Oct. 30, 1923. 1,472,583 W
Oct. 30, 1923. 1,472,583 W. G. CADY . METHOD OF MAINTAINING ELECTRIC CURRENTS OF CONSTANT FREQUENCY Filed May 28. 1921 Patented Oct. 30, 1923. 1,472,583 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WALTER GUYTON CADY, OF MIDDLETowN, connECTICUT. METHOD OF MAINTAINING ELECTRIC CURRENTS OF CONSTANT FREQUENCY, To all whom it may concern:Application filed May 28, 1921. Serial No. 473,434. REISSUED Be it known that I, WALTER G. CADY, a tric resonator that I take advantage of for citizen of the United States of America, my present purpose are-first: that prop residing at Middletown, in the county of erty by virtue of which such a resonator, 5 Middlesex, State of Connecticut, have in whose vibrations are maintained by im vented certain new and useful Improve pulses; received from one electric circuit, ments in Method of Maintaining Electric may be used to transmit energy in the form B) Currents of Constant Frequency, of which of an alternating current into another cir the following is a full, clear, and exact de cuit; second, that property which it posses 0 scription. ses of modifying by its reactions the alter The invention which forms the subject nating current of a particular frequency or of my present application for Letters Patent frequencies flowing to it; and third, the fact that the effective capacity of the resonator andis an maintainingimprovement alternatingin the art ofcurrents producing of depends, in a manner which will more fully 5 constant frequency. It is well known that hereinafter appear, upon the frequency of heretofore the development of such currents the current in the circuit with which it may to any very high degree of precision has be connected.
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