Cumbria Police and Crime Panel

Friday, 11 July 2014 at 10.00 am

Cumbria Rural Enterprise Agency, Redhills, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 0DT

NB – There will be a pre-meeting for members of the Panel only at 9am








To agree as a correct record the minutes of the meetings of the Police and Crime Panel held on 8 April and 9 May 2014 (copies enclosed). (Pages 9 - 16)




To consider a report from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (copy enclosed). (Pages 17 - 30)


To consider a report from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (copy enclosed). (Pages 31 - 48)


To consider a report from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (copy enclosed). (Pages 49 - 62)


To consider a report from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (copy enclosed). (Pages 63 - 70)


To consider a report from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (copy enclosed). (Pages 71 - 118)


To consider a report from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (copy enclosed). (Pages 119 - 126)


To note the report from the Home Affairs Committee (copy enclosed). (Pages 127 - 296)


To consider a report from the Interim Monitoring Officer (Cumbria County Council) (copy enclosed). (Pages 297 - 298)

17 SCHEDULE OF MEETING DATES (Pages 299 - 300)

INSPECTION OF PAPERS AND GENERAL QUERIES - if you wish to inspect Minutes or Reports relating to any item on this agenda or have any other general queries about the meeting, please contact:

Michael Turner, Democratic Services Manager, the Lonsdale Building, The Courts, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA3 8NA. Telephone No: 01228 226373.

This page is intentionally left blank MEMBERSHIP

Name Party Photograph Representing

Steven Labour Carlisle City Council Bowditch

Judith Independent Cooke Co-opted Member

Barrow in Furness Barry Labour Borough Council Doughty

Page 5

Geoff Labour Copeland Borough Garrity Council

Helen Conservative Cumbria County Fearon Council

Cumbria County Neil Hughes Liberal Council Democrat

Page 6

Conservative Cumbria County Council John Mallinson

Sid Simpson Conservative Eden District Council


Celia Tibble Labour Allerdale Borough Council

Linda Vance Independent Co-opted Member

Page 7

Graham Liberal South Lakeland Vincent Democrat District Council

Vacancy Independent Elected by Cumbrian Independent Councillors

Page 8 Agenda Item 6


Minutes of a Meeting of the Cumbria Police and Crime Panel held on Tuesday, 8 April 2014 at 10.00 am at Police Headquarters, Carleton Hall, Penrith


Mrs C Tibble (Allerdale Borough Council) (Chair)

Miss L Vance, Mr D Wilson, Allerdale Independent Co-opted Borough Council member Miss HJ Fearon, Cumbria Mr B Doughty, Barrow County Council Borough Council (Vice- Mrs BC Gray, Cumbria Chair) County Council Mr S Bowditch, Carlisle Mr J Mallinson, Cumbria City Council County Council Mr G Garrity, Copeland Mrs J Cooke, Independent Borough Council Co-optee Mr S Simpson, Eden District Council Mr GJ Vincent, South Lakeland District Council

Also in Attendance:-

Dr D Roberts - Assistant Director - Corporate Governance Mrs LM Graham - Scrutiny Officer Ms T Ingham - Senior Scrutiny Manager Mr M Turner - Democratic Services Manager

Mr R Rhodes - Cumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Mrs N Broomfield - Partnerships and Strategy Manager, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Mr S Edwards - Chief Executive, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner


There were no apologies for absence.


There were no disclosures of interest.

Page 9 92 MINUTES

RESOLVED , that subject to the addition of Mrs Vance’s name in the attendance list for the 20 January meeting, the minutes of the meetings of the Panel held on 20 January and 20 February 2014 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


There had been no requests to use the public participation scheme.


Members considered a report which provided an update on the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan 2013-17, ‘Making Cumbria an Even Safer Place’. The paper focused on work in two priority areas within the Plan: reducing the harm caused by hate crime and ensuring Cumbria remained a safe place to live, work and visit.

The Panel welcomed the information in the paper about ongoing initiatives but asked for details in future about the outcomes achieved as a result so that performance could be assessed. A wider point was made that performance information was lacking in several of the papers on the agenda. The Panel accepted that it would be onerous for the Commissioner’s office to have to produce detailed performance information for the Panel but felt that much of the information they would like to see was already being produced for the PCC’s Executive Board and could be used for the panel, albeit in a more high level format. Officers would work with the PCC’s office so that the Panel received the right level of performance information it needed to fulfil its role.

In response to a comment from a member the Commissioner accepted that cyber crime and cyber bullying were issue which needed to be tackled. Work had started on initiatives to address cyber crime and the on line sexual exploitation of children.

RESOLVED , that:

(1) the report be received

(2) the road safety objectives in the Police and Crime Plan be addressed in the next report to the Panel


Members considered a report on the refreshed Police and Crime Plan, ‘Making Cumbria an Even Safer Place’, which had been approved by the

2 Page 10 Police and Crime Commissioner and was launched on 31st March 2014. The Plan had been updated to reflect recent activity and emerging issues. Panel members had commented on the Plan and the report detailed how these had been responded to.

In the light of recent traffic incidents a member asked if a police presence in hot spot areas could be looked at given its effectiveness in the past. A member referred to a recent scrutiny meeting at Allerdale Borough Council to look at street lighting in rural areas and commented that the police had been invited to attend but had not. The Commissioner undertook to raise both issues with the Chief Constable.

As referred to in the discussion on the previous item (see minute no 94) members felt that performance information was needed so that the Panel could assess if the Commissioner was achieving his objectives. The Panel also asked if objectives could be listed in priority order.

A member asked for clarification about why 84 new police officers had recently been recruited when the Commissioner was aiming to reduce numbers. The Commissioner clarified that this was to make up numbers due to officers leaving the force or retiring.

It was noted that the Framework for Reporting and Holding to Account of the Chief Constable referred to in the Plan had now been agreed and circulated to members.

RESOLVED , that the report be received.


Members considered the Police & Crime Commissioner’s Forward Plan.

The Panel were advised that the Plan would be updated and made available to members before the next meeting.

RESOLVED , that the report be noted.


The Panel considered a report about the Joint Audit and Standards Committee which followed on from the discussions at previous meetings of the Panel. The report informed the Panel of the Joint Audit and Standards Committee work programme for 2014/15.

3 Page 11 Members were advised that the Chair of the Panel and the Chair of the Joint Audit and Standards Committee would meet to discuss respective work programmes and other issues.

Reference was made to a query about tenders made at the meeting of the Joint Audit and Standards Committee held on 25 February 2013. The Chief Finance Office would be asked to clarify this for the Panel.

RESOLVED , that the report be received.


The Panel considered the above mentioned report from the Home Affairs Committee on Police and Crime Commissioners.

RESOLVED , that the report be received and the Police and Crime Commissioner be requested to report back to the Panel on his response to the report, in particular clarifying what relevant procedures and processes he had in place regarding ethical issues and the role of Commissioners in holding the Chief Constable to account and the relationship with the code of conduct.


The Panel considered a report which advised that no complaints had been received since the last meeting.

RESOLVED , that the report be received. 100 UPDATE FROM MEMBER CHAMPIONS

The Panel considered a report from Mr Wilson and Mrs Vance on rural crime and domestic and sexual violence in Cumbria respectively. Mrs Vance congratulated the Commissioner for his work on domestic and sexual violence, something she felt had been quite fragmented in the past.

RESOLVED , that the report be received.


This was noted and Mr Wilson gave his apologies for the 9 May meeting.

The meeting ended at 11.45 am

4 Page 12


Minutes of a Meeting of the Cumbria Police and Crime Panel held on Friday, 9 May 2014 at 10.30 am at CREA, Redhills, Penrith


Mrs C Tibble (Allerdale Borough Council) (Chair)

Miss L Vance, Mr G Garrity, Copeland Independent Co-opted Borough Council member Mr S Simpson, Eden Mr B Doughty, Barrow District Council Borough Council (Vice- Mrs J Cooke, Independent Chair) Co-opted member Mr S Bowditch, Carlisle City Council

Also in Attendance:-

Ms C Elwood - Interim Monitoring Officer Mr A Greaves - Senior Manager – HR Operations Mr M Turner - Democratic Services Manager Mr K Barr - Strategic Communications Adviser Ms T Ingham - Senior Scrutiny Manager Mrs LM Graham - Scrutiny Officer Mr R Rhodes - Cumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Mr S Edwards - Chief Executive, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Mr J Graham - Proposed Candidate for Chief Constable



The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made around the table.

Page 13 103 APOLOGIES

Apologies for absence were received from Mrs Gray, Miss Fearon, Mr Mallinson and Mr Wilson.


There were no disclosures of interest.



The Chair began by stating that the purpose of the hearing was to review the Commissioner’s proposed appointment of Chief Constable following which the Panel would submit a report to him on it. The hearing would focus on issues of professional competence and personal independence and the Panel would not be restaging the short listing and interview processes that the Commissioner had already undertaken.

The Interim Monitoring Officer introduced a paper which explained the decision-making process.

The Panel were able to:

(a) recommend that the candidate should be appointed; or

(b) recommend that the candidate should not be appointed (giving reasons) or,

(c) veto the proposed appointment (a two thirds majority of the total membership was needed)


The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) presented a report on the appointment process that he had undertaken to select the Chief Constable for Cumbria Constabulary. Detailed within the report were the reasons why Mr Jerry Graham, the proposed candidate, had been selected for consideration by the Police and Crime Panel.


The Panel considered a report from Mrs G Lewis, the Independent Member, relating to the appointment process which assessed the extent

2 Page 14 to which the appointment process had been conducted fairly, openly and based on merit. In addition it detailed the extent to which the appointment panel had fulfilled their responsibility to challenge and test the candidate’s suitability against the requirements of the role.

The Independent Member advised that the PCC had fulfilled his responsibility to ensure the selection process was properly put in place.

The Independent Member had found that the decision making process had been demonstrably open, with stringent efforts applied to seek the best available field of candidates. It had been fair; had applied the same criteria to all candidates and was clearly based on merit, with decisions taken on careful analysis of evidence.

The Independent Member confirmed that the selection of the preferred candidate to be Chief Constable of Cumbria met the principles of fairness, openness and merit.

The Panel thanked Mrs Lewis for her report which they found extremely useful.


The Panel then asked Mr Graham a number of questions relating to his professional competence and operational independence. At the end of the questioning Mr Graham was given an opportunity to clarify any of his questions, add anything or ask the Panel questions. Mr Graham confirmed he had nothing to add.


RESOLVED , that in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded during consideration of agenda item 6 while the Panel discuss and agree a recommendation to the Police and Crime Commissioner regarding his proposed appointment of a Chief Constable.


Following the discussion with Mr Graham the Panel moved into a closed session where they discussed the evidence they had heard, and then voted unanimously to confirm the proposed appointment.

In reaching this decision the Panel highlighted a number of key strengths that they believed that Mr Graham demonstrated including:

3 Page 15 • A real commitment to Cumbria and its communities and visitors and ensuring that the county remained a safe place to live and visit

• A sound knowledge of both national and local pressures and developments, and clear ideas as to how to work in this context driving continual improvement

• His enthusiasm and willingness to continue to develop new ways of working alongside the more traditional approaches to policing

• A clear commitment to supporting and developing the workforce to ensure that they were trained and equipped to meet changing demands

• Strong personal values and ethics and a clear desire to ensure that the Constabulary worked to build public confidence. • A positive approach to working in partnership across all sectors within Cumbria

The Panel thanked the officers for the preparatory work which had led to a well run, professional confirmatory hearing. Officers were also asked to contact the Independent Member to get some informal feedback on how she had felt the hearing had gone.

RESOLVED, that Mr Jerry Graham be recommended for appointment as the Chief Constable for Cumbria Constabulary.

The meeting ended at 11.50 am

4 Page 16 Agenda Item 9 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page | 1

Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner Report

Annual Report 2013-14

Date: 11 th July 2014 Agenda Item No: 09 Originating Officer: Gill Shearer, Media and Communications Executive

Executive Summary: This report presents the Police and Crime Commissioner’s second Annual Report, covering the period twelve month period from the 1 st April 2013 to the 31 st March 2014. The Annual Report has been written so that a member of the public can easily ascertain how the Commissioner has carried out his functions and his key achievements.

Recommendation: That the Panel considers the Annual Report

1. Detail

1.1. The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act requires Police and Crime Commissioners to produce an Annual Report for each financial year. The report must cover how the Commissioner has carried out his statutory functions, such as setting the budget, developing a Police and Crime Plan and holding the Chief Constable to account.

The Annual Report for Cumbria’s Commissioner therefore highlights key areas of work undertaken in the time period, as well as details of priorities for the future in the Police and Crime Plan. The report includes: • The accountability of the Police and Crime Commissioner in holding the Chief Constable to account and to the Police and Crime Panel; • Monitoring of crime rates and police performance; • Developing the Police and Crime Plan for 2014-17; • Setting the budget and council tax precept for policing, including securing the maintenance of police officer numbers for another year; • Working with district councils and the Constabulary and agree a countywide solution for CCTV;


• The launch of an Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy with the Constabulary to give higher priority to and co-ordinate police activity to address alcohol-related harm, to support wider work by partners; • Listening to local people, through a range of events, speaking at meetings and a consultation exercise on the draft Police and Crime Plan, which helped shape the final Plan; • Work carried out with partners to establish consistent, dedicated multi-agency support to victims of sexual violence from children, young people to adults in the county .

1.2. The Annual Report has been set out in a way, and to a level of detail, which is interesting and informative for the general public. It is proposed to publish the Report on the Commissioner’s website and to print a limited number of copies which would be available on request and can be distributed at surgeries, events and to partners. This approach builds on the experience of what worked well last year and is felt to provide the best value for money. The option to obtain a translated version of the Annual Report will be made to enable non-English speakers to read it, and Braille and large print versions will also be offered. Printed copies will be sent on request to those not able to access it online.

2. Supplementary information

The Annual Report is appended to this covering report. The Panel is invited to ask questions about the content of the Annual Report.

Page 18 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2014


Page 19 “Welcome to my second Annual Report. This Annual Report covers the twelve month period from the 1st of April 2013 to the 31st of March 2014, and explains what steps I have taken to fulfil my role as Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria.”


Once in office, my initial priority was to understand the issues affecting the people of Cumbria and where best to focus my efforts and resources to generate improvements. As a result of the work in this area, and following extensive engagement and consultation with the communities in Cumbria, I launched my first Police and Crime Plan, which set out my four year vision for making Cumbria an even safer place to live, work and visit. The Plan remains the cornerstone of my vision, and is designed to evolve to take account of emerging issues and trends, and be able to accommodate and respond to feedback. As a result of what I learned during my extensive engagement with the public and the reviews I commissioned, the Plan has been refreshed, and this was re-launched in March 2014 to reflect my current focus and priorities.

This Annual Report will outline some of the achievements and progress that has been made against the priorities in my Plan during the last year in tackling crime and antisocial behaviour. These include commissioning of the Integrated Domestic Violence Advocacy and Support Service with the County Council and the review that I commissioned into domestic and sexual violence services - and how I have worked with partners to put in place plans to address shortcomings. I am also pleased to have developed my commitment to put victims at the heart of everything we do as a result of another review I commissioned. My Annual Report also includes achievements such as the starting of implementation of a countywide CCTV system, and my involvement in developing the Joint Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy with the Constabulary and the Cumbria Alcohol Strategy with various partners. In terms of the next steps, my Annual Report will also cover the priorities identified in my refreshed Police and Crime Plan. I hope you find this Report a worthwhile and informative read, and as ever, any feedback is welcome, so please do not hesitate to contact me or my office.

Richard Rhodes Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria

Further Information You can find much more information about how I am carrying out my role on my website Cutting the sod ceremony for the new police station in Barrow. The new police station will be finished in summer 2015. You can also contact my office

Left to right: David Atkinson (Thomas Armstrong Construction), Mayoress on 01768 217734 or email and Mayor of Barrow Colin Thomson, John Woodcock MP, Police and Crime commissioner@cumbria- Commissioner Richard Rhodes and Deputy Chief ConstablePage Jerry Graham 21 ACCOUNTABILITY

EXECUTIVE BOARD Police and Crime Commissioner, Richard Rhodes and Temporary Chief Constable Bernard Lawson at an Executive Board meeting

A significant part of my role as Police and Crime Commissioner is to hold the Chief Constable to account for policing services in Cumbria. The way in which I do this is at a regular Executive Board meetings at which areas of performance are discussed, financial matters are monitored and decisions are made. The Executive Board comprises myself, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Chief Executive and Chief Finance Officer and the Chief Constable. To promote openness and transparency the Executive Board meetings are held on a monthly basis these meetings are advertised to allow members of the press and public to attend. The agendas and papers are published on my website JOINT AUDIT The Police and Crime Panel’s role is to hold the Police and and POLICE Crime Commissioner to account and see how I am carrying out STANDARDS my responsibilities. As well as and questioning me on my progress COMMITTEE on holding the Chief Constable The Joint Audit and Standards to account, it scrutinises any Committee has been established proposed council tax precept to check that I have the right increases, as well as contributing financial and governance CRIME to the development of the systems and controls in place. Police and Crime Plan. Further You can find further information information is available on at PANEL the Panel’s website at governance-transparency/ audit-committee Page 22 EFFECTIVE ACCOUNTABILITY POLICING Over the last year, I have continued to examine crime levels and public satisfaction regularly, as well as monitoring police performance in a range of areas; regular performance review at Executive Board meetings, alongside audits and visits to departments, have allowed me to scrutinise whether the Constabulary is operating effectively, efficiently, with integrity and promoting equal opportunities, both in engaging the public and as an employer.

I have examined the data for the last financial year, and can report that for 2013-2014, crime increased by 4.8%, which equates to 1,090 crimes over the 12 month period. However, this was anticipated, due to a spike in crimes in July 2013, which has been attributed to the good summer weather and lack of securing property; following that spike, levels fell back to those of the latter part of 2012-2013. Despite this, when viewing performance over the longer term the Constabulary has seen a marked reduction in both crime and antisocial behaviour since 2009-2010, falling by 13.8% and 35.8% respectively. I am therefore pleased to report that overall, Cumbria continues to be a safe place when compared with other areas across the country. The main headlines are as follows:

·· Despite the increase in crime ·· Violence against the person 90%. However, some of this shown in the report, the and especially violence can been attributed to the 2013/14 figures demonstrate without injury saw a significant changes in the process of the that Cumbria has the second increase. However, 274 Constabulary’s new call-centre lowest level of reports of crime domestic related incidents operations, and early signs in the whole country. were reported to the police are that response times are that were categorised as now improving. ·· We had some of the lowest violence without injury (over levels of overall crime, burglary, a third more compared to last ·· I continue to push for a further sexual offences, theft, violence year). I welcome the fact that reduction in officer and staff against a person without injury, more people are having the sickness levels. in the country. confidence to come forward Good work is taking place in as domestic incidents are still ·· Antisocial behaviour has increasing the reporting levels ·· under-reported and progress continued to fall, and of hate crime and this needs to is being made to further be continued to be developed. has seen a 7.4% reduction increase reporting levels. in 2013/14 compared to ·· I held the Chief Constable to 2012/13 – equating to 1903 ·· There is still some work to account over a reduction in the fewer incidents. be done in answering non- proportion of crimes detected. emergency calls, as data As a result of this scrutiny 93.1% of emergency calls were ·· shows that 85.4% of such calls detection levels have increased answered within 10 seconds, were answered within the and are returning to the levels which is above the national target time, which falls short previously experienced. target of 90%. of the nationalPage benchmark 23 of ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOUR AND CRIME

Antisocial behaviour is any aggressive, intimidating or destructive activity that damages or destroys another person’s quality of life. In Cumbria, the majority of these are incidents which cause a nuisance to the local community, rather than being targeted at individual victims. Understandably, it is a top concern for the public.

Victims of antisocial behaviour quite rightly expect their concerns to be taken seriously and the police and other agencies must work to provide a quality service, which victims can have confidence in. During this last year, I have proactively sought ways to address this key priority, including: ·· I have commissioned, alongside district councils, PCC Richard Rhodes with Barrow Amateur Football Club street soccer an updated, state-of-the-art CCTV system for the county. crime, as it acts as a deterrent initiated a number of activities The scheme will provide a for would-be criminals, and projects designed to sustainable, scaleable county- helps track offenders, and specifically reduce antisocial wide CCTV solution with up gathers evidence. behaviour, many promoting to 54 cameras across the positive and healthy activities I have continued to support county, proactively monitored ·· for youngsters. For instance, local councils to deliver by a dedicated central team I awarded a grant from my a number of initiatives based at Police Headquarters Community Fund to Barrow around the county to tackle in Penrith in liaison with other Amateur Football Club who antisocial behavior. communications centre staff set up a ‘Street Soccer’ and local Community Policing ·· I have awarded grants initiative. I was invited along Teams. CCTV has a significant through my Property Fund to see this in action, and must part to play in the fight against and Community Fund, to say how impressed I was antisocial behaviour and community groups who have with the project. Page 24 working to help address WORKING alcohol, drug and mental health issues which are often TOGETHER contributing factors in crime. ·· Provided funding for to Cumbria’s Community Safety Partnerships, who are responsible for PREVENT bringing together a range of organisations to identify and tackle local issues in relation CRIME to crime and disorder focusing I have continued to build on on domestic violence, local partnership working to address crime prevention, and anti- priorities in my Police and Crime social behavior. Plan, and in addition, over the PCC Richard Rhodes out and Support community groups last twelve months I have played ·· about listening to people’s views to reduce crime and tackle a significant part in supporting antisocial behavior through and funding local agencies and Commissioned and published my Property Fund, Community ·· groups to help tackle some of a report which summarises Fund and Innovation Fund. the priority areas. A summary the results of a review into Full details can be found on of activities include: what support is available to victims of crime, in order to Continued in my role as ·· Commissioned and published identify gaps. As part of the Chair of the Safer Cumbria ·· a report on domestic abuse review I hosted a conference Partnership Direction Group, and sexual violence, and in September, bringing to tackle crime and disorder hosted a conference on this key partners together to bringing together public in December which brought explore the issues and services such as councils, together all the key partner help identify solutions. health, probation and agencies to discuss the early voluntary groups working Signed up to ‘Cumbria findings from the review and ·· in fields such as domestic Compact’, which is a set of work together with them to abuse support. principles and commitments identify the next steps to that underpin good working ·· Worked with leaders and reducing domestic abuse relationships between chairs of the county’s key and sexual violence. Work is the public sector and the public and voluntary sector progressing well with partners community covering areas agencies as a member of the to improve the support such as equality and diversity, Cumbria Leaders’ Board. I am services to domestic abuse public engagement and the now also a member of the and sexual violence to be allocating of resources. Health and Well-Being Board, available from April 2015. ·· Continued to routinely meet with the Leaders and Chief Executives of the six district councils. I also met with the Chief Executive of the County Council and the county’s six Members of Parliament. ·· Carried out a wide range of engagements to explain my role and hear from as many people as I can about their priorities, issues and concerns about policing in the county. ·· The Cumbria Armed Forces and Community Covenant. PCSO Danielle Ayers, PCC Richard Rhodes, Sergeant John Stevens, Douglas Thomson Director Community Interest Group and Evelyn Westwood of SLDCPage at the 25opening of the new police base at Sedbergh ALCOHOL

Alcohol is a significant contributing factor in crime and antisocial behaviour in Cumbria and an issue which the public feels we should be addressing. The cost to agencies in Cumbria of dealing with crime and licensing related to alcohol is £60.4 million per year. The police and other emergency services spend a significant amount of time dealing with the consequences of excessive drinking. The need for a joined-up approach across agencies is clear. Steps I have taken to tackle this area include: ·· With the Constabulary I have helped develop the joint Alcohol Reduction Strategy YOUTH JUSTICE to prevent and address violence and criminal behaviour resulting from Youth crime and youth first time entrants to the alcohol consumption; criminal justice system have reduced significantly over the past five years. Having said this, it is vital ·· With partners, I have contributed to the that we continue to work to prevent crime by working development of the Cumbria with those on the cusp of offending and by promoting Alcohol Strategy; health and positive activities for young people. ·· I have proactively supported a number of ‘drink-aware’ Some of the steps I am taking to address this include: campaigns run by the Constabulary, including ·· I have continued to fund the Youth Offending Service, which aims accompanying policing teams to reduce the number of young people becoming offenders and to in the run up to Christmas to stop them reoffending; see at first-hand some of the Speaking to young offenders myself has reinforced the importance challenges that police officers ·· of breaking the cycle of offending, and so I have increased my face during such times; visibility amongst youngsters in Cumbria. In pursing this, I have ·· I have provided a number of visited a number of venues such as Carlisle Youth Zone, the Youth grants to community groups Station in Wigton, the Pupil Referral Unit in Barrow and the Eden and charities to address Park Academy, Carlisle; issues around alcohol and I have provided funding through my Property Fund and Community substance misuse, for ·· Fund, for a range of projects set up by different community and example, I awarded a grant youth groups, who do what they can to keep youngsters out of from my Community Fund trouble and involved in positive and healthy activities. Among those to Cumbria Gateway, to help I have funded recently were the Whitehaven Sea Cadets who lost them provide adequate a lot of their equipment in the flooding earlier in the year, and the housing support for addicts Our Place Youth Project in Ambleside. overcoming alcohol and drug misuse. Page 26 RURAL OFFICE CRIME Cumbria is fortunate that our OF rural areas tend to be safe places to live and the fear of crime is generally lower than in other VICTIM areas. However, when crime occurs, it has a significant effect in rural areas. It can take the SERVICES form of issues specific to rural Following on from the establishment of my Office of Victim Services businesses, such as thefts from in March 2013, one of the first tasks was to understand the current farms or worrying of livestock, landscape of support available to victims and what their needs or can be cruelty or damage to are. In order to assess this, I seconded an external Professional wildlife or protected sites. The Lead with extensive experience of supporting victims, working Constabulary, key stakeholders with a wide range of agencies in the county, to carry out a review. and communities, working The review showed that above all, victims want to be treated with together, can help to identify dignity and respect and to be taken seriously. opportunities to prevent crime and collect intelligence on Key activities that I have been involved in so far include: suspicious activity so that Developing and agreeing a shared vision across agencies; there can be targeted ·· enforcement activity. ·· Working with partner agencies in the public, private and voluntary sector to deliver the multi-agency victim services I have been involved in a action plan; number of activities, including: ·· Moving towards establishing an independent charitable ·· I am working with the trust to generate income for victim services and provide Constabulary and appropriate advocacy for victims; to this end I have recently appointed interest groups to agree a ‘Victims Advocate’. and implement a Rural Crime Strategy. ·· Chairing and supporting the Victims and Witnesses Group to oversee victims’ services in the county, listen to the experience ·· As part of this, with the of victims and drive improvements required. Constabulary, I co-hosted a Rural Crime Summit, ·· Commissioning victim support services in line with assessed involving a range of needs from 2014; stakeholders, in order to Making arrangements in conjunction with the Office of Public promote understanding of ·· Engagement for the Police and Crime Commissioner to obtain the different types of rural the views of victims of crime so the victim’s voice is heard. crime and outline the current approaches taken by the Constabulary. ·· I have asked the Constabulary to consider and formalise their approach to representation at Parish Council and similar meetings, so that rural communities know when they can expect to see, or at least receive a report from the Constabulary.

Page 27 Baroness Newlove Victims’ Commissioner speaking at the Victims Conference OFFICE of PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT In my last Annual Report, I explained that as part of my Engagement Strategy, I had set up my Office of Public Engagement to provide a direct route for members of the public to share their experiences and concerns. Feedback received is taken into account to support decisions about the strategic direction of the police and to help hold the Chief Constable to account for the quality of the policing service delivered to the public. During this last year, I have conducted a wide range of activities including

·· Carried out more than messaging, a monthly 100 public engagement newsletter, and contributed events, ranging from surgery to other newsletters; style events, ‘drop-ins’ at supermarkets, walkabouts with ·· Taken part in a wide range of media activities and interviews; PCC Richard Rhodes being presented Constabulary Neighbourhood by Bernard Rix from CoPaCC with Policing Teams, attendance at ·· Conducted surveys on rural a commendation certificate for county council neighbourhood crime, and policing priorities, Public Engagement forums (Thursby, Windermere through a mixture of both and Barbon), community online and face-to-face meetings, parish councils, methods during themed meetings with various groups engagement events; i.e. disability, LGBT, and county shows; ·· Promoted events and activity and maintain a presence ·· Attended a significant number using social media i.e. of meetings with local Twitter and Facebook; councillors and MPs; ·· Dealt with 120 ‘Quality of ·· Hosted two conferences, Service’ complaints from one on victims and one on members of the public; sexual/domestic violence; ·· Hosted an on-line webchat ·· Published online and circulated about rural crime. by email and community INDEPENDENT CUSTODY VISITORS and ANIMAL WELFARE SCHEME

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner oversees a scheme of 48 independent volunteers, who visit police cells to check on the welfare of people held in custody. During the last year, 12 new volunteers have joined the scheme. Custody Visitors made 205 visits to custody suites in 2012-13 and spoke to 300 detainees. I am pleased to say that no major issues in the police treatment of detainees were identified. Animal welfare volunteers observe Cumbria’s police dogs in action and check on their welfare, making monthly inspections of the Dog Section kennels and accompanying handlers and dogs on training sessions. Six new volunteers joined the Animal Welfare Scheme during 2013/14, bringing the total number of Animal Welfare volunteers to nine. To date, they have found that the dogs are treated well and enjoy good health and fitness. Find out more at: 28 PRIORITIES for the FUTURE THE POLICE and CRIME PLAN The main objectives in the Plan continue to represent the priorities for community safety in Cumbria. As a result of the significant engagement work, my refreshed Police and Crime Plan sets out the following priorities: RESOURCES ·· Ensure Cumbria remains a safe place to live, work and visit by keeping crime at low levels, and particularly violent crime FINANCE and thefts; ·· Reduce the impact antisocial behaviour has on our communities; In consultation with the Police and Crime Panel and ·· Reduce the impact of alcohol the Chief Constable, in March 2014 I agreed the misuse on our communities; overall budget for 2014/15. The budget has been ·· Tackle the problem of drug based on the police part of the council tax precept supply in the county; increasing by 1.93% an increase of £3.96 per annum ·· Reduce the impact irresponsible for residents in a Band D property. driving has on our communities; ·· Keep our rural communities We are without question in a challenging position. The Police are safe by tackling crime and increasingly becoming the emergency service of last resort as disorder in rural areas; public services contract. ·· Provide justice for the victims by detecting crime and bringing When I meet people they say that high visibility policing is important criminals to justice; and as a result prioritising frontline resources, tackling anti-social behaviour, domestic violence and road safety are key areas ·· Address offender behaviour which are supported by my Police and Crime Plan. With that in to reduce adult and youth offending and reoffending; mind, I have remained focused on the approved budget seeking to maintain police officer and PCSO numbers at 1134 and 95 ·· Establish a collaborative respectively for one year. Beyond 2014/15 there will need to be approach to providing support stepped reductions annually in police officer numbers as a result and assistance to vulnerable of worsening financial settlements and increasing cuts to formula veterans to assist them to remain clear of criminal activity; funding for the police. This year’s Council tax increase provides time to plan any reductions and maximise at the same time any ·· Reduce harm by targeting opportunities as a result of improved technology that will allow domestic abuse and officers and PCSOs to spend more time in communities. The sexual violence; financial forecasts indicating that £10.4million of savings will have ·· Reduce the harm caused by to be delivered by 2017/18. hate crime; The budget also makes provision for commissioned services. This ·· Give due consideration to public funding will be used to commission activity and investment projects opinion in policing matters; from the Constabulary and wider partners which support priorities, ·· Ensure victims of crime have as well as providing crime and disorder grants. The priority areas access to support and redress; which will be supported by commissioning are set out in more ·· Tackle the increasing incidence detail in my Commissioning Strategy. of cyber-crime; Information on spending during 2013-2014 will be available in the ·· Deliver a county wide Statement of Accounts, which will be published on my CCTV initiative. website Page 29 Temporary Chief Constable Bernard Lawson will be retiring on 31st July 2014. CHIEF I have now taken steps to ensure that a permanent Chief Constable is appointed, CONSTABLE providing certainty and continuity for the Constabulary and the people of Cumbria. To make the appointment I convened a selection panel of representatives from across the county, supported by the College of Policing and with Chief Constable Jerry Graham with effective from st1 August professional advice from the Deputy Commissioner of the was subsequently endorsed Metropolitan Police. As a result by the Police and Crime Panel. I nominated the Constabulary’s I look forward to working with current Deputy Chief Constable, Mr Graham to deliver my Police Mr Jerry Graham as my preferred and Crime Plan priorities over candidate and his appointment the next few years.

COLLABORATION Continued collaboration Working with other Police I am also pleased to report that I with other police forces and Crime Commissioners in have signed up to the North West the North West of England, Joint Oversight Committee of is an important area I have continued to oversee Police and Crime Commissioners, of focus. Collaboration the collaboration between which was formed to secure the provides vital sources police forces in the region. efficient and effective governance of mutual aid when One example of successful of collaboration arrangements collaboration is the shared agreed between the participating required and Cumbria Learning and Development parties, in this case the Police and Constabulary will need agreement with Lancashire Crime Commissioners for Cheshire to continue to fulfil Constabulary, which continues Greater Manchester, Lancashire, its contribution to to yield benefits and savings. Merseyside and North Wales. national functions.

Page 30 Agenda Item 10

Cumbria Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Financial Outturn and Summary Accounts Report of the Chief Finance Officer

Executive Summary

During the 2013-14 financial year, the Commissioner’s directly managed revenue budgets totalled just over £9m. The draft out-turn position, subject to audit, is expenditure of £8.88m. The underspend of £134k represents 1.5% of the budget. The main factors contributing to the underspend are other PCC budgets being £81k under, (primarily attributable to an overachievement on investment income) and £42k under, arising from variations on capital financing and accounting adjustments for depreciation and minimum revenue provision.

The 2013-14 budget included over £4m funding for Commissioned Services. From that, almost £2m of funding has been provided for partnership initiatives including community safety, youth offending and anti-social behaviour, in addition to services for victims of sexual and domestic violence. This has included £50k of funding awarded to 8 community groups through the Commissioner’s community fund and over £1m committed alongside district council funding for a county wide CCTV scheme. A further £2.1m of funding was agreed to support Police Innovation, supporting investment in technology for more efficient and effective working within the Constabulary.

In addition to directly managed budgets, the Commissioner provided £108.3m of funding to the Chief Constable for Policing Services. This comprised £101.7m of direct funding and £6.6m of funding managed on behalf of the Commissioner prior to decision making in respect of the statutory stage 2 staff transfer scheme. The Chief Constable’s provisional outturn of £105.2m represents an under spend of £3.1m or 2.8% of the total budget. This funding is returned to the Commissioner under the terms of the funding arrangement and results in a year end contribution to reserves. Use has been made of those reserves in 2014-15 by drawing down the funding for the Commissioned Services Budget. The Chief Constable provided a detailed paper to the Commissioner’s Executive Board on 4th June explaining the reasons for the underspend and action taken to address under recruitment.

The Commissioner received £21.4m in specific grants during 2013-14 and £98.8m in formula grant and council tax income. The overall position for 2013-14, including the expenditure of the Chief Constable, is represented in

Page 31 the Commissioner’s Group Accounts. The Group Accounts include expenditure for the financial year and the value of the Commissioner’s assets as at 31st March 2014. They also detail movements in reserves and cash flow and set out the assets and liabilities on the police pension fund. The accounts are supported by detailed accounting policies and notes and a foreword and summary explaining the main financial statements. The draft introduction and summary to the Statement of Accounts is appended to this report.

Main Report

Directly Managed Budgets

The Commissioner budgeted for and received £98.8m in formula grant and council tax income during 2013-14. This was supplemented by £21.4m of specific grants primarily covering the cost of police pensions. This provided total resources of £120.2m of which £108.3m was provided to the Chief Constable, £2.9m was planned to contribute to reserves and £9.0m comprised the Commissioner’s directly managed budgets. The table below sets out the budget and outturn for each area within the directly managed budgets. The narrative within the notes provides more detail on the budget and outturn.

Table One: Commissioner’s Budget

Commissioner's 13-14 13-14 surplus % Budget Budget Outturn (deficit) variation £000 £000 £000 PCC Office 1 891 890 - 1 0.1% Commissioned Services 2 4,353 4,343 - 10 0.2% Other PCC Budgets 3 3,773 3,650 - 123 3.3% net expenditure 9,017 8,883 - 134 1.5%

1: PCC Office: The office budget comprises the costs of the Commissioner’s salary and the salary and supplies and services costs of the Commissioner’s office. Total outturn expenditure is in line with budget. The net position is an underspend on staffing and staff related costs, including transport, offset by an overspend on supplies and services. Staffing underspends have arisen due to vacant posts. The overspending on supplies and services is primarily attributable to legal costs in relation to the suspension of the former temporary Chief Constable and the statutory stage 2 transfer of staff between the Commissioner and Chief Constable. Further information is available on these matters within the Commissioner’s Annual Governance Statement.

2: Commissioned Services: The Commissioned Services budget is an annually determined resource comprising primarily one off funding drawn down from reserves and prior year underspend. The budget supports the Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan and Commissioning Strategy through the provision of resources to work with public and third sector partners to tackle the issues of community safety, crime reduction and anti-social behaviour. It includes funding to support victims of crime and develop victim focused restorative justice. The budget includes a community fund and innovation fund to encourage third sector partnership working and is

Page 32 supplemented by a police property fund (unbudgeted) to support smaller community groups. An element of the budget is ring-fenced annually towards the Police and Crime Plan priority of efficient and effective policing, to provide support to the Constabulary business plan. Funding supports investment in technology and equipment that will deliver both national requirements in respect of digital capability and support mobile and flexible working in preparation for the planned reduction in police officer numbers. Table two below sets out how the budget has been allocated during 2013-14. Appendix one provides further detail on the community groups that have been supported from the Commissioner’s funds.

3: Other PCC Budgets: These budgets comprise the main reasons for the overall underspend on the Commissioner’s directly managed budgets. They consolidate activity in respect of treasury management investment, capital financing and statutory accounting entries. The main reasons for the variations are: . An overachievement of treasury management income from investments: the Commissioner supported changes to the treasury management strategy during 2013-14, following recommendations from the Commissioner’s treasury management advisors. The changes provided a small increase in the flexibility for investments that has facilitated the treasury team in achieving stronger than forecast returns on investment. The overall portfolio remains managed with a high level of prudence. . The balance of underspend against budget comprises budgets for minimum revenue provision, private finance initiative interest costs and depreciation. The underspend is primarily attributable to the lower than forecast spend against the capital programme that has resulted in a lower level of capital and accounting charges.

Table Two: Commissioned Services Budget, Summary of Funding Awards

Partners Aims of Funding Amount sexual violence (third Funding for third sector partners to support victims of rape through 17,000 sector) the provision of an independent sexual violence advisor and rape counselling. domestic violence (county Partnership working to support the commissioning of support 91,097 council) services with the County Council for victims of domestic violence. victims Hub Funding to support commissioning of an integrated information 8,988 hub for victims and partners to share information and support community safety Funding to support a range of community safety initiatives 195,253 partnerships (CSPs) including tackling anti-social behaviour and victim safety through CSPs. ASB (districts) Matched funding to support district council initiatives to tackle anti- 93,639 social behaviour. youth offending (county Partnership working with the County Council to support initiatives 58,763 council) to tackle youth offending. community fund Support for 8 Community Groups successful in applications to the 50,500 Commissioner’s Community Fund. (see appendix A) CCTV (with districts) A matched funding initiative with district councils and the 1,463,398 Constabulary to provide a county wide managed CCTV scheme. Total Partnership Funding 1,978,638

Page 33

Constabulary Business Plan Funding in support of a number of initiatives to improve efficiency 2,155,239 and effectiveness including a centralised communication centre and the development of digital and mobile working Barrow New Build Funding to manage risks pertaining to build costs and capital 208,939 receipts for the new HQ at Barrow. Total Constabulary Funding 2,364,178

Total Commissioned 4,342,816 Services

Chief Constable Funding

The Commissioner has a statutory duty to maintain the police force for Cumbria. In line with that duty, a budget of £108.3m was made available to the Chief Constable for 2013-14, on the basis of a funding submission from the Constabulary. The budget provided for an establishment of 1134 police officers and 95 Police and Community Support Officers (PCSO’s) in line with the priority of Community Policing. The Chief Constable’s outturn position against that budget is an underspend of £3.1m (2.8%). The primary reason for the under spend has been as a result of the Constabulary under achieving against its workforce recruitment plan. On average the Chief Constable has operated at 22 posts under establishment level for police officers and 10 posts under establishment for PCSO’s.

Under the funding arrangement that sets out the terms of funding to the Chief Constable, this underspend is returned to the Commissioner and has resulted in an unbudgeted increase in reserves for 2013-14. The early identification of issues concerning recruitment has meant that this funding has been planned within the 2014-15 budget, being drawn down to increase the resources for commissioned services. A full report from the Chief Constable explaining the variations to budget and the action being taken has been presented to the Commissioner’s June 2014 Executive Board and can be viewed at: you/public-meetings.aspx

The Commissioner’s Financial Statements

The statutory changes that introduced the Police and Crime Commissioner has changed the requirements in respect of the financial statements. From 2012-13 this has necessitated the production of a set of single entity financial statements and group financial statements for the Commissioner and a set of single entity financial statements for the Chief Constable. The Chief Constable is treated as a subsidiary within the group relationship.

Page 34 The foreword to the statements, comprising an introduction and summary financial statements, has been revised in line with new 2013 guidance1 from the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA). The guidance aims to support those producing the accounts in making their presentation more accessible to the reader, whilst recognising the challenges in doing this as a consequence of the technical and lengthy disclosure requirements. The guidance has been used to support a number of changes in consultation with the external auditors. Specifically:

. Combining the introduction and financial summary to a single section that precedes the financial statements but can also be published as a standalone ‘quick read’ of the financial statements. . Where possible, presenting the Commissioner’s single entity and group position in single statements that effectively present the reader with 1 financial statement document rather than two. . Reducing the detail within notes to the statements and the number of notes where these are not material. This aims to reduce the volume of the statements and ensure focus on the main factors influencing the overall financial position . Considering changes to formatting and the use of diagrams to provide information in a more accessible format

The Group Accounts include expenditure for the financial year of the Commissioner and Chief Constable and the value of the Commissioner’s assets as at 31st March 2014. They also detail movements in reserves and cash flow and set out the assets and liabilities on the police pension fund. The accounts are supported by detailed accounting policies and notes. The draft introduction and summary statements are appended to this report. The full financial statements, subject to audit, are available on the Commissioner’s website alongside those of the Chief Constable. The audited statements alongside the report and opinion of the external auditors are planned to be presented to a joint meeting of the Executive Board and the Joint Audit and Standards Committee on 22nd September 2014.

1 financial statements\a good practice guide for local authorities

Page 35 Appendix One: Commissioner’s Funds – Summary of Allocations

Police Property Act Awards Award £s Inside Out Soccer Activities Dalton 300 Multisports Activities Dalton 300 Swathmoor Community Group 250 Ulverston Amateur Swimming Club 300 Inspira Cumbria Ltd 500 Grange Youth Club 300 Jericho School 250 Upper Eden Community First Responders 300 Cleator Moor Amateur Boxing Club 250 Ulverston Victoria High School Road Safety Project 500 Cheer Force Knights 300 St John's Park Group 250 Hensingham Amateur Rugby League Football Club 250 Impact Housing Association 300 Blennerhasset Primary School Astronomy Club 250 Workington Rugby Football Club (Youth Section) 300 Young Cumbria - Kendal Lads & Girls Group 200 Stanwix Football Club 300 Furness Mulitcultural Community Forum 500 Ormsgill Youth Club 300 Flimby School Breakfast Club 300 Step by Step Cumbria 500 Whitehaven Sea Cadets 500 Cockermouth FC 500 Young Cumbria Kenal Lads and Girls Club 500 Ulverston Bringing Communities Together 250 Trinity Area Community Trust (TACT) 1000 Aspatria Junior Football Club 300 Walney Youth Club 300 Aspatria Detachment Cumbria Army Cadets 300 Dalton Community Association 500 First Flimsby Girls Brigade 300 Fun on the Field Group 250 Inside out Soccer 300

Page 36 Police & Crime Commissioner's Community Fund Approved Applications: 2013-2014

Department/ Brief Summary of Decision Required Amount Organisation rewarded £

Cumbria Gateway Cumbria Gateway supports: housing, daily drop-in, evening £10,000 & weekend therapeutic activities, in house training and voluntary/employment opportunities to individuals recovering from addiction, who may also be in abusive relationships and caught in a cycle of criminal and anti- social behaviour. Heathlands Project Heathlands Project are holding an art competition with the £1,500 assistance of CFM and Cumbria Police. Each piece of artwork has to encapsulate diversity. Cumbria Crimestoppers To provide a means to detect, reduce and prevent crime £5,000 through the provision of information about crimes and criminals to the law enforcement agencies from anonymous sources. Barrow AFC Community To run a street soccer project. This will provide young £10,000 Initiative people with organised physical activity and help to reduce ASB in the area. Cumbria Reducing To set up and deliver a circle specifically for Police Referrals. £10,000 Reoffending Partnership This is an initiative offering a community contribution to Trust reduce re-offending by those who have committed sexual offences and are returning into the community. Furness Multicultural The fund is to contribute to a project to provide access for £6,000 Community Forum victims of hate crime, in particular racially and religiously motivated crimes, to report hate crime and get support Our Place Youth Project The fund will be used to develop a project with disaffected £3,000 young people and to carry out prevention work

Glasson Community Funding towards a playfield to provide a safe, open spaced £5,000 Association communal area with extra activities for teen to adults.

Page 37



Police and Crime Commissioner Subjectfor Cumbria

Summary of Accounts 2013/14

Page 38 The Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria Summary of Accounts 2013/14 Introduction Statutory Framework

I am pleased to introduce the financial Statement of The Commissioner was established as a statutory Accounts for the 2013/14 financial year. This is the entity under the Police Reform and Social second set of accounts for the Police and Crime Responsibility Act 2011 (PRSRA 2011). The PRSRA Commissioner for Cumbria. On 22 November 2012 2011 provides that there will be a Police and Crime the Police and Crime Commissioner (the Commissioner for each police area with responsibility Commissioner) and the Chief Constable were for ensuring the maintenance of the police force for established as separate legal entities with a the area, securing that the police force is efficient and requirement for single entity accounts. The funding effective and holding the Chief Constable to account. and accountability relationship between the entities The Commissioner has wider responsibilities than meets the definition of a subsidiary for the Chief those solely relating to the police force. These include Constable. This results in a requirement for the responsibility for the delivery of community safety Commissioner to produce consolidated group and crime reduction, the enhancement of the delivery accounts. This financial statement sets out both the of criminal justice in their area and providing support single entity statements of the Commissioner and the to victims. Audit consolidated group position. They are published in accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations The PRSRA 2011 also established the Chief Constable 2011. toas a separate statutory entity, distinct from the

Commissioner and with operational independence. The statement provides a breakdown of net spending The Chief Constable is responsible for maintaining the during the year and shows the strong overall financial Queen’s peace and the exercise of police powers. The position of the Commissioner as at 31 March 2014. Chief Constable is accountable to the Commissioner The reporting format is specifically designed to meet for leadership of the force, the delivery of efficient the requirements of the Code of Practice on financial and effective policing and the management of reporting. A series of notes are provided to assist resources and expenditure for the police force. readers in their understandingSubject of the statement, whilst the presentational format is designed to make for easier reading by those who access the document The PRSRA 2011 sets out the statutory financial through the Commissioner’s website: www.cumbria- framework for the Commissioner and Chief Constable. This introduction aims to provide a The legislation provides for the Secretary of State to simplified summary of the financial statements as part issue a financial code of practice in relation to the of this publication. It is also available as stand-alone proper administration of financial affairs. The Home Summary Statement document on the same website, Office under the legislation issues a Financial together with the single entity statements of the Chief Management Code of Practice for the Police Forces of Constable for Cumbria Constabulary. England and Wales. The Code supports the statutory Page 39 1 | P a g e Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria – Summary of Accounts 2013/14 The Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria Summary of Accounts 2013/14 framework further setting out the financial Capital expenditure is made up broadly of relationships and requirements for the Commissioner expenditure on non-current or fixed assets. These are and Chief Constable. assets that have a useful life of beyond one year and include expenditure on property, vehicles, ICT and

other equipment. Capital expenditure is funded from This financial framework provides that the a home office grant, capital receipts generated from Commissioner receives all funding, including the sale of capital assets and by direct contributions government grants, council tax income and other from revenue income. sources of income related to policing and crime reduction. All funding for the Chief Constable must come from the Commissioner. This, in addition to the The combined net revenue budget for the powers of the Commissioner to set the strategic Commissioner and the Constabulary for 2013/14 of direction for policing and appoint and dismiss the £98.771m was set by the Commissioner on 22 Chief Constable, creates a subsidiary relationship February 2013. Funding of this amount came from between the Commissioner and the Chief Constable. formula and capital grants (£65.830m), income from As such, the Commissioner must publish a set of Council Tax and the Commissioner’s share of District group consolidated accounts in addition to single Council’s collectionAudit funds net surplus (£32.941m). entity accounts. The Chief Constable must publish The capital budget was set at £11.961m and included single entity accounts and provide information to the toprovision for the new South Territorial Policing Area Commissioner to support the publication of group headquarters at Barrow. accounts.

2013/14 Grant Settlement and The budget was supported by an increase in Council Tax of 1.95%, taking the Commissioner’s proportion of Budget the band D equivalent tax to £204.66 per annum. The

The Commissioner incurs both revenue and capital effect of the increase is to support the medium term expenditure, although revenue expenditure is by far financial forecast and mitigate some of the impact of the larger amount. RevenueSubject expenditure can broadly cost increases and reductions in government funding. be described as day to day running costs and includes The overall position on income supported by the most of the costs of operational policing in addition to Council Tax enabled the Commissioner to maintain expenditure with wider partners on community safety the existing establishment of police officer and police and crime reduction. It is funded through a mixture of and community support officer (PCSO) numbers. The government grants, the principle of which are the Chief Constable was provided with a budget of £102m police grant and formula grant, together with locally to support policing. The income budget also provided raised income from Council Tax. £4.35m for Commissioned Services, to provide funding for partnership working across the

Page 40 2 | P a g e Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria – Summary of Accounts 2013/14 The Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria Summary of Accounts 2013/14 Commissioner’s wider community safety, crime The constabulary budget is made up of funding for reduction and victim support responsibilities. employee costs (Police Officers £75.8m, PCSO’s £2.88m, Police Staff £13m), transport costs of £2.9m

and supplies/other costs of £11m. Chief Constable The table below shows the summary budget for managed budgets comprise premises expenditure of 2013/14 as set on 22 February, the revised budget £3.7m with the balance being support staff and other (taking into account budget changes made during the employee costs including provision for redundancy. year) and the provisional outturn position (subject to These budgets are managed by the Chief Constable on audit). References to the PCC relate to the Police and behalf of the Commissioner. PCC other budgets Crime Commissioner, references to CC relate to the combine the costs of technical accounting Chief Constable. adjustments, capital finance costs and movements in Summary Budget and Outturn reserves.

Base Revised Provisional (Under)/ In-Year Financial Performance Budget Budget Ouutturn Overspend 2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 Revenue Expenditure: The combined revenue £000s £000s £000s £000s Constabulary Budget 102,752 101,696 98,371 (3,325) underspendAudit during the year amounted to £3.195m

CC Managed Budgets 8,002 6,582 6,863 281 and of this sum £2.590m (81%) related to reduced Office of the PCC 891 891 890 (1) expenditure on police officers and PCSO’s as a result Commissioned 4,353 4,353 4,343 (10) toof operating below establishment. The Chief Services PCC Other 2,239 6,679 9,746 3,067 Grants/ Constable has now developed a robust workforce plan (19,466) (21,430) (21,442) (12) Contributions which will see police officer and PCSO numbers Net Expenditure 98,771 98,771 98,771 0 External Funding operating on or around establishment throughout Government Grants 65,830 65,830 65,830 0 Council Tax 32,941 32,941 32,941 0 2014/15. Total External 98,771 98,771 98,771 0 Funding

The underspend for the year was forecast early in the budget monitoring process. This enabled £3m of the The presentation above Subjectis as the figures are reported unutilised funding to be included within the 2014/15 throughout the year in the management accounts. At budget to support investment in commissioned the year-end a number of technical accounting services. A commissioned services strategy and adjustments (required by proper accounting practice) programme has been developed alongside grant are made. For this reason, the outturn in the table regulations to provide a governance framework that above will not reconcile directly to the provides funding for partnership working, supporting Comprehensive Income and Expenditure statement. victims, community safety and prevention.

The Commissioned Services budget for 2013/14 provided funding for initiatives in support of a number Page 41 3 | P a g e Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria – Summary of Accounts 2013/14 The Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria Summary of Accounts 2013/14 of the priorities identified within the Police and Crime developed. Whilst the payment profile for the project Plan. Funding has been supplemented by has slipped the planned completion date for the contributions from district councils that has focused scheme remains on target. The remaining slippage on community safety projects and includes a primarily relates to ICT schemes which have been re- significant £1.5m Investment in County Wide CCTV. profiled for a combination of reasons including delays Funding has also been provided to Community Safety in national scheme specifications and the Partnerships, County Council Youth Offending and development of detailed business cases to support Domestic Violence Advisory Services and West the projects. Further work has been undertaken with Cumbria Rape Crisis. £50k has been provided to spending departments during the budget setting Community Groups as part of the Community Fund. process for 2014/15 with the aim of reducing slippage and improving the budget forecast for capital

expenditure. The Commissioner also maintains the Police Property

Act Fund. This fund has been accumulated over a period of time as a result of the disposal of property coming into the possession of the police under the Police Property Act 1987 and the Powers of the Audit Criminal Courts Act 1973. Community groups and individuals can submit applications for funding on a to quarterly basis. During 2013/14 awards totaling £12k were made. As at 31 March 2014 the Police Property Barrow TPA HQ – Designer’s Act fund balance stood at £56k. Impression

Capital Expenditure: In 2013/14 Capital Expenditure amounted to £3.311m. The original capital The Financial Statements programme was amended during the year to £8.962m The aim of the financial statements are to to reflect changes in respectSubject of the prior year capital demonstrate to the reader the overall financial outturn, new schemes approved and the re-profiling position of the Commissioner at the end of the of some capital projects. The final outturn of £3.311m financial year together with the cost of the services represents only 37% of the adjusted budget being provided during the year and the financing of that spent in the year with 63% of the budget being re- expenditure. This section of the financial summary profiled into future years. Almost half of the slippage provides an explanation of the various parts of the relates to the construction of a new South Territorial statement alongside a high level summary and Policing Area headquarters at Barrow where now that narrative on the financial position. the contract to build the new premises has been awarded, a revised profile of payments has been Page 42 4 | P a g e Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria – Summary of Accounts 2013/14 The Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria Summary of Accounts 2013/14 The key financial statements are: The table below sets out a summary movement in reserves statement.  The movement in reserves statement (MiRS)  The comprehensive income and expenditure statement (CI&ES) Balance Movements Balance  The Balance Sheet (BS) 01/04/2013 2013/14 31/03/2014 £000s £000s £000s  The Cash Flow Statement (CFS) Police Fund 5,149 0 5,149  The Police Officer Pension Fund Accounts Earmarked Revenue Reserves 12,705 4,090 16,795 Earmarked Capital Reserves 8,860 2,010 10,870 Capital Receipts 1,188 (145) 1,043 Capital Grant Unapplied 3,765 101 3,866 Movement in Reserves Statement Constabulary Usable Reserves (1,042,939) 1,042,939 0 Total Usable Reserves (1,011,272) 1,048,995 37,723 Unusable Reserves 43,011 (1,018,604) (975,593) This statement shows the different reserves held by Total Reserves (968,261) 30,391 (937,870) the Commissioner, analysed into ‘Usable Reserves’

that that can be applied to fund expenditure or reduce taxation and other (principally technical Reserves are held to manage both planned accounting) ‘Unusable Reserves’. It shows the expenditureAudit and provide a contingency against opening balance on all reserves at the start of the unplanned costs in the future which cannot be year, movements in year and the closing balance. The accurately quantified at the time of closing the movements in year comprise movements arising from toaccounts. The Reserves Statement shows that the the Surplus or Deficit on the Provision of Services line Commissioner’s Police Fund Balance at 31 March 2014 within CI&ES, other CI&ES adjustments, accounting stands at £5.149m. This represents approximately 5% adjustments and transfers to and from earmarked of the net budget and will be held at this level pending reserves. the 2015/16 grant settlement. In addition a number of specific earmarked reserves are maintained to

address specific areas of expenditure, usually of a The accounting adjustments provide a mechanism non-recurring nature, which must be incurred in through which charges made within the accounts in future years. Earmarked reserves increased by accordance with accountingSubject standards are reversed, £6.100m during 2013/14, primarily as a result of the leaving only the statutory amounts required to be underspend on funding provided by the charged for council tax purposes. The Net Commissioner to the Constabulary and the capital Increase/Decrease before Transfers to Earmarked reserve for CCTV. The underspend has been planned Reserves line shows the statutory Police Fund Balance into the 2014/15 budget to provide commissioned before any discretionary transfers to or from services. More detail on earmarked reserves is earmarked reserves undertaken by the Commissioner. provided within note 5 to the statement of accounts The statement is shown in page 20 in the full on pages 33-34. statement of accounts.

Page 43 5 | P a g e Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria – Summary of Accounts 2013/14 The Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria Summary of Accounts 2013/14 Comprehensive Income and The statement shows a net cost of services of £98m, based on proper accounting practices. This comprises Expenditure Statement £103m of expenditure funded by £5m of specific grant

This statement shows the accounting cost in the year income and income from fees and charges. A further of providing services in accordance with generally £15m is spent on pension costs which are supported accepted accounting practices, rather than the by an equivalent amount of specific grant funding. amount to be funded from taxation and grant income. The overall position on the statement is a surplus of The Commissioner prepares this statement in £30m that is taken to reserves and reflects the accordance with the service expenditure analysis as accounting surplus from the CI&ES. required by the Service Reporting Code of Practice (SERCOP). This provides information on the cost of The CI&ES is shown on page 22 of the full statement the different policing services that have been of accounts. A subjective analysis that sets out what provided over the financial year those costs are (e.g. staffing, transport etc.) is provided in the notes to the accounts (note 20b to the The table below sets out a summary CI&ES statement. statement ofAudit accounts on page 67).

Gross Gross Net Expenditure Income Expenditure Capital Financing costs on the CI&ES are extremely 2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 tolow other than those that fund the PFI scheme. This £000s £000s £000s Local policing 48,987 (1,972) 47,015 reflects the Commissioner’s decision to continue to dealing with the public 7,445 (44) 7,401 fund the borrowing requirement arising from the criminal justice 9,133 (404) 8,729 arrangements capital programme internally. This is due to the Road policing 6,953 (956) 5,997 Specialist operations 4,050 (458) 3,592 Commissioner’s level of cash reserves and the Intelligence 5,873 (231) 5,642 relatively low interest rates available on investing Investigations 14,012 (291) 13,721 Investigative support 3,142 (56) 3,086 such balances. At the end of the financial year National policing 1,465 (964) 501 £17.357m (inclusive of PFI contract) of the capital Corporate and democratic 1,172 (2) 1,170 core Subject programme is funded by the use of cash backed Non distributed costs 91 0 91 Exceptional items - internal reserves rather than borrowing from the 671 0 671 termination costs open market. At some point during the forward Cost of Services 102,994 (5,378) 97,616 other operating expenditure 14,758 (14,838) (80) interest rate cycle, the Commissioner will need to Financing and investment consider taking up external equivalent borrowings. 48,856 (3,708) 45,148 income Taxation and non-specific 0 (105,218) (105,218) grant income (surplus)/deficit on the 166,608 (129,142) 37,466 provision of services other comprehensive 0 (67,857) (67,857) income and expenditure Total comprehensive 166,608 (196,999) (30,391) income and expenditure Page 44 6 | P a g e Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria – Summary of Accounts 2013/14 The Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria Summary of Accounts 2013/14 The Balance Sheet Reserves are reported on the balance sheet consistently with the movement in reserves The Balance Sheet shows the value as at the balance statement, across two categories. Usable Reserves st sheet date (31 March 2014) of the assets and result from the Commissioner’s activities and can be liabilities recognised by the Commissioner. Assets used to finance future expenditure. The Usable comprise the Commissioner’s property, plant and Reserves comprise of the Police Fund, Earmarked equipment, including software. These are termed Reserves and Unapplied Capital Receipts. Unusable long term assets and have been valued at £61m. Reserves are derived from accounting adjustments Current assets comprising investments, debtors and and cannot be spent. The Unusable Reserves include cash have a value of £34m. Current liabilities reflect accounting reserves in respect of revaluations, amounts owed by the Commissioner. They include pensions, council tax, accumulated absences and the creditors, PFI, pensions and finance lease liabilities. capital adjustment account. They are split between short term and long term liabilities, the short term liabilities being those amounts due to be paid within 1 year. The net assets The Commissioner’s 2013/14 group balance sheet (assets less liabilities) are matched on the balance includes a combined pensions deficit of £1,017m (£1,040m inAudit 2012/13) for the Local Government sheet by the Commissioner’s reserves. The balance sheet reserves reflect the position at year end and Pension Scheme (LGPS) and the Police Pension therefore match the final position shown in the toScheme to which its employees and former movement in reserves statement. The balance sheet employees belong. However, statutory arrangements is shown in page 24 in the full statement of accounts. for funding the deficit, through increased contributions over a period designed to balance the

pensions account and central Government funding, The table below sets out a summary balance sheet. mean that the financial position of the Commissioner remains healthy. Balance Balance as at as at 31/03/2013 31/03/2014 Subject The Commissioner has a good collection record in £000s £000s Property, plant & respect of invoices raised for services provided. 59,569 60,850 equipment During 2013/14 only five sundry debtor invoices Intangible assets 1,261 643 totalling £12,010 were authorised to be written off as Current assets 28,052 34,208 Current liabilities (10,274) (10,822) not collectable. The Bad Debt Provision stands at Long term liabilities (1,046,869) (1,022,749) £4,172 (£2,043 in 2012/13) against the future Net Assets (968,261) (937,870) potential that not all outstanding invoices will prove Usable reserves (1,011,272) 37,723 Unusable reserves 43,011 (975,593) to be 100% collectable. See note 12 to the statement Total reserves (968,261) (937,870) of accounts (Page 46).

Page 45 7 | P a g e Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria – Summary of Accounts 2013/14 The Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria Summary of Accounts 2013/14 Post Balance Sheet Events financing activities are useful in predicting claims on future cash flows by providers of capital (i.e. In the Commissioner’s 2012/13 Statement of borrowing). The statement is shown on page 25 of Accounts, a post balance sheet event was included in the full statement of accounts. relation to the continued suspension of Mr. Hyde the Cash Cash temporary Chief Constable, on 13 September 2012. In Flows Flows September 2013, Mr. Hyde returned to work in his 2012/13 2013/14 substantive role as Deputy Chief Constable. Mr. £000s £000s Lawson the temporary Chief Constable (seconded Balance 1 April (4,618) (10,680) from Merseyside Police) continued in his role Net cash flow from: - Operating activity (5,928) (8,453) throughout 2013/14. Mr. Hyde retired from his post - Investing activities (274) 7,737 in December 2013. In April 2014, the Commissioner - Financing activities 140 86 undertook a recruitment exercise to appoint a Balance 31 March (10,680) (11,310) permanent Chief Constable for Cumbria and Mr. Graham (formerly the Deputy Chief Constable) was Police Officer Pension Fund Accounts appointed to the role following confirmation by the This statementAudit sets out the transactions on the Police Police and Crime Panel and will take up office on 1 Officer pension fund account for the year. A page of August 2014. explanatory notes are also provided within the tofinancial statements to support the account. Pension Pension The Cash Flow Statement Fund A/c Fund A/c 2012/13 2013/14 The Cash Flow Statement shows the changes in cash £000s £000s and cash equivalents of the Commissioner during the Contributions - Employer (9,987) (9,772) Contributions - Officers (4,939) (5,277) reporting period. The statement shows how the Transfers In (180) (298) Commissioner generates and uses cash and cash Capital Equivalent - Ill Health (231) (469) equivalents by classifying cash flows as operating, Benefits Payable 27,311 30,392 Subject Refunds of Contributions 0 9 investing and financing activities. The amount of net Transfers Out 84 173 cash flows arising from operating activities is a key Net Amount payable 12,058 14,758 Contribution from PCC/Home indicator of the extent to which the operations of the (12,058) (14,758) Office top Up grant Commissioner are funded by way of taxation and Net Amount Payable 0 0 grant income or from the recipients of services. The statement identifies a net amount payable for the Investing activities represent the extent to which cash year of £14.758m. This is the difference between the outflows have been generated from resources which amount due from employer, police officer and other are intended to contribute to the Commissioner’s contributions into the fund and the pension benefits future service delivery. Cash flows arising from that are payable from the fund. The Police Officer Page 46 8 | P a g e Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria – Summary of Accounts 2013/14 The Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria Summary of Accounts 2013/14 Pension Fund is an unfunded scheme. This means positive action on behalf of the Constabulary to that there are no investment assets built up to meet reduce costs in the context of future reductions in pension liabilities. Any difference between the government funding. Whilst the outlook is financially amounts received into the fund and amounts to be resilient in the short term, it is expected to become paid are met by central government grant. significantly more challenging over the next few years.

Significantly the budget set for 2014/15 was set in the Supporting Information to the context of a four year medium term financial forecast Financial Statements that is in deficit from 2016/17. Gross income, at the time of setting the 2014/15 budget, was forecast to The key financial statements are supplemented by an be £122.3m but with an estimated reduction to explanation of the accounting polices used in £118.6m by 2017/18. Whilst income decreases cost preparing the statements. They also contain a will rise due to the impact of inflation and pay awards. comprehensive set of notes that explain in more detail a number of entries in the primary financial statements. A glossary of terms provides an The chart below illustrates for the next four years, the explanation of the various technical accounting terms current forecastAudit of expenditure compared to funding and acronyms. The statements are published available to finance it. alongside the Annual Governance Statement for the

Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief to Constable in accordance with the 2011 Accounts and 104,000 102,000 Audit (England) Regulations. 100,000 98,000 96,000 Net Expenditure 94,000 Total Funding The Annual Governance Statement of the 92,000 90,000 Commissioner can be found at www.cumbria- 88,000 86,000 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 library.aspx or on pages 109-135 of the full statement of accounts. Subject

The 2015 spending review is expected to make further The Financial Outlook reductions in the total level of resources available. At least £10m of savings will need to be made over those The financial statements provide a breakdown of net four years to balance the budget even with annual spending during the year with the balance sheet increases in council tax. This will mean significant showing the strong overall financial position of the reductions in police officers and staff at a time where Commissioner as at 31 March 2014. This has primarily some crime figures are starting to increase. arisen as a result of underspend on the budget and

Page 47 9 | P a g e Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria – Summary of Accounts 2013/14 The Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria Summary of Accounts 2013/14 The current financial forecasts exclude the impact of a In closing, it is appropriate to acknowledge the £16m risk of funding loss arising from changes to dedication and professionalism of Roger Marshall, the central government funding formula. The balance Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, Michelle sheet position on reserves is currently being Bellis, Lorraine Holme and the wider finance team in maintained at a higher than usual level to mitigate again achieving the closure of accounts and the against the impact of this risk. The Commissioner and publication of these Statements against challenging Chief Constable are developing a detailed change deadlines and complex financial reporting standards. programme to consider options that will address the future gap between expenditure and income.


The financial statements were authorised for issue by me as PCC Chief Finance Officer (CFO), on 25 June 2014 and following the completion of the audit, they Ruth Hunter will be presented for approval to the Commissioner at a joint meeting of the Executive Board and Joint Audit PCC Chief FinanceAudit Officer/Deputy Chief Executive and Standards Committee. to


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Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner Report

Police and Crime Plan- Monitoring of Objectives

Date: 11 July 2014 Agenda Item No: 11

Executive Summary: This report provides an update on the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan 2013-17, ‘Making Cumbria an Even Safer Place’. It focuses on work in one priority area within the Plan: Reduce the impact irresponsible driving has on our communities.


That, the Panel notes the report.

1. Introduction & Background

As members will be aware, I have been working with the Constabulary and other partner organisations over the past year to address a number of objectives within the Police and Crime Plan. The ultimate aim is to ensure Cumbria remains a relatively safe place to live, work and visit. Through my public engagement activity, letters received from members of the public, discussions with partner organisations and papers I have received from the Chief Constable, I am fully aware of how much of a concern irresponsible and anti-social driving can be for communities. I have specifically engaged with parish councils, other groups and individuals along the A66 and I continue to work to address their concerns. I have also met with MPs, councillors and residents to consider their road safety concerns, facilitating their direct engagement with the Constabulary. As a result this subject has remained as a priority in the refreshed Police and Crime Plan.

Key areas of over-arching activity identified in the Police and Crime Plan are –

• The Police and Crime Commissioner listening to public concerns about road safety and speeding vehicles and looking, with partners, at where they can be addressed, including the A66. • Promoting road safety through the Constabulary working with partner organisations, to address irresponsible driving and reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on our roads. Priorities will be to educate drivers, to support communities to develop initiatives to reduce speeding at problem locations and to make use of enforcement, including focusing on speeding, drink and drug driving.

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2. Road Safety

Every casualty on the roads of the Cumbria represents an avoidable tragedy and if fatal, national data suggests a cost to the public of around £1.79m. However, the personal tragedy of losing a loved one unexpectedly to a road traffic collision cannot be overstated. Nationally, almost six in ten of all deaths on the roads occur in rural areas with 38 per cent occurring on rural `A’ roads and a further 21 per cent on other rural roads. This is considerably higher than the 42 per cent of traffic which is found on these roads nationally. Therefore the nature and geography of Cumbria presents a significant challenge to keep road users safe.

Over the last 10 years in active collaboration between the Constabulary and key partners has halved collisions involving death or serious injury on the County’s roads. In 2013 Cumbria Constabulary: • Seized 527 vehicles used illegally on the roads • Dealt with 762 seatbelt offences • Trained 64 riders who attended BikeSafe • Dealt with 37,556 speeding offences in the County • Worked with partners to conduct regular multi-agency operations around both education and enforcement, targeting vulnerable road users and key collision causation factors.

Road safety is a critical element to policing as it is fundamental to the protection of life and the role of all police officers. The Constabulary response is informed by an intelligence-led approach, prioritising vulnerable road users and also addressing four core elements of driver behaviour that pose a significant risk; Speeding, Mobile Phones, Seatbelts and Drink/Drugs.

Successful partnership working is also critical to the Constabulary’s response to road safety. At a strategic level the Cumbria Road Safety Partnership (CRSP) is led by Cumbria County Council. The CRSP board consists of representatives from Cumbria County Council, Police, Fire Service, Highways Agency and NHS. The CRSP undertake to produce an Annual Road Safety Report, monitoring progress and performance of road safety in the county. The group also provides strategic direction by producing an annual plan.

At a tactical level the Casualty Reduction and Safer Highways (CRASH) group, chaired by the Constabulary and meeting monthly, coordinates operational activity across agencies, at both a County and local level. The CRASH group consists of representatives from Police Operational Support, Media and Marketing, Safety Cameras, Neighbourhood Policing Teams, Community Volunteers, Roads Policing Analyst, Fire, County Council Road Safety Coordinator, Traffic Management Engineers, Local Councillors, Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), Motorcycle Action Group and representatives from driving instructors, cycle groups and other road safety initiatives. The CRASH group provides a dynamic response to emerging issues using a monthly tactical assessment and allocating resources to influence trends. Local CRASH groups feed in to local tasking and coordination meetings within territorial policing areas to inform Neighbourhood Policing Team activity.

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At a strategic, tactical and operational level, road safety performance is driven by successful involvement of all partner agencies, assisted by local interest groups, charities and key employers, to reduce casualties on the roads. In order to achieve this goal the partnerships actively engage every opportunity within three strands of working:

• Education • Engineering • Enforcement

Cumbria Road Safety Performance Overview

The above graph illustrates that the total number of those killed or injured on Cumbria’s roads has fallen to its lowest level since 2003. Given the challenges of the County’s road network this is a significant achievement and brought about by the strength of partnership working. However, it is recognised at all levels that any death on the roads is one too many and CRSP and CRASH seek to build on the positive outcomes already achieved.

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For 2014 the CRSP has set objectives to reduce those Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI) further;

• All KSI 226 • Child KSI 17 • Fatality 27

Killed and Seriously Injured (KSI) data

Collisions resulting in death or serious injury throughout 2013 remained geographically spread throughout the county. However there is a clear correlation with the main arterial routes as these roads carry the highest number of vehicles. These areas remain a priority for visible patrol presence and enforcement activity.

Red Dot – Fatal Blue Dot – Serious Injury

All KSI data is reviewed on a monthly basis via CRASH but with Constabulary monitoring available weekly via a collisions performance dashboard, showing progress against data from previous years. The Constabulary has a dedicated Roads Policing Analyst who collates and contextualizes data providing tactical assessments monthly, including predictive data for the month ahead down to an NPT level enabling patrol planning.

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Vulnerable Road Users

The CRSP and CRASH groups focus activity on those road users classed as vulnerable.

The three vulnerable road user groups (pedestrians, pedal cyclists and motorcyslists) between them account for almost 50 per cent of all deaths and 60 per cent of all seriously injured casualties.

Despite drivers between the ages of 17 and 24 only making up around 8 percent of all full driving license holders in Great Britain in 2012, 27 per cent of all car users seriously injured or killed were from this age group. Rural young drivers are significantly over-represented in injury collisions than urban young drivers and are 68% more likely to be involved in a collsion on 60mph roads than urban young drivers. It is due to the geography of the County and statistical analysis that young drivers remain a priority for Cumbria.

As a result of continuously monitoring national and local intelligence around vulnerable groups, the CRSP and CRASH prioritise tasking based around these vulnerabilities.


Nationally motorcyclists represent a disproportionate number of the overall KSI rates amounting to almost 22 per cent of all fatalities whilst accounting for only 1 per cent of all road users.

Motor Cycle Collisions All Engine Sizes - Cumbria Grand Severity 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total Fatal 8 9 4 4 25 Serious 44 45 52 8 149 Grand Total 52 54 56 12 174

Education - BikeSafe BikeSafe is a national educational initiative aimed at “bridging the gap” between holding or obtaining a licence and gaining further riding skills. The aim is to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on powered two wheelers.

There were 9 motorcycle fatalities in Cumbria in 2012 and 4 in 2013. 52 % of two wheeled collisions involving bikes over 500cc occur on a Saturday and Sunday, so BikeSafe events are conducted on weekends to ensure they are highly visible to motorcyclists who would ordinarily be using Cumbria’s road network. 56% of our two wheeled collisions involve visitors to the county. Many of these are from Lancaster, Newcastle and Scottish postcodes. BikeSafe Cumbria is open to anyone regardless of their home postcodes and they regularly have attendees from all over the country. The main target age group are riders aged between 36-60 years old based on collision statistics.

The Cumbria workshops are divided into a morning session of theory input, delivered by advanced police motorcyclists, and this theory covers aspects of safe riding including hazard perception, road positioning and group riding. The afternoon session involves an on road element that is an assessed ride out for the participants by the police motorcyclist (or observer volunteer) and then

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some multi-agency first aid input. The observed ride outs allow participants to receive feedback on their riding skills and abilities and where necessary, are encouraged to seek training from approved agencies such as the Enhanced Rider Scheme (ERS), The Institute of Advanced Motorists (I.A.M) or The Royal Society of Prevent of Accidents (ROSPA).

2010-2013 saw nine workshops, all on Saturdays or Sundays, spread equally around the county, throughout the biking season (April – October). Each workshop comprised an eight hour day and accommodated 12 participants, allowing a maximum capacity of 108 spaces throughout the year. BikeSafe continues to be financially supported by Cumbria County Council. In 2013 first aid was provided by North West Ambulance Service (NWAS)

In 2014, a review of uptake and reduced funding from the County Council, (50%) led to a reduction in workshop numbers to 6. Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service now provide “Heart Start” first aid training. BikeSafe now deliver all workshops from Fire & Rescue Community Rooms, to keep costs down and conduct observed ride routes on key networks as a means of maintaining a high visibility presence on problem motorcycle (e.g. areas of collisions or speed complaints). The Constabulary continues to raise the profile of BikeSafe and develop closer working with neighbouring forces in terms of moving education forward and addressing the issues together, because motorcyclists do not stop and turn around at force boundaries. Cumbria has played some part in both Lancashire Constabulary and Greater Manchester Police signing up to BikeSafe in 2014.

BikeSafe Cumbria now has its own Facebook page which engages with motorcyclists who hadn’t considered becoming involved in a police initiative. It has over 600 “friends”. In readiness for 2014 all IAM observers who assist with BikeSafe have been vetted and registered as policing volunteers.

Fatalities in Cumbria had shown a reduction over the past few years. For example, there have been 4 motorcycle fatalities in Cumbria during 2013, 5 less than 2012. But by May 2014 that total motorcycle fatal figure had already reached 5, suggesting that higher KSI figures could be expected by the end of the year. It is not known if this trend is local or national at this stage, but anecdotal information suggests that KSIs are increasing nationally. This may be due to an early period of good weather compared to previous years.

None of the previous workshop attendees (from 2010-2014) have become a KSI statistic in our county.

In 2013 in Cumbria: • 64 riders attended BikeSafe. • 100% of riders said that it was value for money • 89% of attendees said that their confidence in the work being undertaken by the police to improve road safety had gone up • 86% said that their attitude to risk had been positively affected

Nationally collated feedback indicates that riders feel that BikeSafe education has a positive and long term effect on rider attitudes to motorcycle safety.

Following the recent number of fatal collisions involving motorcycles the CRASH group responded with a police-led media campaign which linked in to Lancashire Police.

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Enforcement Cumbria has some of the most scenic roads in the whole country. Several key routes are regularly used for recreational rides by motorcyclists due to their challenging nature and impressive surroundings. Traditionally Cumbria faces an annual increase in collisions involving motorcyclist from April onwards, which coincides with the generally improving weather and longer days which attracts greater numbers of visitors to the area. Statistically, larger capacity motorcycles are involved in a greater number of the collisions which result in injury; in 2013 they made up 76% of all motorcycle fatalities and featured in a large proportion of those seriously injured.

In 2013 there was a total of 56 collisions involving motorcycles where someone was killed or seriously injured. 52 of these incidents resulted in serious injuries to the riders, an increase from 45 in the previous year 2012. Sadly 4 riders were killed in 2013, although this was a reduction from the previous year where 9 riders were killed.

The Constabulary aims to tackle this trend and attempt to further reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on motorcycles, specifically in this vulnerable group of larger capacity motorbikes. The active enforcement element adopted by the Constabulary endeavours to work alongside the BikeSafe initiatives and where necessary deal directly with inappropriate speed and rider behaviour, illegal modifications and general vehicle safety amongst other factors which can be contributory to collisions in this category.

Two of the main locations where enforcement is carried out are on the A686 (Hartside to Alston) and around Devils Bridge, Kirkby Lonsdale which are popular with riders from all around the country. They also play host to several successful rider safety days where the aim is to improve road safety knowledge and general rider standards, many of which are undertaken in partnership with forces from surrounding areas such as Northumbria, North Yorkshire and Lancashire where many of the motorcyclist involved in Cumbrian collisions reside.

Young Drivers

TPA Age Group 2014 YTD 2013 YTD 16-20 years 21 17 North 21-25 years 22 23 Total 43 (179) = 24% 40 16-20 years 23 17 South 21-25 years 24 22 Total 47(174) =27% 39 16-20 years 27 27 West 21-25 years 27 25 Total 54 (209) = 26% 52 16-20 years 71 59 All 21-25 years 73 72 Total 144 (562) = 26% 131

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Young drivers continue to be a priority area for the county given the additional issues regarding the rural nature of many of the roads. Young drivers account for 26% of all KSI collisions despite being only 8% of license holders.

Education The Constabulary take many opportunities to deliver road safety messages by delivering inputs to new drivers at colleges and schools throughout the County using specialist and community based officers and PCSO’s.

The Honest Truth The object of the Honest Truth project is to empower Authorised Driving Instructors (ADI’s) to deliver as part of their driving lesson a road safety message to new young drivers. Research shows that an average driving instructor has in excess of 10,000 one to one interactions with their pupils during a year. This figure is far in excess of the number reached by both Fire Service Road Awareness Training and Police Road Safety talks.

Within Cumbria the “Honest Truth” is a partnership between Cumbria Police, Fire Service (CFRS) and Cumbria Road Safety Partnership. Each partner contributes in order to cover the costs of the flyers ADI’s hand out, posters and assorted literature for use by the ADI’s. The ADI’s attend a training / promotion evening run by Police and CFRS where the principles and benefits are explained to them. The scheme works by empowering the ADI with facts and information to be able to deliver a road safety message to new drivers that is factual and consistent across the County (Speed, Mobile Phones, Drink Drive, Seat Belts, Distractions, Drugs etc).

During a driving lesson the instructor may see another motorist without a seat belt on or using a mobile phone, he will point this out to the student and at the end of the student’s lesson he will deliver a staged input on the problems associated with this behaviour whilst driving. The object is to get the new driver to challenge current driving behaviour and commit to making “small changes that will save lives”. Driving instructors like the “Honest Truth” as it provides them with actual facts regarding collision statistics and empowers them by providing information to not just teach their pupil to drive, but to drive in a safe and responsible manner.

There is a website and Facebook page plus twitter updates that also enable parents of new drivers to identify and choose an ADI who teaches the “Honest Truth” within their area. This is proving a very useful tool as parents who are paying for their children’s lessons are actively looking to spend the money on an ADI who is a member of the scheme, as they can then guarantee their child is not only learning to drive but is receiving a road safety input throughout their set of lessons i.e., “Not just teaching them to drive, but teaching them to stay alive”.

To date two presentations have been given to ADI’s in the Kendal and Ulverston areas and so far in excess of 32 ADI’s have signed up to the programme. The next target area is Eden, but already requests have been received to provide and input to other ADI groups as the initiative gathers momentum. The CRASH group continues to monitor and assist with roll out.

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Enforcement The Constabulary run operations that encompass both the pro-active education and the active enforcement aspects of the response to the growing number of young people involved in collisions. One key area of partnership working is in company with Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service and other agencies where educational events are carried out specifically to target young drivers and educate them on road safety. These operations are carried out both in schools and colleges and also out in communities in the evenings, at times when young drivers are more statistically likely to be involved in collisions. Educational input can be presented to the young drivers in the form of ‘Road Awareness Training’ through the CFRS and officers from the OS unit. The interaction with the younger drivers promotes a better understanding of their responsibilities when they are behind the wheel of a car, not just for themselves but also for their passengers who are also a key risk group included in the operations.

There are also several specific enforcement days carried out throughout the year, which contribute to active enforcement. The under 25 age group are generally more inexperienced in driving when compared to other groups. These operations involve officers targetting areas that feature as contributory factors in numerous collisions, this includes excessive and inappropriate speed, roadworthiness and general vehicle maintenance, anti-social driving behaviour and the general driving standards of this particular group.


Pedestrians remain classed as vulnerable road users as their involvement in any collision is likely to result in more serious injury.

All pedestrian involved Grand Severity 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total Fatal 2 4 4 10 Serious 34 25 36 12 107 Grand Total 36 29 40 12 117

Adult pedestrians involved Grand Severity 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total Fatal 2 4 3 9 Serious 22 21 26 8 77 Grand Total 24 25 29 8 86

Child pedestrians involved Grand Severity 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total Fatal 1 1 Serious 12 4 10 4 30 Grand Total 12 4 11 4 31

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Education Much of the Constabulary’s response to preventing pedestrian casualties is targeted towards children and young people as they account for around a quarter of all pedestrian casualties. Both local Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) officers and PCSOs as well as officers from the Collision Investigation Unit take part in regular initiatives to provide inputs to schools and young people. This is done in partnership wherever possible to maximise effectiveness. The CRASH group is currently considering opportunities to create a defined syllabus for delivery to schools to ensure consistency throughout the County.

Engineering The Constabulary has also been pro-active at a local level in considering pedestrian safety around the night-time economy with temporary road closures in both Carlisle and Barrow based around times of highest risk.

Enforcement Case Study: Operation Spectrum was led by the Operational Support Unit in September 2013 as schools returned following the summer break. The operation was run in the Barrow Borough area focusing on anti-social and illegal parking in school drop off and collection points which are flagged as high risk areas for child pedestrian casualties. During the operation, Police issued 23 Traffic Offence Reports and arrested a person for being over the drink drive limit. As well as the 23 Traffic Offence Reports that were issued and the arrest, Police sent 32 warning letters and issued 7 verbal warnings.

Causation Factors The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) has identified four key areas which contribute disproportionately to collisions on our roads. Within Cumbria both the CRSP and CRASH groups focus on reducing these factors in order to reduce casualties on the roads. CRASH makes use of a dedicated communications plan to address these issues throughout the year aligned with partners, national operations and other forces.

1. Driving Under the influence of Drink or Drugs

Driving under the influence of drink or drugs continues to be a significant cause of collisions and a concern both locally and nationally. Provisional estimates for Great Britain suggest an increase of 17 per cent of people killed in drink drive collisions from 2011 to 2012.

Education A number of media and marketing campaigns are conducted linked in to national enforcement operations at key times of year. These are CRASH led with joint funding available to promote key safety messages.

Enforcement Cumbria Constabulary collision policy ensures the breath testing of all drivers involved in collisions where police attend and the Constabulary supports national drink drive operations run each year in June and December.

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The most recent operation ran from 1st December 2013 to 1st January 2014. In Cumbria, 2,275 people were breath tested during this period. Of those, 1,945 were tested as a result of proactive road side checks and 330 were administered following a collision.

The total number of people who either tested positive, failed or refused to provide a test was 73, which equates to 3.2%. Of those tested, 12 were following a collision. In the same period in 2012, 2,865 breath tests were conducted, of which 82 either positive, failed or refused. Of the tests which were positive, 24 followed a collision.

Drug testing Section 4 Road Traffic Act (RTA) 1988 sets out an offence of driving a mechanically propelled vehicle whilst unfit through drink or drugs. Historically, this was a suspicion at the roadside of being unfit followed by Field Impairment Testing (FIT) for which only a small number of officers were trained. Once arrested and at a police station a doctor was called and they too would carry out a series of tests. Nationwide it was found that it was only those subjects exhibiting very clear signs of drug use whom the doctors were willing to state were unfit.

There is now a nationally approved drug testing machine. Together with a change in the legislation the machine allows for a saliva test to replace the opinion of the doctor. The current procedure following arrest is now a saliva test for Cannabis. This takes about 10 minutes to perform and a positive indication gives the statutory authority to request a blood sample for laboratory analysis, which with consent is taken by the custody nurse. Blood analysis is then conducted for a wide range of drug types that may cause impairment and not just the cannabis tested under the screening test. If the subject refuses to consent then they can be charged with an offence of failing to provide a sample. At present results of blood analysis will be used as evidence to support an offence under Section 4 of the RTA 1988 of driving whilst unfit, with the offence still needing the element of ‘unfit’ to drive being proved.

The legislation only allows the test machines to be use in a Police Station. All Operational Support officers are currently in the process of being trained in the use of the drugs tester.

2. Speeding

Actual and perceived speeding is a common concern with many residents within Cumbria and is a particularly noticeable issue in rural communities. Speeding and general driver behaviour are high up in the top issues raised when neighbourhood surveys are carried out. Cumbria Constabulary actively looks for ways to tackle this concern, working closely with community members and partner agencies to develop innovative solutions to address the problem. However, there is often a disconnect between the locations where concerns are raised and where serious collisions are occurring. The CRASH group implemented an agreed protocol across partners to assist with the monitoring and management of speeding complaints. Local CRASH groups monitor all reports and deploy Traffic Data Units and Speed Indication Devices to fully assess the problem and a range of tactics are then utilised.

In 2013 Cumbria Constabulary dealt with 37,556 speeding offences in the County. Outcomes included attendance in Court, fixed penalty ticket and speed awareness courses.

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Community Speed Watch One effective method which has been employed around the County is the ‘Community Speed Watch’ scheme, the aim of which is to address the problem of real or perceived speed related offending in partnership with the community.

‘Community Speed Watch’ schemes aim to share the responsibility for addressing speed related offending between the community, the Police and other agencies. Schemes will consist of active members of the local community joining together to monitor speed at selected locations with speed monitoring equipment. Volunteers receive the appropriate training by trained Police Officers and can then be actively deployed at key times throughout the day, acting as both a visual deterrent to tackle inappropriate speed and also as a reminder to drivers who once identified as potentially breaking the limits, receive a warning letter along with road safety information.

Locations are selected based primarily on feedback from the community. This acknowledges that the fear of speeding is as important as the actual presence of the offence. In locations where the scheme has been implemented the volunteers report a distinct speed calming effect when they have been deployed.

Enforcement - Safety Cameras The Cumbria Safety Camera Unit was created in April 2003 as part of a nationwide project to reduce speeding and cut the number of deaths and serious injuries (KSIs) on the county’s road network. The unit was given an objective of a 40% reduction is KSIs by 2010. Between 2003 and 2007 the national safety camera project worked within guidelines from the Department for Transport (DfT) including signage, publicising where the vans would be operating and criteria that meant there had to be KSIs before a site could be established.

In 2007 the Department for Transport withdrew its governance of the safety camera project. By the end of 2007 Cumbria had reached its 2010 casualty reduction objectives three years early. Cumbria’s activities were closely monitored by ACPO and DfT and its operational practices recommended to other safety camera partnerships.

The Safety Camera Unit has also been proactive in working with Neighbourhood Policing Teams, parish council’s and individuals and partner organisations to create an overview of driver behaviour, intelligence which is widely shared to create a common approach to speeding issues.

Roads Policing resources are also utilised to provide an effective enforcement means using both marked and unmarked vehicles to directly intervene with driver behaviour. Neighbourhood Policing Teams also make effective use of static checks with use of both radar and laser trained officers in areas of community concern.

3. Seatbelts

Those reported for not wearing a seatbelt have declined in England and Wales since tracking began. However national data suggests an increase in children not wearing seatbelts/correct restraints, which is a cause for concern. Education remains a key focus for CRASH with media messages supporting national campaigns.

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Enforcement takes place focussed around twice-yearly national campaigns to promote the safety benefits.

In 2013 Cumbria Constabulary dealt with 762 seatbelt offences.

4. Mobile Phones

Four in ten motorists in England and Wales knew people who practiced dangerous driving behaviours with mobile phones: 39 per cent using mobile without hands-free and 38 per cent texting whilst driving. With the increase in capabilities of mobile phones to include internet and social media and the difficulties for officers to observe the use of mobile phones when not being used to make calls, this presents a significant area of risk for causation of collisions.

Education using social media, press-releases and media interviews, linked with partners and coordinated via CRASH remain a priority for the Constabulary to alert road users to the dangers posed by the distraction that mobile phones can cause leading to collisions.

Enforcemen t An operation has been undertaken whereby Police Officers used an HGV in key locations on the A66 to give them the advantage of a higher vantage point enabling them to see into vehicles and to observe the behaviour of motorists. This innovative approach meant drivers didn’t expect Police Officers to be in an HGV and gave a more honest and realistic outlook on how motorists are behaving and allowed intelligence capture and enforcement.

Education - Driver Improvement Courses From 1st May 2014 onwards the Constabulary’s Central Ticket Office can offer additional educational courses in addition to the Speed Awareness Courses, for offences that fall into an appropriate category. In 2013 the Constabulary had 879 people attend ‘Driver Awareness’ courses as an outcome for driver behaviour.

The 3 new courses available are a Seat Belt Course, What’s Driving Us (WDU) and Driving for Change (D4C). To begin with Cumbria will be offering the Seat Belt Course and What’s Driving Us. Offenders may only complete 1 of each type of course in a 3 year period (Speed Awareness, Seat Belt and WDU).

Seat Belt Course - Once a Traffic Offence Report (TOR) for a Seat Belt offence is forwarded to the Central Ticket Office (CTO) the details of the offender will be forwarded to the Seat Belt Course provider who will check for eligibility. If eligible, the Course Provider will offer the course On-Line or as a Work Book. The cost of this course is £36. If ineligible CTO will offer the Fixed Penalty or Court Hearing options. If Offenders are eligible and do not want to do a course, they can still opt to accept the Fixed Penalty or request a Court Hearing.

What’s Driving Us - These courses can be offered for a range of offences. Once a TOR is received at the Central Ticket Office the details of the offender will be checked for eligibility. If eligible they will be offered the What’s Driving Us course. The course will be delivered solely in a training room, and lasts four hours. The course is delivered by two trainers to a maximum of 24 clients in the same locations as the Speed Awareness Courses (Penrith, Carlisle, Kendal, Barrow and Workington).

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The cost of the course will be £85. If the offender is not eligible they will be offered the Fixed Penalty and Court Hearing options.

Other Issues

No Insurance Individuals who fail to insure motor vehicles may also fail to maintain their vehicle correctly linked to other factors which have an impact on road safety – bald tyres etc. Cumbria Constabulary make effective use of road traffic legislation to seize vehicles with no insurance and prevent offences. In 2013: • 527 vehicles uplifted • 383 uninsured • 73 uninsured & unlicensed • 74 unlicensed

Heavy Goods Operators Cumbria Constabulary Operational Support actively targets those hauliers who actively choose to ignore road safety legislation for commercial gain. These, often serious, infringements of the legislation, can lead to catastrophic effects with serious collisions when drivers operate well above allotted hours, leading to fatigue - a causation factor in many collisions.

Anti-Social Driving The Constabulary actively targets hotspots associated with anti-social driving and logs all reports to link in with enforcement activity. Where it is not possible to prosecute intelligence is logged and police advice letters are sent to users reported of using their vehicles in an anti-social manner, to prevent further offences.

Conclusion In active partnership with partner agencies, Cumbria Constabulary has contributed to the significant reduction of those killed and seriously injured on the County’s roads. The challenge of keeping people safe on the long and diverse network of roads in the county is a significant one and can only be achieved with the continued engagement of all partners. Road safety remains a policing priority, not just within the Constabulary’s specialist departments, but throughout every area of policing. It remains high on our communities’ priorities and Cumbria Constabulary will continue to work to ensure the safety of individuals on the roads of the County in line with the Priories set out in the Police and Crime Plan.

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Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner Report

Title: Forward Plan

Date of Meeting: 11 July 2014 Agenda Item No: 12 Originating Officer: Joanne Head

Executive Summary:

Decisions taken by the Police & Crime Commissioner (Commissioner) will primarily arise from discharging their statutory functions: moreover, a statutory duty has been placed on the Police & Crime Commissioner to record and publish decisions of significant public interest arising from the exercise of those statutory functions, whether made by the Commissioner or a member of their staff under the Scheme of Delegation, as a result of a meeting or otherwise. The Police & Crime Commissioner will publish all statutory decisions together with the information relating to the decision. A Forward Plan for decisions to be taken over a three month period will be published on the Commissioners website.


That, the Police & Crime Panel note the Police & Crime Commissioner’s Forward Plan.

1. Introduction & Background

1.1 As part of legislation to support the introduction of Police and Crime Commissioners the Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011 and subsequent amendments in 2012 were passed.

1.2 Section 5(d) of the legislation requires the Police & Crime Commissioner to publish “ a record of each decision of significant public interest arising from the exercise of the elected local policing body’s functions whether made by the body at or as a result of a meeting or otherwise”.

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1.3 Examples of a decision which would be of significant public interest would be the Police & Crime Commissioner’s budget and proposed council tax precept; the Police and Crime Plan on how the county will be policed within the forthcoming years; and decisions taken regarding the estate.

2. Transparent Working Arrangements - Decision Making in Public

2.1 The Police & Crime Commissioner continues to hold Executive Board meetings in public. Meeting dates are announced in advance via the Commissioner’s website and through the use of local media, social networking and community messaging.

2.2 The agenda and reports for these meetings are available for members of the public to view on the Commissioner’s website 7 days prior to the meeting - http://www.cumbria- . Papers copies are available upon request.

2.3 Members of the public may submit written questions to the Chief Executive three working days prior to the meeting for the Commissioner to answer.

2.4 The Commissioner publishes decisions made on their website to promote transparency in how he fulfils his statutory functions. Reports containing background information and advice on decisions will be placed on the Police & Crime Commissioner’s website for public inspection after the decision has been taken [ you/decisions.aspx , generally within 3 working days of the decision being made. However, in a small number of cases it may not be possible to make available certain documents which relate to the decision as they contain confidential information. Similarly, publication of decisions may be delayed until after the publication date in the Forward Plan until such information can be released, for example, to allow staff in an organisation affected by the decision to be informed.

3. Forward Plan

3.1 Since coming into office the Police & Crime Commissioner has wished to be open and transparent in the work that he carries out. This includes publishing information to enable members of the public to have access to the decisions that have been made and those which are to be made in the future.

3.2 Some of this is achieved by the publication of the Executive Board meeting papers, which include details of any decision to be taken and the publishing on the OPCC website of those decision following the meetings. In order that the public can be advised of what decisions the Commissioner will make in the future, a Forward Plan has been developed.

3.3 A copy of the current forward plan is appended to this report for members’ information (Appendix 01). The Forward Plan is published on the Commissioner’s website [ ] where members of the public can view it in conjunction with the executive board meeting papers.

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3.4 The Commissioner’s forward plan should not be confused with forward plans which local authorities are required to have and which members of the panel may be familiar with. The Local Government Act 2000 and subsequent Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 define what a key decision is for the purposes of local authorities.

In these Regulations a “key decision” means an executive decision, which is likely— (a) to result in the relevant local authority incurring expenditure which is, or the making of savings which are, significant having regard to the relevant local authority’s budget for the service or function to which the decision relates; or (b) to be significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area comprising two or more wards or electoral divisions in the area of the relevant local authority. In determining the meaning of “significant” for the purposes of paragraph (1) the local authority must have regard to any guidance for the time being issued by the Secretary of State in accordance with section 9Q of the 2000 Act (guidance).

3.5 It also states what a local authority must do in relation to publishing documents such as 28 days prior to key decisions being made. This does not apply to Police and Crime Commissioners as they are not local authorities. However as stated above in the interests of being open and transparent the Commissioner would wish to keep the public of Cumbria informed of the decisions he has taken and will be taking in the future. The basic principles of what a key decision is has been utilised when formulating the Commissioner’s forward plan.

3.6 A number of decisions taken by the Commissioner will be part of an annual cyclical process such as the Police and Crime Plan, Budget Precept, Statement of Accounts, Performance Framework; agreement of Audit Services; governance policies and strategies and policing charges. Others will be taken as required, for example at relevant stages in relation to projects such as the CCTV project.

3.7 With regard to decisions which are not part of the annual process it is not always possible to know too far in advance when these decisions will be required. However the Forward Plan is refreshed on a quarterly basis and any new decisions to be taken are published therein. Examples of such decisions relate to projects, business cases and funding awards he will decide upon for the different grant streams.

3.8 The Forward Plan at Appendix 1 illustrates the decisions taken by the Commissioner from January 2014 to the end of June 2014. It also advises of those decisions which will be taken up to the end of December 2014, demonstrating decisions taken throughout a year.

3.9 The Forward Plan does not illustrate performance reports or reports to be noted which the Commissioner considers at his Executive Board meetings and which enable him to hold the Chief Constable to account for the provision of policing services for Cumbria.

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Background Documents : Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011 The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) (Amendment) Order 2012 Local Government Act 2000 Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012

Issue Date: 1 July 2014 Page 66



January 2014 – December 2014

OPCC Forward Plan

Page 67



Explanatory Note

Contained within this forward plan are all of the strategic decisions it is expected the Police and Crime Commissioner will take in the following 3 months. This Plan begins on 01 April 2013. It will be updated monthly and will be available 5 days before the beginning of each month. The Forward Plan and previous versions of the Plan can also be found on the Police & Crime Commissioner’s website http:[]

The Forward Plan shows details of strategic decisions to be taken by the Police & Crime Commissioner and the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner’s Chief Executive under their delegated powers. For completeness, the Plan includes important decisions which will be taken by the Police & Crime Commissioner that may be of interest to the communities of Cumbria.

The Plan shows:-

when these decisions will be made who will make the decision when documents relating to those decisions will be available

Reports containing background information and advice on decisions are placed on the Police & Crime Commissioners website for public inspection after the decision has been taken []. However, in a small number of cases it may not be possible to make available certain documents as they contain confidential information.

Decisions cannot always be identified in advance; in exceptional circumstances the Police & Crime Commissioner or Chief Executive may take decisions that are not in the Forward Plan but cannot wait for the next issue of the Plan, provided appropriate procedures are followed. The Plan will be updated with such decisions at the earliest opportunity.

The Police and Crime Panel, as part of their oversight role of the Police and Crime Commissioner will have the ability to review decisions made by the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Stuart Edwards Chief Executive

OPCC Forward Plan (As a general principle the Police & Crime Commissioner will make decisions on a monthly basis.)

Page 68


Expected Date of Decision To Be Date of Decision Subject Area for Decision Taken By / decision being (Indicate if Consultation process is required) Date published

(PCC / C.E.) 2014 8 January Capital Programme Decision re building repairs PCC 10 January 5 February Estates Strategy Fleet Strategy PCC 10 February CCTV Decision 24 February The local government act report The revenue budget report PCC 28 February

Page 69 Page The capital budget report and prudential indicators Treasury Management Strategy & Statement Capital Strategy 5 March Charges for Police Services PCC Intranet Business case 7 March 27 March Governance Framework Documents Police & Crime Plan (Refresh) – final version PCC 1 April Internal Audit Charter and the Internal Audit Plan OPCC Risk Management Strategy Constabulary Funding Agreement Commissioning Strategy 2 April Accountability Framework PCC 4 April Grant Regulations 7 May Funding bids /Crime & Disorder Grants PCC 12 May PCC Code of Ethics/Integrity NPSIS Case & Custody Replacement CFM Cash for Kids Superhero Day

OPCC Forward Plan (As a general principle the Police & Crime Commissioner will make decisions on a monthly basis.)

Expected Date of Decision To Be Date of Decision Subject Area for Decision Taken By / decision being (Indicate if Consultation process is required) Date published

(PCC / C.E.)

4 June Capital Budget Provision Outturn PCC’s Annual Report PCC 9 June Internal Audit Annual Report 24 June Effectiveness of the Arrangements for Internal Audit PCC 27 June 2013-14 Effectiveness of Governance Arrangements Financial Outturn and Summary Accounts Police Staff Pay Claim Page 70 Page Crime stoppers 2 July 13 August 1 September CCTV Project PCC 22 September Sign off the Statement of Accounts Annual Governance Statement PCC 2 October 5 November Insurance Renewals PCC 3 December

OPCC Forward Plan (As a general principle the Police & Crime Commissioner will make decisions on a monthly basis.)

Agenda Item 13

Joint Audit and Standards Committee Annual Report 2013-14

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During 2013-14 Committee members Joint Audit and Standards Committee Annual Report have received 68 Foreword of the Committee Chair reports covering matters of governance including 17 internal audit reviews and the Welcome to the 2013-4 Annual Report of the Joint This annual report of the Commissioner and Audit and Standards Committee. The Committee is Committee provides more detail Chief Constable’s Statement of Accounts. an independent body that provides assurance to the on these activities. The report is Commissioner and Chief Constable on their structured using the CIPFA arrangements for governance. The Committee guidance as a basis for assessing effectiveness. It achieves this by undertaking a wide range of reviews sets out the key elements of the guidance, evaluates against an annual work programme. Through the work of the Committee against a set of providing support and challenge the Committee assessment criteria and forms a conclusion that aims to improve and add value to those areas of supports an assessment score. For areas of work not governance within its remit. achieving the full score, development actions are also included in the report. The CIPFA framework is This is the first report of the Committee that reflects comprehensive and detailed. As such, the Annual its operations for a full financial year and against Report of the Committee is a substantial document. new CIPFA guidance1 that supports a review of the The Executive Summary to this report aims to Committee’s effectiveness. During the course of provide a more accessible overview of the key that year, Committee members in carrying out their elements of the guidance. It provides a summary role have considered over 60 reports covering and key highlights of the Committees performance matters of governance. This has included 17 in support of the conclusions and assessment score. internal audit reports, 5 reports from the external auditors and the single entity and group accounts of In presenting this annual report, the Committee the Commissioner and Chief Constable. Within that wishes to thank the Commissioner and Chief work members have played a significant Constable’s officers and appointed auditors for their contribution to the development of arrangements support. I hope you will find this report informative, for governance. This has included undertaking a and that the information it provides supports a substantive review of the governance framework, wider understanding of the contribution made by challenging and monitoring the response to the Committee to the Commissioner and Chief recommendations from audit and inspection and Constable’s arrangements for governance. supporting the development of internal audit, including the introduction of a new internal audit charter. Patrick Everingham Joint Audit and Standards Committee Chair

1 Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA): audit committees\Practical Guidance for Local Authorities and Police 2013.

Page 73 Executive Summary

The purpose of an audit committee is to provide those charged with governance2 independent assurance on the adequacy of the risk management framework, the internal control environment and the integrity of the financial reporting and annual governance processes.

CIPFA’s guidance document, Audit Committee’s\ The key messages arising from CIPFA notes the Practical Guidance for Local Authorities and Police, the review are that: importance of the recommends that audit committees review their capacity of the . The arrangements for the Committee to effectiveness annually. The Annual Report of the Committee were put in promote good Committee sets out the conclusions of that review governance, place promptly at the making things and provides a commentary on the effectiveness of inception of the OPCC and better, not just the Committee in fulfilling its purpose. reviewing what has Constabulary as separate happened in the statutory entities. past. The review covers four areas, Core Committee . Members were recruited Functions, Wider Functions, Independence and appropriately. Accountability and Membership and Effectiveness. . The Committee’s remit complied with best For each area under review, the overall conclusions practice at the time, extended beyond the are assessed against an evaluation key with a score minimum requirements and there was a of 1-5, with 5 indicating the highest level of detailed plan of activity in place effectiveness. . Audit and Standards Committee members have The overall conclusions from the assessment is that carried out their duties diligently, attended all the committee is extremely effective in its meetings, have a made valued contribution to operation. governance arrangements and have taken action on specific issues. . Members have kept up to date with training Core Functions and developments and adjusted their remit Promoting Good Governance (5) accordingly. Supporting Internal Audit and Internal Control (4)

Supporting Risk Managment (4) Assurance Frameworks and Planning (5) The committee achieves a consistent grade of 4 or 5 Suporting Value for Money (4) across all areas of the assessment against the Core Values & Countering Fraud and Corruption (4) External Audit and Inspection (4) Functions and a grade 4 assessment against the Promoting Reporting and Accountabilty (4) Wider Functions of Ethical Values and Treasury Management. Independence and Accountability and Membership and Effectiveness both score a

2 The Commissioner and the Chief Constable

Page 74 grade 5, being evidenced as fully compliant with documents, including the 2013 The Audit best practice requirements. Annual Governance Statement Charter is a key governance and financial and procurement document In areas where the Committee has not achieved a regulations. setting out the purpose, grade 5, there are plans to improve and develop the . Championing the importance of authority, arrangements. The Committee’s plans for 2014-15 strengthening the understanding responsibilities and objectives include: of and access to arrangements of Internal . Strengthening monitoring activity in respect of for whistle-blowing, resulting in a Audit. the arrangements for managing anti-fraud and management decision to develop corruption and risk management promotional materials . Receiving new reports and analysis to scrutinise . Improving the quality of financial reporting by the delivery of value for money identifying the need for an amendment . Monitoring the activities and effectiveness of between the group and single entity financial the arrangements for standards in respect of statements the code of conduct and Commissioner/officer . Influencing a management decision to include protocol. the Commissioner’s Support Arrangements as a

new strategic risk following the impact of stage In carrying out the review Committee members 2 transfer. have been able to evidence numerous examples of their impact. This has included: The review of the effectiveness of the arrangements has demonstrated that the Committee can evidence . Improvements to the quality of the Audit Charter through the inclusion of internal audit substantial support, influence and persuasion in carrying out its functions. These are the elements performance measures and targets . Being instrumental in driving forward a review defined by CIPFA as the factors that evidence the of resources and capacity within the finance Committee’s effectiveness. This is a significant achievement in the first full year of the Committee’s function . Improving the quality, accessibility and operation. transparency of key public governance The Committee’s full Annual Report provides further information on the assessment process and CIPFA standards, including the Committee’s Terms and Reference and detailed work programme for 2013- 14. Further information on the Joint Audit and Standards Committee, including public meetings, Committee papers and audit reports are all available on the Commissioner’s website at transparency/audit-committee.aspx

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Joint Audit and Standards Committee Annual Report 2013-14 Introduction

The purpose of an audit committee is to provide those charged with governance3 independent assurance on the adequacy of the risk management framework, the internal control environment and the integrity of the financial reporting and annual governance processes.

CIPFA’s document, Audit Committee’s Practical Guidance for Local Authorities and Police, recommends that audit committees review annually their effectiveness. This Annual Report sets out for the Commissioner and Chief Constable’s Joint Audit and Standards Committee the conclusions of that review and provides a commentary on the effectiveness of the Committee in fulfilling its purpose.

Review of Effectiveness

The review has been undertaken against the framework of the CIPFA document. It reviews the activities and impact of the Committee against the guidance in relation to the purpose and functions for Audit Committees and a checklist for effectiveness. The full range of activities undertaken by the Committee during 2013-14 is also set out in Appendix A as a consolidated summary of the work of the Committee in fulfilling its functions. For each of the areas in the CIPFA guidance, an assessment is made to award a grade in accordance with the CIPFA standard, based on the conclusions of the review. The grades are set out in table one below. In addition to consideration of Committee activity the review of effectiveness is also supported by consideration of the issues of Committee independence and objectivity and the skills and experience of members. Audit Committee members have further agreed a self-assessment checklist for good practice, included with the CIPFA document to support the annual review.

Table One: CIPFA Effectiveness Evaluation Assessment Key

Score Assessment Key 5 Clear evidence is available from a number of sources that the committee is actively supporting improvements across all aspects of this area. The improvements made are clearly identifiable. 4 Clear evidence from some sources that the committee is actively and effectively supporting improvements across some aspects of this area. 3 The committee has had mixed experience in supporting improvement in this area. This is some evidence that demonstrates their impact but there are also significant gaps. 2 There is some evidence that the committee has supported improvements, but the impact of this support is limited. 1 No evidence can be found that the audit committee has supported improvements in this area.

3 The Commissioner and the Chief Constable

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Overall Conclusions and Assessment

The overall conclusion and assessment is that the Audit and Standards Committee is extremely effective in its operation.

The review has demonstrated that within the areas of the self-assessment the Committee can evidence the effective use of substantial support, influence and persuasion in carrying out its functions. These are the elements defined by CIPFA as being evidence of effectiveness. The committee achieves a consistent grade of 4 or 5 across all areas of the assessment against the Core Functions and a grade 4 assessment against the Wider Functions of Ethical Values and Treasury Management. Independence and Accountability and Membership and Effectiveness both score a grade 5, being evidenced as fully compliant with best practice requirements. In areas where the Committee has not achieved a grade 5 there are plans to improve and develop the arrangements. The key messages arising from the review are that:

. The arrangements for the Committee were put in place promptly at the inception of the OPCC and Constabulary as separate statutory entities. . Members were recruited appropriately. . The Committee’s remit complied with best practice at the time, extended beyond the minimum requirements and there was a detailed plan of activity in place . Audit and Standards Committee members have carried out their duties diligently, attended all meetings, have a made valued contribution to governance arrangements and have taken action on specific issues. . Members have kept up to date with training and developments and adjusted their remit accordingly.

The rest of this report sets out the requirements of the CIPFA guidance, the arrangements for the Committee and the evidence and conclusions of the review. It is set out in four sections with supporting appendices:

. Section One: Core Committee Functions and the Effectiveness Checklist page 8-23

. Section Two: Possible Wider Functions of an Audit Committee page 24

. Section Three: Independence and Accountability page 25-26

. Section Four: Membership and Effectiveness page 27-29

. Appendix A: Committee Activities 2013-14 page 30-32

. Appendix B: Committee Terms of Reference Assurance Framework page 33-39

. Appendix C: Committee Attendance page 40

. Appendix D: Committee Member Role Profiles page 41-44

. Appendix E: CIPFA Good Practice Checklist page 45

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Section One: Core Committee Functions and the Effectiveness Checklist

Promoting the Principles of Good Governance/Annual Governance Statement

CIPFA notes the importance of the CIPFA guidance makes clear that Audit Committees should address capacity of the Committee to governance principles in the course of its regular business rather than promote good governance being limited to a once a year reporting process. governance, making things better, not just There should be a local code of governance setting out how the principles of the reviewing what has CIPFA SOLACE good governance framework are applied, that should be reviewed by happened in the past. the Committee. Police Audit Committees should review the AGS of both the Commissioner and the Chief Constable prior to approval. The CIPFA guidance provides that to meaningfully review the Annual Governance Statement (AGS), the Committee should be in a position to draw on their knowledge of the governance arrangements as they are established and on assurances of their operation in practice. It should also ensure that the AGS is underpinned by a framework of assurance.

Over the course of the year the Committee should receive reports and assurances over the application of the governance framework, monitor action plans and recommendations and consider the application of governance principles to other agenda items. CIPFA notes the importance of the capacity of the Committee to promote good governance, making things better, not just reviewing what happened in the past.

Self-evaluation, examples, areas of strength and weakness

The Committee’s annual work programme includes an independent review of the Commissioner and Chief Constable’s governance framework and all material governance arrangements (financial regulations, codes of practice, procurement regulations, and anti-fraud and risk management arrangements), in addition to a review of the Code of Corporate Governance and AGS undertaken at meetings held between December and September each year. This means that within three of the four scheduled annual meetings, review of governance arrangements form a substantial part of the Committee’s agenda. In addition:

. The Committee receives at every regular meeting audit reports from the internal auditor that provide assurance with regard to the application of governance arrangements in specific activities and a monitoring report on the implementation of recommendations.

. The scope of the audit plan has been developed over the last 18 months to ensure it provides wider governance assurance beyond financial systems and financial governance e.g. data quality audits have been

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carried out across a number of areas of the business to inform the effectiveness of performance management arrangements and the forthcoming year’s plan includes an allocation for a review of risk management arrangements.

. Internal audit provides members with an annual audit opinion and an audit report on the Annual Governance Statement

. Members receive further assurance at each meeting through reports from the external auditors including their audit opinion and Annual Governance Report.

. In line with CIPFA recommendations, the Committee reviews the AGS in June, prior to the publication of the statement and again in September prior to publication alongside the audited accounts. This facilitates changes to the AGS following members’ comments.

Through these arrangements and their prior experience and skills, members develop a robust understanding of governance across the OPCC and Constabulary and the extent to which those arrangements are well embedded. This provides the basis on which Committee In respect of the members can provide assurance and add value with regard to governance. review of the 2012-13 Specifically, during 2013-14, the Committee has been instrumental in: AGS, in addition to providing assurance, members have . Providing support and challenge in respect of the specific review of those improved the matters of governance pertaining to the findings of the South Wales inspection transparency and the quality of the report. Members have been robust in securing that sufficient information has statement by been provided to the Committee to support an effective understanding of the recommending increased disclosures issues arising and actions being undertaken. As part of this work members are and changes to the actively monitoring the implementation of recommendations and have language and presentation of the provided specific input to improving the procedures for corporate cards. document. . Providing support and challenge to the arrangements for governance in preparation for stage 2 staff transfer from the Commissioner to the Chief Constable, resulting in a special meeting of the Committee in February 2014. Member review has resulted in a number of changes to governance documents to improve their quality and accessibility.

. Agreement by management to strengthen arrangements for governance through reviewing the approach to the Code Corporate Governance and Annual Governance Statement during 2014-15 and developing a schematic/assurance framework to improve understanding of the overall governance arrangements.

. In respect of the review of the 2012-13 AGS, in addition to providing assurance, members have improved transparency and the quality of the statement. This has been achieved by providing feedback that wider consideration be given to the disclosures pertaining to the suspension of the then Temporary Chief Constable Mr. Hyde and recommending changes were made to the language and presentation of the document prior to publication.

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Members have also self-assessed their own contributions to governance through a review of the new CIPFA Audit Committee guidance. This has facilitated the adoption of a new terms of reference and work programme that will strengthen The Audit Committee’s engagement in matters pertaining to risk management, fraud and corruption, value for money and the performance of internal audit.

Conclusion and Overall Assessment: Assessment Grade 5.

The Committee is fully compliant with the CIPFA guidance. Clear evidence is available from a number of sources that the Committee is actively supporting improvements across all aspects of this area. The improvements made are clearly identifiable.

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Contributing to the development of an effective control environment & supporting the quality and independence of Internal Audit

CIPFA guidance makes clear that the Audit Committee has a clear role in The Audit Charter is a key relation to oversight of the internal audit function. governance document Within policing, the advisory role of the Committee means that this responsibility is setting out the purpose, managed through support and review of the arrangements for internal audit. These authority, arrangements are set out under the requirements of the Public Sector Internal Audit responsibilities and objectives Standard (PSIAS) and the supporting Local Government Application Note (LGAN) within of Internal an Audit Charter. Audit.

The Audit Charter sets out the functional reporting arrangements between Internal Audit, the Board4 and the Joint Audit and Standards Committee. CIPFA guidance sets out a number of roles for the committee as part of the support and review arrangements. These are to oversee Internal Audit’s independence, objectivity, performance and professionalism, support the effectiveness of the internal audit process and promote the effective use of internal audit within the assurance framework.

Self-evaluation, examples, areas of strength and weakness The Committee The Committee’s annual work programme, in line with the CIPFA guidance, includes a meets annually and review of the Internal Audit Charter and a review of a risk based internal audit plan independently including the audit budget and number of audit days within the plan. The report that with the Internal Auditors and incorporates the plan sets out the process undertaken to assess risks and develop a receives an programme of audit in accordance with the risk based approach of the PSIAS. The Audit annual report and opinion Plan is developed in conjunction with senior managers. from the Chief Internal Auditor The Audit Charter, in compliance with the PSIAS, makes a number of statements setting out how the arrangements for Internal Audit provide assurance with regard to ethics, independence and objectivity, including arrangements for resourcing and ensuring proficiency and due professional care. The Committee receive an annual statement on conformance with the PSIAS and LGAN. In reviewing the Audit Charter Committee members are able to assess and challenge the robustness of these arrangements.

The Committee meets annually and independently with the Internal Auditors and receives an annual report and opinion from the Chief Internal Auditor on the adequacy and effectiveness of governance, risk management and internal control. The report includes a summary of the audit work on which the opinion is based. This is

4 The Executive Board comprising the Commissioner, the Chief Constable, the Commissioner’s Chief Executive and the Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer

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supported by a report from the Chief Finance Officer on the overall effectiveness of the arrangements for internal audit including the opinion of the external auditor. The Committee receives all internal and external audit reports in full supporting assurance on the overall control environment. The terms of reference of the Committee and associated annual work programme fully complies with the detailed CIPFA guidance. Collectively these arrangements ensure members are able to make effective judgements on the effectiveness of internal controls and Internal Audit provision, making recommendations with regards to improvement. Further to this, during 2013-14 the Committee has:

. Received 2 reports setting out the annual work programme of Members have requirements of the PSIAS, ensuring members quarterly and annual been instrumental remain up to date with the changes in performance reporting. in driving forward a review of standards for internal audit and effective in . Determined to receive audit resources and their review. capacity within reports directly on completion the finance . Received an external review, undertaken by with formal Committee function that has resulted in Grant Thornton, of the arrangements for presentation being reserved additional internal audit. The report provided a basis for for reports where there are capacity within the team members’ challenge of elements of the audit significant or material issues.

function, specifically with regards the quality of This will support Internal Audit reports, performance standards and at Committee in demonstrating the value and underlying arrangements for developing the impact of audit work whilst ensuring audit plan. Arrangements for audit planning committee members make the most effective have been significantly strengthened for 2014- use of their time and contribution. 15 and a new format is being developed for . Challenged the audit grade in relation to a internal audit reports to support more budget management and accounting audit effective reporting and assurance. recommendation, determining to monitor the . Made a recommendation that the Audit implementation of the recommendation Charter could be improved through the irrespective of the grade falling below the inclusion of measures and targets against monitoring threshold for the Committee, on which Internal Audit performance will be the basis that the recommendation grade was monitored for the following financial year. The borderline with an implication for internal recommendation has been agreed and the control. Charter is being further developed in respect of . Challenged robustly audit findings that have arrangements for Internal Audit Performance. raised significant concerns with regard to This has been further supported through the weaknesses in internal control, encouraging an strengthening of the Committee’s own effective and timely implementation of arrangements for the review of internal audit recommendations. This has included Audit performance through the inclusion with the reporting covering the areas of data quality and seized property.

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. Made formal recommendations to the recommendations. This supported a formal Commissioner and Chief Constable with regard decision to review the staffing structure and to the insufficiency of finance staffing resource provide for additional capacity within the identified through recurrent capacity issues team. impacting on the implementation of audit

Conclusion and Overall Assessment: Assessment Grade 4.

The Committee is compliant with the CIPFA guidance but has yet to receive any performance measures or targets with regard to Internal Audit. The Committee needs to have the opportunity to receive, review and provide challenge against performance information to enable it to be fully effective in supporting improvements across all aspects of this area. The conclusion is that there is clear evidence from some sources that the Committee is actively and effectively supporting improvements across some aspects of this area.

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Supporting arrangements for the governance of risk and effective arrangements to manage risk

CIPFA guidance references that Police Audit Committees are directed in The Risk the Home Office Financial Management Code of Practice to advise the Management Strategy is a Commissioner and Chief Constable on the adoption of appropriate risk comprehensive document that management arrangements. provides the basis for members to challenge and It also notes the assurance that risk management provides in respect of the AGS and provide assurance when reviewing the risk based internal audit plan. The guidance describes governance over how risks are governed and of risk as the arrangements for leadership, integration of risk management managed. arrangements, ownership and accountability. Effective arrangements to manage risk include:

. those for reviewing risks, . arrangements that secure the ownership and management of strategic, operational and project risks, . assurance arrangements for risk assessing strategies and polices, . the arrangements for monitoring effectiveness and supporting the development and embedding of good practice in risk management.

Self-evaluation, examples, areas of strength and weakness

In accordance with the CIPFA guidance, specific actions undertaken by the Committee The Committee include review of the Commissioner’s annual Risk Management Strategy and a has nominated a quarterly review of the strategic risk registers. The Risk Management Strategy sets lead member for risk who provides out for review by Committee members the overall approach to risk management prior input and including risk management objectives, a framework that sets out how the objectives advice on the Risk Management will be achieved, a methodology for reviewing and managing risks and risk Strategy prior to management responsibilities. The strategy sets out how risk management is its consideration by the full embedded into arrangements for strategic planning, project management and Committee decision making in addition to specific information on the approach to fraud risk assessment. The strategy is a comprehensive document that provides the basis for members to challenge and provide assurance over how risks are governed and managed.

This is supported by a quarterly review of strategic risk registers that set out the most significant risks facing the Commissioner and Constabulary and the mitigations in accordance with the methodology within the strategy. This ensures the Committee has an effective understanding of the significant risks facing both organisations and

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can hold risk managers to account. In addition to the above, during 2013-14 members have supported the adoption of appropriate risk management arrangements by:

. Nominating a lead member for risk who year, including those between the provides prior input and advice on the Risk Commissioner and the Chief Constable. This Management Strategy prior to its has resulted in the development of the consideration by the Committee Committee’s work programme to receive an annual monitoring report on risk management. . Raising awareness of the opportunity to develop risk management arrangements . Receiving a specific report on the risks through the consideration of risk appetite. This pertaining to the handling and management of has resulted in a management decision to an operational incident in relation to the engage a wider group of the Commissioner’s Appleby fair staff in developing OPCC risk management . Influencing a management decision to include arrangements through a supported workshop. Support Arrangements as a new strategic risk . Providing challenge to the scoring of risks on the Commissioner’s risk register in view of within the strategic risk register, encouraging the impact of stage 2 transfer being to further consideration of the impact and effectively ‘outsource’ support provision likelihood of strategic risks, the . Requesting that the 2014/15 internal audit appropriateness of risk mitigations and a plan includes a review of the risk management management decision to undertake more arrangements frequent review of the register . Compiling and maintaining a separate, . Identifying the absence of monitoring dedicated risk register to manage risks relating information to support the assurance on to the Committee’s own activities. arrangements for managing risk in any specific

Conclusion and Overall Assessment: Assessment Grade 4.

The Committee is compliant with the CIPFA guidance but has yet to receive its first annual report that monitors the arrangements for risk management. The Committee needs to have the opportunity to receive, review and provide challenge to risk management monitoring information to enable it to be fully effective in supporting improvements across all aspects of this area. The conclusion is that there is clear evidence from some sources that the Committee is actively and effectively supporting improvements across some aspects of this area.

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Assurance Frameworks and Assurance Planning

CIPFA guidance explains assurance frameworks as a description that typically outlines the key areas of assurance required by the Audit and The Audit and Standards Standards Committee that supports the AGS and is available to enable Committee operates with an the Committee to meet its terms of reference. assurance-based work programme aligned to its A framework will support the ability to ensure that assurance is planned and terms of delivered efficiently and effectively, avoiding duplication and with independence reference across a range of assurance providers. It also ensures that the Committee is clear on the extent to which assurance is reliant on the arrangements for Internal Audit.

Self-evaluation, examples, areas of strength and weakness

The Audit and Standards Committee operates with an assurance-based work programme aligned to its terms of reference and that, in line with the guidance, forms an appropriate balance between cost and risk. The assurance framework is set out at appendix B and includes assurances from management, Chief Officers, Internal and external audit and external inspectorates. During 2013-14 and in recognition of CIPFA’s updated guidance for Audit Committees, members have:

. Reviewed the arrangements for assurance and determined to improve assurance in relation to a number of areas within the work programme. This includes assurance in respect of risk management monitoring, anti- fraud and corruption monitoring, internal audit performance and monitoring the effectiveness of the Commissioner’s code of conduct and PCC/Officer protocol. . Determined to improve the efficiency and focus of assurance gathering at formal meetings of the Committee by excluding from the agenda audit reports where there are no significant/material issues arising.

Conclusion and Overall Assessment: Assessment Grade 5

The Committee is fully compliant with the CIPFA guidance. Clear evidence is available from a number of sources that the Committee is actively supporting improvements across all aspects of this area. The improvements made are clearly identifiable.

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Supporting the development of robust arrangements for value for money and best value

The CIPFA guidance notes that in the Police sector it is the Chief Constable that has statutory responsibility for securing value for The Chief Constable’s AGS provides reference money and that the Commissioner’s responsibility is to hold the for the Committee to the Constabulary Chief Constable to account for this duty. Continuous Improvement, Efficiency and Value for The Audit and Standards Committee role is to support both the Commissioner Money Strategy, which and Chief Constable to fulfil their responsibilities through the assurance process. sets out the principles the Constabulary will This should focus on arrangements to ensure value for money and the progress follow and specific in achieving value for money. This includes how performance in value for money reviews which aim to secure maximum value is evaluated as part of the AGS and the Committee’s consideration of the external from the resources audit opinion on value for money. The AGS should be focused on outcomes and available to it. value for money. The Committee should also consider what other assurances are available.

Self-evaluation, examples, areas of strength and weakness

The overall The Commissioner’s AGS sets out the arrangements for securing the arrangements for value achievement of the goals and objectives set out within the Police and Crime Plan. for money are concluded on by the This includes a performance framework that supports the Commissioner in external auditors who holding the Chief Constable to account for VFM. The AGS also references the provide for the Committee their receipt annually of HMIC value for money profiles and inspection reports that opinion on value for further support VFM accountability. money. The conclusion for 2012-13 was positive. The Chief Constable’s AGS provides reference for the Committee to the Constabulary Continuous Improvement, Efficiency and Value for Money

Strategy, which sets out the principles the Constabulary will follow and specific reviews, which aim to secure maximum value from the resources available to it. The AGS references that the strategy utilises HMIC Value for Money profiles and Police Objective Analysis data, to identify service areas where there is potential to achieve savings.

The work of the Committee further supports value for money in providing an overview of the treasury management strategy and activities that helps to promote value in the treasury function. This will have greater impact in future years, when decisions will need to be made in respect of borrowing. The timing of decisions will be instrumental to the value for money achieved from the balance between borrowing costs and investment returns.

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The overall arrangements for value for money are concluded on by the external auditors who provide for the Committee their opinion on value for money. The conclusion for 2012-13 was positive and based on the arrangements for transition and financial resilience.

The review of assurance undertaken by the Committee in relation to the annual work programme and the 2013 CIPFA guidance has identified that there are limited ‘other’ sources of assurance with regard to value for money and securing best value. This has resulted in consideration of additional assurance, these being:

. Receipt by the Committee of an annual report assurances required within the PSIAS. Audit on the HMIC value for money profile and work from 2014-15 will cover a specific control arrangements for securing value for money. objective on ‘value: the effectiveness and efficiency of operations and programmes.’ . Receipt by the Committee of relevant HMIC Specific audit recommendations will be value for money inspection reports categorised within audit reports under this . Internal Audit Reports: Improvements to the heading. format of reports and incorporation of the

Conclusion and Overall Assessment: Assessment Grade 4

The Committee is compliant with the CIPFA guidance with regard to the AGS and external audit value for money opinion but has identified gaps in wider sources of assurance. The Committee needs to have the opportunity to receive, review and provide challenge to VFM on the basis of this wider assurance to enable it to be fully effective in supporting improvements across all aspects of this area. The conclusion is that there is clear evidence from some sources that the Committee is actively and effectively supporting improvements across some aspects of this area.

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Helping to implement values of good governance & countering fraud and corruption

CIPFA guidance states that the role of the Audit and Standards Committee is to have oversight of counter-fraud strategy, assessing The Audit and Standards whether it meets recommended practice, governance standards and Committee has undertaken a review complies with legislation. of counter-fraud strategy, policy and action plans as part The Committee should understand the level of fraud risk to which the organisation is of the arrangements for review of all core exposed and the implications for the wider control environment. The guidance also strategic governance recognises the link to ethical standards and the role of the committee in championing documents. good counter-fraud practice. The committee should also monitor performance on counter fraud activity including monitoring action plans and overseeing any major areas of fraud.

Self-evaluation, examples, areas of strength and weakness

The Audit and Standards Committee has undertaken a review of counter-fraud strategy, policy and action plans as part of the arrangements for review of all core strategic governance documents. This provides an opportunity for members to consider the approach to counter-fraud within the context of the wider governance arrangements and internal controls that support the anti-fraud approach. These arrangements include those covering codes of conduct and ethical behaviour.

Members further support their understanding of the control environment through receipt of audit reports. Members receive the full report on all audits supporting a wider understanding of internal controls that can be gained from summary reports. The Committee operates as a Standards Committee for the Commissioner. Terms of reference for the Committee include monitoring the effectiveness of the Code of Conduct and PCC/Officer Protocol, supporting the approach to ethical standards.

Specifically, during 2013-14 members have

. Received audit reports with judgements of good or satisfactory on audits across the major financial systems including payroll and pensions.

. Received audit reports on the arrangements for integrity for both the Constabulary and OPCC, and had oversight of the incorporation of recommendations within those reports into a comprehensive plan including the recommendations from the South Wales investigation report. Members have overseen the implementation of actions within the plan.

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. Robustly challenged the differences in approach to counter-fraud arrangements Members have for the Commissioner and Chief Constable, providing assurance that the championed the importance of differences were appropriate to the differences and fraud risks within each entity. strengthening understanding and . Provided feedback that has supported improvements in the governance accessibility of documents setting out the arrangements for anti-fraud and corruption. This has arrangements for whistleblowing for included changes to incorporate reference to the Police and Crime Panel’s role in staff, resulting in a supporting anti-fraud and corruption through effective scrutiny and changes to management decision to develop further improve the robustness of disclosures on gifts and hospitality. promotional materials to support . Championed the importance of strengthening the understanding and accessibility anti-fraud of arrangements for whistleblowing for staff, resulting in a management decision arrangements. to develop promotional materials to support anti-fraud arrangements.

. Undertaken a review of the assurance in relation to the annual work programme and the 2013 CIPFA guidance that has identified a gap in monitoring anti-fraud activity. This has resulted in the Committee strengthening its work programme to incorporate an annual report from the Chief Executive. This will set out activity in line with the anti-fraud arrangements including an annual fraud risk assessment, information and action taken in respect of incidents of fraud and the outcome from participation in the Audit Commission National Fraud Initiative.

. Strengthened the Committee’s annual work programme to include monitoring reports from the Chief Executive in respect of the effectiveness of the Code of Conduct and PCC/Officer protocol

. Undertaken training delivered by the Commissioner’s Monitoring Officer to better understand their role as a standards committee in respect of appeal hearings.

Conclusion and Overall Assessment: there is clear evidence from some sources that the Assessment Grade 4 Committee is actively and effectively supporting

The Committee is compliant with the CIPFA improvements across some aspects of this area. guidance but has identified that the area of monitoring could be strengthened. The Committee has determined to receive annual monitoring reports setting out anti-fraud activity and the effectiveness of arrangements for standards. The Committee needs to have the opportunity to receive, review and provide challenge against the information presented in these reports to enable it to be fully effective in supporting improvements across all aspects of this area. The conclusion is that

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External Audit & Inspection

CIPFA guidance states that the Audit Committee’s role should include receiving and considering the work of the external auditor.

This includes receiving the planned work programme and reports following completion of the audit work such that the committee is able to make judgements on audit resources, assess the effectiveness and quality of the audit (this may include feedback from key people e.g. CFO) and report to the Commissioner or Chief Constable where appropriate. The Committee should also support the implementation of external audit recommendations, review any non-audit work undertaken and have the opportunity to meet separately and privately with the external auditors. The guidance also recognises the assurance that can be provided from reports about financial management and governance from wider inspection agencies.

Self-evaluation, examples, areas of strength and weakness

The Audit and Standards Committee receive all reports of the External Auditors. The External Auditors have attended all Committee meetings other than the special meeting held in February 2014. The Committee’s terms of reference are fully compliant with the CIPFA guidance and provide for an annual private meeting with the External Auditors. The Committee receives inspection reports from other agencies where these are relevant to the Committee’s functions. Recommendations arising from audit and inspection are monitored for implementation by the Committee. Membership of the Audit and Standards Committee includes the skills and experience of a former district auditor and former S151 officer, in addition to members who have significant experience of committees fulfilling an audit function. This ensures that the Committee have the skills and experience to assess the work of the external auditors and will have clear expectations regarding the requirements in respect of seniority, quality and experience of audit staff. During 2013/14 members have:

. Undertaken robust scrutiny of the external Commissioner and Constabulary. This was not audit plan, including questioning the level of considered to create any conflicts. reliance and dependency between internal and . Received a written summary supported by external audit work verbal information from the Chief Executive in . Received a disclosure from the external respect of the external South Wales auditors in respect of their successful tender to investigation report. provide a tax and VAT helpline to the

Conclusion5 : Assessment Grade 4

The Committee is compliant with the CIPFA guidance through a combination of the activity undertaken and the particular specialist mix of skills and experience within the Committee membership.

5 This assessment of effectiveness is undertaken against the core functions of the committee with the CIPFA guidance; it is not included in the effectiveness checklist but has been graded on a similar basis.

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Promoting effective public reporting, partnership governance & accountability

The guidance from CIFPA on the core functions of an audit committee The Committee focuses primarily on the role of the Committee in relation to financial should consider how assurances of reporting and governance and specifically on the work of the governance are gained in respect of Committee in relation to the statement of accounts. partnership arrangements and This is recommended to include reviewing consistency between the foreword to may seek to consider the accounts, the financial statements and the committee’s own understanding of these assurances through processes financial challenges and risks, reviewing the sustainability of policies, areas of for the AGS. judgment and changes in accounting policies/treatment. The guidance also notes that the Committee should give consideration to the accessibility of the statements to the lay person e.g. use of plain English and key messages. The Committee should review the financial statements prior to approval, although best practice is to review the accounts prior to the commencement of the audit.

The guidance also considers how the Committee supports transparency and public accessibility in relation to decision making taken through partnership arrangements, specifically where these involve stewardship of public funds. The guidance identifies these arrangements as strategic relationships, shared services, commercial relationships and third sector. The Committee should consider how assurances of governance are gained in respect of partnership arrangements and may seek to consider these assurances through processes for the AGS.

Self-evaluation, examples, areas of strength and weakness

The financial Financial reporting: The statement of accounts is presented to the Audit and statements are Standards Committee prior to formal approval and at a joint meeting of the supported by a report that Committee and the Executive Board. This facilitates members in undertaking their consolidates all key review of financial statements and providing assurances to the Commissioner and areas of assurance and details Chief Constable. significant areas of risk and the basis of The financial statements are supported by a report from the Chief Finance Officer material judgments. that consolidates for members all key areas of assurance on which they can place reliance in respect of the statements and details significant areas of risk and the basis of material judgments. This has been particularly important for the 2012-13 accounts as a consequence of the changes to policing governance and the statutory status of the Commissioner and Chief Constable.

The skills and experience of members support effective review of the statements and has resulted in an amendment to the financial statements resulting from the identifying of a discrepancy between the note in the group accounts and the note in the Chief Constable’s single entity statements.

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Whilst best practice dictates that the statements would be presented to the Committee prior to the commencement of the audit, there is a resource cost to delivering this. This is particularly the case given the requirement to move from one to three statement of accounts following the changes to governance.

The arrangements in respect of governance for partnerships are set out in the appropriate governance documents that are presented to the Committee for review as part of their review of governance. Significantly, during 2013-14, members have received, reviewed and contributed to the development of:

. Financial regulations that include the overall governance requirements in respect of partnerships6 . Procurement regulations incorporating a Code of Business Conduct and the requirements in respect of collaborative procurement . Grant regulations that provide a framework for working with partners and the third sector . A Constabulary report concluding on a review of value for money in respect of significant and statutory partnership arrangements . The AGS for the Commissioner and Chief Constable setting out partnership arrangements

Conclusion and Overall Assessment: Assessment Grade 4

The Committee is compliant with the CIPFA guidance but would need to receive the statement of accounts prior to audit in order to fully meet best practice standards in respect of the contribution to financial reporting. This is unlikely to be achievable at least in the short term as a result of resource constraints. In respect of partnership governance the Committee receives assurance from a number of sources within the overall arrangements for governance. The conclusion is that there is clear evidence from some sources that the Committee is actively and effectively supporting improvements across some aspects of this area.

6 This includes arrangements for joint working including partnerships, collaboration and consortium.

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Section Two: Possible Wider Functions of an Audit Committee

Ethical Values and Treasury Management

The Audit and Standards Committee undertake two areas of work that The Committee has received and CIPFA guidance acknowledges are appropriate to the role of the reviewed the Treasury Committee but not a core function. These areas are Ethical Values and Management Strategy, including Treasury Management. related investment and borrowing In relation to ethical values the guidance acknowledges the role of the Committee policies and a comprehensive in promoting high standards and that it may take on the role and responsibilities of document covering a standards committee. treasury management practices With regards to Treasury Management the Committee may be nominated as the responsible body for ensuring effective scrutiny of the Treasury Management Strategy and policies. The guidance is clear that this excludes executive and decision making roles in relation to this function. Scrutiny involves developing an understanding of treasury matters and receiving treasury activity reports to support this, reviewing policies and procedures, treasury risks and assurances.

Self-evaluation, examples, areas of strength and weakness

Evaluation of the role of the Committee in respect of ethical values is covered in the section on good governance & countering fraud and corruption7. In respect of treasury management the Committee has received and reviewed the treasury management strategy, including related investment and borrowing policies and a comprehensive document covering treasury management practices. To ensure members sufficiently understand treasury matters, training has been provided by the Commissioner’s treasury management advisors and treasury management activities reports are presented to the Committee at every regular meeting. This understanding is further supported by the skills and experience profile of members of the Committee.

Conclusion8 : Assessment Grade 4

The Committee is compliant with the CIPFA guidance through a combination of the activity undertaken and the particular specialist mix of skills and experience within the Committee membership.

7 The conclusion and assessment of that review is a grade 4 based on the CIPFA requirements being met but in recognition that the Committee has the capacity to strengthen the arrangements in respect of monitoring. 8 This assessment of effectiveness is undertaken against the core functions of the committee with the CIPFA guidance; it is not included in the effectiveness checklist but has been graded on a similar basis.

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Section Three: Independence and Accountability

CIPFA guidance sets out a position statement that covers the key features that should be evidenced within all Audit Committees.

Outside of this statement arrangements should reflect local circumstances and focus on factors promoting effectiveness. The Committee is fully compliant with the requirements within the CIPFA guidance to ensure independence and accountability. Specifically:

. The Committee acts as the principal non- . Committee minutes are reported to the Police executive advisory function supporting those and Crime Panel. This report constitutes the charged with governance9 and is independent Annual Report on the assessment of the of executive and operational responsibilities. Committee’s performance. The Committee has access to and is . The arrangements for the Committee comply accountable to the Executive Board10, meets at with the guidance set out within the Home least 4 times a year and operates with a set of Office Financial Management Code of Practice. Committee standing orders to regulate The Code states that the Commissioner and business including matters received in public Chief Constable should establish an and those to be considered in private. independent Audit Committee. It is . The Committee meets privately and recommended that this is a joint committee independently with the external auditors and and that the Commissioner and Chief Constable the internal auditors as part of its annual should have regard to the CIPFA Guidance on agenda. Audit Committees.

. The Chief Officers11 or appropriate senior . The Committee maintains its independence by substitutes of the Commissioner and Chief ensuring a focus through the work programme Constable attend all meetings of the on oversight of governance, risk, control and Committee. Internal audit and external audit the audit process. It has no delegated decision are in attendance in addition to other officers making or approval powers from the as appropriate to the agenda. The Committee Commissioner or Chief Constable. is able to call on other officers as required. . Agenda items are planned up to 12 months in Committee attendance for 2013/14 is set out at advance through the development of an annual Appendix C. work programme agreed by the Committee in

9 The Commissioner and the Chief Constable 10 The Executive Board comprising the Commissioner, the Chief Constable, the Commissioner’s Chief Executive and the Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer 11 Chief Finance Officers, Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Constable

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March and developed from the assurances the reasons for any issues being discussed in needed to fulfil the Committee’s terms of private. Agendas and papers are published on reference. the Commissioner’s website supporting accountability and transparency. . The relationship between the Committee and Commissioner and Chief Constable’s respective . The work program of the Committee ensures it Chief Finance Officers is one of reciprocal can be effective in holding to account those support. officers who are responsible for implementing recommendations and actions arising from . The Committee receives full audit reports at review. This is achieved through monitoring the point in which they are agreed, determining reports presented at each Committee meeting. those that will be considered as part of the formal Committee agenda on the grounds of . The assurance format of the Committee’s work the materiality and significance of audit programme and this Annual Report ensure that findings. the Committee itself is effectively held to account for its own performance. . All meetings of the Committee are held in public and members have actively challenged

Conclusion12 : Assessment Grade 5

The Committee is fully compliant with the CIPFA guidance in respect of independence and accountability. This is based on the arrangements for the Committee that ensures independence, compliance with regulatory requirements and public accountability.

12 This assessment of effectiveness is undertaken against the core functions of the committee with the CIPFA guidance; it is not included in the effectiveness checklist but has been graded on a similar basis.

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Section Four: Membership and Effectiveness Police audit committees should CIPFA guidance recognises that the membership, composition and comprise between operation of the audit committee is a key factor in achieving the three and five members who are independent of characteristics of a good audit committee. the Commissioner and Chief Constable

These are defined as:

. Membership that is balanced, objective, . A strong, independently minded chair, independent of mind, knowledgeable and displaying a depth of knowledge, skills and properly trained to fulfil their role. interest

. Membership that is supportive of good . Unbiased attitudes – treating auditors, the governance principles and their practical executive and management fairly application towards the achievement of . The ability to challenge the executive and organisational objectives senior managers when required.

Police audit committees should comprise between three and five members who are independent of the Commissioner and Chief Constable. Recruitment should be publically advertised with a job description that sets out requirements for knowledge and expertise. Candidates should be able to demonstrate their political independence. Appointments should be for a fixed term and formally approved by the Commissioner and Chief Constable and members should follow a Code of Conduct. The guidance acknowledges that the role of Chair may be advertised specifically and will need to take into account the characteristics required by an effective Chair. Induction training and other briefing and training updates should form part of a programme informed by a review of knowledge and skills.

Self-evaluation, examples, areas of strength and weakness

Membership, composition and operation of the Audit and Standards Committee comply with the CIPFA guidance. The Committee comprises four independent members, appointed through public advert for a tenure of 4 years, with a potential to extend to a maximum of 8 years in compliance with the practices recommended by Standards for England. Independence and objectivity, including political independence is secured through restrictions on membership. Specifically membership excludes:

. Serving elected members/officers of Local Authorities and/or similar bodies . Former members/officers of Local Authorities and/or similar bodies (time restricted to 3 years) . Individuals active in local or national politics . Individuals who have significant business or personal dealings with the Constabulary/Commissioner . Individuals who have close relationships with any of the above including immediate family members.

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In addition, standard disqualifications apply to ensure the avoidance of any reputational embarrassment, for example individuals who have been removed from a trusteeship of a charity, anyone under a disqualification order under the Company Directors Disqualification Act.

The requisite skills and experience of members are secured through the recruitment process based on a role profile. The profiles distinguish between the experience and skills expected of the Committee Chair and those expected of Committee members. The role profile is supported by a person specification that sets out essential and desirable skills, experience and ability across a range of governance, risk, finance and audit requirements. The person specification requirements are set out below. The role profiles for committee members are set out at appendix D.

Essential Experience and Special aptitudes, Desirable Experience and Knowledge intelligence and skills Knowledge

Experience in Chairing at Be able to demonstrate Practical experience in the Committee/Board level.13 leadership skills to fulfil the financial and/or general responsibilities of the Audit management of businesses or Sound experience of strategic Committee Chair.13 public sector organisations. planning, risk management and performance management. Ability and confidence to Experience of a Local challenge and hold to account. Government Environment. Ability to assure financial and statistical information Treat auditors, executives and Audit Committee/Standards management equally and with Committee (or equivalent) Experience of leading or respect. experience. conducting or reviewing audit activity. To maintain an up to date Professional Financial knowledge and awareness of Qualification (CCAB or Audit Experience of scrutinising national and local policing and based) financial information and crime issues. processes. To have high ethical standards Knowledge of best practices in governance and internal control Good communication skills, both

written and oral, with the ability Good understanding of the roles to actively contribute to of Internal and External Audit. discussion and debate

13 Relevant only to the committee chair

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Members were recruited independently of the Commissioner and Chief Constable but were subject to their approval. The first meeting of the Committee was held in December 2012 preceded by an induction that specifically focused on the unique governance arrangements within the statutory entities of the Commissioner and Chief Constable. Members have the opportunity to undertake development seminars prior to each Committee meeting and one of the members has represented the Committee at a regional police audit committee workshop. Members are required to abide by a Code of Conduct.

Conclusion14 : Assessment Grade 5

The Committee is fully compliant with the CIPFA guidance in respect of effective membership. This is based on the arrangements for the composition, recruitment and operation of the Committee that ensures independence and a specialist mix of skills and experience that make the Committee members effective in their roles.

14 This assessment of effectiveness is undertaken against the core functions of the committee with the CIPFA guidance; it is not included in the effectiveness checklist but has been graded on a similar basis.

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Appendix A

Joint Audit & Standards Committee 2013-14 Activities

24 JUNE 2013 23 SEPTEMBER 2013 2 DECEMBER 2013 25 FEBRUARY 2014 31 MARCH 2014 PRIVATE INTERNAL AUDIT PRIVATE EXTERNAL AUDIT ANNUAL AUDIT LETTER: To TERMS OF REFERENCE: To ANNUAL WORK PROGRAMME: MEETING: Confidential meeting MEETING: Confidential meeting receive from the External review and approve the terms To review and agree the of Committee members only of Committee members only Auditors the Annual Audit of reference of the Committee Committee’s annual work and the internal auditors and the external auditors Letter programme ANNUAL REVIEW OF ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ANNUAL GOVERNANCE SOUTH WALES ACTION PLAN: GOVERNANCE: To review the CORPORATE CREDIT CARD AUDIT AND STANDARDS REPORT To receive a report from the COPCC and Constabulary POLICIES: To review amended COMMITTEE: To receive a To receive from the external Chief Executive arrangements for governance; corporate credit card policies report reviewing the activities auditors the Annual cyclical review over a three year Page 100 Page of the Committee as a Governance Report MONITORING OF AUDIT, plan covering: EXTERNAL AUDIT PLAN: To contribution to the INTERNAL AUDIT AND OTHER . Local Code of Governance receive from the external effectiveness of arrangements STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS RECOMMENDATIONS AND . Scheme of Delegation auditors the Audit Plan for the for governance. 2012/13: To receive the audited ACTION PLANS: To receive an . Financial Regulations audit work in respect of Statement of Accounts and a updated summary of actions . Procurement Regulations 2012/13 EXTERNAL AUDIT FEES copy of a summarised non- implemented in response to . Arrangements for Anti- 2012/13: To receive from the statutory version of the audit and inspection Fraud & Corruption EXTERNAL AUDIT JOINT AUDIT external auditors the audit fees accounts for the 2012-13 recommendations AND STANDARDS COMMITTEE for 2012/13 financial year. UPDATE: To receive an update INTERNAL AUDIT – PROGRESS EXTERNAL AUDIT PLAN MONITORING OF AUDIT, REPORT: To receive a report MONITORING OF AUDIT, 2012/13: To receive from the INTERNAL AUDIT AND OTHER from the Management Audit INTERNAL AUDIT AND OTHER external auditors a draft audit RECOMMENDATIONS AND Unit regarding the progress of RECOMMENDATIONS AND plan for 2012/13 ACTION PLANS: To receive an the Internal Audit Plan ACTION PLANS: To receive an updated summary of actions updated summary of actions ARRANGEMENTS FOR implemented in response to INTERNAL AUDIT REPORTS: To implemented in response to GOVERNANCE 2012/13 audit and inspection receive reports from the audit and inspection . Effectiveness of Internal recommendations Management Audit Unit in recommendations Audit: To consider a report respect of specific audits reviewing the effectiveness INTERNAL AUDIT – PROGRESS conducted since the last INTERNAL AUDIT CHARTER: To of Internal Audit, for the year REPORT: To receive a report meeting of the Committee receive a draft internal audit ending 31 March 2013 from the Management Audit . Integrity – OPCC charter . Integrity - Constabulary P a g e | 31

. Local Code of Corporate Unit regarding the progress of EXTERNAL AUDIT REVIEW OF Governance: To consider the the Internal Audit Plan TREASURY MANAGEMENT INTERNAL AUDIT: To receive a Annual Governance ACTIVITIES: To scrutinise a review completed by the Statement for the year INTERNAL AUDIT REPORTS: To report on Treasury External Auditors on the ending on 31 March 2013 receive reports from the Management Activity performance of Internal Audit and for the period to this Management Audit Unit in meeting respect of specific audits STRATEGIC RISK REGISTER: To INTERNAL AUDIT – PROGRESS . Local Code of Corporate conducted since the last consider the COPCC strategic REPORT: To receive a report Governance: To consider a meeting of the Committee risk register – risks subject to from the Management Audit report from the Internal . Data Quality cyclical review Unit regarding the progress of Auditor reviewing the Annual . Territorial Policing Areas the Internal Audit Plan Governance Statement for . Treasury Management PART 2: ITEMS TO BE 2012-13 and to the date of . Police Appleby incident CONSIDERED IN THE ABSENCE INTERNAL AUDIT REPORTS: To this meeting OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC receive reports from the TREASURY MANAGEMENT Management Audit Unit in TREASURY MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES: To scrutinise a STRATEGIC RISK REGISTER: To respect of specific audits ACTIVITIES & ANNUAL REPORT report on Treasury consider the Constabulary conducted since the last Page 101 Page : To scrutinise an annual report Management Activity strategic risk register – risks meeting of the Committee regarding Treasury subject to cyclical review . Payroll Management Activities ADHOC REPORTS AS THEY . OPCC Payroll ARISE: E.G. NATIONAL FRAUD FINANCIAL SERVICES TEAM . Police Pensions MONITORING OF AUDIT, INITIATIVE, STANDARDS, STRUCTURE: To receive a report . Capital programme & asset INTERNAL AUDIT AND OTHER INSPECTION: To consider any from the Financial Services register RECOMMENDATIONS AND other reports falling within the Manager . Data Quality – Anti-social ACTION PLANS: To receive an remit of the Committee’s terms behaviour updated summary of actions of reference . Seized/held property implemented in response to handling & claims audit and inspection PART 2 – ITEMS TO BE recommendations CONSIDERED IN THE ABSENCE PROPOSED INTERNAL AUDIT OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC PLAN FOR 2014/15: To receive MANAGEMENT AUDIT UNIT a report from the Cumbria ANNUAL REPORT: To receive an STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS Shared Internal Audit Service on annual report from the 2012-13: The Letter of the proposed audit plan for Management Audit Unit Management Representation in 2014-15 including the progress of the support of the Statement of Internal Audit Plan Accounts 2012-13 TREASURY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY & TREASURY MANAGEMENT PRACTICES: To P a g e | 32

INTERNAL AUDIT REPORTS: To STRATEGIC RISK REGISTER: To receive a report the strategy receive reports from the consider the COPCC and and practices for 2014-15 Management Audit Unit in Constabulary strategic risk respect of specific audits registers – risks subject to TREASURY MANAGEMENT conducted since the last cyclical review ACTIVITIES: To scrutinise a meeting of the Committee report on Treasury . Budget Management & Management Activity Main Accounting system . Debtors & income RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY: . Oracle Financials system To provide the annual review of . Allowances & special the COPCC and Constabulary payments – Winsor review Risk Management Strategies


Page 102 Page receive from the Management Constabulary strategic risk Audit Unit reports regarding the registers – risks subject to Annual Governance Statement cyclical review

ADHOC REPORTS AS THEY SOUTH WALES ARISE: E.G. NATIONAL FRAUD RECOMMENDATIONS – INITIATIVE, STANDARDS, UPDATE: To receive a report INSPECTION: To consider any giving an update of how the other reports falling within the recommendations in the South remit of the Committee’s terms Wales report have been of reference implemented

PART 2: ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED IN THE ABSENCE PART 2 – ITEMS TO BE OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC CONSIDERED IN THE ABSENCE OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC STRATEGIC RISK REGISTER: To consider the COPCC and REPORT ON PARTNERSHIP Constabulary strategic risk VFM: To receive a report as registers – risks subject to requested by members cyclical review

P a g e | 33

Appendix B

Joint Audit and Standards Committee: Annual Work Programme Assurance Format

Terms of Reference: Governance, risk and control Meeting Work Programme Assurance Activity

Review the corporate governance arrangements against the December ANNUAL REVIEW OF GOVERNANCE: To review the COPCC and Constabulary good governance framework and consider annual governance June (Code of arrangements for governance; cyclical review over a three years covering: reports and assurances Corporate Code of Corporate Governance Governance) Scheme of Delegation Scheme of Consent Financial Regulations Procurement Regulations Arrangements for Anti-Fraud and Corruption Arrangements for Integrity including Codes of Conduct, Complaints and Integrity

Page 103 Page protocols

Review the Annual Governance Statements prior to approval June ANNUAL GOVERNANCE STATEMENT and consider whether they properly reflect the governance, Effectiveness of Governance Arrangements: To receive a report from the risk and control environment and supporting assurances and PCCCFO/PCC Chief Executive on the effectiveness of the PCC’s arrangements for identify any actions required for improvement Governance/ To receive a report from the CCCFO on the effectiveness of the CC’s arrangements for governance Code of Corporate Governance: To consider the PCC/CC Code of Corporate Governance Annual Governance Statement: To consider the PCC/CC Annual Governance Statement for the financial year and to the date of this meeting Report of the Internal Auditor: Annual Governance Statement: To consider a report from the Internal Auditor reviewing the Annual Governance Statement for the financial year and to the date of this meeting

Consider the arrangements to secure value for money and Every meeting INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT: To receive reports from the Internal Auditors in respect of review assurances and assessments on the effectiveness of specific audits conducted since the last meeting of the Committee (NB audit work these arrangements from 2014/15 in compliance with PSIAS will cover a specific control objective on ‘value: the effectiveness and efficiency of operations and programmes’. Specific audit recommendations will be categorised within audit reports under this heading.)

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September ANNUAL GOVERNANCE REPORT: To receive from the external auditors the Annual Governance Report incorporating the External Auditor’s Value for Money Conclusion.

December/Ad- HMIC REPORTS: To receive an annual report on the HMIC Value for Money Profile hoc and arrangements for securing value for money & HMIC value for Money inspection reports.

Consider the framework of assurance and ensure that it September FRAMEWORK OF ASSURANCE: To receive a report from the PCCCFO/Chief Executive adequately addresses the risks and priorities of the OPCC and in respect of the PCC’s framework of assurance; To receive a report from the Deputy Constabulary Chief Constable/CC in respect of the CC’s framework of assurance.

Monitor the effective development and operation of risk March RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY: To provide the annual review of the COPCC and management, review the risk profile, and monitor progress of Constabulary Risk Management Strategies. the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable in Page 104 Page addressing risk-related issues reported to them Every meeting STRATEGIC RISK REGISTER: To consider the COPCC and Constabulary strategic risk register as part of the Risk Management Strategy.

June RISK MANAGEMENT MONITORING: To receive an annual report from the Chief Executive on Risk Management Activity including the Commissioner’s arrangements for holding the CC to account for Constabulary Risk Management.

Consider reports on the effectiveness of internal controls and Every meeting INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT: To receive reports from the Internal Auditors in respect of monitor the implementation of agreed actions specific audits conducted since the last meeting of the Committee.

MONITORING OF AUDIT, INTERNAL AUDIT AND OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS AND ACTION PLANS: To receive an updated summary of actions implemented in response to audit and inspection recommendations.

Review arrangements for the assessment of fraud risks and December – ARRANGEMENTS FOR ANTI-FRAUD AND CORRUPTION: To receive the COPCC and potential harm from fraud and corruption and monitor the cyclically when Constabulary strategy, policy and fraud response plan. effectiveness of the counter-fraud strategy, actions and updated resources June ANTI-FRAUD AND CORRUPTION ACTIVITIES: To receive an annual report from the Chief Executive on activity in line with the arrangements for anti-fraud and corruption including the annual fraud risk assessment, information and action taken in respect of actual incidents of fraud and the outcomes from participation in the Audit Commission National Fraud Initiative. P a g e | 35

Terms of Reference: Internal Audit Meeting Work Programme Assurance Activity

Annually review the internal audit charter and resources March INTERNAL AUDIT CHARTER: To receive a copy of the internal audit charter from the Internal Auditors.

Review the internal audit plan and any proposed revisions to March/Ad-hoc PROPOSED INTERNAL AUDIT PLAN FOR 2014/15: To receive a report from the Internal the internal audit plan Auditors on the proposed Internal Audit Annual Plan and any proposed revisions.

Oversee the appointment and consider the adequacy of the June EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERNAL AUDIT: To receive a report from the PCC Chief Finance performance of the internal audit service and its independence Officer in respect of the effectiveness of internal audit.

June INTERNAL AUDIT PERFORMANCE: To receive from the Internal Auditors quarterly and annual reports on the performance of the service against a framework of performance

Page 105 Page indicators (provided within the internal audit progress reports and annual report.)

June PRIVATE INTERNAL AUDIT MEETING: Confidential meeting of Committee members only and the Internal Auditors

Consider the Head of Internal audit’s annual report and June INTERNAL AUDIT –ANNUAL REPORT: To receive the Head of Internal Audit’s Annual opinion, and a regular summary of the progress of internal Report including the Annual Audit Opinion.

audit activity against the audit plan, and the level of

assurance it can give over corporate governance

arrangements INTERNAL AUDIT – PROGRES REPORT: To receive a report from the Internal Auditors Every meeting regarding the progress of the Internal Audit Plan.

Consider internal audit reports and such detailed reports as Every meeting INTERNAL AUDIT REPORTS: To receive reports from the Internal Auditors in respect the Committee may request from the Police and Crime of specific audits conducted since the last meeting of the Committee. Commissioner and the Chief Constable, including issues raised

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or recommendations made by the internal audit service, management response and progress with agreed actions

Consider a report on the effectiveness of internal audit to June EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERNAL AUDIT: To consider a report of the Commissioner’s support the Annual Governance Statement Chief Finance Officer reviewing the effectiveness of Internal Audit.

Terms of Reference: External Audit Meeting Work Programme Assurance Activity

Comment on the scope and depth of external audit work, its March EXTERNAL AUDIT PLAN: To receive from the external auditors the Annual External independence and whether it gives satisfactory value for Audit Plan money Page 106 Page

Consider the external auditor’s annual management letter, December/Ad- ANNUAL AUDIT LETTER: To receive from the External Auditors the Annual Audit Letter relevant reports and the report to those charged with hoc and reports governance

Consider specific reports as agreed with the external auditors Every meeting ADHOC REPORTS AS THEY ARISE: E.G. NATIONAL FRAUD INITIATIVE, STANDARDS, (where INSPECTION: To consider any other reports falling within the remit of the Committee’s appropriate) terms of reference

Advise and recommend on the effectiveness of relationships September PRIVATE EXTERNAL AUDIT MEETING: Confidential meeting of Committee members between external and internal audit and other inspection only and the external auditors agencies and relevant bodies

Terms of Reference: Financial Reporting Meeting Work Programme Assurance Activity

Review the Annual Statement of Accounts. Specifically, to September ANNUAL STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS: REPORT OF THE CHIEF FINANCE OFFICER: To consider whether appropriate accounting policies have been receive an annual report from the PCCCFO and CCCFO setting out the arrangements P a g e | 37

followed and whether there are concerns arising from the for governance and audit relevant to the Committee’s review of the Commissioner’s financial statements that need to be brought to the attention accounts and the Chief Constable’s accounts. of the Commissioner and/or the Chief Constable ANNUAL STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS: To receive the audited Statement of Accounts for the Commissioner and Chief Constable and Group Accounts and consider a copy of a summarised non-statutory version of the accounts

Consider the external auditor’s report to those charged with September ANNUAL GOVERNANCE REPORT: To receive from the external auditors the Annual governance on issues arising from the audit of the financial Governance Report statements

Terms of Reference: Accountability Arrangements Meeting Work Programme Assurance Activity Page 107 Page On a timely basis report to the Commissioner and the Chief Every meeting To be discussed in Committee meetings and noted as feedback in the minutes. Constable with its advice and recommendations in relation to (where any matters that it considers relevant to governance, risk appropriate) management and financial management

Report to the Commissioner and the Chief Constable on its Every meeting To be discussed in Committee meetings and noted as feedback in the minutes. findings, conclusions and recommendations concerning the (where adequacy and effectiveness of their governance, risk appropriate) management and internal control frameworks; financial reporting arrangements and internal and external audit functions P a g e | 38

Review its performance against its terms of reference and June ANNUAL REPORT OF THE AUDIT AND STANDARDS COMMITTEE: To receive a report objectives on an annual basis and report the results of this reviewing the activities of the Committee as a contribution to the effectiveness of review to the Commissioner and the Chief Constable arrangements for governance

Terms of Reference: Treasury Management Meeting Work Programme Assurance Activity

Review the Treasury Management policy and procedures to March TREASURY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY: To review the annual the Treasury be satisfied that controls are satisfactory Management Strategy incorporating the policy on investment and borrowing activity

and treasury management practices. Review the Treasury risk profile and adequacy of treasury risk

management processes Page 108 Page

Receive regular reports on activities, issues and trends to Every meeting TREASURY MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES: To receive for information reports on Treasury support the Committee’s understanding of Treasury Management Activity

Management activities; the Committee is not responsible for TREASURY MANAGEMENT ADVISORS: To receive briefings/training from the the regular monitoring of activity Annually Commissioner’s Treasury Management advisors.

Review assurances on Treasury Management Every meeting INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT: To receive reports from Internal Audit Unit in respect of (where specific audits conducted since the last meeting of the Committee applicable) ADHOC REPORTS AS THEY ARISE: E.G. NATIONAL FRAUD INITIATIVE, STANDARDS, INSPECTION: To consider any other reports falling within the remit of the Committee’s terms of reference

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Terms of Reference: Standards Activity Meeting Work Programme Assurance Activity

Monitoring the operation and effectiveness of the PCC’s Code June MONITORING AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CODE OF CONDUCT: To receive an of Conduct annual report from the Chief Executive with regard to the operation and effectiveness of the Code of Conduct

Monitoring the operation and effectiveness of the PCC’s/ June MONITORING AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PCC/OFFICER PROTOCOL: To receive an Officer Protocol annual report from the Chief Executive with regard to the operation and effectiveness of the PCC/Officer Protocol

To hear and determine appeals in relation to the OPCC’s n/a As and when required, to act as an “Appeal Board” personnel policies and decisions of the Chief Executive where

Page 109 Page appropriate

To hear and determine appeals by Independent Custody n/a As and when required, to act as an “Appeal Board” Visitors and Independent Members of Police Misconduct Panels from decisions of the Chief Executive

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Appendix C

Attendance Listing for Joint Audit & Standards Committee Meetings 2013-14

24th Jun 2013 23rd Sep 2013 2nd Dec 2013 25th Feb 2014 31st Mar 2014 Attendance of Governance/Audit and Standards Committee Mr Patrick Everingham      Mrs Fiona Daley      Mr Andy      Mr Jack Jones      Commissioner’s Officers Police & Crime Commissioner for Cumbria (Richard Rhodes)      Chief Executive (Stuart Edwards)     

Page 110 Page Chief Finance Officer /Deputy Chief Executive (Ruth Hunter)      Governance Manager (Joanne Head)      Budget and Finance Assistant (Dawn Cowperthwaite)      Constabulary Officers Temporary Chief Constable (Bernard Lawson)      Deputy Chief Constable (Jeremy Graham)      Deputy Chief Constable (Michelle Skeer)      Constabulary Chief Finance Officer (Roger Marshall)      Deputy Chief Finance Officer (Michelle Bellis)      Internal Audit Audit Manager, Management Audit Unit, Cumbria County Council (Emma Toyne)      External Audit Appointed Auditor, Grant Thornton (Gina Martlew)      Appointed Auditor, Grant Thornton (Fiona Blatcher)      Appointed Auditor, Grant Thornton (Richard McGahon)     

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Appendix D

Joint Audit & Standards Committee - Role Profile

Job Title: Committee Chair


1 Chair

The Chair of the Committee is responsible for providing leadership to the Committee in effectively discharging its duties and responsibilities as set out in the Committee terms of reference.

Ensuring that the Committee achieves its purpose of providing an independent assurance function for the governance, internal control, risk and financial and non-financial performance of the Constabulary and OPCC. Ensuring the Committee fulfils its responsibilities as a Standards Committee.

The Chair must create and manage effective working relationships among the Committee, Police and Crime Commissioner, the Chief Constable, Section 151 officers and both internal and external auditors.

Meet separately with the Section 151 officers and District Auditor to discuss risk compliance and governance issues arising as a result of external or internal audit activity.

Act as the committee’s spokesman, using his or her best efforts to see that the committee receives all material to be discussed at the meeting at least one week before the meeting to ensure sufficient time to review information.

2 Conduct of Committee Meetings

Act as the chairman of each Committee meeting ensuring the appropriate conduct of business in accordance with the committee terms of reference.

Conduct the business of each Committee meeting in a manner which will result in all matters on the agenda being dealt with effectively and appropriately.

Propose the termination of discussion on any matter when he or she is of the opinion that the matter has been thoroughly canvassed and discussed and that no new points of view or information are being presented.

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Attempt to achieve resolution of all issues discussed at the meeting in respect of which a decision is required and members express conflicting positions, views, or advice, but such attempt should in no way inhibit a member from maintaining a different position, view, or advice.

Ensure that all members who wish to address a matter at a meeting are afforded a reasonable opportunity to do so.

In any case where a member of the Committee has an interest or potential conflict in respect of a matter to be discussed at a meeting, arrange for that member to excuse himself/herself from all or a portion of the Committee discussion.

3 Committee Culture

Provide leadership in promoting and supporting a Committee culture characterised by: i) The willingness of each member to use his or her best efforts in carrying out his or her duties as a member of the Committee; ii) The Committee’s insistence on the highest level of integrity accountability and honesty in the actions of the Committee and of the PCC, Chief Constable and the other officers of the OPCC/Constabulary; iii) Respect and dignity among the members, officers and the external and internal auditor; iv) The candid and timely sharing of information among the members of the Committee, management and the external auditor; v) Acceptance by all members of the Committee of the right of every member to hold and express a dissenting opinion; and vi) A commitment to best governance practices and standards practices.

4 Miscellaneous Matters

Assist the Committee and management to understand and respect the responsibilities of each.

Whenever necessary or desirable, to facilitate the effective performance of the Committee’s duties, attend other meetings and committees including those to facilitate governance of the internal audit shared service.

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Joint Audit & Standards Committee - Role Profile

Job Title: Committee Members

1. Job purpose / key responsibilities

To contribute to the effective discharge of the duties and responsibilities of the Committee as set out in the Committee terms of reference.

To maintain effective working relationships with committee members, the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Chief Constable, Section 151 officers and both internal and external auditors.

To be diligent in preparing for committee meetings and making an effective contribution to those meetings to provide independent assurance of the governance, internal control and finance, risk and performance management arrangements of the OPCC and Constabulary

2 Conduct of Committee Meetings

Contribute to the business of each Committee meeting in a manner which supports all matters on the agenda being dealt with effectively and appropriately.

Address the Committee on all matters where an opinion or decision is required and in such a manner that does not inhibit other members of the committee wishing to express a different opinion.

Advise the Committee Chair where an interest or potential conflict of interest may exist in respect of a matter to be discussed at a meeting and act on the advice of the Chair.

3 Committee Culture

As a member of the committee, contribute to a culture that supports. i) Each member to use his or her best efforts in carrying out his or her duties as a member of the Committee; ii) The highest level of integrity accountability and honesty in the actions of the Committee and of the PCC, Chief Constable and the other officers of the OPCC/Constabulary; iii) Respect and dignity among the members, officers and the external and internal auditor;

iv) The candid and timely sharing of information among the members of the Committee, management and the external auditor;

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v) Acceptance by all members of the Committee of the right of every member to hold and express a dissenting opinion; and vi) A commitment to best governance practices.

4 Miscellaneous Matters

When necessary or desirable, to facilitate the effective performance of the Committee’s duties, attend other meetings and committees.

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Appendix E

CIPFA Self-assessment of Good Practice

Good Practice Questions Yes Partly No

Audit committee purpose and governance

Does the Commissioner/Chief Constable have a dedicated audit  committee?

Do the terms of reference clearly set out the purpose of the committee  in accordance with CIPFA’s Position Statement?

Is the role and purpose of the audit committee understood and accepted  within the OPCC & Constabulary?

Does the audit committee provide support to the OPCC & Constabulary  in meeting the requirements of good governance?

Are the arrangements to hold the committee to account for its  performance operating satisfactorily?

Functions of the committee

Do the committee’s terms of reference explicitly address all the core  areas identified in CIPFA’s Position Statement?

good governance 

assurance framework 

internal audit 

external audit 

financial reporting 

risk management 

value for money or best value 

Page 115 P a g e | 46

Good Practice Questions Yes Partly No counter-fraud and corruption 

Is an annual evaluation undertaken to assess whether the committee is  fulfilling its terms of reference and that adequate consideration has been given to all core areas?

Has the audit committee considered the wider areas identified in  CIPFA’s Position Statement and whether it would be appropriate for the committee to undertake them?

Where coverage of core areas has been found to be limited, are plans in  place to address this?

Has the committee maintained its non-advisory role by not taking on any  decision-making powers that are not in line with its core purpose?

Membership and support

Has an effective audit committee structure and composition of the  committee been selected? This should include: separation from the executive  an appropriate mix of knowledge and skills among the membership  a size of committee this is not unwieldy  where independent members are used, that they have been appointed  using an appropriate process

Does the chair of the committee have appropriate knowledge and skills? 

Are arrangements in place to support the committee with briefings and  training?

Has the membership of the committee been assessed against the core  knowledge and skills framework and found to be satisfactory?

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Good Practice Questions Yes Partly No

Does the committee have good working relations with key people and  organisations, including external audit, internal audit and the chief finance officer?

Is adequate secretariat and administrative support to the committee  provided?

Effectiveness of the committee

Has the committee obtained feedback on its performance from those  interacting with the committee or relying on its work?

Has the committee evaluated whether and how it is adding value to the  organisation?

Does the committee have an action plan to improve any areas of  weakness?

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Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner Report

90 Committee on Standards in Public Life – Call for Evidence by the Home Affairs Select Committee on Police and Crime Commissioners

Date: 11 th July 2014 Agenda Item No: 14 Originating Officer: Stuart Edwards, Chief Executive

Executive Summary:

At the meeting of the Police and Crime Panel on 8 April 2014 Panel members asked the Commissioner to submit a paper to the next meeting of the Panel setting out his response to the report from the Committee on Standards in Public Life. This paper presents the Police and Crime Commissioner’s response to that report.

Recommendation: That the Panel considers the Commissioner’s report

1. Detail

At the meeting of the Panel on 8 April Panel members considered the report produced by the Committee on Standards in Public Life for submission to the Home Affairs Select Committee. The Panel resolved –

“that the report be received and the Police and Crime Commissioner be requested to report back to the Panel on his response to the report, in particular clarifying what relevant procedures and processes he had in place regarding ethical issues and the role of Commissioners in holding the Chief Constable to account and the relationship with the code of conduct.”


The Committee on Standards in public life focus on two key areas in their report, namely –

• Ethical issues and risks around transparency and reporting, and • The role of Commissioners in holding their Chief Constables to account and the relationship with the code of conduct.

In addressing these two areas the Committee state that polls indicate that public confidence in the police has decreased in recent years and that Police and Crime Commissioners were introduced in 2012 as part of a package of measures aimed at improving accountability and standards in policing. Whilst Commissioners are elected, rather than appointed, once elected they have to be politically impartial. Commissioners are responsible for holding the Chief Constable to account and are in turn accountable to their electorate. The Government have stated that Police and Crime Commissioners are more visible than the police authorities that they replaced. Like all locally based public bodies Commissioners are only able to act within the powers granted them by statute, in this case the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011. This Act is supported by a number of Statutory Instruments.

The following Paragraphs set out how the Commissioner endeavours to meet ethical and conduct issues and holds the Chief Constable to account.

As leader of the local policing body the Commissioner is critical to setting the culture of transparency and ethical behaviour in which the public can have trust across the criminal justice system in their area. Since coming into office the Police and Crime Commissioner has agreed and signed up to a number of protocols and codes which will enable him to carry out his role with integrity and transparency.

Staff employed by the OPCC are also bound by codes of conduct relating to how they conduct themselves whilst carrying out their roles and functions. All posts within the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner are designated as politically restricted posts.

New employees or staff on secondment or temporary contracts who are working for the OPCC are advised of the protocols and codes which they will need to adhere to when they commence with the organisation. Where appropriate protocols are signed by an individual and a copy kept within their personnel file.

In addition the volunteers recruited for the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme sign a `Memorandum of Understanding’ which details what is expected of them whilst carrying out their role.

The Police and Crime Commissioner Elections (Declaration of Acceptance of Office) Order 2012 sets out the Oath of Office that Commissioners must take following their election, which includes promises to act with integrity, give the public a voice, be transparent and be accountable to the public. In support of that declaration a set of governance documents have been adopted by the Commissioner. These are -

PCC / Officer Protocol


Upon taking up office the Commissioner agreed, as part of a suite of governance arrangements and documents, to adopt and abide by a PCC/Officer Protocol.

The purpose of this Protocol is to assist the Commissioner and OPCC staff to perform effectively by giving clear guidance on their respective roles and expectations and about their relationship with each other. The Protocol also gives guidance on what to do should things go wrong. Responsibility for the operation of this Protocol in the case of employees lies with the Chief Executive.

Should any employee wish to raise an issue in relation to the Commissioner, which cannot be resolved informally, they will have recourse through the OPCC’s Grievance Procedure or to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Monitoring Officer, as appropriate to the circumstances.

Since the inception of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner no complaints have been received from any member of staff or secondee in relation to the Commissioner. Neither has any complaint been made by the Commissioner about any member of staff.

Anti-Discrimination Code of Conduct

In addition to the PCC/Officer Protocol the Commissioner has signed a declaration that he will not accept discrimination within the OPCC. The Commissioner has taken personal responsibility with regard to his behaviour and to treat everyone with dignity and respect.

This code of conduct also confirms that the Commissioner will ensure that all communities are treated fairly and without prejudice. Ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to comment or be involved in the work of the OPCC ensuring that the police service they receive is appropriate to their needs. The Commissioner has undertaken to remain impartial in his approach to work.

Code of Conduct & Ethical Framework

Upon entering office the Commissioner agreed to abide by a Code of Conduct which regulates his conduct when acting or representing to act in that role. The code has been developed in line with the seven Nolan principles as set out in “Standards in Public Life: First Report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life”.

The code provides guidance on disclosable interests, use of resources, conflicts of interest, disclosure of information, transparency and complaints.

In addition an Ethical Framework has been developed by the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC), following discussions between the APCC and the Committee on Standards in Public Life. It supports documents developed and adopted locally in Cumbria such as the Code of Conduct, Commissioner-Officer Protocol, Anti-Discrimination Code of Conduct, Complaints Policy and Decision Making Protocol. It also supports the Oath of Office sworn by all Police and Crime Commissioners on election. The Commissioner has adopted the Ethical Framework.

The adoption of the Ethical Framework for Police and Crime Commissioner is optional, and locally the Commissioner has already signed up to a number of documents that vouch for his commitment


to operating in an ethical way. By adopting the Ethical Framework the Commissioner has sought to reinforce that commitment.

Gifts and Hospitality Register

The Anti-Fraud and Corruption procedure advises staff of what gifts and gratuities may be accepted, recommending that gifts should not exceed a value of £10. The Commissioner and all OPCC staff are required to complete gifts and hospitality registers on a monthly basis. The registers are then reviewed and signed off by the Chief Executive or Chief Finance Officer following which they are published on the OPCC website.

OPCC staff are reminded on a quarterly basis at team meetings to familiarise themselves with the OPCC policy on gifts and hospitality, paying particular attention to monetary limits imposed. To date no irregularities have been identified.

Confidential Reporting (“Whistleblowing”)

The OPCC’s Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy sets out the various ways staff can raise any concerns they may with regard to fraud, corruption or other similar matters about which they may have concerns. They can raise concerns in a way that provides them with protection should they choose to raise a concern. Concerns can be raised either “openly” or “confidentially”. The Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy also sets out how concerns can be raised and provides contact details for both internal and external reporting. The Policy is available on the Commissioner’s website and posters are displayed in all police premises.


The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011 specifies the information that must be published by the Commissioner which includes their expenses. Strict guidelines have been set by the Secretary of State on the types and amount of allowances which the Commissioner can claim. Any expenses claimed are approved or declined by the Chief Executive, following which authorised expenses are published on a monthly basis on the OPCC website.

Expense claims submitted by staff, members of the Joint Audit and Standards Committee and Independent Custody Visitors receive similar scrutiny before approval.

Register of Interests

In accordance with the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy (which includes the avoidance of suspicion of fraudulent or corrupt behaviour), the Commissioner and all OPCC staff are asked on an annual basis to complete a Register of Interests form. They are asked to indicate or disclose any interest which may give rise to any suspicion of favouritism or other breach of the seven principles of public life (Nolan Committee) of the policy. The completed forms are countersigned by their line manager and reviewed by the Chief Executive on a quarterly basis. Following completion the Commissioner’s, Chief Executive’s and Chief Finance Officer’s forms are published on the OPCC website.


Information contained within the Commissioner’s register of interests form is consulted prior to the completion of every decision form prepared for the Commissioner to consider. This ensures that any declaration of interest is made by the Commissioner prior to taking any decisions. All decisions taken by the Commissioner are published on the OPCC website.

Similarly should any individual preparing a report or decision for the Commissioner to consider have notified of any interests in their register these should also be declared within the report or decision. Where a clear conflict of interest arises then an individual may decide, or be asked to, be removed from any involvement or providing advice in relation to a decision.

Contact with Contractors Register

The OPCC has a Contact with Contractors Register to ensure any contact an employee has with a current or potential service provider is recorded. The information is then used to make any decisions as to the appropriateness or otherwise of that employee being involved in any procurement process where the supplier may be a potential bidder. All OPCC staff are requested on a monthly basis to complete the contact with contractors register, following which the register is published on the OPCC website.

When undertaking any procurement process or awarding of any contract or funding agreements the register will be consulted to ensure that staff integrity is not compromised or any declarations of interest are known and actively managed. To date this has not affected the OPCC in its work, however with future projects and potential changes to working practices this will need to be closely monitored.

Related Party Transactions

Cumbria Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner must prepare its annual accounts in accordance with the applicable reporting standard (IAS24: Related Party Transactions) and the requirements set out in the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy Code of Practice.

The Commissioner, Officers and Staff employed within the Constabulary and OPCC, above a specific pay scale, are requested to complete a ‘Declaration of Related Party Transactions’ Form every financial year. This declaration will include information relating to –

1. The purchase, sale, lease, rental or hire of assets. 2. Loans. 3. Guarantees provided by the OPCC or Constabulary to a third party in respect of liabilities or obligations of the related party. 4. The provision of services by the OPCC or Constabulary.

This information is collated and reviewed by the external auditors prior to them providing an opinion on the Statement of Accounts.


Internal and External Auditors

The external auditors for both the Commissioner and the Constabulary are Grant Thornton. As part of the preparation for the final statement of accounts, evidence and assurances are provided, including any in relation to fraud risk assessment to the external auditors. Any concerns or issues raised can be dealt with and monitored appropriately.

Internal audit is undertaken by the Cumbria Shared Internal Audit Service. Work carried out by the internal auditors will identify areas of concern, including any issues with regard to fraud and corruption. These would be raised and brought to the attention of the OPCC. These can then be appropriately managed. Members of the Joint Audit and Standards Committee are provided with copies of all internal audit reports.

Police & Crime Panel

In line with the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act and the Elected Local Policing Bodies (Complaints and Misconduct) Regulations 2012, complaints received in relation to the Police and Crime Commissioner, including regarding their conduct, are provided to and dealt with by the Police and Crime Panel.

At their meeting on 17 December 2012 the Panel agreed to adopt a complaints procedure to consider non-criminal complaints in relation to the Commissioner. The procedure states the Monitoring Officer of Cumbria County Council will consider all non-criminal complaints regarding both quality of service and conduct, and act to broker local resolutions to resolve the complaints and resolve relationships. The procedure provides that if local resolutions could not be brokered and the complainant wished to take the matter further this could then be brought to the attention of the Panel.

Joint Audit and Standards Committee

The Joint Audit & Standards Committee’s role, as identified in their terms of reference, includes considering and commenting on all of the Commissioner’s governance documents and arrangements before they are adopted. The Committee also undertakes this role for the Constabulary. They also review the governance arrangements and the assessments undertaken of fraud risks, the potential harm from fraud and corruption, and monitor the effectiveness of the counter-fraud strategy, actions and resources. The external and internal auditors attend all meetings of the Joint Committee. They consider all the audit reports produced by the internal and external auditors and are made aware of any issues raised and can appropriately monitor their resolution. The Committee also acts as an appeal body for staff should the need arise.

Holding the Chief Constable to Account

The Commissioner holds the Chief Constable to account for policing in the force area and for performance against the priorities set out in the Police and Crime Plan. This holding to account takes place in a number of ways, but the primary vehicle used in Cumbria is the Commissioner’s Executive Board. This Board is composed of the Commissioner, Chief Constable, OPCC Chief


Executive and OPCC Chief Finance Officer and is attended by the Deputy Chief Constable and Assistant Chief Constable. Meetings are held in public once a month and are regularly attended by media representatives and, on some occasions, by members of the public. Every meeting includes an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions directly to the Commissioner. Papers for all the meetings are published on the Commissioner’s website in advance of the meeting and notice of meetings are e-mailed direct to the media. Meetings are advertised on the website.

At the Executive Board the Chief Constable presents reports across the whole range of Constabulary activity. There are bi-monthly reports on Force performance with regard to crime and anti-social behaviour that enable the Commissioner to directly question the Assistant Chief Constable on specific area of performance, highlighting both areas of possible concern and areas in which performance has exceeded expectation. If there is a particular area of concern then then a further report is requested on that specific area of activity. During the year the Chief Constable also presents themed reports on key areas of activity as highlighted in the Police and Crime Plan.

A whole range of reports are considered at Board meetings in regard to complaints and conduct matters. These include a quarterly report on public complaints. The report provides information on the number and categories of reported incidents, officer and staff suspensions, ongoing cases and investigations which are being dealt with by the Constabulary’s Anti-Corruption Unit. It illustrates any emerging trends or patterns which can be utilised by the OPCC to ensure that any preventative measures are put in place.

Some fraud and corruption incidents as a result of misuse of systems and data held therein are dealt with as part of the Constabulary’s complaint process. As part of the Commissioner’s duty to hold the Chief Constable to account, the Governance and Business Services Manager dip samples finalised complaint files on a quarterly basis.

On a regular basis the Constabulary issue an internal publication which provides high level information regarding incidents and how these have affected the organisation and the individuals concerned. This publication is circulated to everyone within the OPCC for their information and attention.

The Executive Board also receive reports on human resources issues that cover staffing levels, attendance management, grievances and overtime. Reports are also received on civil claims.

The Executive Board also receives quarterly budget monitoring and treasurer management reports that enable him to hold the Chief Constable to account for financial performance.

Reports on the highest level of internal audit recommendations are considered at the Executive Board. There has only been one such report since November 2012.

These reports enable the Commissioner to obtain a rounded picture of how the Constabulary is performing both quantitively and qualitatively.

The Executive Board is also the forum in which the Commissioner considers reports requiring his decision on key matters, such as setting the annual budget or the introduction of the county-wide


CCTV scheme. The forward plan of key decisions is published on the Commissioner’s website and shared every quarter with the Police and Crime Panel.

Outside the formal Executive Board the Commissioner has weekly one to one meetings with the Chief Constable to discuss current issues.

There are agreed protocols between the OPCC and the Constabulary to enable quality of service issues and complaints received by the Commissioner to be considered and responded to within the terms of the relevant legislation. Any complaints made against the Chief Constable are also considered within the statutory framework for handling complaints.


The Commissioner is committed to operating in an open and transparent way. This is a key safeguard against fraud and corruption and is key to public confidence in the operation of the OPCC. This is achieved by making decisions in public, and publishing information on the website such as decisions, registers of interests and declarations of gifts and hospitality. Responses to Freedom of Information requests are published in full on the website.

The website is a key tool in ensuring information is widely accessible. The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011 specifies the information that Commissioners are required to publish. Within the last month the Information Commissioner has issued new guidance on the publication of information. The Home Office has recently undertaken a review of all Commissioners websites and the internal auditors will, at the Commissioner’s request, be auditing the website in the autumn. Staff within the OPCC regularly monitor the website to ensure that it is up to date.

Correspondence, including quality of service issues and complaints, are dealt with within agreed protocols.

The Commissioner also makes himself available to the public directly through his programme of public engagement events, of which there were 50 in the period from 1 January to 30 June 2014. These events included surgeries, “drop-ins” at supermarkets and shopping centres, walkabouts with Constabulary Neighbourhood Policing Teams, attendance at Neighbourhood Forums, business networking events, on-line meetings, local meetings with MPs and councillors, one-to-one meetings with individual members of the public and attendance at events such as the Cumberland Show and Carlisle Pride.

Stuart Edwards 1 July 2014 Chief Executive

Page 126 Agenda Item 15

House of Commons Home Affairs Committee

Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date

Sixteenth Report of Session 2013–14

Report, together with oral evidence

Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 30 April 2014

HC 757 Published on 5 May 2014 by authority of the House of Commons London: The Stationery Office Limited £0.00 Page 127 Page 128 Home Affairs Committee

The Home Affairs Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of the Home Office and its associated public bodies.

Current membership Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP (Labour, Leicester East) (Chair) Ian Austin MP (Labour, Dudley North) Nicola Blackwood MP (Conservative, Oxford West and Abingdon) James Clappison MP (Conservative, Hertsmere) Michael Ellis MP (Conservative, Northampton North) Paul Flynn MP (Labour, Newport West) Lorraine Fullbrook MP (Conservative, South Ribble) Dr Julian Huppert MP (Liberal Democrat, Cambridge) Yasmin Qureshi MP (Labour, Bolton South East) Mark Reckless MP (Conservative, Rochester and Strood) Mr David Winnick MP (Labour, Walsall North)

The following Members were also members of the Committee during the Parliament.

Rt Hon Alun Michael (Labour & Co-operative, Cardiff South and Penarth) Karl Turner MP (Labour, Kingston upon Hull East) Steve McCabe MP (Labour, Birmingham Selly Oak) Bridget Phillipson MP (Labour, Houghton and Sunderland South) Chris Ruane MP (Labour, Vale of Clwyd)

Powers The Committee is one of the departmental select committees, the powers of which are set out in House of Commons Standing Orders, principally in SO No 152. These are available on the Internet via

Publication Committee reports are published on the Committee’s website at select/home-affairs-committee/publications/ by The Stationary Office by Order of the House.

Evidence relating to this report is published on the Committee’s website at select/home-affairs-committee/inquiries/parliament-2010/police-and-crime- commissioners1/

Committee staff

The current staff of the Committee are Tom Healey (Clerk), Robert Cope (Second Clerk), Duma Langton (Committee Specialist), Dr Ruth Martin (Committee Specialist), Andy Boyd (Senior Committee Assistant), Iwona Hankin (Committee Assistant) and Alex Paterson (Select Committee Media Officer).

Contacts All correspondence should be addressed to the Clerk of the Home Affairs Committee, House of Commons, 7 Millbank, London SW1P 3JA. The telephone number for general enquiries is 020 7219 2049; the Committee’s email address is [email protected].

Page 129 Page 130 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date 1


Report Page

1 Introduction 3 PCCs and the public 3 Training and transition 5 Register of PCCs’ disclosable interests 6

2 The work of commissioners to date 8 Collaborative working 8 Transparency 11 Appointment of deputy and assistant commissioners 13 Target setting and crime statistics 15 Support for victims 18 Commissioner-led campaigns 19 Overall effectiveness of commissioners to date 19

3 The relationship between commissioners and chief constables 21 Holding chief constables to account 21 The process for the removal of a chief constable 24

4 Scrutiny of commissioners by police and crime panels 28 The developing role of panels 28 Strengthening the role of panels 31 Panel resources 33

Annex: Register of police and crime commissioners’ disclosable interests 34

Conclusions and recommendations 45

Formal Minutes 51

Witnesses 52

Published written evidence 54

List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament 56

Page 131 Page 132 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date 3

1 Introduction

1. The introduction of police and crime commissioners (PCCs) marked a major change to the governance of policing in England and Wales. During this Parliament, the Committee has taken an active interest both in the development of the Government’s proposals, and aspects of the work of PCCs since their election.1 This Report examines the work of the commissioners during their first 18 months in office. It considers their effectiveness to date in, for example, engaging the public and developing collaborative ways of working. It also looks at the relationships they have developed with their chief constables, including commissioners’ power to hire and fire, which has attracted significant controversy. In addition, we make recommendations to strengthen the role of police and crime panels so that they are better able to scrutinise the work of PCCs.

PCCs and the public

2. One of the main aims of the PCC reforms was to introduce democratic accountability to the determination of local policing priorities—as the Home Office told us: “We have put policing back in the hands of the public”.2 A number of our witnesses emphasised the benefit of vesting in an individual, or “go-to person” as the Chief Constable for Thames Valley put it, the power to set those priorities, and in so doing, providing a clarity of leadership that was not present under the former police authorities.3 For example, the Lincolnshire PCC told us: “I can promote local policing priorities because, unlike police authorities, I know what they are”.4 Elsewhere, the Sussex PCC said: “ultimately you want somebody who can make a decision. If the public don’t like the decisions […] they can make their voice heard at the ballot box”.5

3. The turn-out for the PCC elections in November 2012 was exceptionally low. It ranged from just 11.6 per cent in Staffordshire, to 19.5 per cent in Northamptonshire, and averaged 15.1 per cent across England and Wales. Several factors contributed to the low turn-out, including the darker evenings and bad weather associated with the time of year, the lack of a freepost mailing for candidates, and the timing outside of the normal electoral cycle.6 Furthermore, a large proportion of the electorate did not understand what they were voting for. As the Cambridgeshire PCC put it: “I spent all of my time not asking people to vote for me, but telling people what the job was all about”.7 The PCC for Bedfordshire summed up the turn-out for the elections as “little short of calamitous”.8 Not only has it

1 Home Affairs Committee, Second Report of Session 2010-12, Policing: Police and Crime Commissioners, HC 511; First Report of Session 2012-13, Police and Crime Commissioners: Register of Interests, HC 69; and Sixth Report of Session 2012-13, Police and Crime Commissioners: power to remove Chief Constables, HC 487 2 PCC0001 (Home Office), para 1 3 Qq 82 (Sir Hugh Orde, Association of Chief Police Officers), 232 (Chief Constable for Thames Valley), 363 (Policy Exchange), 447 (Local Government Association), and 541 (Chair of the Surrey Police and Crime Panel) 4 PCC0031 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire), para 6.1 5 Q 226 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex) 6 Qq 46 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire), and 462 (Local Government Association) 7 Ibid. 8 PCC0040 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire), para 10

Page 133 4 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date raised a legitimate concern as to whether the commissioners have a sufficient mandate on which to set policing priorities for their areas, it also fails to reflect the extent to which the general public is interested in policing issues.9

4. Since the elections, however, public awareness of police and crime commissioners has increased greatly. In their evidence a number of witnesses quoted the results of a poll carried out by ComRes for the BBC, which found that 62 per cent of people were aware that they had a PCC for their area. They contrasted this with previous research showing that only seven per cent of the general public were aware of the old police authorities.10 Many commissioners attributed the greater level of awareness in part to the work they have undertaken to engage with the public since taking office. We heard a number of examples in this respect. The West Yorkshire PCC told us he had met hundreds of people and a large number of community groups in the course of his work, and ran a monthly public perception survey, which received 15,000 responses in its first year.11 The Thames Valley PCC said: “I have a huge number of meetings, I go to all the councils, and I have public meetings in every area”, while the Staffordshire PCC claimed to have engaged face-to-face with over 12,000 people in the county since January 2013.12

5. Some commissioners highlighted the level of correspondence they received as an example of the extent to which public awareness of PCCs has increased. For instance, the Kent PCC told us she had received almost 9,000 pieces of correspondence since taking office, compared to a handful a week when she was chair of the Kent Police Authority.13 The Avon and Somerset PCC told us she received 20 times more correspondence than the defunct authority had in its last year of existence.14 Greater public awareness of the work of commissioners has been demonstrated in other ways. The Sussex PCC reported regular viewing figures of 500 for the live webcast of her accountability meetings with the chief constable, whilst the West Midlands PCC told us more than 700 people had watched the streaming of a recent road safety forum.15

6. Unfortunately, public awareness of commissioners has stemmed not only from conscious engagement work, but also from a number of adverse media stories concerning their activities. These have included the controversial removal of chief constables, the hiring of deputy commissioners, and the resignation of police and crime panel members. We consider each of these issues in this Report. Whatever the cause of the public’s awareness of PCCs, this, combined with the timing of the next elections to coincide with

9 For example, PCC0002 (Mark Ryan); Qq 376 (Police Foundation) and 622 (Police Federation) 10 PCC0001 (Home Office), para 7, PCC0008 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey), para 6.2, PCC0023 (Committee on Standards in Public Life), para 6, and PCC0034 (Association of Police and Crime Commissioners), para 8.1 11 PCC0027 (Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire), para 2.0 12 Q 146 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley); PCC0037 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire), para 8.2 13 Q 634 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent) 14 PCC0017 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon and Somerset), para 1.1 15 PCC0051 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex); Q 429 (Police and Crime Commissioner for the West Midlands)

Page 134 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date 5 the local elections, should ensure a greater turn-out in 2016. Indeed, as Lord Wasserman, the architect of the PCC model, told us: “it could hardly get any smaller”.16

7. Yet between now and the next elections, there is still more for commissioners to do. Whilst there is greater awareness of their existence, one survey found that only 18 per cent of respondents had a good understanding of the role of PCCs, whilst only 10 per cent believed that commissioners gave them a greater say over how their local area was policed.17 PCCs have also still to win over the forces for which they set overall strategic direction. Lord Stevens told us just five per cent of police officers and two per cent of police staff considered the appointment of PCCs to be a good idea.18

8. A lack of understanding about the role of commissioners is perhaps unsurprising so soon after their election. When we asked the Minister for Policing, Criminal Justice and Victims whether the concept of PCCs was still on probation, he told us: “No, I just think it is new. With every quarter that passes, people across the country find them both more visible and see the benefits […]”.19 But it is clear that many commissioners themselves view their role as being on probation, particularly following the publication of the report of the Stevens Commission in November 2013, which recommended their abolition.20 For example, the PCC for Kent told us: “It is a new role, It needs time to bed in. There are 41 of us. We are all trying to do different things in different ways”, whilst the PCC for Cambridgeshire said: “we are on probation, and the next election will be the judgement day”.21

9. One of the main aims of police and crime commissioners was to make the strategic direction of policing in England and Wales subject to democratic accountability. It is disappointing, therefore, that the turn-out for the elections in November 2012 was so low, leading some to question whether PCCs have a sufficient electoral mandate. Since their introduction, however, public awareness of commissioners has increased significantly, albeit not always for the right reasons. This, combined with the move of the next PCC elections to be in line with the May electoral cycle should ensure a greater turn-out and level of public engagement at the next elections in 2016. Until then, and whilst the nascent work of PCCs is still to have its full effect on the public’s perception of local policing, it is inevitable that many will consider the concept of police and crime commissioners to be on probation.

Training and transition

10. The role of commissioner is a complex one requiring an understanding of local government finance, legal issues, and crime statistics, among many others. It is also a role that is still being defined by its first incumbents. As the Police Foundation noted,

16 Q 397 (Lord Wasserman) 17 PCC0033 (Police Foundation), para 17 and 23 18 Q 290 (Lord Stevens) 19 Q 690 (Minister for Policing, Criminal Justice and Victims) 20 Policing for a better Britain, November 2013 21 Qq 31 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire) and 662 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent)

Page 135 6 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date

“incoming PCCs had no blueprint to work from as there was no equivalent post elsewhere in the world or in any other public service in the UK”.22 Lord Wasserman contrasted the high level of advice and guidance provided by civil servants for new Ministers upon taking office, to the relatively low level of support available to incoming commissioners whose small secretariats may themselves change at election time.23 He recommended allowing a gap of up to six weeks between the election of new commissioners and their taking office. This would allow time for a period of intensive training for PCCs. It would also provide for an orderly transition between administrations, giving an opportunity for incoming commissioners to make changes to their teams and for any pre-appointment hearings to take place, although the Minister expressed some reservations about the practicality of a transition period, and argued that incoming commissioners in 2016 would have a better idea of the requirements of the job.24

11. This Report and the Committee’s previous reports on PCCs have shown that many of the difficulties that commissioners have faced could have been avoided given greater opportunity to find their feet before starting the job. For the next elections, we recommend a transition period for new commissioners of one month between election and taking office. This would allow time for the Association of PCCs, College of Policing, Local Government Association, and others to provide intensive training for newly elected commissioners, and a period of transition for post-holders and their teams.

Register of PCCs’ disclosable interests

12. In our first Report of the 2013-14 Session, we recommended HM Inspectorate of Constabulary draw together a national register of PCCs’ disclosable interests to promote transparency, and to aid the general public in holding their commissioners to account. As an interim measure, we produced our own version of a register.25 The Home Office rejected this proposal, stating that whilst it expected high standards of transparency by commissioners, it was not the role of central Government to establish and maintain such a register.26 It also said HMIC did not have a role in inspecting PCCs. During this inquiry the Association of PCCs told us a national register had not been created, “in part because of the bureaucracy and complexity involved, but also because most PCCs feel this is a matter of local accountability”.27 However, both the Local Government Association, the Centre for Public Scrutiny, and the Committee on Standards in Public Life told us they supported the introduction of a national register.28

22 PCC0033 (Police Foundation), para 25 23 Qq 393 and 403 (Lord Wasserman) 24 Q 403 (Minister for Policing, Criminal Justice and Victims) 25 Home Affairs Committee, First Report of Session 2013-14, Police and Crime Commissioners: Register of Interests, HC 69 26 Government Response to Home Affairs Committee, First Report of Session 2013-14, Police and Crime Commissioners: Register of Interests, Cm 8692 27 PCC0034 (Association of Police and Crime Commissioners), para 10.2 28 PCC0023 (Committee on Standards in Public Life); Qq 470 (Local Government Association) and 471 (Centre for Public Scrutiny)

Page 136 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date 7

13. We continue to believe that there should be a national register of commissioners’ disclosable interests, and reject the suggestion that such an exercise is complex and bureaucratic. It has been a perfectly straightforward exercise to produce it for this Report. In the continued absence of any such initiative by HMIC, the Home Office or the Association of PCCs, we produce the latest version of the register as an Annex to this Report. For the first time, we also include the disclosable interests of deputy commissioners.

Page 137 8 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date

2 The work of commissioners to date

14. Many of the police and crime commissioners hit the ground running when they took office in 2012, though some have faced trips and hurdles during the intervening period. In this Chapter we look at aspects of commissioners’ work during the last 18 months, including their efforts to promote collaborative working and transparency, as well as their response to recent concern over the reliability of police-recorded crime statistics. We also examine the practice by many commissioners of appointing assistants and deputies to carry out work on their behalf.

Collaborative working

15. One PCC described partnership working as “perhaps the most exciting frontier for commissioners to explore”, noting that they are in a unique position to bring partner agencies together in the public interest.29 Another stated that the role of PCC has “enormous potential to act as an ‘honest broker’ […] to bring disparate services together towards common goals and outcomes”.30 Whilst the former police authorities had tried to encourage more collaborative working, the PCC for Thames Valley, for example, argued that commissioners were better placed than committees to achieve this.31 Many commissioners described how efforts in this respect had been redoubled since their taking office. This has, in part, been driven by statutory requirement. Section 10 of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 placed a new duty on PCCs and chief constables to collaborate where it is in the interests of efficiency and effectiveness. In addition, chief constables are under a duty to have regard to the Strategic Policing Requirement, which sets out in statute the need for collective capabilities to meet national threats.32

16. Notwithstanding the statutory requirements placed on commissioners and chief constables, they also face a financial incentive to collaborate as police forces have been required to make large budgetary savings in recent years, and will continue to need to do so. Although police forces have still needed to reduce staff levels in response to financial constraints, most commissioners recognise the value of collaboration, both as a means of promoting efficiency, but also helping to deliver a better service to the communities they serve.33 To encourage their efforts, the Home Office has established the Police Innovation Fund, which will allocate £50 million in 2014-15 for investment in “innovative approaches with the potential to improve policing and deliver further efficiencies in the future”.34

17. We heard evidence on a range of different forms of collaborative working. First, many commissioners were working on partnering with other blue light services, namely fire

29 PCC0008 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey), para 1.5 30 PCC0037 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire), para 10 31 Q 219 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley) 32 PCC0001 (Home Office), para 56-57 33 PCC0034 (Association of Police and Crime Commissioners), para 9.3 34 PCC0001 (Home Office), para 65

Page 138 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date 9 authorities and ambulance trusts. For some, progress in this respect was limited to initial discussions—as the PCC for Cambridgeshire told us: “it is a twinkle in the eye, but I am convinced we are going to deliver”.35 Others, however, have made significant progress. The Minister, for example, highlighted the co-location of a police and fire station in Northamptonshire, which had enabled the sale of a vacated building and closer working between the two services.36 Elsewhere, the Surrey PCC is leading a collaboration programme between the police force, fire authority and ambulance trust to find ways of streamlining operations, sharing more premises, and delivering joint safety campaigns.37

18. A second form of collaboration has been between police forces and local authorities. For example, in Hampshire the police force, fire service and county council are joining up corporate services with the aim of making savings of £4 million per annum.38 The PCC in Avon and Somerset is also developing integrated business support services with local authorities within her police force area.39 A third area of collaboration has been between commissioners and universities. Again, the Northamptonshire PCC has set an example by working with a local university to establish a ‘Police, Crime and Justice Institute’, which brings together research activity with the aim of translating it into practical policy. Elsewhere, the South Wales PCC has provided £1.2 million of funding over five years for the Universities Police Science Institute, which is a partnership between Cardiff University’s Violence and Society Research Group and South Wales Police. This collaborative work is looking at issues including community engagement, neighbourhood policing, and countering violent extremism.40

19. Another area in which partnership working is developing is on mental health. In different ways, the Greater Manchester, Staffordshire, and Avon and Somerset PCCs are all working to improve the way the police respond to people with mental health problems. They are achieving this through collaboration with the NHS as well as social care workers and the voluntary sector. For example, the Avon and Somerset PCC aims to reduce the number of people detained in police cells under the Mental Health Act from 646 in 2012- 13 to zero in 2014.41 This is an issue on which we expect to produce a report later in 2014.

20. However, the main way in which collaboration is taking place is between police forces themselves. It is happening both along non-geographical lines, for instance between Cheshire and Northamptonshire in respect of back office support functions, but also between groups of neighbouring police forces.42 The PCCs and chief constables of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire have recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate on a range of areas, including finance, estates and facilities,

35 PCC0005 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire), para 20; Qq 62 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire and Police and Crime Commissioner for Greater Manchester) and 63 (Police and Crime Commissioner for West Mercia) 36 Q 695 (Minister for Policing, Criminal Justice and Victims) 37 PCC0001 (Home Office), para 63, and PCC0008 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey), para 7.3 38 PCC0001 (Home Office), para 62 39 PCC0034 (Association of Police and Crime Commissioners), para 9.5 40 PCC0016 (Sophie Chambers), para 13 41 PCC0016 (Sophie Chambers), para 4 42 PCC0005 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire), para 19

Page 139 10 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date legal services, human resources, training, ICT, firearms licensing, and crime recording. The Bedfordshire PCC told us they were “determined to test the limits of what can be achieved”.43

21. Some commissioners are collaborating on particular policy areas. For example, the three PCCs in the North East have developed a regional strategy to combat violence against women and girls.44 On counter-terrorism, PCCs in the South West have formed a dedicated team, whilst those in the South East have created a dedicated unit that has a single chain of command with Thames Valley Police Force acting as the host force.45

22. In two parts of England there has been an even greater drive to promote collaboration. Following the 2012 Spending Review, Warwickshire and West Mercia police forces have developed a strategic alliance whereby each retains a commissioner, a chief constable and a deputy, but below that there will effectively be one force. The Warwickshire PCC told us the initiative had been a “remarkable success”, having contributed to three-quarters of the savings required of the force by 2014-15.46 Without it, he said “Warwickshire would have struggled to survive as an independent force”.47 Similarly, Sussex and Surrey have agreed a vision to work “as one, operationally and organisationally to enhance and improve services for the public”.48 The forces in both cases have stopped short of a full merger at least until after the next PCC elections in 2016. The Warwickshire PCC told us any such move would first require a mandate from local communities and politicians—a position also supported by the Minister for Policing, Criminal Justice and Victims, who told us “we are not going to impose mergers top-down, but if people want to come up with proposals from the bottom up, they can do”.49

23. However, the positive evidence submitted by commissioners on collaboration contrasts starkly with the findings of HMIC in July 2013 that:

The picture on collaboration is deeply disappointing. Despite HMIC highlighting the untapped potential that exists in collaboration, the pace of change over the last year has been too slow and only a minority of forces (18) are delivering more than 10% of their savings through collaboration.50

There was also significant variation in performance between police forces. The report found that 18 police forces expected five per cent or less of their business to be delivered through collaboration in 2014-15. This contrasted with 20 per cent for Kent and Essex, 28 per cent in Norfolk, and 31 per cent in Suffolk. HMIC acknowledged that slow progress was in part a result of the initial hiatus following the elections of commissioners in 2012. Some of the examples reported in evidence to this Committee will have reflected the

43 PCC0040 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire), para 8 44 PCC0006 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland), para 7.1 45 PCC0018 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley), para 30 46 PCC0001 (Home Office), para 59, and PCC0035 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire), para 35 47 Q 59 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire) 48 PCC0008 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey), para 7.1 49 Qq 66 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire) and 710 (Minister for Policing, Criminal Justice and Victims) 50 HMIC, Policing in Austerity: Rising to the Challenge, July 2013

Page 140 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date 11 response by commissioners to re-double their efforts since the report’s publication. A subsequent HMIC report commissioned by the five East Midlands PCCs described the forces as showing “great vision, as well as strong and cohesive leadership, in establishing [their] collaboration programme, which was ahead of its time”.51 Nevertheless, the Police Foundation told us: “more needs to be done to encourage inter-force collaboration”, although efforts to do so should not impinge on the ability of commissioners to fulfil their own manifesto commitments as set out in their police and crime plans.52

24. Collaborative working has the potential to save money as well as providing a higher standard of policing. We support the efforts of commissioners in working with their neighbours and others in fields as diverse as the provision of blue light services, mental health, community safety, organised crime and counter-terrorism. Although there has been progress in some areas, it is clear that a majority of police forces are not yet exploiting the full potential of collaboration. We recommend that, for forces delivering less than 10 per cent of their business through collaboration, commissioners and chief constables should prioritise work in this area, seeking advice from those forces that have already demonstrated success. We will also continue to highlight examples of good practice in collaborative working in the future.

25. We also support the alliances between Warwickshire and West Mercia, and Surrey and Sussex, the former of which has achieved the majority of their required savings over the current spending period through collaboration. Where such alliances prove successful and supported by the public, we believe there is a case for facilitating the full merger of forces under a single police and crime commissioner and chief constable.


26. If the electorate is to hold commissioners to account for their actions and performance, it is vital that they are as open and transparent as possible. To this end the Electoral Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011 places a statutory duty on commissioners to publish certain information about themselves and their work, including on:

• Who they are and what they do;

• What they spend and how they spend it;

• What their priorities are and how they are doing;

• How they make decisions;

• What policies and procedures govern the operation of the office of the police and crime commissioner; and

• Lists of gifts and donations, Freedom of Information requests, and registers of interests.

51 HMIC, Working Together: a review of the arrangements for collaboration between the five East Midlands police forces, commissioned by the five police and crime commissioners for the region, November 2013 52 PCC0033 (Police Foundation), para 19

Page 141 12 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date

In our first Report of the 2013-14 Session we noted that a number of commissioners were failing to meet their transparency requirements. The Government believes it is the responsibility of the chief executive of each PCC office, as monitoring officer, to ensure their commissioners are compliant with the Order.53 Nevertheless, in its response to our Report, the Home Office said it had reminded chief executives and their commissioners of their obligations.54

27. We were, therefore, disappointed to hear during the course of evidence to this inquiry that whilst the level of reporting had improved, many commissioners were still failing to meet their statutory requirements on transparency. In November 2013, CoPaCC, an independent organisation set up to compare the work of PCCs, published a thematic paper which assessed the performance of all commissioners.55 The report found that only one of the PCC offices had all 25 primary statutory disclosures on its website, and four commissioners provided 15 or less. Around two-thirds of offices had complied with 20 or more of the disclosure requirements. Bernard Rix, the head of CoPaCC, acknowledged that the analysis considered only whether the information was available on the commissioner’s website—it did not assess the quality of the information provided.56

28. Notwithstanding the work carried out by organisations such as CoPaCC, the Home Office and the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners provides relatively little comparative analysis that might help the general public to assess the actions and decisions of their commissioners against each other. This does not just apply for the publication of statutory information. For instance, in recent months PCCs have been negotiating the transfer to chief constables of police staff, assets and liabilities that were formerly employed or held by police authorities, and which passed to commissioners upon taking office. The ‘Stage 2 transfers’, as they are known, were due to be completed in March 2014, and commissioners will have adopted a range of approaches to the process. The Police Foundation noted that, whilst some PCCs had published their proposals, a single document that brought together all the different structures would also be welcome.57

29. The Committee on Standards in Public Life told us: “PCCs should also consider how lobbying activities may bring conflicts of interest in respect of procurement and decision- making”.58 Accordingly, it called on commissioners to publish a register of meetings held with external stakeholders.

30. We are deeply concerned that despite a requirement in statute, and a reminder from the Home Office, some commissioners are still failing to meet their transparency requirements. This information is vital in allowing voters to assess the effectiveness of their PCCs. We recommend that the Home Office and the Association of Policing and Crime Chief Executives continue to pursue this matter with the relevant PCC offices.

53 PCC0001 (Home Office) para 67 and 71 54 Op. Cit. 55 CoPaCC, PCC Statutory Transparency, November 2013 56 Q 380 (Bernard Rix, CoPaCC) 57 PCC0033 (Police Foundation), para 13 58 PCC0023 (Committee on Standards in Public Life), para 11-12

Page 142 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date 13

Furthermore, we recommend that commissioners begin to publish a register of meetings held with external stakeholders.

31. However, we believe this information will be more useful to the public and police and crime panels in holding PCCs to account if it is drawn together to allow meaningful comparisons. As such, we recommend that the Association of PCCs begin collating and publishing all statutory information on its website, and carry out comparative analysis where appropriate. In so doing, it should also highlight those PCC offices that are not meeting their requirements. The Home Office or HMIC should also publish a comparative analysis of the range of ways in which commissioners have approached the 2014 Stage 2 transfer of staff and assets.

Appointment of deputy and assistant commissioners

32. The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 permits commissioners to appoint a deputy and other staff as appropriate. It also states that, with the exception of the deputy, all appointments should be on merit. The deputy PCC is a member of the commissioner’s staff, and it is the only post that is not politically restricted. This means they can carry out political activity on behalf of the commissioner. Apart from the core functions of the commissioner, such as the issuing of a police and crime plan or the appointment of a chief constable, the deputy can undertake any functions on behalf of the PCC. Where a commissioner appoints a deputy, they are required to notify the police and crime panel, which must then hold a confirmation hearing with the candidate before making a report recommending their appointment or otherwise. The commissioner may accept or reject the panel’s recommendation as they see fit. The same process is required for the commissioner’s choice of chief executive and chief finance officer. At present, 24 out of 41 PCCs have employed deputies.

33. In addition, six commissioners have appointed assistant PCCs. These posts are not defined under the 2011 Act, hence fall within commissioners’ other staff and should be politically restricted and appointed on merit. Such appointments are also not subject to a confirmation hearing by the police and crime panel, except where they are also fulfilling another senior role within the PCC’s team. The role of assistant PCC appears to vary across areas. In Northamptonshire, one of the commissioners’ four assistant PCCs is the chief executive and monitoring officer, whereas the West Midlands PCC has appointed three assistants to sit on a strategic policing and crime board.59

34. The appointment of assistant and deputy commissioners has been a source of media interest since the 2012 elections. The fact that PCCs are free to appoint whoever they choose as deputy has inevitably led to public concern over a lack of transparency and, in some cases, accusations of cronyism, which have been damaging to the reputation of commissioners.60 In three cases (Humberside, Sussex and West Mercia) such appointments have taken place despite the police and crime panel recommending against. In Sussex, for example, the panel said it had not been “provided with a role profile, or […]

59 Q 440 (Police and Crime Commissioner for the West Midlands) 60 PCC0033 (Police Foundation), para 21

Page 143 14 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date sufficient information to explain the nature and scope of the role, its functions or responsibilities”.61 The West Mercia Police and Crime Panel told us it had been very critical of the commissioner over a perceived lack of transparency in his choice of candidate, which even resulted in a vote of ‘no confidence’.62 Elsewhere, the West Yorkshire panel endorsed the commissioner’s choice of deputy, but only after several members had voiced concerns. Its subsequent chair, Cllr Allison Lowe, told us she thought the PCC had failed to demonstrate a need for the post, and that it was “a waste of taxpayers’ money”.63

35. Similar concerns have hung over the appointment of assistant commissioners. For example, all three of the assistant PCCs in the West Midlands are Labour councillors, despite having been hired through an ostensibly open and transparent recruitment process. In Northamptonshire, the Conservative PCC has subsequently appointed four assistant commissioners, one of whom was his campaign agent and another his campaign spokesperson.

36. Policy Exchange and Lord Wasserman both robustly supported the right of commissioners to appoint deputies.64 The former told us “PCCs should not be squeamish about appointing the people they need to do a good job”. In evidence, several commissioners gave reasons why they had chosen to appoint a deputy. Often they have done so to fill a gap they had identified in their own experience. For instance, the Thames Valley PCC appointed a deputy who was able to advise him on Buckinghamshire issues.65 The Warwickshire PCC told us his deputy’s knowledge of the county and its politics had been invaluable to him.66 The Sussex PCC said her deputy, who had previously been the chair of the police authority, had been “an incredible asset”.67 She likened the right to make such an appointment equivalent to that of a local authority leader choosing a deputy.68 Although another witness noted that deputies in those cases were also elected politicians, and so remained accountable to the electorate.69

37. One option for improving the transparency of the process for deputies is for them to stand for election on a dual ticket with the candidate for commissioner.70 This would have been the preference of the PCCs for West Yorkshire and the West Midlands.71 Where such appointments are proposed post-election, others suggested there should be an open and transparent recruitment process, requiring greater clarity on why the post is required, what

61 PCC0004 (Gabriel Webber), para 3a 62 PCC0021 (West Mercia Police and Crime Panel), para 6 63 Q 531 (Chair of the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel) 64 Qq 377 (Policy Exchange) and 404 (Lord Wasserman) 65 Q 228 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley) 66 PCC0035 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire) 67 Q 179 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex) 68 Q 227 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex) 69 Q 309 (Professor Ian Loader, Stevens Commission) 70 PCC0049 (Roger Seabourne), para 9; Q 479 (Centre for Public Scrutiny) 71 PCC0032 (West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel), para 2.2.2; Q 439 (Police and Crime Commissioner for the West Midlands)

Page 144 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date 15 the role will be, and why the person proposed is the most suitable for the role.72 The Chair of the Surrey Police and Crime Panel also proposed that panels should have some power of veto, and the ability to remove a deputy in circumstances where it was apparent that they were not the most appropriate person for the job.73

38. The employment of assistants and deputies has raised inevitable accusations of cronyism. Whilst we do not question the right of commissioners to appoint a deputy, their appointment must be transparent and instil public confidence. We recommend that at the 2016 elections, candidates for commissioner should be able to name their intended deputies so that they are elected on the same ticket. In cases where a commissioner subsequently seeks to appoint a deputy post-election, the Home Office should set out a clear process for the conduct of their selection. The police and crime panel should also have the power to veto the appointment.

39. We believe the status of assistant PCCs is ambiguous and risks creating public confusion about their role, and that the nomenclature should be avoided. In some cases their appointment appears to side-step the scrutiny process required by statute for deputies. In some areas the appointment of multiple assistants could be seen as an attempt by the PCCs in those areas to recreate the former police authorities. We are also concerned that such appointments do not meet the requirement for posts below the level of deputy to be politically restricted. We recommend that the appointment of posts aside from deputy commissioner should in all cases be subject to an open and transparent recruitment process similar to that for entry to the Civil Service or local government, with that process approved by the chief executive of the office of the PCC.

Target setting and crime statistics

40. In recent years the Government has sought to promote the operational independence of chief constables by scrapping national targets for crime reduction. The current administration removed the final national targets, which related to improving public confidence in the police, in 2010. Since then, it has set police forces the more general objective to reduce and prevent crime.

41. When they came to office, many commissioners adopted a similar approach to target- setting. The Surrey PCC told us one of his first acts was to do away with numerical targets, which he described as providing “reassurance for politicians, but […] mean very little to the wider public”.74 The Greater Manchester PCC said he had done away with targets, “preferring instead new, meatier performance reports” that took a more rounded view.75 Elsewhere, the Cambridgeshire PCC said he had “gone to great lengths not to set targets”.76 Yet this pattern has not been consistent across all commissioners. A BBC analysis of police

72 Qq 377 (Police Foundation), 444 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon and Somerset), and 521 (Chair of the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel) 73 Q 540 (Chair of the Surrey Police and Crime Panel) 74 PCC0008 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey), para 2.1 75 PCC0042 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Greater Manchester), para 2.3 76 Q 26 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire)

Page 145 16 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date and crime plans in 2013 found that 18 out of 41 PCCs were using targets or performance measures to hold their chief constables to account, using a total of 178 performance targets.77

42. The main driver for the move away from target-setting at a national and force-level has been concern that they create perverse incentives to under or misreport crime. The Police- Recorded Crime (PRC) statistics in particular have been seen to be susceptible to such gaming. Indeed, colleagues on the Public Administration Select Committee have recently published a damning report on the reliability of PRC data, following evidence from a whistleblower from the Metropolitan Police. Among the reasons given for the inaccuracy of PRC statistics were a lack of awareness and understanding of the National Crime Recording Standard and the cessation of independent audits since 2006-07, but also pressures associated with the use of performance measures.78 In November 2013 the Chief Constable for Derbyshire, Mike Creedon, was widely reported for claiming there remained an obsession with crime figures, and that as a result many forces did everything they could to ensure recorded crime was not going up. In January 2014 the UK Statistics Authority stripped the PRC statistics of their designation as National Statistics.

43. We asked many of our witnesses whether they recognised the concerns raised by Mike Creedon and others. Lord Stevens told us he believed that the manipulation of PRC data was happening in certain forces. He described to us a Police Federation sergeants branch annual meeting he had attended where a number of participants had told him “the biggest scandal coming our way is the recording of crime”.79 In his evidence, the Chair of the Police Federation said: “I still have concerns about the accuracy of crime recording”.80 But the chief constables we spoke to said they had confidence in the PRC statistics. The Chief Constable for Bedfordshire told us they had a rigorous independent audit trail that had a 98 per cent compliance rate.81 Sir Hugh Orde, the President of the Association of Chief Police Officers said he did not recognise the level and extent described by Mike Creedon.82 Indeed, chief constables rely on the crime figures to determine where best to allocate their resources. As the Chief Constable for Thames Valley put it: “It is absolutely in my interest to make sure that the crime figures are accurate”.83 The Chief Constable for Sussex also noted that in his force, at least, crime statistics did not form any part of the system for reward, recruitment, selection or promotion.84

44. In response to heightened concern over the quality of PRC data, many of the commissioners we spoke to said they had instigated reviews to ensure their police forces

77 PCC0033 (Police Foundation), para 7 78 Public Administration Committee, 13th Report of Session 2013-14, Caught red-handed: Why we can't count on Police Recorded Crime statistics, HC 760 79 Q 346 (Lord Stevens) 80 Q 618 (Police Federation) 81 Q 77 (Chief Constable for Bedfordshire) 82 Q 91 (Association of Chief Police Officers) 83 Q 244 (Chief Constable for Thames Valley) 84 Q 248 (Chief Constable for Sussex)

Page 146 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date 17 were compliant.85 In February 2013, HMIC published a report on crime recording in Kent, commissioned by the PCC in the wake of the arrest of five detectives in Maidstone following an anti-corruption investigation, and unease at the level of no-criming by the force, particularly in relation to rape. No-criming is where the police subsequently judge that no crime took place. In 2010-11, 30 per cent of rape cases in Kent were no-crimed— the highest of any force. 86 The inspection found that Kent Police were under-recording approximately one in every 10 crimes, and that many crimes were not being resolved appropriately. It concluded that “appreciably more needs to be done before the people of Kent can be confident that the crime and resolution figures published by the force are as accurate as they should be”.87

45. The Kent PCC told us she was “shocked by the report”.88 However, a number of interventions over the course of 2013 have seen an improvement in processes, and a subsequent HMIC report published in January 2014 concluded that the force had made considerable progress. One of the reasons it gave was the move away from a target-based approach to managing performance to one that focused on outcomes and quality of service. The report noted that: “This has already had a beneficial effect, but more needs to be done in terms of training and raising awareness of the new approach”.89 HMIC is now conducting a force-by-force audit of crime recording, commissioned by the Home Secretary, which it expects to report in the autumn.

46. Public confidence in the veracity of crime data has been severely undermined by recent revelations, culminating in the withdrawal of their designation as National Statistics. We welcome the work that HMIC, commissioners and chief constables are now undertaking to ensure the robustness of crime data, especially as they constitute a key indicator on which the public will assess the performance of commissioners in 2016.

47. We note that target-setting has been cited as one of the reasons for the manipulation of crime figures. We are concerned, therefore, that a large number of commissioners have set targets or performance measures as part of their police and crime plans. Where this is the case, it is vital that PCCs ensure such targets operate as intended and do not act as incentives for the gaming of crime statistics in the future. We recommend that all such commissioners review urgently the auditing arrangements they have in place. We are mindful also that as the next elections approach many PCCs will feel under pressure to demonstrate their effectiveness. It will be the responsibility of chief constables to ensure this does not translate into pressure on forces to under or misreport crime.

85 Qq 10 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire), 12 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Greater Manchester), 136 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley), and 420 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon and Somerset) 86 HMIC, Crime recording in Kent: a report commissioned by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent, February 2013 87 Ibid. 88 Q 637 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent) 89 HMIC, Crime Recording in Kent – An interim progress report commissioned by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent, January 2014

Page 147 18 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date

Support for victims

48. During 2014 and 2015 the commissioning of services for victims will transfer from the Ministry of Justice to PCCs. At present, the referral of victims from police forces and their subsequent support is largely provided by Victim Support, a national charity set up in 2008 following the merger of 77 local victim support charities. It is funded by central Government grant. From October 2014 a number of PCCs will begin providing locally commissioned referral and support services for victims for which they will receive direct funding from the Ministry of Justice. From 2015 all PCCs will be responsible for commissioning such services.

49. Victim Support is working with PCCs and the Government to manage the transition over the next year, but has identified several potential risks.90 First, new providers will have to develop their own training and ensure it is fit for purpose. Second, there is a possibility that volunteers who had previously worked for Victim Support will leave the sector rather than work for another organisation, for instance, the local police. Third, local providers will need to ensure they have IT networks that are secure to the Government’s requisite standard for holding information on victims’ cases. Finally, changes to the Victims Code and Witness Charter, publicity around the treatment of vulnerable victims and witnesses, and the introduction of the Victims Right to Review have all raised public expectations over the quality of service victims should receive at a time when the delivery mechanism for those services is changing. This a particular concern given the recent report by HMIC on domestic violence and abuse, which found that the current police response is failing victims.91

50. The Association of PCCs told us that 20 commissioners had the provision of support and protection for victims as a priority in their police and crime plans.92 For example, the Cheshire PCC said the transfer of funding “offers a real opportunity for us to put victims at the heart of the criminal justice system and ensure that victims no longer fall through the cracks”.93

51. Many PCCs seem to be taking seriously the responsibility they are due to take on for commissioning victims services. There is a potential opportunity to make a significant improvement to the quality of services offered in this area. However, there are also a number of risks, particularly during the transition phase. We recommend that HMIC evaluate the approach taken after PCCs take over responsibility for commissioning victims services in October 2014 so as to inform decision-making by PCCs in the second tranche. We further recommend that before the next PCC elections, HMIC conduct a full evaluation of the move to local commissioning to inform the approach taken by the next generation of PCCs.

90 PCC0028 (Victim Support) 91 HMIC, Everyone’s business: Improving the police response to domestic abuse, March 2014 92 PCC0034 (Association of Police and Crime Commissioners), para 8.3 93 PCC0005 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire), para 5

Page 148 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date 19

Commissioner-led campaigns

52. Evidence from the first 18 months of the work of commissioners suggest they can provide a voice for influencing policy at a national level. PCCs have campaigned on a range of issues. For example, the West Yorkshire PCC has pushed for a larger proportion of the funds seized from criminals under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 to be invested back into the local areas from which they came for use in community anti-crime initiatives. At present, half of the funds go to the Home Office for use on core purposes. We received evidence from the National Federation of Retail Newsagents supporting this proposal, and there is currently an e-petition entitled ‘Give us back all the money recovered from criminals to keep our communities safe’.94 Elsewhere, a group of 11 commissioners have recently put their weight behind the Government’s proposals to introduce standardised packaging for cigarettes and other tobacco products. In a letter to The Times they argue that: “Unbranded packaging has the potential to save many lives and reduce the financial burden on our public services”. They also describe the tobacco industry’s fear that it will lead to an increase in counterfeiting as “nonsense”.

53. Police and crime commissioners are increasingly using their voice to lobby Government on policies that are formed at a national level. We welcome this, and hope that they continue to do so.

Overall effectiveness of commissioners to date

54. In evidence the Home Office and PCCs themselves cited a range of ways in which they have sought to make an impact since their election 18 months ago. In Kent the PCC has rolled out a fleet of ‘mobile police contact points’ to make it easier for people in rural areas to report a crime or anti-social behaviour. The Cheshire PCC has introduced a mobile app that allows users to report crime directly to the police, whilst the Gloucestershire PCC has launched a mobile app that allows young people to safely provide information on gang- related activity in Gloucester, and which lets them speak directly to a multi-agency team that will provide support. In North Wales, Suffolk and Thames Valley the PCCs have unveiled initiatives to tackle rural crime. This has included the introduction of a ‘Country Watch’ messaging system in the Thames Valley area to which 7,500 people have signed up to receive crime alerts, witness appeals, details of police operations, among others. Elsewhere, in Staffordshire the PCC has introduced a number plate recognition system to identify uninsured vehicles, which resulted in over 700 vehicles being seized during its first four months, as well as improving how police work with the local court system.95 These examples show the various ways in which commissioners have developed innovative ways of responding to local concerns and priorities. Furthermore, as the Chair of the Association of PCCs noted, they are the kind of initiatives that would not have been done under the former police authorities.96

94 PCC0011 (National Federation of Retail Newsagents), para 11 95 PCC0001 (Home Office), para 10, 14, 15, and 49-52 96 Q 5 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Greater Manchester)

Page 149 20 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date

55. The majority of our witnesses, however, believed it was too early to tell whether the new model of police governance had proven a force for good.97 First, there are many factors that affect crime, such as socio-economic effects or national policy decisions, which are largely outside the control of commissioners. It is therefore impossible at this stage to disaggregate any effect brought about by PCCs. Indeed, the current downward trend in crime levels, measured by the Crime Survey for England and Wales, largely predates the introduction of commissioners. Second, because PCCs are required to respect the operational independence of chief constables, it will take time for any changes in strategic direction brought about by the commissioner to have an effect. Third, whilst many PCCs have developed innovative ideas, generally it will take time to determine what outcomes they have achieved.98 Finally, any assessment of the contribution of commissioners must separate their performance as individuals from the effectiveness of the role itself.99 As the Police Foundation put it: “we need to give this model time to run before we discard it”.100

56. It is too early to say whether the introduction of police and crime commissioners has been a success. As such this inquiry should be seen as a progress report, rather than a definitive assessment of the PCC model. Indeed, even by 2016 it may be difficult to draw a national picture because of the range of different approaches being taken by commissioners, although this should be possible after the term then commencing. However, one clear message from our evidence is that PCCs have provided greater clarity of leadership for policing within their areas, and are increasingly recognised by the public as accountable for the strategic direction of their police force.

97 For example, PCC0011 (National Federation of Retail Newsagents), PCC0019 (Surrey Police and Crime Panel), para 1.3, PCC0020 (Police Federation), para 12, PCC0021 (West Mercia Police and Crime Panel), para 3, PCC0024 (Hampshire Police and Crime Panel), para 1.3, PCC0033 (Police Foundation), para 25, PCC0037 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire), para 1, and PCC0047 (Frank A. Chapman), para 4; Qq 6 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire), 363 (CoPaCC), 451 (Local Government Association) and 468 (Centre for Public Scrutiny) 98 PCC0033 (Police Foundation), para 3 99 PCC0033 (Police Foundation), para 25, and PCC0037 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire), para 2 100 Q 363 (Police Foundation)

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3 The relationship between commissioners and chief constables

57. The relationship between commissioners and chief constables is a key aspect of the new governance model for policing. It is unsurprising, therefore, that it is an area which has attracted concern during the first 18 months in which PCCs have been in post. This has been particularly the case for those instances where the relationship has broken down. In this Chapter we examine the various approaches PCCs have taken to holding chief constables to account, and consider the process for removing a chief constable when they have lost the confidence of their commissioner.

Holding chief constables to account

58. The basis for the relationship between PCCs and chief constables is set out in the Policing Protocol Order 2011. This states that the commissioner has “a statutory duty and electoral mandate to hold the police to account on behalf of the public”. The Order also empowers PCCs to “scrutinise, support and challenge the overall performance of the force including against the priorities agreed within the Police and Crime Plan”, and to “hold the Chief Constable to account for the performance of the force’s officers and staff”. However, it also states that commissioners “must not fetter the operational independence of the police force and the Chief Constable who leads it”.

59. The evidence we received suggested PCCs were taking seriously their statutory duties, and had developed a range of ways to hold their chief constables to account. Many have done so using public meetings. For example, the Cheshire PCC holds quarterly ‘public scrutiny meetings’ where the chief constable is held to account against the objectives set out in the police and crime plan.101 The Surrey PCC’s bi-monthly management meetings with the chief constable are webcast live, with agendas and other meeting papers published online.102 So too are the Warwickshire PCC’s regular public meetings, the Sussex PCC’s monthly ‘performance and accountability meetings’, and the Avon and Somerset PCC’s ‘joint community meetings’, for the latter of which the public can submit questions via email and twitter.103 Commissioners have taken different approaches to structuring such meetings. In Greater Manchester, forums based around a single theme have involved the chief constable being questioned not just by the PCC and his deputy, but also a range of panellists from different walks of life and political backgrounds.104 In Kent, regular ‘Meet the Commissioner’ and ‘Meet the Chief Constable’ meetings take place around the county. These are unstructured, and anyone is encouraged to write in or turn up to ask about any

101 PCC0005 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire), para 2 102 PCC0008 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey), para 2.3 103 PCC0001 (Home Office), para 6, PCC0035 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire), para 8, and PCC0030 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex), para 9 104 PCC0042 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Greater Manchester), para 3.1; Q 124 (Chief Constable for Greater Manchester)

Page 151 22 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date issue that concerns them.105 In Hampshire, the PCC holds bi-monthly ‘Commissioner’s Performance, Accountability, Scrutiny and Strategy’ or COMPASS meetings, based around a single theme, for which the public is invited to attend and observe, but can submit questions in advance which the commissioner will put to the chief constable.106

60. In addition to public meetings, PCCs also hold regular private meetings with their chief constables. In some cases these are structured and minuted, with reports and minutes subsequently published online.107 In other cases, meetings are informal and may be conducted over the phone or face-to-face. As the Chief Constable for Greater Manchester put it: “The key thing is the phone call at any time of the day or night”.108 Most commissioners use a combination of formal and informal private meetings. For example, the Chief Constable for Bedfordshire told us she met her commissioner between three and four times a week.109

61. Some PCCs have developed additional scrutiny and monitoring arrangements. The Cleveland PCC told us he used mystery shoppers and independent custody visitors who reported directly to him on the services delivered by the chief constable and her force.110 The Surrey PCC’s staff attend Surrey Police meetings as a way of gaining a more detailed understanding of the force’s performance.111 Elsewhere, the Avon and Somerset PCC has established a panel of independent residents which reviews complaint files against the police force and publishes reports.112 Finally, the Thames Valley and Lincolnshire PCCs told us they used negotiated performance measures to hold their chief constables to account.113 We have discussed already the risks of an over-reliance on performance measures in the previous chapter.

62. The Chief Constable for Kent told us the arrangements for holding him to account were significantly less burdensome than under the former Kent Police Authority. He estimated that the amount the Force spent on preparing for governance boards, audit committees, and police and crime panels was approximately 57 per cent less than under the previous arrangements.114 If extrapolated across police forces, this equated to an annual saving of around £270,000 in police time.

63. Because they have to work so closely together, commissioners and chief constables must strike a balance that permits them to engage constructively in a non-adversarial

105 Q 643 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent) 106 PCC0024 (Hampshire Police and Crime Panel), para 2.2 107 For example, PCC0017 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon and Somerset), para 3.2, PCC0018 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley), para 7, PCC0030 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex), para 8, PCC0035 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire), para 8, and PCC0045 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria) 108 Q 124 (Chief Constable for Greater Manchester) 109 Q 124 (Chief Constable for Bedfordshire) 110 PCC0006 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland), para 3.3 111 PCC0008 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey), para 2.4 112 PCC0017 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon and Somerset), para 3.2 113 PCC0018 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley), para 7, and PCC0031 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire), para 2.1 114 PCC0059 (Kent Police)

Page 152 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date 23 manner, but which also provides opportunity for challenge. We asked several of those who gave oral evidence to describe their relationship. The Northumbria PCC told us: “we do not always agree—we have a strong and effective relationship and can disagree while retaining mutual respect”.115 The Chief Constable for Bedfordshire said her relationship was “critical, but very friendly”, whilst the West Midlands PCC described it as “One of mutual respect and one of trust […]”.116 Several witnesses refuted the idea that their relationship was cosy, although the Chief Constable for Avon and Somerset admitted that those chief constables who had been appointed since the new governance arrangements came into place were more likely to have “an alignment of approach” with their commissioner.117 In contrast, there have been some very public examples of a breakdown in the relationship between chief constable and commissioner, which we have examined in previous reports, and look at again in the next section.

64. Notwithstanding the nature of the relationship between PCCs and chief constables, our evidence suggested there are some risks inherent in the new governance structure. The Police Foundation argued that more informal interactions, which are unrecorded, could result in less transparency to decision-making than existed under the police authority model. Whilst a more informal process allowed decisions to be reached more quickly, it could become more difficult for police and crime panels to scrutinise those decisions after the event.118

65. A further risk is that, in holding chief constables to account, commissioners may inadvertently or otherwise interfere with their operational independence, contrary to the Policing Protocol. This was a particular concern of the Police Federation, who told us its members had provided anecdotal evidence that PCCs were “interfering in operational matters outside their remit”. This was especially the case for commissioners who had prior experience in policing, and so “found it difficult to let go of the reins of previous roles”.119 The Chief Constable for Thames Valley noted that whilst some areas, such as budget- setting and the drawing up of the police and crime plan, clearly sat with the PCC, and others, such as the decision to investigate or arrest, were the responsibility of the chief constable, there would inevitably be a “grey area” in between.120 She gave the example of staffing smaller police stations that have a low foot-fall. On the one hand, the decision to keep these open is an operational one as part of the allocation of scarce resources. But the commissioner will also have an interest because of the community effects and because they may have a priority to maintain front-line policing. In such situations, both commissioner and chief constable may have a legitimate locus.

66. Finally, the Stevens Commission recently concluded that commissioners’ “new powers of dismissal risk exerting a damaging chilling effect over the leadership of the police

115 PCC0045 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria) 116 Qq 83 (Chief Constable for Bedfordshire) and 427 (Police and Crime Commissioner for the West Midlands) 117 Qq 235 (Chief Constable for Sussex), 425 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon and Somerset), 432 (Chief Constable for Avon and Somerset), and 654 (Chief Constable for Kent) 118 PCC0033 (Police Foundation), para 20 119 PCC0020 (Police Federation) 120 Q 262 (Chief Constable for Thames Valley)

Page 153 24 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date service, and undermining the relationship that should ideally exist between a chief constable and a PCC”.121 Professor Loader from the Commission likened the position of chief constables now to one of football managers reliant on the confidence of the club boss, whereas a preferred model would be a “system in which chief constables can exercise and articulate their professional judgement without fear of being sacked if they lose the confidence of their PCC”.122 In contrast, Lord Wasserman believed that everyone lived with the prospect of losing their job, and chief constables should be no different.123 Policy Exchange argued that, rather than viewing the relationship as having a chilling effect, it should be seen as one of “creative healthy tension”.124 Perhaps unsurprisingly, the commissioners we raised this with agreed. The Thames Valley PCC described the conclusion of the Stevens Commission as “a huge exaggeration”, whilst the Kent PCC said: “I do not see the evidence for it”—a view also taken by the Chief Constable for Sussex.125

67. Commissioners have developed a range of informal and formal approaches to holding their chief constables to account, both in private and in public, for the delivery of policing. The relationship between both parties has to balance an open and constructive approach with robust challenge where necessary. Commissioners must continue to guard against the inherent risks of the new governance model by ensuring decision-making is as transparent as possible, and avoid any temptation to interfere in the operational independence of chief constables in accordance with the Policing Protocol. Indeed, commissioners and chief constables should regard the Policing Protocol as the foundation on which their relationship is based, and training on it should form part of the induction period we have proposed for PCCs. Behind the new accountability framework lies the power of PCCs to fire their chief constable. Whilst the Stevens Commission concluded that this power risked having a chilling effect on the decision-making of chief constables, the evidence we received does not support this assertion.

The process for the removal of a chief constable

68. In our previous Report on PCCs’ power to remove their chief constables we said: “it is essential to commissioners’ role as directly elected office-holders that they have the power to dismiss chief constables”.126 This power and its effects, perceived or otherwise, has been one of the most controversial aspects of the new governance arrangements for policing. But as the Police Foundation told us: “if [the] relationship breaks down irretrievably, someone has to have that power to remove the other”.127 Policy Exchange put it bluntly: “At least this way everybody knows who is taking the decision and there is proper

121 Policing for a better Britain, November 2013 122 Q 296 (Professor Ian Loader, Stevens Commission) 123 Q 389 (Lord Wasserman) 124 Q 386 (Policy Exchange) 125 Qq 201 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley), 269 (Chief Constable for Sussex), and 667 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent) 126 Home Affairs Committee, Sixth Report of Session 2013-14, Police and Crime Commissioners: power to remove Chief Constables, HC 487 127 Q 364 (Police Foundation)

Page 154 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date 25 democratic accountability for it”.128 Notwithstanding the right of commissioners to hold and exercise such a power, the evidence we received to this inquiry suggested several ways in which the process for the removal of chief constables could be improved: by tightening up the existing legislation, by providing better training to commissioners, and through a formalised mediation process between PCCs and chief constables.

69. Section 38(2) of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 states that a PCC “may suspend from duty the chief constable of the police force for that area”. Where a suspension is in relation to the conduct of a chief constable, the Police (Conduct) Regulations 2012 require clear grounds for such action, and provide for a process of review. But, as policing barrister James Berry noted, the legislation is silent on the grounds for suspension where the decision does not relate to conduct, nor does the Home Office provide guidance on how it might be applied, or what safeguards should be taken into account to ensure any suspensions are fair and proportionate.129

70. In the same way, Section 38(3) of the 2011 Act permits a commissioner to “call upon the chief constable of the police force for that area to resign or retire”, but again is silent on the grounds upon which they may be required to do so. The Chief Constable for Thames Valley noted that this contrasted with the previous legislation, which empowered a police authority to remove a chief constable “in the interests of efficiency and effectiveness”.130 Like any employer, PCCs must still take account of employment and discrimination law in reaching a decision to use Section 38(3) to remove their chief constable. But the lack of any guidance or criteria from the Home Office on its use is more likely to result in its interpretation being tested in court. James Berry told us: “The answer may not be one which the Home Office or Parliament intended”.131

71. To date, no commissioner has attempted to use their power under Section 38(3). Were they to do so, Schedule 8 of the 2011 Act sets out the process they must follow. This requires them to provide a written explanation to the chief constable, who can in turn make a written representation to the PCC. The commissioner must notify the police and crime panel and provide a copy of the reasons given to the chief constable as well as any written representations. The panel is required to consult HMIC and hold a scrutiny meeting where it can take evidence from both parties. It must then make a recommendation to the commissioner. However, the decision ultimately rests with the PCC irrespective of the panel’s determination. It was this final point that dissuaded Carmel Napier, former Chief Constable for Gwent, from challenging the Gwent PCC to use the statutory process when he asked her to take retirement in June 2013. In other words, she did not see any value to using the Schedule 8 process because she believed the end result would be the same. Furthermore, because the statutory process was not engaged, there was no formal role for the police and crime panel. The Local Government Association told us

128 Q 385 (Policy Exchange) 129 PCC0039 (James Berry), para 15 130 Q 267 (Chief Constable for Thames Valley) 131 PCC0039 (James Berry), para 11

Page 155 26 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date the case “highlights the relative ease with which PCCs are able to circumvent what are already limited formal powers of scrutiny”.132

72. A further difficulty with the legislation relates to the extension of chief constables’ contracts. At present appointments are made for a fixed term of five years. This is extendable for three years, and thereafter on a year-by-year basis subject to agreement between the post-holder and the PCC. Where a chief constable is close to the end of their contract, a commissioner may decide not to allow an extension. This was the case in Avon and Somerset, where the chief constable had already completed eight years in post and the incoming PCC decided not to renew his contract on a yearly basis, instead inviting him to re-apply for his post, which he chose not to do. Again, there is no statutory process for scrutiny of the decision by a commissioner not to extend a chief constable’s contract in the same way there that is for their appointment or removal. As one witness put it, a PCC who held concerns about the performance of their chief constable who was nearing the end of their contract, could simply ‘let the clock tick’, thereby avoiding scrutiny by the police and crime panel.133

73. In addition to discrepancies in the legislation, there is also a case for improving the training for commissioners in handling the suspension and removal of their chief constable. For example, in Lincolnshire, the PCC’s suspension of the temporary chief constable was overturned following a Judicial Review which found that the decision had been “irrational and perverse”. The taskforce finally set up by the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel to review the case subsequently recommended that commissioners be provided with induction training “with a focus on Police Regulations and employment law/human rights legislation”.134

74. In the cases of Gwent, Avon and Somerset, and Lincolnshire, an underlying factor that will have played a role in the subsequent events in each case was the working relationship between the PCC and chief constable. Where that relationship breaks down, there may be a case for some kind of mediation process. For example, the Chief Constable for Thames Valley told us that in the Gwent case it would have been better to have had some kind of discussion about what the issues were before making the request to retire.135 One suggestion was that HMIC could play a role in this respect. Another was that the PCC’s chief executive or the deputy chief constable could provide such mediation.136 Indeed, Section 42 of the Policing Protocol Order 2011 states that local resolution of differences should be sought where possible, although “professional advice may be offered by HMIC”.

75. The removal of a chief constable should follow due process. It is clear to us that there are a number of ways in which the procedure of removing a chief constable can be improved to promote greater public confidence. We recommend that the Home Office bring forward proposals to amend the powers of commissioners to suspend or remove

132 PCC0007 (Local Government Association), para 16 133 PCC0049 (Cllr Roger Seabourne), para 10 134 Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel, Task Group Scrutiny Report, January 2014 135 Q 267 (Chief Constable for Thames Valley) 136 Qq 260 (Chief Constable for Thames Valley) and 270 (Chief Constable for Sussex)

Page 156 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date 27 chief constables under Section 38(2) and 38(3) of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 by stipulating the grounds on which they may do so. The Home Office should also provide guidance to commissioners on the use of their powers in both respects. In the case of a suspension there should also be a clear system of safeguards similar to those which guide suspension in respect of conduct.

76. We are concerned that commissioners can side-step the statutory scrutiny process set out in Schedule 8 to the 2011 Act for the removal of a chief constable by simply threatening to use it. Accordingly, we recommend that police and crime panels inquire and report into the circumstances whenever a chief constable’s service is brought to an end irrespective of whether the Schedule 8 scrutiny process is formally engaged.

77. It is also not right that the statutory scrutiny process can be side-stepped where a chief constable is close to the end of their contract, and the commissioner chooses not to agree an extension. We recommend that the Home Office bring forward proposals to extend the Schedule 8 process to include scrutiny by the police and crime panel in such instances to bring it in line with the process for the removal of a chief constable.

78. We have recommended earlier in this Report the need for a period of training for new commissioners before they take office. We believe that instruction in respect of their duties under the 2011 Act, the Police (Conduct) Regulations 2012, and other relevant employment law would form a useful aspect of that training period. Finally, we recommend the Home Office, HMIC, CPOSA, and the Association of PCCs work together to develop a third party mediation process that commissioners and chief constables can refer to when their relationship breaks down. Training on this process should also be included in the induction period for new commissioners.

Page 157 28 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date

4 Scrutiny of commissioners by police and crime panels

79. The Government proposed police and crime panels at a late stage in the passage of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill to assuage concern that, once elected, commissioners would not be subject to sufficient scrutiny for their actions and decisions. The Government’s expectation was for panels to provide ‘light-touch’ scrutiny, and funded them accordingly.137 In previous chapters we examined the part played by panels in the appointment of deputy and assistant commissioners, and in respect of the removal or suspension of chief constables. In this Chapter we consider how they have approached their scrutiny functions more generally, and where there may be scope to strengthen their role.

The developing role of panels

80. The 2011 Act and the Policing Protocol Order 2011 gave police and crime panels a range of powers, including to:

• Scrutinise all decisions or actions by the commissioner;

• Require the commissioner to provide information and answer questions;

• Make reports and recommendations on the police and crime plan and annual report, of which the commissioner must take account and respond;

• Hold public meetings to discuss the annual report and to question the commissioner on its contents;

• Carry out confirmation hearings when a commissioner proposes to appoint a deputy, a chief executive, or chief finance officer;

• Work to resolve non-criminal complaints made about the commissioner;

• Ask HMIC for a professional view when the commissioner intends to dismiss a chief constable;

• Suspend the commissioner if they are charged with an imprisonable offence which carries a maximum term of two years or more;

• Appoint an acting commissioner if the elected one cannot carry out their role, for example, for health reasons or following resignation or disqualification;

• Veto the commissioner’s first precept proposal, and recommend that it be increased or decreased (although they cannot veto the revised proposal); and

137 PCC0007 (Local Government Association), para 7

Page 158 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date 29

• Veto the commissioner’s proposed candidate for chief constable (although they cannot veto the reserve candidate).

81. The composition of panels depends on the number of local authorities within the force area. Where a force area has ten or fewer local authorities, the panel should have ten members plus as least two independent co-opted members. Where a force area has more than ten local authorities, the number of members corresponds to the number of local authorities in the force area plus as least two independent co-opted members. Panels may co-opt additional members as long as the total number does not exceed 20 and the Secretary of State approves the co-options. Overall, the composition of panels is meant to reflect the political and geographical balance of councillors within the force area. Inevitably, this means that often the majority of members on the panel will have the same party affiliation as the commissioner, where they are not an independent. Furthermore, CoPaCC told us that in 26 areas the panel chair had the same party affiliation as the commissioner, and that this could result in the panel providing less challenging scrutiny.138

82. Although the Local Government Association has provided some guidance for the nascent work of panels, and we also note the work of CoPaCC in this regard, the Police Foundation noted that there are no real national standards as to how panels should perform their role. As a result, there has been variation in the way working practices have developed between different areas.139 The Centre for Public Scrutiny recently published a report, which sought to capture some of the experience of panels to date.140 The staff who support panels split their experience into two phases—an initial steep learning curve, followed by period of more proactive work by panels.

83. In the first phase, the work of panels has largely involved their focusing on statutory duties, such as confirmation hearings, scrutinising police and crime plans, and agreeing precept proposals. As with commissioners, this has involved panels developing an understanding of their statutory duties, which has at times resulted in disagreements between the two parties. Several PCCs voiced concerns that their respective panels had struggled to understand their role, and had at times over-reached their powers.141 The Thames Valley PCC told us his panel had at times appeared to be scrutinising the performance of the police force and the chief constable, rather than the commissioner.142 The Lincolnshire PCC also told us the panel’s work had focused too much on operational policing, rather than on the decisions he had taken.143 In fairness to police and crime panels, the Centre for Public Scrutiny told us it was not always easy to separate operational and strategic matters, and that often to have an understanding of the latter, it required information on the former.144 Another concern among PCCs was that in discussions over

138 Q 372 (CoPaCC) 139 PCC0033 (Police Foundation), para 11 140 Centre for Public Scrutiny, Police and Crime Panels: the first year, February 2014 141 Qq 51 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire) and 657 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent) 142 PCC0018 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley), para 11 143 PCC0031 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire), para 3.1 144 PCC0043 (Centre for Public Scrutiny), para 24

Page 159 30 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date setting the precept some local councillors were not able to separate their constituency concerns from their role in scrutinising the precept for the whole police force area.145

84. The Centre for Public Scrutiny believed that part of the problem was that many police and crime panels had members who had previously sat on the former police authorities, and therefore did not appreciate how their role had changed since November 2012.146 The Centre, the Local Government Association and others called for the Home Office to provide greater clarity on the respective role of panels, commissioners, and their offices, including on the extent of panels’ powers and how and when they should be applied.147

85. The second phase in the development of the work of police and crime panels has seen many conducting more proactive work in a way that is not prescribed in the legislation, but which has nevertheless helped them to fulfil their statutory functions. For example, the Dorset and West Yorkshire panels have developed a ‘rapporteur’ approach, whereby individual panel members take responsibility for particular subject policy areas, so gaining specialist knowledge that better enables them to scrutinise the commissioner.148 In Cleveland and Sussex the panels have established sub-groups to consider in more detail the precept and budget in order to better prepare for the annual precept-setting process. Other panels are using themed meetings to focus in-depth on a particular priority of the commissioner.

86. Overall, a number of witnesses sought to characterise the relationship between commissioners and their panels. The Surrey PCC said he had been subject to “robust and open scrutiny”.149 The West Mercia Police and Crime Panel described the relationship as “positive, with a balance being struck between scrutiny and support”.150 The Sussex PCC told us: “The greatest benefit that panels can bring a police and crime commissioner is as a critical friend”.151 At the conclusion of our inquiry, the Minister told us “they are developing a rhythm of being quite a good scrutiny mechanism […] and I hope and expect them to continue to do that”.152

87. Effective scrutiny by police and crime panels relies on creating a constructive working relationship with the commissioner in which the panel acts as a ‘critical friend’. However, many panels have to date struggled to understand their powers and define their role. Indeed, one former member of a police and crime panel described it as “a crocodile with rubber teeth”. In short, they need to conduct themselves less in the style of the former police authorities, and operate more in the mode of select committees. We recommend that the Home Office provide fuller guidance to panels on

145 PCC0018 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley), PCC0041 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset) and PCC0045 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria) 146 PCC0043 (Centre for Public Scrutiny), para 24 147 PCC0007 (Local Government Association), para 8, PCC0025 (North Wales Police and Crime Panel), para 2.2, PCC0039 (James Berry), para 20, and PCC0043 (Centre for Public Scrutiny), para 26 148 PCC0032 (West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel), para 1.2.4, and PCC0056 (Centre for Public Scrutiny) 149 PCC0008 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey), para 3.2 150 PCC0021 (West Mercia Police and Crime Panel), para 6 151 Q 160 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex) 152 Q 696 (Minister for Policing, Criminal Justice and Victims)

Page 160 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date 31 their role and remit, and how it relates to commissioners. We also recommend that the Local Government Association consider further ways to develop the sharing of best practice between panels. The political balance on panels is also a concern to us, and so we recommend that, where possible in the future, if the chair of a police and crime panel is from the same party as the commissioner, then the panel should consider appointing a deputy chair who is not from that party.

Strengthening the role of panels

88. The police and crime panels that gave evidence to us suggested other ways in which their scrutiny powers could be enhanced. First, a number raised concern at the flow of information from commissioners to panels.153 The sharing of information is crucial to effective scrutiny and maintaining a good relationship between both parties. The Surrey Police and Crime Panel cited an example where the commissioner had agreed to share the recommendations of a review of the county’s neighbourhood policing model before a final decision was made. However, the recommendations of the review were subsequently implemented without the panel having had sight of them.154 In general, the Local Government Association told us there had been a number of cases where panels had only been provided with the information after making repeated requests, and even then it had been incomplete.155

89. One aspect of the difficulty some panels faced in getting information concerned decisions made by commissioners. PCCs are required to publish all decisions they make that are of significant public interest. However, panels are often not kept aware of what decisions the commissioner is planning to make. Indeed, in some cases announcements were made in the media before the panel had been informed.156 Many felt that a requirement on commissioners to produce a forward plan of their key decisions would facilitate better scrutiny by the panel. Furthermore, witnesses felt that the lack of any definition of what constituted a decision led to a range of interpretations being applied.157 Indeed, analysis carried out by CoPaCC showed that during their first 48 weeks in office, one commissioner made just 11 decisions, which they deemed to be of significant public interest, whereas another made 141—almost three per week.158 Whilst variation in the number of decisions will in part be a consequence of different approaches taken by PCCs, it also suggests that some commissioners may be using a narrow definition of what constitutes a decision in order to avoid scrutiny by the police and crime panel.

90. A second issue raised by panels was in respect of scrutiny of the commissioner’s precept proposals. This is an important aspect of the annual work cycle for panels, though the

153 PCC0007 (Local Government Association), para 19, PCC0019 (Surrey Police and Crime Panel), para 2.2, PCC0022 (Welsh Local Government Association), para 14, PCC0024 (Hampshire Police and Crime Panel), and PCC0043 (Centre for Public Scrutiny), para 21 154 PCC0019 (Surrey Police and Crime Panel), para 2.2 155 PCC0007 (Local Government Association), para 20 156 PCC0007 (Local Government Association), para 21, and PCC0022 (Welsh Local Government Association), para 14 157 PCC0043 (Centre for Public Scrutiny), para 26; Q 504 (Chair of the Surrey Police and Crime Panel) 158 CoPaCC, PCC Statutory Transparency, November 2013

Page 161 32 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date experience to date for many has seen the process truncated into so short a timeframe as to preclude the possibility of very meaningful scrutiny by the panel. For example, the Surrey Police and Crime Panel told us its members had only five working days to consider the commissioner’s proposals, convene a meeting, and draft a formal response.159 However, the Dyfed-Powys PCC noted that the scope to provide more time for scrutiny was constrained by the timing of Autumn Statement and the announcement of the Policing Settlement in December.160

91. Finally, some panels raised concern over their role in investigating non-criminal complaints against the PCC.161 Dealing with complaints took up a large amount of panels’ time and resources, and whilst panels are able to carry out investigations, they have no real powers to take action in response. The Cumbria panel noted that the current process risked creating false expectations on the part of complainants.162 The North Wales panel told us that a lack of experience in dealing with complaints had “led to a tentative and some-what proliferated approach to their categorisation”.163 However, other than conveying a sense of frustration at the complaints process, those panels which gave evidence were not able to provide concrete recommendations on how their role could be improved.

92. The Government’s intention was for commissioners to be held to account by the public with police and crime panels providing ‘light touch’ scrutiny. But the low turn- out for the PCC elections and, the lack of a formal ‘Opposition’ between elections, inevitably places a greater emphasis on the role of panels in scrutinising commissioners.

93. To allow panels to conduct more proactive scrutiny, we recommend that the Home Office brings forward proposals to amend the Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011 to require commissioners to publish a forward plan of key decisions, where these are known in advance, and to publish background information on each decision when it is made. The Home Office should also produce accompanying guidance for commissioners on what constitutes a decision. We further recommend that the Local Government Association and the Association of PCCs agree a protocol on the timely provision of information to panels generally, but with particular reference to the precept-setting process, to enable more effective scrutiny by panels. In this area, we also recommend that the Government does not again delay confirmation of police funding to such a late stage as last year, with the Autumn Statement not taking place until December. Finally, we recommend that the Local Government Association undertake in-depth research on panels’ experience to date on complaint handling, so that it can make recommendations to the Home Office on how the process should be improved.

159 Q 19 (Surrey Police and Crime Panel), para 4.1 160 PCC0009 (Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed-Powys) para 3.2 161 PCC0013 (Cumbria Police and Crime Panel), PCC0024 (Hampshire Police and Crime Panel), para 3.5, PCC0025 (North Wales Police and Crime Panel), para 2.7, and PCC0032 (West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel), para 2.2.5 162 Ibid. 163 PCC0025 (North Wales Police and Crime Panel), para 2.7

Page 162 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date 33

Panel resources

94. In 2013-14 the Home Office provided funding of £53,000 for the secretariat support for each police and crime panel. It is understood that the figure was calculated on an expectation that panels would require a single full-time scrutiny officer, and that they would meet only four times a year. During the first 18 months commissioners have been in office it has become apparent that the current funding does not reflect the workload of panels, most of which have met at least seven times a year, with one panel meeting monthly.164 The Chair of the Surrey panel told us she had attended 23 meetings in the previous year, taking into account full panel sessions, sub-groups, briefing meetings, etc.165 Many panels have been informally subsidised by the host authority through, for example, the provision of legal, finance, HR, policy and administrative support. The Local Government Association told us future funding from the Home Office had not been confirmed.166

95. If police and crime panels are to play a stronger role in proactively scrutinising commissioners they need to be resourced accordingly in a way that is sustainable. We recommend the Home Office and Local Government Association undertake research to estimate the actual cost of support for panels to date to determine a more realistic level of funding. We further recommend that to provide long-term certainty, in the future, such funding should come from the police precept.

164 PCC0007 (Local Government Association), para 10, PCC0021 (Welsh Local Government Association), para 11, PCC0025 (North Wales Police and Crime Panel), para 2.4, PCC0043 (Centre for Public Scrutiny), para 28, PCC0047 (Frank A Chapman), para 7; Q 372 (CoPaCC) 165 Q 495 (Chair of the Surrey Police and Crime Panel) 166 PCC0007 (Local Government Association), para 28

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Annex: Register of police and crime commissioners’ disclosable interests

The information in the table below is drawn from the website of each police and crime commissioner. It includes information from PCCs’ registers of any interests which might conflict with their role, or that of the deputy, including every other pecuniary interest or other paid positions that they hold. Commissioners’ salaries are set by the Home Secretary by recommendation of the Senior Salaries Review Board.

Other employment or business: includes any other paid employment or business, including as a partner or remunerated director, in addition to the role of commissioner or deputy commissioner.

Beneficial interests (land): includes any land within the police force area in which the commissioner or deputy has a beneficial interest.

Beneficial interests (others): includes any securities held by the commissioner in a body which has a place of business or land in the police force area, and which either have a nominal value in excess of £25,000, or if the share capital of each body is of more than one class, the total nominal value of the shares of any one class exceeds one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that class.

Licence to occupy land: any licence which the commissioner or deputy commissioner has entered into to occupy land within the police force area.

Memberships or position of control or management: includes any body to which he/she has been appointed or nominated by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner as its representative; any public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature; any company, industrial and provident society, charity or body directed to charitable purposes; any body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy; and any trade union or professional association. Some commissioners have disclosed information on directorship or trustee positions, but do not provide information on memberships.

Police and crime Interests disclosed commissioner Avon and Somerset Other employment or business: None Sue Mountstevens Beneficial interests (land): Home address Salary: £85,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Avon and Somerset: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No directorships; no information provided on memberships

Bedfordshire Other employment or business: Serving soldier in the Army Olly Martins Reserve Salary: £70,000 Beneficial interests (land): Property at Luton, LU7 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Bedfordshire: 34 Wensleydale, Luton LU2 7PN Memberships or positions of control or management: No information

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Bedfordshire (deputy) Other employment or business: Legal Person at KPM Solicitors Tafheen Sharif LLP, Luton Borough Councillor Salary: £36,000 (Pro rata of Beneficial interests (land): Property at Luton £45,000) Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Bedfordshire: Property in Dallow Road, Luton Memberships or positions of control or management: Luton Law Centre (Director and Trustee); Foxdell Infant School, Luton (Chair of Governors); Labour Party (Member)

Cambridgeshire Other employment or business: Remunerated director and Sir Graham Bright partner in Mothernature Ltd Salary: £70,000 Beneficial interests (land): Property in Fordham, Cambridgeshire; Mothernature Ltd, Mill Lane, Fordham, Cambridgeshire Beneficial interests (other): Mothernature Ltd; Unrenumerated role as trustee of the Parliamentary Pension Fund Licence to occupy land within Cambridgeshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Hassenbrook Academy Trust (Director, unremunerated); International Sweeteners Association (Director, unremunerated); Regional Conservative Party (President, unremunerated), Luton Mencap (President, unremunerated); Luton Choral Society (President, unremunerated); and Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (Director, unremunerated)

Cambridgeshire (deputy) Other employment or business: Director, A E & N Ashton Group Brian Ashton Ltd (Renumerated); Controlling interest in A E & N Ashton Group Ltd Salary: £28,000 and its subsidiary A E & N Ashton and Co Ltd; A E & N Ashton Group Ltd Pension Scheme (Trustee) Beneficial interests (land): Fully developed site owned by A E & N Ashton Group Ltd, Ely, currently leased to Travis Perkins Properties Ltd; Property at Ely Beneficial interests (other): A E & N Ashton Group Ltd and A E & N Ashton & Co Ltd (see beneficial interests (land) above); At any one time I may own or have a duty of care in relation to any number of shareholdings in any quoted company that exceeds a ‘nominal’ value of £25,000, but at no time will any such holdings exceed 1 per cent of the total of any particular class of holding Licence to occupy land within Cambridgeshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Bishop Laney’s Charity (Trustee); South East Cambridgeshire Conservative Association (President/Trustee); City of Ely Council (Councillor); Subscribing member of a variety of local community bodies without personal responsibility

Cheshire Other employment or business: None John Dwyer Beneficial interests (land): Property at Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 Salary: £75,000 Beneficial interests (other): Zeon Enterprises (Partnership). The Commissioner plays no active part in the Partnership Licence to occupy land within Cheshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Association of Police and Crime Commissioners; Sanctuary for Veterans; Drugwatch Trust; Federation of Small Businesses; National Association of Retired Police Officers; Conservative Party; Royal British Legion; Life member of the Association of Chief Police Officers

Cheshire (deputy) Other employment or business: None Margaret Ollerenshaw Beneficial interests (land): Property at Knutsford, WA16 Salary: £30,000 (working 30 Beneficial interests (other): None hrs per week) Licence to occupy land within Cheshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: International League for the Protection of Horses; PDSA; Brooke Hospital for Animals; Canine Defence League; Guide Dogs for the Blind; The Together Trust; Dogs Trust; and Redwings Horse Sanctuary

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Cleveland Other employment or business: None Barry Coppinger Beneficial interests (land): Family residence Salary: £70,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Cheshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Pallister Park Primary School (Governor); Middlesbrough Little Theatre Ltd; Teesside Hospice; Oxfam; Community Interest Company, George and Dragon Public House, Hudswell, Richmond, North Yorkshire; Labour and Co-operative Party; Greenpeace; Amnesty International; Unison; Unite; Community Union

Cumbria Other employment or business: None Richard Rhodes Beneficial interests (land): House and land at Ulverston, LA12 Salary: £65,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Cumbria: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Safer Cumbria Direction Group (Chair); Cumbria County Council Health and Wellbeing Board (Member); Cumbria Leaders Board (Member); Conservative Party (Member)

Derbyshire Other employment or business: None Alan Charles Beneficial interests (land): Property at Killamarsh, Derbyshire, S21 Salary: £75,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Derbyshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Derbyshire County Council, Killamarsh Parish Council; Killamarsh Junior School; Killamarsh Community Trust; Labour Party (Member); Co-operative Party (Member); Unite (Member); GMB (Member)

Derbyshire (deputy) Other employment or business: Spouse employed at Bombardier Hardyal Dhindsa Transportation as Finance Controller Salary: £56,250 Beneficial interests (land): Three properties at Derby DE22 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Derbyshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: City of Derby elected councillor; Labour Party, Unison, NAPO

Devon and Cornwall Other employment or business: Director or Polaris South West Ltd Tony Hogg (Co. no. 05807247). The company has no employees and its income Salary: £85,000 comes from spouse’s work, her horse breeding activities and, in the past, from the commissioner’s freelance sailing instructor work; Spouse works on a freelance basis as an economic development consultant Beneficial interests (land): Property at Helston, Cornwall, TR12, and, St Keverne, Cornwall, TR12 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Devon and Cornwall: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No information

Dorset Other employment or business: University lecturer on an Martyn Underhill occasional basis at Bournemouth University; Director of T&E Salary: £70,000 Associates Ltd (awaiting closure, as soon as my current expert witness case ends, estimated at Sept 2013) Beneficial interests (land): None Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Dorset: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Bourne Free (Charity, Trustee); Parkstone Rotary Club, Dorset (Charity, President); Rowena Masonic Lodge Hants (Charity, Brother); Missing People (Charity, Adviser); Streetwise (Charity, Trustee); National Association of Retired Police Officers (Member); West Howe Community Enterprise (Charity, Trustee); Restorative Justice Council (Honorary Member); Magistrates Association (Member)

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Durham Other employment or business: None Ron Hogg Beneficial interests (land): Two Properties at Chester-le-Street Salary: £70,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Durham: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No directorships; no information provided on memberships

Dyfed-Powys Other employment or business: None Christopher Salmon Beneficial interests (land): House in Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire Salary: £65,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Dyfed-Powys: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Cavalry and Guards Club (Member), 127 Piccadilly, London

Dyfed-Powys (deputy) Other employment or business: None Tim Burton Beneficial interests (land): Home address redacted Salary: £53,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Dyfed-Powys: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No directorships; no information provided on memberships

Essex Other employment or business: Director of a non-trading Nick Alston company Salary: £85,000 Beneficial interests (land): Home address Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Essex: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Non- executive director of Mid Essex Hospitals NHS Trust; no information on memberships

Essex (deputy) Other employment or business: None Lindsay Whitehouse Beneficial interests (land): None £55,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Essex: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No directorships; no information provided on memberships

Gloucestershire Other employment or business: None Martin Surl Beneficial interests (land): Home address Salary: £65,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Gloucestershire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No directorships; no information provided on memberships

Greater Manchester Other employment or business: None Tony Lloyd Beneficial interests (land): No information Salary: £100,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Greater Manchester: None Memberships or positions of control or management: The National Trust; Bumble Bee Conservation Trust; Woodland Trust; Amnesty International; Labour Party; Co-operative Party; Unite the Union; GMB; Fabian Society

Greater Manchester (deputy) Other employment or business: None Jim Battle Beneficial interests (land): Home address Salary: £55,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Greater Manchester: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Wise Owl Trust (education); Seymoor Road Academy, Clayton; Park View Community School, Miles Platting; Irish World Heritage Centre; Project African Wilderness (Charity); Labour Party; Unite the Union; Co-operative Party

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Gwent Other employment or business: None Ian Johnston Beneficial interests (land): Home address Salary: £70,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Gwent: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No directorships; no information provided on memberships

Gwent (deputy) Other employment or business: None Paul Harris Beneficial interests (land): Home address; and a property in the Salary: £52,500 Caerphilly County Borough Council area, and five properties in the Newport City Council area Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Gwent: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No directorships; no information provided on memberships

Hampshire Other employment or business: None Simon Hayes Beneficial interests (land): None Salary: £85,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Hampshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: The Blue Lamp Trust (Trustee); British Society of Criminology (Member)

Hampshire (deputy) Other employment or business: Director, CJS Global Ltd Rob Jarman (Consultancy service relating to policing and criminal justice) Salary: £65,000 (0.8 FTE) Beneficial interests (land): None Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Hampshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: CJS Global Ltd (Director); no information provided on memberships

Hertfordshire Other employment or business: Independent Financial Advisor David Lloyd and Business Consultant, DNA Financial Services Salary: £75,000 Beneficial interests (land): Property at Flamstead, St Albans, AL3 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Hertfordshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management:, Hertfordshire County Council (Councillor and Vice-Chairman of the Pension Fund); Wheathamstead Deanery Synod and Flamstead Parochial Church Council (St Leonard’s) (Member); Hemel Hempstead Conservative Association (Member); Conservative Councillors Association (Member); Glyndebourne Festival (Member); Royal Society of Arts (Fellow); Henley Royal regatta (Member); Marylebone Cricket Club (Associate member); Council Herts Community Foundation (Member); North Herts College (Governor); Watford Palace Theatre Board (Trustee); Institute of Directors (Member)

Hertfordshire (deputy) Other employment or business: Community First Responder, East David Gibson of England Ambulance Service (Volunteer) Salary: £50,000 Beneficial interests (land): Home address Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Hertfordshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Flamstead Parish Council (Member); National Trust (Member); Cyclists Touring Club (Member); Flamstead Cricket Club (Member); Harpenden RFC Squash Club (Member); Flamstead Society (Member); Flamstead Gardens Association (Member); The Wine Society (Member)

Humberside Other employment or business: None Matthew Grove Beneficial interests (land): Home address Salary: £75,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Humberside: None Memberships or positions of control or management: CSS Yorkshire Ltd (Director); no information on memberships

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Humberside (deputy) Other employment or business: Director, 1-2 Clear Ltd Paul Robinson Beneficial interests (land): Home address Salary: £45,450 (part-time) Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Humberside: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No information on memberships

Kent Other employment or business: None Ann Barnes Beneficial interests (land): None Salary: £85,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Kent: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No directorships; no information provided on memberships

Lancashire Other employment or business: None Clive Grunshaw Beneficial interests (land): Property at Fleetwood, FY7 Salary: £85,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Lancashire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Wyre Council (Member), Lancashire County Council (Member); Labour Party (Member); Co-operative Party (Member); Unite the Union (Member); Grundy Charity (Trustee)

Lancashire (deputy) Other employment or business: Director, Masters Enterprise Ltd; Ibrahim Master Partner in a business in Lancashire (details redacted) Salary: 70% of the PCC’s Beneficial interests (land): Redacted salary pro rata 2.5 days Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Lancashire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Hidayatel Banat (women’s education charity); Lancashire Partnership Against Crime; Prince’s Trust; Labour Party (Member)

Leicestershire Other employment or business: None Sir Clive Loader Beneficial interests (land): None Salary: £75,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Leicestershire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Parish Councillor in Wing, Rutland; Bedford School (Governor); Patron of Mutual Support (services support for suffers of multiple sclerosis); Rutland Sailing Club (President); Conservative Party (Member)

Lincolnshire Other employment or business: None Alan Hardwick Beneficial interests (land): Information redacted Salary: £65,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Lincolnshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No information

Merseyside Other employment or business: None Jane Kennedy Beneficial interests (land): None Salary: £85,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Merseyside: Home in Liverpool Memberships or positions of control or management: All Together Now newspaper (disability news and advice) (Trustee); Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (USDAW) (Member)

Norfolk Other employment or business: Company Director, Thornham Stephen Bett Farms (Norfolk) Ltd, Thornham Cottages Ltd, and Jelly Lane Salary: £70,000 Environmental Services Ltd (no paid remuneration is drawn from any of these companies) Beneficial interests (land): Property at Thornham, PE36, and the farmland, marshland and cottages in the surrounding area, exceeding 2,000 acres, generally referred to as The Thornham Estate Beneficial interests (other): Shareholdings in Lloyds Banking Group

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Licence to occupy land within Norfolk: From time to time, may farm under temporary licence, or via contract, or share farming arrangements with other farms near Thornham Memberships or positions of control or management: Non- remunerated trustee of the following trusts: The H Bett Deceased ‘Stella Cottage Fund’ Trust, The MBI Bett Discretionary Trust, The Thornham Cattlegate Holders Trust, The Mrs PJM Bett Discretionary Trust, The SW Bett Discretionary Trust, and the SW Bett Children’s A&M Trust; also Member of the CLA, BASC and The Game Conservancy

Norfolk (deputy) Other employment or business: None Jenny McKibben Beneficial interests (land): Property at Norwich Salary: £56,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Norfolk: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No directorships; no information provided on memberships

Northamptonshire Employment: None Adam Simmonds Beneficial interests (land): None Salary: £70,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Northamptonshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Vice- Chairman of Northamptonshire Health and Wellbeing Board (unpaid); Chairman of Northamptonshire Criminal Justice Board (unpaid); Director of the Institute for Public Safety, Crime and Justice (unpaid); and Director and Trustee of Trinity Life Church, Leicester (unpaid)

Northumbria Other employment or business: None Vera Baird Beneficial interests (land): None Salary: £85,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Northumbria: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Co- director of Astraea Gender Justice (research and education) (non- pecuniary); Chair of Eaves for Women Charity (non-pecuniary)

North Wales Other employment or business: None Winston Roddick Beneficial interests (land): Home address in Caernarfon, and Salary: £70,000 freehold land at Waunfawr, Gwynedd Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within North Wales: None Memberships or positions of control or management: None

North Wales (deputy) Other employment or business: None Julian Sandham Beneficial interests (land): Private property in the force area Salary: £45,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within North Wales: None Memberships or positions of control or management: North Wales Golf Club, Llandudno (Member)

North Yorkshire Other employment or business: None Julia Mulligan Beneficial interests (land): None Salary: £70,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within North Yorkshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No directorships; no information provided on memberships

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Nottinghamshire Other employment or business: Chair of Notts LIFT Companies, Paddy Tipping and Director of REalliance (National Regional organisation) £75,000 Beneficial interests (land): Residential properties in London and Nottingham (owner occupier) Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Nottinghamshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Soberlink (Director); Ramblers Association (Vice President); ‘Under One Roof’ resource centre (Patron); Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust (Vice President); Nottinghamshire Community Foundation (Chair); Gedling Conservation Trust (Director); UK Coal Forum (Chair)

Nottinghamshire (deputy) Other employment or business: None Chris Cutland Beneficial interests (land): Residential family home (owner £36,000 occupier) Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Nottinghamshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: None

South Wales Other employment or business: None Alun Michael Beneficial interests (land): Home address Salary: £85,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within South Wales: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Member of the National Executive Committee of the Co-operative Party, elected to represent Wales (unpaid); Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce; Church in Wales (Member); Christian Socialist Movement (Member); National Trust (Member); Friends of Welsh National Opera (Member); Bevan Foundation (Member); Socialist Education Association (Member); Socialist Health Association (Member); Fabian Society (Member); Cardiff Credit Union (Member); Canal and River Trust (Member); Friends of St Augustine’s Penarth (Member); The Co- operative Group (Member); Labour Party (Member); Co-operative Party (Member); and GMB Union (Member) (none of which involve any financial benefit)

South Wales (deputy) Other employment or business: None Sophie Howe Beneficial interests (land): Home address Salary: £65,886 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within South Wales: None Memberships or positions of control or management: GMB Union (Member); Unison (Member); Labour Women’s Network (Member); Progress (Member); Governing Body of Ysgol Gymraeg Melin Gruffydd (LEA Governor)

South Yorkshire Other employment or business: None Shaun Wright Beneficial interests (land): Home address Salary: £85,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within South Yorkshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (Member); Local Government Yorkshire and Humber (Member); Royal British Legion (Rawmarsh and Rotherham branch) (Member); Yorkshire Society (Member); Greasbrough Working Men’s Club (Member); Labour Party (Member); Unison (Member); National Police Air Service Strategic Board (Member); HM Inspectorate of Constabulary Reference Group (Member); HM Inspectorate of Constabulary Crime and Performance Management Group (Member); Coalfields Regeneration Trust (Trustee and Director); Groundwork South Yorkshire (Trustee and Director); Monkwood Primary School (Governor); Rotherham Children’s Trust (Trustee); Millmoor Juniors Football Club (Honorary President)

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South Yorkshire (deputy) Other employment or business: None Tracey Cheetham Beneficial interests (land): Home address Salary: £45,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within South Yorkshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (Elected Member); Labour Party (Member); Unison (Member); Galapagos Conservation Trust (Member); Yorkshire CND (Member); RSPB (Member); Friends of Rabbit Ings (Member); Save the Children Ambassador; Royston St John the Baptist Church of England VA Primary School (Foundation Governor); Holy Trinity 3-16 RC and CofE School (Governor); Royston St John the Baptist Church PCC (Joint Treasurer)

Staffordshire Other employment or business: County Councillor for Lichfield Matthew Ellis Rural East (until April 2013) Salary: £75,000 Beneficial interests (land): Owner of properties outside the Staffordshire border for rental incomes, and owner of a property in Shenstone, Staffordshire Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Staffordshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Conservative Party (Member); Lichfield Garrick Theatre (Director, unremunerated)

Staffordshire (deputy) Other employment or business: District Councillor for Mease and Sue Arnold Tame area in Lichfield; Director of Haselour House Media Ltd Salary: £25,000 Beneficial interests (land): Owner of land and property Beneficial interests (other): Haselour House Media Ltd Licence to occupy land within Staffordshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No information

Suffolk Other employment or business: Self-employed agribusiness Tim Passmore consultant Salary: £70,000 Beneficial interests (land): Property at Eye, Suffolk, IP23 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Suffolk: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Director of Customer Services Direct (non-remunerated); Conservative Party (Member); Mid Suffolk District Councillor; Eastern Counties/Norfolk Rugby Union Referees Society (Member)

Surrey Other employment or business: Private landlord; Company Kevin Hurley Director; and remunerated as a Reservist Army soldier holding the Salary: £70,000 rank of major Beneficial interests (land): Two houses in Woking, and one flat in Surbiton Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Surrey: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Inspirational Security Solutions Ltd, and JK Chinese Healthcare Ltd (both un-remunerated, no dividends declared); no information provided on memberships

Surrey (deputy) Other employment or business: None Jeff Harris Beneficial interests (land): None Salary: £55,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Surrey: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No directorships; no information provided on memberships

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Sussex Other employment or business: None Katy Bourne Beneficial interests (land): Home address Salary: £85,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Sussex: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No information

Thames Valley Other employment or business: None Anthony Stansfeld Beneficial interests (land): Half share in an eight acre field in Salary: £85,000 Kintbury Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Thames Valley: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No directorships; no information provided on memberships

Thames Valley (deputy) Other employment or business: None David Carroll Beneficial interests (land): None Salary: £35,000 (part-time) Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Thames Valley: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No directorships; no information provided on memberships

Warwickshire Other employment or business: None Ron Ball Beneficial interests (land): None Salary: £65,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Warwickshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: None

Warwickshire (deputy) Other employment or business: Chair of the School Inspection Eric Wood Service Salary: £45,000 Beneficial interests (land): None Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within Warwickshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Lawrence Sheriff School (Governor); Rugby School (Governor)

West Mercia Other employment or business: None Bill Longmore Beneficial interests (land): Property at Hanwood, Shrewsbury, SY5 Salary: £75,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within West Mercia: None Memberships or positions of control or management: None

West Mercia (deputy) Other employment or business: Chester University (three half- Barrie Sheldon days per, year to September 2014) Salary: £50,000 Beneficial interests (land): Home address Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within West Mercia: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Director of DBS Training Solutions Ltd (inactive)

West Midlands Other employment or business: None Bob Jones Beneficial interests (land): Home address Salary: £100,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within West Midlands: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No information

West Midlands (deputy) Other employment or business: Councillor for Birmingham City Yvonne Mosquito Council, Salary: £65,000 Beneficial interests (land): land at Highgate and Winson Green, Birmingham, and Sutton Coldfield, and land at Erdington Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within West Midlands: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No information

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West Yorkshire Other employment or business: None Mark Burns-Williamson Beneficial interests (land): Property at Castleford Salary: £100,000 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within West Yorkshire: Queens Mill Project, Aire Street (Castleford Heritage Trust) Director or Trustee positions: Castleford Heritage Trust (Trustee, unpaid); West Yorkshire Police Community Trust (Trustee, unpaid); Castleford Academy (Community Governor, unpaid); Glasshoughton Community Forum (Director unpaid, resigned 17 December 2012), Wheldon Infants School (Governor, unpaid, resigned 17 December 2012), Wakefield Metropolitan District Council (Elected Member, resigned January 2013, ceased allowances 22 November 2012), Castleford Town Centre Partnership (Director, unpaid, resigned January 2013), and Wakefield District Housing (Member, unpaid, resigned January 2013)

West Yorkshire (deputy) Other employment or business: None Isabel Owen Beneficial interests (land): None Salary: £56,571 Beneficial interests (other): None Licence to occupy land within West Yorkshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: No directorships or trustee positions; no information provided on memberships

Wiltshire Other employment or business: None Angus Macpherson Beneficial interests (land): 2 properties at Wroughton and Salary: £70,000 Swindon Beneficial interests (other): Angus Macpherson Ltd Licence to occupy land within Wiltshire: None Memberships or positions of control or management: Haven Heights (Canford Cliffs) Ltd (Director – leaseholder’s share in private flat); The Filling Station, Swindon (Member); Dauntsey’s School (Member); Big Breakfast + (previously Broadgreen Breakfast Club) (Member); The Community Foundation for Wiltshire and Swindon (Member); The Old Dauntseian’s Bursary Fund (Member); Conservative Party (Member), Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (Member); Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (Member)

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Conclusions and recommendations

PCCs and the public

1. One of the main aims of police and crime commissioners was to make the strategic direction of policing in England and Wales subject to democratic accountability. It is disappointing, therefore, that the turn-out for the elections in November 2012 was so low, leading some to question whether PCCs have a sufficient electoral mandate. Since their introduction, however, public awareness of commissioners has increased significantly, albeit not always for the right reasons. This, combined with the move of the next PCC elections to be in line with the May electoral cycle should ensure a greater turn-out and level of public engagement at the next elections in 2016. Until then, and whilst the nascent work of PCCs is still to have its full effect on the public’s perception of local policing, it is inevitable that many will consider the concept of police and crime commissioners to be on probation. (Paragraph 9)

Training and transition

2. This Report and the Committee’s previous reports on PCCs have shown that many of the difficulties that commissioners have faced could have been avoided given greater opportunity to find their feet before starting the job. For the next elections, we recommend a transition period for new commissioners of one month between election and taking office. This would allow time for the Association of PCCs, College of Policing, Local Government Association, and others to provide intensive training for newly elected commissioners, and a period of transition for post-holders and their teams. (Paragraph 11)

3. We continue to believe that there should be a national register of commissioners’ disclosable interests, and reject the suggestion that such an exercise is complex and bureaucratic. It has been a perfectly straightforward exercise to produce it for this Report. In the continued absence of any such initiative by HMIC, the Home Office or the Association of PCCs, we produce the latest version of the register as an Annex to this Report. For the first time, we also include the disclosable interests of deputy commissioners. (Paragraph 13)

The work of commissioners to date

4. Collaborative working has the potential to save money as well as providing a higher standard of policing. We support the efforts of commissioners in working with their neighbours and others in fields as diverse as the provision of blue light services, mental health, community safety, organised crime and counter-terrorism. Although there has been progress in some areas, it is clear that a majority of police forces are not yet exploiting the full potential of collaboration. We recommend that, for forces delivering less than 10 per cent of their business through collaboration, commissioners and chief constables should prioritise work in this area, seeking advice from those forces that have already demonstrated success. We will also

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continue to highlight examples of good practice in collaborative working in the future. (Paragraph 24)

5. We also support the alliances between Warwickshire and West Mercia, and Surrey and Sussex, the former of which has achieved the majority of their required savings over the current spending period through collaboration. Where such alliances prove successful and supported by the public, we believe there is a case for facilitating the full merger of forces under a single police and crime commissioner and chief constable. (Paragraph 25)


6. We are deeply concerned that despite a requirement in statute, and a reminder from the Home Office, some commissioners are still failing to meet their transparency requirements. This information is vital in allowing voters to assess the effectiveness of their PCCs. We recommend that the Home Office and the Association of Policing and Crime Chief Executives continue to pursue this matter with the relevant PCC offices. Furthermore, we recommend that commissioners begin to publish a register of meetings held with external stakeholders. (Paragraph 30)

7. However, we believe this information will be more useful to the public and police and crime panels in holding PCCs to account if it is drawn together to allow meaningful comparisons. As such, we recommend that the Association of PCCs begin collating and publishing all statutory information on its website, and carry out comparative analysis where appropriate. In so doing, it should also highlight those PCC offices that are not meeting their requirements. The Home Office or HMIC should also publish a comparative analysis of the range of ways in which commissioners have approached the 2014 Stage 2 transfer of staff and assets. (Paragraph 31)

Appointment of deputy and assistant commissioners

8. The employment of assistants and deputies has raised inevitable accusations of cronyism. Whilst we do not question the right of commissioners to appoint a deputy, their appointment must be transparent and instil public confidence. We recommend that at the 2016 elections, candidates for commissioner should be able to name their intended deputies so that they are elected on the same ticket. In cases where a commissioner subsequently seeks to appoint a deputy post-election, the Home Office should set out a clear process for the conduct of their selection. The police and crime panel should also have the power to veto the appointment. (Paragraph 38)

9. We believe the status of assistant PCCs is ambiguous and risks creating public confusion about their role, and that the nomenclature should be avoided. In some cases their appointment appears to side-step the scrutiny process required by statute for deputies. In some areas the appointment of multiple assistants could be seen as an attempt by the PCCs in those areas to recreate the former police authorities. We are also concerned that such appointments do not meet the requirement for posts below the level of deputy to be politically restricted. We recommend that the appointment of posts aside from deputy commissioner should in all cases be subject

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to an open and transparent recruitment process similar to that for entry to the Civil Service or local government, with that process approved by the chief executive of the office of the PCC. (Paragraph 39)

Target setting and crime statistics

10. Public confidence in the veracity of crime data has been severely undermined by recent revelations, culminating in the withdrawal of their designation as National Statistics. We welcome the work that HMIC, commissioners and chief constables are now undertaking to ensure the robustness of crime data, especially as they constitute a key indicator on which the public will assess the performance of commissioners in 2016. (Paragraph 46)

11. We note that target-setting has been cited as one of the reasons for the manipulation of crime figures. We are concerned, therefore, that a large number of commissioners have set targets or performance measures as part of their police and crime plans. Where this is the case, it is vital that PCCs ensure such targets operate as intended and do not act as incentives for the gaming of crime statistics in the future. We recommend that all such commissioners review urgently the auditing arrangements they have in place. We are mindful also that as the next elections approach many PCCs will feel under pressure to demonstrate their effectiveness. It will be the responsibility of chief constables to ensure this does not translate into pressure on forces to under or misreport crime. (Paragraph 47)

Support for victims

12. Many PCCs seem to be taking seriously the responsibility they are due to take on for commissioning victims services. There is a potential opportunity to make a significant improvement to the quality of services offered in this area. However, there are also a number of risks, particularly during the transition phase. We recommend that HMIC evaluate the approach taken after PCCs take over responsibility for commissioning victims services in October 2014 so as to inform decision-making by PCCs in the second tranche. We further recommend that before the next PCC elections, HMIC conduct a full evaluation of the move to local commissioning to inform the approach taken by the next generation of PCCs. (Paragraph 51)

Commissioner-led campaigns

13. Police and crime commissioners are increasingly using their voice to lobby Government on policies that are formed at a national level. We welcome this, and hope that they continue to do so. (Paragraph 53)

Overall effectiveness of commissioners to date

14. It is too early to say whether the introduction of police and crime commissioners has been a success. As such this inquiry should be seen as a progress report, rather than a definitive assessment of the PCC model. Indeed, even by 2016 it may be difficult to draw a national picture because of the range of different approaches being taken by

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commissioners, although this should be possible after the term then commencing. However, one clear message from our evidence is that PCCs have provided greater clarity of leadership for policing within their areas, and are increasingly recognised by the public as accountable for the strategic direction of their police force. (Paragraph 56)

Holding chief constables to account

15. Commissioners have developed a range of informal and formal approaches to holding their chief constables to account, both in private and in public, for the delivery of policing. The relationship between both parties has to balance an open and constructive approach with robust challenge where necessary. Commissioners must continue to guard against the inherent risks of the new governance model by ensuring decision-making is as transparent as possible, and avoid any temptation to interfere in the operational independence of chief constables in accordance with the Policing Protocol. Indeed, commissioners and chief constables should regard the Policing Protocol as the foundation on which their relationship is based, and training on it should form part of the induction period we have proposed for PCCs. Behind the new accountability framework lies the power of PCCs to fire their chief constable. Whilst the Stevens Commission concluded that this power risked having a chilling effect on the decision-making of chief constables, the evidence we received does not support this assertion. (Paragraph 67)

The process for the removal of a chief constable

16. The removal of a chief constable should follow due process. It is clear to us that there are a number of ways in which the procedure of removing a chief constable can be improved to promote greater public confidence. We recommend that the Home Office bring forward proposals to amend the powers of commissioners to suspend or remove chief constables under Section 38(2) and 38(3) of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 by stipulating the grounds on which they may do so. The Home Office should also provide guidance to commissioners on the use of their powers in both respects. In the case of a suspension there should also be a clear system of safeguards similar to those which guide suspension in respect of conduct. (Paragraph 75)

17. We are concerned that commissioners can side-step the statutory scrutiny process set out in Schedule 8 to the 2011 Act for the removal of a chief constable by simply threatening to use it. Accordingly, we recommend that police and crime panels inquire and report into the circumstances whenever a chief constable’s service is brought to an end irrespective of whether the Schedule 8 scrutiny process is formally engaged. (Paragraph 76)

18. It is also not right that the statutory scrutiny process can be side-stepped where a chief constable is close to the end of their contract, and the commissioner chooses not to agree an extension. We recommend that the Home Office bring forward proposals to extend the Schedule 8 process to include scrutiny by the police and

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crime panel in such instances to bring it in line with the process for the removal of a chief constable. (Paragraph 77)

19. We have recommended earlier in this Report the need for a period of training for new commissioners before they take office. We believe that instruction in respect of their duties under the 2011 Act, the Police (Conduct) Regulations 2012, and other relevant employment law would form a useful aspect of that training period. Finally, we recommend the Home Office, HMIC, CPOSA, and the Association of PCCs work together to develop a third party mediation process that commissioners and chief constables can refer to when their relationship breaks down. Training on this process should also be included in the induction period for new commissioners. (Paragraph 78)

The developing role of police and crime panels

20. Effective scrutiny by police and crime panels relies on creating a constructive working relationship with the commissioner in which the panel acts as a ‘critical friend’. However, many panels have to date struggled to understand their powers and define their role. Indeed, one former member of a police and crime panel described it as “a crocodile with rubber teeth”. In short, they need to conduct themselves less in the style of the former police authorities, and operate more in the mode of select committees. We recommend that the Home Office provide fuller guidance to panels on their role and remit, and how it relates to commissioners. We also recommend that the Local Government Association consider further ways to develop the sharing of best practice between panels. The political balance on panels is also a concern to us, and so we recommend that, where possible in the future, if the chair of a police and crime panel is from the same party as the commissioner, then the panel should consider appointing a deputy chair who is not from that party. (Paragraph 87)

Strengthening the role of panels

21. The Government’s intention was for commissioners to be held to account by the public with police and crime panels providing ‘light touch’ scrutiny. But the low turn-out for the PCC elections and, the lack of a formal ‘Opposition’ between elections, inevitably places a greater emphasis on the role of panels in scrutinising commissioners. (Paragraph 92)

22. To allow panels to conduct more proactive scrutiny, we recommend that the Home Office brings forward proposals to amend the Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011 to require commissioners to publish a forward plan of key decisions, where these are known in advance, and to publish background information on each decision when it is made. The Home Office should also produce accompanying guidance for commissioners on what constitutes a decision. We further recommend that the Local Government Association and the Association of PCCs agree a protocol on the timely provision of information to panels generally, but with particular reference to the precept-setting process, to enable more effective scrutiny by panels. In this area, we also recommend that the Government does not again delay confirmation of police funding to such a late stage as last year, with the

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Autumn Statement not taking place until December. Finally, we recommend that the Local Government Association undertake in-depth research on panels’ experience to date on complaint handling, so that it can make recommendations to the Home Office on how the process should be improved. (Paragraph 93)

Panel resources

23. If police and crime panels are to play a stronger role in proactively scrutinising commissioners they need to be resourced accordingly in a way that is sustainable. We recommend the Home Office and Local Government Association undertake research to estimate the actual cost of support for panels to date to determine a more realistic level of funding. We further recommend that to provide long-term certainty, in the future, such funding should come from the police precept. (Paragraph 95)

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Formal Minutes

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Members present:

Rt Hon Keith Vaz, in the Chair

Nicola Blackwood Dr Julian Huppert Mr James Clappison Yasmin Qureshi Paul Flynn Mark Reckless Lorraine Fullbrook Mr David Winnick

Draft Report (Police and crime commissioners: progress to date), proposed by the Chair, brought up and read.

Ordered, That the draft Report be read a second time, paragraph by paragraph.

Paragraphs 1 to 95 read and agreed to.

Annex agreed to.

Resolved, That the Report be the Sixteenth Report of the Committee to the House.

Ordered, That the Chair make the Report to the House.

Ordered, That embargoed copies of the Report be made available, in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order No. 134.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 6 May at 2.30 pm

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The following witnesses gave evidence. Transcripts can be viewed on the Committee’s inquiry page at select/home-affairs-committee/inquiries/parliament-2010/police-and-crime-commissioners1/

Tuesday 26 November 2013 Page

Ron Ball, Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire, Sir Graham Bright, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire, and Tony Lloyd, Police and Crime Commissioner for Greater Manchester and Chairman, Ev 1 Association of Police and Crime Commissioners

Sir Hugh Orde, President, and Sir Peter Fahy, Vice President, Association of Chief Police Officers, and Chief Constable Colette Paul, Bedfordshire Police Ev 10

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Katy Bourne, Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex, and Anthony Stansfeld, Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley Ev 20

Chief Constable Martin Richards QPM, Sussex Police, and Chief Constable Sara Thornton CBE QPM, Thames Valley Police Ev 30

Lord Stevens and Professor Ian Loader, Independent Police Commission Ev 39

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Max Chambers, Policy Exchange, Jon Collins, Police Foundation, and Bernard Rix, CoPaCC (Comparing Police and Crime Commissioners) Ev 50

Lord Wasserman Ev 58

Bob Jones, Police and Crime Commissioner for the West Midlands, Chief Constable Chris Sims QPM, West Midlands Police, Sue Mountstevens, Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon and Somerset, and Chief Constable Nick Gargan QPM, Avon and Somerset Police Ev 62

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Cllr Joanna Spicer, Local Government Association, and Ed Hammond, Centre for Public Scrutiny Ev 72

Cllr Alison Lowe, Chair, West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel, Cllr Dorothy Ross-Tomlin, Chair, Surrey Police and Crime Panel, and Cllr Roger Seabourne, former member of Hertfordshire Police and Crime Panel Ev 78

Steve Williams, Chair, and Steve White, Vice-Chair, Police Federation Ev 85

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Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Ann Barnes, Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent, and Chief Constable Alan Pughsley, Kent Police Ev 95

Rt Hon Damian Green MP, Minister of State for Policing, Criminal Justice and Victims Ev 101

Page 183 54 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date

Published written evidence

The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the Committee’s inquiry web page at z/commons-select/home-affairs-committee/inquiries/parliament-2010/police-and-crime- commissioners1/?type=2#pnlPublicationFilter

INQ numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.

1 Home Office (PCC0001) 2 Mark Ryan (PCC0002) 3 Association of Policing & Crime Chief Executives (PCC0003) 4 Gabriel Webber (PCC0004) 5 Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire (PCC0005) 6 Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland (PCC0006) 7 Local Government Association (PCC0007) 8 Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey (PCC0008) 9 Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed-Powys (PCC0009) 10 Paul Darby (PCC0010) 11 National Federation of Retail Newsagents (PCC0011) 12 Anonymous (PCC0012) 13 Cumbria Police & Crime Panel (PCC0013) 14 Independent Police Complaints Commission (PCC0014) 15 Sandra Sanderson (PCC0015) 16 Sophie Chambers (PCC0016) 17 Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon and Somerset (PCC0017) 18 Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley (PCC0018) 19 Surrey Police and Crime Panel (PCC0019) 20 Police Federation of England and Wales (PCC0020) 21 West Mercia Police and Crime Panel (PCC0021) 22 Welsh Local Government Association (PCC0022) 23 Committee on Standards in Public Life (PCC0023) 24 Hampshire Police and Crime Panel (PCC0024) 25 North Wales Police and Crime Panel (PCC0025) 26 Dr Andrew Watt (PCC0026) 27 Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire (PCC0027) 28 Victim Support (PCC0028) 29 British Retail Consortium (PCC0029) 30 Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex (PCC0030) 31 Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire (PCC0031) 32 West Yorkshire Police & Crime Panel (PCC0032) 33 Police Foundation (PCC0033) 34 Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC0034) 35 Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire (PCC0035) 36 Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire (PCC0036)

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37 Police and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire (PCC0037) 38 London Assembly (PCC0038) 39 James Berry (PCC0039) 40 Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire (PCC0040) 41 Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset (PCC0041) 42 Police and Crime Commissioner for Greater Manchester (PCC0042) 43 Centre for Public Scrutiny (PCC0043) 44 Gwent Police and Crime Panel (PCC0044) 45 Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria (PCC0045) 46 Chief Constable Martin Richards QPM, Sussex Police (PCC0046) 47 Frank A Chapman (PCC0047) 48 Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley supplementary (PCC0048) 49 Cllr. Roger Seabourne (PCC0049) 50 Chief Constable Martin Richards QPM, Sussex Police supplementary (PCC0050) 51 Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex supplementary (PCC0051) 52 Chief Constable Nick Gargan, Avon and Somerset Police supplementary (PCC0052) 53 Police Federation of England and Wales supplementary (PCC0053) 54 Cllr Roger Seabourne supplementary (PCC0054) 55 Lord Stevens (PCC0055) 56 Centre for Public Scrutiny supplementary (PCC0056) 57 Justin Brown (PCC0057) 58 Naturist Action Group & British Naturism (PCC0058) 59 Chief Constable Alan Pughsley, Kent Police (PCC0059)

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List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament

All publications from the Committee are available on the Committee’s website at committee/publications/

Session 2013–14 First Report Police and Crime Commissioners: Register of Interests HC 69

Second Report Child sexual exploitation and the response to localised HC 68 grooming Third Report Leadership and standards in the police HC 67 Fourth Report The work of the UK Border Agency (Oct–Dec 2012) HC 486 Fifth Report E-crime HC 70

Sixth Report Police and Crime Commissioners: power to remove Chief HC 487 Constables Seventh Report Asylum HC 71 Eighth Report The work of the UK Border Agency (Jan–March 2013) HC 616

Ninth Report Pre-Lisbon Treaty EU police and criminal justice measures: HC 615 the UK’s opt-in decision Tenth Report Leadership and Standards in the Police: follow-up HC 756 Eleventh Report Khat HC 869 Twelfth Report Drugs: new psychoactive substances and prescription drugs HC 819 Thirteenth Report The work of the Permanent Secretary HC 233 Fourteenth Report The Government’s Response to the Committees’ Reports HC 1177 on the 2014 block opt-out decision Fifteenth Report The work of the Immigration Directorates (April– HC 820 September 2013)

Session 2012–13 First Report Effectiveness of the Committee in 2010–12 HC 144 Second Report Work of the Permanent Secretary (April–Dec 2011) HC 145 Third Report Pre-appointment Hearing for Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector HC 183 of Constabulary Fourth Report Private Investigators HC 100 Fifth Report The work of the UK Border Agency (Dec 2011–Mar 2012) HC 71 Sixth Report The work of the Border Force HC 523 Seventh Report Olympics Security HC 531 Eighth Report The work of the UK Border Agency (April–June 2012) HC 603 Ninth Report Drugs: Breaking the Cycle HC 184-I Tenth Report Powers to investigate the Hillsborough disaster: interim HC 793 Report on the Independent Police Complaints Commission

Page 186 Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date 57

Eleventh Report Independent Police Complaints Commission HC 494 Twelfth Report The draft Anti-social Behaviour Bill: pre-legislative scrutiny HC 836 Thirteenth Report Undercover Policing: Interim Report HC 837 Fourteenth Report The work of the UK Border Agency (July-Sept 2012) HC 792

Session 2010–12 First Report Immigration Cap HC 361 Second Report Policing: Police and Crime Commissioners HC 511 Third Report Firearms Control HC 447 Fourth Report The work of the UK Border Agency HC 587 Fifth Report Police use of Tasers HC 646 Sixth Report Police Finances HC 695 Seventh Report Student Visas HC 773 Eighth Report Forced marriage HC 880 Ninth Report The work of the UK Border Agency (November 2010- HC 929 March 2011) Tenth Report Implications for the Justice and Home Affairs area of the HC 789 accession of Turkey to the European Union Eleventh Report Student Visas – follow up HC 1445 Twelfth Report Home Office – Work of the Permanent Secretary HC 928 Thirteenth Report Unauthorised tapping into or hacking of mobile HC 907 communications Fourteenth Report New Landscape of Policing HC 939 Fifteenth Report The work of the UK Border Agency (April-July 2011) HC 1497 Sixteenth Report Policing large scale disorder HC 1456 Seventeenth Report UK Border Controls HC 1647 Eighteenth Report Rules governing enforced removals from the UK HC 563 Nineteenth Report Roots of violent radicalisation HC 1446 Twentieth Report Extradition HC 644 Twenty-first Report Work of the UK Border Agency (August-Dec 2011) HC 1722

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Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 1

Oral evidence

Taken before the Home Affairs Committee on Tuesday 26 November 2013

Members present: Keith Vaz (Chair)

Ian Austin Lorraine Fullbrook Nicola Blackwood Dr Julian Huppert Mr James Clappison Yasmin Qureshi Michael Ellis Mark Reckless Paul Flynn Mr David Winnick ______

Examination of Witnesses

Witnesses: Ron Ball, Warwickshire PCC, Sir Graham Bright, Cambridgeshire PCC, and Tony Lloyd, Greater Manchester PCC and Chairman, Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, gave evidence.

Q1 Chair: I call the Committee to order and start taking on board the inquiry in respect of what with an apology to our witnesses, and indeed the happened in Sutton Coldfield. public. I am afraid we had two votes and, as two of Ron Ball: I have taken my own legal advice on the our witnesses will recall, that takes precedence over second inquiry, purely to defend my own position, the work of the Select Committees. I refer everyone frankly, on the legality of it. I think it is a good thing, present to the Register of Members’ Interests where provided it is a properly conducted legal inquiry. the interests of all members of this Committee are noted. Are there any additional interests to note on the Q3 Chair: You were not involved in any way at any policing issues? stage because you were not even the Police and Crime This is our first session on the Committee’s report and Commissioner when this happened. inquiry into Police and Crime Commissioners. We Ron Ball: That is correct. My position has been agreed last year that rather than start an inquiry into misrepresented, and I can extremely quickly explain PCCs before we knew what they were actually doing, what my position is. I criticised the Police Federation we would wait a year and see how things developed political campaign and I said that the officers should and then begin our inquiry. We intend that this inquiry apologise, and I have said that from the outset. As far will be a substantial one and the Committee intends as holding the chief constable to account is concerned, to visit a number of different areas in England and I have an agreement from the chief constable that if it Wales to meet with commissioners and also the is appropriate we will have an open public meeting, public. We are delighted to have here Tony Lloyd, Sir with all of the information, so that the public or the Graham Bright and Ron Ball, all Police and Crime press can ask any questions. As far as the officers are concerned, all I have said is that we need to make sure Commissioners, having been elected last year. that we stick to fair and proper process, and as long Could I start with you, Mr Ball, about a topical issue as that is done then I am perfectly happy. that is in the public domain, and that is the Andrew Mitchell affair? You will know that today it has been Q4 Chair: But of course your chief constable has announced that one officer will face criminal charges apologised to the Committee and to Mr Mitchell. and four officers will be subject to misconduct Ron Ball: He has indeed, yes. charges. Your authority was involved, not in the first Chair: But the officer concerned has not. Would you set of events but certainly in the second. Do you like to see him do that? welcome the fact that these charges are being brought Ron Ball: From the outset, I have said that I thought and that this matter seems to be coming to an end? it was appropriate that the officer should apologise to Ron Ball: I very much welcome it, Chairman. There Andrew Mitchell. I have always said that. are two groups of people I think I can speak for very Chair: Mr Hinton has subsequently appeared before clearly. The general public are confused as to why this the Committee and issued an apology. is taking so long, costing so much money and using Ron Ball: Indeed, yes. so much police time. It is a very serious matter, and I certainly do make that point, but the other is that we Q5 Chair: Mr Lloyd, in particular to you, you must have a very large number, the overwhelming majority, have been very disappointed to read the Stevens report of really good police officers who are getting that said that the office that you and colleagues hold— tarnished by this. I think that is a real shame, a real you are the chairman of the association—is a model pity. that has fatal systemic flaws and that it was an experiment that should not survive the next set of Q2 Chair: Do you welcome also the IPCC inquiry? elections. Do you agree with Lord Stevens? I know there was concern as to whether or not they Tony Lloyd: No, I don’t agree, Mr Vaz. I don’t agree should be involved but, as you know, they are now for the reason that I think it is premature and it does Page 188 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:51] Job: 039682 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o001_odeth_HC 757-i PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 2 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

26 November 2013 Ron Ball, Sir Graham Bright and Tony Lloyd not take account of the reality that is being driven Q9 Chair: In respect of your own force, as a result through on the ground, the kind of things that Police of hearing this evidence, did you initiate a review to and Crime Commissioners are doing now that would find out whether the figures were indeed being not have been done under the former police authority manipulated? model. Any proposal around governance of policing Ron Ball: I did, yes. has to at least take into account the gains that have been made with the present model to make sure that Q10 Chair: Have you started that review? we don’t lose those in a process of transformation. Ron Ball: Yes, I have. I have a weekly meeting with my chief constable and I am making absolutely sure Q6 Chair: Sir Graham, I have a list of all the people that we are not indulging in any of those practices. who served on the Stevens commission. They are, by any definition, the good and the great, with former Q11 Chair: Can you tell this Committee that you commissioners, former chief inspectors of have found no evidence? constabulary, the former deputy president of the Ron Ball: To date, I have not found any evidence at Liberal Democrat Party, another former all, but I have not heard back fully from the chief commissioner, Lord Condon. It is a damning report, constable yet. is it not, to say that the arrival of Police and Crime Commissioners has led to an even greater lowering of Q12 Chair: Mr Lloyd, you must have been pretty morale among the police? I think the words were shocked to hear that police officers were manipulating public mistrust in the police having been exacerbated figures in order to reduce crime, in effect. Did you by the role of Police and Crime Commissioners. initiate a review in Greater Manchester? Sir Graham Bright: Again, I think it is far too early Tony Lloyd: There is a process of independent audit to make that judgment. We have only been in of the figures. I am confident on the basis of that existence for a year and the report was being put independent audit that the same pattern does not exist, together over a two-year period. The other thing is the but of course I have asked that we look once again at input to that report. I noticed that they interviewed the independent audit that is taking place. Mr Vaz, if something like 32,000 policemen, only 2,000 I can make the point that one of the things that it is members of the public and no police commissioners. I worth your Committee considering is that if this had personally am amazed that my colleague, Tony Lloyd, arisen under the previous rather more bureaucratic bearing in mind it is a Labour Party report, was not system of governance, it is very unlikely that either called before them to give his point of view. I think Mr Ball or myself, or indeed Sir Graham, could have that misses a point because out in the wide world— answered in the affirmative to your question, at least in this timeframe. It would have taken a considerably longer amount of time to report. Q7 Chair: So you can dismiss all that he said? You don’t think it is a fatally flawed system? Sir Graham Bright: I don’t think it is a fatally flawed Q13 Chair: So you have initiated your review and you are satisfied that there is no manipulation of system. I can certainly identify with local policing. In figures in Greater Manchester. my own force, we operate a local policing system and Tony Lloyd: I am satisfied, subject to wanting to go I go along with that. Some things in that report I can further, as we would, but I do not believe there is go along with but it is not a flawed system. If it was, systematic distortion of the figures, no. we would not be able to do some of the things we are doing now, and I am sure you want to talk to us about Q14 Chair: Sir Graham, what about your area in that in due course. There are so many things we are Cambridgeshire? doing, like getting together with neighbouring forces, Sir Graham Bright: I was pretty alarmed that that that would not have happened without commissioners was happening. being there because we can make decisions very rapidly compared with the old committee system. Q15 Chair: Did you find out for the first time when you heard that evidence or did you know before? Q8 Chair: Let us look at one example that was put Sir Graham Bright: That the figures were being before our sister committee, the Public Administration manipulated? No. That evidence rang alarm bells Committee. That related to crime figures being when it came forward, and I think I am right in saying manipulated by officers, in particular in the Met. It that all the police commissioners were very concerned was Constable James Patrick who went before the about it and questions were asked. I asked and I have Committee and basically gave evidence that the been reassured. Our audit committee actually looks at figures were being systematically altered and reduced that as well, but it nevertheless has put commissioners by between 22% and 25% for rape and serious sexual on the alert to look very carefully at the way crime offences. Commissioner Ball, did it shock you when figures are recorded. It is something that gets buried, you heard that information? so you need to go and ferret. It was an alarm and I Ron Ball: If that is correct, it certainly did shock me, think we can honestly say we took note of that and but one of the things that has happened since we have to the best of my knowledge all commissioners have had commissioners is that my colleague in Kent, Ann reacted on it. Barnes, has had HMIC in to have a look at the crime figures there and has found errors and they are being Q16 Chair: One question to each of you about corrected. integrity after Plebgate, Hillsborough, Jimmy Savile Page 189 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:51] Job: 039682 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o001_odeth_HC 757-i PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 3

26 November 2013 Ron Ball, Sir Graham Bright and Tony Lloyd and all these other dreadful events that have occurred system. One of the biggest issues for policing is when that have shaken people’s confidence in the police. things go wrong and how that is recovered. Most of Commissioner Ball, give me an example of one thing those are at a relatively straightforward level. It is a that you have done in order to improve the integrity question of getting the appropriate apology. Some are of your local police? more serious and some at the very high level probably Ron Ball: I am sure you are aware that we have a do need to be done away from Greater Manchester. strategic alliance with West Mercia and one of the But I would like to believe that if we can bring results of that is that the professional standards independence and transparency into the complaints departments are being merged. One of the things that process, that will go a long way to satisfying the I have done is sort out a chairman of a committee and public that in particular when the police are judged we are going to advertise for members of the public not to be at fault there is credibility in that situation. to serve on this committee to do random dip sampling It also does mean that when the police are found to of all complaints against police officers, not pre- have let the— notified. I have an agreement that that is what we will Sir Graham Bright: We are coming along on the be doing. same line. Chair: Mr Lloyd? Ron Ball: With respect, Chairman, it is not just a Tony Lloyd: The chief constable, who will be with committee. What I have said is that the job of these you shortly, and I agreed some time ago, before these individuals will be to turn up at PSD and randomly issues arose, at least in the way that they are in the choose files, so as far as the public are concerned they public domain now, that we would establish an should get some confidence from that that we are ethics committee. taking this really seriously.

Q17 Chair: Consisting of whom? Q22 Mr Clappison: Can I direct this to Mr Lloyd? I Tony Lloyd: This will be publicly advertised. We will think you have a very fair point when you say that it want people of high reputation, high character, who is too early to say whether or not this is a success will have oversight of the whole process of setting of because you have been in office for such a very short ethical standards for Greater Manchester Police and time. I suppose a lot will depend upon the visibility its dealings across both the conurbation and more and accessibility of individual commissioners to generally. I think that is an important step forward. members of the public, bearing in mind that the previous arrangements were not particularly visible, Q18 Chair: Sir Graham, one example of something to say the least, as far as members of the public are you have done to improve the integrity. concerned. It begs the question of when do you think Sir Graham Bright: As you may be aware, the APCC will be a good time to decide whether or not this has has set up a working group on integrity and that is been a success? really important. Everyone has signed up to that. Tony Lloyd: I suppose if we stick with the present model it will be when the next round of elections takes Q19 Chair: Working groups are fine, but what did place, but in actual fact, as everyone in this you do in Cambridgeshire? Committee knows, any elected politician has to Sir Graham Bright: In Cambridgeshire we do have a account for their actions almost on a continuous basis. very high powered audit committee that we asked to This is not a once every five years process, or in our review and look at that, which they are doing. I think case a three and a half year process. Some of that is the way you can keep a lid on this is to ensure that you about making sure that the activities that I am engaged are holding the chief constable to account, because he in are visible to the public as far as I can. is ultimately responsible. It comes out of the The good news in this is to compare the figures: operations side mainly. I do that monthly to ensure recognition of the function of the former police that that happens. authority was recorded at some 7% of the population; it is 62% of the Police and Crime Commissioners after Q20 Chair: It seems to me that each one of you has a year. I don’t want to claim that that means that every set up committees but cannot come up with a specific member of the public says, “That Tony Lloyd is doing example of something other than setting up a a wonderful job”. That would be a little naïve, but I committee that will try to— think there has been progress made. The chief Sir Graham Bright: Well, it is the only way to do it, constable and I have held an open meeting in every isn’t it? one of the 10 local authority areas across Greater Chair: What, set up a committee? Manchester not simply for the public to attend but for Sir Graham Bright: I intend to set up a committee the public to raise questions with both of us. We have similar to Tony’s as well, because you just have to had a series of themed forums around issues like keep your hands on it, identify and deal with the dealing with fraud. When I reappointed the chief problems, get the report back. constable, we had a public hearing with an independent panel to question him about his vision of Q21 Chair: Do you not think that the public would policing for Greater Manchester. We had a session on expect more than that you to set up a committee? integrity, again in public, and yesterday something on Tony Lloyd: You asked for one example, and I can domestic abuse. In that case, I was with the assistant give you several examples if you will indulge me. One chief constable but nevertheless a senior police officer thing that we are in the process of doing is with functional responsibility. I think getting the establishing independence within the complaints vision of policing in the public eye but also trying to Page 190 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:51] Job: 039682 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o001_odeth_HC 757-i PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 4 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

26 November 2013 Ron Ball, Sir Graham Bright and Tony Lloyd get across the way in which that vision is translated Q28 Mr Winnick: Turning to another aspect, Mr into practice is important for the public. Lloyd, in answer to the Chair you said you were in favour of Police and Crime Commissioners Q23 Mr Winnick: Before I turn to public awareness, continuing. can I ask were you familiar with the terms cuffing, Tony Lloyd: I personally believe—I speak now for me nodding, skewing, stitching? and not for the APCC—that there are some things in Tony Lloyd: I personally wasn’t until I read that the model of the Police and Crime Commissioners report. that we need to examine. There are considerable powers that a commissioner can operate independently of anybody else, in effect. I think we Q24 Mr Winnick: But you are familiar now, arising do need to look at that. That said, what I would invite from the evidence given by Dr Rodger Patrick, a the Committee to examine is the capacity of the former chief inspector of the West Midlands Police. commissioner model to effect change much more Did you follow the evidence that he and others gave quickly and probably far better than any previous to the Public Administration Committee on crime model. I will give you an example of this, if I may. In statistics? Greater Manchester there is something called the Ron Ball: I have to admit I didn’t. Local Criminal Justice Board, which brings together the prison service, probation, policing, local Q25 Mr Winnick: Presumably, Mr Lloyd and Sir authorities and so on. I am a member of that. That is Graham, you didn’t either? what I am working through at that level. I chair the Sir Graham Bright: Until that came to our notice, no. Criminal Justice Transformation Board, which is Tony Lloyd: I read the media reports, Mr Winnick. about trying to find ways where we work together as a total system. Having the electoral mandate of a police Q26 Mr Winnick: I ask because in the evidence commissioner to chair that board can make a profound given to the Public Administration Committee, these difference. Members of this Committee may be aware terms were used for the way in which the police that I voted against the commissioner model when it apparently under-record crimes and try to show that went through Parliament. the statistics are less than what they are. Are you at all shocked that such an allegation could be made? Of Q29 Mr Winnick: I was going to say that you have course, it is an allegation. in fact gone native, but would that not be fair, Mr Ron Ball: I don’t rely entirely on recorded crime Lloyd? statistics. There is a British Crime Survey, which in Tony Lloyd: It does mean, Mr Winnick, that those many ways I think is more accurate, and the who come to recognise the strengths of the model, reductions in crime being registered by recorded crime having questioned it in the first place, at least can are actually being echoed, in fact slightly greater recognise those strengths. I have not ignored the fact reductions are shown in the British Crime Survey. Let that there are some weaknesses but not weaknesses me make absolutely clear I have no time whatsoever that should allow us to throw away the benefits that for fiddling crime statistics. I would in no way the model can deliver. condone that, but I don’t think that the current reductions in recorded crime levels are necessarily Q30 Mr Winnick: I have before me the statement false as a result of that. from the Police and Crime Commissioner Bob Jones, Mr Winnick: If those are the views of the other two, who obviously you all know, in my area of the West perhaps I can proceed on another matter. Midlands, and he is rather sceptical of any progress Sir Graham Bright: Just to say on that point, I have that is being made. He said PCCs are more visible than police authorities but not much more as public gone to great lengths not to set targets, because once awareness remains very low. No one can doubt that you set targets people have something to work to and he is a person who has been involved with the police try to hide. It has to be totally open and you have to as a layperson over many years and was a very look at the overall response as to whether crime is competent chair of the West Midlands Police coming down, whether the area that you are looking Authority; I don’t think there is any dispute about that. after is safe. That is the thing you measure not He feels after a short time, a relatively short time statistics. I think if you put targets in it is a temptation admittedly, that not much has been achieved, either by for people. crime coming down in any way, being reduced, or in fact public awareness. Do you think he is being Q27 Mr Winnick: I take it from the three of you that too harsh? the crime statistics in your area where you are the Tony Lloyd: Yes, I do. I know Bob Jones very well Police and Crime Commissioner should be absolutely and I have a lot of respect for his knowledge and what accurate in all ways. he tries to do himself, but I think he is being harsh. If Tony Lloyd: For the sake of the record, in Greater I claimed I had had a material impact on crime falling Manchester there is independent audit of that process. in Greater Manchester, which it has done in my time, One of the things I want to now examine is how I think this Committee would rightly think I was being efficient that independent audit process is. That is a little arrogant in such a short space of time, but nor done by my office. I need to know that it does get to would I accept responsibility had the trend gone the grips with all of the allegations that were put to the other way over such a brief period. Bob Jones’ point Public Administration Committee. about the visibility of commissioners does matter. The Page 191 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:51] Job: 039682 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o001_odeth_HC 757-i PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 5

26 November 2013 Ron Ball, Sir Graham Bright and Tony Lloyd public has to have confidence in policing governance, The introduction I had has been extremely good. We and that is true. By the way, if your Committee looks have had a really good working relationship. at alternative models, that ought to be something that you examine: how do the public get involved in that Q34 Michael Ellis: I am talking in generality here. I governance model? am not talking about your chief constable. You There are other things, for example if you were take represent on the association. one of the issues that every Police and Crime Sir Graham Bright: I can honestly say that I have not Commissioner is concerned with, the impact of mental had any problem with the Cambridgeshire force. I health on community safety, the need to have a joined- went in saying that I thought this was a really good up system between the National Health Service, the idea and I wanted to make it work, that I had my tee- mental health services in particular, and policing, I shirt already, I wasn’t climbing a greasy pole, would would say to you, Mr Winnick, and to this Committee they join me, and they have joined in making this that the capacity of a commissioner to drive through work. I think that noises off have been far more change in that area is much more direct than it would dramatic. Some of the media has had it in for us right be under any other— the way through. They have given us a lot of publicity, mind you, and those of us who have responded have Q31 Mr Winnick: My last question—and perhaps a got a higher profile. yes or no answer—do you accept that it is quite likely that as far as Police and Crime Commissioners’ Q35 Michael Ellis: But you detect a sort of urge to positions are concerned it is very much a matter of knock it down without giving it a chance to see being on probation? Whatever colour the next whether it— Government may be, whether it continues or not is a Sir Graham Bright: Absolutely. It was certainly the matter of seeing what occurs over the next two years. case with the media from day one. Do you think that is correct, Sir Graham? Chair: A yes or a no would be good. Q36 Michael Ellis: Do you two agree? Sir Graham Bright: Yes or no, okay. It is, yes, we are Tony Lloyd: Certainly parts of the media have been on probation and the next election will be the consistently hostile. I think what is true, Mr Ellis, judgment day. while I do agree with you, is that, as in any institution, Tony Lloyd: Yes. policing has its small “c” conservative areas. Of Ron Ball: I am happy to be judged on my record. course that is true. It would be remarkable if that were not the case and there is no doubt there is a need for Q32 Michael Ellis: Do you think the Stevens report change. You will talk to the Chief Constable of was a politically driven report? Greater Manchester, my own chief constable, shortly. Tony Lloyd: If the last one was a yes or no, I will say I don’t speak for him, but I think if you were to ask no to that one. him he also recognises the need for huge change in Ron Ball: As far as the Stevens report is concerned, the area of policing. Within that context, responding there is a lot in it that I agree with and there is a lot to your original question about Lord Stevens and his in it that we are already doing, but there are some commission, if you were to say did that have a small suggestions in it with which I profoundly disagree. “p” political agenda, I am sure that, like all structures, Sir Graham Bright: It was commissioned by the that is true. I don’t think it is helpful that it is Labour Party. Of course it was politically driven. It is necessarily in party political terms, because they were fair for the Labour Party to look at it if they get people of repute, whether I agree or disagree with elected next time. the conclusions. Tony Lloyd: Whether I agree with the recommendations or not, nevertheless John Stevens Q37 Michael Ellis: There is talk about only 7% of and those who took part in that commission were people knowing about the PCCs, the Police and Crime people of some significance. Commissioners. Have you heard those stats? Sir Graham Bright: That was the case at the election Q33 Michael Ellis: I don’t deny that, Mr Lloyd, but the latest stats show it is 62%, so in the passage forgive me, but it is vested interests, isn’t it? If we ask of a year that is a huge jump. retired chief police officers, we are talking here about Michael Ellis: It is a huge jump because after 30 vested interests. Would you not say that it is at least years of the police authorities existing, I think it was fair to say that there are some at the top end of the only 6% or 7% of people that could name a member police establishment who don’t want to see these of the police authority so, to get it in context, the police reforms taking place, who don’t want to see the actual recognition for Police and Crime police establishment dragged kicking and screaming Commissioners is very high. into the 21st century, and there is a political motivation behind rubbishing the work of Police and Q38 Chair: On that point, you said, Mr Lloyd, that Crime Commissioners? It is apparent, is it not, from there is still a battle to be fought to make the public the posturing that goes on? Would you agree or aware that the commissioner exists, the visibility, “I’m disagree? here”. Apart from jumping on a horse and going Ron Ball: Again, if I can just chip in. For my bit through the middle of Coventry, Mr Ball, what other in Warwickshire, I don’t recognise dragging my chief methods have you taken, just one method that you constable kicking and screaming into the 21st century. have adopted to try to become more visible? Page 192 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:51] Job: 039682 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o001_odeth_HC 757-i PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 6 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

26 November 2013 Ron Ball, Sir Graham Bright and Tony Lloyd

Ron Ball: One of the things that I am definitely pretty well so far and we just need to let it bed down getting benefit from is a much more open attitude to and see how we do. the media in terms of local radio stations. I made it Tony Lloyd: I essentially agree with what Mr Ball absolutely clear from the outset that I would not do said. The danger is that if we simply ask the local media training, that there were no pre-set questions, authority leaders to take on the role we are re-creating and that is the style of operation I want to run. the former police authority, albeit it is possibly a higher grade of council, if that is not unkind to those Q39 Chair: One thing that you have done; just who were— talking to the media a lot? Mark Reckless: And with people who are rather Ron Ball: Well, just being available to the media, and busier doing other things. that is already paying dividends in terms of Tony Lloyd: Exactly right, that these are people who recognition. have a complicated role in its own right, and whether policing would ever emerge as a priority is a really Q40 Chair: Mr Lloyd, just one thing you have done important question. to be more visible? Sir Graham Bright: It would be going backwards. It Tony Lloyd: I have adopted the select committee would certainly slow things down, no question about approach. For example, I had a hearing on the dealing it. One of the things I have tried to do is to link all with fraud. I asked Graham Brady, the Conservative the authorities within Cambridgeshire together so that Member of Parliament for Altrincham and Sale, to we can get people working in one direction, and that join me when we challenged the chief constable and would be an incredibly difficult thing to do if each of Action Fraud on how they handle it. I have done them had a stake in trying to run the police. I know similar around domestic abuse. When the chief you can look at local policing but that happens constable was reappointed, I had an independent panel anyway. So I believe that it is having one person who to challenge him. can focus just on one thing, the police, and they can all come and talk to me, as they do, and I go and talk Q41 Chair: So public hearings and things of that to them. kind. Sir Graham, something you have done? Sir Graham Bright: I have got out and about, street Q44 Mark Reckless: But putting your shoes into a surgeries. I have 368 parish councils that we are chief constable, might it not be quite attractive to have engaging with for the first time ever. They were left council leaders every now and again meeting for a out. I wanted to go to the frontline. I do public chat, holding you to account and you might hope meetings of all sorts. perhaps to carry on doing what you like without anyone getting in the way of that? Isn’t that perhaps Q42 Chair: Excellent. So it is like being back as a the attraction for some of the senior retired officers on local MP? the Stevens review? Sir Graham Bright: It is like being back as a local Sir Graham Bright: The thought of divide and rule MP, yes. comes to mind. Tony Lloyd: Can I also make another point? Q43 Mark Reckless: Mr Ball, in terms of your Chair: Could you do it as quickly as you can? We are visibility, of course you demanded this review of the just falling a bit behind on time. Plebgate in Sutton Coldfield, even though it wasn’t Tony Lloyd: Just very quickly then, if I may. In actual your force. We saw you on Newsnight. Some of the fact local government is a very important partner of stuff from that review came out and helped this policing, but in operating in that partnership role it Committee get that reopened, so much credit for that, should be doing what local government does well, if I may say so. which is running, for example, the children’s services Ron Ball: Thank you. and those things that the police want to work with. Mark Reckless: Can I ask you and your colleagues We can join those up, but the model of separate again about the Stevens report. One of the suggestions accountability is an important one in this and then the it came out with is perhaps you could be replaced with challenge is from me to the council leaders and the meetings of council leaders for the relevant area and council leaders back to me to make sure that we we can look to them to hold the chief constable to perform our roles properly. account and appoint and dismiss him and check what he is up to and make sure it is in the interests of the Q45 Mark Reckless: Ron Ball, if Sir Albert Bore public. Do you think council leaders would have the and his successor at Birmingham had been responsible same opportunity to do that work as you have as for holding the police to account over this Plebgate elected individuals? saga in Sutton Coldfield, do you think they would Ron Ball: No. I thought the press release that Tony have given it the same level of attention and put out yesterday very eloquently explained the proactively required a report in the way that you did? problem with doing that in terms of confusion of Ron Ball: It is a bit of a hypothetical question. I don’t roles. I admit to being sceptical about commissioners think I could have done more. I think looking back at to start with, and it is not just because I am doing the it, I am happy with all the decisions that I took and I job but I really do think that across the country my took them quickly. Whether another body would have colleagues are putting in a huge amount of time and taken longer, I think it probably would have, in all that is from all parties or no party. I think it is working honesty. Page 193 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:51] Job: 039682 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o001_odeth_HC 757-i PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 7

26 November 2013 Ron Ball, Sir Graham Bright and Tony Lloyd

Chair: I think the whole Committee endorses what something would happen in Cambridge like it did in Mr Reckless has said about your views on this and Woolwich. It has to go on, but the thing is to ensure how you reopened the whole inquiry. We are grateful that it is done in the right way and sticks to the rule. for that. The rules are there quite clearly for everyone to read. Ron Ball: Thank you. I have sent all the students who wrote to me details of that Act and have had some very nice letters back Q46 Ian Austin: If all this work to raise your profile thanking me for setting it all out for them. and engagement of the public works, what do you think the turnout would be at the next elections? What Q48 Dr Huppert: There clearly is a role for would you hope it would be? undercover officers. I think many people question Ron Ball: It is going to coincide with the local whether monitoring a student union is one of them. elections, isn’t it, so I would anticipate it is probably But just to be clear, is your policy decision on this going to be around the 30% mark. That would be my that Cambridgeshire constabulary should operate just guess at this stage. in the framework of what the existing law is? You Sir Graham Bright: I would certainly go along with don’t have any other policy decisions. that. We were labouring against it last time. We had Sir Graham Bright: Not at all, no. an election in November, which was completely out of sync with anything else, dark cold nights, and there Q49 Dr Huppert: Thank you for clearing that up. was no freepost either. I spent all of my time not Can I move on to police and crime panels? Mr Lloyd, asking people to vote for me but telling people what you have argued that police and crime panels should the job was all about. Now that has come over and be strengthened and in particular should have the people can see it working, I agree that by tagging power to recall commissioners, as I understand it. Is along with the county council elections I would be that right and can you say a bit more about that? looking for 35%, 40% if we could get there. Tony Lloyd: Yes. I have to emphasise I don’t speak Tony Lloyd: As a Member of Parliament, I had the now as the chair of the APCC. I speak as Tony Lloyd, second lowest turnout of any MP in Britain. individual. I have followed the debate about recall of Chair: And the biggest majority, I think. Members of Parliament, as everybody in this room Tony Lloyd: Well, I now have the biggest majority will have done. I think there is a case for recall but as a commissioner. I would hope that we will see a we need to set a very specific—and I don’t want to significant improvement. It is difficult to specify a use the word “high” bar but it has to be one that can’t figure, quite honestly. It is going to go up. be triggered by either whim or political considerations. It has to be done against some Q47 Dr Huppert: I was struck when we were talking standard, a test of public interest. I think it is not just about the independence of the Independent Police for commissioners, because commissioners have a Commission, I looked up the website and a pop-up unique role. A Member of Parliament, for example, is comes up that says, “The Labour Party will place one of a large assembly. A commissioner is sui generis cookies on your computer to help us make this in his or her own area. I think the powers of a website better”, which is an interesting definition of commissioner exercised in a reckless, unacceptable independence, but websites can be very revealing. fashion have to be examined. How do we control that? I would like to ask about police and crime panels and We can control it by giving countermanding powers their role, but before I do that can I ask a very specific to the police and crime panels but I think that would question to Sir Graham? Obviously we have mutual run counter to the concept. constituents. This Committee has an interest in undercover officers. We have had discussions about Q50 Dr Huppert: That is helpful, and I will come to that before. You will be aware that an officer from a other two in a second about this, but can I follow up covert unit in Cambridgeshire sought to recruit a on whether you think there are other aspects of the young man to inform about what was happening, to police and crime panels that should also be target student union type stuff that was happening strengthened, or is it just about recall? among students. Undercover officers have a role. Do Tony Lloyd: The 10 local authority leaders make up you think, as a matter of policy, that that is the role the police and crime panel in my own area. I welcome that undercover officers ought to have within a that because that does mean that when they police force? concentrate on the public process of asking me to Sir Graham Bright: That was very much an justify what I do, it is a high powered structure. I operational matter. would welcome that as being the universal model, Dr Huppert: I thought you might say that. quite frankly, that it is at that level. Sir Graham Bright: I was unaware it was happening. I spoke to the chief constable instantly I knew about Q51 Dr Huppert: Can I also ask each of you how it to ask why it was being done. It was obvious why often you have been before your panels? A factual it was being done. Were we within the rules? There number would be helpful. was a 2000 Act that spelt out quite clearly what the Ron Ball: Four times I think since the election. My rules were to that. Our police service is monitored and view is that my police and crime panel are a bit like inspected by the appropriate authority and there is no the public in some ways in that they are struggling to reason to believe they acted outside the remit that they understand the system and understand the role. I think had. You and I know that there is always that sort of that there is scope—and this is probably true across activity taking place. One dreads to think that the country—for police and crime panels to be a bit Page 194 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:51] Job: 039682 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o001_odeth_HC 757-i PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 8 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

26 November 2013 Ron Ball, Sir Graham Bright and Tony Lloyd more assertive themselves within the existing rules. the situation that has been going on for so long to So I would not necessarily be looking for understate the figures on crimes? strengthening of powers. I think there could be a Tony Lloyd: If the decision were entirely mine, Mr contradiction. What they can’t do is interfere with the Flynn, I think you would be able to say that is why programme. If I am standing on a manifesto for what there has to be a process of independent audit. then happens to be some sort of mixture between what I am standing on and what the police and crime panel Q55 Paul Flynn: How independent is it, Tony? You have approved, that invalidates the model as far as I say you have an independent audit. Who runs it? see it. Tony Lloyd: These are professional auditors who Sir Graham Bright: I have been before five police perform the role from my office. and crime panels so far, and I think it is fair to say they too are new and are bedding in and finding their Q56 Paul Flynn: Are they involved with the police feet. My office and I take them extremely seriously. at all? We spend a lot of time getting ready for police and Tony Lloyd: No, they are entirely independent. They crime panels so that we can answer their questions. exist within my office and they audit. The point you We offer to give reports, which we do, and we have make is right. The only thing I would say is that every had informal briefings on one or two things that are one of us knows that there are some crimes that are going on so that they are aware of it. They are there, endemically underreported, things like rape and of course, not just to hold us to account but sometimes domestic violence. We know that if we do it better, support us. If you read the legislation, that is so, and one of the consequences will be a rise in reporting. obviously there has to be a working relationship there. But as I see it at the moment, they are able to hold Q57 Paul Flynn: But aren’t you likely to fall into the me to account for anything they want to. They can same position as those who run the police services in ask for reports and get them. As I say, we take the America and have to face election, in that you give police and crime panel extremely seriously, knowing the public what they want? You give them reductions that we have to satisfy them. in the crimes that they are worried about and not possibly those crimes that are far more serious that Q52 Dr Huppert: One very brief question, what they are not concerned about. Won’t you be playing other opportunities are you each looking at for public to the gallery? scrutiny? Sir Graham, I think you refused to attend a Sir Graham Bright: No. You have to be totally open meeting of the county council’s safe and strong and transparent. I make an absolute rule of that all the communities overview and scrutiny committee, which time. You can fool the public sometimes but not all doesn’t suggest you are keen to see other efforts of the time and you have to deal with what the situation scrutiny. Do any of you want to see other public is. At the moment crime figures tend to be levelling scrutiny bodies? off. They have been coming down for some time. Sir Graham Bright: I think the police and crime panel They are starting to level off and that is a warning are the people that scrutinise us. We obviously go and signal, certainly to me, to have a look at those areas, speak to local authorities, which I do, say what we are to get the chief constable to report on them, to hold him accountable. That is what it is all about. If, doing, share things with them. heaven forbid, we do get crime figures rising, we have to accept that and deal with it, not try to hide it. As I Q53 Dr Huppert: But you would not go in front of say, you can fool people sometimes but not all the one of their scrutiny committees. time. People are very well aware of what is going Sir Graham Bright: In that particular instance, when on around them. With the reporting we have through it is the county council, you have got a number of Neighbourhood Watch, eCops and everything else, it them on the police and crime panel anyway, and that is quite clear to everyone what is happening out there. is the way forward, to go through them, otherwise I Tony Lloyd: There is another role as well. I am not would be forever attending scrutiny committees. You the police and it is important that I remind myself have one you can focus on and everyone can ask every morning that I am not the police. What policing questions of them to ask me, and that is the way needs is some level of analysis, wherever that is done, forward. whether it is the Home Affairs Select Committee, a Police and Crime Commissioner or a policy authority, Q54 Paul Flynn: Powerful persuasive arguments that can say what is the causality of change. I make were given last week in evidence on why there is now a partisan point as a Labour politician. I am pressure on the police to understate the crime figures, concerned that recession will have an impact, and is for reasons of promotion and personal reputation, to beginning to show some signs of having an impact, on please political masters and the public. If those figures the kind of acquisitive crime that relates to recession. I are to an endemic process, so we were told, it is your am concerned that if we see cuts in policing that that job to try to correct this to restore integrity. If you do will have an impact on the capacity of policing to that, the police crime figures will rise. You will be respond to crime reduction. facing a democratic vote in a few years time. Do you think it would be persuasive to say to the public, Q58 Paul Flynn: While you represent the PCCs, you “Here we are, PCCs, we have doubled the crime are not typical of them. A large number of the PCCs figures”? If that is the case, which it is likely to be, are former policemen or have been involved in police aren’t you more likely to go native and join in with politics for years. Isn’t it unlikely that we are going to Page 195 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:51] Job: 039682 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o001_odeth_HC 757-i PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 9

26 November 2013 Ron Ball, Sir Graham Bright and Tony Lloyd see the root and branch reform on crime statistics that we were able to call on all the other resources. The we need by people who are part of the groupthink other thing is that we are looking at blue lights of police? between all three counties as well, so we could have Tony Lloyd: At every level, one thing that this a control centre for the police and fire services for the Committee is in a very powerful position to do is to three counties. That is only a twinkle in the eye at the make the case for exactly that kind of independence moment but that is what we are aiming to do. of audit that would give the public reassurance that those figures are not open to me or any of my Q62 Chair: When you call the police you won’t get colleagues or anybody else. an ambulance coming? Sir Graham Bright: Well, we are not doing Q59 Yasmin Qureshi: Mr Ball, I want to explore ambulances at the moment. We are looking at fire. It with you the benefit of the strategic alliance that has is a twinkle in the eye but I am quite convinced we taken place between your area and West Mercia. Can are going to deliver. you tell us a little bit about some of the benefits that Tony Lloyd: I am due to meet the chair of the fire and have accrued and in your opinion is there scope for rescue service this week. Can I make the point, Mr other police areas to do a similar thing as well? Vaz, that the kind of collaboration that would liberate Ron Ball: You will be pleased, Chairman, I have both economic benefits and a better service for the asked Tony Lloyd to kick me in the shins if I go on public aren’t only or even necessarily best done with too long about this, because I am an absolute total the blue lights services. Vehicle maintenance, for advocate of the— example, may be better done with the one of the local Chair: Well, I won’t let you go on for too long, authorities. Collaboration with things like the because we have other witnesses. If he kicks you in probation service and HMIC, DWP, where colocation the shin, there are a couple of police officers who with those services already exists in Greater might arrest him, so please don’t. Manchester, delivers a better service in fighting crime Ron Ball: It is difficult to overestimate the value of and making our communities safer. the alliance to us. The previous police authority did a Ron Ball: Likewise, on Friday I am meeting the head superb job. This is their baby not mine, so I don’t get of the fire service in Warwickshire. the credit for this. Without it, I think Warwickshire would have struggled to survive as an independent Q63 Ian Austin: I think it is fantastic to hear the force. We were set the target of saving something over success of this collaboration between yourselves and £30 million from 2010 to 2015, which because of the West Mercia. Can I ask two questions about that? If alliance we are well on track to do. In fact we are you have effectively merged the forces below the rank slightly ahead of target as far as that is concerned. For of deputy chief constable, why not go the whole way those who are not aware of it, effectively below the and have one chief constable and one commissioner? level of deputy chief constable we have now one Ron Ball: I have commissioned a report on that. I police force. All of the independent bodies that were, think to do one chief constable now would be too firearms units or dogs or whatever, we now have one, early. You face the position of how is one chief so instead of doing things twice we do them once. It constable held to account by two commissioners. That is tremendously valuable. is a very difficult position to resolve. In terms of whether or not we go the whole hog for a merger, I Q60 Yasmin Qureshi: What do you think other areas have commissioned a report, together with my could do and how would they be able to benefit from colleague Bill Longmore in West Mercia, to look at such alliances? the mechanics of how that would be achieved. Ron Ball: I think the way to achieve it is it has to be done from the bottom up. It is a difficult thing to do Q64 Ian Austin: Secondly, very quickly, is what you by imposing from above. With ever tighter resources, have said not evidence of the case for wider mergers I think forces should come and have a look at what and wider collaboration? What is the argument against we have done. But the thing is that both forces this effectively merged force working much more understood and realised the benefits of doing it, and closely with the West Midlands police force or West so when it came to doing the really difficult stuff it Staffordshire, for example? was possible to do that. We had strong leadership to Ron Ball: There are two elements, operational and do it, but to try to impose it from above would be a political. If you talk to the senior police officers, they disaster and I don’t think it would work. are full steam ahead for a full blown merger. I think there are political considerations and I just think we Q61 Yasmin Qureshi: A final question for all of the need to do that. Basically, what I say is if that is what commissioners, what are you doing to develop the the people of Warwickshire want then it is not up to blue light services collaborations? me to stand in their way, but they need to be able to Sir Graham Bright: Strangely enough, I had a have a say on this. meeting with the fire and rescue service yesterday. We are working in collaboration with both Bedfordshire Q65 Ian Austin: If the chief constables think it and Hertfordshire, so the three forces are coming would be better for operational policing, surely you together and already making dramatic savings and ought to listen to them. increasing the facilities and services. We had a serious Ron Ball: That is not the only argument. crime in Peterborough that would have stopped us in Operationally, I don’t think there is any question that our tracks, just like Soham did, but it didn’t because that would be more efficient and cheaper, but we have Page 196 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:51] Job: 039682 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o001_odeth_HC 757-i PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 10 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

26 November 2013 Ron Ball, Sir Graham Bright and Tony Lloyd a proud tradition in Warwickshire Police. We provided Chair: You are losing staff? the director for the National Crime Agency, for Tony Lloyd: Yes. instance, and I think the local people and the local Chair: To whom? politicians need to have a say first on the Tony Lloyd: Because of the need to downsize the Warwickshire Police disappearing as an entity. office. This is an issue that the chief constable and I have discussed. In an area of enormous diversity like Q66 Chair: A quick question on transparency. We Greater Manchester, our police force, our police published a register of PCCs’ interests earlier this year service doesn’t reflect that diversity. What we have is because one was not being published. Who will be a much more proactive recruitment process beginning publishing the next one, Mr Lloyd? to show some dividends, less in warranted police Tony Lloyd: I hope the Home Office would do that. officers because the numbers of new officers is very They are the best equipped organisation to resource it tiny, but in terms of PCSOs, specials and— and to bring that together. Chair: And in your own office? Tony Lloyd: In my own office, as I say, at the moment Q67 Chair: Yes, so do we. That is why we published I am not appointing staff. it, because they refused. They kept saying that it was up to you to do it. Q71 Chair: Do you have any ethnic minorities or Tony Lloyd: I think all of my colleagues, as far as I women in your office? am aware, now have local publication, obviously in Tony Lloyd: Yes, a considerable number of women the end local people knowing what I am doing is right and a number of people from minority ethnic and proper. I would very much welcome the collation backgrounds. as a national structure, and I think all my colleagues would agree with that. We honestly do believe that it Q72 Chair: Mr Ball? should be the Home Office that resources that. Ron Ball: There is an argument at the moment, Chairman, that I have zero staff in my office, in that Q68 Chair: We do too, but we have said that until the ones I inherited are no longer with me and I have they do we will continue to publish once a year. just had 120 applications for three positions. We have Secondly, on diversity, what have you done, Sir whittled that down to 16 and I think it is four to one Graham, to improve diversity in Cambridgeshire in women to men of that 16. I will be interviewing on terms of gender and race? A very quick answer. How Friday and Monday of next week. many people have you appointed to your team who are either black or Asian or women? Q73 Chair: Excellent. Thank you to all three of you Sir Graham Bright: I think I have almost a total team for coming here today. Obviously we will continue of women. There is one man, so we have made a big the dialogue with the association as we progress and effort to bring those people in. if there are any areas you wish us to look at we will be delighted to look at whatever you suggest. Thank Q69 Chair: And ethnic minorities? you very much. Sir Graham Bright: As far as ethnic minorities, not Ron Ball: Can I make one very small point, in my office but within the police, big efforts. Chairman? My colleagues will be more familiar with Chair: No, in your office. We know about the police. the procedures of the House than I am, but is it in Sir Graham Bright: I haven’t any ethnic minority order to wish you a happy birthday today? people in my office. Chair: It is, but no presents, I am afraid. Thank you very much, Mr Ball. Q70 Chair: Mr Lloyd? Tony Lloyd: I am losing staff, Mr Vaz, at the moment, but what I can say is the good news is that—

Examination of Witnesses

Witnesses: Sir Hugh Orde, President, Association of Chief Police Officers, Sir Peter Fahy, Vice President, Association of Chief Police Officers, and Colette Paul, Chief Constable, Bedfordshire Police, gave evidence.

Q74 Chair: Sir Hugh, Sir Peter—I feel as if I should Sir Hugh Orde: I think a great strength of the British make you a dame for the purposes of these system of justice, Chairman, is that it is an proceedings, just to make it all equal. Thank you for independent decision by people well qualified to make coming. I apologise for the delay. As you know, there it and it would be wrong for me to comment upon it. were two votes. Sir Hugh, as we begin our evidence I entirely share your view that this does need to be today, Andrew Mitchell is conducting a press brought to a conclusion and this is a major step in conference about what happened in Downing Street. that direction. Do you welcome the decision to prosecute officers for misconduct and for criminal charges as a view to Q75 Chair: Do you think that Plebgate has damaged ending this very long saga that seems to have gone on the reputation of the police, in particular the way it now for over a year? has been handled? Page 197 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:51] Job: 039682 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o001_odeth_HC 757-i PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 11

26 November 2013 Sir Hugh Orde, Sir Peter Fahy and Colette Paul

Sir Hugh Orde: I think any event of such significance or fiddle figures. What was critical to me as a leader and such publicity has the potential to damage police was a clear understanding of what was going on. public relations, Chairman. You are entirely right and I think the world is far more complicated and I think we have had those conversations over many years in there were very good answers from the Police and this Committee, be it the historic inquiries through to Crime Commissioners, certainly Sir Graham, on the current day events. I think what is important is when outcome at the frontline and the complexity and the they are discovered they are faced up to and dealt with challenges frontline officers face when trying to in a transparent and open way. What is interesting, I deliver very good outcomes for victims against a very think, at the risk of sounding a bit like a broken rigid, black and white system of reporting. I think that record, is the evidence to date is that the independent is part of the complexity, none of which takes away views, independent surveys of confidence in policing from the bottom line that the vast majority of police remain remarkably stable. My sense of that is it is officers in this country act with complete integrity. judged as much on police public interactions at the frontline of policing, which my colleagues are far Q79 Chair: Sir Peter, this does not happen in Greater better qualified to speak about now than I am, than Manchester? You have not given an instruction that in they are about the major events that take place in order to meet targets PCs are to massage and Westminster or at times when many people in many manipulate figures? You have never heard of this instances were not even born, important though they before until somebody brought it before the PASC? are. Sir Peter Fahy: Any senior police officer always has to be aware—indeed, any leader of the public service Q76 Chair: Two of you, Sir Hugh and Colette Paul, has to be aware—that if you go too hard on served in the Metropolitan Police. Sir Peter, I don’t performance statistics there is always the risk that think served in the Met. I may be wrong. You didn’t? some staff will try to manipulate those in recording Were you as shocked as members of this Committee practices. I have to be honest, I have never been naïve were and Parliament was to hear that the crime figures about that. If you go way back in police history, there were being fiddled, in effect, by officers in order to has been a series of these sorts of stories. You always bring them down, especially in respect of rape and have to have very strong procedures but it is also the sexual offences cases? Colette Paul? way you operate your performance regime, that you Colette Paul: I was surprised by the level that was are not putting too much focus on one particular uncovered at the Public Administration meeting. Yes, statistic. I have to be honest, when people come to me I was. when either crime is up or down, the first thing I ask is, “Is it a recording issue?” You must not be naïve about this. It is about the way that we operate the Q77 Chair: And this does not reflect what is performance regime. happening in your own area? You have not given an I think one benefit from having Police and Crime instruction and nobody has come up to you and said, Commissioners, certainly in my context, is the fact “By the way, Chief Constable, crime is down in that we have removed this obsession with statistics Bedfordshire because we have fiddled the figures”? and taken a much broader view of performance. I am Colette Paul: Not at all. In fact, we have quite a not just interested in crime statistics. It is looking at rigorous audit process in Bedfordshire and when you the whole basket of measures: the more serious crime, look at it for recorded crime there is 98% compliance the level of public perception, the quality of service, rate for correctly categorising crimes. We check that the use of resources, police integrity. It is quite easy monthly and we always have an independent audit as for a police leader to just chase a simple statistic, and well. you must never be naïve about that. Colette Paul: I have encouraged more reporting Q78 Chair: Sir Hugh, this is a Met issue. As the around some crimes, which will have an impact on President of ACPO, you would be alarmed if senior crime figures. For example, sexual offences, domestic officers knew this was happening and connived to violence, hate crime are areas. I am very much ensure that it continued. You have no evidence to supported by the PCC as well on these. Over and suggest this was approved of at a very high level? above that, there is a lot of criminality that becomes Sir Hugh Orde: Any public debate that raises issues crime when police focus on it, drugs and other issues. of integrity in policing is very important. I know that We have encouraged a more sophisticated look at my colleague Jeff Farrar of Gwent Police will be crime performance. speaking to the Administration Committee and has already submitted written evidence in his role as a Q80 Chair: Turning to PCCs and the Stevens report, national policing lead. I have heard today three Police Sir Hugh, you must be absolutely delighted with the and Crime Commissioners explain to you the checks outcome of this report, because I think you were one and challenges they have put in place to reassure them of the early critics of the establishment of Police and that in their forces this was not an issue. You have Crime Commissioners. Were you rubbing your hands heard Colette Paul, and I know Peter has a very clear with glee when you saw the words, “The model has view on this. You are right, I served in the fatal systemic flaws”? Metropolitan Police for 26 years in senior ranks up to Sir Hugh Orde: I see Mr Reckless smiling at me, deputy assistant commissioner and I worked direct to Chairman. No, and I have been very clear, as you are Lord Stevens. But when I was in charge of Hounslow, well aware and as this Committee is well aware, from I never put my officers under any pressure to change the moment this became a manifesto commitment that Page 198 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:51] Job: 039682 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o001_odeth_HC 757-i PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 12 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

26 November 2013 Sir Hugh Orde, Sir Peter Fahy and Colette Paul it was not a matter for the service to comment on how different issues. What I would say is that I have we are held to account. Likewise, Lord Stevens, who worked in a range of different governance you know I know very well, has written a report. I arrangements. I worked in the Met with the GLA, the have got to page 104 of it. It is a substantial piece of Mayor and the police authority. I worked in South work. But it is a matter for the Government of the Wales where they had a police authority where they day to decide whether or not they want to change it had all the elected leaders on the police authority, and looking forward. now I have worked with a Police and Crime Commissioner in South Wales, which is Alun Q81 Chair: Sure, but you are the President of ACPO. Michael, and I work with Olly Martins within You have views on everything. ACPO always has a Bedfordshire. I have had a range and dealt with a policy, you always can produce witnesses for this range of different governance arrangements. What I Committee—we are very grateful. You are one of the would say around the PCCs, and I have a very good leading police officers in the whole of Europe. How relationship with both Alun Michael— can you take a vow of silence on PCCs when you Chair: Remind us who your commissioner is. don’t take a vow of silence on anything else? Colette Paul: It is Olly Martins in Bedfordshire. I Sir Hugh Orde: Precisely because it is outwith our have a very good relationship with him. He does hold remit. It is how we are held to account, Chairman. In me to account. It is a critical but very friendly a democratic society, that is not for us. If I may gently relationship and things get done much quicker. correct, on policy now of course it is the National College of Policing and not ACPO, and we are very Q84 Chair: Better than what was there before? supportive of that change. Colette Paul: I didn’t experience the police authority in Bedfordshire but I did experience the police Q82 Chair: We all have huge respect for Lord authority in South Wales, which had leaders on it. Stevens. Colette Paul was a staff officer to Lord They both have things that worked well. Stevens and Sir Hugh Orde worked with him. You must have respect for people like Lord Stevens, Lord Q85 Chair: Are you quite happy for PCCs to stay? Condon, Peter Neyroud, all the other good and the Colette Paul: Of course I am. It is not my position to great who served on this committee. They say that say, obviously, but yes I am. PCCs have left morale at rock bottom, that they have actually helped the mistrust that the public has in the police. This is a damning indictment, is it not? Q86 Chair: Sir Hugh, are you happy for them to Sir Peter Fahy: I have to admit, I don’t recognise stay? that. I have absolute respect for the individuals that Sir Hugh Orde: I am delighted for the Government you have named, but my contention would be that of the day to say how we are held to account, they have not operated with it on the ground day to Chairman. In the broader aspects of Lord Stevens’ day, as I have. I don’t recognise the connection report, there are many things that chime with the between Police and Crime Commissioners and police current structure as well as the future proposed morale. I think that has been the result of the structures. It is a complex report that covers just about economic situation and also a stream of negative the totality of policing. It needs to be seriously stories in the press and all sorts of issues around pay considered and looked at but we are in very early and conditions. With due respect, they have not days. At the risk of sounding like this cracked record, operated the system and they have not had to operate governance is not a matter for the service. That is one the system during a time of the greatest challenge the of the great strengths of our model. police service has ever faced because of the economic Chair: Indeed. situation. I would have to say that on the whole having one person who holds you to account and you can Q87 Mr Winnick: The police have taken a few hard work with very closely and is able to provide a lot knocks, Sir Hugh and your colleagues, in the last few more local flexibility has worked very well, years, which I won’t mention because they are all well particularly in this current situation. With due respect, known. How much damage do you think this Plebgate I would say that some of the individuals have very affair will do to the police force as a whole and not remarkable records of service but on the other hand necessarily just to the Met? have never had to lead through austerity in the way Sir Hugh Orde: I think my colleagues are better we are having to lead at the moment. placed to talk about the operational impact at the frontline. The feedback I am getting is that this is not Q83 Chair: Chief Constable Paul, Lord Stevens must a debate that takes place between frontline officers have one supporter on the panel. You worked with and the people they are protecting on a day-to-day him as a staff officer. That is a pretty close basis. We are being judged on what we deliver. That relationship. He is a man of integrity. 37 people have is not to say it is not important and it is not to say that served on this committee, not just Labour Party people it should not be dealt with and investigated incidentally. I don’t think that Lord Dholakia, Lord thoroughly. But as I said at the beginning, if one Carlile and Sir Richard Dearlove are members of the looks, going back 10 or 15 years, at confidence in Labour Party. Is there nothing to commend anything policing levels—and some are to be found fairly up that Lord Stevens has said? to date in Lord Stevens’ report—where police fit in Colette Paul: Absolutely. Of course there is, and it is the hierarchy still remains at the top end of it in terms a very complex report. He comments on a lot of of public servants and how trustworthy they are. I Page 199 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:51] Job: 039682 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o001_odeth_HC 757-i PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 13

26 November 2013 Sir Hugh Orde, Sir Peter Fahy and Colette Paul know Peter and Colette have far more experience than Sir Hugh Orde: I could not comment, Chairman. I have of the impact on the frontline. Sir Peter Fahy: No. The only one I recognise, like Sir Peter Fahy: Obviously it is an extremely you, was cuffing, that is sometimes used, but no, all concerning case, but this has not been raised in all the the other ones I— public fora that I hold in Greater Manchester with the Chair: Chief Constable Paul? Police and Crime Commissioner. We are tested in Colette Paul: Exactly the same. I have heard of Greater Manchester every single day by the over cuffing. I have never heard of any of the others, the 1,000 incidents we deal with, the big events that we other terminology at all. police, the serious crimes we investigate, and I think that is what the public judges us on. That is why I Q89 Mr Winnick: My final question: do you accept think also in the whole issue about accountability, that? We expect you to say no, but how far do you whatever method you have, what is key is the believe it is absolutely essential that the statistics that responsiveness of local policing, how we deal with an are given—often bandied about in the House of issue that the public have. I think that is how we judge Commons for perfectly understandable party political it. It is not to say Plebgate is not extremely serious reasons, whether they are going up or down and but, as I say, the public judge us in a different way having a go or defending the police, that is all part of day in, day out, in a very focused way, and that is parliamentary democracy and the rest of it—should be what they judge our performance on. ones where it can be accepted with total integrity? Mr Winnick: Our constituents may well ask should Sir Peter Fahy: Obviously it must be, but on the other an incident that lasted at most five minutes, probably hand, if you start with a statistical measure like crime less than five minutes, at Downing Street and then the statistics that you know are fundamentally unreliable allegations that were made and counter-allegations, because so much crime is under-reported, then you are have taken all this amount of time to come to some starting with a very false premise. That is what we sort of conclusion? Don’t you feel, the three of you, have to be very careful about. That is why we should that it could have been done in a much shorter time, be going for a range of measures. I turn up at lots of bearing in mind the vast amount of public public meetings in Greater Manchester and say, expenditure? “Crime is down”. They do not believe me and they Chair: Chief Constable Paul, would you like to do not care. They are bothered about their own respond? experience. We put a huge amount of effort into Colette Paul: I wish that it had been done in a much collecting these crime statistics and trying to make shorter time, I have to say that, with its impact on sure they are accurate and the public do not believe public confidence. I would agree with Sir Peter around them anyway. I absolutely want to be held to account, the fact that I do not get asked about this locally, but but it is the quality of the service and the way that we it does have an impact. It hits the newspapers every deal with the public. day and obviously it does have an impact, and within Chair: Sir Hugh, if we can have a quick answer to the policing service we are talking about it. But this. publicly, I have to say I support Sir Peter. I have not Sir Hugh Orde: Again, I do not want to second-guess been asked about that locally. what my colleague will say to the Select Committee Chairman, but I remember as an operational Chief Q88 Mr Winnick: Just on statistics, can I say, like many years ago now, I had a substantial amount of the rest of my colleagues, whichever party we happen effort into checking the integrity of my crime figures. to belong to, that none of this criticism reflects on the We had crime reporting registrars who would sheer bravery of police officers, and we know only routinely challenge. We would check the calls to the too well those who have lost their lives carrying out outcomes and we would get a 90% to 95% hit rate on their day-to-day duties and that should never be if a call comes in as a burglary, you will find a forgotten for one moment. burglary report. I think we need to look at it in its As far as crime statistics in general is concerned, these totality, but I absolutely agree with Peter, policing is allegations were made to the Public Administration far more complicated than that. Committee, of which my colleague, Paul Flynn, is a Back to the frontline issue, frontline officers are in member: cuffing, nodding, skewing, stitching. To save these dilemmas when they are trying to give proper time, you know very well what was said; I would find outcomes to victims and they find themselves up it surprising if you did not. First of all, were you against a very rigid process. That causes them some familiar with these phrases before? I asked Police and real difficulties. Crime Commissioners, but you are very, very experienced and senior police officers, any of these Q90 Ian Austin: Sir Peter, when you were talking designations I have mentioned, were they known to about the impact of Police and Crime Commissioners you before, even if you say that this evidence was on morale, you said that that had not had an effect on not accurate? morale, but you said that changes to working Sir Hugh Orde: Some of the slang, cuffing is a word practices, terms and conditions, the cuts and all the that I have certainly heard before. Something that rest of it, had had an impact on morale. Could I ask threw me, stitching as an— all three of you to expand on that and tell us how you Mr Winnick: Yes, it is a variety of malpractices. think the austerity measures have affected morale on Sir Hugh Orde: Stitching up is a phrase that has been the frontline among your officers? used. That is in parlance. Sir Peter Fahy: Obviously it is because of the cuts Chair: We use it a lot here in Westminster. Sir Peter? that they are being asked to do the same amount of Page 200 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:51] Job: 039682 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o001_odeth_HC 757-i PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 14 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

26 November 2013 Sir Hugh Orde, Sir Peter Fahy and Colette Paul work with fewer colleagues around them. It is a fact of Sir Peter Fahy: He certainly said the pressure was the pay freeze. A huge issue is the lack of promotion there, and absolutely, through the whole time of the opportunities. That is a massive issue in the police performance regime where there were league tables, service at the moment, but the biggest hit I get when when basic command units were in league tables, I talk to my officers is what they feel is a constant there was a constant pressure to look at crime figures, stream of negative stories. I can only report what they detection rates, prison write-offs. As I say, you are say to me. They say to me, “Why does the press hate aware of some of these stories. That is why every us so much?” They live in the real world, they accept chief constable has to be very, very aware that that the pay freezes, most of them accept absolutely they pressure is there and make sure you have measures to love their job, they feel they are very lucky to have try to and guard against it. their job. Chair: Chief Constable Paul? Ian Austin: Many MPs say the same thing. Colette Paul: I would agree. Obviously I was there Sir Peter Fahy: But I can only report to you what when Mike Creedon was at the ACPO conference and they say to me. They are realistic about changes to raised some of the issues that he raised. Yes, pressure pay and conditions, but the bit they do not understand is there. There is pressure to reduce crime, there is no is, “Why does it feel that nobody appreciates what doubt about that. we do?” Colette Paul: I would say the impact on morale for Q94 Chair: But not to the extent that people me—I have a very small force, it is a rurally-funded manipulate? force with urban crime issues—it does feel like a very Colette Paul: I do not believe the extent that was stretched thin blue line and they would say that that reported to the Public Administration Committee. is the case. I am already 40 short, which is why I am recruiting like mad at the moment to try to help Q95 Chair: But he does, because they have told him. with that. What I do not understand is you were all at the same Ian Austin: How many officers have you lost? conference and a chief constable like Mike Creedon, Colette Paul: We have lost 15%, so it is 195 officers very senior police officer— and a 15% reduction in PCSOs, so it is down from Colette Paul: A very well-respected chief constable, 128 to 108. We have lost an awful chunk in terms of yes. our overall strength, 15%, and that has had an impact, Chair: All of you are very well-respected, but him in there is no doubt about that. But we are looking to particular. There he goes, saying that they are being work differently, so I am looking at transformation, I manipulated and nobody accepts that? am looking at helping to work differently. That is the Colette Paul: I think what he was trying to say is there way that I am hoping to deal with that, but it has were some issues around—and he explained some of impacted on morale, there is no doubt about it. the issues that people find difficulties with. For example, crimes under 16 are not recorded at all in Q91 Chair: So none of you agree with Mike terms of the crime figures. There is a whole range of Creedon? Sir Hugh, Mike Creedon said after the issues around that. appearance before the Committee that there was an obsession with reducing crime and it is creating Q96 Dr Huppert: Can I now turn to the Parker pressure on the police to manipulate crime figures. report about ACPO and its future? This is something, People in many forces had told him that this Sir Hugh, that we have discussed on a number of manipulation was going on. Mike Creedon, the occasions. It made a number of criticisms. It describes highly-respected Chief Constable of Derbyshire, he is at page 16 the structure as, “being inconsistent with wrong, is he, Sir Hugh? public accountability”, page 11, let me get the phrase, Sir Hugh Orde: Mike raised these issues at an open “The structure was complex and unorthodox” and on session of the ACPO conference only last week, and page 8, “It has proved difficult to establish exactly I think what he is describing is the extremely complex how many working groups there are in excess of 300”, challenges faced by frontline officers when they are which does not strike me as a well-functioning trying to deliver an outcome. Take, for example— organisation. What is the future? Chair: No, he is saying that they are manipulated. Sir Hugh Orde: It strikes me as an organisation that Sir Hugh Orde: That is what he has been told. I do has grown up over time to fill the gaps as the national not recognise, from my experience, the level and policing picture developed and no one else took extent that he describes, and I have just heard three responsibility for some critical things that are better Police and Crime Commissioners and two chief dealt with once than 43 or 44 different times. He also constables say likewise. There are real concerns— said there is a requirement for central focus at the national level and that is a forum for senior leadership Q92 Chair: So he is on his own, basically? of the police service, and underpinned very clearly Sir Hugh Orde: No, I do not think that is the case firstly that the current structure of the ACPO office either. I think there is a mixed view on how important was value for money, and secondly, it needed an figures are and the issues around figures. independent Chief to lead it. I think there is lots of things in there and of course a lot of that mirrors the Q93 Chair: No, but he went beyond that, didn’t he, report from Sir David Omand and Sir Denis O’Connor Sir Peter? He said that they were being manipulated; around the national operational deployment through he had heard this in many forces. NPoCC. Page 201 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:51] Job: 039682 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o001_odeth_HC 757-i PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 15

26 November 2013 Sir Hugh Orde, Sir Peter Fahy and Colette Paul

You will remember, I am sure, the first time I came inclusive organisation for the professional police here as the President of ACPO, I said, “I am deeply service, sworn and unsworn, therefore it cannot speak uncomfortable” I think was the exact words, “with on leadership issues on behalf of the service and it is being in a company limited by guarantee” and the recognising that difference in responsibilities and how general has very kindly invited us to look at it again. they are complementary, not competitive. It is critical. We are looking at it again. I have torn what little hair I have left out looking at other models. One possibility Q99 Dr Huppert: Who are you accountable to? would be statutory. We have raised that with the Home Sir Hugh Orde: Chief constables. They hold me to Secretary and she did not think that was appropriate, account in a fairly robust way and of course the board and I do not disagree with her. It would be hugely of directors. complex, I think, to legislate for something that has to flex and move. Again the Stevens report also Q100 Dr Huppert: The ACPO board or the Chief touches on the need for an ACPO-type structure. It is Constables’ Council? to look at what we need as the irreducible minimum Sir Hugh Orde: Again, the general identifies that. The and then look at how we can handle some of the other board of directors, which I chair, runs the company bits of business we have taken on out of public and employs the staff, but when I am operating as a responsibility over time and see if they can be done chief constable, I hold the office of constable and the in different ways. rank of chief constable by virtue of legislation, I am Some of the add-ons, for want of a better description, entirely independent. My whole purpose or the which people have some difficulty with, essential and purpose of my office—never mind the individual in it, efficient though they are, there may be better ways of that changes over time—is to manage and be the doing those and the league force model is one of the honest broker and to enable Chiefs to come together, ones the general comes up with. We are absolutely but without a geographic responsibility themselves. happy to look at all of that with Police and Crime Commissioners, who of course commissioned the Q101 Dr Huppert: I did not quite get the answer to report and who we are meeting with very shortly to that, and I will finish on this, because I know others discuss. have questions: are you accountable to the ACPO board or the Chief Constables’ Council in your Q97 Dr Huppert: You did say, I think when you first operation as ACPO President? came to this Committee, you were not happy with the Sir Hugh Orde: I am accountable to a number of limited company structure. I think a few of us gave people. If you take the riots, one could argue I am you a hard time of it. It is noticeable that nothing accountable to the Home Secretary when I sit in much has happened to change that. COBR representing the interests of the police service Sir Hugh Orde: I am delighted to take and supporting Government in those endeavours. So recommendations. I cannot find anything that is better. it is not a clear picture is the point you are getting. I The irony of this is that I spoke to Sir Keith Povey entirely agree with you. only a couple of days ago at a charity event, and he Dr Huppert: I think the lack of clarity was the was responsible for creating ACPO as a limited comment. company. It was not very charitable, the event after Sir Hugh Orde: Indeed it was. that, I can tell you, but the point he was making was it was about trying to be seen to be transparent so we Q102 Mark Reckless: Doesn’t that lack of clarity could publish accounts, people could look at what we mean that you are in effect accountable to nobody? did, it employed people and we could deliver looking Sir Hugh Orde: No. outwards, keeping the public safe from national Sir Peter Fahy: Can I say, Chairman, just again in the threats. day-to-day work that they have, working as part of the national structure, clearly previously the Police Q98 Dr Huppert: There are a number of ways, of Authority and now the Police and Crime course, of publishing accounts; one can just publish Commissioners are very much aware of the work that accounts. You said that nobody else stepped up, so you do also at a national level and that is part of the you are presumably very pleased that the College of accountability of ACPO as well. ACPO, yes, Policing will take a lot of the responsibilities away obviously as an organisation, but it is also a body of from you, that you will be happy to hand over that people that day in, day out are working on national burden to them under smaller constables so that chief issues and representing the service obviously at constables can talk to each other. You are happy with hearings like this one. that? Sir Hugh Orde: We changed our articles of Q103 Mark Reckless: Sir Hugh, you were saying association very quickly to enable the College to take that the College of Policing could not speak on behalf on the non-operational policy development work in of the police service because other people were what is a college, a professional college, very exciting involved in it, aside from chief constables, but what ideas, hugely supported by our colleagues, who will gives to chief constables the right to speak on behalf speak for themselves, but we need to be clear about of something you describe as the police service in its role. It is an inclusive organisation and that is its some national capacity, when what we have in this greatest strength. It represents every single member of country is 43 separate forces and the chief constables policing. Indeed, Chairman, you may even be a only have the responsibility to speak on behalf of member yourself and not even know it. It is an those? 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Ev 16 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

26 November 2013 Sir Hugh Orde, Sir Peter Fahy and Colette Paul

Sir Hugh Orde: You have just analysed the point very Q109 Mark Reckless: So you have direction and well. First of all, the College of Policing can speak: control as the President of ACPO rather than the Chief Executive of the College, Alex Marshall, a individual Chiefs? very well-respected chief constable, will absolutely. Sir Hugh Orde: You negotiate, Mr Reckless. I do Firstly, he is a member of the Chiefs’ Council, and not order— secondly will speak absolutely on matters that are the responsibility under his command, for example, the Q110 Mark Reckless: That is different from College of Policing, so it is not a silent voice. It is a command, isn’t it, though? very important voice and hopefully will be a growing Sir Hugh Orde: No, not necessarily. I think voice in terms of professional development, proper “command” is quite a useful phrase in terms of policy development, best practice, what works, all the leading a— things that are rightly in the College remit, but for the Mark Reckless: For negotiating? College to succeed, what we cannot do is continue to Sir Hugh Orde: I lead a group of people. Yes, exactly, throw stuff in. Where I sit, I guess—and I think the and you may find that amusing. It is hugely important general made this point—that the person who leads when you are trying to move people into London, for Chiefs’ Council should be elected by the chief example, from— constables, for example, they have confidence in that individual. chief constables have given me authority to act on their behalf as an honest broker, for example, Q111 Mark Reckless: It is not amusing. There is a in multi-site public disorder situations and the fuel huge difference and this is an issue we have in British strike, things that require an operational deployment. policing, no doubt about it, but there is a huge difference between negotiating and influencing and Q104 Mark Reckless: But has Parliament given command, which was the word you used. authority to them to delegate that part of their role to Sir Hugh Orde: I command NPoCC, which is a group you, and if so, when and how? of people who manage that process. I negotiate with Sir Hugh Orde: I have no idea if it needs Parliament chief constables, who are incredibly corporate, and to give them that authority. make sure that the public good and the national security is maintained by moving people around the Q105 Mark Reckless: You have just taken it unto country. yourself, have you not? Sir Hugh Orde: No, the chief constables, through a Q112 Mark Reckless: My understanding was you clear process, have asked me to— chaired it. If perhaps you can point to the source of Mark Reckless: You as in ACPO? your power to command it in writing to us afterwards, Sir Hugh Orde: Not me—have asked for the Chair of that would be very useful. the Chiefs’ Council to represent them and to do these I wonder if I could just conclude on an area perhaps jobs. In essence, one only has to look at the Sir David of common ground. I was very pleased to hear you Omand report, where the Home Secretary decided that welcome policy now being a matter for the College of I would be responsible for leading the National Police Policing and I do not want to ascribe to you the views Co-ordination Centre on behalf of chief constables, so of an independent report if they are not your views, there was a clear process that ties a key strategic need so if I could just ask you about the Parker report. It and a person who could speak with the authority of says on page 10, “There is no clear dividing line Chiefs. between policy and practice” and then goes on to say, “There is therefore a need for chief constables to Q106 Mark Reckless: On that NOPAC board, don’t provide an effective counter to obfuscation by other you also have the Cabinet Office, the Home Office, stakeholders within the College, who may not have the Police and Crime Commissioners’ representative responsibility for operational effect and therefore rather than it simply being an ACPO role? developing police will remain a responsibility of the Sir Hugh Orde: No, in COBR you do not have any Chief Constables’ Council”. Do you agree with that? of those people, I think. Sir Hugh Orde: Policy is developed through the national business areas. It obviously covers Chiefs’ Q107 Mark Reckless: NOPAC, is that the Council. That was the agreed process—and my abbreviation? colleagues may wish to contribute to this debate—so Sir Hugh Orde: No, the National Police Co- Chiefs’ Council is going to discuss it and see if they ordination Centre, which is under my command, as can deliver it. My sense is that will not be too much decided by the Home Secretary, the Chair of the of an issue, because of the iterative process of policy Chiefs’ Council would run that and lead it. development, and of course national policing areas are led by senior members of ACPO who lead staff from Q108 Mark Reckless: Then you chair it rather than across the country of all ranks, shapes and sizes to get run it or command it? the best practice and to develop that policy before it Sir Hugh Orde: I would see it probably as a comes to Chiefs’ Council for final endorsement. It command, to be quite honest, because I am moving then of course goes back to the College and the staff around the country on behalf of my Chief Officer College board of directors for final sign-off. colleagues so they can focus on keeping citizens safe in their area and being held to account, of course, Q113 Mark Reckless: But I am concerned about the through Police and Crime— chief constables having final sign-off. Surely it is a Page 203 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:51] Job: 039682 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o001_odeth_HC 757-i PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 17

26 November 2013 Sir Hugh Orde, Sir Peter Fahy and Colette Paul matter for the College of Policing and not for the Sir Peter Fahy: I think it is very difficult to generalise Chief Constables’ Council within ACPO. on the type of offence. I mean, the Plebgate— Chair: We will accept that answer. Yes, Mr Ellis. Q114 Sir Peter Fahy: No. Michael Ellis: Did you want to say anything else, Chief Constable Paul? Q115 Chair: Yes, Sir Peter. Colette Paul: No, not at all. Sir Peter Fahy: If I may say, Chair, because at the Michael Ellis: Very well. end of the day, as the chief constable, I am responsible Sir Hugh Orde: I will have a go. for the implementation of policy in Greater Michael Ellis: Thank you. Manchester within the remit given to me by the Police Sir Hugh Orde: I think it is not for us is the bottom and Crime Commissioner and within the resources line. One of the great strengths, as I said right at the and the financial reality I face, so if the College of beginning, was the case was “ruthlessly investigated” Policing comes up with a particular policy that I do was the description of the Commissioner today. The not think is right for the people of Greater Manchester evidence went to an independent prosecutor’s or I cannot afford, I have to be in a position to say, department, who made a decision. From personal “No, we are not going to do this”. experience, in my last life, it would not be unusual in some of the complex terrorist cases to arrest a large Q116 Mark Reckless: Is it the intention for the Chief number of people and no one be charged, frankly. So Constables’ Council to become a revamped ACPO? it is very hard to hypothesise on individual cases. Sir Peter Fahy: I see what we have to move to is a very clear distinction between the College, which is a Q119 Michael Ellis: Very well. Can I move on then professional body, and a crucial part of the reform to the Stevens report? Don’t you think it is frankly process in terms of changing the whole culture of very odd where he says at one point, I believe, morale policing to a professional body, and then another low, effectively due to Police and Crime organisation, which essentially is the Association of Commissioners? By extension it appears to be that Police Forces, as organisations accountable to the having a democratically elected person increases public for the delivery of policing and also crucial mistrust in the police. That is what the report appears employers. to be saying in part. Isn’t the reality that if there is an Chair: Very helpful, thank you. increase in mistrust by the public of the police, that Sir Peter Fahy: The trouble is if the College looks mistrust will likely have been increased by allegations too much like the mouthpiece of the employers or of of misconduct, not by the fact that there is a Police the forces, we will lose the rest of the workforce and and Crime Commissioner? Is it not rather dystopian they will just see it as a revamped NPIA. to suggest that those who are supposed to be Chair: The Committee will look at the way the supervising the police are responsible for an increase College operates next year. This is not directed at you, in mistrust? It is rather like saying, “Don’t supervise Mr Ellis, you are always very succinct in your what we are doing for fear of finding out something questioning, but the Minister is waiting outside. wrong and therefore increase the levels of trust”. It is dystopian, is it not, Sir Peter? Q117 Michael Ellis: He will have to wait a little bit Sir Peter Fahy: I do not recognise the connection. longer. I undertake not to take as long as most of our Some of my officers have used the office of the Police colleagues, Mr Vaz. and Crime Commissioner to complain about me, so Gentlemen and Chief Constable Paul, first of all I they clearly trust the system. I think you are want to take a step back and ask you about the absolutely right, it is a broader range of issues that Plebgate matter. I want to ask it in this way, and it is affected morale, and I would say always policing is connected to Plebgate, but it is indirect: I have improved by greater accountability and greater prosecuted cases before as a barrister in criminal cases transparency. before I was a Member of Parliament. First of all, Colette Paul: I would agree with Sir Peter. Chief Constable Sir Peter, is it unusual for eight Sir Hugh Orde: Nothing to add. I think morale in people in any series of offences to be arrested and policing is a very complex and partly cultural thing. only one of them to be charged? Is that a low As I have often said, morale in policing has been at proportion in an allegation of this kind? an all time low since 1977 when I joined. The first Sir Peter Fahy: I think it is very hard to make a thing I was told was that the job was finished. It was generalisation. It depends on the type of incident, in a not, and every time a call came out, every officer fight after a protest— emptied out of whatever they were doing to go and Chair: Can I just warn everyone present that keep citizens safe. I do not think that has changed a somebody has been charged? There are criminal bit and if you look at crime figures, tested though they proceedings that are ongoing. are rightly are, and confidence in policing maintaining its level, despite these big issues that you and the Q118 Michael Ellis: I do not think this affects that. I Chairman and many others have raised, I think we am talking generally about the proportion of arrests should have great strength or take comfort in that that followed by charges. I am not talking about any the vast majority of police officers do a jolly good job individual case, so if eight people were arrested for a in very difficult times. disorder in a town centre or for a conspiracy to defraud, would it be statistically common for only one Q120 Michael Ellis: I agree with you absolutely on person to be charged as a result of that? that. As far as the allegations are concerned that came Page 204 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:51] Job: 039682 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o001_odeth_HC 757-i PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 18 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

26 November 2013 Sir Hugh Orde, Sir Peter Fahy and Colette Paul from another place from a constable, I believe, of Chair: Thank you, Mr Ellis. You were a model of fiddling crime figures, certainly in my experience of succinctness. Yasmin Qureshi. Please could you do over 15 years, I do not recognise any of the terms that the same? apparently have been used. I have asked other officers Yasmin Qureshi: I have been very succinct. of different ranks, and I think you have already Chair: You have. answered from the Chairman. You do not recognise, any of the three of you, these terms that are said to Q125 Yasmin Qureshi: I just wanted to ask you what have been used to mask figures? arrangements do your respective Commissioners have Sir Peter Fahy: No. Only the one, cuffing. in place to hold both of you to account? That is only Colette Paul: Cuffing, yes. for the chief constables. Sir Peter Fahy: The key thing is the phone call at any Q121 Michael Ellis: Cuffing, which of course means time of the day and night, it might be about a handcuffing, but not in terms of masking? particular incident, a particular call, and there is Colette Paul: No. clearly then a formal police forum every two weeks, Male Speaker: No, cuffing means the (several but then there are other meetings on top of that. Tony inaudible words PTV 16:40:09). Lloyd talked about the public forums that we have held. They are themed forums on issues like fraud, the Q122 Michael Ellis: Yes, I appreciate that, but you confirmation hearing I had to have to get my contract do not recognise those terms as part of terms to mask extended, so a range of issues, but I think what has crime figures? changed has been because it is one person with that Sir Peter Fahy: I recognise the term “cuffing of political mandate—although I had a very good crime”, yes, that has been in parlance, but I do not relationship with the former chair of my Police recognise any of the other terms in relation to that. Authority—does mean that the focus is more intrusive and, as I say, it is speedier because he is able to react without possibly having to seek the views of 19 Q123 Michael Ellis: There was a suggestion of “theft people on the committee. by snatching, and that is not something that I Colette Paul: I would say I have weekly one-to-one recognise from having prosecuted robberies and theft meetings with my Police and Crime Commissioner in cases. Is it something that you recognise? a formal sense, where we sit down and look at Sir Peter Fahy: It is part of the complexity that, for performance, but I would say we probably meet up instance, what you might record an assault is, as you with each other three to four times a week. We speak know, a section 20. When it goes to the Crown almost every day around issues, and then we have Prosecution Service, they would say it is a section quarterly formal performance meetings where I am 47 or even a common assault, so there is always this held to account around performance, but I am held to difficulty and that why I think it is another issue in account every single week as well. I would say a lot the crime statistics. That there is always an element of accountability, a lot of meetings, a lot of discussion, of interpretation in terms of whether it is— including the telephone calls probably every day.

Q124 Michael Ellis: But that is very different. There Q126 Yasmin Qureshi: Finally, I know we have always will be an interpretation as to whether a case been talking about statistics and the comment about is a robbery or a theft or whether it is a burglary or the police service, so I just wanted to come from a something else. You will always get that, different slightly different angle. I can remember years ago grades of assaults, because it is not an exact science, when as a junior prosecutor I used to work for the but that is very different from suggesting that figures Crown Prosecution Service and we used to have this are being masked and manipulated. distinguished between some crimes are either way, Sir Hugh Orde: That is a really important point that some are summary and quite often I would say, shows the complexity of the crime recording rules, “Summary, but I can bring charges on either way”. which are very rigid. You discussed robbery versus People would say, “Well, maybe one of the reasons, theft, is the violence during or before or after and all is it to do with the funding?” because obviously if a those sort of things, which is why crime recording police station says, “I have a lot of either way offences registrars were put in place to deal with that. In my indictable” the funding would be higher and if there previous life in Northern Ireland, I remember having were loads of summary offences, the funding would a huge argument with a registrar because my officers, be lesser, in those days. Now, there is this issue about I think properly, recorded a section 18 assault of the statistics perhaps being changed to meet targets. grievous bodily harm and they were arguing very Isn’t what this really reflects, all these sort of things? strongly it was a 20, which is of course a lower Firstly, statistics in some respects are fairly offence and I was absolutely not prepared to accept meaningless, because they do not explain the situation that, but had to eventually give up the argument. properly, but secondly, what this links is this issue of Michael Ellis: I think those points are common, funding of police forces and of police services. Maybe thank you. what needs to be looked at, would you agree, that Sir Hugh Orde: But these are very complicated perhaps an overall about how police services are things. funded and what jobs they are doing and a proper Michael Ellis: They are indeed. evaluation of how crimes are marked into the Chair: Thank you. I am afraid we must move on. categories that they are and whether there is training Michael Ellis: Thank you very much indeed. issues there and things? Do you think there may be a Page 205 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:51] Job: 039682 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o001_odeth_HC 757-i PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 19

26 November 2013 Sir Hugh Orde, Sir Peter Fahy and Colette Paul time for a much deeper look into these old issues in a come up with. I think that is a starting point. HMIC constructive way? looks at this routinely and I remember those inquiries Sir Peter Fahy: Sometimes there are some myths well. They are pretty forensic. We have the Office of about that and officers do sometimes feel they almost National Statistics playing this role. Whether there is have to record more things because they seem to think a need for another piece of work I think is a matter it will then end to them getting more officers. I come for others, but of course if there was one, we would back to I think any wise leader, you are constantly comply fully. looking for what might be the perverse incentives in Chair: On this final question of leadership, we have a performance regime and you are always trying to talked about the frontline and what happened in make sure you guard against that and try to work that Downing Street and in Sutton Coldfield. Do you think out. But certainly at the moment, there is not that there is a vacuum in leadership? You are obviously direct relationship with crime levels and funding, leaders of your profession and you in particular, Sir because it takes in a range of other factors as well, Hugh, you have held so many hugely important roles but on the other hand, there are sometimes myths, and in policing. We do not look at this issue of leadership, as I say, it is one of the perverse incentives that you but leadership is absolutely crucial, is it not, for the have to look at when you are carrying out auditing. future of the police service? Colette Paul: I would say the funding is a broad issue Sir Hugh Orde: Yes, it is, and by way of reassurance, and it looks at demographics and a whole range of Chairman, I think as a result of your precise statement, other issues, but obviously as a small force, there is a we would be fairly confident. What I do have is the high risk for us around finance. It is an area that privilege of sitting in my ivory tower in 10 Victoria obviously I would want the Government to look at. Street. One can look and work very closely with chief Chair: Thank you. Mr Winnick has a very quick constables, deputy chief constables, and I think one of supplementary on crime figures. the great strengths of ACPO rather than only a Chief Constables’ Council, it is the totality of the senior Q127 Mr Winnick: Yes, indeed, it will be quick. I leaders of the service working collectively in the thought I was going to be arrested a few moments public interest. There are some incredibly impressive ago. Can I just ask again on the question of integrity people who work flat out, both at a local and national of statistics, would you be happy to see some inquiry, level. Of course, this direct entry is a proposal that the a brief inquiry, into this issue, because the Chair College of Policing is now working on and there is quoted a chief constable, I have quoted others, the some real enthusiasm certainly at the fast track to evidence before the Public Administration Committee. inspector level—bizarrely, it is a very similar process In reply to Mr Ellis, you say some of these terms you to the one I came in on in 1977, so we are perhaps are not familiar with and you said that to me as well. reinventing history—and again, some more radical Do you think this should be dealt with as quickly as proposals at other levels of the service, so I think the possible, because public confidence you agree is future is bright. absolutely essential on these figures? Chair: Sir Hugh, Sir Peter, Chief Constable Paul—no Sir Hugh Orde: Public confidence is essential. We doubt soon to become a dame after this—thank you need to see what the Public Administration very much for coming today and please keep in touch Committee, when it has heard all the evidence, they with us during our inquiry. I am most grateful.

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Ev 20 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Members present: Keith Vaz (Chair)

Mr James Clappison Dr Julian Huppert Michael Ellis Yasmin Qureshi Paul Flynn Mark Reckless Lorraine Fullbrook Mr David Winnick ______

Examination of Witnesses

Witnesses: Katy Bourne, Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex, and Anthony Stansfeld, Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley, gave evidence.

Q128 Chair: Commissioners Bourne and Stansfeld, We do a lot of work in Thames Valley and Sussex as thank you for coming to give evidence to the part of the Regional Organised Crime Unit in the Committee today. This is the Committee’s resumed south-east. How could a local committee make inquiry into police and crime commissioners, which decisions with a view to that? I just don’t see that we began on the first anniversary of their election. working. So I do think that is flawed. Will Committee Members please declare any interests over and above what is in the Register of Members’ Q131 Chair: Thank you. We will come on later to Financial Interests? Good. examine some of those issues. I assume you agree Commissioner Bourne, it is a year and a bit since you with Commissioner Bourne? were elected. Are you enjoying the job? Anthony Stansfeld: Yes. I almost have bigger Katy Bourne: Thank you, Chairman. Before I start, I wish happy new year to everybody and thank you for problems. I have 18 councils. I would be at a meeting inviting me. Yes, I am enjoying the job. It is not every moment of the day if we did it the way that is without its challenges, but I think it is one of the most suggested. It might possibly work for some of the very satisfying jobs that I have ever done. small police forces, but Thames Valley is three of four times bigger than many police forces. Q129 Chair: Is it what you expected? Chair: May I give apologies on behalf of Nicola Katy Bourne: Yes. Blackwood, a Member of our Committee, who Anthony Stansfeld: I think it is what I expected. I was represents part of Oxford? Unfortunately, her on the police authority when we were setting it up and constituency is being flooded at this moment. She making provision for it, so there were no major wanted me to put that on the record. That must apply surprises. to some of your area as well. Anthony Stansfeld: It is entirely in my area. Q130 Chair: One of our witnesses who is coming along later is Lord Stevens, who has just conducted Q132 Chair: Were you surprised, Mr Stansfeld, at an inquiry into police and crime commissioners and the amount of press coverage on the work of police he says that the system that we have at the moment is and crime commissioners, and the way in which the systemically flawed. Would you agree with that, press have homed in on the issue of the cost of Commissioner Bourne? commissioners and their expenses? In particular in Katy Bourne: No, not at all. I think he makes some your case, is there anything you wish to tell the valid points in the report. I question whether it is Committee about the controversy surrounding the independent, because obviously it is going to frame setting-up of your office in Hungerford? Some alleged the Labour party manifesto going forward, but I do that it was not a proper office but a secondary office think he makes some valid points around that should not have been set up. For the record, neighbourhood policing, which is a model that we would you like to tell the Committee about that? adhere to in Sussex. The chief constable who will be Anthony Stansfeld: Yes. The Mail on Sunday and The giving evidence after me will, I am sure, speak about that. Neighbourhood policing is very valued by Times have actually retracted their articles. I residents in Sussex. eventually had to go to the Press Complaints There are other assumptions Lord Stevens makes, Commission over The Mail on Sunday. It started off effectively giving more power or making small local by saying that my expenses had gone up by 6,000%, committees. In Sussex, we have three top tier without pointing out that the base was £7. It had gone authorities—two county councils and one unitary— to just over £400 the next month and I had driven and under those there are 12 district and borough about 1,000 miles. So I think it was a totally scurrilous councils across the county. If each of those had their article from the word go. The motive, I think, was that own committees that were in charge of policing when police commissioners first came in, the editor locally they would be making local decisions that had made an effort to find out anything he possibly were pertinent to them, but how would that relate to could and then distort it. It was a thoroughly bad something like the strategic policing requirement, article. The Times, I have to say, took back its article which is a national requirement? very quickly when it was pointed out. Page 207 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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7 January 2014 Katy Bourne and Anthony Stansfeld

Q133 Chair: Commissioner Bourne, were you Anthony Stansfeld: That is in the chief constable’s surprised? I do not have any examples of press interest team. in you to put to you so you can clear the record, but have you been surprised by the interest in what Q138 Chair: Right. But you will get the results. Commissioners do, how much they spend and how Anthony Stansfeld: I have all the results and I have many members of staff they have? somebody in my own staff who also goes through Katy Bourne: I have not been surprised by the them and checks them. interest, because you can see that the press have enormous interest in all public bodies now. MPs have Q139 Chair: So you can tell this Committee that you also been under this scrutiny, and I think it is right are satisfied that the reduction in crime in your area is that they are under such scrutiny. not to do with misreporting. I think that there is still a lot about our role that is Anthony Stansfeld: In those areas that we are doing unknown. A lot of emphasis is placed on the cost of the figures, I am absolutely happy that the figures are the office of police and crime commissioner, accurate. I think what is a problem is when you hit comparing that with the cost of the police authority, one particular sort of crime—we have taken and I think there is a lack of understanding that the household burglary right down, by 40% in Reading in role of police and crime commissioner is much bigger a year. I have no illusions that the people who did that than the role of the police authorities ever was. It is now realise that it is probably not worth doing that very difficult to compare apples with pears—you because they are so likely to get caught. A lot of them cannot do it. We are 14 months in now, and what I have moved to things like shoplifting far more. That would like to see going forwards is that very much does concern me. put to one side and for us to start talking about what the police and crime commissioners are achieving and Q140 Chair: Commissioner Bourne, your reduction where they see the role in the future. is also pretty impressive. I think crime has gone down by 9% in Sussex in the year to 30 November and it Q134 Chair: Let us move on to the substance of has reduced for eight consecutive years. some of these issues. The first issue is reporting crime. Katy Bourne: That is correct. We have had evidence from a number of chief constables on this subject. It started with a Q141 Chair: Are you concerned about any of the whistleblower from the Met who said that the reason allegations made by some police officers that there has why crime is going down is not that fewer crimes are been an incentive to misreport and write things down being committed, but because there has possibly been that are not correct in order to meet targets, or are you a misreporting of crime. I wondered whether either of satisfied that these are robust figures? you was aware of that and whether you had asked Katy Bourne: As PCC, I wanted to understand two your chief constable to look at why there has been things. If a crime is not being recorded, is that down such a large reduction in the amount of crime in to poor training or poor process management, or is your area. that down to an unprofessional performance culture? Anthony Stansfeld: I think there genuinely has been I have met with the force performance guy who runs a very considerable drop in certain sorts of crime, I this and tried to understand, because crime recording will make that point. I am happy that our statistics are is quite a complex area and trying to get your head well done. We were inspected by HMIC two years round it is quite difficult. He has done it for numerous ago, and we passed out, I think, top of all the police years and he says he sometimes struggles with trying forces in the country. It was interesting that our to explain it. performance at the time did not look very good on I know that in Sussex the intention is that a crime is recorded as the victim sees it. It is then up to the paper. I think actually we were probably much better officer, as they go through their investigations, to than we thought we were, but we were being very make the decision as to whether that crime is as it honest with our figures. was seen originally. For me, the three questions that I always want answered are: are people safe; do they Q135 Chair: But, for example, overall in Thames feel safe; and when they need help, are they going to Valley you are down 20% in burglary. Does that worry get the absolute best possible help they can? I do feel you? Obviously, you must be pleased with the confident that crime recording in Sussex is as it should reduction, but given the stories about misreporting of be, but I am not complacent. My colleague, Mr crime and incentives not to report, are you doing Stansfeld, referred to the last HMIC report. Sussex did anything about looking at these figures? very well in that, but HMIC are currently doing a Anthony Stansfeld: Yes we are, but I am absolutely report anyway around crime reporting and I look convinced that they are genuine. forward to seeing that, because it will help me going forwards. Q136 Chair: What are you doing specifically? Anthony Stansfeld: We have 15 people purely Q142 Dr Huppert: There has been a range of checking our records and how we do it, and HMIC discussions about how police forces are structured. has looked at them and is entirely satisfied. Obviously, you have both amalgamated over various years. Do you think the current level is appropriate? Q137 Chair: Is that in your team, or the chief Anthony Stansfeld: Thames Valley is the fourth constable’s? biggest police force in the country. We cover by far Page 208 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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7 January 2014 Katy Bourne and Anthony Stansfeld the biggest area—far bigger than the forces bigger Buckinghamshire, was a county councillor, had been than us. We have the three major counties of on the police authority and knew the area very well. Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire. I So between us we cover the area. It is fairly difficult cannot remember the exact date, but it was about 30 because you cannot use public transport, which does years ago when it was combined, and other ones were not go across the area, and it would mean me coming not combined. I think we are probably a very efficient up to London and going down again for half my area, size. It is quite difficult for me as a PCC covering so I spend rather too much of my time in a car. such a vast area, but we are three or four times bigger than some other police forces, although our Q146 Michael Ellis: May I ask you both about infrastructure is not three or four times as big as theirs, public awareness? Perhaps I could take a step back to so we have a fairly good model at the moment. Of the crime figures. Clearly, there is a political agenda course, a lot of the things we are doing now, like to rubbish the crime figures when they are not serious organised crime and counter-terrorism, we appreciated, but the reality is that your officers and have combined right across the south-east of England. officers around the country have succeeded in getting Most of it is headquartered in Thames Valley and we crime figures down significantly almost across the have jointly appointed an assistant chief constable to board. For that, perhaps you will take back to your run them on a regional basis. respective constabularies our thanks and appreciation for the good work that those police officers are doing. Q143 Dr Huppert: Commissioner Bourne? Crime is down, and down significantly. Katy Bourne: Yes, certainly for me collaborating with As far as public recognition is concerned, the BBC other forces is critical, but only if it is going to drive did a poll a few months ago in which it found that out efficiencies and further savings. Otherwise, what only—I emphasise the word “only”—62% of people is the point of doing it? Certainly, Sussex force are knew they had a police and crime commissioner for now collaborating far more with Surrey and we—the their area. I think there was a political agenda behind two police and crime commissioners and two chief that as well because I seem to remember another poll constables—have had some very good, progressive indicated that after 30 years of police authorities there discussions on this over the last year and we are was only 7% knowledge of their existence. I think you sharing a lot more. We are just about to appoint a have done rather well as a body to get 62% joint chief information officer to run the collaboration recognition of police and crime commissioners in programme between the two. If it is going to make a about a year. However, what more can you do to force more efficient then, yes, I think further increase public awareness so that even more people collaborations are definitely something worth looking are aware that you are there as an option and that they at, but also with other organisations as well. I know can write to you if they have any issues with the some of our colleagues up and down the country are police that concern them? doing other things with local authorities and so on. Anthony Stansfeld: It is a difficult one. Obviously, I go round to every area, I have a huge number of Q144 Dr Huppert: So both of you would essentially meetings, I go to all the councils, and I have public argue that the current sizes are right, but you should meetings in every area. However, for the press, good collaborate where possible? news is not very newsworthy and that is clear. The Katy Bourne: It’s horses for courses. Your first quickest way for a police commissioner to get himself question has always got to be: what is right for the into the news and well known is to do something people you represent? You want the best possible disastrous, which is unfortunate. police service for local residents because they are the ones who are paying for it. In Sussex and Surrey they Michael Ellis: I don’t think we recommend that. joined on major crime. Over Christmas, there was a Anthony Stansfeld: It is a problem. Obviously, I am very unfortunate case which is ongoing. It is on local television and local radio quite a lot and it interesting that the actual murder took place in Sussex, will take time, but the fact is that it has built up a but it is being led by the senior officer in Surrey, great deal; it is moving in the right direction. because the team is as one. That is a really good example of how it is very effective and shares best Q147 Michael Ellis: I will come to you in a moment, practice across two forces. Miss Bourne. Mr Stansfeld, do you think that police and crime panels can do more to assist police and Q145 Dr Huppert: How do you manage to cover the crime commissioners to raise their public recognition? very large areas that you are both responsible for? Anthony Stansfeld: Yes, I think they can. The only How do you make sure that there aren’t areas that get difficulty is that they are district or county councillors left out? and it is as difficult for them not to be seen as political Anthony Stansfeld: On a personal basis as the PCC? in doing that. Through the community safety Dr Huppert: Yes, absolutely. partnerships and bodies like them which deal with Anthony Stansfeld: I live down in the bottom left- local issues and in dealing with local charities, word hand corner, near Hungerford, and I have an area that gets out very well. Many people living in the Thames runs to Milton Keynes and Newport Pagnell at the far Valley know me now but did not know me a year ago. end, and Heathrow. I have kept my staff very small— in fact, my staff costs several hundred thousand Q148 Michael Ellis: Miss Bourne, do you have any pounds less than the police authority staff did—but I comment to make about raising public awareness did appoint a part-time deputy who lives in above the 62%? 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7 January 2014 Katy Bourne and Anthony Stansfeld

Katy Bourne: Yes. The figures you quoted are Q154 Mr Winnick: But both of you presumably interesting. In 12 months, the ComRes poll clearly accept that inevitably and rightly, as with Members of showed that people knew they had a police and crime Parliament or anyone else in public life, you will be commissioner. I was slightly disappointed that the subject to media scrutiny and attention. focus of that poll, which is really encouraging, was on Anthony Stansfeld: I appreciate that. the fact that people did not know our names. I don’t think either of us are so precious that we care whether Q155 Mr Winnick: I am sure that you do. they know our names. What is really important is that If we look at the issue of police and crime panels, people know that they have one person they can go to how often have you appeared—if you have appeared? who will represent them. They did not know that the Anthony Stansfeld: It is every two months. police authority was there originally, so I think that is a great bonus. Q156 Mr Winnick: This is a regular thing. There is always more you can do. I engage a lot with Anthony Stansfeld: It is a regular meeting every two social media. In Sussex we are looking to set up a months where I go and sit in front of the panel. youth commission—not commissioner—with a group of 25 young people between the ages of 14 and 25 Q157 Mr Winnick: How long would you say that taken from all the different communities across it lasts? Sussex. We are setting that up at the moment and it Anthony Stansfeld: The best part of a long morning. will help to give me evidence for my police and crime It starts at about 10 o’clock and ends at about 1 plan going forward. That in itself is raising awareness. o’clock or half-past 1. We do a lot of work with local authorities—you have already heard from my colleague on that. It is about Q158 Mr Winnick: Is it a public session? getting out and meeting the public. There is nothing Anthony Stansfeld: It is in public, yes. The public are better than face to face. invited to come in. Chair: We will continue with this questioning. Thank you, Mr Ellis. Q159 Mr Winnick: So you appear before the panel every two months. Q149 Mr Winnick: Mr Stansfeld, may I first take Anthony Stansfeld: Yes. you up on your response to the Chair. You seemed Katy Bourne: I believe that ours are quarterly. They are webcast live online, so members of the public who rather critical, to say the least, about a newspaper cannot actually attend can view them. They are also article that appeared about your activities. Do you invited to put questions to me as well. We take accept that, like Members of Parliament, you are an questions from the public in the police and crime elected representative and subject to scrutiny and panel meetings, too. criticism by the media? Anthony Stansfeld: Yes, I do. It is one of the things Q160 Mr Winnick: I wonder whether I can put this that, if you are brave enough to stand for election, you point to you, arising from what happened in Wales, have to put with. I did put up with it. I did not enjoy it. where a Chief Constable was dismissed—there have been other such cases. There will be questions about Q150 Mr Winnick: So the article appeared, and you Chief Constables, so I will not pursue that, but how considered it unfair. far do you refute—if you do refute, which I am sure Anthony Stansfeld: To start with, I did nothing about you will—that the panels are pretty toothless? You go it, but when they repeated it twice more, I felt that I up before them and you explain and justify what you had to do something about it. do, as is right and proper, but at the end of the day, how much control do they have over your activity? Q151 Mr Winnick: What did you do? Anthony Stansfeld: I don’t think they are toothless. Anthony Stansfeld: I went to the Press Complaints For a start, if I wished to put up the police precept in Commission—having written to the editor beforehand the council tax, they have the ability to stop me doing and not had any positive response. that, which is actually quite an important power. I would not want to turn up at a meeting with my plan all ready just for them to turn it down. My police and Q152 Mr Winnick: And the Press Complaints crime plan has to go through them to start with before Commission did what? it is ratified. I went through a lengthy period of Anthony Stansfeld: They looked at the facts. The consultation with them. There is no benefit for me Mail on Sunday said I had a chauffeur being paid whatsoever in not having them agree with me. They something, but I had a part-time person for a short represent their councils. They represent the 18 time on a fraction of what they said. They said I was councils in my area, and if I am doing something that earning a major sum as full member of a council when they do not think is right, it would be very stupid of I was a back bencher and earning a fraction. They said me not to take full cognisance of that. that I had a scam office. In fact, the part-time office that I use is absolutely vital. Q161 Mr Winnick: You would obviously rather that they were on your side, which goes without saying if Q153 Mr Winnick: Does that mean—to get to the it is a choice between the panel being on your side or point—that they upheld your complaint? against. At the end of the day, however, you would Anthony Stansfeld: Yes, they did. decide and not the panel. Page 210 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 24 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

7 January 2014 Katy Bourne and Anthony Stansfeld

Anthony Stansfeld: Yes, but I don’t see any major Q169 Chair: Were you? decision that I am likely totally and utterly to disagree Mr Clappison: Panels. with. I think it is an unlikely event. Anthony Stansfeld: He was asking about panels and we were talking about the community safety Q162 Mr Winnick: And you, Ms Bourne? partnerships. Katy Bourne: Yes, I’ve found my panel to be very helpful during my tenure so far. They have not always Q170 Chair: As far as the main panel is concerned? agreed with everything that I have put forward to Anthony Stansfeld: The majority of the main panel them, but we have a very good working relationship. are district councillors. Their job is to scrutinise, and effective scrutiny will always make an organisation much stronger. I find that Q171 Chair: And you have how many? 21. their scrutiny is very effective. Although I meet them Anthony Stansfeld: I think it is 20 or 21. It is 20 formally in the police and crime panel meetings, we actually. do meet informally outside of that as well. I have a regular meeting with the chair and vice-chair of the Q172 Chair: And Sussex? panel. They have also set up three working groups. Katy Bourne: Seventeen, I believe. This is the police One helps me to write and inform the police and crime and crime panel1. The community safety plan. Another helps with a lot of the victims partnerships— commissioning work. The third helps with finances. That is where some of the real questions and challenge Q173 Chair: Leave aside the community safety take place, which I find incredibly helpful. partnerships. We are talking about the main panel. Katy Bourne: Yes, the police and crime panel. There Q163 Mr Clappison: Mr Stansfeld, do you have any are 17 members who have an allowance. One of the other panels besides those that have to be set up county councils is the lead authority. They get a containing local authority members? certain amount from Government every year. My Anthony Stansfeld: Yes, I have all the community understanding is that the members get a small safety partnerships, of which I have a very large allowance, but it is minimal. For the year it is less number. I also have an independent audit panel. Those than £1,0002. are the main panels I deal with. Q174 Mr Clappison: Is that the case for Thames Q164 Mr Clappison: Who chooses the members of Valley? those panels? Anthony Stansfeld: They are unpaid in my area, other Anthony Stansfeld: The community safety than allowances for petrol to get there. I believe in partnerships are chosen by the councils. They are a some areas—in other ones, especially in the north of council issue. They also usually include as a member England—they are paid quite considerable sums to be the local superintendent for that area as well as members of the board. representatives of probation and youth offending teams and so forth. I certainly do not appoint them. Q175 Mr Clappison: It is very public spirited of them, isn’t it? Q165 Mr Clappison: What are the arrangements for Anthony Stansfeld: I think it is very public spirited these other panels? How do they constitute? of them. Anthony Stansfeld: They are a council responsibility. We have a major input. I also provide a considerable Q176 Lorraine Fullbrook: Just a quick amount of their funding. It was Home Office funding supplementary, Chairman, please, to Commissioner to them; it was then diverted to the police and crime Stansfeld. Have you found it difficult to make the commissioners. transition from councillor to police and crime commissioner? Q166 Mr Clappison: Are members of the panel paid Anthony Stansfeld: I think if I had come into it or not? completely cold I would have found it more difficult, Anthony Stansfeld: Most of them are in full-time but I had been the council’s representative on the jobs. A large number of them are council officers. On police authority and I chaired the performance most of the panels there are probably two or three committee on it in the year running up to taking on elected councillors. 1 Note by witness: The Sussex Police and Crime Panel has twenty members made up as follows: Q167 Chair: Sorry. Could you clarify that, 15 members, one from each of the relevant authorities Commissioner? How many members of the panel do 1 additional local authority member from Brighton & Hove City you have in Thames Valley? How many people are on Council (subject to annual review as agreed by the Home Office) your panel? 2 additional local authority members from the relevant County Councils (subject to annual review as agreed by the Home Anthony Stansfeld: On my police and crime panel? I Office) think it is 21. 2 Independent Co-opted members 2 Note by witness: No members of the Police & Crime Panel Q168 Chair: Twenty-one. Are you telling the receive an allowance from the Home Office grant used to maintain and fund the panels functions. Members are able to Committee that the majority are council officers? claim reasonable travel expenses from the host authority and Anthony Stansfeld: No, no. He was asking about the a limited grant per member is set and provided by the Home community safety partnerships. Office for this purpose. 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7 January 2014 Katy Bourne and Anthony Stansfeld the job. So, probably not, no. It is a very different he decided he couldn’t carry on for personal reasons, environment, but I had quite a good run in beforehand so I no longer have a deputy. on it. Q180 Yasmin Qureshi: The question is not so much Q177 Yasmin Qureshi: Coming on to the police and why you did what you did or that he has left. It is a crime panels, Commissioner Bourne, I think you said question of the fact that the police and crime panel there were 17 people on your police and crime panel. did not endorse him but you went ahead and did so. Are most of them elected councillors? What sort of Therefore, it brings in the question about how background do they have? Do you know? effective and powerful they are in reality, or are they Katy Bourne: They are all elected councillors, bar basically there to make suggestions? If you like the two. Two of them are independent members. suggestion, that’s fine, but if you don’t like what they suggest you will go ahead and do what you want to Q178 Yasmin Qureshi: Are they from different do. You could say, that is fine and that is what you political parties? want to do. But it raises the question of how effective Katy Bourne: No, they are not from political parties they are in holding the commissioner or anybody else at all. They are completely independent of any to account. political party. One is a representative of the victims’ Katy Bourne: The greatest benefit that the panels can support group. I believe they sit on the panels as bring a police and crime commissioner is as a critical themselves, not as representatives of any groups. friend. Their role is to scrutinise, not to hold to account. That is clearly shown in the Act. Q179 Yasmin Qureshi: I know you mentioned that you found them very helpful and that it is good to have a constructive dialogue with them, but recently Q181 Chair: What is the difference between you appointed your deputy despite the panel’s scrutinising and holding to account in your view? decision not to endorse him. Does that not suggest Katy Bourne: I think as a scrutiny body they act as a that, in effect, they are toothless? critical friend and put forward their reasoning. The Katy Bourne: Not at all. To give you a bit of learning that came out of this, to answer the question, background, you have to understand the situation that was that I had not had a good dialogue with the panel. I was in. When I took office I inherited from the police It was my own fault and I had not spoken to them authority eight full-time equivalent people plus an properly. Since then, we have learned from this to set interim chief exec who was acting up and an interim up these working groups that have been incredibly finance officer. So I had no senior team members. effective. That allows the panel to scrutinise properly Three months in, I decided that I needed some my decisions and challenge me as well, without it support, so I appointed a deputy, as the Act allows. blowing up into such a big furore. That is the learning You are allowed to appoint a deputy; you don’t have that has come from it. I don’t think that shows them to go out to interview on that. As any leader of any to be toothless at all. I think that shows them council would appoint their deputy, so you can absolutely in the spirit in which the Act was written. appoint yours. I appointed a deputy who happened to be the previous Q182 Chair: So when Brad Watson said to you that chairman of the police authority. He had eight years’ they were concerned that Mr Waight would not be experience, was well regarded and was particularly able to devote enough time to his demanding job, good on the financial side as well. He was an given his commitment to other local authorities, at the incredible asset to me at that time. Since then, I have time you felt that if you had had a better dialogue with appointed a chief executive and a chief finance officer, them, you might have accepted what he said? At the as per the Act, because those are the two senior roles end of the day they were right, were they not, because I must have by law. he did step down after only six months? The panel at the time did not want me to appoint a Katy Bourne: No, they were not right at all. He deputy. I don’t think they fully understood the stepped down for personal reasons and I respect him situation that I was in. I have to admit that at the time for that. That is fine and had nothing to do with his we probably did not have the open relationship that work load. At the time, if I had had a better dialogue we have now. So it has been a lesson for both of us. with the panel, I would have been able to explain to It was a case of keeping the dialogue open, so that them the reasons why I needed a deputy at that time. they could understand. The reason they gave for not appointing was that they Q183 Chair: So it was a communication issue? were concerned that he was already a councillor. They said that he would not be able to be a full-time deputy Katy Bourne: It was a communication issue, for me and be a councillor. Unfortunately, that went definitely. against the Employments Rights Act, which clearly shows that, as a responsible employer, you can have Q184 Chair: You have been very open. It is not often an employee doing voluntary work. Being a councillor you get public officials coming along and saying they counts as voluntary work. Therefore, I did not take made a mistake and should have had a better— their advice. I said no and appointed him. He Katy Bourne: It was never a mistake. I don’t admit subsequently stepped down from one of his council that it was a mistake. I absolutely stand by my roles, anyway, which he had told the panel he was decision to appoint him. It was the right thing to do; going to do. That is where we are. After six months, it was the right thing for my office at that time. Page 212 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 26 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

7 January 2014 Katy Bourne and Anthony Stansfeld

Q185 Chair: Even though subsequently he has gone, accountability meeting—which was webcast live for the reasons they said that he would go, that he has online, purely about the policing of that event. I was obviously not got the time. able to put all the questions that the public wanted Katy Bourne: Their concern was that he could not answered directly to the Chief Constable, and he was hold down a full-time job as my deputy and be a able to answer them. I think that was a real show of councillor at the same time. Had I had a better transparency, openness and the value of this role. dialogue with them, I could have explained that, Anthony Stansfeld: I have a fortnightly informal actually, under the Employment Rights Act, as a meeting—but minutes are taken—with myself, the responsible employer, it is good that your staff do Chief Constable and the chief executive, where we go voluntary work and I am a great supporter of that. through all the major issues that are coming up. We As police and crime commissioner, I remain a school look at performance, finance— governor. Had we had a better dialogue, I think I could Lorraine Fullbrook: When you say chief have explained that a lot better and I do not think that executive— this would have occurred. I do not think they would Anthony Stansfeld: My chief executive, who takes have said no. I think they would have agreed with the minutes. We have an agenda which we go through the appointment. it and we have any other business and everything that comes up. For more formal meetings, where I hold Q186 Chair: Okay. I think we know enough about the Chief Constable to account, we have what we call that. Finally, on whether you agree with your panels a level 2 meeting where the major decisions are made or not, has there been an occasion, Commissioner and discussed. They are then put on to the web and Stansfeld, where your panel has said, “We think you you can see them. Then we have a public meeting. should do x” and you have done y? Anthony Stansfeld: No. Q190 Lorraine Fullbrook: Is that level 2 meeting held in public or webcast? Q187 Chair: There hasn’t. And, apart from that Anthony Stansfeld: That is not held in public, but particular incident, Commissioner Bourne, has there there is then a level 1 meeting which is held in public been another occasion when the panel has turned to and, at that meeting, I hold the Chief Constable to you and said, “Actually, we think this is the wrong account: we go through all the various features. It is way to do things” and you did not accept what they not an antagonistic way of holding the Chief said? Constable to account, but, if things are going wrong, Katy Bourne: No. this is my opportunity to say that publicly.

Q188 Chair: So that is just an isolated example? Q191 Lorraine Fullbrook: So as well as your Katy Bourne: Just that one. The learning we took informal, fortnightly meetings, how often do you hold from it was that we need to keep having much better level 1 and level 2 meetings? dialogue. Anthony Stansfeld: I think we hold them quarterly. If Chair: Indeed, and you have been very open about we held them monthly, there would not really be that. Thank you. enough major things to go through.

Q189 Lorraine Fullbrook: I would like to ask both Q192 Chair: Some would say, Commissioner Commissioners what arrangements you have Bourne, that the relationship has become very cosy. developed in your areas for holding your Chief We will question Lord Stevens about this later, but, Constables to account. in his inquiry, he thinks that the relationship between Katy Bourne: I think probably the most effective Commissioners and Chief Constables—not you and thing that we have done is that I have a weekly Mr Richards in particular—is too cosy. I expect you meeting with my Chief Constable every Friday from and Mr Richards sent each other Christmas cards and 8 till 10 and we talk about ongoing issues. It is a bit that you, Mr Stansfield and Sara Thornton exchanged more of a relaxed meet. But, every month, we hold a Christmas cards. Do you recognise that description? proper performance and accountability meeting, After all, they only have to keep you happy, whereas which is webcast online. The public can put questions in the old days it was the police and crime committee to my office, on which they can then see me question that the Chief Constable had to keep happy. the Chief Constable. That has been incredibly Katy Bourne: I don’t recognise that description at all effective and it has been recognised, certainly by the in Sussex. I have a very professional relationship with submission that was put in by—I forget who it was— Chief Constable Richards. He is a man whom I at the beginning of the pack that we have here, and respect enormously. He has risen to the top of his by the Policing Minister, as a really good, transparent profession, and as such should be treated with the way of holding to account. respect he deserves. I see my role as challenging but The really great thing was, if we take one example also supportive. I should be intrusive and supportive. locally, probably the most challenging thing that we have had so far in my tenure was the anti-fracking Q193 Chair: So you have no concerns over the way protests in a little village called Balcombe, which is he has handled the Tim Loughton case? just down the road from where I live, and it is now Katy Bourne: I don’t think it would be appropriate for globally on the map. You can imagine that the me to comment on that here because I am responsible correspondence I had from members of the public was should there be an official complaint against him. I quite intense. We had a PAM—a performance and don’t think it would be appropriate. Page 213 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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7 January 2014 Katy Bourne and Anthony Stansfeld

Q194 Chair: At the moment there hasn’t been. Q202 Mark Reckless: Ms Bourne, you said there Katy Bourne: I think we are still waiting for the would be difficulties in the strategic policing results of the public affairs committee— requirements if the Stevens recommendations were acted on. How would that work? Would it just be Q195 Chair: The Standards and Privileges getting people together from the various councils Committee. every now and again? Is there not also an issue of Katy Bourne: Yes. who would apply proper and full scrutiny to the chief constable? Q196 Chair: So you have had no involvement in this Katy Bourne: Well, yes, you are asking for dilution at all? No one has come to you about it in your role across, looking at Sussex, 12 different district and as commissioner? borough councils, each with their own agendas and so Katy Bourne: My role as commissioner is to on. I didn’t have a police authority background, but investigate any formal complaints against the chief from what I have learned it was hard enough to get constable. Therefore without making myself them to make a decision—one committee of 17. I prejudiced at this point— cannot imagine how difficult it would be to get 12 committees of potentially 17 apiece to make Q197 Chair: Of course, but as far as the issue of decisions. I cannot see how that would benefit police information notices and the way in which your residents in Sussex. authority—your area—seems to be giving them out, you have no concerns over the number of PINs that Q203 Mark Reckless: It might not benefit residents, have been issued by Sussex police? but it might well benefit the chief constables who Katy Bourne: I think this is probably verging more would not have to— on the operational side. Katy Bourne: It would be very easy to hide. The one thing that has been shown up and down the country Q198 Chair: But as a matter of policy? with police and crime commissioners is that chief Katy Bourne: I would be wary of commenting in the constables are held up to scrutiny far more than they light of Mr Loughton’s outstanding case at this have been in the past. That is a positive thing. moment in time, but it is something that I am alive to. Q204 Mark Reckless: So may it be perhaps that Q199 Chair: Right. Mr Stansfeld, one of your Lord Stevens and some of the other ex-chief Members of Parliament is the Prime Minister. Would constables he was working with aren’t so keen on that you have him writing to you as his commissioner, level of scrutiny. complaining about the lack of police in Witney? Katy Bourne: Well, I mean, yes. Why would a turkey Anthony Stansfeld: He never has. Neither has the vote for Christmas? Home Secretary written to me. She is also one of my Anthony Stansfeld: I would agree with that. MPs. Q205 Mark Reckless: Ms Bourne, you were saying Q200 Chair: Do you feel a special responsibility to about Mr make sure that the relationship with Sara Thornton Richards that he deserves respect because he is a chief isn’t too cosy because you have very high profile constable. Haven’t we rather moved on from that and Members of Parliament in your area? respect is earned rather than ex officio? Anthony Stansfeld: I don’t think that things are really Katy Bourne: Yes, respect is earned, but you have interconnected at all. I have one of the most senior somebody who has been in policing for 30 years. chief constables and the most experienced. We don’t Anybody who has worked their way through an always agree. There are things that we will not organisation for 30 years deserves respect for getting necessarily agree with in private, but I think I have a where they have got to. That was really just to give very good working relationship with a very competent an understanding of where I come from with the police officer. relationship. I am not there to be Mr Richards’s pal. I am there to hold him to account, but I am also there Q201 Lorraine Fullbrook: Chairman, if I may, I to be supportive. I want him to be the best possible should like to ask both commissioners a chief constable that he can be, because that benefits supplementary question. Lord Stevens argues in his people in Sussex. report that the power of commissioners to dismiss their chief constables has had a damaging and chilling Q206 Mark Reckless: But when you put the effect on police leadership. Do you agree with those emphasis on deserving respect because he is a chief conclusions? constable, or because he has had 30 years of Anthony Stansfeld: I don’t. I think it is a huge experience, might some people not see that as rather exaggeration. a pro forma statement of confidence, rather than Katy Bourne: I would endorse my colleague’s anything stronger? sentiments. There has been a lot of churn at the top Katy Bourne: I hope not. Call me old-fashioned, but because a lot of chief constables have left for that is just how I was brought up. Coming from my whatever reasons, but that is not an unhealthy thing in business background, when people get to a certain any organisation. It gives others opportunities to come position, they don’t usually get there just because they forward. I think it is healthy. won it on a lottery ticket. Page 214 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 28 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

7 January 2014 Katy Bourne and Anthony Stansfeld

Q207 Mark Reckless: And presumably in his case, thing, I mentioned we combine counter-terrorism, if you have not appointed him at least you have serious organised crime and I could go through about continued to have him in post. You mentioned 10 other things that we have actually combined. We Balcombe. Were you satisfied that Sussex police did are just combining with Hampshire on all our records. everything they should have done to allow Cuadrilla to go about their lawful activity? Q213 Mark Reckless: Surrey has a boundary with Katy Bourne: I am, yes. Berkshire in your force. Is there any collaboration at all between the two forces? Q208 Mark Reckless: Could I ask you about Anthony Stansfeld: We have just signed a very big collaboration? What concrete results have you had in contract with BT right across the south region, terms of benefits from your collaboration with although one is not a member. Surrey police? Katy Bourne: Yes, it is Hampshire, Surrey, Sussex Katy Bourne: It is still very early days. Surrey and and Thames Valley. Sussex have been collaborating for quite some years Anthony Stansfeld: Kent has not become a member, now, and in that period haven’t really achieved as but it is a huge collaborative one and we are going to much as we have started to see achieved in the last save I think £300,000 a year out of that contract alone. 12 months. Of course, with Surrey we have combined, as I said, Mark Reckless: So it is not early days. It has been all our regional organised crime and all that side of it. going on a long time, but nothing much has happened. We have a meeting early next week where the PCCs Katy Bourne: Yes. and chief constables will go down to Guildford and go through all the collaborative projects that we do Q209 Mark Reckless: Why is that? together. Katy Bourne: I just think there was perhaps a lack of will on both sides and there was no drive there before, Q214 Mark Reckless: Finally from me, do you think to really make it work. police and crime commissioners will continue? Will there be a further set of elections, with some of you Q210 Mark Reckless: And does your relationship re-elected, or do you think Lord Stevens will hit his with the Surrey PCC deliver that drive which was target? lacking before? Anthony Stansfeld: It is up to you who wins an Katy Bourne: It helps enormously, but it is not just election. I will say that there are 13 Labour PCCs, of the PCCs. It is working with the chief constables as whom four, if not five, are ex-Labour Cabinet well. It is important that both organisations are aligned Ministers. Our chairman, Tony Lloyd, who runs from both sides. Manchester, is a senior ex-Labour Minister.

Q211 Mark Reckless: Is there significant pressure Q215 Mark Reckless: And Alun Michael served on for savings? I know that in Surrey the council tax our Committee until recently. payer has to pay for about half the cost of the force. Anthony Stansfeld: And he is in south Wales. In Sussex, I think it is over 40%. Is that fair, when some of the forces in the north are almost 7/8ths Q216 Mark Reckless: Ms Bourne, do you think funded by the national Exchequer, yet according to PCCs will continue? Mr Stansfeld, all this money can be found for big Katy Bourne: I hope so. It will be a sad day for the allowances for members of the police and crime public if they do not. I really think it is a fantastic panels? opportunity. More members of the public in Sussex I Katy Bourne: It is an interesting correlation in Surrey speak to understand the role, and what it means for and Sussex, because Surrey taxpayers on band D pay them that they have somebody through whom they approximately £207 per annum for their police can hold the police to account. It is a real benefit for precept, whereas in Sussex they pay £138.42. Sussex them, and I hope that it continues. is the fourth lowest precept of all the 41 police forces, and certainly the lowest of all the shire counties as Q217 Mr Winnick: One understands your wish for well. That is quite a difference. police and crime commissioners to continue. It would be unusual otherwise. Do you accept—this is a yes or Q212 Mark Reckless: Mr Stansfeld, do you see no question—that the whole position of police and collaboration as offering the prospect of savings for crime commissioners is on probation? your council tax payers? Katy Bourne: No, I do not think we are on probation, Anthony Stansfeld: I think the only reason that we because we are elected and in the role now. We are have been able not to cut the front line in Thames very much here, and I hope that we are here to stay. I Valley—we are one of only four police forces that has certainly intend to keep my sleeves rolled up and keep achieved not cutting it, but also taking the working hard to prove to people that this is a considerable cuts that are now well over 21%—shows fantastic opportunity. that collaboration has been one of the major ways we have done this. For instance, we have a road vehicles Q218 Mr Winnick: Whether you are elected or not, fleet—one of the biggest in the country—but we are will the position continue? Do you accept that combined with Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and the whichever party wins the next election will nuclear police. With Hampshire, we have combined presumably review the situation, and therefore to that all our ICT, firearms and dogs. Over the regional extent the position is on probation? Page 215 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 29

7 January 2014 Katy Bourne and Anthony Stansfeld

Katy Bourne: The position is constantly under review and borough councils together with the county, and from all quarters. Ultimately, it has to be the they have actually identified somewhere for a transit people’s decision. site now, which will alleviate a lot of the pressure that residents across Sussex have been crying out on, for Q219 Mr Winnick: The same? years and years. So I think from an achievement point Anthony Stansfeld: Yes. It is inevitably under review of view that sums it up. the whole time, and the better the job we make of it, the better. However, it would be extraordinarily Q221 Paul Flynn: How many people listen to your difficult to go back to the huge, largely anonymous webcast? committees that were running the police. When we Katy Bourne: Gosh, I think pre-Christmas we were put together Serious Organised Crime across the hitting around 800 live online. I think the Balcombe south-east of England, imagine getting five one was probably our most successful. committees of 17 to 19 members agreeing to do that. We sat down with the five commissioners, the five Q222 Paul Flynn: How many have you had? chief constables and their staff and we put it together Katy Bourne: I don’t have the figures to hand, but we over the course of three or four months. The savings can get those to you. We were told by the company— and efficiency improvements were absolutely massive. I will not name them, because I am not sure if this is I don’t believe that the police authorities could have a public broadcast-type; I do not want to advertise done that. them in that respect—that if you get more than 100 Chair: It would be helpful if you could write to us online viewers watching at the time, that is really with that information, because we are interested in the impressive. Our first one we had over 300 watching. issue of collaboration. The Balcombe one, in particular, I think we had over 1,000 online, watching, at the time. Then of course Q220 Mr Clappison: In making the case for your they can download archive afterwards. posts, may I ask each of you what you regard to be your most significant achievement? Q223 Paul Flynn: The decision on whether this Anthony Stansfeld: I set three priorities, but it is experiment with police commissioners continues will always difficult in an area as diverse as Thames. One be decided by the next general election, by a vote on was to reduce household burglary, which I have done many issues. In what ways do you think the remit of very effectively, I hope—when I say I have done it, I commissioners could be changed, to make it more mean the police have done it. I set another one on likely that you continue? vulnerable people. You are aware of what went on in Katy Bourne: I do not think you should change the Oxford and the serious problems we had with that. remit of commissioners. I think it is absolutely— Some 25 extra police officers were moved into child sexual abuse and exploitation. We are putting together Q224 Paul Flynn: You are not concerned about the multi-agency hubs to sort that out through the three unfettered—or what is claimed to be the unfettered— areas, which is frightfully important. It is no good the power of the police commissioner to sack a chief police and everybody else doing it in isolation; that constable, particularly in the case where not only the doesn’t work. You have got to operate together in chief constable may have 30 years of experience, one office. which you commended, but the actual commissioner I made one that was slightly contentious, which was might have 30 years of experience in the police? Do rural crime, but two thirds of my population live in you think that is something that is useful and likely to rural areas or small towns, and we had a massive endear the commissioners to the population? problem with serious organised crime and the stealing Katy Bourne: Members of the public have a huge say of heavy machinery and plant, allied with intimidation in the commissioner that they vote in, and they very across a wide area. We have reduced that quite a lot, much understand what they are getting when they but I have got a long way to go on that. I think that vote for— my three priorities have not been entirely achieved, but we have made huge progress on all three. Q225 Paul Flynn: This is an example: a Katy Bourne: Nationally, for me it has been the commissioner working on the strength of a democratic performance and accountability meetings, which have vote of 8% of the electorate immediately set about shown the public that their questions can be put putting pressure on the chief constable to resign, who forward on issues such as emergency response times, later told this Committee that he expected a large which has been an issue in Sussex, and burglary going number of applicants to replace her. In fact he had no up. I have been able to challenge on those issues, and applicants to replace her. He replaced her with his see burglary response times drop. Locally, the public deputy but no external applicant came in. Do you tell me all the time they want more visible, effective think that powers of that kind are likely to affect the policing. I have been able to open recruitment for the popularity of commissioners and their acceptability? first time in three and a half years in Sussex. That has Katy Bourne: There are two points there, if I may, been an incredible achievement. that you raise. In one of them you remarked about an If you want to take one specific, the last 10 years in 8% mandate. What is a mandate—one vote or 1 the west of the county we had really bad issues with million— Travellers, because there has been no transit site provision across the county. In less than 12 months, Q226 Paul Flynn: None of us here were elected on with my role, I have been able to get all the district 8%, I can assure you. Page 216 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 30 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

7 January 2014 Katy Bourne and Anthony Stansfeld

Katy Bourne: I think it is a bit pedantic, though, to Katy Bourne: I cannot be held responsible for argue about what a mandate is here. That is one thing decisions that colleagues of mine make. I can be held I would refute, absolutely; 15.8% of the electorate responsible for the decisions that I make and I stand voted for me. That actually amounted to just short of by them. 200,000 people voting. That is more than vote for any Chair: Thank you. That is a very clear answer. MP, so we won’t go down the mandate route. When Anthony Stansfeld: I needed somebody who knew you ask whether there is too much power in one something about the police and who knew a lot about person’s hands, ultimately you want somebody who Buckinghamshire. I chose a county councillor in can make a decision. If the public don’t like the Buckinghamshire who had been on the police decisions that their police and crime commissioner is authority. I did not have many people to choose from. making they can make their voice heard at the ballot I did not want somebody who was coming in as my box. deputy who was learning from scratch. I needed somebody who could advise me on the Q227 Paul Flynn: Do you think the powers that Buckinghamshire issues. I think I made the right police commissioners have to appoint their deputies decision. It went in front of the police and crime in a way that is entirely unfettered—we recognise panel, which agreed with my decision, so it was not there is some kind of approval with the panels—is a an unfettered decision. If they had all objected wildly power that has brought criticism to the office? Most to him, I do not think I would have appointed him. of them have appointed their panels. Katy Bourne: No, because the leader of a council has Q229 Paul Flynn: Mrs Bourne, your panel objected, the right to appoint their deputy without recourse to didn’t they? anybody. It is their decision. The Prime Minister has Katy Bourne: I think I explained the reasons behind the right to appoint his deputy without recourse to that. anybody. Therefore as police and crime commissioner, I should have the right to appoint my deputy. Q230 Paul Flynn: You did, yes. They did actually Mr Winnick: That is one way of putting it! object, but you still continued with your appointment. Chair: Order. Katy Bourne: They did, and I explained the reasons Paul Flynn: Imagine if I mentioned Mr Clegg in behind that. that way— Chair: We have heard that explanation. Thank you Chair: Order. Final question. for coming in. We are most grateful. It has given us a useful insight into the work of police and crime Q228 Paul Flynn: Are you conscious of a situation commissioners. If there is anything else you want to in which someone appoints a pal of his, who is a tell us about, please do not hesitate to write, especially fellow freemason, for instance, or someone who with the information on collaboration, which I think served with him as a fellow policeman, without any the Committee finds extremely interesting. Thank you. kind of advertising or interviews with people? That is what brings the office into disrepute.

Examination of Witnesses

Witnesses: Martin Richards QPM, Chief Constable, Sussex Police, and Sara Thornton CBE, QPM, Chief Constable, Thames Valley Police, gave evidence.

Q231 Chair: Perhaps I can begin with you, Sara, on make sure that I did my very best to implement what the nature of police and crime commissioners. We Parliament had decided in the introduction of police have heard from your police and crime and crime commissioners, and that is what we have commissioners. We wanted to make sure that we done in the Thames Valley. heard from the chief constables immediately after the commissioners had given evidence. You may or may Q232 Chair: Has it gone well? not have read Lord Stevens’s report, but you know Chief Constable Thornton: I was trying to think who he is and obviously you have had contact with about what the differences are. I worked with police him. You yourself have had a very distinguished authorities for a long time. The point that Mr career in the police. Lord Stevens concludes that there Stansfeld made about the clarity of priority is really are systemic failures in the way in which the whole important. He stood on a manifesto that was about operation of PCCs has taken place. Do you agree burglary, rural crime and vulnerable victims. Those with that? have been translated directly into his police and crime Chief Constable Thornton: Chairman, I think that to plan, and that is what we operate against. There is give a straight answer on that would be to venture into clarity about objectives. party politics. We have got the coalition Government Also, both commissioners made the point that the who have introduced police and crime commissioners. public now have what you might call a go-to person Although it is an independent review, it was when they are concerned about issues or individual commissioned by the Labour party, so I do not want cases. That does not mean the police and crime to be drawn on what I think is a party political issue. commissioner becomes the decision maker, but they My sense of duty as the chief constable has been to can then advocate on behalf of that member of the Page 217 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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7 January 2014 Martin Richards QPM and Sara Thornton CBE, QPM public to either me or my colleagues about issues or can be questions that we might anticipate, but there cases. are certainly very many that we do not. What it also provides is that sharp focus. It is right to Q233 Chair: Sure. Can I stop you there? Are you say that we had identified—but the commissioner was telling us that you are getting fewer complaints very much on the case—a drop-off in performance on because people tend to write first to the burglary detection, which you have heard about, and commissioner? As an MP, if somebody comes to my response times—issues that are critical to the public. surgery—other Members will have different ways of I certainly felt, not quite put through the mincer, but dealing with this—I would write to the chief it was a tough time. We have responded and reacted constable. I would never get a reply from the chief as a result. constable. It would go to the commander of the local police force, who would then reply to me. Q236 Chair: So if we are now looking for a boss of Constituents like to know, when they go and see their policing in Sussex, is it you, or is it Commissioner MPs, that they have written to the chief constable. It Bourne? sounds good. Are you finding that people are now Chief Constable Richards: I like to think it depends writing to the commissioner first, rather than you? Do on what you are asking about. We have already talked you see any change, or is there no change in the way this afternoon about communities and representation. in which the public approach you? For me, the boss could be the police community Chief Constable Thornton: I still get numerous letters support officer, if we are talking about a parish council from Members of Parliament. I am aware that the or local issue that addresses the needs or difficulties police and crime commissioner gets them in addition, that 100 people might be experiencing. but I have seen no drop-off in the letters. For my own If it is an issue such as Balcombe, the drilling and the part, if an MP writes a letter to me, they get a reply policing of that drilling, which we have also heard from me. about, then that is almost certainly a matter for the chief constable, with scrutiny and holding to account from the police and crime commissioner. Q234 Chair: When you say that they are the advocates of the public, how has that manifested itself practically? How do they advocate what the public Q237 Chair: Has your life changed at all under the want? new system? Chief Constable Richards: Yes. Significantly. Chief Constable Thornton: People will write to, e- mail or contact the police and crime commissioner, or raise an issue at a meeting. When we have our Q238 Chair: Because? informal bi-weekly meetings, which he explained to Chief Constable Richards: For a start, if I can put it you, he will raise those issues with me. For example, bluntly and personally, I remember what it is like to he is very concerned about fraud and the way in which work for one boss. Where I would demur from one or Action Fraud has changed arrangements nationally two is, I do feel that it is a hierarchical arrangement, which I do not think is a view shared by everyone. I and whether that is a good deal for victims. He has certainly feel that I have been held to account by a been very concerned about issues such as female single individual who, as we have heard, has the genital mutilation and has raised those issues with me. capability of hiring and firing. That sounds pretty But also, he will raise individual cases. I think it is hierarchical to me, and it sounds as if I need to be on important to say that he does not in any way seek to my mettle when being asked questions, whether they replace my decision making. I think there is an be of a financial, organisational or operational nature. important respect for our mutual roles. I have first accountability to the law, but what he will do is Q239 Chair: Do you go and see her, or does she challenge me and seek explanation and rationale for come and see you? why I was adopting certain approaches. Chief Constable Richards: We alternate. We play home and away on a weekly basis. For reasons of Q235 Chair: Mr Richards, you have been lavished technology, the webcam meeting takes place in her with praise by your commissioner. Were you slightly offices. I must emphasise that our meetings and embarrassed with the words that she used when you conversations are not restricted to what I might call announced your retirement? She said that you were the set piece. If there is a high-profile and reputational steering the force through difficult times and dealing issue of an operational matter, I or one of my senior with significant financial challenges. Today, she is staff will brief her as soon as it is practically obviously someone who has full respect for your possible—a relationship that we maintain with our work. Do you think that relationship is too cosy? local councillors and MPs as well, of course. There Chief Constable Richards: It certainly does not feel will be other meetings during the working week, cosy on a Friday morning when, not the eyes of the either where the commissioner is briefed by my senior world, but, as you heard, the eyes of anything up to departmental heads, or an informal meeting or phone 1,000 people are on you, and the commissioner is call with myself. putting her questions, linked very much to her police and crime plan. What may not have come across to Q240 Chair: You have mentioned your relations with the Committee is that the questions tend to be grouped local MPs. I raised the case of Tim Loughton, and you around her priorities and our operational response to know about it because it is in the public domain and them—perhaps a little bit like this afternoon. There has been debated in Parliament. Have you now written Page 218 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 32 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

7 January 2014 Martin Richards QPM and Sara Thornton CBE, QPM to the Standards and Privileges Committee with your reduced burglary by 20% and that there must be submission? something wrong there? Chief Constable Richards: Yes. We have written a Chief Constable Thornton: I am aware that there has full submission. always been a debate in the police service, as long as there have been statistics, about the need for them to Q241 Chair: Do you know the timetable for the be accurate and reliable. That is why in my own force conclusion of that? Because the Committee may take we have 15 members of staff whose full-time job it is an interest in what has been decided. to scrutinise the data. That is their job. They are not Chief Constable Richards: I do not know. We have based on local police areas. They belong to not had a response since we made the submission a headquarters. They have no interest; they have no skin week or two before Christmas3. in the game. It is their responsibility to make sure—

Q242 Chair: But do you now accept that ultimately Q246 Chair: So they check these figures, and you Parliament is sovereign in these matters, and that you are confident that the figures for Thames Valley have have to make a submission? not been manipulated. Chief Constable Richards: I have never not accepted Chief Constable Thornton: We check them. Because that. We have made a lengthy and detailed submission of the numbers of crime we cannot check absolutely on two occasions now to that Committee. every one but we check where we know from history that there have been problems and where there might Q243 Chair: As far as police information notices are be difficulties. As the commissioner explained to you, concerned, how many did you issue last year? the last time the inspectorate inspected on this issue, Chief Constable Richards: Having heard you ask that which was unfortunately two years ago, Thames Valley was given a very good report. It was very question in the previous session, I wondered whether important to us then; it is very important to us now. it would come to me and I do not have the answer. I can write to you. It would be wrong for me to guess. Q247 Chair: Mr Richards, what about you? Are you concerned? You have also seen a reduction in crime Q244 Chair: Let me turn to one issue of substance by 9% for the past eight consecutive years. Have you that we wish to raise with you: the operating figures, been chief constable for eight years or longer? the recording of crime figures. Both of you can come Chief Constable Richards: Nine years altogether; six to this Committee and proudly say that the number of at Sussex. crimes has gone down in your area. In Sussex, it has been going down for a considerable length of time. Chief Constable Thornton, you must be very pleased, Q248 Chair: Well, you can claim a large part of the having the Prime Minister and the Home Secretary on credit for that. Are you worried that some of the your patch, to be able to report a reduction in crime. figures may be fiddled? Were you as concerned as the Committee about the Chief Constable Richards: I share the thoughts of my allegations that some of these figures have in effect colleague from Thames Valley in terms of reputational been fiddled: that the figures recorded are not accurate issues. We depend upon our reputation for integrity in but are to satisfy the Home Office, the public or some order to generate evidence, intelligence and support other individual or body? Have you looked at those in order to prosecute crimes ultimately. Anything that allegations? causes that to be shaken needs a severe examination. We have a very similar arrangement to that in Thames Chief Constable Thornton: I was very concerned Valley, now with a centralised unit. We also put direct when those allegations were made nationally. As a responsibility on the first-line supervisor. As you police chief, I need accurate crime statistics. I cannot heard earlier this afternoon, the prima facie case of a operate effectively, protecting the public in Thames reported crime is received. If that is going to be Valley, unless I understand what crime is happening varied, it is down to the officer in the case, checked where. It is absolutely in my interest to make sure that by a supervisor, but on balance of probability there crime figures are accurate. I also understand that it is has to be a reason to vary it and change the initial an issue of public trust. We need the public to trust recording. the police: to trust us to tell the truth in the witness I would like to make the point, Chairman, that we box in court and to trust us to record crime accurately. offer no reward or recognition to either individuals or It is really very important. team leaders, purely on the basis of crime statistics. We pride ourselves on a values-based system to our Q245 Chair: We have seen a reduction of 20% in the recruitment, selection and promotion. It has been level of burglaries in the Thames Valley. We have had worked on for many years and certainly pre-dates me. chief constables and commissioners before us shocked It is living and breathing the values of the force, which to hear about the fiddling of figures. You are very have strong echoes of the integrity code that we are distinguished. You have served in the police force for seeing introduced nationally. That is what we look to many years, almost as long as Mr Richards. Have you reward and recognise. When it comes, for instance, to ever heard in the past about fiddling the figures? Has divisional awards occasions, often attended by anecdotal evidence come to you while sitting in the Members of Parliament, the categories that we look to canteen? Do you ever wonder whether you have really reward in are integrity, personal responsibility, 3 Note by witness: Full chronology sent via a separate courage, compassion—what you might call the usual document. suspects in a public body. Page 219 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 33

7 January 2014 Martin Richards QPM and Sara Thornton CBE, QPM

Chair: Very helpful. has said, residential burglary is down 20%. We are solving so many more burglaries than we were before. Q249 Dr Huppert: Can I go back to this question That is partly because the police and crime about how the advent of police and crime commissioner has asked us to do so, but also overall commissioners has changed your working practice? I crime is down 5% this year compared with last year. think, Chief Constable Thornton, you were saying how it was a priority to deal with—I think you gave Q253 Dr Huppert: Chief Constable Richards, what a list of specific things—rural crime, and various is your take on this? others. Are you saying that you were not looking at Chief Constable Richards: I follow a line of those beforehand? Why has that changed what you predecessors that I am honoured to follow. I think were doing before? each of us would have shared the same ambition to Chief Constable Thornton: What I am saying is that improve policing year on year. I would not be so the priorities of the force are now very much informed arrogant or complacent to claim that has been the by the democratic purpose. Anthony Stansfeld stood case. Some of the key indicators are reduction in on a manifesto which said, “These will be my focus.” crime, customer surveys and feedback from the What that meant in terms of the force is that we have community. Interestingly, I have similar experiences probably put more emphasis on those priorities of similar meetings with the CLA and NFU. We also because they have that power, that mandate, which have Sussex local council meetings; they come to plans in the past maybe did not have. It is not to say meet with me once a quarter. The picture there is an that we were not dealing with rural crime or burglary; improving and enhanced one. So I think constantly of course we were, but there is an absolute focus on to improve. that. In terms of operations and resources, they would Where I think the extra focus has come, and it will get more of a priority than they would otherwise. mean to a degree deprioritising other areas, is interestingly where crime has increased or reported Q250 Dr Huppert: And does that mean that you crime has increased. The Commissioner and I would have deprioritised some other things? probably share a similar view here that to have an Chief Constable Thornton: It means that other things increase in hate crime, or reports of domestic are not top priorities, yes. violence—you are not hearing it from me for the first time I am sure—we would regard as a key indicator Q251 Dr Huppert: It also implies that the police of a sign of confidence in reporting and confidence authorities were not setting priorities particularly. not just in policing services but in all the partners that Would you agree with that? work around those really tricky areas where the true Chief Constable Thornton: No, I do not think that it picture of unreported crime still has a long way to go. does. My point is that the priorities we have now have been informed by the democratic process. In the past, Q254 Dr Huppert: And what are you deprioritising? we would discuss with the police authority what our Chief Constable Richards: That is a very good strategic assessments were telling us about the crime question. In the past, when we have tried to create a threats and issues in the force and we would agree list of things that we should stop doing, it tends to be with them. They never really went to the public in any a pretty blank piece of paper. Another way of looking way. They might have done a few surveys, but there at that is probably by asking where our performance certainly was never any election about what were has struggled a little in recent times. In some of our priorities in this area. responses to non-emergencies we are probably taking a little longer to tackle them. That is why we put such Q252 Dr Huppert: Overall, do you think the people a strong emphasis on neighbourhood policing—I in your area are getting better policing now than they would rather get to a problem that is of a lower grade were a year and a half ago? and assessment eventually than not get there at all. Chief Constable Thornton: I do not think that is the point I am making. The point I am making is that the Q255 Dr Huppert: I am fascinated that both of you priorities have been informed by an election, by an are very reluctant to say what is not the priority. I can electoral process. see why. If something is really a priority, that means Dr Huppert: But I am asking you the question. that there are some things that you are choosing not Chief Constable Thornton: Let’s talk about rural to do or to do less well. When you said that the thing crime. Every year since I have been chief constable, I that you were deprioritising was non-emergency have met with the National Farmers’ Union and the responses, you immediately explained how you are in Country Landowners’ Association. If I am honest with fact prioritising it to do something about it. you, in the early days, those were not comfortable Presumably, there are things that you have both meetings. My meeting this year was a lot more chosen not to do in order to prioritise doing other positive because they were very reassured by the things. emphasis that had been put on rural crime. Chief Constable Thornton: There has been no Dr Huppert: Overall, do you have an assessment deliberate thought process, discussion or decision about whether the policing received now is better or made that we will not do this or stop doing that. If the worse than it was a year and a half ago? public call us, if they need our help, we will go. We Chief Constable Thornton: There is less crime. If the will deal with any crime that people want to report to most important thing is crime reduction, there is less us, and we are constantly trying to understand the crime now than there was last year. As the Chairman threat and risk in our area and how we can best protect Page 220 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 34 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

7 January 2014 Martin Richards QPM and Sara Thornton CBE, QPM the people of Thames Valley. It is more a process of Chief Constable Richards: If I may say so, if that what we give extra priority to, rather than deliberately differentiation comes out in all the coverage, I would saying that we will put less priority on something. be delighted.

Q256 Michael Ellis: Now, I would like to ask you Q259 Michael Ellis: But you do not feel as though about an issue that is sometimes raised by those who your having someone who is able to hire and fire you are hostile to the concept of police and crime infringes on your operational independence? commissioners, which is that of the power that Chief Constable Richards: No, no more so than I commissioners have to hire and fire their chief perhaps did under previous regimes, where the choice constables. There seems to be a suggestion in some lay not so much with the police authority; I guess it quarters that chief constables such as yourselves ought would have been with the chief officer and I suspect to be in some way inviolable and not subject to the that there would therefore have been occasions when, power of others to fire and hire where appropriate. if all mediation and discussion eventually broke down, What do you think about that? Do you think that there my approach to life would have been seeing is an infringement on your operational independence by having, as you said, Chief Constable Richards, to resignation as one of the outcomes, as opposed to answer to someone who has that power over you? hiring and firing. Nevertheless, in many ways, I see Chief Constable Richards: I certainly do not feel that the principles as not dissimilar. infringement in any way. I have always felt accountable to the law, first and foremost. In many Q260 Michael Ellis: And Chief Constable Thornton? ways, a police and crime commissioner plays a role Chief Constable Thornton: You may recall that there alongside that in terms of my accountability. As police was a statutory instrument placed before Parliament, officers, we often look across the full range of scrutiny called “The Policing Protocol”, which set out the role and accountability mechanisms that we have, whether of police and crime commissioners and chief that is the inspectorate, the Home Affairs Committee, constables. That is something that Mr Stansfeld and I the press and media, the courts of law, the police have often looked at and when we have been asked to authority previously or police and crime speak about how the world has changed, we have used commissioners now. It certainly does not feel that as a base point. That protocol makes it clear that unfettered to me, given that list, and of course the operational independence is a vital principle of British most important of all is the general public. policing and that both the police and crime Where I think there is an interesting development, commissioner and the chief constable have a which is self-evidently part of the change, is that the responsibility to safeguard it. I think that is a general public have a key role in electing a police and responsibility we both take very seriously. Before crime commissioner. That has obviously not been police and crime commissioners were introduced, there in the past. I think it will be fascinating to see there was a suggestion that operational independence how that plays out when the second election comes would be undermined. I have not personally seen around, which I must say I do have some trepidation evidence of that. In my own case, we respect each about. other’s roles and we respect each other individually. We have different roles and we need to work together Q257 Michael Ellis: Why do you have some to protect the public. trepidation about that? On the point you make about hire and fire, I do not Chief Constable Richards: Because I think that, feel that that makes any difference to that operational however successful a police and crime commissioner independence. The only thing that I would say is that will have been in any force area, understandably that when a police and crime commissioner feels that record will be there to be shot at, fairly or unfairly. perhaps a chief constable is not performing There will be a competition, which is, as I understand effectively—not doing the sorts of things they want or it, the nature of any election, so there will be winners whatever the issue is—it would be much better if there and losers. My big concern is that the main loser was some mechanism for mediation or conciliation. might be the general public through a lack of The protocol says that these issues should be dealt confidence that plays out through the coverage of the with locally, but I wonder whether it would be build-up to those elections. I do not think that that is a political point—I hope it is not, because I would not possible for an HMI or some other third party to get want to make one; I think it is a fact of life. If it is a involved to conciliate, because it is much better staff public confidence issue, it quickly becomes a police relations to talk about an issue than as a first port of service issue. I think that junior and senior colleagues call to say, “This is why I think you’re not good that I have the privilege to lead might find that a enough.” challenging time. Q261 Michael Ellis: That is an interesting point, but Q258 Michael Ellis: But of course, those being the overall concept of being answerable to an elected are not chief constables but police and crime individual—in this case, a police and crime commissioners, so perhaps there is some commissioner—is not something you find differentiation there. Would you concede that it is not objectionable per se, from the point of view of the police that are going to be subject to the politics of independence or operational independence of police. an election; it is the police and crime commissioner? Chief Constable Thornton: No. Page 221 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 35

7 January 2014 Martin Richards QPM and Sara Thornton CBE, QPM

Q262 Michael Ellis: Are you happy with the clarity, constables? You have suggested that there should or otherwise, there might be as to the division of roles perhaps be an independent body, or another body, between a commissioner and a chief constable? arbitrating, which therefore would suggest an Clearly, in many cases, it is, “How long is a piece of unqualified right to dismiss a chief constable is string?” In the legal context, self-defence means two perhaps— very different things, depending on the circumstances Chief Constable Thornton: The law says that a police of an individual case. There might sometimes be a and crime commissioner can call on a chief constable grey area in individual cases over the roles that the to retire or resign. There is a big legal debate, and two of you might have in any particular force area, certainly my own staff association and the HMI have but do you feel that there is sufficient clarity, between taken legal advice about whether that is an unfettered you and a commissioner and your respective areas, for power. I am not a lawyer and I will not go into it, but the system to work functionally? there is a big debate about whether it is unfettered. Chief Constable Thornton: Yes, I do. The protocol The chief HMI’s view is that it is not unfettered—that tries to set it out. I think that there are some areas actually, there is a whole realm of years of case law that are clearly the police and crime commissioner’s that puts some constraint round that, that it has to be responsibility—setting the budget, setting the precept a reasonable decision, etc. The point I was making is and drawing up the police and crime plan. There are that, when a police and crime commissioner comes to some areas that are clearly about the chief constable’s thinking like that, it would be much better if we had operational independence—the decision to arrest, the some sort of ability to mediate and conciliate before decision to investigate. At either end of that it comes to that. continuum, there is clarity; it is a grey area in Chief Constable Richards: If I may add, the spirit of between. Some of these areas are ones on which both natural justice and reasonableness reinforces what parties have a legitimate view. For example, one thing Sara Thornton is saying. It is not for me to legislate that we discussed recently is the fact that some of our or propose changes, but something that has no right smaller police stations, where we still have a front of appeal or challenge seems to be almost on its own counter open to the public, have a very low footfall— in employment terms. That would be my contention. two or three people a day. Is there a better way to provide that service? I am making an operational Q265 Yasmin Qureshi: That is what we are trying to decision, because if I have it open, I have to have address. Sometimes, you can argue for unfair staff there, but the police and crime commissioner is dismissals or go to tribunals, or whatever, but the way thinking about the community impacts and that the system seems to be here is that, yes, individual community issues. With a problem like that, both of police commissioners and chief constables may have us have a legitimate locus in the discussion and we a very good relationship in some areas, but it is not can have a debate about what is best to do. hard to imagine areas where perhaps the police commissioner comes in, who is a politically appointed Q263 Michael Ellis: Thank you. That is very helpful. person with their own agenda, and the chief constable Mr Richards, did you want to add anything to that as may have a very different set of priorities, and there far as the clarity is concerned? is a conflict between the two. If the chief Chief Constable Richards: No, I agree. Absolute commissioner can then say, “I can dismiss you,” clarity with the protocol. There are grey areas. If you would you not agree that—I understand that you are being held to account by somebody and your might find it difficult to express your true opinion business is operational policing, I think that it is quite about it—in an objective setting, the power that has right that a police and crime commissioner should ask been given would put the chief constable or any other you questions about the whys and the wherefores of person in that position in difficulty, in terms of being an operational matter, but the separate areas of able to do their job properly? They are going to be responsibility are clear. watching their back at all times because of the police Chair: Thank you. Just to remind colleagues, we have commissioner. That is the fundamental problem with Lord Stevens next. the police commissioner being able to fire the chief constable. Q264 Yasmin Qureshi: I am going to touch upon Chief Constable Richards: I will repeat what we have some of the things that Lord Stevens has said. We already said. It is out for a clearer legal decision. have had quite a lot of discussion this afternoon about There is a danger here of bad cases making bad law, the power of the police commissioner to hire and fire rather than the other way round. I repeat what I have the chief constable. I understand that obviously, as said already. The role of the HMIC could be given Chief Constable Thornton said, there are political greater clarity moving forward. We have had cases decisions as to the protocols and who hires and fires. that are worthy of significant review. I think, however, Obviously, it would not be appropriate for you to that ultimately whatever the outcome of the legal comment on this particular issue, but I want to raise advice for other decisions, there comes a time in high an issue that we discussed a little while ago. In light office where the options might be left with the chief of what you said, Chief Constable Thornton, would officer to make their own decision. I do not think we you accept, on the issue about firing or dismissing a should be looking to remove that either. chief constable, that the way that it currently is—that the commissioner can make that decision—is, on the Q266 Mr Winnick: A previous witness, the Sussex face of it, wrong, and that it does have and could have, police and crime commissioner, might well have said as Lord Stevens has said, a chilling effect on chief that if the Prime Minister can dismiss a Minister, why Page 222 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 36 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

7 January 2014 Martin Richards QPM and Sara Thornton CBE, QPM should a police and crime commissioner not dismiss Lord Stevens, who will be here in a moment. He said a chief constable? Be that as it may, do you feel any that “the new powers of dismissal risk exerting a sense of insecurity that the situation has changed and damaging chilling effect over the leadership of the that your job is at the mercy, if that is the right word, police service”. I take it that you do not agree with of a police and crime commissioner? that. Chief Constable Richards: Clearly, things have Chief Constable Thornton: I read that paragraph changed, because the police regulations—the before I came here this afternoon, because I wanted legislation that goes with it—suggests that it has to know what the evidence for it was. It is changed. From a personal point of view, although this conversations with colleagues. It is not a conversation may sound quite naive, I try to operate—myself, and that I had with Lord Stevens, but I do not dispute that an organisation—on the basis of principles and take some people might have felt that way. some degree of confidence in those principles. I suspect a colleague of mine from the Chief Police Q269 Mr Winnick: You take the same view, chief Officers Staff Association, who would be looking at constable? it predominantly from an employee’s or akin to an Chief Constable Richards: I wait to see the evidence, employee’s perspective, might have a different view, and I do not see the evidence there at the moment. but I think the policing traditions are such that we are all public servants and that, in many ways, we stand Q270 Mr Winnick: Can I finally put this to you, or fall by public expectations and public votes. I chief constable? You said that public servants are recognise that the naivety of that might be in terms of subject to dismissal, as in the private sector. No one contract, career, mortgage and pension, but I am could dispute that. Leaving aside Members of hopeful that the legal advice will give us greater Parliament—as a subject of the electorate, you might clarity and the very few cases—perhaps only one draw an analogy with that if you so wish—but a chief case—that we have had that has been the focus so far constable can be dismissed. Are you suggesting, Chief can be seen as something that we move away from Constable Thornton, if I heard you correctly earlier, and learn from. some intervention—HMI? Would it not therefore be better if there was an intervening process where the Q267 Mr Winnick: Bearing in mind how short a police and crime commissioner would not have the period the police and crime commissioners have been total power that exists at the moment? around, there have been at least two cases: Gwent, Chief Constable Richards: I think that seems a where we took oral evidence—a most unhappy reasonable suggestion. I feel that that is the way this situation, to say the least—and of course the decision conversation has been going for the past five minutes. of the High Court judge of the time to quash the Perhaps the Lincolnshire case—I am not sighted decision of the Lincolnshire police and crime sufficiently on the detail—indicates that there is an commissioner. Would you say that that was an intervention opportunity. I very much agree with Sara illustration, Chief Constable Thornton, of the situation Thornton, that if that can come informally in the first that exists at the present moment? instance. I would add to the list as well as HMIC Chief Constable Thornton: The two examples you that each police and crime commissioner has a chief give link in to two of the points I was making. I can executive, and each chief constable has a deputy. In only speak for myself in terms of my morale and my organisations at different stages of my career often concern. It is not an issue that I have in Thames you have used the deputy or you have used the chief Valley. As I have already said, I think in cases like the executive to provide that mediation. So there are Gwent case, it would have been a better way to have different opportunities, but my sense is that something had some discussion about what the issues were more formal needs to be put in place, which seems to before going straight to the suggestion that the request be behind your question. to retire or resign was going to be made. That is my point about mediation. Q271 Mr Winnick: You mentioned HMI, so The second point you make about the Lincolnshire obviously you agree with that. case and the judicial review just proves the point that Chief Constable Thornton: Yes. I am not sure the power is not unfettered. There is a body of case whether HMI is the right organisation, but certainly law that has a bearing on this. If you wanted to look some sort of ability to mediate or conciliate I think at the legislation—I guess that is what you are doing would be useful. It is not good for police forces and as a Committee—as I recall, the police authority could it is not good for the public to have chief constables call on a chief constable to retire or resign in the changing in rapid succession. interests of effectiveness or efficiency. That second clause no longer exists; it is just that a police and Q272 Chair: So that is very clear. In answer to Mr crime commissioner can require a chief constable to Winnick, what you are saying is that you think there retire or resign. As legislators, that might be are flaws in the system. You do think the system can something you might want to think about—whether be improved by having intervention by another body, that additional clause would make a difference and be it HMIC or others, but the current system needs to satisfy any concerns you might have. be formalised much more. Is that what you are saying? Q268 Mr Winnick: My female colleague just before Chief Constable Thornton: I am suggesting that I me made reference to a chilling effect. In fact, she think there are some improvements that you could was quoting the words of the commission headed by make which would deal with some of the concerns Page 223 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 37

7 January 2014 Martin Richards QPM and Sara Thornton CBE, QPM that some members of the Committee have without, distressing cases that involved more than 50 children in any way, undermining the ability of a police and in the past will be less likely to occur in the future? crime commissioner to call upon a chief constable to Chief Constable Thornton: Child sexual exploitation retire or resign. is a live issue for my force and many other force areas. Chief Constable Richards: Chairman, I would agree You are probably referring to the Oxford case, which with that. It seems to me that somewhere among the culminated in seven very long custodial sentences at foreseen role of the police and crime panel and the the Old Bailey in May last year. When we started that emerging and ever-changing role of HMIC, supported investigation at the beginning of 2011, I do not think by the informal mechanisms that Sara Thornton has we had an appreciation of just how significant the talked about—I am not so sure I would go so far as threat and issue was in the Thames Valley. That was to say “flawless”—but I think there are areas to be a successful case, but it has really focused our tested and then improved. attention on what more we need to do: working with our colleagues, particularly in social services, on how Q273 Chair: So, to that extent, you agree with what we can share information better, how we can really Lord Stevens said, because he feels that there ought use intelligence and proactive policing to target the to be improvements? offenders of these vile crimes, but also just to raise Chief Constable Thornton: I do not agree that the awareness. Having met quite a few of the victims, one system is systematically flawed. of the things that has stuck me is that the Chair: No, I understand that— responsibility of police officers and police staff to Chief Constable Thornton: I would just say that I safeguard children is not just for our specialist units, think there are some improvements based on this last but about raising the awareness of all our officers and year. staff, so that they are alert and looking out for the Chair: Sure. Is that right? You agree. signs, because, I am afraid, it is all too pervasive.

Q274 Lorraine Fullbrook: I would like to ask both Q278 Paul Flynn: Do you think there is a danger in chief constables this: have you experienced any having someone who is a politician putting pressure change or diminution of morale since the introduction on you and on your conduct? Is that likely to distort of police and crime commissioners among your fellow your priorities? You gave the example of a rural area. chief constables? Who puts pressure on you in urban areas in the same Chief Constable Richards: Among fellow chief way as the National Farmers Union and Countryside constables, or my own force? Alliance do in rural areas? Lorraine Fullbrook: Chief constables. Chief Constable Thornton: In terms of pressure, it Chief Constable Richards: No. I think, if I may say, is really important to repeat the point that my first the conversations that I have been involved in reflect accountability is to the law, and that will always be the evidence that you have heard from each of us first before any accountability to an elected politician. this afternoon. In terms of priorities and rural crime, Thames Valley is two-thirds rural, but there are some pretty gritty Q275 Lorraine Fullbrook: I ask that specifically urban areas as well. When I go to Slough and Reading based on the Lord Stevens report and the mentioned and Oxford city to brief the councillors, as I do every chilling and damaging effect on police leadership. I year, I get asked some hard questions about that. I ask that to you as chief constables and of your fellow think the issue for us is that there has always been a chief constables really as follow-on from asking that lot more crime concentrated in the towns and cities. It to the police and crime commissioners. is about making sure that in the rural areas, where Chief Constable Thornton: The point I have made crime is pretty dispersed but everybody gets to hear about the value of some form of conciliation or about it because it affects livelihoods, we give a mediation is something which I have discussed with proper response. several of the chief constables. In fact, with a couple of colleagues, we even suggested it to the Home Q279 Paul Flynn: Can I give you a brief example? Secretary a few months ago. I certainly know that our One night in my constituency, the third world war was staff association is pursuing something along these breaking out in one of the urban areas. There was a lines. It is not that people have got morale on the fight involving dozens of people, a firearm was floor; it is just that, in the light of experience, they discharged and a samurai sword was used. In another, are thinking about how we could make it better for rural part, a couple of children were kicking a ball everybody—and, most of all, better for the public. against the village hall. The police attended the village hall, but not the other. The reason, in practical terms, Q276 Lorraine Fullbrook: But asking for is that the articulate people who knew how to get the improvement in something does not necessarily mean police on side were the ones deciding those priorities. that there is a diminution or change in morale. Do you find that this is a danger? You say that peace Chief Constable Thornton: No, exactly. has broken out in your rural areas, but is it at the expense of the urban areas? Q277 Paul Flynn: In your area, Ms Thornton, I Chief Constable Thornton: That was the point I made believe that large sums of money have been set aside to a previous colleague of yours. If the public call us, for the work on child trafficking. Has that been of course we respond based on the risk. If the sort of successful? Do the results make it look like the very violence that you describe is happening, of course we Page 224 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 38 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

7 January 2014 Martin Richards QPM and Sara Thornton CBE, QPM will go as quickly as possible to give the proper selection of all prospective chief officers. When the emergency response to protect the public. women come at that level, they do very well indeed. It is really beginning to change; my own force is well Q280 Chair: I have two quick questions. First of all, over 30% women officers now. We have not had the as you know, Nicola Blackwood has been very same success with ethnic minorities, either in terms of involved with you on the issue of grooming. You are numbers coming in or in terms of progression. doing a pilot—is it called Piggott 1?—on evidence What am I doing in my own force? Every time we go given by children in legal cases. to recruit, I do not mind how many people we recruit; Chief Constable Thornton: Yes. Are you talking my first question—what I care about most of all—is about the pre-recording of evidence? about ethnic distribution, particularly making sure that we get colleagues from BME backgrounds. We do a Q281 Chair: Yes. I may have got the name wrong. lot of work in those areas in community groups. If Chief Constable Thornton: Unfortunately, Thames somebody from a BME background contacts us saying Valley is not one of the pilot areas. I have been in they are interested in joining and we are not recruiting correspondence with Nicola to try to persuade her to at the moment, we will keep their name and get back persuade whoever in the Ministry of Justice needs to in contact with them saying— be persuaded that we should be a pilot area, but we are not currently. Q286 Chair: But Chief Constable, there is a will— there is clear willingness to get things done—but it is Q282 Chair: So you would like to be? just not happening. I have been sitting in this chair for Chief Constable Thornton: We would love to be. I seven years, and I have heard chief constables telling am in contact at the moment with victims who are me that they are doing very well, having meetings and saying, “Unless we are part of that pilot, we won’t trying to encourage people, but it is just not give evidence.” happening. Mr Richards, one of the excuses given for having people come in from outside the force at Q283 Chair: Right. Very good. On CT, I know that superintendent and other levels is that the force is not you have a very important role. The Committee is as diverse. Are we ever going to change this, do you looking at counter-terrorism as one of our other think? inquiries, and the issue of where CT should sit. Should Chief Constable Richards: Well, you have been it sit in the NCA or in the Met? You are not a Met hearing it for seven years, and we were all in that officer; you have a big force outside the Met. Where same boat. I do think that something about direct entry do you think counter-terrorism should sit? may change the chief officer profile, because at the Chief Constable Thornton: Counter-terrorism is moment the picture behind that area Sara Thornton currently a shared responsibility between chief has responsibility for doesn’t look too bright either constables, with the Metropolitan police leading us, when it comes to ethnic minorities. So it is not as if but myself, Sir Peter Fahy in Greater Manchester and it will be better in three or five years’ time. I do not Chris Sims in West Midlands all have counter-terrorist hold out much hope. Where I think we have some units. We work very closely with Cressida Dick as hope—but it will take a long time—is that, what we call the ACPO TAM board. I think that works increasingly, our recruiting processes across the piece, very well. not just for police officers but for police community support officers, are now more situationally based; the Q284 Chair: So you would not like to see it in the academic and other qualifications are more diverse; National Crime Agency? and now that we are, as you heard earlier this Chief Constable Thornton: I think that the current afternoon, opening recruiting for community support arrangements, working closely with the Security officers, police officers, special constables and police Service and other partners, work very well. I think the staff, we are getting complete diversity across gender, risk of disrupting that is really quite significant. The sexual orientation and race, which we have not had National Crime Agency is new. It has got off to a before. But that will not change things overnight, and good start. Let us see how it develops before we make it won’t change things in seven years. I know that the any structural change. ACPO president, Sir Hugh Orde, has had the experience of Northern Ireland, where legislation was Q285 Chair: Finally, on diversity, you are one of the needed to change it. If you study the statistics, the very few women chief constables. Though of course history and the demographics of the work force we now have a number of women chief constables, currently, it may mean something as dramatic as that we have no black or Asian chief constables, among if we are going to make an overnight change. 43 forces. What are you doing locally to make sure Chief Constable Thornton: Chair, may I add one that diversity is increased in Thames Valley, an area aspect? We opened recruitment last month, in that includes places like Slough and Oxford—not just December. Of the 150 people who applied, the rural areas, but big urban centres? percentage from a BME background was 12.8%. That Chief Constable Thornton: The service has been so is less than in the population of Thames Valley, which much more successful in encouraging the is now about 15%. What I have said to my recruitment development of women than of ethnic minorities, I staff is, “Okay, can I put people into a sort of pot and agree. There are currently seven women chiefs in take them out in proportion to the population?” I am England and Wales, out of 43. I am the director of the not allowed to do that; it is against the law. If all the Police National Assessment Centre, so I look after the white people who have applied are equally as Page 225 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 39

7 January 2014 Martin Richards QPM and Sara Thornton CBE, QPM successful as the BME people, then it is very difficult Chair: Yes, challenges ahead. Chief Constables, for me to hit the equivalent with the population, which thank you very much for coming in, we are most is 15%. grateful.

Examination of Witnesses

Witnesses: Lord Stevens, Independent Police Commission, and Professor Ian Loader, Independent Police Commission, gave evidence.

Q287 Chair: Lord Stevens and Professor Loader, our service, and you cannot look at that unless you look apologies. We had a vote which delayed our at police morale, and so on. proceedings, but I am glad that you were able to sit I think the police have become accountable. When I in the Public Gallery and hear some of the evidence. started on the beat in 1962, it was a totally different Let us first thank you for coming in to give evidence ballgame. As things progressed with the royal today. Some of us have read with great interest the commission we went into cars and the like. The deliberations of your commission. Just to clarify your interesting thing that we found—we have been credentials, you are not a member of the Labour party, involved in surveys on a wide range of issues, are you? including police staff across the country—is that local Lord Stevens: Certainly I am not, no, nor a member policing has stood up pretty well in terms of public of any party. satisfaction and what the public think. It is the issues above that that have raised big concerns. I certainly Q288 Chair: Why did you undertake this particular remember doing some radio broadcasts around the venture? country in which the biggest questions to me were on Lord Stevens: I was asked to do it by Yvette Cooper. things such as Hillsborough. There was a great amount of concern in the police service, even when I was commissioner and Q290 Chair: So you think it is the national issues subsequently, that there should be a royal commission that have resulted in a decline in morale? Where does on policing. For whatever reasons, that was refused the Government fit into this? You said in the report as and declined. We thought that we could do a good job. a whole that you think there have been too many One of the problems was always going to be on the changes in the landscape, which has led to a decline resources side, but the reason for doing it was we in morale because people in the force feel hunted. thought we could come up with a good piece of work. Lord Stevens: The decline in the morale of the police I think we have done that. service is because of a range of issues. You will see I would like to stress to members of this Committee in the surveys that morale is probably at an all-time that this is not John Stevens’s report. It consists of 40 low, but the police have always been an organisation experts from a range of backgrounds, of which only that complains. I remember a chief constable of mine five are ex-chief constables and of those five, two saying, “If they’re not complaining, John, I would be went on to be commissioners, including myself—I very worried.” There is something in that. was also an HMI for two years—another became part However, I think the public surveys have raised of the process in the Home Office to keep the police concerns. I do not want to go through the numbers up to scratch, and another became chief HMI. The rest here, but if you look at where people are, the numbers were not chief constables. are really worrying. Let me just quote one on PCCs, since we are talking about that at the moment: “5% Q289 Chair: Thank you, that is very useful. Let us of police officers and 2% of police staff consider the ask you some questions about your conclusions. I appointment of PCCs a good idea.” That is notice that one of your favourite songs on “Desert extraordinarily low, and there might be reasons for Island Discs” was “When the Saints Go Marching In”. that. I am just saying that there have been many, many Lord Stevens: Indeed. changes, and what the commission, 28 universities in Chair: One of the points that you make in your report this country and elsewhere, and 47 academics have is the change in morale, in perception and in the said in a piece of work that will now be used by law integrity of the police. Those of my generation—I students is that too much has been brought in too came to this country when I was very young—had quickly and, specifically in terms of the constitutional great reverence for the police. They were real saints position, that has been a dangerous situation to get in our view. They could do no wrong and we always into. believed a police officer. After the Mitchell affair, Hillsborough and the Savile issues, what has gone Q291 Chair: Professor Loader, please feel free to wrong as far as police integrity is concerned? You chip in whenever. This is not just him. seem to lay quite a lot of blame on the Government Lord Stevens: Oh, I shall certainly be asking him. for changing the landscape of policing rapidly. Is it something systemic in the police service, or is it Q292 Chair: You have mentioned PCCs, and as you Government changes? know, they are the subject of our inquiry. Your Lord Stevens: No, and I would also stress that this report—I will not say that it is you personally—is report should be taken in totality. You cannot look at scathing about police and crime commissioners to PCCs without looking at the structure of the police such an extent that some people believe that, if Yvette Page 226 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 40 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

7 January 2014 Lord Stevens and Professor Ian Loader

Cooper adopts this as the policy of the Labour party, Q296 Chair: And you think it’s a bad thing. the next Government, if it is a Labour Government, Professor Loader: I think that on balance it is a bad will abolish PCCs. The report says: “Whilst the thing. I think it is a bad thing if that power is exercised introduction of PCCs has given effect to an important by one individual with relatively few restraints. It kind democratic principle, the model has fatal systemic of depends what you think the job of the chief flaws. The Government has created a stand-off with constable is. At one extreme, you can imagine them a the police service that has left officer morale at rock bit like judges. For all kinds of good constitutional bottom.” There is no mincing of words here is there, reasons, politicians are not allowed to sack judges. At Professor Loader? It is a pretty clear statement that the other extreme, you can say, “Should chief having PCCs has been systemically flawed. constables be like football managers, who just go Professor Loader: Yes, that was the conclusion that when they lose the confidence of the club boss?” We we arrived at. The first part of the quotation is have a system that has moved chief constables away important. We think that underlying PCCs is an from being judges and towards being football important democratic principle: the idea that the managers. The problem with that is that a proper and public should have some means of exercising control effective system of democratic government wants to over the police and that elected politicians have a build forms of checks and balance. It seems right to legitimate right to set police priorities. We think all me that elected politicians set local priorities for the those things should be applauded and defended. There police, but you also want a system in which the chief is nothing in what we said that wants to reinvent constable can exercise and articulate their professional police authorities or return to the days when we tried judgment without fear of being sacked if they lose the to run the police from No. 10 or the like. We simply confidence of their PCC. think two things. First, you could take the view that it is just too early and that we should see how it all Q297 Chair: That is very helpful. Lord Stevens, you unfolds. were a commissioner for five years and you were chief constable for Northumbria for five years. You have Q293 Chair: But there is that view, isn’t there? served in HMI. You are the policeman’s policeman in They’ve been going for only a year. terms of experience at the very top of the police service. Is this fatally flawed to the extent that it needs Professor Loader: There is that view, and we toyed to be got rid of, or can it be improved, as was with it for a while. We ended up rejecting the view, suggested by Sara Thornton and Chief Constable because we arrived at the conclusion that the various Richards? There are things that you can do to the things that we saw happening on the ground were system to keep it going, if you put in these different linked to aspects of the model that are systemic. We checks. are particularly concerned about two of them. One is Lord Stevens: The Committee took a view—it was the idea that one individual can realistically hope to unanimous, as it happens—on democratic exercise effective governance over and represent the accountability. The phrase used in the Commission interests of a police force as large as Thames Valley and by some of the academics in the work that we had police, which is the area where I live. from around the world, as well as the work specifically from this country, was that the genie was Q294 Chair: And what is the second one? out of the bottle. Democratic accountability is there, Professor Loader: The second one is the largeness of but the system needs to be improved in a number of the constituency. They are linked points. One areas. For anyone to say that the system is perfect is individual is exercising regulatory control over a force extraordinary. Mr Winnick described the system as of that size. being on probation, and I would say it very much is. The Home Secretary rather bravely said that the PCCs Q295 Chair: But one of the issues that you raised is have been responsible for “mistakes and errors of the chilling effect of one person being able to sack a judgement—some possibly serious”. I admire her for chief constable, which is actually a very good power saying that. In the build-up to this particular Bill, to have. They may not be able to get to every single some of us went to see the Home Secretary and were village in Thames Valley, but one thing is certain: if part and parcel in raising some concerns— they want to sack a chief constable for doing a bad job, they can do so. What is wrong with that? Q298 Chair: And what did she say to you? Professor Loader: On one view, there is nothing Lord Stevens: Well, she listened. Of course, that Bill wrong with that. Let us not pretend that the number went through Parliament in the usual process. This of dismissals of chief constables that we have seen in Committee has heard about problems with the first year is, from a certain point of view, not a appointments, problems with process, problems with mistake or not anything to be worried about. It is sacking and problems with people—this has been entirely what the system was intended to do. I have alleged—giving jobs to friends. You cannot possibly been in rooms where the advocates of the system have say that that process is right and does not need envisaged chief constables coming and going with remedying. It would be ridiculous to say that. great regularity. They have even envisaged PCCs standing on joint tickets with chief constables in Q299 Chair: So they’re drinking at the last-chance future elections. That is built into the system, so the saloon and the restaurant is not closed. judgment call is whether you think that it is a good Lord Stevens: I would use the phrase used by the thing. Committee: the genie is out of the bottle. I believe Page 227 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 41

7 January 2014 Lord Stevens and Professor Ian Loader that the political accountability, as you have just heard are we, to expect responses to letters from Members from the two chiefs, is very powerful, but the process of Parliament who represent their constituents. You needs to be improved. The room for improvement is could have put those points to him about issues such in the report and there are options. I also very strongly as donations, who is paying for staffing and whether believe, as does the Committee, that accountability there is trade union support. The website clearly says has to be driven downwards. The coalition that the Labour party is promoting the website. It talks Government have talked about local accountability about cookies. There are 15 commission members and driving it further down, like some of us did in who are Labour politicians, Labour supporters or other forces and some of us have done in delivering outspoken critics of the Government. Don’t you think ward-based policing. Remember that the primary it is a little disingenuous to describe the report as thing in relation to this report is neighbourhood independent? You were commissioned by Yvette policing. Cooper, the Labour party shadow Home Secretary. Is it not actually a Labour party report that is produced Q300 Chair: We will come on to that. for political purposes? Professor Loader: Can I just make one point? The Lord Stevens: No, it really is not. I have said already issue rather depends what question you want to ask. what the funding was, and you ignored what I said. I You could ask, “We are stuck with PCCs. Can they be found the letter from the MP for Harrow offensive, so made better? If so, how?” There are ways that you I did not reply to it. I am a Member of Parliament can amend the system and make PCCs better. We were asking ourselves a different question: is this the best myself, and I don’t have to reply to everybody who way to give effect to the important principle of sends letters—gosh, I would be writing for an awfully democratic accountability? No, was the conclusion long time. I have not replied to that letter, and I don’t that we arrived at. We thought that there were better think that he would have listened, whatever I said. I ways of doing so. have to say that I think I have answered your question Chair: Hold that thought; we’re going to bring in as far as I can. We are not dealing with cookies or other colleagues. unions here.

Q301 Michael Ellis: Lord Stevens, you claim that Q303 Michael Ellis: No, no. The general public are your report is independent—that is written on the being given the impression that it is an independent report and on the website—but I looked at your commission report. website, “Independent Police Commission”, today, Lord Stevens: Which it is. and it says, “Promoted by and on behalf of the Labour Party at One Brewer’s Green, London SW1”. It even Q304 Michael Ellis: And I’m giving you, sir, the gives a warning that the Labour party might place opportunity to explain that in a public setting. You cookies on your computer, so I quickly removed contend that it is an independent report, but there are myself from the website. The reality is that it is not pretty obvious suggestions to the contrary, bearing in an independent police commission report, is it? It is mind what we have seen on the website and the make- actually a Labour party report. You have been asked up of many members of the committee. It is not questions by a Member of Parliament, Bob Blackman disrespectful to question a party affiliation. I have no MP, about the funding of the report and the problems identifying my own parliamentary political commission and who pays the costs. I have been told affiliation, but I don’t pretend that I’m an independent that there has been no response to Mr Blackman’s person. What I am trying to establish is the origins of letter. Have you responded to his letter? the commission report, whether there has been a Lord Stevens: No, I haven’t. I found the letter slightly liaison with the Labour party when the report was offensive, and I don’t reply to offensive letters. Let published, and whether there has been a liaison with me answer that question here and now. The trade unions, in terms of donations received to fund contribution and money that came from the Labour the website and work undertaken. The public have a party was to do with the website. Other money came to deal with the expenses of people on the admin side. right to know that. Nobody—let’s make this absolutely clear—received a Lord Stevens: I totally agree. That is why I would penny. Everybody, whether professors from Oxford or like to explain, and I will get Professor Loader to say ex-commissioners of the NYPD, worked pro bono. I a bit on behalf of the academics and some of the other personally, from what I got from my autobiography, commissioners. As I have explained to you, the only put in £10,000 for research, which was done through sources of funding came for the website and for some Northumbria University, of which I am chancellor, of the expensing on the admin side. Everybody on the and other money went in to meet additional costs of commission was not paid. In fact, as I said earlier, it £2,500. I want to make that absolutely clear. It would cost a lot of money for people. Where I have a be extraordinary to accuse some of the people on the problem with all this—I think you have heard this commission, such as Lord Eames, members of the from Sara Thornton in particular—is that I have never Liberal party and Lord Carlile, of not being done politics. I do not do politics. I am an independent independent. Member of the House of Lords. I would never have accepted the Tory or Labour Whip. I must say that I Q302 Michael Ellis: But Lord Stevens, why don’t do not think it is right for you to say that some of the you answer the questions that have been put to you people on that commission are not independent. I will by a serving Member of Parliament? He is entitled, as let Professor Loader speak for himself. Page 228 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 42 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

7 January 2014 Lord Stevens and Professor Ian Loader

Professor Loader: I’m slightly puzzled as to how this Lord Stevens: I’d like to make it absolutely clear that is advancing the inquiry into PCCs, but that is a matter there are some police commissioners who I have seen for the Chair. and interviewed who do a very good job in the circumstances. Where I think there is a problem—I Q305 Chair: It is a matter for the Chair, and the think that the commission would agree with this—is Chair does allow questions if we are taking in the appointment of deputies and some of the people witnesses— who surround them. Taking it at its lowest point, some Michael Ellis: I don’t allow interference with my of it can be seen as cronyism. If you are appointing questioning, Professor Loader. I don’t allow it from people to positions of power, which a deputy PCC any source. is—a PCC has even more power—there must surely Professor Loader: Let me just add this: it is a matter be an open and transparent process as to how that of public record that the commission was set up by person got into that position. We think that the the Labour party. As you pointed out, some of the evidence shows that that does not happen on every commissioners were members or affiliates of the occasion in relation to deputies and also for some of Labour party; many other commissioners were ex the other appointments. police officers, were from business or were members of the Liberal Democrats— Q309 Mr Winnick: Professor? Chair: Yes, I think we get that. Professor Loader: I think that there is another issue Professor Loader: There’s a text that we have written, about the appointment of deputies and, indeed, the which everyone is perfectly at liberty to read, engage teams of people around police and crime with, discuss, agree with— commissioners. It seems that such appointments can Michael Ellis: Is he going to answer the question? be argued to be a concession to the fact that a single Chair: In a second, Mr Ellis. I will go now to Mr individual cannot do this job, and that over the past Winnick and then I will come back to you. year they have effectively been appointing a committee to assist them in that task. However, it is a Q306 Mr Winnick: Lord Stevens, you have had a committee not of elected and accountable politicians, long career in the police service. I do not know your but of unelected and unaccountable appointees. I think political views, I do not want to know your political that that would be problematic even if there were not views and I must confess that I do not check how allegations of people appointing their friends and Members of the House of Lords vote on various former colleagues. This is the sharp difference issues. I may do so very occasionally if it is on an between the appointment of a deputy to a PCC and issue that is dear to my heart, but not otherwise. Do the appointment of a deputy to a council leader: when you find it offensive to be accused of being a Labour a council leader appoints a deputy, he or she is party dupe? appointing another elected politician who is Lord Stevens: The answer to that is yes. I find that it accountable to the electorate through that mechanism. is not just me—John Stevens is used to being insulted as a police officer and I am used to taking hard Q310 Mr Winnick: What would you say to a knocks. What I do find very difficult to handle is for different kind of argument? Suppose a Conservative all of these 40 people and another 47 academics who or Labour person is duly elected. It would not make work for nothing in the public interest because they much sense for that former politician, as the person think that it is important and that they can give would describe himself or herself, to appoint someone something of value to the Houses of Parliament and of the opposite political view. Given the existing to the country, to be accused of political bias, which system and bearing in mind where politicians stood in is not right. That cannot be right. the elections as expected, for those who were successful would it not have made sense to appoint Q307 Mr Winnick: Do you feel that if your report people who shared their political views, rather than had been favourable towards police and crime Labour appoint Tories or vice versa? commissioners, as it could well have been, you would Professor Loader: Given the existing system, it not have been faced with hostile questioning and makes perfect sense. What people are effectively virtually been accused of being simply a puppet of the doing is appointing a committee of people to assist Labour party. them and carry out their tasks with them. There is a Lord Stevens: I think that’s right. I think it is one of series of questions about how transparent you want the only reports to come out recently to have a that process of selection to be, and what kind of favourable editorial in the Daily Mail and a favourable powers you think the police and crime panel should editorial in The Guardian. I think that that says a lot. have over that process, which we could discuss. I happen to think that is not as effective a system of Q308 Mr Winnick: Coming to the substance of the democratic oversight as having some kind of issue and, really, why you are here—leaving aside the committee, all of whom are elected and accountable smear attacks—you are very critical of the to the electorate they serve. appointment of deputies by police and crime commissioners. We can perhaps hear from Lord Q311 Mr Winnick: My last question is this. It was Stevens first, although not because you are in the suggested by the chief constables that one way Lords, and then from Professor Loader. To put it perhaps to give some sort of protection in employment crudely, do you perhaps think that it is jobs for the to chief constables is to have an intervening body, an boys or girls, as the case may be? HMI or whatever. You were both in the room and Page 229 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 43

7 January 2014 Lord Stevens and Professor Ian Loader listened to the evidence of the two chief constables. If Lord Stevens: When I did the border policing report that did occur, although there is no indication that it commission for David Cameron, which took nearly a will, would it change your mind about police and year and a half, again for no money, this issue was crime commissioners? not raised by anybody. You will remember that report Lord Stevens: I think in the area of dismissal—and and its recommendations came out in terms of border whether it was a gross exaggeration to say chilling policing. I never had this issue raised. I have to say effect or otherwise—all I would say would be “Don’t and I want it as part of the record that I was never shoot the messenger.” I think it is essential if a chief accused of being party political in any way. I just want constable is being dismissed, for whatever reason, that to make that point. there is some intervening body that is independent to assess what that person did, whether it was right or Q318 Lorraine Fullbrook: No, I haven’t accused wrong, and give some protection to that person, you of that, but do you understand what I’m saying? bearing in mind that they are answerable to the law I do think we have the right to test for accuracy and alone, and that you don’t have individual issues legitimacy. [Interruption.] coming up when people are about to be elected and Chair: Order. We have to go and vote. We will be feel they have to do things for that reason and that back and will start with you, Mr Ellis. Apologies. reason alone. Sitting suspended for Divisions in the House. On resuming— Q312 Mr Winnick: Do you agree with that, Professor? Q319 Dr Huppert: I don’t want to dwell on the Professor Loader: Yes, I do. name. In my view, it was a mistake to call it independent when it was commissioned by the Labour Q313 Lorraine Fullbrook: I have some party. I think on reflection it opens all sorts of supplementary questions. I do not think Mr Ellis made allegations. I notice that in the Commons no one ever his point to insult you in the slightest, but I do think refers to it as the Independent Police Commission. It that members of the Committee have the right to is always referred to as the Stevens Commission, question the veracity and legitimacy of a report that is which you may think is a good thing or a bad thing. in the public domain. I do not think that was designed May I move on to the principle because the whole to insult you. I would like to follow up on some of idea behind this—there was a difference between the the questions that were asked. How much money have Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats about how you been paid for the website, for administration and to achieve that—was democratisation so that there so on, by the Labour party or donors to the Labour would be public accountability? Are you both party? supportive of that as a principle? Lord Stevens: I don’t know exactly, but we can Lord Stevens: Yes. certainly give you that evidence. It is not a problem Professor Loader: Yes. I thought I had made that at all. absolutely clear. Chair: That would be very helpful, thank you. Q320 Dr Huppert: Looking through the report, I Q314 Lorraine Fullbrook: Can I ask if it has been could not see concrete suggestions as to how to declared to the Electoral Commission? achieve that. Lord Stevens: I don’t know, but we can give that Professor Loader: Have you read chapter 3? information later. Dr Huppert: I’ve read quite a lot of it, but let me finish the sentence—that would be a substantial Q315 Lorraine Fullbrook: Can I also ask if your improvement on the police authorities. Police £10,000 and anybody else’s donation of £10,000 to authorities were local council representatives who this exercise has been declared to the Electoral were involved. It has changed from district councils Commission? to county councils, but it seems to me that what you Lord Stevens: My £10,000 plus £2,000 came from an are talking about is very similar to the police authority autobiography I did that was to do with scholarships model for some of the options you outline. You of police officers at university, which I carried on. outline a huge range of options from a force for Actually that is all that remains of that particular England and Wales with every council leader coming amount. together in a committee to govern it. I don’t see how Lorraine Fullbrook: Yes, but if it is now being used you are achieving that proper democratic for party political purposes, I believe it has to be accountability in many of the models. declared to the Electoral Commission. Professor Loader: Can I—I may fail—put to bed the idea that we outlined a number of options. We made Q316 Chair: Would you write to us with that a clear recommendation—I think this was the information? innovation that you think is lacking—to uncouple the Lord Stevens: I will write. arrangements and accountability from the force level at which they are currently stuck and to relocate them Q317 Lorraine Fullbrook: Chairman, I would like at the lowest local authority area, which actually starts to point out that if people work for nothing and have to do some justice to the word “local” that is not done given their time, whichever party it is for, there has to by the idea of a police and crime commissioner. We be a nominal monetary value declared to the Electoral outlined what we think local authorities should do, Commission for that amount of time, too. with the appointment of borough commanders and Page 230 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 44 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

7 January 2014 Lord Stevens and Professor Ian Loader formulating a policing plan. That has two advantages, Cambridgeshire, which Charles Clarke tried to take including an advantage in terms of democratic through, and which, as you probably know, never responsiveness. came to anything. However, as a principle, I think To come back to the point that was raised earlier in coterminosity—which, when I became commissioner, relation to the rural and urban crime thing, if there is in terms of delivering for boroughs, was driven a PCC making the argument for putting more through and was successful in most aspects, if not resources into rural crime, who in the system is all—is important. empowered to press an alternative case and say what about another area? In other words, you create a local Q325 Dr Huppert: At the higher level, you say you mechanism when there is a range of actors who can would have a policing board with the leaders of each make that case. It seems that making that more local local authority. So in Devon and Cornwall—this is an and uncoupling it from the force is an improvement issue the Committee looked at—you would have a on the current system. It also does something else board consisting of nine people from Devon and one important, which is to find a way of cutting through person from Cornwall, who would set the overall the debate about structures. funding between Devon and Cornwall. Is there not an People usually have two kinds of worries about bigger obvious problem here? police forces. One is a legitimate worry about putting Professor Loader: No, I don’t know the details of the too much power into too few hands, but there are arrangements for Devon and Cornwall. ways in which you can deal with that. The other is that they think big police forces that are required to Q326 Dr Huppert: Cornwall has one single council do local policing cannot do it—so if you create a and Devon has nine. It is very hard to come up with police force for the south-east of England, how would this with the police and crime panels. you do local policing? What our proposal does is Lord Stevens: I think that is right, but I think the effectively make the local policing area the foundation general principles speak for themselves. Northumbria stone of policing, upon which forces can get bigger is another one—it is a county—and you have got Tyne without undermining the mechanisms and processes and Wear. Having been chief constable up there for of local accountability. That is the thought; that is five years, I know it well. There are certain areas the idea. where you would have to look at it in detail. However, the general principles of what we are talking about I Q321 Dr Huppert: If I may come back to the details think would work. of the local thing, when you say there are not options, paragraph 12 highlights two other options. Q327 Dr Huppert: We may have to beg to disagree Professor Loader: We made that clear on some aspects of that. Where there are local recommendation. You clearly need some sort of government elections, there is exactly the same thing. strategic governance above that. We have a preference We currently have these police and crime panels, and for a leaders’ council. We also say there are two other I suspect we would agree that they should be stronger. options. The innovation we make is making How would you go about strengthening them? What accountability structures more local than they are would your suggestions be—not the wholesale change under the PCC. you are describing, but a smaller-scale revision? Professor Loader: The most radical form of revision Q322 Dr Huppert: To explore this, Lord Stevens, which would leave police and crime panels and PCCs you were in Cambridgeshire as deputy. in place is to make the responsibilities that are Lord Stevens: Deputy commissioner in currently lodged with the PCC a co-exercise with the Cambridgeshire. Sorry—deputy chief constable. police and crime panels. If you are wedded to the model of the PCCs in charge and the police and crime Q323 Dr Huppert: Maybe some day. The idea of a panel effectively as a form of accountability over legal requirement on the police to organise internal them—we did not turn our mind to this question force boundaries to be coterminous with local greatly, because we came to the conclusion that that councils—you are presumably aware of the historical kind of tinkering with the current system was not the aspect of many of those boundaries: Waterbeach way to go. There may be ways in which you would without—there would be a whole area up the Fen want to increase the powers of oversight and veto that Road, which I am sure you know well. police and crime panels have. For example, in relation Lord Stevens: Very well. to the appointment of deputies or—

Q324 Dr Huppert: It would then be separately Q328 Dr Huppert: Because police authorities were governed from East Chesterton, which it relates to. Do essentially a mostly indirectly elected set of you think it is sensible to say that you have to keep the councillors. It is similar to the higher-tier model you force matching exactly the local authority boundaries, are describing. I do not know what they would be like which were historic for very different purposes? everywhere, but in Cambridgeshire they were almost Lord Stevens: I think Cambridgeshire is a good completely ineffectual. Why would that not be the example of where there might be a slight difference case? Councillors are interested in a range of things in the rule. But taking that further, in terms of and council leaders are interested in some things; amalgamation, even when I was deputy chief giving them more and more jobs, just because they constable, I led on the business of amalgamation with are council leaders, for example, does not seem like it other deputies of Norfolk, Suffolk and would be a best way to get accountability for policing. Page 231 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 45

7 January 2014 Lord Stevens and Professor Ian Loader

Lord Stevens: Can I answer on Cambridgeshire? may be reluctance to allow more scrutiny of chief Certainly, when I was a deputy there for two and half constables and other chief or senior police officers. years, they were extremely effective. I remember them [Interruption.] I am reminded of the phrase, “Why giving us quite a hard time, especially in relation to would turkeys vote for Christmas?”, not used by me, Cambridge, as distinct from Peterborough—which are but by another witness. I suggest that there is a dearth different types of place, with a different type of of support, Lord Stevens, for contentions that you emphasis. I remember vividly police authority have made in this report. meetings once a month, which we had at Earlier, Lord Stevens, I thought that you were Hinchingbrooke, where we were incredibly effective extremely defensive about my questioning about the in terms trying to deliver operational policing to independence or otherwise of this report. I will pursue various areas. What you did not have there were that line of questioning, because I think that it is people who were elected specifically for a policing completely appropriate to ask you whether the Labour role. That was the difference. party liaised with you, or you liaised with them, about Whether it is Northumbria or some of the forces I the publication date of the report and about other inspected—Greater Manchester, Birmingham or some aspects concerning the media attention that the report of the small forces, such as Norfolk or received, and timing and all the rest of it, and whether Cambridgeshire—the difference would be that these also there was direct liaison with the trade union people would be elected to support the police organisations about the promotion of this report. commissioner, who would be at the top, with an Would you answer that question for me? elected role in terms of policing. Lord Stevens: Let’s first of all say, “defensive”— robust was my response. Robust, and I can be robust, Q329 Dr Huppert: Sorry—so this is not the option especially defending other people— that you said was the favoured one, which was the Michael Ellis: I respect that. leaders of every local authority. You would go for the Lord Stevens: And I respect your right to ask two options you list in paragraph 12—the indirectly whatever you want to—absolutely totally. elected ones. That is the one you are now saying The business of the publication of the report was would work better. actually always moving on because of developments Professor Loader: No, the thing is that there are a lot and the fact that we had a large amount of academics of options. The thing the commission is most wedded and universities involved. We had to pull the report to, and we think is an innovation, is devolving together. It had to have a large editorial team and took democratic accountability down to the local level. I a lot of work. So the date of the report obviously was am personally less wedded to—how you then can reported to the Labour party as it went on. It was also organise a strategic governance at police force level. actually reported to one or two people in your party. We ended up with a slight preference for a leaders’ The bottom line of all of that is that the influence of council. We laid out the two other options. Yvette Cooper—I admire her massively. She respected Of course, this is also premised—we make a particular our independence. On occasions, she wondered where point of trying to connect this to the debate about the report was going and I suspect she was slightly structures—upon 43 forces continuing to exist. One of alarmed that it might never ever be published, but she the things that we found in the context of our work is was honest and honourable in not trying to put any that next to no one thinks that system is tenable. pressure on us whatsoever. In terms of the trade unions, I can think of no Q330 Dr Huppert: I intended to ask you lots of influence put on to us by the trade unions, unless my questions about this, but colleagues will probably do academic colleagues—the only thing that we did was that later. that the Police Federation helped us with some of the Professor Loader: We were therefore minded to try surveys, and I think the trade union helped us in terms to put in place a kind of governance arrangement of an independent survey of the PCCs and police staff. which would protect and enhance local democratic accountability and deal with the kinds of questions Q333 Michael Ellis: Did you write to trade unions about accountability that arise if and when forces get asking them to submit evidence to the inquiry? bigger—and they are important ones. Lord Stevens: That part was dealt with by Professor— was it you, or was it—[Interruption.] It was Professor Q331 Dr Huppert: But wouldn’t do things like the Jennifer Brown, who is Mannheim professor at the budget— London School of Economics. So, again, we can give Chair: Thank you, Dr Huppert. Mr Ellis. you a report on— Chair: If you could write to me, that would be very Q332 Michael Ellis: Let us go back to before I was good. interrupted, if we may, and some further questioning along those important lines, about which I was asking Q334 Michael Ellis: Finally, do you accept that the you. We heard two chief constables giving evidence review was promoted by the Labour party and trade today. They were both asked—not by me, but by union organisations, including trade unions that fund somebody else on the Committee—about the phrase, the Labour party? “the chilling effect”. Both chief constables said that Lord Stevens: No. Let me make it absolutely clear, they had seen no evidence to that effect. We also had and I really want to make this issue, that when Yvette a police and crime commissioner before us today, who Cooper launched this particular independent inquiry, agreed with, I think, Mark Reckless MP, that there she said she wanted cross-party support. She wanted Page 232 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 46 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

7 January 2014 Lord Stevens and Professor Ian Loader the Tory party to be part of it, and the Lib Dems. She to be the Mayor of London by the Conservative party did that on my prompting. She got up publicly, and it before it chose . I just thought I’d get is on record that she actually asked that to take place. that in. I turned it down. It is a matter of record in the It was slightly disappointing over the course of two newspapers. I certainly do not think that I would have years that we did not actually have the type of reaction been as successful as Boris. Who would be? That is that I would have liked to have. I can now totally another matter. understand why for political reasons; I have no Everybody has been talking about the problem with that. But we did offer at the beginning professionalisation of the police. This was an issue for it to be cross-party. So that is a matter of record that was raised by Lord Dannatt and Lord Carlile in and that is on the press release and everything else particular, and we really wanted to address it. The idea that came out. came from Lord Carlile, who is a Lib Dem, that there should be a kind of raising of the professional status Q335 Michael Ellis: I just want to ask one other of the police officer by some organisation, similar to thing, which is on a slightly different tack. It is the chartered accountants and others. issue that has been raised about one of the faults, if The other thing that we were highly in favour of, you like, within the system of police and crime which you will probably have seen if you have read commissioners, as to the size of the constituency base. the report—I am sure that you have—is the College Do you accept, however, that there are other of Policing. We thought that this was a way of raising democratically elected persons—I am thinking of the the status of police officers and recognising right Mayor of London, both under Ken Livingstone and across the spectrum the type of qualifications, the Boris Johnson—who have even larger constituency judgment and professionalism that police officers use bases, and in other western democratic countries even every day of the week. All of us, unanimously—the larger still, including over policing? So, is that a College of Policing seems to be up for some of this viable complaint about the efficacy of the system— as well and perhaps the same goes for members of the Professor Loader or Lord Stevens? Government—think that this is a way of raising the Lord Stevens: I’d like to answer. When I was deputy professionalisation of policing. We have to go for this commissioner, I chaired the committee, which and we have to use the Police College, which I know consisted of the Home Office, Lord Harris and others, ACPO is behind— on the creation of the new Metropolitan Police Authority and the responsibilities of the Mayor. It was Q337 Lorraine Fullbrook: I was going to ask what an issue we looked at, and you will probably would be the role of the College of Policing. remember—you might not—that we actually made Lord Stevens: We think the role of the Police College London coterminous with what the ratepayer was is absolutely pivotal to all of this and to holding paying. In London, because of the set-up of the people accountable. If you want, I will say a little assembly, because of the direct relationship with the more about the inspectorate and the business of the Home Secretary and because of the fact that the IPCC in due course, but the college is central to all Mayor had deputy Mayors—at that stage, Ken of this. Livingstone decided he did not want to chair the police authority himself, and he couldn’t initially Q338 Lorraine Fullbrook: So is the proposal then because Lord Harris, the Labour nominee, was there to have this chartered association of police officers? doing it—it was something we looked at. And I, for Would you then propose doing away with the Police one, would say in terms of size that because of the Federation and ACPO? unique structure of London, because of the set-up in Lord Stevens: No. What we said about ACPO is that terms of the borough base and in terms of how it it should still retain responsibility for operational delivers on the assembly, which is not replicated decisions. Let us take the petrol strike, which elsewhere—perhaps it is in Wales in a different happened when I was commissioner. The only people form—that it worked there. It also worked because of who actually had the ability to move police officers personal relationships and a wish to forget about around the country were the president of ACPO and politics. I always remember Paul Boateng saying to the commissioner, as it happened, because I was in me, “It’s going to be a bloody time for you and Cobra and the rest of it. That still remains. If we have everybody in politics,” but it did not work out that a national emergency, it would have to be the same. way. We got on with the matters at issue. On the In relation to the Police Federation, that is a matter question of size, I think London is probably unique for them to decide. There will be some danger for the for the reasons that I have stated. Police Federation if in fact the Police College takes up some kind of association and payments are made Q336 Lorraine Fullbrook: I would like ask about to them, but we refute the point made by the Police the “chartered police officer” mentioned in your Federation when this report was published that this report. How would the creation of the chartered police affects the office of constable. It does not. This officer, as recommended by the commission’s report, enhances the office of constable. work in practice? For the Committee, exactly what I am sorry to go on a bit about this, but I have a bee is it? in my bonnet about it. The other thing about the Police Lord Stevens: Well, after I have spoken, I’ll pass over College and the chartered police officer is that you to the professor. I was in the police service for 43 could then bring direct entries in for people with years and have been connected with it afterwards with particular skills in forensics, accountancy and others, Diana and other issues such as this. I was also invited providing that they go through a proper bedding-in Page 233 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 47

7 January 2014 Lord Stevens and Professor Ian Loader process and that they understand policing. There are Chair: We will have to leave it there. Paul Flynn has great advantages around all of this, I think. the final question.

Q339 Lorraine Fullbrook: I am a fan of direct entry Q342 Paul Flynn: You state that you would like to anyway. It is used in the armed forces and in the see the social purpose of policing enshrined in law. prison service. If the Police Federation and ACPO Why? remained, would you not find that the bureaucracy of Lord Stevens: We think that over the course of the this chartered association would outweigh the last three or four years—and I am speaking against benefits? myself, having been a career detective and Lord Stevens: I don’t think so. ACPO would have to concentrated on crime reduction in Northumbria, but stay, because, at the end of the day, there is legislation the means of delivering crime reduction in that states that they actually deal with national Northumbria was by a concerted approach—we say emergencies, such as flooding or whatever. They have that it would be nonsense to concentrate totally on to stay. Bureaucracy, I hope not. I think what it needs the police. is a very strong focused, laser delivery to the benefits Let us take the emergency over flooding. Are we of all of this and not be carried away with some of saying that the police are not an emergency service to the other issues. come and give their support to the population? Of course we are not. Yes, of course crime is important, Q340 Lorraine Fullbrook: But there is a finite sum but, at the same time, we must not ignore the broader of money to do this kind of stuff. If you did not aspects of policing. That does not mean that we replace the Police Federation with this chartered should get it totally into social services in a way that association, then money would have to come from sucks out some of the resources in an improper way, but when you talk about the police, it cannot possibly somewhere else to set this up. There would be a set- be solely about crime, public disorder and other up cost involved. issues. Professor Loader: Ultimately, the College of Policing, which the report does endorse, has to find Q343 Paul Flynn: There is an argument that, with a way of becoming pretty much self-financing. The more democratic accountability via the commissioners suggestion we make in the report is that, as in the or MOPAC in London, there is a greater incentive to same way as any other professional association— distort the figures. Because people have to be elected, lawyers pay to be members of the Law Society and they have a strong political imperative. Isn’t this medics pay for the Royal College of Medicine—you right? Isn’t this almost certain to happen? Priorities can reasonably expect police officers to pay a small will change away from what they should be and the amount of money to the College of Policing to be its judgments of independent chief constables, against the members. They can continue to be part of the Police political agenda where people have to present a Federation, because that does a different kind of job, picture to show that they doing a decent job to be and a legitimate job, that the College does not do. The re-elected. College’s job is to work out what kind of standards Lord Stevens: I’ll let Professor Loader follow me on police officers at different ranks should have and what this, but let me say that ever since I have been in the is required. And our proposal is to keep a publicly police service, there has been a fiddling of figures. I available register of officers and the kind of skills that remember being a detective constable where we used they have, so that people can look at that. to write off crimes because, allegedly, a stone had There is also a point about this that relates to the gone from a car and banged into a window. It went malpractice that the Chair mentioned at the beginning. on and on. There are police forces round about 1991 When you charter police officers, you also create the where they looked at the crime levels of those possibility that, in cases of extreme malpractice, you detections, which were 51%, and when they stopped can be struck off. In other words, you can no longer prison visits and did primary detection, it went down serve as a police officer in any force, in the same way to 5%. The chief constable there was in danger as you can be struck off from being a medical because there was going to be public uproar. The practitioner. police authority came to the support of that chief constable. I was the chief constable. I don’t want to Q341 Lorraine Fullbrook: But can’t you do all that publicly talk about it, but when I was an HMI, there without creating a chartered association? were cases when we inspected forces and found that Lord Stevens: No, and I think a point made very there were real problems in terms of recorded crime— strongly by Lord Carlile is that it needs a separate cuffing, as we call it—and the business of detection. identity to allow the police to become a profession, As Sara Thornton has said, that is an absolute which, quite honestly, over my period of time, it has abomination. never been. I think that has to happen. It also allows— this is where I speak personally—people to come into Q344 Chair: Is it still going on? the police service at the base level without direct entry Lord Stevens: Yes, of course it is. and work themselves up in terms of qualifications to become, if necessary, the Commissioner of the Q345 Chair: So you are telling this Committee that Metropolitan Police or president of ACPO. I think this as far as you are aware, the fiddling of figures, cuffing is something that could work for the general good, of information or whatever it is called is still going on honestly. in the police service? Page 234 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 48 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

7 January 2014 Lord Stevens and Professor Ian Loader

Lord Stevens: In certain forces, yes. Let me give you the hill and another Government marching them down some empirical evidence. again. Is there really a simple, practical way, without huge expense, for the PCCs to be abolished and a Q346 Chair: Can you tell us which forces? new, simple, equally democratic system put in place, Lord Stevens: No, I do not know the exact forces. without vast cost and disruption? All I can say is that I was at a session of the Police Professor Loader: With all due respect, I think that is Federation’s police sergeants branch annual meeting what we have proposed. nine months to a year ago in Chester talking about what their feelings were about the police service. It Q352 Paul Flynn: Indeed. But it can be done? was a great session, with outstanding people; 75% of Professor Loader: I think it can be done. We are a them worked on counters out on the front line. All of commission. All we can do is propose. It is for others them said the biggest scandal coming our way is the to read and think about what we propose, and decide recording of crime. what to do about it. Lord Stevens: And remember that whatever is Q347 Chair: How long ago was that? proposed has to be seen in the structure of where the Lord Stevens: It was nearly twelve months ago when police service is going in the next five, 10 or 15 years. I went up. Don’t ignore terrorism. I agree with Sara Thornton that that needs to stay with the Met in the medium to Q348 Chair: So you now accept it. We have heard short term. evidence from a whistleblower who said that this is happening on a regular basis. You are telling this Q353 Chair: You agree with her? Committee, which is astonishing to us, that this is still Lord Stevens: I totally agree with her. going on in some forces in the police service. Lord Stevens: I think HMI is going to be doing annual Q354 Chair: Because the NCA isn’t ready for inspections, so I hope that has stopped as a result, but business? my point has been made. Lord Stevens: I think the NCA has a massive job to do, and that job will take some time to bed in. Why Q349 Chair: You hope it has stopped, but you don’t break something up which has been a massive success think it has. over the last 80 or 100 years? Remember what Sara Lord Stevens: I pray to God it’s been stopped. Thornton said: it is the police and MI5 working together. That is something that Baroness Q350 Chair: What is the way of stopping it now? Manningham-Buller and I are more proud of than Should there be an independent investigation, or anything—combining squads to work together in the should Tom Winsor do something about it? same buildings. Lord Stevens: I think every single force should be subject to an independent, laser-focused investigation Q355 Lorraine Fullbrook: I would like to go back into police crime figures on both detection and the to the crime figures being massaged, to put it in the recording of crime. I think that should happen—it is nicest way. Have you made a formal request to Tom happening—and it should happen as a matter of Winsor to carry out the independent audits that you urgency. were suggesting in each force? Professor Loader: Can I make two points in relation Lord Stevens: From my knowledge, when Tom to your question? One is that it might be helpful to Winsor came to give evidence to the commissioner, make a distinction between what is evocatively called as did a lot of other people, I think he is already “fiddling the figures” and the exercise of discretion doing that. that officers make when they decide how and whether Chair: As a result of what you have said today, Lord to record crimes. You cannot eradicate that; you can Stevens, we will write to him again. shape it in various ways. When that discretion is exercised, police officers, for all kinds of good Q356 Lorraine Fullbrook: That doesn’t answer my reasons, will respond to what they take to be pressures question, though. Have you made a formal request to to make that decision in one way or another. In answer Tom Winsor? to your question, I don’t think PCCs have created a Lord Stevens: I haven’t, no. pressure to manage crime figures that didn’t exist from other sources, or hasn’t existed for as long as I have Q357 Chair: It probably is not in your remit, but it been studying these things. certainly is within ours. As a result of what you have said to us today, I will write to Tom Winsor to ask Q351 Paul Flynn: But they have to be re-elected, him whether he can conduct the investigation that you while chief constables do not. Today, James Patrick mentioned, in view of what you have said to the put in some new evidence, which the Committee Committee. decided to publish, so that it would be privileged and Lord Stevens: And Chairman, it has to be he could not be disciplined by his own force. It is a independent. The business of public satisfaction is rather sad situation that that had to be done because how the police should be judged. the defensive action from the Met seemed to be to shoot the messenger. He is under disciplinary inquiry. Q358 Chair: Of course; we understand that. Lord One final point: the public are rightly suspicious of Stevens, Professor Loader, this has been a very robust one Government marching the troops up to the top of session, but I am sure you will be used to it in the Page 235 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:53] Job: 039682 Unit: PG02 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o002_odeth_HC 757-ii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 49

7 January 2014 Lord Stevens and Professor Ian Loader various jobs that you all have been doing—perhaps Lord Stevens: It would be great, if it is okay with you not you, Professor. and the Committee, if you wrote to us. Then we will Professor Loader: Oh no, we do robust in Oxford, answer all the questions, including the business of the don’t worry. moneys, what was given and so on.

Q359 Chair: We are extremely grateful. Could you Q360 Chair: Wonderful. That would be very helpful. write to us with the information? Would you like us Thank you very much. Apologies for the votes in the to write to you to set out the information that we middle. would like, or send you the transcripts, so you know Lord Stevens: No, well, thank you for listening to us. what we would like? Chair: Thank you.

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Ev 50 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Members present: Keith Vaz (Chair)

Ian Austin Paul Flynn Nicola Blackwood Dr Julian Huppert Mr James Clappison Yasmin Qureshi Michael Ellis Mark Reckless ______

Examination of Witnesses

Witnesses: Max Chambers, Policy Exchange, Jon Collins, Police Foundation, and Bernard Rix, Comparing Police and Crime Commissioners (CoPaCC), gave evidence.

Q361 Chair: Could I ask all those present to declare you thought of the conclusions of the report, not what any interests they have that are over and above what the report said? is in the Register of Members’ Interests? This is a Bernard Rix: I personally do not feel that the further evidence session in the Committee’s inquiry conclusions moving away from a single elected into police and crime commissioners. We are individual are ones that, at this stage, should be taken delighted to see Mr Collins from the Police forward, not least because we have only had PCCs in Foundation, Mr Chambers from Policy Exchange, and place for a year, which is not enough time, in my Mr Rix from Comparing Police and Crime view, to determine whether this new landscape is Commissioners, your organisation. appropriate. One of my great concerns with police Bernard Rix: CoPaCC is shorter. governance is that we find we change many times in Chair: CoPaCC, yes. Thank you all for coming. Even a short period of time, leaving no time for any of these though there are three of you here, you do not all have particular changes to bed in. to answer every single question that every member has. Just chip in whenever, because we will ask the Q363 Chair: Yes, we are coming to some of those questions generally. If I could start with you, Mr Rix, other points that you have raised, which are very on your blog on 25 November you referred to Lord important and valuable. Mr Chambers, in your blog Stevens as “The Phantom Menace” in your Star Wars or maybe it was a report, Power Down, you wrote in section. Why was that? What did he do that so upset August 2013, you talked about a once-in-a-generation you? opportunity to bring accountability to the system. Do Bernard Rix: He had not upset me. My blog, Mr Vaz, you think that the arrival of police and crime as you may well know if you have read a number of commissioners has provided what you have said was the previous entries, occasionally uses a feature that missing: the system was bereft of local control, those that follow me on Twitter have suggested. On financial responsibility or democratic accountability? that particular occasion, the challenge was for me to You are a fan of the system? You would like them to write a blog summarising the findings of the Stevens stay, would you? report in the style of Star Wars. That was the closest Max Chambers: Yes. Policy Exchange has published I got to trying to characterise the work of Lord a number of reports over the last few years looking at Stevens in the Stevens report itself. this area and has always advocated police and crime commissioners in some form or other. I agree with Chair: If he was the Phantom Menace, who was Bernard in the sense that it is very early to be making Princess Leia, Yvette Cooper? definitive judgments about whether this has been a Bernard Rix: I do not think I quite got that far. When success yet, but one of the things that is striking is I get my next challenge perhaps I might consult you that that clarity of leadership that has been provided on some of the casting. It can be quite a challenge. I by a single figure as opposed to a committee has led think a previous blog of mine commented on the to some very interesting innovations already in the Winsor report in the style of ABBA. On occasion, the first 12 months. It is that kind of local control and arguably somewhat ridiculous theme that you bring in leadership that we were particularly interested in to illustrate these matters helps to make the material trying to foster when we historically, as an a little more digestible. organisation, have written reports previously recommending the introduction of police Q362 Chair: Did you welcome his report? Did you commissioners. feel it was fair? Did you think that there were Chair: Yes. Mr Collins, are you a believer? problems with it or not? Jon Collins: I think the PCCs were a serious attempt Bernard Rix: It certainly examines some of the to address a real problem, the so-called democratic questions that there are about the new landscape in deficit and not enough local control over where police policing, police and crime commissioners. With police resources were used and focused. It is not a model and crime commissioners, we have a single individual without flaws. I do not think that even its strongest who is very powerful. advocates would say that it is a model without flaws, Chair: No, we know about that, but what did you but I think there is no perfect solution to this problem. think of the conclusions? We are keen to know what There are different methods and different ways you Page 237 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:54] Job: 039682 Unit: PG03 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o003_odeth_HC 757-iii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 51

21 January 2014 Max Chambers, Jon Collins and Bernard Rix could develop it and I think the Stevens report puts Q365 Chair: Before we move onto Mr Austin, can I forward a plausible alternative, but it is difficult to say just ask a question about the Police Federation report which will necessarily work best. For that reason, I that came out yesterday? Have you had a chance to agree with what the other two witnesses have said, read it? Does anyone wish to comment on what was which is that it is a year in and we need to give this said by Sir David Normington and the federation? model time to run before we discard it. Even if we Mr Chambers? decide to move on from it a term or two from now, Max Chambers: I have not had a chance, but would we will have fully learned lessons of what has and has welcome the opportunity to do so in the future. not worked so we will not have to go back to it in a Chair: Yes. Mr Collins? few more years. Jon Collins: I have not read it in detail, I am afraid, no. Q364 Chair: What struck us in the report but also generally in terms of the powers of PCCs was the Q366 Ian Austin: Just on this point about commissioners holding chief constables to account, to ability to dismiss chief constables—what Lord what extent are the three of you concerned by Stevens described as the “chilling effect” of being able commissioners using targets to hold the chief to suddenly get rid of your chief constable. Is that constables to account? a power that you think should be retained by PCCs, Bernard Rix: From what I see, PCCs are reducing the Mr Chambers? use of targets. For example, shortly after election, the Max Chambers: Yes, it is. I think it is an important Surrey PCC removed targets in Surrey. Last power that PCCs have. The thing about the Stevens November, the Essex PCC significantly reduced, if not review is that, as far as I am aware, it did not say it removed, the use of targets in Essex. There are a is having a chilling effect. It said that it risks having number of PCCs who have quite a suite of targets a chilling effect in future, not that there was any that they use to measure the performance of the chief evidence that it was already doing so. The decisions a constable and, through him or her, their force. What I few PCCs have taken over dismissals have been the think will happen there is that that will help inform exception that has proven the rule and the rule is that, us, as we look at the 41 PCCs—42 if you include in the main, PCCs have built pretty good, on the MOPAC as well—about the power of a number of whole, constructive relationships with chief factors, not least in this case on targets. constables. For me, the question is not so much, Jon Collins: Yes, I think I agree with that final point “Does the hiring and firing power offend the from Bernard. You have 41 mini-experiments here. sensibilities of chief constables?” but rather, “Does it They are all operating slightly differently. Some are affect the outcomes in terms of the service to the using targets, some are not. Some are using different public?” That is the most important thing and if chief forms of targets, some more sophisticated than others. constables are deemed by a PCC to be a barrier to that For people who are interested in watching how policy improvement, then it is an important part of develops, we should get to see how that works better addressing that. in some areas than others. That should give us a sort Chair: Mr Collins, just on the point of the power to of natural experiment around the validity of targets. sack. We will come to the other issues, later. Targets have been a remarkably resilient form of Jon Collins: In terms of the power to sack, in the end, performance management, given the widespread if that relationship breaks down irretrievably, someone criticism they have received in recent years. I think has to have that power to remove the other. In the end, some PCCs, some chief constables and some forces the only way round that that can work under this rely on them to direct activity. They can be crude. model is that the PCC has the power to remove the Sometimes they have perverse incentives, but they can chief constable. I think that power should be used have their use if used in a sophisticated way. It is rarely and only in exceptional cases. Clearly, if you important to look at what the targets are trying to ended up with a merry-go-round of chief constables achieve and then see whether they do achieve that, and to consider them carefully and whether or not they changing monthly or yearly, that would be very are distorting behaviour or having unintended effects. damaging to the confidence of the public and to the Max Chambers: I agree with a lot of that. I think structure of the police service, but we have not, to there is a difference between national crude targets date, seen that happening. The power should be held like we had a few years ago—the “offences brought back and only used in extremis, used sensibly and to justice” target, for example—and local targets, used in line with existing employment law. When the which I suppose can at least be a bit more locally current chief inspector of constabulary gave our responsive and have a chance of being more annual lecture at the middle of last year he set out a sophisticated and better defined. On the whole, if it is very clear legal case for why he thinks that happening, it is not a brilliant development overall, employment law very much applies here and that but I recognise what Bernard and Jon say about the PCCs need to bear that in mind and I would agree that resilience of targets as a general tool. they should do so. Chair: Yes Mr Rix? Q367 Ian Austin: At what point do you think it Bernard Rix: The PCC is there to hold the chief would be possible to do some sort of comparative constable to account. I believe it is the ultimate work and assess which of these 42 mini-experiments sanction in holding the chief constable to account. have been most successful and what approach works Therefore yes. best? 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Ev 52 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

21 January 2014 Max Chambers, Jon Collins and Bernard Rix

Bernard Rix: It is certainly a challenge. Over the and see that they deliver. If I might use one example three and a half years for the first term of a PCC, in of that, a number of PCCs, quite rightly, over the past very broad terms, the first year was for many PCCs few months have been asking their communities about finding their feet. I think the second year will see the police precept. There is a bar on the police precept some significant change on the part of many within so that it cannot rise above typically 2% without a their force. In the third year, they need to be local referendum. The argument of localism would demonstrating the benefit of the changes they have suggest that PCCs who have that local mandate ought, made and I think it is that year that answers your if that is what their local population would wish, to question. In the fourth year or the last six months, be able to increase the precept beyond 2%. It appears effectively, for those that choose to stand again—and that that is not the line the Government is prepared to I am pretty sure that it will not be all of those who take on this, so we then have this tension between are currently PCCs—they then need to use that localism and the application. evidence that they have gathered in the preceding Michael Ellis: I just want to give the other two— year, hopefully independent evidence, to show that Chair: Final question. they have made some significant improvements in the Michael Ellis: There are no other questions from me. way in which their force is able to deliver what the I just wanted to see if Mr Chambers and Mr Collins public expect of it. wanted to come back on any of that or have any observations. Q368 Michael Ellis: Gentlemen, the issue that was Max Chambers: Obviously it is very important how of concern to the Government was the democratic PCCs respond to the fact that they are visible, but I deficit that existed prior to the introduction of police think in this instance visibility is an end in itself as commissioners between the general public and the well. What is the point in having an element of police, the lack of elected accountability. That has democratic accountability that nobody is aware of? been addressed now, has it not, by police and crime The starting point is people are aware of the existence commissioners? There are bound to be some teething of their local police and crime commissioner, had the troubles but, by and large as a principle, the public opportunity to vote for that person and engaged with having the right to vote for someone who can oversee them throughout the four years. the strategy and budgetary requirements of a large Jon Collins: I do not think you necessarily can say public sector body like the police is a good thing. Do either that police authorities did nothing to engage the any of you disagree with that? There is silence. Mr community, although I would be the first to agree with Rix? you they were not as visible as they could have been. Bernard Rix: Certainly the individual who is The second thing is you do not do away with accountable and answerable to the public is very clear democratic deficit just by having an election. There is and there is only a single person, so it is entirely clear more to it than that and there were clear and well- who is responsible and who has delivered or not. established problems with the first election, which we Michael Ellis: That must be a good thing, must it not? do not need to rehash, but as the model goes on, Bernard Rix: That is a good thing. I would agree on assuming PCCs remain, it will be important for them that point. I think the challenge, though, is over the to build on that and to do more than simply saying, degree to which, for example, PCCs engage with the “We are holding an election once every four years, public, with the communities within their particular therefore it is solved.” area. Michael Ellis: I accept that. Michael Ellis: Yes, but surely some engagement is better than none at all. Before there were PCCs, there Q370 Mark Reckless: Mr Rix, you said that the was no engagement. Police authorities existed for 30 Government would not accept that degree of power years and, towards the end of their lives, opinion polls for PCCs, but in their White Paper, Policing in the indicated that only about 6% of people knew they 21st Century, they did propose giving that power to existed. Is that right? You are nodding in agreement. set the precept entirely to the PCC, subject just to the Bernard Rix: It is significantly more now. local panel being able to call a local referendum if Paul Flynn: Mr Chairman, as Mr Ellis appears to be they had a two-thirds majority against the precept. Do giving evidence in this Committee, are we allowed to you think that would be a better model than what we question Mr Ellis? had once the civil service watered it down? Bernard Rix: There is a difficulty at the moment, at Q369 Michael Ellis: Mr Flynn has not been a the very least in the co-ordination between what is member of the Committee for very long, but I am happening locally with PCCs and their need to set the going to carry on. Is it not the reality, though, that precept and the clarity of the instruction from, I with 6% having acknowledged the existence of the believe, the Home Office on whether it is the 2% that police authority, the way that it is 62% now, according will apply and which forces may be exempt from a to the briefing that I have had from the civil servants 2%. You will recall that last year there were, I think, who prepare briefings for this Committee, it is quite 10 forces that were able to increase their precept by good in the scheme of things, isn’t it? more than 2%. To my knowledge, it is not clear how Bernard Rix: For me it is a question of what those many and the percentage rise that is permissible at the PCCs then do with that public engagement. It is all moment. You put a particular scenario there. I would very well engaging. The acid test for me would be suggest that the clarity of the scenario is the most over the extent to which they pursue the ambitions or important thing, not the detail of the scenario. What I the desires of their community and put them in action am hearing is, in terms of the ability or otherwise of Page 239 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:54] Job: 039682 Unit: PG03 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o003_odeth_HC 757-iii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 53

21 January 2014 Max Chambers, Jon Collins and Bernard Rix

PCCs to increase the precept, at the moment they are around £50,000. They are still struggling to find not clear on what the rules are that the Home Office information on what the PCCs are doing. They are will be setting, and those will not be clear until later uncertain of their powers. They are beginning to share this month or even early next month. information, but I think they are also discouraged by what I hear is a lack of engagement with those at the Q371 Mark Reckless: How would you advise voters centre. I know that a number of police and crime panel to determine whether or not that PCC has done a good members and chairs have written to the Committee job, particularly when it comes to assessing them at and I am sure that a number of them would welcome the next election? the opportunity to speak for themselves to this Bernard Rix: This is why, in part, CoPaCC was set Committee on the challenges that they face. up a year ago. CoPaCC is there to compare PCCs and Chair: We will be having a session with panel chairs. share best practice. It is deliberately there to compare Bernard Rix: I am sure that they would very much the 41, or even 42 if you include the Mayor’s Office welcome that. for Policing of Crime, and then examine a number of Dr Huppert: I recall one of them who came to see us areas. For example, late last year, we ran a resigned shortly afterwards. Mr Collins or Mr transparency thematic looking specifically at how Chambers, do you have anything to add? PCCs compare on transparency and we have a further Jon Collins: I would say, in the same way that we five planned for later this year. That provides not just were talking about the first year for PCCs being voters but many who are interested in PCC somewhat of a bedding-in period, the same is even performance with a comparison between PCCs. It is more true with panels as it is not, by and large, their that sort of mechanism that allows electors to take a full-time job and it is taking some time for them to view on whether their PCC is at the front of the pack start to find their feet. They received some fairly or lagging somewhat behind. strong criticism in the early days about an inability to Mark Reckless: Mr Chambers and Mr Collins, how stop various appointments that they opposed, but I would you advise voters to judge their PCC aside think that it will take time for them to find their feet. from, of course, subscribing to Mr Rix’s monthly There are some concerns about the level of funding CoPaCC review? and the amount of professional support that enables Max Chambers: As helpful as the comparative data them to do proper scrutiny. It goes without saying that is, I would ask, “how do people judge their MPs or panels should have access to the information they their mayors?” There is no one particular standpoint require from PCCs, and PCCs should voluntarily that people will take. Some people will look at the provide that information if it is asked for because the crime figures. Other people will go on whether they panel is there to help them to do their job better as feel safer in their own communities, or whether they well as to hold them to account. A positive, strong, think that particular crime priorities for them have constructive relationship is important and PCCs have been addressed. Other people might just say, “Do I to commit to that as well as panels. I would not be think my PCC has done a good job in standing up for too quick, as with PCCs, to jump to give them my local area?” I do not think we need to be significant new powers. We always talk about more prescriptive about how people judge and how PCCs vetoes and more banning. I would not jump to give should be judged. them more powers until we have seen how it can really work over a slightly more extended period. Q372 Dr Huppert: There was a conversation earlier Dr Huppert: Yes. As Mr Chambers said, it is bedding about whether PCCs addressed the democratic deficit in new resources, not new powers. What is your and I think it was acknowledged they cannot do the assessment? whole work. Part of the key element that was set up Max Chambers: We have not done a huge amount of was, of course, the police and crime panels, partly to work in the space of police and crime panels. I have provide greater diversity of representation and partly to deal with the fact that no PCC can cover an entire read the evidence that has been submitted to the area. How effective do you think the police and crime Committee as part of this inquiry, but I do not have panels have been and how could they be strengthened anything to add to what Jon just said. I think that so they can achieve what they ought to be able to do? sounded very sensible. Mr Rix. Dr Huppert: Mr Rix, were there any other things you Bernard Rix: I think there is a real challenge for wanted to add, suggestions for how to strengthen? police and crime panels and, if we start at the very Bernard Rix: The key for me is listening to what the basic step, in some cases it is a question of motivation panels themselves have to say, acknowledging that in of the panel. Only in three cases is the chair of the some cases they have not shared with other panels the panel is from a different party than the PCC, if we way in which they can use their existing powers. I am exclude independents. For something of the order of sure you will find that many will argue that they ought 26 PCCs, their police and crime chair is of the same to have more. I still think that they are learning how party. Of course, I am not suggesting that that would to use their existing powers before they necessarily discourage any challenge but it is more likely, I would need to have those additional powers. argue, that there is less challenge where it is a chair that is of the same party as the PCC. There is certainly Q373 Paul Flynn: As there were no outside a major question about resources. Police and crime applicants for the job of chief constable in Gwent panels are very poorly resourced. Only in one case, I following the sacking or forced resignation of the think, do they have a budget of anything other than existing chief constable by the police and crime Page 240 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:54] Job: 039682 Unit: PG03 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o003_odeth_HC 757-iii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 54 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

21 January 2014 Max Chambers, Jon Collins and Bernard Rix commissioner, is that not an example of a chilling that is what you would expect. You would not expect effect? people to move into relationships they know will be Max Chambers: I do not know enough about the problematic. The relationship between PCCs and chief situation in Gwent to comment on that individual case. constables in general was always going to be a particular challenge of this reform because it was a Q374 Paul Flynn: I mean generally. We have new, different form of accountability coming in evidence from the PCC who said there would be a largely above existing police structures. By and large, large number of applicants for the job. There were in it has worked extremely well. The sky has not fallen fact none and an internal candidate was appointed. Do in. There have been some teething troubles; four areas you think the commissioners are working particularly have had problems, but by and large— collaboratively across the country? We hear of the fact Chair: Which are the four areas? that something like 13 of the police forces are still Jon Collins: They are pretty well documented. There using numeric targets for crime statistics, in addition was Avon and Somerset straight after the election, to the Mayor of London. Is there an example of them Lincolnshire, Cumbria and Gwent. working in a collaborative way or are they all doing Chair: What was the problem with Avon and their own thing? Somerset? Max Chambers: On the collaboration point, I am not Jon Collins: It was not necessarily a problem, but sure about the macro picture but I am aware of in the immediate aftermath of the election the chief examples where forces are collaborating and PCCs are constable was moved on pretty quickly. I think the collaborating even across party boundaries. That was current chief constable and the police and crime one of the concerns: would a Labour PCC be able to commissioner are giving evidence and may be sitting work strategically with a Tory PCC? If you look at behind me— areas like Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire and Chair: That is why I asked you. Hertfordshire where there is a Labour PCC and some Jon Collins: They have, as I understand it, an Conservative PCCs, they are working together on an extremely good relationship, but they ended up in a IT collaboration that is saving the forces money and court case immediately after the election. merging some functions. There are other areas like West Mercia and Warwickshire where they are Q376 Paul Flynn: Finally, do you think that an 8% working very hand-in-glove together and vote for a police and crime commissioner is an collaborating. There are certainly areas where it is adequate mandate for him acting dictatorially? working quite well, but it is not just in force-to-force Jon Collins: The way elections work in this country, collaboration where there have been good examples. It by and large, for better or worse, is that there is no is also collaboration between forces and other public minimum number of people you need to get to vote. services where I think there are more interesting People who choose to vote choose the person who practices beginning to emerge. We are seeing forces takes on that role. Obviously everyone, ourselves working with local authorities to share back and included, would have liked to have seen the elections middle office functions, but also forces working with have a higher profile and turnouts to have been much other public sector agencies such as mental health higher. Those PCCs who were elected on that first teams and the Fire Service. That is an area where, relatively low turnout need to bear that in mind in again, that leadership quality that PCCs are able to terms of how they apply their mandate, but they have offer is driving some interesting practice that it is the powers they would have received if it had been going to save money and deliver a better quality of 100% turnout. That is the way it works. service. Q377 Mr Clappison: I hope I will not get into Q375 Paul Flynn: Do you think the balance of trouble for giving evidence, but if I can just say to Mr responsibilities between the commissioners and the Chambers that I was interested in his comment about police constables is right when the Gwent police Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire and commissioner said that he engaged the best legal the police and crime commissioners there being able brains in the country at public expense in order that to drive forward change. As a Hertfordshire MP, I do the other side, as the chief constable, would not have know that something that was talked about as being the opportunity of recruiting them? Do you think the needed before the advent of police and crime balance is perhaps not a fair one? commissioners was smaller forces to work together Jon Collins: I cannot comment on the specifics of the across boundaries and across party boundaries, as you Gwent recruitment situation. I would say that, rightly say. My question is to Mr Rix. One thing that following the first PCC elections, there were a huge has caused comment in some cases has been the number of chief constables recruited because there appointment of deputies by police and crime were a lot of vacancies at the time of the elections. commissioners. One suggestion that has been put to Inevitably, for the few months after that there will be me from quite a well-informed source is that problems fewer potential candidates coming forward. The other might be solved if there was an election for the deputy thing to say about recruitment now where there is a at the same time—a ticket for the posts. What is your police and crime commissioner in place is that it is thinking on that and do you have any other proposals almost inevitable that those chief constables who or thoughts on that subject? apply for that role and those who are successful will Bernard Rix: I personally have no difficulty with the share a vision for the force and for policing with the PCC being allowed through statute to select their own PCC whom they are applying to work with because deputy. They are then answerable for their Page 241 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:54] Job: 039682 Unit: PG03 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o003_odeth_HC 757-iii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 55

21 January 2014 Max Chambers, Jon Collins and Bernard Rix performance, the two of them combined. Equally, the you quoted an analysis by the BBC of the PCC’s mechanism you describe may also have effect. Do I police and crime plans, which found that 178 think that in some cases deputies are needed? performance targets have been set with 18 of the 41 Certainly on some of the larger forces, such as PCCs using targets for performance measures. Thames Valley, which is a very large force. Although However, in your answers it was a bit more high-level I do not believe the Thames Valley PCC has a deputy, discussion saying, as I understood it, that we will not I do think that that is an instance where having be able to assess the impact of these targets until the somebody that that individual has selected is helpful. next election. Have any of you done any work to look I am one of those few, it seems, who would argue that at these specific targets in their areas and analyse the we need more forces rather than fewer. Very often different kinds of targets that have been set in the there is a comment made that we should have fewer different areas and the impacts that they are having forces. I think the engagement that PCCs have, there? It would be very helpful for the Committee. particularly in the smaller forces—I live in Jon Collins: As you said, it was not our analysis. It Bedfordshire and I know that in Bedfordshire it is was carried out by the BBC. These are all targets possible for a PCC to engage across the county. I can contained in police and crime plans that we have see it being much more difficult in a number of looked at, but we have not been looking at their counties such as Thames Valley. impact. It would be a very useful piece of work for, Mr Clappison: Have the other two witnesses in general terms, more comparative work to be done anything to add? to look at how the PCC reform is evolving. We are Jon Collins: On the appointment of deputies not currently in the situation to do much more than generally, I think that was introduced on the basis that very high level work, but I think it would be welcome a PCC would be representing a very big area. It would if others could do so. be challenging to get round and the idea of having Nicola Blackwood: Mr Rix, you are the Comparing someone to support them to do that was brought into Police and Crime Commissioner’s think tank. legislation. I think that is a sensible thing to do. Where Bernard Rix: It is a mouthful. CoPaCC is much more deputies are appointed after the election, I would like straightforward. Part of our aim for this year is, in the to see much more clarity about why they are required, same way that we undertook the transparency what their role will be and why the person who is thematic at the back end of last year, to run a number appointed is the best possible person to do that role. of very similar thematics, one of which will be on Personally, I would like to see those jobs advertised governance, looking at how PCCs hold their chief wherever possible. constables to account. There are very clearly different Mr Clappison: Do you have a problem with the mechanisms. I fear I am not in a position to offer electorate knowing in advance who the deputy was any concrete objective evidence as we speak. It is still going to be? relatively early, but it is very clear that there are Jon Collins: No, I think that is a perfectly sensible, different approaches that PCCs have. separate approach. It is also reasonable for PCCs to come in, to look at the scale of the job and then to Q379 Nicola Blackwood: The next issue I want to decide whether they need a deputy and, if so, what follow up on concerns your answer to Mr Clappison skills they need. That is reasonable as well, but where about transparency and decision making regarding someone is sure they will need a deputy and they have deputies. I am a little confused. Would it not be someone in mind who they think will fill the role, I necessary for commissioners to publish their decision think it is perfectly reasonable to effectively put them making for deputies as part of their register of on a ticket. Given that people are voting for the PCC, significant decisions? you would still then need to have post-election Bernard Rix: It illustrates the way in which different appointment scrutiny. PCCs are interpreting obligations to publish certain Mr Clappison: Mr Chambers, anything to add? statutory transparency factors and they have to publish Max Chambers: I suppose I just want to make a wider their decisions by law, as you know. Some PCCs point that we mentioned in our Power Down report, publish as few as one decision a month on average, which is that this is a different job from running a while others publish as many as 13 or 14 each month. police authority and we do not think the PCCs should It is pretty clear from that that there is some be squeamish about appointing the people they need interpretation on what type of decision is published to a good job. If that means that the costs of the PCC by each PCC. I have not seen any decision published office are different and higher than the costs of a on the appointment of their deputy other than, I think police authority, but in doing that they can drive down Dyfed-Powys, where the approach was somewhat the policing budget while maintaining the downward different. Rather than selecting an individual simply trajectory of crime and delivering a better service to on a political basis, there was a competition in the public, that is the more important thing. Deputies Dyfed-Powys. and advisers and assistants and all the rest of it, fine— and let the public judge at the end of the four year Q380 Nicola Blackwood: In the discussion with Mr process whether they have delivered better outcomes. Ellis on democratic accountability, clearly the foundation of that has to be transparency and there are Q378 Nicola Blackwood: I want to follow up on the the 25 measures of transparency. In your submission, answers to Mr Austin about targets. I think, Mr Mr Rix, you clearly outlined your assessment of the Collins, in the Police Foundation’s submission to the degree to which the PCCs are adhering to those Committee you made some comments on targets and statutory requirements. I think there is only one office Page 242 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:54] Job: 039682 Unit: PG03 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o003_odeth_HC 757-iii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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21 January 2014 Max Chambers, Jon Collins and Bernard Rix of police and crime commissioner where all 25 Q382 Nicola Blackwood: In your view, all of you, statutory disclosures have been available on the the 25 measures are the right measures and it is just a website, but overall your assessment is that the matter of complying with that? disclosures are quite good? Chair: A yes or a no is fine. Bernard Rix: Room for improvement I think. We did Bernard Rix: I am drawn towards no. Quite simply, use the term “good” in the report that we put together. if I may be allowed a supplementary to that, I feel the In fact, you are hearing evidence from the West measure of those 25 factors is an illustration of the Midlands PCC, whose office is the one that you determination of the PCC to publish information. The described where all 25 statutory factors were interest of the public, ourselves included, in the information would extend, for example, to the mentioned. If you look at the “could do better” side, Association of PCCs website, which has become less we found that something like 9% of offices of police transparent in the last month. You cannot simply and crime commissioners had websites with fewer examine the statutory factors. You have to look at the than 60% of their statutory responsibility for desire of PCCs individually and the PCC community declarations on their website, and that is simply on to share that information and I am mindful here of the the basis of a mention. This is not the quality of the NAO comment about transparency. information that is provided; this is simply the mention of that statutory transparency factor. Q383 Chair: Thank you. The Committee were concerned about the lack of transparency. That is why Q381 Nicola Blackwood: On the point about quality, we created our own register of interests for PCCs, obviously none of this material that is declared will because the Government said it was a matter to be be of any value to the electorate if it is not accessible, dealt with locally. There is no local register, so we did if it is not in plain English rather than acronym- the work ourselves and we produced the register last laden—forgive me—police language, and if it is not year. Do you think there ought to be a register of freely available and if people do not know where to interests of PCCs and, if you do, very quickly, who should hold that register, Mr Chambers? find it. I wonder if perhaps Mr Chambers and Mr Max Chambers: I can see no reason why not. There Collins might want to come in on whether they think is no reason that PCCs should not be declaring their that the current system is working and whether they interests. Where it should sit, I do not have a strong think there are any other measures that should be view. included to make the transparency measures that have Chair: Mr Collins? been put in place work effectively for democratic Jon Collins: I agree that there should be one and I purposes. think the key thing is that PCCs publish that locally. I Jon Collins: The first step is obviously that all PCCs think whether someone chooses to collate that into should be complying with that but, as you say, that is one national document is a secondary issue to making not enough. To expect many members of the public to sure it is available from them at the local level. trawl PCC websites and make their way through Chair: Mr Rix? lengthy PDFs to try to get to the bottom of what Bernard Rix: There is already a statutory obligation decisions have and have not been made is unrealistic, on them to publish that information. Not every PCC I would imagine, given the interest in PCCs so far. It is doing that at the moment. I think anything that would be valuable if PCCs chose to make that encourages them to get it right on their website is to information as accessible as possible in a way that be encouraged. people might be engaged with it and interested in it. It will be in their interests if they are doing a good Q384 Chair: You see no objection to a national job to broadcast that as widely as possible to the register that just collates all this information together? public and to their potential electorate in the future. We found it very odd that this was not being done There is a clear incentive for them to do that and I and, therefore, you cannot have a comparison of what is happening in Leicestershire and what is happening think they should be encouraged to do so, and then it in Warwickshire, for example. is for local and national media and those of us who Bernard Rix: I would argue that is something that have an interest in PCCs to take that information and CoPaCC is looking to do, in part because there is a disseminate it as widely as possible. vacuum there. Max Chambers: I agree with all that. The hope is that Chair: Maybe the register can sit with you. Yasmin you will have third-party organisations like Qureshi has the final question then we must move on. CoPaCC—we tried to do this at the time of the last Our next witness is here. election on our website—who will try to make that information digestible and Q385 Yasmin Qureshi: Would the Chair, with your available to people. As Jon says, the first step is PCCs indulgence, permit me two little questions? making sure that they comply with the guidance Chair: I will. I will measure them carefully, Mrs where they have the capacity to do that. That is the Qureshi. other question here. We cannot, on the one hand, Yasmin Qureshi: You will, I am sure. criticise PCCs for employing staff and then, on the The first question, I just want to take over from what other hand, say, “You need to be quicker and more Mr Flynn was saying about the issue about the PCC responsive in giving us information.” They need to being able to fire the chief constable. None of you make sure they have the support to do that. seem to see any problems with that, but let me put it Page 243 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:54] Job: 039682 Unit: PG03 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o003_odeth_HC 757-iii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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21 January 2014 Max Chambers, Jon Collins and Bernard Rix this way. You have a chief constable, somebody of 20 Bernard Rix: Can I just come back on that point? Jon or 30 years’ experience, running an area who knows mentioned chief constables a little earlier. I believe I all about policing. Then somebody comes in, elected am correct in saying that none of them have been fired on about 8% of the vote—I know it is democratic and from their jobs. The Gwent chief constable resigned. it does not matter, but this is very low—and most of The Avon & Somerset chief constable’s contract was them do not know anything about policing. They can not renewed. The Lincolnshire chief constable is come and they simply tell the chief constable what to confirmed in post as chief constable and the Cumbria do and, if the chief constable may have a different chief constable was an acting chief constable who was view about how they should be tackling the area, that acting up as deputy. In fact, the circumstance there person should be able to fire them. To me that is quite was that he returned to his deputy chief constable a chilling effect. Do you still hold by the view that post. As I understand it, as we speak we do not have that would not cause a chilling effect? any chief constable that has been sacked. Bernard Rix: My feeling here is that this is the will of Parliament; that they are elected individuals; that if Q386 Yasmin Qureshi: I never try to go into they are— personal cases of any individuals. What I am talking Yasmin Qureshi: No, leave aside the will of about is the potential for the fact that, because of this Parliament. On that basis, we should not be discussing power and because the elected commissioners may it at all because on the will of Parliament they have have a particular way of wanting to do things or been set up. They have been set up. All of you are perhaps a general thing, the expert, as I would call the giving evidence saying it is a great organisation; it is chief constable, may have a different view and then brilliant. I am just pointing out something that is a the tension that can develop between the two. It seems very obvious problem that a lot of people can see. that the final word is with the commissioner to decide Bernard Rix: For me it boils down to one or possibly what to do. That is what I am talking about. That is the two sentences. The PCC is there to hold their chief law Mr Flynn was talking about; the ultimate power of constable to account and the ultimate sanction in somebody who in all honesty is not that experienced holding the chief constable to account is the power to being able to fire somebody who is? fire them. Max Chambers: It boils down to the fact that— Max Chambers: I might put it a different way. Yasmin Qureshi: Do you not think that is a problem? Someone has to have this power and it either sits with That is what I wanted to explore with you, the fact the Home Office or it sits with weak and invisible that it is a potential problem. police authorities that nobody has ever heard of. At Max Chambers: I was just going to say you can either least this way everybody knows who is taking the see it as a chilling effect or you can see it as a creative decision and there is proper democratic accountability healthy tension. Our view is that that is what it is. for it. We saw what happened when there was not a Bernard Rix: If I may, there is a clear distinction and high turnover of police constables. We saw the police there are elements of grey. There is a distinction become more and more remote from the public, with between the operational side, which is absolutely the the Home Office buttressing that with very centrally chief constable’s responsibility, and the strategic side, directed, blunt targets. I think this is a much better which is the PCC’s. There are instances where there model. is a grey area in between but ultimately, for me, I Jon Collins: Just briefly, I do not think this situation would say again that an elected individual who is is unproblematic, but I do think there are processes in there to effectively take forward the mandate that has place to try to make sure that the power is not used been given them by representatives, that is the one— inappropriately, both processes specifically designed Chair: Mr Chambers, Mr Collins and Mr Rix, thank for PCCs in terms of some of the operational you very much. We could obviously go on for hours independence issues as well as the processes you are on this subject. You are obviously very knowledgeable meant to run through to remove a chief constable. about it. If there is any other information of use to There is also broader restrictions in terms of this committee, please write to us. The inquiry is not employment law that do not allow you to just fire over yet and, of course, you are welcome to stay to people without any cause at all. As Max said, in the listen to the next session. Thank you very much. Our end, if someone is going to hold them to account, next witness is Lord Wasserman. There is a vote at 4 someone needs to have that power, but I continue to pm and, therefore, Lord Wasserman’s evidence will say that it should be used carefully and sparingly and go on until then. We will then vote and come back. if there is evidence that it is not, by and large, then it needs to be looked at again.

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Examination of Witness

Witness: Lord Wasserman gave evidence.

Q387 Chair: Lord Wasserman, thank you very much Chair: You can do further on. If you just say one or for coming. The Committee is delighted. After many two practical solutions then we will explore these years of trying, you are with us and we are very other issues with you. What would be the practical grateful. I do not know whether to shake your hand solutions you think that were missing from the or hug you to welcome you. Stevens report? Lord Wasserman: Thank you very much. You never Lord Wasserman: I would have liked to have their give up—quite right. I am looking forward to this. It guidance. This was a group of professionals. I would has taken a long time for me to get here. have liked to have their guidance on the best structure Chair: It has. We are delighted to see you because we for operational policing. I would have liked to hear know, as a peer, you do have a choice and we are much more about the role of the Inspectorate. The delighted to see you here. Now, if anyone is the father Inspectorate now has to change, obviously, because of PCCs it must be you. I assume that the mother is we have the Inspectorate inspecting a very different probably the Home Secretary. Your toddler is now a structure and an Inspectorate now headed by a year and a half old. Are you pleased with what you civilian. The IPCC was another area in the report that have created? I felt came down in the middle. Then again on my Lord Wasserman: Yes, I am very pleased. First of all interest in science and technology, I was disappointed, let me say it is very early days and I want to repeat because the report said, “Forensic science is not very what some of the other panellists said. It is very early good. On the other hand maybe it is.” There was no days for this major constitutional change. We are solution proposed. On IT, which is the longest-running changing entirely the arrangements by which the issue, there was again no solution. country is policed and it would be very odd if a Bill and then an Act, which has been developed in the Q389 Chair: But you also must recognise that one of Home Office in the course of a year and a bit, got the central points of his report was the issue of the everything right. That is just not the way things ability to sack chief constables, which he said in a happen. I see this very much as a work in progress. sense was casting a shadow over the police leadership. The first step has been taken. That is why, Mr He also mentioned the very low morale that currently Chairman, as you know, I welcomed this inquiry very exists within the police service. I think he referred to an opinion poll, which suggested 90% were unhappy much, because I think we need to put some things about the state of policing. In some ways, do you feel right. I will mention one or two things later. We need responsible? You talk about this great landscape of to put some things right and this gives us an policing and I agree with you that it is a revolution in opportunity, after your report is published, to consider policing that has been created over the last three and them. I hope that this Government perhaps in this a half years, but has it been too fast and has the power session, or the next Government after the election, slipped the other way, specifically in relation to the will put some things right. I think they are minor power to dismiss chief constables and the chilling things but, as I always say, some things that need to effect that has on police leadership? be put right. On the whole, Mr Chairman, if I may go Lord Wasserman: I think that is very interesting. on for a minute, I see some real advantages. I think Almost everyone in this country lives with the with PCCs now, as opposed the way things were done prospect of losing their job and that is just the way before—and I was in the Home Office for 27 years, things— so I do know how the Home Office manages police Chair: Apart from you. forces—there are some important advantages. One is Lord Wasserman: Quite. That is not employment, Mr I think the PCCs bring a much more holistic approach Chairman. People do live with the prospect of losing to crime reduction. their job and I have seen this in America where chief constables are fired. I mean Bill Bratton was fired by Q388 Chair: We will explore all of this in the Mayor Giuliani after two years. They get up, they questions that we have in the 30 minutes that we have brush themselves off, and they go on to greater things. with you. I was reading your speech following the Bill Bratton went on to Los Angeles. Bill Bratton is publication of the Stevens report and you talked about indeed back in his old office in the NYPD. I do not the 47 eminent scholars who had helped Lord Stevens. regard this as chilling. I think there is an issue here You also talked about the fact that the report offered and I see morale is bad. I think that not enough credit no practical solutions. In other words you obviously has been given to the police and to chief constables, read the analysis, but you felt it was a bit short on who are after all the crime-fighters in this. It is not the practicalities. What are the practical solutions you job of the PCCs to fight crime. It is to identify the think can be offered now? problems that need fighting, the crime problems. The Lord Wasserman: What I was disappointed about is policing role is for chief constables, and I do not think that, on some of the major issues about structure, we they get nearly enough credit. did not get to an answer: 43 police forces may not be right, but it was not clear whether they wanted to have Q390 Chair: But you were one of those who favours seven or one or 26 and so on, and there were these people coming from abroad to take on the job of a major issues. I think the kinds of things I want to put chief constable. You like direct entry. It is part of the right are relatively minor. For example, can I talk revolution in policing. You must feel that chief about training and transition? constables at the moment are failing to provide the Page 245 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:54] Job: 039682 Unit: PG03 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o003_odeth_HC 757-iii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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21 January 2014 Lord Wasserman leadership that is necessary to make sure that these sack a chief constable. The PCC in Gwent thought reforms are successful. Would you not like to see Bill that he did and acted accordingly. Do you think there Bratton coming over here as the commissioner? was training needed for both chief constables and the Lord Wasserman: Bill Bratton is no longer on the PCCs before they went on this unchartered sea? market, but let me say this. First of all, I am not on Lord Wasserman: Firstly, I cannot comment. Tom record as favouring direct entry. I am prepared to Winsor is a distinguished lawyer, and I would not discuss this, but I am not on record as favouring direct challenge his interpretation of this statute. entry, though I know the Home Secretary is. I am on Paul Flynn: But is it your view that they have record as saying that I think our chief officers are, on unfettered powers? the whole, as good as any officers in the rest of the Lord Wasserman: I do not think they are unfettered, world. I have worked in the States and, if you lined but I bow to Tom Winsor’s legal view on this. What up our 43 chief constables and you lined up their 43 I think about training is that there needs to be training top ones, I have no doubt that, after the few stars they certainly and we can come back to that, Chairman, have—and we know about them—ours are every bit because I think there needs to be a period of transition, as good, if not better. They are certainly better trained. a period of training. You cannot take someone who has never had this responsibility before and give it to Q391 Chair: Why do we need PCCs then? If they him without any training whatsoever. It is quite are so good at their jobs, why— different in central Government where a Minister Lord Wasserman: They are two different jobs. If we comes into a Department with hundreds if not have very good brain surgeons, why do we need thousands of professional permanent civil servants to someone to decide about health expenditure? The job advise and guide her, to a PCC who comes into an of the PCC is not to fight crime. It never has been to office of nine and probably some of them will leave. fight crime. That is the job of the chief. That is why I We can come back to this, I think. get slightly aggravated and disappointed when I hear people say, “Well, it is all working; crime is falling.” Q394 Paul Flynn: Do you think the public will judge Crime is falling because the chiefs are doing their job the record of PCCs on what they are doing or in a few and the PCCs are meant to be supporting them; I have years’ time by the collapse of public confidence in the always seen it that way. The reason I thought the accuracy of police and crime statistics, chiefly crime PCCs would be useful and helpful and keep our statistics? communities safe—and I was all about community Lord Wasserman: Insofar as crime statistics are not safety; it is not about value for money but about accurate, I think steps will be put in place to quality- keeping our communities safe—was because I felt that assure them. I do not think this is beyond the wit of our chief constables were inhibited from acting as man. I think this is a job for the inspectorate, for they know best through central directives from the example, to quality-assure crime statistics. The chief Home Office, guidance and directives and memos and constables have no interest in fiddling the statistics targets and what have you, and I wanted to free them because, in order to allocate police resources to do their job. They are the professionals. They do effectively, you have to have reliable statistics. If you the job. They reduce crime and they should get the do not know where the crimes are, when they occurred credit for it. or who did them, then it is very difficult to allocate your scarce police resources to those areas and those Q392 Paul Flynn: In a recent poll, 3% said they problems that you are trying to tackle. There is no thought that the PCC project had made the police interest for chief constables in trying to fiddle the more effective and 9% said they felt they had made statistics. Now, do people occasionally fiddle the the police less effective. Is one of the reasons for this statistics? Yes. I came across a situation in a lack of training for PCCs? Philadelphia when I was the Chief of Staff of the Lord Wasserman: No, Mr Flynn, the lack of this is Philadelphia Police Department where a captain that they have not had enough time for this system to thought he would be very clever and fiddle the prove itself. At the end of the four yours, if you tell statistics by making a more serious crime into a less me that is what people think I will be very much serious crime. We soon discovered this through our shaken by it because I do not believe that is the case. quality assurance procedures and then he lost his As I said to the Chairman, if the PCCs and the chief command and he was sent into some Siberia of a job. constables work together it is a partnership. The PCCs It amuses me then to think this same captain is now cannot reduce crime on their own. They do not know in a federal prison for a very serious offence how to reduce crime and, by the same token, chief committed after he left the police, so you have some constables need support. They need guidance. They idea of the character we are dealing with here. need to be told what the local community wants dealt with. After all, policing needs are more or less infinite Q395 Paul Flynn: A final question: we heard Lord and policing resources are very scarce. Someone has Stevens’ evidence last week where he says the crime to take the rap or take responsibility for deciding statistics have been fiddled for years—had been and which of the many policing needs—domestic are. If you had been training the PCCs, what advice violence, traffic, schools—should get priority, and that would you give them about setting numeric targets for is the job of the PCC. crime statistics? Lord Wasserman: I think the question of targets is a Q393 Paul Flynn: Tom Winsor told us that he very important one. I think there has been a thought that PCCs did not have unfettered power to misunderstanding here. The Home Secretary, when Page 246 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:54] Job: 039682 Unit: PG03 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o003_odeth_HC 757-iii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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21 January 2014 Lord Wasserman she came into office, did away with national targets Lord Wasserman: Well, it could hardly get any and made something of this. Some people were upset. smaller. Yes, I do think it will increase because there She said, “We will bonfire targets and we are not is so much talk about it. I think there will be much having any targets anymore, national targets” but more talk. I think now that the political parties, for those were national, one size fits all targets, and I do example, are going to take that much more seriously not believe that crime is a national issue. On the than they did. The Conservative Party for one, as you whole, I believe crime is a local issue, Mr Flynn. I know, was all about having independence, how good live in Pimlico. I am not interested in the crime rate it would be to have independence, and now— in the country as a whole, I want to know, when my Michael Ellis: It is going to coincide with other granddaughter comes and visits me in Pimlico, can elections often, is it not? she go to Lupus Street to buy a newspaper or is she Lord Wasserman: Also a better time of year and all likely to be mugged? That is all I care about. If you the rest of it, yes. tell me that in Tottenham now crime is down by 12%, it is interesting but it does not cut any ice with me Q398 Michael Ellis: The issue of the ability to sack because I want to know about my community, my chief constables, you referred before to most jobs street, my children, my grandchildren. being susceptible to dismissal. Do you see that, Chair: Thank you. Can I just say, Lord Wasserman, I looking at this matter since the creation of PCCs, as a know you have to vote and we have to vote at 4 pm. problem? Do you think that chief constables should We need slightly briefer answers. It is fascinating be, as senior public servants, susceptible to what you are saying, but we all want to get in to have disciplinary action in the right circumstances? a bite at the cherry. Lord Wasserman: To disciplinary action if they do something that is under the disciplinary code, but Q396 Mark Reckless: Lord Wasserman, you should they be sacked if they fail to live up to their mentioned living in Pimlico. A year or two ago there promise? Yes, I do. I think there is a problem and that was a serious spate of muggings, a number at is about what they are held accountable for. If they knifepoint and some at gunpoint, around Pimlico. Was are accountable for something that is a professional there not evidence there that it was people coming in interest of theirs, fighting crime, and they fail and the from other boroughs in London and it was not perhaps police force begins to fall down the league table from the local community police only, but a wider issue one of the top five to the bottom, there is a problem. that happened to be focused on Pimlico? Are I think the PCC may well ask the chief constable to resign or retire because he is not doing it. structures right for dealing with that now, do you On the other hand, if, for example, a serious IT project think? were to go wrong—and this is something that Lord Wasserman: Yes, I think they are fine. The concerns me very much—and the chief constable was Metropolitan Police know how to deal with these responsible for it, should he be made to resign because matters. I am not quite sure what you mean, Mr he made a mess of that? Now, that is a very interesting Reckless, by “are structures right”. This issue of PCCs issue because it relates to something for which the does not apply to London. chief constable has not himself been trained. He is not Mark Reckless: The relationship between a professional IT person. He is a professional crime neighbourhood policing and more serious crime fighter, but if the PCC gives him that responsibility to policing, do we have that connection and interface deliver a project on time and to budget he may find right, do you believe? himself losing a job for something that is not strictly Lord Wasserman: Again, we have the National Crime a policing matter and that does concern me. Agency, which will impact serious and organised crime and a number of other trans-force crimes. I Q399 Michael Ellis: Do you think the holistic think that is right. Again, it is bedding down. We do approach that is provided by having a man or a not know the relationship between the NCA and the woman in charge of the strategy and the budget of Met and local forces until we see a little more of it. policing is one of the great advantages of the police We certainly have someone running the NCA who and crime commissioner system? was himself a chief constable and very conscious of Lord Wasserman: I do not think there is any doubt. the need to bring all his colleagues along. I am very Where you sit is where you stand; that is what optimistic about the relationship between local and happens, is it not? If you are in the Home Office and serious crime. a Home Office official, you deal with the police. You used to be able to deal with the police, probation and Q397 Michael Ellis: Congratulations, Lord prisons. Now you can only deal with the police. On Wasserman, on seeing this project through to fruition. the whole, that is a very difficult way to tackle overall If we look at some of the complaints from the left community safety. It would be much better to sit about police and crime commissioners in particular, it outside and then look across to see, there is a drug is said that very few people took part in the election problem, there is an environmental health problem, for them. Statistically it was below 50%. Of course, there is a lighting problem, and so on. You cannot most MPs are elected on less than 50% of the vote, solve all these problems, but you can identify them but that tends not to be spoken about quite so much. and you can approach those responsible for them. Do you think it is going to increase the next election and increase after that? Are you confident that the Q400 Chair: In answer to Mr Ellis about voting participants in the election will increase? turnout, in November 2012 during the elections you Page 247 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:54] Job: 039682 Unit: PG03 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o003_odeth_HC 757-iii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 61

21 January 2014 Lord Wasserman said, “People should go out and vote because they will interfering with people who have to do a job I get be kicking themselves that they allow John Prescott worried about political interference in how the police to win in Humberside as opposed to someone else.” officers do their job or, for example, political Obviously he is a colleague of yours, Lord Prescott. interference in how judges do their jobs. In America, How many Lord Prescotts do you think were elected? you have judges elected. That kind of thing frightens Lord Wasserman: I could not possibly comment. the life out of me and that is why I am very concerned Chair: But the policies of the people elected, have about this aspect of the fact that the chief constables you looked at them? are being held directly responsible to elected people. Lord Wasserman: First of all, some of them are It brings what I would call party politics or politics extremely distinguished members of your own House into policing and that is where people like me and and have gone on to other things. There is no question some others are concerned about. about it. These people had big jobs on the national Lord Wasserman: As I say, there is no comparison stage, there was no question: Tony Lloyd and others. between the expertise of a professional police officer, There is no doubt. There are some in the Conservative a chief constable, and the PCC. The PCC is elected Party who had not held major office and who, on the and he need not have had any experience. In fact, whole, I think are doing a very good job. I do not some of those are better than ones who have a little know what the independents are doing. I was not bit of policing experience. His job is not to second- thrilled about having eight former officers of a more guess the police. Any PCC who suggested to a chief or less junior level doing this. That is what the public constable how to handle a difficult public order wanted. I do not think this will happen again. I think problem would find themselves in difficulty. The chief it is very difficult for them dealing with chief might tell him he could do it and then he would be in constables with enormous experience and so on. But, real trouble because he could not possibly begin to on the whole, I think the quality is much higher than understand how to tackle a public order situation of a people feared when they wrote articles and columns major kind. In fact, if anyone did that then I would in the paper before the election, because I do not think have thought that the chief constable, if he had any we are looking— self-respect, would himself resign rather than take this kind of abuse. I do not think that is the issue. At the Q401 Chair: If you were to line them up, as you end of the day, if the PCC said, “Domestic violence lined up your 43 chief constables and compared them in our community is a serious problem and I want you to anyone in the world, if you were to line up your 43 to put in resources”, and the chief constable said, “I commissioners how would you compare them to do not think domestic violence is a problem; I think elected officials doing the same job in other parts of women bring it on themselves”, I think that is an issue the world? on which there is absolute clarity. If the chief Lord Wasserman: Very different, because if I lined constable cannot work with the representative of the them up in America it would be against the mayors people, he can be fired for that. and some of these mayors are major city political Yasmin Qureshi: That sort of thing does not happen. people. It is a very political job. You cannot go and Lord Wasserman: It may happen. Why may it not become mayor from having been an inspector in a happen? local police force. It is simply not possible. Yasmin Qureshi: I spent 20 years in the criminal justice system, prosecuting for 10 years of those, and Q402 Yasmin Qureshi: Lord Wasserman, earlier you I have seen how police officers respond. When I deal said that chief constables are the crime fighters and I with my chief superintendents and other senior police think we all accept that they are the ones with the experience. officers, I have never seen them disregard what I told them about the concerns of my constituents. Lord Wasserman: Certainly. Yasmin Qureshi: You also said that it is not unusual Lord Wasserman: We are talking now about very big for people in top jobs to be dismissed and no one has decisions about resource allocation and I think that is a job permanently. There is a bit of difference here, is where the PCC has to express the views of the there not, because you have here somebody incredibly people—that is what he is elected to do—and hold the experienced—these individuals often are—and you chief constable to account for that. Maybe it will not have somebody who has been elected with perhaps happen, in which case this issue is moot. But, if it very little experience and knowledge. Therefore, to does happen, I think it is absolutely right that the PCC say that those people can have carte blanche to sack should say, “This is how I see it. You see it differently. somebody of that knowledge and experience is You do not think that this ethnic minority community different, is it not, than say a chief executive of a or whatever it is happens.” There could be issues. I hospital who may be doing a whole lot of other do not know. I think it is a partnership; I do not see things? He is not going to be directly fired by a this as anything but a partnership. They both need consultant. The consultant is going to say, “The each other. The chief constable needs the PCC to get operation should be done in this way”, and so on, and resources and the PCC needs him to reduce crime, so if he chose to do it a different way there are conflicts. they work together. There are not the same kind of issues there, are there? Is the chief constable position not a little bit different? Q403 Dr Huppert: Lord Wasserman, if you were I know Mr Ellis talks about left and right. For me, this going to make three proposals to improve the current is not an issue about left and right. It is all very well position for the running of police forces, what would to have elections and democracy, but when it starts your three ideas be? 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Ev 62 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

21 January 2014 Lord Wasserman

Lord Wasserman: Running police forces; I will make will not be elected next time because he has cut the a proposal for making the present arrangements better. budget by 10% if crime went up by 30%, Value for Will you accept that? money, which has become a bit of an obsession—I Dr Huppert: I will take that as one. look at the chief constable’s salaries and perks and so Lord Wasserman: One of them is we need a transition on—is all very well, I understand all that, but on the period and this is something I hope the Committee other hand let us get on with our chief constables. Let will recommend. I think we cannot have a situation us get them to reduce crime. We will come to the where on 5 May 2016 we elect a group of PCCs and perks later, but there seems to be an obsession with it. they take office on the following morning. I think we missed a trick there. I think we need a transition Q404 Mark Reckless: If he cuts the budget by 10% period because we do not have any kind of long- further he might get the precept down by 30%, which lasting structure, as we should have. I was involved would be able to swing a few votes. However, on the in all this and I did not see it. The next PCC election deputies, is there anything wrong with a PCC is on 5 May 2016; I suggest that the new PCCs should appointing a close ally or friend as a deputy? not take office until 4 July, which is a Monday. In the Lord Wasserman: I can have deputies and assistants. meantime, they have some training. They understand As far as I am concerned, they need much more what the crime statistics look like and how you deal support. I do not think they are getting enough with them. Most people do not understand about this. support. I see the job of the PCC is to support the What is the deviation? What does it mean? What does chief constable and if, for example, the PCC had with this mean? You have to have training on this. Also, him, by his side, someone who could support him on knowing how the local government finance system issues such as diversity, ICT, or estate management or works. What is a precept? How do you know about who could support him and the police force working all this? I would give them a training period and a together, this would be much more satisfactory. At the chance to be able to hire their chief executive, their moment all the burden for ICT, for estate management chief financial officer and their team, and I would and for diversity, falls on the chief constable. have a six-week period of transition where the existing team carried on because I would not want to Q405 Mark Reckless: Finally, there is a bit of a have a period of six weeks where they do nothing. In nexus developed between Lord Stevens and some ex- fact, before the last election I had talks with the chief constables and the Labour party, albeit the report Institute of Local Government Studies at Birmingham is described as independent. Do you think they will about developing such a course. We did not do it get their PCCs and stop the accountability that has because we all became so caught up with the been brought in? development of the legislation. Lord Wasserman: No, I do not think they will. Dr Huppert: That is two ideas. What was the third? Chair: Lord Wasserman, we will write you with other Lord Wasserman: I do not know if I have any direct issues, if we may, but thank you very much for suggestions for making things better except that I do coming in to give evidence. Thank you. think, if I were a PCC—and this is a general Sitting suspended for a Division in the House. comment—I would not concentrate so much on value On resuming- for money, but on community safety. I think there is excessive obsession with value for money. The PCC

Examination of Witnesses

Witnesses: Bob Jones, West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, Sue Mountstevens, Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner, Chief Constable Chris Sims, QPM, West Midlands Police, and Chief Constable Nick Gargan, QPM, Avon and Somerset Police, gave evidence.

Q406 Chair: We are quorate. Other colleagues will Midlands, which includes Leicester, Birmingham and arrive after they have voted. First of all, I apologise all places under your command, where the ethnic for the delay. Obviously there have been two votes minority communities were not reporting crimes, both and that is why we were away. Could I thank low-level crimes and also even up to murder. He had Commissioner Jones, our original witness, and all our spoken to a number of Chief Constables and he was new witnesses who have joined us since we advertised quite certain that this was the case? Were you as this event for coming in? We are currently conducting astonished as I was at that statement? an inquiry into police and crime commissioners. At Chris Sims: I certainly did not recognise at all the some stage we would have certainly come to Avon picture that was painted in the article. Certainly the and Somerset to ask for your views, but we brought quote, “There are cities in the Midlands where the this forward. Thank you, Commissioner police never go because they are never called”, is Mountstevens, Chief Constable Gargan and Chief totally at odds with my experience, where the inner- Constable Sims for coming here at short notice. I want city areas that are our most diverse are the areas that to start with some issues that have been in the public generate the most activity for us, understandably, and domain over the weekend. Chief Constable Sims, are the areas that we are putting so much effort into were you as astonished as I was when you read the engagement and getting some good traction from local comments of Tom Winsor that there are areas of the communities. None of that made sense to me in terms Page 249 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:54] Job: 039682 Unit: PG03 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o003_odeth_HC 757-iii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 63

21 January 2014 Bob Jones, Sue Mountstevens, Chief Constable Chris Sims and Chief Constable Nick Gargan of my experience. HMIC rang me yesterday and did have indicated that you have not seen it. Have you make clear to me that he was not referring to the West seen it, Mr Gargan? Midlands in the comments he made. He was not able Nick Gargan: I have had a brief look at it, scanned the to say where he was referring to, but it certainly was recommendations and I think the report is a sensible not the West Midlands. contribution to the thinking that the federation will have to do. It was a brave decision by the new Q407 Chair: We will certainly write to him and ask leadership of the federation to commission the report. him because it is quite a general statement that he The report is genuinely independent. I hope that the has made. Commissioner Jones, you have been a local leadership of the federation and joint branch boards councillor in the area for many years and represented and others in the service, including the leaders of the local people and I have obviously represented my service, can pull together and find a way forward constituency for 26 years. I do not know that there because I think what we all agree on is that change has been any underreporting by communities. If is necessary. anything they are on the phone pretty quickly reporting crimes. What do you say about this? Q411 Chair: Mr Sims, I was a little surprised that the Bob Jones: Yes. As someone who was born and who report was being authored by the former Permanent continues to live and work in such an area, I did not Secretary at the Home Office who must have known recognise the HMIC’s description of the area that I some of these issues when he was Permanent live in and the area that I represent. Clearly, in the Secretary because he is not new to the game, so to areas that he is referring to, we have higher levels of speak. reporting and higher levels of police activity than Chris Sims: I am sure that added to the richness of other areas of the West Midlands and the wider the report. country. Chair: What do you think of the report? Chris Sims: Again, very briefly, it was only available Q408 Chair: Chief Constable Gargan, I know you yesterday but I very much agree with the comments that Nick made, which slightly got lost yesterday in are in Avon and Somerset, where the ethnic the reporting, that this was initiated by the federation population is quite low, apart from Bristol, but you which clearly recognises the issues that it wants to have policed areas in Leicester. Do you recognise any overcome. I suppose the other bit that got perhaps of these comments as bearing any relation to anything slightly lost is the degree to which the federation is that has come before you? bound by legislation in the way that it operates. I think Nick Gargan: I used to be a district commander for the report will perhaps help all of us to help the an area in Leicester, including your own constituency, federation to do the job that needs to be done. Chairman, where in areas there were minority communities of 84% Gujarati Hindu populations. I Q412 Mr Clappison: Mention of the Police could only agree with what is being said this Federation reminds me of the evidence that we took afternoon; there is nothing in the Chief Inspector’s from members of the Police Federation about their comments that resonated with my experience. meeting with Mr Andrew Mitchell at his constituency office. Perhaps I could ask Mr Sims where we have Q409 Chair: Mr Sims, you would know, would you got to with an apology to Mr Mitchell for that, please. not, if there were communities carrying out either Chris Sims: I have not met Mr Mitchell yet. I had an sharia law or that had become a police force on their appointment with him that Mr Mitchell was unable to own, a subculture of police officers who are not police fulfil. I spoke to him on the phone and I am due to officers going about trying to solve crimes and meting meet him, I think, in about three weeks’ time. out justice? Mr Clappison: Will you be apologising to him when Chris Sims: We would. When I appeared before the you meet him? Committee last time, you were kind enough to make Chris Sims: I have indicated before, yes. mention of a very big operation that had just been running, the murder of an Asian man in Birmingham Q413 Mark Reckless: Mr Jones, do you have any and then, subsequently, the bomb attacks on mosques. regrets about your role as regards Mr Mitchell? If you just reflect on that operation, the communities Bob Jones: Not that I am aware of. I have obviously of the West Midlands came to us, quite properly, met with Mr Mitchell and had a discussion on the looking for our support and protection and stood by topic. us very noticeably in the way that the policing Mark Reckless: Were you involved in delivering operation was put together, which could not be further letters to his constituency or office, bringing up issues, from the picture painted in the article, albeit that we notwithstanding your— now know that the article was not referring to the Bob Jones: Yes, certainly. I delivered one to my West Midlands. opposition candidate who happened to be based at Mr Mitchell’s office. It was not a letter to Mr Mitchell. It Q410 Chair: Thank you for that. I want to move on was a letter to my opponent. next to the Police Federation report and wonder if any of you have had the chance to read it and give an Q414 Mark Reckless: You were very critical of the initial assessment as to what you have seen. I IPCC which, of course, has now taken control of this appreciate that it was only published yesterday, so if investigation, on the basis that there has not been a you have not seen it I understand. Commissioner, you proper report by the investigating officer delivered but Page 250 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:54] Job: 039682 Unit: PG03 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o003_odeth_HC 757-iii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 64 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

21 January 2014 Bob Jones, Sue Mountstevens, Chief Constable Chris Sims and Chief Constable Nick Gargan it was by someone else. On reflection, do you think intending to use funds in a way that we would that some of your comments about the IPCC were a describe as novel and contentious. We have agreed little too harsh in instances? that and that stands. Bob Jones: No, the evidence points to the fact that Mark Reckless: Thank you. Can I just ask that they made the wrong decision in the first place. They question to Mr Gargan, because of what I think is your clearly have not done a good job of supervising that finance and resources business area role? Are you one and have acted inappropriately. Their decision to going to do anything about this and these funds where completely review that and start that again is no one appears to know what is in them? recognition of the fact they did not do their job well. Nick Gargan: My relationship with the joint branch Mark Reckless: Do you not think your attacks on board is a very cordial and friendly one and my plan them perhaps detract from where the genuine will be, as soon as is possible, to sit down with them responsibility for any misbehaviour lies? and discuss the review in general. That will be on the Bob Jones: I do not think so. The problem is that their agenda, but I think one needs to exercise great caution actions have meant that we potentially are not going before you start poking around on a fishing expedition to get closure on this particular issue because of their into accounts that are fundamentally members’ errors on process and so on. We are not going get a accounts. These are members’ subscriptions to an position where we can see an investigation conclude organisation with which we negotiate around and a decision being made. industrial relations. We need to exercise caution. If anything was brought to my attention that gave rise to Q415 Mark Reckless: I do not know if the West suspicion of criminality, then that would be a different Midlands was one of these but this report was matter, but I would hope, in the first instance, to be showing that 30 police federations were alleged to able to get to the bottom of the local situation by have No. 2 accounts and only three had given details means of negotiation and amicable discussion. of these. Do you share my concern that some of this may be public money and it is totally unclear whether Q417 Ian Austin: Mr Sims, it seems to me that any of it may have been misappropriated? relations between the police in the West Midlands and Bob Jones: Sorry, Mr Reckless, I did not follow the the areas diverse in ethnic minority communities have start of the question. improved significantly over the last few years. Is that Mark Reckless: This is about the police federation something that you would agree with? Could you tell generally, the report by Sir David Normington of No. us a little more about the sort of work that you have 2 accounts, and the fact that I think he said there were undertaken to engage with those communities in 30 of these and only three of the regional feds would places like East Birmingham? allow him any information about them. Do you have any plans to see if public money is being Q418 Chair: As briefly as possible. misappropriated or what may have happened to any Chris Sims: I will be very brief. I think it has subscriptions of officers or indeed public funds in improved. There are still challenges and only this the circumstances? week two people have been charged with terrorist Bob Jones: I will certainly act if there is any offences and we will be creating a dialogue that evidence. Regrettably, not having been at police and allows the community to understand why that is and crime panel meetings and meetings ever since it has what action we have taken. There is unreported crime been published, almost continuously, I have not had and there is underreported crime, particularly around an opportunity to read it. Clearly, if there is any issues like domestic abuse and female genital evidence in there I will see if there is anything I can mutilation. We are doing huge amounts to grow the do to resolve any issues. confidence of the community to report those crimes. Mark Reckless: But will you proactively investigate Where I take issue with the article is that that effort is that matter in the West Midlands to see if there is a going on with the community, not operating in what No. 2 account and, if so, whether its contents have almost felt like a vacuum and that is the strength in been disclosed or should be to ensure proper use of the relationships that we build. that money? Bob Jones: Clearly, the main line of accountability of Q419 Ian Austin: The thing that surprised me about the Police Federation is to its members. That is based the article was this phrase, “Born under other skies.” on a statutory regulation. If there is any position When you spoke to him, did he cast any light on what where it is not complying with that, I will certainly he meant by that? Was he able to substantiate any speak to the Police Federation and seek to rectify it. of this? Chris Sims: No, I did not speak on that issue. I made Q416 Mark Reckless: Mr Sims, do you see any role the comment in The Times on Saturday that I found as chief constable in this matter? that a very peculiar phrase, not least because it seemed Chris Sims: You might recall that, when I spoke last to me, if this had been about the West Midlands, that time, I talked about the need for some level of most of the people that we are talking about are oversight of the way some of the expenditure was British and born in this country and, therefore, part of being used. If you recall, one of the management our culture. actions that would have followed from the closure of the investigation we have carried it out regardless was Q420 Chair: Thank you. The Committee will be to make sure that there was a process to ensure that writing to Mr Winsor to ask him to clarify his the federation was at least transparent if it was comments. Let us move on now to the role of the Page 251 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:54] Job: 039682 Unit: PG03 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o003_odeth_HC 757-iii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 65

21 January 2014 Bob Jones, Sue Mountstevens, Chief Constable Chris Sims and Chief Constable Nick Gargan

PCCs and the chief constables and perhaps I could want to stay there and we want to continue improving. start with you, Commissioner Mountstevens. One of We have had the head of CID blogging to the force. I the issues that has come up in the inquiry has been heard an earlier witness say, “Nobody has an interest the issue of crime statistics and our concern at what in concealing crime figures.” I think it was Lord Lord Stevens said to us a week ago and to evidence Wasserman who made that point and, of course, as that has been given even this morning to a sister chief constable, I absolutely agree with him. I want committee of ours that some of these crime figures those who are resourcing policing to understand that we accept as gospel have perhaps been fiddled. precisely the nature of criminal threat we are facing. What are you doing about making sure that the figures We should resource ourselves and deploy resources that you get are absolutely accurate? Are you worried against that threat and so a partial picture is of no use about these assertions that these figures perhaps were to me at all. not accurate and some had just been made up because officers have decided to do so? Q423 Chair: Commissioner Jones, did you have any Sue Mountstevens: I do not think they were ever concerns when you saw the newspaper articles? You made up. There may have been some genuine heard the evidence about the possibility that these mistakes. I was very concerned, after the report in figures were not accurate and you have the ONS Kent that obviously appeared in local and national saying, “We cannot guarantee them any more”? papers, that more had to be done. In discussion with Bob Jones: No. the chief constable, it was clear that in Avon and Chair: Originally, of course, the Commissioner told Somerset we were not particularly compliant. There this Committee that he was satisfied with the figures was a strategic and an operational group that was and now he has come forward and said that he thinks immediately set up in about February/March time. I that there may be problems with these figures and am represented on both of those. A lot of work has Lord Stevens is telling us that fiddling has been going been done. The constabulary volunteered to be the on for some time. Have you initiated any inquiries pilot for HMIC at the end of last year. There has also locally to make sure the figures are accurate? been a peer review by Gloucestershire police to have Bob Jones: It is one of these issues from when I was a look at them. chairing the authority back in 1995; it is an area that requires total vigilance. Significant changes were Q421 Chair: You have no concern about Avon and made in the 1990s, for instance, removing certain Somerset? You are quite happy with the statistics you protections: on the concept of going out and getting have? You do not think they need to be looked at prisoners to cough up to offences with incentives, any again? incentive was removed. It is something that we are Sue Mountstevens: We must never be complacent. continually asking HMIC to take on board. In 2009 We are about 95% compliant. We have to embed it in and 2012, one was offered some significant assurance through integrity and through operational culture and but clearly further work needs to be done, which make sure that everyone does know the rules, but meant I was slightly surprised at seeing the Kent one there is a real focus and that has been very much because HMIC had two complete national reviews of within the constabulary on making sure these figures this in the previous period. Obviously, if police are correct. authorities and then police and crime commissioners are going to have effective performance management, Q422 Chair: Mr Gargan, you must be concerned at we do need figures that we can trust that are what has been said not just by the whistleblowers who comparable between one force and another. Clearly have come forward and said that they think that the we can do a certain amount on a unilateral basis in a figures have been fiddled in some circumstances but local area but, particularly for performance Lord Stevens, a very well respected former management in comparison, we need to make sure all commissioner, and now the decision of the ONS to no the figures have confidence across the country. longer guarantee these crime statistics as statistics. Locally, both the police authority and myself have had Are you doing anything locally to satisfy yourself that a policy manager performance analyst who assists these matters are now being properly recorded? with that. We meet with the crime registrar and I am Nick Gargan: Of course, nobody wants to be a leader conscious of the fact that the crime registrar has made in a police service that is watching its previously good some changes. For instance, in the last couple of years reputation dragged down, whether justifiably or not, we picked up the fact that, in terms of shoplifting but when that fall in your reputation is justified then where stores had banning orders, that was being it is right that we should respond very purposefully. recorded as intelligence rather than crime and there We are aware that Avon and Somerset came out badly was also an issue in respect of certain public order in two inspectorate reports of recent years, in one of offences that were being reported as anti-social which we were examined for the extent to which a behaviour. A lot of these are very much motivated by crime had been put on the books and then taken off the complexity of some of the systems and, the books; that is a process of “no-criming”. The particularly, some of the national descriptions of what second is where incidents have been reported to us a crime is. Hopefully, that can be rectified in the that had been dealt with, which seemed like they future. should go on the books as a crime, but we had fared Chris Sims: I have been involved in this for several badly in effecting that conversion and that has decades and the one piece I can absolutely assure you prompted the action that Sue has just described. We of is that the crime statistics now are stronger than are now up to a high standard and a high level. We they have ever been. The level of scrutiny that they Page 252 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:54] Job: 039682 Unit: PG03 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o003_odeth_HC 757-iii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 66 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

21 January 2014 Bob Jones, Sue Mountstevens, Chief Constable Chris Sims and Chief Constable Nick Gargan have is much stronger and the level of independence Q426 Chair: I invited, as the Committee does, all the that sits above them. The Commissioner mentioned— local MPs to come in to watch the session when we and it is a good example—two issues that we found have local chief constables in and one of them ourselves that we put into the public domain that we responded to say that he did not vote for you at the rectified. I do not think there is very much wrong with last election but he has become a great fan because of the system that is being used. It cannot be perfect the work that you are doing. because we are talking massive numbers and huge Sue Mountstevens: That sounds very nice, doesn’t it? complexity. I believe it is basically sound and the Chair: What are you doing there that is not being public should be able to trust the data that is there. done in other parts of the country? Sue Mountstevens: I am very open and I am very Q424 Chair: That is very helpful. Let us move on to transparent. Obviously, being an independent, I do not the relationship between chief constables and have a political allegiance. I have always been very commissioners. Commissioner Mountstevens, you clear that I am there representing Avon and Somerset were elected with the largest mandate of any and the local people that make up that area. The fact commissioner in the country and behaved in a pretty that it covers 16 parliamentary constituencies as well ruthless way when you got in. Did you not ask your just goes to show the sheer size of it and it is a mixture chief constable to go within two days? of rural and urban. It is being open and transparent and being very clear that I am there to listen. I spend Sue Mountstevens: That was not quite correct, at least one day a week out in the communities inasmuch as I had a meeting with the chief constable. listening to what I call the quiet voices—people who The chief constable was in a position where he had do not know how to lobby people like you and already done an eight-year contract. He had had five myself—so that I can hear very much on the ground. years and it had been extended three years. All he I go to refuges and I go to nursing homes. I make sure could do was extend it for one more year. I wanted to that I listen to a very wide group of individuals. work with someone for a much longer period of time than that because that would give consistency with Q427 Chair: Commissioner Jones, you are very delivering the strategies. I asked him, if I opened it much an insider, whereas Commissioner up, would he apply for the job because in that way we 1 Mountstevens came from outside the political system. could have then worked for five years together. You were the former chair of the police authority and Chair: And he said? you were born in the West Midlands. You obviously Sue Mountstevens: He said no, he did not want to knew Mr Sims before because he was the chief apply for his own job, and then resigned. constable who used to appear before you. How would you describe your relationship with him? Q425 Chair: You all have been given as a model to Bob Jones: One of mutual respect and one of trust, this Committee, as a commissioner and a chief but I do not think we necessarily take things on trust. constable who work together and the relationship is Obviously we talk things through and ensure that we very harmonious. You appointed Mr Gargan. The fact evidence any course of action that we wish to pursue that he is a Leicester City football supporter obviously jointly or inform one another of the areas of did not put you off that appointment, but how would responsibility where we proceed in a unilateral way, you describe this relationship? obviously in the chief’s case in terms of areas of Sue Mountstevens: Sorry, the relationship— operational independence. Chair: Between yourself and Mr Gargan. Sue Mountstevens: We have mutual understanding of Q428 Mark Reckless: Commissioner Mountstevens, each other’s roles and that is absolutely key to a good let me ask you about the urban/rural spread. You have relationship between a chief constable and a police the large city of Bristol with its significant policing and crime commissioner. We work very closely needs but also a very substantial area of countryside together. We are obviously going to agree on many with, I am sure, people pressing for greater policing things because we have the same vision. We are trying visibility. I just wonder how you have managed that to create very safe and strong communities and by conflict to the extent that you see a conflict and making sure that I hold him to account and ask him whether you have made any changes in the amount of questions that the local people are constantly feeding relevant resources going to areas. into me about making sure that that attention to detail Sue Mountstevens: You are absolutely right. There is is paramount. I have a very good professional working always a tension and whenever I am in Somerset I am relationship with Mr Gargan and making sure that it being asked by local people almost all the time, “Does does not become too cosy a relationship, because I the money always go to Bristol”, and vice versa, I hold him to account. have to say. Bristol has 41% of the crime, so there has to be appropriate resources put into that, but it is also 1 Note by witness: The position on maximum term of Chief making sure that we work within the rural Constables' contracts is set by regulations. The maximum initial term is 5 years. The maximum first extension is 3 communities. I have set up a rural crime forum to years. Thereafter the maximum extension is for 1 year with make sure that, for farmers and people who work in agreement from both parties—but there is no limit on the less urban areas, their voices can get heard. One of number of such 1 year extensions. However, given mutual the things with the community safety grant that is my agreement is required, my point that neither party would have certainty on the position beyond the year as a further responsibility to allocate is that we have made sure process involving the agreement of both parties would be that the formula is very open. It is based on crime, required. risk-based on population and areas of multiple Page 253 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:54] Job: 039682 Unit: PG03 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o003_odeth_HC 757-iii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 67

21 January 2014 Bob Jones, Sue Mountstevens, Chief Constable Chris Sims and Chief Constable Nick Gargan deprivations. Everyone can see how that is allocated. understanding that I run the police force and answer It is not done behind closed doors. I am very clear on for its operations. what the formula is. Q432 Mark Reckless: There is one thing in debating Q429 Mark Reckless: A BBC poll last year showed the legislation. A number of members felt that this that 62% of people were aware of the police and crime would be an area of tension between PCCs and chief commissioner. What do you and Mr Jones do to constables. That is not your experience? develop your public profile and how do you work with Nick Gargan: Certainly it is not my experience the chief constable in terms of allocating media locally and I do think that those chiefs who were opportunities and focus? appointed subsequent to the arrival of the police and Sue Mountstevens: We have public forums every crime commissioners are potentially at an advantage other month where the chief and I go to various areas because there has been an opportunity to test the around the patch and where we do presentations, but alignment of approach throughout the selection it is then open to the public to ask us any questions process. that they like and we also web-stream that. We also have forums where we tackle specific themes. We Q433 Mark Reckless: Mr Sims, you are happy doing have done a very successful forum on road safety. We relatively less media than before. had over 150 people take part in that, with over 700 Chris Sims: Yes, I think so. Just to make sure this watching it when it was web-streamed. It is making does not look peace and harmony, there have been sure that we are talking about areas that local people media pieces that the commissioner has done that I want to hear about and making sure that we are very have challenged and we have discussed and maybe an accessible. I have made it very clear that you do not amended view has come out. Do not mistake this as a have to submit a question in advance. You can ask us totally compliant relationship between us. There is a any question that you want and the chief and I, fair bit of challenge about how things are presented, whoever is most appropriate, will make sure that we as well as the destination that we are moving towards. answer it. Bob Jones: Yes. I think there have been some Mark Reckless: Mr Jones, are you often in the problems in terms of the media wanting to talk about media? things that are strictly operational where I have had Bob Jones: I am and occasionally for good news the need to seek to push that, but because there are items as well. We clearly score highly for lots of grey areas sometimes it has come across that entertainment value as PCCs and the media are very I am running the operational side. For instance, we attracted to the comment if they can get a quick and responded collectively to young people in a immediate response. Whether it offers much in terms community demanding to have a knife amnesty, a of assurance and confidence is a moot point. knife-surrender campaign, that we worked together on. The person who made the decision in terms of the Q430 Mark Reckless: Mr Sims and Mr Gargan, has operation was the assistant chief constable. However, the coming of PCCs changed the level of demand or because I fronted up and reported back on the your role as a public face through the media for your collective meeting between the young people, the force? council, Community Safety Partnership and so on, in Chris Sims: I definitely have done less media in the the paper it immediately appeared that I had called for last year than before. We have done quite a lot a knife amnesty when I was merely the spokesperson together. We did a joint letter, for example, to The and the decision was made by the operational side. Independent last week around crime reporting. Where There have been quite a few areas where I have it is appropriate, we do some things together, but I avoided going on dawn raids and things like that, even think the commissioner is right. Often, I am the dull when I have been invited, so as not to muddy the professional voice, whereas the political line is often, waters because there are a number of areas where, in quite rightly, more attractive and can be more terms of assuring the community, they would prefer expansive. The commissioner has been a huge to see a police officer rather than a politician. presence on local media and is much sought after. Q434 Ian Austin: Can I ask the two commissioners Q431 Mark Reckless: Mr Gargan, I know you were whether they think that police and crime panels have frequently in the Leicester Mercury, if not as often as sufficient clarity of understanding of their role in our Chair, but now you are in Bristol with the PCC. scrutinising the PCCs, in scrutinising you. Also, how How much media do you do now? many times have each of you appeared in front of Nick Gargan: I was not the chief constable in a police the— force prior to the birth of police and crime Sue Mountstevens: I have appeared seven times. commissioners, so I shall compare it with the National Bob Jones: I think, with yesterday it makes it eight. Policing Improvement Agency. I do quite a lot of We started slightly earlier. There was a problem, in media. Quite often Sue and I will together be on a terms of the original hype, about the powers of the radio phone-in and then, as the questions come in, the panel, particularly being able to veto the precept, ones that are more political, financial or budgetary which turned out to be a minor amending-delaying will go in the direction of the police and crime veto rather than a significant veto. Also, of course, commissioner and those that are operational will come there are some practical issues about the veto on the in the direction of the chief constable. I do quite a bit appointment of chief constable. It is always going to because we are a busy operational force and it is our be rather difficult for a police and crime panel to be Page 254 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:54] Job: 039682 Unit: PG03 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o003_odeth_HC 757-iii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 68 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

21 January 2014 Bob Jones, Sue Mountstevens, Chief Constable Chris Sims and Chief Constable Nick Gargan there. In the West Midlands, as you are aware, we were not allowed to be in that area. By making that a started off with the all the leaders on, but rapidly they far more educational thing, rather than trying to just have started to withdraw from that arrangement and get tickets from everybody, I think has helped the allow people who have more time to go into it. I am relationship, but it is still ongoing and there is still a pleased that they are increasingly developing and lot of work to do. particularly taking advantage of our pre-decision Paul Flynn: The motorists in Somerset did not realise scrutiny and so acting in a similar manner to your that they should not be in the hatched areas, which Committee, Chair, in terms of inviting witnesses to have been around for 10 years? look at our safer travel plan, our procurement strategy, Nick Gargan: I think that carelessness creeps in. and yesterday at our transforming rehabilitation proposals. They have a wide range of witnesses and Q436 Paul Flynn: I am trying to give you an are able to make informed recommendations about opportunity to tell me what your added value is. All decisions prior to making them, because in many ways that came from the public meeting, from what you there are very little decisions I make. I appoint the appear to have said, could have been gleaned by chief constable, I set the budget, I set the precept, I reading the local papers. What added value do you set the plan and I distribute the community safety have in your role? funds. Apart from procedural issues, those are the key Sue Mountstevens: It was important that they listen decisions I make. to each other by bringing everyone together and it was Sue Mountstevens: I value their input. I think police important also for them to recognise, first, what the and crime panels are a great source of being able to council were doing through the work that they were talk things through with them and for them to doing on making the road safer, but also what the scrutinise people such as myself. I value very much police were doing. It was facilitating and making sure the professional working relationship that we have that everyone was there to hear and I think there are with them and we work very hard at being able to some positive measures that are now going forward, deliver what the panel are interested in and also using because it was at the point where there was quite a them because we have panel-link members who are large concern from local people that the police were particularly interested in certain work that we are not doing anything. That is very obviously not true. doing. We use them so that they can work with us and then feedback to the panel about what we are doing. Q437 Paul Flynn: Do you think the fact that you We have a good relationship with the panel and I appointed the new chief constable strengthens or value very much what they do. We have a pre-meet weakens your role of acting independently of the and we also have agenda briefings and when they force? want reports, then we have a lead member in my Sue Mountstevens: office who works very closely with them so that we Sorry. Can you ask the question can produce the answers that they want. We have also again? provided a training day so that we could talk them Paul Flynn: Do you think that your action in through. My chief financial officer and the appointing the new chief constable—and perhaps you constabulary’s finance officer work with them to can tell me how many applications there were— explain the budget and how it was made up. I think strengthens or weakens your role as someone who they are a source of powerful good and they certainly should be standing independently of the police force? scrutinise and support with what I do. Sue Mountstevens: I think it is always very clear that, as a PCC, I have one foot inside the police but I am Q435 Paul Flynn: What message of significance did always making sure I have one foot outside. you gain from your meeting with 150 members of the Appointing a chief constable who has the same vision public, other than the predictable ones of lowering the about what we want to do in bringing much more speed limit locally? transparency and openness to the police so that people Sue Mountstevens: Lowering the speed limit was in in Avon and Somerset accept that it is their police fact something that was being discussed because the service and that they can scrutinise various parts of it Mayor of Bristol is imposing 20 mph speed zones in probably has strengthened that role. Bristol. We had asked for this meeting because, in the Paul Flynn: But you do not see a danger in having press and in the radio, it was becoming more and more appointed someone in your own image; that you vitriolic between pedestrians, cyclists, and car users to would not be able to take this challenging role, which the point where it was almost road rage. Everyone would be perhaps at times inevitably different to that wanted the death of almost everyone else. It was very of the police, if you were— clear that, if we were going to work forward on this, Sue Mountstevens: No, I do not think I appointed the it was necessary to get everyone around the table and chief in my own image. We went through a very talk about it. I know that there are now ongoing strong interviewing process where we invited various meetings between the constabulary and certain of people to listen to each of the applicants making those organisations in order to improve, first, that presentations. We had several stakeholder groups. communication, but also areas that the constabulary Each of the candidates spoke to voluntary can take it from. One of the things that the organisations and spoke to members of the council so constabulary have done well is having areas where that they could see how they interacted. That was they will go and tackle cyclists without lights and also what I was trying to do by making it open and cars that are parked in the cycle box. We had good transparent but very much engaging, because that is publicity because motorists did not know that they what I wanted the police service to be. Page 255 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:54] Job: 039682 Unit: PG03 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o003_odeth_HC 757-iii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 69

21 January 2014 Bob Jones, Sue Mountstevens, Chief Constable Chris Sims and Chief Constable Nick Gargan

Q438 Paul Flynn: Mr Jones, why did you want to Bob Jones: They are all paid. I am the only police see the police and crime commissioners getting the and crime commissioner who has members of my same wage as MPs? executive board who are acting key roles—business Bob Jones: I thought it was a representative job. I champion, victims champion, e-champion—who are used to make a lot more executive decisions when I members of the Conservative party, the Liberal was a cabinet member at Wolverhampton council. I Democrat party, Independents and one of the think my key role is ensuring that I give a voice to candidates who stood against me. My board is a the community and empower the community in a different one, where the chief constable and myself similar way to MPs. The actual decision-making can be challenged by a cross-party consensus to give executive structure is fairly limited, particularly with some assurance that community decisions are being the concept of operational independence. I can see the made in the interest of the wider community. logic of a mayor where you can do deals with the industry trying to come into the area, cut through the Q442 Chair: Indeed. I do appreciate that and well red tape and so on. The urgent quick decisions are done on creating your board, but just going back to those of the chief constable. Mine are the ones that the controversy about your deputies and the assistants. tend to be inclusive and instil confidence that They are all Labour councillors. Is that right? decisions are being made on behalf of the whole of Bob Jones: That is correct. the community, including obviously appointing the Chair: On reflection, do you think that was the wise correct chief constable. thing to do and, if you were doing it again, perhaps you would have representatives of other political Q439 Paul Flynn: Do you think that the salary of parties? the PCCs and their ability to appoint their friends as Bob Jones: I do. I am the only one that has members deputies and other matters are barriers to the of other political parties on my board. acceptability of the role of PCCs? Chair: On the board? Bob Jones: Certainly the very high levels of publicity Bob Jones: In some ways, they are more effective in have not assisted in terms of confidence in the new that non-executive role because, to some degree, the structure, and some of that publicity reflects some of deputies are the people who are my presence on the the intrinsic weaknesses of the new structure. In terms ground and who can attend the regular monthly of my deputy, I was the only candidate to announce meetings and things which I could not possibly find enough time to have that developed partnership on. the deputy and the first to do it. I thought it would They are the people who are committed to supporting have been much more appropriate that they were on my manifesto and delivering my manifesto. My non- the ticket from the start. I announced my deputy from executives, because they do not have that role, have the point where I was selected as a Labour candidate. complete carte blanche to challenge and they are not The entire electorate were fully aware of who my committed to delivering my manifesto. deputy was going to be, so it would not be a surprise afterwards. Q443 Chair: Did you put those choices of names as Paul Flynn: You announced it during the election your deputies and assistants to the crime panel to ask period? them to approve the names? Bob Jones: I announced her as soon as I was Bob Jones: The deputy, yes. I was the first one to get appointed as a Labour candidate. confirmation on my deputy. The assistants, I invited the panel to be on the interviewing board but they Q440 Chair: How many deputies do you have, Mr declined to participate in the interviews. Jones? Chair: Why was that? Bob Jones: I have one deputy, but I do have three Bob Jones: They felt it was possibly too close a assistants. My deputy covers Birmingham. My relationship with the PCC. assistants cover two cities or boroughs each to ensure that I have the presence in the locality and on the local Q444 Chair: Commissioner Mountstevens, do you police and crime boards, children’s trust, health and have a deputy and an assistant and a board who are wellbeing board and so on. all paid? Sue Mountstevens: No, I do not have a deputy. I think Q441 Chair: But you received a lot of criticism for in these times of austerity, where there are serious cuts the appointment of your deputy and assistants on the being imposed on the police, it would be wrong to do grounds that they were all members of the Labour that but I do think that deputies should be open and party. Some were members of the Labour group; some competitive appointments. I think they should be were double-hatting, serving as councillors and chairs either be on a double ticket when you stand so that of other committees but you still appointed them all. the electorate can make that decision or, if you are Bob Jones: The deputy was— going to appoint during your tenure, I think that they Chair: Not just the deputy, but also the assistants. should be publicly advertised, and maybe the police Bob Jones: Yes, the assistant police and crime and crime panel should be invited to be part of that so commissioners were dealt with— that they could scrutinise the process to make sure it Chair: Are they all Labour councillors? is robust. Bob Jones: The assistants are. My board is not. I also have four non-executive directors. I am the only— Q445 Chair: I am going to put a quote to you. Do Chair: Are they all paid? you agree with this quote, “With the record low Page 256 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:54] Job: 039682 Unit: PG03 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o003_odeth_HC 757-iii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 70 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

21 January 2014 Bob Jones, Sue Mountstevens, Chief Constable Chris Sims and Chief Constable Nick Gargan turnout at the election, record levels of hostility, reference to this. What are we going to do to improve hostile publicity, record numbers of investigations into that? Many people believe the election of police and PCCs, and clashes between chief constables and crime commissioners meant that chief constables will PCCs, there is not much evidence that PCCs have led be held to account and morale would go up, but that to more confidence in policing or the governance of has not happened. It has gone down? What can we do policing”? Would you agree with that? to restore confidence, to turn the page on this whole Sue Mountstevens: I would not agree with that. I episode? think there is much more recognition of the fact that Chris Sims: I never expected morale to be a function a PCC is very identifiable and, if you think that in the of the PCC election. I think there are two things last year of the police authority they had over 250 behind the morale issue. One is that pay and contacts, I have already had 4,000 and, in fact, I had conditions have been eroded, as they have in other more in my first week than they have had in the parts of the public service, and people at the front of previous year. I think there is a real hunger out there our organisation can see no end to that process. The for people to want to get involved. Some cynics might second is, unsurprisingly, if you turn the television on say, “They are all complaints.” No, they are not. They night after night after night and there are issues critical want to give feedback about how they want their of policing at whatever level—and we have covered police service to improve. three or four of them just today—that does have an impact on the way people view the value that others Q446 Chair: Yes, of course, because that quote came place upon their occupation. What I think we can do from you, Mr Jones. It is not surprising that about it—and this is an issue jointly between the Commissioner Mountstevens does not agree with you commissioner and myself—is that we want to take but, I was surprised, given the fact that you are forward real police reform: not the politics of enthusiastically doing this job—you have appointed landscape change or governance—we want to change assistants, a board, you have the appetite for doing the way policing works. it—that you should have given such a very low Chair: How do you do that, because all Governments assessment of what PCCs have achieved. I think you for the last 30 years since I have been in Parliament gave the model two out of 10 for its impact on public have been saying that? confidence in the police. How can we improve it then? Chris Sims: We are at the latter stages of a Bob Jones: Certainly I would commend the model I procurement process to enter into a partnership with have used at the strategic level, the cross-party board. the private sector. The first stage of that work will I have also sought to introduce local policing and begin in May and it is designed to change the crime boards. That is not a new structure. That is— operating model of policing, to uplift the technology Chair: Do you stand by your comments, because they available to officers, to change the way that we work are very critical of PCCs? One wonders whether you with the community, and I think I will— are going to even stand again, you are so disappointed Chair: Mr Sims, that is not an answer, is it, to say we with the role. have low morale and your solution is, “Let us go into Bob Jones: I am very confident that I have introduced a partnership with the private sector”? How can that in the West Midlands a whole series of mitigations be the solution? that have prevented the risk of damage that could have Chris Sims: My solution is to appeal to the strong occurred through the PCC model. I have done it by professional ethos of officers to give them the tools, seeking to be much more inclusive. I take my view as the structures, and the processes that will allow them not being the voice of the community but making sure to do the job that they want to do, to instil in them that the community voice is heard, strengthening the the professionalism that is already there and to take neighbourhood voice, and introducing the new police away the barriers that stop that professionalism and crime boards for every one of the cities and coming through. I cannot alter pay levels. I cannot boroughs of the West Midlands, which will become combat the tide of political criticism, but where I do community-led instead of just being officer-led. They think collectively we can work together is to move set the policing plan. They have the relationship with forward the way that we operate. the local policing unit commander, which is the issue which 90% of the public are concerned about. I have Q448 Chair: Mr Gargan, you are one of those chief given the resources to empower them. I see my role constables who, when things go wrong, go on to the as very much ensuring that we empower those Today programme, as I heard you a few weeks ago, partnerships and community engagement to a new and apologise for something that the police have done level. in the past, even though you had nothing to do with Chair: Do you stand by that statement? it, as a way of turning the page on a particular issue. Bob Jones: I still stand by that statement. How would you see the future of policing at a local level? How do we raise the morale of the police Q447 Chair: You do? Okay. We are coming to the officers themselves, which you have to admit is at an end of the session and I just want to ask our chief all-time low, and make sure that that integrity is constables, starting with you, Chief Constable Sims restored to the system? We thought PCCs were part about the fact that people talk about the low morale of that process but maybe they are not. How would in the police service as a whole, not just individual you do it? police officers. Lord Wasserman made reference to Nick Gargan: I have a good deal of sympathy with this and Lord Stevens, who you know is a the view often expressed by my friend and colleague distinguished former commissioner of the Met, made Sir Hugh Orde, who says that he cannot remember a Page 257 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:54] Job: 039682 Unit: PG03 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o003_odeth_HC 757-iii PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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21 January 2014 Bob Jones, Sue Mountstevens, Chief Constable Chris Sims and Chief Constable Nick Gargan year in his long policing career when morale has not Midlands, but I want you to end by giving just one been reported to be at an all-time low. I get into example of a disagreement you all have had that you trouble for saying this sometimes with some retired have subsequently resolved through negotiation. colleagues and some of the more shrill voices that you Obviously, it has been going very well but one encounter on social media, but when I go to the police example of a disagreement, Mr Gargan, with your stations what I see, by and large, are really committed, commissioner obviously. energetic men and women who feel a little bit bruised Nick Gargan: Of course. We were at a public event about what has happened with pay and conditions; and all afternoon long across police stations, I had they feel rather unloved, but nevertheless they been conducting a mini-poll, “Should we fly the flag continue in circumstances where we ask them to do at half-mast for Baroness Thatcher’s funeral?” There repetitive, difficult, and unpleasant tasks all the time. were two local MPs who were in conversation with I think they cope remarkably well and when I walk the commissioner and me at the time who, having cast into police stations I see people who, by and large, are their vote, then said, “By the way, whose decision is okay. They have smiles on their faces and they are it?” We both said at precisely the same time, “That resilient, and they believe in what they are doing, and will be mine”. That was the area of contention. they know that they are in a job where 96% of the Chair: We will not ask what happened. Mr Jones, an people who apply to become police officers in our example of a disagreement. force area are unsuccessful. Bob Jones: I think probably about access to the front I challenge back the presumption that morale is at an desks, where we had a view as to what degree this all-time low. Of course we have problems and I think was an operational matter and to what degree it was the leadership of the service needs to respond about finance and access to the public. I think we now purposefully to those. I think the leadership of the have an agreed position where we do need to review service needs to take the service through—this is why anything that is preventing us putting maximum I think the review of the federation is so important— resources into frontline operations, but we need to do a period of change in an atmosphere that it in a way where we can hopefully look at reprovision acknowledges our shortcomings but also celebrates and ensuring that access is being maintained, the wonderful brave things that people in policing do hopefully in a more cost-effective and imaginative day in and day out. It is simply to do with the way. transformation that Chris was describing there. It has Chair: I have to say the Committee is due to come to a lot to do with speaking up for our people but also, visit the West Midlands at Mr Austin’s invitation, so in that sort of critical friendship that leadership entails, we will be coming to visit you. Perhaps we will have articulating the need for change and saying to people, time to come down to Avon and Somerset to see the “We are going to take you through this”. work that you are doing there but, in the meantime, Chief Constables and Commissioners, thank you very Q449 Chair: Thank you very much for coming here much for coming in today. I am most grateful. Thank today. Obviously, things are going well in terms of you. the relationships in Avon and Somerset and the West

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Ev 72 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Members present: Keith Vaz (Chair)

Mr James Clappison Mark Reckless Michael Ellis Mr David Winnick Paul Flynn ______

Examination of Witnesses

Witnesses: Councillor Joanna Spicer, Local Government Association, and Ed Hammond, Centre for Public Scrutiny, gave evidence.

Q450 Chair: Could I welcome all those present to Q452 Chair: Councillor Spicer, do you think that the the session of the Home Affairs Select Committee panels ought to have the power to veto the dealing with our ongoing inquiry into police and appointment of a chief constable? crime commissioners? Could I refer everyone present Cllr Spicer: You asked earlier about removals of chief to the Register of Members’ Interests, where the constables. To be quite clear, although some of that interests of all members of the Committee are noted? was a bit rocky to start off with and has been watched Are there any additional measures that need to be very carefully by the LGA, we think that it is part of declared? Good. the learning that it is inevitable that there be changes. I welcome Mr Hammond and Councillor Spicer. In terms of the veto, currently the position is that the Thank you very much for coming to give evidence to police and crime panels are holding these confirmation us today. You have probably been following some of hearings for deputies and chief constables. I think that our previous sessions. We have covered quite a lot of as people get more experienced—and this is a ground in the last few months. What we would like to relatively new process for local government—the few focus on today is the LGA’s view of police and crime glitches there have been about that will soon be commissioners. With you, Mr Hammond, we want to calmed. look at the issues of public scrutiny. Perhaps I could start with a question about public scrutiny. Do you Q453 Chair: Ought they to have the power of veto? think there is enough public scrutiny of the removal If you are looking at the legislation again and you are of chief constables? considering it, do you think that they should be able Ed Hammond: It is slightly difficult because it to dig their heels in and just say no? connects, I suppose, to the wider issue about the use Cllr Spicer: I am pretty certain that the view shared of confirmation hearings more generally and hearings across party at the LGA is that the power to send back for appointment and dismissal of senior posts. The is probably more correct than the power to veto. experience that some panels in some areas have had Ed Hammond: I would tend to agree with that. It is does suggest that there might be cause to look again difficult to envisage circumstances in which the use at the powers of panels to examine at least the reasons of the power of veto would be appropriate. It would for removal of chief constables in particular, yes. only be useful in extreme circumstances where, for example, the proposed appointment was considered to be so inappropriate, which would suggest a significant Q451 Chair: Councillor Spicer? One of our failing on the part of the office of the PCC and the witnesses who is going to come in a little later, a PCC in terms of their internal HR and recruitment fellow councillor, Roger Seabourne, described the processes. Given the fact that the office of the PCC legislation as so poorly set up, rushed and ill thought will have a monitoring officer whose job it is to ensure out that the panel has no teeth and they are not able the probity of those arrangements, it is difficult to see to scrutinise. What do you feel about that? what could be added. Cllr Spicer: I certainly saw the comments at the time Also a veto, certainly in employment law and other and I have read them. The Local Government terms—I am by no means a lawyer—could be seen as Association’s view is that it is still too early to come essentially career ending for any chief constable who to firm views on the effectiveness of all the police would be subject to it. You can imagine a reforms, both the police and crime commissioners and circumstance where a proposed chief constable comes police and crime panels. I am here on behalf of the before a panel and their appointment is vetoed. That Safer and Stronger Communities Board, which is would cast significant doubt on their ability to hold a chaired by Councillor Mehboob Khan, who I expect senior policing post. some of you know. We have had reports throughout the last 15 months on police reform, both the panels Q454 Chair: Yes, of course. The Gwent situation is and PCCs, and although we have some thoughts that one that we have looked at. I don’t know whether you we want to share with you—and we have already looked at the Gwent situation, where a commissioner submitted some of them—as to how things could be says to a chief constable, “I am not going to renew improved, we certainly think it is too early to come to your contract” and the chief constable then says, those sort of statements that you referred to. “Okay, I am going”. Have you looked at that? Page 259 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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4 February 2014 Councillor Joanna Spicer and Ed Hammond

Ed Hammond: I have. I am somewhat unwilling to authority, so I would like to think I know a bit about go into depth on my views or otherwise on employment of chief constables. individual panel— I can only reiterate that the detailed circumstances, Chair: That is why you are here, Mr Hammond. You as Ed Hammond said, that might have been behind are here to give us the benefit of your views, otherwise particularly those two would not happen with such you would not be here. speed and in that way again. The Local Government Ed Hammond: Of course, but it is always difficult to Association does do a huge amount of training now talk about individual circumstances where I don’t for police and crime panels to work with them. This know everything about the situation involved, and was very much the message around the powers that certainly when somebody from Gwent is not here. police and crime commissioners would have. I suspect Chair: Give us your view on that. that possibly those very hasty decisions had been Ed Hammond: I can say in general terms that one made a long time before by the candidate. would have expected, or certainly if I had been on the panel under those circumstances I might perhaps have Q458 Mr Winnick: When you were on a police expected, to look at that decision made by the authority, and you said you were for many years, did commissioner. There may well be circumstances it ever occur to you or your colleagues to dismiss the existing in Gwent of which I am not aware that made chief constable? that impossible or made that difficult. Cllr Spicer: It certainly never occurred to us in Chair: Councillor Spicer? Suffolk to dismiss one. I have to say that there were Cllr Spicer: The LGA have looked very closely, some difficult times and relationships on and off over through the events they hold for police and crime the years, not of any particular significance today, and panels, at the circumstances surrounding what tension, because police authorities had the right to happened in Gwent and also, more interestingly for us take similar actions, but the relationship was different. in terms of learning, in Lincolnshire, which I believe There were some weaknesses that the Government has you have had a view on as well. The view that we quite rightly sought to address. There were some have at the moment is that we do not need a change strengths, too, in the partnership arrangements that in the legislation around that, but there is a need for inevitably developed. Sometimes they were too cosy, some learning from those processes, both by police sometimes there was a lot of tension between police and crime commissioners and by panels and to a authorities and chief constables. No, it certainly never certain extent by public expectation. occurred to us in Suffolk to dismiss one, but I am aware it happened elsewhere. Q455 Chair: Lincolnshire is very close to home as far as you are concerned. Q459 Mr Winnick: Mr Hammond, it has been Cllr Spicer: Suffolk does not quite join Lincolnshire. suggested to us by previous witnesses that before the Chair: I thought you said you knew about the process takes place, namely dismissal, there should be Lincolnshire situation. some intervening body to look at the situation, not Cllr Spicer: The Lincolnshire situation was of interest as much as Gwent to us in local government. necessarily be in a position to decide one way or the other but to give advice to the police and crime commissioner and the panel. Do you think there is a Q456 Chair: Assuming they have been on this case for that? learning curve, how could that have been handled better? Ed Hammond: I would assume that that would be the Cllr Spicer: I think if you look at the timing of both kind of advice that the commissioner would expect to those events, so early in some of the most radical receive from their monitoring officer, from the HR police reform in 40 years, it was inevitable that there director that works with them in the office of the PCC would be a mixture of misunderstanding combined and also with the HR function of the local force. I am with unusual behaviours. One would hope through the not sure if there is necessarily any cause for an national bodies, including ACPO and the Association additional independent body to provide advice on that. of Police and Crime Commissioners, that such events You would hope that between them those bodies would not quite unfold the same way again. would be able to provide high-quality advice to commissioners as to what was legal, what was Q457 Mr Winnick: One could understand if a police appropriate and what was not. and crime commissioner has been in office six, 12, 18 months and comes to the view that a chief constable Q460 Michael Ellis: Why shouldn’t chief constables should be removed, but is it surprising that a police on six-figure salaries, £100,000-plus a year, and crime commissioner—there were two, in fact, in sometimes closer to £200,000, be capable of being the areas named by the Chair—was in office for some discharged by a democratically elected person? After four, six or eight weeks and suddenly decides that the all, police and crime commissioners are responsible long-serving chief constable should go? What fairness for a budget and they are responsible to the electorate or justice could there be in making such a quick who elect them. Other people are accustomed in their decision after being elected? day-to-day lives to hirings and firings. Why should the Cllr Spicer: I should have said at the beginning that I chief constables be protected by this cosy arrangement do answer some of these questions with the whereby people can be moved around at public experience of having been on a police authority for expense or kept in place despite the perhaps wider many years, and I was the last chairman of our police public interest? I am not talking here about any Page 260 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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4 February 2014 Councillor Joanna Spicer and Ed Hammond specific case, I am talking in the generality. Why Association. All I can say is that I certainly would not shouldn’t they be susceptible? have done something like that and it was not in a Cllr Spicer: I should have added before that police manifesto, but the Government had raised authorities did on several occasions suspend chief expectations that police and crime commissioners constables. I am not particularly aware of any high were going to be able to do things like that. profile sackings. Mr Ellis, I completely agree with you; police authorities could have done that too, but Q463 Paul Flynn: There has been confusion between perhaps were not brave enough. the two views of whether the police commissioner had I think the only qualification I would add—and I think unfettered authority to lean on the chief constable to the LGA would agree with me and where your resign. The chief constable thought he did. We have Chairman was coming from—is it is also how you do since been told that he does not, by Tom Winsor and these things. We all work in different ways as other distinguished people. Do you think there was councillors or whatever in the public sector. If action confusion about that and that if they had both been is required to be taken, whether someone is earning better informed the chief constable could have put up £20,000 or £200,000, there is a due process. Clearly a defence? We know the commissioner has said that these very early steps attracted a lot of concern and he had cornered all the best legal brains in order that publicity. Mr Hammond was talking about due HR the chief constable could not hire them in defence. It process. I completely agree with you that it is what is an atrocious situation, isn’t it? Why aren’t you the public have elected police and crime coming out and complaining about it? It seems to be commissioners for and these are actions that they are an obvious misuse of power. completely entitled to take. My only plea would Cllr Spicer: The LGA’s stance is not regularly to always be that due process is applied in the interests complain. We do try to go about our business of fairness and to prevent legal action, as happened in constructively. We are very concerned in both the high Lincolnshire, at a later stage. profile cases about the advice that was given to the panel, and probably the advice that was given to the Q461 Michael Ellis: I don’t disagree with that in commissioner, but I am not the Association of Police principle, but isn’t the reality that if two people who and Crime Commissioners and I think they have to are supposed to work very closely together have explain their actions. discovered that they are incompatible—I am not citing I do have concerns, both personally and on behalf of any individual case here—there may sometimes be the LGA, to ensure that there is better training and circumstances where it is necessary for a move to be better clarity for the police and crime panels, who are made? After all, what should be of paramount meant to hold the commissioner to account and who importance is the wider interests of the public that also have a formal role in such dismissals or they are all there to serve, shouldn’t it? suspensions, or indeed appointments. That needs to Cllr Spicer: I completely agree with your last point. come from the Government, from the Home Office. What is in the interests of the public and indeed the officers and employees of that police force? Good Q464 Paul Flynn: You say it is too early to judge. chief constables don’t grow on trees. Any police and Decisions will be made soon on manifestos for the crime commissioner would need to consider very 2015 election that might well include at least one carefully their relationship to get that right balance of major party’s proposal to end the police tension, which the public expect and which the commissioners experiment and to go on to a totally elections have raised expectations about, combined different system. When will you be in a position to tell with the fact that the two of them have to work very us whether you think the system is working or not? closely together. There would be some members of Cllr Spicer: It is a question I have been asking myself the public who still don’t see the difference. all morning, wondering whether you would ask that. The LGA takes some pride in being cross-party, Q462 Paul Flynn: Do you believe that a police although we are well aware of Lord Stevens’ report. commissioner with a mandate of 8% of the vote—in At the moment we have lead members from each of my constituency at one polling booth nobody voted— the three political parties and the independents and we has a mandate to sack the chief constable immediately, have discussed this among ourselves very clearly. Our without mentioning that this was his policy in his position at the moment remains that it is too early to election campaign? Is that a democratic mandate? say. There will be a lot more research, including your Cllr Spicer: There are two questions there. If I could own report, that will emerge during the course of the just say, as a politician—a humble one compared with next few months. I believe that all political parties, all of you, but nevertheless one of over 25 years— including my own, will need to be very clear what winning an election is winning an election. It is deeply their position is because I think the public will show unfortunate that the turnout was so low, a combination a lot of interest in this at the general election. of time of year, not on an election cycle routine, dark evenings and so on, and it was pretty low all around Q465 Paul Flynn: Mr Hammond, you are being the country. The evidence from polling is already equally coy about what your views are. Do you want showing some improvement in public awareness. to open up, because you are among friends here? How Going back to this word “sacking”, I hope I have do you think the scrutiny of PCCs could be improved? covered that. I do think it is very difficult for me to Ed Hammond: There are probably a few things that comment on the individual circumstances, particularly can be done to improve scrutiny commissioners. as I am here on behalf of the Local Government Fundamentally, I think effective scrutiny rests on the Page 261 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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4 February 2014 Councillor Joanna Spicer and Ed Hammond existence of a positive, constructive working is too early to say. Can I explain why I think it is too relationship between the commissioner and the panel, early to say? It is because when elections were held where the panel feels empowered to act as a in November it meant that commissioners came to constructive critical friend to the commissioner and post when they had a period of about six or eight the commissioner listens to what the panel says. The weeks to finalise their budget and precept for the success or failure of these arrangements rests so much following year and also to finalise their police and on the existence of that relationship that the crime plan for the next year in an effective sense. That importance of it should not be underestimated. There meant—certainly our perception has been—that in are certain things that can be done to help to improve most instances the plans that belonged to the police that. There is certainly a lot that can be done around authority from before the election were simply carried improving the way the information is shared between over to this current financial year. the commissioner and the panel. That has meant that the scrutiny of those statutory There have been some significantly different arrangements, the budget, the precept and the plan, approaches around the country with commissioners was quite rushed last year. It was mixed in a number who have been very open with the panel, who have of panels, with a number of confirmation hearings; for been prepared to share a significant amount of example, a lot of panels had confirmation hearings for operational and management information with the deputies. We had, as we have talked about, panel, and where the panel has used that information confirmation hearings in a number of big cities for in order to carry out its strategic role in holding the new chief constables, chief executives and finance commissioner to account. Equally, there have been officers, and that meant that the whole exercise of examples where the commissioner has been rather scrutiny by panels this year, up until maybe last more opaque, a commissioner who is not consistently summer, was not reflective of what it is going to look publishing key decisions, not being consistent in the like in the future. I think now it is quite interesting. way that they interpret what a key decision is, What we are moving to is a second phase of panel producing police and crime patterns that in some cases operation. have fallen rather below the standards that panels need in order to be able to conduct good scrutiny. In a Q469 Chair: We will come on to some of these in a couple of circumstances people have told me that moment. Let me put one thing to you. You wrote in there has been actual obstruction by commissioners, your e-politics blog on 19 October about the murky and in some instances offices of PCCs, in response to world of lobbying. “The murky world of lobbying what certainly appeared to us to be entirely reasonable needs more than just transparency. Stop trying to requests for information from panels. In part that convince ourselves that transparency will derives from a misunderstanding on some sides of automatically bring about accountability.” What did what the panel’s role is. you mean by that? Ed Hammond: This goes back a couple of years, Q466 Paul Flynn: Just a final question. Isn’t it true because that was October 2012, I think. What I mean that rather than being watchdogs the panels have is that just publishing information is not enough. You generally been fawning pussycats without teeth or need to have the culture and the mindset in place claws? How can we make them less friendly and among decision-makers to accept that when people more critical? use that information to hold them to account, they Ed Hammond: I think that presumes that you cannot need to take action as a result. That goes to the heart be critical and friendly at the same time, and I think of the things that I have been talking about under the you can. You can act as a critical friend. You can make relationship. constructive recommendations and suggestions for changes to the commissioner’s approach without Q470 Chair: Yes, it does. Councillor Spicer, one of being antagonistic or hostile. There are a number of the things the Committee felt very concerned about is panels that have that balance right, for example, those that there was no national register of interests of that have taken steps to look proactively at the police and crime commissioners, so we compiled our business that the commissioner is undertaking and own last year and we have promised to keep doing suggest ways that the commissioner can improve his this until somebody takes this on board. We keep or her approach and those that have looked being told by the Home Secretary that people have to forensically at the police. This week many panels disclose this information locally and put it on their around the country are looking at the commissioners’ local websites. For the public, and indeed for budget and precept and many are having significant Parliament, we cannot compare what they are all difficulties with that exercise, for reasons that I could doing. We have to look up 43 different websites. Do go into if you want. you think there is a case for a national register where everyone can see in one place exactly what the Q467 Paul Flynn: Perhaps you could tell us on commissioners’ other interests are, as they have for which date you will tell us what your views are. Members of Parliament and chief constables? Ed Hammond: I can tell you now, if you like. Cllr Spicer: And indeed elected councillors, if I could add that to the list. I have not come with an official Q468 Paul Flynn: Should we continue with LGA view on that specific question, but I am very commissioners or should we scrap them? happy to say—and I believe I would speak for Ed Hammond: I am going to disappoint you because everybody at the LGA—that we would welcome and I am going to agree with Councillor Spicer and say it be enthusiastic about that transparency. Equally, I Page 262 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 76 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

4 February 2014 Councillor Joanna Spicer and Ed Hammond accept the stated wish of the Coalition Government Michael Ellis: Leave your answer to Councillor that police and crime commissioners should stand for Spicer, understood. Thank you. election in their own individual right and not be tied by what their businesses or anything else were. I Q473 Paul Flynn: Do the police and crime panels personally was not aware that they were not all putting have enough resources or are they going to be that information on their website. I think that would outgunned by the commissioners and others? be very valuable and equally—I don’t know if you Ed Hammond: I do not think they are sufficiently were planning to come on to it—for their deputies resourced. I think the Home Office made assumptions and assistants. about the amount of resourcing that would be needed, based on meeting four times a year. The experience Q471 Chair: Mr Hammond, a register of interests so of panels in the first year and a bit of operation that everyone can see—open transparency, no demonstrates that they need to meet more frequently murkiness? than that in order to carry out their statutory role Ed Hammond: Yes. I would go further. I would effectively. You cannot expect panels to come together suggest more nationally accepted standards for the and immediately be able to carry out effective scrutiny kind of information that needs to be published. You of the PCC’s budget. They will need briefings will be aware that there are in existence regulations beforehand; they will need to meet beforehand; they and guidance published by the Home Office about the will need to go through the budget beforehand with current information that needs to be published by the PCC. That will involve more meetings, more PCCs. Certainly research has been carried out by— briefing and more officer support. We have thought, Chair: We are aware of that. Thank you. certainly in the absence of the likelihood that the Home Office will commit more funding, that local Q472 Michael Ellis: You said that it was too early authorities should think about committing extra to tell as far as police and crime commissioners are resource themselves, as they are empowered to do in concerned whether it was a good thing or not, and I legislation. accept it is early days yet. You made a valid point about the election being off cycle and at a time of year Q474 Paul Flynn: It should come from the police that we do not frequently have elections. You said that precept way? the turnout was bound to have been low and it will Ed Hammond: No, that would be from general funds. be much higher next time because it marries up with Many local authorities are going to find it difficult to local elections. do that, frankly. We suggested £2,000 per authority in As far as too early to tell is concerned, crime has our research, but I recognise that the political fallen across the board, hasn’t it? I am not suggesting difficulty of doing that might work against it that that is all down to police and crime somehow. I know that some have done that, but I do commissioners by any means, but isn’t one of the think more resourcing is necessary. main arbiters of whether something is successful or not, as far as this issue is concerned, the fact that Q475 Paul Flynn: As there is a general recognition crime is falling? Look at my county of throughout the country that police crime figures are a Northamptonshire. It has the fastest reduction in series of continuous fictions and have been for years, violent crime in England and Wales and the second if they are brought back on an even keel and become fastest in crime reduction across the board. Would you truthful this is likely to show a picture that crime is agree with me, Councillor Spicer, that that is the sort increasing from the previous fiddled figures. The true of thing the general public are going to be looking at? figures might prove that. Isn’t this going to present a Cllr Spicer: I sincerely hope they will look at that. At real difficulty for the commissioners who are in fact this stage I would say, and you would expect me to, politicians and who are seeking re-election and have that crime has been falling for four or five years. The a due vested interest in fiddling the figures again? last year ran right through with the priorities. In fact, Ed Hammond: Of course, answering that would the priorities and the budgets being set by almost all require me to accept the premise that figures were police and crime commissioners do not look very originally fiddled, which I— different from those of previous police authorities, Paul Flynn: We have evidence of this. particularly in terms of performance. There is very Ed Hammond: If you have taken evidence of this, little difference. then you could—it is a very difficult question to What is important about the reforms is that the public answer. I suppose you— can clearly identify who is in charge of their policing, and I will readily acknowledge that that is working. It Q476 Paul Flynn: Lord Stevens and the policemen pains me to say it is working, but I was chairman of in the Met. I sit on another Committee that has dealt a police authority that was probably failing to make with this in detail and I do not think there is any doubt that happen. It didn’t actually worry me. I thought it whatsoever that generally the police crime figures was important people knew who the chief constable have been manipulated; they are generally untrue and was. The reforms are designed to have an elected role trimmed in various ways, but if you do not accept that, and the evidence would seem to be that that is you are pushing against this mountain of evidence that working. I think the fall in crime is— has been presented, including from Lord Stevens, Michael Ellis: There will be a number of factors, yes. which said that they are fiddled, they were fiddled, Mr Hammond, did you want to add anything? they are being fiddled now. Ed Hammond: No, I think I will— Ed Hammond: I honestly do not— Page 263 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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4 February 2014 Councillor Joanna Spicer and Ed Hammond

Cllr Spicer: I do not think he used that word. I have deputies should make that clear before elections, but to say, I have some difficulty accepting that word. we are where we are, and of course under the HMIC go into constabularies doing what they call legislation PCs are empowered to appoint deputies crime recording checks and clearly from time to time and have absolute discretion on how to do so. evidence emerges such as has done recently. I do Obviously, making a change there would require know, having done sampling of crime statistics over primary legislation. many years, that a lot of it is certainly not deliberate fiddling. It is a matter of completely misunderstanding Q480 Mr Winnick: But as far as the panels are when one crime counts as three or four and whether concerned, as I understand the situation, they have a they are recorded right and so on, which is quite responsibility to scrutinise a deputy appointment. difficult to do. Ed Hammond: Yes. Mr Winnick: But isn’t that bypassed simply by Q477 Michael Ellis: Needless to suggest, it is not at changing the name—instead of deputies, they are all accepted that crime figures are that disrupted. In assistant commissioners—and therefore there is no fact, there will always be some errors, but the British necessity in legislation, am I not right, for the Crime Survey is another form of statistics gathering. appointments to go before the panel? That is a survey adopted by members of the Ed Hammond: I think you would have to look at that community, like an opinion poll, and that clearly is individually and say, “Is this person effectively not susceptible to the sort of interference that it is performing the duties of a deputy?” It would be based suggested that other figures are. Do you accept that on what that person’s job title was and what they were the crucial factor here is democratic accountability, there to do. If it was about providing political and although there will be some resistance to that management support to the commissioner as a person from certain quarters, the fact that the general public appointed by them in that role, then they are there as can identify with someone who they can praise and a deputy, really. Certainly if I were the chair of a PCP blame accordingly when they are happy or unhappy or somebody providing advice and support as an with things as to how public money is being spent is officer to a PCP and that happened, I would probably a principle that should be supported? approach the office of the PCC or the PCC directly Cllr Spicer: Absolutely, yes. and say, “In our view, this appointment constitutes an appointment of a deputy and we are supposed to carry Q478 Mr Winnick: Democratic accountability: out a confirmation hearing”. police and crime commissioners are elected, however low the poll. They have an electoral position that Q481 Mr Winnick: In Surrey, Mrs Spicer, two obviously chief constables do not, but what about assistant commissioners were appointed without any deputies to the police and crime commissioner? Aren’t oversight from the panel. there allegations that some of these recently elected Cllr Spicer: Did you say Surrey? police and crime commissioners have been appointing Mr Winnick: In Surrey, as I understand it. their mates? Cllr Spicer: I think your next witnesses this afternoon Cllr Spicer: I think that is probably one for Ed, but come from Surrey. I do not have the details of Surrey. that has indeed been alleged. Not all police and crime commissioners have appointed deputies. In fact, many, Q482 Mr Winnick: No, but do you know of this? including my own, do not have any deputy. Cllr Spicer: No, I am Suffolk, so I do not. Chair: Yes, we know. Councillor Spicer and Mr Q479 Mr Winnick: But some have, have they not, Hammond, thank you very much. The bell indicates a Mr Hammond? Division and members of the Committee will be going Ed Hammond: Some have appointed people without for a vote. You are welcome to stay to hear the other using what you might think of as standard recruitment witnesses who are going to give evidence to this practices, and I think that has caused significant Committee today, but thank you very much. If there concern to panels. When recruitment happens purely are any issues you think— on the basis of a PCC inviting somebody to be their deputy, there is no effective base on which to conduct Q483 Mr Winnick: I am aware that Mrs Spicer is a confirmation hearing. You cannot then ask the Norfolk, but I am just wondering if she knew about commissioner, “What criteria did you use to appoint the decision. this person? Why are they most suited to the role? Cllr Spicer: Yes, not the detail, but I think you can What will the role be?” In many instances, the role of obtain that later. the deputy is very ill-defined and I think many panels Chair: I must stop the conversation going ahead. If have experienced significant frustration in carrying there are other issues that you wish to raise with the out confirmation hearings for deputies for precisely Committee, please write to us. Thank you very much. that reason. I think the position of deputies needs to Sitting suspended for a Division in the House. be looked at again. I think there is certainly an On resuming— argument to say that people wishing to appoint

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Examination of Witnesses

Witnesses: Councillor Dorothy Ross-Tomlin, Chair, Surrey Police and Crime Panel, Councillor Alison Lowe, West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel, and Councillor Roger Seabourne, former member of Hertfordshire Police and Crime Panel, gave evidence.

Q484 Chair: Could I call the Committee to order and Q487 Chair: You would have liked your colleagues apologise for the vote? I do not think we are sitting on the panel to be a little bit more proactive or anticipating any more votes during your evidence to do more than they did do. Is that right? session. I welcome Alison Lowe, Dorothy Ross- Cllr Seabourne: Indeed, or to be able to do more. I Tomlin and Roger Seabourne. Thank you very much am not sure if they did not wish to or they were not for coming to give evidence. This inquiry into police able to, because in those days it was still too early. I and crime commissioners has been ongoing for a can give hundreds of examples and perhaps I will number of months and we are now focusing on the write in with some. work of the police and crime panels. That is Chair: One would be fine. specifically what we would like to ask you about Cllr Seabourne: Of course, because I realise time is today. short. I want to start with you, Councillor Seabourne, Chair: Give us one practical example of the way in because you have been the most outspoken about which— these panels and we welcome your transparency and Cllr Seabourne: Sure, and I will write in with the the fact that you have allowed us to look at this whole others because I could talk for an hour. One case is the publication of statutory data. The Government, the issue in the round. You were pretty critical of the Home Office are continually saying that, “One of the police and crime panels when you resigned from the best forms of bringing the commissioners to account one in Hertfordshire. Why was that? is that they publish the information and the public can Cllr Seabourne: Thank you, Mr Chairman. First of look at that and judge it”, but what if the all, with the benefit of hindsight perhaps I might have commissioner does not publish it? This was been a little bit harsh in my comments, but they were happening, it was drawn to our attention that it was made at the time. I was only on the panel for what I happening and it was pointed out to the commissioner. referred to as its nascent year and things were very I do not want to be too critical, it was early days, early, as was said earlier. I know I am in the esteemed they were busy, but nevertheless, when push comes to company of people who are probably far better at shove and you are a believer in the rule of law and doing this than I will ever be, but I suppose I am you have a public position that is literally the head of guilty perhaps of using a little bit of a sound bite. I that rule of law in that area at that time, you have to suspect that I would not be sitting here now were it follow the rules that have been laid down. When it not that I used fairly strong language at the time. I was not done there was nothing the panel could or know you may well comment on it because you would do about it, and I felt that was an example followed up my radio interview and commented at the of toothlessness. time. I suppose that it achieved its objective. I did not want to just walk away as some kind of admission of Q488 Chair: Councillor Ross-Tomlin, have you defeat. I came into local politics because I wanted to served on the panel since its inception or were you help change things. I felt I was not able to do that and added afterwards? I wanted to make a bit of a sign to at least shake Cllr Ross-Tomlin: No, Chairman, I have been there things up. My chief officer tells me that things have since the beginning. improved since I have gone. I am not suggesting that I take credit for that. Q489 Chair: Do you recognise this description of the crime panels in your area? You have a Chief Q485 Chair: You did describe the panel as Constable in Lynne Owens and you have a “toothless”. That is quite a strong word. You have had Commissioner, Kevin Hurley, who is an independent. a lot of involvement in local government over the Cllr Ross-Tomlin: Yes. years and you have sat on many committees so you Chair: Do you find that you have enough powers to know the difference between an organisation that has deal with the work that you need to deal with? some teeth and one that does not have any. Tell us Cllr Ross-Tomlin: We would like more powers because you know we only have two vetoes, one over why you said that. the precept, which the commissioner can choose to Cllr Seabourne: I think because things were ignore, and over the appointment of chief constables happening that I was not happy with and I felt, having and so on. My experience of the panel is very made my comments to the panel, that they either different. I do take the point that we are now more could not or would not do anything about them. I am than a year in and my panel is a very good blend of not sure even now which it was—if they would not experience and skill; it is very representative across do anything, that is very sad; if they could not, that is the county, and I think we are growing in strength. very disturbing. We are now challenging robustly, and I can see the panel working effectively for those we represent. Q486 Chair: Who is “they” in this case? The PCCs? Cllr Seabourne: No, I would say the panel. I do not Q490 Chair: You are challenging robustly want to be critical of the PCC as such. My main Commissioner Hurley? criticisms were of the panel itself. Cllr Ross-Tomlin: Yes. Page 265 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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4 February 2014 Councillor Dorothy Ross-Tomlin, Councillor Alison Lowe and Councillor Roger Seabourne

Chair: Do you see that as your role, to challenge him Cllr Lowe: Yes. There is quite a lot of work and, on rather than to look and see what the chief constable is top of the work that we do, we have leads on doing? You see it very clearly as accountability of the particular areas. We developed our own accountability commissioner himself. framework, looking at all the statutory areas that we Cllr Ross-Tomlin: Absolutely, because the chief have to cover. constable is accountable to the commissioner and he is accountable to us. His role is one of strategy. The Q495 Chair: Councillor Ross-Tomlin, how many chief constable’s role is one of implementation. times have you met and how many members of the panel are there in Surrey? Q491 Chair: Give me one example of where you Cllr Ross-Tomlin: We have exactly the same number have got your way as a panel and one example where of members, 14 members, including two you did not get your way. independents. I have attended 23 meetings in the last Cllr Ross-Tomlin: We are getting our way year, but some of them have been complete panels, increasingly often. We have decided to focus on three finance sub-groups and so on. I would think our things: one was cybercrime, which is now in his formal and informal meetings are similar to what police PAC plan, another was rural crime, which we Alison has described. are working on, and we also wanted to look at neighbourhood policing. A review had started. In a Q496 Chair: Councillor Seabourne, we know that sense, we did not get our way on that because the you have resigned from the panel, but how many commissioner promised us he would come back and meetings had you had before you resigned and how talk to the panel before implementation but, as he does many members of the panel are there in sometimes, we were told retrospectively once all the Hertfordshire? changes had been made. Cllr Seabourne: There were 14 when it was a full complement, but three resigned. It was not just me. I Q492 Chair: Councillor Lowe, where do you stand think I attended four meetings during the first year, between these two opposite views as to the powers of which again shows some of the disparity with where the police and crime panels? We accept that this is we have come from, which is what all this is about. I early days and that this is a new experience for never claimed I could paint a national picture. I will everybody, but you are also an experienced councillor. run on otherwise, so I will stop there. Thank you. You have Mark Gilmore as your Chief Constable and Chair: I am going to bring in one of your local Mark Burns-Williamson as your Commissioner. Do Members of Parliament from Hertfordshire, James you feel you have enough powers? Do you feel that Clappison, who has a supplementary. the commissioner is being held to account? Cllr Lowe: I think we do have enough powers. Q497 Mr Clappison: You mentioned statutory data Probably the precept is the one area where perhaps we would like a bit more, because obviously we would and your frustration that it was not published. There want to agree the precepts. We are also local is quite a lot of what you could call statutory data. councillors and we want to make sure we get the very Can you just enlighten us as to what the particular best value for the people of West Yorkshire. That statutory data was that you were so concerned about? might be an area for you and for legislation to Cllr Seabourne: I can certainly write in with it; it is consider going forward. In terms of everything else, a very long list. we have powers. We have the power to get Mark, the Mr Clappison: Just choose one. There must be PCC, to attend our meetings to give us information. something that stood out. The problem for us is more about capacity, not our Cllr Seabourne: Yes, hospitality expenses are one capacity but his office’s capacity to give us the example, but I would not want to pick one. The issue information we need in a timely way. There is to me was the fact that there was one that was not sometimes a bit of tension about the information that there. I read the Audit Commission’s report of literally we think we need and that his office thinks we need. the day before yesterday and found out that it is not The legislation is still in its nascent stages and we are just Hertfordshire. The best from their sample was a a very new panel. I think the powers are there and we 75% strike rate of publishing what they are statutorily just have to learn to use them and use them obliged to publish. I think for any other public body, appropriately so that the relationship with the PCC be it education, health or whatever, if the best gives us what we want. achieved was 75% serious questions would be asked.

Q493 Chair: Just to get some facts, how many Q498 Mr Clappison: Has it been published? members of the panel are there apart from yourself? Cllr Seabourne: No, it still has not to this day. I am Cllr Lowe: There are 14 of us, all councillors apart sure some has and some has not. from two independents. Mr Clappison: You say some has. Hospitality data for whom? Q494 Chair: How often have you met since the Cllr Seabourne: For the commissioner. election of the commissioner? Mr Clappison: Has that been published? Cllr Lowe: Last year we met 11 times. This year we Cllr Seabourne: Some has, but not all. will have eight formal meetings. I think we have met so far once this year. Q499 Mr Clappison: What has not been published Chair: Almost once a month. that you are aware of? Page 266 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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4 February 2014 Councillor Dorothy Ross-Tomlin, Councillor Alison Lowe and Councillor Roger Seabourne

Cllr Seabourne: Obviously, by definition I cannot that did not have executive decision-making powers identify what has not been published. I know some and in fact it did not have very many powers at all, as examples, but that is where my problem is. As soon has been highlighted adequately enough over the last as there is one gap, one asks the question, “I wonder parts of your hearing. what else is missing?” Obviously, by definition you do not know what is not there. Q504 Michael Ellis: Councillors, what arrangements have you developed, if any, in your respective crime Q500 Mr Clappison: Some has been published, panels to scrutinise the decisions made by your though, you say. commissioners? How effectively do you think those Cllr Seabourne: Yes. arrangements have worked to date? For example, do Mr Clappison: Was that one of the reasons for your you think there should be more guidance to standing down? commissioners on what constitutes a decision? In Cllr Seabourne: It was one of many. I would say it terms of scrutinising the decisions that the was not the straw that broke the camel’s back, and it commissioner has made, are you happy that the was not so much the lack of publishing the arrangements that you have made are working and information. To be fair to our commissioner, who had therefore that you are providing proper scrutiny for only been in the job a few weeks and had a lot to do, your commissioners? Councillor Lowe? it was the fact that when the panel identified it to him Cllr Lowe: Our commissioner is very clear about what and he admitted it had not been done and assured them constitutes a decision and I think overall we would it would be done, for whatever reason—I am sure agree. The arrangements are working pretty well. there is nothing underhand or he is hiding anything— There has not really been any falling out about that. it still was not done. The panel was absolutely The only thing we would say is that the decisions that powerless to do anything about it and I think it would should be on his website are very out of date. I think have been in his interest if we could have forced him the last decisions are from July. He has been reminded to do it. of that. Michael Ellis: I am sure this is a further reminder. Q501 Mr Clappison: But it has been done now? Cllr Lowe: Yes. Cllr Seabourne: Not all of it. Michael Ellis: Councillor Ross-Tomlin? Mr Clappison: Some of it has? Cllr Ross-Tomlin: I think a definition of what a key Cllr Seabourne: Yes. decision is would benefit our commissioner hugely. We are finding as we scrutinise that the better we get Q502 Mr Clappison: Did it occur to you, looking at at it, the more inclined he is to use the ambiguity of this in the round—you were only there for four who does what. meetings and you were obviously very concerned about it—that you could stay there and seek for Q505 Michael Ellis: I suppose by its very nature change from within? You would be able to say all of what amounts to a decision or a key decision is quite the things that you have said to us today if you were difficult to define. We have to use common sense, still a member of the panel. Presumably you would be don’t we, and that means probably working together? much better informed and know what was happening Do you see room for improvement in that area? at the moment. Cllr Ross-Tomlin: Absolutely I see room for Cllr Seabourne: That was a very difficult decision for improvement. I don’t know if I am going off your me to make and, having spent more than 20 years as question here, but I also see huge room for an elected representative—I have to be careful of my improvement as far as our challenge to the precept is language—I do not like people who stand outside the concerned because of the timing element of it. We room and do things in it. I prefer people to be in it have six days and although our commissioner is able fighting. But in the end I felt I had to resign, despite to say in December what he is going to be asking for, all of these issues, which I was prepared to stay and he did not give us the information until the 1st of this fight for. In one meeting in particular someone said to month. We meet him to discuss it on the 6th and it me, “You batted on your own all meeting, well done”. has to be all resolved by the 20th if we have challenge, I said, “Well, why didn’t you support me?” I decided yet we do not have enough information yet to know I had a conflict of interest, which I have referred to in the way forward. my written submission. I was appointed by my council as a member of the Hertfordshire Community Safety Q506 Paul Flynn: Are you happy with the resources Board, which has executive decision-making powers, you have to challenge the precept? You get a relatively and then I was sitting on the panel that scrutinises small amount of money, about £53,000 I understand. those decisions. To me that was an absolutely clear Do you employ anyone who can give you useful conflict of interest so, if you like, I had a way out of advice on that? my dilemma. Cllr Ross-Tomlin: We have three accountants on the panel, which helps hugely. We also have two ex senior Q503 Mr Clappison: How did you come to be police officers and a retired Member of Parliament. nominated in that case? We have quite a lot of expertise, but we do not really Cllr Seabourne: My council felt, and I agreed, that I have enough resource as a panel. I think Councillor was the best person to be sitting on the Community Lowe touched upon it. The timing of the precept is Safety Board, which had executive decision-making ridiculously short. We also, as lead authority in powers. We could nominate anyone to sit on the panel Surrey, do subsidise it quite a lot because our total is Page 267 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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4 February 2014 Councillor Dorothy Ross-Tomlin, Councillor Alison Lowe and Councillor Roger Seabourne about £65,000. The only people on our panel who are Cllr Lowe: From the panel, yes, and obviously we are paid are the independent members, who get about stuck with the commissioners so the panels have to £2,500 each1. work with them.

Q507 Paul Flynn: What percentage of the members Q514 Paul Flynn: Are you unique in getting money of your panel live in rural areas? back from the commissioner? Cllr Ross-Tomlin: Maybe five out of the 14. Cllr Lowe: I think we are unique in several ways, but probably that will turn out to be the case, yes. Q508 Paul Flynn: Is crime in the rural areas worse than in the urban areas in your area? Q515 Chair: Councillor Seabourne, did David Lloyd Cllr Ross-Tomlin: It is different. ring you up and say, “I don’t agree that it is a waste of time, space and money. Please, Councillor Q509 Paul Flynn: Why are you concentrating on it Seabourne, stay on. You have a great contribution to then? make to this venture”? Were there attempts made to Cllr Ross-Tomlin: We feel that the police resource is keep you on? concentrated on the urban areas and perhaps they are Cllr Seabourne: No, he didn’t. I meet David at least not paying sufficient attention to the crime that is once a month and we have a very good working going on in the rural areas. relationship. That is not a problem. I do not agree with everything he says and I would not expect to. Q510 Paul Flynn: I will take your answer where you say it is different. There is less crime in the rural areas, Q516 Chair: Did he try to keep you on? He which would explain the proportion you have been presumably did not agree with you. allocated. Cllr Seabourne: No. I am sure he did not agree with Cllr Ross-Tomlin: We have not studied it yet in detail me, but I think thereby lies one of the problems. The so I can’t say with any confidence how much less it PCC has an undue influence on the panel and I would is than we expect. say it is not at the instigation of the PCC by any means. It just happens to be because of the political Q511 Paul Flynn: So it was an evidence-free make-up of the panel. You asked a question earlier on decision to concentrate on rural crime. about more guidance for what is a key decision. You Cllr Ross-Tomlin: It was in response to concerns can never have too much guidance. I will give you an expressed to panel members by their residents. example. When it came to the closure of front offices of police stations, we could not even decide whether Q512 Paul Flynn: Councillor Lowe, looking at the or not it was an operational decision or a police very impressive activities that you have indulged in, commissioner decision, let alone whether it should be when in many years time you come to retire and you a key decision. Obviously, there would be this look back on your career, which will give you the vagueness to start with. greater satisfaction, the work you have done on the panel or other activities you are involved in? Cllr Lowe: I have to say the work as a mother would Q517 Chair: Would it have helped if you were have to come first, but I think we are doing some good elected at the same time as the commissioner? stuff in West Yorkshire. I am really pleased. We do Cllr Seabourne: I think one of the real problems was not have the same problems with the precept the timing. I referred to what I considered to be rushed discussions in West Yorkshire because we meet the legislation, and I won’t go over that again, and the PCC all year round, we get information all year round, implementation even more so. On this first cycle, the and in November we began our discussions with his time given for David to prepare the budget and the finance lead. We use the resources of our local plan and for us to scrutinise it was indecent, and I authorities to properly triangulate some of the think I have said it would be rude and insensitive to assumptions that they are making; to interrogate some be too robust on its scrutiny. It just was not fair. of the things that they are telling us so that we have a Unfortunately, that was inevitable, but I think that set very clear brief from the local authorities—Bradford a culture and it was too late, it was done, water under this time, last year it was Leeds. We are really happy the bridge. with the information that we are getting and using that methodology this year we were able to get the PCC Q518 Chair: Indeed, and Councillor Ross-Tomlin, to agree to give some money back to the local what about your commissioner, Mr Hurley, does he authorities. He is giving £1 million to us for domestic go out of his way to curry favour with you? Does he violence work, he has given money back to subsidise know that you have influence over him and does he some PCSOs and he has given money back to the go out of his way to be helpful to what you are doing? CSPs across the region. Cllr Ross-Tomlin: Our relationship is quite good. He is quite a character. He is happy to work with us. We Q513 Paul Flynn: You are convinced that there is mostly get the information we require from his office, useful value to be gained from the panel and from the but of course if they are doing something we know existence of the commissioners? nothing about we do not have the resource to 1 Note by witness: The independent members do not receive challenge that and to drill deeper into finding out what any allowance. it is. Page 268 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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4 February 2014 Councillor Dorothy Ross-Tomlin, Councillor Alison Lowe and Councillor Roger Seabourne

Q519 Chair: Would it have helped if you had been prevents the commissioner appointing a deputy elected at the same time? One of the features of the without consultation with the panel, Surrey’s police authority structure is that you are elected Commissioner was able to appoint two assistant councillors. You are an elected councillor, but you are commissioners without any oversight”. Do you stand not elected by the people and he is. by that? Cllr Ross-Tomlin: No, and I think it works better the Cllr Ross-Tomlin: I absolutely stand by it. way it is. We are all selected from our own districts and boroughs and the county because we have a Q525 Mr Winnick: Councillor Seabourne, does that particular interest, expertise or background, and the strengthen your criticism of the panels as being blend of that seems to work well. toothless. Did it justify your resignation? Cllr Seabourne: A very smart commissioner—and Q520 Chair: Councillor Lowe, what about your most of them obviously have not got where they are relationship with Mark Burns-Williamson? by not being smart—can play the system very well in Cllr Lowe: It is cordial. terms of putting up a straw man precept to be knocked Chair: Cordial or cosy? down, to have the second one walk through if they Cllr Lowe: Cordial, definitely not cosy. Mark will tell wish to do that. They can have an assistant rather than you, I hope, if you ever ask him, that we give him a deputy commissioner if they wish to have that and respect, but we are also very clear about our role and bypass the system. The system allows them a bit more his. He has been very uncomfortable in many of our freedom than I think is good for them. meetings, and I think that is right. We have to be constructive, but we are there for a different purpose. Q526 Mr Winnick: I take the point. You are not He is responsible for £2 billion over the course of the intending to go back on the panel, I take it, at some four years. He has to be held accountable for that. stage? Cllr Seabourne: Who knows? It is not high on my Q521 Mr Winnick: If I can start where I stopped list of ambitions. because the Division bell. My question is to you first, Mr Winnick: By popular demand? Councillor Ross-Tomlin, and it is about the situation Cllr Seabourne: I have not had a transfer request put where the police and crime commissioner appointed in and now the window is closed, but I am certainly someone and changed the designation. That was in not anti the panel. I only felt that there were changes your area and the panel that you chair had some that needed to be made and I thought I could do more critical words to say about that. good sitting on the board than on the panel, so in a Cllr Ross-Tomlin: We did indeed. We quite often have way the decision was made for me. critical words to say. Our meetings are webcast and you will find lots of critical words. Yes, we were Q527 Mr Winnick: May I ask you something that unhappy. He needs to consult us, but he sometimes has not been asked so far, namely the oath that the does it retrospectively and that is not good enough. police and crime commissioners take, and I quote, “I I do feel very strongly that when a commissioner is will not interfere with the operational independence appointing assistant commissioners, deputies or of police officers”. As far as I understand it, it is very whoever it should be advertised publicly. difficult to pin down operational independence because, as the HMIC has stated, it is not defined in Q522 Mr Winnick: What did happen when the statute. Let me give you one or two examples and I police and crime commissioner decided on what would be pleased to have your comment. There was everyone would have considered—presumably your a high-profile police case two years ago, the tragic panel as well—a deputy? What happened? Did he murder—all murders are tragic, it goes without simply change the designation and ignore you? saying—of a Bristol woman and the press picked on Cllr Ross-Tomlin: No. He has a deputy who he the wrong person. We know the outcome of that, and produced. We did go through the hearing for that and over 30 years ago of the case of the mass murderer of we were happy with his choice, but the assistant women, and so on. Am I not correct in saying that it commissioners were brought to a meeting as assistant would be very difficult for the police and crime commissioners and this is what he looked on as commissioner to tell the media in effect, “That is consultation. entirely a matter for the chief constable and his police Mr Winnick: Commissioners, so it is two? force and not for me”? I doubt if the media would be Cllr Ross-Tomlin: Two, one looking at racial equality satisfied. What do you feel? In a high-profile murder issues, and the other looking at victim support. case that is dominating the media, as in the examples I have given, would the police and crime commissioner Q523 Mr Winnick: Basically, would they be looked stand aside and say, “Not me”? upon with justification as deputies? Cllr Seabourne: I hope he would, but I think there Cllr Ross-Tomlin: No, they are different. They work lies one of the problems. It is quite understandable for a far shorter time and they are paid significantly that, irrespective of the low turnout at the polls, the less. public generally are not aware of and cannot be expected to be aware of the rather intricate rules and Q524 Mr Winnick: Your panel nevertheless was responsibilities and interests of the chief constable and critical and you said, if I may quote, “It is extremely of the commissioner, let alone of the panel and of the easy for commissioners to sidestep the PCP”, and commissioner. Therefore, one of my fears and one of made the point, for example, “While the legislation my strongest platforms at the time was that the public Page 269 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 83

4 February 2014 Councillor Dorothy Ross-Tomlin, Councillor Alison Lowe and Councillor Roger Seabourne think police, be it commissioner, chief constable, Cllr Lowe:—in my opposition to Mark recruiting a panel, don’t know what the panel is. If things are not deputy. It was not the person of Isabel Owen that I done properly and seen to be done by the book, as we had any exception to. It was the fact that he was— well know, it gets a great deal of poor publicity, as has Chair: The concept. happened in my county yesterday and this morning. Cllr Lowe: It was the concept of recruiting a deputy. Therefore, the job of the men and women on the street I thought it was a waste of taxpayers’ money. doing the real hard job is made that much harder because the police are getting a bad name. It is Q532 Chair: You told him he did not need one. nothing to do with them if the commissioner does not Cllr Lowe: For me, he had to demonstrate that there publish his results or comments or even is asked a was a need, and that meant that he had to be in the question that he is not responsible for. That was one post for up to a year, demonstrate that there was of my main concerns—that it is a public perception of enough work for that person to do and then we would the police, not the institution, not the new governance have considered his— arrangements. The public, quite frankly, do not understand very well. Q533 Chair: But did that show that your committee is, as Councillor Seabourne says, toothless because he Q528 Mr Winnick: Before the elected positions went ahead and made the appointment of someone were created in legislation, members of the police who is politically quite close to him? authority would not be asked questions by the Cllr Lowe: Yes, he did, and the legislation allows him media—I can’t recollect any example where members to do that. If you have a problem with it, then it is of the police authority or the chair of the police about changing the primary legislation that allowed authority were asked questions by the media—in high- that to happen. I remain unhappy about that. Mark profile murder cases. Do you agree that the situation knows that, but I am a grown-up and we move on. is now different? Cllr Ross-Tomlin: I have no working knowledge of Q534 Chair: Councillor Ross-Tomlin, in respect of the Surrey Police Authority, but I know that our local matters in Surrey, there was an attempt to begin commissioner is the sort of chap who would be happy a quite extensive privatisation scheme in Surrey, to give a quote because he declares himself to be a which predates the arrival of Chief Constable Lynne pundit in any case. Owens. Would you have been part of any discussions about that? It has subsequently been shelved, I Q529 Mr Winnick: It would not just be a quote understand, but would they have shared any of that because the media would be saying, “What is information with you? happening? When are the police going to catch the Cllr Ross-Tomlin: Was this the amalgamation with alleged murderer?” another force? Cllr Ross-Tomlin: I would hope that he would be Chair: Yes, with the West Midlands. working closely with the chief constable and their Cllr Ross-Tomlin: Yes, that predates me and I do not respective communications departments in any know much about it, but the commissioner is very statement that was given. keen himself that we amalgamate with Sussex. I have a working relationship with the chairman of Sussex— Q530 Mr Winnick: Are you in agreement, Councillor Lowe? Q535 Chair: What do you mean, amalgamate the Cllr Lowe: I agree. My experience is that Mark, in whole of the police authorities? those circumstances, would not get involved in the Cllr Ross-Tomlin: The Surrey police force operational detail, would not be giving any amalgamate with Sussex police. We do not consider information to the press. But what he would want to he has a mandate to do that. The Surrey panel is do is ensure that the public perception of the police’s against it and the Sussex panel, I understand from my conduct was that he was doing all that he should do discussions with it, feels the same, although we are in his position to ensure that that was transparent and happy with all of the collaborative working that goes all the rest of it. on, because that makes sense.

Q531 Chair: Councillor, why did you let Mark Q536 Chair: Your commissioner wants to merge Burns-Williamson get away with appointing so many Surrey and Sussex? Labour party people to his team? You are a member Cllr Ross-Tomlin: Yes. of the Labour party. Chair: Nobody supports this? Cllr Lowe: I am a member of the Labour party. Cllr Ross-Tomlin: No. Chair: He came to you with the appointment of a regional director of the Labour party and you passed Q537 Chair: Councillor Seabourne, for the time that that, did you? you were on there, when you made your very brave Cllr Lowe: Are we talking about the deputy? Yes. If and principled stand in deciding to resign, did you see you have done your homework— anything that caused you concern? I know you have a Chair: Sorry, not the regional director. I think a list of 100, I know you threatened to read it out and I relative of the regional director. know you are going to send it to us, but in terms of Cllr Lowe: Yes, a relative. If you have done your the appointments that were being made by the homework you will have seen that I was very vocal— commissioner. Hertfordshire does not seem to me the Chair: We try to do our homework on the Committee. kind of place where lots of appointments were made. Page 270 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 84 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

4 February 2014 Councillor Dorothy Ross-Tomlin, Councillor Alison Lowe and Councillor Roger Seabourne

Cllr Seabourne: No, and I have been very careful not Paul Flynn: Do you agree that there is nothing at the to criticise the commissioner because he— moment to stop any police and crime commissioner Chair: You have been very careful. We understand from appointing a member of his own family, that your beef is not with him. someone who had helped him financially in his Cllr Seabourne: Thank you. For example, he election campaign, a fellow member of the appointed one deputy who we found out later was his Freemasons or some other body, or anyone? It is a running mate but did not get the Conservative party completely archaic system that has to be reformed. ticket to stand. I think it would have been more Michael Ellis: Excuse me, I was in the middle of transparent to say that at the time. I am not that asking my questions. I do not do that to Mr Flynn so bothered; he has a mandate and he is going to appoint I do not know why he insists on doing it at every who he wants, because that is what the legislation opportunity in my case. Mr Chairman, as it happens I allows him to do, but in terms of the public perception am concluding anyway. it was not good. She resigned for an unconnected Chair: Mr Ellis, is that the end of your questions? reason and he appointed a second deputy who happens Michael Ellis: As it happens I have, thank you. to live in his village. It is just not good public relations and the panel was not happy with that. It is his choice Q541 Chair: A final question from me: stay or keep and I support his right to choose, but it was not a after a year and a half? Would you keep the role of tactful appointment because the public perceive, “Oh, police and crime commissioner or would you get rid it is the police, jobs for their mates” and they say of it? Councillor Lowe? “the police”, not “the commissioner”. That is what Cllr Lowe: Ideologically I was opposed to PCCs and worries me. I remain so. Having said that, I am very conscious of the cost of introducing PCCs and I would want to be Q538 Mr Clappison: Do you think it would be an assured that we have something better and more cost- improvement and avoid some of the problems you effective if we were going to replace them. have just outlined if the deputy was elected as well as Chair: Councillor Ross-Tomlin, keep them or get rid the commissioners? of them? Cllr Seabourne: On the same ticket, absolutely, because it is transparent. Take it or leave it, absolutely, Cllr Ross-Tomlin: I would keep them. I feel it is more because he would have got there, that is for sure, yes. democratic and that the residents are better represented by a more transparent process. Cllr Seabourne: I come from a position of a very low Q539 Mr Clappison: Do you all agree with that? crime rate and a very good police force and a good Cllr Lowe: Yes. governing structure. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. I Cllr Ross-Tomlin: Yes, either that or the post was would be rather critical if I wanted to throw it all out advertised. now and perhaps throw the baby out with the bath Cllr Lowe: Our post was advertised. water. Sorry about my mixed metaphors. We have come this far. We should see it through a bit more, Q540 Michael Ellis: Can I put a counterview to that, but there really do need to be some adjustments and which has perhaps been expressed by many? Why some tinkering with the processes. shouldn’t police and crime commissioners be able to The last questioner asked about appointments. Can I appoint the people who are going to be working for give you one example with the appointment of the them and with them and help them achieve the functions that they are elected to achieve? After all, it chief executive? In Hertfordshire we appointed a chief does not stop Ministers and shadow Ministers from executive part time who is also chief executive of the appointing their special advisers without going fire and rescue service. As it happened, the result of through the normal employment processes. If an that is a saving to the budget of Hertfordshire County electorate have elected a Labour police and crime Council. That is something that should be open to commissioner, why shouldn’t he be free to select his much more robust scrutiny than was possible under own staff, and the same for a Conservative this present system. commissioner? It is an elected appointment and he or she will be responsible for them and will be Q542 Chair: If we gave the panels a bit more teeth, answerable for them as well, come an election. Does might you consider rejoining? anybody disagree with that as a principle? It is a Cllr Seabourne: I would never say never to anything. completely non-partisan point that I am making. I enjoyed my time on the panel and when I felt I was Cllr Lowe: I agree with you to some extent. It is fine achieving something I was happy to do it, but when I that we have a Labour deputy and a Labour PCC. My felt I was not achieving anything. then I had better issue is about the use of public funds. But there was things to do with my time in public service and I a proper recruitment in this instance and Mark is more would prefer to spend my limited time there. than welcome to have his Labour colleague in that role. Q543 Chair: This Committee is most grateful to all Cllr Ross-Tomlin: I am quite comfortable with the three of you for coming here today. We found it a very deputy who was selected and I take your point. Why interesting session and you have given us some very should he not select whoever he wants? But we should good ideas for our final report. Thank you so much have some power of veto, and we should have the for coming to share all that with us. If you have any ability to get rid of that deputy if time shows that he information that you would like to give us—I know, was not the best chap for the job. Mr Seabourne, that we are awaiting your 100 Page 271 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 85

4 February 2014 Councillor Dorothy Ross-Tomlin, Councillor Alison Lowe and Councillor Roger Seabourne reasons—we would be delighted to see them and, of Chair: Please do send us anything, even if it is course, we will publish anything that we receive. bizarre. It is the job of the Committee to look through Cllr Seabourne: I certainly shall do. Thank you very these matters. much. Cllr Ross-Tomlin: I will try to make sure it is not, Cllr Ross-Tomlin: Chairman, may I send you Chairman. Thank you. something about the funding of panels, because in Chair: Thank you very much. Surrey it is very bizarre. We have 11 districts and boroughs and a county, and unless all 12 agree that panel members be paid nobody gets anything.

Examination of Witnesses

Witnesses: Steve Williams, Chair, Police Federation, and Steve White, Vice-Chair, Police Federation, gave evidence.

Q544 Chair: Mr Williams and Mr White, thank you Steve Williams: No, not at all. The inquiry was given for giving evidence to us. As you know, it is a feature very much a blank piece of paper and it was important of the inquiries of the Home Affairs Select Committee that that was the case. It was totally independent that we have always invited the Police Federation to and— give evidence to the Committee on a number of different issues. Can I take this opportunity to thank Q546 Chair: No, I understand that, but did you have you and your colleagues for the way in which you an inkling that things were going wrong? It is not respond so very rapidly to our requests for normal for the incoming chairman of an organisation information? Thank you very much. to decide to open an inquiry into the organisation Steve Williams: You are most welcome, Chair. itself? Did you feel that there were some problems? Chair: This is part of our inquiry into police and Steve Williams: Yes, I did. We had been looking at crime commissioners and we are very keen to hear ourselves and even in conference in May 2012 there your views on it, but clearly the Normington report was talk about changing. When I became Chair I has been published and I know the Committee is recognised there was that need and instigated the interested to ask you questions on the report. You have review, with the backing of the Joint Central now had a bit of time to digest it. I congratulate you, Committee. It has been quite hard hitting, and as Chairman, on having decided to instigate this understandably so. There were no real surprises in inquiry. Was it an act of bravery too far, given the there as far as I was concerned as the Chair. damning verdict of Sir David Normington into your own organisation? Do you regret having set it up, Q547 Chair: Were you surprised that 91% of the knowing what the conclusions are? Federation membership wanted the organisation to Steve Williams: No, not at all. We recognised some change? It is a very large percentage. It is almost time ago that the Federation needed to change; we everybody there. needed to reform. I took office just over 12 months Steve Williams: Yes, there is an acceptance that we ago now and instigated the review. We were very do need to change and— fortunate to be able to put together such a credible panel of people, supported by the RSA as the Q548 Chair: Were you surprised at that percentage? secretariat. The findings are before us; the interim Steve Williams: That particular figure of 91%, yes, I report gave us an indication of the direction of travel. was, but that is 91% of the 12,500 officers who We did not wish to sit on our laurels. We recognised responded to the survey. I understand, from having that issues were identified in that interim report so we spoken to Sir David Normington who chaired the got about some business in relation to independent review, that that need for change was communications, particularly internally. We have mirrored wherever he gathered the evidence and the already picked that piece of work up and we are team gathered the evidence. actively engaged in a process now. We have had a series of meetings on a national level and we meet Q549 Chair: How do you feel about some of the again tomorrow. There has been some really positive most recent events that have occurred involving police work on what needs to be done. officers? I know that you issued an apology in respect of Andrew Mitchell. I think you said this, following Q545 Chair: That is very helpful. But, Mr Williams, the conviction of Keith Wallis, “It is only appropriate you must have suspected that something was wrong that I apologise to Mr Mitchell for the officer’s with this organisation for you even to decide to set up actions”. You stand by that statement, do you? an inquiry. Something at the back of your mind or Steve Williams: I do, indeed, yes, and Mr Mitchell perhaps more than anecdotal evidence must have been has accepted that. In fact, he has suggested that we presented to you that made you feel that, “It is time meet, but clearly there are ongoing proceedings and that we looked at the Fed very carefully”, or did you that will be something that will take place in the future just open it up and have this inquiry without any when, hopefully, I will have some constructive preconception as to what it might say? dialogue with him. Page 272 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 86 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

4 February 2014 Steve Williams and Steve White

Q550 Chair: Do you feel that perhaps in the past the you, as Chairman of the Federation, know how much Federation has been too aggressive in dealing with money is in all these bank accounts? public issues of this kind and that if it had paused and Steve Williams: No, I do not, Chairman. I do not and considered more carefully perhaps we would not be I do not think that is right. This is about public where we are today with such low morale in the confidence and transparency and openness and I Federation? welcome those findings within the review. Steve Williams: Yes, there have been some concerns about that. Q556 Chair: As Chairman, you are telling this Committee that you do not know how much members’ Q551 Chair: What are you doing practically about money is being held in any particular part of the issues such as Hillsborough and the Andrew Mitchell country, that you would like to know this figure, as affair? the Chairman, because this is the subscription of your Steve Williams: We welcome the ongoing members but you do not know it? investigation in relation to that inquiry and we very Steve Williams: No, I do not and I do not think that much look forward to the findings. It is very important is right. that the truth comes out in relation to Hillsborough for everybody concerned. Our feelings still go out to the Q557 Mr Clappison: Mr Williams, I appreciate your families and friends of those poor people who died candour in the way in which you have come to the during that event. Committee today. One of the things that the Normington report has recommended is greater Q552 Chair: In respect of Andrew Mitchell, are you accountability of the Police Federation to the public, supporting the officer who is suing him in the civil as opposed to just accountability to its members. Do courts with financial assistance? you believe that if there was such public Steve Williams: In relation to Constable Toby accountability it would help the Police Federation to Rowland? make the voice of police officers heard in a way that Chair: Yes. perhaps it has not been heard in the immediate past? Steve Williams: No, I don’t think we are financially Steve Williams: I think you are absolutely right. Yes, supporting him. this is about public confidence. If there is suspicion Chair: The Federation is not financially assisting around the organisation that represents the rank and him? file, then how can we expect the public to have Steve White: Maybe if I could answer that point, confidence within the police service? I absolutely Chairman. agree with you. Chair: Yes, of course, Mr White. Steve White: For members of the Police Federation, Q558 Mr Clappison: We need to hear that voice we have certain rules in terms of funding for on-duty across a range of issues, don’t we? occurrences. This is an on-duty occurrence that is Steve Williams: We do, indeed, absolutely, yes. being funded by the Police Federation up to a point. Having said that, it is a matter between Toby Q559 Mr Clappison: Can I come back to the Rowland, as an individual officer, and the matter question that the Chairman was asking you about the before the court. I am sure you will appreciate that financial arrangements as far as this legal action is it is going to be quite difficult for us to expand on concerned. I was not proposing to ask about that, but those issues. I was quite intrigued by what you were telling us. The big money in libel actions comes when it goes to Q553 Chair: No, we do not want you to expand on court, doesn’t it—the big fees as far as counsel and so it. All I am asking is, is the Federation financially forth are concerned? Do you expect, if there is such a assisting the officer in his civil case, not the criminal libel action, that the Police Federation will be funding case, against Mr Mitchell? it or not? Steve White: The Police Federation has funded legal Steve White: The governance of these procedures is advice for PC Toby Rowland, yes. handled by a particular official within the Police Federation—the Deputy General Secretary. My Q554 Chair: It continues to do so, does it? understanding is that there has been funding up to a Steve White: It continues to do so up to a point, but point and then, of course, we will always keep funding of course once you get to a point in legal proceedings, issues under review. As I said earlier, this is not a case when we start talking about conditional fee of a blank cheque. However, we do have fund rules in arrangements and so on, that is then for the legal terms of the support of members for on-duty teams to determine. It is worth pointing out that this occurrences. This comes within that and the criteria is not a blank cheque or anything of that nature. There for the spend is controlled by the Deputy General are checks and balances that we, as an organisation, Secretary. I wish I could give you the exact details, go through throughout these stages. but I do not have them to hand. It is a matter of procedure for us. Q555 Chair: Mr Williams, in respect of the Normington report, there were suggestions that your Q560 Mr Clappison: Could I ask both of you very regional chairmen or chairpersons had control of the briefly, would we be right in interpreting what has budgets of the Police Federation and there were been proposed as a fresh start? concerns about how the money was being held. Do Steve Williams: In relation to the independent review? Page 273 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 87

4 February 2014 Steve Williams and Steve White

Mr Clappison: Yes, not about the detail but for the agree that we are not as transparent as we should be Police Federation as a whole—a fresh start. in relation to finances. Steve White: It is important to recognise that the Police Federation has been in existence since 1919. Q566 Paul Flynn: How do you exercise financial We are almost 100 years old. While the independent control if you, as the head of the organisation, are review has been critical of the organisation, it is ignorant of the total amount of money that you hold? important to point out that the huge amount of work Steve Williams: These are the changes that need to be that is undertaken by our representatives locally, and brought about so that I do know going forward in the is appreciated by our members who use those services, future. It is important also that the membership, the has gone unnoticed to a certain extent. It is one of our officers we represent, know exactly where their failures and one of the reasons why we needed an money is being kept and how it is being spent. independent review so that we could get out that Paul Flynn: They don’t and they haven’t for a long message in terms of what our reps do day in and day time. out. It does often go unnoticed. Steve Williams: No, they haven’t and I recognise that. Mr Clappison: I am not decrying that, but even very Steve White: May I provide some clarity? The old organisations need a fresh start sometimes. accounts of the Police Federation of England and Steve White: Now is an appropriate time and, as Mr Wales are audited and are publicly available on the Williams said earlier, as an organisation we have been website. There are certain financial criteria in terms of talking about change and reform for quite some time. the reserves that an organisation of our size has to There has now been a firm catalyst to drive that have. It is also worth pointing out that the forward and hence the Normington review. conversation that we are having is about what is called the number two accounts. The first accounts of the Q561 Paul Flynn: Until these reforms come in, Police Federation are audited. We have the full details would you advise anyone who has dealings with your of those centrally and we know all of those details. organisation to secretly record them? Some years ago, we sought legal clarity in relation to Steve Williams: No, I do not think that is necessary. the secondary accounts, which are used locally by At the end of the day— joint branch boards to fund member services and things of that nature. Chair: That is what you don’t know? Q562 Paul Flynn: If Andrew Mitchell had not made Steve White: To provide the clarity, those accounts are a secret recording, his career would be ruined and legal. There is nothing within the fund rule— three lying police officers would have deceived the public. Surely it would be prudent for anyone who has dealings with you to make sure that they record every Q567 Chair: We understand that. Mr Flynn’s specific word of it. request was whether you know how much money is being held in those number two accounts? Chair: Can I just say, we are recording what you are Steve White: The fund rule states that they need to be saying today. audited and the details of these number two accounts Paul Flynn: Indeed, yes. should be forwarded to our headquarters. Steve Williams: I think it is a sad indictment that people feel that they would have to record Q568 Chair: No, we understand that, but do you conversations with every Federation representative. know now, Mr White? Steve White: Some of the local joint branch boards Q563 Paul Flynn: How is it that you do not know have done that, some have not, and several weeks ago the total sum of money? I believe very large sums are we wrote providing the clarity, saying that this should involved. You are the head of the organisation. Tens happen. I honestly believe that there was an oversight of millions involved? in terms of the administration and auditing of the Steve Williams: So I understand, but I do not know accounts. We have now clarified that and we are the figure. getting the detail.

Q564 Paul Flynn: And you do not know where it is. Q569 Chair: Your brief is very useful, but Mr Flynn Steve Williams: As I said, that is not acceptable and asked a specific question and we would be grateful that is why we need to change, and that is why we for an answer. Mr Williams has been very open and need to be more open and more transparent in what transparent with the Committee and we are grateful. we do. He says he does not know the amount of money being held in these accounts. At this moment, does anyone Q565 Paul Flynn: Why do you have so much know how much money is in these accounts? This money? Committee would find it extraordinary that an Steve Williams: Why do we have so much money? organisation like the Police Federation and its The money has been collected as membership fees Chairman did not know how much is in these number over a number of years and it is used to represent our two accounts. I understand your honest belief, but just colleagues, rank and file officers. It is right and proper today, at this moment before the Select Committee on that rank and file officers have a voice because Home Affairs, do you know how much money is in sometimes they are not able to speak out for these accounts? themselves and that is the role and responsibility of Steve White: Mr Williams is absolutely right. No, the Police Federation of England and Wales. But I do we don’t. Page 274 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Ev 88 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

4 February 2014 Steve Williams and Steve White

Q570 Paul Flynn: I think we all understand that Michael Ellis: You believe it is in the tens of millions there needs to be an organisation to represent the of pounds? interests of rank and file police and we have all Steve Williams: Yes. generally had a great deal of respect for the Federation over the years. But would you agree that Plebgate and Q574 Michael Ellis: But there has not been sufficient what happened at Hillsborough have undermined oversight up to this point to establish even an exact public confidence to a great extent? On Hillsborough, figure, and right now, before this Committee, you are even this morning we hear new evidence of witnesses not able to tell us what the grand total is? being bullied into signing statements they were not Steve Williams: No, Mr Ellis. That is regrettable. allowed to read, allegations that we heard and all the rest of it. These are terrible accusations being made Q575 Michael Ellis: Do you agree in principle that against your trade union, which I do not think has ever there should be nothing to hide here? You are a been made against any other trade union. Do you not statutorily created body and this is information that need to start from the beginning again and look at the the public should be able to have access to. very serious charges being made against you? Steve Williams: Yes. Steve Williams: Yes, there have been some high- profile cases that have clearly knocked confidence Q576 Michael Ellis: Do you think that, in light of within policing and you have alluded to two or three that, this discloses a situation where we could of them there. That is why we needed to embark on a effectively have another Co-operative Bank waiting to reform programme, and why I instigated this work, happen? Do you think that is at least possible? You with the blessing of the Joint Central Committee. We do not have proper control or oversight over these are a democratic organisation and we do need things huge sums. to go through due processes. Bear in mind that the Steve Williams: We do not have copies of their report has only been out two weeks and we have audited accounts, no. We do not know how much is already made some rapid inroads into what needs to currently being held around the country, and that does be done. There is a route plan within that report of the need to be addressed. work that needs to be carried out between now and our conference in May where eventually this Q577 Michael Ellis: Further to that, you have independent report will be taken. We have already headquarters in Leatherhead. Is that right? completed several aspects of that. There is some Steve Williams: Yes, that is correct. positive acceptance of what needs to be done and what is being done. Q578 Michael Ellis: How much money has been spent on the headquarters at Leatherhead? Q571 Michael Ellis: Mr Williams and Mr White, you Steve Williams: I think the cost of the building was are Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Police somewhere in the region of £26 million. Federation. This is not good enough, is it? The Police Michael Ellis: £26 million. Do you think that is an Federation has effectively declined to provide to Sir exorbitant sum to have spent on the headquarters of David Normington’s inquiry the information that Mr the Police Federation? Flynn and Mr Clappison and others have been asking Steve Williams: That was the sum of money it cost to for, which is the sum of money in the so-called build the premises. It is a purpose-built building that number two accounts. Mr Williams, you have been provides training and support facilities for Federation Chair of the Federation for over a year, have you not? officers. Steve Williams: Just a year, yes. Michael Ellis: Have you asked the various branches Q579 Michael Ellis: It is a premium building, a top to report to you as Chair of the national organisation quality premium building, is it? It is £26 million for a how much they have? union headquarters. Is there going to be a return on Steve Williams: Can I just come back on that, Mr that investment? Ellis? Yes, as Mr White said earlier, the treasurer of Steve Williams: There is a return because it is a the organisation has written to the branch boards training establishment. Steve and I have come from asking for those very details to be provided as a matter there today. We have many officers, Federation reps, of urgency. We have already received details from who have been trained to make sure they can provide branch boards as to their number two accounts and a proper service to our colleagues, the rank and file their audited accounts. officers.

Q572 Michael Ellis: Is it correct that there is Q580 Michael Ellis: Talking of the officers and something in the region of £30 million in these so- especially the elected officers, what is the payment called number two accounts? structure for the elected officers? Do you publish Steve Williams: As I mentioned earlier, we really expense accounts? You have spoken nobly about don’t know. transparency, but can we have some information about the payment structure for the elected officers and their Q573 Michael Ellis: Do you know whether it is in expense accounts, for example, over the last five the tens of millions of pounds? years? Is that something you are prepared to look into Steve Williams: I would guess. and disclose as well? Michael Ellis: Do you believe it is? Steve White: It is one of the recommendations in the Steve Williams: Yes, I do. report, but it is worth pointing out that for many years, Page 275 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 89

4 February 2014 Steve Williams and Steve White as long as I have been on the Joint Central Committee, passionate police officers. Every Federation rep is still our annual report and treasurer’s report has detailed a serving police officer and cares passionately about all of those accounts. It is available on our websites the service they work for. Sometimes perhaps the line and it is published. becomes blurred because of the passion involved. Sometimes it is a difficult one to define. I think over Q581 Michael Ellis: The payment structure of the the last couple of years on the whole the way we have officers? presented our arguments has been absolutely right and Steve White: Yes. The payment structure in relation proper for the good of our members and, more to honoraria again is included in the Normington importantly, for the good of the public we serve. report. It says there needs to be an examination of it and that absolutely needs to be the case. But in terms Q584 Mr Winnick: But is it not an irony that, the of the transparency of it, audited accounts are publicly Andrew Mitchell affair and the way he was dealt with available in relation to the operation of PFEW, the in so many aspects, played right into the hands of the national umbrella organisation. It is worth just making Government you were opposing as regards trust? the point that because we are a police federation and Steve White: I think we would all agree that the a staff association representing 127,000 hard-working Andrew Mitchell affair was regrettable across the cops in this country, we have 43 individual joint whole circumstance of it. What we need to focus on branch boards. The way we are statutorily set up at the now is how we are going to operate in the future and moment gives them autonomy, and we are an umbrella how we are going to stand up to scrutiny, how we are organisation. That is not to say that I am making an going to represent the views of our members and the excuse. It is just that that is the way we are and that communities who want the British police service to is why we need to change. remain the best police service in the world.

Q582 Michael Ellis: Finally from me, do you agree Q585 Mr Winnick: Can I ask about the money that with Sir David Normington when he says that the you spend on legal fees? Police Federation accounts payment structure should be something to which the indicate that over £7 million was spent on members’ public have access? Do you think you should start legal fees in one year, namely 2012, and also in 2011. publishing the expense accounts of your elected It is a rather excessive sum, is it not? officers, perhaps over the last five years, so we can Steve White: In context I do not think it is excessive see where this money is going? at all. It is the single biggest project that we as the Steve Williams: My own personal opinion is yes. We national Police Federation have. But of course, when have absolutely nothing to hide and we should be you bear in mind the number of cases we support our transparent and that should be available. members in, there has to be due process and we need to ensure that during these processes, whether it be Q583 Mr Winnick: Opposing cuts in the police force civil, employment tribunals, legal advice in relation to is a legitimate exercise in a democracy. I am not aware equality matters, misconduct matters—we support our that it is not so. But do you think the Police members on a whole raft of matters. In fact, litigation Federation, in opposing the Government—I happen to is a relatively small proportion of that budget. The oppose the Government on this issue as well—you vast majority of the legal advice that comes out of overstep the mark as a federation? that budget is in support of our members fulfilling Steve White: I think it is important for the 127,000 their role. officers we represent, who sometimes find it very difficult because of restrictions on their own personal Q586 Mr Winnick: In a case that was rather highly circumstances as police officers. We need to stand up publicised, for obvious reasons, a police officer sued and represent the views of those members, and a burglary victim because he fell down a drain. The clearly we— Police Federation took the view that he should be Mr Winnick: We understand that, but do you think supported. Am I right? you have overreached the mark and in doing so Steve White: We consult legal advisers on behalf of discredited the Federation? our members and we take legal advice in relation to Steve Williams: In what regard overstepped the mark, the merits of cases. We firmly believe that our sorry, sir? members should have the same legal rights and Steve White: There is always a fine line to draw, and protection as anyone else in society. Clearly I cannot I think Sir Hugh Orde summed it up when he said talk about individual cases, but as a concept I think there should always be a healthy tension between that is appropriate and— police and politicians. We are here to represent the views of our members and it is right and proper that, Q587 Mr Winnick: Suing the victim of a crime? certainly over the last three years, our members have Steve White: No. What is appropriate is that our been absolutely horrified at the length and breadth of officers have the same protection afforded to them as the cuts the police service has had to endure, because any other member of the public as they go about their it is those officers who have to try to maintain service duties, and each case is judged on its merits, with legal delivery for their communities. advice and decisions taken accordingly. In terms of how we represent those arguments to policy formers, clearly, with an organisation as large Q588 Mr Winnick: For my last question, there has as ours, it is difficult to maintain a corporate message been a great deal of criticism about your legal firm. and a corporate approach. But these are very You said legal advice is given. Presumably that is the Page 276 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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4 February 2014 Steve Williams and Steve White

firm that used to be called Russell Jones & Walker. Q596 Mark Reckless: Does that not just give a Am I not right? That is the firm you use? further structural bias towards the Police Federation Steve Williams: One of the firms we use. pursuing aggressive legal action? When you look at a Mr Winnick: It has changed its name, I believe. case and turn it down and say, “This is not right”, Steve Williams: It has now become Slater & Gordon, there is then an avenue of appeal that can lead to it but it is one of the retained firms of lawyers that we being done anyhow. use. Steve White: No, I do not think that is the case. The vast majority of legal cases and legal advice that we Q589 Mr Winnick: Slater & Gordon. Am I right that pay for for our members is absolutely right and it is the one firm that you use? appropriate. Of course, what we are talking about here Steve Williams: No. We have several retained is a small minority of cases that have hit the headlines lawyers. It is one company that we use. when we have had to review what has happened.

Q590 Mr Winnick: But you utilise Slater & Gordon Q597 Mark Reckless: You say that police officers for most of the cases, do you? deserve the support that an employee would get in Steve Williams: They do deal with the lion’s share of another circumstance. Wouldn’t the normal thing, if our cases, yes. you are injured in the course of carrying out your work and you want recompense for that, be to seek Q591 Mr Winnick: I give a quote that was in the that from the employer rather than suing the New Law Journal some years ago, in 1994. It said, customer? “The Police Federation have an efficient and Steve White: You are absolutely right and in fact aggressive firm of London solicitors”—presumably sometimes that will happen, depending on the the firm that I mention—“and appear to have a policy circumstances of whether it is an injury or whatever of attacking the press by legal action in order to the circumstances are with the individual officer. But improve or correct the public attitude to the police”. when that avenue is not available, the principle that Unfair? police officers should be afforded the same legal Steve Williams: How long ago was that, sir? protection as anyone else going about their work is— Mr Winnick: That was some years ago. Chair: 20 years. Q598 Mark Reckless: If they are going about their Steve Williams: 20 years ago. work and they fall on a drain or something at a service station, surely the appropriate avenue is the force that Q592 Mr Winnick: Do you think it has all changed the officer works for, not suing the poor chap who now? called up and said there was a crime going on. Steve Williams: I do. Steve White: I can’t comment on individual cases, but we operate on the principle that each case is looked Q593 Mark Reckless: You say you follow legal at and judgments are made on its merits. advice, but do you not also have to consider the reputational impact on the police of pursuing these Q599 Mark Reckless: I am suggesting perhaps that, legal actions? rather than making a judgment on the merits in each Steve Williams: Each case is judged on its own merits, individual case, it might be wise for the Police as Mr White has said, and it is decided from that Federation to consider the impact of these decisions professional legal advice and the merits of the case on the reputation of the Police Federation and, indeed, whether to support it or otherwise. on policing and other policemen in this country. Steve White: I think you make a very valid comment. Q594 Mark Reckless: Are you saying that if the Mark Reckless: You have to consider how things are legal advice is that the case has merit you will looked at with that in mind. support it? Steve Williams: Can I just come back to you on that Steve Williams: If it fits within the criteria of our fund point? We have in fact been working closely with the rules, yes. Home Office and with Government on the issues and concerns that you raise. Going forward, it is Q595 Mark Reckless: Even if the impact of pursuing something we are trying to address because of the it is to bring the Police Federation into disrepute? impact that these few cases have on the service and Steve White: All the impact is considered on a case- on the Police Federation. by-case basis, of course it is, and sometimes the decisions are going to be difficult. At the heart of what Q600 Mark Reckless: I am glad to hear that. I just we do is the fact that we have to take account of our have one final question on a different subject. One members and their wishes and we have to make thing that is disclosed in your accounts is a £2 million judgments in terms of appropriate use of members’ provision in respect of a dispute with HMRC. Could money. That is controlled and accounted for quite you explain to the Committee what that relates to? tightly. As an example, if funding is turned down for Steve Williams: HMRC is currently looking at our whatever reason, the member has a right to appeal finances and accounts and we shall be in dialogue with and then we convene an appeal panel and we look it very shortly to address the issues that have been at other— raised. Page 277 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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4 February 2014 Steve Williams and Steve White

Q601 Mark Reckless: Is it the case that that £2 When can you come back to this Committee and say, million relates to a decision by the Police Federation “I now know how many officers we have”? I think we to charge the cost of the flats that you have in all find it extraordinary that you as Chairman do not Leatherhead as an expense rather than recognising it know the names and addresses of all the members of as a perk for the officers who benefit from it? the Federation—not personally, but have access to Steve Williams: I have not got the detail of what that it—and also that you do not know how much money relates to. That will be dealt with by the treasurers, is being held in the number two accounts. When do but I would be more than happy to write to the you think is a reasonable time scale for you to come Committee and update you as to what that relates to. back to this Committee and say that you know all this information? Q602 Chair: Will you write to us about that? Thank Steve White: Would it be helpful if I answered this, you. In respect of civil compensation, the Home Mr Chairman, because I am part of the executive of Secretary has written to this Committee to say, “I do the project board that is undertaking this work? It is not believe that there is justification for a police worth pointing out that it was in January last year that officer to seek financial compensation from a member the Joint Central Committee took the decision. You of the public for an injury sustained on duty”. Are you are absolutely right, it was ridiculous that we did not aware of that view? have a database of our members, and the work started Steve Williams: Yes. I have had a conversation with then. The project board has done a significant amount the Home Secretary myself. of work in terms of mapping what is going to happen. Chair: But you are looking at this issue? Of course, one of the most important things we have Steve Williams: Indeed we are, yes. to do is get the data from the 43 individual forces around the country, and that work has already started. Q603 Chair: Can I just say—then we will close this I would hope that, if not by the end of this year, issue on the accounts—that this Committee is deeply certainly by the beginning of next year, we would— concerned about the lack of financial transparency. Our concern is for you, as the chairman of your Q607 Chair: That is a very long time, is it not? organisation, that you do not know how much is being Steve White: I accept that it is a long time and I want held in these accounts. We would like you to look into this work, believe me, to happen absolutely as quickly this and write to us once you have the information. I as possible. am sure you would want to know that anyway, but this Committee is very keen to know. Q608 Chair: I think the Committee would find that Just one final point on this issue about the number unsatisfactory. We would expect you to know who of police officers you have. Do you know how many your members are well before the beginning of next members you have in the Police Federation? year and I hope that you will redouble your efforts to Steve Williams: Yes. That is a figure I could obtain do that. through the treasurer. Steve White: The project is formed for us to do it as quickly as possible. Q604 Chair: Do you have their full names and Steve Williams: I would be more than happy, Chair, addresses and details of how to contact them? to come back at any time to address the Committee Steve Williams: No. One of the concerns that have with an update as to where we are with the issues. been highlighted is that we currently do not hold a members’ database. That was identified in the interim Q609 Chair: That would be very helpful. Have you report of the independent review. It is something that personally, Mr Williams, been the subject of a lot of we are working towards. It is very important that we criticism by your own members for opening what has can contact the membership directly. It was amounted to a Pandora’s box of the real problems? particularly important during the ballot on industrial Have you personally been subjected to a lot of upset rights. We could not get the messages across that we needed to get across directly to our people to advise and even abuse by people? them of the importance of what that all meant and, Steve Williams: I have received some criticism, yes. despite doing pieces to camera and sending out Chair: Has that amounted to abuse as well? literature, it was not the position that we wanted to be Steve Williams: Yes. in. We need to have a national database so we can directly make contact with the membership. Q610 Chair: This must be very stressful for both you and your family. How are you coping with that? Q605 Chair: At the moment you are telling this Steve Williams: We are doing okay, I think. Committee that you, as Chairman of the Federation, do not have a national database so you are not able to Q611 Chair: Has it stopped now that it is all out in contact every member? the open or are you still getting this abuse and Steve Williams: Not at this time. But I can tell you, criticism from people? Criticism is one thing, but Chairman, that that is a piece of work that is ongoing obviously when it is personal abuse it is not and it is something that we have in fact picked up acceptable. from the interim report. Steve Williams: There is still some criticism being levied, Chair, yes. Q606 Chair: Of course. Give us a time scale so we can be satisfied that there are going to be changes. Q612 Chair: Do you know who is behind this? 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4 February 2014 Steve Williams and Steve White

Steve Williams: No. But I appreciate that, as chairman crime statistics because your officers are under of an organisation representing 127,000 colleagues, I pressure? am not going to please everybody all the time. There Steve Williams: We are working very closely with are some hard-hitting results within this review and HMIC in relation to crime and integrity. It is very some of my colleagues have not accepted what is important that the public have confidence in police contained within there very readily. crime figures and statistics and we are working, as I say, very closely— Q613 Chair: But you are not responsible, are you? You just found out this was happening. That is the Q618 Chair: At the moment do you have confidence, issue, isn’t it? bearing in mind all the evidence received by Steve Williams: Yes. Parliament, that these are accurate figures? Steve Williams: No. I still have concerns about the Q614 Chair: Let us move on to other areas. We accuracy of crime recording. asked you to come here originally to talk about police and crime commissioners so we have some quick Q619 Michael Ellis: I will be frank. I think there is questions on those issues. First of all, the issue of a political agenda behind rubbishing the crime figures professional standards. There is an issue being raised and it is unfortunate because it does not give credit to as to the cost of the certificate of policing under the your police officers, who are doing excellent work and new arrangements. You clearly want your police working very hard to reduce those crime figures. officers to be professional and you know that under Crime is going down across many different the College of Policing people now have to pay departments, many different types of offences, and £1,000 for a certificate. Do you have a view on that? although you have referred to things like cybercrime, Steve Williams: We are working very closely with the when I look at my county of Northamptonshire, college as it moves forward and as it develops, and violent crime has gone down by something like 15%. we will play our part in that. It is vital that the Police There is nothing new, sadly, about violent crime and Federation plays its part in such a case as the College the British Crime Survey can’t be fiddled because it of Policing because that could change the face of is of the general public themselves, is it not, policing. responding to a survey, like an opinion poll? I would like to move on from that point to the point Q615 Chair: Yes, but what about the cost for your about police and crime commissioners. Do you think members of having to pay £1,000 each? One that one of the main issues that was worrying the colleague has described it as a “bobby tax”. This must Police Federation about operational independence has be quite a detriment to those who want to qualify. borne fruit? In other words, do you think there is a Would you like to see it removed? concern that police and crime commissioners have Steve Williams: The funding issue is something we interfered with the operational independence of police have to work through with both the Federation and officers in the 15 months they have existed? the College of Policing as to how that is all going to Steve Williams: On the first point you made, I would pan out in the future. In relation to the point you make not seriously wish to rubbish—you are absolutely about professionalising the service, yes, I couldn’t right, recorded crime is dropping and that is attributed agree more. to the hard work and dedication of my colleagues up and down the country. Q616 Chair: In respect of crime statistics, having Michael Ellis: They should be congratulated on that. heard evidence that has been given to our sister Steve Williams: Absolutely. In relation to the committee and others, there is a suggestion that crime independence, we have mixed messages from our statistics on a local basis may well have been the colleagues up and down the country. There are some subject of changes. In other words they do not reflect excellent good news stories and there are some the truth of crime statistics. People have called it difficulties about, for want of a better term, interfering cuffing and nodding. Are you satisfied that this has with operational policing issues from some police and now stopped? crime commissioners. There is a mixed bag. It is still Steve Williams: I am not totally satisfied that it has early days. They have not been in place for a great stopped. There is a lot of pressure on frontline officers deal of time and we will wait with interest to see how in relation to targets and figures, and we have some in time the police and crime commissioners— anecdotal evidence. The difficulty we have is that some of our colleagues are frightened to come on Q620 Michael Ellis: You are keeping an eye on that? record and say it as it is. But we have some anecdotal Steve Williams: We are very much keeping an eye on evidence and we also believe that, in relation to crime it. Yes, sir. figures and crime recording, the face of crime is changing. There is cybercrime out there and lots of Q621 Mark Reckless: Overall, how do you believe things are happening that perhaps are not being police officers have adjusted to the advent of police recorded. Although the recorded figures show there is and crime commissioners? a drop in crime, we are not quite sure that that truly Steve White: I think overall most officers in their day- reflects what is happening out there. to-day dealings are doing their job to the best of their ability, which is what they have always done. Our Q617 Chair: Are you worried that there is still members have been saying to us that some police and cuffing and nodding going on—basically fiddling of crime commissioners are more visible than others. Page 279 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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4 February 2014 Steve Williams and Steve White

Some engage readily with the Federation in particular proceed in the future, namely, that it is illegal for the and some less so. That is also true of the officers on police to strike and that they have the kind of frontline work, regardless of budget control, which is organisation that has existed since 1919? While primarily the police and crime commissioners’ reform is on the agenda—otherwise you would not responsibility. Whatever direction they may wish to presumably have initiated the inquiry and presumably agree with the chief constable, the work of the local will start implementing the recommendations—are officer still needs to happen. Of course, clearly the you satisfied that the Police Federation established in relationship between police and crime commissioners 1919 is the right way to approach matters on behalf and chief constables is an important one and I think of police officers up and down the country? we have seen it is a steep learning curve for all Steve Williams: Yes I am. What you must bear in involved with this new concept. Things are beginning mind is that we have recently balloted the membership to settle down. But have they really seen a major in relation to seeking industrial rights and ultimately difference? I think the jury is still out on that, to be the right to strike, and that was overwhelmingly honest. defeated. The country was divided into four sections of police officers. I was very heavily involved in the Q622 Mark Reckless: I have heard officers say that ballot. You had a vociferous group of officers who one of the issues they think lies behind poor morale— wanted very much to have industrial rights. You had I do not think I agree with this, but there is a officers who said, “I am so proud to be a police perception, at least among some officers—is that their officer, I am going nowhere near seeking industrial work is not valued as much by the public or perhaps rights or the right to strike”. You had officers who they are not held in as high esteem as before. Even if suggested, “I am not going to even bother because you do not accept that, does having someone elected Government will not sponsor it and the Opposition by the public help to show officers that they are valued will not sponsor it. It is going to cost us a lot of when you have a PCC who is active and getting out money. It is going to take us an awful long time and there to meet officers? it would be an absolute waste of time so I am going Steve White: I think the concepts could be sound but, nowhere near it.” The fourth group of officers was of course, the difficulty we have, without wishing to concerned about the big issue of compulsory get into a political conversation, is that 15% of the severance that we are still waiting for the Home electorate around the country elected the PCCs. I think Secretary to make a decision on in relation to the that does not give you a flavour of how interested arbitration tribunal. That is how the country was members of public are in relation to policing. They divided. are very interested in it and we do enjoy huge support. Going back to answering your question, yes, the If you pick up the phone and you need assistance, the Federation has been around since 1919. I am keen to police turn out. The vast majority of members of the public value the service that they get and satisfaction drive through the reforms that are needed to make sure over the last few years has been climbing and the Police Federation is going to be around for another climbing and climbing. But in terms of whether 100 years to be the voice of the rank and file police members of the public are particularly enamoured officers. with or interested in the issues that a police and crime commissioner has to deal with, again the jury is still Q626 Mr Winnick: Do you now accept that you out. have a responsibility, not just you two but all the leading active members of the Police Federation, to Q623 Mark Reckless: Mr Williams, can we use this reform and change? It may well involve perhaps a less Normington report into your organisation and the aggressive policy. It is a matter for the Federation to professionalisation of policing through the College of decide on who should be sued and the rest of it. I must Policing as a way to begin to increase the prestige of say, suing a victim does seem out of place, but that is police officers with members of the public? Is the way a matter for you to decide. All in all, in general, do up from here, do you believe? you recognise that you have a challenge to change the Steve Williams: I do indeed believe that is the case. way the Federation is looked upon, including Yes, absolutely. apparently the large majority of your members? Steve Williams: I am committed, as the Chairman, to Q624 Mr Winnick: On the question of the Police radical reform and I will be calling on my colleagues Federation, reference was made by the Chairman— to help me in order to deliver the changes we need to there are a lot of references to “chairman” because I make sure we are effective in what we are doing on understand you are the Chair and Vice-Chair, but I do behalf of the rank and file police officers of this not want to make a great issue of it—to the fact that country. the Police Federation in itself is a form of compromise reached in 1919, which you mentioned earlier on, in Q627 Chair: Mr Williams, would you describe the order to make it illegal for police officers to strike. situation at the moment, as far as the Federation is As a result the Police Federation was brought into concerned, as a crisis that you seek to overcome to existence. That is the situation, is it not? bring stability back to an organisation that used to be Steve Williams: It is, yes. You are right. one of the most respected in the country? Steve Williams: As Mr White alluded to, there is Q625 Mr Winnick: Are you satisfied that what did tremendous work done up and down the country by occur nearly 100 years ago is the proper way to the Federation at a national and local level, but we Page 280 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [02-05-2014 13:56] Job: 039682 Unit: PG04 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o004_odeth_HC 757-iv PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

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4 February 2014 Steve Williams and Steve White do need to take on board the recommendations and meeting with national chairmen and secretaries on the we need— 10th where we will further debate this. There is a lot of work to be done before we get to conference in Q628 Chair: But is it a crisis at the moment that you May as to how we can progress the findings of this are seeking to overcome? report. Steve Williams: I do think we need to address the Chair: On behalf of the Committee I thank you and concerns that have been raised, but we are a Mr White for coming here. You have been very open democratic organisation. We have to go through due and transparent with this Committee. You have process and that is what we intend to do. We have answered all our questions. You have been extremely already commenced a piece of work, but Rome was helpful, and I hope that your members are proud of not built in a day, it was burnt in a day. We have to what you have done today and they are grateful to take due cognisance of what is in here and deal with you for having initiated the inquiry, because clearly so it effectively and efficiently through dialogue and many of them want to see changes. We wish you the debate, and I intend now to go up and down the best of luck in ensuring that those changes materialise. country. We have a big meeting tomorrow. We have a Steve Williams: Thank you, Chairman.

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Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 95

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Members present: Keith Vaz (Chair)

Nicola Blackwood Dr Julian Huppert Mr James Clappison Yasmin Qureshi Michael Ellis Mark Reckless Paul Flynn Mr David Winnick Lorraine Fullbrook ______

Examination of Witnesses

Witnesses: Ann Barnes, Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent, and Alan Pughsley, Chief Constable for Kent, gave evidence.

Q629 Chair: Welcome, Commissioner Barnes and I did my level best as Chair of the Police Authority in Chief Constable. Thank you very much for coming Kent. It was a very different kind of governance before the Committee. We are delighted to see you, structure. Like the old Police Committee, it was a very Commissioner Barnes. I hope you have recovered old-fashioned local authority committee system of fully from your illness. governance, and this is a different one. Ann Barnes: I am on the mend, thank you. Thank you very much, everyone, for your forbearance. It is Q631 Chair: You fully embrace it, do you? You are very kind of you, especially your staff. You were on the road to Damascus—or the road to Gravesend? very understanding. Ann Barnes: I wold not say I have had my road to Chair: We will be gentle with you today, I am sure, Damascus. All I would say is I did stand as a matter if you have not made a full recovery. of principle, because I did want to keep party politics Mark Reckless: I was a member of the Kent Police out of police governance, so I did. I honestly felt I Authority during the period of Ann’s chairmanship had to do that. and served on the panel with Ann, which appointed Chair: Because that was a manifesto commitment. Alan Pughsley as the Assistant Chief Constable within Ann Barnes: It certainly was. Kent initially. Q632 Chair: Of course you beat the party system Q630 Chair: Thank you very much, Mr Reckless. and all the parties and you got elected as an Commissioner, you were quite critical of the independent. Have you governed as an independent? establishment of Police and Crime Commissioners Ann Barnes: Absolutely. I was elected by the people when you— of Kent in every single constituency area and every Ann Barnes: I am sorry, I think because I have been single district, and I am very proud of that fact. They so unwell I cannot hear you very well. Could you put a lot of trust in me to keep party politics out of speak up a bit please? decision making, and honestly, Scout’s honour—or Chair: Yes, of course. You were quite critical of the Guide’s honour—that is exactly what happens in establishment of Police and Crime Commissioners Kent. when you were Chair of the Kent Police Authority, I would just like to say one thing: when Mr Cameron when Mr Reckless served with you with great decided that he wanted this system or he thought it distinction. In fact, to take a quote of yours, you said was a good idea, he did say he wanted local, credible that they would be a “wilful waste of taxpayers’ independent people to stand for this post. That is money, naive and disastrous”. That is a pretty exactly what has happened in Kent. I will fulfil the damning condemnation of the concept that the people’s trust in me. Government introduced. You have obviously changed your mind about this. When did you change your Q633 Chair: The Committee has no doubt about mind, and why did you change your mind? that; we could have chosen from 43 and we wanted to Ann Barnes: If I had to put money on your first hear from you as part of our inquiry, because we question, it would be that one. believe that the profile that you brought to the job, Chair: Then you have the answer already. and the independent nature in which you say you want Ann Barnes: No, I do not have the answer already. to do it, is something that we needed to look at. Alan As you know, if you do ask me a question, I do answer Johnson and Charles Clarke—I do not expect them it. I was very critical of the timing. I was critical of to be great friends of yours—are two former Home the cost at the time, when obviously the country was Secretaries who said this in a joint article in The in very dire financial straits. I did not think the model Guardian on 13 February: “It's difficult to escape the was broken. It needed looking at, and I was always conclusion that PCC is a title searching for a role.” very happy to look at any change to the model of Do you think they are wrong? Do you think there now governance, because we are in the 21st century, and is a defined role that can be fulfilled in holding the you do have to move on. I was critical of the Chief Constable, who is sitting on your left, to politicisation of the post. account?

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25 February 2014 Ann Barnes and Alan Pughsley

Ann Barnes: Yes, there is. I think it has been a role those steps, and how much do you think these that 41 Police and Crime Commissioners are doing problems have been eliminated? Either of you can in their own way. There is a certain list of statutory answer. obligations in how you go about doing it. There is a Ann Barnes: As far as Kent is concerned, I was very fair bit of local discretion over that. I think that is a pleased I did do that independent report. It was very good thing as well, because it does mean that local important to me that there was a distance between the people get some influence over a job description, if police and any investigation because of the you like. There is no job description. Holding the independence of it. Even though the police do a lot of Chief Constable to account is my statutory duty. How investigations, and 99.9% of the time they are fine, I do it is for discussion with the people of Kent. I and there is a little bit of doubt if the police are other Commissioners decide to do it a different way. investigating themselves, so I needed to have that But I do think there is one thing that all independent thing. Commissioners have, and that is a single point of I was putting a marker down, Dr Huppert, because I contact, because that is the one thing that did not wanted everybody to know that whatever I did in Kent happen with the Police Authority. was open and transparent, so I am pleased I did it. I was shocked at the report, because the year before that Q634 Chair: Give me an example. In the past I used I had had a report from HMIC to say in almost every to write to my Chief Constable about constituents who case Kent records crime accurately, and we went from complained that officers had not visited them after a that to that in a year. burglary. You might now get those letters. Do you get letters like that? Ann Barnes: I have had nearly 9,000 pieces of Q638 Dr Huppert: So you think that during that year correspondence from local people. When I was Chair things got worse, or you think HMIC gave you a of the Police Authority I had a handful a week. different answer in that time? Ann Barnes: I do not know. Q635 Chair: Do you find that you then take those letters, send them off to the Chief Constable, to Mr Q639 Dr Huppert: Which do you think it is? Pughsley, and he replies? Do you chase them up, or Ann Barnes: All I can say is, as Chair of the Police do you find your work is done by giving it to him? Authority, we had to rely on HMIC to tell us that the Ann Barnes: No, my work is not done by giving it to force’s recording practices were accurate. That is what him. I need to make sure that he acts on it if he needs they always used to say, apart from no crime, which to. A lot of the correspondence has been historical. is a different issue. The last report I had said that—I People have gone through a system and come to the quote it because it is etched on my mind—in almost end of that system, and think now with the Police every case Kent Police records crime accurately. Then and Crime Commissioner there is another opportunity. we went from that to the new methodology. They did You still have to do that. You still have to go through a new methodology for Kent. They looked at 300 that process. Anything that comes into my office is crimes very seriously, right down from the first call to automatically sent to the force, and I track where it the end of it. Our Chief Constable, when he was the goes and what happens to it. Deputy, was given the task of putting it right, and I held the last Chief Constable to account for putting it Q636 Chair: So you can tell this Committee very right, and I hold this one to account for putting it right. clearly that you have now changed your mind, that it is not a wilful waste of public money, it is a role that Q640 Dr Huppert: Chief Constable, do you think it needs fulfilling, you are glad you stood and you feel that there is a future for this job. has been resolved? Ann Barnes: I am glad I stood. It was a matter of Alan Pughsley: I think there has been significant principle for me. If I had lost, I would not have liked improvement. The most recent HMIC report it, but at least I was pleased I stood for it. If it has to recognises that itself. If I may, I will encapsulate be anybody, I am glad it is me, because I do not bring probably the three big headlines about what has any party politics into police decision making in Kent. changed. The first bit is at the point of contact in the I do have a track record of delivery as well as Chair control room. There are better processes and systems of the Police Authority—a different system, I know. in place in there to make sure that decision is better But I do work very hard. It is early days for than it was. The next point is the point of whether or Commissioners. not we record that as a crime in the IMU, as we call Chair: We will come to that in some of the other it; there is better supervision and better challenge of questions. officers from that part of the business. The third bit is a change in culture, which is the hardest bit to put Q637 Dr Huppert: Can I turn to this issue about right and it has taken the longest, but that starts right crime reporting figures? You had HMIC do an at the very top, with me. There is no target-driven inspection, and I am sure you know very well that culture now in Kent Police. Our officers have been they found a target-driven culture and that crimes seen by the HMIC as part of focus groups, and they were pursued on the basis of how easy they were to have been told by all of those officers, “No numerical solve, rather than their seriousness or their impact on targets, no individual targets.” I am just carrying on, victims or communities. I understand steps had been at this moment in time, trying to make sure this taken to try to deal with that by both of you. What are culture does not change.

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25 February 2014 Ann Barnes and Alan Pughsley

Q641 Dr Huppert: Where do you think this puts you setting up a support services board looking at the in comparison with other police forces? support services that the Chief Constable provides. We Alan Pughsley: I could not answer for other police also do together—this is accountability to the forces at this moment in time. I can just say where people—a “Meet the Commissioner” and “Meet the Kent Police is, and I know that the 90% that was Chief Constable” evening. In fact there is one talked about some time ago is consistently 96% and tomorrow. Hundreds of people turn up. There is no 97%. agenda. They do not have to write in and say what Ann Barnes: Can I just make an extra comment they are asking. We are just there, and we go round there? On the 6% or 7% that it has improved by now, the county doing that on a monthly basis. recorded crime in Kent has gone up by that amount; I also have a weekly detailed meeting with the Chief that has directly contributed to the fact that it has been Constable about aspects of force performance during recorded. The crime is still the same, but it has been the week. We speak daily. We are in constant contact. recorded more accurately. I cannot believe that that I also do what I call an open letter. If I do have a lot was just a matter for Kent, and I am pleased that of people who have a particular issue, then I will write HMIC is now doing this national look at crime an open letter and an open answer to that. I did it recording. over Ramsgate and the live exports. There were lots Chair: Indeed, prompted by us and other committees. of difficulties over live exports. Ann Barnes: It is important that those figures are accurate. Q644 Paul Flynn: Lord Stevens has argued that the power of commissioners to dismiss their Chief Q642 Michael Ellis: Just a supplementary on these Constable has had a “damaging and chilling effect” points. First of all, the British Crime Survey operates on police leadership. Do you accept that conclusion? in a different way to the individual police forces’ Ann Barnes: No. I do think with any report, Mr statistical analysis of their crime rates, because it Flynn, you should be objective and dispassionate and questions individuals and it operates the same way have a base in evidence. I do not see evidence for that as it has done for many years. That has also shown in the Stevens report. Some of it I did agree with, but significant reductions in recorded crime, so there is a that I disagree with. I do think it is a very critical danger of some wishing to argue for political reasons relationship, though. that crime has not come down. In fact, I put it to witnesses before this Committee that that does a Q645 Paul Flynn: You would be an enthusiastic disservice to the excellent work of our policemen and supporter of what happened in Gwent, would you, women, who have succeeded in getting crime down where the Commissioner came in and from day one by significant numbers—by over 10%—across the was determined to sack the Chief Constable? Would board, not just in your county. Do you accept that the that have a chilling effect, do you think, on British Crime Survey strengthens the whole issue? relationships? That is one supplementary point. Ann Barnes: It is a matter for the Commissioner for Also, is not the success of the democratisation that Gwent. has been brought about by Police and Crime Commissioners’ being in existence evidenced by the Q646 Paul Flynn: Yes, indeed. You talked about the point that you made to Mr Vaz a few moments ago? number of letters you have. Can you give us some When you were Chair of the Police Authority, a police idea of the numbers of letters you had in your first authority that had been in existence for 30 years, you month and the numbers you have had in your most were getting one or two letters a week from members recent month? of the public, and now you have had 9,000 letters. Is Ann Barnes: It has not stopped. It is more or less the that not democratic accountability? same numbers. I cannot give you numbers. Ann Barnes: Yes, it is democratic accountability, but going back to the decrease in crime, crime has Q647 Chair: You gave us a figure of 9,000 since you decreased. If you look at Kent, it has significantly were elected. decreased over the years. We might now be recording Ann Barnes: Yes, a year last November. I did think it it more accurately and it might be a little bit higher, would slow down, but it has not. But a lot of the but during that time it has still decreased. But going letters, Mr Flynn, are not to do with policing. They back to the crime figures, it is important that local are different parts of the criminal justice system, people have trust in their crime figures. You cannot because the police are the uniformed part of the compare one force with another unless they have criminal justice system and people automatically write exactly the same accuracy for crime recording. to me. But I have had to send things to the courts and Chair: Thank you, Commissioner. That is very Crown Prosecution Service and probation as well, so helpful. We need to make progress, colleagues, it is not just policing. because the Minister is also coming in. Paul Flynn. Q648 Paul Flynn: Do you expect, when you face Q643 Paul Flynn: What arrangements have you your electorate again, to be reporting an increase in made to hold your Chief Constable to account? the number of crimes? Ann Barnes: The way I do it is openly and Ann Barnes: I do not, because Kent now has a very transparently. I have a bi-monthly governance board, accurate basis for its crime figures and a lot of work which is open to the general public. We go through has been done in the force. Members of the force will all different aspects of force performance. I am also tell you that it is one of the best things that happened,

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25 February 2014 Ann Barnes and Alan Pughsley because there is now absolute clarity on where Kent anything but cosy, to be honest with you. It is the is, according to crime recording. policing plan. It is a manifesto of pledges and it is how we are dealing with efficient and effective Q649 Paul Flynn: You are suggesting that in the past policing against those priorities, so that is certainly the lack of accuracy meant that it understated the level not cosy. of crime or exaggerated the level of crime? Ann Barnes: That is what the Inspectorate said, but Q655 Chair: How many times has she rung you up crime is still at the same level; it just was not reported. since she has been elected and said, “You have done something wrong”, and wanted something changed? Q650 Paul Flynn: Do you accept now that while you Alan Pughsley: Done something wrong and wanted would take pride in the fact you are not a politician, something changed—I cannot think of any occasion you will be presenting yourself for election, and will where those words have been said to me in the last be judged on matters such as the perceived level of eight weeks. crime? You are a politician in all but name. Ann Barnes: I will be judged on many things. I am Q656 Chair: In the last eight weeks? setting up a victim’s bureau, and I am determined to Alan Pughsley: I have been Chief for eight weeks, put victims at the heart of the criminal justice system; and only eight weeks, so “I want something changed” they are not. They are passed about from pillar to post, has not happened at all. often. I am adamant that the Kent Police will not just Ann Barnes: It is early days, though. be a response force; it will always be in the Alan Pughsley: That certainly has not happened in communities, there will always be community the last eight weeks. We have regular conversations policing and I will be judged on a raft of measures. I about concerns that come into the Commissioner’s just want people to think, “She did a good job for us. office, because the public have a different way of I am going to vote for her again”. corresponding with the police. So, yes, we have regular conversation about concerns, but none of those Q651 Paul Flynn: Have you any concern about the two in the way that you have asked, Chair. conduct of the Police Federation? Ann Barnes: It is a matter for the Police Federation. Q657 Yasmin Qureshi: I want to discuss with you I think they are being very brave to have an briefly the police and crime panels. Do you think they independent report. It is overdue and the have a sufficient understanding of the clarity of their independence is the important thing, and I am quite role in scrutinising your work? sure they will work hard to put matters right that they Ann Barnes: I think they are still steeped in local need to put right. authority committee work. I have tried very hard to get away from that. There is a lack of clarity. For Q652 Chair: You said you would like them to vote instance, you cannot hold Police and Crime for you again, so you are telling this Committee that Commissioners to account for the performance of the you have gone to the extent of not only changing your Chief Constable. You have to realise they are different mind about Commissioners, but you quite like the job roles; that is my job. Perhaps more training needs to and will stand again. be done. I do not know what the criterion is for people Ann Barnes: I love the job, Mr Vaz. It was a job being appointed to the panels. I have absolutely no made for me. I am independent, I am credible and idea what it is, what criterion is set up from there, and very good with people. what qualities and experience people have for doing Chair: You have clearly started your election that. campaign. I know the panel in Kent are, at their next meeting, Ann Barnes: I know, but you know what they say: a looking at their own ways of working. I do think that week is a long time in politics, and so is two years. members of the panel need to turn up to meetings of the panel and not send substitutes, because that is Q653 Chair: Chief Constable, are you afraid of quite tricky; somebody goes along and they have very Commissioner Barnes? little knowledge of the policing world. But we are Alan Pughsley: Absolutely not, in any way, shape or talking about a year. It is very early days and we are form. all quick to criticise, and yet everybody out there is Ann Barnes: Did he say, “Are you frightened of doing their best to do a good job for local people. Commissioner Barnes?” Instead of criticising them, we should be helping Alan Pughsley: He did, Commissioner. I absolutely them. welcome being held to account ultimately by the public. That is the role of policing and the role of the Q658 Yasmin Qureshi: Yes, but I do not think that Chief Constable, and I am very comfortable being was the question. What I was asking you was whether held to account by one person on behalf of— you think the police and crime panels have sufficient understanding of your role and are therefore able to Q654 Chair: How would you describe this scrutinise you. From what you have said, if I relationship? You will go to these meetings together understood correctly, they have not fully understood around Kent. Some may think that this is quite cosy. what your role— Alan Pughsley: I suppose if I describe the monthly Ann Barnes: I am sorry; I didn’t hear that. meeting where I am held to account in a public Yasmin Qureshi: If I understood you correctly, you meeting by the Commissioner and her team, it is said just a few moments ago that in your opinion the

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25 February 2014 Ann Barnes and Alan Pughsley panel has not fully understood what your role or Q662 Mr Winnick: I am sure we are all pleased that responsibilities are. I think you gave an example of you two are able to get along very well professionally. them asking about the Chief Constable. What I was It is almost, as you described it, Chair, a platonic love- going to ask is: do you think that the panel has in, and we will see how it progresses. Would you sufficient powers, or could its powers be strengthened accept that however much you like your job, Ms to be able to effectively hold the Police Commissioner Barnes, as undoubtedly you do, the position of Police to account? and Crime Commissioners is very much on probation? Ann Barnes: I think they do have the powers they Ann Barnes: It is a new role. It needs time to bed in. need. Ultimately, it is the electorate that will hold me There are 41 of us. We are all trying to do things to account, as the electorate holds you to account. different ways. I do think that nationally we could, as a group, become quite a vocal force for good, if we Q659 Chair: Yes, but that is every four to five years. united around a particular issue. I am thinking of the What Ms Qureshi is talking about is this: we received mental health issues and people with mental health evidence from Councillor Roger Seabourne, who difficulties being kept in cells. Also at the moment came to us and said that they were toothless and did I am spearheading some work around female genital not have the power. He is the ex-Chair of the mutilation and the petition that is going on. I already committee in Hertfordshire. He said they did not have have more than half the Commissioners signed up to the power to hold the PCCs to account. Of course you going back to their Chief Constables and talking to are going to be answerable to the electorate, but in the the force about how that message is going out. meantime who holds you to account? Quis custodiet I do think we are going to be a force for good custodes? nationally. Looking to the future, I would like to see more of a sphere of influence around the whole Ann Barnes: I cannot speak for other Commissioners criminal justice system, because if we are absolutely and their panels, because I do not know what their key to putting victims at the centre of the criminal relationship is. I have had nine meetings of the police justice system, we should not be working in quite such and crime panel in Kent. We have discussed a range rigid silos. There is governance and accountability of of subjects. It is not a cosy relationship; I am quite the police; I do not see it anywhere else. sure that it might be in some areas, but it certainly is not in Kent. They certainly take their work very Q663 Mr Winnick: The Police and Crime seriously in Kent. You only have to look at the Commissioner in the West Midlands, in my part of the webcast, because they are all webcast, so I invite you world, is on record as saying, in effect, that it is a very to do that. disappointing position, and he clearly feels, given the way he stated that, that it should be abolished. Do you Q660 Lorraine Fullbrook: This is a supplementary recognise that it may not be a permanent position? to Chief Constable Pughsley. You said earlier that you Who knows what a future Government may decide liked being held to account by the public. But surely to do? the point is you are not held to account by the public, Ann Barnes: Yes, I know perfectly well what Bob however much you like it. That is the point of the Jones’ position is. I think he gives himself four out Police and Crime Commissioner role. of 10. Alan Pughsley: I am certainly held accountable to the Chair: I think it was two out of 10. public and by the public when I go to public meetings Ann Barnes: Was it two out of 10? and answer their questions. As the Chief Constable in Chair: It was. the previous regime, that did not happen, to be Ann Barnes: Well, I think he is being very harsh on brutally honest. This is every two months. Tomorrow himself. He is very influential and a very good is an example: we are in a certain area of Kent at 6 advocate for Police and Crime Commissioners. It is pm in the evening, and anywhere between 150 and early days and we should all be working together, 200 people ask me any question they want around spreading good practice. We are, actually, and I think how policing services are being delivered in their part we are all doing our best to do what we were elected of the county. to do, and that is to be the voice of local people, to hold the force to account, to make sure we get a good Q661 Lorraine Fullbrook: With respect, you will policing service. still have your job, no matter whether you have a hard time or not at a public meeting. It is Ms Barnes who Q664 Mr Winnick: One last question, because the will keep her job or not, depending on whether you Chair is hurrying us up—understandably, because the deliver, so liking being held to account by the public next witness is outside. You have no deputy. is not the point of the role of Police and Crime Ann Barnes: No. Commissioner. Mr Winnick: No, that I know. Could you just tell us Alan Pughsley: Yes, I am held to account officially the total number of staff? by the Police and Crime Commissioner—of course I Ann Barnes: Yes, I had 13 full-time staff— am—on a daily basis, on a formal weekly basis and Mr Winnick: Thirteen? at a formal public meeting, as we described. Equally Ann Barnes: No, I had 13 full staff in the police important is the interaction and the way that I am seen authority. I now have 16; some of those are part-time, to be accountable to the public. So it is very important and two are secondees. The budget is £1.5 million. I that the Chief Constable is accountable through a PCC am keeping to that for my term, but it is very difficult, if necessary, certainly to the public. Mr Winnick, because I have far more responsibility,

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25 February 2014 Ann Barnes and Alan Pughsley especially taking on board the whole of the issues to the damaging chilling effect on police leadership around victims and victim services. I need to have a of the power of a commissioner to dismiss the chief team around me who can deliver for me, because I constable. Why did the powers of police authorities in have lost all the expertise of the police authority. Mr this respect not have a similar chilling and damaging Reckless will tell you we had some really good effect? members on the police authority who did an awful lot Ann Barnes: I have no idea. I do not agree with him of work, and that has gone. I am having to build that anyway, I really do not. I thought it was very emotive resource around me, and it is very hard. language. It should not have been used. I do not see Chair: Thank you. That is an excellent curtain raiser the evidence for it. for Mr Reckless’ questions. I am going to give him some latitude as he is your local MP. Q668 Mark Reckless: Commissioner, do you think Ann Barnes: Well, he is not my local MP. chief constables could be held to account by the array Mr Winnick: Don’t say it with such pride. of local authority joint committees that Stevens Chair: No, he is the local MP of your area. reports, or would the chief constables be able to do pretty much as they liked? Q665 Mark Reckless: Commissioner, you spoke Ann Barnes: Well, it strikes me that the Stevens about the Kent Police Authority and there has been report, with that particular model, is going back to some focus on commissioners and the costs of their the old days of the old policing committee. Michael private offices. Can you make any estimate of the cost Howard, when he was Home Secretary, abolished to Kent Police of supporting the Kent Police those and set up police authorities to have some sort Authority, in terms of the main meetings, the of independent voice there, rather than the party committees, and the 100 or 200 pages of briefing politics that was played out on a lot of the old policing materials and the comprehensive and, in many ways, committees. I think it would be very difficult but, as I very impressive work that went into that? Have you say, a week is a long time in politics and we have an any idea of what that cost was, and how much of that election coming up next year, haven’t we? you have been able to save as the commissioner? Ann Barnes: You will be pleased to know, Mr Q669 Mark Reckless: What impact do you and the Reckless, that if you came to my meetings now, you Chief Constable believe there has been from the would not find that there was a plethora of reports. I change in the senior appointments process, so that you have banished them. Two sides of A4 bullet points is as a commissioner just appoint the chief constable, what we have now, and everything is a discussion. and then the chief constable appoints his team? You can hide things in papers quite easily. You cannot Ann Barnes: I did not have a problem with that. As hide very much with two pages of bullet points. That you know, I chaired the official side of the police bureaucracy has gone, hasn’t it, Chief Constable? It negotiating board for a long time, so I was heavily seriously has. It is far more one-to-one meetings now. involved with chief officer appointments and I was on I do not have a cottage industry—nor does the Chief the senior appointments panel. It is his team and I hold Constable—churning out reports for me, because I do him to account for how his team works. I suppose in not want it and do not need it. I would rather have a a way it is only right and proper that if he is being grown-up, sensible, honest debate. held to account by me for the work of his team, then But no, I think it is practically impossible to do that. he should appoint his team. That said, he does ask me On the other hand, the force really cannot quantify to sit on the appointments panels. We did one last what they get from my office, because they get an week in Kent and I think that is probably the best way awful lot of public engagement and stuff that goes of doing it. I do not have a problem with that. through to them from my office as well. It is quite difficult to quantify that. You are an economist, I Q670 Mark Reckless: You said it was not for the know, so perhaps— police and crime panel to hold you to account for the performance of the chief constable, but surely to the Q666 Mark Reckless: Could you or the Chief extent that you appoint, and only you can dismiss the Constable give some sort of estimate of the amount of chief constable, isn’t it right for them to do that, at that material and the preparation work? I just think it least to some degree? is one area that has not been in the public domain, so Ann Barnes: Well, on going in front of the police and it might be useful for an inquiry. crime panel to make sure that the appointment process Ann Barnes: Do you know, I might get my teeth into that I used for the chief constable was open, honest, that next. It might be worth looking at that. transparent and based on merit, it is absolutely vital Mark Reckless: Thank you. that somebody looks at that. It is just right and proper Chair: Chief Constable? that that happens, so I am very happy for that to Alan Pughsley: I could not put a figure on it, but I happen. can certainly say it is about half of the work that we were doing before. From a transparency point of view, Q671 Mark Reckless: Could I quickly look at a just on the straightforward governance meetings, we couple of the more difficult areas that you have had? are probably doing half the work we did before with Some other commissioners have been criticised, the police authority. rightly or wrongly, for appointments of deputies, with some people criticising the appointment process for Q667 Mark Reckless: We spoke before about the that. You received some criticism for the appointment Stevens report, and the ex-Chief Constable referring of Peter Carroll and Howard Cox at I think £5,900 a

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25 February 2014 Ann Barnes and Alan Pughsley month. You said to the Kent and Sussex Courier, Q673 Mark Reckless: Finally, Chair, on your youth “‘They’re not spin doctors’, she insisted. ‘They’re commissioner, we know about Paris Brown and highly experienced in public relations, have run very everything that went on around that. I understand, successful campaigns’—I think one of them was your though, that you concluded your interviews for a campaign manager—‘and have got skills I need’.” youth commissioner. You want to push ahead with that One of them styles themselves a social media expert. appointment. You had all those interviews, and I Do you have any regrets about how those thought a decision had been made at the end of appointments were made? November, but three months later we still have no Ann Barnes: No, I took it on a business decision. I announcement. Why is that? needed those skills in my office. I did not have them. Ann Barnes: Because I have been waiting for him or It is like any organisation, any person; you have to her to negotiate a start date with me. It has been quite have a group of people around you who can deliver complicated for one reason or another, which I am not the work you want. I did not have that on the people going into here. There will be an announcement I inherited from the police authority. I could have gone before very long, and I am looking forward to my to the market. I could have picked people off the youth commissioner starting work. shelf—it would have cost me more—or I could have advertised for those jobs. It would have taken me Q674 Chair: Do you think lessons can be learned three, four, five months to get people in place. I did from the Paris Brown recruitment? short-term employment. They did their work. They Ann Barnes: Well, let us put it this way, Mr Vaz. came in, they upskilled, they built all kinds of things, Every hour of every day, I shall be looking at a and they have gone. Their time has ended and they Twitter account. have gone. I have a new chief of staff who is busy Chair: Excellent. Well, I am sure you are following reorganising my office. I do not make any apologies Mr Reckless, at the very least, on Twitter. Can I just for doing that. It was on a business basis. say on behalf of the Committee thank you for coming in to both of you? Q672 Mark Reckless: The criticism that you Ann Barnes: Pleasure. received, though, and that other commissioners may Chair: We are particularly impressed—I am, and the have received for deputy appointments more Committee is—with your campaign, “Go Green to frequently—would you see that more as teething Stop FGM.” problems of the first-stage appointments, when people Ann Barnes: Thank you. are coming into an office new, or do you think it is Chair: As you know, the Committee is about to start something we can expect to hear to the same extent an inquiry into FGM, and we have just secured a in future? debate in Parliament on this subject for the first time Ann Barnes: When you are going into an office new in many years. Thank you so much for coming here and you do not inherit those skills, you have to make today, and to you, Chief Constable. sure you get them somehow. I would like to think the Ann Barnes: If I can be of any help with that, please next time round those skills will be there, whether you let me know. have appointed those people or not. The commissioner Chair: Thank you, and thank you, Chief Constable. at the time will have appointed those people, so I Ann Barnes: Thank you. cannot see that being a problem anymore. Alan Pughsley: Thank you.

Examination of Witness

Witness: The right Hon. Damian Green MP, Minister of State for Policing and Criminal Justice, gave evidence.

Q675 Chair: Minister, my apology—whenever you Damian Green: Well, I hope so. I am always struck appear before this Committee I seem to be apologising whenever people talk about morale by a quote I have to you, rather than the other way round—for keeping heard Hugh Orde give very often, which is that since you waiting because previous witnesses have been he entered the police in I think it was the 1970s, exciting the Committee with the answers to the morale has always been at its lowest ever. I take his questions that we have put. We would like to examine experience to bear in this. you today on two issues. The first is Police and Crime There are two separate issues from the question. One Commissioners, but we have also announced an is the morale of the police looking at themselves and inquiry into the Police Federation, so to save you their own terms and conditions, and I think it is coming back again, we are going to talk to you a little bit about that. Could I ask you, first of all, a question inevitable. We went through a period of stringency in about police morale? This has been a feature of some pay, which obviously has to remain, and changes to of your recent speeches in the House after the pension regime. It was natural that serious Hillsborough, the Andrew Mitchell affair, and concerns were expressed by many police officers examples of misconduct cases. Do you think that we about that. We have done those changes now. Clearly, have now reached a stage where we can turn the there is going to be no pay explosion anywhere in the corner, basically turn the page, on what seemed to be public sector in years to come. a declining situation regarding police morale?

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Ev 102 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

25 February 2014 The Right Hon. Damian Green MP

Q676 Chair: Is that the end of the fashioning of the therefore, accountability, I think it is unarguable that new landscape? We can say to the police service, “It Police and Crime Commissioners are a considerable has been tough, because we have had to change so improvement on the old police authorities. many things, but that is it now—no more changes”? One of the other big changes has been the degree of Damian Green: The other point I was going to make innovation that has come from having these visible, was that there are also the external changes as well. publicly accountable, publicly elected figures. Across Those will have to continue. You have been having parties and across the country there are innovations investigations into PCCs. One of the good things I being driven by Police and Crime Commissioners. think PCCs have done has been to introduce more Vera Baird in Northumbria has rolled out vulnerability innovation into the police service. Just as it is true in awareness training. You have heard, no doubt, from the private sector, it is true across the public sector, it Ann Barnes very eloquently what she is doing in is certainly true in policing, that change will continue. Kent; Adam Simmonds in Northamptonshire is Anyone entering, frankly, any career now thinking, “I bringing together police and fire services. You can see have now got to grips with this job and it will remain beneficial changes in the policing landscape brought the same for the next 30 years” is deluding about by PCCs. themselves. That is as true of the police as it is of You mentioned Chris Leslie’s speech this morning. I politics or anything else. Change will continue but, as was struck that he said that Police and Crime I say, the initial changes that had to be made to pay Commissioners are costing more than the old and pensions have now happened. arrangements. On the evidence of this Committee, that is not true. You found that they were costing about the Q677 Chair: Do you think that you have reached the same in terms of a percentage of the police budget as end of the Andrew Mitchell affair? There have been the old police authorities. They are not costing any some misconduct cases; a police officer has gone to more and they are producing good results. jail. Is there anything more to be done on this? Do you think it is time just to draw a line under it? Q679 Chair: Maybe he has not had the chance to Damian Green: The misconduct cases are, of course, look at the evidence that has come before us. Let me still going on, so it would be inappropriate for me to turn to the Police Federation and then other colleagues comment on what might come out of that. In general will come in on other issues. On a scale of one to terms, if I can step away from the individual issue, 10, how shocked were you at the conclusions of the which, as I say, is still going on, it is clear that police Normington report? integrity, public confidence in the police, remains a Damian Green: Like everyone else, I found it hugely very important issue. The Home Secretary made an illuminating and somewhat shocking. There were important announcement to Parliament last year about various elements that I know not only you or I would that. That is also a series of changes that will continue. have found shocking but the leadership of the The college will produce the code of ethics. I hope federation found shocking: the No. 2 accounts in that and other changes result in a change in the culture particular, the existence of these hidden accounts. that, over time, will, among other things, increase Clearly, it drove not least David Normington himself public confidence in the police and, I hope, improve to the conclusion that you need root-and-branch police morale as well, because the two are mutually change to the federation. I very much welcome the supportive. fact that the current leadership of the federation commissioned that report, and that the report itself is Q678 Chair: Yes. We have just heard some very so thorough, and that it sets out a time scale for interesting evidence from the commissioner in Kent, improvement and reform. It is very important that we who started off being very much against Police and see that this is not a report that gathers dust, that this Crime Commissioners when she chaired the police is an action plan that needs to be put into action. committee, saying that the change was a wilful waste of public money, naive and not necessary, and has Q680 Chair: You can only speak for yourself. You now come to the conclusion that it is a very good have been in the job for 17 months. Do you regret not thing to have. She is enjoying the job. Do you think having probed this before? It took the current you have now done the deal with the British people; chairman, Steve Williams, to commission this report they now will accept the need to keep Police and but, of course, David Normington was a former Crime Commissioners irrespective of what Lord Permanent Secretary at the Home Office. Did it ever Stevens has had to say, or even Mr Chris Leslie, who cross your mind that police officers were paying today is talking about them costing a great deal of subscriptions that were disappearing into these money and perhaps on economic grounds they should accounts, and nobody knew what the figures were? I have to go? Do you think the deal has been done, the am not blaming you because obviously you were not public will now accept this? running this stuff, but yourself and your predecessor Damian Green: I think there is a lot of evidence that Ministers and successive Governments never seemed the public appreciate what Police and Crime to have asked the questions. Indeed, this Committee Commissioners can do and are doing, much more than has never asked the question. It took Steve Williams they did in the first few months. It is unsurprising. to commission this report before somebody asked. They are still only 18 months old as an institution and Damian Green: It is a fair point that these accounts the figures are quite stark. The old police authorities, had clearly been running for a long time. What I think about 7% of people were aware of them; Police and it shows is that the lack of central information systems Crime Commissioners, about 70% of people are aware in the federation itself meant that everyone in a sense of them. In those terms alone, on public visibility and, was not asking the right question, starting, as I say, Page 289 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [O] Processed: [02-05-2014 14:00] Job: 039682 Unit: PG05 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/039682/039682_o005_odeth_HC 757-v PCCs Progress to date (CORRECTED transcript).xml

Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 103

25 February 2014 The Right Hon. Damian Green MP from the leadership of the federation itself. I would of those PCCs. Fifty per cent of it goes to the force; not blame predecessor Administrations or officials at 50% goes to the Home Office, but it is then spent on the Home Office. Home Office core purposes. It is spent on policing and we will use it to support regional crime squads and Q681 Chair: No, but it is a creature of statute, isn’t so on, so it is all being spent to a good purpose in it, and Parliament obviously was not concerned? No fighting crime. individual should be blamed. In a sense, the system The most important thing—I appreciate the desire of did not work to ask the questions. Is it because they PCCs and chief constables to get more money from were too fearful of poking the Police Federation this—is to try to increase the quantum of money that because of the enormous power that the Police comes in. To that end, today my ministerial colleague Federation is perceived to have? Nobody wanted to Karen Bradley, the new Minister at the Home Office, criticise the police and nobody wanted to interfere in is in Spain at a conference because Spain is clearly their private arrangements? one of the areas that is fertile territory where we might Damian Green: I think the root over the decades is be able to use this Act more efficiently. We are that, as you say, nobody wants to criticise the police. working very hard with the Spanish authorities. We We all recognise that individual officers, the vast also intend, as soon as we can, to legislate to majority of them, do a difficult and sometimes strengthen the Act. So for those who are hoping for dangerous job and do it well. Over time, that built up greater proceeds in the future, we are on the case. to saying, “If you do not want to criticise the police, then you must not ever question the Police Q686 Chair: We know that 80% of the fines that Federation.” It has taken the current leadership of the have been imposed on the Mr Bigs have not been able federation to say— to be collected; that is out of the £920 million that the courts have fined them. You are saying your Q682 Chair: Sure. Do you trust the current legislation will do what? leadership to implement the recommendations made Damian Green: Will attempt to strengthen the by Sir David? collection element. That is one of the things we are Damian Green: I know they are determined to do so, looking at. You will also have seen this week that the and I very much hope they can persuade their new Director of Public Prosecutions is appointing colleagues to do it. more people to do this. The whole criminal justice system is working together to try to make sure we get Q683 Chair: If they do not, would the Home Office more of these proceeds back. be in a position to seize any of these assets or not? You are going to give them the chance to do it first, Q687 Mr Winnick: Do you think there is any are you? justification for the view some hold about the event in Damian Green: At this stage of the process it is which you were involved, namely when your sensible, given that we all agree the leadership is Commons office was searched? Your party acting courageously so far, to allow them to continue understandably felt very strongly—as did others, the process. The key date that I would set is this year’s including myself. Do you think perhaps historians in federation conference in May. We want to see progress the future—who knows what historians will write— by then. We want to see that conference, the whole federation and its representatives, embracing the need will say that to some extent that antagonism between for radical reform. I know that the federation the police and your political party started around that? leadership would hope that as well. Do you think there is any justification for that? Damian Green: I think that was a one-off event. The Q684 Chair: Do you plan to implement the review’s truth is the antagonism, as you say, was to a large recommendation to amend the Police Act 1919 to extent dissipated between my party and the Commons revive the core purpose of the federation, or are you authorities, the Government of the day and various waiting for the conference? other parts of the Whitehall machine. No, I do not Damian Green: At the moment, those decisions are think that was a determining element at all. there to be taken by the federation. It would clearly be preferable if the federation itself took the decision Q688 Mr Winnick: There is no connection at all? to embrace radical reform as set out in the Damian Green: No, I think that was seen as, Normington review and, as I say, I would encourage thankfully, a one-off event that everyone looking back them very strongly to do that. hopes could not happen again.

Q685 Lorraine Fullbrook: There are several—I Q689 Mr Winnick: I will not pursue that point. As think two Police and Crime Commissioners and one regards the Police Federation, undoubtedly things chief constable—who are calling to receive a greater occurred and apologies have been made. Andrew proportion of the funds raised from the Proceeds of Mitchell was again apologised to by the Chief Crime Act. What would your view be about this? Constable in my part of the world, in the West Damian Green: Well, we do, because of the Proceeds Midlands, and you know of the meeting that occurred. of Crime Act, take in hundreds of millions of pounds, Do you accept that in a democratic country the police which can be distributed. I am aware of that, have every right to make clear where they are obviously. As it happens, I was in West Yorkshire unhappy—for instance, with the reductions in police yesterday with Mark Burns-Williamson, who is one force numbers and so on? You do not challenge,

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Ev 104 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

25 February 2014 The Right Hon. Damian Green MP presumably, their right, individually and through the and Crime Commissioner is there to set the crime Police Federation, to make their position clear? plan, to set the precept, but in an individual case of Damian Green: No, that is the whole point of the how you are going to catch this murderer, then in the Police Federation. It is because they do not have the end it is the chief constable who has operational right to strike that they have a federation that can both responsibility for that. The media would naturally go argue about terms and conditions and make political to the chief constable or whichever senior officer is in points. They have had marches and demonstrations charge of that as their first port of call. against Governments of all kinds in my experience as Mr Winnick: Well, we will see. I find it difficult to a Member of Parliament. Clearly, those have to be believe that would have happened in Yorkshire. done in an appropriate and dignified way and there Chair: Thank you, Mr Winnick. We will move on. must be no sense in which the powers that we give as a society to the office of constable, those specific Q692 Michael Ellis: Minister, can I ask you again powers we give people, bleed over into political about the Police Federation? The current leadership campaigning. certainly seem to be moving in the right direction. They have a very difficult set of circumstances that Q690 Mr Winnick: Police and Crime they have inherited. Are you concerned about the Commissioners, Minister: do you accept it is on probation? reports that we have received, including evidence we Damian Green: No, I just think it is new. With every have had in this Committee, about the so-called No. 2 quarter that passes, people across the country find accounts? The sums involved apparently are in the them both more visible and see the benefits that I have tens of millions of pounds. Would you venture any already outlined. I point out again the amount of suggestion on whether those sorts of sums should be innovation and the fact that they are using their finally disclosed as being in existence in the No. 2 powers for good in practical ways. You have just accounts, and on what should happen to those sorts of heard from Ann Barnes. The fact that she took the sums? Do you also agree that it would certainly be decision to bring in HMIC to look at the way her appropriate for the Police Federation to release force was recording crime statistics, knowing that that information about the expenses that have been might produce some embarrassing headlines—which incurred by their elected officers, and things like the it did—I think was a brave and correct decision. To salaries paid to their elected officers? Do you think some extent, that is as near as we can get in social that would be appropriate? science to a properly controlled scientific experiment, Damian Green: First of all, I cannot say with any because the previous police authority did not do that. authority whether it is tens of millions or billions or It had Members of this Committee on it, I believe. Or any other figure. None of us knows. were you on at a different time? I apologise. Michael Ellis: No, but if there were those sorts of Mark Reckless: I do not think we had the power to numbers in them. request that. Damian Green: Almost regardless—I would think Damian Green: Indeed, so it is powers, but also Ann this even more strongly were I a serving police officer Barnes was chairman of that police authority. She has paying £22 a month to the Police Federation—I would been able to do some work as Police and Crime want to know how that money was being spent. The Commissioner that she could not do as chairman of fact that both the federation leadership and, indeed, the police authority. As I say, that seems to me quite Sir David Normington could not get and was just a good experimental piece of evidence to show that refused access to details of the No. 2 accounts shows the current system is better. a real underlying problem. It shows why the scale of reform needs to be so radical inside the Police Q691 Mr Winnick: One last question on Police and Federation. Crime Commissioners, Chair. If there is a high-profile murder case, as in Bristol where a female was Q693 Michael Ellis: Of course there have been murdered and the wrong person was featured in the reports about a person who was engaged by the Police press as being responsible—the media have Federation to look into these matters. That lasted three apologised and there has been court action and so months and they no longer work for the Police on—or what happened in the very early 1980s in Federation. Are you concerned about those reports Yorkshire, where a number of females were murdered, and do you have anything to say about the issue of is it not quite clear that the distinction between operations and the work of the Police and Crime expenses and salaries? Commissioners will be somewhat merged, because Damian Green: I am in favour of transparency in all inevitably the media will ask the Police and Crime public bodies. The federation is clearly a public body Commissioner in a particular area what is being done and, therefore, I think it would be in the federation’s to resolve the murders? interest to be as open and transparent as possible about Damian Green: I do not think so, and I have read matters like that. the evidence. Mr Winnick: You do not think so? Q694 Michael Ellis: It is also under the 1919 Act, Damian Green: It need not be. It requires both the isn’t it? That is under statutory existence. commissioner and the chief constable to be sensible Damian Green: Yes. That is why I say it is a public in observing the distinction that we all make between body; therefore, it has responsibilities over and above operational policing and overall strategy. The Police those of, say, a private company.

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Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 105

25 February 2014 The Right Hon. Damian Green MP

Q695 Michael Ellis: Finally from me, on the issue they are exercising those powers, there is a good of Police and Crime Commissioners, on a completely creative tension between them and the PCC, which is different point, how do you feel progress can be made, what is meant to be there. They are meant as a if progress is desired to be made, in the amalgamation, scrutiny mechanism. They are not there as an if you like, or the co-operation between blue light executive. They are not there as a sort of “son of services? You mentioned the work that Adam police authority”. Simmonds is doing in Northamptonshire, my county. Do you see some movement in that area as being Q698 Dr Huppert: Do you think Police and Crime positive in terms of savings to the public purse and Commissioners should also try to engage with other so on? existing bodies, whether they are council scrutiny Damian Green: I think it is very important that blue committees that look at safer neighbourhoods or light services collaborate more than they have in the whether they are local area committees? Do you think past. Partly it is to do with efficiency in terms of there is an expectation that commissioners should try spending public money, but mostly it is about to engage with such bodies? providing a better service. When I was in Damian Green: It depends what you mean by “such Northamptonshire I visited a police and fire station; it bodies”. I am very keen on local criminal justice is both. They all said that not only has this enabled boards. Obviously, Police and Crime Commissioners them to vacate and sell one building, but it means that play a significant role in them, but there are also they work together much more closely, just habitually, health and wellbeing boards—they are called different because they are in the same building every day. That things around the country—and quite often policing is happening in other parts of the country. In Durham, can play a significant role in that sort of area. It is we have given some money through the Innovation good for PCCs to engage with them as well. Yes, I Fund to the PCC there specifically for the purpose of think the PCC needs to become a significant player creating police and fire stations together. One should across the spectrum of local interests. not forget the ambulance service as well. Around the country, the mood is now there to improve this co- Q699 Dr Huppert: One last question from me. The operation, and it will be one of the next big stages of funding for police and crime panels themselves: in the reform that we need to see. longer term, how should that be paid for? How should the costs be assessed? Should it be from the police Q696 Dr Huppert: Let us turn more to this issue precept? Should it be done by the local councils? about police and crime panels. How do you think they Damian Green: I have not heard any particular are performing? Have they done what you hoped they objections to the current way of doing it. Both in would do and what it was agreed that they would do? terms of, if you like, the quantum and the distribution Damian Green: I think they are getting better. I say mechanism, I do not see that as a particular problem this deliberately addressing one of the areas where at the moment. there have been difficulties: in Lincolnshire—which we discussed on this Committee in one of my previous Q700 Mark Reckless: Commissioner Barnes said, at experiences—when it was perfectly clear that least about the Kent police and crime panel—she was immediately after they were set up and the PCC was critical in this sense—that it was steeped in the there—there was the dispute between the PCC and committee culture of local government. Do you see the chief constable—that the panel did not do its job that as a good model in terms of a scrutiny committee, adequately and did not use the powers available to perhaps looking at the health scrutiny committee and them. I take that as an example because we have seen some of the work it does with an outside body? Is that this week that after the incidents that happened, the something police and crime panels should be aiming court case and so on, the panel has now demanded an at or is it the wrong model? apology from the PCC and the PCC has given that Damian Green: It is inevitably going to be a apology. Now, that seems to me the panel using its committee of some sort or another. Given that it needs powers effectively. It has taken some 18 months to get to have, if you like, some kind of legitimacy, then there. Generally, and I know this from the evidence having people chosen from elected local councillors you have heard from other PCCs as well, they are seems as good a model as any. As I say, the problem developing a rhythm of being quite a good scrutiny has been the realisation of the panels of what powers mechanism over the PCCs and I hope and expect them they have and how best to exercise them. That is to continue to do that. settling down, it is getting better, so I do not think there is a need for an early change in that. Q697 Dr Huppert: I think there is a long way to go, and perhaps it would be worth looking at whether they Q701 Yasmin Qureshi: Can I ask about the should be given more powers in order to exercise it. relationship between the police commissioners and the Currently, they are fairly weak in power and hence it chief constable, especially the power of the is less interesting and less attractive to serve on them. commissioner to remove the chief constable? We have Would you agree with that? heard and I am sure you are aware of the cases of Damian Green: No. I think they have the appropriate Gwent and Lincolnshire, where some concerns were level of powers. The difficulties in some areas—not generated because of what happened. Two little in every area but in one or two areas that we have questions: first, are you satisfied with the way the PCC seen so far—have been because the panels have not has handled these things up to now? Secondly, are exercised enough the powers that they have. Where there any lessons to be learned as to whether the

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Ev 106 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

25 February 2014 The Right Hon. Damian Green MP

Home Office may be able to provide further detailed HMIC, so would involve somebody very senior guidance to PCCs on this process if these issues coming in from outside who would owe nothing to occur? The whole question about the police either side and who would investigate and then lay the commissioner being able to sack the chief constable evidence in front of everyone, including the panel. has also been suggested as having a chilling effect on The system is there to protect both sides. All it needs the police being able to do their work. I just wanted is triggering. to ask: has the Home Office looked into this potential problem, or problem that happened? Q704 Paul Flynn: Was it a mistake to give Damian Green: Obviously, we look very carefully at commissioners absolute powers to appoint their any incidents of this and the legislation is there, not deputies? least the powers of the panel, to ensure that if a chief Damian Green: No, I do not think so. We have now constable challenges a decision, and clearly it would moved all the operational policing under the stage 2 be an important decision, then not only does the panel transfer to the power of the chief constables, and I have powers to call evidence and make statements but, think that the key to all of this is transparency. The very importantly, HMIC, the inspectorate, can come public will know who the PCC is appointing and what in to provide an independent outside look and provide they are paying them and so on. The distinction that I evidence on which the panel can then comment, and think is really important and is perhaps not drawn on which both the chief and the PCC can comment. often enough is that Police and Crime Commissioners The system is there. You have mentioned the two are elected politicians. They are not functionaries. famous incidents in Lincolnshire and Gwent. Of They are not officials. In the end, they are responsible course, in Gwent the chief simply stood down, so the to their electorate. They can always be chucked out process was never triggered. by their electorate. If they behave badly, then that will In terms of the other bit of your question—have we make it significantly more difficult for them to get considered giving more guidance—if you look at the elected next time. They have that discipline over legislation, the procedure is there. There is what them. Given that, then I think they need to be regarded would be a fairly rigorous procedure. Therefore, it is in that light, rather than simply as an official. for—if it happens—an individual chief to trigger that process, and at that point rigorous scrutiny is brought Q705 Paul Flynn: If there was a transparent system about. that was open to competition from outside, there would not have been accusations of commissioners Q702 Paul Flynn: The chief constable in Gwent appointing their political allies, those who financed stood down because she was under the impression that their election campaign, members of their own the commissioner had absolute right to dismiss her. It fraternities or other pals. There was the case in Sussex was suggested by Tom Winsor that this was not the where one person took on the job and then later case. In the Gwent situation, the commissioner has resigned, but there have been other accusations of said that he engaged secretly the best brains in the cronyism. country, the legal people, so that the chief constable Damian Green: There are accusations made against could not hire them. In those circumstances, she had elected politicians of all kinds at all times. As I say, little choice, I believe. Do you think that the chief the solution to this is transparency, is openness. We constables need more protection and more information all know a lot more now about those who are about their role to stop them being misused by responsible for police governance than we did under decisions that are arbitrary and possibly malicious by the previous system. There is in the legislation incoming commissioners? significant demands on PCCs to publish a whole raft Damian Green: Without going into the details of the of information that was not available to the public Gwent case, simply because I am not aware that before. As I say, for elected people that is the best lawyers were not available, there is a whole protection against any kind of corruption in the organisation, CPOSA, which exists to provide trade system. union-style advice to chief officers. Chief officers themselves have that protection and, in general terms, Q706 Paul Flynn: This is my final question. Would clearly if somebody has risen to the level of chief it not be better if they were elected on the same ticket constable they will have a significant level of skill and as the commissioner and they served jointly? organisation and self-confidence. In broad terms, it is Damian Green: What, the chief constable? quite difficult to bully a chief constable. They can Paul Flynn: The assistants. look after themselves, in my experience. Damian Green: Oh, the assistants. I do not think it would make much difference. Q703 Paul Flynn: This was a new situation, and Paul Flynn: The way they elect the presidents. there were three instances, as you know. I can assure Chair: A sort of dream ticket. you that the commissioner was described in this Damian Green: Yes. You are electing an individual House as a vindictive bully. In those circumstances, to do a job, and we could all go off into disquisitions do you not think that this matter should be addressed? about the American presidential elections and how it There are many who feel that a great injustice was has changed over 200 years, but I will resist the done to the chief constable. temptation, Mr Chairman. Damian Green: As I say, the system is there. If the chief constable had said, “I do not accept this,” then Q707 Paul Flynn: In your view, it is all right to put at that point a process would be trigged that involves someone in a job earning about £50,000 a year

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Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 107

25 February 2014 The Right Hon. Damian Green MP without advertising, and without giving anyone else Damian Green: That is up to them. We have said that an opportunity to commence that job? what we are not going to do is impose mergers top- Damian Green: If everyone knows what you are down, but if people want to come up with proposals paying, who you are paying it to, and what their from the bottom up, they can do. If you talk to— qualifications are for the job, then people will be able to judge you. In the end, it is as true of Police and Q711 Mark Reckless: You will facilitate them? Crime Commissioners as it is of Members of Damian Green: We will take each case on its merits. Parliament. An individual has to put themselves on What Warwickshire and West Mercia have said is that the ballot paper and put themselves at the mercy of they have the benefits that people see from mergers in the electorate. That seems to me a very, very terms both of better policing and of more efficient significant control mechanism, which enforces over policing without any of the enormous hassle that the time good behaviour. previous Government went through and in the end retreated from over mergers. That is not a lone Q708 Chair: Lord Wasserman, who is perceived to example. Norfolk and Suffolk are moving to much greater collaboration, and I think over time we will be the father of PCCs—we did not really establish see other forces doing that. There is some non- who the mother was when he gave evidence—told us geographic sharing of services: Cheshire and that there should be a gap between the election of the Northamptonshire share some services. There are PCC and them taking office to give them time to be 1,000 flowers blooming in this. trained. In very candid and open evidence to this Committee, he said that, of course, he still supports Q712 Mark Reckless: In terms of scope for savings, the idea, but they needed that little bit of extra time. how would you rank the potential for three different Some of the teething problems and controversies that types of collaboration: one, Police and Crime we have seen—for example, in Kent—could have Commissioners collaborating with each other; two, been avoided if they had been given training before Police and Crime Commissioners collaborating with they took office. What do you feel about that? other blue light services; three, Police and Crime Damian Green: It is an interesting idea. I am not sure Commissioners collaborating with local councils? about the practicality of it. I also think there will be Which gives the greatest scope for savings, do you quite a significant difference between the first set who think? have been elected and what happens next time, simply Damian Green: It is a really interesting question, but because the job will have been done by more than 40 I think it is genuinely impossible to answer, because people for a period of four years. Anyone it will be different in different parts of the country. contemplating standing and hoping to do the job will One of the advantages of this system where we do have templates to work from that they will either want devolve power out is that we will see, because in to follow or not, whereas we have asked 42 people to different areas there will be different degrees of invent a new job. It was more difficult for them than enthusiasm for collaborating with blue light services, it will be for any of their successors. using local council services or just collaborating across borders. In some areas, people will do all of Q709 Mark Reckless: Are you satisfied, Minister, the above and that, I suspect, is the answer, long term: with the extent to which commissioners are driving the habit of collaboration is such an obvious virtuous savings through collaboration? circle to get into. Damian Green: I am never satisfied. It is not the job of a Minister of State ever to be satisfied. Q713 Chair: Thank you. Can I ask you a couple of Mark Reckless: Are you disappointed? questions in conclusion that are in the public domain? Damian Green: No, I am pleased because— This morning, as you know—I do not want you to Mark Reckless: Is that better than “satisfied”? comment on the individual case—an 82-year-old dog breeder was arrested following shootings involving Damian Green: What I am pleased about is that one two women. The Committee produced a report a year of the dangers that people foresaw beforehand was and a half ago about firearms in which we expressed that electing someone for a specific area would concern about the police seizing firearms and then militate against them collaborating, because they giving them back to individuals. In this particular would say, “I want to have everything under my case, this appears to have happened. Are you satisfied control in my area.” That has not happened. That is that our gun laws are adequate to deal with what I am pleased about, and I look at Warwickshire circumstances of this kind when people have and West Mercia, where they do not talk about certificates, and they seem to have these certificates collaboration; they talk about an alliance. Those are on a permanent basis? They are just renewed two forces that combine all their specialities. They automatically. Does the particular case cause you any have separate Police and Crime Commissioners, concern? separate chief constables and separate cap badges in Damian Green: Well, any case that involves the the force, but the forces collaborate very, very closely. illegal use of guns obviously concerns me. If I can That has driven a lot of savings as well as lots of enter a small caveat, I am no longer responsible for efficiencies. firearms policy. Norman Baker now is. My knowledge is, therefore, slightly out of date. Q710 Mark Reckless: Do you think that could become a merger in due course? Q714 Chair: When did you lose this?

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Ev 108 Home Affairs Committee: Evidence

25 February 2014 The Right Hon. Damian Green MP

Damian Green: When Norman Baker became a right to have that crime cleared up as if you were a Home Office Minister, which was October, wasn’t it? victim a few months ago. Chair: One final question from Mr Reckless, and then Q715 Chair: Try to look back to when you were we will release you. Firearms Minister, if you could. What was the Government’s policy on this? Q719 Mark Reckless: Just finally on collaboration, Damian Green: The Government’s policy is that the Minister, there seem to be some barriers between protections are there, and clearly firearms licensing is police collaboration and the court system. Obviously, a very delicate issue. One can think of other tragic the judiciary are independent and we have to respect cases that have ensued. I was confident when I was that, from that perspective, but there are a lot of doing the job that the individual forces, because it is administrative issues. Matthew Ellis, the PCC in done on a force basis, were significantly tightening up Northamptonshire, has a very impressive pilot the way they operated. To say that licences are just programme that is cutting through this and saving automatically renewed is not the case. quite a lot of money. Can you support that more in other areas and nationally? Q716 Chair: In terms of crime statistics, we have Damian Green: I not only can but do. I am also a also heard evidence about the accuracy of these Ministry of Justice Minister, and one of the things I statistics. The commissioner has not changed his am most keen on driving through is precisely that: the evidence, but looked again at the evidence he gave to thought that this is a criminal justice system that starts this Committee and came to the conclusion that there with the police arresting somebody and ends with are concerns about the way in which they are being somebody being let out of prison and put on recorded. There is now an HMIC review of this. Are probation. If that is what the system takes, that should you happy with that, or do you have any concerns be one system. In particular, the technology through about the accuracy of these statistics? that system should be able to talk to itself, so that it is Damian Green: There are two things. First, thankfully reliable and quick, and so that you are not constantly we record crime in two completely different ways. We photocopying, faxing, doing all the things that have can be confident that crime is falling because the happened in the past. That is why in the last budget crime survey, which does not depend on the statistics the Chancellor gave a special fund of £160 million produced by the police, gives a consistent story, so I precisely for this type of work. am confident of that. Of course, we need accurate Our vision is that by 2016 we will have a digital police statistics as well. That is precisely why the criminal justice system, which will mean not just the Home Secretary called in HMIC and said, “Look at police using tablets or smartphones—it does not this on a force by force basis.” They are going to matter, there will no doubt be some other technology produce an interim report in April, and I think a final in the future—but recording everything digitally, both report in October. In the course of the coming months, in terms of writing and body-worn video. That creates we will have some authoritative independent evidence a digital case file that then goes through the system. both of what has been done in the past or is being You press a button and the file goes to the CPS. The done in the present and, no doubt, knowing HMIC, CPS can press a button and disclose it to the defence. strict recommendations about what needs to be done The court case can be heard with barristers with in the future as well. I think that is a step forward. screens in front of them, with judges with screens in front of them, so at no point do you have the Q717 Chair: Finally, on the historical cases that have traditional barristers travelling round the country—I been looked at by the police, obviously the public speak feelingly as the husband of a barrister—with have been watching the very high-profile cases of suitcases full of papers, some of which will have been William Roache and Dave Lee Travis and others, who lost, all of which will have been transferred around at have been acquitted after a very long and expensive massive expense and slightly inaccurately for periods police investigation. Do you think that this is past, and then getting there and the defence saying, proceeding in the correct manner? Should the police “This document was not disclosed”, or the police continue to do what they are doing, or have we saying, “Yes, we will go back to the station and get reached a stage where there is an end to the that.” All that kind of thing that causes delay and investigations? frustration in the criminal justice system is Damian Green: If you are the victim of a crime, you unnecessary in a digital era, and we are moving as deserve a police investigation and, following that, fast as I can to get towards that. potentially a prosecution and a case, whether that crime was committed last week or 30 years ago. That Q720 Chair: Very finally, we are concerned about the is the sensible and correct principle we need to work reduction in police dogs: 117 units have been lost on, on this basis. since 2009, and they are very cost-effective. They do not answer back. We have seen the value for money Q718 Chair: There is an open cheque—whatever it that they provide when we have been to Calais, when costs—to clear up these cases? The police should we have seen them on drugs raids. The NCA, as you follow the evidence in the way that they think best? know, in their new operations, use them. Is it a worry Damian Green: Yes. If evidence is produced and then to you that these very effective parts of policing that the CPS thinks there is a case to be answered, and that are not expensive are being reduced so dramatically? it is worth a court case, then, as I say, if you were a Damian Green: That is classically an operational victim of a crime 30 years ago, you have as much matter for individual chief constables. You are right,

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Home Affairs Committee: Evidence Ev 109

25 February 2014 The Right Hon. Damian Green MP dogs do effective work on drugs and some public for me to tell chief constables how many police dogs order, but it is not for the Police Minister to second they should have. guess any individual chief constable. Chair: I am sure they will be relieved to hear that. Chair: No, I am not asking you to second guess it. I Minister, thank you very much for giving evidence to want you just to say what you feel generally about us today. We are most grateful. Apologies for keeping police dogs and their use. you waiting again. That concludes the evidence Damian Green: Like this Committee, I have seen session. police dogs used extremely effectively, but it is not

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Page 296 Agenda Item 16


Meeting date : 11 July 2014

From: Assistant Director – Corporate Governance (Cumbria County Council)



1.1 This report advises members of any complaints received in accordance with the Panel’s complaints procedure and outlines where appropriate, what if any action has been taken in respect of the complaints.

1.2 This report also records any compliments received.


2.1 Members are asked to note the report.

2.2 Members are asked, if appropriate, to recommend any further course of action.


3.1 At the meeting on 17 December 2012 the Panel agreed to adopt a complaints procedure to consider non-criminal complaints in relation to the Police and Crime Commissioner or other office holders.

3.2 The Procedure

3.2.1 The procedure states the Monitoring Officer of Cumbria County Council would consider all non-criminal complaints regarding both quality of service and conduct, and act to broker local resolutions to resolve the complaints and resolve relationships

3.2.2 The Panel would then receive a monitoring report regarding complaints against the Police and Crime Commissioner at each meeting. This would detail the number of quality of service and conduct complaints and state whether local resolution has been agreed. In addition this report would outline the number of compliments received.

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4.1 At the meeting of 14 October 2013, members of the Panel requested additional information regarding how many complaints received had been submitted by the same complainant(s). At the time of writing, a total of 9 separate complaints have been received over the past 12 months, two of which have been submitted by the same complainant.

4.2 No additional complaints have been received since the April 2014 meeting of the Panel.



Dawn Roberts Assistant Director – Corporate Governance, Cumbria County Council June 2014




No background papers

Contact: Tracey Ingham 01228 226259; e-mail [email protected]

Page 298 Agenda Item 17



Date and time of meeting Venue


Friday 11 July CREA, Penrith 10.00am

Tuesday 14 October CREA, Penrith 10.00am

2015 Monday 26 January CREA, Penrith 10.00am

Tuesday 14 April CREA, Penrith 10.00am

Friday 17 July CREA, Penrith 10.00am

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