
arXiv:1405.3983v1 [astro-ph.GA] 15 May 2014 2009 IR total the of percent few ( a and to 2001 , a up massive of luminosity for young, account by ultraviolet can emitted by radiation heated (UV) (PDR) regions photo-dissociation asdb eyitnencersabrt ( starbursts nuclear intense hardness very systems and/or by in intensity reduced field caused greatly radiation is enhanced line with emission this through msinln stedmnn a oln fteneu- the -forming of normal coolant in ( gas (ISM) dominant medium inter-stellar the tral is line emission rpittpstuigL using 2018 typeset 13, Preprint May version Draft h a-nrrd(I)[C (FIR) far-infrared The .A Surace A. J. 4 * nttt o srnm,Atohsc,SaeApplication Space Astrophysics, Astronomy, for Institute .Malhotra S. .Hwvr h ffiinyo h S cooling ISM ; the of efficiency the However, ). .D T. otc mi:[email protected] email: Contact tcye l 2010 al. et Stacey 13 ujc headings: Subject ik fnra trfrigglxe n h iueitrselrm inter-stellar diffuse the and galaxies [C star-forming normal of disks smc hloe hntemdlpeitos ial,w opr the compare we Finally, predictions. model find the and than models [C shallower (PDR) much region is photo-dissociation to trend observed est,Σ density, o h trfrigrgoswti h IGdssof disks o LIRG this the use We within nuclei. regions LIRG star-forming the for the found for that and trend this between ≥ k IGSre GAS.W n htms fteextra-nuclear the of most that find We (GOALS). Survey LIRG sky 1 satedfrLRswt amrnce oso agrdffrne be differences larger show to nuclei warmer with LIRGs [C for nuclear trend a is 17 ´ ıaz-Santos ahtae l 1997 al. et Malhotra aoaor I-ai-aly E/S/ru NS Unive CNRS, CEA/DSM/Irfu, AIM-Paris-Saclay, Laboratoire − 10 epresent We ii ii 4 aty srnmclIsiue nvriyo Groningen, of University Institute, Astronomical Kapteyn 15 AAHrce cec etr PC aionaIsiueo Institute California IPAC, Center, Science Herschel NASA dfiis on ntems uioslclLRsaeteeoere therefore are LIRGs local luminous most the in found ”deficits” ] /I n Σ and ]/FIR 0kcsae n6 oa uiosifae aais(IG)fo h G the from (LIRGs) galaxies infrared luminous local 60 in scales kpc 10 × 6 nrrdPoesn n nlssCne,M 0-2 Califo 100-22, MS Center, Analysis and Processing Infrared bevtre fteCrei nttto o cec,813 Science, for Institution Carnegie the of Observatories 10 1 .P a e Werf der van P. P. , XEDD[C EXTENDED − 9 IR 1. 16 .Appleton P. , 8 ii 3 22 eateto srnm,Uiest fVrii,PO o 4 Box P.O. Virginia, of University Astronomy, of Department 1 agrta h enrtose ntence,adsmlrt hs fou those to similar and nuclei, the in seen ratio mean the than larger , /I ais efida nicreainbten[C between anti-correlation an find We ratios. ]/FIR o h xeddeiso ntesailyrsle aais Howev galaxies. spatially-resolved the in emission extended the for , ednOsraoy ednUiest,PO o 53 NL-2 9513, Box P.O. University, Leiden Observatory, Leiden 9 1,* 14 A pte cec etr aionaIsiueo Technolog of Institute California Center, Science Spitzer 11 21 colo at n pc xlrto,AioaSaeUniver State Arizona Exploration, Space and of School nttt o srnm,Uiest fHwi,28 Woodla 2680 Hawaii, of University Astronomy, for Institute 19 INTRODUCTION T 20 ainlRdoAtooyOsraoy 2 deotRa,C Road, Edgemont 520 Observatory, Astronomy Radio National Herschel .Armus L. , E ainlOtclAtooyOsraoy 5 .Cer Ave. Cherry N. 950 Observatory, Astronomy Optical National eateto srnm,Uiest fMrln,CleeP College Maryland, of University Astronomy, of Department srnm eatet aionaIsiueo Technology of Institute California Department, Astronomy 12 tl mltajv 5/2/11 v. emulateapj style X on pc-cec nttt,Uiest fMrln,Co Maryland, of University Institute, Space-Science Joint tcye l 1991 al. et Stacey IR eateto hsc,Uiest fOfr,KbeRa,Ox Road, Keble Oxford, of University Physics, of Department aais uli—glxe:im—glxe:sabrt—ifae:gala infrared: — starburst galaxies: — ism galaxies: — nuclei galaxies: ; 2 eateto hsc,Uiest fCee R703 Hera GR-71003, Crete, of University Physics, of Department 7 ihmaueet fhg-esitsabrtn Rlmnu gala IR-luminous starbursting high-redshift of measurements with 5 rc´ -apoe l 2011 al. Graci´a-Carpio et SR srnm n pc cec,Mrfil S,22,Aust 2122, NSW, Marsfield Science, Space and Astronomy CSIRO eateto srnm,CrelUiest,Ihc,N 14 NY Ithaca, University, Cornell Astronomy, of Department ii .I otyaie from arises mostly It ). 18 3 ]157.7 PC bevtoso xedd[C extended of observations /PACS hrhu soie bevtied ai,F704 Paris F-75014, Paris, de Associ´e, Observatoire Chercheur eiiOsraoy 7 .Ahk lc,Hl,H 62,USA 96720, HI Hilo, Place, Aohoku N. 670 Observatory, Gemini 10 1 ii .Inami H. , .Charmandaris V. , MSINI OA UIOSIFAE GALAXIES INFRARED LUMINOUS LOCAL IN EMISSION ] µ 16 fine-structure m .K Xu K. C. , .Veilleux S. ; eo tal. et Helou 11 ble al. et Abel .E Magdis E. G. , rf eso a 3 2018 13, May version Draft 15 .Lu N. , ABSTRACT eoeSnig ainlOsraoyo tes GR-1523 Athens, of Observatory National Sensing, Remote & s 20,21 2,3,4 ; Greece .B Sanders B. D. & , .Stacey G. , 15 .Meijerink R. , ..Bx80 L90 VGoign h Netherlands The Groningen, AV NL-9700 800, Box P.O. agr[C larger a otiuet h I msino h aay the galaxy, the of (AGN) emission nucleus FIR galactic the [C active to contribute an may where sources those from magnitude of order an than more by [C the cool- relative via the ing galaxies, star-forming quiescently mal, 2013 al. D´ıaz-Santos et si oa uiosifae aais(LIRGs; galaxies such infrared formation, luminous star local compact in dust more as nuclear and average warmer temperatures with galaxies [C starbursting the by measured as dust, 10 ag soiial endin defined originally as range 12 ∼ st ai ieo,Sca,911GfsrYet,France Gif-sur-Yvette, 91191 Saclay, Diderot, Paris rsite .Elbaz D. , 2 ehooy S102,Cc,Psdn,C 91125 CA Pasadena, Cech, 100-22, MS Technology, f at abr tet aaea A911 USA 91101, CA Pasadena, Street, Barbara Santa 11 ii naIsiueo ehooy aaea A91125 CA Pasadena, Technology, of Institute rnia I steflxeitdwti h 42 the within emitted flux the is FIR eaiet hi uli ecnrn the confront We nuclei. their to relative % 6 /I ai a rpee ute ie,teei a is there (i.e., further even drop can ratio ]/FIR − 12 ii 5 ,M 2-,Psdn,915 CA 91125, Pasadena, 220-6, MS y, L ]157.7 .J Murphy J. E. , ⊙ ii 0 ALie,TeNetherlands The Leiden, RA 300 02,Caltevle A22904 VA Charlottesville, 00325, dfii”,u otoodr fmagnitude of orders two to up ”deficit”), ] nDie oouu I96822 HI Honolulu, Drive, wn ( ) lg ak D272 USA 20742, MD Park, llege aaea A915 USA 91125, CA Pasadena, , 13 iy ep,A 58,USA 85287, AZ Tempe, sity, ii 22 ´ a-atse l 2013 al. D´ıaz-Santos et /I n h uioiysurface luminosity the and ]/FIR stt eieaba filling-factor beam a derive to ffset r,M 04,UAand USA 20742, MD ark, 16,17 usn Z879 USA 85719, AZ Tucson, , µ .S Evans S. A. du IM forGlx.The Galaxy. our of (ISM) edium ii httesoeo h correlation the of slope the that ieeiso eetdon detected emission line m altevle A22903 VA harlottesville, msinso [C show emission iewt epc ota are by carried that to respect with line ] odO13H UK 3RH, OX1 ford we hi ula n extra- and nuclear their tween .H Howell H. J. , titdt hi uli There nuclei. their to stricted lo,Greece klion, France , 5,USA 853, orlto on between found correlation ned oprdwt nor- with compared Indeed, ) 6 .Haan S. , etOsraoisAll- Observatories reat ralia eo tal. et Helou 8,14 r hr sa offset an is there er, di h extended the in nd .M Mazzarella M. J. , ii /I ratio ]/FIR 15 xies. ii 7 .O Petric O. A. , . .Stierwalt S. , /I ratios ]/FIR 5 ( 1988 xies − .I diin in addition, In ). 122 ). . 5 µ 2 wavelength m decreases , ∼ ,Athens, 6, ∼ 10 L 15 18,19 8 , IR − , 2 , in ≥ 2 D´ıaz-Santos et al.

(D´ıaz-Santos et al. 2013; Farrah et al. 2013). the data are described in DS13. Since the goal of this In our Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds, [C ii] letter is to analyze the [C ii] deficit in the extra-nuclear emission arising from star-forming complexes and the regions of LIRGs, in addition to the nuclear [C ii] and diffuse ISM have been studied in great detail (e.g., FIR fluxes calculated in DS13, we have also obtained Wright et al. 1991; Shibai et al. 1991; Stacey et al. 1993; their spatially-integrated fluxes as extracted from a 3 × 3 Bennett et al. 1994; Poglitsch et al. 1995; Yasuda et al. spaxel box ((9.4′′)2/spaxel) centered around the nuclear 2008; Pineda et al. 2012; Lebouteiller et al. 2012). How- spaxel. The extended emission is thus defined as the in- ever, before the launch of the Herschel Space Obser- tegrated flux minus the nuclear measurement, after per- vatory (Pilbratt et al. 2010), there was only a limited forming a point-source aperture-correction on the nuclear number of extra-galactic sources for which it was pos- flux to the central 3 × 3 spaxel aperture. The same ap- sible to disentangle the [C ii] emission arising from proach was taken to calculate the extended emission of spatially-resolved star-forming regions from that orig- the 63 µm dust continuum, which is also used to scale inating within their nuclei (e.g., Madden et al. 1993; the IRAS FIR flux and LIR down to the apertures used Nikola et al. 2001; Higdon et al. 2003; Kramer et al. to extract the PACS spectra (see DS13 for more details). 2005; Rodriguez-Fernandez et al. 2006). Now, the Pho- Errors in the line and continuum fluxes have been prop- todetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS; agated into the analysis of, e.g., [C ii]/FIR. To calculate Poglitsch et al. 2010) instrument on board Herschel has the IR luminosity surface density (ΣIR) of the extended enabled us to obtain measurements of the FIR con- emission we use the projected physical area covered by tinuum and emission lines on physical scales of a few the 3 × 3 PACS spaxel box centered around the galaxy hundred pc in a significant number of nearby galaxies minus that of the nuclear spaxel. For the starburst nu- (Kennicutt et al. 2011; Croxall et al. 2012; Beir˜ao et al. clei, however, we use the beam-corrected MIR sizes esti- 2012; Kramer et al. 2013), with which we are able to mated from the Spitzer/IRS spectra and MIPS imaging, 2 derive the properties (G0, nH) of the different phases ΣIR = LIR /πrMIR (see DS13). of the ISM in extra-galactic star-forming regions (e.g., A galaxy is considered as spatially resolved when more Mookerjea et al. 2011; Contursi et al. 2013). than 30% of the [C ii] and FIR continuum flux is ex- Studying the extra-nuclear [C ii] in nearby LIRGs is tended, as defined above. This threshold is robust critical not only for improving our understanding of the against observations of unresolved sources in which mis- physical properties of the ISM in star-forming galaxies, pointings of up to ∼ 3′′ would introduce a systematic but also for establishing local benchmarks with which underestimation of the nuclear flux that would mimic to compare measurements of this key emission line in extended emission3. Because of possible contamination distant IR-luminous galaxies. In fact, observations with from a nearby companion galaxy, we exclude from this PdBI and ALMA are already starting to find high- study LIRG systems in which individual galaxies are redshift galaxies in which [C ii] is detected at distances closer than 23.5′′ from each other (1/2 of the PACS FoV). several kpc away from their nuclei (Gallerani et al. 2012; A total of 60 galaxies (25% of the sample) show extended Swinbank et al. 2012; Riechers et al. 2013). [C ii] and FIR emission meeting these constraints. Their This letter is a follow-up to our work in average extended [C ii] emission is 52%, with a maximum D´ıaz-Santos et al. (2013) (hereafter DS13), where of 75%. The projected radial distance at which the ex- we presented the results for our Herschel/PACS [C ii] tended emission is detected ranges from 1 to ∼ 12.5 kpc survey regarding the nuclear emission of LIRGs. Here for the closest and farthest resolved galaxy, respectively, we study the extended [C ii] line emission detected for with a median of 4.3 kpc. While more luminous GOALS the first time in a large sample of nearby LIRGs. In systems tend to be located farther away, a K-S test com- Section 2 we briefly introduce the sample, observations paring the distance and luminosity distributions of the 12 and analysis of the data. In Section 3 we present our GOALS galaxies with LIR ≤ 10 L⊙ and those of galax- results, and in Section 4 we summarize and discuss ies classified as extended in this work, confirms that both them. sub-samples are indistinguishable in both quantities (D- values of 0.20 and 0.15 and p-values of 0.04 and 0.22, 2. SAMPLE AND OBSERVATIONS respectively). 2.1. The GOALS sample 3. RESULTS The Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey (GOALS; Armus et al. 2009) encompasses the complete 3.1. [C ii] Deficit and FIR colors of Extra-nuclear Star luminosity-limited sample of the 202 LIRGs and ULIRGs Formation contained in the IRAS Revised Bright Galaxy Sample Figure 1 shows the [C ii]/FIR ratio as a function of (RBGS; Sanders et al. 2003) which, in turn, is a com- the Sν 63 µm/Sν 158 µm continuum flux density ratio plete flux-limited sample of 629 galaxies having IRAS 4 ◦ (63/158 µm hereafter) for the extra-nuclear emission ob- S60 µm > 5.24 Jy and Galactic latitudes |b| > 5 . There served in spatially resolved LIRGs in the GOALS sam- are 180 LIRG and 22 ULIRG systems in GOALS and ple. As expected, the extended emission regions follow their median redshift is z = 0.0215 (or ∼ 95.2 Mpc). 3 We have used the new task ”specExtendedToPointCorrection” 2.2. Herschel/PACS Observations available in HIPEv12 to estimate that a 3′′ mis-pointing within the central spaxel would increase artificially the fraction of extended We have obtained Herschel/PACS FIR spectroscopic emission only up to 23%. observations of the [C ii]157.7 µm emission line for 200 4 For comparisons with IRAS-derived FIR colors, an equation LIRG systems (241 individual galaxies) in the GOALS to convert PACS 63/158 µm into IRAS 60/100 µm can be found in sample. Details regarding the processing and analysis of the Appendix of DS13. Extended [C ii] Emission in Local LIRGs 3

Fig. 1.— The ratio of [C ii]157.7 µm to FIR flux as a function Fig. 2.— The ratio of [C ii]/FIR between the extended and nu- of the Sν 63 µm/Sν 158 µm continuum flux density ratio for the clear emission of LIRGs as a function of the extended to nuclear extended (colored circles) and nuclear regions (gray circles; taken FIR color. Circles of different colors indicate the distance to the from DS13) of spatially-resolved galaxies in the GOALS sample. galaxy. (A color version of this figure is available in the online Circles of different colors (see color bar) indicate the fraction of journal.) [C ii] emission that is extended (FEE) outside of the aperture- corrected central PACS spaxel containing the nuclear emission (see section 2.2). (A color version of this figure is available in the online the extended emission, LIRGs with warmer nuclei show journal.) larger differences between their nuclear and extra-nuclear [C ii] deficits. 3.2. the trend found for the LIRG nuclei (DS13) suggesting Extended IR Luminosity Surface Densities that the [C ii] deficit is related to the average tempera- As shown in DS13, there is a clear trend for pure star- ture of the dust (Tdust). However, the extended regions forming LIRGs having more compact IR emission to dis- show smaller [C ii] deficits (stronger [C ii] to FIR emis- play lower [C ii]/FIR ratios. Figure 3 (a) shows that the sion) and lower 63/158µm ratios than the majority of the extended emission regions in spatially-resolved galaxies nuclei. The extended emission has a mean and median follow an anti-correlation between [C ii]/FIR and ΣIR [C ii]/FIR ratio of (6.9 ± 2.6) × 10−3 and 6.6 × 10−3, similar to that seen for the LIRG nuclei, with slopes of respectively, which is a factor 2 larger than the LIRG −0.39 ± 0.07 and −0.35 ± 0.03 respectively, suggesting nuclei. Figure 1 also reveals that the fractional extent that these correlations are likely driven by the same phys- of the [C ii] emission does not correlate with the FIR ical process. However, the extra-nuclear regions (green color of the extra-nuclear regions suggesting that galax- filled circles) are offset by more than an order of mag- ies with larger extended emission fractions do not have nitude towards lower ΣIR and show higher [C ii]/FIR systematically colder or warmer Tdust. In the major- ratios on average than their nuclei (red open circles). ity of LIRGs the extended emission has 63/158µm . To understand this offset we can decompose it as a si- −3 1 and [C ii]/FIR ≥ 4 × 10 , similar to those found multaneous shift in [C ii]/FIR and ΣIR along the slope in the extended disks of normal star-forming galaxies of the observed trend, plus an horizontal shift in ΣIR. (Madden et al. 1993; Nikola et al. 2001; Mookerjea et al. The shift along the correlation is determined by the ratio 2011; Croxall et al. 2012), as well as in the diffuse compo- between the median [C ii]/FIR measured in the extra- nent of the ISM in the Galactic plane (Shibai et al. 1991; nuclear regions and that of the starburst nuclei. The Bennett et al. 1994; Nakagawa et al. 1998; Yasuda et al. additional horizontal shift in ΣIR represents the beam 2008). This is consistent with our previous findings based filling-factor of the star-forming regions in the LIRG on Spitzer/IRS spectroscopy showing that the physical disks with respect to that of the nuclei. We estimate +0.13 properties of the extra-nuclear, kpc-scale star formation this relative filling-factor to be 0.06−0.04 by minimizing in LIRGs are very similar to those of normal star-forming the difference between the median ΣIR of the extended 10−11 galaxies with lower IR luminosities (LIR ∼ 10 L⊙), and nuclear emissions (see Figure 3 (b)). The uncertain- and that the diversity of their integrated MIR spec- ties in the filling factor account for the dispersion of the tra is driven by the nuclear, few central kpc starburst [C ii]/FIR vs. ΣIR correlation in the x-axis as well as for (D´ıaz-Santos et al. 2011). variations in the properties of the ISM that would mod- The differences between the nuclear and extended ify the [C ii]/FIR ratio, such as changes in the fractional emission are more clearly seen in Figure 2, which shows contribution of [C ii] emission associated to the diffuse that the ratio between the FIR color of the extra-nuclear ionized medium. and nuclear regions is clearly correlated with the excess This methodology has been recently used in of [C ii] deficit seen in the nuclei with respect to that ob- combination with the PDR models developed by served in the disks, regardless of the distance at which the Wolfire et al. (1990) to argue for the presence of extended emission is measured or on the distance to the large-scale star-formation in high-redshift galaxies galaxy (see color-coding). That is, for a given Tdust of (Hailey-Dunsheath et al. 2010; Stacey et al. 2010; 4 D´ıaz-Santos et al.

Fig. 3.— (a) The ratio of [C ii]157.7 µm to FIR flux as a function of the IR luminosity surface density, ΣIR, of the extra-nuclear regions for 43 spatially-resolved star-forming galaxies in the GOALS sample (green circles). Gray open circles represent the LIRG nuclei. Those having an associated measurement of their extended emission are plotted in red. The definitions of the IR area used for the nuclear and extended regions are given in section 2.2. The location of the Orion molecular cloud is shown as an orange diamond (Stacey et al. 1993), while that of the starburst in M82 is shown as a blue diamond. The black solid line represents a fit to the LIRG nuclear data. The dotted lines are the 1σ uncertainties. (b) Same as in (a) but we have increased the ΣIR of the extended regions by a factor of 1/0.06, equivalent to the difference in beam filling-factor between the extra-nuclear regions and the starburst nuclei (see text). The black dashed line is the −2 expected relation between [C ii]/FIR and ΣIR derived from the PDR models of Wolfire et al. (1990) when G0 ∝ R . The red square is the nearly-maximal HFLS 3, at z ∼ 6.34 (Riechers et al. 2013) and the purple and cyan squares are HDF 850.1 and ALESS 73.1, two sub-millimeter galaxies at z ∼ 5.19 (Neri et al. 2014) and 4.76 (De Breuck et al. 2014). (A color version of this figure is available in the online journal.)

Ferkinhoff et al. 2014). These models relate the radius 4. DISCUSSION (R) and LIR of the starburst region to the strength of the The difference between the filling factor derived from UV inter-stellar radiation field (ISRF), measured in units −3 −1 −2 our data and that estimated using the PDR models is due of the local Galactic value (G0 = 1.6 × 10 ergs cm ; to the slope of the trend found for the LIRG nuclei, which Habing 1968). We can compare the relative beam filling- is still significantly shallower than that implied by the factor of the extra-nuclear star-forming regions derived PDR model. Using the relationship between [C ii]/FIR from Figure 3 to that predicted by the models. and G in (Stacey et al. 2010)5, a spatial distribution Wolfire et al. (1990) consider two geometric configu- 0 of the star formation of G ∝ L / R2 is equivalent to rations for the starburst region. One in which the 0 IR ii 2 molecular clouds are immerse in a smooth ISRF and log([C ]/FIR) ∝ −0.78 × log(LIR/R ) (see dashed line another in which a central, ionizing source is surrounded in Figure 3). This significantly differs from the slope fit- by a geometrically-thick, molecular medium. Each ted to the data, −0.35. The difference in the slopes may one follows a relation such that G ∝ λL / R3, and arise at least in part from the fact that as the radiation 0 IR field becomes more intense, not only the gas heating effi- G ∝ L / R2, respectively, with λ being the mean 0 IR ciency is reduced due to the increased ionization of small free path of a UV photon within the starburst region. dust particles but dust grains could also be intercepting If we assume a hydrogen density, n , in the range of H a larger fraction of the UV radiation before it reaches ∼ 102−5 cm−3, we can use Figure 4 of Stacey et al. the PDR (see Abel et al. 2009). Since this dust will be (2010), which is based on the PDR models from warmer, the natural consequence is also a smaller size for Kaufman et al. (1999), to estimate the [C ii]/FIR ratio the starburst, as measured in the MIR, and hence a larger as a function of G0. Although neither model fits our ΣIR. In fact, the [C ii]/FIR ratio is correlated with the observed trend of [C ii]/FIR with ΣIR, the model with −2 depth of the 9.7 µm silicate absorption feature (DS13), a compact, nearby ionizing source, i.e., G0 ∝ R which measures the obscuration towards the warm dust (dashed line in Figure 3), is closest to our data. If we continuum originating from the nuclear star-forming re- use M82 as our reference starburst (with the following 10 gions. It is therefore a combination of a decreased heat- properties: G0 = 1000 and LIR ∼ 3 × 10 L⊙, ing efficiency plus warm dust inside the PDR and likely Lord et al. 1996; D ∼ 420 pc, Joy et al. 1987), the within the H ii regions, that causes a drop in [C ii]/FIR beam filling factor predicted by this configuration for and a rise in ΣIR. In these dusty sources, other FIR the extra-nuclear star-forming regions would be ∼ 1% emission lines arising from the dense ionized gas (e.g., that of M82. This value is significantly lower than our inferred 6%, when we compare them to the LIRG nuclei 5 See also the Photo Dissociation Region Toolbox (PDRT) mod- using the observed correlation in Figure 3. We explore els: http://dustem.astro.umd.edu/pdrt/ (Tielens & Hollenbach the reasons for this discrepancy below. 1985; Wolfire et al. 1990; Hollenbach et al. 1991; Kaufman et al. 1999). Extended [C ii] Emission in Local LIRGs 5

[N ii], [N iii], or [O iii]) also show deficits with respect to sured in the rest-frame FIR continuum, which is dom- the FIR emission (Graci´a-Carpio et al. 2011), suggesting inated by the cold dust. But if the reported sizes are that a significant amount of dust may indeed be present correct, the offset of HFLS 3 and HDF 850.1 may im- inside the H ii regions. ply beam filling-factors for the star-forming complexes The PDR model presented in Figure 3 not only has 2 − 5 times larger than local LIRG disks would have a steeper slope than the trends observed for the nuclei with similar [C ii]/FIR — or, alternatively, these high-z and extended regions of local LIRG, but the majority of sources would be showing properties similar to those of 10 −2 the nuclear data, mostly above ΣIR ∼ 10 L⊙ kpc , local ULIRG nuclei in GOALS, but extended over larger are located to the right of the model prediction. Since physical scales. the model assumes a constant filling-factor of unity for the starburst region, this implies a beam filling-factor for ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the LIRG nuclei increasingly larger than unity. A possi- We thank the anonymous referee for her/his useful ble interpretation is that, at a given [C ii]/FIR ratio, we comments and suggestions. We would also like to can consider the trend with ΣIR found for the LIRG nu- thank Mark Wolfire for providing us with very useful clei as ”maximal”, i.e., where the nuclear starbursts have insights regarding the PDR models. V.C. would like to the highest –most compact– ΣIR possible, with multiple acknowledge partial support from the EU FP7 Grant star-forming regions overlapping along the line of sight PIRSES-GA-2012-316788. This work is based on ob- within the beam. servations made with the Herschel Space Observatory, These findings may be useful for studies of IR-luminous an European Space Agency Cornerstone Mission with galaxies detected in high-redshift surveys for which it is science instruments provided by European-led Principal not possible to resolve the [C ii] orIRemission. As anex- Investigator consortia and significant participation from ample, in Figure 3 (b) we show HFLS 3 (Riechers et al. NASA. The Spitzer Space Telescope is operated by the 2013), a near-maximal starburst galaxy at z ∼ 6.34, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Tech- and two sub-millimeter galaxies, HDF 850.1 (Neri et al. nology, under NASA contract 1407. This research has 2014) and ALESS 73.1 (De Breuck et al. 2014), at z ∼ made use of the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database 5.19 and 4.76, respectively. All galaxies have a [C ii] (NED), which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Labora- deficit and ΣIR broadly consistent with the extrapolation tory, California Institute of Technology, under contract of the correlation derived from the nuclei of local LIRGs with the National Aeronautics and Space Administra- (DS13). We note that the ΣIR of the high-z sources may tion, and of NASAs Astrophysics Data System (ADS) actually be underestimated because their sizes are mea- abstract service.

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