23.3.18 Desire Machines Luciana Parisi Automate Sex: Xenofeminism, Hyperstition and Alienation

The visceral modulation of the masses together with the stealthy incorporation of any form of desire into branding and marketing strategies aims not only to direct relations towards pre-constituted goals, but to tap into the pre-cognitive pool of decision making, short-circuiting the distance between emotion and cognition. Ermattungs -taktik Walter Benjamin, Understanding Brecht

patiently wear down the hard and the imposing as ‘yielding water in motion … wears down granite and porphyry’ Trot placards Daily Express Front Pages TUI Find Your Smile advert Corbyn Shitposting Jetztzeit Walter Benjamin, Understanding Brecht

a notion of time that is ripe with revolutionary possibility, time that has been detached from the continuum of history. It is time at a standstill, poised, filled with energy, and ready to take what Benjamin called the ‘tiger’s leap’ into the future. Inorganic Libido Potentia Gaudendi Paul B Preciado Testo Junkie: Sex, Drugs, and Biopolitics in the Pharmacopornographic Era

“orgasmic force,” the (real or virtual) strength of a body’s (total) excitation. Exhorbitant Sufficiency Joy From a resignation letter to Plan C (please don’t share this)

a politics of the commons doesn’t start from the position of critique but from the position of joy.

David Coyle Acid Communist badges Excess The Free Association, Moments of Excess

Our abstract potential always exceeds and tries to escape the conditions of its production (that is, the capital relation). That’s why we think there’s ‘life despite capitalism’; because as a living, breathing mass, our needs, our desires, our lives constantly transcend the limits of capital. Paradise development Birmingham Eduardo Paolozzi Wittgenstein at the Cinema Admires Betty Grable Michael Oswell Ibiza Mykonos Ville Kallio Grapus, Raymond Loewy Designs the Studebaker 7 Pitfalls of working collectively Theorised Communist Propaganda Plan C, Fast Forward proposal, 2017


ANXIETY, CARE AND HEALTH RADICAL MUNICIPALISM Actually Existing Communist Propaganda Plan C, Fast Forward print, 2017 Women’s Strike 2018 Artwork Women’s Strike 2018 Proposed change Written to a Plan C colleague

I wanted to think that the insularity of our aesthetics was inexperience, but increasingly it feels like this is just where we’re at home as an organisation - we want fists, we want bread and roses, we want our friends to notice us. Grapus, Various Different Attempts

‘The Parti Communiste Français does not want that we, Grapus, renew its image, since the party itself is not even able to find out which image it has to give itself…’ Process Experiments Collaborative image making with Andrew Brash Anarchistische Gewalttäter Collaborative image making with David Coyle The Free Association, Moments of Excess

Every now and then, in all sorts of different social arenas, we can see moments of obvious collective creation, where our ‘excess of life’ explodes. In these moments of excess, everything appears to be up for grabs and time and creativity accelerates Faust The Faust Tapes What are our desired political outcomes? Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi Futurability: The Age of Impotence and the Horizon of Possibility

Building a common consciousness and spreading the consciousness of a possible social solidarity among neuro-workers is the task for the next decade, and the ethical awakening of millions of engineers, artists and scientists is the only chance of averting a frightening regression, whose contours we are glimpsing already. Paul B Preciado Testo Junkie: Sex, Drugs, and Biopolitics in the Pharmacopornographic Era

Such an experimental form of the production of knowledge and subjectivity renders obsolete the figure of the “professional” drag king guru going from place to place to initiate the process of the denaturalization of gender. The best organizer of a drag king workshop is the person who has participated in another drag king workshop and has decided to continue the experiment with a group of people within their own local context. Laboria Cuboniks, The Xenofeminist Manifesto

Ours is a transformation of seeping, directed subsumption rather than rapid overthrow