The Legislative Connection: the Politics of Representation in Kenya, Korea, and Turkey
THE LEGISLATIVE CONNECTION: THE POLITICS OF REPRESENTATION IN KENYA, KOREA, AND TURKEY Chong Lim Kim Joel D. Barkan Ilter Turan Malcolm E. Jewel1 Duke University Press Durhnm, North Carolina 1984 To G. L Magnanimous colleague, pioneer in comparative legislative research o 1984 Duke University Press, all rights reserved Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper Library of Congress Ca(alogin(l in Publicalion Data Main entry under title: The Lepidative eonnstion. Includes bibliographii references and index. I. Legislative bodies-Developing muntrieo-Cau studies. 2. Legislative bodies-Kenya. 3. Legislative bodies-Korea (South) 4. Legislative bodies-Turkey. I. Kim. Chong Lim. JF60.L43 1984 328'.3'091724 83-20725 ISBN 0-8223-0534-8 PUBLICATIONS OF THE CONSORTIUM FOR COMPARATIVE LEGISLATIVE STUDIES Lloyd D. Musolf General Editor G. R. Boynton and Chong Lim Kim, editors, Legislative Systems in Devel- oping Countries Abdo 1. Baaklini, Legislative and Political Development: Lebanon, 1842- 1972 Allan Kornberg and William Mishler, Injluence in Parliament: Canada Peter Vanneman, The Supreme Soviet: Politics and the Legislative Process in the Soviet Political System Albert F. Eldridge, editor, Legislatures in Plural Societies: The Search for Cohesion in National Development Michael L. Mezey, Comparative Legislatures John D. Lees and Malcolm Shaw, editors, Committees in Legislatures: A Comparative Analysis Joel Smith and Lloyd D. Musolf, editors, Legislatures in Development: Dynamics of Change in New and Old States Chong Lim Kim, Joel D. Barkan, llter Turan, and Malcolm E. Jewell, The Legislative Connection: The Politics of Representation in Kenya, Korea, and Turkey THE LEGISLATIVE CONNECTION This book examines the key functions of parliamentary in- stitutions in the representative developing nations of Kenya, Korea, and Turkey.
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