Contact: Sarah Nicholson DDI No. 01494 421514

App No : 12/07965/OUT App Type : OUT

Application for : Outline application with all matters reserved for construction of two detached dwellings

At 322 Marlow Bottom Road Marlow Bottom SL7 3QH

Date Received : 23/12/12 Applicant : Mr G Grey

Target date for 04/03/13 decision:

1. Summary 1.1. Outline planning permission with all matters reserved is being sought for the construction of two dwellings on land located to the side and rear of 322 Marlow Bottom Road, Marlow Bottom. The application site is situated on the outskirts of the built-up area of Marlow Bottom within an existing residential area which is washed over by the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, in Accessibility Zone 5, with Ragmans Lane marking the boundary of the Green Belt. 1.2. The outline proposals are considered by officers to demonstrate that two dwellings can be adequately accommodated on this site whilst maintaining the existing character and appearance of the site, thereby preserving the special landscape character and scenic beauty of the Chilterns AONB, whilst having no material impact upon the openness of the neighbouring Green Belt, existing neighbouring amenity levels or upon existing highway safety levels. Furthermore an acceptable level of amenity can be provided for future occupiers. 1.3. The application is recommended for approval subject to conditions.

2. The Application 2.1. Outline planning permission with all matters reserved is being sought for the construction of two dwellings on land located to the side and rear of 322 Marlow Bottom Road, Marlow Bottom. No. 322 is the last dwelling on the north east side of the main arterial route through Marlow Bottom and benefits from having a second road frontage onto Ragmans Lane. 2.2. The existing dwelling on site is a single storey semi-detached bungalow of brick construction under a tiled roof built in the 1950’s. The land slopes up from the road and the Topographical Survey submitted with the application indicates that the land rises some 8.7m from front to rear. A close boarded timber fence has been erected to the side and rear of the bungalow separating it from the L-shaped site where the two dwellings are proposed. 2.3. The indicative layout provided in support of the application shows Plot A to be located alongside No. 322 with which it would share the existing access onto Marlow Bottom Road. This plot has a minimum width of 11.4m by 28.5m deep and would involve the demolition of the existing single garage to No. 322. Plot B is located to the rear of No. 322 and would have an access directly onto Ragmans Lane, a steep road that connects Marlow Bottom Road with Andrews Way and Marlow Bottom with Lane End. 2.4. This plot has a width extending to 23.3m and a depth extending to just over 28m. The proposed dwelling on this plot is shown on the indicative layout to be located behind the dwelling on Plot A separated from it by the proposed access onto Ragmans Lane and the garage of Plot B. 2.5. The scale parameters for each of the three bedroom dormer style dwellings is given as 6.3 – 8.6m width, depth of 8.2-9.6m and a height of 5.7 – 6.8m maximum. 2.6. No. 322 Marlow Bottom Road is situated on the outskirts of the built-up area of Marlow Bottom. This locality comprises a mix of dwelling types and sizes, but development fronting Marlow Bottom Road is characterised by detached or semi-detached dwellings set back from the road in rectangular plots that extend up the valley side. 2.7. Thus the plots appear generously proportioned maintaining a good degree of spaciousness around buildings with landscape features being particularly important as they are often situated on rising ground. Further development set behind on raised land in contrast is largely more recent (1970/80’s) in date and is of larger two storey dwellings set within considerably smaller plots, for example Andrews Way which bounds the rear of the site. On the opposite side of Ragmans Lane is open countryside. 2.8. The site is identified in the adopted Local Plan as falling within an existing residential area which is washed over by the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, in accessibility zone 5. It should also be noted that Ragmans Lane marks the boundary of the Green Belt. 2.9. The application is accompanied by: • Design and Access Statement • Indicative Layout • Existing land Topographical survey including site levels • A Landscape Strategy • Land Title Plan • Tree Survey Report • Ecological: Wildlife Checklist 2.10. The application has been amended to show the provision of sight lines on Ragmans Lane and to include the Landscape Strategy. 3. Working with the applicant/agent 3.1 In accordance with paragraphs 186 and 187 of the NPPF Council (WDC) take a positive and proactive approach to development proposals focused on solutions. WDC work with the applicants/agents in a positive and proactive manner by: • offering a pre-application advice service, • as appropriate updating applicants/agents of any issues that may arise in the processing of their application and where possible suggesting solutions, and, • by adhering to the requirements of the Planning & Sustainability Customer Charter.

In this instance:

• the applicant/agent was provided with pre-application advice, • the applicant/agent was updated of any issues after the initial site visit and was asked to provide a site plan showing the provision of requested sight lines for the proposed access onto Ragmans Lane, • the application was then acceptable as submitted and no further assistance was required.

4. Relevant Planning History 4.1. None. 5. Issues and Policy considerations Principle and Location Adopted Local Plan (ALP): G3 (General Design Policy), G7 (Development in Relation to Local Topography), H8 (Appropriate Development Densities), H9 (Creating Balanced Communities), G10 (Landscaping), G11 (Trees and Hedgerows), L1 (Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) and Appendix 1; Core Strategy Development Planning Document (CSDPD): CS2 (Main Principal for the Location of Development), CS7 (Rural Settlements and the Rural Areas), CS17 (Environmental Assets) and CS19 (Raising the Quality of Place Shaping and Design); Housing Intensification Supplementary Planning Document (HISPD) 5.1. Marlow Bottom is a village situated in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty that is identified as an existing residential area. Given this location, there is no objection to new dwellings in principle, provided any proposal meets all of the relevant criteria contained in development plan policy relating to the visual impact of the development in the locality and having due regard to the amenities of neighbouring residential properties. 5.2. The Council’s Adopted Housing Intensification Supplementary Planning Document (2011) (SPD) sets out key design issues for housing intensification. The form of development being proposed is consistent with guidance continued in the SPD, in terms of its relationship to adjacent roads which it will face and in terms of the size of the development plots which are of sufficient size to have the potential to provide for an acceptable relationship to adjoining properties and an acceptable level of amenity for future residents. 5.3. Although the proposed plots and the resultant reduced garden to No. 322 Marlow Bottom Road will be smaller than those displayed by other properties on Marlow Bottom Road they are however consistent with and in some cases larger than the plots associated with development in Andrews Way and are of sufficient size to accommodate a reasonable level of landscaping including the retention of the existing hedgerow tree in the north east corner of the site on the boundary with 27 Andrews Way and Ragmans Lane. Impact on the Character and Appearance of the Area taking into account the sites location within the Chilterns AONB and the adjacent Green Belt Adopted Local Plan (ALP): G3 (General Design Policy), G7 (Development in Relation to Local Topography), G10 (Landscaping), G11 (Trees and Hedgerows), L1 (Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) and Appendix 1; Core Strategy Development Planning Document (CSDPD): CS17 (Environmental Assets) and CS19 (Raising the Quality of Place Shaping and Design); Housing Intensification Supplementary Planning Document (HISPD) 5.4. In considering the impact of the development on the wider character of the area consideration needs to be given to the impact of the development on the Chiltern AONB. 5.5. Policy L1 of the Adopted Wycombe District Local Plan applies and recognising its status as a national designation. It recognises the high scenic quality of the area and seeks to conserve the natural beauty of the landscape while promoting the public enjoyment of the area. In considering proposals for development within the AONB special attention should be paid to the conservation of its scenic beauty and to any wildlife interests. 5.6. Development should not be permitted where it is likely to damage the special character, appearance or natural beauty of the landscape or the future public enjoyment of the area. Where development is permitted it should be of the highest quality, designed so as to be in sympathy with the local landscape and of locally traditional building styles. 5.7. The application site currently benefits from well maintained established hedging on both the Marlow Bottom Road and Ragmans Lane frontages which contribute significantly to the established character of the area and provide a well defined boundary between the site and the open countryside to the north. The indicative layout submitted with the application shows that there is sufficient space for the dwelling proposed on Plot A to be set back behind the existing hedges and as it is proposed that this dwelling shares the existing access to No. 322 no loss of hedge will occur on Marlow Bottom Road. 5.8. However, the sight line required by the County Highway Authority for the new access for Plot B onto Ragmans Lane, means that the hedge along this boundary will be lost. While this is regrettable the indicative layout shows that there is sufficient space to the front of Plot B and to the side of Plot A to accommodate a replacement hedge set behind the sightlines, with grassed margins provided in front. Consequently an objection to the proposal on the basis of the loss of the hedge could not be sustained as a replacement hedge could be accommodated. This could be conditioned if permission were to be forthcoming with a new hedge of mixed native species. 5.9. Within the application site with the exception of the tree mentioned above there are few landscape features of any significance. There are a number of mature trees within the site which are garden specimens and while they register as features in the landscape they are not of such significance as to warrant protection. 5.10. Ragmans Lane marks the boundary between the built-up area of Marlow Bottom and the Green Belt to the north. It is a very well defined boundary and the proposed development which will be retained wholly within the existing residential area will not impact the openness of the adjacent Green Belt. 5.11. In conclusion, although the site will appear more built up this would not be to the detriment of the special character of the Chilterns AONB or impact on the openness of the Green Belt on the opposite side to Ragmans Lane. Design Issues Adopted Local Plan (ALP): G3 (General Design Policy), G7 (Development in Relation to Local Topography), G10 (Landscaping), G11 (Trees and Hedgerows), L1 (Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) and Appendix 1; Core Strategy Development Planning Document (CSDPD): CS17 (Environmental Assets) and CS19 (Raising the Quality of Place Shaping and Design); Housing Intensification Supplementary Planning Document (HISPD) 5.12. As this in an outline application with all matters reserved it is not possible to consider issues of design at this stage. However, the application was submitted before recent changes to The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order so that an indication of the scale of the proposed dwellings has been given in the Design and Access Statement. 5.13. The scale parameters for each of the three bedroom dormer style dwellings is given as 6.3 – 8.6m width, depth of 8.2-9.6m and a height of 5.7 – 6.8m maximum. 5.14. Taking into account the mixed single/two storey nature of development in the vicinity and the single storey nature of No. 322 and the 1.5 storey height of the nearest property in Andrews Way the scale parameters provided would appear to represent an acceptable range providing the dwellings are dormer style with the first floor extending into the roof space. Given the changes in levels on the site it may be possible on plot A to introduce a split level approach, providing the overall scale and mass of the development respects the sites edge of settlement location including its AONB designation and its location adjacent to the Green Belt. Impact on Residential Amenity Adopted Local Plan (ALP): G3 (General Design Policy), G8 (Detailed Design and Local Amenity) and Appendix 1; Core Strategy Development Planning Document (CSDPD): CS19 (Raising the Quality of Place Shaping and Design); 5.15. Based on the indicative layout submitted in support of the application the dwelling proposed on Plot A is shown to be located alongside No.322 with the dwelling on Plot B directly behind it. Consequently the new properties will not be located directly behind either No.322 Marlow Bottom Road or No. 27 Andrews Way so the development should not appear overbearing to these neighbours. The separation distance between the neighbours and the dwelling on Plot B would be over 15m thus no undue loss of amenity in terms of loss of light or outlook would occur to the neighbours. 5.16. Providing both the proposed dwellings have their main habitable room windows in either their front or rear elevations, facing the road frontage and the rear of their respective plots, no significant loss of privacy will occur to neighbouring properties or between the two new dwellings. The rear boundary of Plot B backs directly onto the side of the rear garden of No.320 Marlow Bottom Road (the property on the opposite side of No.322), but does so at a distance of 15m behind the rear wall of the proposed dwelling, which provides sufficient separation for privacy to be maintained for both parties. 5.17. The plot sizes of the two new dwellings and that retained by No.322 are sufficient to provide each dwelling with a reasonable level of external amenity that will provide acceptable physical separation between the buildings, with space to accommodate on-site parking and a reasonable level of landscaping. Parking and Highway Issues Adopted Local Plan (ALP): T2 (On-site Parking and Servicing) and Appendix 9; Core Strategy Development Planning Document (CSDPD): CS20 (Transport and Infrastructure); 5.18. For a site located in Accessibility Zone 5, the Council’s adopted standards require a maximum provision of 2 spaces for 2-3 bedroom dwellings and 4 spaces for dwellings with 4 bedrooms and above. There is sufficient space to the front of No.322, which is a two bedroom property, and the proposed dwelling on Plot A to accommodate 2 vehicles for each property with on-site turning in the shared driveway and still have space to provide a reasonable level of landscaping. 5.19. Proposals for Plot B indicate that a single garage can be accommodated with parking on the driveway for a second vehicle leaving the area immediately in front of the dwelling clear for landscaping and pedestrian access to the property. The introduction of additional parking on either plot would probably be at the expense of landscaping which would have a negative impact on the visual amenities of the wider area. It is therefore suggested that should permission be forthcoming that the size of the new dwelling is limited to 3 bedrooms to prevent this from happening. 5.20. The agent sought pre-application advice from the Highway Authority prior to the submission of the planning application. The comments stated that the creation of a vehicular access from Ragmans Lane would have to achieve the requisite visibility splays for its location. The County Highway Authority was consulted on the initial application and raised no objections in terms of highway capacity and safety subject to the provision of adequate sightlines to serve the accesses to the site at the reserved matters stage. However in order to ascertain the implications of providing these the applicant was asked to provide an amended plan showing the provision of the visibility splays. 5.21. As Members will be aware, visibility splays allow intervisibility between vehicles emerging from accesses and junctions, and those vehicles travelling on the roads connected to those accesses and junctions. Specifically, the splays allow stationary vehicles to pre-sight oncoming vehicles and take appropriate evasive action should it be required. Conversely, the opposite is the case when cars on the highway have to react to vehicles exiting adjoining side roads and private accesses. Therefore, by ensuring all new accesses (or existing accesses that will undergo a vehicular intensification) can achieve the minimum visibility splays for its location, the Highway Authority can be satisfied that planning application proposals will not result in detrimental effects upon highway safety and convenience of use. 5.22. Should this outline planning application receive permission, the subsequent Reserved Matters application or applications will need to ensure that the proposed access from Ragmans Lane can achieve an unobstructed visibility splay to the left on exit of 2.4m x 35m. Similarly, the splay to the right on the exit will need to measure 2.4m x 43m to the nearside channel level. As a result of the provision of these splays, it should be noted that officers do not foresee the proposals retaining any of the current hedgerow that marks the boundary between No.322 Marlow Bottom Road and Ragmans Lane, but this can be replaced behind the visibility splay.

Recommendation: Application Permitted

1 Application for approval of all the reserved matters shall be made to the Local Planning Authority before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. The development hereby permitted shall be begun either before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission or before the expiration of two years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved, whichever is the later. Reason To comply with the requirements of Section 92 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990.

2 Details of the access, appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale, (hereinafter called "the reserved matters") shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority before any development begins and the development shall be carried out as approved. Reason: That the application is expressed to be an outline application only.

3 Unless otherwise first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority there shall be no building-up or increase of the existing ground levels on the site Reason To ensure that the proposal is constructed at an acceptable level with regards to the surrounding area.

4 No other part of the development shall be occupied until the new means of access has been sited and laid out in accordance with the details subsequently approved pursuant to condition 2 and constructed in accordance with Buckinghamshire County Council’s guide note “Private Vehicular Access Within Highway Limits” 2001. Reason In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway and of the development.

5 Notwithstanding the provisions of Part 2 of the Second Schedule to the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995 (or any Order revoking amending or re-enacting that Order) no gates on the Ragmans Lane access on plans to be subsequently approved and constructed shall be erected along the site frontage within 5 metres of the edge of the carriageway. Reason To enable vehicles to draw off clear of the highway for the safety and convenience of the highway users.

6 The details to be submitted for the approval of the Local Planning Authority under Condition No. 2 shall indicate that the proposed Ragmans Lane access can provide visibility splays between a point 2.4 metres along the centre line of the access measured from the edge of the carriageway and a point 35 metres to the southwest along the edge of the carriageway measured from the intersection of the centre line of the access, and a point 43 metres to the northeast along the edge of the carriageway measured from the intersection of the centre line of the access. The area contained within the splays shall be kept free of any obstruction exceeding 0.6 metres in height above the nearside channel level of the carriageway. Reason To provide adequate intervisibility between the access and the existing public highway for the safety and convenience of users of the highway and of the access.

7 The details to be submitted for the approval of the Local Planning Authority in accordance with condition 2 above shall include a scheme for parking, garaging and manoeuvring in accordance with the Local Planning Authority’s “Car Parking Standards”. The approved scheme shall be implemented and made available for use before the development hereby permitted is occupied and that area shall not be used for any other purpose. Reason To enable vehicles to draw off, park and turn clear of the highway to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the adjoining highway.

8 The details to be submitted in accordance with Condition 2 shall include details of two dormer style dwellings which are no larger in scale than the parameters stated in the Design and Access Statement submitted as part of this application and include no more than 3 bedrooms per unit. Reason: In order to ensue that the proposed dwellings are of a design and scale which is compatible with the scale and design of neighbouring development, and to limit the parking requirements of the development so that they can be accommodated entirely on site whilst leave sufficient space to accommodate an adequate level of landscaping that befits the sites edge of settlement location within the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

9 The details to be submitted under Condition 2 shall include details of a replacement hedge along the Ragmans Lane frontage of the site. The hedge shall be composed of mixed native species and have regard to the guidance contained in the Council’s Advice Note “Planting a Native Hedgerow”. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory replacement of the hedge along Regmans Lane and to maintain the special character of the Chiltern Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.


1 These outline proposals are considered to demonstrate that two dwellings can be adequately accommodated on this site whilst maintain the existing character and appearance of the area, thereby preserving the special landscape character and scenic beauty of the Chilterns AONB, whilst having no material impact upon the openness of the neighbouring Green Belt, existing neighbouring amenity levels or upon existing highway safety levels. Furthermore an acceptable level of amenity can be provided for future occupiers.

It is in compliance with the requirements of planning policies

Adopted Wycombe District Local Plan to 2011(As saved, extended and partly replaced): G3 (General Design Policy), G7 (Development in Relation to Local Topography), G8 (Detailed Design and Local Amenity), H8 (Appropriate Development Densities), H9 (Creating Balanced Communities), G10 (Landscaping), G11 (Trees and Hedgerows), L1 (Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) and T2 (On-site Parking and Servicing)

Core Strategy Development Planning Document (CSDPD) Approved 2008: CS2 (Main Principal for the Location of Development), CS7 (Rural Settlements and the Rural Areas), CS17 (Environmental Assets), CS19 (Raising the Quality of Place Shaping and Design) and CS20 (Transport and Infrastructure).

These policies are considered to be in accordance with the guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework.

This information is only intended as a summary of the reasons for grant of permission/consent. For further detail on this decision please see the planning report which is available to view on our web site or at Planning Help Desk during normal office hours.

2 In accordance with paragraphs 186 and 187 of the NPPF Wycombe District Council (WDC) take a positive and proactive approach to development proposals focused on solutions. WDC work with the applicants/agents in a positive and proactive manner by;

* offering a pre-application advice service,

* as appropriate updating applications/agents of any issues that may arise in the processing of their application and where possible suggesting solutions, and,

* by adhering to the requirements of the Planning & Sustainability Customer Charter.

3 The applicant is hereby advised that it will be necessary for them to discuss with SSE arrangements to divert the underground electricity cables that will obstruct the proposed access to the development in Marlow Bottom Road and also Regmans Lane. Contact the Wayleave Officer, SSE, Arrowhead Road, Theale, Berkshire, RG7 4AH (telephone 0118 9126625)