71/72 the KINGSWAY Cultural Heritage - Appraisal
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Swansea Council 71/72 THE KINGSWAY Cultural Heritage - Appraisal 70039389-CHA NOVEMBER 2019 CONFIDENTIAL Swansea Council 71/72 THE KINGSWAY Cultural Heritage - Appraisal TYPE OF DOCUMENT (VERSION) CONFIDENTIAL PROJECT NO. 70039389 OUR REF. NO. 70039389-CHA DATE: NOVEMBER 2019 WSP 1 Capital Quarter, Tyndall Street, Cardiff, CF10 4BZ WSP.com CONFIDENTIAL QUALITY CONTROL Issue/revision First issue Revision 1 Revision 2 Revision 3 Remarks DRAFT FINAL Date 19/09/2019 07/11/2019 Prepared by Kevin Paton Kevin Paton Signature Checked by Kevin Mooney Kevin Mooney Signature Authorised by Sally Hales Sally Hales Signature Project number 70039389 70039389 Report number R01 R02 File reference 70039389-CHA 70039389-CHA 71/72 The Kingsway CONFIDENTIAL | WSP Project No.: 70039389 | Our Ref No.: 70039389-CHA November 2019 Swansea Council CONTENTS 1 CULTURAL HERITAGE 2 1.1 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 2 1.2 APPROACH 2 1.3 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 4 1.4 HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL BASELINE 4 1.5 CONCLUSION 9 2 APPENDICES 10 FIGURES Figure 1: Designated Cultural Heritage Sites 71/72 The Kingsway CONFIDENTIAL | WSP Project No.: 70039389 | Our Ref No.: 70039389-CHA November 2019 Swansea Council 1 CULTURAL HERITAGE 1.1 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The main aims and objectives of this high level Cultural Heritage Appraisal are to: Identify any known Cultural Heritage sites that may be present within the Proposed Development and within a surrounding study area; Assess the potential for the survival of previously unknown archaeology within the Proposed Development; Suggest recommendations for any further cultural heritage assessment or mitigation of sites highlighted within the appraisal, likely to be affected by the Proposed Development. This appraisal forms the first stage of an iterative process of a Cultural Heritage assessment which will be considered alongside wider scheme issues during development of the scheme design. As part of any future detailed design process, further assessment and/or investigations may be required to assess the impacts of the Proposed Development on the cultural heritage resource, or to establish the extent, character and significance of potential buried remains. This high-level appraisal has identified the key national, regional and local heritage considerations, referencing current Cultural Heritage Guidelines. For the avoidance of doubt, and for the purposes of this study, ‘Cultural Heritage’ encompasses cultural heritage, archaeological heritage and architectural heritage. This comprises: places and objects of beauty or of cultural, historical, scientific, social or spiritual value; and includes archaeological monuments, world heritage sites, protected structures, designed landscapes, place names, language and inherited traditions. 1.2 APPROACH This study has involved desk-based elements, collating information mainly from within a 500 m study area, utilising the following readily available primary information sources: Collation and assessment of all Designated archaeological sites within a 500 m radius of the Proposed Development; Assessment of all available excavation reports and archives including unpublished reports; Assessment of aerial photographic and satellite imagery; Assessment of archive records held at the National Library of Wales and the Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments in Wales; Records held by the developer including geological/geomorphological information, aerial photographs, maps and plans; Map regression analysis using all relevant cartographic sources; and Place-name evidence and Historic Documents. Legislative Framework and Guidance The appraisal has been carried out in line within the following legislative framework: Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979; nationally important archaeological sites (both above and below-ground remains) of any period may be identified and protected under this Act. Statutory protection is given to any structure, building or work which is considered to be of particular historic or archaeological interest and this Act regulates any activities which may affect such areas. Under the Act any work that is carried out on a 71/72 The Kingsway CONFIDENTIAL | WSP Project No.: 70039389 | Our Ref No.: 70039389-CHA November 2019 Swansea Council Page 2 of 26 scheduled monument must first obtain Scheduled Monument Consent (SMC). Development affecting the setting of a scheduled monument is dealt with wholly under the planning system; Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990; applies special protection to buildings and areas of special architectural or historic interest. Section 66 (1) of the Act states that ‘In considering whether to grant planning permission for development which affects a listed building or its setting, the local planning authority or, as the case may be, the Secretary of State shall have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses.’ Within Wales, the mechanisms by which appropriate consents for works affecting listed buildings and conservation areas are to be applied for is set out in the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Wales) Regulations 2012; Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2016; this Act became law in March 2016, and amends the two pieces of legislation identified above, as well as providing new stand-alone provisions. The following guidance documents have been referenced during the preparation of this appraisal: Welsh Office Circular 61/96 Planning and the Historic Environment: Historic Buildings and Conservation Areas; Conservation Principles for the sustainable management of the historic environment in Wales (Cadw, 2011); and Setting of Historic Assets in Wales, Cadw (2017). Standards and Guidance This appraisal has been compiled in accordance with professional standards and guidance. The standards and guidance which relate to this assessment are; Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) 2017, Standard and Guidance for Historic Environment Desk-based Assessment; Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA), 2014a, Code of Conduct; and Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA), 2014b, Standards and Guidance for Consultancy Advice. Study Area Although the focus of this assessment is on the Proposed Development, a wider study area is presented to place the area within its archaeological and contextual background. A study area of approximately 500 m extending out from the limits of the Proposed Development was applied for the identification of all designated heritage sites. Limitations This study has been based solely on a high level interrogation of existing data available through primary resources. No Historic Environment Record (HER) enquiry has been requested, no site- based survey or invasive field survey has been undertaken to inform the conclusions of this study. All online data was accessed on the 18th September 2019. 71/72 The Kingsway CONFIDENTIAL | WSP Project No.: 70039389 | Our Ref No.: 70039389-CHA November 2019 Swansea Council Page 3 of 26 1.3 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The proposed development is located to the north-west edge of the retail centre of Swansea, located on The Kingsway (centred on NGR 265252, 193003), with part of the site extending through to Oxford Street (Figure 1). The proposed development is surrounded by further commercial buildings, with the NCP car park situated opposite the site, and retail buildings adjacent. Swansea Bus Station and Quadrant Shopping Centre is located approximately 100 m south of the site. The wider surrounding area is urban, with dense residential dwellings lining the outskirts of the city centre to the north, east and west, with Swansea Bay, Swansea Civic Centre and Swansea Marina which comprises residential and commercial properties located to the south. The site currently consists of a former nightclub building, which has already been demolished to basement level (two storeys below ground level) which is currently being used as a site compound for The Kingsway works’ contractors. The remaining area of the site consists of a former bank, Picton Lane Arcade, a car park, Peacocks clothing shop, a charity shop, and demolished former retail units on Oxford Street. The Proposed Development comprises a mixed-use site including the construction of a six storey building (two below ground). The area of the site is approximately 0.7 hectares(ha) within the red line boundary. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Report was submitted to the City and County of Swansea for the Proposed Development1 in early 2019. 1.4 HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL BASELINE Overview The study has identified no known cultural heritage assets within the Proposed Development boundary. Utilising an indicative 500 m study area surrounding the Proposed Development, 50 known designated heritage assets were identified and listed within the information sources referenced above. Historical Timeline The principal sites and features within the study area are described in the context of a timeline of archaeological periods from Prehistoric through to Modern. The location of the recorded assets can be cross referenced with Figure 1 and the Gazetteer (Appendix 1). The time periods discussed can be broadly divided as follows: Prehistoric: Palaeolithic 50,000 – 10,000 BCE Mesolithic 10,000 – 4,000 BCE 1 Swansea Council, Digital Village Swansea, Environmental Screening Report, 2019 71/72 The Kingsway CONFIDENTIAL | WSP Project