Chapter 22 § 22:1 Summary of postconviction remedies in Maine § 22:2 Maine Postconviction Review Act under Maine· Revised· Statutes Title 15~ §§ 21'21 to 2132 : § 22:3 -Text of§ 2121 '·

§22:4 -Text of§ 2122 I :. '· • : ·7( §22:5 - -Case· law · · --: · :: §22:6 -§ 212~Filing '. ;_·:. ;. § 22:7 - - -Post-sentencing phase of original cf'iin~al case ,. . l • §22:8 - - -Assigning petitions § 22:9 -Textof§2123' ·,·,·' .. · ··'· § 22:10 -Text of Maine Rule of Unified Criminal ·Procedure 67 ' § 22:11 -Text of Maine Rule of Unified Crimihal ·Procedure 68 ,. u . i § 22:12 -§ 2123 and Rules of Unified Criminal Procedure 67 and 68---;-Case law ··, '- : · § 22:13 -§ 2124-Custody requirement § 22:14 --Text § 22:15 --.:_case law § 22:16 -§ 2125~rolinds for relief § 22:17 --Text . § 22:18 -Grounds for relief-Text of Maine Rule o(Unified Criminhl Procequre 66 ··· · ' ; ' •-· § 22:19 -§ 2125 and Rule 66-Case law § 22:20 -Text of§ 2126 · § 22:21 -§ 2128-Witiver of claims § 22:22 - -Statute of li;mitations § 22:23 -Text of§ 2128 § 22:24 -§2128-Qaselaw § 22:25 -Text of§ 2128-A § 22:26 -Text of§ 2128.,B ... § 22:27 -§ 2129 and Rule of Unified Criminal Procedure 69-Right .to· counsel § 22:28 -§ 2129 and Unified Criminal Procedure Rules 69 and 74. § 22:29 _;_Text of§ 2129. i · § 22:30 --Case law


§ 22:31 -Text of Maine Rule of Unified Criminal Procedure 69 § 22:32 -Rules of Unified Criminal Procedure-Text of

Maine Rule of Unified Criminal Procedure 74 . i § 22:33 -§ 2130-Granting relief § 22:34 --Text

§ 22:35 ;_§ 2131- .; •. § 22:36 --Text § 22:37 - -ReVitew of final judgmen1r-Case law § 22:38 -Text of§.2132. . .. 1·: / .. , . § 22:39 -Additional· Maine: Rules ·of Unified, Criminal.:· Procedure applicable to PCRA proceedb1g$ .,. § 22:40 -Rules of Unified Criminal Procedure-Text of Maine Rule of Unified Criminal Procedlµ"e _65 § 22:41 - -Text of Maine Rule of Unified Criminal·. . Procedure 69A; .. : , ,, .\ .. § 22:42 - -R~e 7~~arY dismissals.of petition~ . Withdrawal of petition . , :: , § 22:43" - -Text of Maine Rule of Unified Criminal·. · ,frQce4~e 7Q~ _ . · . . . § 22:44 - -Text of Maine Rule of Unified Criminal . Prpced~e .71 !~· • . •. .• § 22:45 Maine Postconviction Review Act under Maine . · Re:viaed Statutes Title 15;:§§ 2_121-2132'-R!lles of · Unified Criminal Procedure-Rule 71A-Filing a, response i, ,_ ,.

§ 22:46 Maine Postconviction Review Act under Maine . 1 • Revised Statutes Title 15, §§ 2121to2132~Rules of Unified Criminal Procedure-Ru!~ 7~Discovery , ' ' . ·/ '. § 22:47 - - -Text of Maine Rule of Unified Criminal

~Pr9c{3dure. 7~ i .. • . , . . . ,,, § 22:48 - .:.:.:.Text of Maine Rwe of Unified Criminal; Procedure 72A · ·· § 22:49 - -Rule 73-Evide~tiary ~eaHngs· · § 22:50 - - -Text of Maine Rules .of Unified Criminal Procedure 73 § 22:51 - -Text of Maine Rule of Unified Crimillal Procedure 73A § 22:52 - -Text of Maine Rule of Unified Criminal Procedure 74 § 22:53 - -Text of Maine Rule of Unified 'Criminal · Procedure 75 ·. · ;. j . ' 1 § 22:54 - -Text of Maine Rule of Unified Criminal· · • Procedure 75A. ·' : ·.· , , .. -. § 22:55 Motions to correct illegal sentence, correct sentence imposed in an illegal manner and r.educe sentence - under Maine Rule of Unified Criminal Proc~dure 35 ~ ' . .

438 I

MAINE ... · § 22:1 \ § 22:56 . -Text §22:57 ~ase law regarding Rule 35(a) ... ·. § 22:58 -Case law regarding reduction of·sentence . . ;.. · § 22:59 Motion to correct clerical error under Maine Rule of Unified Criminal Procedure 50

§ 22:60 . ~ase law ,:· _; § 22:61 of habeas corpus .-1. § 22:62 Writ of error coram nobis §22:63 : .;_(Jase law;,•. .:· · . : : · . ,•. ' . § 22:64· Postconviction DNA testing statute. under :Maine .. ~ ... i . J.; : r. Reyised St~tutes .Title 15, ,§§ 2136 to· 2138 · §·22:65 ·-:-Text 0£.§12 1186 . . "_;.:.

§,2~:66 · ,_;._Text of§ 2137" j' I : !i .. §22:67 · ·4-:Text bf§. 2il.38 : I : : § 22:68·. ·-Maine:Rules ofUirlfied Criminal:Procedure 95 to

· · 9~Text of Main~ Rule. of Unified Criminal I • ~ Procedure 95 · § 22:69 --Text of Maine::Rule·o£Unified'0riminal·· Procedure 96 .'. ! ·:k' .. ~ -· ·: ' § 22:70 .. :-:- ~Text .of ¥$e Rul~ ~f JlnUieci Crin.Una! Procedure 97 · -- · ·· · · · · · · § 22:71 - -Text of Maine Rule of Unified Criminal· Procedure 98 · . ; · § 22:72 - -Text of Maine Rule of Unified Criminal Procedure 99 !' § 22:73 .. ~case·law .. , :.i ·,. · ·: ·

§ 22:74 Erroneous Convictions Act under Maine 1ReVised '; , .Statutes Title 14, §§ 8241, to. 824;4 §.22:75 ·-TeXt of §1 8241' ·- ·· · · · ., § 22:76 -Text of § 8242

§ 22!77 ~TeXt :of §-8243 i!' § 22:78 -Text of§ 8244 : : '

KeyCite®: Cases and other legal materials listed in KeyCite Scope ~~ b~ " researched through the KeyCit.& service on Westlaw®. Use·KeyCite ·to· check citations for form, parallel references, prior and later history, and comprehen":" ~ siv~ c~tator information~ includi~g ci~ation~ to other d~cisions ~d s~condary · matenals... · .. · ·.. ·o · · · . .. · l I

1 •y S I j • • · r ._ '{ ; , 1 ~ •: : ' , ~·· - • • , • '. ~ ~ § 22:1' Swiim&ry ·of pos~convfo.tion ~emedies" ~n Maine . ;. ; f-: Principal postconviction re:qiedy: ·. . .. · . Maine Po~t~o)lVi.ction RevieYv Act.:reihedy."This~~¢me:dy is.·ap~ plied for in the~ supenor ·court 'df the county· in' wfilch the criminal judgment was entered. The remedy is a post-,sentencing·phase' of the ;original criminal case,; not, an independent civil action.; The

489 § 22:1 STATE PosTCONVICTION REMEDIES AND RELIEF remedy is authorized by statute. There is a custody requirement applicable to the remedy. Newly discovered evidence of innocence is a ground for relief under the remedy. Right to counsel: There is a right to counsel in Maine PCRA proceedings. · Statute of limitations: One year. The limitation period begins to run from the latest of the following: (1) the date of the final disposition of the direct·ap­ peal or the expiration of the time for seeking the ; (2) the date on which the constitutional right was·initially recognized by the state supreme court or the U.S. Supreme Court,,if the right has been newly recognized and made retroactively.applicable; or (3) the date on which the factual predicate of the claim presented could have been. discovered by the exercise of due diligence. Secondary postconviction remedies:.. ._ .. · Motion to correct illegal sen~1:1ce Motion to correct sentence imposed in an:illegal manner Motion to reduce sentence · . ,. . Motion to correct clerical error Other remedies: Habeas corpus is no longer generally available as a postconvic­ tion remedy in Maine~ Corrun nobis is no longer an available po~tconviction remedy in Maine. · Maine has a postconviction DNA testing .statute., enacted in 2001 and runended in 2006. .. Maine has an erroneous convictions act, enacted in 1993. Helpful readings: (1) Note: How Postconviction Relief in Maine?, 21 Me. L. Rev. 241 (1969) (2) Note: Dep't of Corre~tions v. ·: Hear. No Evil, 48 Me. L. Rev. 123 (1996) (3) Note: Wellman v. State: Confusing the Standard of Excus­ able Neglect, 44 Me. L. Rev: 201 (1992) · " - ··

§ 22:2 Maine Postconviction ':Review Act' Wider Mabie · Revised Statutes Title 15, §§.' ~132. · · ' . . ' -· '· . The principal postconviction remedy in Maine· is the remedy in the nature of coram nobis authorized by the Maine Postconvic-

440 § 22:3 tion Review Act, enacted in; 1979 and· effective in 1980. Act effec­ tive July ·3, 1980, ch~ 701, § 15, 1979 Me. Laws 2295, 2298 to 2307. The Maine .PCRA is codified at Chapter ·305.-A ("Postconvic­ tion Review") of Part 4 ("Judgment. and Proceedings After ~udg­ me:Q.t") of Title 15 ("Court P:rocedure-Oriminal") of·the .Maine Revised- ~tatutes An~9tated. (Me. Rev. Stat.. Ann•. tit. 15, § 2121 through§ 2132). 1<-:

§ 22;3 Mabie Postconviction Review Act under Mai~e ~vised Statutes Title 15~ '§§ 212i to 2132--Text of § 2121 The Maine PCRA (Me. Rev. Stat. Ann~~,§ 2121 through § 2132) provides: § 2121. Definitions As used in this chapter,· the following: terms have the follow­ ing meanings. 1. Criminal judgment. "Criminal judgment" means a judg­ ment of conviction of a crime, the orders of adjudication and disposition in a juyeriile case arid a judgment of not criminally .responsible by reason of insanity...... 1-1\.. Assigned justice. "Assigned justice or Judge" means the Justice or Active Retired Justice of the··Supreme. Judicial Courj;, ·:the Justice or ActiV.e· Retired .Justice of the Superior . Court or the judge authorized to sit in the Superior Coµrt,on . postconviction ,review case$ who is assigned .tP,e postcorivic­ tion review proceeding when a. special_ assignment ha~ been made. It means any justice,_ active retiredju~.tice .or aut~o­ rized judge attendfug to ~he regular criminal calendar when ~he postconviction review p:roceediJ;ig .is a~signed to ~he. ~egu- . lar criminal c.~lenqar. · 2. Post-sentencing proceeding.. "Post-sentencing. proceed- . ing'' means a court proceeding or administrative· action oc­ curri:p.g during the: course of and pursuant to the operation of a sentence that affects whether there is incarceration or its length; including revocation of. parole,, failure to grant parole, ··an error of law in the computation· of a sentence including administrative calculations ·of deductions relattve to time detained pursuant to Title· 17-A, section· 1253, subsection 2 and default in. payment of a fine or restitution. It· does not include the following· Title 17-A,: Part 3 corirt proceedings:. re­ vocation of probation; revocation of super:vised·release for·sex offenders or revocation .of administrative :release. It does not include the following ·administrative actions: -calculations of good time and meritorious good time credits -pursuant' to Title 441 STATE PosTCONVICTION REMEDIES AND RELIEF 17-A, .section: 1253, .-subsections .3;, s..-B, 4, 5 and 7 ot siinilar

deductions under. Title ·11-A; i section 1253, subsections 8, 9 . and ·10; disciplinary proceedings resulting in a·withdrawal of · ·good•time credits or similar dedurctions under Title 17-A, sec­ . tion 1253, 81.lbsectl.orls 6; 8, 9 and 10; cancellatfon of furlough 'Oi" other rehabilitative programs authorized under Title· '30-A, sections 1556, 1605 and 1606 or Title 34-A, section 3035; cancellation of a supervised community confinement or . program gr~ilted: to. Title 3(~A, 1section 30a6:A; -: ·. cancellation of a comm Unity confinement riloiiitoring program granted pursuant to Title 30-A, section 1659-A; or cancella­ tion of placement ;en· community reintegration status granted pursuant to Title 34-A, section 3810 or 4112. 3. Sentence. "Sentence" means the pt1nishinent imposed in , •: a 'criminal :proc.eediµig or the .disposition imposed in a.juve- nile proceeding. ,

~ ~~:4. :MQ.ine P~stConviction Revie~ Act under M~e ReVisett ·Stahites Title 'lG, §§ 2121 to 2182-Text of ,§ 2122 . . . \- ,• '; .-

·~§· 2122 •. ::~ose ... , . i f .. This ch~pter provides ·a co#iprehensive .and,. except'. for direct ·appealS ·from a criminal judgment,· exclusive method. of're'view 'df,th6se criihin~l Judginents: and of post-sentencing proceedings ·· occurring·'du:ring the course ·of sentences. It is a remedy for ille­ :- gal restr~n:vana other impediIDeilts sp~cified in sectionr2124 · ·that Jl.~ve '6cc~ed dµ-ectl:f or indirectly" as· a result of an illegal · criminal judgment or,post-seiltencing·:proceeding:·It replaces the remedies available pursuant to· postcoriviction habeas corpus,. _to.the .extent that· review qf a criminal. conviction or proceedings· were reviewable,· -the remedies: ,available. pursuant . to :common 'law :habeas'.:corpus,.including habeas,!corpus as . , ,recognized in-. Title, 14, ·sections 5501 and 5509 to {5546,, coram ,- :nobis, audita querela,iwrit: of. error; '.declaratory judgment and ·. ,: any1 other, previous common.· law· or statutory method of review, ~ :except .appeal1 of: a.judgment;of conviction or juvenile adjudica­ : tion J ·and: remedies ~that are incidental. to .proceedings~ iil. the .. trial-court., The substantive: extent of; the remedy of postconvic­ .. ·tion review. js; defined· ·in this chapter. and! not defined ·in the ... ·.remedies ,that:it r.eplaces;.provided that this-qhapter .provides ., ; and ·is construed to,provide relief for those persons, required to · .· use ·.this chapter: ·as required.. by. the .Constitution ·of~ :Maine, ·:Article I, Sect~onllO.: · . . ·

442 §.22:8

§ .22:5 Maine· Postconviction ,ReView Act, under, Maine , ;, Revised Statutes Title 15, §§ 2121 to 218~Text of § 21227ca~,~ l~\V {.: ;... i .. \ f : .'. , .• For case law on the uses. of postconviction. :remedies; ~se~. e.g:., State· v .. Hqy~s,. 2016 ME a9,,,, 134 A.3d 882 (Me· .. ~0.1.6) (post­ convictioJi review in the. Sup~rior Co~t. iS''the ;sple_ nie~oµ of review: of post-sente.ncing. pro~~eding$; -d~fen~.BJl.t, could not. ap~ peal order of commitment foz:~~nt~

·:,. . • .1 ,, . §·22:6 Maine Postconvietion.Rt,view;Act. ~del:' Majne· ... : Revisec;l St.atutes Titl~ ~5, §§ 2121. to .2182-§ ,~12~. , , ·Filing . .. ·;· . · :·The applicatiori for r~lief wider. the Maine PCRA is filed in :tpe superior· :court of -the county. in· which! the criminal judgment 'Was entered. Me. Rev. Stat. Arin. tit.. 15, § 2123(2), § 2129(1)(.A:);' Rule 68, Me. Rules·U. Crim. Proc. In. Maine, the ·stiperior·,court·;has original jurisdiction.,. exclusive or'·concuirent, of all criines, M~. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 15,.§ 1, and the district.courts generally have concurrent jurisdiction with. the superiorj court of all.-crimes for which the .maximum term of·imprisonment to which the defendant may be ·sentenced upon conviction ;Of that cri.lD,e. is less than· one year, Me.·.Rev. Stat. An,n. tit.14,, §.165(1). Thus-,: wh~n the.cori~c­ tion occurred in the superjor '.cpurt t~e ~CR.A .is· in. the n~tur.e Qf coram nobis in that it provides a remedy available in the convict­ ing court. When, however, the conviction occurred in a district court the PCRA remedy is available not in the convicting court 448 . § 22:6 STATE PosTCONVICTION REMEDIES AND RELIEF but in•th~::superior:court of the·county in which·the conviction took place; ··· ·: · '. The application for relief shall be in the form prescribed by the Maine Supreme Judicial Court. Rule 67(a), Me. Rules U. Crim. Proc~ The application for relief ~shaU designate· the State of Maine · as the respondent." Rule··67(c), Me. Rules· U. Crim. Pro.c. The required contents of' the ·application ·are set; forth in Rule 67(b) through ~f); Me. Rules U. _Crim. Proc. ·

§ 22:7 Maine Postconvfotion Review Act :under Maine Revised· Statutes Title 15, §§ 2121 to 2132-§ 2123- Filing-Post~sentencing phase of original criminal case. . ' :I The Maine PCRA. remedy is a post-sentencing phase of the originalcriminal case, not ail independent civil action.·A proceed­ .ing under the Maine PCRA "shall be docketed by the .clerk in the unified c~nal docket." Rule 65, Me. Rules U~ Crim.' Proc.

§ 22:8 Maine Postconviction Review Act Wider Maine · Revised Statutes Title 15, §§ 2121 to 2132-§ 212~ Filing~Assigning petitio~s ' , , The .chief justice of .the superior court or the chief justice's designee shall assign petitions for PCRA relie£ Rule 69A(a); .Me. Rules :U. Crim. Proc. A justice or judge assigned to preside :over the postconviction proceeding is known as the,"assigned justice." Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 15, § 2121(1A). A justice or active retired· justice·· of'the- Maine Supreme Judicial Court or of the superior court; or a judge ·authorized to sit in the superior court in post­ conviction relief cases, may be assigned to preside over the post­ cqnviction proceeding. Me. Rev. Stat. ~n. tit. 15, § 2121(1A). When~ the. petition for postconviction relief addresses a trial court conviction, .. the trial justice or trial judge who imposed sentence may be .assigned to preside over the postconviction. proceeding. Rule 69A(b)(l), Me ..Rules U ... Crim. Proc. When the petition ad­ dresses a juve.nile· proceeding in the District Court, the trial judge who imposed juvenile disposition may be assigned to the specifi­ cally· to hear the· post-conviction. review proceeding, unless the judge is disqualified or is otherwise unavailable. Rule 69A(b)(2), Me. Rwes U. Crim. Proc. The· court "shall promptly examine the petition." Rule 70(a), Me: Rules U. -Criln. Proc.

444 MAINE §.22:10 § 22:9 Maine Postconviction Review.Act under Maine ReVised. Statutes Title 15, §§ 2121 tQ 2132-Text of §.2123· . § 2123~ Jurisdiction and venue • ' _1 I 1. Jurisdiction. Jurisdiction shall be in the Superior C~urt. 1-A. Supreme Court Justice or authorized Judge of the District Court. A single Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court, an· Active Retired Justice ·Of the Supreme Judicial ·Court or a judge authorized to sit in· the Superior Court on postconviction review cases has .and shall exercise jurisdiction and has ~nd shall ·exercise all of the powers, duties and authority necessary for exercising the same jurisdicti6n ·as the Superior Collrt rela­ tive to a postconviction review proceeding. ' 2. Venue. Venue must be in' the county in which the criminal judgment was entered. Venue may. be transferred by the as­ signed justice' or ju~ge at that· as.signed justic~ or judge's discretion. · . . · ' ,· § 22:10 Maine Postconviction Review Act .under Maine· Revised Statutes Title 15, §§ 2121 to 2132-Text of Maine Rule of Unified Criminal Procedure 67 RULE 67. FORM AND CONTENTS OF THE -PETITION . . ~ . (a) Form Prescribed by Supreme Judicial CoU:rt: The petition shall be in the form prescribed by the Supreme. Judicial Court. (b) Challenges Allowed iri. Single Petitiop.~ The petition shall be limited to the assertion of a claiin·for·review ·of orie or more criminal judgments arising from a single trial or' from a single proceeding for the entry of one or more pleas of guilty or nolo contendere, or of a single post-sentencing proceeding under 15 M.R.S. § 2124(2). ·If a petitioner d~sires to attack the yalidify of criminal judgments .arising from two or· more trials or plea proceedings or two or more post-sentencing ·proceedings, the petitioner shall do so by separate petitions. The court in its discretion may· order separate consideration of crimin~ jugg­ ments. challenged -in the same petitioµ pr.. may order consider.. ation together of criminal judgments or post-sentenc~ng proceedings which are challeng~d in separate .petitio~s .. , (c) Designation of Respondent .. Thei petition. shall· designate the State of Maine as the respondent. (d) Identification of Criminal Judgment; Post-sentencing Proceeding, Court, and Date.· The· petition shall identify the criminal judgment that is challenged:-If the. petition challe1:1ges a post-sentencing proceeding, it shall: identify both: the post-


sentencing.~proceedirig and the original criminal judginent that generated~ the: post-:sentencing proceeding. The, petition must include the name of the case, the docket number; ·the date of entry !Jf ju~~ent, a~d the of imposit~~n .of .~entenc~,_ !111~ must identify the Unified·Cnmmal Docket·m which the cnnu­ nal judgment was entered,. or if tb:e ·criminal Judgment was entered ,prior .to unification,. ith~ · petition shall identify the county or. ~~on where tQ.e judgJn~nt was. entered. . '1 ; ., : (e) Prerequisites .to an Adjudication. oil the Merits; Reasons

• ·• i_ for: Relief and Facts in Support l'hereof.- The petition_ shall '. briefly addr~ss· the .five statutory~ prerequisites to an adjµclica• . _tjon. on. the-~erits identified i~. Rule 66. It a.hall briefly state · each gr.oun~. fw:: relief1 ~d. ~Ile e$se!1~al ~E,Lcts in s~pport o~ ~~ch ground. Argum~nt, citation, ,an~ discus~ion of legal autho~ties shall be o_mitted from the petition but may be fileq in a sepa- rate document~ · · · ·· · · ., (f) Specifica~~01i of Reli~f Sought. The petitfon shall specify the relief requested; Failure to specify· the precise_ relief requested or failure to specify the appropriate relief available shall not preclude the court from granting any relief to which the ·petitioner ·may be entitled; . ... ~ ~ :. . - .:...... :- .. ' '. . . ·: . ,· ' ' - .. § 22:11 Maine.Postconviction Review Act under Maine · R.evjse~ St~tutes ·Title· 15, §.§ 2_121 tQ 2_182-Texj; ·.Qf M,ai~e llple .~~ Un~~e~. Criminal Procedµre 68 . • ! •"- l,., '- ,I. - .I I . !• I \ ,.•, ' ·, aULE: es:Li~$iNG !oF THE ·:PET1rtoN · ! ' ( , : " ~. . ' 1 ., I ' '1 ! ~ : _: \ • , , t I ' ~· , ' ; • ' ... :,/~r~w p,~ti~iop: ~halt qe.: filed Lfis provi~~d ~n !'5 ~,~.S.A. , ,i I §,.~12~(i)(1\.)•lt) ! :·:. ·''

1 • j' , .. •·'.·· r.1 , , §2~~12. :-M&Jne .rq~t.~onY,~~tion Review Act under Maine : , . : · i .. , , ~l?sed. ;Stl;ltutes ',fitl~ ,lQ, §§ ~121 tq 2182~§ 2128 -,,and Rllles.of.Unified Criminal Procedure.67 and . : :·. &s-.:.dase law·. . · · · ·· ·· . .,,, . ,, . · ... ,, \ . '~For ·case: law, se·e, e~g.;· State v. Loi Ngo, 2007 ME 2;'912·A.. 2d 1224 (Me. 2007)· (when tlie:legality· of a crll;ninal conviction. can­ not be resolved by dire·ct ·· a·ppeal · o~ any ·remedie·s· that ·are incidental ttd proceedings ih the: trial court;: the ·postcoriviction review the exclusive :means for judicial review; jurisdic­ tion over the postconviction review process, rests . ~e superior court; the- provisions of the;Maine nqt af­ ford a. remedy; .an.;·illegal conviction to. ·someone who .bas served a. sentence,. but they do allow a person who·_ refuses :to pay a fine to challenge:a conviction). · it~ •·

446 I I

§ 22:14

§ 22:18 Maine. Postconviction Review Act under Maine Revisefl'Statutes :Title 15, §§ 2121. to ·2132-- § 2124-Custody ·requirement,. · · · · '. a custodfi:eqriireirient_in·l\(aine Pd;RA proc~·edings. In order: to 'be ·eligible for reli~t: unµer the PCR.i\., the convicted person mli:s~,. as a'·g~neral ·~~' dem9ristra~e· that the. ch~lenged Maine crilniqal ju4~.~#t is. c~using. (i) a pre~~µt r~straint such as incarceratfon, pfohation,:.P~Ql~,.. o:r; .other. qeh:~tion~l release, or there is an unpajd- fine _rE\enil~ing from th.~ jlj_dgnient, or (2) a p~e~ent '.iJ;l~irec~ ~mp,~d~~.~~t~ '.·as~ w4efe .. _tp.e ,defe,ndant" is being . subjected:- to'. an .. inc~cer~~~on i~pos~d · qy 'a ~¢rl~ court, a court of a~o~h'er ·~t#e,:.·c>.r· ~!3- f~q~ratcourt,. 1 and: tl10· 1~ngth of the in~arcerati9~ i~' greater ~hall..i~'woU!cl otliemvis~ Jiav~ _.been but for.the challenged Maine juci~ent. lv,Ie~- Rev. Stat.: Ann. tit. 15,

§ ~1~4· · 1; • ;~ • • • - _. ;C· · :~ · ·.·~ .. · ., ;t··. : . . 1 § :22:~.4~. M~~(PQ~tc;t;.,~vi~ti~~ t~v.iew A~-t ~~er Maine ·· . ReVised StatU.tes litle ;lo,·,§§. 2121· to 2132~ ... : . _. . , § 212~Text . . . . " : . . '- . . h' .- . . - • • ;

i '§ .. _21~4.. Jurisdictional _-pr~reqµisite of re,straint or nn- pediment ~ . , , · An -action for..postconviction :review.of a-.criminal,dudgment of , this~Stat~. or of a,post.:.sen~ncii)g proceeding following the crim­ ..-inal j.udgment .:inay. _,be ,brought. if: the ·.person: seeking relief demons.t.r~t~s ·;tha~'.-;,thei::.challengedr criminal judgment or post­ sentencing proc~ediIJ.g is, qausing a. present restraint~ or:· other · specifi~d i:O).pe.diment:~$.,described'.in subse~tions .1to3: '. . ·1 '·- '11. ··Present ·restrairit·-by>criminal judgment. Present re­ ;. · ~-straint· or; impedi-ment ·as; a· direct result of the challenged · criminaljudgmenit·:.:. :'/L; ... ,.. . ,.; ·. ·~. . .. ,;. · A. Incarceration imposed by the challenged.criminal judgment;:·,;··'';·; .·--1_; J. ~. ·.,, r:. ··. -··. :.', · :' ..~ · ]:1 •• b~her· t" :~~c,Iudi~~... pro~~tfon~ P,arMe. o~her ·' ·cond1tional:release-nnposed by the challenged··cnmmal .judgment; : ' Q;, :Unconditionaii discharge imposed· _by· the· ·challenged Crilnin'al judgment;· . ; . \!. · . '. ·; ". ·. ' • ; : : ! ' il ! : -j I ·. ~ · :. c~:L lllcarceratfori.imp'6sed ·by 'tlie chall~ng~d-;criminal judgment that is wholly" satisfied S:t :the time of :sentence ··.imposition due·to·aetentioh time crechls earned ,u.nder Title

I. . .17-A,: seotion · 1253,: subsection 2;~: : ~ · ,-, -:; · - D. Incarceration, other restraint:-. or an -impediment .. sp~cified:in;paragraphs A.and B that: is to be serv~d in the ~. fut~e, .althoµgll.~~e convictedi()~ adjudicated person is not

447 § 22:.14 STATE POSTCONVICTION REMEDIES AND RELIEF in execution of the sentence either :because· of release ·on bail pending appeal of the .criminal judgment or- because another sentence must be. serve4 :first; or . E. A fine imposed by tQ.e. challenged criminal j~dgment that has not been. paid and Jn a case when a person ha~ not inexcusably violated Title .17-A, ·section 1303-B or inexcusably defaulted· in payment of any portio·n. A :fine includes any imposed monetary fees,. surcharges and as.;.

• · ' • · " sessrllents·, howevetdesign8'.ted; · " 1 . · F. Restit:ution imposed by the. challenged criminal judg"." ment th~t has not 'been paid an'.d iri a case when ,a persc;)il has not inexcusably Violated Title 17.;.A, section 1328-A or inexcusably defaulted in pa'.ynient of any portion. /my chal­ lenge as to tlie amount of'restitution ordered' is fiirthe~ · limited by Title 17~A, section 1330-A; · · F-1. Community service work imposed by the challenged criminal judgment that.ha~_not been.fully performed ~d in· a case when ·a .person .has not. inexcusably. failed. to complete the work Within the time specified· by the court; or .. , ·· G. Any other juvenile disposition imposed by the. chal- lenged criminal judgment; ... 1-A.· Present or future Pestraint by commitment ·to the Commissioner of Behavioral· and Developmental Services. Present restraint or impediment as a direct result.of1commit­ ment to the custody of the Coll'unissioner of Behavioral· and ·oevelopmen~al Services· pursuant·to section· 103 imposed as a result of being found not criminally res·ponsible: by reason of insanity, that is. challenged, or"future restraint or impedi­ ment as a result of such an order of commitment that is chal­ lenged when a sentence involving imprisonment is or: will be served :first. A claim for postconviction review is not allow.ed ·under this ~ubsection re~~tiye to. any coµrt prQ~e~ding. or. a~nistrative action that. :~ffects release or, pischarg~ pu:rsµan~~·~o _section 104-A; 2. J>ost-sentencing. proceeding~i In~ar.ceration :pr increased incarceration imposed pursuant to a post~sentencing-proceed­ ing following a ctj.minal judgment.,. althougl]. the criminal judgment .itself-is ,not· challenged; ,9~ 3 .. ·Present indirect im.pedllnent. :Present restraint or im- · pediment resulting indirectly from ..the.· challenged criminal judgment of this State: : · . · . · A. Incarceration pursuant to·a sen:tence-imposed in this State, in another state or in: a Federal Court, for a crime 448 § -22:15 pu¢shable by incar.ceration for a year or more, if the length of the incarceration· is greater thair it would otherwise have ··.: been- in the absence of the challenged criminal judgment of , · . this.State.'The prior criminal judgment that is challenged . must be for a crime punishable by 'incarceration for a year .or more. This requiremen1tds· not· satisfied· by·a showing only that the court· imposing the .present -sentence was aware of the challenged, criminal judgment _or if it appears from the .length or. seriousness. of the ·person's total :crimi­ nal. record that the, challenged criminal judgment,: taking into account.its seriou~ness and date, could. hav~ little or n9_.effect on -the. lep,gtq of D:icarceration ~der -the subse­ queµ.t sentence; ... :. B. Repealed by PL 2001,. c. 354,§ 3 and PL,2003, c~ 689, Rt. B, § 7,. '· -. . · C. Repealed by PL 2001,·c; 354, § 3 ·and PL 2003, c. 689, Pt. B, § 7. " D. Incar¢eration pursuant·to a sentence imposed in this State, in ano'ther state or. in a Federal Court for a crime for which proof of the ciiiriinal jildgment of this State that is .challenged is an· element of, or rp.tist co~stitutiona:lly be treated as ·an ~lenient' of, the 'new. crime. This re.ctuirement is ·n.ot satisfied unless· the new crime is; in: the· case :of a crime in this State, punishable· by· ~ncarceration of one year ' or more. or, in the case of a crime in another jurisdiction; a felony or an infamous crime; or· E. A criminal judgment: in this State pursuant to a plea of guilty o.r nolo coritendere accepted by a trial court on or · after· Ma.rch 31, 2010 by, a represented defendant who· is :· · not a United ·states citiz~n· ~lid who under federal immigra­ tion: law; as a consequence ·of-the particular plea, is subjec~ · to -a. pending ~~portation ·proceeding. · . ' .. . ' .. ~ : ' . ' ' ~~~~:15 ·Maine Postcorivi~HO::µ..~~vi,ew Act .~der ¥Sine ReVised ·statutes 'Title. 15, §§ 21~1,to 2132- '§· 21.2~ase law. . · . · · · · " . · · · For case law on jurisdictiOnal prerequisites under the PCRA, see e.g., Price ·v. State; 2010 ME 66, 1 A.3d 426 (Me.- 2010) (at the time she. filed ·her petition; defendant was· serving a sentence of incarceration as a result of her operating :after revocation convic­ tion, meaning-that she was under a ·"present· restraint"; accord.;. ingly, the.court hadjurisdiction; the· distinction between volunta­ rily and invoh:1ntarily serving the ·underlying sentence is not germane~ :when a ·conviction· is challenged on postconviction review; if ·a ·petition for' postconviction ·review ;challenging· a


conviction satisfies .statu_tory. requirements, .~t may· no~ ... l~ter be dismissed· as moot simply! becaiU:se ._the: .underlying sentence has . been completed); Loi Van:Ngo:v~ State.~ 2008-ME 71, .946 A.2d 424 (Me~ 2008) .(the.jurisdiotioµal~pnetequisite of the'postconviction review .statute, 15 .M.R.S. §'. 212·4,:;requires that: the challenged criminal cony.ictfon impose a defined restraint dr impediment; the jurisdictional.prerequisite of: 15~ M.R:S~ § 2124,. is .constitutionally sound;· limiting .action8 for postconVictioli review is rationally re­ lated to legitimate; state interests; in .promoting timely)resolution of criminal;charges,- p~otecting;tbe finality ·or judgments, and providing ·closure for injured ·victim~; ·the- restraints ..and impedi-· men.ts described' by:§ 2124, are all ilnposed by a govehlment as a . criminal punishment; deportation proceedirlgs ~-are· ci'vil ·proceed­ ings and deportation'is·.a. civil criminal 's~ction; being, deportable is not a separate crime; defendant who was subject to depbrtation prQceedings afte~ he w~s convicted. of :sexu:alr abuse 0£ a minor and criminal threatening was not experiencing restraint or im­ pedimen~ or .ii:fu~ct~on~l .equivalent of.restraint of: impediment Within m~anmg of postconviqtion-r~vi~w statu~e); State v. Trott, 2004 ME 15, 841 A.2d 78~ .e s~r;veq.W,itJiout furtheir.,festriction; a sentence to time serye4r wit~pµt p!fobatio~; _9r otl;ler form. of re­ straint o-,: .supervi~jon- ,i&: identical .to .~ unco!}di~~onaL~$charge in that it represents a: determi;nation by: ,the cotift .. that,i at the time of sentencing, no proper purpose would be served by impos­ ing any co~dition .or S)lpervision on _a!l offender's release;. a~ of the moment Tro~t. was sent~nced,. ;he was :·subject· to; po further impediment; 'superVisibn·, · or corlditioii;" if·~nythipg, .t~e disposi­ tion in his case may be viewed as a more sigillficant· restraint or impediment than a straight unconditio.:na1 ·discharge because it refl.ected· that, ... while· no.further· restraint o~ impediment was be­ ing~ impos.ed,. a pr.oper purpose, had 1 been se~ed by Trott having spent·time·injail awaiting;dispesition.; a sentence to .. time previ- · ously. served, i;mpos~d wi~hout any. additional :term. of. probation or other restriction1Qn the individual;-is the functional .equivalent of.· an· unconditional· discharge. as that ·_term'·is ·addressed by the postconviction reView -statute;. such.:a. time··served sentence: is a present -.reatrai11:t by ·criminal judgment· pur.suan.t to: Me. Rev-. 450 1 It .,

Stat. Amt tit. 15, §,2124(1)(0); accordingly,,the.district:court.~cor~ rectly determined tha:t. a remedy .was. available }for.· -Trott to ad­ dre·ss·· his concerns throughi:postconvictfon. review ·and that exclusive jurisdiction for tha1f remedy-.. rested· -with~the superior court; under these circumstances, we need not decide whether co­ ram nobis is available';' effective •Sept. 1S, 200·3~·: Me::Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 15, § 2123 was amended oy> operation of P.L.2003, ch.

29, § 2). ' . ' • • . I 1 ..·

; 1 ) ~ ' • • , ' • ' ~ : ~ I , ' ' • ~ ' § 22:16 Maine Postconviction Review Act under:Maine · . ·.. Revis~d~ Statutes Title 15; §§ 2121 to. ~13~ :· § 2125-Grounds for relief ) f ' • l . - • . ; ~ - Cognizable chµms i~ ~aine PC~ proceedings· are statutorily defined as claims that thei'e llas ·been "an;illegal criminal judg­ ment 'or post•sentencing: •proceeding." Me. Rev.· Stat; Ann. tit. 15, § 2122; see also Me: Rev •. Stat. :Ann .. 1tit. 15,:.§ 2125 (grou·nds for relief include "that- the challenged. criminal .judgn).en.t or sentence is unlawful or unlawfully imposed," or that "the ·challenged post- . . s~~ten~~~g procedµ~~ ~s.. :u1:1la:w£ul, ~s ·.a. r,esul~: of·any error or ground for reli~f') .. A ",~tjminal J\lqgment:': 1is. cca judgment of conviction of a crime~" Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 15, § 2121(1). A "post-sentencing procedure" is "a court proceeding or administra­ tive_,action occurring.durlng'the :Course.ofan:d pursuant to· the operation. of- a- sentence that :affe.cts whether· there· isjncarcera­ tiOn or its length, including rev:ocation. of parole, ·:failure to grant parole, an error of law in the computation of a sentence and default in paymenfof a>fine:'or'·restitutiori: It does not'in!clude adnµhistifitive disciplin~'pr~cseaings "res'ult in,~·with~awal of good..;t~riie dedu'ction's, revo'catfon' ·of prob.atfon~. caneellation of ·sup·erns'eel cdmmwrlcy confinemerit or' a'.ftercl:ire. statua~";· Me.· 'Rev. 1 Stat>Ami. .. tit. l5,§'212I(2): ":·" ,.. ,. :.' ... ~ .. i"' . . .-... '"., t. - • .~ .. :. ,. "·.: -~:.·:.-, . ~r. ·,.lf. \._ •. _!-~ ~; §.22:17 . Maine P~stconvicti~n ReView.Act under Mabie 1 •• Revised' Statutes· Title 15~ §§ '2121 to 2132...i.:-''·~·_: ·' i:· · 1 '· · § 2125..;,_Text ' '' · · ~· • ' • ·!: ~l .:. . ', ·!;" ...·.··;. ~ "\1"i· .. ~-~ •• ~l_i,•J'. ·:, .'t_•.:) ·l_ .. .. : •. 2125! Grow.icJfor.,~~ie~.: 1 .1'-:i" -"·, ·! ·', .: ·, -i1:,· .. ;,, •. .. , A person who .sa~iefi~s: th:~; prerequisites: .P( .s~ction~ 2i24: IJlflY ·.show that the ·chall~nge~i;:cri.minalj"Q.dgment. OJ" s~~tence. ~ .. unl~wful ;or uplawfu].ly imposed, .or th;at. the imp~dimept ,r~.sult.. .. ing fro~ the challenged. po$t~$e:n.te~~ig:g procee.cU!l-g)s µnJ~w~ · · ful, as a: result of any; __ error .or ~Ollll.d~ for relj~f,; :whe$er: orL.not . of record, unl~ss· the error~j_s harmles~ or-.,unl~ss. i;-~lie~ds .~n.• . available for a ~r~asQn provide.d; in. se~tion. 212{), sect~oljl:-~2128 unless $ection 212SrA applj~s, ·Qr; ;se~tjp~ ~l~S-B;.J . .. .. § 22:18 STATE PosTCONVICTION REMEDIES AND RELIEF

§ 22:18 Maine Postconviction Review. Act under Maine . · Revised Statutes Title Ui', · §§ 2121 to 2132- Grounds for relief-Text of Maine Rule of Unified Criminal Procedure 66: .

. . RULE ·66•. PERSONS ENTITLED TO.BRING A PETI-. TION; GROUNDS FOR.REI.IEF A petitioner must satisfy the following five statutory prerequisites to permit an adjudication on the merits by the as­ signed· court: (1) Restraint or impediment under 15 M.R.S. §· 2124; (2) Prior exhaustion of remedies incidental to the proceed­ ings in the tcial court, or on. appeal, or through administra­ tiye r~m~dies as required by.15 ~.R.S. §,2126; (3) Absence of waiver of grounds for relief under 15 M.R.S. § 2128.except as exempted under 15 M.R.S. §.2128-A; (4) Timely filing of the.petition :under 15 M.R.S. § 2128-B; and : (5) The· stating of a ground upon which post-conviction relief can'.be granted under 15 M.R.S. § 2125. ' · ... § 22:19 Maine Postconviction·Review Act under Maine Revised Statutes Title 15, §§ 2121 to 2132-;.§ ·2125; · and· Rule 6~Case.Iaw ··. · · For case la~ on grounqs fQr postconvictiOn. ·relief, · see e.g., H,araden.,v. State., 2011 ME' 113, ..32 44:8 (Me. 2911).;(D.avid R. Haraden .seeks. review. of an order of the. Superioi; Coµrt fuld­ ing ·him inco.mpetent to proceed WitP, a pqrtion of his petition for postconvict1cin review of his 2006 conviction for murder; .we granted Haraden a certificate of probable cause naniing four is­ sues for .consideration: whether (1) the appeal i~ interlocutory, (2) iiJ.ay be. determined in.postconViction proceedings, (3) there is sufficient evidence in the record to support. the court's finding that Haraden is incompetent, and (4) the court erred in remanding Haraden to the custody of the Department of Correc­ tions rather: than· the Department of Health and Human Ser­ vices; although ·we conclude that this. interlocutory appeal falls within the collateral order exception, that competence may· be considered'in postconviction ·proceedings, that the court's finding that Har.aden is'incompetent is· supported by the·record, and that Ha~adei1 must· remain in the ·custody of the Department of Cor­ rections·,· we must vacate a portion of the judgment to ·require Haraden to proceed on even-·those postconviction claims that· may

452 § 22:19 be affected by his lack of competence~);· Gauthier ·v. State, 2011 ME 75, 23 A.3d 185 fMe.· 20ll)'(to determine'whether a postcon­ viction petitioner received constitutionally ineffective assistance of counsel at trial, we conduct a two-prong inquiry; first, it is considered whether there has been ,serjous illcompetency, ineffi­ ciency,, or inattention, of coun$el amounijng to performance below might ·be· expected from .an j ordinary. fallible attorney; secondly, .determined whether any such ineffective represen­ tatibn _likely deprived the· defendant of an: otherwise ~vailable ·substantial· groUn.d~ of defense; the: burden is on the. petitioner to prove both .prongs;: a detertnination that defense counsel's choices amount' to "trial strategy" does not automatically insulate them from review;; such ·choices, however, must be afforded substantial deference; strategic and tactical decisions by defense counsel must be ·manifestly unreasonable to result in a new trial based on ineffective assistance of counsel); State v. Chesnel, 2011 ME 84, 25 A.3d 946. (Me. 2011) "(criminal rule allowing.a court to proceed in a criminal matter in any lawful ·manner when no pro­ cedure is specified did not provide jurisdictional basis for trial court to. consider. defendant's. motion, )lrought. af~er his crintj~al. convictions, seeking. to modify .conditions goyernillg col"'. l~ction of court fines w:hile he iWas .imprisoned, since postconvic­ tion 1relief statute specifically pres~ribed process for asserting that a., sentence had been unlawfully.imposed); Francis v. State, 20.07 ME 148, 938 A.2d 10 (Me. 2007) (to determine .whether a petitioner received constitutionally .ineffective assis.tance of counsel,· this Court con:ducts a two-prong inquiry; first;· we exam­ ine whether.there has been serious incompetence, inefficiency,- or inattention of counsel amounting to performance . . . below what might be expected' from an ordinary fallible attorney; second; we determine whether the attorney's performance likely deprived the defendant of an otherwise avai~able .substantial~ ground of defense or likely affected the outcome of the proceeding; in apply­ ing the test, we may begin with the,second prong regarding prej­ udice because if it is determined that there was no prejudice, there is no' need to address-. the first prong regarding whether counsel's performance was deficient); Alexandre v. State, 2007 ME.106, 927 A.2d 1155 (Me. 2007) (trial counsel's failure to seek dismissal of kidnappfog courit ;as being time-barred based on' ap­ plicable statute of limitations was ineffective assistance of counsel).


§ 22:20 . ·Maine Postconviction Review Act under Maine; ;, , Revised St11.tute_s Title US; i §§ 2121 ·to ~132-T~xt :~f:' .... :.. ,· t ~126 ·, l: ;~·~r:· ...... ) .. , . . §j 2i26. Exhaustion A person under ·restraint1"or'inipediment specified·in section 2124 must also demonstrate thiat the ·person ·-has previously exhausted remedies incidental to proceedings ·4n) the: trial court; ·.on appeal or administrative remedies~· Aperson;.who has~.takea an. ·appeal from ajudgment,of.eonvictiontaijqvemledtdjudica­ .. tion or a judgment· of noti :criminally, :responsible· J>yr·.reasow .of .insanity is~. not precluded from ;utilizing .tl)e.·;.rem.edy of~ this chapter while the, appeal, is. pendiug. The .postconviction":review : .proceeding is automatically stayed pendi~g :r~sol.~.tion., o{! th~ appe~l ~~ss the AppelJate·Court on ~o~ion .and for goo,<;l caus~ · , otbe~s~ µir~cts.. . · .. I r. . '."'-· . l .. '~ ·1: '..J , ~ " § 22:21 Maine Postconviction Review Act under Maine r Revised Statutes Title, 15, §§ 2121; to 2132- ._... - ·. · §:212th-Waiverofclaims ··· · ... ·, .. · Errors· at the trial which ·have~ beeri. or could have been: raised on a direct appeal, whether~·ar not su~h an appealwas·talt~ii, niay' not be raised iin· 'a Maine PCB.A. prpceediilg.' However, .. if th:e failm'e·ofthe convicted person· to take aif appeal or-to!faise certain issues o·n appeal is excusable ·Eind;~the errors not ·appealed may result· iri reversal of ~the criminal judgment, the court may order that·an·appeal be·tak.en.,Me~-'.Rev. Stat. Ann.'tikl5, § 2128(1). 'rThe assertion of: a right under the United States Constitution shall ·not be· held waived by its :nonassertion at trial or1 on:appeal if the ·ass·ertion of the ·right would: not· be 'deemed ·waived in:a federal habeas, corpus proceeding. Me. Rev.· Stat. Ann. tit::-.15, § 2128(2). . ;I. . , >.I ·.. _ . All grourids: for relief shall ·be raised ·in a single postconviction review action,' and any~grounds not so raised are waived unless the,Maine ,or United States.Constitutions require differently, or unless th~ claim could not: reasonably ·-have been raised in an earlier p,o,stconviction ~ctioh. Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit~ .15, § 2128(a). ... . ' ' \ '· ' . "'.:\i ' ' ' .. .

§ 22:22 . Maine. ·~vi~~ A~t, und_er Maine .. . Revised Statutes Ti,tle 15, §'§ 2.121. to 1 .~l8~ . § 2128-Statute of limitations . : From its inception in 1980 until 1997 there was no statute of limitations on applying for relief under the Maine PCRA. However, although there was no fixed time limitation on apply-

454 I

MAINE § 22:22 ing for;relief during: this period,, laches was a ·bar to r.elief.. Under the ,·original version· of the· PCRA which .took effect in- 1980; post­ cqnviction relief could be denied1 (if unexcused· delay in applying for relief had seriously hindered the 'court in its· ability. to determine necessary, facts. Act ·effective July 3;; 1980, ch.; ;701; § 15, 1980 Me. Laws· 2298, 2302. In 1995 the PCRA was amended to repeal the language in the 1980 statute relating to delay in ap­ plying.'for· reliefand to replace.:it .with language ·pr.oVidilig instead that an application ~for postconviction- -relief could· be~ denied if. there had been delay in filing the application and the delay had prejudiced the state; the 1~95 .amend.n?.~p.t1 further provided. that if the de~ay had ~xceeded' I) ye~s, prejudice fo the stat~' would be pr~suµ,i.ed. Act effeptive Se'.pt~. 2~, 1:995,'. cJi~. 28.?,J 4, 1995 Me. Laws: 272. 'The· provis~Qzj.~ ~f -the .~99p .a¢en4IIJ..ent, rel~~ing to delay in applying. for teHef vver~.· deriveq from former Ru.Je· 9(a), Rules GOverning SectiOn' 225~ Cases ~n the Uriited· States District · Co·urts ana' 1former ~ule -9(a); ·Rule:s: Governing Section 2255 Prodeedings in. 'the-United· States· District !Coutts. · · · lJttqer a t997 aln.~ndm~nt· to· the }llajne :·:Pc~ which. repealed the· 19~5 proVision' all~Wi~g relief to .~enied otj ~ccount o'f ~e~ay in filing for relief.~d.r~placed it wi~h·a traditioriaI'statut~ of limi­ tations, tlie~~- i~ :'110~ a tme: year st~_tute ·of limitatio~s on appiying for r~li~f.·Act o'f.S~pt .. 19, ·199~, ch .. 3~9" §.§. 3,· 4, 199.7 M0.. Laws 773 (codified at Me". Rev. Stat~ Ann .. tit. 15, § 2128(5), (6)). The limitation period begins to rwl' ;from .:the latest of th~ following: (1~ the· date ·of the. disposition, of. the direct appeal. or the expiration of the time for -seeking the appeal, ·(2). the date on which the constitutional: right, was initially: recognized by the state supreme court: or the ·U.S .. Supreme Gourt,..if the right has been newly ·recognized· and made retroactively ·applicable, or (3) the'. date. on which the factual ·Predicate· of the ·claim pr~sented could have been discovered by the exercise-of dti.e;diligence. The time during which.~: prppe~~Y filed petition. fqr; :wtj.t of_ to, the Uniteq· St~tes Supr~me Court .with :r;e~p~ct to· the same criminaljudgmeAt is p~nding J$ not ~ountec.l;t<>war.c.l.the period of limitation. Mef .R~v. :St~t~ ,Ann~ tit.. 15., §. ~~~8(5)! If-,the .p~tition for. p9stcqnvic.tion ;r~li~f i~ J;>a~ed .. on ari ~4irect impedim,e_nt ~~ther than ~ prese.:Q.t -res~ra.i.nt, tP,.~~P-~~itjori ~u~t qe .. filed:}Vitqin one yea.r o( .th~ date qfj;mp.osit~o~.-of' a sentence_ fo.r t}l.e -~e~. crime resulting in the indirect impediment. Me. Rev. ~t~t.,.Ann. tit. 15, § 2128(6). 15 M.~,S. §. 2J2~-;B. perµrlt$, the fi:ling t?f, po~tco~~ctio.n p~ti­ tions ·in th~. c8$.e ~bf i~.c~cerati01tbr .o't~~r·testrain~ '.one ·year· from the latest of: the date. of finardiS'pcisitioii of the dire.ct 'appeal from the underlying criminal judgment or the expirati6n ·of the time for seeking the· appeal; ·:the,'dat~ ~he constitutional .right,· state or

455 § 22:22 STATE PosTCONVICTION REMEDIES AND RELIEF federal, asserted was initially recognized by the Law Court or the Supreme Court of the United States if the right-has been newly recognized by that highest court and made retroactively. ap­ plicable to cases on collateral review; or the date -the factual predicate :of the claim or claims-' presented could have been discovered through the exercise ofdue diligence. ·

' I § 22:23 Maine Postconviction.Review Act under Maine· · · Revised Statutes Title 15, §§ 2121 to 2132-Text of '§ 2128 § 2128. Waiver of grounds for reliet' ·. A person under restraint or impediment speeified in section 2124 shall d~tnonstrate. that.any. ground of relief has not been :waived. The bases of waiv~r at~ as follows. . . .. 1. Errors. claimable on direct appeal. Errors at the trial th~t have been or could have been raised on ~ ·direct appeal, whether or not ~uch an appeal was taken, may not be rl;lised in an, action for· _postconviction·. rev:i~·w u~der. this ch~pter e,xcept provided that .if the· failur.e of 'the convicted or adjudicated person to take an appeal or tO raise certain is­ sues ~m appeal is excusable and the. errors not.' appealed may result in reversal of the crimin~ juqgmen~, the court may or­ de~ ~hat an appealbe taken 8.$ p:r;ovided iri section 2130, 2. D~leted. Laws 2011, c. 601,: § 9. . . 3. Waiver of grounds not raised. All grounds for relief from a criminal judgm.~nt or from a post-sentencing proceeding must be, raised .fu .a single postconviction. review action. and any grounds not so raised are waived unless the Constitution of Maine or the ·Constitution of the United States otherwise requires or unless. the court determines that the ground could not reasonably have been raised in an earlier action. 4. Prior challenges. A person who has previously chal­ . lenged a criminal judgment- or a post-sentencing proceeding under former 'ntle 14, sections 5502 to 5508 or .its predeces­ sors may not cha~lenge the· crimi.nal judgment or post- . sentencing proceeding ·by postconviction review unless the court determines· that a ground claimed in· the action· for postconvict~ori reView could il~t reasonably have been raised 1 in the· earlier action. ; · ·· · ·

' ' § 22:24 Mai~~· PostconViction. &vie~ Act ~~er ~aine - Revised Statutes Titl~ ~5, §§ 2121 to· 2132~ , ! • · , · § ·21~~Case law · · ,! For case law on·§ 21.28,'see e.g.~ ..Roberts v~ State, 2014: ME 125,

456 § 22:26 103 A.3d .1031 (Me. 2014) (generally, errors at trial that could have been raised on direct appeal may not be raised in an action for post.. conviction review; however, the. assertion of a right under the Constitution of the United States may not l;>e held .waived by its nona.ssertion at trial or on appeal if the 'assertion of the right would be held not waived in: a fede:ral ·.habeas corpus proceeding brought by the convicted or adjtidicated:person); State ·v. Chesnel,. 2011 ME 84, 25 A.3d 946 (Me.· 201.:JJ (defendant failed to include in initial petition for· postconvic.tion review his claim seeking to modify ·conditions governing collection .of;court fines while he was imprisoned, and thus. defendant waived the issue and could. not subsequently file motion challenge withdrawal of. funds from his prisonei- account; one-year time limit for Clefendant to file petition for pqstconviction reView to challenge with

§ 22:25 · Maine Postcon-riction Review Act under Maine Revised Statutes Title 15~· §§. 2121 ·t~ _213~TeXt of ~ 2128-~ . . ' § ·2128-A.. Exceptions to waiver . The assertfon of a right under the Constitutfon of the United States may not be· held waived ·by· its -n:onassertion at trial or on appeal if the assertion of ~ha right would be held not waived in a fe4eral habeas corpus proceeding brought by the ·conVicted or adjupicated person p~rsu~nt to 28 United· States Code, Sec- 1 tions 2241 to 2254. "· " • • • • Added by PL 1997; c. 399, §§ 3 and 4 and affected by§ 5, app."04106/2012. , • • :· ' , . ·•. -. , ·. '·; r."

1,'1 § 22:26 Maine Postco~viction ReviewAct under M*1ine Revised _Statlltes Title: 15, §§ 2121 to .. 2l3~Text of .§2128-B · § 2128~B. ~e for filing - · '· . The· following filing deS'.dlines apply. . 1. Filing deadline for direct.jmpedihi~nt.·A one-year period oflimitatitm applies to initiating a petition for post-conviction review se~king relief from a crim~nal judgm_ent under section 2124, subsection· 1 or 1-A. The limitation ·period runs from the latest of the foliowing: . . ' . ;. j ; • . ' . A.. -The date of.finardisposition of the. direct appeal from the underlying criminal judgment· or' the· expiration of the time for ·seeking the· appeal; ·. ·

457 § 22:28 STATE PosTCONVICTION REMEDIES AND RELIEF •, B. ·The date, on .which :the (constitutional :right, state or ·1 ·~ :. federaI*·asserted·-was_jnitially.recognized by the Law.Court · '. 0r,the·~Supreme Court•of·the United Statesif.the right·has • ; ,, 1 • been, ·newly .recognized .by that highest court~ and. made ·. , re,troactl:vely applicable to cases on collateral review;· or ·. ·-;: ·c. Jfhe,.date'()n,which.the factual predicate ofthe·claim :or claims, presented· could~:P,ave been discovere~l through ... · .. . the exer.cise of due diligenee .. 1 • • • , • •

1 • . ~~e .time during which· a properly filed :petition .for writ of certiorari to· ·the Supreme' Court ·of .the United States with re­ .: ' specti .to the same criminal! judgment is '}lending is not ·coilnted .'. ·toward any period of:timitatioli tinder this subsectiOn~. . ·' •· .. 2. ·Filing~·'deacUine for· pc)st-&entencing proceedings·.-A one- . year period· of-Ifinitation applies to initiating· a petition for post-conViction ;review seeking relief from a post-sentencing procee:dirit under sectio"n· 2124~ ·subsection_ 2. The µmitation · period runs· ftom the .lat'er ·of the fOlloWing:· · : : · · : ' , •1 ~J ' ' i • • , ' ~ ._ • ': ' ' ! r ' I • , , ' , • • · ' A. The" date of filing of the' finai ju·dgment in.the ·c9,urt proceeding occurring during the course of and ·pl.lrSuarit to ... _~he ~pe~'~ion (>~.the l;l~de!l~ng ~en;tence that resU;l~s in 1D;car~eration mcreas~d ·· Qr1 incarceration; br · · . - · .: ... B'.~The date of tne final :·achriinistrativ~ ~a.

• ~ . i , . . • • ' ' : • . ; . . . . :. ' . . . -; . : ; . § 22:27 Maine Postconvicti.;>n Review: A.ct UQder Maine · Revlsed.Statutes Title l._5,._§§.~·1~f to.21a2...:.§ 2129 ,., 1lf~':ec:t2s~~ ,c9~1~ ~d~ 69- • ' ' • JI .. •.. ; ~ ~ ' ' -' • '. ' • ' • : • t J • ':. ~ J • ' , • If the petitioner for postconvictioµ .relief desires-to have. counsel

458 MAINE'· § 22:28 appointed, he shall, file an! affidavit. of indigency iil; the form prescribed'bythe. state supreme; court. ·Me~>Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 15, § 2129(1)(B); Rule 69(a), Me. Rules U. Crim. Proc~ , There i~ a right to counsel in Maine PCRA :proceedings. Me. Rev. Sta.t. Ann. tit, 15~: :§, 2129(1)()3). (if the petitic;m~r· "desires to h~ve counsel appointed, he. sh~ll file aµ.: afflqavit .of.indigency in th~ form· prescri~e~Lby 't~e Maine ·sµpfenie ·'.JU.~ciai dqw.1; if the petitioner is incarcerated, th~ ·affid~~t. shall be ,accompanied: by a certificat,e.. 9f. t}le JlpproP,~a~e offic~! of t~e }~.stitutioi;t in which the.. petitioner i(inc~cerate~ -~~ 't~~th~ aIIi.ount· of mqney .or secu­ rities on depo_~it to the p~titiqtief'~~ .~redit" iij. ~nt"~ccoµrit j~ the institutfon; .failure. to. include. an•. affidaVit .of indigencyl with the petition .. does" Iiot:'.bar' t4e cplir,ffyoP.i a~poillt~ng .co~~s~l. µpon a subsequeµ.t filing ~fan .~flid~'i~ of. jndig_e,ncyk Rul~. ~9~ fY!e~. ~ules U. Crim. Proc. (p~ti_tio~~ whq ;CJesires. to have gounsel ~ppQinted either l;>.efore or, after dispqsitU.>n .Qf $e pe.tition shall comply with th,e. _procedu~e provided dn-.JV.Ie._,;Rey. ~tat. An.n,~ tit. 15, § ~12~(1)()3); the determination.;of indi~ency. ail.d the appointment and .<1ompen.sation of.:co~~el sl:i;~ll.. .be gpy,ernec;l .by t11ie provisions qf Rule~· 441 anc;l 44A, Me. RUI~s .. u:. Crim~ froc.);, Rule. 70(c)(2), Me. ,~ules .U. Crim! :Proc~.(if th.e·:petitiOner.has:·nofpeen repre­ sented .by counsel ~t,.tli~:·t~m~;_pf the .. f!ling~qf,the petition but expresses an intep.t to r~fain _CQ;tA1Se1 (or.thwith, o~ ,ha~·. n,i~de ap­ plication to have counsel appo~nted pursuan~ ~o .~ul~ .69; the as­ s~gµed jus~i~e shag prpyide tP.~· ne>~indigeqt. p~titio~~r. the op- . pcirtu~ity t.q· ·retain co~nsel. or'1''3hall .. ~PPQi~t couna.~l for the indig,~nt p~t~ti9per;-~Vr!:thin_ 4~ ·d~ys ;of~~~- _d~te:p9~R-~e~~~~ters .ap­ pearance or.1~ appointed, couµsel shalJ. fil~ either pe- .tjti~n o~ no~ice:·~4at n

• , •' ' Ir~ I ; • :1 .~ ' . , I ~ ' I 1 ;_.. '.-' : , • ~ , .' _·:. : ' l ! .:-.. ~ -~ • 'l ' '. ' t ' : §.22:28 Maine Postc.onviction Review Act under Maine 1 • · 1il!3yise~ .. ;9t~t1'~!s 1 :jfit1~ i~~ :§' 2~2(t~. _21~2~~. ~12~

and Unified.Crunmal1 Procedure Rwes69.and 74 > ' • ' 1 • l : o .. .' \, £ ' : ' . ' c ' •', ~ ' L t ~ • ' • ; 6 • ' f A person who petitions for postconviction relief may be released on bail pending disposition of the ·postconvictfon relief proceeding. Me. ·Rev. Stat~.:Ann. tit. 15; §'2129(4);.. RuJe 74, Me. Rules U; Crlm. Proc. ·· ·... ·: · · .• · ·, ·

' . ·~ ) ;c.,


§ .22:29 Maine ·Postconviction Review, Act, under Maine· , Revised ·statutes Title 15, §§ 2121 to 2182-Text ·of §2129 ·§ 2129.. Petition and procedure l. Filing of petition. Petitions shall be filed as follows;' A: A proceeding for postconviction ;review shall 'be com­ menced by ·filing a petition in the Superior Court in the · county specified in sectfon' 2123. · ' · · · B. If the pe~itio11e~ desires to ,have counsel appointed, he shall file an affidavit of iridigency' in the form prescribed by the Supreme Judicial· Court. 1f the petitioner is incarcerated, the affidavit shall be accompanied by a certificate of the ap- ·propnate officer ·of the institution in which· the petitioner is . incarcerated as .to the amount of money or securities on de: =' posit to th~ petitioner's · credit iri any account in the institution.' The failure to include an affidavit of indigency with-' the petition does not bar the ·court· from appointing counsel upon a subsequent filing of an affidavit of indigency. C. Once the 'petition has ·be¢n filed, the clerk s~all forward a. copy" of the ·p~tition and any separate 'documents fijed with it to the Chief Justice of the Superior Court· and 1to the prosecutorial office that earlier ·represented the State· in the underlying criminal or juvenile proceeding. 2~ Repe~ed. Laws 2003, ·c~ · 29, § 4. ! ·· · ·' 3. Representation of respondent. In all proceedlngs ·for post-· convietirin review~'· the State may be· represented by the prosecutorial office th~t e~lier represented the State 'in the ·underlymg criminal or juvenile ·proceeding.· On a· case-by-case basis, a differertt prosecutorial office ·m~y represent the State .on agreement; between the two. pro·secuforial offices. , · 4. Bail pending disposition of petition. Pending final disposi­ tion, the assigned justice or judge riiay :order the release of the petitioner on bail· at such time and under such cireumstances and.conditions as the Sl;l.preme Judicial Court provides by rule. ·s. Proeedtire in proceedings prirsuant to this chapter. In all respects not covered' by statute; the procedure in proceedings under this chapter is as'the Supreme Judicial Cou:rt provides by rfile. ..,

§ 22:80 Maine Postconviction Review Act under 'Maine Revised Statutes Title 15, §§ 2121 to 2182-Text. of § 2129-Case law For case law on § 2129, see e.g., Theriault v. State, 2015 ME 460 § 22:30 137, 125 A.3d 1163 (Me. 2015),- as corrected, (Dec. 10, 2015} (to prevail in a post-conviction proceeding .~based. on an· alleged constitutional deprivation of counsel, the petitioner must .dembn­ strate two points:.first, that,counsel's representation fell below an objective standard of reasonableness, and ·second, that errors;of counsel actually; had an adverse. effect on the defense; ·The ele• ments of an ineffective assistance case;· when.: proved, constitute a showing that counsel's errors1 were so .serious as to deprive the defendant of a fair trial,.a~trial·whose result is reliable; .if a trial court concludes that the petitioner has ·not ~proved prejudice resulting from. any alleged. ineffectiveness, the ~urt is entitled .to deny the petition on that: basis without reaching the question of whether· the petitioner has_1also proved that ineffectivepess; a reasonable· probability is a· probability sufficient to .undermine confidence in the outcome; in. cases where; counsel's 'ineffective­ ness amounts to the constructive denial; of the assistance of counsel,· prejudice. is legall~r: presumed 'and need, .not. ;be. af~ firmatively proved; such cases, however, are rare, and occur when there is a complete denial of, counsel or. when. counsel entirely fails tO subject the prosecution's· case to· meaningful adversarial testing; when prejudice cannot be presumed in a post-conviction challenge based un ineffective representation, the actual preju­ dice that a petitioner must prove is a•reasonable probability that, but for counsel's unprofessional errors, the result of. the proceed­ ing would have been different;: .criminal defendant iis prejudiced by constitutionally ineffective representation when the result of the proceeding is· '~unreliable;"' trial .court did not commit: obvious error in post-conviction proceedings by failing to .. presume the ex­ istence of prejudice to defendant's right. to counsel,· and instead examining. the post-conviction. record for actu~ prejudice, based on trial court's failure to 'present .victj.In's pvior exculpatory.. state­ ments to impeach 1her inculpatory trial testimony); ·Manley v. State~ 2015'ME 117, 123 A.3d 219 (Me. 2015~, as corrected,.(Sept. 29,. 2015) (petitioner's trial counsel.provided reasonably effective assistance, in prosecution for elevated aggravated assault,• de­ spite claim that counsel failed·to: obtain and present evidence of victim's long ·his·tory of :self-harmf .trial counsel's cross­ examination of victim regarding ·his .. recent ·statements and thoughts about self-harm were more relevant,· compelling,. and immediate than any historical -incident that could have 'been brought·out through·his medical records); Lamarre v. State, 2013 ME 110, 82'.A.3d 845 (Me~ 20l3) (post-conviction court applies a two-prong· test· in adjudicating a claim .of ineffective assistance of counsel;.· it considers,'1 first, whether there has been ·serious incompetency, inefficiency, or inattention of counsel amounting to performance below what·might be expected·from an ordinary fal- 461 t 22:30 STATE POSTCONVICTION REMEDIES AND RELIEF lible:attorney, and sec0nd,·whether any such ineffective represen­ tation :likely deprived the ·defendant. of an· otherwise ·available su·bstantial ground :of ·defense; .. second prong requires· the petitioner to demonstrate ·that·."trial counsel's: performance likely affected \the :outcome:of,the· trial");~·Haraden v. State, ·2011· ME 113, 32'.A.3d.•448-:(Me. 201:1HPost-coriviction·reView is· not a· trial or sentencing=during.. which a constitutionalright·to co:riipetence has already been· recognized; competency of defendant,~ who .. initi­ ated timely postconviction proceedings' in. which he alleged that he! had received ineffect$ve assistance of counsel during his mur• det:·trial·:and ·appea:1, could' be·. determined ·in ·postconviction ·proce:edings; whether of constitutional. or. statutory. dimension, "the right·ito, counsel .isithe,·right: to. the effective- assistance of cotinsel~'; counsel,cannot effectively assist his: client wheri. the cli­ ent is unable tO.~·meaningfully .communicate,with .counsel; because ·postconviction petitioners .. ·:have; a statutory right .to counsel, that right ;to counsel can only 1 be:·fulfi.lled when ·the .petitioner· is competent; :when' the comp·etence · of a postconviction Teview petitioner.. is at issue, the court··must .ordet a mental evaluation by .the·cState ·Forensic. Setvice similar to that mandated by .Me. Rev. Stat. Ann.· tit. ·15;. § 101-D(l);: this evaluation will regard only· the petitionerls competence ·to proceed ·with the :postconvic­ tion process, 1 ~not his·mental state at.the time of.the :crime or at the time of trial; once the record concerning the petitioner's com'! petence is developed-by the ·filing of the mental· ~evaluation report, ·by. evidence. admitted at a hearing, or..otherwise-tQ.e court .inust make a finding as to whether the petitioner is indeed competent to proceed with his postconviction· petition; a- defendant presumed· or determined·. to· be: competent during trial. and sentencing1is.also presumed· to be competent for,,purposes of post., conviction rev.iew; it·;isi. the~ petitioner's "burden.i tO establish" by a preponderance of' evidence; .that hE:l ·is not. competent to proceed with his ;postconviction petition; :if ·the court fihds :that the petitioneri isi:incompetent for: postconviction.. review· purpo·ses, the attorney ·representing·•.the petitioner. stilt must p~oceed with ·all claims to the :best ·of her.ability.e;ven:in the absence ,of the meaningful assistance of her client; a. :postconviction lpetitfoner determined·•to be incompetent.may,.. once.he regains· his compe~ tence; file a! request,to reopen. ·his .postconviction review petition to add, any hew gr.ounds ,for· postconviction relief that cotild ~not have been .. raised earlierl during the.: postconViction· proceedings because. of the petitioner's, incompetence, on· to supplement the grounds previously asserted ·.by,his.•attorriey, ··even; if~ beyonQ. the one-year filing deadline;. petitioner must· file· With·.his request an affidavit'. or. some verified statement· indicatiilg>both that :{1). he was found·to be incompetent at the :time.;of !his··first· petition,· and

462 I

§'22:31 (2) he has regained competence as a :result of the passage of time, medicar intel'Vention,.. or· some·· other- substantial change; upon receipt :.of 'such a ·petition, the'· ::reviewing~ court should assign counsel if cpunsel ·has· not·: already· ·been retained; the· court will then determine the petitioner's competence-with the aid of an­ other'evaluatfoh by the· State•Forensic-Semce/as well· as -a reView of any records or other evidence presented by either .the.'}>eiitioner or the Stat~according: to :j the s.aine: process utilized -with 1regard to the initial postconviction filiBg;: jt· is: the petitipner's. burden. to · establish that he has regained hi~, competence by. a preponder­ ance of the evidence; if the court determines that the petitioner is · compet~:qt, the cpurt must then. review; .. th~ petiiaon to. determine (1) ':whether,, if the newly asserted evidence.:or grounds were true, the outcome ·of the postconviction dudgment• would be different, and -(.2) ;in; tlie court's· discretion ;and· ·according· to· equitable principles, which, if any, of the defendant's claims may- be ptl.rsued .despite the.Jin,terv.ening delay; if the· court determines both that·.the outCome of:the defendant's prior· postconviction pe­ tition would be different given! the competence; of the defendant, and· that renewing th~ petition, ·is: equitable,.. the·; court shall consider the eligible .claims according tb ,Me~! Rev; Stat. ;Ann. tit. 15,,§§ 2121 to·2132; this· process· affords :a:previously~incompetent defendant: a· final opp()rtunity to :obtain a postconviction :remedy; the petitioner .must .remain in DOC custody during the• period of his incompetence, and the underlying,judgmen.t· hf:donviction and 1 sentence Will not be distur.bed·.).. : : : 1 • 1 • •· · .• . i §_22:31· :·Maine Postcon~~tlo~~~~ew A~t~~d~~ M~ine Revised Statutes Title 15, §§ 2121 to.2132-.~xt of Maine Rule of Unified Criminal Procedure 69

RULE ·'69.· ASSIG'.NEll COUNSEL··'~ ·: ·.. , · :·. ··' ·~, (a) Co~piia:Ii~~ ·With~· 15 :~,{1{.~. ··ch~. 39.5~.A b;x Petitioner. A

/ petitioner who desires to have' co\inse1· appoirited'either before . or after final disposition of: the. petition shall (comply with ;the procedure provided in 15 M.R.S. !§ 2129(l)'(B)~ : ·· · '. · · · (b) Determination. ofindigency;· ASsigruneiit and Compensa­ tion of Counsel. The de~rmination of indigency and the assign­ ment and co.nipensatibri of counsel sh~ll be. governed by the provisions ofRtilesi-'44 and ·44A.! · · · : · .~ · : (c) Continuing Duty of Counsel to Represent. Petitioner. Counsel assigned by the court before final disposition of the pe­ , tition·shall continue. to represent the.petitioner on appeal un- l~ss reliev:ed :PY ord~r pf. the. co_urj; or th~, L~w Court.,~: · - .63 § 22:82 STATE PosrooNVICTION REMEDIES AND RELIEF

§ 22:32 Maine Postconviction Review Act under Maine .. Revised Statutes Title 15, §§ 2121 to 2132--Rules . of Unified. Criminal Procedure-Text of Maine . Rule of Unified Criminal Procedure 74

..· . RULE 74. BAIL PENDING FINAL DISPOSITION OF . TliE PETITION. . . . (a) Application to the Court. A petitioner may apply to the court for bail pending final disposition. (b) Standards Governing Bail. The court may order .the release of the petitioner on bail if: ( 1) the court is satisfied, on· the basis· of the pleadings~ or · the pleadings supplemented by any :evide11ce received at a hearing on the petition pursuant- to Rule .73, that the petitioner has a reasonable likelihood of prevailing .on the pe­ tition;- · · (2). release on bail is appropriate given the crime and the nature of. the ultimate relief contemplated by the court if the petitioner were to. prevail; and · (3) the, ·standards and conditions governing bail contained in 15 M.R.S~ § 1Q51(2) and (3) are satisfied: · · (c) Revocation of Bail Pending· Final Disposition of. Petition. The court may revoke an orde·r of bail granted pending final · disposition of the. petition upon determination made after no- tice arid· opportunity for hearing that. . . · (1) The petitioner has violated-.a condition of bail or . · · · (2) The petitioner has been charged with a crime allegedly committed while the petitioner· was ·on release pending final disposition. of the petition~ · · ·.: ; · J. ,

§ 22:33 Maine Postconviction Review Act under Maine· - Revised Statutes Title 15, §§ 2121 to 2132- · § 21~~Gr~t~g relief · . · . · .· · . ; When the finaljudgmentofthe.superiorcolµ° in:favor of the petitioner, the. court has broad powers to grant whatever relief is appropria~. Me. Re:v .. ~tat .. An~ .. tit. 15, § 213Q.

§.22:34 ,- Maine,Postco~victio~ Review Act un.der Maine_, Revised Statutes Titl~ 15,, §§ 2121. to 2is2- § 2i~0-Text · § 2130. Relief . If the court determines that relief should be granted, it shall order appropriate relief, including:· Release ·from incarceration

464 MAINE § 22:35 or othef restraint;· reversal of the criminal judgment, including one entered upon a plea of guilty or nolo contendere; entry of judgment for·a lesser included offense; reversal· of another •or• der or decision, or without affording. the ·State or other party a new hearing; granting the right to take an appeal from the criminal judgment; correctio~ of errors appearing as a mat­ ter of .record; resentencing ·or a new. sentence; and ·entry of an order altering the amount of time. that a person incarcerated under ij sentence has served or must serve. The judgment mak­ ing final disposition is· Ei'final judgment fol' purposes of review by the Law.Court.. When relief is,granted to the petitioner and release is appropriate, the justice may release a petitioner on bail pending appeal. .

§ 22:35 Maine Postconviction-Review'Act under Maine Revised Statute&" Title 15, §§ 2121 to' 2132- § 2131-App~als The final judgment ~f the superior coUrt granting or denying postconviction relief under the Maine· PCRA may be reViewed by the Maine Supr~me Judicial 9ourt. Me .. Rev. Stat. Anri. tit. 15, § 2131. Whether· it is ·the·'petitioner or the state that seeks the appellate review, the notiCe Qf*ppeal must be filed with the clerk of the sup~rior court withiA ·21 days ~r entry of the judgment. Rule 2(b)(2)(A), .Me. R. App. Proc. · '. · .. · A ·petitioner aggrieved by a d~nial of relief may not appeal as of right. Me. Rev. Stat. ~· tit~. 1ey, §. 2131(1). Appeals by petition­ ers from a denial of relief un<;Ier 'the·· PCRA are discretjonary ap­ peals anq are ·governed. by Rule_ 19, Me. R. App. Proc., which is entitled "Discretionarjr Criminal· Appeals" and was adopted on Oct. 15, 2001, effective· Jan. ·1, 2002. See Rule l9(a), Me. R. App. Proc. (this rule cove'rs crl.minal·:appeals which· are subject to pre­ liminary· review and full. consideration as a matter of discretion . by the state supreme- court; ·the appeals covered by· this ·rule include ·~n· appeal from· a final judgme~t(in a -postconvictiori review proceeding pursuant tothe Maine· PCRA, where the ap­ peal is taken by the petitioner). Under Rule 19(c), Me. R. ·App. Proc., the petitioner for. postconviction ·reliefshall, within 21 days after filing the notice of appeal, file =with the clerk of the state supreme, 'court a memorandum giving Specific and substantive reasons why the. issue or issues identified: for prosecution· of the appeal warrant· the issuance of a ·certificate of probable cause authorizing consideration of the appeal on ·the merits. If the state supreme court denies the certificate·of probable cause, the parties shall be qotified .. Rule 19(e), M_e.·R.1App .. Proc. If the court grants the' certificate ·of probable cause, 'consideration of the appeal on·

465 §"22:35 STATE PosTCONVICTION REMEDIES AND RELIEF the merits: is. authotjzed,. •and the parties. shall be. notified. Rule 1 19(£), Me. ·R. App. Proc... · . " 1

The I state, if aggrieved by a granting 'Of postcoaviction relief, may appeal as of right and no certificate of pr.obable cause is required... J;\1e. Rev.-:Stat. Ann. tit.15,.§ 2131(2).· , · .. . ; ·When relief!is granted., the. petitioner.. may: .be released on .bail pending the state's.appeal. Me. Rev. :Stat; Ann. tit. 15, § 2130; Rule 75, Me. Rules U; Crim. Proc.· , , :. r.

- ) . ' , . ' . . . § 22:36 ·· Maine Postconviction Review Act ·under Maine : .. Revised Statutes.'JHtle 15, §§ 2121 tQ.213~. ;i. ::§:_2131-Tf3xt .. § 2181. Review of final judgment :·,. · Afina.ljudgment eptered under se.ction 2130 may. be reviewed · bytb.e Supreme Juqici~ Qourt.sittjng as theL~w·P~mrt. , 1. Appeal by· petitioner. A ·petitioner: aggrieved by the final judgment may not appeal as of right. The time for taking the . . appeal and the m~µner and any cQnditions ~or the taking of the appea). are-~ the Supreme Judicial Court provides by rule. · ' · · · ~ .. ·2 .. ··Ai}peal bY,. State. Th~ .S~a~ ,ag~~ved by _the ·final judg- ' ment may .appeal as ()f rig'lit~ ~d ·no certifi~ate ofapproval ·by the AttorneyGep.eral is required._TJ;le ~ime.for. taking 'the ap~ 'peal and the manner and 'any_ conditions frirtlie taking_ of~ appeal are as the Supreme Jtiqicfal·CoUrt provides by rule:· .• • • ~ i: , r - ; . • . • ... _. . . \

' ' . . . . . ' ' ~ : t . ' . . § ~2:37 Mahi~ Po~tconviction ~vie~. Act. und~r M~e . .. · .. · . Revi~ed Statutes Titl~. 15~ §§·21~1 to 2132~ · · . . §2131~Review of:6nalj~d~e~t-~ase'law . : For'.case law on review of~final postconvictio~ Judgments,· see e.g., Chass,e v. Merrill, 2009.. ~837~20.i(D. Me. 2009); report and recommendation ~dopted, .2009. WL 1~04693 (D. Me. 2009) (pur;.. suant to.15 M.R.S •.• _§ 2131 811d M.R.App. P.19, pe.titioner sough.t review ,by. the Law Court by filing a;petition seeking a certificate of. probable cause. in this., his first, ;postconviction r~view. pro~eed, ing; he~ con~nds that the Superior 1Court erred. or .e:x;ceeded ·its discretion in· dismissing his;petition for. failing .to .raise. any;pr9per groJJ.nds for postconviction review;'. based: .on_ .our review; ;w.e determined that the peti;~ion! ~hould not have been dismi$s~.d, because the._,one~year Ifuritation period in 15 .M.R.S. l2128 ,does not.apply, tc:>~the petition for relief filed; premised: upon 15 ·M.R.S .. §:2124(2), wbich· permits petiti:o;ns based upo_n: inca.rcer_a.tiQn or increaseq j_nca,rceration. imposed pursuant· .to.. a post.. sentencing proceeding:fpllowing a criminal.judgment, .al­ though_ the criminal judgment· itself is not challenged). . ~

466 § 22:38 Maine·PostconViction:-ReView Act un·der:·Maine Revise.~CSt~tu~~s.. ~tl~j·_us~ \§~2121 to1 2~~~Text of .,.,,.:"jl1 · 8. '>132 ,·I ..,_' .....J 1.-·j' ...' -./· - ...... ' ' ' ' . . ' • ••' f -'• I ._J. ' ' A •/· ' , ; \ _• •, _ ' { ' tr § 2132. Applicability . , .· · . J ... Both the substantive and procedural provisions of this chapter shall apply to any action for postconviction review com­ menced; after: the :effective.. date of· this chapter.- In mhe ·case.: of any action. under:.fotmer TitleJ4, ·sections 5502 to-5508 or any other action :fot~:collateral" reV.iew of.a conviction or- of conse­ quences resulting .. from a ·criminal judgment~.which~was com­ menced prior to the effective date of this chapter and which is pending on the ~effective~ date,.~, the petition. may be. amended to .a~sert any basit~ fo~. juriscij.ct~~~ .:µnder, .se~tio,:r;l:. ~124 or any ;.. gr9u~.4s, for·; !'~lief 11ot a~~l~'Ql~, lffi~~r pmo:r, hi~;· pr~yi~eq t\iat .. f~ure to:µte ;~~ver_p~$'-'ant·to.seH~1on 2128, subsectiOn 3. In any pending action brought under "prior law, the court in its. <:µscr~~i.on ,iµ~y ;~pplY; any: .of .~11.e pJ;"oc~dural provisions of this chapter. · ·· .' .· · -·" · · · · · · · ··. · - ·

.. ~ l - • ~ ' • • • ... J .,: ~ ; • . _; • - ' . ' -- • - '' ~ • i § 22:S9 . Maine ·P~~t~onvi~tion:·:Review Act; ~d~.. M~ne · •" :. · ReVised:Statutes:Title US,.§§ 21~~.,

•· • ! 1; : Additional Maine.Rules of Unified ,Criminal .· · Procedure applicable to PCRA ,·· The Maine PCRA is· pro·cedu~ally in;iplementediby Rules 65 through 75A~ .'Maine Rtlles I of Uriified Criminal Procedure· 'In all respects' not· the'. PCRA, .::Proceedings under the P.CRA shall be in accordance \ Rilles ·65'tbrough 75A. Me. Rev ~·:stat. Ann~ tit. 15, § 2129(5). . ; ; .. ! . ' .• '..' . . . : ' -- The 'proVi~idns of the Maine PCRA, the Maine· Rules of Ullified c•atProced~~' a~d·.tJ;>.e .M~~:R\tl~s· of'l\pp~llat~ i;>rocednre make 'use of the t'erm 1 '~the~· Law Cciurt. ". ~ThEi Law Court is 'the Maine Supreme Judicial Court ''[wjhen sitting as''a lfiw·-court to determine questions of law arising in civil actions and in criminal trials.~~~~: pr~ce~din~s ~ ~: i~ '~ M~~ Jiev. ~t.~t:. ~n. t~t.1,. § 5L <·~ . 'fu.e. l\ilaiµf3. I?:CRA i~ 1 a compr~~e~,iye rem,edy 8:~4 r~places both postconviction habeas .(f()rp1:1~- apd. p~stc9nyictiqq c~~~m nobis. Me. Rey.. i\.Jln,. tit.. 15, §. ~12.2. 1 :-·:. • • , ,. , .. § 22:40 Maine Postconviction Revie~ Act ·~der ':Maine · · , · = ReYised Statutes 'ritle 16,, §§ 2.121 to 21s2~Rules of Unified Criminal.',Procedlir~Text .of Mame" . ·. · ·Rule· of Unified: Crunmal Procedure: 66. :• :· . : 1 . • " . . ' : ' .. ·.; ... ,.·f "\~ . : . i '. . ' . . . . '.il. . Rules 65 through:7f5A, Me .. R.: Crim. P;roc!, which procedW-ally impleme~t :the .Maine PORA.,. provid~: .~- . · ; ~ §;·22:40 STATE POSTCONVICTION REMEDIES AND RELIEF

RULE -65. NATURE OFTHE;PROCEEDING · ~: . Ari action. for post-convictfort teview -pursuan~ to 15 M.R.S. ch. 305-A shall be docketed by the clerk in the· Unified Crimi- nal Docket. , · · :, .: · '

' ~ : ' . ~ '_ .• .' l

• : • ·: ~ ~ • • J l § 22:41 Maine Postcoilviction Review Act under. Maine Revised Statutes. Title 15~ §§ 2121-:to .213~Rules · of Unified Criminal Procedure-:..Text of ~aine · Rule of Unified Criminal ·Procedure 69A Rule ·69A. ASSIGNED JUDGE OR JUSTICE · (a) Assi~ent by Chief Jlis~ice of the Superior Court or by · ·· Designe~. The Chief ·J tistice of the Superior Cori.rt or the' Chief ·Justice's designee shall assign· petitions for post.:convi~tion 1 review. : · · • • · ' (b) Assignment of Trial Justice or_ Judge. (1) When the petition addresses a conviction in the trlal court, the trial justice or trial judge who imposed sentence or ·.ordered-commitment under-15 M.R.S-: § 103 may, be assigned 'to the post-cbnvietion review proceeding 11riless' the trial justice ·or trial judge is: disqualified1 ; or ·is otherwise unavailable~' · (2) When. the petition addresses -a juvenile prqceeding in the District Co~, the. tri~ judge who imposed juvenile dis­ ..position may b~ assigµed to the specific~lly to hear the post­ ;conviction review. proceeding, unless the judge is disqualified or is otherwise unavailable. · , · , . (c) Assignment Other Than of the Trial Justice or Trial Judge. If the· trial justice or trial judge is ~ot assigned under :subdivisio.n (b), the.petit~on for pos~-con~ction re~e'V may be . ass~gned to any justice or jupge. · . . .

. . . § 22:42 · Maine Postconvictiori Review Act iunder· Maine Revised·StatUtes 1;itle 15, §§ 2121--to 21a2-Rules of Unified CrimmalProcedur~Rule 70- Summ&ry dismissals of petitions-Withdrawal of· , petition' dismissals of petitio~ for postconyjction .~elief filed under the Maine PCM ~e perriiitted~ Rule 70(b), Me. Rules U. Crim. Proc. (i( it piainly appears ttODl: th~. face. of the petition and any exhibits annexed to it that the petition fails to show subject matter jurisdiction or to state a ground· ~pon which postconvic­ tion relief can be granted, the co_urt shall enter an order for the 468 § 22:43 summary dismissal of the petition; .stating the reaso·ns for ·the dismissal; .-the court shall cause· .the petitione.r to be notified of the dismissal and· the reasons for it). · :. ·Under certain circUmstB:llces, the court may grant a petitioner's motion to withdraw the petition("Without an adjudicati~n on the merits. Rule 70(d); Me; Rules U. Crim. Proc. ; · ·: . ~· . The court, on ·his or her ow:q. 'imtiative or on motion of: the state, after 'notice to the parties, ·and in the absence of a ·showing of good cause to the contrary by the petitioner,· shall dismiss a peti­ tion for want of prosecuti~n at any time'-more than one year after the last docket entry' showing ariy' ·action taken therein! by the petitioner other than a motion ·for a continuance, and unless the , court in. the order. for dismissal otherWise :specifi~s, .the dismissal shall operate as an. adjudication upon the merits. Rule· 70(e), Me . . Rules U. Crim. Proc. · ·

§'22:43 Maine·PostconvictiOn•Review Act under·Maine Revised Statutes Title 15, §§ 2121 to 2132--Rwes 1 of Unified· Criminal Procedure-Text of Maine . Ruie·ofUnified Criminal Procedure 70

1 I , ' ,! {· ., \. •' I -RULE 70. · . (a) .. Review of Petition QY tll~,.C~urt. _The court sJiall promptly ·.'.examine .the petitfon. .·. · · · · · · , . . '(b) Summary Dismissal or Stay of the Petition." The court ·shall ent~~ fill: ~rde~ for.the sum:Qiazy dis¢s.sal 0£,the petition in. whole or in .pf\rt, stS:t~n,g the reasons for the dismissal, if fr_oni the face of the.petition and ~ny e~bitsattached to it, the petit~on afl4-mativ~lY cijscloses . (1) No restraint'or impediment under 15 M.RS. § 2124; (2) Waiver of grounds for ·relief under 15 M.R.S. § 2128 and discloses no exception under 15 ·M.R.S.: § 2128-A; (3) Failure to adhere to the filing deadline under; 15 M.R.S. · · · ~ .212~~B; 'if subs_ectiori l,'.paragraph C is triggered, .. further discloses a failure to exercise due diligence; or . · (4) No gr~und u'.pon which pqst-conviction relief can be granted under .15 M.R.S. § 2125. .. . . The court shall cause the .petitioner to be notified ·of the dis­ .missal and the reasons for it. · In the event that the face of the petition and any exhibits at- , tached· to it affirmatively' .disclos·e one or more unexhausted remedies incidental :to the' proceedings in t~e. trial. court, or on appeal, or administrative remedies under 15 M.R.S. § 2126, the court shall; except as · otherwise specifically provided in· 15


M:~R~s.,. §.:2126 regarding an ,appeal from a judgment of convic~ ·,._, tfon,; ;a: juvenile .adjudication·, ~or. a judgment iOf .not: criminally responsible by reason of insanity, ·either enter an; omer for. ·the · Slµllmary, di"missal. c;>f the pe,titioIJ. :or. e~ter· an· or

. . .(c} Response;: Ame~~ent. tp R._eti~ipn ... If tP,e 1 p~tition .i~. not . swxµnariJy. 'C}ismissed pursu~n~ to ;sqbdivisic;>n (b), the .resp9q".' gerit, ~hall fil.e a ~$ponse. as follo~s: ., . . . ., · ...... : . ~ :(1), Ifthe.petitioner:has .been represented by counsel at·.the , time .of; the filing .of the .. ·p_etition · er· t}1e, petitioner, does. not desire to ret~n counsel, or, if indigent, to have· counsel ;as~ signed, the court shall order the respondent to file a response pµrsuant ·tQ Rule·. 71 w.jtbin ~1.:days ;O(tb~ :.da.~ ~b.~ order -i~ rec¢ve$i.. ,_ · .. . . , .: ...... ~~;; L , . ,.. ; . : (2) .. If'the· .petitioner; has not been represented: by counsel at the time· of the-· filing .of the: petitioli.:btit iekpresses:~a:h intent to retain counsel forthwith or has made application to have counsel assigned pursuant to Rule 69, the court shall.proVide the noni.ndigent petitione~ the. oppor~uni~ty to retain ~ounsel or shall assign counsel for the mdigen~··petjtioner~ With;ili .42 days of the dfitte coul:lsel enters .~ppearall.ce ·or-is· ·~ssigned, · counsel sh~ll -'.Rle either an amei;lqed petition· or· notfoe ~hat

.I• no amleride~• ·petition is to 'be filed. 'Additional time··~ay ~be gran~d by the' ~ourt for caus·e s~own before or after'· ~he time · : has expired, With or without motion' ·~md noti~~. FolloWing the filing of an amended petition 'ot .. notfoe' that· rio amended petition is' to be· filed~ the cler:k of-the Unified Criminal Docket ..shall· mail l;l copy ~Q.erepf to the respo.ndeµt." Wi~hin -~1 days of receipt of such copy, the. respo~~ent, shall file a response . pursu~nt to Rul,e 1i.. · · · . ". -__· . , , ·, . ··· ":'. .# ·

I '. '.: .(3)'.. Fo}lowingith.e. 'µqng ,9f a rEtSPO~S~~.~y respo~dent ,pursu- . ant to pariigraphs ( 1) and (2) ..a pet~.t~~n ~ay be. further am~nded only by leave of'the. court for good caus~ shown. If the. cou:rt allows 'a' petition tri be'' aµiended after the filing of a response, the responderit may; except as."the court might ~· otherwise provide .:pursuant ,to.Rule 72A(b~(3),: ·file-an ad­ ditional response within 14 ·days "of.receipt :0£ the amended · petitjon. . , . . ~ · . , . 1 • , · .· . (d) •Withdrawal ·of Petition.. A petitioner, at any .time. prior to finahdisposition, may move to withdraw a petition without such a withdrawal operating ·as an adjudication upon the :m~rits ·by filing a signed,reques~. The co~ shall.grant ~uch-motion iii 470 I I

,. § 22:44 . the absence of a showing: by the respondent.that it· would be unfairly prejudiced thereby."A·motion·to· withdraw Without.prej­ . · uclice may be signed· by petitioner's·· counsel rather than by the . petitioner·personaHy·.if:the motfon includes: a representatjon ·by counsel that the ·petitioner has· instrilcted-: counsel ito seek a Withdrawal Of the petition~ ' ' l~ :. • ' • " ' • ' . • ; . ' I . · (e) Dismissal of Petition for ·Failure to:Prosecute ..··The court, on its own initiative or on motion. of the respondent, after no­ tice to the parties, and in the absence of a showing of ~ood cause. to the cont.rary by the\.pe.titionef, _shall dismiss .. a petjtipn for want of prosecuiian at~any:\im~.mor~~·.year after the' last: doc&et .e~tcy ·shoW;ing any _actioii· tBJt~n. therein by the petitfoner other than a motion for· a continuance. Unless the court in the order for dismissal otherwise specifies,· such dis- . missal shall operate ·&8· '.an· adjudication upon the merits. · ·

• J ; i • f , .: • " f ; '. ' , -; .• / ~ ~ ' .. I ~ ;, I I . t _ ! '

1 ' i _:. " ',; :_ ' ft , , ._. I .1 §.22:441 ·Maine Postconvietion Review Act under Maine .. : . : ,. Revised _Statutes· Title. US;_.§§ 2121 to 2132-Rules · . - . _of Unifie~ Cr~b1~ ;E>roQed~~~xtiQf.:M:aine., . ·.

. , : . Rule of, Vnifie4. Cijmi:Il8'. Procedµre; 71{ . : ,~ . .. I , ,

• I : • I . i - j ~ • ' ' • ~ • ; • ,. • ~ • • .~ RULE 71. Response1 . , .. ;•·· . . ..,. ". (a) When .Required. The respondent is reqaired tq: respond to the original or amended petition.·omy wpen:·directed. to do ·so PUJ"SUaD;t to R,ule 70(c),. or as mar be f\uth~r .. 1ordered, to do so ·by the cou~ pur$uant to suqdiy1sio;n (Q) of this R~le:,or.;Rule . 72A(b)(3). . . t /. . ) : • . - ••.• • • . • • . : .• ~ . _. ••

• 1 1 ~- (b) En~argement of Time to :File., Notwithsta.nding tµ~ filing · deadlines 'imposed pursuant to Rule· 70(c), ·subdivision.. (cX of ;this Rule, or Rule 72A(b)(~), a~ditional .gra.1;1ted by the jcourt' for cause 'shown, before or1 after the time has ·expired, with or without motioii' and' notice~,.'.";' . : ' t' • ·' ! ; Io ; j , • .. (c) C.ontents of Response>Ex~ept a'.s othe~wise pr9vided herein,. th'e.respons~ must ~we.reach of the grounds.·~sserted iµ. the. petitio0:. In ,additio~;. it must s~ate . .wh~ther any .ground .iil the· petition fiµIs to. satisfy, one. or more. of the five statutory .. p're~equisites. to ~~·. ~dJµ~ica~ioil on; tqe' :qierit~ identi~ed in ... Ru}e .~6 •. A:S t~ a11y, s~ch ~~~e~e~ly barr~~·~o~nd,.th~·respon­ dent may, m lieu of addressing its substantive ments m the re- . · spon·se, moye for .its: dismissa.l'. 'as '.p'i:itt · of th1e respo~s.e~: The court, upon reView of the ffleCl response; ·~ay Q~der.the'respon­ dent to supplement its filed response· by addre~sing the inerits of. any allegedly. barred: ground and. set: the. time. within. which the supplemental response is to· b'e filed. Other than>frl the context of nioving to: dismiss .a 'ground, the .respon:s·e shall not . include argument, citation,· and discussion of legal ·authorities, . but:they. niay be.. filed in a·separate document. · ·

471 ,.. § 22:44 STATE PosTcoNVIcTioN. REMEDIES AND RELIEF .. (d) Materials Attached to or·Filed With Response. Respon­ dent must attach to its response or file, with its response what­ ever further documents or other materials it .is relying upon in support of any allegation of;a·barred:ground. Respondent. is encouraged to"also include whatever further documents or other materials it believes may assist the court in adjudicating any .nonbarred ground on the merits.; ·

§ ·22:45 Maine Postconviction Review Act 1inder Maine Revised :Statutes ·Title 15, §§ 2121-2132L;-Rules of 'Q'nifted Crimin&l Procedur~Rule 71A_.:_Filing a 'response ·· ·· .: ·. · ·· · . _, ., . . Rule 71A was adopted October 28, 2013, effective January 1, 2014. As of July 1, 2015, Rule 71A of the Unified Criminal Proce­ dure Rules became effective in all 16 of Maine's counties. This rule, with a few minor exceptions, mirrors the'original Rule 71A that' addressed the timely disposition· by an assigned justice of a response :filed, by a ·respondent seeking .a dismissal of the petition in whole or in part:based upon a petitioner's alleged failure to satisfy one or more of the five statutory prerequisites to an adjudication on the merits identified in Rule· 66. 71A Filing A Response Seeking DismissaI; Timely Disposition by· Assigned Justice · If the re.sponse filed by the respondent seeks .a dismissal of · the petition in .. whole or in part based upon a petitioner's. al­ leged failure to satisfy one or more of the five statutory pr~requisites· to an adjudication on the merits· identified in Rule 66, the court · · · ' · . · · . . (a) In 'the case of an alleged .failure on the part of. the petitioner to demonstrate exhaustfon. of remedies incidental . to the proceeding in the trial court, o_r on appeal, or tlirough . administrative remedies, shall dispose of the dismissal request based upon the pleadings, any further amendmen~ of . the pleadings, and any other material of record. In the event · the court determines· that· one or more pending· or available unexhausted remedies exist,. the ,court, shall, ex'cept as otherwise specifically proVided in 15 1,Vl.~.S. § 2126 regarding an appeal from a judgment ()f conviction, a juvenile adjudica­ tion, or a judgment of not criini,nally'responsible by reason of insanity, eitl,.er grant the r~spondent's dismissal request or stay the post~conviction review proceeqing pending exhaus- .· tion, depending upon which. alternative the court determines to be most appropriate under the circumstances. . .(b) In ·tlie case of an alleged failure· on ·the part of. the petitioner to demonstrate. one_ or more of the other statutory

. 472 § 22:47 prerequisites, shall ·dispose. of. the. dismissal request: based upon the pleadings, any·further amendment of the., pleadings, and any other material of record unless the·:boli.rt determines that, as -a matter. of fairness to the petitioner, .disposition should await an evidentiary hearing. .. -·.. ~· . I " ~ ·.

- ' . §.22:46 Maine Postcon~ction_ Revie~ Act und~r Maine Revised Stat:ute~ Ti~Ie .1~~ .§.§ .2121 ·_to 2132~Rll]es of.Unified Crim~al Proc~dur~R~e.72- r:. Discovery ··Discovery is authorized in Maine PCRA proceedings·,· but· only when arid to the extent that the assigned justice, on moifon. and for good c~use shown, grants leave for discovery. 'Thjs rule is· pur­ suant to the adoption of Rules of Unified Cdininal Procepure ef- f~ctive July 1,. 2015, in all of Mame's 16 counties. · · i ' i • . § 22:47 Maine Postconviction Review Act 11nder Maine Revised Statutes Titl~ 15;·§§ 2121to2132~Rules of Unified Criminal'Procedure-:-Rule 72-TeXt of Maine Rule of Unified Crimiii&l Procedure 72

. ' . Rule 12. DiscQv~ry . .. ' . . . . . (a) In General. A party shall not. be entitled to discovery in a

proceeqing for post-conviction i review unless,. and· to ·the·. extent that, t9e court, upon motion and for good cause shown,. grants leave for discovery. If -leave (or .discovery J& granted, the court shall specify the appropriate means of discovery, provided that dep·ositions shall. be o~~ered ,onl~ pursuant to. Rul~ 15. , . ~

·.:_.•: ..

. I -


§·22:48 Maine.Postconviction ~view Act under,Maine ··''-Revised Statutes;Title 15,.§§ 2121~to·2132~Rules ..- ~ · ·, · i•of Unified Crilnirial Procedure-Text of Maine . .. Rule:of. Unified Criminal Procedure 72A

•• f : . ' . ~ . RULE 72A. CONFERENCE FOLLOWING THE FILING OF THE PLEADINGS · ~aX~.scJJ.~ihili~g_: ..)ron~~ing t~~ ·~ling of tlie pleadings, ·~he elel'k' bf the U~ed Ctumnal · D9ck~t sh~l as soon .. as possible schedule- ·a corlference ·and· give ·notfoe 'to the parties thereof. The court may dispense with a conference. 1 ": ·

. , .(9) ..JM;~ttei:s to1.Be qonside~ed a~. ,C:~~~rence. ·Th~ court ~d : . th~. p~1es,~hall ..9op.s1d¢ri the fqllowmg matters .a~ tµ.e co~~el"~ ence and the' court shall enter an· order 'which shall state the . 'j . actio~ taken. by the ·~oUrt or agreed upon by. the parties .with 1 · · respect,to each·of the said"~~tte~s:t '.. ' . .. " ~ _ · • (1) The court's action"in disposing of all motions pending at the time of the conference . ..' (2).. 'rh~·.coW1's.acti9n"Wltli.t~spe~t to th~:tlliiigby the:p~­ .~ties· of fur~];l.~r .. motions· ~:g.,d'. th.e date by. which such filings shall, b~' accomplisq~d.; ' . ,: ': ' . '· ' .. : . . ..: (3) Any instruction of the court to the parties With respect to further amendment of the pleading~. in the case aµd the date by which such further amendment of the pleadings'sball .. · be. completed.~ : °'· . , - . • . ,, (4) ·The .record 'Upon which the· final disposition· of the··peti- tion is ~to be made· by the court. : ;. :, · . ·:.· (5) The oourt's determitiation as to ~hether an eVidentiary · .,· ·lleann.g is required.··. -. i· ; ·: · . :1 ''·:· · · ·, ·. · · . -. ( 6) : The time and. place of the eviaentiary he'aring~ · ;· (7) Alist'of ali witnesse.s tcfbe calle4'1l:>y the parties at the '1evideri.tiary 'hearing~ The· assigned justice or Judge· shall ; '·· ·specify a date by which notice shall be given t6' the court ·and . th~ opposing1 party of ~y; additions to- this list ·of. witnesses

.;, '.by· any party.. ; 1; ··j • I I : ' • · _ · (8) If there js t-o· be i;io · di'~positfo~al 'hearing·; un~'ess · .~ dispensed with·by,the parties and the court,' the brie~ng · · -schedule; inchiding· oral.argument-~~ ' . : .; · · : .. _. .. ·1 1 . : (9) The. 'court may direct that~'lh:e· e~ecte~ testimony. of tsomt! 'or· ·an of 'tlie expected witnesses. be .pre·sented to the court by affidavit swo~ by the·expecte'd witness; and sched­ ule a further conference to determine, after receipt and review of the affidavits, if the expected evidence justifies .Proceeding to a live testimonial hearing or if the matter may be resolved based on affidavits and _briefing. 474 .. '.: ' §.22:50

§ 22:49 ··Maine Postconviction.ReviewAct· under··Maine·::. ReviSed StatU;tes ·Title 15, §§ .2121. to;2a8~Rules ., of Unified C~al;.Pro~f!d.~~R~e .'1~ E~de~tiaey:,hearjnpr. ;., · ~·>· ~~ rJ ~ .. /:: ;{ Evidentiary hearings.Jn Maine ~CRA pr~ce~di~gs are governed by Rule 73, Me. Rules U1 1Crlm:· Proc~A trial cotiit is· not-required to ~old ·~. evidenti~ he~!l-gi ~n a defend~t'~ .ID.otion to vacate se~t~nce 'Y~er~ his ,¢q~on~aoe~~#ot. p~esenl ~yjiis~iciapl~. is.s¥es. State. v. Btlynsky, 2008-ME 33, Q42 A'..2d 123((Me. 2008). •, I ' ' ', • ' ~ • 1 ' • J I I f - ; • - ~ _c I ! • ' ~ • ' , ( t •:; I ~ ' • : ' " § 22:50 '' Maiiie Postcon\ii~tiOh Re.Jiew Act: und_;~ Maule · . ' &Vised' StatU:t~s·~t1~·15, §§ 2t2·1 'tor21a2~Rhles of Unified Criminal Procedure-Rule 73-Text of ~e Rules of Uajfied Criminal :Procedµre. 73 ...... ~'.:' _, : ... · :· .. , .... · -5 • t. c·~ :.. ~ ···~ ; f:i · . . . -.= -·-:. ···~ · . -. - .• :. RULE 7s. "EVIDENTIARY uE.AruNG, Blim:Fs AND ARGUMENTS: ..·j·,.1'.':..• ... a:. ,·.... .1..· ,.,••• ~:,.-.;··: .. (a) Evidentiaey. Mearlrtg.r ~t ·the tune. nf'the conference, or if a confere~ce is dispensed with, 'within 28 days of the date the respons'e 'is· filed~reither the:'petitioner or the 'I'espondent"may request an evidentiary hearing. If either party: makes ~such a .request, the court shall, after a review Qf the pl_eacijngs and any otlier· ·material of te:cord~ determine whether .an evidentiary hearing is required. If the· court dete:hnines· that' an evidentiary ...;hearing is required,. the hearing ·may· be .ordered. held in any place open to the public in iµiy county. ,. '-': . . . , . . :; .·· . .· ; (b). Time for Briefs When No Hearing. Unless a briefing .. . s~he~~le. has' ·~a:rlief been. incprpo~ated "1n an' order ansiI~.g out of the conferen:ce~ if no request· for• an· evide.ntiary hearin~ has ' . bee~ made or· if the.1cdUrt. '4et~tniines no eVidentiary hearing is '· required, tlie Clerk 'shall·send ra tiriefing'schedule to the parties as follows: The petitioner's brief shall be filed within 28 ;days ., ·after the last~d~y,9nwhich,~·P.e~g coµld ~av~ bee11:requested; ·~~ ~~~pondent:shall file i~ Q~ef.within!.2~ days .aAer.i:ac~ipt of the petitioner's brief; and the. petitiq:µer may file ~ reply brief within 14 days after receipt of the' respqndent's brief. . (c} ·Time for 'B'riefs When· Heanrig Held~. u.n\ess· otherwise ordered by the: court, if-'an :evidentiacy hearing is ·held the · petitioner's brief shall be file~ within 28- days· of the close of the hearing;. .tl)e respondent shall ,file::jits brief within ,28 day~ of . receipt Qf the petitioner.'s brjef; and. the petitiqµer~.may fil~ a reply brief within 14 day~ ..afteJ.?.,reqeipt, .of.~~~\ resp,Q~dent's brief. " . :· ...... ·. . . . . , .. . : (d) . Oral A'.rghirient. Unless 'dispensed.. witn by the court, if no ; evidentiarjr.hearing is. held:;thec clerk: shall schedule oral argu­ :i:ment on. ·the next available date after tlie lbt. btief.:is received.

Oral argument may be waived by: .the :parties. , ; · -·... J •


§ 22:51 Maine Postconviction Review Acttunder Maine ·. · < ReW.sed Statutes·Title 15,.§§ 2121to2132-Rules of.Unified Criminal Procedur~Ten· of Maine Rule of Unified CrimiD&l·Procedure 73A :. RULE 73A. MOTION.FORJUDGMENT · After the pet~tioner· has qomplete~'·the · pres~ntatfon of evi­ dence at the ~earing on the petition, the:.' respon·~ent, without waiving its right"1 to offer evidence iri the event the motion is not granted, may move.forju4~ent ~n the gro~q that.upon the facts_an.dthe law the peti~fol).er ;ha~ sh9wn no;rignt .to relief. ,' • ' . • .• •1•J'\ ,._ ' ··• ' ... ' "

§ 22:52 Main~ P~stconvictiOii Revie~ Act under Maine Revised Statutes Title 15, §§ 2121 ·t() 2132-Rules of Unified Criminal.Procedure-Text,·.of Maine . Rqle of Unified Cr~al. ?roce.d!ll:'~. 74: . RULE 74. nAIL PENDING:·FINAL QISPOSITION OF. THE PETITION " (a) Application; to the CoUrt.'A. petitioner may ~ppiy to. the court for bail pencliµg final di&position. · · :. (b) Standards Governing Bail. The court may order the release of the petitioner on bail jf: · · · · ··en the-court is '.satisfied,· qn the basis of the pleadings, or the pleadipgs ~1:1PPl~ment~d by any evidence received· at a hea:ring on the petition pur.suant. to Rule 73, that the petitioner has a. reasonable likelihood ·of prevailing. on. the pe­ tition; (2) release on bail is ·appropriate given the crime and the nature of the· ultimate r~lief contemplated by· the ·courl if'the , ·petitioner were ~o prevail; ,and· ' . (3) th~ stanqards and, ~QnditiQ:QS go~erniri.g hail contained in is M.~.S. § 1051(2)_ and .(3) ~e satisfied. · (c) Revocation of Bail Pending :Final Disposition of Petition .. ·, The· court may revoke an· order of bail granted pending"final disposition· of the .petition upon determination made after no- .tice and opportunity.for·hearing that · · . (l) The petitioner has violated. a condition .of bail or J ' / • I . ' ~ . • ' I • ' ,. ••• .. ... (2) The petitioner has been:charged with.a crime·allegedly committed while the petitioner ·was·· on release. pending final disposition of the petition.. '

476 § 22:54

§ 22:53 Maine :Postconviction· Review Act under Maine : ·): · Revised Statutes Title 15, §.§ ·2121. to· 2132-Rules ·of'Unified Criminal Procedure--Text of Maine Rule of Unified Criminal Procedure '75 · · . . - RULE 75. BAIL PENDING APPEAL WHEN RELIEF IS · GRANTED TO•THE PETITIONER (a) Appiication · to the Court. A petitfone! who has been granted relief may apply to the court for bail pending appeal. (b) Standards Governing· Bail Pendi~g App~~l.. The court may order the release of the petitioner on bail pending appeal when relief has been granted to the petitioner if the require­ ments of Rule 74(b)(2) and (3) are satisfied. . (c) Revocati~n of Baii Granted. PeJicllng Appe~l.· The co~rt may revoke .aµ. or~er,of bail gr~ntecl pendi:q.g ~ppe_al pursuant to Rule 74(c). . . )

§ 22:54 Maine: Postconviction Review Act under Maine ·Revised St.atutes ·Title 15, ·§§ 2121 to. 2132.;...;..Rules of Unified Criminal P>rocedure-Text: of· Maine Rule of Unified .Criminal Procedure '75A .. .. RULE .75A. STAY QF EXECUTl9N (a)' Bail Pending Final Disposition. I{ the court orders the release of the petitioner on bail pending final disp.osition of the '.petition pursuant· to Rule ·74(b) and the ·petitioner;is, admitted to. bail/the 1sentence·, is· automatically stayed.· If the. final judg­ ment is adverse. to. the· petitioner, the stay automatically terminates. .-when .. the judgment making final. disposition is entered. in. the Unified. Criminal ,Docket. When: a stay of sentence of ~s so. t~rminated, the clerk of the .. Unified. Crinrinal Docket .. shtijl f9rthwith ·mail a date~sta;mped .. copy jud~en~_,making'.fiµal djspositio.n .to the. parties 1 . and to the sheriff ~am¢d, in the .underlying commitment order. . Witlµn ·3 days. after that mailing·; excluding Saturdays,. Sundays and legal holidays, the petitioner's counsel or,· ifno.t. represented .bY counsel, the petitioner 'shall contact the office of the sheriff nafned in the ·underl:fing ·commitmen~ order and make arrange­ ments .satisfactory to the sheriff for surrendering into that sheriff's custody that 'day or; at the: direction of the sheriff, the · next regular business day. If such atrangem~nts are not timely ··made, or if the· arrangements are not complied with, upon the request of the named sheriff or the attorney for the responden~, or by dire~tfon of the court, ·the clerk of the Unified Criminal . Docket shall issue -a warrant for the p~tition:er's arrest. Upon


issuance of that-:warrant arid· necessary notice-·by·the clerk:~to the: .cour't1 of that. fact,, the court; in· cohfo1'mfty .1.:with Rule 46(g)(l),,shall declare a forfeiture ofthe .·Rule 74 bail .because of the breach ·of condition. · , '. · ; , , ·· · , ..... (b) Bail Pending Appeal. If the court orders the release of the p·etitiofier on-. bail pending ·appeal.pursuant to· "Rule 175(b) and the petitioner is admitted. tel' bail;· executioru of :th'e :sentence ~hall ..~~ ,s~~_yed. ~~- provided_.i* .Rule. :38~~) ~a.nd (p). fbe, pr?ce­ dure. £or.. th~. ,petitioner's S'1l'l"enaer. following auton;iatic termma- . "tion 'of .a' 'stay~ bf sentence''of imprisoninent'. is.' as prQvi~ed'·in ' subdiVision· (a). : · · · ' ' · ' ~ -. J ' ' ! ; t ; ' : t ; t ' ~ • ' ' ' •I

§ 22:55 ~otion~ to c~rr~ct illegal ~enience' co~ect '' sentence impos~d· iri. an:illegal m&mier and · .,_'. ' ·reduce sentence.Under Maine;RfilEfofUnified ..: Criminal Procedure 85 Rule .35, Me. R. U. Crim. Proc. authorizes three postconviction remedies-in, Maine: (1) the motion'to ·correct-illegal sentence;J2) the motion to correct. a se~tenoe imposed· in·· an illegal manner and (3)the'!motion·to reduce sentence.~'.;.:. - ; '•' l:, r •• Under Ru1Ef'-35(a)~ Me. Rules u~?~rim/Proc~,~the'judge of the convicting· court, on motion of the defendant or the state, or on the court's own motion, may Within,, oheryear" Sftel'--'iriipositiOn of sentenc~ coi;re.ct aii jllegal. sentence or a· sen~~~~~ ~posed in an il!eg~ µi.anpe~. : · , . · : . · .r _. · , . , : . 1 : : : _ • • ~ • • • . : • • • • ·Under Rhle 35(b), Me: Rules· .u. ·crim.. Ero~·, ·the j\ldge !Of the convicting court ,may. reduce .. a senten.ce :»at -anyi .time~. ·prior to. the commencement ·of. the execution.of.the··sentence~ · · :· · :·~ · 1 i • •. • ·Under Ruie 35(c)(l), MeJ~ules U~ 'Crint ·Proc., the judge't>fthe conYicting cotirt, 011' m~tion of the.· defendant' or the· s~ate, or on the court's owri motiOri, ·niay reduce' 11 ·:s~ntenee·· bef'or~· 'execution of the sentence 'is' compietecl' mid within :one year-of inipbsition of se~terice._ ~e·grolilid of~ ·~hl.~- a5(c)(P.mbtfo#;tti·.r~d~~~-s~nt~·nce niust ·b~ :th~t th~; 'origi~~ sen~nc~ :W~S 1.Dft~~~~a'by ·~ Piistake· of ~~e~ff:M!!~~:t ~e ~e ~~ Seq~~~g:, ·~~~ .;5~c).~:~·1 , ~e. A def~ndant may appeal frq~ .an adversE\ t:qijpg of_ tp.~ ~~\\Pwior court mad~ under Raje· 35(~) or: (c);to the_ stf!te &up~eme ~P~ as provided by .the· Maine Rul~s .of Appellate. Ptocy!dµz:~. Rule. 35(f); Me .. Rules U. Crim. Proc. The notice of appeal tjiust ·b.e,Jiled.with the cl~k of~the sup~rior court· within 21· days'. after entry of: the judgment. Rule 2(b)(2)(A),. Me ... _R~.: App. Proc. The appeal. is discretionary; and not of right. Rule 19(a); Me. R. App~ ·Proc. (this rule covers criminal; appeals which.,are: subject to :preliniinary 478 I I

.---.'· § 22:56 review !and .. full conside:ration as: a matter of dis·cretion by the state supreme court; the .appeals ,covered by.this rule include an appeal from a ruling~by the superior court on·a motion. td correct or reduce a sentence, ipur.suant·to Rule 35(a}or (c),·Me. ·Rules U. Crim. Proc.; where (the· .appeal is, taken by· the defendant). Under ~ule l9(c),:.Me •. R.' App... ·,P:r:oc.';1 the. defendanLseeking the discretionary :appeal shall~ ·within 21 days after._filing the notice of appeal, file with the -~lerk ·of .the· state supreme :court· a memo­ randum giving specific :and substantive reasons why' the issue or issues identified for ·prosecution: .of the .appeal. warrant the ·issu­ ance of ·a. certificate .of· probable ca1:1se authorizing consideration of ·the .appeal on. the ·merits~) 1£ the· state: supreme cour.t. denies the certificate ~of probable· cause~ the parties shall be notified~· Rule 19(e), Me. R. App. Proc; If the ·court 'grants· the certificate of prob­ able c~use, considerationiof the;appea:l on. the :merits is· autho­ rized, and the parties shall be-:.riotified.' :Rule 19(£), Me·. R ... App. Proc .. : :: . . ~ ' I : I ; ~ l ~5.•' ',: ' ~. J' I ·. ) • i . ' . I .. The Maine·, Rule~ ·of App~Iiat~ Procedhte govern the procedure for an the· state t0 the·MainecSupreme Judicial Court from either (1) an adverse rilUng otthe ! superior cburt relative to a sta~e-i~tiated niotidri '~ad~~ under :s4bdiyision .Rul~ ~(a) or (c), M~~ R~les U. Crim." Pr().6., 'cit (2tan' ad:y~rse ruling of.the sup~~or court ·r~1ative to a· defendant-initiated 'app.e~l under,.,Rule. 35(f), Me .. nules U. Crim. Proc. :The stat~'s appe~l-i8_8,$· of right, not discretionary. The st&W's ;notice of appeal '.must b~ 'filed wit];l the ~l~rk .?.f the supeii~r .. c.ouri{ ~i~p.i~ .~1 . days af~~~ l'.~ri.~ry' o~ 'the Judgment. Rule 2(b)(2)(A), Me. R. App. Proc. . . . .! · ~ .22:5~. Moti~n'.s t~ ·.corre~~. µie,r!!' s~nt~~ce~ c~rrect . . . senten~-~. Qllposed :u;i ~ ij.legaJ manner and re~u~e. ~ent~n~e qri~er ~~ ,Rul~; pf ;t1ajfi_ed ·Cnm1nal Procedure 35-Text Rule 35, Me. Rules U. Crim. Proc., provides: ·. ·,.;..: ·, -, i. ' .! .. ': . ... 1 · f ~ :..: ... RULE 35.· ·· · · · ' · · ' · · · ·~ · ·· . (~) Correction of Serit~nce. Ori' niotfoq ror tli.Ef'defendant o·r ~~-the attorney for the State, ot :on. th~ ~cotiitis: own·motion, made within one year after a sentence is imposed, the justice or judge who imposed sentence. may:,Qorrect Jill. illegal senten,ce. :9~ a se~~ence imposed in an illegal maµner~~· ' '. ' - ' ' r • ' • : r . ; • . (b). Reduction· of . Sent(dnce .~~fore Oommenceiµe~t _of .. Execµtion. The justi~e or judge .w4o imposed s_ent~pce may · _', requce a _sentence: pripr. to· th~. c~mmenc~µi~nt of executicm

:therec;>f. •i: . :· . , • · _...... 1 • • (~).Reduction of $E)'1~AceMer Comn;tencemel).t c;>f Exe~.uti.op:~ 479 § 22:56 STATE PosTCONVICTION REMEDIES AND RELIEF (1) Timing of Motion. On motion. of the defendant ·or the ·attorney for: the State, or on the• court's own motion, made within· one year after -a sentence is imposed and before tQ.e execution of the sentence is completed, the justice or judge who imposed sentence may reduce that incomplete sentence. (2) Ground of Motion. The· ground· of the motion shall be · that the original sentence was influenced by a mistake· of fact that existed at the time of sentencing.·:· (d) Definitions. A sentence is the 'entire· ·order of disposition, including- conditions of probation, supervised ·release and administrative release, suspension of ·s~htence, and whether it is to be served concurrently with,: or consecutively. to, another . sentence. A revision of sentence from imprisonment to proba., ·.tion is a .permissible reduction of sentence. A reduction of sentence is either an,.obvious.reductio~ or a change of sentence to which the defend~t coris~nts. . . : (e) Power of Trial Court Pending an Appeal. If an appeal is p~nding, the clerk of ~he lJnified Criminal Docket shall im­ mediately send notice to the clerk of the Law Court of the filing of the motiOn made under subdivisions .(a) or (c); the court shall conduct a hearing ~n~ either deny ~th~· motion .ma4e· under subdivisions (a) or (c) or certify to the'- Law Court that it'would gr~nt the motion, but the coUrt m~y grant the motion only o~ remand 'of the case. . · .,· . (f) Appeal by Defendant.· A. defendant may appeal from an adverse ruling of the court made under ·su_bdivision (a) or (c) ·to the Law Court as· provided by the Maine Rules of Appellate Procedure. , · · i (g) Appeal by State. The Ma~e Rules of Appellate Procedure govern the procedure fo~· an. app~_~l by the State to the Law Court .from an· ·adverse ruling of the court relative to a State­ initiated motion made ~de~- subdivision (a) or (~). ·

§ 22:57 Motions to correct illegal sentence, correct sentence imposed in an illegal manner and re

480 § 22:59 tions to. correct or reduce ·senteJ;ice· expressly required defendant to take his appeal to Superior Court; Supreme' court's capacity to consider an appeal can.not be coµferred by coµ.~ent,, agreem.ent, waiver, Of by failing to. raise a jl1Psdict~on~i argqm~ntJ; Btq,te v. Bilynsky, 20Q8 ME 33, 942 A.2d 1234 (Me. ~008) (a... challepge to an award of pre-sentence. detention credit is beyond the scope of Rule. 35 and .is only .Properly made. through postconviction proceedings; although the returD.; of defendant's property discusseq at the plea and sentencing hearings, it was not a requirement under the plea· agr.eement, and thus any lack of return provided no basis for.vacati~g defendant's sentence); State v. Johnson, 2006 ME 35, 894 A:2d ·489 (Me. ·2006): (Rule· l(c), Me R. :Crim. ·Proc., cannot be used to illegal sentence after the expir~tion of the remedy provided in Rule' 35, ·Me. Rules U. Crim. Proc., which allows for the correction of such a sentence within one year of imposition). .- · ·

§ 22:58 :Motions to correc.t' illegal se~tenc~,. correct sentence unposed· in an illegal manner. and reduce-sentence-under Maine. Rule of Unified Criminal Proced~e 35-Case'law regarding reduction of sentence : For .case law inv61Ving·-.reduction of .sentence. 'under Rule 35(b) or Rule "~5Cc)(l) iµ lYlaine·, sae, e.g.,·.·BtqJe v; $heldori-, 2000 ME 193, 760 A.2d 1083 (Me. 2000) (Rule 35(f), M~. Rules U. Crim. Proc., provide~ for a dis~retionacy appeal froµi denials of ~ule ~5(a) and Rl!-le 35(c)' motfons only;. t}i~re i~ nc;ui~ht of ap~~al from th~tdeµtal.o( a R~le 3.5(b) ~o~ion). · · .

§ 22:59 .. "·MotiOn. to: co~ect: ~lerlcal e~or Wider Maine . . . ~W.e.of P~Ule~ Crhirln&IProcedure 50 · · Another· Maine postconViction remedy i.s the motion to correct cfencal eITor, available in the convicting court and authorized by Rule 50, Me. Rules U. Crim. Proc. Rule· 50~·· Me.· Rules u: ·Crim. Proc., provides: RYLE 1 50. CLERICAL: MISTAKES Clerical nlistakes in judgnients, orders, or other parts of the 'record land· errors therein atjsing from oversight or ·omission ¢ay be corrected by the· court at any time of its own initiati~e or on the motiori of any party and after such notice as the cotirt orders. During the peridency of an appeal, such mistakes may be so corrected before the appeal is docketed in the Law Court, · a1?-d th~reafter, ·while the appeal is pending· may be so coITected with leave of the Law Court. , · ·.. · ! J · 481 § 22:60 STATE POSTCONVICTION REMEDIES AND .REuE~

§ 22:60: : Motion to correct clerical error ~under Maine . . •. • I .Rule.of,Unifted:Criminal Procedure 6~C.ase.law1 ·For .c~se' law :·an.· ·corr~~tion>;hf clerical errors pursuant fo· 'Rule 50, Me~ RUies·;u~ Crihi. Proc., elee, e'.g:,··state v. Fdrbis;2004 ME 110; 856,A.2d ·:621 (Me. 2004) (here, correctiOn,- or ratller, change of the judgment by invoking the·clerical error provisio~. of Rule 50 :was not 'app~opriate; a clerical error amendment can ~orrect a discrepancy between the 1oral pronouncement ·of sentence ·and the written 'sentencing order; however, the clerical error provisions cannot be invoked~when!no.clerical error appears in the contem!'" poraneous ·pronouncement· of .sentence arid· execution· of the writ~ teri sentencing order,· and the ;claim of clerical error is based on the •state's desire to change from. the .agreed ~'unconditional dis- charge" disposition). , . r , ..

. ·. ; :,:

§ 22:61 Writ of habeas corpus . ·.. , '' :' I ~ : '.1 I Prior to 1956 the principal pos~conviction remedy in Maine was the writ of habeas' corpus as".-authorized· by· Maine's.traditional habeas corpus· ·statutes;· from 1956~ untiLl963 the principal post­ convictiofr remedy in Maine :was· the writ of ·enor coram nobis; ~d from 1963· ..until 1980 ·the principal postconviCtion remedy in Maine was the writ of habeas corpus·:· .... :; :..; · ·. · ~ :.. · .· .. 'J1le wtjt pf habeas .~~rpus is autho.J1~~~ j;n. ~aine by Chapter 6Q9. ("Habeas Cor.pus") of. Part 6 ("Extraordinafy '~) of Title

~4. ·.c"Cou~. r,rQ.~edure~9iVil") I of t~e. 1\f~hn~ Re\?sea s~~tutes· An­ ~~tate.~ CIY:t~: ~~v~ ~tat. Ann; tit~ 1~~,§:55oi. ~hr~,ugh § 5547). JJ;owever, since the -.Mair;ie ·PcRA: toolf effect.'iri 1~80, habeas corpus 'ha~ been generally. unayail~bfo as!·:~ post~onvictfo~ remedy. Me. Rev. Stat. Anri. tit.· 15,'· § 2122· (Maine PCB.A re­ places the remedies available pursu~nt to postconviction h~b~as corpus to the extenti thiW revie\v ·of -a criminal ·convictfon ':or proceedings are available,~·ahd ·also repl'aceEf the remedies avail­ able pursuant, :to commo.n l~w habea~ corpu~, inchl-ding h.~beas corpus as recognized in)W.~· Rev. Stat., ~n. tit.. 14, § 550:1. ~9

§ 5546). . . J . '? 1 ; ! . , . , . ' , I I~,'. In 1963 the Maine, l_egislature enacte4 a .cqmpre~ensjve. ppst­ conviction habeas corpus statute, Act effective Sept. 21, 1963, ch. 310, 1963 Me .. Laws 411, and from then until the Maine PGRA pecame effect~ve in 1980 the .prlnclpru postconviction remedy' in Maine was. the 'Writ. of habeas corpus. In other word8·~ the· .Maine p·pRA replaced Mmne's former. ptjntjpal pqstconvlction 'remedy, tJ:ie 19.6~ ~~beas cqrpus statute.. :· Tlie· ~CRA. repe_hl~d ·~he 1963 habeB;s CQrpus statute. Act effective .J~ly 3, 1980, ch, 701, § 2, teao Me. Laws 22~5. Im~edia~~ly P.rior to its repeal the 1963 h~beas corpus statute was ~ocUfied a.t: Me.:.Bev. Stat.· .Ann. tit. 14, §§ 5502 through 5508 (1980). ·: ; '· '" ,. . ' ....i. ,,

482 . : ~.. 7 § 22:83

§ 22:62 Writ of error ·coram ·nobis :· . , · ,. • •. - ; • ·. . ., . '·1. ·From 1956 'urltil.1_963 th.~ principal postconviction1 remedy in Mtime·was the Writ of error. coram nobis~ . :·. ~-.. . ··:. :. 1 , I . _ ,~ f • , I , I ' , , ,.-: I , .• (? ." • . , , · coram nobis became ·a recognized rem~dy iµ Maine in 1956, as a result of a watershed decision by the Maine

Sqpre.m13 r1 udicjal "Cou_rt. Dwyer l?· $.tat~ 1 -~51 M;e. 382,, 129. ~2d 276 (1956). . . . ' .. : ' ...... - ' ' . ~ ", . . . . . '

. . : . " ~ - • . . - : ~ ...~ .i • • ...... ( -.l • ~- In 1961 the Maine legisla.ture enacted a statute recognizing and regulating-•Main~ jpostcO!l-Viction cior·al'µ ·nobis. proce'edirigs_. See·Act eft'ectjveSept-~·'16, ·1961, ·ch. 1~1, t961 Me. Laws 153. The effe~t of passage. of t~cf 196~ statutE(~VS:S ·to supersede· common law· coram.nobjs in M~ne and·replace\it_with the statutory·co- ram nobis remedy autlloiiz~q 'by· the 196f act.· ~ · i · '. · ~ · . ,·~q~ever, '. tlie'. coram,:- ,nb,l)~s ~sta~tiie,:)as~d ~~ly tiu-ee 'ye~s~ _- qe~ ing "expresslyJ·epealed'.i;tnd replaced,"'by .the statute that· created tli~ compreh~p.sive habeas .corpus postco~viction .remedy. fo:r th~ state. Act effective Sept. 21/ 1963, ch. 310, · §' 5, 19.63 Me. Laws 411 413. . . . . J f- ' . 1--" . : . .. . • .: ' \ . . . ' . .'.Coram nobis .i~ no lQng~r a recogitjz~d 'postconv.icti9n remedy in ~aine. ~~~ ~v .. Sta~. Ann. ·~It~ 15, .§· 21~~· ,:'.'. ; , .. · ·. · .- " ' I ' ~ ' ' ' '• : : ' • ~ ' ' ~ j ~ • ·- • ' • ' < ' ' ' • ·-, ' § 22~68 :·Writ' ot error .c~r~ nribi~Citse· law · · , . . : ._ l. J ' .. ,,.: ' •• • I·.:.. I •.•.••..• !. . · For case law involving ;the: availability of Maine postconviction coram--nobis relief, see~·.e.g., State v. -Blakesley, -2010· ME .. 19,.989 A.2d 746 (Me. 2010HMaine inherited the-.remedies ofcoram nobis and- audita. querela from; M~ssachusetts. by virtue of articler·X, section: 3 of the Maine Constitution;; which, states, "All 1Iaws: now in ·force ;in this .State,.· and: not repugnant: to this Constitution, shall .r.emain, -,~nd be:,in. force,· uµ.til altered" or repealed by;.the Legislature, or shall expire by them1own.Iimitation"; .these ~eme­ ,clle~· wer.~ origin~lly. ass.erted~'Qy,,9iv.iJ ~rit but came to be .as$.erted l;ly xµ9tion inJ:J,te~d; .a .. party _asserted·~ ~rit or .m9tion 9f coram nob~s,. derived. ~Qiµ tjie ~~tiQ.. ,qµ~e; coram noqis resid~nt. ("whicl) re:rµain:with.. us"), tp reque~t that the-~outj; that. ~~sued ajudg~ ~e~t correct the record pecause, if t~~.pourt 4ad.-been -aware of certain_ facts that e~s~~d. at.~the,_time,of th~ .ju<;lgment, tlie;court w;9.µld. not hav~ en~ere51 th<;l j.U:dgment; the r.eJlledy, ~Jiich_ was de.signed ,to addre~~ the· results._ of ·errors of fac~, not eqors.-of lf\w in the col,ll"t's · actions; as of 1~5~, ~p.~ .C9~Qµ law remedy_ of co;­ ram ~Qbis was avail~ble in_ :lv.Iaine__ ,because no statute. had, be~n e;nacted to:·prohibit, Uµrit, or prevent its _use; th.e .use of tl;le ·rem­ edy. ~ri, civil cases was abolis.hed in.. 1~59. when: M.~ .. J)iv._ P. 60(b) was adpp~d,, to. govern. :relief. fro~ JlJ.dgm~J;l:~;: the !"eme~y was not ~bolisµed, for;. qtjminal ~ases ~~ .tJlat. tµn~, 4ow~ve~;. co,r~ .. nobi$ - I , 483 § 22:63 STATE POSTCONVICTION REMEDIES AND RELIEF has since been abolished in ·Maine); State -v. Trott,; 2004 ME.15, 841 A.2d 789 (Me. 2004) (we n~e<.i not decide petitioner's claim that in Maine the common law writ of coram nobis remairis avail­ ~ble to provide him a remedy if no otµe:r postconviction remedy is available). · ' · .·· .. · § 22:64 ' Postconviction DNA testing statute~ Wider Maine . Revised Statutes Title 15~ §§ 2136 to 2138 · Maine has a post~onViction DNA testing statute, enacted in 2001.Act effective Sept. 21, 2001, ch ..469, § 1, 2001 Me ..Laws 895 (codified at Chapter 305-B. ("Post-judginent Conviction Mo­ tion-for DNA").of Part 4 ("Judgment and,J:froceeding1;1After Judg~ ment") of Title 15 ("Court P~Qc~dure-Criminal"). of the ;M:aine Revised Statutes Annotated (Me. ·,Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. ·15; § 2136 through § 2138). Maine's postconviction DNA testing statu~. w~s a.Il}ended in 2006 .. Act of May 30, 2006, ch. 659~ 2_006 Me. Legis. Serv. 659. ,The statute has since been· amended twice:.:._in 2011 and 2013. ' A proceeding under Maine's postconvi<#o~,DNA te~ting stat­ ute is commenced by filing in the convicting court, as part of th~ original criminal proceeding resulting in' the conviction, ·a motion for DNA analysis and for a new trial. Me. ~ev. Stat. Ann. tit, 15, § 2137, § 2138(1); Rule 95, Me. Rules U. Crim. Proc. ·· · .. · no right to counsel under the Maine postconviction DNA testing statute; rather, the appointment of counsel is discretionary.· Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 15, § 2138(3) (if the convict­ ing· court finds that the person filing the motion under·the stat­ ute is indigent, the, court· may appoint· counsel to represent. that person);: Rule 96(a), ·Me. Rules U. Crim .. Proc. (following:the filing of the motion .for DNA analysis, the coUrt may :appoint counsel at any time during the proceeding).· : · · A convicted person may not appeal as· a matter of right from the denial of a· motion to order DNA analysis, or froin the denial of a new· tri~l requested under the postconviction DNA· testing statute; ·the time, manner· and specific conditions for taking that ·appeal to the Supreme Judicial Court are as the Supreme Judicial Court provides by rule. ·Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 15, § 2138(6), § 2138(11). Rule· 19, Me~ R. App.· Proc".; regulates these discretion­ ary appeals by the· convicted person from either; the denial of a motion to order DNA analysis or the denial of a new· trial requested under the postconviction DNA· testing statute. See Rule 19(a)~ Me. R. App. Proc. (this rule covers criminal appeals which are subject fo preliminary review· and full consideration as , a matter 'of discretion by the state 'supreme court; ·the appeals covered by this·rule include an appeal from an order·oq a motion

484 § 22:65 to order DNA analysis, pursuant to Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 15, § 2138(6) or a motion for. a new trial ,based upon DNA analysis, pursuant to Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 15/§ 2138(11), where the ap­ peal is taken·,by the convicted person). Under Rule 19(c), Me. R. App. Proc., the defendant seeking. the discretionary appeal shall, . within 21 days after .filing the notice of appeal, file with the1clerk of the state supreme court a memorandum giving specific and substantive reasons why the. issue or issues identified for prose­ cution of the appeal warrant the issuance of a certificate of prob­ able cause authorizing consideration of the appeal 01):.the merits. If the state supreme c9urt denies the certificate of probabl~ cause, the parties shall be nQtifi~d. Rule 19(e), Me. R. App. Proc. If the court grants the certificate' of pr9bable cause, consideration of the appeal on the merits is autho~iied, and tqe par~i~s shall be notified. Rule 19(f), Me. R. App. Proc. · · · · · · The state may not appeal from a court order to grant a motion to order.DNA ~nalys~s.. Me. Rev .. Stat. ~ .. tit. 15, § 2138(6)~ The st~te may appe~_as !1 ~atter•of right tq the state sup:reme court from a court decision granting ·the convicted person.:a new trial based on the DNA analysis. l\iJe. ~V.· Stat. Ann· tit. 15, § 2138,(11). Whether. it .is th~· .coil~cted ,p~rson. oi the s~ate.. ~hat seeks to appeal, the notice of appeal must lie filed with' the· clerk of the superior· court within 21 days'' after entry of the judgment. 'Rule 2(b)(2)_(A), Me. R. App~.. Pro.ct · · · ·· • • .. ·; J ·• ... § 22:65. Postconviction DN~ ~esting statute unde~ Maine · .Re.Viljled S~attite~ Titl~ J5, §§ 2136 .to ·21s~Text' of §' 2136 ·' ' . ' . '. ' . .

• • • : ' \ ~ . I; • I I ' {ii .. · ·The.·Maine tpostconviction DNA testing statute (Me. ;Rev. Stat. Ann .. tit. 15, §·2136 through § 2138) provides: § 2136~· ·. 'De~itiOns ; · ' · .. As ·use.d ixi"this chapter, unless :the context· otherwise indicates; the folloWing term~ have1 the following meallings. · ~ f t - : ' • l - . . . ' ...... 1. CO DIS. "CO DIS" .means the ·Federal Bureau of Investi- .. g~ti9n's' national .QN~ identificS:tion inde·x syst~m ~h~t ·al­ . lows for. storage .and exchange. of DNA recQrds submitted by state and ·local forensfo DNA .laboratories an4 is derived from . . tµe 9ombin,.~d ·DNA II)~ex. ~:r;ste~. · ,. . 2 .. Crime lab. "Crime lab" means the M.§line State Police .. Crime Labor11toryJocatedinAugusta. . 3. !)NA. ~'DNA" means· deoxyribonucleic acid. . ·,: ·· 4. DNA analysis. "DNA analysis" means DNA cyping tests that derive identification information specific to a person from that person's DNA.

485 §:,22:611 STATE PosTCONVICTION REMEDIES AND RELIEF . ; 5. ·DNA record. "DNA record'! .means DNA identification in- . formation·obtained from DNA analysis and:stored in. .the state DNAdata base or CODIS. : .. : : ·:.. ~· DNA' sample. "DNA sariiple" means a blood ,sample provided by1 a person convicted 'of one of the offenses listed in ~ ·· this chaptet or submitted• to the crime lab for analysis pursu- . · r . ant to a criininal investigation. · ·· . · . · · · · i · 7. State DNA data base. 14'State" DNA data base" means the . DNA identification record $ystem ··administered by the Chief · · · of the State Police. ' : · · · ·' ·· "· ·... : · · · ·, . s·.!··st~te DNA data bank.. "State bank" means ~h~· rep~sitory' of D~A'. samples mfilntai~ed PY the: Qhief. of thE{Stat~.Police at the <#*1ie lab, collecte'd pU,suant to ch~p~er

194 and this chapter. · · :· . : ' · ... · ;, . L • '' • '. • '. • • • •• J • I - ' : ' I • • ' ".~l

§ 122:66 Postconviction·UNA"testing statut~ under'Maine· . ' .:i Rensed: Statutes ·Title 15; ·§§ 2136 .'to· 2138--Text of '. "·', ' ' § 2137 . . ' ._: ' ' ., ' · ·;· · ' ' 1 !§ 2137•• P~stjud~ent ot'cionViction motion for .DNA .· ; ' .. ·: ·.· .;.· ~~alysis·;'new ~ri~.ba1se4 oh' m,i~y~~s re~illts . ~ , L .Moti.Qn·. A p,erson 'who'haa·.b~e,h·.cdnvicWCJ. of' and senteP:ced . for ·a crime' ·under the. laws. of this StatE(tbat carries .tlie potential punishment of imprisonnierit of at' leaat one year and .for .w h~ch ..tli~ per~oµ.~ i~,.'. i~" i3.Ct~al · e~,ec.ution ,of .e_ither .. a, .pre- . ·Maine Cfiiniiu~l' Code. aeriten~~ '.oflmpnsonment, fo.oludiiig pa.: role, 'o·r a· ·se'ntencing alwrilative ·pursuant to Title 1.7 -A, section 1152, subsection 2 that includes a te~ of imprisonment or is subject'. to a·· sentence of imprisonmerit that is ·to be servect"in the future because. another! seriteri.ce'=must be' servedl fitst .may file a written postjudgment of conviction :m,ot~oa· jng crll.ninal pr9ce~dl~g mqying. th.e c.ourt to prder DNA. analy­ ·sis ·o; 1~Vi9,enc(in th~· contro~ · or. posEfo~s~op of th~ ·state< ~h~t. is related· to the underl~g investigation· or· pr.osecution ·that led ;·:to. the 'person's ¢~nViction and a''new .,trial ba~e~: on .t;he re~ults of that analysis a·s autµQrized by this· chapter. ·For criminal in whfoh.''·DNA ~estfog ·wa$· pon~~~t~d before September 1, 2006," the person niay. file ig Written postjµdgipent of conviction motion in the· uri.derljfng .rlnminalJ.procee'ding moving. the court fdr a new! trial based' on~ the1 •results. of the DNA testing already conducted using'the'standard:setforth in this chapterdftheDNA test results show tbat the,person is not :the ~.ourc~ of.the evidence. : .. -. ; 1~ ·~ • ; : : , ••• · 2. Time forJU~ng. A motion·i under thi$' aection .IJ.lust ... beJiled by the later of: . _· : · .~

486 I § 22:67 .

A. · September :l,.. 2008, including .~ motion pertaining to ,, criminal proceedings~ in which DNA testing. was conducted before September 1, 2006; :: B. Two=- years· after the, date of conviction; and ···· ·c. In , in··which the· request'for analysis· 'is based on the existence of new technology with respect to· DNA ·analysis ··that is caj>able'.of·p,roviding new material-.informatfon', within ·' .2. years· froin .the time that: the technology became coD1monly . known· arid available. · ·· 1; j , -. • .i._, · . · • • . · · .· · , ~ 22~7 't:C~=~:!~1:e~~t:~t1A~~tf:::::.r~n:f ,. ~:' ··§ 2138: · · ·::: ·:~:. r·; . ": .· " ..... ' .. ;, .· :· "· · · · ·

' . ' ? ,, : , ' '. !_ •, • - • • t ·'. • • ; , - • ~ • • _. • ~ .;... !_ _; - r . § 2.1 ..~~· ...~ot10~;.p~oces~;.:. -.- . _. , , ... ,. _,.. . , ··: 11.: Filingi IIJ,Otiop.'. A :p~rson' authori.z~d .ht,eection .2137. who :· .. · choo$es. to:.mQve .for',ONAanalysis shall.file .the motion in the underlying ctjminal proceeding. 'The motion must· pe .. ~.signed :.tQ) the . .trial jµdge,.o:r;-~Jtts~i~~ W1J.~ ~~posed. the se11te~F~ ~ess . tl"!atjµqge q~ju:8~icej~_qq.av&,laqle, in whi~h ca~e t~e ~ppi:opriR

: ~ate ~hief.jµdge.:·o~ Hlliefdustice sh~11 ·ass~ ,the. motion to1·anR ·... ot}?.~r j~dge".o~ Ju,1ati~~. ff.ling ~and _se,vice m1:1st be, made, ip. acR · .cqrd,a11p~ ~\tli . R;ul~ . ~9;. 9f,, ~Jle. M~ine Rul~s · ,o(. Criipi:11-al

. Procedur~~- ~ - . , I ~. .. . • rr . . . .:·: . : ,

,· ~ (, 2,.; r :EJre~~vyatjon ·Of ~\d,den~e. If-a ;motion. is ,filed UI).der this chapter, the court shall order the State to preserv:~ during the .~ .. p~nde11:cy of th~~ pr_ppee

. for. the person1 at .. any tu;n~. dui,:ng:.the proceeqings. under this chapter. . • " • -; • ' . . .. • • • • • · - ·, • • .. • ... ·· · 4RA. ~tai}darq:fo~,ord,~~g_DNA@alysis. The court sl;u1U orR der DNA analysis if a person authorized under· sectioP, ,2137 .. pre$en,ts prima .facie evidence that:. · ~ ' ' - .+. ' ' '. l:. ,' ,\-,'· ._ . . . ' . .·, . ; A., ~ SlilJllple Qf:t~e e~<;lel:lce· i~ .av~able for I>NA analysis; B. The evidetfoe;to be tested has been subject. to· a chain of custody·sufficient to·establish thatthe evidence has, not been · · substituted, tampered. with,: :replaced or altered in. a material way; ;·. '.-, . :,:;/ · , ·· C._ ~The evidence was. not previously subjected :to DNA analR

487 § 22:67 STATE PosTCONVICTION REMEDIES AND RELIEF ysis or, if previously analyzed, will be subject to DNA analy­ sis· technology that was not availabl~ when -the ·person was convicted; D. The identity of the person. as .the .perpetrator of the crime that resulted. in the conviction: :was at issue during the person's trial; and . _ E· .. The evidence sought to be analyzed, or the additional information that the .new technology is capable of providing regarding evidence sought to be reanalyzed, is ·material to the issue of whether the person is the perpetrator of, or ac­ complice to, the crime that resulted in the ~onvictjon. . . . . 5. Court fin4iq.g; analysis· ord~red. The court. shall state its findings of fact on the record or shall inake writt_en findings of fact supporting its decision to grant or deny a motion to order DNA analysis. If the court grants a motion:· for DNA analysis under this section, the crime· 1ab · shall perform DNA analysis on the identified evidence and· oil a DNA sample obtained from · the person. 6. Appeal from court decisjon to grant or deny motion to·or­ de~ DNA analysis. An aggcleved person' may npt appeal1 as a matter of right from the denial of1a motion to order DNA ·analysis. The time, manner and specific conditions for taking that appeal to the Supreme Judicial Court, sitting as' the Law Court, are as the Supreme Judicial Court provides by rule. The State may not appeal from a. court order to grant a motion to order DNA analysis. -1. ·Payment.· If the ;person authorized in: section 2137 is able, the person shall pay for the ·cost of the DNA analysis. If the coUrt finds that the ·person is· indigent,' the crime lab shall pay for the cost of DNA analysjs ordered under 'this section. · · ·· ·a. Res·ults. The cri~e lab shan_··provide.the results of the DNA analysis under this chapter to·the· court, the person au­ , thorized 'in section 2137 and the ·attorney for the State. Upon · motion by the person· or the attorney for·'. the State~ the· court may order that copies of the. analysis protocols, laboratory procedures, laboratory notes and other relevant records compiled by the crime lab be provided to the court and to all parties. · · ; A. If ~he results of the DNA analysis· are inconclusive or show that the person is the source of the evidence, the court shall deny any motion· for a new trial. If the· DNA analysis results show that the person is the source .of the evidence, . ·· the defendant's DNA record m\lst be· added to the state DNA data base and state DNA data bank. B. If the results of the DNA analysis show that the person

488 §.22:67 , . is· not. the .source ·of; the evidence and. the: person does not have counsel, .the court shall appoint counsel. if the court · finds that the person is indigent. The court shall then hold a hearing pursuant to subsection 10~ · 9. Request for reanalysis. Upon motion of.the attorney for the State, the court·shall order reanalysis ·of the evidence and shall stay the person's motion for a new trial pending the results of DNA analysis. ' 10. ~tandard for granting ~new trial; court's findings; new trial granted or denied. If the results of the DNA testing under this section show that the person is not the so\lrce of the evi­ - dence, the person authorized in section 2137 must show by , clear ,and: convincing evidence that:,· A. Only the perpetrator of the crime or criines·for which the person was convicted ·could be the source of the evidence, and that the DNA test results,1 when considered with all the other evidence:in the case, old and new, admitted in the hear- . ing conducted· under this section on behalf of the person show that the person is actually-'innocent. If the··court finds that the. person authorized in section 2137 has met the eviden­ tiary burden of this. paragraph, the· court shall grant a new ~~ . B. Only the perpetrator of the.crime or crimes for which the person was convicted could be the ·source of the· evidence, and that the DNA test results, when considered with·all the other evidence in the case; old and new, admitted in the hear­ ing conducted under this section on behalf of the person would· maJ.te it· probable that· a di~erent verdict would _result · upon a new trial;. or · · . · : · C. All of the prereqilisites for obtaining· a new trial based 011 newly discovered-eviden.ce·are met as follows:· ·. '. . (1) The DNA test results, when considered :with all the other evidence in the ·case, old ·and new, 'admitted in the hearing conducted under· this sectibn ·on· hehalf of the person would make it probable that ·a diff:erent verdict wopld result upon a new trial; · · ' · (2) The proffered DNAtest· results have been discovered by the· person- since the. trial;_ . · · · · •·. . · · .. (3) ·The proffered DNA test result~ could not have been obtained by-the ·person prior· to trial by the· exercise of due diligence; · r · · · ; · · , (4) The DNA test results and· other evidence adfilittedi at the heari'ng corlducted· under this se'ctfon· on' 'behalf of the 1 • person ·are.material to the issue as to who 1is:_responsible for .the crime for which the person was convict-ad; and


.:~ . · ·:·(5) •.The DNA test results and,other evidence admitted at · the hearing conducted under this section on· behalf.of the · · 1 · (person are not merely. cumulative ·or· impeaching, unless it is clear that such iriipeachmerit would have resulted in a , 1. • • , different verdict.; The :CQµrt sh~ll. state its findings of fact ~ . on the re.cord or make ·written. furdings of. fact supporting its depision to grant .or deny the person authorized· in sec­ tion 2137 a new trial under this s.ection. Ifthe·court finds tQ.a,t the per.son section.2137 ha,e>met the ev­ identiary burden· of paragraph A, .the .. coQ.rt. sballg:r.ant a . ne:w trial.· · · . For purposes· of this subsection,· "all the·· other evidence· in the case, old and new," means the; ·eviden·ce admitted: at trial; evidence any:hearing on .a motion for new trial . pursuant· to Rule. 33. of the. Maine; evidence admitted at any :_collaterJtl proceeding, .state or-federal;·evidence admitted at the hearing coiiducte_d.under· this section. relevant to the DNA test­ . ing,and analyais·conducted,on. the·sampleJiand evidence rele- .. yant tQ,the.identity of the.source. of the DNA sample .. : · ;· : 11. Appeal from a court· decision to grant or deny a .motion · for· new trial. An .aggrieved. person may not !appeal from the denial of a new trial as a matter of right. The time,· manner i· ap.d epecific conditions for taking that appeal to ithe Supreme . ·.-Ju~, provides by rµl~. 12. Exhaustipn°'A per~on whe>-has taken,a direct appe~lJrom ' the jud~ent _qf ~onyi~ti,Qn, is not preclude4. from utilizing the .. :n~etjledy.~of.~~\s·cp:-~pter wltjl~ the_ appeal is p~nding. The resolu­ .. -i~o~ o~, ·~o~io~: ~s aµtomljltically. stay~d _pending. fi,rial dispo­ . ~1~on .of th;e, dir~ct.fippeal ~~ss the ~upreme Judicial Court, sitting as ·the Law Court~ 9;n motioµ. o*erwise directs .. : . ,., . ,A pe~so~ wh,o: has .initiatecl .. a ~Qll~teral attac~ upon the jµdgment of conviction unde;r chapter. 305-A is.not ;precluded .. fyom utilizing, the ,r~medy of this chapter .whiie that postconvic­ .:~~~n reYi~w 'pro~ee~j ~s pending ... The ~esolutjoµ of the .motion is automatically stayed pending final disposition .of the postcon­ , v.i~~ion ,revie,w pro.c~ediqg .unle.~s the assigned justice. or judge r iii·, the. poatconVi~tfun review proceedlllg; otherwise dire.eta. · . ia. Victim ~~tiflcation.: Wh~~ practic~bie,· the att~rney for the: State. shall make a. good faith effort. to give. Written notice of

490 ( ! ·., ' ( ·§:22:88 a motion under! this sectioili to the victim of the .person described -:in· :subsectio·n 1- or to. the victim's· family" if ·the ~victim is deceased. ."The notice must: be :by~first .. elass :mml to the victim's .·;last known· address; Uponthelvictini'B tequeit;·the·attomey for the State shall give the victim notice of the time and place of any hearing on the motion and shall inform the victim of the court's grant or deriiaf ofa new trfar to'~ tlie'· person. '- . : . · · ; 14. ·.·Preservatio'n·, of :biological'. evidence.. Effective October 15, 2001;the·investigating:ta-yv enforcement agency· sli~ll pr~serve ··any- biOlogical evidence identified 'dlitihg the investigation :of a 1 crime o~ crimes for which any person may file • a postjudgment · of conviction ~otioµ..for DNA1~alysis 'under

0 ' person is iricarcera~d in corine•ction With that I c·ase,. '. • , r : • • : ; ' - . • ' • ~ j . • - . (. . •t ' • . ? (: ._...' 'i : . ' ' ! .• t ~ 1 ! r - • r . • • ' ·;, .15 .. Repp:r~· B~~~ing;, J ~1:1ii~ ~OQ,3 .~if ~¥a.llr. t4~r~~f­ ter, the Department of Public. Safety,shall report pn !.postconvic- tion DNA analysis to the joint· standing committee· of the Legislature having jurisdiction over criminal justice matters. ~e !epo~ ~lll;us~ _iqGlud~1.~P,~. ~uplber R(PP~~~4g'P,1~9t of1_9P~'1~; t~oi;i .an~yses ~oiµpl~te(l, co~tSjpf.the ,ail~ysee: ~~ tl;le results·. Th~ .report ·also may,'Jncliide reconlliiendatiori.s. to .iinprove the vqs~ju~ifil~~t~f. ppQ.v##~~~ -an~Y.~j~, prq~~ss. ,._ ·_; ~: · ~ · -

§ 22:68 Postconviction DNA testing statute under Maine : ~,,_: Reviiea Stii'tutes Title ;15;. §f.2136 to 21s~Mame ,.i· ; ·;i .~ld.~s ofUniQ~4"~rlgld,1J'F~edure 9$, to.~99- ·:· ._ ....!. /l'ext()fM~eiRuJ.e oftrni.fied:Cri~~ ~ro.ce.dure ', ,, .. 1•·95·, '·, ··:•,;.·' " ·.. ~ ... : ;~~: .. M.aine's ppstconviction '. ·t»NA. t~stillg st~ttite is~!~roc~ciliriilly jµiplenienied ·by Rliles' 95· ~o~gh;. 99,,-1\l~e.· R' C,rini. Proc.~ a.d9pted effective· el an'~' 1'/-~002~ Ai of·JuJy 1,· 2015, th~ Rules: 1of Unified Crihifo~l~Procedure wet~"aifopted' by~ ·all 16 counties''in 'l\1:aine. ~ei:P-r~~?~=.,:· :\\_ !~·: ·:·. :-·. ··_..:= .. !..... ' ... ·> ,-. :. -_.. .. , \j :~'." ·.·~~- , R~ 91> •. ·~~~T~Q~.~F··P~OCEED~GS. ·, '. :., .,.' :·; (a)' Person ~n~i~l~~ .~o:]~#ng_:~ :Mot~o~ Filirig and Service. · Any person who ·satisfies the prerequisi~es qf 15 M.R.S., .§ 2137 . ~ay file a moti_~µ for.D~f\ ana~ysis. as proVided under 15.M.R.S . . · § 2l38C1\, f'iling a~c;l_·setvi~g)n\ist ·1?¢~ in accQtdance ·Vfith ·Rule -:19 ... ·::-·~.'.'!-': ' . :_: '~ \;. ;i ·.!· , .. , .:' ." ' , .·, :. ) . (b) Dock_eting;· apd AssigI;lm~t. A' po~t-conviction: ID:Otign for , .. ,DNA analy~l~ p,µr~µ~p.~t ·to. 15. ¥.~.S .. · ~h. ~805-B. ,sJ;laill 1be · docketed. by .th~ cl01~. ~: tbe :Unified ,CJ,jminal Docket.. : The·;:JllO­ tion .-shall. be assigned as provided ,under 15 ·M·.R.S.r § 2138(1). 491 § 22:69 STATE PosTCONVICTION REMEDIES AND REUEF

§ 22:69 ·Postconviction DNA testing statute under .Maine ReVised Statutes Title 15, §§ 2136 to 2138-Maine Rules of:Unified Criminal .Procedure. 95 to 99- Text of.Maine Rule ·of Unified Criminal Procedure

96 ;, ,,.;:, '-I

. ' - . : ' : '. RULE 96. ASSIGNMENT OF COUNSEL (a) Complianc.e. with .15 ·M.R.S. § :2138(3) .. Following ,,the fil- -i~g of a motipn. for D;NA. analysis, if the court finQ.s .the person to _pe :indigent, t:he coutj;. may .assign. counsel. ~~y time the proceedings. . ., , . · (b) .Determination of Indjgency; Assigrune:Qt and Compensa­ tion; Continuing Duty ~o ~epresent. The determi:µatiop. of indigency, -..the ~ppointment .of a.pd compep._sation .of.counsel, a11:9 .. th~ con~inuing duty of cou~sel t9 ~epr~sen~ the perso~ shall_ be governed by_ 4 M~~.S. §§ 1801-1804 and by the. provi- . sioris. of -~til~s 44, 44A, and .44B. · . . · · · .. · ' . ' '• .

§_~2:70' Postcon:viction DNA testing statute under Maine .Revised Statutes Title· 15·,. §§ 121sa ·to 2138-Maine Rules of'U:riified Crhllirial Procedtire 95 to 99- Text of Maine 'Rule· of Unified· Crimin&l Procedure 97 . . . ·-RULE 97. INITIAL'TRJA,L COUR'r-PROCEEDINGS (a) .ilider Preserving. Evidence: FolloWing the filing of a mo­ tion for· DNA analysis: the court shall order tne State "t9 preserve evidence and prepare and submit an evidence inventory as .pro~ded under lp l\1.R.S. § 2138(2). . . . ., . . =· '.(bi. Court ~indinis; Order Di.fec~i#g. Cri~e ta~ t9 Perform . P~AAJ;ia.Jysis~ r.~suant to 15.· M:.R.S. § 2138(5)~· t~e: '!Ourt shall ... state _its fi~dings of fact. on the .re~ord or. shall make written findings of fact' supporting its 'decision to grant or.deny a.'mo­ tion to order DNA analysis. If the court determines ·that the person has satisfied the µµrden Qf:proof required under 15 M.R.S. § 2138(4),"the ooUrt shall order the.criine lab to perform , DNAanalysi$ on· the"identified ~yide;nci:r a:qd:_on· a D:~'A sample 'obtained from the perso~~ . ··· ... ; . · . .(c) ~ayment

492 ' § 22:72 analysis. Determination of indigency shall be governed by Rule 44A. . : '·; . 1: ... ·.

§ 22:71 Postconviction DNA testing statute under Maine Revised Statutes Title 15, §§ 2136 to 2138-Maine Rules. of Unified Criminal Procedure 95 .to 99- . .· Text of Maine Rule of Unified Criminal Procedure 98 RULE -98. DNA ANALYSIS RESULTS ' ' ' ·'· (a) Compliance With. i5.M.R.S." §. 2138(8). The DNA analysis results shall be provided by the crime lab. to the court, the . person, and the attorney for the State. Upon; motion, ·by .the person or the attorney for the State, the court may order, that copies of the analysis protocols, laboratory pPoce4'1l"e~; labora- .. tory notes, and other relevant records COll1.piled by the crime lab be provided to the court, the person, and the attorney for .the· State. ;,·., (b). Analysis Results Other Than That the·.Person Is Not the Source. of the· Evidence. If: the results of the DNA analysis are : inconclusive or show- that ·the person is the source of the evi­ . dence, the· court shall. deny any \motion. for a .new trial as ··, provid~d under 15 M.R.S. ,§ .21aa(8)(A). . _ · . (c) Analysis Results ShoWing the Person Is~Not-.the Source of • the Evidence. If the results of the DNA analysis show that the person is not the source of the. evidence, th~ court _shall assign cou.nsel if the· court finds that the person· is. inqigent under Rµle ·96(b) and shall hold.· a. hearing as provi.d~d ·under 15 M.R.S. § 2138(10). . . (d), Request. for Reanalysis by the Attorney for 1the State. If the analysis results show the -person is not:the source·bf.the·e.v:". .iden,ce, upon .motion of :the attQrney for the State,_ the court .shall order rean~ysis of the evidence apd shall stay tll.e. hear~ ing .peD;ding the results of,DNA ~alysis.

§ 22:72 .Postconviction. DNA testing 'statute under ~e :. · · ·· IJe'Vised- Statutes Title i5, §§ 2136 \to 21S~Malne . .Rules of Unified Crimi.Dal Procedure 95 to 9~ .. Text of Maine R~e 0£ Unifted Proce

493 § 22:72 STATE PosTCoNVICTION REMEDIES AND RELIEF M·.R.8:·§2138(10), the,:court shall state its findings of fact, on the record or make written findings of fact supporting its deci­ sion to grant or deny the person a new trial as required under 15 M.R.S. § 2138(10) .

. • ;.· 1,. . ; ~· § 22:73· ·PostconvictioncDNAtestirig statute under Maine · · · -· ·· Revised ~statutes Title 16; ·§§ 2136 to :2138-Case law For case law concernipg the .Maine postconviction DNA statute, see, e.g., State v.· -Dechaine, 2015 ME 88, 121 A?3d' '76 (Me:. 2015) (Dennis J .... Dechaine· appeals. from a judgment of the Superior· Court· denying his motion .for trial, which was brought ·pursuant to the·· postconviction.. DNA .testing statute; Dechaine· contends. that the· court erred .or'abused its· discretion· in (1}·that)the new DNA evidence:.:·adinitted at .. the hearing, when considered with all -the other evidence in the case,.-old and new' did not mtilte ·it probable that a: different verdict would result from a new trial, (2) limiting the evid~nce that couM ·be]ire­ sented·atthe.hearing to·evidence concerning the ~new·DNA test­ ing and· analysis; ~and (S) de'nying his ·'inotion to recuse; we affirin; the Legislature made substantial ·changes·to the p·ostconviction DNA testing· statute in· 2006; under the :s~tute·, ~Videfice _·admit- . ted at the trial or in any prior· 1cbllateral proceeding .. concerning, inter alia, .. thei mme: of the •Victim's .death, :alterriative. suspects, or the defendant's. confessions must be ·considered by~ tlie court rin deciding a motion for a:new triali.based· on· new DNA analysis); Sttite' v.' Reese; 2013 ME-10, 60 A.3d !'.277 (Me ... 2013) ·(tO obtain a new ·trial ha~ed:on newly· discovered DNA·evidenc~:·obtained through a postjudgment motion for DNA analysis,· a defendant must· establish·· by .clear .anO. c.onvincing evidence one, ·of three statutorily· identified ·reasons for the granting ·of a new· trial; two of·these ;grounds fdr·grantmg·.a>motion for a.·new trial require ·as a ·prereqhlsite a :snoWing tb:at' oµIy. tl:ie perpetrator of the crime could be the source of the~.-DNAevideilce; :having·found:that·the · trace amount of male DNA in the tested sample could have come from someone other than the perpetrator of .the crime, the. trial courtjifoperly p~o~eed~d -·to ~t}ddres~;. tlie motion for·· trial under the ·standard set forth "iii section 2138!lO)(C)~'·which calls for a new tii~l' if; among otherte{qwr~mehts~lth~:'hewly;qiscovered eVidence;"would make it probable that a· different vefd;ict would result upon a new trial; trace amount of male DNA>.that had previoq.sJy "be~Jl foiip<;l in ~lipping frqm duc:,t tape~ that· had b~.en wrapped 'around mUtder victim's wrists~ whi¢h ::W.~s. subJected: to updated DNA testing, the results of which exchitled aefendant as source. of that DNA, would not make it probable that a different

494 I I

§ ·22:'74 verdict would. result upon ·a'·.new trial);· State ..v. Donovan, 2004 . ME~ 81~ 853 .A.2d· 772A(Me .. 2004) (for the first time; we interpret the meaning of M~~e~s postco~~ctiRJ?.- DNA ~~~l:y.~~~ .st~.t~te, :¥e. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 15, §' 2136 through § 2138; Mame's. p<;>~tcon­ viction DNA analysis statute'reqUires a·:court to;6rder DNA.anal­ ysis .if the individlial. seeking .anal~sis present& ·prima facie eVi­ dence 'that: (1) the· evidence' sought' to :be analyzed is material to the issue of the· person's identity· as the peri)etr~tor ~f, or accom­ plice to, the crime that resulted in the conviction; (2) a ·sample of the .evidence is available for DNA :analysis; (3). the evidence· to be tested· has been .subject to :a' chain of· custody sufficient. to .estab­ lish that it has not been: subsijtuted,, tampered wit~, replaced. or ~ltered in, a mi;tte,ri~l w~y;; (4), ~}?.e ~viq.~~ce. was µo~:'.previously subjected to DNA analysis or, if g~eviQusly analyzed,· will be s~bject to DNA .~nalys~~~ te~hn<~J~gy th~t ·w~s no~ ay~labl~· when the. p·er~on wa~ conVi~teci; a~d:(5) th~ .identity of,th~ pei;-son as . the perpetrator of the crime- that resulted' in the. convlctfoil was at issue during the person's trial; although we ·agree wlth the superior .court that· Donovan met the requirement set forth in § ·2t>S8'(4)\A)~ we 'disctis·s· ~':µiateriality"':so is to· eliminate' any confii~io"n .regarding ·this ~statutory ·· i>rovision; the mate·riality requirenient may be"met not only·\vhen the resu1ts ofiDNA test-· i'.ng"<~ould exoneratEfthe· defendant, but also when the testing has the potential. to "'produce new evidence that tends to' significantly advance. the defendant~s. claim ·of innocence; wer'conclude further that identity may be at· issue :during a trial even when the al­ leged victim identifies:only .the defen~nt as the perpetrator of a crime but .the ._defendant ·claims no crime was committed; for' the purposes, of meeting, the.requirements set forth in. Maine's :post­ conviction,DNA statute,. identity is: always an issue in a criminal trial unless the defendant admits having. engaged .in the alleged criminal ~,oµµ.uct and·. r~lies on, ~ defens~ such as consent or Justifi_c~tio~). . § 22:'74 · Erroneous :C~nvictions Act ~der Maine ·ae\r.ised. Statutes .Title 14, §§ .8241 to 8244 , · · , ' ' • ~ \ _. (. • • ·- .Ir. •• ' ' ! ) ' , .. . • ·" Maine has an erroneous :convictions ·ack originally enacted· in 1993, Act effective Oct. 13, 1993~ "ch.· 480, 1998 ·Me:. Laws 1082, codified in Chapter 7 4 7 ("Wrongful Imprisonment") of Part 7 ("Particul~ Proceedings") of..Title 14 .("Court Procedure-Civil") of the. MRirie Revised' ~statUtes· Annotated ·(·Me.Rev .Stat:Ann. 'tit. 14~ § 8241through§8244~~:tkpreVious, nearly identic"hl 'erroneous convictions act was in effect in Maine·-£rom· 1985. .until it .expired by..its owµ Pt;Q~~d.p~)nrl.98.8; ~e~ Apt .~ffective Sept. 19, 1~85, ch. 743, ,1985 ,Me. -Laws·11~85,) .. r·. i;n~ ._ , . •. ..:· ,i:


§ 22:75 Erroneous Convictions Act under Mai.lie Revised · Statutes Title 14, §§ 8241 to 82~Text of § 8241 ' ' . ,, The Maine erroneous convictions act provides:_ § 8241. · Wrongntl impri~onment · . 1. Exceptions to immupity.·Notwithstanding any immunity of the State from.suit, including· the. Maine .Tort Claims Act, . chapter 741, the Stf;lte is liable for the wrongful_ imprisonment of a person. 2. Action. ·The State is liable for :damages for wrongful imprisonment of a person if that 'person alleges and proves the ·following by clear and convincing eVidence: A. That the pers9ri was· convi9ted of a criminal offense under the laws of this State; B. That as a ·result_.of tlia.t'conviction,"the person was sentenced to a period of incarceration and was ·actually incarcerated; · ,· · · . · · ·· · c. That" subseq~~nt to the con~iction and as a' co,~ditfon precedent to suit, the perE;on· rec~ived a full and fre~ pardon pursuant. to the Con.stitution of Maine, Article V, Part First, Section 11, which is accoi;npanj.ed by a Wlj.tten finding by the Governor w~o. _gra~ts the pardon th,~t the. person is in~ocent of the crime for which that person was c_onyicted; and D. That the court finds that the innocent of the crime for which the person was convicted. 3. · Scope. of law. For purposes of this chapter, a person- is ·· deemed to· have committed a criminal offense notwithstanding . ·a finding by a state or federal court that the law under which · the person was convicted is violative .of the Constitution of Maine or the United States Constitution. 4. Governor's denial of request. A Governor's failure to issue a written finding that the person is innocent of the crime for which the per~on was convicted is final and not subject to judicial view. ,. · . · · · . ( · · 5. Settlement. After commencement of an ·action .under ; sub.section. 2, .the Attorney Gener~ may comprom~se or settle any claim under this chapter. ., ..

§ 22:76 Erroneous Convi~ti~ns Act UJ\,M~e ':R~yised: · Statutes Ti_~~e 14, §§: 8241, t~ 824~Text of §:8242 § 8242. Limitation on .damages · · ~ . · , 1. Damages; limitatl.on. In any action for d~ages permitte~ by this chapter, the claim for and award of damages, including

496 MAINE § 22:78 costs, against the State may not exceed $300,000 for all claims · arising as a result of a single conviction. 2. Costs. Court costs, interest and all other costs that a court may assess are included within the damages limitation speci­ fied by this section. 3. Exclusion from judgment or award. A judgment or award against the State pursuant to this chapter may not include pu­ nitive or exemplary damages. 4. Payable from General Fund. Any judgment or award of damages permitted by thi~ chapter must be paid from the Gen- eral Fund. ·

§ 22:77 Erroneous Convictions Act under Maine Revised ~tatutes Title 14, §§ 8241 to 8244-Text of § 8243 § 8243. Jurisdiction The Superior Court has original jurisdiction over all cfaims permitted under this chapter.

§ 22:78 Erroneous Convictions Act under Maine Revised ~tatutes Title 14, §§ 8241 to 8244-Text of § 8244 § 8244. Limitation of action Evezr claim for wrongful imprisonment permitted under this chapter is forever barred from the courts of this State unless an action is begun in the courts within two years after the date of the full and free pardon of the conviction on which the claim is based.

497 ;.:;-'.1i eb tr B 101: OOO~U()t:,(~ h!~9~Y3 Jon '{{F:fi'~ :-.;_t !·; :::~· ~H.f.f:tan i~g·.11 :~~~f~c:·, _;-;:· ..:.trivno"' 'Jfg.n:P. ': ·:._-, ~;:u?.;J·; r; ~:G ·;=r,;:~i·c:: J:!tr{)j· !~i jz.;:.L; ;.. ~jpr;:,.~.s.:f~it' ;.~-:· hi:!f·. :tF.::rn~~ 1::: ,:.:J'Bc:.; ·.i·wcD .;;':i?.~n .~~ ·-·~l:;~_H_!~·: .c. .. :~-,i.tH,j~rruri :: ..;;g~-~F~nL :_n:l rd rUi.v.; i·;hb: d'.:tni ;;;•·..-r: r~·::'..,dt; :~; v:;r:.! :noi.t:y;,, :_ ; rh ·.~,_f}-ir,[} 1 ::·~;; <.; ;; ';~:;: ;' '~'. :'.~ • ~;,L ": .; !~·;;~ ~:,.; f;r't/ z; ''.:';;;; '. ;;~;;; ,' '. ~; ;'.~'i:i"~ rl :::'. ~,· ;;,\ B

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