISTERED SAVE 20* CASH «. CARRY subject, concluded that "thef Is lapsed at Longport, N. J,, In 101Dcoast erosion.".* no hard and,fast rule in coast pto- is ah example. Writing In "The Scientific Amer- tcctlon, Every locality J Wiii >be •Nautical term (or distance. can" in 1916, Col. E. 1. Dent said Monmouth County's Largest Plumbing and Healing Contractora DONALD'S DELUXE LAUNDRY studied " As the tide rises on the North n pait: "One effect of groins (Jet- The New Jersey coast line runs Jersey shore it has an. Inshore cur- .Ics) deserves serious considera- for Homes and Industrial JPlauts 44 MARION STREET RE 4-0203 RED BANK almost north and south, with little rent flowing north from Barnogat tion, Consider a groin to high that change in depth of water from Sea inlet at less than & halt mile per no .-water -will over-top it. Such a. structure will Inevitably concen- ON HIGHWAY 35-2 MILES NORTH OF RED BANK trate^ both the uprush and the back wash of the wave.—In order that littorally drifting material may pass Let Us Give You An Estimate Oi. fe jetty, it is necessary for it to travel into deeper water than would PHONE RED BANK 6-3767 UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY be the case on an unobstructed beach, and this deflection reduces the probability at Its ever being BOILERS - RADIATORS • FIXTURES - PIPE - VALVES cturhed to the beach. For these reasons jetties or groins must In- AND FITTINGS FOR SALE AT ALL TIMES evitably cause a wastage of beach FINANCE CO. nfatertal." (3) In the report submitted to the ANNOUNCES Buy on these Plain Hard Fads NEW OFFICE IN RED BANK See for yourself how a Chevrolet track With a Friendly Considerate Loan Service • can cut your costs in every way $25 to $500 made promptly on signature, furniture, or auto!

IT'S "YES" TO 4 OUT OF 5 AT Hwmal Hello folks, I'm the YES COMPARE THESE ft**/PLUSSES! MAN at the new Tbwonal office here. My success will One-visit loam (phem drat) • Mtn depend on how many peo- and woman—singl* or marrltd— ple I serve, And I kiiovv that depends on bow will I welcome! • Special lunch-hour ttrvicti serve YOU, Because every for business woman • Between pay- IDWARD MNNINO one of the more than $00 (ConlhlnllM

FACT NO. 3-Right Truck for Every load AMBRICA'S truck users buy on down-to-earth facts, not fancy THI DON OF CRIINDIY SIRVICI . . . phrases, That's why more of them buy Chevrolet trucks than any FACT NO. 4-Keeps Its Value Longer other make , . . nearly as many as the next two mokes "THI COMPANYgl tHAt LIKIS TO SAV VII" combined) , What they set for their money Is a rugged, sturdy, de> nendable truck that's factory-matched to Ihelr Jobs and pay- FINANCE CO. loads—right power, right capacity, right price—with savings In purchase over other (rucks of comparable specifications, and a record of savings on the Job that can't be topped, 2nd Floor • 21 BROAD STRUT Como In and lot's get down to cases on how a Chevrolet - truck can cut your hauling or delivery costs. You can't make Edward Pointing, YIS MANager MOM OHIVDOUT TRUOKI IN UII THAN ANY OTHIR MAKII a better buy-to save your monoyi PhontiRed Bank 6-9020

loans fiMHfe re MiWenh •/«((nwrkty Jewni • ircenii No. 144 MeKIM-LAYTON CHEVROLET CO. 29 MECHANIC STREET Phone Red Bank 6-3130 RED BANK RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 3, 1953 Pace Nine

beach abruptly ended at the low- a storm there would be few buyers Are Beaches Being water mark. The beach was eroded of ahore property. It should be Mrs. Fox Honored » THE WAR EFFORT at this point no doubt because of incumbent on shore and bay-shore Ruined or Preserved? the northerly flow of tbe current on authorities to provide all buyers On 80lh Birthday (Continued Prom Preceding Page) a rising tide. There then being no of property with a copy of the THE FIREMEN jetties on this beach for. fully s, tidal range so that provision could ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—Mrs. "HELP" set, or practically so by the oper- mile It stood out In contrast to the be made when building homes, etc.. Ernest L. Fox, Sr., was gueil of ation of an opposite set of con- beaches further north. Waves could to keep well above the highest honor at a pitrty at her home on ditions and the resultant change) come and go, and dissipate their tide. (6) Second avo. here Sunday when she REDUCE FIRE & will be very slight." In the aame 'energy "on a wide sandy fSFeJhort," To keep the bay shore area from crlcbmtrd hrr 80th birthday. Twen- "HELP" SAFETY HAZARDS discussion Col. Dent said in part: With the advent of the stone jet- inundation, levees similar In type ty-nine members of her immediate "Along the Now Jersey and Long ty, however, the beach now has employed to keep the lower Miss- family from Colorado. New Yolk IN YOUR HOME Island beaches are numerous ex- taken on a different aspect. Con- issippi River from overflowing may id New Jersey were present. amples of bulkheads built at about trary to the advice and reasoning have to be constructed. Writton by a friend, Mrs. Daniel the hlghwater line and of sloping of eminent engineers, many beaches Bowman, a tribute entitled "Mon- groins extending from this point The, New Jersey beaches which IRON AND RAG SCRAP DRIVE have been divided with costly un- have practically passed from pri- mouth County Matriarch" was read to a little beyond the low water sightly rock jetties with devastating by Mrs. Fox's daughter. Mr*. Vida ine contour. An examination of vate ownership and have now be- Sunday, January 6th, at 10 A. M. results. come a care of the State must not Fox Fagan of New York city. Dr. these structures will show that in If rock 'etties were the answer Richard'E. Fox of Boulder, Col., a. many instances^ they have failed be allowed to be further desecrated. to beach preservation, then the Engineering skill can solve the son, offered a family blessing. Pic- And Continuing the First Sunday of Every Month. to function, and that the ordinary Long Branch area would be the tures were taken when Mrs. Fox statement of principles involved af- problem on the New Jersey coast classic example of perfeetion. Bud as It has been solved at Galveston, cut her birthday cake. fords no explanation of these fail- Mrs. Fox's son-in-law and daugh- • • • that Is not the case. Millions of Texas; San Francisco, California; ures. A clear and convincing sum- dollars have been expended for ter, former Councilman and Mrs, mary of the theories applicable to Burlington, Vermont; and many beach protection In this area and Dther exposed shores. Engineer Leonard Hofman, later were hosts Please Cooperate With the such cases, Including a description the authorities are contemplating t a buffet supper at their home of the errors that have caused the Ripley advocated breakwaters 27 •pending another 5750,000.00. On the years ago and prominent engineers on Second ave. Others at the birth- failures or a frank admission that Long Branch beach, as far as the day party and buffet supper includ- these methods of beach protection supported his theory. The writer eye can reach, north and south, agrees with Mr. Ripley but advo- ed William Fagan of New York BANK HOOK & LADDER FIRE CO. (bulkheads and jetties) are not rock jetties jut out into the ocean city; Ronald Hofman of Atlantic applicable to the particular local- cates full sized breakwaters placed and one has to admit that this area beyond the low-water, line, connect- Highlands; L,ce Hofman, who was To Make These Drives a Big Success ity, would be of tomenec value to on leave from the submarine base engineers and their clients. It is a scene of ruin and desolation ed to the shore, curved so as to caused by nothing else than the catch the northerly drift of sand, at New London, Conn.; Mr. and an observed (act that groins do not Mrs. Victor L. Fox and their son, always protect a beach and Mr. monstrous expensive rock jetties. thereby forming safe bathing FOR PICK UPS SUNDAY CALL . Ocean avenue, once a beautiful beaches and ensuring shore pro- Victor, Jr., of River Plaza) Henry Ripley gives his reasons for bt- Fox- and his children, Doris and lleving that groins increase beach promenade has been reduced to half tection from ocean storms. This its, width by the inroads of the breakwater placed at necessary Henry, of Atlantic Highlands; Mrs. RED BANK 6-3100 and ask for the erosion Instead of reducing It, he Richard E. Fox and hor children, (E. J, Dent) came to a similar con- ocean. One or two more northeast points along the allure should be storms will no doubt complete the so constructed that revenue could Thomas and Betty, of Boulder, and Hook & Ladder Co. clusion several years ago (3) and Mr. and Mrs, Ernest U Pox, Jr., bas had no reason to change his destruction. The beach hat become be collected during the summer so shortened and so denuded of months from bathing permits, car and their children, Paul, Sandra, We will gladly pick up at your convenience—any time. views since that time.—The net re- Ernest, 3d, Richard, Jan and Mary- sult of all wave action is the trans- sand because of the many jetties parking areas, etc. A drawing out- which prevent waves from spread- lining the writer's vision of such lou of River Plaza. fer of .material from the chore to Other guests were Mr, and Mrs. deep water in the ocean." ing (waves of -translation), that a structure accompanies this paper what -was I'ormerly shallow water and while there Is no attempt Richard Connrd of Highlands, Mrs. In the same discussion, Engi- Is now deep water. made to elaborate on design a D. C. Hofman of Brooklyn, and neer Lynn Perry, designer of the few general principles should be Ml*s Janet Lynn Barker, Lee Hof- seawall built at Longport, N. J. In When ocean storms start the man's fiancee, of Atlantic High- waves rolling, the Long Branch Jet- followed such as a piling founda- 1914 (which collapsed In February tion, after borings have been made land*. AMAZING $20 to 1919 said In part: "A seawall, If tin-, do not stop the waves, but to determine the nature of the Dr, and Mrs. Fox and their fam- well built and judiciously located guide them and enable them to hurl all their force against the shore. underlying strata, a stone struc- ily, who hnvc been visiting; relatives above the high water lino will pro- ture, not of loose rubble but of in the East, left Tuesday lot- Col- REDUCTIONS! tect the shore line which pro- Hence tho condition of Ocean ave- $500 nue, which, under the circum- dimensioned stone weighing not orado, tection Is frequently necessary. At stances, will continue to deteriorate. less than 10 tons to 12 tons each the same time, It Intensifies the similar to those used on the Ice- In 1040, New York nnd Texas scouring action lowering the beach Jetties don't stop the forco of the breaker piers at Lewes, Delaware. were tho only stales In the United You can be sura of fast, dependable level, and too frequently undermin- waves except to break up a portion States that had more than 500 hos- service at HFC—because we are The stones should be clamped and ing the seawall—an annoying con- equivalent to the cross-sectional leaded so as to prevent displace- pitals each. America's oldest and largest con- dition." area of the jetty, and they do pre- sumer finance company, vent the spreading of sand when ment. The structure should be at • • • Writing In "The Military Engi- least six feet above normal high PRODUCTS 01 neer" Nov.-Dcc. 1924, Commander built above the prevailing level of tide so as to thoroughly break the Why Share Your Space Our rate on all loans above $100 is the beach. R. S. Patten (a member of the waves before they roll on the shore. MOST FAMOUS substantially below the lawful max- Engineer Advlaory Committee to At Ion? last the efficiency of jet- with a Swinging Door': imum. Loans made promptly on the Board of Commerce and Navi- ties Is being questioned and the The Erosion committee comment- * signature, car or furniture without gation of 1B22) said In part: "The condition at Long Branch has ed on "the abounding public In- MILLS IN THE endorsers. ocean is engaged in an unceasing caused enough anxiety to call for terest in the defense of the shore • • • attack on these (N. J.) sandy drastic measures. front" and in 1024 Col. Dent said COUNTRY! Take 6, 12, 18 or more months to shores sweeping up and carrying To this end t\.o U, S. Arm' " the works of mnn will play repay depending: on the purpose of away the materials of which they dredges, (ne "General Goethels" and an important part in the future your loan, Get a prompt cash loan are composed; a large part to lie the "Essayona" were oallod Into and we may well taka wnrnlng on terms you can afford! Call deposited In a position favorable service and between Apr. 15 and while there Is yet time end sec friendly, dependable HFC today! to its subsequent, return, but a June 20, 1948, clumped 600,000 cubic to It that the Interest of the mil- considerable remainder being trans- yards of dredged material in 32 lions who annually visit the beach- Coih MONTHLY PAYMENT FLANS ported to resting places in waters feet of water 1600 feet off the Long es aro properly safeguarded." You Branch shore and there Is no evi- 0.! 20 18 H 6 where its reclamation Is impossible. The writer believes there Is yet fivmti ptymls dence that a bushel basket of this time, but the hourglass is rapidly paymts tWMtl One of the principal reasons why material found Its way Inshore t our resistance to these attacks has running out. $50 % 4.87 $ 9.08 which bears out Col. Dent's and R. S. Flndlay, P. E. $6.41 $ 6.97 18.15 not been more satisfactory, is that, 100 9.75 Commander Patten's assertions. References: ALL WOOL MULTICOLOR AXMINSTEK KUGS 200 12.6S 13.76 19.33 36.13 in this country we have not yet Hnd this "Operation Dump" been 300 18.80 20.46 28.82 64.02 dovotcd that Intensive study which 1. J. K. DoKlnder C, E. of Holland 30.22 33.00 88.83 successful the Long Branch jetties 5 500 46.94 alone will enable us to plan our would all have been covered to a in the Garden of Zeeland. 9x12 was 8113.00 Now Houstkold't thent it 2M% ptr month en fro/- defense M to have reasonable as- width of 16 feet and a depth of 2. Study of Tides Works Progress anate/ UK or tol and 1% t" nanth on thai surance that It will be successful." Administration, New York, 1924. perl el tht batata in mm 1} 1/00 and not in ten feet. So, when we find that •«r,, 0/ »JM. end H si IK t" month en Ihet The writer has devoted much three years ago an attempt was 3. The Preservation of Sandy ALL WOOL AXMINSTEK HUGS—Floral Leaf and tart ej tht halanu in exuts el $300 te $100. Beaches by E. J. Dent. time In reading discussions and ar- made to cover these jetties and this Tono-on-Tone Patterns. ticles on tho subject of Beach Pres- year we find that 5385,000.00 is ear- 4. Discussion before American.So- ervation and the foregoing quota marked for jetty maintenance in ciety of Civil Engineers, 1D24. tions from many sources Indicate the Elberon section of Long Branch 5. U. S. Engineers Office, New 9x12 wus SI39.00 Now the intensity of the problem. So and $250,000.00 for jetty reconstruc- York City. • • .•.-•• a"MODERNFOLD" many excellent discussions before tion at the Boardwalk Section of 6. See John Buckley's New York technical societies never reach the Long Branch It would appear as if Bay Tides, Military Engineer door takes none! ALL WOOL CAKPETING—Tone-on-Tone, Embossed public that, the. writer hopes' they an explanation is necessary. It Is December, 1024. may be of {merest. the opinion of the writer that The writer is indebted for in- Put yourself in her ihooil Where Leaf Design, Hard Twist Background, Green, Gray and The remainder of this article will "Maintenance" and "Reconstruc- formation contained In the fore- would you stand If the door swung 313 Slate St., 6th Floor, PERTH AMBOY, N. J.-PErth Amboy 4-3M0 1 Lie. No. esi deal entirely with the^ writer's criti- •t'mn' ' oJ..tV. i.ajWf sections would going article, to the Library of the Into your kitchen? Fortunately, Beige. cism of present beach' protectfv*, best be served if a start were made American Society' of Civil Engi- "Modernfold" o®»r« aiuwtr that 5 95 NAME __...... „„....,.„ _...„.. ...-. structures and his recommendation to rid the beaches of all Stone Jet neers; The Fifth Avenue Library, question for you... because they Per Sq. Yard was 812,95 Now $' for change, tics. Any sand built up by a stone New York; the U. S, Engineers told rather than swing. ADWiSSS. - When building the Manasquan jetty has hcen built up at the ex- Office, New York, and the office Whether you use steel-framed $< #4 CITY.— „ STATE..,.. boardwalk in 1928 the writer ob- pense of the neighboring beach. of the Bureau of Commerce and served that the gently sloping I.nnj? Branch beach will continue Navigation, Newark, • New Jersey. "Modernfold" doors In standard size 9x12 ...... was $174.00 Now J07 ° to deteriorate because of the ob- openings or to partition rooms, they structions on tho beach. It will nev- Quick freezing methods have now add Immeasurably to home appear- $< 2 er improve until the jetties are re- been worked out for 35 different ance. Their flame-reslilart vinyl 12x12 was S232.00 Now jr43' ° moved arid a structure built beyond fruits and 37 vegetables. covering — available In 22 different Low Water and approximately par- colors—never cracks, peeli, or fades allel to the shore. This structure ... washes with soap and water. 12x15 was 8290.00 Now *fl J 9'°° will break the waves as they roll Write or phone for demonitrolion. In, and will also collect sand which flows north with the current but at advertlsid In ALL WOOL CARPETING—R°« Moresque, Tone-on* which at present Finds Its way Into BETTER HOMES I GARDENS mi deep water because of the obstruc- IHE SATURDAY EVENING TOST Tone Leaf Pattern. tions on the beach. (See Note No, 3). lh« y nir> An outstanding valuel 2850 lOlfc It almost seema Incredible) that son er nirsnne In, »n or -hunt the nremlaee. All vleltori attendlna thin sale and this iroup. so muoh money la allowed to beIntpeetlnf the building prior to ilate ol aali do •» at thaJr own rlek. apent pn outdated structures. Bale Will Be Held Indoors. RegarnlnR sesre newap«per PHONE i-OW MD BANK hetoTlnas they will always be plen- By Ordir eft COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS CO., INC. 'C 116N». tiful after a storm hits the chore I, ft. COATS • Auetloiutr and bsy trsas, 4M Bath Ave., Long Branch, N, i. Phono 9-JoOO, 21 WHITI ST. RIO BANK, N. J. Few psople esn comprehend the Memberi "National Auctioneer! AMO."—"N, J. Stile Hoelety of Auctioneers" SEuALL 55 power of th" eeaan end were rarsons, Lnhrawriue, Oansnna * (Jombs, Attornoyi, obliged to visit the locality during II Wnllioe It., Red Bank, N. j, Ten RED BAXK REGISTER, JANUARY 3, 1952

BIRTHDAY TARTY MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP- Mayor and Council Reorganize at Oceanport LISTEN TO Janice Anne McLaughlin, daughter •The Healing Message of of Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin S. DOROTHY RABf o; Naveslnk River rd., observed her Christian Science first birthday Wednesday of last week at a party at her home. The Every Sunday on Vour Radio guests ' were Jeanno and Mike Slenderizing Salon ' 1:30 P. M. WJZ Dial lit Gregorson, Charlotte, firuce and First Sunday ol Ibe Month Barbara Conrad, Ronald, Gerald SWEDISH AND MECHANICAL MASSAGE—VAPOR BATHS—FACIALS B:30 A. M, WNBC Ri»l BBO and Gene Ford, Michael Pettlt, Mia COLONIC IRRIGATIONS First and Third Sundly Francis Grcgcrson, Mrs. Thomas (1:05 A. M WQXR Dial 1560 Pottit, Mrs. James Conrad, Mrs. MODERN APPARATUS—TRAINED TECHNICIAN ' Uclur* Broadcast • 2d Saturday Eugene Ford and Janice's grand- 3.05 P. M. WQXR Dial 1560 Every Tue», - Monitor Broadcait mother, Mrs. Harry French of Long 60 PETERS PLACE RE 6-5035 RED BANK 9:45 P. M. WJZ Dial 770 Island.

First Quality COLUMBIA HOLLAND LINEN BE SURE .. . WINDOW SHADES 1 Be sure that when you In- CUSTOM MADE SIDE HEMMED I vest In u new home, you In- ECRU of WHITE. rest with s thoroughly ex- Bring your rollers In. Wo also reverse your old shades, Quality Venetian Blinds at very moderate prices! No ivuiting! perienced, reliable builder. GLOBE AWNING & SHADE CO. Such a builder Is Malmone Phone Red Bank 6-3889 117 West Front St. Irothers , , . See them tat! MAIMONE BROS. BUILDERS & DEVELOPERS For Information Call Bed Bank 8-3937 or BB 6-0788

Mayor Edward C. Wilson and members of the Oceanport right, are Councilmen Arthur Crochet, John D. Rieclc, Franklyn borough council at the municipal governing body's reorganiia- Ingram and Clinton W. Wood, Jr., and Charles W. Jones, bor- tion meeting Tuesday at borough hall. Seated from left to right ough attorney, and George C. D. Hurley, collector and treasur- To Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bourhill are William P. Fleckner, borough clerk; Councilman Felix Fog- er. Mr. Wood and Mr. Ingram were sworn in for three-year gia, Mayor Wilson, who was sworn in Tuesday for his second terms on the council and Mr. Rieck for an unexpired one-year too extend a most cordial welcome term. | term, and Councilman Adrian Clough. Standing, from left to to their new home in Applebrook Farm. May they enjoy many happy years of the "forgotten child" in the past, Mr. ond Mrs. Lester Pease of Green Marlboro Speaker to Discuss as compared to the Improvements Grove ave., and P.F.C. Walter Mor- Mr.* and Mrs. Clinton Sftiul and. in New Jersey's most beautiful village, Fund Uuising Drive and hope that has been advanced insky, U.S.M.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. in tho last' few years. The plans for J. Jterlnsky of S3 Jackson st. here, family entertained the following • Exclusive flve-settion construction • and perfect Leo J. Mnrlno, president of the over-all public understanding and were awarded the silver badge of guests at a buffet supper Christ- Jucoh R.V. M. Lcffcrta mas: Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Roden- counterbcilonce make the new 1951 Model two-car state council, New Jersey Parents special education tor the afflicted Marine marksman, when they re- Group for Retarded children, will cently completed boot training at baugh and daughters Sue and Charles T. Kiloomius "OVERHEAD DOOR" amazingly easy to open and close. children will be stressed In explana- address the county retarded cHll- tion of the reason for the curront Parria Island, S, C. Mary Jane, and Mrs. Ella Culp Be sure; get the door with *Miracle Wedge* and Applcbrooh Farm "( dren's fund committee volunteer fund drive and expected results. They finished training In field o£ Swanksville, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. *Solt Spray Steel* for lasting serviit*. workers, at a mooting tonight at tactics, precision drill, military Warren Rodonbaugh of Philadel- Route '35 8:30 o'clock In the Red Bank bor- courtesy and history of tho Corps phia, Mrs. Fred Davis of Miami, ough hall. Edward L. O'Reilly of Pease, Merinsky Win in addition to firing Infantry Fla., and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Just north 'of Naval Underpass OVERHEAD DOOR PRODUCTS CORP. Caro ct. is director of the state weapons, Including the Gaiand Storm of Marlboro. Marksman Badges Middletown Township 25 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE fund raising drive. ride, and observing operation of the Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Holland en- 465 SHREWSBURY AVE. RE 6-4888 RED BANK I Mr. Mnrlno will glvo a brief his- KEYPORT—P.F.C. Edward L. machine gun, mortar, and flame tertained the following guests at tory of the care and development Peaso, U. S. Marine Corps, son of thrower. Christmas dinner: Mr. and Mrs. William Flttvtzor of Neptune, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wyckoff, John Junior 9 To 52' Holland, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Holland and eon Alan, the boss said "GIVE EM CRAZY PRICES"! Mary Lou Blsscll and other stu- dent nurses at Newark City Medi- cal Center sang Christmas carols over radio station WBNJ. TUCKERS The following girls attended a now look what $tf^"^''""V kuvcii pajama party and wore overnight guests at 'the home of Miss Pat Tuveson: Miss Nancy Delatush of Adelphla, and the Misses Jean Rue JANUARY SALE! and Nancy Ryan of Freehold, and HOLLYWOOD BED Sara Dugan of Marlboro. Mrs. Orphia DIxon and daugh- Complete with ter Mary Lou spent Saturday Innerspring Mattress ovening with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Smith and family. TWIN SIZE 30 OQ lWg Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Flintzer ONLY ^7 and daughters Marilyn and Doro- thy of Trenton were Saturday eve- Maple & Mahogany ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Holland and family. " "" ••" PERFECT FIT Thero wore 25 members present IT CAN'T BE ANYTHING BUT POSTFR BEDS at tho recent monthly meeting of IN NEMO SHORT & REGULAR LENGTHS ALL 95 the ladles' auxiliary of the flro de- partment at which tho president, THIS it the NEMO ADJUSTABLE WAIST1. SIZES Mrs. Charles McCuo, ' presided. It 16 the foraoui "Music V" malm YOU* LITTLE WAIST was decided to appoint a nominat- ing committee at the next meet- Ihi CENTER OF AnRACTlONI METAL SPRINGS ing In January for tho election of officers In February. After the '95 ALL SIZES business meeting a Christmas par- Regular $10.00 Value ty was enjoyed and a turkey din- ner was served by ths following THERE'S A NEMO FOUNDATION ON SALE 7.50 committee; Mrs. Dennis Buckley, Mrs. Lester Cook and Mrs. William FOR EVERY FIGURE. Upholstered Stolz. Assisting tho ladies were Charles VanCuren, Harry Sickles, Art Mancinl, WMard Sickles, BUI ROCKERS Stolz, Feto Koaabo and Bilt Sic- kles. At tho close of tho dinner, TUCKERS 5 pc. Maple Bedroom Richly Upholstered gifts wero exchanged by tho 44.50 members. Graduate Corsetieres Bed, chest, dresser and mirror. Oysters and scallops arc lazy, Corsets t Lingerie LAMPS members of tho seafood worid, In Metal spring and fine innerspring their native element they Ho on 139 Broadway, Opp. Paramount Theatrt 100 2 pc. Living Room one side, whereas most other bi- mattress. valves live orcct, standing on the Branch 1* edges of their sholls. 5 pc. Formica & Chrome n fine rii!iiiJ.iii::tti;iiii!i!ijiiji3Ht»hminimiuiiul ground wUlwipo 63x99 Reg. 2.69 Sale 2.29 Satin Blntllnr- Winter weight. ROOFIK&- The Youth fellowship of the stripe, in green, brtfvvn or rod. Hiincar tf'ca'i,- ran or cedar. 79 CENTRAL AVENUE RED BANK, N. J. Methodist church will present a Full or Twin size. Limited quantity. cantata at tho Watch Night scr- 72*99 Reg. 2.79 Sale 2.39 vlco Sundny at tho Methodist church. 81x99 • Reg. 2.8.9 Sale 2.59 TAFFETA Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stager of Beacon Beach entertained at din- ner Christmas day, Capt. and Mrs. DISH TOWELS 45x36 Pillow Cases Reg. .75 Sale 64' COMFORTABLES Jumos O'Neill of Rlverhead Base, L, I.; Miss Frances Schcppcr of Rog. 39a Re9 9 49 Flushing, L. I.; William O'Neill of 29c 7.98 Flushing and Mr. and Mrs. John Goth .ildos covered with ray- O'Neill of this place, Sturdy 25% linen towels made on taffeta, fancy stitched and Bayslde council, Daughters of by Siartox. 16x31. Combina- plump-full with 50% wool. America, held its Christmas party tion border colors. Full double size, 72x81. Wine, Friday evening, Dec. 28, at Port ro3c. green, or gold. Monmouth. A covorod-dlsh supper was served and pals wcro revealed. Ench guest received a candy fa- vor boot. Installation of officers DRAPERY will bo held Jan. 11. Members will dress formal. LINEN TOWELS DAMASK Robert Mlnut of Bldred, N. Y., Reg. 79c spent the holidays with his par- Yd. Reg. 1.89 ants, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond 1.49 Strykcr, A puro ill linen Towel lypocl Miss Nnncy Slryker spent Heavy aatln dumask -18" wide. Christmas week-end with friends for glass or flno china. Slzo Attractive pattern? In assort- at Clifton. 17x31. Kod, green or blue ed colors. One Is sure to You give yourself a "break" when you pay cash for the Mr. nnd Mrs. Chester Czarkowo- borders. please you. skl spont Christmas ovc with their family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank things you need. There are times when people need extra Cznrkowskl of Irvlngton. Pack 105 of Scouts held a parly CANNON PRINTED cash for necessities and emergencies. At such times we Thursday, Doc. 20. Tho hoys pre- sented ptpog to commltteo mem- suggest that you see us about a soundly planned personal bers and to Scout Mnstor John BATH TOWELS BARK CLOTH Naplor. Carols wore sung and gifts AQ Yd. Reg. 2.49 loan. exchanged. Den chief lanyards ea. Reg. 59c ware given to Dennis Flannlgan 1•90 or don throo and William McLean A 18" bonded Wavorly Fab- of don two. Largo 20x40 size, Solid col- ric for Drupes, Slipcovers, ate. Floral designs on tan, Yon . Wo Deduct you You Repay ors bluo, yellow, peach, flam- As of October, 1850, there wore brown, jtreon or s.-ey grounds, • Apply (as Total Coat ' Receive Monthly — for In continental United States 265 ingo, chartreuse, green. guaranteed sun nnd tub fast. for of Loan)* i In Cash 12 Monthi different religious bodies,

$108.00 $ 6.48 $101.52 , t 9.00 54" 156.00 9.36 . 146.64 13.00 Mattress Covers 216.00 12.96 203,04 18.00 Ro9 385 TAPESTRIES 264.00 15.84 248.16 22,00 3.29 BATES FINE J 40 Yd. R.,4« Made of strong, well con- 324.00 19.44 3O4.S6 27.00 Snvo one dollar nn every yard structed durable shcatlng, All of those finely woven fabrics. 432.90 26.92 • ' 406.08 36.00 aoami taped. Far full or twin PERCALE SHEETS Oood uajortment for all up- 480.00 28.80 451.20 40,00 TIQHTor Ula Inner springs, holstery usca. 600.00 36.00 664.00 60.00 STEERING IS LIKE THAT) 3.69 3.98 60.40 Any lieeilns difficulty Is » wirnlng. It 840.00 789.60 ' 70,00 mans wheel unbilince mcl pans wear— 900.00 64.00 846.00 75.00 «nd ihtt mem uneven lite we«t—blow« mm-loii of steeling control—ACCI- TABLE CLOTHS Lace Curtains . 996.00 59.76 936.24 83.00 DENTI Don't drive t cir thirt is dun, Rog, 2.29 SPECIAL PURCHASE I Reg. 1.59 guoui ii tint "unloaded" jtwil Let us correct your etc Tot food with Induiiry. 1 ONE HUNDRED PAIRS TAILORED or RUFFLED 1.29'' $6. p»r $ 100, a year — no other f MI or ehargai. • ipproved BEAK, Safety Bquipmeml Now doslgna and colors on llnaly woven twill, Hnnd dec- Adjunt-A-Not, self ptcntlnff, Think Your Repair Man For orated, Pint colors, Slzo ripple top cunning. Roiuly •T/it Acdtltnt Thai 82.162. CURTAINS 1,98"" ""'"" to hung. 78" long. Ecru Didn't Happen" 52x70 Reg. 2.85 2.49 Plain nr HnUinwny Dal, Unified. Plain or Dotted, Tailored Mnr- only. THE SECOND NATIONAL quUotto. All Ivory. All 78" lonK. 00" to 74" wld«. BANK & TRUST COMPANY iti (1«en "quality" Slnao 1023 TICKING CASES DAN RIVER FABRICS WOOL FLANNEL OF. Joseph Wildanger Co. Roily lUiMen Rog. 79c I Yd, R«9. to 986 Yd, R«9. 3.59 RED BANK, NEW JERSEY lUniillillnK . • • Kaflnlihlni 2.98 Dillon llnlnti and Dump Boillei t at, Funthorprciot (kiting, iul Mill •hliunviit uf HAND1CUTS. 8 to S yd. plocon, Ur|« Selaotflil pure wool (ubrlcn (or ISO siir«»«lmry Avo,, I'hnnc wall flnlnhcd und wiulmhln. vnrlnly or wovrn itrlpu*, pUUh, plain color* unit white, flultablo ilron or iklrt ui«. lu uttruo* OPEN HUUAY EVENINGS — til30 to 8i()0 Owl Bank, N.J. DM (HIM! tlvo light or divrk uulura, unit full lino, for (iri'mM, h(iu»Biiinit», imjnmim, children'* wonr »nd ihlrtlnR. black. 8|)mmcl and nhrunk. SAFETY HEADQUARTERS , Page Twelve BED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 3, 1952 Rumson Borough Has New Mayor, Two Councilmen Former Hazlet Resident ' MATERNITY Returns From Korea . CURDLES • O'ARTERBELTS Complete BSAS • LINGERIE FAIR HAVEN—Sgt. David A. ] Crowell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stew- j : TUCKER'S art Crowell of Wilmington, Del., CORSET - LINGERIE formerly of Hazlet, who recently ; 1SI B-WAY, LONG BRANCH returned from Korea, spent the hol- idays with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. anr Mrs. James L. Clay- ELECTRICAL SERVICE ton of Fair Haven rd. Sgt. Crowell, who spent 13 months in Korea with the 10th Field Artil- Realty Views lery battalion, Third Infantry regi- ment, also visited bis parents, his sister, Miss Sallie Crowell, Wilming- ton, and his brother, Lieut. Steven PHONE RED BANK 6-0612 Crowell, stationed at Fort Bragg, N. C. . A graduate of Hazlet high school Sgt. Crowell entered tho army in ALLEN ELECTRIC SHOP 1910, prior to which ho served with the Merchant Marine. He received "Red Bank's leading Electric Shop" his army basic training at Fort 18 WHITE STREET — RED BANK Bliss, Tex. BALLET ART SCHOOL Seated around th« tablo is tho govorning body of Rumten Mayor Nary's place. Others, left to right, ara Councilmen borough taken New Years day following the reorganization Peter Carfmell and Harold J. Goettschius, Attorney General MISS SLAVINSKA Theodore D. Parsons, borough attorney; Albert A. Korr, Jr., meeting. In the center is Mayor Francis J. Nary, who suc- from Ballet De Monte Carlo ceeds Peter H. B. Cumming. New councilmen appointed were borough clerk, and Councilmen Charles B. Harding and John Garrison C. King, extreme left, who succeeds Randall M. Kea- W. Carton, Jr. New Classes Forming for Boys & Girls ROLSTON WA1ERBURY tor, Jr., and Ralston P. Lamborn, third from right, who takes Pcto Jones was a chronic 1 I,- renter. Just didn't sec much appointee for chairman of civilian president; Lawrence Lanzara, vice daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Wil- BALLET-TOE- TAP sense in buying when there were Malayan defense was deferred until the next president; Paul A. Egan, treasurer; liam H. Pengel at their home on so many other thinjra he might regular meeting. Greyson Van Alfred Adlcr, secretary; Gilbert Valley dr. buy with "down payment Theodore D. Parsons was named Clcaf was named president of the Craig, Holmes Ellison, Sr., James Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Egan en- BALLROOM - FLEXING FOR BALLET 5* money." borough attorney at the organiza- council, Clark, Louis Boyce and John Co- tertained at their home on Broad REDUCING COURSES FOR WOMEN tion meeting of the borough coun- Four boys narrowly escaped gnn, building trustees; Vincent Bt. Thursday evening. The guests So Polo faithfully wrote out a cil Tuesday. The ceremonies stlirt- drowning In Lake Lcfferts Satur- Eurlew, "chief; Aloysius Pennetti, were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Egan, SPECIAL TRAINING FOR STAGE & TELEVISION rent check each month. In fact, ed nt noon with tho presentation day when one of the group, Allen captain; Donald Weir, first lieuten- Mrs. Anna O'Neill, Paul A. Egan, he rented the same house for 20 of a corsage to Mrs. Spafford W. ant; Lawrence Lanzaro, second Jr., and Miss Patricia Egan of PRIVATE LESSONS ORIGINAL ROUTINES years. Finally the owner moved Johnson, 14, 2E0 Jackson st., fell I Schanck, wife of the newly-elected into 25 feet of water when the lieutenant; Paul A, Egan, chief en- Matawan; Mr. and Mrs, George SPECIAL CLASSES FOR PRESCHOOL AGE away and decided tu sell the j mayor, by Mrs. Conover Burlcw, ice gave way and his throe com- gineer; Michael J. Eovino, first Egan and Mr. and Mrs. John Sut- house. We listed it. I president of the Miilnwnn Wom- panions name to his rescue. John- engineer; Wallace Laurscn, second llir of Keyport; Mr. and Mrs. Har- 6 BROAD STREET RED BANK engineer; Paul A. Egan, Wallace old Kelly and daughters Margaret, But Pete wasn't interested en's Republican club. Rov. flnr- son grabbed Richard Bnder, 17, 21 I rntt Delwller gave the Invocation. Park Jive., and pulled him under Laurscn, Michael Eovino, Alfred Kathleen and Maureen, of Lln- PHONES RE 6-3676-M and RE 64168 even yet. Nothing against tho Adlcr, - Lawrence Bachman and oroft, and Edward Mehm of Colt's house. He likod U. But there I The borough clerk, Franklin Dom- the wnler. Robert Demery, 11, of inlck, then swore in tho ncwly- Morganvlllc, and William Clifton, Stanley Ellison, drivers; Marshall Neck. were still other things he could Longstreet, John Cogan, James use his savings for. ' fleeted mayor, Mr. Schanclt, and IS, of Main st., managed to keep Mrs. Michael J. Eovino enter- tho councilmen, Evans Hyrne and themselves up but could not climb Clark and John Gough, fire police; tained the Friday Evening Pino- Then we showed Pete a chart. Greyson Van Cleaf. Committees up on tho cracking Ice. A rope, Vincent Burlew, Aloysius Pennetti, chle club at her home on Broad 1. In 20 years, he had paid $1(1,800 tor the coming year were announce owned by William Bcedlc, who Donald Weir and Paul Egan, st. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. in RENT. And NOTHING to od with tho first named serving us. lives on the banks of the cove board of fire officers; Wailace Aloysius Pennetti, Mrs. Thomas •show for it. The other, things chairman: Fire, Leo Cassidy,Grey- and kept just for that purpose, Laursen, Paul A. Egan and Alfred Walling, and Mrs. Phoebe A. he had spent "down payment" son Van Cleat and John Eggle- I was thrown to the boys by Earlc Adler, Matawan Fire Relief repre- money on had long since-worn ston; streets and takes, Evans Whitney and a human chain of sentation; Gilbert Craig, L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edwnrd Currie en- out. Hyrnc, Victor Armcllino and Grey- other tecn-ago boys was formed. and Grcyson Van Clcaf, Firs Rolief tertained at a Christmas dinner I FREE SURVEY son Van Cleaf: police, Kalph Den- When pulled from the water, the trustees, and Wallace Laurson, Al- at their home on Edgsmero dr. • • • • . . • Moreover, due to inflation, the nis, Evans Hyrnc and John Egglc- hoys wore blue' and near exhaus- frod Adlcr, Greyson Van Clcaf, The guests were Mrs. Frank Wio- I house was priced HIGHER to- ston; finance, Greyson Van Clcaf, tion and had to bo carried to the Monmouth County Firemen asso- ger, Miss Mario Wiegcr, Chris Wlo- I Have you been contemplating repairs for your day, after $10,800'of rent, than Leo Cassidy and Ruiph Dennis; home of Mrs. Lawrence Barker, ciation. ffcr, Mrs. William Thackray, Miss - if he had bought it 20 years ago. water, John Eggleston, Evans who lives nearby. They were strip- Mrs. Anna O'Neill has returned Virginia Thackray and Miss Wll- home? Arc you in doubl. as to what improvements are most I Pete's jaw dropped. His hand Hyrne and Victor Armollino, and ped of their wet clothing and to her homo on Broad st. after mii Thackray of Trenton. clutched a pen as lie signed the lights, parks and garbage, Victor wrapped in blankets and given hot spending a few days visiting her Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Pennetti essential? If you'd like some friendly counsel in this respect, contract which made him a ArmellinD, Leo Cassidy and Ralph' sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and M water bottles and hot drinks. T)r. and children Karen, Arthur and I homo-owner." Dennis. Vincent Burlcw, Midway Captaninn examined tho victims Mrs. Edgar Friclco of the Bronx, Nancy, lmve returned to their we'd be happy to render it—-without obligation. Call for an HOSR company, was named -chief and ordered all but Johnson "re- N. Y. homo at Lancshoro, Mass., after Who can say whit the next of the fire department with Frank moved to their homes In tho am- The Sub-Junior Woman's club spending Iho Christmas holidays appointment aiid free estimate—RE 6-4133. 20 years will bring? Profit; by Gray of the Haley Hose as first bulance. Johnson remained in ,bed hold their annual Christmas party as tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Pete's costly example. Look at assistant, Jerry Almcnas of the at tho Barker home until late In * I'.in Mw of Miss Jacqueline Ha- Aloysius Pennetti of Sutphin ave. our fine aolcction of homes. Washington Engine company as ley, adviser, Keyport, Thursdny NOW! the evening, and is under the care Mrs. William A. Wasmuth en- I second assistant, and Jerry Nappi of :i physician at his home. Pre- evening. A covered-dish supper was tertained at 'a Christmas party Call a qualified company ... of the Hook and Ladder as third cautions arc now being taken by served after which gifts were ex- and luncheon for licr Thursday assistant.-'R. I'M. Colel was renamed the Matawan police to ropo off the changed. Those attending were Afternoon Bridge club at her homo Rolston Waterbury borough auditor, Karl Heuscr, bor- dangerous areas, and to enforce Miss Elaine Cherry, advisor; Miss on Amboy rd. Prises wore award- Call AMERICAN HOME CON- ough cuginocr and superintendent warnings which had been given Jane Anderson. Miss Anne Collard, ed to Mrs. William II. Craig, Mrs Realtor Insurer of tho water works; Dr. Jehu Coop- to skaturs several times prior to Miss Judith TlbbotU. Miss Joan Edward Currip and Mrs. .Richard STRUCTION CO. lo give you er, borough physician; Koert Wy- this incident. T ntwcnske, Miss Diane Wilson. Erdmann, Jr. The 'other guests ckoff, treasurer and lax collector, O FHA TERMS IB West Front St Red Bank O»'.ors of the Midway Fire com- Miss Mnriby Burrowcs, Miss Janet present were Mrs. Leroy Sicltels v free estimates, efficient service" nn.il..MUs. .1.. Mabel ...ljiown l ,ijS8i;v -wevc. elected for 1952 at a Mullinary, .Miss JoAnn Kn,rl'u» jml | Mrs. Ralph W. Hcrriclt. Mrs. Har- YEARS 1'hohe [flT 6-3500 ian. Theodore Ennis was named meeting at t.vi fire }iou.«o *li»':,tjy. Miss Patricia McCabe, of Keyport, ry K3"r>-> \" i Joseph Baier, Airs. • ALL JOBS INSURED and quality workmanship. the new building inspector. An Tho olllccrs are Donald S. Weir, and Miss Carol Craig, Miss JoAnn Renaselaer h, Cartan. Mrs. Paul Lazow, Miss Patricia Egan, Miss A. Egan, Mrs. Gerald A. Devlin Jane Pengcl, Miss Nancy Jane and Mrs. Raphael C. Devlin of Erdmann and Miss Elaiha Erd- Matawan; Mrs.' Evart Sllcox of mann of llalawnn. Keyport, and Mrs. Mary Sclsco of "WE WILL BE HERE TOMORROW TO BACK UP TODAY'S SALES" Mr. and Mrs. John K. Shepherd Bclmar. of T,i>" hlvd. arc tho parents of a Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson Js second child, a son, born Chrlst- of St. Louis, Mo., have been the PAINTING DORMERS GARAGES mai at St. Peter's hospital, New guests of his brother-in-law and MASONRY ' ROOFING LEAD ERS—GUTTERS Brunswick. The baby weighed sister, Mr. and Mrs. William C. ATTIO CONVERSIONS' SIDING COMB. WINDOWS ' eight pounds and has been named Ludl, of Schcnck ave. NEW BATHROOMS HEATING FLOOR TILING John Edward Shepherd, Jr. Mrs. Mrs. Chester Bane and daughter ROOM ADDITIONS PLUMBING PORCH ENCLOSURES OANS Shepherd Is the former Miss Ger- Mary Ann have returned to their trude Higglns. home in Norwalk, O., after spend- Mrs. Jean Kraluuor, instructor ing the Christmas holidays with at tho Hilltop Studio' of Dancing, Mrs. Bane's mother, Mrs. Martha entertained her pupils at two Lueg, and her sister and brother- Christmas parties. Gifts were dis- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tour- NO SPECIAL SECURITY REQUIRED HERE tributed by Carl Baker as Santa ine of Broad st. Claus. Those attending were Jane Mrs. Phoobc A. Zleglor and Mrs. AMERICAN I SlcGraw, Peggy Palm, Ann Mario Thomas Walling have returned to Falco, Eileen Sweeney, Kathleen their homes after spending Sun- YOU MAY BORROW ON YOUR MoGraw. Rose Ann Jameson; day in Now York city. James Gunklc, Mary Barbara IM- Miss Thalia Karlin of Long • HOME CONSTRUCTION CO. di, Sandra Burt, Susan Gunklo, Dl- Branch has been visiting1 Mr. and I ano Herbert, Lois Ludewlg, Mllll- Mrs. Harry J. Kahn of Broad st. 157 BROAD ST. RED BANK 6-4133 OWN SIGNATURE cent Hcuser, Sandra Pcarce, Linda Mr. and Mrs. Edward Currie Hitter, Joan Strohmenpor, Susan entertained at a bridge, party at Ulncls, Jessica Wolfe, Joyce Ann their homo on Edgemerc dr. Fri- Ward, Diane Rey Wenzcl, Marilyn day ovenlng. Prizes were awarded New 1-Tel. Call Service Krakauer, Arthur Stovens and to Mrs. Albert Anderson of St. Robert Stevens. Louis and William A. Wasmuth Bayard T. Lamborn, Jr., n of this place. The other guests You loan request can be approved freshman nt Vandorbilt universi- present were Mrs. William A. Was- ty, Is spending the Christmas holi- muth, Mr. ahd Mrs. William C. l. ) days with his parents, Mr. nnd Ludl and Dr. and Mrs. William by your firs I call lo our office Mrs. Bayard T. Lamborn at their H, Pongel of Matawan and Albert home on Union st. Anderson of St, Louis. Mrs. William C. Lylc of Valley A co-oporatlvo progressive dln- 1 Cbnkhute dr. Is entertaining her grandsons,' noi party was held Now Years eve John Lylo, a sophomore at Rico at the homes of Mr. and Mrsi War- CALL RED BANK 6-9000 university, Houston, Tex., and Wil- ren Vreoland and Mr. and Mrs. liam Lylo, a freshman at Lehlgtt Harry Kahn. Othor guests wore university, Bethlohom, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnselaer L. Oar- SINGLE OK MARRIED PEOPLE CAN AHRANGE A LOAN Mia, William H, Pengol, Sr., of tan, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Heuser and. Brooklyn is visiting her son and' Mr, and Mrs. Paul A, Egun. PROMPTLY WITHOUT RED TAPE OH UNNECESSARY DELAY. GIGANTIC !l!IN!IEIIUIIIIIVilll«lllllll«n!JilllUSilill!!lillll:«lllM CONVENIENT HOURS Pre-Inventory Sale Daily 9 A. Al. • 5 P. M. Fri. 9 A. M. - 9 P. M. Sul. 9 A. M. • 12 Noon ON ALL BELL FINANCE CO. KNITTED SUITS 77 BROAD ST RFD BANK ., < < • rnaku all your love- DRESSES (OVER J. J. NEWI1ERRY) Hut dreams of your ;: wadding dreu comt trut SKIRTS ' with a ihlmmtrlng crta. TEL. RED BANK 6-9000 lion |uir m«di foi you . • • . •. and {or that ix- BLOUSES RALPH II. HKLKNAP JIM RHODES citing mw formal gown Come In and take adventage of theso mundoiu buyt, Muiiuger lit •.i. LOVE LANE BRIDAL SHOPPE RED BANK SPRING LAKE Locally Owned And Operated 23 W. Front Street Rtd Bank 6>9726 123 Broad Street 1120 Third Avfnur OjMii l'rlcluy KVOM, I ill II I', >T—Otlior 15v«», liy A[i|iolnlniMlt BED TiAXK TlFAldrETt. MSVAM 3,

lion for Adult Education; a mem- Joan Bloom Hostess Guests enjoyed games and danc- ber of the board of governors of ing, and Uprises were won by Mlas LEON'S Home Decoration Dr. J. Goodner Gill Carver Center; the board of trus- At Holiday Party Jean Oliver and Louis Qrosser. The LAUNDRY MAX BENOWITZ tees, of the Boys' Club of Trenton Bloom home was decorated in Yule- and a member of the executive MUa Joan Bloom, daughter of Mr, IT'S HERE All forms of tide greens, and the refreshment Contest Winners Named Chairman committee, Trenton Council of Hu- and Mrs. Albert Bloom of Wuhing- table was decorated with greens COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES - man Relations, .. raternally he Is a ton it., entertained at an Informal and red candles. Life-Casualty-Fire Stuart Robertson of Catherine avc, Heads Slate's Cancer member of the Masonic Scottish holiday party Saturday for her THE 1952 Riverside Heights, Mlddletown Rite, Tall Cedars and Shrine; the Attending wire Mlues Jane Cal- Insurance Fund Raising Drive friends at the home of her grand- ver, Jean Rlgney, Anna Lucia, township, won the second annual Elks, Moose and Sons of American parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bloom exterior Yuletlde decorations con- NEWARK — Dr. William C. Revolution. Meredith Mitchell and Theresa Real Estatt of Washington at. Joan was assisted Connolly, Joseph Muu, James Fa- test sponsored by the Country Cope, president of the New Jersey as hosteis by her parents, her P g»n, Frank Acquire Michael Ar Club-Rivcraidc Civic association. Division, American Cancer Society, grandparents and Miss Janet Bloom LEON'S 200 Blver Road Ked Bank, N. J. Announcement, of. the .cgn.testwin- has announced the appointment of Township Conimitteemen none, Jamn Rucke, Richard Caru and Misi Heleni Cassldy. so and John Buchanan. awci wu BE 9-1971 ners was made Monday by Monte Xi>™~3frT3ooa'ner "UTTTT 'vice-proaiifeht To Discuss Legislation •4.71 White St. Had Bank B. Jones, committee chairman. and registrar of Rider College, L Second prize went to G. M. John- Trenton, as chairman of tho 1052 TRENTON — Township commlt- son of 115 East Roosevelt circle, fund-raising crusade of the Ameri- teemon will meet at the Farmhouse OA4firllHnSw«lM Country-Club Estates, and third, to can Cancer Society in Now Jersey, here Jan. P to discuss legislation Joseph Kelly, Navcaink River id,, Dr. Gill has been interested for a certain to be introduced in the new Y Country Club Estates. The prizes number of years In the fight to con- legislature. .' mos F. Dlxon of Still- were house plants. trol cancer. He will be assisted by water, president of the New Jersey Poricy lane, where every house three area chairmen and chairmen Association of Township Commit- [CAMERA CLICKS, IT IS NOT TOO LATE was decorated, was selected by the to be named by the 21 county chap- teemen, has announced the meet- M judges as the outstanding street in ters. The campaign will be conduct Ing. the area. Honorable mention also ed as usual in April, which Is des- Welfare administration legislation was g^ven to Frank Kovalskl of ignated as Cancer Control Month is one of the topics In which town- TO JOIN OUR 1952 Catherine ave., Mrs. Mario DeFllip- by Congress, ships are involved. The 1951 legis- O po, Bast Lincoln circle, and Capt. lature received a welfare bill which' N. A. Lecklinker, East Roosevelt failed to pass due to strong oppo- circle. sition. A more acceptable bill li Prizes wore donated by Patrick being planned, according to Mr, U Bailey of Highway gardens; FiU- Dixon and Elmer T. Dechant of CHRISTMAS CLUB Riyorslde, chairman of the associa- patrlck's market, and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Emmons, all of rt. 36. Judges tion's legislative committee. You can iavt your precious dollars, you don't hoy* to Itovt were Mrs. Julien Gunn of Rich- T T. B. Smith of Cape M»y Court your parlors; be an "easy comfort" crealure—rent a mond, Va., arid Mrs. Horton B. Gar- House Is vice president of the as- MODERN MOVIE FEATURE from a stec|c that's full and THERE ARE NO ENTRANCE rison and Miss Louella Frey, both sociation,' J. Herbert Brown of covers history, odvenlure LOVERS, westerns, comics, of Red'Bank, Assisting Mr. Jones Swedesboro is treasurer and Wil- on the committee was Calvin O. ipord and GORf-«- H FEES NOR ARE THERE ANY liam Perry Watson of Trenton Is Ohlsen.. secretary, WITH W CHARGES FOR NOT COM- FUnr them ill from OORN'S PHOTO SHOP New Monmouth RETURN TO.rEDBIE P PLETING THE PAYMENTS. A covered-dish supper was' held Frederick W. Frelbott, son of by members of the Baptist church Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Frelbott O Monday evening before the Watch of Port Monmouth, and Charles Might service. D. Welnberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. THE FOLLOWING CLUBS The Y.P.C.A, held its meeting Harry Welnberg of Freehold, have W returned to Peddle school, Hights- and a Christmas party Thursday, ISW/tlUCt ARE AVAILABLE Dec. 27, at the home of their pas- town, after the Christmas vaca- tor and family, Rev. and Mrs. Wil- tion. Frelbott is a senior, and COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY-O7AUD PRINTS"PHOTOSTATS liam Blsgrov*. Weinberg, a freshman, R Deposit Weekly Receive in 50 Wee Miss- Joanne Walling visited Miss Nancy Anne Knauss of Sum- M mit Thursday of last week. FLOW J ,50 Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Rodding- Dr. J. Goodner GUI $25- ton of Rockville Centre, L. I.; Mr. ENGINE SMOOTHNESS and Mrs. John Reddlngton of New A well-known speaker and edu York and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph cator, Dr. Gill holds a Degree of SEE IT ].00 Reddlngton of' Jersey City were Bachelor of Business Administra- 50 °° guests Tuesday and Wednesday at tion from Rider College and an J. YANKO the home .of Mrs. Timothy Red- Honorary Degree, Doctor or Laws, 30 BROAD ST. dington and daughter. Open house from John Marshall College. He Is RED BANK 2-oo 100 °° was held Christmas day. a member of the Crippled Chil- The Amlco Bible class held its dren's Commission of New Jersey MAURICE Christmas party Friday evening to which he has been reappointcd at the Baptist church, Pals were three times, He is also a past presi- 3.00 150-m revealed and new names drawn. dent of the Now Jersey Association A covered-dish supper was served of Schools of Business arid a co- SCHWARTZ and carols sung. A new nominat- founder and first secretary of the $00 ing committee was appointed. New jBr«ey Association of Colleges 250-" Barbara Raueh, daughter of Mr. and Universities; past lieutenant clearance and Mrs* J. Francis Rauch, ob- governor Division-3, New Jersey served her fifth birthday Jan. 1. A District, Klwanis International and & SONS IQoo party was held for her with a few past president of the Trenton Kl- 500 » friends and members of the fam- wanls Club. SHOWROOM ily attending. D0 00 Listed in Who's Who In America and similar publications in educa- WITH THE 20- 1000- Everett tional and other fields, Dr, GUI has Women's and children's wear Miss Eva Smith, daughter of Mr. been vory actlvo In the humanitar- RED FRONT and Mrs. Raymond G. Smith of ian field In Trenton being a director Substantial reductions in wearing THE SECOND NATIONAL Belford, was engaged to Walter of the Family Service Association Ml W. FRONT ST. Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aus- and the R-soua Mission; a past RED BANK tin Wilson, on Christmas eve. prosldcnt of the Trenton Chapter, apparel. Not all sizes and colors Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Warnckcr American Red Cross and Trenton PHONE RE 6-0787 BANK & TRUST COMPANY and daughter, First Lieutenant Vi- Chapter, Salvation Army; a mem- In every style. All sales final, ber of the Mayor's Advisory Com- ola Warneker of this place, and Monmouta County Surroeale'o Court of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Mullin mittee, and o.f tho executive com and children Matthew and Martha miltce of the Now Jersey Assocla- In the matter of tho estate of Maria RED BANK, NEW JERSEY IMusa, decaaie'i Notice to eredltora to were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jos- present claims against eatate. eph O'Brien of Little Silver on „ ^V"!1" lo "" °rit" "' Dorman Mc- Open Friday Eyenings—6:30 to 8. Christmas day. Faddln, Surrogate ol the County of Mon- Women's dresses 8.95 mouth, on the application of the under- Mrs. Frank Kelly and Miss Anne signed, frauds J. Tanscy. e.xecutor of Saulokia- of "Union Beach visited Regularly to 14.95 tha estate of Maria Reuaa, deceased, no- Private Francis Kelly • over the INVEST MONEY tice li hereby given to the creditors of •aid deceased to present to the said week-end at Sampson Air Force Clastic tailored styles In rayon A woolbrook iseoutor as aforesaid. th«lr claim! under base, N, Y., where he Is taking ba- oath, within aht months from this data. sic training. Datidl Freehold. N. J. Dee, « 1951. 15% INTEREST FRANCIS y. TANSBY, Mrs. Raymond McLaughlln and 103 Lenox Street, daughter Judith Lee of Red Bank Without obligation learn how Newark 8. N, J. Johns-Manvllle blown fireproof, Joseph F. Brlema, Esq. vialtsd Mr. and Mrs, Charles Con- ti Branford Place, over Saturday. waterproof Insulation, will return Women's storm coats 45.00 Newark J, N. J. 15?f> or maro Intorost on your In. Guests Sunday of Mr. and Mis. Regularly 99.00 Attorney. 1ll,<4 John Portin were Mr. and Mrs. vestment while making your home, John Pardanon of Long Island, Mr. safer, warmer In winter, and cooler Famous "Winter Master" coats with full wool pile lining. Monnwulh County Surrorala'i Court and Mrs, Elno Massa of Tinton In summer. In the matter at ths estate of Frank Sizes 10 to 18. Bunjoidr. deceased. Notice to creditors Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Alra of CONTACT tn ptllent claims against estate. Fair Haven and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Punuant to the order ol Donnia Me- Faddln, Suroiate of the County of Mon- ' Helntle of this place. mouth, on the application of tho under- *• 8 Christmas eve guests of Mr. and signed, Rose Bunifoidy, iole executrix Mrs. Harry Seylas were Mr. and INSULATION of the estate of Frank Bungosdy, de- ceased notice Is hereby ilven to the Mrs, Edward Price of Florhwn Women's all wool sport coats 4,5.00 creditors of said dcceaied to present to , Park, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Price the laid sole executrix as aforesaid, of West Orange and Mr, and Mrs. Regularly to 6100 their claims under oath, within six and SIDING CORP. monthi from this date, Chester Rich of East Orange. Datldt freehold. N. i.. Nov. JO. 1111. Mr. and Mrs, Seylax entertained SOS Mi-ilu St., Ashury Park 2-8101 Hand-tailored coats, some with tipper linings. All colon. ROSS BUNCOSDY on New Years eve at their home, ««8 Blvar Road, or Silts (to 18. . „ J'air Haven, N, J. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tuerff of MAYNABD CARD — RE 6-2934-R Nerm«n J, Currle, Esq., South Orange,'Mr. and Mrs. Mer- • Eaat Front Street, . DUMONT ADAM 0 Mw State of New Jeriey, by malllnz to WHILE 12.50 girdles new 3.95 ° *'""" 11 • 9 5 each of them by refftatcrcd mail at least 30 dayi before the return date'of thii ordtr LAKE ONTARIO And It Is further ORDERED that a BIG TRADE-IN eopy of this Order be published in the is -the smallest of Red Bank Ruliter,. one of the newi< papers of this) state, once a week for -the GREAT LAKB6 ill Nitey-Nite winter sleepers t>lK successive weeks prior to the re> ALLOWANCE jS.ftTo.ORDANO area, It contains IJ«.0< JOHN C, UIORDANO, t, O, 0, THftee times as much Slxti 0 to 4 — 2 Pltce - Regularly 2.25 STATE OF NEW JERSEY ON YOUR OLD RADIO 1.59 Department ol Stall WATER CERTIFICATE OK DISSOLUTION To all to whom these preiiati may come, Qrrctlngt as th« next largest Sliei 4 to 8 — 1 Piece - Regular!/ 2.10 WH8REA8, It appian to my latl.. OR TELEVISION SET ' LAKIBfUB/ 1.69 faction, by duly authenticated record, of the proceedings for the voluntary all- Famous children's sleeping garment with built-in bootl*. Choice solution thereof by the unanimous oon« •mt ol all the stockholder!, deposited In of four colors. , my office, that Edward E, Elliott, Inc., a oorpontlen el, title Stall, whoji I elpal office li illumed at No, 19 BETTER Kront Street, In the Borough of .. flank, County of Monmouth, State ,-. N.w Jeney I William B, Binty, being the aifinl therein and In charm thereof, upr on whom nrootia may be lervtdl, Jiae Children's snow suits 7.95*° 13.95 eompllirf with till requirement! of Title HOUSEKEEPING U Corporation!, Oeneral, ol Reviled Regularly to 19,00 Hmimn ol New Jeney, ,H"l|mln«ry to swwomw.,,.? vh« liming el thli Certificate of Dlt- HBKB1$ A WAV TO SPAK8 YOUR One and 2*plec» itylei. Sliti I to 10. SHOP at Slate of (no 'Inl' at rtiw Jariey, Do HANP9, IF YOU HAVBA VBWMI9SY Ilinby Certify that the said corporation M. on the Vllteenth day of Oelober, 46 Monmouth St. Phono Red Bank 64310 DIRTY JOB TO DO. finer conn VOUR KJI, nie In my office t duly meeuted 4nd iltntid content In writin>gg to tie HAN0B rV/TW WflT BOAP) ALLOW TO SliiDluilqn el ale; corporation, eeieeule: d 0«V, AND CO tHB JOB. THBN KINBB Children's storm coats 21.95 by ill the iloekhaltlere Ihireolil,, wh • Opin Friday Evtiningi VOW? MNOB IN WARM WA7BR ANO . aald cemenl anif thi record of the Pfo- P8B*T0FruiV COMB UP CHAN t $HININ9j Regularly 29.00 «e« llnii afornald art now on n!e In my Plenty of Free Parking Space In Full length with full weal elpita lining, mouton seller. Slitt Monmouth Consolidated 7 to 14, Rear of Store on White St. Water Co. t*TU Bi IIAnBlli lNiii|ll III til Imil IHlll I >»lil III •aeeamHi 11 (.01 lierilarir ol lute. Fourteen IJBD BASK JIEGTSTBH. Home Director Carton-Edwards Sworn in at Middletown Sgt. Ouellette Keturns MONEY LOANED To Fort Campbell, Ky. on Jewelry, Silver, Musical Instruments,' To Speak at Locust Cameras, Binoculars, eta. < "•••:; HIGHLANDS — Sgt. Charts LiutiMd and bended by State ol N J. . ' LOCUST — "Group Therapy as a j Ouellette left yesterday for Fort WE PAY CASH roil OLD OOI.n and SII.VEB - Technique of Rehabilitating Youth-1 Campbell, Ky., where ho ia sta- ful Offenders" will be the subject j tioned with the Airborne Engi- of Lloyd W. McCorklc Tuesday j neers, after spending a' nine-day Broadway Loan Co. ] night when he speaks at the town furlough with his parents, Mr. '.M Broadu/av ' Long Branch - meeting at Stone church, here. and Mrs. Alexander Ouellette,- ut NEARLY ACCURATE Mr. McCorklc is director of Hlgh- their home on Miller et. here. IS NOT ENOUGH/ flelds. state home at Hopewcll. Ac- A qualified parachutist, Sgt. Window & Plate Glas* cording to a recent issue of "The Ouellette attended Red Bank high Welfare Reporter," publication is- school, before he was employed Mirrors Reslivered sued by the state department of as a nurseryman at Lovett's nurs- I Institutions and Agencies, Hlsh- ery at Little Silver. With his fam- ! fields, former home of Col. and Mrs. ily, he formerly lived at 47 Marion Glass Tolps For WATCH Charles A. Lindbergh, was turned St., Bed Bank. Sgt. Oucllatte en- Desks and Furniture I over to the state nfter their son tered tho Army in Aug., 1950. | was kidnapped from there in 11)31 | The state home according to "The' Safety Auto Glass Reussille's I Welfare Reporter" Is a school foi I 'Y' Group Entertains INSTALLED WHILE YOU WAIT youthful offenders where an at-1 36 BROAD— RED BANK tempt is being made to provide For Sick Children PLATE GLASS CO. boys an opportunity to learn from | The Young Adult group which »7 MONMOUTH STKEET BED BANK 6-1063 experience that certain rules and i meets Thursday nights at tho Com- regulations are necessary. However | munity "Y," at their meeting last, states tho article, there Is no con-1 week, brought a number of Christ-f Tuxedos ventional system of reward and mas gifts, wrapped in fancy, pack- punishment because of the belief ages, for the children at tho Farm-1 these would be ineffectual In Iho ingdale prcventorlum. The group MONEY WAITING! For Hire cases where they are most needed visited the provontorium Dec. 23,' LOOKING FOR A LOAN? Rules for discipline, according to gave a party for the children and thn department's publication are WHEN IT COMES TO MORTGAGE MONEY, COME TO US the employees, and decorated a Applications Considered for Mc-nmoUtb & (Ocean Counties simple for all to understand and arc large Christmas tree. • ,'• ' I those things which must be done | in any society. i Working on the project wore Mrs. . T FRANK APPLESY AGENCY, Inc. Orpha Hanson, Misses Mary Col-'' • — REALTORS — Tile meeting will be open to the angclo, .Phyllis Emerson, Bcrnlce '. public. Glowacki/ Millie Mageo and Lisa MAIN ST. AND MATTISON AVK, • ASBUBV TABKi N. J, Portln, also Robert Burns', George , PHONE AS 3-0300 -, Mortgage Loan Cot-respondents for the Howard "Sa\ ings itmtitutjon, Holy Name Men to Meet KFJjV James Olmstoad, Rudolph v • All |tyl Tonight to Plun Event ush and James White. | Newark, N. J. . ' ' . j Members of the Holy Name so- • All Sixes ciety of St. James Catholic church will hold a special meeting at 8 o'clock tonight in Red Bank Catho- lic high school auditorium. SHOPSMITH DEMONSTRATION Plans for the family Holy Com- Segall munion and breakfast Sunday, Jan. 13, in honor of the Feast of The Middletown township committee held its annual organization session at noon New Friday Night and AS! Pay Saturday- 11614 North the Holy Family, will be discussed, Years day. Lawrence A. Carton, Jr., and Joseph K. Edwards, who were re-elected last No- Msgr. Joseph T. Casey last woelt B'tray announced that State Senator Ed- vember, were sworn in by Township Clerk Howard W, Roberts. Mr. Carton was re-olected We invite you to'conic in nnd sec this wonderful tool in action ward J. O'Mara will bo principal chairman. From left to right are Mr, Edwards and Mr. Carton, standing, and Walter J. Bills, Long Branch speaker. Loo Pisk and Harry Knlf- and demonstrated by a factory expert. Welch a table saw chaugCf, ' fin arc co-chairmen of the break- Frank F. Blaisdell and Mr. Roberts, seated. fast, assisted by Charles Lang, Jo- into a drill yvess and just as suddenly reverS to a lalho or cander. ' : Open Evenings seph Sole and Eusene Carroll. They report a heavy demand for tickets. Mutawan Camdcn after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ends Recruit Training Charles Brown of Ravino dr. Rov. J1T-90 n*ma* Rr.v.-Ti^. 5 \n i power Tool i The infant daughteg r of and Mr. Layton was the former pastor Mrs. Michael Kldzus of Ravine dr. of Lho'First Methodist church on I was christened Marela Elcanora at Main st. ] ceremonies Sundny, Dec. SO, In St. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Johannsen Rugged, versatile, mulli-purnosc S1I0PSMITH is a com- 1 ! Joseph's Cnlhollc church, Kcyporl. entertained at a co-operative pur- jilcte jiov.'cr wocksliop in one compact unit, 61,000 'blue coal i Technical Sergeant and Mr.1!. Al- ty at their homo on Edgcmoic SHOPSiUlTU owners tvliolcheurtcdly ngrcc- tou can't • hert A. Kidztis of Puerto Rico were dr. New Years eve. The guests bent SH0P5M1TH for accuracyt capacity, all around util* I tho godparents by pro;:y. A rcccp- were Dr. and Mrs. William II. Pen- ily. It docs lite work oi jive licavy duty single purpose America's Finest Anthracite | tion followed tit tho Kldzus home go!, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank H. Bliss, loots—actually docs it belter. with the following ns guests, Adam Mr. and Mrs. William J. rtabcl, Mr. SHOPSM1T1I li=s precision fealllrc! found only .in Lukshte, Sr., Mr. nnd Mrs. Adnm nnd Mrs. ISImorc Kattncr, Mr. and highest priced Eaws, drill presses lnllics and snnders. Lukshls, Jr., and children Judy, Mrs. Milton Stevenson, Mr. and Tour itreasc-scglcd ball bearings in^ I Arthur and John; Misses Bert nnd Mrs. Joseph Baler, Sir. and Mrs. ^lienrl slock. Imlitction Jinrdenctl j Joan Lukshls, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Garrctt J. McKeen, Sr., and Mrs. spindle tip. Ccntcrless ground steel W. Oliver Dlggln, all of Matawan. ways. Built in quality Ihrougli and {Lukshis and daughter Patricia through. Sq_jeompqct il lltj only • Ann; Mr. and Mrs. George. Stenis Miss Patricia Egan lias return- 2x5' tpace. ,~" Fuel Oil | and son George of Kearny; Arthur ed to her home after spending JKIdsus, Mr, and Mrs. Edsvnrd A. Monday evening as the overnight Oil Burner Sales & Service Kldzus nnd daughter Donna, Mr. guest of Miss Roscmarle Mehm USE OUR BUDGET PLAN and Mrs. Joseph Dnukdhus and at her home in Colt's Nedt. son Gregory of Newark; Mr. nnd Mr. and Mrs. Garrett J. McKeen, Mrs, Joseph Lovcro of Cliffwond, Sr., were tho Sunday evening din- ON ALL PURCHASES OF and Catherine Bictzman of Mata- ner guests ot Mr. and Mrs. William FEED wnn. Horley of Perth Atnboy, MACHINE TOOLS I ' Waller Shinn, who has boon 1 Miss Lucille Scharappi has re- spending several dr.ys with hin turned to her studies at Alfred | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard university, Alfred, N. Y., after Shinn, of Wcldon id., lias returned spending the Christmas holidays P. F. C. Kobert G, llsley FRED D. WIKOFF CO. to his home in Miami, Fla. with her mother, Mrs. Ruth Schn- Mr. and Mrs. Garrctt J. McKeen, rappa, of Broml st. Murine Private First Class Kobert Sri, were Saturday evening dinner G, Ilslcy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- RED BANK, N. J. Mrs. George Clark of Broad st ei't C. Ilslcy of 74 Eueim Vista avo., guests of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore and Mrs. James Clark of Main st. Brown of Koypoit. Pair Haven, recently climaxed IB97' - Fifty-Four Years of Progressive Service - 1951 attended tho Christmas show at training at Parris Island, S. C. Ho Rev. nnd Mrs. Warren S. Layton Radio City Music hall, New York was promoted to his present sank havo returned to their home In city, Friday. .and .was awarded thn silver badge of Marine marksman. —> *. ..• llsley finished training in field tactics, , precision drill, military courtesy and Marino Corps history. Ho fired other Infantry weapons In addition to the Garand rifle and observed operations of tho machine gun, mortar and flame thrower.

Givuiiuugh .Returns ' gets the To Marine 'Copters ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—P.F.C. James H. Cavanaugh, U. S. Marine Corps, loft last Thursday for the NATION'S BEST Marino air station at Cherry Point, N, C,, where ho is engaged in heli- copter maintenance, after spending MARKETS-RED a leave with lila parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cavannugh of 5 Pros- 21 W. FRONT ST no MONMOUTH ST fleet avc. here. ' DELIVERY Border's doesn't have TEL. 6-0508 to boast! People have known for 95 years,"If -EXTRA SPECIAL- It's Bordan'i It's rjofloba U. S. GOVERNMENT GRADED SEASONED BEEF GOOD." Whatever the claims, whatever the SIRLOIN names, whatever the price—there is no better T-BONE quality in frozen foods than those that bear the DELMONICO Borden name. ROAST LEGS BEST ROAST PEAS Vlne-rlpened, sweet and extra-ten- T. F. C. Jnmen II, Cavnnaugh, der-Borden's Peoi are quick-froien A graduate last Juno of Atlantic at their peak for more flavor-more LAMB CHUCK Highlands high Bchool, where ho iwettnesi. enrnort a letter as center on tho football toam, P. F, C, Cavanaugh wn» employed on farms prior to lila enlistment in tho Corpt for EXTRA thrco years In September. Ho com- pleted boot training nt Parris la- land, S, C, whom ho was awarded SPECIAL tho »hnrp«hootor> Silver crosi. SUCCOTASH Joseph Dlxon Company Luieloui, yell6w kernel! of rich gold* Honors Jesse Mount en corn mixed with d«wy.fr«jh, FRYING plump, and |ulcy'llma beam, MATAWAN — Jo««o Mount of Marlboro gardons wu honored re- cently whon Lho Joseph Dlxon Cm- FRENCH FRIES URGE GREEN LARGE FRESH olhln company of Janoy Olty Sunny, golden, full of that tatry |uil- FOR nwnrdcil him their SS-ysur "Time fried flavor. Uniformly cut and cook. PEPPERS 2 -19 CUCUMBERS 19 Sorvlco Pin," HIK oxcoptlonai «rv. 0 IOI0IN CO. 44 In the purest vegetable oil. Ico to tho company wan looognlised nt a luncheon ceremony at Bi'una'i ASK FOR BORDiN'S FROZIN fRUITS-VIO.TAILH-POLJLTRY CRISP CALIFORNIA JUICY CALIFORNIA In Jersey Oily, whirs Executive • AT YOUR MVORITI FOOD 5TORI. Vlco Proildonl F, 0, Atklnion pro. BUN. aontod tho pin to Mr. Mount before CARROTS 10 LEMONS 35DOZ. othor mombori of tho Dlxon organ- illation, During hl» 85-yaar connootlon FRESH WASHED COOKING & EATING with Dlxon, Mr. Mount ha« worked *** 80RI In Koveral cnpacltloi In the rubber LBS. FOR nna hrnia factory, nnd now hold* vmmsmm SPINACH 2-29 25 the poiltlon of foroman In the lyo OlililbiHt1 ky AUOIHIUCK 1110. Hewetk, H. J. lit tiopirtment. RED BAXIfBEOTPTKn, JAXPATIV 3. 1052 Pace Fifteen; New Shrewsbury Borough Officials Krauss Sworn in As SEKVING Sea Bright Mayor (Continued from page 1) MAURICE i that the resignation be made cf- RED BANK j (ectlv'R immediately. Following ! council's acceptance, Mr. Stevens 4ND JERSEY SHORE AREA | said: "Gentlemen, I now leave you. I 1 enjn.ved my short stay with you SCHWARTZ 1 immensely." Although Mr. Stev- FUlt | ens i.< listed In (he. membership of council committees, hl.s resig- nation, or course, mnkes these NEON SIGNS posts open. &SONS Will Meet Tuesdays REPAIRS & SERVICE A rhanRe was made in the regu- PROUDLY lar meeting dates—now scheduled FLUORESCENT COLD CATHODE for 8 p. m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays or each month, ANNOUNCE LIGHTING LIGHTING instead or the necoml and fourth f Fridays. The first meeting Is next Tuesday, Jnn. fl. Like Mayor Krnuss, Mr. iJicknal- THE NEW ly operates a restaurant and bar— flt his Edtjcwater Beach hotel— and thus is prevented from vot- 1952 ing upon matters relating to tha liquor husiness. He has n full vote on other council iaauen. EST. 1907 Mr. Plcknally did not vot« upon P police committee assignments, the ASBURY PARK special police list nor upon coun- 14180 cil's conlirmation of Mayor l\raU3a' appointment nf Mrs. Ida (Nells) Jacob.ten ns nvoraCf!!1 of the poor. L PORCELAIN ENAMKL Council Ciumtiltk'i'K Council committees named by STAINLESS STEEL tho mayor, the first man being the chairman, are as follows: Y l-'Jimiicp- Plcknally, I*BWI enre, .Steven? INDOOR '& OUTDOOR ELECTRICAL DISPLAYS (nnw ,n lined). Photo of New Shrewsbury borough officials taken at reorganization meeting Tuesday. Seated, left to right, Councilman Me»ehf runt, lircn.p.* Hfi,l Ica'rs—An. ,lrix,n, I'irhmil!)-. Mrl.'oi Inii-K. Fred A. C. Pearl, Mrs; Agnes M. Barker, public health nurse; Mayor George Stoarens, Mrs. Margaret L. Reed, borough clerk; I'll,' nnd Wntcr .I,>w,n>rr, An'lcraon, M rliKmlly. .ROAD-AD SERVICE, Inc. Street* »n,I liirht* Strvrnj, I.ovjfren, Councilman Henry Gleim. Standing, same order, Councilman Francis P. Littlo, Councilman Martin E. Anderson, Mrs. Ruth B. L««'i-rnre. « SO. MAIN ST. - ASBURY PARK Police fnpiuilatr,! !,y rminfll) —M,i. Crawford, borough collector; Councilman Robert Cook and Councilman Richard VY. Liobert. Coiinlck. Htevcpc, l*ivjfi-en. Borouuh appointed wore: attor- ney, Gcorffe. A. Gray: autlilor, .los- rph J. Seaman; building Inspector, Gleim and Liebert , fighting equipment the borough given us in tho past and with the now hns in ojicrnllon. help of God, I'm sure Wo ran andHerbert Fowler; colloctor-troajur- cr, Edmund VV. Cllnr; engineer, Go-niirrnllun Stri'ssnl wo will do a good and commendable u Start New Terms job, fullllllng the oalli.s of ofilce O. Wolcnlt Morris; librarian, Ma- An Interest in nnd co-operation (Continued from page 1) wo nil took, and took so seriously." rie Brown; maRlfltratc (appointed with all tho boards: Planning, ad- i)y council), John Weir; overseer ford, treasurer and lax collector- justment, health and ethers must Hirlliday 1'nrly Given- of the poor, Mrs. Ida Jacobsen; searcher; George K. Allen, otiRl- continue to bt> our olijedivp In mak- physician, Dr. .Stephen CasaKiande; T J ing the niunlmpnllty a dr.ilrnblc ( | noer; Roberts, Pltlsbury, Caiton place in which to live and into For Hiti'lntni Escliclluicli plumbing inspector, Jnmon l . Ttior- 30 BROAD ST. RED BANK and Sorenson, borough attorneys; which to move. And wo must do snn; street superintendent and Mrs. Road, searcher for assessable what Is necessary lo licep our very Mr. nnd Mrs, Joseph O. Kschel- chauffeur, James P. Thorscn. improvements; Einost Hllthrunncr, capablo and experienced personnel bach of Pearl si., entertained at a road supervisor; Joseph ,7. Seaman, on tho job nntl up to the Job as birthdny party Friday fnr Ihelr Members of the board of health. Edward Brown, thre« years, and H \ auditor, find George L. Main, build- their work requires Increased ac- daughter, Barbara, who Is seven ing Inspector. tivity on their part. years qld, | Edward Price, two yeat'B. Mem- We must never lose sight of the c hers of the.,, zoning board of nil- SKE IT AT Major's Address fact wo ai'n a growing community Ijustmcnt, NoHon E, Finch nnd The mayor's address, read at nnd mny, at any time, take rapid three yoars, and OUK the conclusion of other reorgani- slops forward. We must be awni'ft sation business follows: of whnt happens and be .prepared to cope with It intelligently. , to serve without salary' WHITE SALE It la well nt any organization Hendrlclison, Arthur Eschplbncll,. assigned duty, appoint- In light of nil the Improvements 1 SHOWROOM mooting to pause for a moment and we may plan, growth \yo piny con- Wlllinm Hallnm, Earl Stout, Ji ,, \ v,^'!"" rocommendatlon of Mr, contemplate -what has been accom- and Tommlc Ostrandcr. Also, Mrs. McCormlelc, Bert Emmons, John plished In the year just past. It Is template, effects counly-wlde,'state- WITH THE particularly true In our casj, nt wide, and nntlon-wldo changes may Francis P. O'Gorman, Barbara's Young, Harry Lake, Charles El- this' lime, for wo have just com- have on us. we must nt all times matei'nal grnndmotherg; ; Mrs.. Ivavann Icnbcrgcr, Gerald D. . CrnmmorCrommor, keep In mind the tax rate. We must George Hinck and Alex Lclnburg, pleted the first year of service for realize that taxes- can be conflsca- Hcimlich, her paternal grandmoth- RED FRONT the ilfat fully-elected governing tory, can slide progress and initia- er; Mrs, James Walters, Mrs. Ed-and flro apparatus drivers, ap- hody of this municipality. 11 is per-tive, nnd so, in our small way, must ward McCormlck. Mrs. William pointed on recommendation by Mr, Cannon muslin sheets haps oven more Important nt this do whatever we reasonably iind Hallam, Mrs. Earl Stout, Mrs. Chfld- Lawrence, Harry Lake, Frank Co- 141 W. FRONT ST. Interval to ask ourselves just WITH vert, Henry Rcnshnw, Edmund B, we might hopo to accomplish in sensibly can dn to keep them under wlck Hcndrickson nnd Henry Mc- First quality. Woven 130 threads to the inch. control. A dollar's worth for a dol-Cormiclt. / Ryan, John S. Forsman and John RED BANK the yenr ahead of us. lar spent Is more than ever very Carlson. I think you'll rendily agree we Size Reg. Sale Size wise advice. Vermont, Arizona and Georgia Designated as the official depos- Reg. Sale had a rather busy 1051. A recitation llnl PHONE RE 6-0787 of the titles of ordinances passed In With the usual wholehearted co- are. the lending U. S. states In as- 'y was the Sea Bright National 1951 seems Impressive, but in no operation tho general public has bestow production. | hnnk, 45x38'/i .... .89 „.., 72x108 2.85 way a waste of time. 2.59 Chronologically they wore: Ordin- 63x99 ' 2.65 ... ance d-cating tho office of masis- 90x108 .3.15 Iralc; ordinance controlling the 2.39 enrtinsr of garbage; ordinance con- trolling the burning of brush nntl trash; amendment to the police ordinance allowing payment of of- Cannon percale sheets 1 /leers; ordinance to suppress Kam- Ing, etc., and punishing persons for disorderly conduct; ordinance to . First quality. Woven 180 threads to the inch. adopt by reference 17 ordinances governing this municipality when C 72 108 Re it was the township of Shrewsbury; 45x38'/: Reg. 1.00 34 ? ••- 9 3.70 3.19 amendment to the zoning ordinance crcatinz a residential district in 81x108 Reg. 4.30. 3,29 tho Wayside area; ordinance con- STATEMENT OF CONDITION trolling soli excavations nnd re- moval; and an ordinance controll- ing the opening of streets, In addition to consideration and passage of theso ordinances, major First quality Cannon towels items of business, which required a lot of study end research, included tho disposal of the Porter property ». • 'Choice of solid pink, green, yellow, blue. on Squankum rd., the vacating of a variance granted to the Wayside Bath towel Reg. 79c 59c Hand towtl Reg. 50c 39C sanltorlum; tho efforts put forth by MiMiin ff this hody and our attorney to ob- tain passage in Trenton of bills to Washcloth ...... Reg. 22c exclude counting of population of military encampments from tho de- DECEMBER 31, 1951 termination of state aid to educa- tion and to allow newly-formed municlpalilics to adopt by refcr- enco ordinances of tho municipali- ASSETS LIABILITIES Cannon dish towels ty of which they formerly formed a part; consideration and study of a proposal to form a garbage dis- Cash and Due From Banks $ 3,050,537.5-1 trict in tho northern part of the Capital Funds: municipality; continuous insistence Preferred by council and efforts of our at- U, S. Government Bonds.... 5,f>SO,o57,17 3 for 1.00 torney to forco tho Monmouth Con* Slock ....S 86,500.00 solldatcd Water company to Install Municipal and Oilier Uonds 2,656,163.uo Large six*. 25% linen, 75% cotfon. water acrvlco ordered In 1947. Common In addition, may I make just .'Banking; Mouse, Stock .... I I 2,000.00 passing mention of the innumer- Fumilure & Fixtures .... I oo,402.51 able items that nro normal nnd - Surplus .... 35(),ooo.oo routine matters thnt must ho con- MuHgiines—Amiirlizcd and sidered mul disposed of as they aid Undivided Zippered pillow ticks presented, Profits' .. 213,240,70 It should also bn noted that our F, H. A. Insured 3.135,-1o7.3-1 ncwlv organized hoard of health Reserves and was very active nnd ndoptcd ordin- Loans ;nul Discounts '..... 1,510,198.4 I ances establishing a sanitary code Preferred for the borough and controlling Real lislale Snld Stock swine raising; In these mutters Retirement 95' many of us provided co-oporatlon Under Conlracl 794,69 arid suggestions. Oilier Assets 6,899,97 Fund .... 86,500.00 878,2-10.70 Our regular 1.25 value, Full size and down-proof. Cholse of colon and stripes. FUttiro Outlook But probably more Important at Deposits 1-1,571,489.93 this limn IK the outlook toward the future. Having provided tor tho ba- Reserve fm Taxes and sic ossontlal ordinnnrus governing Other Liabilities 29,730.00 the general wolfaro of tho munici- Rubber foam bed pillows pality we should not bo qultn so busy in that respect, It moans to mo that wo now hnvo moro time to olaborato on services that nro hlRh- TOTAL S!5,-I79,.|6O.C3 TOTAI SI5,479,460,G3 ly dMlrablo In any well-managed, municipality, i 595 Ono such endeavor may well ho | Ilin entahllshmnnt of a paid police I DIRECTORS Koolfoam by Dayton. Regularly 7,96, full ilit.. Choice of pink, blue or white. department which would obviously be more effective than a voluntary EDGAR N. McCLEES sot-up. CHARLES ft. ENGLISH THOMAS P, DOREMUS 1 hnve nothing but prnl*is for, those who have sorvctl tin «o well i KL'NNETII II, McQUEEN RONALD W. ALLEN HARRY C. F, VVOKDEN In that nnpndiy, htit wo must ro-i 52" x 52" luncheon cloths HUM thorn nro vory doftnlto ihott- • JAMES S, PAKKES DAVID'W. RUSSELL J.'B. RUE, JR. comings nnd inndaqimclcs In siioh a stt-up thnt can only bo overcome by tho noxt logical progrosilvo moHstiro—n paid dopitrtmont, OFFICERS Further elaboration of turning rr- utrlollons, in nny part or tho bor- CHARLES It ENGLISH KENNETH II, McQUEEN EDGAR N, McCLEES ough In which It starts to hnenme obvious that such restrictions' Vice Presideiil-Scaetar.v Regularly 1,96. Anortmint of gay prlnti. would bo nn iidvnntniin, should he Chairman of the Board President nnothei' gmtl for tho coming yew, This mny woll bn hastened by thn vory recent declaration thnt nil thin CECIL C, CRAWFORD . WALTON P. CULLINGTON ROBKRT E. VAN BRUNT pail of thn county |» olnssllli'd »» « critical defonse nrrn, rteRtilatlons Treasurer Assistant Secretary ' Assistant Treasurer Nylon hosiery ni to utrtft rcniilrcmnnts, druliiagit nnd Dlhnr pn i.lnonl fnctom should rocolvii plenty of uoiulrlfrntlon, MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Adilltlonnl Imimivimimls on linr- iffh ilM»t«, fitieot lighting, sni FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM C •trout sign*, Including directional signs, may well hn undartiikon, This p9 palr would be In lino tvlili tho iidnilr- kbli stmt made last your In tills Nitlenilly idvirtlud brand, but bioauit of thi lew prlfli w#in net permitted rtipeot. ... to mention It. Regularly I,EO and 1.36 i pair. Rome morn Inrrrmonl* In thn promotion to ptisona and propoity m»y ha undtrtiktn. ««i«i» ly in lomt oil Ilia minor dm ills thnt mny round eut the quite sdiqtwti ftri- EED BAXK REGISTER, JANUARY 3, 1953 Sixteen. I Shop Friday 'til 9 P. M, Open a Steinbach Charge Account 1 Shop daily from 9:30 /til 5:30— ...to make your shopping easier, more hsbury Park Store Open Wednesday 'til 9 pleasant and convenient

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, i -, 10 Gents RED BANK REGISTER PER COPY VOLUME LXXIV, NO. 27. RED BANK, N. J:, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1952 SECTION TWO—PAGES 1 TO 14. Merchants Trust Edgar 0. Murphy McConnell Named Council Elects Council Honors Carton Gives Two Outgoing Rumson Officials First Boro Clerk Promotes Three Steps Down As Bank Comptroller Patterson as Head RUMSON—The flrst borough Annual Address Honored by Colleagues on Council ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS'— clerk of Rumson, William H. Hin- Councilman Patrick J. McConnell telmann, Sr., was honored by the RUMSON—Peter H. B. Cummlnf, Old Employees County Treas. For 12th Year At Middletown who retired as mayor New Y«ara> of 107 Bay ave., for five years mayor and council Tuesday. Pres- Opens New Station auditor of the Elizabethport Bank- He' and Fred Morris entation of a letter signed by the Names Parks and Tax day at noon, and Randall M, McClees, Crawford, Merrill H. Thompson irg if'rip'lny last <"eek «•( pro- members of the governing body Keator, Jr., who resigned as couiw notci *o comptroller of thii ban*. was made to Mr. Hintelmann by Man a8 Priority oilman due to the .pressure of bus- .YanBrunt Appointed Takes Over $5,000. Take Oaths of Office Mayor Peter H. B. Cumming at iness, wort honored by their ool- At Noon New Years the'last meeting of the 191)1 coun- ^Projects for '52 leagues on the council at the final .Officers of Bank a-Year, Position cil prior to the reorganization meeting of the governing body for 1952 New Years morning. Rumson's The'directors of Merchants Trust FREEHOLD—Mayor Edgar O. EATONTOWN, — Councilman meeting at noon. MIDDLETOWN —In his annual Spencer Patterson was sworn in New Years message Lawrence A. former chief executive was the re- company, mooting Thursday, . ap- Murphy of Farmlngdale, a county cipient of a gold cigarette box and pointed Edgar N. MeClees to theofficial for nearly 30 years, stepped for his sixth term and Councilman Carton, Jr., who was re-elected Fred S,- Morris for his third at noon chairman of the township commit- a framed resolution, presented by, post sf vice president and secretary down yesterday as county treasur- Councilman Peter Cartmell; and and promoted Cecil C. Crawford to er, and was immediately replaced New Years day. Mr. Patterson also tee, called attention to the myriad was elected council president, his problems presented by an ever-In- Mr, Keator, who was praised by hla the office of treasurer and Robert by former/Assembly Speaker Mer- "long and faithful service," received Ei tVahBrunt to 'assistant treasurer. rill H. Thompson of Interlaken. 12th year. creasing population, now numbered In a brief message, Mayor F. at more than 18,000. He cited vari- a watch charm, presented by Mr. Vacancies in the posts were The appointment is for three years dimming, Inscribed on the cigar- at a salary of $5,000 a year. Bliss Price expressed his pleasure ous Improvements made In tho past caused by the death of Chester B. at having served another year, year, and mentioned public play- ette box were the official seal of Adams, who was vice president and Joseph. C. Irwin of Rod' Bank wished everyone a happy new year grounds and a tax map as priority Rumson borough and thr, signs* treasurer, The men promoted all was re-elected director of tho projects for 1952. tures of the councilmen. ~" have had long records of banking Board of Freeholders at the an- and congratulated Mr. Patterson service In Red Bank, • nual organization meeting, at and Mr. Morris. Oaths of office Sixty streets and roada were im- which Freeholders Victor 13. were also administered by Borough proved under a township-wido pro- •SV-f- * Clerk Andrew C. Becker to Albert gram designed to benefit each sec- Grossinger, Middletown, and Earl C. Wolcott, treasurer and lax tion of the township, and all longer L. Woolley, Neptune; were sworn searcher, and Stanley W. Dussman, arterial heavy-trattic-bearlng roads in for new terms. ' Ore chief. arc being gradually improved with Edward C. Broege, Belmar, state the uld of state funds, he said. Republican commlttceman, was The mayor presented an • ex- sworn in as clerk of the board at chief's badge to Anthony Piccola, A new township garago was built an increase in salary from' $4,516 expressing his regret that the bor- last year, and several bulkhead and to $5,000, the term being for three ough will lose his services, Mr. dock projects were undertaken for years. There was also a salary in- Ficcola recently moved to Obre pi., the Improvement of the bayahorc, Ralph Marino of IB Locust ave. crease to Fred L. Ayers, Little Sil- Shrewsbury. Mr. Carton pointed out. He also has resigned his position with the Both new councllmen expressed mentioned the dredging and enlarg- ver borough clerk, who was rcap- Patrick J, McConnell • McKlm-Layton Chevrolet agency, poihted to a three-year term as their thanks to tho voters for hav- ing of the Leonardo harbor, and the and has opened a new service sta- ing returned them to ofllce, Mr, installation of a two-way police tion »t the corner of Shrawsbury county auditor. The increase was Hired by the bank when he was William H. Hintelmann, Sr. from $3,150 to $3,500. Morris adding his "personal thanks" radio system. ave. and Herbert st. The station making an examination of its to Police Chief Harry Kirkegard In other appointments, the Free- methods and procedures as an em- The letter follows: Meetings Unchanged will be known as Marino's Atlantic and his department for "a wonder- 'Forty-five years ago the borough The committee decided to con-service, holders renamed William F. Tay-ployee of Peat, Marwiok, Michell ful year." Councilman Ralph L. lor, Asbtiry Park, for three years and company of New York city, of Rumson was' incorporated. Since tinue meeting On the second and A graduate of Red Bank high Lewis congratulated Mr, Piccola that timo many changes have taken fourth Wednesday afternoons of school, Mr. Marino was a sailor as supervisor of soldiers' burials New York state bank examiners, for "an excellent year" in the flre and headstones at an annual sal- Mr. McConnell was informed of place, with many new families ar- each month at J:30 o'clock at the on board the destroyer, U.3.S. Rich, company and advised Mr. Dussman riving in the borough, building township hall. in World War II. A football star ary of $500, and rcappolnted Oliver the approval of the bank's board and his staff of officers of the their homes and contributing to its B. Presley, Long Branch, as coun- of directors in a letter from C. R. life. Appointments included Joseph E. in high school, Mr. Marino cap- "tradition and reputation" they Johnson, treasurer; Craig Finne- tained his team In 19-15, and that ty (Ire marshal for one year at Sandford, president, who appoint- must* uphold. One thing, however, has remain- the same salary, ed him comptroller. gan, engineer; William E, Foster, year wiui chosen on th« all state, The mayor's council committee ed unchanged, and that Is the man- all county, all shore and all con- Mrs! Florence E. Cubberly was Mr, McConnell, a member of the ner in which the affairs of the bor- attorney; Earl K. Eastmond, tax appointments were unanimously ap- searcher; Howard \V. Roberts, as- fcrenct teams. reappolntcd a member of the coun- zoning board of adjustment sev- proved. They include, the chair- ough arc administered. The orig- ty welfare board for five years, eral years, last year was elected inal mayor and council were elect- sessment searcher; Dr. MarcKrohn, and Freeholders Irwin and Gross- man being named flrst in each in- ed on tholr merits, Integrity and physician; Mrs. Dorothy J. Dorsett, Edgar .N. McClecs to borough council. He again was stance, finance and ordinances, • Following la, the resolution- inger were named to represent tho confirmed chairman of council's ability, and the citizens have seen assistant to the tax collector; Dav- George V. Odell, Leon B. Smock, to It that the succeeding mayors id Simpson, building Inspector; Judge Asks Jury sented to Mr. Cummlng: Born , in Holmdel, Mr. McClees board on the welfare board for finance committee at its organiza- Jr. and Mr. Morris; parks and play- and council have maintained the was graduated from Freehold high one year. tion meeting Tuesday. He also Is' William A. Sternkopf, Jr., auditor; That good government Is not «aja> grounds, Mr. Smock, Mr. Morris same qualifications. Mrs. Karl F. Wthtol, member of the slvely secured or maintained la ai school. His first banking connection Kayo Reappointed a member of the police and fire and Mr. Patterson; roads, streets . You wore the first clerk of the trua in the community as In tiyt was 'with the First National bank committees. borough and did much of the work library board for five years, and J. To Investigate nation, In time of peaea as In waa H. Austin Kaye of Humson was and sanitation, James N. Wolcott, Marshall Booker, Elmer Hesse, of Spring Lake, where he was. em- rcappolnted to a flve-"e.n»* *—1 Mr. McConnell is married to the in setting up the necessary records It is a, prldeful paga in tha hlstorsi Jr., Mr, Morris and Mr. Lewis; po- and data and were also active In William K, Larscn, Elwood Searles of our country when tha returned! ployed from August to December, on the county library board, Dr. former Alma Dauster. They have lice, lights and public welfare, Mr. vl805, when he Joined the First Na- creating the borough of Rumson and Charles H. Tindall, members of Narcotic Uses soldier, with this conviction strosr George H. Lussler was reap...... one nine-year-old son, Patrick, Jr., Morris, Mr. Wolcott and Mr.Smock; from the township of Shrewsbury, the zoning board of adjustment, within him, assumes ths burden dc tlbrial Bank of Red Bank. At theed to a five-year term on the board a pupil at the. grammar school flre and water, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Pat- Charges Excessive peacetime responsibility and lesd«r- time, the First National was located hero, Forty-five years is a long time The various committee chairmen SMD In nation and community. Thai of managers of Allenwood hospi- terson and Mr. Smock, and bor-and we, the undersigned, feel that a retire and finance, Frank F. Blaii- on the present site of the Mertal- , and Dr. Madelyn Kahrs was ough property, buildings and Insur- wo should express our appreciation Borough of Rumson can ba prone) chants Trust, 30 Broad st. Ho re- dell; roads, Mr. Carton; police, Doses Prescribed that such a man Is named a. new member of the latter ance, Mr. Patterson, Mr. Odell and and that of the citizens of the bor- Walter J. Bills; welfare and health, mained with that bank until it^was group. John L. Montgomery, coun- Mr. Wolcott. ough to you for your part in es- In Some Cases PETER H. B. CUUMBra absojrtJSd by the Red. Bank Trust ty .adjustor, was named to repre- Keansburg Picks tablishing our home. Joseph K. Edwards, and public Newly returned to civilian company about 35 years • ago., He Officials appointed by the mayor works, J, Crawford Compton, FREEHOLD — Superior Court he served on ths Planning BoafC sent the Freeholders before the were Howard W. Roberts, attorney; In 1947, and on the Borough Couar- staye&iwith Red Bank Trust until state board of child welfare for the A temporary budget of (Sl.TT-t Judge Daniel J. Brennan asked the it,was'.absorbed by the Second Na- McGrath as Chief O. Wolcott Morris, engineer; Charles was adopted. incoming January seasion of the ell, wrier, he waa Chairman of; that year, and William H. Hintelmann, W. Roberts, building inspector; Dr. Frickel Sworn in Finance Committee, In 1948 aiulf tionalibanlt. Leaving that staff, he Rumson, and Robert N. Seeley, KEANSBURG—Borough council Heads Health Board grand Jury yesterday to look Into 1049. With technical iklll asd'.si joined Merchants Trust in August Norman Thetford, member of the allegedly excessive "Use l>y some depth of understanding he dtat Port Monmouth, were reappointed last night confirmed the recom- board of health; Mrs. Elsie A, Do- William C. Johnson was re-elect- 1924,:,as secretary of the board of to three-year terms on the mosqui- mendation of Borough Manager As Committeeman ed president of the board of health, county doctors of narcotics pre- charged his duties with an honopjl directors. His career was Inter- marest, public health director; Mr. scriptions. realism In which wishes and /atfU to extermination commission. Ralph O. Williams that Capt, Al- Becker, assessment searcher; Mrs. SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP — and Mr. Roberts was appointed were reconciled for the bsntflt'aC rupted In World War I when he phonsus McGrath be promoted to Commlttceman Julius • F. Frickel ieoratary. Dr. Krohn waa appoint- Judge Brennan told tha jury to volunteered for service with the lo- Mr. Irwin was appointed a vot- Virginia Stofflet, Mrs. Elizabeth "glv» diligent attmtlon to specific all. On 1950 he waj elected - '-i'' ing member of the state Freehold- fill the office of police chief, effec- Wolcott, Mrs. Hazel Cadman, Mrs. was sworn In for his second term ed inspector and registrar of com- MAYOR OP THE BOROUGH 'Om cal Jtroop B, National Guard. He tive New Years day. as committeeman last night when municable diseases, and Mr, Rob- Instances where manifestly, on the ers' association; Miss Margaret Doris Angelbeck, Mrs, Eleanor face of It there is in my judgment RUMSON. NEW JERSEY, ., • and Mrs. McClees live at SO Wet Francis was designated county tu- Chief McG;ra,th has been a mem- Compton, Mrs. Eileen Dolan and the committee held its reorganiza- erts was designated as the official and continued in that-position ma* •; to Issue dlsintermcnt permits. a clear Indication that there can til'his--voluntary retirement berculosis nurse, and Miss Winona ber of the department since Sopt. Mrs. Bette Dietz, library board; tion meeting. ' : Darrah was appointed county ad- 1037, when he was appointed pa- well be some legal Impropriety In .Durlnsr his term of office h» haaj Charles Krueger and. Mr. Patter- Committeeman Joseph Jordan Dirk Hofman was appointed what Is going on as far as the oon- served- our community with vlnaj visory nurse, all one-year appoint- trolman. He was niado sergeant in son, btilldlng board members; Wal- was re-elected chairman of the plumbing inspector and assistant 1 Feb., 1048,. and captain In Novem- duct of those physician* Is con-arid vision, meeting each problem ments. lace Jeffrey, nviflltor, anil George committee. Borough Clcrii Anne C. health inspector. Mr. Edwards was cerned, and indeed, it well the eon anA' accom-DHshlwt each joaVtrtW' ber of th« aim?, year. As qhlef ho ,/(t£«fiuiiei-iif 'ac adjustment Mr.v-.lrwln named Freeholder Switck was appointed treasurer by appointed a. member of the board duct of druggists." tin j)£C-*-tjt consideration <-toq Walton.- Sherman; - finance -chair- will receive a salary of $4,200 com- resolution and later collector to All to sit on the Rarllan Bay Regional every person in the Borough. 7 iei&< pared to $3,840 as captain. board, The court made It clear that the fore be It > •'••: man) himself,- highway chairman; Special police officers, In addition the vacancy caused by the resigna- Health commission. The regular Freeholder Abram D, Voorhees, The new chief had been acting tion . of Mrs. G. Helena Newman meeting dates of the board are the remarks are "in no sense an In- RESOLVED - that we, hit ,ool> In that capacity since August when to the mayor and council, will bo dictment of doctors generally with- leagues, member! of ths Rumson! bridge, chairmani Mr. Grossinger, J, Ely Miller, Benjamin VanKeuren, who recently moved from the town- second and fourth Wednesdays of Borough Council, hereby record'ous public welfare chairman, and Mrth. e former chief, Irwin Bennett, ship. each month following the township in the county," but that the prose- retired. Chief McGrath is a mem- Daniel Terry, Clifford Browor, cutor haa "evidence of Instance! deep regret at his retirement front Woolley, public property chairman, R&lph Norwouil, Edward Emmons, The committee renamed Judge committee meetings. office and express our warm appre4 • The board adopted e, temporary ber of the Patrolmen's Benevolent where the proof seems almost con- elation of his leadership and,let* association and is a former fire Stanley Dussman, Charles B. Drey- Alton V. Evans township attorney. cretely clear that at least an ade- budget of $815,425, representing no er, Arthur Cotgreave, Eugene Vicr- vice to this community; and be K! more than 25 .per cent•of the ex-chief. Appointment of a 'township audi- quate explanation Is called for." further '. : eck, Sr., Nicholas Marcollo, Peter tor, however, was held up for fur- Keansburg Youth In speaking of the special charge, RESOLVED that this resolution pected county budget, which Is Subject to approval of the route Tomalno and Vincent Moyes, Jr. likely to be at least $200,000 higher, by Mr. Williams, council gave mu- ther study. Also postponed until a the judge commended the afforts of be spread upon the minutes of thla nicipal consent for the Jersey Official depositories selected were later meeting was the adoption of Prosecutor J. Victor Carton, and meeting of the Borough Council; than last year. The meeting was the First National bank of Eaton- a temporary budget, and that an engrossed copy ba .pre- adjourned until next. Wednesday Central Transportation company Held as Fugitive remarked he "appears to have ser- sented to him as an expression of to operate three buses a day intown, New Jersey Trii3t company The committee adopted resolu- ious perturbations about the situ- afternoon at 3 o'clock, when the and Merchants Trust company. A KEYPORT—Magistrate Herbert our esteem and affection. 1952 budget will be Introduced. place of trains on Its Matawan- tions fixing the committee meeting R. Rothonberg yesterday ordered ation Involving narcotics." Ha fur- Hlghlands run, The state board temporary budgot of $17,990 was nights as tho flrst Tuesday of each ther urged "it is not a thing lightly approved, William Striffler, alias Billy Fe'n- of public utility commissioners al- month; setting the order of busi- wick, 24, rt. 36, Kcanaburg, com- to be dismissed" and declared "the Atlantic Votes ready has granted approval for ness at meetings, and naming the mitted to the county jail for 30Instances of which the prosecutor removal of the trains from tho School Election First National bank of Eatontown days on a charge that he Is wanted has knowledge are not, in the To Waive Pay schedule. as the official township depository. as a fugitive from Justice In New court's judgment, after consultation Council gave permission for As- York, with him, the ordinary treatment COLT'S NECK—The Atlantic sessor Harold Martin to take a Rules Explained on the part of competent and con- township committee, as its first of- Mayor Lauds Mellish Police In New York said he Isscientious physicians." course in assessing at Rutgers FREEHOLD—Tomorrow is tho charged there with kidnapping and ficial act at last night's organiza- university for IB weeks, with the The judge then outlined thi tion meeting; voted to serve with- deadline for registration for any- For 'Outstanding Job' assaulting Miss Helen McDermott '•'Ceoll C. Crawford borough la pay the $22 cost. The one wishing to vote In the Feb. 13 and with felonious assault on De-"frightful damage that Is being out pay for 1952. The move, in action was taken after a letter RUMSON—Arthur Mellish, who done to young people all over our line with a program to cut local school district elections, it has been tective Frank' Ginsberg Saturday .' .Mr, Crawford started'|n banking was received from the county announced by Monmouth county retired as flre chief here yesterday night when ho eluded a police trap country by this new and most In- here" in 1808 with the First Na- taxes, was proposed by Committee- board of taxation recommending after a year's service, was praised sidious form of human depravity, man John E, Laird, president of Superintendent of Schools Josoph set up for him In Brooklyn. tional,' also following'the-aervlce of the course for assessors. E, Clayton. ' at last Thursday night's council Striffler was apprehended here at particularly as It reflects on the Mr. McClees. .Also a- native of Laird & Co,, apple brandy distil- meeting by Mayor Peter H, B. Cum- future of our growing children, in lers, of Scobcyville. Professor Volcker of Stevens In- In order for anyone to vote in 4:45 a. m. Sunday on rt. 35 after Holnidel, he, too, was ' graduated stitute submitted his report on histhe school elections, Mr, Clayton mlng for his "outstanding work" a half-mile chase by Patrolmen and around schools and In other from Freehold high school. Prior to The three-man committee, includ- in handling .the fire situation and public places." ing Mr. Laird, Warren Snedckcr, survey started in April of the man- aald, he must meet all the quali- Donald Nuss and John Vlsconl, who this'appointment, he was assistant ager government in ' Keansburg, fications necessary for voting in civil detente activities. Albert Van- recognized the car from an alarm Judge Bronnan said that the ba- treasurer. His home it on Eaton- chairman, and William Miles, who Brunt became flre chief yesterday was'appointed to fill an uncxplred Mayor Felix J. Brennan said the general or primary elections. Any- that had been broadcast several sis for Prosecutor Carton's action town blvd., Ocoanport, where he has 60-page report would first be stu-one not registered may do so byfor 1052. houca earlier. Chief Leroy Sproul "Is the habit, apparently of cer- lived since 1024. term, waived - the usual salary of {600 a year for each committee- died by the officials and then made signing today or tomorrow with his In another matter pertaining to Bald the car had a bullet hole whon tain physicians to fill out prescrip- man. available to the. public, municipal clerk or In the office of the fire department, the mayor ex- taken into custody. tions for narcotics far beyond, In Tne mayor proclaimed January the county board of elections, here. pressed his thanks to the members According to New York authori- his Judgment, what would be the Mr. Laird was drafted last fall ordinary needs of any peraon." by a township citizens committee, as the month for the March of School elections are ordinarily of the two flre companies for their ties Striffler entered a car with protesting zoning, to run for office, Dimes and the Muscular Dystro- held on tho second Tuesday in Feb- "highly successful" Christmas par- Miss McDermott and her boy friend Mr. Carton declined to discuss and ho defeated regular Republican phy campaigns. ruary, but because that day falls ty for the children of the commun- Christmas night and ordered him the judge's remarks, and said he on a holiday, Llnooln'a birthday, ity, He emphasized the time, effort to drive to an Isolated spot, where can make no statement on tho aub- and Democratlo candidates on a Randall M. Keator, Jr. wrlte-ln-vote, ' , j the election has been put back one and expense Involved In staging the he directed Miss McDermott to dis- jeot at this time. day to Fab, 13. party. - / Gar Hits Pole robe. After she pleaded, Striffler, Mr. Keator'i letter of resignation Succeeds Reussille MIDDLETOWN - Theodora according to police, agreod to re- Boy's Alertness Is as follows: Peace, Jr., 24, of Johnson ave., Mat- lease tho pair If ahe promised to "At the election when I ran tor-\ As Borough' Attorney A wan, was Issued a summons this meet him Saturday night, which Indicted for False Testimony she did, Prevents Wreck my second term ai Councilman, I LITTLE SII/VER —Howard' W. morning for leaving tha scene of felt aura that the amount of travel an accldontat 2:80 a, m. when his i Howover, when Striffler reached MAT AW AN—A possible train that I would be required to do lor Roberta, county counsel and senior her houae Detective Ginsberg was member of the law Arm of Rob- northbound, oar "seemed to slip wreck of a roturnlng commuter business would diminish and that" across rt, 3D Just north of Cooper's In County Narcotics Trial waiting for him, Seeing ho wu train was averted In Lauronce Har- I would be able to devote more o( ortj, Plllsbury, Carton and..Soren- bridge batore It anappod a utility facing arrest Strlffler, tho Newbor last week when a lB-year-old aon of Atlantic Highlands, last FREEHOLD — Morris Hoffman, term, Hoffman and Harrington my time to my duties In tha bor- polo, York authorities asserted, knooked boy spotted a four-Inch break In a ough. night waa sworn In ai attorney 19, ion of Mr. and Mra. Samuel wore among a group of alleged the dotcctlve to tho'ground and rail and notified authorities. of this borough, , ' Township police reported that Hoffman, Washington at., who la onmarihuana uaora apprehended last "I find now that development! aped away, with Doteotlvo Olnaborg Tha boy, George Oarrlson, IDS in my builnen neccjiltatei my be- He succeeds Leon Rouiallla of cleotrlo power within a radlua of probation for tha uio of marihuana, March, Robort Hawkina, 36, Mata- firing two shots after him. levoral miles was'knooked out aa a waa Indicted by tho retiring Sop- Clay ave,, Laurence Harbor, noti- ing away from Rumson more than the Red Bank Arm of Applegate, wan township, accused aource of After teatlmoney by Chief Sproul fied Madison township police who, Foster, Reuasllto and Cornwoll, Mr, result of tha oraah, They aald Peace tember torm grand jury yesterday tha dope, also waa arrcatod and la before. Beoauae of thli, I believe drova on aftar hla oar suffered lit- and Patrolman NUJI and Detective In turn, advised officials of tha Naw that the best Intereiti of tha bor- Rauaillla last weak advlaad Mayor for giving allogod falso testimony now serving a long atato prison Martin Flannagan of Brooklyn, tle damage In tho h«ad-on oraah In a narcotics trial Oct. 31, York k Long Branch railroad. Rail- ough will be served If loraeone, Joiaph C. Davlion that he dellred torm. Hoffman la free In *3,t00 bail William O. Floyd, Keansburg, do- road repreaantatlvoi atood along to reilgn beoauae of ths prenure and lje wu apprehended at 4:09 by pending arraignment, whoso actlvltlei are of a more low Mata wan, police, Hoffman, a former Red Bank fenso attorney, argued there waa the right-of-way to warn approach nature, be appointed In my plade, of his private praotloe. Tha attor- high aohool senior, woa chargod Wilbur O, Wendalkln. Hoboken, no baali to hold Striffler, but Mr. ing tralm until algm were posted ney made tha lame requoat last Snapped when tha pol« wan waa Indloted for Issuing- a (35 "It It with great regrtt. there- with perjury In a two-count truo Rothonborg aald since this was advising engineers to reduce spaed. fore, that I submit my resignation: ibert E,'VartBrunt year, but later acceded "to Mayor foiled, power ilnai flared before the bill preaontod to Superior Court worthless chock Aug, 29, 1950, to only a proceeding to determine \ \ Davlion'i request that ha terva Jersey Central Power and Light ' Tho break was spotted at SiSS p. aa Counoilman to be efTaotlw at Judge Daniel J, Brannan by thoAnthony Mlelll, rt, 98, Mlddlotown whether he Is a fugitive from New m. and about four and one-halt MAt;l VanBrunt has been with the another year. Mr, Roberta la attor- company dlapatohed a rspalr oraw townahlp, Wendtrlkln la In atato your convenience. It haa bean an Jury foreman, 0, Arthur Patron, York, there uppearod aufftelant «vl- houra later tha defective rail wu honor and a. pleasure to have Merchant!' -30 yean, joining the ney for levaral othor munlclpall. to the scene, Patrolmon Melvln prlaon, dance to hold him, Leak and Jerry Qennaralll Investi- under the Indlotmont Hoffman repaired. urved with you and I am vary bank ahortly after- |t waa formed In must lace trial for having toatlfled Oharlei Ooaby, 96, Red Bank, waa Mr, Hothonborg aald became of 1124, A native Red Banker, ho wai gated for township pollee, Indicted for aaaault and battery on sorry that eurrent elrcumitancea ' NOTICE ' '•« durlnr lha trial of William B, tho torlouineaa of the crime of kid- 11,000 FOB BIVERVrEW • dictate thla aotlon," graduated from Red Bank high "Ranger" Harrington, 71, that ha Rlohard Manga, 38 William at,, onnaping, which la punlahable by life lohool, He now llvoi In Wait LonK ,Barauik..aiufaTr H»vm Oet, 37, at lha Batontown drive- J, Dantal Tuller, preildent of th Financial Report ha Major and had never aeen Harrington amoke Imprisonment In New York state, fuller Conatruotlon eompany, Mon Brinbhi In World War II,'ha starved Council of fhe Borououiih of RUfflienRum , that marihuana, and lhat hi) had never In theater tlokot office The proie- ho would hold the defendant with' The excellent financial condition (our and one half years, Prior- to dot pii> lima „„»,.,..and jlaea. to/or the refill|Ula, r mm been with Harrlnnlon when the two culor'a office aald Cosby* had held mouth at,, hu Jtut made a lilt oi of the borough waa atreued by „., .iBMln k llflami iliivlnv m« w Inn of thlhae Oprarjilaovarninn i Body Da .,..md , .„- out hall, $1,000 to the new Rlvervlew hos- hla'promotion, he waa a teller. i hereby flueiT aa the aeennd and imokid donid olguriu, Ms IBs r»aponilbl« for the loss of Counoilman Peter Cartmall, flnane* eenjaa may be rhui'idiya at eteh and ever* Cuilom fillndi Reduced pital building fund, Announcement Ueen,iia,,may ba "nroBureil from tha feW'™ Aialilnnt. Froseoulor Qoorge A, hla Job, uih Clerk, I ij ,lonlli. i jit rtiet hour, of ino.a'elaik P, Roy Wallace Seaborne, 43, alias Special madt minx" biindi at l"»«r of tho ullt waa made yaitorday by (Continued on page 3) T y P S fav tfirohh WWl.da».0.A,.Ml , to 1 [„ at ih« Cflunell Chamber nf Memor a] dray, who had culled Hoffman aa than dealare coat, Frag titjmatu, Nat- oinllh C«, a n .'7J(MC 'no,.l 164,10, H, J. Leonard of Newark, waa In* Jamt» a. Parkcj, preildent of the new till model, wllh »out trada.ln, I .Jorpuahlo'n . Hall, ami that the Clark bi and a itata't wltneia In tho Harrington ional > k 10, Prown'e,—Advartliemint, board of truateea of tha hoapltal. under ten yieri old, Alio raeondltlonei iVn la .hereby auftarlsiiT and, fllraeted to dieted tor laming (our wortliloaa WEATHER ^ tyBiirrlfiri, >l ntakei, low JJ9.60, puar. ft ub Ian notlia thereof In the heel Bank eaaa, told County Judga John O. checki, Ma had boen In the oounty Cuilom Made Vanatlan Blind. antaed. . leritles'e ,101 HonmeutE it. .ra, , R Giordano at tha time that Hoff- Ne« low prloeprloei i on' th- e•-" Belay• Ran kith Anneuneimint Rain endlnf by early afternoon* i»B i.QUt,—Advanliemenl, —Adrertlieiaent, u k Xeif, Jr,, Jail until Deo, 1)7 when ha com-quality, ramovaL.movable. ala.._t blind, Bllndi Watnh for ilia .openlni data of thi and colder tonlfht, Highest Urn* loreutli Clerk, man's teitlmony repudiated a algn< plained of a hernia and wai taken flgura down at low M 93 eanta mw Somlo KliHit Lnnd on Bmnlo Drlva Plaitli Window laidee , —Advertliement, 1 id atatemint he had previously to Monmouth Memorial hospital, Any Kolor tan*. National B < Hlihlanda, Will noran with (our n« oerttura today SB, lowoat 38 day. 'irfwkideHemmedJhade/rleee A newnlailToiupiiorlid, Iliads for «J given dotutlvn, Hoffman aald! Prown a,—Advertliement, kiddle rlilai, Mothtr Geeaa farm and break Friday. Tomorrow moitly , Bring iaat rollari, New aide Jginmei nil, Out td fU.your rolliri, white, or all Takli Cayiri, He la ohargad with paailng bad oNllilrin'i too, all llya an null, Mlnlaturi •udei put on while rou wait. You wll !«ehell. Fiti iilsitre put,ind mlit, "Juit beoauie I (Ignod the atatt* iolf lourit lafily rented In, New park' fair, bl|hnt U to 40. Modinit it plaitlo aaa osad, >! ohookj, aaeh for 180, to Joseph Uaurlsa lahwsrta t Soni proudly an northwtit wind* aext II noun, oi amaiad si, our low prleea, Nation! Irlni•In*r you*our rolurolUn todtoday« . National 8 « •ieh, > for IS, National 5 * 16 r'rown'i. ment that doein't mean It'i right," Romeo, Atlantlo Hlghlandi; Wil- ""'•a lha naw IDS] Plymouth, lea H fni lot—Advatllaemtnl, 1 aVfo, rrown'a,—Advertltamant. o, FrownY—AclvtrtfAdvirtfitminii i •—Auvarllatnlitminlr , I'M in 18,500 Ball r anowroom with th« rid (tent. liam Oileoky, Bea Bright, and W»»t Front if,—AilvaVtlar'mraY, Lower Venetian Blind Prliei HftWjOn dlenlajr, The -1053 Plymouth, It'l hull 1,111 Plymouth, with new .li.VMril Tha laliif, irailait «»» Harrington wit oonvlcUd and Ralph J. Todatfl and John 0, loo- New' low euilom made hllntf pilen. at the ihewrsnl with the rid frontv nowir flow inilm imeninnil*, Iti It at til Flymeiiih, lit a Mmr ia fthwiiii later wai untteod to iordentown hay, both of Long Branch, all on Tha road to better anil bluer ...... Call ur- fur fraa iilimalM, I'or a III Miuilea Bihwirit.* Sum, MI Wei Mnurlei Ithwitli > .lima, ,\Wit front i laait Thi huiMIn* »lth" t>« ltd time, Call rliht no*, National 1 i it., he n« frcnt-Adviii IIMIM, i'out, Will fionl it,—AdviftMiBiat. ' rifWBMtOry tot in Indattrmlnata Nor. a. adiartiia In Tha laititet Ktularlr, frtwo'i.-AaveiiliemiBl, Page Two BED BANK REGISTER, JANUABY 3, 1952 Weigel Appointed Council Approves Eichele, Hunting Begin New Terms on Fair Haven Council Hunting, Eichele Twin Boro Loan." Reports Big Year By Mayor Davison $14,000 Sea Wall Begin New Terms •'BATONTOWN—Daniel B. MOr- ris, president of Twin Boro Fed- eral Savings and Loan association, To Council Seat Fund Borrowing At Fair Haven yesterday, reported an Increase In 2 Councilmeii'Elecl, Part of Ultimate asspto of the . association in 1951 Former Starts His :';"•;._.-. bf «12B,8B4.99, bringing the total Mayor Recite Oaths $25^000 Bond Issue to $854,445.98. 31st Tear on; Council, ; Commenting on, "a highly.«ue- At Reorganization Raised for Project cessfiil year," Mr. Morris said, that a three per cent.per annuro,,d!vl- LITTLE SILVER—Mayor Joseph The Latter His \t6tli : SEA BRIGHT — Aiming: at the FAIR HAVEN—The' mayor.and flend was paid to savings accounts C. Dayison and three new eounctl- as of. Dec. 31. In the year, there men were sworn Into office last start of construction of a $113,000 council reorganized:last night with Low Moor sea wall tbis spring, the the swearing In of two councllmen were'78 new savings accounts open; night when the local council re- ed, for a total Increase ot $117c organized tor '52. mayor and council Friday night for hew terms—Tony- E. Hunting, authorized the borrowing of $14,000 who is.beginning his 31st year, 689,06. 'There were it loans made in two per cent bond anticipation and Peter J.' Eichele, who is start- for ah increase of $139,330.97. Thir- notes) from the Sea Bright National ing, his .16tfi year. Borough. Clerk ty-one mortgages were paid off. bank. M. Floyd Smith- administered the At the Dec, 19 meeting, the di- The board also authorized that oath .of office, ... rectors voted a dividend of $11,- this money be sen I to Trenton to In his annuaj .'message Mayor 132.94. to the stockholders. It be grouped with $50,000 in state and Edgar V. Denise' said the bor-brought the year's total dividends $36,000 in Monmouth county con- ough's "growiiig •pains"' has ore-to $21,232.97. In addition to the tribution funds to hind the financ- ated "a great ;many, problems for three per cent payment, the as- ing of the project. those who are. charged with the sociation set aside $7,849.52 . for To the $100,000 will be added an management ,of the community," reserves. ' . additional $13,000 in borough mon- He said the' mayor and' council Other officers are John Adatyll, ey—$10,000 to cover engineering and the board, of education "ate' vice president, and Benjamin Van- costs and $3,000 for legal fees and doing everything' possible to keep Keuren, secretary-treasurer. Other other incidental expenses. Repay- directors are Alexander Boross, 1 the, expenses down" and .that the ment of Sea Bright * coat will be officials "welcome constructive crit- George T, BUrtt, Felix J. Fog-gla, provided by the sale of $25,000 In icism and wish that more' people Frank O. Magee, Fred S. Morris sea wall bonds, plus a $2,000 down Councilman Peter J. Eichele, extreme left, and Tony E. beginning his 34th'year in office; Mayor Edgar V.Demie, Attor- woiild show an Interest tn our bor- and Paul J. Wall. > ' , payment, to get the work started, Hunting,' second from left,' were sworn in for new term* at Fair ney William R. Blair, Jr.! and Councilman Arthur. H. Rieman, ough government." .i.... "" :''•' .' from the borough's capital account Councilman;' Eichele, .when called funds. Haven,last night. Others in the group, left to right: Council- Russell H>' Minton and Jesse J. Mcllray. Mr. Hunting begins his ton and Road' Superintendent'Os- on by Mayor-Denise for a few car Becker. ' Presiding over those financing ne- man James A. Enright, Borough Cleric M. Floyd Smith, who is 31st year on the council and Mr. Eichele, his 16th. remarks, said, the; borough's giovr- gotiations was the last major busi- ing; pains "canf be. cured/only by The council will meet as usual ness for Mayor Thomas Farreli, higher taxes.'.' Additional-services, on the,second and fourth Mondays Democrat, whoso fourth term In at 8,p.,m. Named depositories lor nlcal, but I am pleased to report bigger schools: and Increases,-in borough • funds were the Second office ended New Years day. Sue- Outgoing Officials that the system is now functioning personnel and: salaries'-were cited ooedlng him this year Is Mayor National bank and Merchants efficiently. Beadleston Attacks Statement by him as some of the reasons for Trust company of Red Batik, First George H. Krauss, who was elected Are Honored We have seen the construction of the rising cost of running the'bor- Gtorgn K. Wrlrel on the Republican ticket. the new bridge to Sea Bright, National bank of Eatontpwn* and ough. Mr. Eichele also hit "Ine- Central National bank of Freehold. For Low Moor residents, whose (Continued from page 1) which has been needed for a long By Stillman in Recent Story The new member* are Joseph qualities of assessment" and said properties have been flooded In past committee chairman, in reading the time, and has greatly aided the he expected to have such instances Mayor Denise'j message Is as F. Lord and George R. Woodhead, summer traffic problems. We arc follows: ' | storms, the now sea wall will offer report of the borough collector,: at present working with the coun- -*• SHREWSBURY — Asserting ho corrected during the year. -who were elected last November a real moasure of security. For the Is "sick to death of the matter," As we embark upon a new year after staging a victory In the Re- Mary M, O'Rourke. The percent- ty to see to It that proper traffic Both Mr. Blchole and Mr. Hunt- county, it is expected to keep high age of taxes collected In 1951, he lights and other control features Mayor Alfred N. Beadleston last I would like to take this opportun- publican primaries, and Georgo K. Dentists Honor ing, who was named the "dean" ity, to thank.the members of the water'and sand off a tow-slung sec- said, was 94.75 of the total, as com- are installed whets the now bridge [night answered a alory In the Dec, of council by Mayor Denise, thank- Welgel, who was appointed to suc- tion of the Ocean ave. county high- approach Intersects Rumson rd and 13 issue of The Register which official family, that is' the mem- ceed the late Wellington Wllklns, pared with 94.82 last year. The ed the voters for returning them way. For the state, and borough It borough, he said, ended the year ward ave. We expect by next spring Dr. Owen Wooley quoted Ray H. Stillman, local teal- bers of the council, board of edu- Jr. Mr. Wllktns died suddenly Dec, to have this situation well In hand. for another term. Mr. Hunting cation, library board,' planning will offer a safes ocean beach. with a surplus of ?83,700.73. Dr. Owen Wooley of Long Branch tor, concerning Shadowbrook farm stated that the children's picnic board, zoning board of adjustmentlustment, 9. He had one year to go to finish Financial Status development. out his first term on the council. Prior to voting for the bond an- Following is the cash on hand: will be honored for his 50 years of In the new park will become an board oC health, civilian defense Current account—Second National Tour borough continues to stand active practice and contributions to members, the canine control.com- Mr. Welgel, secretary of the ticipation notes, council held & half- The mayor said Mr. Stillman's ar- annual event, and promised that hour caucus session, to. discuss bank, $26,948.73; Fidelity' Union In very grood financial condition, dentistry at the monthly dinner gument "is not a true statement of next summer's party and the 1953 mittee and the members of theJlre planning board since It was or-state plans (or the sea wall, Trust Co., $86,970.22, and Sea Bright with no outstanding debt other meeting of the Monmouth County department, first aid squad and'po- ganized last June, Is a native of than that Incurred by the construc- the facts." Referring to a specific community Halloween parade will lice department and any other com- By letter, Charles B. Harding National bank, $6,983.42; U, S. Gov- Dental society at the Crystal claim by Mr. Stillman, the mayor be a "vast Improvement" over mittees or groups who have given New Rochelle, N. Y. He received ernment bonds, $50,000; first sewer tion ot the sewage disposal plant, Brook Farm in tomorrow night. his early education in public said he and his family had no ob- The borough as a whole guarantees said It probably Is true that the those held last year. of their time and effort to make jections to the borough's deeding district account, $4,988.96; disposal tho bonds In question, but they will Dr. Wooley graduated from the' streets in the development were Councilman Arthur- H. Kleman Fair Haven a community of -which school* there, being graduated plant assessment account, $36,772.- from 'New Rochelle high school." the Ocean avo. playground over to bo paid off over a 10-year period University of Pennsylvania In theconstructed under the direction of was elected president of the coun- we are justly proud, the fire department. James P. Thor- 12; dog license account, $2,280; by the property owners In the sew- class of 1901, and has practiced Henry Labrocgue, civil engineer, As I have slated before we are He received a bachelor of arts de cil. This office goes to a different suffering from growing pains. sen notified, council the department trust or assessment account, $f>,- er district. dentistry continually In the city of but that Mr. Labrecque Is not thecouncilman each year. The retiring gres,in'economics and accounting 058,30; police pension fund—chock- The citizens of Rumson should While we certainly welcome the from and a roas- wanted to make improvements to Long Branch. He has been active borough engineer nor are the president, is Councilman Jesse J. and perhaps put up a building upon ing account, $2,684.41! savings ac- be again complimented on the very in many civic and oharltablo organ- many fine families who have chos- ter's degree in business adminis- excellent manner In which local street? constructed In compliance Mcllray. en Fair Haven for. their home, the the playground if It-could he as-count, $6,020, and bonds $2,500, and izations and is a council man In with the street acceptance Ordin- growth In the.pait few years has tration from New York university, capital Investment account—Fidel- taxes Are paid, with results in 19S1 George E. Chandler, who- has where he majored in corporation sured that if would own the land. showing receipts in excess ol 94 the borough of West Long Branch. ance "as far as curbs, surface and completed his probationary period created & great many problems tor Borough Attorney George A, Gray ity Union Trust Co,, $3,278.32,. arid per cent of total taxes levied. Following the meeting the follow- drainage" are concerned. those who are charged with tha and municipal finance, Second National bank, $5,886,31. of 11 months on the police force, said he would study the best means Your mayor and council have con- ing members of the society will Mayor Beadleston argued that a was appointed a regular member management of the community. Investment Analyst of conveying title. tinued to bend every effort to pre- present table clinics on various den- To enumerate a few, the Increas- Retiring Mayor's Address . vent an Increase in faxes. We have four-inch water main "may be O.of the department by Mayor De- ed school enrollment has necessi- A registered practitioner before Mr. Gray also said he Is nego- tal subjects: Dr. David Berman, K." but that .six-inch mains ate re- nise. . ; The retiring mayor read his .an- not been entirely successful, how- Dr, Norman Sauer, Dr. Nathan tated an Increase in the number of the- Interstate Commerce' commis- tiating for the purchase of a 1,000- ever, for with the increasing cost quired. He added that regardless Officials Beappolnted classrooms and naturally additional sion, he Is a senior investment ana- foot-plus strip of Jersey Central nual address, In which he gave a Epstein, Dr. Edward Schlossbach, of the streets' construction, not all teachers. I think our board ot edu- of living and with the additional Asbury Park; Dr. Anson Hoyt, Dr. Officials reappointed 'by; Mayor lyst for the financial vice president railroad's former right-of-way In resumo of accomplishments during services that - must be rendered to requirements are met, Councilman Denlae were: M. Floyd Smithj who cation is to be commended for, th» of 'Metropolitan Life .Insurance mid-town Sea Bright and expects his administration and made'cer- our growing borough,' it has been Melvin Edwards, Dr. Fischer, Bed John Hawkins said he objected to manner In which they have handled Bank; Dr, Irvln Kolman, Farm- Is beginning his-34th •'year "as bor- company In. New Xork city. : to .conclude the deal in the near tain, recommendation with:regard .necessary to raise salaries of our the news story because it was an ough clerk;- George-"V7." Curchln, this situation. They have.shown He. Is a member of Red Bank future., Earlier in December, coun- to future problems. employees. 'In addition, costs of ingdale, and Dr. Douglas Hoyt of attempt "to advertise by Innuendo." remarkable foresight in planning all materials purchased havo In- Fair Haven, treasurer; john/V. 'Crowell,, mag- and building. In advance,, the neces-- council, Knights of Columbus, the cil authorised him to carry out ' The retiring mayor's The Stillman argument Is several istrate for three years; M.'Floyd an ordinance procuring the prop- croaaedr However, although our eery room to care for. the Influx of Association of I.C.C. practitioners, as followsli» • taxes have'.gone up, they have not years old. It is charged up peri- Smith, clerk of the municipal court students. By their proper timing Delta Tau Delta and the Cornell erty, either for $14,000 for the of yca'r, gone upVln proportion to those ot odically by visits to council meet- for three years; Joseph J. Seaman, they saved the taxpayer* thous- club of New York. In World War whole strip, section between the mayor Is' stepping out of 6ffloa;;'lt surrounding communities, and any dren. Thoir problems are many, borough' auditor; Theodore D. Par- ands of dollars in cost of construe* but certainly two of the biggest aro, ings by residents of the develop- II he served four and one-half Peninsula House and Beach St., or Is customary, for him to" ' increases-have only been made at- ment who seek street lights and sons, borough attorney; H, Lynn- tlon. •• . .-,"?.?:• . for $12,500 Xor-'the section between fajy, looininants concerning, ter gcd rising costs and larger enrollments. years In the Army, [ seeing combat iver thV budget very Because of these facts, the school borough maintenance of streets. To wood Minton, building Inspector; Ten years ago we had one police- with an amphibious engineer de- the Peninsula House and the bor- ougS^oveft.TjrtHch he has < careful! _ d; _seeing to It that not George ' k.- Allen, h'qro.ugh engi- man in Fair Haven; today ws Ploua bear in mind that, tSe!coin board Is responsible for spending each complainant, the mayor has have around-the-clock police patrol tachment In the 'Algelra-French ough hall, negotiating with Mrs'. one'pcnnyMs' spent unnecessarily. more money, than does your. mayo,--r said that council would be happy to neer; Dr. .John" B. Movelley police Morocco, Sicily, Naples-Foggla, Hattie Kaplan for the remainder. ments.I.make today are based, on which necessitates a force of'.five my own:personal"opinions and are - Growth Presents Problem and council, The board feels their accept the streets, provided they surgeon; M, Floyd Smith;i-actlng full-time policemen and;two pavt- Home-Arno, Southern France and Mrs, Kaplan holds a contract with responsibility keenly and deserves fullt not.necessa.rlly concurred In by the are offered by Mr. Stillman and overseer, [of-. .th«;.}popr';j;i;,Oharles; time -THo men of thi(I s pollcejjde- Rblneland campaigns. Entering the railroad for purchase of the ; We now.-come to a problem, .timeit;. ,xuu jun oi V V. pyiu- members of tha council, f • ;» which I believe is the most import- your support and interest In thethat they are |n the condition re service as & private, he rose to southerly end of the strip, which During the.' past two years' our elections In February. There Is no : rtment are doing a splendl t ant faced by our borough today. I mare important function In Amer- quired by law. °tt ?r8 depart^adjl the grade of captain before being the borough also reeks to buy, country and the world nave been have iri mind the very substantial 4cl 1 li rivw «4uidar« second to none. The mod- honorably discharged. He holds the faced with aome of tho mast, dif- ica today than the supervision of OrderinOdi g K. clipping'of the story) ™*i1»* » ' . of b'ojroujh a ern equipment which :»es b.&ny*»P- This business done, council ad- Increase in homes and' the continu- the ntfucsiion of our children and pardtus. same rank in the active Reserve journed to await reorganization ficult and trying problems of the ing Indication of additional homes Hied, Mayor Beadleston said he plied to them by the borough,ha» modern age. We In America have these loyal citizens who give so could pick out several more Inac- Committees the Same enabled us to maintain a very low corps. New Years day. that will bo constructed, This prob- much of their time should be re- The following' committees,' the .He i< married to the former Miss found ourselves at war again, fight- lem Is not peculiar to our own bor- curacies in the story, but that he lire insurance rate. The department ing for what we believe is right, ough, and is occurring all over the warded by your vote of confidence. "is tired" of re-hashing what should same,as last year, were named by Itself, as we all know, has con- Marlon Lyons of Bradley Beach. against an unscrupulous and ruth- 3. I recommend that a thorough the, mayor: ;...->;> > tributed thousands of. dollars-worth country in areas similar to ours. study be made as to the possibility "be well known to everybody by Their third son, Peter, was born less enemy. Inflation has continued The basic causes are (1) the In- now." • , Streets walks .and thidi lr««»—Jimti of equipment and time for the pro- Dec, 30, The other children ire Granted Patent unchecked and Is being fclt-ln every cronso in population and the need of establishing a Community Chest A, Enrliht, Hunting, Susiell H, Minton, tnctlon ot Ufa and property"in' fair Alex, 4V4, and Paul, 3V4. pocketbook throughout the land. program In our area. This Is pres- Fltt, Arab M and Inaunno—Mlnton, Haven... • !,• ..•: -'\^,< -,?:' for additional homes resulting ently being Investigated by the Ji«« J. Mcllrky, Hunynj. , . Darlson Give* Message Higher and higher taxes are being therefrom, and (2) the present Fowler Takes Oath ' • u The Increased number of homes imposed, not only to meet defense economic situation In this country Rumson Improvement association '•JU'iUUoii Mid ||. has placed a terriflo straln'onithe • In his annual message, Mayor On Dehydrator needs but also to maintain a stag- and I think it warrants careful MIDDLETOWN-John Fowler of br>r/—Meilrij,' Hebele7 Arthar H.' Bit. that makes it impossible to main- consideration. man. . "' , : .•;:- •'-....••• . men.of our sanitation department. Davison welcomed the new coun- WASHINGTON, D. C—The U. geringly large administration which tain largcs homes and estates. The River Plaza was sworn In as chief ' Comnunlt/'iictMllu, t>ark: itotlc, ton- They are doing a. grand job; How- cil members and thanked the oth- apparently has neither tho "know latter situation has thrown open 4. I recommend that every effort of the Mlddlotown township fire de- Inn nnd public UtlNtlii—Huntlni, Elch. ever, It U too much to expeot them 9. Patent office has granted patent be used to interest the new resi- : ers for past co-operation. He paid number 2,579,003 on a "dehydra- how" nor a desire to economize in to development many large, attrac- partment New Years day at the•le, 'Ricman.:.; i' ;-.• , ,'. . • • . to handle almost double. the'work particular compliments to the re- any way. We find corruption and tive areas In our borough, and If dents of the area In our local gov- annual organization meeting of the Finance, printing: and •aitplUi—Hick- that It was a few years "ago. • W« tor" to Herbert H. Schulstadt of graft In higher government circles ernment and the way in which we ele.. Enrlarnt; Rltroan, ' have ' promised to provide , them tiring councllmen, E. Allaire Corn- Mlddietown. taxes continue to rise, additional operate, Everyone in'the borough township committee, Bis assistants ' Pollea—Rlem»n, Minton' Enrlnht. veil and Howard Ungerer, who reaching the proportions ot a na-estates will also be put tn the same are Garrett 'Corson of Lincroft, with additional help and equipment This invention pertains to refrig- tional scandal. should be registered and everyone George Curchln, president of the did not seek re-election, and to the category. should vote. first assistant; William Pape of this year. ' '• '-••.'::.*•: eration systems and, In particular, There are two types of building fire company, invited the ; mayor I have mentioned a number of late Mr. Wllklns. Also cited by CivU Defense 5. Continue, as we have in theNaveslnk, second assistant; David and council' to the firemen's "an- these Items to point out to Unpeo- the mayor (or exceptional service to Improvements in the dehydra. goins; on in our borough today. past, to run the borough on a good LaRue of Brevent Park and Leon- tors or-drying agents that are em- As a result of world conditions The first Is by Individuals who pur- nual meeting and dinner Jan, 7. ple how and why the cost off these to the borough during the year business-like basis and In making ardo, third assistant,' and William M^yor. Oenlse and Councilman ployed to remove moisture from we hero in our borough find our chase a lot and build their own decisions, consider the food ot the various cervices has risen." ••:••:>- ' were Chester Apy, Civil Defense; sons and daughters again going in- home, and the second is 'by de- Vltolll of East Keansburg, fourth Mcllray /raised the work of the I could not give you this brief the refrigerant. ' ' to the armed forces, and we have borough as a whole above every- Paul Henuchoot, board of health; velopers who purchase Individual thing else. "' assistant. building inspector, and Councilman message .without mentioning how Harry Green, adjustment -board; In' other- words, small undeCcctod been called upon to again estab- lots or groups of lots for tho con- proud we are of our playground leaks sometimes occur in refriger- lish a, local civil defense body to NAME POLICEMEN Rieman gave credit to police Capt. Wlnfield 8. Walnwrlght, building struction of numbers of dwellings, Offlolals Praised MIDDLETOWN—Special police- Carl Jakubecy for the efficient and park, the land tor which.wu ation 'equipment with the result take care of any emergency that all of which will later be sold to donated several years ago by Mr. inspector; members of the police may arise. , I would like to extend my sincere men appointed New Years day by operation of the police department. department; the planning board, that the level of the refrigerant the ultimate owners. It Is the lat-thanks to the many individuals and and Mrs. Thomas N. Mcuarter. We in the storage tank drops. As a Slightly less than a year ago our ter category that causes problems, the township committoc Included Councilman Minton praised the are deeply grateful to them and to and to Leon Reussllle's long ser- groups who have assisted me dur- work of the first aid squad during consequence, there may occur a borough and the entire community since a development of this type ing my term Of office. The road Henry Buttel, Riverside Heights! all those who have'helped In plan- vice as borough council. Mr. Reus- suffered a terrific loss as a result produces as many as 40 new homea T, Russell Clark, River Plaza; the past year and also' called at- ning: and supervising the' play- siHe resigned the post and wascondition In whloh any moisture, and sanitation department, the po- that Is present In the refrigerant, ot the - disastrous train wreck in and families In an area that form- lice department, the borough clerk Harold Cruse' and Ned E. Ham- tention to the school problems that ground. succeeded by Howard W. Roberts 1 February. Many of our. citizens erly contained one home and one and his assistant, the' collector- mond, East Keansburg; David J. confront the borough as the popu- In closing I want to assure you of Mtddletown township. reaches the expansion valve of the were, killed, or Injured, and I feel family. From the borough's point that your mayor and council and apparatus where'it freezes and in- it proper to, at this time, again treasurer and the assessor, I would Ellis, Navesink; Steven Husth, lation Increases, Former Mayor ' Borough Clerk Fred L, Ayers of view, such Increases mean more like to thank our fine volunteer Naveslnk .River rd.; W. Strother Charles P. Cross reminded the your board of education are doing terferes with proper operations, extend our sympathy to their fam- services rendered by the road and everything possible to keep the ex- presided at the swearing-tn cere- ilies, groups—the two fire companies, the Jones and Arnold Wood, Jr., Locounci- l that 1952 marks the 40th monies for Mayor Davison, Mr. In fact, in new Installations, where sanitation department, by the po-Brat aid squad and the civil defense pemes down. We welcome con- moisture is Invariably present, this According to state directives the lice department, by the fire com- organization, the planning board cust; James E. Hubbs, Dr. Marc anniversary of the incorporation structive criticism, and wish that Lord, Mr. Woodhead, Mr. Weige! Krohn, George C, Varnall and of Fair Haven as a borough. Co- find Mr. Roberts. The new attorney situation frequently causes a com- mayor is In charge of civil defense panies, by all borough employees and the zoning board of adjustment. more people would show an Interest plete breakdown. Therefore, to ov-and is empoworod to establish a In general, and In addition, more I would like to Individually com- Chester Henry, Belford; Klchard operation of the public In aiding in our borough government, As I read the oath of office to Mr. group of organizations to be train- pupils for our'public school sys- mend our magistrate, Mr, Arnold Lookwood, Joseph Murphy, Harold the'council with its problem was stated before, we are suffering from Ayers. ercome this limitation, It has been ed and equipped in case of attack Tulp, who has given us. an out- customary to connect, in the pipe tem.- It is, therefore, essential that Newmler, Charles P, Oberlin ,and asked by Councilman Enright, and growing pains and at the moment Those citizens of the. borough who developments of this type.produce standing case of the proper admin- Jerry Qencrelll, Leonardo; Thomas the pains are very acute, Lawes Re-elected President line between the storage tank and have volunteered to serve on theenough In Increased assemments to istration of the law. A police de- irMih « ffo r a; succi.fufl mpmjj I «? SSffiYktT faiTthl, oppor. the expansion valve, a dehydrator various civil defense bodies are partment Is only as flood as th«Vivi Port Monmouth, and Har • The mayor's standing commit- allow them to carry their share of YivjBii, tun aioiiiuuuu,, uim nat- extended by Attorney William R. tunllv to wish everyone a Happy, which functions to remove mois- owed a great debt ot gratitude by the increased municipal expense. magistrate who backs them up, and tus Wilkinson, Monmeuth Hills. Blair, Jr., Building Inspector Mln- Healthy and Prosperous New Tear. tees, the chairman being named ture from the refrigerant. : the other citizens ot the borough, Rumson hu always been noted Mr, Tulp has been outstanding at first in each instance, were: fi- The men and women of those all times, I woulnd outst'""i ' ~" • However, according to Mr. Schul- bodies have shown tremendous In- for Its beauty, both In its trees and nance and bonds, Victor Satter, stadt, the prior dehydrating de- shrubs, and in the design and set- aid like la com Charles W. Stephens and Mr. Wel- terest, and have elvon unsparingly mend Walter Neuha'user for..-, ,main- Atlantic Township Committee Organizes vices for the foregoing purpose of their time for training, as havo tings of tho individual houses. tainln/j our borough hall, and Its gel; roads and garbage, Mr. Btehav- e not been satisfactory due to their instructors. We nave had These characteristics must be grounds In such perfect condition, •phens, Mr. Woodhead and Mr. many problems in connection with maintained and we must fight any I would like to thank the borough the fact that no means are Incor- attempt to change them, for If the Lord; lights, ordinances and Insur- porated therein for showing when civil defense, caused basically by attorney and the acting borough ance, Mr. Woodhead, Mr. Lord and a lack of federal or slate funds beauty and general appoarance ot attorney for the guidance they they become useless because of and our unwillingness to ask ourout- borough Is, impaired, overy havo given me during the past two Mr. Satter; fire and water, Mr. the exhaustion of their drying Lori, Mr. Satter and Councilman eitliens to devote wo mueh of their citizen and property ownor wllleuf- yean, Last, but not least, I would powers. Without such means, It Is time away from thoir homes for for, since tho valuo of our present Ilko to commend the representa- Donald B. Lawoj; police, Mr. difficult to know exactly when to this purpose. In order to hevo a homes and .land will decrease, tives of the press who have so hon- Lawes, Mr. Welgel and Mr. Stereplac- e the dehydrating material, really efficient and well-trained We must see to It that developers estly and falrlv reported the news phens, and public grounds and are strlotly controlled under our ot our borough'and who have al- buildings, Mr. Weige), Mr, Lawos It Is the object of Mr. Schul- •oup, largo sums of money must ordinances and that any develop- ways helped us when we asked for and Mr, Woodhead, stadt's Invention to present a so- > ipent tor oqulpment at tno very ments approved call lor paved publicity on any particular item. > Mr, Lawes wan re-elected presi- lution to this problem and thus he time when every effort Is being roads with proper drainage and The press Is still the backbone of made to keen our taxes down. For curbing, water mains, oto, If we do freedom and what we see going on dent of the council, Among other has devised a drying agent which this reason It can be said that our today In Washington should sjlvo Indicates visually both the exist- not do this Initially wo MO faced appointments made by the mayor civil defense groups nrc not ade- with a costly problem lator, for avtry citizen grave concern, . > •were 0, Wolcott Morris, engineer! enct of moisture therein and thequately ("quipped, and I, as the nfler the developer has completed approach of a condition of exhaus- During the past two years I feel Orlando P. Warden, street super- responsible official, can bo crltl- the job, sold off all the homes and that tha affairs of your borough intendent) Mrs, Eleanor O. Ken* tion, In sreator detail, his dehy- cltod. This is a problem which Is moved on to other aroas, the Dor- have been atalv administered, In dratnr, which Is a special blue alli- rooeivlng continual attention, and yon, librarian and director of wel- it Is hoped aomo ojslalanco may rough taxpayers, must pay for any maklnr this statement I do not fare i WlnfWd 8, Watnwrlght, es, gel, Is contained within a trans- be received by obtaining funds or mistakes or omlsalona that have want for one moment to take the building Inipeotor; A, Edward parent casing; and when It first supplies from the state. We arebean made, credit therefore, Tha borough li Lackas, board of health t aimer 0. comes Into contaot with moisture. also working on a program where- I am not in any waiy Implyimplyin! g run by tho mayor and thee coucouncin l that'we diTnot want new homes n and we have Bttvent, maitlitrtti, and Hudson Its lower portion ohanges to a by some kind of regular meetings numson, Wo want* now homes,'* • bu). t ;ot«d M .» 'Allen, janitor, pink oolor, As more and more will take place, so that our present- team, The'oredlt, they must oomply completely with «o nof ' • fe, should moisture It taken up thereby, Us ly wttt-traintd civil defense groups our building and aontng ordinances, )t Jo ma, but to tha group " Council held Its final meeting of upper etrala turns plnki and ob-will ba kept on an efficient basis, arounid this table, to whom I ex- th» year Thursday night, At It, the Recommendations tend mv slnfltro .thanks for their resignation of Mr. Green at a mom- viously, therefore, the percentage First Aid Squad suldanoe and oo-opiratlon- during of the dehydrating charge, availa- iIn tmthis connectiooonnccUon and iIn regard I the past two years, I know the ,b«r of the board of adjustment ble for effective use, may be de- During the past two years in to some other borough mattom, 11 Frank N»ry, your next mayor, will HIU t-ecapted with* regret, Tht termined by merely noting the outstanding . firat aid, iquad . haa would likei to submit tht rollow ng | oont nut toi jive you efflelint »8V. Seven Bridge rd, lawyer wai oncomparative extent of the pink and been Established, and through their ,„ „„,., and, tha nrnmnnt of the type that we want the board three years. John H, own efforts they have raised th, •a by, I will he fir»iv»ni , tloetid to the eommlrfti In November, w