Wagon Tracks. Volume 23, Issue 3 (May, 2009) Santa Fe Trail Association
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Wagon Tracks Volume 23 Article 1 Issue 3 Wagon Tracks Volume 23, Issue 3 (May 2009) 2009 Wagon Tracks. Volume 23, Issue 3 (May, 2009) Santa Fe Trail Association Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/wagon_tracks Part of the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Santa Fe Trail Association. "Wagon Tracks. Volume 23, Issue 3 (May, 2009)." Wagon Tracks 23, 3 (2009). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/wagon_tracks/vol23/iss3/1 This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Wagon Tracks by an authorized editor of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. : Wagon Tracks. Volume 23, Issue 3 (May, 2009) NTRA SANTA FE· TRAIL ASSOCIATION QUARTERLY VOLUME 23 MAY 2009 NUMBER 3 I GREGORY M. FRANZWA I SFTA SYMPOSIUM ARROW ROCK, MISSOURI SEPTEMBER 24-27, 2009 * * \t\'tb.e Beginni!Je- • • ,,\ / •, TOKEEr .. ,f,~[' j) _-~~:c' t't~~~~JI '. ~:" -~~l\r~~,~ __", THE TRAIL _.~-.~~ .._- ~~,..-- Boonslick 4. Beyond 2009 Santa Fe Trail Symposium Arrow Rock. Missouri by Mike Dickey, Coordinator * * MARK your calendars for Septem BALLOT ENCLOSED IN THIS ISSUE ber 24-27 to be in central Missouri's THE SFTA Nominating Committee ._'. historic "Boonslick Country." The (Margaret Sears, chair, Faye Gaines, The Grand Old Man of Trails, 2009 Symposium will be headquar and Ross Marshall) is pleased to sub Gregory Mathew Franzwa, 83, died tered in Arrow Rock, a National His mit the following slate ofofficers and from cancer at his home in Tooele, toric Landmark, with activities directors to SFTA members. A mail Utah, on March 29, 2009. He was taking place in neighboring Boon in ballot is inserted in this issue of born in Carroll, Iowa, on Feb. 27, ville and stops at Trail sites east and Wagon Tracks, to be returned to 1926. He is survived by his wife, west of Arrow . Rock, including Linda Revello, Santa Fe Trail Assn., Kathy, three children, two brothers, Franklin, "The cradle of our trade." 1349 K-156 Hwy, Larned KS 67550, and his stepmother, Jane Franzwa. This is where it all began. This is postmarked no later than July 15, His remains were cremated and where William Becknell and his 2009. The slate of officers and direc scattered over the Oregon Trail. At party departed, seeking their own tors, and terms (listed in parenthe his request, there were no services. "economic stimulus" in the West dur sis) for each position is below (note Sincere condolences are extended to ing a time ofgreat depression. Cross there are contests for two positions): his family and many friends. ing the river at Arrow Rock, they fol· President (2 years): Joanne VanCoe He was a professional musician, lowed the old Osage Trace to Fort vern, Salina KS served in the U.S. Navy, attended Osage and beyond, impacting the Vice-President (2 years): Roger Iowa State College and the State Missouri economy and American his Slusher, Lexington MO University of Iowa where he earned tory for generations to come. You Secretary (2 years): Marcia Fox, a degree in journalism. He moved to walk the grounds, visit the build Wamego KS St. Louis, MO, in October 1950, and ings, be wined, dined, entertained, Treasurer (2 years): Ruth Olson Pe opened his firm, Gregory M. and educated in places familiar to ters, Larned KS Franzwa Public Relations in 1955, a the early Santa Fe traders such as Missouri Director (4 years): Michael firm which remained in business un Becknell, the Cooper brothers, Mere Dickey, Arrow Rock MO til his move to Tucson, AZ, in 1991. dith M. Marmaduke, the Lamme Kansas Director (4 years; vote for brothers, John Hardeman, Philip W. one): Bonita Oliva, Woodston KS; He founded The Patrice Press in Jim Sherer, Dodge City KS 1967 and operated it until his death. Thompson, and others. " Oklahoma Director (4 years): Larry He was author of more than 20 In 1805, Nathan and Daniel Mor Justice, Alva OK books, most are about historic roads. gan Boone began manufacturing salt Colorado Director (4 years, vote for Gregory was founder of the across the river from Arrow Rock at one): LaDonna Hutton, Rocky Oregon-California Trails Associa Mackay's Saline. Salines or salt Ford CO; Rod Podszus, Colorado tion, one ofthe founders ofthe Santa springs were called "licks" because Springs CO Fe Trail Association, and founder of wild game licked the ground around Texas Director ( 4 years): Clint the Lincoln Highway Association. He them to obtain salt. The Boone fam- Chambers, Lubbock TX led the efforts to create the Santa Fe _ily name stuck and was soon applied New Mexico Director (4 years): Rene National Historic Trail, as well as to describe the surrounding country-.., Harris, Santa Fe NM (continued on page 4) (continued on page 5) (continued on page 4) May 2009 1 Published by UNM Digital Repository, 2009 1 Wagon Tracks, Vol. 23 [2009], Iss. 3, Art. 1 PRESIDENT'S COLUMN All matters relating to Wagon WAGON TRACKS (ISSN 1547-7703) Tracks should be directed to SFTA is the official publication of the Santa THE Santa Fe Trail Association is Editor Leo E. Oliva, PO Box 31, Fe Trail Association, a nonprofit or administering two Challenge Cost Woodston KS 67675. ganization incorporated under the Toll-free Phone: 888-321-7341 laws of the State of Colorado. Letters Share grants from the National Park and articles are welcome, but they Service this year. This is a program FPLK: 785-425-6865 E-Mail: <[email protected]> become the property of WT and may for funding joint projects that fur be edited or abridged at the editor's Headquarters of the Santa Fe Trail discretion. All rights reserved. An ther the goals of the Santa Fe Na Association are located at the office tional Historic Trail. Projects vary nual subscriptions are obtained of Treasurer Ruth Olson Peters, through membership in SFTA; dues widely and funding of up to 50 per Santa Fe Trail Center, 1349 K-156 are set per calendar year. Checks cent of the project is available. This Hwy, Larned KS 67550; Office Man should be made payable to the Santa year, the Daughters of the American ager Linda Revello. Fe Trail Association and sent to the Revolution are proceeding with their Telephone: 620-285-2054 treasurer (address below). FPLK: 620-285-7491 project to document, conserve, and Membership Categories E-Mail: <[email protected]> preserve the 89 granite markers Life $1,000 Patron $lOO/year placed in 1906 by the DAR to mark Association Manager is Harry C. Myers, 16 Descanso Rd, Santa Fe Business $50/year the Santa Fe Trail in Kansas. They NM 87508. Phone: 505-466-4129. E Nonprofit Institution$40/year were approved for a Cost Share Mail:<[email protected]> Family $30/year Individual $25/year grant from the National Park Serv VISIT SFTA ON THE INTERNET ice, to be administered through the Youth (18 & under) $15/year SFTA, in the amount of $18,000. An <http://www.santafetrail.org> Editor: Leo E. Oliva, PO Box 31, ticipated conservation actions of this Woodston KS 67675,888-321-7341, Roger Slusher has agreed to be <[email protected]> project include, but are not limited added to the national headquarters, President: Joanne VanCoevern, to, replacing of bases and/or reset personnel, and budget committees. I 4773 N Wasserman Way, Salina KS ting stones in stable bases, re have temporarily added Davy Mit 67401, 785-825-8349, <jvancoevern lettering wording where it has faded chell and Larry Justice to the fund @juno.com> Vice-President: John Atkinson, or has become weathered, highlight ing committee, added Ross Marshall ing lettering on· stones, repairing 1113 Safari Dr, St Joseph MO 64506, to the nominating committee, and 816-233-3924, <atkinson@stjoelive. chips, cracks, and other defects to have added Rod Podszus to the mem com> the stones and, where possible and bership committee. Mike Olsen was Secretary: Marcia Fox, 4485 Blue safe, relocating monuments to their asked to head up a task force, which bird Rd, Wamego KS 66547,785-456 9763, <foxmjr@wamego. net> original locations. has become known as the 2021 Task Treasurer: Ruth Olson Peters, Our second NPS Challenge Cost Force. The primary goal of this task Santa Fe Trail Center, 1349 K-156 Share is for the Wagon Master pro force is to determine the future of Hwy, Larned KS 67550, 620-285 gram and is being handled through education/media/technology, espe 2054, FPLK 620-285-7491, <trailassn the SFTA education committee, with cially in conjunction with SFTA's @gbta.net> Marcia Fox and Chris Day serving as website. The majority of the opera 2009 Symposium Coordinator: Michael Dickey, PO Box 44, Arrow co-chairs of that committee. This tions of the Santa Fe Trail Associa Rock MO 65320, 660-837-3346, <me project involves the development of tion takes place through the work of [email protected]> four, age-appropriate activity book the committees and task forces. If Parliamentarian: Michael Olsen, lets to be distributed at sites any member is interested, please 5643 Sonnet Heights, Colorado throughout the length of the Santa Springs CO 80918, 719-590-1048, contact me or Association Manager <[email protected]> Fe Trail. The booklets are designed Harry Myers. Since most ofthe work Publicity Coordinator: Michael E. to promote preservation of the Trail is done via e-mail, you do not have to Pitel, PO Box 31386, Santa Fe NM by encouraging families to become live in proximity.to the Trail to be in 87594, 505-982-2704, <PiteITSNM@ more knowledgeable and actively volved on these committees.