FRIENDS OF WILDERNESS AUTUMN 2004 Keeping Nevada Wild Since 1984 Bill designates biggest amount of Nevada wilderness ever Lincoln County Wilderness! Together we did it! On November 17, Congress Clover , White Rock Range and two citi- passed the Lincoln County Conservation, Recre- zen-proposed areas (i.e., they weren’t Wilderness ation and Development Act of 2004, Study Areas before the bill): the Mt. Irish which designates 14 new wilderness and Big Rocks wilderness areas. areas totaling 768,294 acres — the 14 areas and “We are pleased that the entire Nevada greatest acreage ever designation by 768,000 acres delegation worked so closely together on this a single bill in Nevada. Your support were given legislation,” said Shaaron Netherton, helped make it happen! permanent Friends’ Executive Director. “Many incredi- Some of the new wilderness ar- protection for ble areas were given permanent protection eas include the Mormon, Meadow future for future generations as a result of the bill.” Valley and Delamar mountains wil- generations Friends of Nevada Wilderness and the derness areas, which are now the Nevada Wilderness Coalition have been second-, third- and fifth-largest wilderness areas in working on this bill since 2001. Three years of See list of new Nevada (at 315,000 acres, the Black Rock meetings, letter writing, phone calls, visits to Con- wilderness areas on page 4 wilderness remains the largest). Other wonderful gressional staff, mapping, hiking, photographing, wilderness areas include the Fortification Range, continued on page 3 Public may gain 20 thousand acres Jaksick parcels approved for acquisition by BLM By Brian Beffort these parcels will assure continued habitat for mule On August 5, Secretary of the Interior Gale deer, bighorn sheep and other wildlife, continued ac- Norton approved the public acquisition of more than cess for hunters, hikers and other recreationists, and 20,000 acres of wild and scenic private lands under protection from developers’ bulldozers. Round 5 of the Southern Nevada Public Lands Man- continued on page 4 agement Act (SNPLMA). This is a big step toward protecting wildlands and ensuring that four wilder- Get your View from the front lines Page 2 2005 ness study areas are never marred by development and blocked access. New wilderness areas list Page 3 Wild Nevada Arguably the most important proposed acquisi- Humboldt-Toiyabe NF campaign Page 4 calendar available now! tion will be the Jaksick Parcels, 19,000 acres of par- Trek the Toiyabe Crest trail Page 5 cels scattered across the top of the Granite Moun- Black Rock power plant Page 5 see back page tains, on the western edge of the Black Rock Inside: Desert, as well as private land in and around the Wilderness heroes honored Page 6 Wall Canyon, Poodle , Twin Peaks and Remembering Sally Kabisch Page 6 Buffalo Hills wilderness study areas. When acquired, Working for wilderness in DC Page 7 1 d

From the front lines Next public lands bill contenders: Board of Directors White Pine, Pershing, Lyon counties No. HenryNevada Egghart Members Together, we made a difference! discussions and fieldwork are under- Corey Lewis Thanks to you, Nevada can celebrate way in Lyon County. Ron Hunter the inclusion of 14 new wilderness WE’VE HAD SOME GREAT SUC- areas into the National Wilderness Roger Scholl CESSES THIS YEAR Preservation System. These areas Marge Sill Fourteen new Wilderness areas are in Lincoln County. were designated. Approval for fund- National politics ing to buy important aside, Nevada is private land within RuralKaren Nev adaBoeger Members where wilderness pro- several wilderness Peter Bradley tection in this county study areas was in happening and you, granted. Illegal vehi- So. Nevada Members the devoted members cle routes were re- Theo Byrns of Friends of Nevada claimed in wild Geoff Frasz Wilderness, are mak- places by volun- Hermi Hiatt ing it happen. We teers on the John Hiatt couldn’t do it without ground. In short, Macaire Moran you. you make these Bart Patterson Wilderness pro- Shaaron Netherton successes possible tection for Lincoln County was over by your efforts on the ground, by Staff three years in the making. Wilder- your letters, and by your financial ness protection doesn’t come easy; support and personal passion. ShaaronExecutive Netherton Director it takes a lot of on-the-ground work, THINK ABOUT YOUR VISION FOR meetings, more meetings, building WILD NEVADA PamEly White relationships and trust with all play- When you receive your end-of- ers. But there’s lots more to do. year request letter for a donations, SusanLas V egasPotts WHERE WILL THE NEXT WILDER- think about what we have accom- NESS DESIGNATIONS BE? plished together. Think about your BrianReno Beffort Nevada’s Congressional delega- vision for Wild Nevada. Then give Pete Dronkers tion has made it clear they want to generously so that we can turn your Pat Patera address public lands issues for every vision into reality. Together we can county in Nevada, following the mod- give Nevada the wilderness it de- el crafted in the Clark and Lincoln serves. NorthernPO BoxNe v9754ada Office Reno, NV 89507 counties bills. Visit our website for holiday gift (775) 324-7667 Based on comments from the ideas. Give a gift memberships to a delegation, we’re betting on White happening organization. Give wilder- Pine, Pershing and Lyon counties as ness calendars, books, or t-shirts. Sout1700hern E. Desert Nevada Inn #406Office contenders for the next public lands Spread the wild word. Give the Las Vegas, NV 89109 bill. Friends of Nevada Wilderness is gift of wilderness! (702) 650-6542 laying foundations in all of these Website places. Pam White, our rural orga- Happy Holidays nizer, is hard at work in her White Pine County. Members like you are E-mail [email protected] attending wilderness meetings in Pershing County this month, and Shaaron Netherton Newsletter published quarterly

2 d Wilderness bill is largest ever in Nevada continued from page 1 and working together with other stakeholders paid off with 11% of Lincoln County in eastern Nevada forever protected as wilderness! Although this legislation represents a major step forward for protection of many deserving and threatened areas, some of the wilderness ar- eas are smaller than they should be and the Pahranagat Range and other areas were not giv- en the wilderness protection they desperately need. Friends of Nevada Wilderness is also disap- pointed that water pipeline utility corridors were included in the bill, as they may help facilitate the movement of water from rural Nevada to Las Vegas. We stand united with Nevada’s larger conservation community in opposing these short-sighted proposals. With the continued support of you, our The Lincoln County bill designated two citizen-proposed wilderness areas: Big members, wilderness protection will move for- Rocks and Mt. Irish, which the BLM totally missed in their wilderness inventories. ward in Nevada, to other counties. As long as Congress, however, recognized their wilderness values, and included them. there are wild places in Nevada needing protec- tion, Friends of Nevada Wilderness will be out there leading the charge. New Wilderness in Eastern Nevada area acres For more detail on the bill and its history, Mormon Mountains Wilderness 157,938 visit our website: www. Look for a more detailed tour of Nevada’s Meadow Valley Range Wilderness 123,488 Delamar Mountains Wilderness 111,328 newest wilderness areas in future newsletters. Climb the Clover Mountains Wilderness 85,748 mountains and South Pahroc Range Wilderness 25,800 get their glad Worthington Mountains Wilderness 30,664 tidings. Nature’s peace Weepah Spring Wilderness 51,480 will flow into 43,693 you as White Rock Range Wilderness 24,413 sunshine flows Fortification Range Wilderness 30,656 into trees. – John Muir Time to rest on our laurels? Far South Egans Wilderness 36,384 Not for a minute! There is still lots to do. Tunnel Spring Wilderness 5,371 The newly designated wilderness areas need peo- Big Rocks Wilderness 12,997 ple to be friends of Nevada wilderness. Want to get involved in the office or on the ground? Call (775) Mt. Irish Wilderness 28,334 324-7667 to learn more about becoming a wilder- TOTAL ACRES 768,294 ness advocate.

3 V

Working for more National Forest wilderness 812,000 acres aren’t enough By Pete Dronkers The results of this work are invaluable — it may Every visit to the Humboldt-Toiyabe National double the 812,000 acres of designated wilderness Forest rewards me with the realization that I am in the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest. In the contributing to a legacy of protection in Nevada. In northern Monitor Range, for example, an area of terms of designating wilderness, Nevada truly is a 40,000 acres was bisected into 3 roadless units in frontier. My photos and reports about these beauti- the USFS roadless inventory, but the dividing roads ful, remote, and little-known didn’t exist on the ground. As a result, the Forest Mission roadless areas provide a frame- Service agreed that this is one contiguous area, and Statement The results of work for Forest Service wilder- now we will advocate for a wilderness recommen- Keep this work are in- ness recommendations. The re- dation for the Summit and Antelopemountains. valuable — it may sults will be priceless. Nevada double the Wild! In the last half year, 812,000 acres of as the Friends of Neva- designated wil- da Wilderness Forest Friends of Nevada derness in the Service coordinator, I Wilderness is Humboldt-Toiyabe have spent more than National Forest. dedicated to 35 days in the field preserving all looking for just the qualified Nevada right place and moment to capture the es- public lands as sence of an area on film and in writing. I don’t rest until I’ve found it. Another world Wilderness, is always waiting on the other side of the protecting all ridge, or over the summit, and I can’t be present and satisfied until I know what awaits there. I potential Wilderness have spent hundreds of hours navigating Highland Ridge, just south of Great Basin National Park, was from ongoing the remote corners of these roadless areas left out of the 1989 US Forest Service wilderness bill. Friends of Nevada Wilderness is working to give its extremely high wil- threats, educating – in one instance being forced into a dra- derness values the protection they deserve. Another world the public on the matic self-rescue from a freak late-June blizzard high on the Toiyabe Crest. awaits beyond the far ridge. Photo by Pete Dronkers. values of – and need for – You can explore these places for yourself online at . Follow the “Forest Service” link from the home page, or surf Nevada’s regions via the menu icons at the top of the page. Areas featured on the site Wilderness, and include the Toiyabe Crest, Bunker Hill, Table Mountain additions, Pearl Peak (southern Rubies), Wildcat Peak improving the (Toquima Range), Highland Ridge (southern Snake Range), Red Mountain, Currant Mountain additions, South management and Shoshone Peak, and Antelope and Summit Mountain (northern Monitor Range). restoration of these Jaksick parcels approved for acquisition by BLM public wild lands. continued from page 1 According to the BLM, the Jaksick Parcels re- 1) A 4-acre parcel in Calico Basin, adjacent to the ceived more public support letters than any other Red Rock Canyon in Las proposal in SNPLMA history. This might explain Vegas. 2) White Basin, a 1,200-acre parcel adjacent why the Jaksick Parcels were added back into the to the Muddy Mountains Wilderness Area near Las mix after failing to make the cut during the first Vegas. 3) Clearwater Canyon, 5,000 acres of peren- round of public comment. We would like to extend nial streams and riparian areas straddling the Persh- some of the credit to Friends’ members for helping. ing-Humboldt county line. Thanks to all of you for responding to our letter Norton’s approval does not, however, assure campaign by sending in your letters of support. that these parcels will be acquired. It simply ear- They worked! marks funds to pursue the purchases. We’re hoping Other parcels approved for acquisition include: negotiations run smoothly with the willing sellers. 4 Thanks to all of you W for responding to our letter campaign by sending in your Trek the Toiyabe Crest Trail letters of support. They worked! By Pete Dronkers A hike along the Crest will give you a great indication of Treking along the Toiyabe Crest Trail at 10,000 the types of landscapes that remain unprotected. feet, with no one in sight, I hiked from rolling ridges to rocky peaks. I was sure the Nevada Wilderness Protection Act of 1989 had missed something. The act designated 13 new wilderness areas, including the 115,000-acre Wilderness 40 miles to the south, but it left out the state’s highest, most continuous ridge! The 35-mile Toiyabe Crest Trail meanders around rock towers, past springs, and across meadows while maintaining an average eleva- tion just under 10,000 feet. Friends of Nevada Wilderness is working with the U.S. Forest Service to right this wrong by rec- ognizing the stupendous wilderness values and rec- ommending the Toiyabe Crest for wilderness in the Humboldt-Toiyabe Forest Plan Revision.

Overwhelming public opposition The Toiyabe-Crest National Recreation Trail runs along one of Nevada’s longest Black Rock power plant mountain ranges, in one of its largest unprotected roadless areas. This area needs your help to get wilderness protection. (Photo by Roger Scholl.) plans move forward Despite overwhelming public opposition, Sem- Help make the pra Energy’s proposed Granite Fox coal-fired pow- How to get there Toiyabe Crest er plant on the edge of the is one Directions: There are many ways to access the wilderness! Toiyabe Crest Trail. Starting from the north may be the If you have hiked this in- step closer to completion. best option if you’re planning on a long trek into Arc credible area, please In September, Sempra completed its application Dome Wilderness and out the southern end of the range. send a letter to Steve to the Nevada Public Utilities Commission to tie into Shorter, out-and-back hikes are also possible. Williams, Austin/ the nearby DC transmission line. Sempra is also A few miles west of Austin on Highway 50, turn south on Big Creek Rd. (FR 002), which will lead to the Tonopah Ranger, PO completing an application to the BLM for a 10-mile trailhead in Kingston Canyon (high-clearance required). Box 130, Austin NV, new railroad line across the Smoke Creek Desert From Tonopah, take Highway 376 north through Big 89310. Describe why from Gerlach to the power plant site to deliver coal Smoky Valley to Kingston, then follow FR 002 west to the the Crest is special to trailhead, which is marked by an obvious kiosk and map. you, and ask the US to the plant and to construct a 33-mile water pipe- Plan on four or five days of hiking to reach the south end line down the west side of the Smoke Creek Desert of , where a car should be cached. Forest Service to rec- in order to draw virtually all of the water from the A good two-day trip might be to climb ommend the Toiyabe Peak and return to the Kingston Trailhead. There are no basin for the power plant. Crest as wilderness in permits, no fees, no parking problems, and you most like- the upcoming plan revi- If Granite Fox is built, it will be the largest coal- ly will not see another person, yet be on a trail the entire sion. If you haven’t visit- time if you choose. fired power plant in the country, generating 1450 ed yet, please make a megawatts of electricity for power consumers in For more information, call the USFS Austin Ranger District at (775) 964-2671. point to do so when the California. It will deplete nearly 15 million gallons of snow melts next year. groundwater each day, and spew tons of mercury, nitrogen oxides and other poisons across Black our web site, and fol- Rock Desert skies, into 10 designated wilderness low the Black Rock power plant links to find the lat- areas, and to the rest of the nation’s air. est updates and calls to action. THERE’S STILL TIME TO STOP GRANITE Call (775) 324-7667 for more information. Sign FOX, BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP. up for our alert list, so we can let you know when Send letters of opposition to the Washoe County we need your letter or call to oppose the plant. Commission and to Governor Kenny Guinn. Go to 5 z z Wilderness heroes take home honors Senator Harry Reid received the Ansel Adams Friends of Nevada Wilderness board members Award from the Wilderness Society on September Marge Sill, Roger Scholl, Hermi Hiatt and John Hiatt 15 to commemorate his contributions to the stew- each received “Environmental Hero” awards at the ardship of America’s natural treasures. Wilderness Society’s Governor’s Council Awards “Senator Reid has demonstrated outstanding leg- Dinner held at the Hotel on Octo- islative skills on several key environmental issues,” ber 1. The awards recognize the knowledge, passion said Wilderness Society President Bill Meadows. and dedication these people have brought to protect- “He has proven to be a true wilderness champi- ing wild places in Nevada. on, especially in his efforts to protect the Na- Marge Sill is a founding member of Friends who tional Wildlife Refuge from drilling and to promote has been working on wilderness in Nevada since the A heartfelt sensible energy legislation. As Minority Whip, Sena- 1950s and who helped pass the in Thank You tor Reid has applied his knowledge, floor skills, and 1964. Roger Scholl, another founding member, has to all the strong leadership in the Senate to protect our natural been intricately involved in almost every bill to desig- Friends of legacy.” nate wilderness in Nevada. John and Hermi Hiatt Nevada Reid has also been instrumental in preserving the have shown unswerving dedication to protecting natural heritage of Nevada, from the Black Rock wildlife and landscapes from Nevada’s southern tip Wilderness Desert to Mt. Rose, the Ruby Mountains, Mt. to the Snake Range in White Pine County. new members, Charleston, and the Muddy Mountains. He most re- Friends of Nevada Wilderness extends heartfelt and longtime cently helped to protect 768,294 acres as wilderness thanks to these wilderness heroes. We’re honored supporting in Lincoln County. Reid Rocks! and proud to be working with you. members.

Senator Harry Reid (above). At right, Bill Meadows (on far right) presents Environmental Hero awards to (from left) John Hiatt, Marge Sill, Hermi Hiatt, and Roger Scholl.

FriendsRemembering of Nevada Wilderness is saddenedSally by Ktheabisch,To honor wilderness her wonderful work, wSenatorarrior Harry Reid loss of one of our great wilderness warriors. Sally entered the following eloquent memorial to Sally A. Kabisch, a long-time friend and wilderness advocate, Kabisch in the Congressional Record on Sept. 8, 2004: died this summer after a long, brave fight with ovarian “There are times in history when one person can cancer. More than anyone else, Sally was responsible and does make a difference. The recent death of Sally for passing the Nevada Wilderness Protection Act of Kabisch reminded me of one such person and one 1989, which designate as wilderness such USFS jewels particular period of time. as Mt. Charleston, Mt. Rose, Arc Dome, Table Mtn and “Sally Kabisch dedicated herself to a remarkable Mt. Moriah. career of conservation. She worked at various times as Sally was always optimistic, always positive, and she a grassroots organizer and advocate for conservation energized the wilderness community in Nevada. efforts in Nevada, California and Alaska.” 6 z z

Nevada: a ray of hope in a hostile political climate Working for wilderness in D.C. The support of you, the members of Friends of Our Congressional delegation’s bipartisan coop- Nevada Wilderness, allowed staff members Pamela eration on wilderness, combined with the Nevada White, Susan Potts and Brian Beffort to join wilder- Wilderness Coalition’s visionary proposals and rea- “Come on in – the ness volunteers sonable negotiations with a full spectrum of stake- earth, like the sun, Katie Kleinick, holders, has enabled us to designate wilderness in a belongs to everyone Kurt Kuznicki and national political climate that is often hostile to wil- and to no one.” Nancy Hall on “I must be honest,” said derness. Inspired by Nevada’s leadership, other - Edward Abbey Capitol Hill to ad- Kurt Kuznicki, “the thought states have begun similar approaches to wilderness vocate for more of being a Washington designation. wilderness for SUPPORT AND OPPOSITION lobbyist scared the hell out Nevada. Pam, Brian and Susan met Their trip co- of me. I would rather be in directly with members of Neva- incided with Wil- Burbank Canyon WSA da’s Congressional delegation Wilderness goes to Washington derness Week, a facing a mountain lion, but and their staffs to encourage time of celebra- it seemed the wilderness them to strengthen and expand tion and strategy wilderness proposals, and to im- trail had to go through DC.” held in September prove aspects of the water-pipe- during the 40th line and land-disposal proposals anniversary of the in the Lincoln County bill. Wilderness Act. MEETINGS CONSTRUCTIVE It was great to collaborate with 350 wilderness BUT INDIMIDATING activists from across the country, and to know they The Nevadan wilderness represent just the tip of the iceberg of people com- supporters meetings were con- mitted to protecting America’s wildlife, recreation structive, but also intimidating. and watersheds,” said Beffort. “I must be honest,” said volun- NEVADA MAKING HUGE STRIDES teer Kurt Kuznicki, “the thought It’s strange to think of Nevada as politically pro- of being a Washington lobbyist gressive. Compared with New York, California and scared the hell out of me. I other powerhouse states, Nevada barely appears on would rather be in Burbank the radar. During the week, it became clear that Ne- Canyon WSA facing a mountain vada is making huge strides in wilderness protec- lion, but it seemed the wilder- tion, while wilderness proposals in other states are ness trail had to go through DC. stuck on the starting line. “The defining moment for me occurred at the House Re- sources subcommittee,” Kurt continued. “My heart was pierced as I listened to one of “My heart was pierced as I listened to Brian Beffort, Pam White and Susan Potts the congressmen say how much work the Washington D.C. circuit. one of the congressmen say how much he he dislikes wilderness, especially dislikes wilderness, especially citizen- citizen-proposed wilderness. As I listened, it only strengthened my resolve and deepened my commit- proposed wilderness. As I listened, it “In wilderness is ment to the wild places of Nevada. I promised my- only strengthened my resolve and self I would work hard for wilderness.” the salvation of Although these activities occurred 3,000 miles the world.” deepened my commitment to the wild - Henry David Thoreau places of Nevada. I promised myself from the wild lands of the Silver State, they strengthened the ability of Friends of Nevada Wil- I would work hard for wilderness.” derness to designate wilderness in Nevada. 7