Planning Checklist

12+ months 10-12 months Congratulations! Announce . Mail Save the Dates

Pick a date. Research florists  Talk budget and determine who is Choose bridal party attire and accessories. contributing what.  Book ceremony and reception venues. Decide on wedding style.  Book officiant Choose wedding party: Maid of Honor and Bridemaids, Book: Best Man and Groomsmen, Photographer and Ring Bearer Videographer  Caterer Create a wedding website. Musicians  Planner Get engagement ring insured and consider purchasing wedding insurance. Purchase wedding and veil  Take engagement photo. Establish a fitness routine

 Establish skin care/beauty routine. Begin compiling guest list.

 ______Research ceremony and reception venues.

 ______Research wedding planner and vendors; Photographer Videographer Caterer Musicians.  8-10 months Research and veil styles. Research three hotels for out-of-town guests.’  Sign up for Pinterest and create wedding Finalize guest list. style/idea boards. Start pinning!  Register at three national retailers. Order Save the Dates. Book florist. ______ __________________

6-8 months 4-6 months Research designs. Choose flowers for: Wedding party Research Favors and Thank You Cards. Venues Cake Research wedding day hair and makeup styles Attendants

Meet with officiant to discuss plans for Plan welcome baskets for out-of-town guests ceremony.  Schedule dress fittings. Reserve rentals: Chairs Prepare (play/do not play) playlists for Linens DJ/band Lighting Décor, etc. Book flights and hotels.

Begin planning honeymoon. Book room for wedding night.

Choose cake style ans schedule tastings. Order .

Chose groomsmen attire Order wedding invitations.

Book ceremony musicians. Order favors and Thank-You cards.

Book transportation to and from venues.

Purchase wedding bands. 3 months Plan ceremony and reception seating Personalize and order wedding invitations arrangements.

______Experiment with hair and veil with stylist.

______Finalize readers and readings.

Book venue.

Purchase: Toasting flutes Serving pieces Guestbook Flower basket and ring-bearer pillow

Finalize reception menu

Order menu careds

Order rehearsal dinner invitations. 2 months 1 month Mail invitations. Call vendors to confirm date, times and locations. Develop system for organizing RSVPs. Final dress fitting. Begin writing vows. Confirm honeymoon reservations. Review ceremony details with officiant. Pick up wedding rings. Lay ou the content for wedding programs. Pick up license. Apply for (order 2-3 extra) Pack for honeymoon.

Finalize wedding day timeline. Write Thank You notes as gifts are received.

Finalize seating arrangements. Order Wedding programs.

Finalize playlists with musicians.

Finalize fittings and attire for wedding 2 weeks party and parents. Follow up with guests who haven’t yet RSVP’d. Create “wedding day” schedule and send to vendors and officiant. Give final count to caterer

Create honeymoon itinerary for family at home. Update registries.

Decide “Something Old, New, Borrowed & Blue” Begin breaking in wedding shows.

Book spa and beauty treatments for you Make arrangements for the caring of pets and and bridal party. plants while on honeymoon.

Book wedding day transportation. Get final haircut and color.

Purchase gifts for attendants. Get playlists to DJ/Musicians.

______Delegate wedding day duties: Gift table, guestbook, etc. ______Delegate someone to return tuxes, rentals and tend to wedding dress. 

Send directions to wedding day limo/ transportation driver.

1 week Wedding Day Prepare final payments to vendors plus cash Eat a good breakfast! tips for service personnel. Mail wedding announcements. Prepare wedding day emergency kit. Allow yourself plenty of time to get ready. Lay out wedding clothes. Give wedding rings and officiant fee to Give readers their scripts, if necessary. Best Man. Congratulations! ENJOY the day! Give photographer and videographer your image and video requests. Breathe… Get spa treatments for you and the bridal party.   __________________ ______

After the Wedding The Day Before Return tuxes, rentals. Deliver welcome baskets.  Get wedding dress to preservationist or Get Mani/Pedi/Massage. cleaners.  Attend wedding rehearsal. ______

Have fun at the rehearsal dinner. ______

Get to bed at a decent hour!

______After the Honeymoon ______Send Thank You Cards as soon as possible.

Enjoy your marriage!

 ______
