Water-Supply Limitations on Irrigation from the Rio Grande in Starr, Hidalgo, Cameron, and Willaey Counties, Texas, on the Basis of the Twe Methods
,. TEXAS WATER CQM}ITSSION Joe D. Carter, Chairman William E. Berger, Commissioner O. F. Dent, Commissioner BULLETIN 6413 A AP PEN 0 ICE S T 0 B U L LET IN 6 4 1 3 WATER-SUPPLY LIMITATIONS ON IRRIGATION FROM THE RIO GRAf'..'DE IN STARR, HIDALGO J CMtERON, AND WILLACY COUNTIES 1 TEXAS By John T. Carr, Jr., t. C. Janca, Robert L. Warzecha, Ralph B. Hendricks, Allen E. Richardson, Henry H. Porterfield, Jr., and PauL T. Gillett August 1965 ( Published and distributed by the ( Texas Water Commission Post Office Box 12311 Austin, Texas 78711 ( Authorization for use or reproduction of any original oaterial contained in this publication, i. e., not obtained from other sources) is freely granted without the necessity of securing permission therefor. The Commission would ap ( preciate acknowledgement of the source of original material so utilized. ( ( FOREWORD These appendices are the reports on the separate investigations and studies undertaken to obtain pertinent data and to develop bases for the selection of criteria for use in the comprehensive study summarized in the Texas Water Com mission Bulletin 6413, '~ater-Supply Limitations on Irrigation From the Rio Grande in Starr, Hidalgo, Cameroo, and IHllacy Counties, Texas," November 1964, and are supplementary thereto. The criteria and assumptions used in the various phases of the computations made in this comprehensive study were selected and determined by John J. Vandertulip, Chief Engineer; Louis L. McDaniels, Research Program Coordinator; and C. Olen Rucker, Hydrology Program Coordinator in collaboration ~"'ith the personnel engaged in this study. The appendices were prepared in final form by Mr.
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