The Accuracy of Identifying the Greater Palatine Neurovascular Bundle: a Cadaver Study Jia-Hui Fu,* Dawlat G

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The Accuracy of Identifying the Greater Palatine Neurovascular Bundle: a Cadaver Study Jia-Hui Fu,* Dawlat G Volume 82 • Number 7 The Accuracy of Identifying the Greater Palatine Neurovascular Bundle: A Cadaver Study Jia-Hui Fu,* Dawlat G. Hasso,* Chu-Yuan Yeh,* Daylene J.M. Leong,* Hsun-Liang Chan,* and Hom-Lay Wang* Background: The palate is a common site for harvesting subepithelial connective tissue grafts (SCTG). The size of SCTG that can be harvested is dictated by the position of the greater palatine neurovascular bundle (GPB). The aims of this cadaver study are to assess the accuracy of predicting the location of the GPB on study models and to evaluate ana- ucogingival deformity is defined tomic factors that might influence the predictability. as a departure from the normal Methods: Eleven fully dentate or partially edentulous max- Mdimension and morphology of or illary cadavers were used. Study models were fabricated after interrelationship between gingiva and the greater palatine foramen was identified. The GPB was alveolar mucosa, which may be asso- recognized after dissection, from which the distance to the ciated with a defect in the underlying cemento-enamel junction of the first molar and premolar alveolar bone.1 One common example was measured. Eight periodontists and twelve periodontal res- of a mucogingival deformity is gingival idents were asked to estimate the location of the GPB on the recession, which is the movement of the study models and the same measurements were taken. Com- gingival margin apical to the cemento- parisons of the estimated and true GPB position were per- enamel junction (CEJ).1 The prevalence formed. The correlation between the palatal vault height and of gingival recession ranges from 0% the variability of detecting the GPB was investigated. to 100% depending on the population, Results: The most frequent greater palatine foramen loca- age, anatomic factors, physiologic fac- tion was between the second and third molars (66.6%). For tors, pathologic factors, trauma, and most cases, there was an underestimation of the location of level of oral hygiene.2-10 In a popula- the GPB up to 4 mm. The interexaminer variability was posi- tion of Tanzanian women, 33.6% had tively correlated with the vault height. gingival recession of ‡1 mm.4 Toker and Conclusions: The estimated location of the GPB was com- Ozdemir5 found that only 17.4% had monly closer to the cemento-enamel junction of posterior gingival recession <2 mm. A longitudinal teeth. Agreement on the location of the GPB was lowered with study, involving a well-maintained and the presence of high palatal vaults. The results of this study dentally aware Norwegian population could assist clinicians in planning the location for harvesting and a Sri Lankan population who had SCTG on the hard palate. J Periodontol 2011;82:1000-1006. no access to dental care, observed that the prevalence of gingival recession was KEY WORDS similar, occurring in 60% to 90% and 30% Anatomy; connective tissue; gingival recession; maxillary to 100% of the subjects, respectively, nerve; palate surgery, plastic. although the etiology of gingival reces- sion of the two distinct groups may have * Graduate Periodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. differed.2 Hugoson et al.3 examined a large random Swedish population and found that the frequency of tooth sur- faces with gingival recession increased from 0% in 20-year-old subjects to 22.2% in 80-year-old subjects. This concurs with the observation from other studies doi: 10.1902/jop.2011.100619 1000 J Periodontol • July 2011 Fu, Hasso, Yeh, Leong, Chan, Wang that the prevalence of gingival recession increases with After entering the oral cavity, it runs anteriorly in a age.9,10 bony groove between the junction of the maxillary Several classification systems were proposed to alveolar ridge and the horizontal plate of the maxilla better describe gingival recession defects. In 1968, and anastomoses in the premaxilla with branches of Sullivan and Atkins11 provided a descriptive catego- the nasopalatine bundle from the nasal cavity.32 rization of gingival recession defects into the combi- The amount of SCTG that can be harvested is dic- nations of narrow, wide, shallow, and deep groups. tated by the thickness of the palatal mucosa and the Miller,12 based on the level of interproximal soft and location of the GPB. The graft is generally taken ante- hard tissues and the relationship of the facial gingival rior to the mesial line angle of the first molar and pos- margin to the mucogingival junction, proposed four terior to the canine. This is because the palatal tissue classes of gingival recession. Recently, Nordland thickness is minimal at the first molar, on top of which, and Tarnow13 formulated a classification system that the GPB branches and courses more coronally be- examined the papillary fill and its relation to the CEJ. yond the canine region.32 The location of the GPB, Of these classification systems, Miller’s classification in relation to the height of the palatal vault, was found is most commonly used because itnotonlyprovided to be on average 7, 12, and 17 mm from the CEJs of the expected clinical success rate for root coverage the premolars and molars in shallow, average, and but also emphasized the importance of interproximal high palatal vaults, respectively.32 Based on the bone support in ensuring treatment success. aforementioned anatomic landmarks, the maximum Root coverage procedures can be broadly catego- graft dimensions of 8 mm in height and 31.7 mm in rized into pedicle grafts and free soft-tissue grafts. length were demonstrated on stone casts of periodon- Pedicle grafts, such as laterally positioned flap,14 tally healthy subjects.36 The emergence of the GPB double-pedicle flap,15 oblique rotational flap,16 and was assumed to be localized at the junction of the coronally positioned flap,17 have a key advantage vertical and horizontal palatal walls of the vault. The over free soft-tissue grafts in that the blood supply maximum height of the graft corresponded to the dis- to the flap is maintained. Unfortunately, there is lim- tance between the gingival margin and the assumed itedincrease in tissue thickness and width of keratini- course of the GPB. However, the accuracy of locating zed gingiva with the use of these surgical techniques. the course of the GPB on stone models was not vali- Free soft-tissue grafts, such as free gingival graft18 dated. Valuable clinical information could be obtained and subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCTG),19 if discrepancy between the estimated location of the however, are able to increase the width of keratinized GPB on study casts and the true bundle location could gingiva and tissue thickness. Autogenous tissue be determined. Therefore, this study on cadaveric grafts do possess several drawbacks, such as donor specimens aims to assess the accuracy of predicting site morbidity20 and limited tissue availability.21 As the location and course of the GPB on study models, such, allogenic tissue grafts, such as acellular dermal to compare it to the anatomic findings, and also to matrix22,23 and bilayered cell therapy,24,25 were de- evaluate anatomic factors that might influence the veloped to serve as alternatives to autogenous grafts predictability. with favorable treatment outcomes.24,26 Based on currently available literature, SCTG in combination MATERIALS AND METHODS with a coronally positioned flap was statistically su- Eleven fresh cadaver heads with fully dentate or par- perior in achieving root coverage compared to free tially edentulous maxilla were used in this study. The gingival graft, coronally positioned flap alone, guided cadavers were donated to the Department of Peri- tissue regeneration, and allogenic tissue grafts.27-30 odontics and Oral Medicine, University of Michigan An SCTG is commonly harvested from the hard School of Dentistry, Ann Arbor, Michigan, for educa- palate.31,32 According to Langer and Langer,33 a hor- tional purposes. The specimens belonged to white izontal incision to bone is made 5 mm from the palatal male subjects with an age range of 58 to 91 years gingival margin and the blade is subsequently placed (mean age: 75.7 years). parallel to the long axis of the roots. Another horizon- GPB Measurements on Cadavers tal incision is made 2 mm coronal to the first incision The GPF was located using a 22-gauge hypodermic and the periosteum is dissected before removing the needle.† The palatal gingiva of posterior teeth was wedge of soft tissue. Great care should be taken dur- excised with a #15 blade‡ to expose the CEJ. Each ing the harvesting procedure to avoid violating the maxillary arch was replicated with vinyl polysiloxane greater palatine neurovascular bundle (GPB).34 The impression material.§ Gypsum model stonei was used GPB, which contains the greater palatine artery, vein, and nerve, travels in the pterygopalatine fossa, † Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ. ‡ Disposable Blade #15, Becton Dickinson. passes through the pterygopalatine canal, and § Aquasil impression material, DENSTPLY International, York, PA. 35 exits through the greater palatine foramen (GPF). i Microstone, Whip Mix Corporation, Louisville, KY. 1001 Identifying the Greater Palatine Neurovascular Bundle Volume 82 • Number 7 to fabricate study models with hypodermic needles in a fine-tip red pen.†† The same measurements on the the GPF. Manufacturer instructions were followed dur- casts (BMVc and BPVc) were obtained by a single ex- ing the acquisition of the impressions and study aminer (DGH) with the method as used in the cadav- models. eric specimens. Once all measurements were finished The GPB was exposed with mask dissection begin- for one participant, the translucent tape was removed ning from the GPF to the canine region. The GPB lo- and a new piece of tape was adapted on the palate. cation was determined by measuring its vertical The models were transferred to the next participant distance from the CEJs of the first molar (BMV) and until all measurements were obtained from all partic- first premolar (BPV) (Fig.
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