Cinder: SDUSD: the End of an Era Ready for War by Lucy Fitzmaurice Sta! Writer Features: on Saturday September 13 at Tears

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Cinder: SDUSD: the End of an Era Ready for War by Lucy Fitzmaurice Sta! Writer Features: on Saturday September 13 at Tears La Jolla High School • 750 Nautilus Street • La Jolla • 92037 Learning Pods! See page 4. Volume LXXXVIV Issue 1-October 3, 2014 Opinions: Cinder: SDUSD: The End of an Era Ready for War By Lucy Fitzmaurice Sta! Writer Features: On Saturday September 13 at tears. Unfortunately, 5:00pm, Nautilus Street ex- Cinder did not make Date Rape perienced a heart breaking it. event. La Jolla High School’s Cinder could always school cat, Cinder, was struck be seen roaming the Prevention by a car. Cinder died shortly campus, entering a a!er impact, causing turmoil random classroom, Photo Courtesy of the $ickstun Family Nail Polish for his owners as well as stu- laying in the sun, Another LJHS senior, Kevin dents and sta". or walking in the middle of a Gray, Cinder’s original owner, Stu-Fo: La Jolla High School senior hallway. Many loved Cinder believes the love that every- Dana Ashcra! witnessed the and his pleasant visits. LJHS one shared for Cinder “was accident. She explained that a students took pride in having a cool, everyone came together LJHS Clubs red Mini Cooper struck Cin- “school cat.” and celebrated his life.” Cin- der. #e Mini Cooper passen- He was thought of as our unof- der was only a part of the Gray Sports: gers and one other car then $cial school mascot. Not many family for a year, until Cinder proceeded to pull over and get schools can say they have a free decided for a change in his New Year, out to see what had happened. roaming cat, making the rela- kitty lifestyle and moved over “He was laying there like the tionship so special. to the home he had resided in New Coaches cute kitty he is,” Ashcra! said. Many students and teachers until his death. Coincidentally, Cinder’s vet have had certain memorable Cinder will always have a was driving by and pulled over moments with Cinder. Senior place in LJHS’s heart, and sto- A&E: to help Cinder. She ended up Ilana Larry recalls Cinder al- ries of his adorable existence taking him to the veterinary ways perching on the girls’ will be passed on to genera- Ri"s Studio clinic. Ashcra! admits she was bathroom sink, and girls having tions of La Jolla High stu- Photo Courtesy of Jordan Bowman in shock and on the verge of to turn the sink on for him. dents to come. SPIRIT Hurricane Odile Better known as the day we got a rainstorm in a heat wave By Creekstar Allan Sta! Writer main roads were destroyed. while Cabo will get publicity Hurricane Odile made a direct Some tourists, however, found and help $rst, the other areas hit on Baja California, includ- refuge in the U.S. through mili- north that were hit, like Lore- ing the famous beachside party tary planes. to, Mulege and Santa Rosalia town of Cabo San Lucas. #e As discovered by UT San Di- ,are being put on hold, which storm became a literal “home- ego, Je"rey Piszczek of Kens- is leaving severely damaged Update wrecker,” bringing 6 hours of ington was about to come home houses to remain as rubble. rain and 125 mph winds. It from a trip to Cabo when the Due to the lack of support was named a Category 3 storm hurricane hit. He called his to these communities, their Hey Vikes, #e theme this year is “Super- and went into the record books wife, Carolyn, late Monday be- losses are made much worse. Welcome back! I hope you all heroes,” and November 7th as the most powerful tropical fore the power went out to say, How does this a"ect us? are having a great $rst month. will be the last day to buy your cyclone to hit Mexico’s Baja “’#is is gonna get really bad.” San Diego’s weather has been First o", October is Anti-bul- ticket for the dance on Satur- California region ever. A Cat- She lost contact immediately dramatically spiraling out of lying Month, so come down day. Make sure you bring your egory 3 storm includes, winds a!er the call. She even began control. First, the incredible to the quad and participate in ID to the dance. between 111-130 mph, and contacting hotels near where heat that forced the San Di- some activities that promote If you have any questions or can also cause severe property he was through Facebook, with ego Uni$ed School District Anti-Bullying. On October comments, make sure to come damage, power outages, and no success. She still hasn’t been to give us two half days. #en, 30th please wear all purple in by the ASB Room, room 304. extensive %ooding. Countless able to make contact. random torrential down- honor of Anti-bullying Month. #anks and have a great tourists got stranded in Cabo #ousands of Americans have pours throughout San Diego On Halloween, Friday Octo- month! a!er it hit on Monday Septem- been evacuated. According to occurred. ber 31st, dress up in Hallow- - Zoe Rashid ber 15th. a spokeswoman from the State San Diegans are not used een costumes! We are going ASB President Odile halted many lives as Department (Amy Grier) com- to these dramatic weather to have a costume contest at soon as it struck, bringing munication has become close %uctuations. San Diego was lunch in the quad. Editor’s Note: in massive %oods, ravaging to impossible due to the large almost oblivious to the prox- #e Homecoming game is Some would like to say that buildings, shattering glass and amounts of damage to infra- imity of hurricane Odile. November 7th against Kearny. journalism is dead to our gener- creating widespread blackouts. structure. Around 685 U.S. #ere were many riptides Make sure you come out to ation, but we’re here every "#h Houses were leveled and own- residents were evacuated to Ti- at Windansea beach, which support your class! You can period to prove them wrong. If ers had to go back and comb juana on September 16th to be caused lifeguards to have to buy homecoming tickets at the you would like to see your own through the remains of their sent back over the boarder into swim out and rescue many $nance o&ce on the day of the articles, cartoons, and photo- houses for their belongings. America. An estimated 30,000 who were caught. game for $3 with a SAC card graphs published in the coming Most tourists had no way out tourists were still stranded as of Hurricane Odile isn’t just and $7 without SAC. issues, please email your work of Cabo because the airport September 18th. a"ecting Cabo it’s a"ecting #e Homecoming dance will to [email protected]. was severely damaged and UT San Diego explains that most of the western coast. be on Saturday, November 8th. -Your Editor-in-Chiefs Hi-Tide 2 OPINIONS October 3, 2014 The La Jolla High School H!-T!"# sdusd ready for war Editors-in-Chief Jordan Bowman The school district prepares for the worst Zoe Hildebrand Isabel Melvin By Zoe Hildebrand gencies only.” !ey’ve taken the literal nuclear option in News Editors Editor-in-Chief the e$ort to paint a big red cases of tragedy and violence? cross on the side, just to show !ere are many steps SDUSD Jeanine Erikat By Shane Lynch Did you pay attention to how humanitarian they want has skipped in the process of Media Editor Nessie Navarro the Ferguson riots this sum- this vehicle to be. But how can preparing for an emergency mer? A%er the execution-style we trust them? What happens like this. We need more com- Opinions Editors As students and teach- Sara Espinosa shooting of unarmed teen when, in what we determine prehensive anti-bullying edu- ers returned to La Jolla High Kaitlin Wheeler Michael Brown by police of- to be an emergency in its own cation. One day of Rachel’s "cers in an altercation pro- right, decide to protest? Will Challenge was clearly not earlier this month, they Features Editors voked by Brown jaywalking we become subject to the ter- enough to make a lasting im- were greeted by a number Camille Furby across a road, the St. Louis ror this vehicle was originally pression at this school given of new policies and regula- Lilly Grossman suburb erupted in pro- the outpouring of vile tions, aimed at improving our educational experience. Student Focus Editor tests. !e local police words students in all In addition to tighter rules Lily Kennedy force responded with“ paint a biggrades directed at an tear gas, rubber bullets, anonymous gossip app regarding cell phone use and Sports Editor and racial slurs all di- relating to a Yak a mat- bathroom privileges, it has Stephanie Buchbinder rected at the dissenting red cross on theter of weeks later. We been decided that !e Hi A&E Editor voices of rioters. Many need gun safety taught Tide Newspaper must sub- mit all articles to the admin- Sarah Rainsdon wondered how this was to both students and made possible on a scale side, just to show parents. But most para- istration 24 hours before they Business Manager large enough to reach mount, we need to stop are to be published, in order Misha Kabbage the thousands of pro-how humanitari-pretending events like to give the adminisration the Media Editors testors. !e answer lies Columbine are isolated "nal say on what is deemed Shane Lynch in a twisted partnership and random, keeping acceptable for reading.
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