House of Representatives Under the North American Wetlands Conservation Chamber Action Act Through Fiscal Year 2024 (H
September 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D881 A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- Additional Statements: Pages S5944–45 viding for further consideration of the nomination at Amendments Submitted: Pages S5987–98 approximately 12:00 noon, on Thursday, October 1, Page S5998 2020. Page S6003 Authorities for Committees to Meet: Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the fol- Record Votes: Three record votes were taken today. lowing nominations: (Total—199) Pages S5923–24 2 Air Force nominations in the rank of general. Adjournment: Senate convened at 12 noon and ad- 6 Army nominations in the rank of general. journed at 8:39 p.m., until 12 noon on Thursday, 1 Marine Corps nomination in the rank of general. October 1, 2020. (For Senate’s program, see the re- 1 Navy nomination in the rank of admiral. marks of the Acting Majority Leader in today’s 2 Space Force nominations in the rank of general. Record on page S6004.) Routine lists in the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Space Force. Pages S6006–07 Committee Meetings Nominations Received: Senate received the fol- lowing nominations: (Committees not listed did not meet) Brian S. Davis, of North Carolina, to be an Assist- ant Secretary of Defense. NASA 33 Army nominations in the rank of general. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: 5 Coast Guard nominations in the rank of admi- Committee concluded a hearing to examine NASA ral. missions and programs, focusing on update and fu- 2 Space Force nominations in the rank of general. ture plans, after receiving testimony from James Routine lists in the Air Force, Army, Coast Bridenstine, Administrator, National Aeronautics Guard, and Navy.
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