
Bruxelles, le 15 octobre 2010

CALENDRIER du 18 au 24 octobre 2010

(susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine)

Activités des Institutions Déplacements et visites

Lundi 18 octobre Plenary Session Mrs Viviane REDING delivers a speech at the Consumers Union of Luxembourg (l'Union Luxembourgeoise des Consommateurs – Eurogroup ULC), (Luxembourg) Mr Janez POTOČNIK receives Mr. Craig MUNDIE, Microsoft's Chief Research and Strategy Officer Mr. Michel BARNIER receives the President of LCH Clearnet Group Limited, Mr. Jacques AIGRAIN Mr. Michel BARNIER attends a meeting with the International Confederation of Music Publishers (Brussels) Mr Algirdas ŠEMETA participates in a meeting with the European Court of Auditors and the Court of Auditors of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (ECA – Luxembourg) of Auditors of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (ECA – Luxembourg) Mr John DALLI participates in the 9th European Roundtable on Poverty and Social Exclusion (Brussels) Mr John DALLI participates at the European Policy Centre Lecture (Brussels) Mrs Kristalina GEORGIEVA visits Budapest: meets with H.E Sandor PINTER, Minister of Interior, meets with Janos MARTONYI, Minister of Foreign Affairs, meets with Mrs. Eniko GYORI, State Secretary for European Affair, goes to a field visit to site affected by Industrial Disaster Mr Günther OETTINGER delivers keynote speech at the Coaltrans Conference (Amsterdam) Mr Günther OETTINGER attends the "Gesprächskreis Politik und Wirtschaft" (Stuttgart) Mr Štefan FÜLE in Helsinki, Finland: meets with Mrs Mari KIVINIEMI, Prime Minister of Finland; meets with Mr Erkki TUOMIOJA, Chair of the Grand Committee of the Parliament of Finland; meets with Mr Cai-Göran Alexander STUBB, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland; meets with Mrs Tarja HALONEN, President of Finland; meets with Mr Martti AHTISAARI, Chairman of the Independent Commission on Turkey; meets with Mr Martti AHTISAARI, Chairman of the Independent Commission on Turkey; meets with Mrs Astrid THORS, Minister of Migration and European Affairs of Finland Mrs Cecilia MALMSTRÖM gives an opening speech at the 4th EU Anti-trafficking Day Conference (Brussels)

Mardi 19 octobre College meeting Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO meets with the UN Secretary General Ban KI-MOON (Strasbourg) Economic and Financial Affairs Council Informal meeting for European ministers Mr Günther OETTINGER delivers a speech at the dinner-debate for combating poverty of European Energy Forum (Strasbourg)

Mrs Connie HEDEGAARD in Stuttgart: meets with Mr. Hans- Peter VILLIS, CEO of EnBW (18.30); delivers keynote speech at Foundation Energy and Climate Protection Baden Württemberg (19.00) Mr. László ANDOR participates in the "Restructuring Forum" (Management Centre Europe) Mr. László ANDOR participates in the ministerial meeting of the round table on poverty and social exclusion (Square meeting Centre) Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ meets with New Zealand Minister for Agriculture Mr David CARTER (Strasbourg)

Mercredi 20 octobre Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO participates in the signature ceremony of the Framework Agreement (Strasbourg)

Mrs Viviane REDING participates in a High-Level Meeting on Roma at the Council of Europe (Strasbourg) Mr Antonio TAJANI holds a press conference on the Late Payment Directive (EP, Strasbourg) Mr. Michel BARNIER in Poland (Warsaw) to discuss financial services and Internal Market issues. Meetings with Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Economy Mr Waldemar PAWLAK, Secretary of State Mr Mikolaj DOWGIELEWICZ and with the various presidiums of some of the of the Senate committees. Ms Androulla VASSILIOU gives a speech and participates at the 50th Anniversary of Traineeship in the European Commission event (CHARL) Ms Androulla VASSILIOU attends the European Festival Association Roundtable Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA receives Baroness Valery AMOS Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Mr Štefan FÜLE participates in the meeting with the 'Friends of Turkey' group (EP, Strasbourg) Mr Štefan FÜLE meets with Mr Filippo GRANDI, Commissioner- General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) (Strasbourg) Mr Štefan FÜLE participates in the meeting with the High-Level Contact Group on Cyprus (EP, Strasbourg) Mrs Cecilia MALMSTRÖM gives a speech at the Terre d'Asile Congress on unaccompanied minors (Strasbourg)

Jeudi 21 octobre Informal meeting of sports ministers (21- Mr. Joaquín ALMUNIA participe et prononce un discours au 22/10) "Belgian Competition Day" (Bruxelles)

Informal meeting of the Ministers for Mrs Neelie KROES in London and Cambridge. Meeting with Mr Ed Development Cooperation of the VAIZEY, UK Minister for Communication, Culture and the Creative European Union (21-22/10) Industries (London). Meetings on ICT research and innovation (Cambridge)

2 Employment, Social Policy, Health and Mr Janez POTOČNIK in : gives a keynote speech at the Consumer Affairs Council (Luxembourg) First European Green Capital Conference 2010 and announces the winners of the European Green Capital 2012 and 2013 at the Award Ceremony; meets with Mr. , Swedish Minister for the Environment Mr. Olli REHN at the G20 Finance Ministers' meeting in Gyeongju (South Korea, 21-23/10) Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Filippo GRANDI, UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) Commissioner-General Mr Andris PIEBALGS will sign the opening of negotiations with the DRC for the FLEGT EU Action Plan EU Action Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade, in the Council (Brussels) Mr Algirdas ŠEMETA meets with Mr Jan VINCENT-ROSTOWSKI, Minister of Finance of Poland, and Mr Maciej GRABOWSKI, Deputy State Secretary of Poland (Warsaw) Mrs Maria DAMANAKI delivers a speech at the closing session of the conference "Portugal and the Sea" (Lisbon) Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA delivers an opening speech at ECHO Annual partners Conference in Brussels Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA receives Ms Elisabeth RASMUSSON, Secretary general of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA receives Mr Filippo GRANDI, Commissioner General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA receives Mr. Krzyzstof STANOWSKI , Minister of Development and Humanitarian Affairs, Under-secretary of State of Poland Mr Štefan FÜLE receives Mr Nebojša MEDOJEVIĆ, opposition leader of Montenegro Mrs Connie HEDEGAARD in Budapest: meets with H.E. Mr. György MATOLCSY, Hungarian Minister of National Economy (09.00); meets with H.E. Mr. Sándor FAZEKAS, Hungarian Minister of Rural Development; meets with H.E. Mr. Tamás FELLEGI, Hungarian Minister of National Development; meets with Hungarian NGOs in Budapes; meets with Parliamentary Committee on Sustainable Development; meets with Hungarian businessmen Mrs Cecilia MALMSTRÖM receives Mrs Gunilla CARLSSON, Minister for International Development Cooperation of Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ in Turin: opening ceremony of the VIII° Salone Internazionale del Gusto; meeting with a delegation of young farmers on the theme: what future for young farmers in the PAC after 2013?"; opening ceremony of Terra Madre 2010

Vendredi 22 octobre Mrs Viviane REDING delivers at speech at the conference "Criminal Justice in Europe: Challenges, Principles and Perspectives", organised by the Institut Universitaire International Luxembourg (Luxembourg) Mrs Neelie KROES attends conference organised by Hello Business, Birmingham Mr Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ in Madrid: participation and keynote speech at Conference on the Lisbon Treaty and the enhanced role of national Parliaments Algirdas ŠEMETA participates in the conference "Government policies and business strategies for 2011" organised by Verslo

3 Žinios, business daily press in Lithuania (Vilnius) Mr Janusz LEWANDOWSKI participates in a debate on the Financial Perspectives 2014-2020 (Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)) Mr Janusz LEWANDOWSKI delivers a speech at the European Policy Center Mr Janusz LEWANDOWSKI receives Mr Filippo GRANDI, Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, (UNRWA) Mr Günther OETTINGER meets with Alexej MILLER, Gazprom Chief Executive (Rust) Mr Johannes HAHN attends the Annual Conference of AEBR: Territorial Cohesion in a Post-Crisis Scenario (Ireland) Mr Štefan FÜLE in Bratislava, Slovakia: participates in the, Extended Meeting of the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Visegrád Group countries (V4); meets with Mr János MARTONYI, Foreign Minister of Hungary

Samedi 23 octobre Ms Androulla VASSILIOU attends and gives a keynote speech on "The growing diversity of European High Education – Implications for the further development of the Modernisation Agenda for Higher Education" at the European University Association (EUA) Annual Conference (23) (Palermo) Mr Štefan FÜLE participates in the Bosphorus Conference in Istanbul, Turkey

Dimanche 24 octobre

Prévisions du mois d'octobre 2010 (Les Conseils ont lieu à Luxembourg)

25-26/10 - Agriculture and Fisheries Council 25/10 - Foreign Affairs Council 25/10 – General Affairs Council 28-29/10 – European Council

Prévisions du mois de novembre 2010

08-09/11 – Justice and Home Affairs council 10-11/11 – European Parliament Session in Brussels 11/11 – Economic and Financial Affairs Council 16/11 - Eurogroup 17/11 – Economic and Financial Affairs Council 18-19/11 – Education, Youth and Culture Council 22/11 – General Affairs Council 22/11 – Foreign Affairs Council 22-23/11 – Informal Council Cohesion Policy 22–25/11 – European Parliament Plenary session in Strasbourg 25-26/11 – Competitiveness Council 29-30/11 – Agriculture and Fisheries Council


Prévisions du mois de décembre 2010

02-03/12 - Council Justice and Home Affairs 02-03/12 - Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council 06-07/12 - Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council 06/12 – Eurogroup 07/12 - Economic and Financial Affairs Council 10/12 – Competitiveness Council 13-16 – European Parliament Plenary session 13-14/12 - Agriculture and Fisheries Council 13/12 - Foreign Affairs Council 13/12 - General Affairs Council 16-17/12 – European Council 20/12 – Environment Council

Permanence DG COMM le WE du 16 et 17 octobre: Mark Gray +32 498 988 644 Permanence RAPID – GSM: 0498/982 748 Service Audiovisuel, planning studio - tél: 02/295 21 23