PEOPLE's CO-OPERATIVE of the Total Jewish Population of General Patriotic And
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.._._------ -,' Page Six T-HB olB,WIS:H PO.ST '1;hursday, May 27, lJI43 Page Seven • Thursday, May 27, 1943. THB J'BWISH POST Harris, Mrs. W. Cohen; council rep ATTAINS MAJORITY He is survived ·by his wife and A . I ... B orodit s k y, 0 f W"mmpeg, MRS. H. E. WILDER TO ADDRESS Mrs. Sol Silver Re-elected President resentatives, Mesdames Sol Silver, Congress Issues Official H. M. Ripstein, Well and gave a'.·report on the people's relief HADASSAH ON SATURDAY Promotion of Capt. Simon Jauvoish, M. Israels, L. Hershfield, H. J. Gran three daughters, Yeteeve, Riva committee; .Alex Freeman reported Of Ezra At 20th Anniversary Meeting Miriam, and one ·son, Dr. Charles for war efforts committee, arid l\I;Irs. The final lecture .in the cultural 22 Monterey apartments, to major, is ovsky, E. Singer~ M. Gordon, C. Bell; . Known Pioneer Here, Ripstein, who. is now· servmg . over- Max .Heppner on women's war effort series sponsored by the Winnipeg announced. by military. authorities. rummage sale chairman, Mrs. S. Jewish Population Figur~s seas as an' officer in the Army Medi:- yommittee. I Hadassah will take place Saturday, Major Jauvoish is a member of the ties included a business men's lun Nitikman. Dies 'In Montreal . ... R M sMA discussion on post-war prob- May 29, at 2.30 p.m., in the Hadassah Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps cheon, the spring and autumn teas, The smallest proportionate increase a larger proportion of males to fe cal ~orps. ~IS SIster, ose, ~..' lems was presented at the luncheon News has just reached here of the J: Fmkelstem, p;edeceased hlffi m meeting by Mr. Rosenberg and A. I. lounge room, 1127 Main street. Mrs. and medical officer at the 103rd Basic a rummage sale an4 year book Received Ph.D. At McGill of Jewish population'in the history males among the total population of 1940. Shumiateher, of Calgary. Mr. Rosen- H. E. Wilder will be the speaker. Traning centre, Fort Garry. advertising. of Canada took place during the all origins in Canada in 1941 than untimely death in Montreal ofH. M. berg urged that the gates of Palestine Mrs. M. Gordon, treasurer, report decade from 1931 to 1941. The Jew among the Jewish population. There Ripstein, a former well-known citi- . CONGRESS CONFERENCE be opened and declared that at the ed a successful .year, and Mrs. E. ish population of Canada formed were only 1018 Jewish males of all zen Of Winnipeg. His father was the (Continued f rom P age 1) same time· it was necessary. hto hre- Zerifi, membership convener, told of only 1.470/0 of the total population in ages in Canada in '1941 for every laie S. A. Ripstein, who came to I - move all discrimInation w et er . f I' t ground of race or creed, Mr. Hart . political, social, economic or religious ANNOUNCEMENT / /' increased membership with 250 reg 1941 as compared with 1.500/0 of the 1,000 Jewish females, whilst among Winnipeg in 1876, one 0 our ear les h J . h' h b't t f d Green S"'d. against t e eWIS ill a 1 an s a any istered. On behalf of the chapter a total population in 1931. Sl'ngle pioneers and one of the foun _. o...L t 'n the world forfor the solu the total population there were 1,053 The committee had· taken up sev- coun ry I - We are pleased to advise that presentation was made to Mrs. Gor The proportion of the Jewish to males of all ages for every 1,000 ers of our local Jewish community. eral cases of defamatory statements tion of the Jewish post-war problem. don and Mrs. O. Margolese for out HI'S mother, the late Mrs. S. A. Rip- . t' J d' the (The text of Mr. Rosenberg's ad- the total population of all origins has females. made agams ews, an In . dress will be found elsewhere in this standing service. In. absentia a decreased in the decade from 1931 10 stein, came to this city as Miss Annie majority of cases had succeeded m "BLUE LABEL SALAMI" presentation was made to Mrs. S. 1941 in four out of the nine Canadian SEE US. Finkelstein, the· daughter of Tevel obtaining written apologies or o.~er is~:iigion must be a primary factor FOR REAL VALUES IN WEINERS GARLIC SAUSAGE Friedman, now residing in Montreal. provinces and has barely held its Finkelstein, one of the group of action designed ·to prevent repetlt.lOn in the upbuilding of the new world, of such complaints, Mr. Hart Gr~.ell: . Mr. Shuml'atcher declared. The COOKED TONGUES and BOLOGNA' Mrs. F. Buchwald presented the own in two of the remaining five pioneers who arrived in a body in d • Diamonds reporte . t.· future must be based on solid hopes report o£ the nominating committee provinces, while the Jewish popula • Rings May 1882 and e~ected our first syna- He drew attention to the forma Ion and a program of .realism, he added. and officers and conveners elected tion has actually decreased numeri • Watches gogue and laid the foundations of in Winnipeg of a branch ~f. the A Jewish peace aim· is the destruc ARE NOT RATIONED are: President, Mrs. Sol Silver, • Silverware our Jewish community. Canadian Conference of ChrIstians tion of anti ... Seniitism, the speaker cally during the same period in three • Odd CuPs honorary presidents, Mrs. M. H. of the nine provinces. Dnd SDUCerJ Mr. Ripstein was born in Winnipeg anWd oJrekws~arried out by· the war said. (The complete adbdlrehss dof Mr .. Abremovich, Mrs. M. Rady, Mrs. D. • Vases d' .. Shumiatcher will be pu is e in an CORNED BEEF and SMOKED P ASTROMA 'fhese are some of the highlights in Etc. in the late '80's and marrie . MISS efforts committee of the Congress early issue.) M. A. Rose, of Regi,na; P. GotIieb, Mrs. M. Steinkopf, Mrs. '-i staListi<;:al study of the Jewish Birdie Benjamin, daughter of the was reported by Alex E. Freem:;Ul, d . d h I h ONLY ARE RATIONED chairman. The committee took pa~t presi e at t e unc eon. , , 1\'11'5. Sol Silver was re-elected M. D. Spivak, Mrs. F. Buchwald, population of Canada prepared for We are out ..t . Rev. Mr. Benjamin, who was· the in the following activities: co-or~l- The problem facing the world is president of Ezra chapter of Hadas- Mrs. L. G. Feinstein, Mrs. I. M. the Bureau of Social and Economic the &lRh rent first Rabbi of the Shaarey Zedek nation of war efforts work of JewIsh not only one of winning the war but .:Iistrfct; • D III f t J d f also the peace to follow, the Han . sah at the 20th anniversary meeting Roseni past president, lVIrs. Max Research of the Canadian Jewish ean p •••• synagogue, which was t h e Irs ew- organizations; recommen ing. o· J. S. McDiarmid declared in bring- I Continue purchasing our products from your dealer as in the past. held at the Hudson's Bay company Cohen; vice - presidents, Mrs. M. rea1 sa.1I' ... ish house of worship in Wirinipeg. appointments of Jewish chapl~lU~ to b h 1£ f th congress by Louis Rosenberg, and • to ,..... dian active forces; compIla- ing greetings on e a a e pro.v-· COUNTRY MERCHANTS: Monday. Mrs. Silver was presented Israels, Mrs. L. Hershfield, Mrs. H. Dr. Leo Yaffe was awarded his Mr. Ripstein moved to Montreal in the Cana h ince in the absence of PremIer based upon the official statistics 01 Maii your orders for our products which al'e not rationed and do with a Golden Book inscription by J. Granovsky; honorary vice-presi Doctor of Philosophy degree at 1919 and ther~ became one of the tion of a nominal roll of Jewis ~en Stuart Garson at the mass meeting. the Dominion Bureau of Statistics and women - on active servIce; . Dr. E. M. Howse, secretary of the not send any coupons - they are not necessary. the chapter for services rendered. dents, Mrs. A. H. Aronovitch, Mrs. McGill university~ He has received as compiled at the time of the 1941 . , prominent leaders of the Jewish organization of women's division or Canadian Conference of Christians Mrs. Max Rady outlined the even1:s M. Taliar, Mrs. H. Arkin, Mrs. J-I an appointment with the National census. community in va rio u s welfare regular mailing of comfort boxes a.nd and Jews expressed the hope that of Ezra's 20-year history and pre- Winston; corresponding secretary, Research council. Dr. Yaffe had a Preliminary figures of the total organizations,. including the Talmud cigarettes to Jewish men. on active the Cong~ess· would add weight to . service overseas; recre?-tlOnal ~r- the movement now bel'ng made to sented, in chronological order, the Mrs. J. S. Lexierj recording secre brilliant scholastic career and was Jewish population of Canada in 1941 Torah. He was one 0 f. -t h e organIzers . ~ t and Chicago Kosher Sausage .Mfg. awarq.ed annual scholarships at the .- nishings project; serVIce ·cen res the government to save those souls chapter's presidents during that tal'Y, Mrs. E. Miller; treasurer, Mrs. show them to number 170,120 as DOUBlE DRINK of the Montreal· Kehilla, of which he personaI . serVIce;. s u p port· and co- ·which could be saved. "We must be COMPANY LIMITED period: Mrs. Rady, Mrs. F. Buch- E. Singer; membership, Mrs. E. University of Manitoba and at Mc compared with 156,726 in 1931.