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11-17-1995 The iH lltop 11-17-1995 Hilltop Staff

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Hlk)p Slaff Writer other than, Howarcl to have the 5th Price, ConS!_esswomen Cynttiia cultivate a new sense ofoperationa l Leadership Conference, McKinney, The final session of the National African-American McKinney lU-Ga.), and Ramona unity within the Black community. Jesse Jackson, and many others. summit will give a summary of the 111t,llolv up to the goals set at Leadership Summit" said Edel in who 1s she?. The follo{v ing issues wi ll be Howard students arc advised to issues in addressed, and debneate a llillion Man March, 300 Benja~ill Chavis, convc~er of tho Chavis is speaking today about addressed: economic development, come at 6 p.m. master plan fo r the implementation :-.i leaders arc meeting on sumrmt. the need lo carry the unity of the moral and spiritual renewal, On Saturday, 1he third session of the resolutions. jidd's campus, today, to President H. Patrick Swygert is Million Man March into the education, communications/media, will examine tbe final resolutions ~ national strntegies for hosting the summit. Some of the summit. "We are moving from human rights, law and -'Ill tdiance. speakers include D.C. Shadow theory to practice. All the [final justice/prisoners, youth and tinrd is the most important Senator Jesse Jackson, Nation of strategies] will be participatory in community empowerment, health National African American environment, and po litical mobilization. Leadership Summit Agenda Day one of Timrsday's summit Friday, November 17, 1995 began at the lmani Thmple on 6th 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. First Plenary Session Street and Maryland Ave., where a Political Science Auditorium national mass meeting and spiritual rally was held. 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Lunch Some of the keynote speakers were Archbishop Augustas 1:30 J>.m. • 4:00 p.m. Second Plenary Session Stallings of where what? , HU Medical School Auditorium Farrakahn, and Chavis. Today, the first plenary session 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. National Town Meeting 3, entitled "Economic Development" Lincoln Theater, 13th & U streets NW. Wash., DC will commence in• the political science auditorium where. Saturday, November 18, 1995 The second plenary session 9:00 a.m. • 12:00 p.m. Third Plenary Session will explore the aspects of the Political Science Auditorium "Abundant Life Health Plan" in the Howard University Medical School 12:00 p.m. • 1:30 p.m. Lunch Auditorium. 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Fourth Plenary Session A town hall meeting at the Political Science Auditorium historic Lincoln Theater on 13th and U streets in northwest is For additional information ca/1202 725-5111 scheduled for 7 p.m. Black •free ticket and registration for tlle Natio11al 1b11111 En tertainment Television will Meeti11g are in 11,e Schoo1 ofA rcllitect11re NAACP head Reverend Ben Chavis leads the fifth National African American Summit broadcast the meeting live. The II Black community to continue the splrt which was displayed at the Mllllon Man March. panelist will include Farrakahn, oward fam.ily m.ourns loss of student athlete • way to commemorate his name would see Derrick." average, ioined tbe Howard football forever," Swygert said. The football team dedicated this team after transferring from The family asked that in leu of past Saturday's game against Grambling State University in flowers, all of the contributions be Morgan State to Wyn11. lromcally, Monroe1 [ ouisiana. Because he given to the athletic department so Settles said the Bison won with a expectea to graduate in May, Wynn that a scholarship can lie formed in score of 29 which was Wynn's sat out this football season to Wynn's name. jersey number. The game balls were concentrate on hi.s studies, Sue "Howard is a true family," Sue ick up a paper students and administrators Wynn's death has served as a which Wynn was on his way to tor him: One of two gathered at various meetings this walk-up call for many. pick up from Wells the day of his lilother car opened fire on past week where they were able to Sylvester Settles, a senior passing, he wrote about the life of · second party and come together and share their sense majoring in engineering and also a an incarcerated family member. caught in the cross fire. of loss for Wynn. The gatherings teammate of Wynn's, remembers From his report comes the final sbcit, Wynn lost control included a meeting, Sunoay, in tile their last encounter. paragraph wflicb ironically reflects and hit another car that Bethune Annex dorm, a "Stop the "Last time I remember seeing his own death- It's so important south on Harewood. Violence" prayer vigil on Monday Derrick is when he drove by me as to have a strong mind and a strong en transrorted to at the intersection of the shooting I was on my way to class," Senlcs faith in the Lord because your life Hospira Medical and a memorial service at Rankin said. "He tlirew me up a peace sign can be snatched from you at the he was pronounced Chapel, Wednesday. and then a couple of days later it blink of an eye. p.m., Pineda said. At the memorial, Howard wasn't peace - he was gone. When have been made and University President H. Patrick I think of that day, it reminds me L Kisha Riggi11s contrib.11ted to i>r the shooting is still Swygert was moved to tears as he how people take life for ~ranted ligation. gave remarks on Wynn...... because, at that time I dido I even this article. 122-year-old therapeutic "Derrick's name will resonate Derrick Wynn was a defensive back for the Bison football team. think that would be the last time I "lh a 3.7 grade-point on this campus and we will find a Government remains closed Budget crisis deepens, 'nonessential' workers stay home budget." · Many services and jobs have been greatly By Cathleen Harrington affected because of the shutdown. After the crisis Hilltop Staff Writer is over, however, Congress could vote to pay workers retroactively. Senior citizens will continue to receive their social securily checks Al J 0:00 p.m. Monday, President Bill Clinton through Dec. 1{ but cannot app ly for new benefits vetoed a continuing resolution th at would have w ith the of ice being closed. Most law kept the government from facing a shutdown at enforcement agencies, such as the FBI, Border midnight. A previous continuing resolution, Patrol and fcclera l prisons will continue to which 1tad been in effect since Oct. 1, expired on operate. National tourism will suffer; National Monday at midnight. . Parks and Museums are closed. T he U.S. Postal Clinton vetoed the second resolution because Service will not be affected since it docs not he said it contained-----· ------, depend o n government stipulations that For more on the Feder al Shutdown see appropriations for its would raise Medicare operation. . premiums on senior Local/A5. Public opinion of the citizens and deeply shutdown has been favorab le cut education ancl of the Clinton administration. environmental programs. This resolution would In a Washington Post/ABC News poll conducted have kept the government running until Dec. 1. on 1005 participants, 46 percent of the Because Congress was only able to pass and respondents blame the crisis on Republicans in gel signed into raw two of its 13 appropriations Congress, while only 27 percent blame the oills by Oc1. 1, the end of th e federal pres1ilen1. government's fiscal year, ii was 10 extend the debt Anitra S1owers, a senior majoring in finance ceiling with the continuing resolution through says 1hc blame should be pu t on both the Monday night. Congress and the president. The President met with Senate majority leader "They aren't trying _hard enough, they aren't Bob Dole {R-Kan.) and House Speaker Newt eve n talking. They should be working around the Gingrich (R-Ga.) Monday in an lasl-minute clock to get some type of agreement. This is a11empt 10 rectify conflicts. The two sides could hurtin_g not onl)' thousands of federal workers, not reach a comprise. but District of Columbia workers as we ll," she Gingrich said, "The president has shown no said. wi llingness, zero willingness, to get a balanced

·. A2 THE HILLTOP November 1j

Baltiniore Minister urges Ho-ward Universi coniniunity to increase faith, self-reliance for you to stand up, you sit down." called not to live our lives in the takers fo r Jesus ... now you've been essential as well. She cited sexual promi · In her intensifying sermon, margins not look to ''deacl planets She deliv.ered a sermon entitled that ii is not easy to fi Jii!i~ ;~;;l;;ih ;•~ ;!In;; ( !!!'.1!1 mm, ;;11/1:ttmr;ur:,jhifoi!ii!i ·,jF" ;i,l'F m;i,,mF,,!;;cJ!n'li, ,,:,. ''li'!F!i ,,;; . ' it,r, -i-1·1i I ;;, '!'' 11': ,ii, '1: fessen the shock of about what's living." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "In it to win it" to a packed-beyond­ standonyourown m.'."j"""'-'""i('lllll.1 1111' ''i!l'~il'.·"'1'FF"'m"ilit''."'" "'!i!ii 'i!lli !Ir.I, 111!!..!.11.lllll. 111 11·111·1 . '!. "'!' 1111 I,• .,;.,,, ,:;,.-,,;,o;.,,F.'"'" rl. I 1 llj d·sappointments McKenzie reminde capacity Andrew Rankin Chapel for_ what )'.OU 11:ii 'I \ dii!il!i#il ..J1F ~ilik !l~v.ei!~:1:1me~~'i1l,::J1!['Dh~!1;.~ ~"(l]ilit WasHtf)!, that may surface audience that when they audience on Sunday. believe. Ac~ording !!!!f ,n!·'-"'iiij;[C'F''' ,1,1•,-;;m im! ''"' !!;!; !l!:s ;1!,1F 'iii/ 'iii'i'i ~t'i!E ,r, ti!i ,FF=·F· jFji'T, ;,,F "· .!!1!:-;1r 'i" 1!!... 1t ., .tl ' •r I on the road to "jump out the boat" of Many people, the Howard 1 they will need assistan . alumnae said, are afraid to stand up ~i~ ~~~~~;·~he~~ ~i;;1Ma&JHii~ n'.Plit n:Jil;-I,!!;; '';iii ;'!1j!16~tit:A. "'' r ::,, Chu~ob. SU~f~~-en you referred to herself and for what they believe in and insteacl ,. "'"'""'="''"-'" ,, ., "' ' '"' i" ,, ministers at the pulpit as settle into "comfortable" lives 10 be 6~ ~~~?« 1~:v/~~~ -,,,,,_ l{-.,,,,, ,m,l\t1~ "·, " 1\1.tJ+ ,.. ,,,,,. ' ' ~fk;o~~~~r~~~ a~~ guidance. content. with an "unwanted reputation that successful life, especially if one is God." pay more auention to the "These preachers ar "There are times in all of our you are a fool try ing something venturing out against the norm, Havingfaithisesscntialbccause opposition, you wi ll sink every swimmers. They tread lives where we must venture into new." according to McKenzie. In her those who oppose you wi ll do time," McKenzie said. well," McKenzie said. " the untouched waters of Iife ,'' History, past and present, plays sermon, McKeniie challenged the everything in their power to taint McKenzie also gave the back stroke and side strokt. McKenzie said. She is disturbed a major role in human survival. audience to follow God. your focus, according 10 McKenzie. audience advice on &voiding out there, we may have to by the fact that "[When] life calls McKenzie believes that "we are "It 's time for you to become risk As with religion, prayer is opposition that can lead to failure. you." NAACP week reaches Chavis visits campus to for the roots launc:b. leadership summit Min. Louis Farrakhan of the Nation "We can have unity of Islam, the heads of the Urban uniformit)'.,'° Chavis said. co-chai r of African Cultural Bourgeoisie II" event. Boney said By Russell Rickford By Alaln Joseph Enrichment helped organize the League, the Southern Christian quality of life of our Staff Writer that people around the Howard Hilltop Staff Writer Leadership Conference (SCLC) demands that we pool some "Colors of Our Culture" art community classified students as and myriad other groups, as well as resources a nd some exhibit. being bourgeoisie. So he put Former NAACP head Ben Amidst notions of a lost "We thought it was important students from UCLA 10 South thinking." purpose, Howard's N.A.A.C.P. together a panel to discuss the Chavis, conve ner of the fifth Carolina State, Chavis said. Chavis acknowledged for people to see Black artists and community's sentiment. Nati onal African-American "I can think of no bener place final stages of the hastily chapter launched a week long see bow creat ive their work is," Dancia McCall, a freshman Leadership Summit launched after the Million Man March for conference he had al! campaign entitled "Black To The Mashore said. Roots" to revitalize its mission in majoring in accounting, found the yesterday on Howard University's Black leaders 10 gather 10 ensure working closely with Ashford explained the research bourgeoisie forum 10 be campus, made a special appearance that none of the progress we've President Shawn Barn serving the community. he went throJJgh before he drew at a General Assembly student "As long as racism and insightful. " It gave me a chance 10 made over the years ts eroded," HUSA Vice President Kofi all his pictures. see how other people feel about government meeting Wednesday Chavis said. both of whom were pre injustices in the criminal justice "I'm not wo rried about evening in the Black6urn Center to Chavis stressed that the General Assembly meeti system exist in America, then the whether or not my work is sold. I the word bourgeoisie," McCall muster student support for the conference was to be a pro-act ive ·'We all must take N.A.A.C.P. wi ll always have a get personal fu lfillment when said. "The panel wanted to get proJeCt. . event which would set "concrete personal obl igation 10 be· purpose," said Jania Richardson, people can look at my work and away from the dictionary Before 35 elected act ion items" through workshops with our future as a people,• president of the chapter. be proud of who they are," definition and see how it related representatives and concerned involving nine commillees and said, urging student lea "We're seeking to raise Ashford said . to Black people." students, Chavis said that the idea dealing with topics from spiritual support ihe summit. Both economic, political, and social Another event entitled The week long campaign for of a Howard Un iversit y-hosted renewal 10 the portrayal of African an

conji,nclion with the office of D.C. By Usa Prince help s1udcnts deal with a loss or be susceptible in our everyday Hilltop Staff writer Mayor Marion Barry. · trauma and develop supporl gfOups t~sks." Studenls were able to vent for different crises, such as rape, Enochs did not know Wynn bur frustrations and pain at the seminar. robbery or the loss or a loved one. sa}v him on several occasions in lhe frieads and teammates of "I am fed up wilh the suffering Despite the vagueness of the dorm she lives in. ..ict Wynn, the Howard of our people,' said Lita Vinson, a proposed idea, many students found Some s 1uden1s thought the ~•.y s1udent who was killed senior majoring in physics. "I want lhc idea crisis center to be a good seminar was well-organized and ,IIIPl•Y. Nov. 9, ga\hered in the to know what arc students willing one. quickly prepared. , ..-e Annex to grieve and 10 to do to make a change. We have to "The crisis center is a good idea, • ill':'' plans £or eliminating help take away some or the but ii fthe center] was not discussed "The seminar was well-prepared ' -v10lence. from our children." entirely, such as what components under the unfortunate circum• ;'t 11!1-fflinute, hand-made fliers But students did not limit their will the center en1ail,'' said Jamil stances," said Susan Watson, a ltlt posted throughout 1he , talks to grief. An idea spawned Green, a sophomore majoring in sophomore majoring in acting. •' -.ries on campus Sunday from the informal group: legal communications. 'A place "The people who developed tlie _._g before the impromptu lm11lem

"I think it's important for African Americans, especially Howard students, to ~ of the commonalties that we have ·with friber Blacks amongst the diaspora. Our history and present struggles are very ibnilar." -James J. Davis, chairman oft he Department ofModern Languages and Literature. Po rtia S hields, dea n of the School of Education and Congre s swoma n Eleanor Holmes Norton give a thumbs up to Fun/Run Wllaiy. Zumbi 300 Years Later, communities has led 10 severe Experience in Brazil: But participants insist that the school choir," s he said. II.Id unemployment, dissolu1ion of the By Nikki Credle (WIISS, Resis1ance, and Hope Black fam~ly, drugaddic1ion, youth Hilltop Staff Writer runningand walking is for more than a To emphasize the SE's commitment and '1ckld Monday, Nov. 20 in the gang ac11v1ty, and extreme poverty. good workout. responsibility to Katie C. Lewis, S hi~lds lilhrn Center Ballroom at 2 Between 78 percenr and 88 "We have a li11le school down the street said the ·' Hoop Drctams" Symposwm percent of Brazil's prison Tomorr~w hundreds of s1udcnts, their withoul a science teacher, or a science would be a pcrfccl choice to reinforce its lributc, sponsored by the population is composed of people parents and facully members from Karie lab," said Por1ia H. Shields, dean of lhe mission. University Department of of African descent and these C. Lewis Elementary School will put on School of Education, referring 10 Lewis "When I saw this movie and what 1hese Languages & Literature, prisoners are typically darker­ 1heir running shoes for the Howard Elementary. "The proceeds of I his event ordinary famil ies went through in _the orgetown University University School of Educalion (SE) Fun will help buy microscopes and hands-on movie, I saw a powerful connection s ki nned Brazilians. Blacks Run/ Walk and "Hoop Dreams" cnt of Spanish and compromise 1he majority of learning materials for 1hese children." between the film and this lillle school," , the Organization of residents in Brazil's infamous Symposium 10 raise money for a hands- on S hiefds also said the purpose of the she said. in lhe Americas (OAA), favelas (slums). The country has science lab for the elementary -school. Fun Run/Wa lk is more than just raising The symposium w ill incl ude the of Afro-Lalin American one of the world's highest rates of The Fun Run/ Walk w ill start from money for a science lab. The children at showing of the film, "Hoop Dreams," and & Li1eraturcs, and V-51 homeless children. Greene S1adium, Howard's football field. this community elementary school may be a discussion and in1eraction ses·sion with anications, wil) honor The 5K run will s1ar1 at 8:30 a.m., while future Howard students. William Gates, one of stars of 1he film, T he OAA believes that the the SK walk will start at 8:35 a.m. T here 111d bring awareness to the exclusion of Blacks in Latin "This event symbolizes the School of and his mother, Emma Gates. £acing Blacks living in America results from the lack of wil l a lso be a o ne lap track run for Education's rcsponsibili1y 10 Katie C. Shields said that Gates' is a success 11d the continenl as a whole. children under nine years old. The course Lewis." story. Even though he did not become a access 10 educational, political, will wi nd 1hroughout the Un iversity's dlink it's importan1 for social, and economic instilutions, Shields said that she wants this event to professional basketball ~layer, he proved Arnericans, especially campus, around the McMillian Reservoir initiate support from other schools on t hat his "hoop dreams' could still be and from discriminatory practices and back again through Howard, ending al students, to learn or the condoned by society at large. Fewer Howard 's campus. ful£i ll ed through his education. ties thal we have with the stadium. "This should be a University-wide " I wan1 all our youth, from Howard than two percent or Black All par1icipan1s will receive a T-shirt. ksamongst 1he diaspora. Brazilians allcnd college and fewer program whe!e schools s_uch as lhe Sc_hool University's Early Learning Programs 10 and present s1ruggles Awards and prizes will be g iven to lhe top of Engineering could install e-mail 1.~ the youth at our high schools, 10 see this than one percent graduate. Black male and female runner and walker. There simi lar," said James J. illiteracy num!>ers 40 percent. Karie C. Lewis so lhe ch1ldren·could talli success story," Shields said. "It's 'rman of the Department will also be lunch and refreshments · to other studeJ1IS in the city or 1he School important tha1 we make an impact at every Employers reportedly use a system available afler 1he event. f.lJoclern Languages and of coding job apJ>lications 10 of Fine Arts could help 1he elcmen1ary age level and wherever they learn." 'P._~ f . ind icated tlie race ofJ Ob applicants -1 led a sel -supporting, which creates two labor markets in lural society named Brazil, one for Blacks and one for dos Palmeres. Palmeres, Wh ites. Blacks earn 20 percent to on Sierra da Barriga in the 40 percent less ,than their White Mentoring program cultivates young minds stale of Alagoas, counterparts. a symbol of resistance Panelists at the event will discuss ition to the oppressive how to model the principles of Organization stresses the importance of self-respect, discipline of slavery and W hite Zumbi to overcome the obs1acles 'l!llacy that exiMed on the that t hreaten the continued '!lits of its borders. Palmeres existence of functional Black d iscipline, self-respect, young people, Daniels young men and women sis1ers to Soul Vegelarian ~_continuing assaults from communities in Brazil. Davis hopes self-dignit}' spiritual believes s he is helping focused on community and Delights of the Garden By Alla R. Hashim purpose,. cult~ral identity herself. development. They went to learn fiow to eat well. ,, and Portuguese who th at the 1ributc will encourage Hilltop Staff Wrtter ~ lo destabilize and destroy Howard students to learn more and self-1denttty. · " I didn'I think that through exercises where 'Tm looking forward lo ,,. murder of Zumbi and OSEI is a preventive and Howard was doing enough they 1ried 10 experience working with 1fie youlh and about coun1ries within the Black communily service. OSEI some of the devastation of other mentors," said ~ of Palmarcs were the diaspora. Amidst the suffering that rehabilitative rights of ucccssfol auacks from permeates the O.C. passage/self esteem was what I was looking for the Middle Passage and Deborah Rogers a freshmen "Hopefully, s1uden1s who learn community, OSEI, a bu ilding process f~r ).'OUt_h and it's a wonderful paid homage to the math maior. "I fo und out • n enemies. from the informa1ion presented al ancestors. They learned 10 about OSEI from fliers. defeat of Palmares did mcn1oring/righ1s of passage ages 13 to 18. lts m1ss1on 1s program that bas emiched 1his fu nclion will be motivated to program, offers hope for 10 bri~g justice to my life." live together as positive There requirements lhroy Blacks' desire and travel, s1udy abroad and have an improvement and self-help. commun1t1es, 10 produce The OSEI mentees and Black men and women. except that you arc willing !lie i>r freedom and justice. impacl on international affairs. All M yyucca Sherman, wlio conscious !cadets and to mentors held a retreat last . T here are many ways to foster growth." n phase of the struggle, of these goals tic into the mission has been involved in rights Evcryohe who is a part ~ by Afro-Brazilians, is of Howard University," he said. of passage programs for of OSEf is cons1an1ly trying almost f~ur years, _recently to move 10 another level oI became involved in OSEI developmen1. The group is as a way to continue "OSEI is a way to develop one's self into a man made up of 35 members. developing himself as a The menlces, mentors, Black man. or a woman." - Myyucca Sherman, a freshman nation builders and '[]°(ffe~(/@ri/, l]l][]. i]JJJJTI'lJ'fml][]./£ "Rights of passage is a volun1eers are all striving to way oflift!," said Sherman, physician's assistant major. learn and 10 grow a freshman physician's educationally . and assistant major. "OSEI is a spiritually. ff llrJa~ ~ way 10 develop one's sci r develop resronsiblc youth weekend, wi1h 1he purpose OSEI mentors try and give OSEI holds i1's meetings into a man or a woman." who wil eventually of learning to trust each guidance lo their mentecs. for women on Monday and OSEI means "maker of become accountable men other and the importance They visit bookslores to Tuesday for men. Both the great" in a West African and women. of sticking toge1hcr. The drive home the message sexes meet on Thursday in ~a lN@/fJ@llll@ lNl@@TF@ language. It was created by Over 50 percent of the group visiled a former slave that education 1s the Blackburn Center. L"Thnya I. Buck-Beverly, a OSEI mentors are Howard retreat in Virginia which is knowledge. They focus on Although there are Howard alumna, as a way to students. nevia Daniels, a now Black-owned. Daniels environmental and political currently no mentor help youth realize their sophomore 1ransfcr student said that trips such as this issues th at plague the positions available, OSEI (~@)~}~@)@0 @~@@0 greatness and·thcn cultivate majorin_g in international one help to heal the hurt of African - American welcomes volunteers to fhat greatness into sel{­ marketing, is an OSEI lhe past. Completely community. They also take come to their meeting and · 1eadership, person~! mentor. Afong wi1h helping isolated from the cily, the their younger bro1hcrs 3Jld get involved. November 17, 1995 A4 THE HILLTOP

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. '• 'I ~17, 1995 THE HILLTOP AS ~-. LOC Words of encouragement, words of hope· .,..., J,.ocal ministers 9ffer words of hope in wake of Derrick Wynn's death • I -• ·I . ' . ••.. "The senseless murder of an '-Evangelist Mary Robinson I • -Pastor Delafield she brough1for 1h, leave before her. I ' innocent Howard Un iversity Spread the News Church of Thkoma Park Seventh Day We, as parcnls hope tha1 we can •• s1udent reflecls 1he deep emo1ional God in Christ Adventist Church prepare our children, for life, and '' and cultural crisis in the hearI of lhe Washington, D.C. Thkoma Park, Maryland we hope that we leave a foundation : ~ African-American communit)' .. for our young 10 stand upon. II is ': today. We all feel a deep sense of "Derrick's life has changed for "To lhe beloved family and most grievous that we see our .' loss a1 the dealh of Demck Wynn. the lie 11cr. In Calholic tradihon, we friends of our deceased bro1her, young go before us. God does not Mr. Wynn's life rcpresen1ed pride, believe 1ha1 he is freed from the · keep your heads lif1ed up and don't give us permission 10 take the lives rI • dignity, and respect. Here was an troubles and concerns of the world. lose the faith because God will of other humans. He gives us African-Amencan brother who He will now pray wilh a hig.her never leave you alone in the power over the lesser creatures, 1ha1 !' '• said ·•no' 10 crime drugs, and vision. He's not gorie from us, Just Chrislian race. Death is not always !heir lives ar(: 10 serve our purpose. ,I 'I violence. Derrick embraced , . separated. One day, we will see him easy to undersland. Your question Sure the ch icken wants to l ive, bul ~ I renewed responsibility for himself, • I again, It's a lime of mourning right may be, 'Why?' Proverbs 3: 5 & 6 if we want to cal, God gives us 1he ;' . fam ily and ihe Howard Universily now because we have lost a brotfier. says, "Trust in 1he Lord with all right to take 1hc life of this lesser ... commun ily. He was lhe His hope and aspirations, though lhme heart; and lean no1 unto 1hinc creature 10 serve lhc higher creature ; ' embodiment ofgood will. We need I • should nol be lost. It should leave own understanding. In all thy wa)'s fo r a greater purpose. He gives us I • 10 applaud Ilic' family, praise people wilh grea1er ambi1ions 10 acknowledge him, and he shall animals and IJirds and fish and fowl •• Derrick Wynn's example, and pray end 1he violence and 10 pray for direct thy paths." Although your to rule over. So we ask ourselves, )' .I for the process of healing and those who have violcnl ways, so hcar1 may be filled wi1h sadness, if "why, Lord?" Help me 10 binding of wounds. I join w11h the thal they may change." you look to Jesus he will rcs1ore you understand in lhc hour of my pain, t:' hos1ofo1 hcrs in ex9.ressing sorrow. wilh gladness. God's blessings." why my son my friend, and my .: May Derrick's hfe conlinue 10 -Father Jerry Hargrove classmale, why nol lhe bum in lhe 1. I challenge us 10 care about Howard University Catholic sirect, why not the thief in lhe alley, l ' ourselves, our communily, and our Chapel -Reverend Stanley Williams why nol some low-life person, why ') .: £u1ure." Washington, D.C. Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church a good life?" These are fa11 I • Washington, D.C. ques1ions, we arc-pelitioning God i . -Rev. Dr. Lee P. Washington "In 1he December issue of l ( to help us understand, and make l • Reid Tom pie African Runner's World, by George "The loss of human life is some sense oul of lhat which ,\ .I Methodist Episcopal Church Sheehan. 1hcre is a siory abou1 a indeed a greal 1ragcdy. For God is appears to make no sense al all. Lanham, Maryland )'oung ma n's las1 visi1 wi1h his 1he giver of life, but we as his .~, ' But 1hcn, Christians, I'm sure Jesus \ . dying father. Duri ng the visil, lhey crealures can lake whal we don'I would have wanlcd 10 live a long \ . decide 10 go horseback riding. As have the power to give. On behalf time too. He was born inlo the '1 •. ·• Anyone, at any level, at anytime lhe dying father rode behind his of the Nation of Islam, we offer 10 world 10 suffer and to die in order I • can reflect on the 23rd Psalm for young son, he lhinks, "he rides 1ha1 1hc mo1hcr, father and friends, our to give life to those who were dead I • comfon and guidance." horse as if he was born on it." If he heartfelt sadness over this tragic in sin. Jesus' murderers were 'i .! THE Lore! is my shepherd; I had been born in a country where occurrence. If Jesus were here w11h wicked men. They were 1he most •• shall not wanl. He makcth me 10 lie 1hcre were no horses he would us, he would offer us his peace. He cold and calculating men, jus1 like ' . '\ down in green pastures: he lcadeth have !raveled unlil he found lhem, never lefl his disciples wi1hou1 1he laker of lhis young life. But ' . me besicle the s1ill wa1crs. He and he wou ld have known 1ha1's . saying 'Peace Be Unlo You.' When God allowed his son 10 be 'taken '•· ' restorclh my sou l: he leadelh me in where he was supposed 10 be. Whal we sulJmil 10 God's will, weenier away. He decided 10 sacrifice his ( .• the pa1hs of righ1eousness for his is impor1an1 aboul life tS one's inlo peace wi 1h God, and that son, for those who are less in . . name's sake. Yea, though I walk sureness about whal one is doing, makes it easier 10 make peace wi1h charac1er than him. So, that ~: lhrough 1he valley of Ih e shadow of who one is, doing wha1 one ,s •• gave him 10 help as many people as our fellow man. When we are at perhaps his precious life, that was ••♦ • possible. Some s1uden1s may not death, I will fear no evil: for thou ar1 rt1ean1 to do. If a person dies doing peace, there is a cerlain measure of lived m service lo God m1gh11ouch 7 ;;nne Smith ·! : have known Derrick personally, bul wi1h me; lhy rod and thy staff lhcy what 1hey were born 10 do, ii coulcl securily in the peace 1ha1 God a sinner somewhere and 1urn him i : Staff Writer ~vilh S!!Ch l(agedics, a sense of comfor1 me. Thou prepares! a 1able 1hcn be said. ''I have no1 run in brings. Whal is 1he reason? And around at 1he cross, so that the ••' der senseless, 1hough1less, rnsccurny anscs. before me in the presence of mine vain. neither labored in vain." whal lesson should we learn from wicked will be called to repent.'' • .• !lftl\crime has t:tken the life of A s1uden1's unlimcly dealh can enemies. Thou annoiniest my head (Philipians 2:16.) ln 1he words of 1his occurrence? The Koran \ . i.-,, student, and during times bring back memories of 01hcr wilh oil; my cup runneth over. Scrip1ure, "Blessed arc the dead leaches us that God is 1he au1hor of • 1hi,, students arc deeply senseless killings 1ha1 have Slricken Surely goodness and mercy shall who die in lhc Lord fro m life and death. It says, ' I give life, Minister Louis Farrakhan 'tard. Derrick Wynn was a very a person's Ii fc. follow me all 1he days of my life; hcnceforlh, Yea, sailh 1he Spiri1, and I cause dealh.' Tlie Bible Nation of Islam n •student, known as a kind, We hope these words of wisdom and I will dwell in lhc house of the that they may res1 from 1hcir labors leaches, the Lord giveth and lhe Fu neral Services for Corey ••,' ., 1111, and giving person. can minis1cr 10 you in your lime of Lord forever." and 1he11 works do follow 1hcm ." Lord taketh away. There is no Johnson • • lill\oon1ribu1ions 10 this earth mourning. (Revelation 14: 13.) mo1hcr who brings forth life on this Atlantai Georgia (May 1994) ' . dilld using 1hc 1alen1s 1ha1 God canh,,who desires 10 see 1hc life tha1 A similar, senseless killing .•\ ,'• ••• • •' .• ., .., Governm.ent shutdown hurts D.C. D.C. Mayor Barry • • .i :' ....; ... forever." ••• II Meanwhile, only employees, makes shocking •' •.. deemed "esscn1ial" were anowed to ' " ,:,. ,(.:t, •.. remain al their governmenl jobs on ' .. 1l1csday afternoon. All others were : C: Dt partmtnt or Motor Vthttles '• .• sent home. According 10 officials, announcement I • Htaltb Clinics essential jobs included any position , ,~ 1ha1 con1ribu1cd to life-saving By Yvonne Smith. . ,.. .~..... (Public Works) effons and protection oI Hilltop Staff Writer , -:- Trash Colltction Suspended government properly and residents. On Wednesday mornini:, Mayor : t Mos1 federal employees were • !'! {Public Works) Marion Barry announced tiIS recent • "i no1 surprised, bul were very , Road Rtpair Service Su,pended diagnosis of proslale cancer. Barry ..•. ... disappointed. Carla Daniels was said ihat his announcement' was :. ~J among ma ny employees at 1h e C _,..: Dtpt. or Consumer & Regulatory Affairs Dcpan01cn1 of Justice having 10 necessary for two reasons. "As an elected official, I feel l~ ._~• Non-esstntial Universily or the District or vacate lhe building. "I feel thal the very strongly that lhe public should .,,. Columbia personnel GOP leaders are "being very .,,, be informed of the s1a1us of an ~ disrespectful to the president. by .. elec1cd official's physical and ,:, Department or Food & Regulatory Affairs 1rying to sneak demands in and any menial heal1h." His second reason .· ~ ahernalive resolution 1ha1 could ) g• '"""~ SwiJI, was to encourage 01hcr men 10 have HllJJop Stlf// Wtftu have kepi lhe governmenl open," : ti regular medical check-ups. ~ l Daniels said. . ... counlry 10 be furloughed, 150,000 care 10 keep our govcrnmcnl open, "With Christmas around the Barry informed the press thal he is undecided on the form of treatrnenl I ;, came from the mc1ro area. In then the pnce is 100 high," Clinion corner, who wan1s this," said one : =· addition, 13,000 Distric1 employees said. he will undergo. "I am confident tha1 t1 angry woman. whatever 1rea1men1 we choose, I will } ~ war bc1wccn GOP were also affcc1ed by 1he · House Speaker Ncwl Gingrich Anolhcr woman cxgrcsscd her · nal leaders and Presidcn1 co·ngrcssional dispule. said, "It is very difficul1 10 lfnow have a total speedy recovery." The amazcmenl 1ha1 ·we have mayor's confidence is a result of nhc 1996 fiscal budget, Clin1on chose ihe risk of havi ng exactl y how 10 proceed wilh so American as1ronauts in space righ1 1·a 1tra1cgies 10 climina1c the employees furloughed rather lhan many fac1ual errors." He vowed early dclec1ion. now, work ing peacefully and in He has promised to have a press :~ deficit have caused succumb 10 GOP demands. "If 1ha1 lhe GOP would nol allow lhe CO RJU nc1ion with Russian > ,\, conference, along with his .. ~ in lhc Dislricl 10 be hil America has 10 close down access r,residen1 a blank check1 saying, as1ronauts, yel we can'I gel our own . .., . Out of 1hc 800.000 to educa1ion, 10 a clean 'his budge1 would cause Inc nation poli1ical r.eprcsen1a1ives to work physicians, in 1he near fu ture to .... employees around 1hc environment, 10 affordable health a S200 billion a year deficit, answer questions rela1ing 10 1ogcthcr down here on earth." prostalc c;ancer. District Mayor Marlon Barry -~ ~ Ho-ward aluninus perfornis ·., in Shakespeare Theatre l •' 1rack, and pop in10 an lnlro to Mass outs1anding portrayal of Malcolm indispensable. Nol only doe~ '.e \ By Yvonne Smith Communication class and jus1 X, and Andre Brayer in his role on have a mas1er's degree in ~;s field, Hilltop Staff Writer wave. II uplifted my whole spiril,'' TV's 'Hom.icide.' since graduate schoo! al •' In 1987, Craig Wallace received he said. "The 1beater pays very well. I Pennsylvania Stale, he has done 20 ' a Bachelor of Fi ne Aris fro m Wallace's fondcsl memory is his also leach al Georgetown and oul of 38 Shakespeare plays. Howard University. Today, he is one acting debut on 1hc campus. "It was George Mason Universilies. That's "The competi1ion will be oul of very few Black men involved in my senior year, and the biggesl 1he advanlage of having a master's there. They will come from Yale, on-stage Shakespearean acting. 1hi ng J had done al Howard,'' he degree." Julliard School of Music, American Wa llace recen1ly comple1cd an said, speaking of his role as Walter Reper1oryTheater. Bui, of course, e igh1-wcck performance of Wallace believes lhat actors Lee in \A. Raisin In 1hc Sun.' "I build Ih eir careers by being useful. when people find out you're from "Macbclh" at the local Shakespeare grew leaps and bounds as a result Howard, they rank you among the Thea1re in dov,m1own D.C.,. Not "In other words, be on time, of that show. The lasl performance memorize your lines, do what you besl; people expect excellence from only is lhis ac1or happy wilh 1hc was so packed, that people were Howard University," he added. career he has chosen, hecrcdi1s his are told 10 do. Playing, and jiving, sitting on 1bc siage; thal's the kind Wallace's part in Macbclh was alma mater for giving him lhe will keep you from getting work. I of supporl you gol from 1he "fantastic; it was pivotal," oppor1uni1y, and lhc background 10 · canno1 siress thal enough. You are s 1u de n1s. To this day, I credit according 10 Phyllis Lyles, a succeed at whal he does for a living. there to do your job. Why you arc Howard for giving me my grea1es1 member of the audience, and a Wallace s1ar1ed at Howard as a in school, you should gel lhe work acting experience," he added. diehard fan of Shakespearean plays. communica1ions major, bul la1cr done; read plays, don'I just skim Thal same year, the Shakespeare 1hcough 1bcm," he said. There are You can catch Craig Wallace at • changed 10 drama. , _ • "I was very inlrigued wilh lhe 1hca1cr was looking for some Black nol enough Black people that like The Lansburgh al 450 7th Streel, in .. informa1ion at 1he school, and the inlerns and called Howard. His 10 do Shakespeare. So I am in great downtown Was hington in the people 1ha1 would come through. I ins1ruc10rs recommended hi m. demand.'' theatre's next performance, of was Ih ere al a lime when Bi ll Cosby Wallace's role models include Wallace beli eves th al Black Henry V, from November 28 thru Chlg Wallace, Howard College of Fine Arts a lumnus would come lhrough, run on lhe De nzel Washinglon for his aclors should make 1hemsclves January 14, 1996. ., 1~. ; INTERESTED IN WRITING FOR THE LOCAL PAGE? I~ CONTACT SADARIEAT 806-6 8 66 FOR MORE INFO AS THE HILLTOP November 17, 1995

• • ner secretary earyaccuse llllSUSlll • • • era un s; 1cans see res1 ation Steven Chabot, who helped organize The White House was not pleased be paid back to the federal By Jonathan L. Wharton the study. with O'Leary's agency study. government as soon as possible," Hilltop Staff Writer The study has angered many "The rating and scoring of Sen. Richard Bryan (D-Nev.) said. journalists and congressional leaders. individual news organizations is an Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) Department of Energy Secretary "This is the sort of thing that is an unacceptable practice," White House added; "We have watched this Hazel O'Leary is accused of outrage in a free society ... and Hazel spokesman Michael McCurry said. administration conduct unlimited misusing federal funds for an agency O'Leary should resign," said Jerry The White House also ordered political activities with taxpayer study based on negative and positive Taylor, who was one of the journalists O'Leary to repay the amount for the funds in an effort to trash the press coverage about departmental who fell in the unfavorable category. surveying project. Republican agenda." programs. . Thomas Bliley (R-Va.), along with "I was very concerned and I However, some members of The study stated several categories other congressional leaders, are also wanted a full report on what was Congress said the Republican attack fur government project reviews by the calling fur O'Leary's resignation. behind the situation," White House on O'Leary may be racially press. Categories included favorable, "The Secretary of Energy should Chief of Staff Leon Panetta said. motivated. unfavorable ,and neutral on a 100 not remain in office one more day, not ~ The White House has released its "This is racial politics," Rep. Sam percent point scale. The report one more hour, not one more minute," own report on the energy Gibbons (D-Fla.) said. "Republicans identified journalists by name and he said. • t ::11r department's study. are trying to do the same thing to the rank, which some congressional Republican members have ''No interviews, investigations, Commerce secretary." leaders have referred to as the Nixon organized a list within Congress to background checks, or any other Department of Commerce enemy list. force O'Leary to resign as soon as research on reporters or organizations Secretary Ron Brown, who is also "To imply that I have some sort of possible. So far, there are was performed ... [O'Leary is] an Black, is facing an up hill battle. negative list that I'm keeping about approximate] y 70 members that have effective member of the Cabinet and Republicans have drafted in their the press is wrong ... I think this is signed the list. this matter should not detract from budget plan to make that department character assignation," O'Leary said. "I think she's rendered a disservice that record," the White House report and the secretary's job nonexistent. The study cost over $43,000 and to the president, to the country, and said. O'Leary is insisting that the report the contract was given to an outside to the state of Nevada," Sen. Henry Still, members of Congress are did not have an affect on the firm, Carma International consulting Reid (R-Nav.) said. upset with O'Leary's involvement relationship between her agency and group. O'Leary defended her actions. and the idea behind the plan. the press. "I believe the total amount for the "The work that was contracted "Spending tax dollars to "From the very beginning, I have project was around $43,000, which, was to do an analysis of how our Department of Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary is accused of investigate and evaluate reporters and stood for increased openness between in government terms, is not a message received," she said. "No misusing $43,000 of federal funds for a study on positive and media coverage ... is completely government and the public. I still significant amount of money," said enemy lists, nothing." negative press coverages. inappropriate and the money should stand for that." Gin ich opposes GOP Conference promotes forei policy measure political activism, to the GOP measure. founders clearly intended for By Jonathan L. Wharton "Let's allow the commander in Congress to have a greater role," Rep. leadership among women Hilltop Staff Writer chief to be the commander in chief," Paul McHale said. Gingrich said. A similar measure, the 1973 War prospects of a crucial 1996 election. The Young Women's Project is The U.S. House of Representatives Overall, though, the House bill is Powers Resolution, was passed By Kimberlin Love Schools represented include state one of several other ongoing passed a resolution last week that expected to pass the Senate, which is during the Vietnam era. It required Hilltop Staff Writer universities, Ivy League colleges, a programs through CAWP's that would require Congress to be notified supporting the bill. the president to notify Congress of community college, and even two include New Leadership, CAWP's of any troop deployment in Bosnia. "Whenever there is an immediate war troops and deployment of troops Many say that the 20-something high schools. flagship national young women's This is the first legislation concerning threat to national security, the that have been placed in war-time generation doesn't care about politics. "We're encouraged that so many leadership program and New the war powers of the president in this president has the right to act ... the situations. But students Monica Lewis, editor women jumped at the chance to Leadership , a state-based conflict. in chief of The Hilltop, model of the national "I can't recall anything like this Demetria Edwards, a ------program. having been done before," said Rep. former HUSA presidential "When students meet political women, "Introducing young Lee Hamilton (D-Ind.), former candidate and Vicky Byrd, women to veteran chairman of the International senior class president of they learn not only about the nitty-gritty of political women has Relations Committee. Arts and Sciences, are politics, but also about how those women powerful effects," If the Congress does not vote for proving just the opposite. balance their public and private lives, how Walker said. "When troops to be deployed, they are Lewis, Edwards and they shape their careers, and what chal­ students meet political automatically withdrawn. Byrd are among 79 other women, they learn not "It threatens to hamstring the lenges they face. The young women come young women from 27 away inspired and reinvigorated." only about the nitty­ president's ability to conduct foreign colleges and universities gritty of politics, but policy and has created decades of convening in San Diego, also about how those tension," said Rep. Henry Hyde (R­ Calif. this weekend for the -Tobi Walker, director of CAWP's Young women balance their ill.), who sponsored the proposal. Young Women's Project at Women's Leadership Initiative public and private lives, The bill will head to the Senate the National Forum for how they shape their some time trus month. Women State Legislators ------careers, and what Majority Leader Bob Dole (R­ initiated by (CAWP), a unit of the attend a meeting for women in challenges they face. The young Kan.) sent a letter to President Clinton Eagleton Institute of Politics at politics," said Tobi Walker, director of women come away inspired and signed by 51 senators stating that the Rutgers, The State University of New Center fur the American Women and reinvigorated." Congress should be given approval to Jersey. Politics (CAWP) Young Women's Debbie Walsh, acting director of any troops being sent to Bosnia. The students will meet with Leadership Initiative, who is CAWP said, "CAWP has a strong Rep. Mark Neumann (R-Wis.) women in politics from across the coordinating the project. commitment to educating the next sponsored a measure dealing with nation to exchange views and out "They'll learn at the Forum how generation of women leaders. From funding for troops in Bosnia. first-hand about politics, government they can take their concerns to the our years of creating programs about Neumann's attached provision, and policy issues that range from political system and work through it politics for young women, we know however, was taken out by a joint crime to the information to make the world cleaner, safer, that they learn best by going where chamber committee. superhighway, work and family healthier, more tolerant, and more the leaders are, watching them ·in House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) opposes the House Speaker Newt Gingrich issues, as well as assessing the peaceful," Walker said. action." (R-Ga.) stressed that he was opposed war powers bill ..

T!ttJ1)lons wrote, "I am a child molester." .At Jeast 18 furlough. Norton does not want the congressional N (/jJ,fJi(/])!!fJ,(/JJ,/J others have made similar aocusatiottS and more charges partisan crisis to intervene into the district's financial are possible. Timmons, 54, was arrested last week in problems next year. Chicag-0. He was removed from a Eureka, Ill., parish "I'm in opposition to have Congress cut in on us and when allegations began surfacing. cut us out," Norton said. H igJhllig/hff$ She will introduce the proposal in January. Mother smothers daugjtters to death fur boylkiend Bombing plot not related to Oklahoma City Susan Stark, 24, was acquitted in Birmingham, Ala., Gingrich Wants More Money for Campaigns

Three Oklahoma residents are due in Muskogee of smothermg her daughters, age 4 and 11/2. Pr-OSeCU1Drs -~ rederal court on ctwges of plotting to build a fertilizer say she killed her children so her new bayfriend wouldn't House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) stated last bomb. Authorities said the target may have been Blohim know she had kids. Stzj{ said a masked burglar broke in, week that political candidates need more campaign Oty, a White separatist religious conununity. Authorities tied her to a bed and killed the cllildren. Her ex-husband funding, not less. said this bomb plot has no connection to the Aprll 19 testified that he round her tied to the b;xl and she showed "One of the greatest myths in modern politics is that bombing in Oklahoma City. him how she had· called him on the phone w.bile tied up. campaigns are too expensive. The political process is not over funded, but under-funded;' Gingrich said. "[Political 'Thens commit suicide for love 'Dial for Michael Jordan's father to begin Action Committees] PACs are not an appropriate system for the expression of citizen concerns." 'lwo teens, ages 13 and 14, killed themselves by The trial of James Jordan, father of basketball great But freshmen in the House are opposed to Gingrich's leaping into a canal and drowning. Friends and relatives Michael Jordan, is expected to be long Md arduous. Jury idea. of the two Sweetwater, Fla. teens wept as the two were selection will !like up to a month and prosecutors have "The old boys and the old establishment come up with buried in the same grave. Notes left by the teens said they called two jury pools of500 each to find peqple with no the best solution they could," Rep. Linda Smith (R­ killed themselves because their parents wouldn't allow opinion of the case. Daniel Andre Green, charged with Wash.) said. them to continue dating. killing Jordau more than two years ago, says he is . C(/JJ,pie(/])£ innocent. Wbile Jordan slept inside his qnlocked, red Priest accused ofmolestation Lexus Co\lpe, with the passenger window down.police Expecting Congresswoman Holds Baby F\Jndraiser said, he was Jfilled by one shot to the chest. His body was -H igJhligJht:£ In the 1970's, the Rev, Gary Tinunons was charged round floating in a swamp. Rep. Enid Waldholtz (R-Utah), was the first with molesting lwo boys at a school and summer camp congresswoman to have a baby in congressional office, in Santa Rosa, Calif. In a diary entry, court officials said Compiled by Janelle Lynette Thompson Another Black Congressman May Be in 'Irouble but she is also the first to host a fundraiser because of her baby. Rep. Walter Tucker (D-Calif.), a member of the . Last week, the congresswoman, who is a freshman, Congressional Black Caucus, is the latest Black official raised the largest amount of money fur a House campaign to be under fire for tax evasion. candidate. She hosted a campaign event to raise money Tucker has been accused of 10 counts of extortion and fur reelection. The cost was $500 per person. Write National News for accepted over $37,000 in bribes from local contractors The congresswoman is now facing some political who wanted to build a waste disapproval plant when he criticism because her campaign finances were from her was mayor of Compton, Calif. personal account. The baby shower fundraiser invitation the National Page Call Last week, the prosecution rested in the case. But stated "Baby Elizabeth Waldholtz invites you to a Robert Ramsey Jr., Tucker's lawyer, claims that his client fundraising shower to help re-elect her mom." is "innocent and the FBI planned the investigation." Janelle Thompson at 806- Federal Government Shutsdown Norton Sponsors Bill for independent D.C. budget With no agreement being reached, the government 6866 or come to the West Del. Eleanor Holmes-Norton (D-DC) is planning to shutdown "nonessential" services. All federal workers introduce a bill that would separate the annual federal reported to ~ark, but about 800,000 were furloughed. government budget from the District's budget. So~1al_ Security checks and Medicare payment are still Towers to inquire Since the federal government was shut down this bemg issued, and nail will continue to be delivered. week, District employees were affected by the recent Compiled by, onathan L. Wharton

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• • ..-r17,1995 THE HILLTOP .... A7 ·INTERNATION Groups call for sanctions against Nigeria Oye Fasakm, assistant secr~tary,for Saro-Wiwa, an inter~ation.a_lly proceeded, despite international "What will bring down Abacha . the Marr land-based N1ge~1an know~ ~laywrtght who, !n add11ton pleas for clemency, was to send the is sanctions," Oparaoji said. "Shell Democratic Awareness Committee to wrttmg plays, pubhshed two message to the world that neither should pull out; all the oil (NDAC). "Most people are willing novels criticizing the Nigerian Abacha nor his supporters will be companies should. Abacha k.nows to do whatever they can do to get government. bullied into action. that the oil reserves is the livelihood Abacha out." Saro-Wiwa also served as "Nobody really knows what is of Nigeria's revenues. The only .s?ocked over the hangings, presideni of the Movement for the going on in their minds," said thing that will keep him in power is Wilham Sch_ulz, executive director Survi~al ?f the Ogoni Peoples, an Oparaoji, referring to Nigeri!l'S the oil companies." of human rtghts group Amnesty organization opposed to the on- government leaders. "They think by AI USA has also urged Shell to International USA(AIUSA)said in · shore drilling in Ogoniland and the doing this it will show how tough protest against the government's a statement issued Monday that Rivers state. 1hey are." actions. · Amnesty· International condemns It was Saro-Wiwa's affiliation George Nzongola, a professor the '.'brutal ·ac1ion by a regime thal with this movement th al many in the African Studies department "We deeply regret 1ha1 the major consistently refuses to respect analysis said caused his arrest and at Howard, agreed, saying that corporate players, especially Shell .fundamental righ1s to due process subsequent death. Abacha simply wan1cd 10 "show Oil-which might have been able and freedom of expre~sion." Saro-Wiwa gained world-wide 1ha1 [lhe government] is 10 use their influence to save lives J'he exccu1ions look place last atten1ion and provoked widespread independen1 and will nol give in to of lhese courageous ac1ivis1s-did week following the activis1s' trial, suppori for challenging the political pressure." · vir1ually no1hing," Schulz said. convic1ion and year-long prison government and for bringing to Bui polilical pressure is exactly "We call on !hem now 10 help keep sen1ence. light the eco\ogical destruc1ion of what the ou1come has been for alive Mr. Saro-Wiwa's dream and calling for poli1ical and economic According to reporls, 1hc nine the Niger Della region caused by Nigeria's governmenl. Last week lo speak out againsl any furlher sanctions agains1 1he country. were on trial for !heir alleged the oil drilling. the Clinton administration human rights abuses." By Patricia Hardin Lead by General Sani Abacha, involvement in the killing of four Because of his pro1es1s and open announced the recall of 1he U.S. Hilllop Staff Wri1cr lhe Nigerian government, which pro-Nigerian government leaders opposition to Abacha's poli1ical ambassador 10 Nigeria and has In memory of lhe nine Nigerian has been heavily criticized for during an uprising againsl the regime, many said 1he charges imposed a ban on U.S. military leaders, 1he NDAC will hold a of 1he in1ernational lkmbers human righ1s abuses, has once Abacha's regime,and multi-national broughl againsl him and lhe 01hers sales to the country. candlelight vigil today at 12:00 _.i1y outraged over 1he arc again come under the scrutiny of oil giant Royal Dulch Shell in May were false. · However, Oparaoji is urging thal p.m. and will lead a procession to d hangings of nine minority political leaders and human righls 1994. Royal Dutch Shell is in a Edward Oparaoji, NDAC every na1ion impose a s1rict the Nigerian Embassy. - activis1s by Nigeria's groups. joint venture with 1he Nigerian chairman and pharmacy professor • economic embargo on Nigeria'soil ,-Y-led governmen1 and are "Everybody is ou1raged, said government. at Howard Universi1y said 1he reserves, which would cripple the For rela1ed Perspec1ive see page Among 1hose executed was Ken ac1ual reason the hangings na1ion's economy. 89. !wards dinner honors

• ; ~ ,,_. 1, I I__11 _1 I II"'"' • •~1 ,/J. ,, , achievements of nation's " N D E s Caribbean citizens • . ,•, 'I ,H!,,f • recipient of six Emmy awards and poem abou1 Guyana, 10 the cheers is 1he firs1 American anchor to of lhe Guyanese conlingent and By 111-Nehisi Coates interview Japanese Prime Minis1er 1old the crowd Ihat "I have never Hi111op Staff Wri1er Masaoyoshi Ohira. really left Guyana." Throughout all her experiences, Ian Edwards, direc1or of Ft11uring a litany of Black Bunyan a11ribu1es a pan of her communica1ions for ICS said 1he ~uals from George Padmore success 10 her na1ive country. event wenl well because ii helped i(JJl James 10 Walter Rodney, "No mailer 1he winds of change, fulfil 1he purpose of ICS, which 1 Caribbean presen1s a no matter the 1urmoil, no matter the Edwards said was 10 "bring issues iablc arsenal of in1ellec1ual slorm, the Caribbean has given us of 1he Caribbean 10 1he forefront" ipa. a foundation," she said. And the honorees were people of JI ('.AV\ N !laire>-cr. las1 Friday's annual ICS's next award recipient, Caribbean descent who helped do T s o!s dinner hos1ed by the Geoffrey Holder, displayed 1he 1ha1, he said. L L E ·1,1c of Caribbean Studies Caribbean's contribu1ion 10 the arts. "Caribbean ci1izens are nol a IJ) in Nor1hwes1 Washington, Holder is a Guggenhiem fellow drain on 1he American sys1em, but -.ied 1hat in1ellec1 is not and the recipienl of 1wo Tony are con1ribu1ing members of t!l'IY 1ype of fire-power 1he awards for directing the Broadway socie1y," Edwards said . "For Siin possesses. And indeed, musical ··The Wiz." instance, it is a little known fact tha1 . lilt honored at 1he program The Caribbean contribution 10 Hai1ian soldiers fought in 1he Civil mlha1 Caribbean citizens have 1he business commuoity was nol War," Smith said, adding thal Colin llk llleir mark in all walks of left oul by banquet hosts. Following Powell and Louis Farrakhan have 1 Holder, was keynote speaker and Caribbean roots. Haitian presidential • first 10 receive her award, CEO of Pepsi Cola of Washington As the evening concluded, many 1111111 Bunyan, news anchor for Earl Graves. Graves received ICS's left the dinner impressed with 1he lail9's Eyewitness News, was prest1g1ous Marcus Garvey ICS's effor1s 10 increase awareness election delegation chosen .. fur her achievements in Lifetime Achievemen1 Award . of Caribbean issues. aiim. JCS also honored chemisl "The main lhing ICS was lrying Ii, include a degree from Bertram Fraser-Reid and 10 do was promo1e developmenl in '-11 and the founding of the anthropologisl Ivan Van Sertima, the Caribbean," said Warwick from local organizations lfllaJ Association of Black author of "They Came Before Scales, a 1ourism and lllisls (NABJ). She is also the Columbus." Van Senima read a environmeotal specialist. foreign press liaison for President elec1ion process, television and Jean-Bertrand Aris1ide; Mark radio s1ations will report their By Carey Andrew Grady Beavis, a news reporler for Pacifica information differently be~use of Hilltop Staff Writer Radio; Yvette Collymore, a print deadline schedules. journalist for the International Press But most importantly, said To familiarize themselves with Service and Tony Avrigan, an panelists, the delegation must Haiti's election process, a series of interna1ional freelance wriler, remember lhe election is for the non-profi1 organiza1ions me1 a1 the provided delegates with delailed people of Haiti and not the Methodisl building in Northeast information aboul what the nature international community. Washington last weekend to discuss of their jobs will be while in Haili. "It's not up to the [U.S. their upcoming roles as election Rudee Ro1h, a member of 1he government] to determine whether observers. Presidential elections Wi1ness for Peace, said, "These the Haitian people are satisfied with will be held in Haili Dec. 17. panelisls helped us unders1and how the results of their elections," The organizations will send we should 1rain our representatives said WOH member, Rich delegations to Haili who will serve to interac1, with the media." Gosser, who will be a member of as in1erna1iona.l press liaisons and Wi1ness for Peace is a religious the delega1ion. wi.ll be responsible for passing all and poli1ically independent Also sending members to Haiti, essential election informa1ion 10 organization dedicated to changing representatives from 1he New the media. U.S. policies 1ha1 cori1ribute 10 England Observers said they are "The observer delegates will poverty and oppression in Latin primed and ready, but have some essentially ac1 as political America and Caribbean countries. concerns. correspondents for the international "The panel also provided us wilb "I am primarily concerned with media tha1will cover the elections," insight in10 se1tiog up press evaluating the democratic process conference coordinator Wonh conferences and in formed us of the on local and national levels in Cooley-Pros! said. networks 1ha1we should auempt to Haiti," Tom Lebacb said. lance Around the World He is also a board direc1or at the build alliances with," she said. Washington Office on Haiti medication be rushed to outbreak frequently occurs after a Witness for Peace will send a 15- Alix Pharuns, ·Haiti Reborn (WOH), a non-profit, ecumenical northwestern Nicaragua to combat heavy storm and flooding. member team of observers to 1he project direclor for the Quixote organizalion for public education . Aires, Argentina- the bacteria. region. Center, a peace and juslice center, and human rights advocacy group Panelisls stressed to the force officials The bacteria, which has been Strultgart, Germany-An said they have a special purpose in air tha1 sponsored the workshop. delegations that 1hey be careful of their spouses and identified as leptospyrosis, causes American researcher was recently observing the event. with "This weekend's conference was how Ibey pass news 10 journalis1s. were killed in an fever, severe headaches. • dizziness, sentenced to months in jail for 18 designed to 1rain the delegates on force plane crash on cramps and bone and muscle spying for East Germany's Stasi They also urged observers to be "We not only will be observing air how 10 inleract effectively and selec1ive when dealing with t late last Wednesday. weakness. inleUigence agency during the Cold the process of free elections, bu1 unbiasedly with 1he media," he rcponers. -made aircraft, which The bacteria is trealable with War. After admitting that he passed will be 1alking to church leaders, said. "You should align yourselves labor unions, s1uden1 groups and to an aviation school an1ibiotics. So far, shiploads of secrets to East Germany's Ministry Saturday morning's panel, titled wilh media networks thal will will check on our community crashed into a remote penicillin have been sent to the for State Security between 1977 "The Media- What Do They presen\ your information the way service projects in which the tral Argentina. There affected area, 65 miles northwest of and 1990. Jeffrey Scbevitz, 54 Wan1?" informed observers of their you want it 10 be presenled," Quixote Center has invested in Witnesses said Managua. pleaded for mercy from the German ivors. obligations' to the media as poli1ical panelist Yvette Collymore from the financially," said Pharuns, the only were charred and Prior to it's identification by court and said the secrets be passed observers. International Press Service said. Haitian-born delegate to attend the flung far from the experts from lhe Centers for were a part of his job as a double Panelists Michelle Karshan, She also said that during lhe conference. Disease Control and Prevention, agent for the CIA. However, U.S. doctors and oews sources in representatives said Schevitz nevet Nicaragua had referred to the worked for and has no affiliation New York African Burial Ground: An African Diaspora Legacy deadly outbreak as the "cursed with the CIA. Reports confirm that Symposium fever," or the "mystery disease." Schevitz passed information while Sources from the Center for employed as a researcher in Disease Control's National Center Karlsruhe, West Germany. The by Howard University for Infectious Diseases said information concerned the Nicaragua- A deadly leprospyrosis can be especially fatal sociological impact of several has claimed 16 for the elderly and for young nuclear policies. November 17th thru 18th threatening the lives of children. • who have been The disease is spread through Compiled by Ndimyake contact with pigs, cats, rats and Mwakalyclyc Washington Hilton 's President Violeta other mammals, and by exposure to bas ordered that urine of an infected person. The

·- . .... J • • .. • .- , ~ .. AS I Ht. HILLI UI' 11UVVIIIUVI llt t THE HILLIOP Since 1924 Political gaines cause of fe.deral shutdo-wn t 12:01 a.g,. Tuesday morning, concrol, s1ree1 repairs and parking the American people. When these the federal government ran out enforcement came to a halt. taxes fall short of the money needed · A of money, forcing a shutdown. While Dole, Gingric h, and to run the country, the government Political squabbles between Democ• Clinton play political games, the borrows money througli t~~ issuing rats and Republicans have affected at country is suffering. As Kim Hicks, of government securities ana least 800,000 federal employees, an employee \vith the Deparemcnt savrng bonds. These bonds and operations in the District and institu• of Education, said, "I have these securities are generally purchased tions receiving federal appropria• fools on the Hill who can pret17- by large corporations, wealthy tions, like Howard University. As con• much determine what my fu tures indiviecausc the GOP measures entailed underway, one must wonder if chis government, whose budget is raising the debt limit, which would shutdown was unavoidable or is the allocated by Congress, also shut allow the U.S. neasury to borrow more money. . result of ~ litical games played by down. Essential services, like che next year s candidates. police and fire department Government revenue 1s remained intacc, buc sanitacion generated from taxes collected from

a (; True meaning of holidays ~ a b a must be u nderstood i, h

he holiday season is steadily has now become dependent on the Kwanza wasn't created over two j approaching and with it the holiday season to boost spending. decades ago 10 compete wich T.myths surrounding their ori• We are also taught in school and Christmas, ,1 has recently become gins. As children, we where told of a elsewhere that Thanksgiving quite popul ar and used as a 1 tooth fairy, Easter Bunny, Santa Claus signifies a day when Native subslitute. Kwanza focuses on the and other fictitious characters and Americans and sett lers from seven principles of unicy, self­ stories to excite us for the holidays. Europe sat down to forge peaceful determmation, collective work and Instead of promoting religious relationships over a feast. lf this is responsibility, cooperative and spiritual development among true, why was there over 7 mi llion cconomics, purpose, creat1vi1y and • children through celebration, ki

Anika Simmons moral level than men are? By this I been overlooked. Luckily, a woman argumentative, violent, and love brings mean that the standards for women in the audience who had worked defensive in relationships, but only are much higher than the ones for with female prisoners brought it to because that's all we have seen in I was at the movies watching men, In this p.osition, women take Dean Richardson's allention that our own lives. Let's work together "Dead Presidents" a couple oT a _greate r fa ll and incur more men aren't the only ones at risk in 10 change that. We also go affer the peac~. and joy weeks ago. During the scene where criticism when they do something our communities. She requested men with prcuy exteriors and ugly Larcnz 'Tote's character had a heated not considcrect ladylike. But since that he say a prayer for us, too, and insides because we've been taught in a way most of us arc unfamiliar argument wi th his girlfriend, I men~rc held to lower expectations he (somcwnat reluctantly, it that having a man, no mailer how with- unconditionally. It seems fo und myself getting angry. Part of their undesirable behavior is treated appeared lo me) complied. bad he treats us, is the only way to like someone wants to 'do my anger was because of the sight and excused with a "boys will be lt may not be easy being a Black prove our worth. If we are something for you only after you of yet another woman playing ihc boys•· altitude. It is this reason, in man .in America, but it sure isn't a materialistic "gold diggers" it is have done something for them, st_crc~typical role of a nagging my opinion, that the old-fashioned piece of cake being a Black woman, because, like you, we cfcspcratcly making you fccl as 1[ you owe girlfriend. double standard thrives and that either. And just because there were want material goods th at arc him/her. Bi11 you owe God nothing. But most of all, I was seething here arc such different reactions more women in the aud ience (at glamorized in the mass media and You arc never in debt with Him nor because of the audience's reaction when men arc sexuall y Chapel) that day didn't mean that use what we can to r,et it. I didn't do you have to sacrifice anything 10 to Tate's character shaking his prom iscuous or violent than when our ~trugglc 10 get there was less say we arc perfect. I m just asking be with Him. God wants you 1us1 girlfriend and almost slapping her. women are. Our sins are much special. that you try to sec where we come the ·way you arc, fau lts and all. They were laughing! Tuer seemed worse, more horrifying, disgusting Honestly, I am not trying 10 take from. He would love it if people would very amused at the poss1bilit)'. of and despicable. anything away from Black men. As Before l offend someone, I just take the time out to her gelling hurt since they disliked Similarly, when a Black woman Black women, we feel fo r you, should say that not every woman acknowledge Him in all that they her so strongly. I do admit that her achieves, it is often downplayed as suffer when you do, sympathize fits this mpld- but th ere are do. Realize that what you have character was not likeable since she if to say "that wasn't that hard 10 with you, pray for you and try 10 enough of us with these problems comes from His extreme goodness. was totally insensitive to her do." But young men's understand you because you arc a to make it a real concern. While you look around the streets part ncr's needs. accompli shments arc lauded an part of us. All we ask is that you do This doesn't mea n that men of D.C. and see the homelessness, But why so much animosity aRglaudcd a great deal. Back in the same for us. should make all the effort in despair and pain, take a step back from the audience? I didn't sec the 1994, during my sophomore year, 1ry to understand that women's repairing relationships. As women, and look at what you have. At same animosity when O-Dog there was a special ceremony for actions, however trining they are, we have a lot 10 do 10 fix ourselves lloward we arc exposed 10 r.aradcd around li ke a madman in honors students in the Chapel. Dean do have a reason. Like you, we and our auitudcs about men. But e- on this cam(lus knows opportunities literally thrown in ' Menace to Society" or when Nino Richardson looked at all the have 10 face racism, plus we have men can help by thinking about s 10 just survive. Some our faces every day and many of us Brown berated has girlfriend for honorees and said something to the the added stress of filling into a what Black women go through in -swithout eating. Some don't even take advantage of them. her inability 10 have children in effect of, " It is great to sec so many society that doesn't app_rcc1a1e our the movies and in real-life roles. n't keep mone'{ in the We arc no further away from ''New Jack City." ln fact, I detected young Black men recognized fo r physical appearance. Because or Don't be so quick to judge and 11• mauer how fruga we try having problems th an the next admiration and appreciation fo r their academic excellence. Come 10 this, our self-esteems arc fragile ridicule us. I promise you tlicre are ,Some of us go without sleep person. But, if we remember why Nino and O-Dog. the front so I can say a prayer for and sometimes ruined. a lot of women out there (myself 11111>to_s1udy and ;Still sec no we are here and who got us thus far, Mainstream movies make me you." Personally, I took it like a slaP. The aggressive natures of some included) who will appreciate it t11, And JUSI when II seems as we might not be so quack to become think a lot about gender roles in our m the face, not because I didn I of us arc -cfue lo the fact that we arc and be happy to meet you halfway. •«!IICSSion could not get any depressed when thmgs don't turn society. especial!)' in the Black think my brothers deserved the tired or being ignored and need the iaadthings could not get any out as we had hoped. community. Like why, for example, rccogn i11on, but because I fe lt that aucntion or somebody 10 make us The writer is a senior majoring :r. things su rprisingly turn Faith in God is the most pure are women placed on a higher our hard work and struggles had feel special. We can be selfish, i11 English. ... and unadulterated love we could loh sudden, a relative ca lls have. If it is as small as a mustard apbc's in town and wants 10 seed or as large and this planet. you 1a out [or lunch, knowing still have the comforting knowledge ~ ly have been starving. that He will brin g you out o f Students must lead protest against ti{lc in the process of taking troubling times sucli as these. 11111st available ten dollars There is a huge di ffcrcncc • JOU! bank account will between being loneJ and being ·cauy close. the te ller alone. You may fee a sense oT execution of Nigerian leader you that you have a loneliness after a ba break-up or .. dollars more than what if your friends aren't around you . It is tragic that today in Africa accident in the United States, they Nigerian who is killed for speaking another Steven Biko has been pay all affected households $10,000 offreedom is mixed in this oil. 0. Bryan Weaver murdered for his eloquent pleas fo r a piece. Yet, when they destroy the I-late and violence thrive in the justice, a man who stood trial lands of over half a mill ion Ogoni dark, so we must all shine our light rJith in God is the most I write to the students of the before men intent on using violence people, they refuse 10 discuss on a small grave in Ogoniland, from Mecca concerning the execution of 10 preserve their unjust power. Saro­ compensati on. In Nigeria, Shell which a vmcc of justice can still be Ken Saro-Wiwa, a leader of the W1wa was a man many of us did not uses extraction methods so heard. Among Ken Saro-Wiwa's 111re and unadulterated Ogoni people in Nigeria and a 1995 know, but the injustice done against primitive and unclean even other oil last words were: "l call upon the Nobel Peace Prize nominee whose him threatens us as surely as any. As companies complain. Ken Saro­ Ogoni people, the peoples of the case was taken up by Amnesty Dr. Mart in Luther King taught us, Wiwa raised his voice in non­ Niger delta and all oppressed ethnic ~ve we could have. If it lntcrnational. silence and disinterest is violent protest and was imprisoned minorities . . . stand up now and Saro-Wiwa was executed after a complacency. and denied due process. We must fight fearlessly and peacefully for politically motivated and unfair The Ni~crian military dragged let Shell know that this is not a human rights. History is on our ias small as a mustard trial. He was killed for his non­ Saro-Wi,va before a mili tary public relations problem; the moral side. God 1s on our side. violent expressions 10 stop the tribunal, when the military and the base of its commerce is on line. Saro-Wiwa expressed a faith and environmental destruction of his government of Nigeria itself should Nearly 40 percent of Nigerian a hope that we must keep alive. Let ted or as large and this homeland and his dream of be on trial. Recently released oil exports come 10 the U.S., which us redeem Dr. King's memory and bringing hope, democracy an<) documents prove that the military accounts for only ten percent of his knowledge of tlie long reach of justice 10 Nigeria. I wish that the set out to terrorize the Ogon i, then America 's imports. Silence and justice. Let us join our liands and planet, you still have Howard community would join me blame the terror on tnc Ogoni disinterest arc complacency. raise our voices in protest. "You in urging the Clinton adminastration leaders. America can- and perhaps can blow out a candle but you can't and the world 10 isolate, place All of this has been done to must- due without this oil. Shell blow out a fi re." the comforting sanctions on and work to overthrow protect the Shell Oil operations that denies and evades responsibi lity, Nigerian General Sani Abacha's have devastated the Ogoni 's land. we cannot and should not support Tire writer is a senior majoring 'uwwledge that He will military government. When Shell Oil has a small refinery such a company. 1lie blood of every in political science. bring you out of· 'roubling times such as Greek letter associations betray our these. African heritage determining fact is that the so­ library and took home the valuable has just been opened to the public, ~ -And the test you took But as long as God is there, you are Pathe Dlagne stated, "Ordinarily, the faces are never alone. Just whisper Ilic word called Greek _philosophy or work of Egyptians that they were so came back to you with an intellectual civilization is stolen eager to o6tain. Greeks' intellectual done in a sort or monochrome, but name while the rest of "help'' and He'll be right there. you can sec her cheeks are redder Even when everything is go ing As a freshman planning to move African legacy. Socrates, Plato, greatness looks like a fable when aearly failed. on campus 10 have a "collc_ge-life" Aristolle- just 10 name a few of you think of all the absurd ities (than the rest of her face) ..." By IIJOOr luck taken a turn fo r your way, don't hesitate to call on referring to her red checks, the Him and give Him the praise. experience, I was disappomted 10 the so-called Greek in1cllec1ual believed about the so-called Greek -, or maybe that psychic realize that the most reputed and gods - have all plagiarized the imcllcctual gods' life. writer 1s attempting, like most lltlto las_t r,ear was right after Know that 11 is only through God White Egyptologists, 10 assert that you will receive the JOY for act ive associations at Howard carry work of our ancestors who initiated My point is that the symbols of ~ps 11 s somcthmg you Greek lcllcrs as symbols. The love them in to the great Egyptian these associations are promoting indirectly that the-Egyptians were IJlld auention to before: the which you have been longing. the intellectual inferiority complex White. The so-called aark-red color Being with the Lord and liaving I saw these association members Mystery System. 'lilGod that has been present display to their brothers and sisters, Directly or indirectly, the Greeks of Blacks. The praise of or the Egyptians is a terminologr, Ill: all this time. At first this faith in }lim will change you, but intellectualism they are giving 10 that has tieen launched to "Whiten ' not like you expect it to. People the work they do for their acquired their knowledge from '-ion is shockin&-someonc community, and plenty more about Egyptians. They did so directly by Greeks must be diverted to the the Africans of Ancient Egyl,)t. · I~ · g is watclimg over you tend to think that once they people who deserve it-that is, the We have our hands full trymg 10 acknowledge God and what He has them creates admiration from domg stud)' in the great Egyptian Ill didn't do anything to anybody who watches them. temples and were init iated mto the people of ancient _Egypt our fight our misrepresentation from It r? You start 10 question done for them, that they will never ancestors, who gave c1viltza11on1 to the outside and the least we need 10 be like they once were, and that is However, not to be offensive, I think Mystery System. The indirect liubout xourself, trying to that no African should be a member method of acquiring knowledge this world. Surely, our rich culture do is refute the lies that have been !lliim while the solution is absolutelY. right. However, that can provide us with adequate told about us and represent change wall be a positive one, one ol any association which uses from Egyptians was 10 be disci11fes God protects and provides Greek lellers as the symbol of their of ancient initiates. It is-also a fact symbols for our great associations. ourselves appropriate! y. ,and docs not ex pcct that will make you want 10 shout ln the Nov. :i edition of the "Tl{ANK GOD!" intellectuality, or as a symbol of that after Alexander "The Great" mreturn . anything at all. Reasons behind this invaded Egypt, the Greeks pillaged Washington Post, an article about Tire writer is a freshm an in tire ! Sc/roof ofEngineering. il,Jamcrciful God who loves position arc varied, but the and lootea ihc great Alexandrian Queen Jllefcrtari's pyram id, which koward experience is one not to -be Express traded yourself \Vrite grow stronger and more conscious. professors who really care and Universities (HBCU), arc good Natalie Moore I am put to the test daily and faced teach with a Black slant which enough 10 l,)arty witli, but forget with situations where I can only would be rare at a traditional about receiving and education here. reflect on my days at depend on myscl f. True, I am school. I am becoming a belier Coming 10 Howard was the best Ii..: decision !nave ever made though. a Perspective! !ii'University. It's amazing surrounded by fami ly and friends writer, making lifelong contacts, time really flies. It was who love and care about me, but treasuring the few _good friends, Sure, I complain like s imilar ~,.Jtsterday that I was when I really break it down, the finding tlic road of mdcpcndencc, students, but when I visit other !lliDg to send off college only person looking out fo r me is circling myself around positive colleges around the country, I learn and make a decision as starting at me in the mirror. brothers and sisters and enjoying to appreciate Howard. We are See David would s_pend the next Howard has taught me many " the Black experience'' the Mecca afforded so many great years of my life? lessons about life. 'Even though has 10 offer. opportunities, but somet imes we ~li!Y second year gets there arc days when I curse the Many of my friends haphazardly fo rget and take them University to hell, I keep prescr~ing matriculated to prestigious for granted. If your whole center l!IG. I constantly evaluate never expands Georgia Avc. it 111d realize that while l and mamtammg a peace of mincf. institutions such as the University 1 Gaither in the f.l~y preach to my parents Thus for, I have overcome shady of Illinois, Dartmouth College, needs to encompass somethmg people, countless amount of papers, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and else. ~grown-up I am, lliat time So as I keep learning valuable ~ its presence. life gets not enough hours in the day, Stanford Universities. Yet, whereas IIIO question. Tomorrow is worrisome Howard men, a they arc the first ones to scoff at lessons inside and outside of the l!lraiiteed and I must take cr~m~ling ~ormitory, w~e morning Black colleges, they are also the classroom, I remember my goals Hilltop Office. ·1y foe my actions. V1vann episodes, moving m ano first to ask me to save them floor visions and remain tenacious. And I have two and a half out being broke, eating in the space and a pillow during l allain all that is within my reach. at this institution (God cafeteria, and of course, student Homecoming, Spring Black Ari I find it hard to imagine accounts. Fest and the Cultural Initiative Hip­ The writer is a sophomore could happen during my More importantly though, I am Hop Conference. Howard and other majoring in print joumalism . Everyday I feel myself being taught by some revered Historically Black Colleges and THE HILLTOP November 17 A10

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Poetic Blues



I was unaware of it, But I was noticing you; Everyday, every hour Looking.admiring, wondering. I wondred if you were noticing me, too. You were.

Each stare was magnetic. Each touch was eletric. Every word spoken, and each momment spent could only be to a compared picnic in heaven.

And love, like a title wave, washed me out to your sea. Now, I'm drowning in It I have given you my sanity. You have become my only reality. Now, I live In a world where pain cannot touch me And happiness is my best friend.

y· · : EYerytbing Your Cred11!011s O11c : :I ·must tell ·you ho,,· you cloud n,y e\'ery thought. i like · an unbreakable spell cast from the m,,gk W!,y 111c? I runs ready to defend ' · look form those eves. 1;our even; il!Ord and deed. l11stcad Eves that could reverse time, back to -the days of puppy lo\'e and insatiable · of taking 111_11 love, 111!,iclt zuns j(H· crushes.-.. · - 1/01/ I You are iny every strength and my every · vulnernbilitv. . 111y lterrue11, njovial hrcc:::.e to I want to teil ,·ou how l feel about \'OU co111fort. .1;011 1111co11d it io11all .11. ·.· so ,·eraciousl,•. · ' My heart ski~;s a beat in homage to. the ,·ery : · thought of your name. l11stend you took 111y c111ot ion 011d . -I so want to talk to ,•ou to let ,·ou used it agni11st 111c. I 1uns dc:fc11di11g ' ..' know that if no one· needs ,·ou, I do; ,'if no one cares l do. I warit to nil oj·your deceit 011d co11tjc>rti11s, :". love \'OU, but I can't say that I do'. n lturt yielded by 011otlter. . Lo,·e·calls for action, actions I ha,·en't shown to ,·ou. l'\'e fallen for \'Ou and l I said I 1uo11ld do ii, but ns your - -can not arhe and if I could l \\'l)ttld long to //1(111 fallen again. _ _ " I could write novel upon novel about how vou not yo11r p11ppet. \.11,ake me feel. I truly adore you and want to You k1101u as n,el/ as I tltat I zoos (· be the one to sen·e you. I mean e\'erything I say and say it from the most co,·erted regions yourfool, 011e you could co1111t 011. of m,· heart because mv mind could not conceive l'111 "NO MORE", Nozu sn1;i11'?. ( these thoughts. My mirid wonders why I say what I sny. It questions mr heart because it can't understnnd but the humility one must suffer for lo,·e. tvlv mind-savs \!\le bot!, l0101v just as to111orro10 if you need· someone choose anyone. but my heart knows it can not choose anyone, but -· mv heart knows it can not choose anvone co111es : : becai1se it wnnts only you and you ai·e not just anyone. I zuil/ be there.- · Dietrich J. Henderson - Your Credulous One section Male Breast Cancer. HEALTH/BB

Preview ot Onyx new album· P.ULSEIB4

'Can I get sonie yt s a - --·- out-- fries to go w-ith Black men: What's the real that shake?' truth? Campus survey_reveals women's Item: "There are more Black men of college age in jail dissatisfaction with men's attitudes than In coUege." ingthe The truth is that there are more African-American men in col can men? Many female SIU• the female body is a toy for lege-517,000 as recently as 1991 in undergraduate, graduate an By Andre Robinson dents tend to 1hmk so. men's self-gratification. professional schools-than Black men ancl women combined · Rascoe A survey of women on Many women are doctors, ~late and federal jails. In fact, the proportion of Black male hi Hilltop Staff Writer school graduates enrolling in college, about 30 percent has he Iiday campus revealed that many lawyers, engineers, bus dri­ 1 have ill feelings toward men, vers, architcc1s, carpenters, steady for at least three decades. rn 1991 about 478,100 of Through the guise of com­ feel ings based upon 1he mis­ a1hlctcs, and entertainers, who Blacli. male college students were undergraduates attending fuur mon flirtation, many bridges treatment of African-Ameri­ reside beyond long or short year coll~es. On The other hand federal statistics show there we lues have been burned. Men wno can women by African-Amer­ hair, light or dark skin and a B95,245 Black males and females in state and federal prisons i . simply desire a chance meet­ ican men. Women shared curvaceous body. 1991. Even if you include the number of Black men in custody­ ing with the woman of !heir stories of the horrors or But Chandra Reeves, an that is free on bond awaiting trial or on probation- it probaol dreams have all too often "tacky" first approaches and Ooh La L~ dancer for the Uni­ }Vould not exceed the number of brothers enrolled in institution spoiled thal chance because of "naive" communications by versity marching band pleads, of higher learning. . a simple error in judgmen1, brothers who arc, for the most "We must not blame t~e men spawning from common mis­ part, ignorant of the views entirely, but remember 1hat it Item: "Black women over 40 have a better chance of conceptions about a woma.n's and feelings of women. was partially their upbring­ being struck be llghtenin_g or killed bv a terrorist than of ps)'che. " It is wrong for anyone 10 ing wbich provided them with getting married to a Black man." Rude commen1s and vu l­ take into account only the such an unclear view or a gar sugges1ions have become physical attribu tes of a per­ woman1s needs and wants." There's no way to measure lightning strikes or terrorist attacks commonplace in today's mat­ ut the chief reason for women over 40 having trouble findin son' H Is ii the responsibility of l eusbands is that there are more women than men. Amon ing rituals. ii is almost as if the :.:.------lhe male to ascertain the inner · purpose of a woman's exis- qualities of the mate he ~frican Americans 40 years and older, there are five men for eve 1ence has been rede­ currenlly seeks or is lO women. White ancfLatina women face a similar shortage o fi ned, based solely it the responsibil­ lnen. But there is also the issue of wanting to marr~ A stuusiness degrees for Black men dur ing_tllat same period. ,. When it comes to master's degrees, the change is even more dramatic. For the 10..year period beginning 198T, the number o M.B.A.'s earned bY. Black women grew 91.2 percent versus a 16. percent increase for African-American men, according lo study funded by the U.S. Department of Labor. Item: "Black women earn more money than Black men, are emplo~ In greater numbers and liave better j obs." I Let's break it down like this: the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statis lies says 9.7 million African-American over 16 years of age wor full time. That's 4.85 million men and 4.87 milliOll women,1 whic compares with 72.3 million Whites of both sexes. About 4.,,6 P.,Cr r.ent of African Americans and 44 percent of Whites work fu1 f!Ule. But the median weekly income m 1993 for Whites was $47 today's ('"- versus $370 for Blacks. soc1e1y. ? rec - Contrary to p0pular belief, the median income of African Too many American men bas always topped that of Black women when i men view ~ ognized comes tq_year-round, full-time workers at least 15 years old. Th women as aoo under­ Census Bureau says average annual incomes are $25 908 fo objects of plea- stood before brothers, $21,349 fur sisters. However, among recent Bhck col sure and tools for any spiritual or immediate self-gra1- physical intimacy lege.Rraduates, women earn more than men. A recent study_b ifica1ion. rakes place? The !he Washing!on-based Economic Policy Institute and Queens Co This viewpoint is detri­ answer 10 these and 01her le_g__e of the City Universitr of New York published m Octobe mental nol only 10 women but questions are 101ally at the dis­ l994 in The New York Times fuund that Black women earne also to men, specifically deal­ s a i d cretion of the ()arties involved. about $600 more yearly than their male counterparts. ing with bis role as a leader in Keitisha M. Young, a sopho­ But how a Black man per­ are used to helping mom and 1he family and ma instream more majoring in business ceives women may be a direct Item: "Most Black children are being raised by single society. management. reflection of his own essence mothers." "You remind me of my Young and 01her women or psyche. Nearly three out of five Black children (62 percenO live wit jeep, I wanna ride it .. ." "Can are concerned that physical According 10 John Mbiti, only one parent. African Americans are the only etbruc group i you get wit iti il's like that, it's beauty has consistently over­ in an article titled "African which a majority of children live with single mothers. only a sexua thang . .." "Do shadowed their more sub­ Philosophy: Foundations for . But about 5 percent of all Black single parents are men. That' fries go wilh that shake ..." stantial a11ribu1es. This Black Psychology" by Wade n~t. ''You look so good, 1 cou Id neglect of lhe African-Amer• W. Nobles, "What people do About 327,000 Black children under age 18 are being rear sop you up with a biscuit .. ." ican woman's inner beauty is is motivated by what they !>Y single Black men. That compares witli 5.6 million Rids liv ''Face down! a•• up! That's undoubtedly a cause for ani­ believe, and what they believe mg·wilh single mothers and 3.7 million with both parents. The lhe way we like to f**k!" mosity toward Black men. springs fro m experience. single Blaclc fathers tend to have at least a high-school educa "Ladies rub ya' ti**es if ya "Althoush initially it is the Mbiti explains the "ethos" and lion, and nearly half of them own their own homes and have work­ love Big Poppa .. ." "Whad­ external which is perceived, it how it is a mental and spiritual ing-class to middle-class incomes. d ya know, a freak's in my is sad when people cannot collective which, more or less, reach, threw her on the floor, grow beyond this pcrceplion. represents an embodiment of stuck it in her deep, she's Too many peo1:1le stay in rela­ all J.>C rSpectives brough1w ith­ Item: "Black men are an endangered species.'' I restaurant ABlockbuscer screamin and she's scrcarnin tionships which are based in 11. This embodiment is Actuafu; the life ex~ctancy of African-American men is o gettin hoarse, but then I bust­ sole Iy on appearance," said affected by everythi ng the rise. Black men in 1995 can expect to live 64.5 years, com ed a nut so.that was that, now Alexis Chandler, a junior . brougb1 withm ii. !1ared with 60 years in 1970. And the most common causes o kick the chorus... " majoring in Spanish. · Simply pul, a man's per­ aeath for African American men are heart disease and cancei Could it be that these Chandler's sta1cmcnt ception of women simply mir­ which are also the biggest killers of White men. come-on Ii nes and obscene reflects the sentiment of many rors how he feels about him­ lyrics reflect a general atti­ women, who arc frustrated self. Source: "It Ain ~·Necessarily So," by George E. Jordan, tude among A.fncan-Ameri- with the common idea that ssence ma azine.

for the holidays can not only ect1ons offof not having your fam• Just to get a rep': What Blac·k men do to be ''cooJ'' I ' t' , I t I I ' B ac commlll11ty c ange social slanffiir ues be die start of a new tradition). By Jaymea Powell a nearby shelter or soup kitchen, HIiitop Slaff Writer who are less Ji>rtunate can also rothers and sisteis, we have roblenf. The problem can be here at Howard Universit)' at other institutions arounil COUD\l'Y- The problem ~ the c:kof Bbick men 111oc;ttdipin enca. ,.'Jo ~ di~ Problem, all n'e;needs tQ ifo fa~into any laasroom on campus: The B111:ck wome11 QUtnumber the lneii In gieat proportions. Go to ~ placo of business: bl will that the Black women an, the es that represent the race. SQ wby are Bia~ women u~lfiJ ~••~ J\1CD? The r C November 17, 82 THE HILLTOP . . PEOPLE Coininunications student's career flourish Waters stars i~ L.L Cool J.'s latest video, 'Hey Lover' video or a movie is easy, Waters worked w ith Williams on the projects arc scheduled hard work and required early days vacations from school, a [('f and late nights. Waters recalled warned. Rejection is part of the Montell Jordan video, which he gamc too, she said, recalling times directed. required her to take time off some days m which she worked 1 school. That time can be a from 8 a.m. to 4 a.m. fil lca with tears, anger and " I look up to him because he "It took six and a half days to frustration- times when she fe lt struggled," Waters said. "He swept of days, a week or an lil

• seniors: Monday November 20;1995 1•s your senio• rs: • last ehanee seniors: eve1· in life to talie yom· senior• s: . senior picture • seniors: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Music Listening Room Sitting Fee is still $10.00, Basement Level, ·s)ackburn Center even for those who wish to retake pictures. $10.00 sitting fee

~ • • I ' ~r17, 1995 THE HILLTOP B3

To a twelve year old, the world is full of new Laughing gas or whippets. Small are less likely to prosecute young kids, which things to see anfi do. They have so much to learn. gas cylinders used as propellant makes them ideal for use as drug couriers. And they learn quickly. Any self-respecting seventh for whipped cream dispensers, So they don't even have to be using the drugs grader prides himself on knowing often inhaled fro1n balloons_ themselves to fall prey to their power. what's cool, i11hat's "in." or small pipes. They know that Unfortunately, too of­ Amyl or butyl nitrites: drugs can kill them. ten they think that includes Poppers, snappers, rush, drugs. Drugs like: locker roon1. A clear yellowish liquid They hear it on TV; they hear it Marijuana: Pot, dope, reef­ inhaled from small ampules or vials. in classrooms. The problem is, they also er, herb, weed. S1noked in pipes, Aerosol sprays, cleaning fluids, solvents: know kids who dre doing drugs who bongs(waterpipes)and hand · Spray paint cans, gasoline, haven't died. And they're the ones r(!lled cigaretres called joints, glues and paint thinners are telling your kid that it's fun, it's cool. reefers, bones or dbobies. Looks like dried easily available "highs." Can They've heard about dozens of parsley, with stems and seeds. Its use n1ay im­ be sprayed on,paper bags professional sports figures, movie and pair short-ter1-n meinory, concentration and co­ or rags and inhaled. television stars who have ordination. Marijuana 1nay also They know been caught using drugs. produce episodes where to get them. All ofthis n1ay give a child ofparanoia , the impression that it's rela­ as well as long­ These days, drugs tively safe to experiment with tenn lung datnage. can be found in just about drugs, to try it "just this once." Hashish: Hash. every com­ Sad!)\ eveiy addiction Smoked in s,nall ~. munityi11 and drug-related "hash" pipes or / ,, , -~ _.. the country. death bongs. Sold in Ifkidswant ~-:..-,' :.: Ytogetaholdof small black, brown drugs, they don't have l'to go :ery far to get them. or green cakes or balls. It has a sweet, sticky s111ell It's usually com,non knowledge which students in whe,1 snzoked. May also be taken orally. Its effects school carry then1. And whether they know it or are sitnilar to those ofrnarijuana, but they n1ay be not, there 111ay be drugs at parties they attend. more intensified because of its higher potency. Drugs can often be purchased openly, in public adthisp e. Then you'll owas much outdru asthe e elve year old. Cocaine: Coke. Nose candy, blow, parks or on neighborhood street corners. But it will can be attributed back to that initial experience. flake. A white powder, probably be someone your child already knows usually kept in who dlill "turn theni on" to I small amounts drugs:an acquaintance,a All kids in vials or schoolmate, a friend. need to be told corners of , A . Your child may plastic bags. Often • /even know which pills accompanied by s,nall mirrors ~ in your medicine cabinet and razor blades to chop it up into "lines," will get them high. If not, then to be inhaled through the nose by small are kids that will be glad to tell them straws or rolled dollar bills. It can also be exactly what to look for. r, effects ofdrug abuse: memory injected directly into the bloodstrea,n. Cocaine Often kids loss, impairment ofcoordination, increases the heart rate and blood pressure, as well don't have to do concentration and damage to the as the risk ofheart attack and strokes. a thing, the drugs heart and lungs .They need to know Crack Cocaine: Cmck, rock, freebase. White or will con1e straight about other dangers, Iike addiction. tan pellets or "rocks" kept in small vials. to them. It's just another Who should tell theni? You. No teacher or Crack is often s;10ked with sn1all glass service many drug dealers are coach or TV commercial can have the impact ofa tubes or jars. A powerful and addictive only too happy to provide parent. No one else has that same emotional bond. - "high" ofa sh(!rt, . them. Free ofcharge . So tell them intense duration. They know clearly. And tell LSD: that drugs mean money. them 9ften. Acid, blotter, Let theni know rnicrodot. Big money. They see TV show bad guys where you stand on drugs. Taken orally in trading suitcases full ofmoney for drugs. If you'd like 1nore infor­ tablets or may be irnpregnated in blotter (I They see it a round them. In poorer neigh- mation on how to talk to your kids • paper or sugar cubes.Comn1only referred ' borhoods, kids know that drugs can 1nean about drugs, i11e'll send you the free booklet to as "tripping," its effects can range a quick way out of _ poverty. They see / 1;-~Growing Up Drug Free-A Pare11t's Guide To from disorientation or disassocia­ 4 kids from their . _ ~ ..-,r~.:1~~1/~ ~ .' ~ Prevention."Just call 1-800-624-0100. tion from reality and psychosis. neighborhood ·); , · ,-i ~- ' ~'? \ . ~-~ -~ ')-- Because it's not enough to know Delayed effects, or "flashbacks" with expen- · -~ about drugs. You need to know what can occur even when use has ceased. sive clothes, ~ ..,_,., you can do about them. PCP: Angel dust, Killer weed. Can jewelry and cars. And they be taken orally, smoked on ci arettes, or don't have to go looking for a way to get sprayed on marijuana. some for themselves. Drug dealers know Partnership for a Nitrous oxide: police and drug enforcement officials Drug-Free America®

• November 17, THE HILLTOP 84

''What Goes Around... Collles Around'' sho\V ·the ups and do\Vns of being a player developed his story line. The P,lot so marry me" finish. personality and in her house while she's away at Finally, 'fyrce realizes the value On Ll\e other hand, "What work. 'fyree admires his numer~us of his woml\11 and recognizes the is extremely predictable, leavmg a body which the audience with no questions Around ... Comes Around" screams " take women and boasts about them to fact that he has wronged her. As he jive talkin' dynamic sin· me" belongs to his friends, who exaggerate tales of wonders how he may able 10 about the conclusion; it has the recapture the heart of his ex-lover, typical " My man is a dog; I didn't humorous joking and, better only you, or so their own sexual · conquests. happy endmg. you think; However, while Pete (Lavan Uavis) Tyree looks to Ms. Rudol!)h mean to hurt you; I'm sorry baby, although, the and Ricky (Anthony Kin)?) (Victoria Holland), his highly thought never encourage Tyree to remain a religious, mother-like landlady, for occurred to you mack," Wilbur X, another of'I\lrce's guidance. II is through Ms. th at your man friends, suggests that men snould Rudolph that 'fyree finds comfort may be a "low­ treat women with respect at all and insigh1, as she helps him to down - di rt y - times. Nevertheless, his realize tfiat he is to blame for his snake -in-the­ suggestions arc often ignored. loss. Determined to retrieve grass" until you Also, althoulih he claims black Doreen's Jove, 'fyree finds a job and caught him in women arc · African Queens", pledges his e1ernal loyalty to her. In the act of Wilbur X, too, is captivated by the the beginning, Doreen is hesitant to infidelitr,. • vast amount of good-looking take 1yree back and asks, "Why is The 'Jaugh­ women who frequent Tyree's it that 11 is not until a woman leaves a - min u t c" e_anies. It isn't until Doreen finds 1ha1 a man appreciates what he had comedy play, \yree entangled in the "midst of all along?" • "What Goes disloyalty" that she receives an The play's animated characters Around ... unexpected wake-up call. After an allow the audience to witness the C o m e s vicious argument about his faithless performers' vivid transformations Around," by act, Tyree shouts, "When I found as they mature throug_hout the _play. playwr i g ht you and made you my woman, don't Specilicall)\ Rick)\ 1yree's friend, David E. you know, I knew that you made confesses that his extravagant love Talbert, enough for the both of us?!" stories were magnifieo for the captures the Several female members of the amusement of his lJuddics. Also, perfidy in a audience were appalled by the Pete with his foolish, silly antics re l ationship comment and retaliated with turns out 10 be an inspirational lover between Doreen "oohhs" and chants like " Poor of poetry. Lastly, 'fyrec, the "mack fChcryl Doreen" and, "On, no he' didn't," daddy" changes his irreverent ways, ~Pepsii" Riley) while many of the men sat quietly, especially towards women, to ancf Tyree watching the reactions of the fired­ regain Doreen's love. (Cordel l up women. In repentance, 'fyrcc prepares an Cordell Moore Moore). Nevertheless, Doreen decides to alluring serenade 10 illustrate his The talc give Tyree a " taste of his own new devotion 10 her. The play ends reveals how medicine" by abandoning him. with the the couple geuing married By Carmla Marshall Doreen, an employed, hard­ Women in the audience were in and Tyree learning a valuable Hilltop Slaff Writer working woman supe_orts her complete accord with her decision lesson. Ahhough the ' fairy talc ending' You have found him, the man or jobless, clependan1 man, ·1yree. Not as Doreen states, " What we need onl y is he ungrateful for her is a brother to say nothing and start is cap1iva11ng and entertaining, inc Cheryl Pepsi Riley your dreams. Gorgeous skin, playwright lacked originality as he voluptuous lips, tnc sweetest services, but he often throws parties doing something! I' m leaving!" Actor Justiri Lord fine­ New group State-0 Mind tunes his craft with fuses hip-hop and R&B not often found in most groups- a quality blend of diverse roles l\o_p and R&B 0avor. The ly · this song invoke positivtl)' shows as " Beverly Hills 90210," "227," "Amen," and rcOcct on the responsibility "The Jeffersons." have to each other. Other sonp Lord feels tha1 Black characters that have positive the album include "Cb roles are often determined by what is in vogue, and are Lover;-"Tum U On," ''The therefore short-lived. and "Stay." "In Black films, Blacks only go bur so far in playing "We

dance, "Sugar Hill" is clearly the phattest cut on the the album suffers because his lyrics arc miles ahead or want to uplift the community.'' , J By Ta-Nehisi Coates album. Hilltop Staff Writer his production, overall it 's a tight piece. Grade: B+ But it gets better on the dubiously titled cut •111 But for those fans ·who base an album's worth on Onyx is one group that has never had a problem with Snatchers." Onyx all-star Sticky Fingaz raps, "I U!C pure tongue acrobatics and lyrics, cuts like "Rather lyrics, but the 01ggcst surprise on the album is Frcdro concentration/ with a Jim Crow e

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NEED COMPUTER TRAINING? Clln you sing, play piano, or kalimba? Dumisani Inforn;iation Systems (DISYS) 11!!,! is seeking singers and piano /kalirnba offers low cost Macintosh, IBM, Mainframe, players. Our company develops educa­ and Internet training. For more information, call 202-806-5383 and tional and informational products for ask for Carol Braswell. African Americans. Our latest HU students• $5, HU faculty and staff . $15, and others• $30. Pay workshop fees at the Cashier's office located in the Administration Building. educational product was developed Schedules available at ISAS sites around campus or on-line at hitp:// for elementary school children and will come with a "jingle'' on cassette HUNGRY? tape. We are looking for good singers Taste the flavor you've been savoring. and musicians to sing an

Thursday, Nov. 30, .1995 Please call . at 11:30 am - 3:30 pm (202) 635-3501 ,iember 17, 1995 THE HILLTOP B7

~~But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth .... ,, John 4:23 The oward University Community Choir

presents our Annual

• • ( an sg1v1ng ospe ~oncert

Sunday, November 19, 1995 6:00 PM Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel Admission is Free Jesus Paid It All!! November 17, BB THE HILLTOP rfH & FITNESS Fertility a concern for testicular cancer patien~ ______· _ the man's fertility. When the fi rst testicle is re moved, Cancer Society, the best way I<> · ' By Crlstel Williams Coniroversy is mounting among a biopsy is automatically performed detect problems ea~ly 1~ to perform Hilltop Staff Writer professionals about whether or not on the second one. If abnormalities monthly self-examma11ons. . 10 perform a biopsy of the second are found in the sample tissue, " I've never heard of t~sucul~r Whal price will you pay for your testicle when the first testicle is radiation is offered. The 1r~a1ment cancer, but any kind o f d1sc~sc 1s manhood? It's a question that removed. k ills the cancerous cell s in the dangerous," said R~g ~na(d young men facing testicular cancer When a biopsy is performed, a testicle but leaves the man infertile. Simmons, a sophomore maJo nng m often have to answer. Accord ing to slit is made in the scrotum and the The ~hoices arc difficult for both history. · the American Cancer Society, membranous cover of the testicle. A doctors and patients. If a physician "I get chec_ked wh,cn I have a physicians diagnosed 6,600 cases in small amount of tissue is squeezed doesn't offer to perform a biopsy on complete phys,~a!,so I m not gomg 1993. The disease is not often out and the slit is sewed closed. the second testicle and a cancer 10 worry about 11. discussed and is relatively rare, yet Side effects such as swelling, develops, the patient could take Doctors say signs such .as ha~d it's the most common cancer found bruising and infection arc minimal, legal actio n. Patients who choose lumps, e nlargement, or buildup m in men ages 15 to 35. although scarring is inevitable and the treatment may find that they the scrotal sac must. be reported, "I know I'm at the prime age to sometimes mistaken for the sacrificed their fertility in vain; or and sh?uld never be 1gnor~d. develop testicular cancer," said development of a tumor. take a risk and avoid a biopsy, o nly Losmg one 1es11c~c won I stop a Carron Saud ifor, a fourth-year Many men choose to avoid a to face castration later, the National man from . fathering a c~ild; e ngineering major. "It's crossed my biopsy because they don't want 10 Cancer Institute reported. problems ansc when both testicles mind as something to be concerned make the decision between removal The causes of testicular cancer a re removed. The loss leaves men about and regular exams a rc a or infertility. Options such as saving are still unccrt~in; but abnormal vulnerable 10 a form or " male necessary precaution." sperm for artificial insemination or cells called carcinoma in situ (CIS), menopause." Over the past 50 years, the having a child before the procedure have been found in the testes of men The drop in testosterone can disease has been steadily arc possible, but difficult. By the who have later developed the cause bone softening, hot flashes, increasing. It has also been shown time men are in the pre- cancerous cancer. T he cancer is actuall y lethargy, lack of interest in sex and that the risk varies dramatically stages, their sperm counts are confirmed after the testicle is psychological problems that between the races. White men are usually very low. removed. T his is done as a hormone re placeme nt therapy, seven times more likely to develop A majority of U.S. physicians prevent ive measure because weekly testosterone injections or 1hc cancer than Black men. recommend a wait-and-sec performing a biopsy on a tumor- implants, cannot prevent. Because Fortunately, the National Cancer approach. If cancer appears in the carrying testicle can allow cancer of these problems, doctors oflen I Inslitutc reported that more than 90 second 1cs1iclc, it is removed. cells to seed new cancers try 10 preserve the second testicle, ' percent of men survive testicular However, European physicians throughout the body. even if the man is infertile. Diagram of a testicular self examination cancer; the dilemma is preserving arc leaning toward a new method. According 10 the American Students teach local firemen Testicular about male breast cancer self-exam. preventable. When we decided to differ much from female b reast " Male breast cancer is By Criste! Williams do male breast cancer we thought cancer. something we knew o ther groups Hilltop Sta ff Writer that the fire department would be The older a man is, the more wouldn't talk about. I didn't even Cancer of the testicles can be c the best place, because a majority susceptible he is to cancer. If his know about male breast cancer until Though many are unaware, and of firefighters arc men. They're a.lso family history includes cancer we researched it, and I'm a PA with early detection! others doubt it, it's true-men have more susceptible to disea.~e because victims, his chances arc increased. major!" sophomore Tiffany Wilson breasts, and can develop breast of all or the tox ins they're exposed Personal history and environmental said. Wilson helped put on the Use the shower check: cancer. 10.'' agents such as exercise, diet, program with five o thers from her Employees at the D.C. Fire "I'm glad that we chose the lire alcohol and smoking also play a class. I. Check your testicles o nce a month. Department learned the truth about department 10 spread the word part in the d isease's development. "That tells you a lot about how male breast cancer at a community much the community knows a nd about male b reast cancer. The The disease is preventable when 2. Roll each testicle between your thumb and finger. ch health program on Nov. 9. how liulc it 's discussed in general." d isease is very real and very caught early, so monthly breast for hard lumps or bumps. A group of Howard University serious," senior Michelle Cooper exams a rc necessary. D.C. fire man Craig Dwyer, who ·physician's assistant majors took "I'm not really concerned with was impressed by the program, said. 3. U you notice a change or have aches or lumps, tell your on teaching the dangers of male developing the cancer. I'm cited the history of cancer in his The program included a skit and right away so something can be done about ii. breast cancer and the importance of slide presentation of men with concentrating more o n diet, family. early detection to the community. breast cancer. environment and other preventative ''My sister is two years younger UI ·m a fireman as well as a According 10 America's measures so 1ha1 I don't have to t ha n me a nd has cancer. I' m student, and I know that not enough Pharmaceutical Research worry about d isease," D.C. fireman concerned about the heredita ry men know that they can get breast Companies, breast cancer cases Dan Bo us said. " I may do the sclf­ factor. The program was very cancer," junior Bobbie Hudson account for less than 0.17 percent of exams, but I know I won·1 ask my informative. I doub1 that I'll have said. "Even though the percentage male cancers. But the factors that doctor to do them. It's still about my doctor do exams, but I'm going Vaccine could put of men that develop the disease is affect the possibilities of manhood- nobody's checking my to be more a11cn1ivc if it'll save my small, it's out there and it's developing male breast cancer don't \chest but me." li fe.'' an end to chicken • Fighting the h·oliday urge to splurge pox misery s tudied in approxi11 By Alethea Dix 11 ,000 individuals," said Experts share tips on avoiding weight gain Hilltop Staff Writer David Kess le r, Commissione r. " Almost al food is there, not because they arc Bethesda, said the key is eating in "Over Chrisrmas and Ray Washing to n. a freshman the vaccinated patients By Sha u ne· Jackson hungry," said Janet Zalman, a moderation. Don't panic. You won't Thanksgiving I enJOY myself for human development major, Hilltop Staff Writer chicke n pox had a milder licensed nutritionist in Northwest have to eliminate all the holiday several days. But after it 's over, I remembers his bout with the of the disease." D.C. "It 's easy to gain weight over goodies, just set limits. clean my system 0111 and workout. chicken pox all too well. At last, the holiday season is T he recomme nd dosa, the holidays and the winier months •· 1 always tell people to enjoy Because I work out regularly, my " It itched like he .. ; I had c hildre n ages 12 months upon us. because our physical activity is less, themselves for one day and then go motivation 10 exercise comes easy them (the pox) ever ywhe re, For many, this time or year years is o ne injection, we aro inside more and we have less on a liquid diet the next day in and the weight is back off in no even in m y mouth. It was the can be administered will means entertaini ng family a nd to do. It's like our bodies go into order to clean out their system. You time," Clarke said. worst virus I have ever had. It fr iends, shopping endlessly for m easles, mumps and hibernation.'' can even commit 10 eating fruits Do~glas Hayes, a graduating was so bad I would 11 01 even vaccine. People 13 ye gills, vacationing and relaxing. But, T here is no doub t that and vegetables after the one-day senior in the Schoo l of Business, wish ii on my worst e nemy." fo r others, the holiday stretch from o lde r s ho uld take two Americans eat 100 m uch and splurge," said Power. You will still contributes his holiday weight gain "Chicke n pox isn' t a joke," about four 10 eight weeks "turkey day" to New Year's is exercise too Ii Ille over the holidays. be able to enjoy momma·s home­ 10 inactivity. said Antho ny Mayna rd, a junior another fight in the ballle o[ the Still, many s tudents Inevitably, this causes rapid weight cooked meals and, even belier, not ''When I'm home for Christmas, p h ys ician's ass is tant majo r, getting the vaccination bulge. gain and increases the desire for have 10 pay for it later, he added. I lay around the house more and cat summing up his feelings about It won't be long before many be wo rth the t rouble. people 10 shed the excess pounds by Power also s tressed the more because I'm not running the virus. " I would not get vaccii people indulge (and over indulge) equally rapid weight loss. Yo-yo importance of exercise during the around the way I do at school," he A n estim ated 3.7 millio n in heaps of stuffing, macaroni and dieting is unhealthy and can lead to holidays. Slacking off o n more said. "But I do lose my weight cheese, sweet potato pie and other serious health proble ms such as vigorous activity and choosing 10 when I return to school a nd start holiday dishes. A taste here and a elevated cholesterol levels and high raid the fr idge will d efinitely back my daily schedule ofwork ing nibble there may satisfy your blood pressure. promote weight gain. and going to school." ''It itched like he**; I tastebuds, but it can also expand " People should approach the Thinking about shopping ' til you Reduce your urge to splurge this your waistline. In fact, medical holidays with the mentality that ' I · drop? Seems like the perfect holiday season. Break that tradition had them ( thepox) experts say that most people put on am not going to lose weight, but solution to work that body, right? o f holiday binge and focus o n an extra six 10 IO pounds every manage it.' If you arc reasonable in Unfortunately, shopping all day at mainrnining your current weight. everywhere, even in year around this time. your portions of food and limited in the mall is not beneficial because Zalman even recomme nds Traditio n? Well, this is o ne your imake o f sweets, your weight you arc not burning the fat needed substituting low-fat foods for those holiday tradition you would be should be fine," Zalman said. to lose weight or to prevent weight higher in fat calorics. my mouth.'' -AnthonJ belier off breaking. Believe it or not, you can e njoy , gain . For those who like to g ive a toast "Over the holidays, people tend yourself this holiday season without John Clarke, a D.C. reside nt, 10 the scasor., go easy o n the Maynard, a junior 10 associate food with feeling pressured to eat every time admits that he puts on extra pounds holiday cheer. Alcohol is loaded e nte rtainment, emotional you sit down- and you won't have during the ho lidays: Instead o f with calorics. However, watering physician's assistant nourishment- happiness. So 10 restrict yourself to carrot sticks regretting his over-indulging, down drinks with fruit juice, seltzer people usually eat for entertainment and water. Richard Power, a Clarke hits the gym and works the or tonic can save you some calorics. • purposes and comfort because the nutritionist at Nutrition Clinic in weight off. Happy Ho lidays! maJor beca~se there is still a *Apple juice- Not a great source of anything-and has 116 calories df Ame ricans contract the chicke n that I would still per cup. Choose orange or grapefruit juice. get•llf pox each year ; m ore than 90 chicke n pox). I just tall Health Line percent are under the age of 15 . chances," said Lorretta 'I'll •Eggplant- A cup doesn't even have 10 percent of the daily Today, however, those who .a sophomor e occupatil recommendation for a single nutrient. Though low-fat and low calorie, have never had the c hicke n pox AIDS oolioe: People with AIDS now have a new online source of the rapy major. it soaks up lots of oil when sauteed or fried. can protect themselves against " My mother has never, information. The Body consolidates information from organizations the virus. A vaccine, Varicclla ranging from the AlDS Action Council to Am.Fara to the American Cycling Cit ies: Toronto is the best fur cycling, says Bicycling the chicken pox. and ~ Virus Vaccine Live, clinically have I; I do not think Psychiatric Association. The World Wide Web site also contains four Magazine (Nove mber- December). Also on the list: Portland, Ore; tested for IO years, is 70 to 90 would get vaccinated be interactive sections that give people access to AJDS-related news groups, Tucson, Ariz.; Madison, Wis.; Seattle, Wash.; Denver, Colo.; Eugene, percent effective, with few s ide may never get the chickel political forums, medical and legal professionals and AIDS organizations. Ore.; Ottawa, Ontario; Phoenix, Ariz.; Vancouver, B.C. effects. The side effects m ay The Body's Web address is said Kenda l l Bretto. - include redness, hardness and sophomore majoring Rating criteria includ ed: estimated percentage of regular commuters,' swelling at the injection site, Sneaky foods: The November issue of Good Housekeeping takes a total numhcr of miles of bike routes ( designated routes that run on existing occupational the rapy. ~ fatigue and nausea. The c hicke n pOI 2 look at foods that sound healthier than they arc. One the list: roads), lanes (separate lanes for bikes) and paths (paved and unpaved trails T hough the vacci ne is t ra nsm itted through , , separated from traffic), th~x.istence of a bike plan, bicycle advisory effective in preventing the sneezes and the flu~ ' • Hooey- 64 calories and a "trace of v itamins and minerals.'' commillcc and government-funded bike coordinator and annual budget chicken pox, there is sti ll a for cycling-related projects. broke n blisters . It takes s light c hance tha t the IO to 2 l days between tilt •Bean sprouts- They're fat- and sodium-free; and low in calorics, but vaccinated pe rson may develop they're also low in protein, vitamins and minerals. exposure to the virus .­ a mild case o f the v irus. o nset. "This vaccine has been _,er17,1995 THE HILLTOP B9


OPPICE OF THE PRESIDENT November 14, 1995 Dear Student Colleagues:

During the retreats which I have held with members of the University family and in my Opening Convocation address, I announced my intention to form a number of significant search advisory committees. I am pleased to share with you the names of the chairs and members of those search advisory committees which have been appointed to assist in the identification of exceptional candidates for the following senior leadership positions at the University: Vice President for University Advancement, Dean of the School of Engineering, Dean of the School of Business, Director of the University Libraries, and Dir_ector of Intercollegiate Athletics. The membership rosters of the committees appear on the reverse of this correspondence.

In addition,· a search will be conducted for the newly created position, Provost of the University. The Provost will report directly to the President, will oversee all academic programs and operations of the University, and will act in my behalf in my absence.

· The search advisory committee for the Provost shall be composed of Trustees, faculty, students, staff and alumni, and shall be chaired by Dr. Georgia M. Dunston, Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Microbiology, College of Medicine. The Executive Committee ., . . of each school or college, 'in consultation with the faculty of such units, shall nominate a faculty. member to serve on the committee, and the Faculty Senate shall nominate one faculty member. The Howard University Student Association shall nominate two students (one undergraduate and one graduate/professional), and both the Howard University Support Staff Organization and the Howard University Alumni Association shall nominate one individual. Additionally, Dr. 0. Jackson Cole, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Eucharia Nnadi-Okolo, Dean, College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, will be members of the committee. Also, Dr. James F. Tucker, Vice Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee of the· Board of Trustees, Dr. Marian G. Secundy, Faculty Trustee and member of the Academic Affairs Committee, and a member from the University's emeriti community shall serve on this advisory committee. Dr. David R. McCarthy, Director, Spencer Stuart, will serve as consultant.

I invite ·you to nominate candidates for these senior leadership positions. You may deliver. or transmit your nominations by internal University mail to the post- office, located on the ground floor of the Administration Building. Your nominations should be submitted by December 1, and directed as follows: Office of Executjye Searches. Howard University. Post Office Box 670, 2400 6th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20059. Thank you in advance for your assistance in identifying qualified candidates for these important positions.

~ Sixth Street, N.W. Suite 402 (202) 806-2500 ~gton, DC 20059 · FAX (202) 806-5934 November1 B10 THE HILLTOP


Vice President for University Advancement Dean, School of Business Dr. FLOYD J. MALVEAUX (Committee Chair) Dr. RICHARD A. ENGLISH (Committee Chair) 0e·an, College of Medicine Dean, School of Social Work . Dr. R. CHESTER REDHEAD, Vice Chair, Trustee Board Development and Dr. NOEL BRYSON, Department of Information Systems and University Relations Committee School of Business Dr. URA JEAN OYEMADE BAILEY, Faculty Trustee, Development and Dr. YOUNGHO LEE, Department of Finance and Insurance, University Relations Com.mlttee · School of Business Dr. JANNETTE L DATES, Acting Dean, School of Communications Dr. CLEVELAND A CHANDLER, Department of Economics, Dr. LAWRENCE GARY, Professor, School of Social Work College of Arts and Sciences Mr. AIAN HERMESCH, Manager, Media Relations Dr. MARGARET A. HICKS, Department of Accounting, Dr. HELEN M. KINARD, President, Howard University Alumni As.wdation School of Business Dr. JOHN L. MASON, President, Monsanto Fund, Howard University Dr. DEBRA A LINDSEY, Department of General Services and Cluster Member Development, School of Business Mr. RICHARD MYERS, Acting President, Howard University Support Dr. PATRICIA ROBERSON-SAUNDERS, Department of Manag Staff Organization School of Business Mr. KOFI RASHID, Vice President, Howard University Student As.wdation Ms. ANGELA WillIAMS, M.B.A. Graduate Student, Ms. F. GAIL REED, Director of Development, College of Medicine School of Business Dr. FRANCES STUBBS, Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Dr. TERESA E. WILUAMS, Department of Marketing, University Advancement School of Business Ms. MARGO J. VICKERS, Executive Director, Auxiliary Enterprises Mr. MARTIN L WINFIELD, Jr., Undergraduate Student, Consultant: Ms. BONNIE SQUIRES, Squires Communications School of Business

Director of Intercollea;iate Athletics 04:ector of University JJbraries Dr. CIARENCE G. NEWSOME (Committee Cbalr) Dr. DON M. COLEMAN(Commtttee Cbalr) Dean, School of Divinity Professor and Chair, Department of Systems and Mr. RAYMOND W. ARCHER, Dean for Student Ufe and Activities Computer Science, School of Engineering Ms. ANGELA K. BEALE, Student Representative · Mr. RICHARD LEITER (Cnmmtttee Vice Chair) Dr. TRITOBIA BENJAMIN, Associate Dean, College of Fine Arts Director, Law Library Mr. JASON J. GUYTON, Student Representative Mr. ROBERT L. BEA THEA, Jr., School of Architecture · Mr. ALFONZA HAM1L TON, Student Representative and Planning Dr. MORRIS HAWKINS, Jr., Dept. of Microbiology, College of Medicine Ms. CLARA GUYTON, Librarian, Head of Access Services, Mr. HENRY G. JACKSON, University Comptroller University Libraries Mr. HENRY H. JONES, School of Law Ms. MARION HUll, School of Communications Mr. JAMES L. MARSHALL, Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Mr. VINCENT C. JACQUF.S, II, Undergraduate Student Health Affairs • Dr. CHARLES JARMON, Associate Dean, College of Arts and Ms. SONDRA NORREll-THOMAS, Executive Assistant to the Dr. STERLING KING, Jr., School of Business Vice President for Student Affairs Mr. GARY McMILLAN, Head Librarian, School of Social Work Dr. CAROLYN R. PAYTON, Director, University Counseling Service Mr. COREY D. NEVELS, Graduate Student and Dean for Counseling and Career Development Dr. JANICE L NICHOi.SON, Information Systems and Services Ms. LINDA SPENCER, Volleyball Coach Ms. CAROLYN RAWLINGS, AFSCME, President, University U The HONORABLE ALEXANDER WILLIAMS, Jr., U.S. District Court for Collective Bargaining Unit the District of Maryland, Alumni Representative Dr. JAMFS E. SCOTT, Associate Dean, Graduate School of Mr. STEVE WILSON, Head Football Coach Arts and Sciences . Ms. R. DIANE WYATT-HAMMOND, Director, Student Loan and Mr. GEORGE VARGHESE, Deputy Director, Collections Office Materials Management Department Dr. ARTHUREE WRIGHT, Assistant Director, University Libra

Dean, School of Ena1neertna; Dr. CLARENCE M. LEE (Committee Chair) Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Mr. ROBERT L. ENGRAM, Director, Controller/Software Platforms, AT&T Corporation, Alum.nus, School of Engineering Dr. JOSEPH N. CANNON, Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering Dr. DAH-NIEN FAN, Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering Dr. IRVING W. JONES, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering Dr. ARTHUR S. PAUL, Department of Systems and Computer Science, School of Engineering Dr. LOUISE A. RAPHAEL, Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences Mr. HASSAN S. KARIM, Undergraduate Student, School of Engineering · Dr. AHLAM SHAIABY, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering Dr. RAJ YAIAMANCHIU, Department of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering


_____...,;._..., ______..;., _____ Special layout by Paul Woodruff, USA TODAY --•

01• • • : ,---,..-r,:-~ -~ -,- -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_,;------ing dance clinics for the • children and by leading • • sessions on American an d African-American • ------"'!'!------·• history. The troupe will • also actively participate • • in a clean-up campaign in • • the township and con­ • tribute not only manpow­ • er to the event, but tools • and funds collected from • • communities in the tis without question that the origins of :• United States. Performances will be stepping, a performance art made popular • held in community civic by African American fraternities an d soror- : [ centers, town halls, mar­ ities, can be traced to the peoples and cul- : kets and the -streets to ~ dance traditions of Africa. Stepping : insure contact with the '.ibits movements and rhythms seen in • people of South Africa . il.'all dance continent-wide. However, even • Children The beauty of the collab­ -~er similarities can be found in the dance : came from oration is its distinct abil­ ::issions of South Africa, home of the power- : throughout ity to be performed in wt little-known, "gum-boot dance". : practically any arena, Soweto to Gumboots", its more familiar term, is a ere- • from teeming African • participate in ,of black South African mine workers who • marketplace to bus sta­ • the exchange . J the dance as a social and physical release. : Photo by Paul Woodruff tions where hundreds of ~ its focus on precise foot movements and • .______...J South Africans congre­ :.! Blocks 11:11 Thclvis I said HI! ____Th,. el'IHl'lil:e'llt.?lopnpnpe.!iirsr---1 From HU, W/0, Large Bedrooms, HW My doctor gave me a presc11p11on 1ha1 stant "puddy" • getters players of DMP Vol for the first 20 words and $1 for (TI,clvis, Thelvi,. ~lvis ha, no every additional five words.Local Floors, $250 per month says "Thke one pill four times a day," & the Silva Ticklas What's up with the "Dub" & the $1 "40'' this weekend? pelv~ companies are charged $10 for (202 ) 332 2440 How do you do 1ha1? Amelia Co66, HAPPY BIIH'RDAY! We haven't kicked it in a while!!! No DkUCEd7tOON - tbe first words and for RELP WANIED ab 20 $2 Can yous1ng or Play pmno or Belated that is. See, I didn't forge t. If strays (you know y'all "batches"), just BRUCE-BRUCE every five words thereafter. Per­ Kalimba? · you're 001 studying, let's go to the us from 1he dynamic, dazzling, delec• 1 Happy, Happy, Happy lklated Bitlhday. sonal ads are $2 for the first 10 Dumisani Information Systems movies. KRS table ( you can ask our niggas) women So, i1 •• linle late. luv me. words and $1 for every additional (DISYS) is seeking singers and Hey lermamc (Gee) ofDT a Gona piano/kalimba players. Our company The fe llas peeped the tape of Ch•••a, Do you have 10 have a 4.0 to go 10 lhe Sahima-S3bi111a five words. Color Hilltopics are MISSING develops educational and informational Nice draws "A" Building an additional $2. KENDRA F. COMMANDPR products fo r African Americans. Our HAPPY OIRI RDAY, CADAwN!! 16 whom 1t may concern: ANNO0NCEMEN I'S Whcr~ are you• latest educational product was devcl• Love; Natalie and Anika That's ii! No more beating around the UDJQOII \' bush. Just come right out and say i1. 16 all of ihose who live at sponsors oped for elementary school children Laula, So what's up with that house­ and will come wi1b a 'jingle' on cas• warming party? Love, Ayanna & Guess What? I'm .. .. . ! Whal a 2 t202nd St. Tbe Struggle Continues : woman (smile) Bui on the serious How do you like my oew apartment? Commemorating The 300 year sette lape. We are looking for good Sandy you please Swea11n note, although physically you may Guess what, my phone works. Legacy of Brazil's King Zumbi or singers and musicians to sing and play Jaymes, Will stop this jingle. The song will be recorded Me. I know its hard, but please, I need have 10 handle tbiogs on your own, SC Pa.lmares (a· Itel on casseue in a studio and distributed some space. HA HA-Sandy cmo1ionally you KNOW I'm there Jb Monday, November 20, 1995 So\\ hi.:n ,1.c wilh other educational material Ahya, Rey Rom,e! I am glad I get to even if ii takes till 3:00am nrc getting manicd? 7:00 pm I Luv you! want to hurry up and start on our Enjoy y o Blackburn Reading Room developed by DISYS. spend one year at Howard w/you. We need to get together and go out. Tbank )bur Cuzin Jlont·\·moon • - Please Call (202) 635· 3501 . The Brothers & Sisters ot P6, S,gma 'l'lltany • I he last 365 ha\'e been real 16 Mllram Monroe holiday an• Pi National Honor fra1erni1y would Activists you for everything. Love, Janelle cool. Let 's keep it that way, alright?! You are 1he bcs1es1 assistant that any· like 10 welcome and congrn1uta1e the would you like to be one who moli• Ayanna, Is 11 me or have I 1ruly been get back safi ,, getting my mack on lately? Love 'em Sub-Bascmeo1 one could ever bas. Keep up the good - new members of our Of'$aniz.ation. \Ve vates 1he Millions? 1 DERRICK WYNN work. one kuow you will follow and lead in the Then work on Progressive Issues: and Leave ·em. That's the namt of the ly. 1~11 try You wiJI forever remain with ]{jn Rollins and purple reign. Philia! Natasha Jenk- •Social & Economic Justice game us. • Reproductive Rights Good luck!!! Bison Cheerleaders at )'our Brothers in the Struggle. You are the best Business Manager that to miss , ·o n Mic ins, Alicia Grady, Tiffany Martin, 2nd Floor Wes1 Bethune Annex, Lei's the Hill1op has ever had. heir Brenda Nelson, Latechia Gramm, •Medicare & Medicade D.S.U. this weekend. BISON! Moses take our rightful place as Black Men WORK IT OUT!!! mot Prescott Reavis, Kevin '1'ilo" Thomp~ Join our team at the Clec Phone Center. Welcome to Adult Life, Assassin, much. on this campus and around this world. SIC and son, Celeste Palmer, AndrewMoore, Good Pay-Flexible Hrs.-Close to Far­ Alona, Bi.I I, C-Lovc, and KJ The Movement Man Be encouraged and know that this too the Willie Williams. ragot Metros. Call 828-0905 Wesley, I'm so glad that we hnally got Happy 81r1hday S0Z shall pass. You know if you ever need maj Do you have waht 1t tokes ro be a CP'! IEEN COUNSELORS NEEDED 1ogc1her. You made me feel like a oat• Love, Denise, Crecia, Erik, Talim, . to talk - I'm hcre(smile) • SNC Find ou1 a1 the CP interest meeting IO hrs a week a1 $?hr. ural woman and its been 3 Jong time oati help teens become beuer leaders for since I felt like this. Let's do lunch I Natalie, & Jamil KEVIN BROWN today , Fri., Nov. 17 @ 6:30 sharp in What's up Nig ..a? the 10morrow. Call (202) 398-2600. Ask Say tbe Americ~n Cafe ' Shout out to everyone in 1he Bethune Wil Room 105 Locke Hall Even though we doo'1call as oft en as NCNW • General Body Meeung for James Beaner. The Older Woman Ann'ex except Faison Foe (Are you happy now Kareem?) we should, you know we still love you. Tuesday, 11/21 at 6:30pm in the WashUJgton Women's ice Hockey why ,s the i,LJltop at the bouom of Pro. Blackburn Forum Room. Club seeks players and goalie. Call the hill? Amelio Cobb qui• Coming Soon (301) 320-2864 Am't no bond hke on HO band, HAPPY BIRTHDAY bes• belated that is. December 8, 1995 FOR SALE because a HU and don't stop. Moses 10( HUSA's Santa's Slammin CAMERA FOR SALE Words 01 Wisdom irom ISqene See I didn't fo rget. jOUI Showtimc at C.:r3mton Fugi DX Dulce, There are no unpleasant experi­ lf you're not studying, ihC Over $500 in cash prizes •Auto Focus ences in heaven; which is now here. let's go to the movies. Uni Are you gonna be the next artist to be •Pre-winding Therefore, go fearlessly to meet your KRS am• discovered at HU? •Drop-in Loading good. RAl'PY BIRI ADAY con Second Interest Meetmg Price Negotiable Brains, RAH! VJcicome back, again. LADAWN!!! Ho• the for performers is Wed. Nov 29 6:00pm (202) 234-9718 We don't have too much time together; Love NataHe and Anika Call Chanda or Elaine 806-7007n008 l'ERSONALS so let's make the best of it- - - Movies Poop,e, '16morrow symbol,zed 1he ' Don't Miss Howard Gospel Choir's what ,s 1hc purpose of a 6uUe1 proof maybe. Sikc! We can make our own. day we joined into a wonderful com­ Album Release Celebration Concert, vest when you can get shot in your Love, Beauty mi1men1. Thanks for everything. Saturday, November 18, 1995, 5:00pm, head? '16 all my peoples... lle-layo, Kern, OK, Luv Ya, Bye-Bye! · Boo Andrew Rankin Chapel. Free Admis• I he C,dies of Alpha Kappn Alpha Dichellc, Heatber. Sbabot, Brian, sion.Limited Number CDs and Cas• Sorority, Inc.. Alpha Chapter Daryl!, OH, Can't fo rget Chassidy & seues Available For Sale. For More " onln ll"t. to li1r , , ,ti I Shantell (smile) and anybody else I DIAL-A-BED Information Call (202) 856-Q210 or tu O ,,1 ~ forgot 10 mention. Toke care and stay (202) 546-6290 EXT. 3. "Excellence Perfeettd." ou1 of trouble. Keep in touch! And Anyone interested m riding to Boston in, II (I I II' f" ti U; Thanx for all the fun 1 bad this week. for Thanksgiving please call Manny tr nn I hi I'm gonna miss ya'II. ,. n1n1 H \' r 1 11 Ill LUV, Alva 0. & ne• D ISCOUN T U:aSED F UR N ITURE 202-S29-76S t I he Brothers & Sisters oi The Upper Deck It you IUJd yourself sta11ng at a can oi Phi Alpha Mu fra1crni1y in Pih ,nd I ,t. \\ Orange Juice simply because ii says • Beds • Dressers would like 10 thank all those individu­ 11, ·r1 rrur 11 ltn 1t1 ,. concentrate, you might be SLOWE? als that aucnded our first $5 berore 11pm Special thanks lor everyone coming • Sofas • Desks Phi Alpha Mu week. Brother Shannon, We love you and out 10 1he Birthday Dash Saturday, Thank you for making We're hero for you. We'll help you see Nov 18 • Special Guest DJ SPOON @ • And More it such n success!! ! this t1'fough anyway we can. You're in QuigJcy's Ladies Free 84 10:30pm our thoughts and prayers. Selmo Phone onlers and 9·A·SP95 Delivery Available!! Entrepreneurial Society Fraternally Yours, Channa J General Body Meeting The Brothers of Delta Sigma Pi, Smile! You're on candid camera. Call Friendly Furniture Co. Thursday, Nov. 16th Iota Rho Chapter Gnlettes, al301-699-1778 School of Business, Rm 200 Is u OK 10 call people m 1he School Are you ready ror Pain : Pleasure? Call 301-2944384 he 01 Alpha Chapter, of Business S.O.B.'s? 9-i\-SP95 I Liid,c5 for directions. Oellu Sigma Thein Sorority, Inc. Delta Sigma P, was Founded at: Oct well soon x-0-DOS : pre~cnl The School of Commerce, Accounts Brian 9-A-SP95 "The Ocml,c of Affirmative Action: and Finance or New York University An A1tcmp1 to Impoverish Black on November 7, 1907. w, America• Mappy l·ounders Day, Delta S,gma P,! Monduy, No,cmbcr 20, 1995 From Iota Rho Chapter. ?pin Good Luck O,soo Cheerleaders at Chcml'1ry Bld)I. Auditorium OSU 1his weekend. BISON! Moses Al IENIION ALLoRIO PLAYERS: Am', no band like an AO Band, There will be a meeting on Sunday, cause the HU Band don't step. Moses November 19, 1995 in the School of Whars Op! I ina, La' lbei, 'l 1sf13, Business (Rm 200) at 5:00PM Keilh, Chris, Melissa, Damien, Rohan, Dayton, Cincy, Columbus, Cleveland, Eric, Suzette, Nccio, Jerome, Dwon, Toledo, Akron, REPRESENT! Kir1racy, Nathan, Tony and Mark! Nov 18 • Moses "A Business Magazine I hey say... 1he 6,gger a man's feet .. . Promotion Party" (Yeah) the bigger the socks. tickets· $7 VIP-$10 16 the Brothers ot' For further questions contact Omega Psi Phi Fraternity • Kcnyaua DcShavior or Jada Happy Founders Day and may you be 1-800-816-6071 blessed with many more years to come. Llid1es, get your "Devil With a Blue Love, your soror.; of Oelto Sigma Dress" posters now!! ! Ge1 a fu ll sixed Theta Sorority. Inc. poster of Denzel for your room. De the l·an t iub: I he ko,e., wer, e,tremCl)' IUU "U" envy of your friends. Call 865-0295 une,pntcd bul grc.,~y appreciated. ~ Volunteer mcctmg l'or Wom:m to •\!though we would like 10, we c,11'1 sa Woman Conference: chank )·ou in person bccau..-.e we Uon·1 he Sunday Nov. 19th, 2 pm al Blackburn. k11nw who \OU 11re. S.J., D.D.,i\.G. We wlll miss you Dernck Wynn, Sc ALL VOLUNTEERS PLEASE ~ w. ATTEND. Love Always, SERvlCES 'Iracy Wabbington he Anyone mtcrcstcd m Driving & Rid­ Leroy Clay ing 10 Boston for Tha11ksgiving please and Van Johnson call Manny (202) 529-7651 Question .. . Why 1s 11 FOR RENI 16 the Ladies ol b.l. V.A., lnc.-Keep 45 Rhode Island Ave., NE. Eiltc,ency up the good work. Love, Fredi W. and one bedroom, W/W carpet, secure P.S. "Get Money!!" building. Four blocks 10 Rhode Island Big Dog(?) Ave. Metro. $400-500/rnonth (includes I hope your first Founders Day is all utilities). (202) 488-1449. that you wanted i110 bc and more. 1616 & Columb,a Rd. area; 2558 Om• 1l,ke care and remember that I love versity Place, NW. Efficiency, W/W you. See you Thursday in D-ware. carpet, garbage disposal, frost free C\Jlic (30) refrigerator, fi replace,sec-ure, well YoChanna, Saw the 1ape, you really Between 18th &19th on I Street N.W maintained b'uilding. Four blocks from are a freak. Much Love, Belhune U Street Metro-$425/rnonth plus gas Annex and electric. (202) 488-1449. Rey Jermnme (Oee), I he fell as EVERY THURSDAY ALL