Crusaders! HERE's the BOOK for YOU
Cover ii. THE ELIM EVANGEL AND FOURS(JUARE REVIVALIST October 14rh, 1928. The Elim Evangel AND FOURSQUARE REVIVALIST (Editor: Pastor E. C. W. Boulton) Official Organ of the Elim Foursquare Gospel Alli:rnce EXECL'TI\'E COL'l\'CIL: Principal George Jeffreys (President) Pastors E. J. Philhps (SecretMy-Genernl), E. C. W. rloulton, ABERDARE. Octolwr 9-20. Elim I-out squart> Goc.,pei Chu rt h, ( .111•11111 P. N. Corry, S. Gorman, ,v. G. Hathaway, C. J. E. Kin~-:to11, Street. Evangelistic. Campaign by P,1sror H. \\. F1t>l<lmg R. ~forcer, and J. Smith BELFAST (Sallys1llan). Odob('r JO to JG. Elim Tabernacle, { 'ru111lin General Headquarters, Road. Evangelistic campaign conductl:'<l by Pastor David \'anstone. 20, Clarence Avenue, Clapham Park, London, S,W.4. Sunday, 7 p.m. \Veek-nif,!hts, 8 p.m. BELFAST (BaJlysman), :\on mhPr 19, 20. Elim T:d,ern:,clc, Cn11nlin l~oa<l .•\11nunl Co11\.l'ill1un. S:dunby, :-L:-:50 and j" p.111. Sur1<b~, I I.JO ;1.rn .• _V_o_l._X_I_X_.____ O_c_t_o_b_er 14,_1_93_s_·_____ N_o_._4_1_._ :J,3U and "i p.m. Spcci:d ... pr·:ikn-.. CROYDON. October !J. Elim Tabcrnndt.', Stnnley Rozid. London CONTENTS Crusnder Cho;r, 6.30 p.m. DOWLAIS. :\'oU'llll){'r ,)-11. Eli111 T:dH_'l"Jl:tclt-, ]\'{)I" '.-:itrt•(•l. E1::11lr Power frnm on High 641 g't>li,;tic campaign by Paslor H. \\". F'il'ldinJ,!. The lnYisiblc Chri~t 642 DRIFFIELD. ;\o\V JffOCl'P<ling- in thl' :\ll'chanic••-' In"lillllt', E_-..:change S11·l't't, Go...,pel C.impuign h_, E\ :11114(·1:~i-.
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