Encased Quick Reference Maverick Index

Provided by Bob Perdue

with permission to post on the TokenCatalog.com website

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Contact Bob Perdue with questions or requests for alternate uses.

February 26, 2016 Introduction

Back in the fall of 1995 Jerry Binsfeld began the Associated Collectors of Encased (ACE). One objective of ACE was to catalog all of the known encased in each state. When these state listings were completed there was to be a book printed containing these listings. ACE folded before this project was completed, but in its existence did manage to make public the known encased in many states. As with most other exonumia clubs a regular column was dedicated to the identification of maverick encased. It was thought that it would be most beneficial to have an index of maverick encased to correspond with the actual books of encased listings. The user then could refer to the index to find a maverick encased and then go to the appropriate state catalog to get complete listing information. I volunteered to catalog the maverick encased and this continued effort is a result of that initial project. Though ACE did cease to exist, the hobby of identifying maverick encased has been one that I have retained. There has been much added to the first published edition of this index. Many people have contributed in various ways, and you can find that information in acknowledgments.

Using The Maverick Index

This work will deal exclusively with the subject of encased maverick coins and so at the outset it might be a good idea to consider exactly what a maverick is. Almost all authors have a slightly different definition of what a maverick is but a consensus definition would be that a maverick fails to bear enough information to identify itself to a specific location or event. An obvious example would be an encased with the wording Joe’s Bar / 112 East Main Street. In this example no city or state name appears on the encased and the collector is left wondering as to where it where it came from. Another common example would be an encased with the wording First National Bank. In this example only the bank’s name is given and no other identifying information at all is included on the encased. An encased with the wording United School District Spelling Bee is an example of an encased created for a specific event and would require significant research to identify. Unlike tokens in general almost all encased bear some secondary information and that is the date they were circulated in. The exception would be encased that used circulated coins for encasement or customers who requested a specifically dated coin for an event. In order to make positive the identification of a maverick then it is also important to consider not only the date of the encased coin, but also the date of the reference used to identify it. Citing a 1978 Dun & Bradstreet as a reference to identify an encased dated in the 1920’s is a bit slipshod. In this modern era it seems there has been a trend to encase older coins in new encasements as a novelty and not to commemorate a certain event. I’ll suggest there is a stronger motive for profit by individuals here than the good of the hobby. While the definition of a maverick never changes a maverick may not be considered to be a maverick to all people and that is something that leads to confusion. A maverick encased with the wording Walton Motors / Skokie may not be considered a maverick at all to a collector living in Illinois or the Midwest because they know Skokie is located in Illinois and they conclude that the encased bears enough information to identify itself to there. A person living in Oregon may not possess this same geographical knowledge and may be unsure if Skokie is in Illinois or Indiana. Then to them this is a true maverick and does require research to identify. I have a maverick encased for Sitar’s Esso / Carteret. I searched for the identity of this maverick for some time not knowing that Carteret was a city in New Jersey. Once I found that out it was an easy matter to look it up and find the listing. Along the same line of thinking a common mistake is to look at an encased with the wording Richmond Auto Parts and automatically assume that this is from Richmond, Virginia. Richmond could be a reference to a surname, city, street, or district within a city. It is always best to do at least a bit of cursory research before assigning any maverick an identity. I’ve often thought that if it had been known that encased coins would have became collectable then no mavericks at all would have ever been issued. National and regional stores and brands may have intended their encased advertising to reach a wider population, but locally distributed encased coins were used as advertising in a specific neighborhood and the recipient knew exactly where they came from. The owner of Joe’s Bar may have passed out encased at Christmas time or at an annual event such as a picnic. It was not intended that these keepsakes appear or were even circulated in other cities. Patrons of a bank were given encased because they banked at that location. Advertising in a peripheral market was not the intended purpose of the encased so no city or state appeared on some. It seems to me that this is especially true in mavericks from bigger cities because residents lived, worked, and shopped within a small radius. In more rural communities people came and left and often worked and shopped in bigger cities so in these smaller communities the need to include a city or address to benefit from advertising was far more critical. There will always be debate on definitions and rules and I detest both because every time you make a rule soon after the need arises to create an exception to it. Among most collectors and catalogers the basics align, but there are cases of contention. One of the most obvious examples would be encased with a well known personality on them. If you found an encased with only the wording John Doe For Senator on it you might question as to where to identify this to, some would say it should be identified to his birthplace. Others might say well John Doe was born in Ohio but he grew up in Indiana and so that is where it should be identified to. Yet others will say the correct identification is the place he held or ran for political office in. I believe there is no right or wrong answer to these types of identification questions. It is more a question of preference by the cataloger or collector. I doubt there will ever be a uniform rule and even if there were it would never be uniformly complied with. I will suggest that individuals should use caution when adding these types of entries and a footnote to explain the rationale is most beneficial to the user so that they may draw their own conclusions based upon their own preferences. As stated above, the original index was to accompany a book and the user could refer to the index to get a reference as to where to look in the books to get the complete listing information. The publication for ACE was named The Casement and in each issue various state catalogs would appear as well as the regular maverick column. When a new entry was added to the index the corresponding issue of The Casement was used as the reference for the user to refer to get complete information:

Encased Location Reference

A-A Liquors Los Angeles, CA 18

In this example the listing information shows that the encased maverick for A-A Liquors was identified to Los Angeles, California in issue 18 of The Casement. This would have all been well and good had not ACE folded, but it did and there was no longer a way to cite the corresponding issue of The Casement as a reference. Those with back issues of The Casement can refer to those issues for additional information. Those index users without previous issues are in a bit of a quandary because they have no way to ascertain the validity of a maverick identification. I have given some thought to doing away with these references completely and making all of the listings uniform, but then again I think there is valuable information to be garnered for those with a curiosity. When a maverick encased appeared in The Casement in one of the published state catalogs, the two digit state abbreviation corresponding to the state the entry was taken from will appear in the reference column.

Encased Location Reference

AK-SAR-BEN Paints Omaha, NE NE

In this example the maverick encased for AK-SAR-Ben Paints appeared in the Nebraska listings. The user could then refer to the Nebraska catalog for complete details on this entry. Some state catalogs were never published in The Casement and in those cases individuals from various states may have contributed entries.

When an entry has the word Fankhauser in the reference column that means the information to identify this encased was researched and used with the permission of Bryan Ryker. Bryan has devoted much time and effort to the Fankhauser encased and his work is the standard to judge others by. Complete details of his book are in the acknowledgement section.

Encased Location Reference

Irv. Almond / Ford Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser In this example you can see that the maverick entry for Irv. Almond is from Ft. Wayne, Indiana and is a Fankhauser encased. While ACE was still active I happened upon a grading system applied to the Certainty Of Attribution (COA) for maverick identifications. The first example I saw of this was from Duane Feisel and John Hoffman and they had applied it to their listings for California encased. I circulated correspondence with ACE members and asked them to help me develop a similar grading system that we could apply to the ACE mavericks. With much discussion and many revisions the following system was implemented. I will add a note from my personal experience on this subject. Even if you have criteria for a 1- 100 rating system and can apply it to identifications there will still be gray areas. You will debate with yourself if a listing should be a 57 or a 58. That process can not be eliminated by adding more numbers. A strong consideration must also be the ability of the user to understand the system and apply it to their own research. If a person is cataloging Idaho encased and uses the index as a reference to gain new entries then he must understand how credible the information is and proceed accordingly. It is my utmost belief that the simpler the system is the better it will be understood and applied. This system is as simple as 1-2-3 or the three P’s. With those thoughts in mind here is the rating system used in the maverick index.

COA 1 - Possible - These types of identification are based on some credible information such as personal experience or logical reasoning.

Comments; Examples would be where a person remembered seeing a certain business in a certain location while they were on vacation. Another example in this electronic age would be to use address locator services available on the Internet to narrow the possible location of an address. Encased for insurance agencies, loan companies, and other non manufacturing type of companies are usually not listed in Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) directories. This makes getting information on them harder. So if you have a maverick encased for John Doe Insurance / 111 East Wanamaker Court, you can use the address locator service to find that 111 East Wanamaker Court is a unique address to Gary, Indiana. Then without the resources to put this specific business at this specific address we can add this as a COA 1 identification to the index. Following the same logic if John Doe were found to be a unique name by using the Social Security Death Index (SSDI) or other person finder type of search engine such as ancestry archives, then we could add the entry on that basis. A word of caution is in order here. The address locator search engines are available for current address information. Most of the encased we’re working with are dated from the 1920’s to the 1960’s. Imagine how many cities there are that have had their street addresses altered due to urban renewal. Additional research is required before making these types of identifications’ certain, likewise with the SSDI or other people finder type search engines. The name on the encased may be Bob Williams, but the person’s legal name may be Frederick Robert Williams. Finding a like name person does not assure it is the person in question. Encased with very general wording and without secondary information such as an address or phone number may also be added as a COA 1. The more I do this kind of research the less I am inclined to add entries of this kind. There are legitimate cases of inclusion though. One I recall is from State Hardware. That must be a very commonly business name and one that could be applicable to many locations. I received information from an individual who owned the encased and had shopped at that specific store in Ft. Wayne, Indiana and have added it to the index as a COA1, only because the name is so common and I don’t believe it can ever be made more certain unless an encased order appears for it. Another reason for adding the COA 1 type entries to this index is that another collector may have more reference material and when possible may be able to upgrade a COA1 entry into a COA2 or COA3 identification. All works like this are works in progress and must be upgraded with new information as it becomes available.

COA 2 - Probable – These types of identifications are based on an actual reference, such as a Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) or other printed resource.

Comments; Sadly this is the category where most of the listings on the index fall into. Wouldn’t it be great if we could say they were all certain, but that is not to be. I believe most of the COA 2 entries on this index are very credible and could be used with few contradictions. It is possible to find an encased for Lombard Heating & Cooling and then find a like named business in a D&B, but that does not assure that the encased was issued by that specific company. If an encased does not have secondary information such as an address or phone number then COA 2 is as certain as they should ever be considered. There is just too much of a chance that they are incorrect. Another common source of identification material is Internet auctions. There are thousands of auctions for postcards and advertising ephemera. These auctions can be most helpful in maverick research. If you have given any study to banking encased you already know of the commonality of banking names. People’s Federal, County Trust, First National, First United, are just a few of the banking names that are very common. You can find a reference showing the bank was in operation in a specific city in a specific year, but unless the encased itself has secondary information or unless you have access to the encased orders then you’re left a bit short of positive information. In studying maverick identifications you will find that various catalogers apply different criteria to this type of listing. Some seem to be eager to add them as certain and yet others will shy away a bit and footnote or comment on the entries. A good study of this type of encased and its listing on this index is;

Encased Location Reference

American State Bank / 1960 Centennial Great Bend, KS COA 2

Here we have an entry from American State Bank and we know they celebrated their Centennial in 1960. That information has been researched and it has been found it is true of this bank; however it does not rule out the possibility that another American State Bank in another location may have also celebrated their Centennial in 1960. COA 3 – Positive – These are encased that have secondary information and that information has been used to identify the encased.

Comments; This is where I wish all entries could be categorized. It would be a God send to collectors. The fact is though many encased do not have secondary information and then there are those that do have that information, but the resources are not available to make them certain. A maverick encased might have the wording Lombard Heating & Cooling / 111 East Main. It might be possible to use a D&B to find that there was a Lombard Heating & Cooling in Chicago, Illinois in the correct approximate year, but the D&B does not include an address or a phone number for the business in most cases. In listings of this nature they are COA 2 and not COA 3 because they have not been identified to a specific address or identified assuredly with other information. In many cases one might use a telephone directory to match the secondary information in other cases it is possible to contact a local library and ask them to research the subject a bit more. The smaller the library is the better chance you will have of getting a reply. The bigger libraries are swamped with genealogy requests and the like and simply do not have enough staff to answer all requests. There are bound to be rare cases where a COA 3 identification is wrong. I have not encountered that yet, but surely will. The general rule is that the encased has secondary information and that information is used to identify the maverick. If an encased has the wording Citizens State Bank 1863 / 1963 on it and you find a Citizens State Bank that began operation in 1863 and was in business in 1963 then you could consider this a positive identification because you have matched the secondary information. The problem is that there may have been more than one so named bank that began operation in that same year and this situation creates headaches for all involved. Their occurrences are rare, but may be expected. An exception to this guide line would also be extremely oddly named businesses or individuals. If you are working with an encased with the business name Refosco & Pletersek for example and you find a like named business then these identifications should be considered positive as well. A general rule of maverick identification has always been to identify a maverick to its headquarters. If you are working with a maverick encased with the wording J.C. Penney and try to identify that to a certain city just because it had a J.C. Penney store then you are accomplishing nothing and creating a lot of confusion. Encased collectors will readily recognize a common encased maverick for S A / Chevrolet’s / Got It or something very similar to that. What would be accomplished by identifying this maverick to each city that had a Chevrolet dealership? In making these types of identifications catalogers do nothing more than confuse collectors. I am always glad to hear from collectors with additions and corrections to this index. Without the help of others cataloging is impossible. The footnotes towards the bottom of this index should be self explanatory. The bottom most portion is ramblings on my part of unidentified mavericks I still intend to research. I’ll try to update this a couple of times a year. The entries in red are new to the previously printed versions of the maverick index. Acknowledgements;

There is no person more responsible for this index than Jerry Binsfeld. Jerry oversaw the complete operation of an encased club and I think in the end that operation became more than one person could handle. We should all be appreciative of the effort put forth by Jerry and for his work on ACE and the hobby of encased coin collecting. When I first began this index, many years ago Page Mann lent me all of his notes on maverick encased and the first skeleton outline was a result of his research. Recently Jim Lawniczak has helped me with new entries and in editing the index. Jim has put a lot of time into this work and continues to do so. Dan Agler and Randy Partin have also been frequent supporters and contributors of this index. All of the former members of ACE who have identified a maverick or submitted a state catalog are contributors to this index and each of them should be recognized. If you have back issues you can refer to them and see who each state cataloger was or which member identified a certain maverick. I suspect Al Zakia identified more mavericks than anyone else. Among the former members who have published and may have copyrighted their state catalogs are;

James M. Lawniczak catalogs of encased coins from Michigan, Ohio, and New York. I might also note that back issues of The Casement are available from Jim. Victor A. Nolan - Catalog of Pennsylvania Encased Coins Duane Feisel and John C. Hoffman - Catalog of California Encased Coins Ron Moi - Catalog of Washington Encased Coins Bryan G. Ryker - FREDERICK EARL FANKHAUSER “THE PENNY MAN” HIS LIFE AND WORK WITH ENCASED COINS - Published in 1995 by the Token and Metal Society P.O. Box 951988 Lake Mary, Florida 32795

The Quick Reference Maverick Index is owned, maintained, and the exclusive property of (below). You do not have permission to reproduce this in its entirety. It is published for the benefit of collectors only. In corresponding please put encased in the subject line.

Bob Perdue 3215 West Hardacre Court New Castle, Indiana 47362

[email protected] 1


Encased Location Reference


A-1 Parts & Appliances Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser A-A Liquors Los Angeles, CA 18 ABC Television Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser A & N Furniture Cincinnati, OH (5) COA 3 A.G.M. Co. / Silver Lake Manitowoc, WI COA 3 A.N.A. Colorado Springs, CO COA 3 A&P / various MO / CA / NJ/ NY/ LA (5) COA 3 Aagaar Insurance Agency/ 120 S. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL COA 3 Abbott Jewelers / Abbott Road Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 Joseph Abbott / Beer Dist. West View, PA PA A.W. Abbott’s Worcester, MA MA Able Loan Co Ft. Worth, TX TX Ablon Poultry & Egg Dallas, TX COA 2 Abrams Dept. Stores Chicago, IL COA 3 Accommodation Loan Co. / 140 N. Dearborn Chicago, IL COA 3 Ace Bar / Staples 75th Staples, MN COA 2 Ace Loan Co. / Maverick Bldg. San Antonio, TX COA 2 Ace Pawn Shop Oklahoma City, OK OK ACME Gutter Mfg. Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser ACME Jewelers Los Angeles, CA 18 Acme School of Die Design South Bend, IN (5) COA 3 Acorn Employment Agency Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Acorn Liquors / 7646 N. Paulina St Chicago, IL COA 3 Acrobat Shoe Fair Baltimore, MD MD Adams Corporation Korn Kurls Division Beloit, WI (1) COA 2 Adel Brau Schoen's Wausau, WI COA 2 Admiral Finance Co. St. Louis, MO (5) COA 3 Adolph’s Place / 16th & Webster Omaha, NE NE Advance Lock & Key Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Adventure Town, Souvenir of Alexandria Bay, NY COA 3 Aero Oil Co New Oxford, PA COA 2 Aero Oil Denver, CO Look For Aetna Gasoline / 265 Garden ST. Hartford CT COA 2 Ager’s Home Appliances Philadelphia, PA PA T.E. Ahern / Clothing Fond Du Lac, WI COA 3 Airco Industrial Refrigeration Dallas, TX TX Aircraft Workers Alliance Inc. Cleveland, Ohio OH-26 Airway Theatre Milwaukee, WI COA 2 Akins & Akins Real Estate Dallas, TX 27 Al Akulin / 1300 Tennyson - Alpine 0581 Denver, CO COA 1 AK-SAR-BEN Paints Omaha, NE NE 2

L.J. Aldrich / Good Luck Enid, OK OK Aldridge Van & Storage Pasadena, CA CA National Commander / Walter E. Alessandroni Philadelphia, PA COA 2 Alhambra Music Hall & Hotel / E. 14th St NY, NY COA 3 The Alibi Cocktail Lounge Arcata, CA CA Alice Finance Co Alice, TX TX All American Stores, Inc. Los Angeles, CA CA All State Cons. Co. Jacksonville, FL FL All State Lumber Co Chicago, IL IL Alleghany State Park, N.Y., Souvenir of Salamanca, NY COA 3 Allen Co. Farm Bureau Ft. Wayne, IN 6 Allen Mfg. Co. / Open House Hartford, CT (5) COA 3 Allentown Coin Club Allentown, PA PA Str. Alexander Hamilton NYC, NY COA 2 Alliance Savings Chicago, IL IL Alliance Zone Cab / PH 5222 Alliance, OH 20-21 Allied Auto Finance San Antonio, TX TX Allied Weldery Coeur D’Alene, ID COA 2 Allis Chalmers / HD-19 West Allis, WI 22 Allston Motor Co Allston, MA (5) COA 3 Almas Feed & Supply Sacramento, CA CA Irv. Almond / Ford Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Aloyl Center Cut Motor Oil St. Paul MN (5) COA 3 Al’s Sweetheart Café E. Los Angeles, CA CA Altman – Gilbert Advertising Cedar Rapids, IA IA Altoona High / Class of 59 Altoona, PA (5) COA 3 Alum Rock Hardware San Jose, CA CA Alumaroll /Orchard Bros. Rutherford, NJ 15 Alvin Motors Chicago, IL IL Amana Amana, IA COA 2 Ambridge National Bank Ambridge, PA 16 Amdur-Briskin Furniture Pittsburgh, PA PA American Army & Navy Stores Detroit, MI (5) COA 3 American Express / Money Orders NY, NY NY-26 American Hatters / 34 Church New Haven, CT. (5) COA 3 American Juniors / Good Hope RD Washington D. C. 21-23 American Juniors / Ideal Shoes Baltimore, MD MD American Juniors, Lustigs Youngstown, OH OH American Museum of Atomic Energy Oak Ridge, TN TN American Nat’l Bank & Trust of Mich. Kalamazoo, MI MI American S&L Anadarko & Altus, OK OK American State Bank / 1960 Centennial Great Bend, KS COA 2 American Tailors Milwaukee, WI 13-15 American Thresherman Madison, WI COA 2 American Zinc Co. St. Louis, MO (5) COA 3 American Woolen Mills / Monument St Baltimore, MD COA 3 Amityville Battery & Ignition Amityville, NY 24 Amon Motor Pittsburgh, PA PA Anaconda Cycle and Toy Shop, 607 E. Pack Ave. Anaconda MT COA 2 Anaconda Wire & Cable Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Anamosa Lumber Co. Anamosa, IA COA 2 Anderson Aviation Co. /275-5741 Phoenix, AZ (5) COA 3 Anderson-Boswell Patrol Greensboro, NC COA 2 Anderson – Scull Insurance Wichita, KS KS John B. Anderson / Member of Congress Rockford, IL COA 2 Andrea’s Ice Cream / 25th Anniversary Kenosha, WI WI 3

Andrew’s Café / 2550 8th Ave. NY, NY (5) COA 3 Shelly Andrews Co / 761-6450 Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Our Anniversary / Faithful Service NY, NY (5) COA 1 Apollo S&L Chicago, IL 21 Aragon Ballroom Ocean Park, CA (5) COA 3 Archie / Keewanee NY, NY COA 3 John Arensdorf / Mercantile Sioux City, IA unverified Aristides 1st Derby Winner 1875 Louisville, KY COA 3 Arizona Maintenance Co Tucson, AZ (5) COA 3 Arlington Bank & Trust Arlington, TX TX Arlington Pavilion Arlington, NE NE Armitage Currency Exchange Chicago, IL COA 3 D. Armstrong & Co St. Mary’s, OH OH Lon Howard Armstrong/Trustee Knoxville, TN (5) COA 3 Armstrong U-Drive San Francisco, CA CA Arman’s Canary Barbecue/ 4824 Dempster St. Niles Center (now Skokie), IL COA 3 Arnold Barber & Beauty Supply Long Beach, CA (5) COA 3 Doyle Arnold / Ford Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Arnold’s Liquors Los Angeles, CA (5) 18 – COA 3 E.J. Arnstine Syracuse, NY NY Arrow Auto Parts St. Louis, MO MO Arrow Banking / Check Cashing Philadelphia, PA COA 3 Arrow-Hart-Hegeman Electric Co Los Angeles, CA CA Arsenault Bros Haverhill, MA MA Art & Ann Tavern / Greffe Props Bellville, IL IL Art Jewelers Los Angeles, CA CA Art Quality Cleaners Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Art's Men's Shop Berea, OH OH George Arvidson / Lake Bluff Lake Bluff, IL COA 3 Arvin Pipes/ mufflers Columbus, IN IN Asaph Lodge #286 Meridian, MS (5) COA 3 George Asher / Grieger Chevrolet Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Askin and Marine NY, NY (5) COA 3 Askin’s / Clothes NY, NY (5) COA 3 Associated Personnel Agency Los Angeles, CA CA A. O. Atchison Mobile, AL (5) COA 3 Athol Bottling / Ice Cream Athol, MA COA 2 Atlanta Finance Co./ Palmer Bldg. Atlanta, GA COA 3 Atlantic Auto Sales & Service Boston (Dorchester), MA COA 3 Atlas Clothing / Blue Island Ave. Chicago, IL COA 3 Atlas Clothing / 22nd & 56th Cicero, IL IL-26 Atlas Phonograph Service St. Louis, MO MO Atlas Stores / Package Liquors St. Louis, MO MO Atlas Theatre / 15832 Plymouth Detroit, MI COA 3 George W. Atwood/ Treasurer Effingham, IL COA 2 AT-UR Service Center Los Angeles, CA CA Auerbach Furniture Pittsburgh, PA PA Auerbach's / Boy’s Store Salt Lake City, UT COA 2 Augusta Sate Bank / 1875 Augusta, WI COA 2 Aurora Sales Store Aurora, IN IN Austin Nat’l Bank Austin, TX COA 2 Auto Electric Service Huntington Park, CA CA Auto-Lec Stores New Orleans, LA (1) COA 2 Auto Mart / 4700 S. Kings Highway St. Louis, MO COA 2 Auto Specialty Co. / Parts Boys Danville, VA COA 2 Auto Tags / Checks / 5508 Woodland Ave. Philadelphia, PA COA 2 4

Gene Autry / personality California CA Avco Lycoming Credit Union Stratford, CT (5) COA 3 L.S. Ayres / Shoes Indianapolis, IN (5) COA 3 Azar's / Big Boy Ft. Wayne, IN (5) COA 3


B&B Shoe Store Bedford, IN 25-IN B & B Store, 118 Monticello Ave. Jersey City, NJ COA 2 B&C Steel Scottsbluff, NE NE B.P.O.E. Lodge 55 Youngstown, Ohio OH B.P.O.E. Lodge #855 / Lawson’s Sumter, SC COA 3 B & S Co. / Specialty Ad Honolulu, HI COA 2 B.S.F. & D. Detroit, MI COA 2 Babe’s my pal Des Moines, IA IA Bader Café / 2836 Coletrain Ave. Cincinnati, OH COA 2 Badner Bros. Garage New York, NY 11-19-23 Bahr’s / Highlands Highlands, NJ COA 2 Baize & Son Jewelers Hutchison, KS COA 2 Bake Rite Bread Ft Worth, TX 25-TX Ray Baker / Bob Berry Ford Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Baker & Hamilton San Francisco, CA CA Baker & Taylor Charlotte, NC 28 Baker’s Home Appliances Mechanicsville, PA PA Photo Service/ Bakersfield/ Neighborhood Drug Bakersfield, CA COA 2 Ball – Band Mishawaka, IN IN Baltimore Dairy Luncheon / New York Block Seattle, WA (magnifier) COA 2 Baltimore & Ohio RR / C of P Baltimore, MD MD Baltimore Zoo Baltimore, MD MD Banco / 35 years San Francisco, CA 21 Banco – Printers San Francisco, CA CA Bangor Lumber Co Bangor, PA PA Bank Café Los Angeles, Ca CA Bank of Jasper Jasper, MO COA 2 Bank of Redding Redding, CA CA Bank of South San Francisco S. San Francisco, CA CA Bank of Vici 1902-1952 Vici, OK COA 3 Banner Cleaners Cedar Rapids, IA IA Banner Laundry /73 & 75 Mich. Ave Detroit, MI COA 3 Bannon’s / Clothing St. Paul, MN COA 2 Bantam / good for 2 miles Butler, PA 13 Bob Baran Clifton Councilman Clifton, NJ COA 2 Barber-Coleman Co. Rockford, IL (1) COA 2 The Barbour Co Los Angeles, CA CA Bargain Town USA / 1957-1967 Birmingham, AL COA 2 Barnes City Food Locker Barnes City, IA COA 1 Barnes Lounge / 1511 Dodge Omaha, NE NE Barney’s Hats / 63 Richmond St Providence, RI COA 2 Barrand’s Service Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Barr’s / Strike it rich sale Philadelphia, PA 11 Gus Barrasso / Alderman Ward 4 Somerville, MA (5) COA 3 Barton Motor Oil Pittsburgh, PA PA C.E. Bash / Hay Grain Huntington, IN COA 3 5

T. K. Bass South Gate, CA Fankhauser Bass Chevrolet Motors Cleveland Heights, OH OH Bass Men’s Shop Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 W.M. Bassford / Chevrolet Waterbury, CT COA 2 Batchelder Pontiac Watertown, MA 5 H. Bates (Victory Reverse) NY, NY 26 Bats Liquor Amarillo, TX TX Bayer’s All-Electric & Appliance Co. Detroit, MI COA 3 Bay State Belting Co Boston, MA COA 2 Bayside Federal S&L Bayside, NY COA 2 Bazooka / Blony Brooklyn, NY COA 3 Be Smart / Get Safer St Louis, MO (5) COA 3 Beacon Caterers Providence, RI 24 Beau Brummel Ties Cincinnati, OH (5) COA 3 Beauty Rest / Magic Sleep Penny Chicago, IL 14 Beaver Creek State Bank Beaver Creek, MN 27 Beaver Falls S&L Beaver Falls, PA 17-18 Beaver Lunch Beaver, PA PA Becher’s / Adams 4866 Green Bay, WI COA 2 Beck’s Café New Monterey, CA 18 Beck Grain & Feed Co Clinton, NC COA 2 Beck Hazzard Shoes NY, NY COA 2 Harold Beckley / Two Eleven Pine Harrisburg, PA (5) COA 3 Bedford Automile Bedford, OH OH Bedford Automotive Bedford, MA 9 Beeline Fashions / Groundbreaking Bensenville, IL (5) COA 3 Beechcraft / Lucky Bucks Wichita, KS KS Beers Bros Inc Bangor, PA PA Orvas Beers / Prosecuting Atty Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Beeville Finance Co Beeville, TX TX Earl Behringer / Diamonds Buffalo, NY? (5) COA 3 Belk-Hensdale Co. Lumberton, NC (5) COA 3 Bell Clothing House Kenosha, WI WI Bell Rugs Bronx, NY NY Bell Venetian Blind Co. Wilmington, DE COA 2 Bell & Zoller Coal Co. Chicago, IL. COA 2 Bell’s Blue Bird Café Los Angeles, CA CA Bellach Furniture Co. San Francisco/San Rafael CA Bellefontaine National Bank Bellefontaine, OH 8 Bellevue Loan & Bldg Assn. / 75th Anniv. Bellevue, KY COA 2 Bellevue Savings Bank Co. Bellevue, OH 20 The Bellingham National Bank Bellingham, WA COA 2 Bellin’s Depere’s Jewelers, 613 George St. De Pere, WI COA 3 Hillis Bell’s Pink Elephant Tulsa, OK COA 3 Belmont Plumbing Co San Francisco, CA CA Belvedere Construction Co, Detroit, MI COA 3 BE-MacTransport Co St. Louis, MO MO-26 State Bank of Bement Bement, IL (5) COA 3 Bendix / Automatic Washer South Bend, IN IN-27 Benedict Pier Restaurant Benedict, MD COA 3 Benji Palmer Dance Studio, 13535 W 7 mile Detroit MI COA 3 A.J. Bennett & Co. 14th & N.Y. Ave Washington D.C. COA 3 Music by Bill Bennett / 212-225-3681 Manhattan, NY COA 3 Bennett’s Drug Store / 1288 N.W. 119th Miami, FL (5) COA 3 Ben’s Clothes / 4743 S. Ashland Chicago, IL COA 3 Ben’s Rare Coins Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 6

Benson's Wild Animal Farm Hudson, New Hampshire (5) COA 3 Bentley’s Clothing Co. / 153 W. 125th St. NY, NY COA 3 Bentley’s Jewelers Chicago, IL 21 Bentley’s Jewelers St Louis, MO MO Bentley’s Jewelers 172 S. High St. Columbus, OH COA 3 Bentley’s Jewelers 522 W. Wisc. Ave. Milwaukee, WI WI Jane Benz / Market Chicago, IL 28 Charles J. Beranek Berwyn, Illinois COA 3 Lincoln Park / Wells St. / Berg Chicago, IL COA 2 Berger & Silver Jewelers Cleveland, OH 24 Berger Shoes/ 1402 S. Pulaski Rd. Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Bergseth Fish Co. Fargo, ND COA 3 Berkley Furniture Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Berglund Bros / North Shore Tailors Waukegan, IL COA 1 A. Berkowitz Hamilton OH 17-18 William G. Berman / 242 Trumbull St. Hartford, CT COA 2 Bernier’s Auto Sales Kalamazoo, MI MI John Berry / Home Furn. (fantasy) Dayton, OH OH Berry Long Beach, CA CA Bertram’s Marine Polish Jersey City, NJ COA 3 Bert’s Barber Shop / 606½ W. Seminary Bloomington, IL COA 2 Berwick Bank Berwick, PA 11 Beryl’s Truck Stop Lawton, OK OK Best Drinks/ at Park Hotel Harrisburg, PA 22 Beverly Bank / 40th Year / 1963 Chicago, IL COA 3 Beverly National Bank Beverly, MA 17 Beyda’s Children’s Apparel Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Marcelo Bezos World Record Penny Pyramid (2009) Miramar FL COA 3 A.F. Bickley/ Sons Philadelphia, PA 16 Jo. Biecker / Insurance Cincinnati, OH COA 3 Big 4 Clothing & Furniture St Louis, MO MO Big 6 Theatre / WOW-TV Omaha, NE NE Big Bend & Union Quarry Co. / MI-5-1846 St. Louis, MO COA 3 Big Market Liquor Redding, CA CA Big Rock Candy Mountain / Utah Marysvale Utah COA 2 The Big Store Buffalo, NY NY Bill’s Wilshire Inglewood, CA CA Harry Bilsky Clothier Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 Biltwell Shoes / Sears Chicago, IL 23 Binghamton / American Inst of Banking Binghamton, NY 25-NY Binswanger & Co. Memphis, TN 17 Bires Hudson Auto Duquesne, PA 27 Geo. Birkel Co. Los Angeles, CA CA B. Black / Sons / Woolens Los Angeles, CA 6 Blackhawk Clothiers Prairie Du Chien, WI COA 1 Blackhawk coin/stamp club Byron, IL 25-IL Dale Blackwell / Floor Covering Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Rudy Blau Cleaners Detroit, MI COA 2 Blaugas Company St Paul, MN COA 2 Blaushild’s Chrysler-Plymouth Cleveland, OH OH Bleum Bros. / Colonial Cleveland, OH 9 Block’s Pharmacy Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Bloom Liquors / 3115 S. Western Los Angles, CA (5) COA 3 Blue Bell / Lunch Meats Du Quoin, IL COA 2 Blue Earth Greenhouse Blue Earth, MN 21 Blue Island Plumbing Blue Island, IL COA 2 7

Blue Star Auto Stores Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Blue Star Bingo NY - ? (5) COA 3 Blue Star Shoes Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Blue Valley Federal Savings Kansas City, MO COA 2 Michael Blum / Lincoln Life Houston, TX (5) COA 3 Blumm Bro’s. / Colonial Hotel Café & Bar. St. Joseph, MO COA 3 Blum’s Flowers / 3433 W. 10th St. BE 3035 Indianapolis, IN IN-26 Blunt’s TV & Appliance NY, NY? (5) COA 3 Blynn’s Shoes Pittsburgh, PA PA Blytheville Savings Blytheville, AR (5) COA 3 Bnai Jehoshua Glenview, IL COA 2 Bob’s Balcony Tavern / 3310 W. Lincoln Milwaukee, WI COA 3 Bob's Bicycle & Radio Sales Atlanta, GA COA 2 Bob’s Friendly Service, 4402 Joy Road Detroit, MI COA 2 Bob’s Men’s Shop Woonsocket, RI 17 Phil Bobys Co / 725-7th St. N.W. Washington D C D C The Bohemian Tavern Watervliet, NY NY Boise Toy Shop Boise, ID (5) COA 3 Ted Bollier / Allen Co. Motors Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Jack Bolton Marine Edgewater, CO 7 – COA 3 Bomber Tavern / Carl & Velma Bellevue, NE NE Bonanza Riverside, CA CA Bond Finance / Auto Loans Corpus Christi, TX TX-28 Judy Bond NY, NY COA 3 Bonner – Willys Motor Co Houston, Texas COA 2 Boone Co fair Belvedere, IL IL Frank Boonstra / Hats and Caps Zeeland, MI COA 1 Borin Bros., Inc. Detroit, MI MI Bostwick’s / Chardon’s Shopping Center Chardon, OH (5) COA 3 Boulevard Service Station/ 301 Cherokee Chattanooga, TN COA 2 Jim Bowe Conshohocken, PA PA Bower Brake & Electric Ottawa, IL 26 Bowler Realty Inc./ 4830 Turney Road Garfield Heights, MI COA 2 Boy Scouts of America any town/state Fankhauser Boylan-Pearce Thanks Raleigh for 75 Years Raleigh NC COA 3 Boyle Hardware/ Sumter Sumter, SC COA 3 Boynton Beach Bank Boynton Beach, FL 3 Boy’s Center Philadelphia, PA PA Boy’s Store Sacramento, CA (5) CA Libert Bozzelli / Councilman Cuyahoga Falls, OH 25-OH F. Braastad & Co. Ishpeming, MI MI Bradenton Trailer Park Bradenton, FL FL Bradford Pipe Cement Great Bend, KS KS Bradford Pipe Cement Tulsa, OK OK Bradford’s Paint & Hobby San Pedro, CA CA Jack Bradley – Desoto – Plymouth Philadelphia, PA PA Brady – Garrick / Chevrolet Chicago, IL 24 Brady’s / 10206 Dexter Detroit, MI (5) COA 3 Brager’s Baltimore, MD MD Braintree Co-Operative / Bank Braintree, MA COA 2 Brand Q Bonanza Jacksonville, FL (5) COA 3 J.L. Brandeis & Sons Omaha, NE NE Brandsers / Winsted Winsted, MN COA 1 Milton W. Brannon / Insurance Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Brant Motor Co West View, PA PA WM.H. Brant Co. West View, PA PA 8

Brateman Bros. / 112 W. Main Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Brateman Bros / Clothes Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Braudis Coal Co St. Louis, MO (5) COA 3 Brauer Café Chicago, IL 26 Roy L. Braun / State Representative Evansville, IN (5) COA 3 Breeder’s Gazette (1944) Spencer, Indiana COA 2 Brent’s Credit Jewelers Oakland, CA CA Bresee’s / 75thAnniversay Oneonta, NY 25-NY M.R. Bretsnyder Desoto-Plymouth Homestead, PA PA Brewery Town Hardware Philadelphia, PA PA Ray Bridges / Olds and Fiat Shelby, NC COA 1 Bridgeport Auto Wrecking Co. 1310 North Ave. Bridgeport, CT COA 3 Bridgeport Tire & Recapping Bridgeport, CT (5) COA 3 Henry Brilliant San Francisco, CA CA Brill’s Boy’s Shop Milwaukee, WI 17 Brimstin’s Locksmith NY, NY (5) COA 3 Brinker Supply / 1898 Pittsburgh, PA COA 3 Brinkerhoff – Farris Trust & Savings Clinton, MO 4-3-20 Jack Thomas Brinkley Columbus, GA COA 2 Bristol Courier Bristol, PA PA Britt Hobo Days Britt, IA IA Broadhurst / Mayor New Philadelphia, OH COA 2 Drugs / Ind. H Indiana Harbor, (East Chicago) COA 2 Broadway Motors / 34th & Brdwy. KC, MO (5) COA 3 Broadway Sales & Service / Desoto McKee’s Rocks, PA COA 2 Broadway Tavern / 1811 W. Brdwy. Spokane, WA COA 2 Brody’s Shoes Youngstown, OH OH Boerner’s / Racine Racine, WI COA 2 Stanly Brokus Agency Allegan, MI (5) COA 3 Brookhaven Town Republican Committee Brookhaven, NY COA 2 Brooklawn Rink Bridgeport, CT COA 2 Brooks Cut Rate Liquor Houston, TX (5) COA 3 Brookville Bank and Trust Company Brookville, PA COA 2 Harry Brown Motors /17th & Minn. Kansas City, KS COA3 Joe B. Brown Dallas, TX TX John A. Brown Co. Oklahoma City, OK (5) COA 3 Brown Chevrolet / Seymour Brownston Seymour, IN 28 J.W. Brown Store / Piqua Piqua, OH COA 3 Brown – Marco, Inc. NY, NY NY Vance Brown /Commissioner Yoakum County (Denver City) TX COA 3 Wilfrid S. Brown / Jeweler Kenmore, NY? (5) COA 3 Brown’s Dept. Store St. Louis, MO 26 Brown's Jewelry & Loans / Holt Hotel Wichita Falls, TX COA 2 Brown’s Shoe Store St. Louis, MO COA 1 Brown’s Silver Jubilee Oklahoma City, OK OK Brownfield State Bank & Trust Brownfield, TX TX Brownies Watch & Jewelry Repair Alexandria, VA 24 Brownsville Motor Co Brownsville, TX (5) COA 3 Bruce Jewelers / 224 So Market St. Inglewood, CA (5) COA 3 Bruner Water Softener Milwaukee, WI COA 2 T.C. Brunner / Flour Omaha, NE NE Fashion Furniture Brunson’s Hendersonville, NC COA 2 Bryce Canyon Cedar City, UT (5) COA 3 Bryne’s Inc. / Furniture Oxnard, CA 18 Buckeye Cleaners & Dyers Athens, OH COA 2 Buckeye Liquor / 4703 Lamar Dallas, TX TX 9

Budapest Tavern Youngstown, OH OH Bud’s Bingo Reading, PA PA Budweiser Tavern Burlington, IA IA Buffalo Lodge No. 8 / Moose Buffalo, NY 17 Buffalo Raceway Hamburg, NY NY Buick / Red Curtice Flint, MI COA 3 L.W.T. Bulifant / Insurance Petersburg, VA (5) COA 3 Souvenir of Bunker Hill Boston, MA COA 2 J. W. Burch & Sons La Habra, CA CA J. Burdman Auto Parts Paris, MO MO Burger King Jacksonville, FL (5) COA 3 Ed Burg / Peat Moss Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Burholme Motors / 7253 Rising Sun Ave. Philadelphia, PA (5) COA 3 Burke – Savage / Tire Co Baltimore, MD COA 3 Burlington Federal S&L Burlington, IA IA Burlington Rotary Club Burlington, KS KS Same Burlington, IA IA John Burmann / First Class Cigar Bloomfield, IA IA Burnett Finance / De Land De Land, FL (5) COA 3 Earl Burns / Secretary of State Wyoming COA 2 Bursch's Liquor Store Minneapolis, MN COA 2 Burr’s / National Merchandise Paragould, ARK 18 Max Buskirk / Village Shell Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Otto Busler Jeweler Los Angeles, CA CA Butler Fair Butler, PA PA Butler Savings & Trust / Main & Jeff. Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Walter E. Butler / Real Estate North Sacramento, CA CA Andy E. Buxbaum Plbg St. Louis, MO COA 3 Paul M. Byers / Oliver Chambersburg, PA COA 3 Homer J. Byrd Schaumburg, IL COA 2 Byrnes Inc Oxnard, CA CA C

C & C Food Marts Fresno, CA CA C.D.C.D.A.\ Merry Christmas Albany, NY NY C.I.S.W. Los Angeles, CA (5) COA 3 C and S Service / 8934 Broadway Guthrie, OK COA 2 Cairns Signal Service Berkley, CA CA Caktus Kid / Accordion Studio Cheektowaga, NY NY-26 California Photo Engraving San Francisco, CA CA Call Fred / 2-7222 Oklahoma, OK OK Caltex Boiler Works Long Beach, CA COA 3 Calvert / Distillery Louisville, KY 17 Harold L. Camba San Francisco, CA CA Campbell Motors / 827 W 35th Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Arman’s Canary Barbecue/ 4824 Dempster St. Niles Center (now Skokie), IL COA 3 Cambridge Shoe Store / 595 Mass. Ave. Cambridge, MA COA 3 Camera Radio Hobby Shop Amarillo, TX TX Canada Dry Beverages Connellsville, PA (5) COA 3 Re-Elect Mike Cantino / Rep Medford, MA (5) COA 3 Canyasayamerton / 1430 Weirton, WV COA 3 Capital Bread Harrisburg, PA COA 2 Capital Securities Co. / 410 Nash. Bldg. Nashville, TN COA 2 Capitol City Brewing Bismarck, ND COA 2 10

Capitol Loan Co / Est. 1902 Marion, OH (5) COA 3 Capitol Milling Co Los Angeles, CA CA Capitol Oil Co. Indianapolis, IN (Camby) 27 Capitol Theatre Reading, PA PA Caplan Bros. Furniture Corp. Albany, NY COA 3 Capri Café Lawrence, MA 25-MA Cap’t Starn’s / Sea Food Atlantic City, NJ 5 Nick Caputo / County Clerk Essex Co. NJ 5 Carboni Gulf Oil New Orleans, LA COA 2 Cardens Confectionery Knoxville, TN COA 3 Ralph Carey / Cleaners Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Carl’s Grill & Liquor Store Alton, IL IL Carlton Ford Brooklyn, NY NY Carlton Motors Brooklyn, NY COA 2 Carlton Shoe Store Dorchester, MA (5) COA 3 Dale Carnegie Garden City, NY COA 1 Carnegie Minit Man Gas & Wash Cleveland, OH COA 3 Jack C. Carr / Realtor Indianapolis, IN 25-IN Carrie's Auto Supply / 2465 S. Fort Detroit, MI COA 2 Carroll Roller Mills Carroll, IA IA Carroll’s Shoes Baltimore, MD MD Carson Bros / Appliances Philadelphia, PA COA 3 Herman A. Carter / Finance McPherson, KS COA 3 Jimmy Carter/ Dollar Plains, GA COA 2 Carter’s Surplus Stores New Bedford, MA MA Casa Lido Bar &Grill Trenton, NJ COA 2 Cascade Pump Co San Jose, CA (5) COA 3 Cascade Savings Portland, OR 6 Max Case / Double Cola Man Garrett, In Fankhauser Elect Case / Senator Newark, New Jersey (5) COA 3 Cash Box San Jose, CA CA Cass Scenic Railroad Cass, W. VA 16 Castetter Hardware Noblesville, IN 26-IN Castelberg’s Baltimore, MD MD Castro Valley Community Center Castro Valley, CA CA The Cataract / J. C. Moyer San Antonio, TX 25-TX Earl Caton / Consultant Toledo, Ohio (5) COA 3 Caveney & Co / Heating South Milwaukee, WI COA 2 Cedar Lake Imp. Assoc. Schleswig, WI COA 2 Cedar Point / Souvenir Sandusky, OH 17 Cedar Theater / 1st Birthday (1949) Minneapolis, MN COA 2 Cee Bee Currency Exchange Chicago, IL COA 3 Celentos Dept. Store Cannonsburg, PA PA Center Jewelers / 13926 Cedar Road Cleveland, OH COA 2 Central Bank / 10th Anniversary / 1946-1956 Miami, FL (5) COA 3 Central Bank West Jefferson City, MO 27 Central Concrete Co St Louis, MO MO Central Floor Covering, 21520 Grand River Detroit, MI COA 3 Central Heating & Air Conditioning Co Bellaire, TX TX Central Luncheonette Chicago, IL 26 Central Volkswagon / 231-4691 Richardson, TX COA 3 Centerreach Lanes / Island Room Centerreach, NY (5) COA 3 Century Kingsway Theater Brooklyn, NY COA 3 Century Matthews Motor Freight Co. Duluth, MN (1) COA 2 P.J. Cesari Adv. Novelties San Francisco, CA CA Chadron Mining Co Chadron, NE NE 11

Ben Chakin / Best Wishes Baltimore, MD MD Chamberlain’s Liberty Tavern Bethlehem, PA (5) COA 3 Ed Chambers / Allen Co. Motors Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser The Champaign National Bank 1851-1952 Urbana, OH OH Chapman Auto Service Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Chapmans Hotel Chapmans, PA PA Charleston Exposition Charleston, SC SC Charleston Motors Inc. Charleston, WV COA 2 Charleston Trust Co. Charleston, WV 14 Charley’s Loan Co. / 37 W. 5th St Dayton, OH (5) COA 3 Charlie’s for Liquors La Habra, CA 18 Charter Room Wichita, KS KS Chase Manhattan Club / 50th NY, NY (5) COA 3 The Chatterbox / 1408 Farnam Omaha, NE NE Check Inn & Phil Up Chicago, IL 14 Checks Cashed / 2801 Clybourn at Diversey Chicago, IL COA 3 Checker Cab / 522-1431 Wildwood, NJ 28 Cecilio L. Chee / Lincoln Nat’l Life Insurance Hollywood, CA (5) COA 3 Chelmsford Tercentenary 1655 1955 (1954D) Chelmsford, MA COA 3 Chemical Services of Baltimore Baltimore, MD MD Chene Hardware Detroit, MI (5) COA 3 G. Peterson Cheraski San Francisco, CA CA Cherokee Business Assoc. St. Louis, MO COA 3 Chesterfield Bar / 4721 John R. St Detroit, MI COA 3 Chesterfield Bar / 748 Prospect Cleveland, OH (5) COA 3 Chesterfield Lounge Detroit, MI MI Chesterton Rural Loan & Savings Association Chesterton, IN COA 2 Cheyenne Shoe Store Cheyenne, WY 25 Chic & George Cincinnati, OH OH Chic’s Place Cincinnati, OH OH Chicago Motor Club / Russ Curry Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Chief Auto Supply Norwalk, CA CA Chinatown San Francisco, CA CA Christiania Lunch / Russ Johnson Minneapolis, MN (5) COA 3 Christmas Banquet / 1965 Kansas City, MO MO Christy’s / S. 63rd Philadelphia, PA COA 3 Joseph Chizius / Shoes Manchester Town (Hartford), CT COA 2 Chrysler Superfinish developed by; 1940 Highland Park MI COA 3 Cieslak / HE 1846 Pittsburgh, PA PA Circle Cocktail Bar / 12721 W. Warren Dearborn, MI COA 3 Circlon / The Ford City, PA PA Citizens Bank of Riverdale / Avondale Hyattsville, MD COA 3 Citizens / Banks / 1871-1951 Flint, MI 7 Citizen Bank in Windber Windber, PA PA Citizen’s Bank / Samples Marshall, NC (5) COA 3 The Citizen’s Coal Co / 1506 Arapahoe Denver, CO COA 1 Citizens Loan Corp / Main 0268 St. Louis, MO COA 3 Citizens Nat’l Bank / Cameron Cameron, TX COA 2 Citizens Nat’l Bank Good Bank /Good Town Tell City, IN COA 1 Citizens National Bank of New Castle New Castle, PA (5) COA 3 Citizens National Bank / Tell City Tell City, IN COA 3 Citizens State Bank / Sturgis Sturgis, MI MI Citizens State Bank / 1873-1954 New Castle, IN IN City Bonded Messenger / RA6-6000 Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 City Cab Co. Oshkosh, WI COA 2 City Chevrolet Co Baltimore, MD MD 12

City Nat’l Bank Colorado City, TX (5) TX City Savings Bank / Founded 1886 Brooklyn, NY COA 2 City Tailoring/2401 Clark Ave Cleveland, OH COA 1 Civil War Centennial any town/state Fankhauser H.B. Clafin / Ribbons Manhattan, NYC, NY COA 2 Clark & Judge North Palms, CA CA John M. Clark / Rambler / 2625 Live Oak Dallas, TX COA 3 John M. Clark / New-Used Cars Dallas, TX 21 Ken Clark Pontiac Los Angeles, CA CA Jerry Clawson / Ford Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Clay’s Pharmacy / State at Crescent Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Clayton Charge Acct. Baltimore, MD (5) COA 3 Clearfield Lodge No. 540 B.P.O.E. Clearfield, PA COA 3 Clearwater / Coin- Stamp Clearwater, FL Fankhauser Gerald V. Cleary / Lincoln Life Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Clemens / Clothes NYC, NY NY Cleveland & Cook / Standard Ft. Wayne, IN IN-24 Clewell’s Milk / Dairy Berwick, PA COA 2 The Click Geneva, NY (5) COA 3 Cliff House San Francisco, CA CA Cliff’s Inn Los Angeles, CA CA Clinco Credit Union Clinton, IA COA 3 E.H. Close / Realty Toledo, OH 6 Clover Cleaners Everett, WA 10 Club Bar / 18th & Myrtle Detroit, MI COA 3 Club Charles Baltimore, MD MD Club Eldorado Philadelphia, PA PA Club Grand 11927 Grand River Detroit, MI COA 3 Club Manhattan / 2402 Culbertson Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Club Wind – Up St Louis, MO MO Clyde’s Café 1943 Fruitvale Ave. Oakland, CA COA 3 Thos. E Coale / Lumber Philadelphia, PA PA Coast Carloading Co Los Angeles, CA CA Coatesville Oil Co Coatesville, PA PA Don Coe / Distributor Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Bud Cofoid Motors Chicago, IL COA 3 Coggins Marble Co Canton, GA COA 2 Cohen’s / 53rd Year Chicago, IL COA 1 George H. Cohn / Diamonds Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 Coin-A-Rama Boone, IA IA Cokeburg Golden Jubilee Cokeburg, PA COA 3 Chester Coker Lafollette, TN TN-26 Cole & Erwin Jewelry Detroit, MI COA 3 Cole Hot Blast / Space Heater Chicago, IL 22 Cole Motor Car Co Depew, NY (5) 28 Richard Cole Lodge, C.F. Wooley Treasurer Chicago, IL COA 2 Cole’s Barbecue Inn Owensboro, KY COA 2 Colgate Caterers Somerville, MA 25-MA Co-Loidal – AC / Quix Phoenixville, PA (4) COA 3 Bob Collier / LU4-1145 Tulsa. OK OK Collins and Koch Star Café St. Mary’s, OH COA 3 Colonial Clothiers Sacramento, CA CA Colony Packing Co Boston, MA MA Colt 45 / Malt Liquor Baltimore, MD COA 2 Columbia 1207 W. Vliet / NY WF Milwaukee, WI COA 3 13

Columbia Bar / Vic Holmbert Des Moines, IA COA 2 Columbia Mutual Insurance Washington DC (5) COA 3 Columbia S&L NY / various 16 Columbia Trust Co Columbia, PA (5) COA 3 Columbia Trust Co Columbia, SC SC Columbus Ave Baptist Church Waco, TX TX Columbus Brothers Hardware Dearborn, MI COA 2 Columbus Lincoln-Mercury / 31&Central Columbus, IN COA 3 Coliseum / Servicenter Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Oertell Collins / Forest City Lumber Savannah, GA GA Commercial S&L Assn. Omaha, NE (5) COA 3 Commercial Service Fresno, CA CA Community Jewelers / 79 S. Grove Elgin, IL COA 2 Community State Bank / Table Rock/1917 Table Rock, NE COA 3 Coney Island Lunch Cambridge, Ohio COA 1 Cong-Bnai-Jehoshua Chicago, IL 7 Conneaut Lake / Souvenir Conn Lake, PA 14-16 National Bank of Connellsville Connellsville, PA 6 Connell's / 1932 Champa Denver, CO COA 3 Conn’s / Treasure Island Elkhart, IN / Chicago, IL IN Conrad’s / Jewelers Erie, PA PA Conservative Bond & Mtg. Co Omaha, NE NE Conshohocken Federal Savings Conshohocken, PA PA Conshohocken Centennial Conshohocken, PA 5 Consolidated Foods Corporation Chicago, IL COA 2 Consolidated Northwest Alva & Cherokee, OK OK Consumer’s Coal Co. / M.C. Nuese Marshalltown, IA COA 2 Consumer’s / TV Ft. Wayne, IN 19 Continental Distributing Chicago, IL 2 Continental National Bank / Xmas Ft. Worth, TX TX Converse Rubber Co. / Wait for Tait Malden, MA COA 3 Ethel Conway Angola, IN 19 Coogan & Shumerski /13832 Jos. Campau Detroit, MI COA 3 M.B. Cook / Ribbons Chicago, IL 26 Cook Co Rambler Chicago, IL 25-IL Cook Forest / Souvenir Cook Forest, PA PA Cookie’s Inn/ 3800 Mannheim Rd. Franklin Park, IL (5) COA 3 Cooper Best Feeds Humboldt, NE NE Cooperative Dental Laboratories Baltimore, MD COA 1 Co-Operative Finance / Bank Denver, CO 4 Co-Op MKT. / Open Sundays South Bend, IN Fankhauser Don W. Copelan / Insurance Jacksonville, FL FL Copper Penny Lounge San Antonio, TX TX James E. Corah / Fuller Brush Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser J.L. Corbaley & Son / 6013 Military Omaha, NE COA 2 Corn Belt Coin Club Bloomington, IL IL Corner Shop Antiques Tulsa, OK OK Corsello Sales Bellevue, PA PA Cort-Fox Ford Los Angeles, CA CA Cotner Terrace Lincoln, NE NE Cottman Builder’s Supply Philadelphia, PA PA Cotton Club Sacramento, CA CA Cottonwood Cleaners Dallas, TX TX Countner’s Inc. / Records Seattle, WA 28 Country Corner/ Horseshoe Bar Lakeville, OH (5) COA 3 County Trust Co / Close to home North Tarrytown, NY (5) COA 3 14

Thomas J. Courtney / Mayor Chicago, IL COA 2 Thomas J. Courtney / State's Attorney Chicago, IL COA 3 Cousins Jewelry Anderson, IN IN-24 “ “ “ “ Ft. Wayne, IN COA 2 Cover-All / Rental Services Ft. Wayne, IN (5) COA 3 Covered Wagon Los Angeles, CA CA Coy’s Shamrock Bar Springfield, OH (UNV) OH Cracker Jacks Chicago, IL 28 Craftsman Insurance Co Boston MA (5) COA 3 Crager Bros. Lafayette, LA COA 2 Cragin Dept. Store Chicago. IL (5) COA3 Bee Craig / Merle Norman Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Paul Craig / 2704 ½ S. Calhoun Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Craig Motor Service Co. Fairmount, WV (1) COA 2 Zach Cravey / Controller Georgia 27 Crawford Co. Nat’l Bank Bucyrus, OH COA 3 Fay Crawford / Ford Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Crawford Jewelers Philadelphia, PA 8-7 Crawford-Phillips, Inc Oklahoma City, OK OK C.F. Crawley Furniture Chattanooga, TN 27 Creditor’s Collection Bureau Omaha, NE NE Crescent Chevrolet Co. Des Moines, IA COA 2 Crescent News New Orleans, LA 9-14 Crest Furniture Los Angeles, CA (5) CA Creston Machine Shop / Doyle Siegfried Creston, OH COA 1 Croce’s Café Lebanon, PA PA Sam Croft / Automobile Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser J. Lee Cromwell / Thank my Wife Enid, OK OK Crone / Sherriff / Logan County Logan County, Ohio COA 3 Cross Over The Bridge ’63 Elizabeth, IL COA 1 Helen Crouch / Florist Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Harry C. Crowl / Insurance Council Bluffs, IA COA 3 Crown Furniture Co St Louis, MO MO Crown Loan & Jewelry El Paso, TX TX Crystal Lake Hobby Shop Crystal Lake, IL COA 2 Crystal Café / Corner 144th NY, NY (5) COA 3 Culligan / Water Softener Northbrook, IL COA 2 Virginia Culver / TAMS Arcadia, CA Fankhauser Cumberland Falls, KY Corbin, KY COA 3 Cumberland and Co. National Bank New Cumberland, PA PA Cuneo Club / 1937-1962 Los Angeles, CA (5) COA 3 Curran’s Laundry / S. Jennings Ft. Worth, TX COA 3 Red Curtice / Buick Flint, MI COA 3 John F. Curtis/ Insurance/ 175 W. Jackson Blvd Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 A.J. Cuttone / Precinct Capt. Chicago, IL (5) COA 3


D & E Sandwich Shop & Grill/ 188 N. LaSalle Chicago, IL COA 1 D & H Men’s Shops Pittsburgh, PA PA DRC (Detroit Race Track) Livonia, MI COA 3 D-X Super Boron / Showcase Station Tulsa, OK OK Rocca D’Evandro Society Boston, MA (5) COA 3 Dabern Used Cars Hartford, CT COA 2 Dad & Lad’s / Boy’s Dept. Dallas, TX COA 2 15

Dad’s Root Beer Chicago, IL 28 Essie R. Dale / Vote For Fairbanks, Alaska COA 3 Dale Furniture Co. Chicago, IL COA 3 Dallas Postal Employees Credit Union Dallas, TX TX-26 Daly City Super Service Daly City, CA CA Dalziel Plumbing Supplies San Francisco, CA (1) (5) COA 3 Daileys / Family Clothes NYC (5) COA 2 Abe I. Daniels / Re-Elect Connellsville, PA(5) PA Danville Frozen Food Service Danville, VA COA 2 Queen Darlene / M.O.T. Mobile, AL (5) COA 3 George N. Daugherty St. Louis, MO MO Dauphin Deposit Trust Company Harrisburg, PA COA 2 Davern’s / Norton Center Barberton, OH OH Dave’s Show Bar, 7510 Woodward Detroit, MI COA 3 Davidson Tool Sales / Repair Chicago, IL COA 2 Davies Radio Shop Sacramento, CA CA Davis Cabinet Co Nashville, TN 25 David Davis / Furs – Suits – Coats Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 Davis Cabinet Co Nashville, TN 25-TN Davis Drilling / Water Wells Portland, IN (5) COA 3 Davis Furniture Co. 7624 Fenkel Ave. Detroit MI COA 3 Charlie Davis / Standard Service St Louis, MO MO Davis Trust Company Elkins, WV COA 2 Davison Oil & Gas Co. Davison, MI COA 3 Daws’ Cut Rite Drugs Rochester, NY COA 2 John Dawney / Real Estate Chicago, IL IL-27 Frank Dawson / Ford Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser De Kalb Telephone CoOp Alexandria, TN (5) COA 3 Deals Jewelers / University Plaza Kenmore, NY (5) COA 3 Paul Dean / Wearing Apparel Knoxville, TN COA 2 Dean’s Jewelers Oklahoma City, OK OK Dearborn Boiler Compound (1901) Chicago, IL COA 2 Dearborn Optical Dearborn, MI (5) COA 3 Deckelman Bros San Francisco, CA CA De Cru’s Bar / 17339 E. Warren Detroit, MI COA 3 Deerfield Savings / 50th Deerfield, IL (5) COA 3 Deer lodge Plastic Shop / 205 Missouri Ave. Deer Lodge, MT COA 2 Dee’s Credit Jewelers Indianapolis, IN 10 Defrancisco – Mayor Reed Bedford, OH OH Delaware Valley Title Searches Media, PA COA 3 Delco Light Water System (1924) Dayton, Ohio COA 3 Dell Comics (1953) NY, NY COA 3 Della Providence Brewing Providence, RI RI Peter DeLong / 220 W. Superior Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Deluxe Pastry Shoppe / A-2349 Ft. Wayne, IN COA 2 Deming's Texaco Service Edmonds, WA COA 2 State Bank of De Sota De Sota, MO MO C.F. Delphey / Able Gov’t Hagerstown, MD MD Deneault’s Bakery New Bedford, MA COA 3 Deneves Shoes Pittsburgh, KS KS Denison Buffet Indianapolis, IN IN Dennis Clothing Co., 108 Whitehall St., S.W. Atlanta, GA COA 2 DeNooyer Bros / Chevrolet Battle Creek, MI 18 & Kalamazoo, MI as well COA 3 Desco Inc. Builders Eugene, OR COA 3 The Detour Bank Detour / Keymar, MD MD 16

Detroit Ave. Methodist Church Lakewood, Ohio COA 3 Detroit Crane Company Southfield, MI MI John DeWald / Barber Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Diamond Cab Co./ WAlnut 6-0131 Johnson City, TN.(5) COA 3 Diamond Café / 57 Lenox Ave NY, NY (5) COA 3 Diamond Loan & Jewelry San Bernardino, CA CA Diamond Pants Stores Pittsburgh, PA PA Diamonds Men’s Shop E. Cleveland, OH(unv) OH Dicalite / Silver / Anniv. Los Angeles, CA 7 Dicicco Garage / 12116 Harper Detroit, MI COA 2 Dick Towne / Fintex Detroit, MI COA 3 J. V. Dickey / Real Estate Hyattsville, MD MD Dickinson Trust Co. Richmond, IN IN-24 Dick's 66 Service / 1001 North Alvernon Tucson, AZ COA 2 Dick’s Auto Sales Fort Wayne, IN 2 Burt Diebel / Tires Hollywood, CA 18 Diefendorf Agency / Selling Ideas Brooklyn, NY COA 1 Diehl’s Jewelry Downtown Belleville Belleville, IL COA 1 Wm. Dieringer/ 447 W. McMicken Ave. Cincinnati OH COA 2 Fred Diels Dodge City, KS KS The Dime Savings Bank / W. Lexington St Baltimore, MD COA 3 Dr. M. Dimichele, Chiropractor/ Mt. Pleasant Mt Pleasant, PA COA 3 DiPaola Clothes Camden Vineland Hammonton New Jersey COA 3 Frank W. Diver / Chevrolet Wilmington, DE (5) COA 3 Diversey Realty Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Diversey-Wolcott Service Station Chicago, IL COA 2 Dixie Appliance Memphis, TN (5) COA 3 Dixie Disinfectant Memphis, TN 26 Doctor’s Business Bureau / Masonic Temple Omaha, NE NE Les Dole Philadelphia, PA PA Domestic Construction Co / JU-7-6949 Louisville, KY (5) COA 3 Miss NY 1966 / Penelope Donoghue Yonkers, NY NY Don’s Bar / Lake Street Chicago, IL COA 1 Don’s Market / Jackpot Number Clovis, NM COA 1 Don’t Forget / It Could be loaded any town/state Fankhauser Door County Co-Op Sturgeon Bay, WI. COA 2 Door Equip. Co Kenmore, NY (5) COA 3 Dort Industrial Employees Federal Credit Union Flint, MI COA 2 Dorschel Radio & Appliances Rochester, NY COA 3 Dos Palos Auction Yard Dos Palos, CA (5) COA 3 Doubleday Books, Records Garden City, NY NY Doubleday Book Shops Garden City, NY / Various 14-19-20-21 Jack Dougal El Centro, CA CA Douglas Insurance / Bob Douglas Mason City, IA 9 Dan Douglas / Tailor / 503 E. 47 Chicago, IL COA 3 Doumont – Schuessler / Brokers St Louis, MO MO Dowagiac Drills & Seeders Dowagiac, MI COA 3 Downtown Motors / LO 1-4500 Pittsburgh PA COA 3 Downtown Shopping News Chicago, IL 26 Bill Doyle Office Supply Oklahoma City, OK OK Drake Oil Well Oil City, PA PA Dr Drake Findlay, OH (5) COA 3 C.F. Draper Denver, CO COA 1 Drinks Bill JA-52331 Oklahoma City, OK OK Drinks Call B&B Oklahoma City, OK OK Driscoll Leather Omaha, NE 14 17

Driscoll’s Steak House St. Clair Shores, MI (5) 18 Drissel Motors / 8th & Main Evansville, IN COA 3 Drizin Weiss Philadelphia, PA (5) COA 3 Drucille / Big Week Chattanooga, TN (5) COA 3 Drug Lane Stores / Save Time and Money Atlanta, GA GA Druid Hill Drive-In Theatre Maryville, TN COA 3 Dubb’s / Poultry Buffalo, NY 25 Du Bois Budweiser Du Bois, PA 14 Duckworth / Sheriff / Dr. Duck Meridian, MS (5) COA 3 Dukehart Hughes Equip Co Cedar Rapids, IA IA John J. Duncan / Congress Knoxville, TN 3 Duncan & Dale Appliances, Inc. Newport News, VA COA 2 Dunlevy’s All Night Hack Service Dayton, OH COA 3 DuPont Carney's Point Carney Point, NJ COA 3 Duquesne Pilsner Beer Pittsburgh, PA 14 Dwight Produce Co. Dwight, IL COA 2


E-Z Way / Shirts-Laundry Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Eagle Auto Repair / Hwy. 99 S Everett, WA COA 3 Eagle Bingo NY - ? (5) COA 3 Red Stallion / Eagle – Lion Films NY, NY COA 2 Eagle Want Ads Wichita, KS (5) COA 3 East End Bank & Trust Co. Camden, NJ COA 2 East End Family Laundry Detroit, MI COA 3 East Shore Realty Cleveland, OH OH East Side Golden Shell Service Indianapolis, IN COA 2 The Eastern Fresno, CA CA Eastern District Savings Bank Brooklyn, NY 20 Eastern Outfitting Co. / Washington at 10th Portland, OR COA 2 Eastern Theatre / Smith at Creighton Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Eberhardt’s Baltimore, MD MD E.A. Ebert Jeweler Rhinelander, WI COA 2 Eby Shoe Corp. Ephrata, PA PA George Eckhardt/Drugs/31st&Loomis Chicago, IL COA 3 Eckrich Picnic / 1950 Ft. Wayne, IN (5) COA 3 Econo Datsun / Weldon Bicknell Riverside, CA COA 2 Econo Datsun / Roger La Delpha Riverside, CA COA 2 Econo Datsun / Jon Lambelet Riverside, CA COA 2 Eddie’s Hobby Shop Chicago, IL COA 2 Eddy’s Bread Montana COA 1 Edgar County Supply/Petroleum Paris, IL COA 2 Edgepark Leader Drug, Larry Crane Garfield Heights, OH COA 3 Edgewater Hotel & Casino Laughlin, NV COA 2 E.D. Edwards / Shoes Baltimore, MD (5) COA 3 Edison Company / Kilowatt Chicago, IL COA 2 The Edwards Co. / Coal New Port News, VA COA 2 Edward’s Jewelers / Illinois Jacksonville, IL COA 1 (J). Edwards Shoes / Arnold Bartschi Philadelphia, PA (5) COA 2 Egger Gen. Store Markleeville, CA COA 3 Egger’s Deep Rock / M’Town Marshalltown, IA COA 2 Egyptian Tea Room / 617 S. 4th Louisville, KY COA 2 18

Ehrlich’s Credit Jewelers Wyandotte, MI MI El Dorado County Bank Placerville, CA CA El Rancho Take Out Youngstown, OH (5) COA 3 Elect Kern, Valore, McCann Atlantic County, NJ COA 2 Electronic Center / Radio-TV Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Elgin Lumber And Supply Co. Elgin, IL COA 1 Harry Elgin & Sons Inc. Baltimore, MD COA 3 Elgin Watch / Credit Union Elgin, IL COA 2 Elizabeth YMCA Elizabeth, NJ COA 2 Elizabethtown Trust Co Elizabethtown, PA PA H.W. Elkins / Bibb Bldg. KC, MO COA 1 Elk’s Kiddies Day Chicago, IL COA 2 Elkton Banking & Trust Co Elkton, MD COA 3 Sig Ellingston & Co S. St. Paul, MN (5) COA 3 Elliott Credit Union Jeanette, PA PA Elliott State Bank Jacksonville, Illinois COA 2 Ellis Loan Co. Detroit, MI MI Ellis Motors Bishop, CA CA Lloyd Ellison / Shamrock Inn Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser “Brother” Ellison / The Shack San Antonio, TX TX Elliot Auto Finance Augusta, GA (5) COA 3 Ellsworth Golden Jubilee / 1950 Ellsworth, PA COA 3 Elmer Springer / Texaco Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Elmer’s Mufflers Los Angeles, CA CA Elmer’s Tavern Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser El Rancho Drive- In Theatre San Jose, CA CA Else’s Boutique / Scottsdale Scottsdale, AZ (5) COA 3 Elsie’s San Francisco, CA CA Elworth's Shoe Store Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Emerson The Clothier / Haverhill Haverhill, MA COA 2 Emhoff Motor Sales Conneaut, OH COA 2 Emmering Funeral Home / 6126 Roosevelt Rd. Oak Park, IL COA 3 Empire Chevrolet / Utica Ave & Empire Blvd Brooklyn, NY COA 2 Empire Motors / Willys-Overland Philadelphia, PA 21 Empire Nat’l Bank New City, NY 26-NY Employee’s Finance Company / Parsons Ave Columbus, OH COA 2 C. E. Encell Auto Parts Los Angeles, CA CA Enchanted Forest / Souvenir Ellicott City, MD MD Encyclopedia Americana NY, NY NY Enid Tire Co. Enid, OK OK Enquirer / 55000.00 given away Cincinnati, OH 18 Erickson & Company Fresno, CA CA Erie Assn. Of Small Loan Co Erie, PA PA Erie Clothing Co. Chicago (5) COA 3 Erie County Tech Erie, PA PA Erie Lunch & Café / 5th & Erie Ave Philadelphia, PA COA 2 Erin’s / 834 Gravier St New Orleans, LA LA Ernie & Lydia / Chevron Dealer Van Nuys, CA 18 Ess Bee Dept. Store Manhattan, NY COA 3 Ess-Dee Tobacco Co Ohio OH Essential Savings & Loan / 1926-1946 Verona, NJ COA 2 Esskay Meat Baltimore, MD 6-19-20-21 Norm & Ang Esso Road Service Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 Ettinger of Ardmore Ardmore, PA COA 2 Euclid Clothes Shop Cleveland, OH OH Evans Food Marts Dallas, TX (5) COA 3 19

Evenflo Ravenna, OH OH-26 Everett Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n Everett, WA COA 2 Evergreen Burial Park / Cemetery Roanoke, VA COA 2 Everpure / Water Oakbrook, IL COA 3 Everwear Products / Roofing Co. Atlanta, GA 13-GA Excel Paper Co. / W. Van Buren Chicago, IL COA 2 Exchange Tavern / 13th& Exchange E. St. Louis, IL COA 2 The Exclusive Tailors Baltimore, MD MD Exeter Banking Co. Exeter, NH COA 1 Expo Ohio Columbus, Ohio OH Ex-Sell-Ent Food Market Buffalo, NY NY-26 Ezera Storm Sleep Products Norfolk, VA (12) COA 2


F & F Style Shoppe / 2559 E 55 Cleveland, OH (5) COA 3 F&W Inn / 765 Milwaukee Chicago, IL COA 1 Fadley / Sulphur Springs Sulphur Springs, IN COA 3 Kenneth Fahnestock / State Rep PA PA The Fair Inc / Boy’s Dept Beaumont, TX 25-TX Fairbanks – Morse Co Chicago, IL 24 Fairchild’s / 2643 Cherokee St St Louis, MO MO Fairfax Church of the Nazarene Cincinnati, OH COA 3 Fairfax Chrysler-Plymouth Fairfax, VA COA 2 Fairfax Paint Co Los Angeles, CA 21 Fairfield Co. Fair Lancaster, OH 25-OH The Fairland Nat’l Bank Fairland, IN 23 Fairplain Assembly / 50th Year Benton Harbor, MI COA 2 Fair Oaks Hardware Variety South Pasadena, CA CA Falconer’s / Furniture / Various varieties Kansas City, KS (5) COA 3 Falstaff /Stay Lucky keep drinking St. Louis, MO / various 13 Family Apparel / Lyndale Ave. So Minneapolis, MN COA 1 Family Barber Shop/ 608 S. Clinton Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Family Star Union Clothiers / 119 Court St. Watertown, NY COA 3 Family Store Detroit, MI MI Famous Mfrs. Coal Dearborn Township, MI COA 3 Warren G. Fandrey Los Angeles, CA (5) COA 3 Faney-Brockman / Clothes Seattle, WA 18 Fannin Bank Windom, TX COA 2 Ed Fant Buick El Monte, CA CA Farm Bureau Services / 1929-1954 Lansing, MI (5) COA 3 Farmer for Governor Missouri COA 3 Farmer’s Elevator / New Haven New Haven, MI MI Farmers & Merchants Bank / Southgate Sacramento, CA CA Farmers & Merchants Nat’ Bank of Blacksburg Blacksburg VA COA 3 The Farmers Nat’l Bank of Fresno Fresno, CA CA Farmers State Bank, Marion, Alburnett & Hiawatha IA COA 3 The Fashion / Coin & Stamp Columbus, OH (5) COA 3 Father Knickerbocker Indianapolis, IN (5) COA 3 Henry Faulkner / Oldsmobile Philadelphia, PA (5) COA 3 Featherstone Undertaker / Chester Chester, PA COA 3 Federal-Mogul Detroit, MI COA 2 20

Federal Pacific Elec. Co Scranton, PA PA Federated Finance Co / 1503 O St Lincoln, NE NE Albert Fein / Bail Bonds St. Louis, MO MO Fein’s Pawn Shop St Louis, MO MO Feldkamp’s Hotel /2700 N. 9th. St Louis, MO COA 3 Feldman Houseware’s NY, NY COA 3 Felix’s Bar / 10046 Gratiot Detroit, MI COA 3 Fel-More Footwear Jenkintown, PA PA O.W. Fell / Insurance Pueblo, CO (5) COA 3 Felser Bros / Shoes Baltimore, MD MD Ferman Chrysler Jeep / NPR New Port Richey, FL COA 3 Fernbrook Park / W.O.W. Alameda Co. CA COA 3 Ferndale / Modern Ice Cream Bar Ferndale, PA COA 1 Feustal-Berglas / Insurance Los Angeles, CA (5) COA 3 Fibber’s Atlantic Service Lock Haven, PA PA Fidelity / 207 Goff Bldg. Clarksburg, WV COA 1 Fidelity Trust Co. Pittsburgh, PA (5) COA 3 Marshall Field & Company Chicago, IL (1) COA 2 Fielding Hotel San Francisco, CA CA Sidney Fields / Insurance Cleveland, Ohio 27 Fifth Third Union Trust Cincinnati, OH OH Andrew Filchak / Insurance Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Finance Inc. / 2026 1st Ave N Birmingham, AL COA 3 Finger Lakes Race Track Farmington, NY NY Morgan “Bud” Finley / Senator Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Finlay Straus / Jeweler NY, NY 26 Fintex / Dick Towne Detroit, MI COA 3 Fiorett’s Restaurant New City, NY COA 3 Fireman Cab Service Vinita Terrace Village, MO MO Firestone Office Dance Akron, OH OH Dr Harvey Firestone / Optometrist W. Dearborn, MI (5) COA 3 First and Last Tavern / 2534 New Haven Ave. FT. Wayne, IN COA 3 First City / Banking Binghamton, NY 5 First Federal / of Chester Richmond, IN 8 First Federal / of Irving Irving, TX 11 First Federal / of Upper Darby Upper Darby, PA PA First Federal S & L / Broward Co Ft. Lauderdale, FL FL First Federal S&L / Wooster-Ashland Wooster/Ashland, OH 18 First Federal Savings / 1900-1950 Youngstown, OH (5) COA 3 First Federal Savings / Clairton Braddock Homestead, PA PA First National Bank of Aurora (843) Aurora, IN (5) COA 3 First National Bank of Clearwater Clearwater, FL 3-8 First Nat’l Bank of Evergreen Park Evergreen Park, IL (5) COA 3 First National Bank of Farmington Farmington, NM (5) COA 3 First National Bank Trust / Floral Park Floral Park, NY 18-19 First National Bank of Holly Hill Holly Hill, SC SC First National Bank of Hopedale Hopedale, OH (5) COA 3 First National Bank / Lake Wales Lake Wales, FL FL First National Bank of Mapleton Mapleton, PA PA First National Bank of Millsboro Millsboro, PA COA 2 First National Bank of Myrtle Beach Myrtle Beach, SC SC First National Bank / New Castle’s Only New Castle, IN IN First National Bank of Oroville Oroville, CA CA First National Bank / of Pryor/George Tilly Pryor, OK OK First Nat’l Bank / Southwest/60 yrs Liberal, KS (5) COA 3 First National Bank of Tyrone Tyrone, PA PA 21

First National Bank of West Monroe W. Monroe, LA LA First National Chandler Chandler, OK OK First National Southwest / 60 yrs Liberal, KS (5) COA 3 First National Pictures Burbank, CA CA Henry S. Fisher / Funeral Home Harrisburg, PA COA 3 Jack Fisher / Television Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Edwin W. Fiske For Mayor Mt. Vernon, NY COA 2 Fleet Wing Gasoline Cleveland, OH 16 Fleischman’s / Furniture & Rugs Syracuse, NY COA 2 Flint Fuel Co. HYacinth 7-1606 Brooklyn NY COA 2 Flint Saddlery Flint, MI (5) COA 3 Flint Savings Flint, MI (5) COA 3 Flint Sportsman Club Flint, MI (5) COA 3 Flor De Baltimore Cigars Baltimore, MD MD Fluent Russell H. / Government Olympia, WA 2 Dan Fodor Photographer Detroit, MI COA 3 G.R. Follett Hardware Wichita, KS COA 2 Food Terminal Rest. Cleveland, OH (5) COA 3 Ford Rent Co Dallas, TX 24 Forest Park – River Forest S&L Cook County, IL 24 Forman’s Meats / Stand 48 & 36 Cleveland, OH (5) COA 3 Formfit Chicago, IL 14 Souvenir Fort Anne Fort Ann, NY (No Typo) COA 2 Fort Clark Bar / 4280 W. Fort St. Detroit, MI COA 3 Fort Loramie / Sawmill Fort Loramie, OH OH Fortune Real Estate Detroit, MI (5) COA 3 Peter Fosco / Commissioner Chicago, IL 26 Foster-Avery Co. Portland, ME 14 Foster Ins. Agency Los Angeles, CA CA Foster Park Currency Exchange, Inc. Chicago, IL COA 3 Foster – St Clair Lumber Kansas City, MO MO Foster's Canal Service New Orleans, LA (5) COA 3 Four Roses Whisky Frankfort Distillery, NY, NY COA 3 Fourroux Shoe Co. Decatur, AL (5) COA 3 Fox Furniture St Louis, MO MO Sam Fox Publishing Co. NY, NY NY Foxboro Raceway Foxboro, MA 9 Frankie’s Forest Park Dayton, OH OH Franco Electric Co W. Hollywood, CA CA Frank-Len Gasoline Lacrosse, WI COA 3 Frank-Len Super Service/ Dial 4-1390 Lacrosse, WI COA 3 Frank & Seder / Boys & Girls Pittsburgh, PA COA 2 Frank‘s Dairy Bar Union Town, PA PA Frank’s Super-Right Market Detroit, MI (5) COA 3 Franklin Diner / 584 Westminster St. Providence, RI COA 1 Franklin Furniture / 1030 Franklin St. Louis, MO COA 3 Franklin Gas / CT Tercentenary New Britain, CT (8) COA 2 Franklin Savings Bank New York, NY 18 Frank’s Jewelry / 217 N. Salina St Syracuse, NY (5) COA 3 C.F. Franz Jewelers Buffalo, NY COA 2 Fraternal Aid Union Lawrence, KS 27 W.E. Frazier Wash. D. C. 23 Call Fred / Drinks Oklahoma City, OK (5) COA 3 State Bank of Fredonia Fredonia, KS COA 2 Freedom National Bank Freedom, PA PA Frederick’s Café Wyandotte, MI MI 22

Freed's Tavern// Lionshead Lake Pompton Lakes, NJ COA 2 Freedlander’s / Boy’s Store Wooster, OH COA 2 Freedman’s Restaurant, 1112 W. 14th Pl. Chicago, IL COA 3 Freeman & Co., 323-30 Merrimack St. Lowell, MA COA 2 Freeman’s Little Folks/ New Britain New Britain, CT COA 3 Freeman's/ Marion Candy Kitchen Marion, NY NY Freidly's Opposite Willows Lancaster, PA COA 3 Rudolph Frey / Poultry Buffalo, NY NY Stotts Friedman Dayton, OH OH Friedman Finance Columbus, OH (5) COA 3 Friedman’s / Clothiers Clarinda & Shenandoah, IA 10 Friehofer’s / Good Bread Philadelphia, PA PA Friendship Motor Co. Donora, PA PA Frigidaire ’34 Dayton, OH OH Jean Frocks NY, NY (5) NY Frontier Town North Hudson, NY NY Froug’s 10 Stores Tulsa, OK OK Fullen Auto Parts/ 665 W. Broad Columbus, Ohio COA 3 Lewis F. Fults / Deeds Altamont, TN (5) COA 3 Fun’s-A-Poppin / 3345 N. Western Ave. Chicago, IL COA 2


Gabriel / City Clerk Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Frank Gabriel / Beer Dist. Allentown, PA COA 3 Gainesville Finance Gainesville, GA (5) COA 3 W.B. Gallup / Victor Centennial Victor, NY COA 3 Gam & Augustiner / Drink Columbus, OH 14 Ganison Co. Pittsburgh, PA PA Garden and Lot Plowing Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Garden City Gulf / GA 2 – 9764 Garden City, MI (5) COA 3 Garden Scientific Shoes University Heights, OH (5) COA 3 Garden Villas Garage Houston, TX 25-TX Garibaldi Bros Los Angeles, CA CA Garland Bath Garland, TX TX Gardner & North / Siding Syracuse, NY COA 3 Gardner Motors / DE 8 -2300 Philadelphia, PA (5) COA 3 Garrison Realty Philadelphia, PA PA Israel Garrison / Cheese Man Ft. Wayne, IN 7 Gas Dries Clothes / 1¢ a load Pittsburg, PA (5) COA 3 Gately’s Clothing Jewelry Furniture Detroit, MI COA 2 Gateway & Katahdin Motors Maine (Millinocket) 26 Gateway Sportsman’s Paradise Wichita, KS KS “ “ “ “ KC, MO COA 2 “ “ “ “ KC, KS COA 2 Lou Gavirty Hardware Toledo, OH (5) COA 3 Gay Loan Service/320 Wall Ave. Knoxville, TN (5) COA 3 Ray Gay Sales / 991 Sycamore Buffalo, NY COA 3 Gaylord Container St. Louis, MO COA 2 Jack Gaynor / Inglewood / Hudson Inglewood, CA COA 2 Gee’s Café Reading, PA PA Vernie Gehron / Rambler Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Geil’s Richfield Service Brownsville, OR COA 3 23

J.E. Geisz Springfield, IL? (5) COA 3 General Copper & Brass Philadelphia, PA PA General Foods / Cereals. Battle Creek, MI MI General Hardware / 2035 S. Hanna Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser General Meat Co NY, NY NY General Paper & Box Philadelphia, PA PA General Pontiac Corp. / Liberty2-2700 Baltimore, MD (5) COA 3 General Securities / 701 Lafayette Nashville, TN (5) COA 3 General Shoe Corporation Nashville, TN COA 2 General Telephone Co of Florida St. Petersburg, FL FL General Window Repair Miami, FL COA 1 Gene’s Club / 5716 W. 63rd Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Genesee No. 3 IOOF Rochester, NY NY Gennari & Co., Shoes Bronx, NY COA 3 Geno’s Tap/Rock Falls Centennial ’67 Rock Falls, IL COA 3 By George Los Angeles, CA CA George & Lucille Santa Monica, CA CA George’s Radio & Appl. NY, NY (5) COA 3 George’s Super Service, 121 Ferry St. Lawrence Lawrence MA COA 3 The Bank of Georgia Atlanta, GA GA Georgia Railroad Bank & Trust / Uptown Branch Augusta, GA COA 3 Georgies Cleaners / 505 Maxine Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Geraci Bros / West Lockland Lockland, OH OH Gerber Lumber & Hardware Kidron, OH COA 3 E.P.Gerber and Sons Kidron, OH COA 2 Germantown Boy’s Club Germantown, PA PA Germantown Savings Bank Philadelphia, PA 18-19 Gettelmans $1000 Beer /At Hilgert's Waunakee, WI COA 1 Gettysburg National Bank Gettysburg, PA PA Getz & Eikenberry / Ambulance Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Getz Jewelers Cincinnati, OH 26 Dick Gheen / Allen Co. Motors Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Gibbs Battery / 400-402 Park Ave. Worcester, MA COA 3 Gibbs/ Peoples Service Stores Washington D.C COA 3 Andy Gibson Nashville, TN COA 2 Giddens Inc Clothing / LO 6789 St. Louis, MO COA 3 Giesche Shoes Glen Ellyn, IL (5) COA 3 Gilbert Bros. / Chevrolet Montoursville, PA 6-7 Gilbert Lake State Park Laurens St. Park (NY) NY Gilbert – Liebman Jewelers Cleveland, OH OH-26 Clem Gilbert / Used Cars Dallas, TX TX Wm. Y. Gilbert &Sons / Oak Park Oak Park, IL COA2 Joseph L. Gill / Clerk Chicago, IL COA 2 Wm. Y. Gilmore & Sons/ Oak Park Oak Park IL COA 3 Ginger for President Lexington, KY (5) COA 3 Gingerbread Castle Hamburg, NJ 3 Gittleson Jewelry Minneapolis, MN COA 3 Given Bros. El Paso, TX TX Glacier Park / Souvenir Glacier Park, MT 18 Gladding’s Children’s Store Providence, RI COA 2 Glendale News- Press Glendale, CA (5) COA 3 Glen Ridge Savings & Loan Glen Ridge, NJ COA 3 Glenn-Minnich’s / Clothes Roanoke, VA 6-16 Glen Straub / Commissioner Wheeling, W VA 21 Glessco Findlay, OH OH Glick on the corner St. Louis, MO MO 24

Glidden Varnishes Cleveland, OH COA 2 Globe Loan Co. Des Moines, Iowa COA 2 Globe Slicing Machine / W. Winnebago St. Milwaukee, WI COA 2 God is Love any town/state Fankhauser Bill Goddard Chevrolet Kansas City, MO 25 Goettsch Funeral Home / Gladbrook Gladbrook, IA COA 2 Golblatt’s Auto World Chicago, IL COA 2 Gold Bond / Mattress Providence, RI (5) COA 2 Gold Bond Oil Syracuse, NY (2) COA 2 Gold Crown / Cut Rate KC, MO (5) COA 3 Gold Seal Milk Baltimore, MD MD Golden Crown Cigars / Best-Russell Chicago, IL unverified Golden Hill Post 8748 South Bend, IN 25-IN Joseph J. Goldberg Los Angeles, CA CA Ralph & Hermine Goldberg Omaha, NE (5) COA 3 Goldberg’s Tailors Wichita, KS KS Goldberg’s / 4th & Market/ Tailors Louisville, KY COA 3 Goldberg’s Shoe Repair Trenton, NJ COA 2 Julius Goldbaum Inc. / Whiskey Tucson, A.T. COA 3 Golden Dragon / Souvenir Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Golden Flake Potato Chips Birmingham, AL COA 2 Golden West Steaks Normal, IL COA 2 J. Goldfarb & Sons Philadelphia, PA PA Joe Goldman Jewelers Milwaukee, WI COA 3 M. Goldseeker / Homes Baltimore, MD MD Goodman & Barg Auto Parts Little Rock, AR 25 Goodman’s / every penny counts Tucson, AZ (5) COA 3 Goodman’s / 25th Year Tucson, AZ (5) COA 3 Goodman’s / Thomas Mall Tucson, AZ (5) COA 3 Goodman’s Haberdashery, Clay & Richmond Detroit, MI COA 3 Good Samaritan Hospital / Street Fair Lebanon, PA 24 - Fankhauser Jack H. Goode Agency Oklahoma City, OK OK Goodyear / replica dollar Akron, OH OH Goral / Plymouth Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Samuel M. Gorden / Mutual Funds Bronx, NY (5) COA 3 Samuel M. Gordon / Mutual Funds Bronx, NY (5) COA 3 Gordon Termite Control S. San Gabriel, CA COA 3 Gordon’s 75th Jubilee / Miller Bros Gordon, NE NE Gordon’s Sunset Lounge Bossier City, LA LA Gounaris Confectionery/ 463 Mass. Ave Arlington, MA COA 3 Gowans Bros. Heating-Cooling Nashville, TN (5) COA 3 Gradwohl’s Credit Jewelers/ 619 Locust St Louis, MO COA 3 Graham Hatcher / Auto Ft. Wayne, IN 6 Graham Hatcher / Greyhound Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Grainbelt Beer Minneapolis, MN COA 2 Grainbelt Supply Co Salina, KS KS Gramercy Bank of Vacherie Gramercy, LA LA Granata Jewelry / 89W. Chippewa Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 Grand Café Porterville, CA CA Grand Canyon Nat’l Park Arizona (5) COA 3 First Federal S&L of Grand Forks Grand Forks, ND COA 3 Grand Jewelry Co. Detroit, MI MI Grand Marais State Bank Grand Marais, MN COA 2 Grange Mutual Ins. Co, plastic H Columbus, OH OH (3) Grand Prairie State Bank Grand Prairie, TX 5-20 Granite City Lodge #1063 Granite City, IL COA 3 25

Granite City Trust and Savings Bank (1971D) Granite City, IL COA 3 Erv Granzow Ford Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Gratiot-Fisher Service, 8645 Gratiot Detroit, MI COA 3 J.C. Grau/ Jeweler Pittsburgh, PA PA O.S. Gray / Nursery Arlington, TX TX Sam Grayson San Angelo, TX TX Grayson’s Women’s Apparel Los Angeles, CA CA Graziano Furniture Utica, NY (5) COA 3 Great Lakes Laundry Co. Sault Ste. Marie, MI MI Great Northern State Pawners / WE 9-7617 Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Great Plains Coin Club Sioux Falls, SD COA 2 Great Smokey Mountains NC & TN 18 Great Western Livestock Com. Co Omaha, NE NE Great Western Savings Los Angeles, CA CA Great Western S&L Los Angeles, CA CA Greenie’s Barbeque Stand Wind Gap, PA PA Harry H. Green / Jeweler Minneapolis, MN COA 2 H.L. Green / Good Values NY, NY (5) COA 3 Green Brook Twnshp. / Vol. Fire/1928 Green Brook, NJ COA 3 Green Lantern Inn / 523 Balto. Pike E. Lansdowne, PA COA 2 Green Mountain Falls / Inn Green Mountain Falls, CO 14 The Green Point Savings Bank Brooklyn, NY NY Green Twnshp. Centennial Hamilton Co. OH 3 Greene Motors / Volkswagon Livonia, MI COA 2 Greensboro Mutual Insurance Greensboro, NC (5) COA 3 Greensburg Title and Trust Co Greensburg, PA PA Greentree Stables Norridge, IL COA 2 Greenwald’s Jewelers Cincinnati, OH OH Ray W. Greenwood / Funeral Tunkhannock, PA (5) COA 3 O.A. & Laina Greer Kansas City, MO COA 1 Emil Gregin / 1421 W. Erie Ave. Philadelphia, PA COA 2 Grey Eagle Cincinnati, OH 18 Greystone Ballroom Ohio COA Griesedick Bros. / Beer (GB) St. Louis, MO 13-18 Griffin Ambulance Service Houston, TX (5) COA 3 Grigsby Bros / Paper Box Mfgrs. Portland OR COA 3 Grimm & Gorly Florists St Louis, MO COA 3 Grimm & Gorly Diamond Dealers. (1904) Same ownership as florist? COA 1 Grit Williamsport, PA PA The Groos National Bank San Antonio, TX TX Gross / Good Clothes-Good Boys Meriden, CT COA 2 Gross’ Dept. Store Homestead, PA PA Sammy Grossman / Shoe Box Columbus, OH OH Grosvenor Savings Bank Jonesville, MI COA 3 John Grove / Land & Loan St. Paul, MN 9 Grugin /Judge/ Owen County Owen County, KY COA 3 Guarantee Auto Stores Indianapolis, IN (5) COA 3 Guarantee Auto Supply Indianapolis, IN (5) COA 3 Joseph F. Gubbins / Trustee Chicago, IL COA 3 The Gulf Fertilizer Co Tampa, FL COA 2 Gulf Jewelry St. Petersburg, FL FL Gulf, Mobile & Ohio R.R, Co. St. Louis, MO (5) COA 3 Gulfco Finance Marksville, LA (5) COA 3 Julius Gunther & Sons Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Guthrie Chevrolet Vandergrift, PA PA Steve Guthrie / Sheriff Dallas, TX 25 26


H & H Co., 2885 Mt. Ephraim Pk /Esso Camden, NJ COA 3 H&T Motor Service Pittsburgh, PA PA Edward Haas Co. Chicago, IL COA 3 Haddon Bootery Haddonfield, NJ COA 2 Hal Realty / 3937 Irving St San Francisco, CA CA Hale Agency Shippensburg, PA PA Halken Shaker Motors Inc Shaker Heights, OH OH Ralph Hall / Congress Rockwall, TX TX Hall Electric Pittsburgh, PA PA Ed Hall Motors, Inc. / 33rd & Burleigh Milwaukee, WI COA 3 Hall’s Family Clothes NYC (5) COA 2 Hallmark S&L Baltimore, MD MD Hal’s Sandwich Shop Los Angeles, CA CA Alden E. Halseth / Lincoln Life Fresno, CA (5) COA 3 Hamburg Savings Bank Hamburg, PA PA Hamburg Savings Bank Brooklyn, NY COA 2 Isaac Hamburger & Sons Baltimore, MD MD Manley P. Hamby / Union County Union County, GA GA Farmers State Bank of Hamel Hamel, MN COA 2 Hamilton Hardware & Appliance Boone, IA IA Hamilton’s / Diamonds & Watches (1930) Columbia, SC SC Hamilton’s / Diamond’s & Watches (1903) Spartanburg, SC SC Hamm Funeral Home Brodheadsville, PA COA 2 M. Hammel / Real Estate St Louis, MO MO Hammerman – Levin Co / pianos Baltimore, MD MD John Paul Hammerschmidt / Congress Harrison, AK COA 3 Hammond Insurance Agents Hammond, IN 9 Hancock County Federal Savings & Loan/ 1899 Chester, WV COA 2 Hancock S & L Findlay, OH OH Hannah City Elev. Hannah City, IL COA 2 Hanover Saving Fund Society Hanover, PA COA 2 Harry Hansen / Feed-Seed Franksville, WI 28 Norm Hansen Marine Toledo, OH OH Hanzel Auto Body Oakland, CA CA Hapeville Furn. Co Hapeville, GA GA Hard Money / Luke Short Garden City, NY NY Hardgrave & Clarke Realty Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 George H. Hardner / County Treasurer Allentown, PA COA 3 Harlem Moon Bar NY, NY (5) COA 3 Harlow’s Loma Linda, CA CA Harmony Café / L. Athnos Lacrosse, WI COA 3 Harmony Creamery Co Pittsburgh, PA PA Harold Chicken King / 6419 Cottage Gr. Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Harold's Chicken Shack Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Harper’s Dress Shop Philadelphia, PA PA Harper Garage Company / Salem / Beverly Salem & Beverly, MA COA 2 Harpster Chevrolet Warrior’s Mark, PA COA 2 27

Harrisburg Wallpaper & Paint Harrisburg, PA PA Harris / Clothes Dayton, OH 2 Jerry Harris / Martin Chevrolet Richmond, VA COA 2 J & F Harris / Wholesale Jewelers NY, NY (5) COA 3 J.W. Harris /For 21st. Senate District Racine, WI COA 1 The Harrisburger / Tack Room Bar Harrisburg, PA COA 3 Jerry Harrison Realtor / BL3-4065 Irving, TX (5) COA 3 Harrison Chevrolet Sales Paw Paw, MI MI Harrison’s Bike & Toy Shop E. Los Angeles, CA CA Harrison’s Drugs / Fulton Richmond, VA COA 1 Harrison’s Finance Los Angeles, CA CA Harrison’s Ranch House Toledo, OH (5) COA 3 Harrold’s Shoes / 1618N.W. 23rd Oklahoma City, OK (5) COA 3 Harry The Paint Man Cincinnati, OH COA 3 Harry’s Lounge / 2609 Fourth N.W. Canton, OH COA 2 William Harsha / Congress Portsmouth, OH 18-19 Hartford Burial Cases Hartford, CT COA 3 Irma Hartman / You insurance agent Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Hartman's / Furniture-Carpets / BR8 – 8300 Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Hart’s Furniture Pittsburgh, PA PA Hart’s Inc. / Home Furnishers Pittsburgh, PA 18 Ed Hartz / Standard Service Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Harvard Trust Co. Cambridge, MA COA 2 Harvest Bread Bristol, CT COA 1 Harvest / The Best New York NY Bill Harvey / Merits St Louis, MO MO Bill Harvey / Thanks St Louis, MO MO Harvill – Byrd Electric Co. Little Rock, AR COA 2 Haubrich's Shoe Store / Shorewood Shorewood, WI (5) COA 3 Charles C. Hauger Co. / Clothing Indianapolis, IN COA 2 Hauger-Martin’s 65 Canal Street Grand Rapids MI COA 3 Haught For State Senator Battle Creek, MI COA 2 Hausrich's Shoes Shorewood, WI COA 2 Haussler Studio Los Angeles, CA CA Havelock Tobacco Richmond, VA 24 Haven Chevrolet Inc / 8120 Atlantic Ave. Queens, NY NY Hawaii Music Dept. of the Moses Company Hilo HI COA 3 Hawkins / Pharmacy Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser “Hawks” 5th Victory Celebration St. Louis, MO MO Bank of Hawthorne / Free Sample Hawthorne, FL FL Haymarket Co-OP / Bank Boston, MA 2 Hays Drive-In Theater Hays, KS COA 2 Beck Hazzard Shoes Newark, NJ COA 2 Headley’s Pharmacy Glendale, CA CA Heating Kern’s Appliances, 14200 E. Warren Detroit, MI COA 3 Heating Master Cooling, Oil, Coal Gas, Detroit, MI COA 3 Hebren Bros. Co Pittsburgh, PA COA 3 Hecht’s / Sunbeam Bread Bristol, TN COA 3 Hefler’s Credit Jewelers McKeesport, PA 18-19 Hellis Bell’s Pink Elephant Tulsa, OK OK Helzberg’s / Diamonds Wichita, KS / various 13 Hendin’s Hollywood Fashions Baltimore, MD 25-MD Str. Hendrick Hudson NY, NY NY Bob Hendricks Self Service San Diego, CA CA You’ll like Hensler Newark, NJ COA 2 Hepcoe Credit Union Canadian COA 2 28

Herberger’s / Hosiery St. Cloud, MN (1) COA 2 Hercules/ Tire and/ Rubber/ Company Akron, OH COA 3 The Hermann Bank Hermann, MO COA 2 Hermann Forwarding Co N. Brunswick, NJ (5) COA 3 Hermann High Class of 48 Hermann, MO COA 2 Herrings Boys Shops Bronx, NY NY M. Eddie Hersman / Senate Spencer, WV (5) COA 3 Hess Shoes Baltimore, MD MD Marty Heutel / On The Job Kansas City, MO MO A.H. Hewett / Agriculture Arlington, SD COA 2 Karl Hey / Automobile Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Hi-Lo Bar / Greusel St. Detroit, MI COA 2 Hi-Tread Service Cleveland, Ohio OH Ken Hibler / Allen Co. Motors Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Hibler / Ford Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Big Hicks Drive-In / Carl Hickam Knoxville, TN (5) COA 3 Higa’s Autom. Transmissions Montebello, CA CA Higa’s Auto Trans. Montebello, CA CA Drink High Life Beer Indianapolis, Helena, Trenton 16 Highland Park Chevrolet Highland Park, CA CA Highland’s / TV Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser State Bank of Hildreth Hildreth, NE NE Doc Hill / Senator Hawaii COA 2 John Hill / Governor Texas TX-24 Hill Top Motors Pittsburgh, PA PA Hill Top Savings & Trust Pittsburgh, PA 18 Himmer Motors Coraopolis, PA PA D.L. Hinkle SR. Highland Park, CA CA Hinky Dinks / In the Bottoms Cincinnati, OH OH Hinky Dinks Café Cincinnati, OH OH Hirsh’s Bootery Shenandoah, PA PA Hobart Federal Savings Hobart, IN (5) COA 3 Hobbs Drive – In Baltimore, MD MD Hobby Horse Tavern Bedford, OH OH Kohn Hochschild / Main Store Baltimore, MD MD Hodges Chili St. Louis, MO COA 2 Conrad Hoenig / Ashland Ashland, KY COA 3 Hoffman-Corr Mfg. Philadelphia & NYC COA 2 Norm Hoffman / Ford Service Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Hoffmeister Ambulance St Louis, MO (5) COA 3 B.E. Hohlt Inc. Granite City, IL COA 3 Ray Hollander / Advertising Harrisburg, PA COA 2 Hollywood / Bar-B-Q Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Hollywood Camera Exchange Hollywood, CA (5) CA Hollywood Furniture NY, NY (5) COA 3 Hollywood Package Store / J. Joyner Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Holy Family/Usher’s Club/Bingo South Bend, IN COA 2 Holzman Tire & Battery Chelsea, MA 26 Home Construction Co./ Dearborn 2-2438 Chicago, IL COA 3 Home Drug Co Pittsburgh, PA PA The Home Front / 2515 10th Ave. S Birmingham, AL (5) COA 3 Home Furniture Co Dallas, TX TX Home Liquor Store / Mike Jennings Minneapolis, MN COA 3 Home Protective Savings New Brighton, PA PA Home Savings Huntington Park, CA CA Home Savings Bank of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA CA 29

Home Savings & Loan Lawton, OK (5) COA 3 Home Savings & Loan / 50th Anniv. Lawton, OK OK Homestead Auto Sales Homestead, PA PA Homestead Brewery Homestead, PA PA Homestead Savings Bank & Trust Homestead, PA PA Noboru Honda / Insurance Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Hope-Seet Co. Hartford, CT COA 3 Hood PF Canvas Shoes Buffalo, NY 21-p23 Hood River Auto Parts Hood River, OR COA 2 Hopkins’s & Dunn Redondo Beach, CA CA Hop’s Recreation Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Carl F. Horn’s School of Dance Los Angeles, CA CA D.L. Horowitz / Aluminum Ware NYC COA 2 Horseshoe Bar / Cozy Corner Lakeville, OH (5) COA 3 Horseshoe Lounge Bar Cleveland, OH OH Horseshoe Realty Yucca Valley, CA CA Horton Sunoco / Everett Everett, PA (5) COA 3 Horvath Bar / 7917 W. Jefferson Detroit, MI COA 2 Hotel Powell San Francisco, CA CA Hotel Riviera Harrisburg, PA PA Hotpoint Louisville, KY/ Chicago 19-20 House of Bedding Miami, FL (5) COA 3 Household Sales Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 Houston Grease Gun /4327 Canal Houston, TX COA 2 Howard’s Motor Sales Albany, CA CA Howdy Tap Room Massillon, OH OH Howie’s Taxi Owego, NY COA 2 Huberman’s Jewelry / 109 S. 11th Philadelphia, PA COA 2 Hub / Pontiac’s Finest Pontiac, MI 14 The Hub / Charles St. Baltimore, MD COA 3 Hudson’s Big Country Store Colgate, OK OK Hudson Bros. Where Good Friends Meet Richmond, VA COA 2 Hudson River Day Line / Souvenir New York, NY 13 Hudson’ Bargain Store/ Jefferson Ave Unknown – Toledo? Earl R. Huffmaster Yuba City, CA CA Jack Hughes / Ford Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Bill Hull / Coin Shop Norfolk, VA 12 Elma E. Hullinger / National Club Springfield, OH COA 2 Hullings Music House / Harding Road Des Moines, IA COA 2 Al & Edna Hullings / World Champs St. Louis, MO (5) COA 3 Humble Oil Refining Co. Tulsa, OK OK Humble Oil Refining Co / Carter-Lincoln Lincoln, NE (5) COA 3 Hundley Motor Co / Ford Dealer Wheeling, WV 27 Heads up with Hunter Louisville, KY COA 2 Huntline Sinclair / Auto Ft. Wayne, IN 6 Valley Nat’l Bank of Huntington Huntington, WV 28 Jos. Hupka / Tailor Baltimore, MD MD B.L. Hupp / Sunshine Kansas City, MO COA 2 Hurst’s Diamond Shop Kansas City, MO 12 Hurst Jewelry / 8th & Polk Amarillo, TX COA 1 Doyle R. Hutchinson/ Platte Co. Platte Co, WY COA 2 Hyde Park Funeral Home Houston, TX TX-26 Harry Hyman / Tailors New Orleans, LA COA 2 30


I.E. Instant Energy Cedar Rapids, IA IA I. & J. Household Appliance Co., Inc. Bronx, NY COA 3 I.O.O.F. Los Angeles, CA CA IUE Member / Human Relations Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser IUMSWA / Local 31 Credit Union Baltimore, MD COA 2 I-Gate Confectionary Braddock, PA PA I Gave / Vacation House Malden MA (5) COA 3 I have been to my eye Doctor Ft. Wayne, IN 7 I Like Ike any town/state Fankhauser Ideal Barber Shop / Shine Parlor Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Ideal Furniture /1410 S. Calhoun Ft. Wayne, IN COA 2 Ideal Furniture / Parkersburg Parkersburg, WV COA 3 Ideal Plumbing & Heating Yonkers, NY unverified Ideal Shoes / 3112 W. North Ave. Baltimore, MD (5) COA 3 Ignition Service & Supply Co. / 387 E. B’Way Louisville, KY COA 2 Iler Chevrolet Carrolton, OH 2 Iller’s La Jolla, CA CA Imlay City Bank Imlay City, MI COA 3 Imperial Bowl Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CN COA 2 Imperial Grill San Francisco, CA CA Independent Taxi Op. Assoc. / Hancock 8700 Boston, MA COA 3 Indian Lake Russell’s Point, OH OH Indian Rocks Drive In Theater Largo, FL COA 2 Indiana Farm Bureau / 1927-1952 Indianapolis, IN IN Indiana Toll Road Elkhart, IN (5) IN Industrial Benefit Insurance Kansas City, MO MO Infantile Paralysis NY, NY NY Ingram’s Furniture –Appliances Fernandina Beach, FL COA 1 Inter-Ocean Insurance Co Cincinnati, OH COA 2 International S & L Cleveland, OH OH Interstate Finance Corp. Evansville, IN IN Ionia Co Nat’l Bank Ionia, MI MI Iron City Beer Pittsburgh, PA 14 Iron Mountain – Kingsford Credit Union Kingsford, MI COA 3 Iroquois Club Ashtabula, OH OH Irvin-Sandlin Chevrolet Mt. Pleasant, TX TX Irvington Café / SHE 7 - 9772 Philadelphia, PA COA 3 Irvington Hosiery Shop / Victory Indianapolis, IN IN Irvington Ice and Coal Co. Indianapolis, IN COA 2 Irwin - Keasler Drugs Dallas, TX TX Harry Israel / Boy's Shop Meriden, CT COA 2 Isaiah Israel / Temple Chicago, IL COA 2 Young Israel of Pelham Parkway Bronx, NY NY


J.C. Penny / various Milwaukee, WI 12 JCC Home & Builders Show Monroe, OH (5) COA 3 J & L Texaco Service Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser 31

JSC TV Wire Mountain View, NJ COA 2 Jack & Co / Formal Wear NY, NY (5) COA 3 Jack & Johnny’s / Wells Tap Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Jack Seals / Savings Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Jack’s Bar / Open Sunday Baltimore, MD MD Jackson’s Shoe Store Aliquippa, PA PA John Jacob Agency Canton, Ohio COA 3 Jacobs / Federal St / Bus Arcade Youngstown, OH COA 3 Jacy Loan Co St Louis, MO MO H. I. Jaffee – Clothing Suffolk, VA COA 2 Jamaica Loan Co. Jamaica, NY 2 James/ Jewelry Co Cambridge, OH 22 Jameson’s Fine Ice Cream New Castle, PA PA-23 Jan’s Men Shop Chicago, IL 11 Edmund K. Jarecki / Judge Chicago, IL IL Jax Florida Gas Co Jacksonville, FL FL Jay & Jay Men’s Wear, 9654 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, MI COA 3 Jay Furniture Co., 2111 Gratiot, LO 7-2506 Detroit, MI COA 2 Jay Square Deal Jewelers Pottsville, PA PA Jedlicka Shoes / American Jr’s Cleveland, OH (5) COA 3 Jefferson Bank / Franklin & Jefferson St Louis, MO COA 3 Philadelphia Removed Jefferson Massage Saloon Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Talmadge Jenkins Georgia unverified Home Liquor Store / Mike Jennings Minneapolis, MN COA 3 Eddie E. Jensen/ Painting Los Angeles, CA CA Jergins Trust Bldg. Long Beach, CA CA Jerome’s Men’s Apparel /Roosevelt Road Chicago, IL COA 2 Jerry's Hobby and Cycle Shop/N. Warren Ave. Milwaukee, WI COA 1 Jerry’s Service Station Del Paso Heights, CA CA Jerry’s Shoes / Pikesville Pikesville, MD COA 3 Jiffy Service Station /Horace Browner Kirkwood, MO COA 2 John Jilek / Real Estate / Insurance Chicago, IL COA 3 Jimchucks Columbus, OH OH Joan’s 220 Diner Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Joe & Andy's/3698 S. Archer Ave Chicago, IL COA 1 Joe Food Lane Riverdale, MD MD Joel Currency Exchange / 7407 S. Halsted Chicago, IL COA 2 Joe’s Grocery / Gun Lake Wayland, MI MI Joe’s Liquor Den San Francisco, CA CA Joey’s Stables / 8800 W. Jefferson Detroit, MI COA 3 Johnny’s Market Los Angeles, CA CA Amos Johnson Auto Service Dallas, TX TX B. J. Johnson & Sons/1735 Berry Blvd Louisville, KY (5) COA 3 Johnnie Johnson / Tires Ft. Worth, TX TX Johnson Bros. Sporting Goods Tulsa, OK OK Johnson Furniture & Gift Shop Nashville, TN COA 3 Gene Johnson’s / Fishing Tackle Daytona Beach, FL COA 2 Harvey A. Johnson / 17200 Foothills Blvd. Hayward, CA (5) COA 3 Hatler Johnson/Insurance Paintsville, KY 28 p26 Joseph K. Johnson Cleveland, OH (5) COA 3 Johnson’s Sunoco Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Jo Jo's Lucky Penny Club Whittier, CA (5) COA 3 Jo-Jo's Tavern / US 42 & 25 Evandale, OH OH Jo Lee Beauty Shop Murray, Utah 27 Joliet Federal Savings 1934-1954 Joliet, Illinois (5) COA 3 32

Jolly’s Drive In Markets Wichita, KS KS Jolley’s Drive in Markets Los Angeles, CA 14 Col. Morris Jones, /Auctioneer, Lexington Lexington, VA COA 1 Jones Barrel Co Omaha, NE 19 Jones Fine Bread Waco, TX TX Hap Jones Motorcycles San Francisco, CA CA F.S. Jones & Son Bicycles Long Beach, CA (5) CA Josam / Plumbing Michigan City, IN 19 Joseph’s Men’s Wear San Francisco, CA CA Joslin's/ Northern Boston Malden, MA COA 3 Joy Oil Co Detroit, MI MI-27 Joyce Shoe Store Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Joy’nt Club San Francisco, CA CA Judson's Hardware Big Rapids, MI COA 2 Juel Currency Exchange / 7407 S. Halstead Chicago, IL COA 2 Juell’s Auto Parts Los Angeles, CA CA Jules Meat Market Los Angeles, CA (5) COA 3 Juliano Shoes / 3970 Mayfield Rd. Cleveland Heights, OH (5) COA 3 Juliette / Smart Shop Cohoes, NY (5) COA 3 Julius’ / where friends meet York, PA 20 Jumbo Bar Detroit, MI COA 3 Jumbo’s Collision Service Buffalo, NY COA 3 Junior Booterie Nashville, TN COA 2 Junior Shoe Mode / Parkchester Bronx, NY 26 – COA1 Junket Brand Foods Little Falls, NY COA 3


KALG (Radio) Alamogordo, NM COA 2 KB Management/ (213) 466-5333 Los Angeles, CA COA 3 KBOK / Radio Malvern, AR 19 KCLCM / Oklahoma Oklahoma City, OK OK K.C.N.S. Christmas Banquet 1965 (1964D) Kansas City MO COA 1 K & D Furniture / Farwell Area Farwell, MI 25-MI KIMV-FM Hutchinson, KS COA 2 Station KLIF 1190 Dallas, TX TX KOLN Lincoln, NE NE KOMA Birthday Club Oklahoma, City, OK COA 2 KSXT Lexington, KY (5) COA? Kadis’ / Charge Account Goldsboro, NC COA 2 Kahn’s / Dry Goods Chicago, IL 14 Wm. Kalb & Sons / Dubois Dubois, IN COA 3 Kallberg Motors, Inc. / 4312 Lyndale Ave. Minneapolis, MN COA 2 Kaleva State Bank Kaleva, MI MI Kamp’s Shoes Latrobe, PA (1) COA 2 Kansas City Rotary Club Kansas City, MO MO Kansas City Safety Council Kansas City, MO MO-26 Kantar’s Store Curwensville, PA COA 2 Kapiolani Grill Honolulu, HI HI Kapoun & Polhena Superior Brand Meat Cedar Rapids, IA IA Kara-Vel Shoe Stores Austin, TX COA 2 Karl’s Shoes Los Angeles, CA (1) COA 2 33

Kast’s Good Stores San Francisco, CA CA Kate’s Place / 1510 Wells Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Kate’s Tavern / 9256 S. Chicago Ave Chicago, IL COA 3 Katz Credit Jewelers Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 Eugene Kaufman/ 1095 Boston Rd. Bronx, NY (5) COA 3 Kaufman's /1030 So. Calhoun Ft. Wayne, IN COA 3 Kaukauna Lumber Kaukauna, WI. COA 3 Kawell-Walker Motors Inc. Chicago, IL IL Kay Furniture Co San Francisco, CA CA Kay Jewelers Houston, TX 11-TX Barney B. Kean / Good Luck Denver, CO COA 2 Keene Co-Operative Bank Keene, NH COA 2 Keener Kleaners Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Keep on swinging unknown 19 Keesler Federal Credit Union Biloxi, MS COA 2 Keewanee / Archie NY, NY COA 3 Keidan Jewelry Toledo, OH OH Keistuto S&L Ass'n, 3236 S. Halstead St Chicago, IL COA 3 Keith & Beaty / Realtors Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Kel Packing Co., 7915 Riopelle St. Detroit, MI COA 2 Kelersville Club Perkasie, PA PA Kelhay Credit Union Romulus, MI COA 2 Keller Brothers Ford Lititz PA COA 1 Kelly Chevrolet / 33rd Year Greenwood, IN (5) COA 3 Kelley’s Grocery / Davis Hwy. W. Sacramento, CA COA 3 J. Frank Kelly / Lumber Washington D. C. 20 Kelly’s Men Shop /1719 Penna Ave. Charleston, WV COA 2 Kempton Centennial Kempton, PA PA Kenmark / Jewelers Denver, CO (5) 4 Kennecott Copper / Field Day Salt Lake City, UT (5) COA 3 Kennedy / Johnson any town/state Fankhauser John F. Kennedy / In Memoriam any town/state Fankhauser John F. Kennedy Memorial Highway Aberdeen, MD (5) COA 3 John F. Kennedy Center /Performing Arts Washington, DC COA 3 Kennedy & Ely Insurance / Congress Bldg Miami, FL FL Kennedy’s / 714 Brooklawn Ave Bridgeport, CT COA 2 Kennedy’s / Good Clothes Boston, MA COA 2 Kennedy’s, Hyde Park Boston, MA COA 1 Kennedy’s Lynn Lynn, MA COA 2 Kennywood Park Pittsburgh, PA PA Ken’s Jewelers Buffalo, NY COA 2 Kent Jewelers / 519 Prospect Cleveland, OH (5) COA 3 Kent Oil Co Midland, TX TX Kern / Elect Atlantic Co, NJ 16 Kern’s Bike Shop Ft. Wayne, IN COA 2 Kessel Bros. Service / 4034 So. Michigan Ave Chicago, IL COA 3 Kevitt’s Jewelers & Opticians Buffalo, NY COA 3 Key S&L Assoc Philadelphia, PA PA Keystone Oil Philadelphia, PA (5) COA 3 Kienzle’s Mkt Ft. Wayne, IN 19 Kilroy Liquors Los Angeles, CA CA Kimball-Lawrence/ 3413 W. Lawrence Ave. Chicago, IL COA 3 Kimmel’s Drugs Montpelier, Ohio COA 2 David P. King / fine Monuments York, PA PA King – Chester Buffet St Louis, MO 28 King Jewelers, 310 Pearl St., New Albany New Albany, IN COA 3 34

King Oscar Harrisburg, PA PA King’s Castle / Carry Out / Sea Food Wash. D. C. (5) 6 King’s Clothing Co / 409 N. Brdwy St Louis, MO COA 3 King’s Haberdashery Bronx, NY COA 3 King’s Haberdashery / 149th St at 3rd Ave Bronx, NY COA 3 King’s Island Kings Mill, OH COA 3 King's Super Market / Mr. Joe Irvington, NJ (5) COA 3 Kinney’s / Educator Shoes NYC, NY NY Kinsel’s Drug Stores (Put-a-Penny) Detroit, MI COA 2 Bob Kintz / Ford Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Kinzie Super Ser. Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Kirk Motor Co / Walnut St. at 37th Philadelphia, PA COA 3 Robert Kirk, Ltd San Francisco, CA CA Kirsch Chevrolet Co Bala Cynwyd, PA PA Kiski Valley Nat’l Bank Vandergrift, PA PA Kiwanis / Golden Rule Chicago, IL 12 Klaus / Golden Anniv. Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Klein & Co., Inc. / Opticians Milwaukee, WI COA 2 Call Klein SA Baltimore, MD 25-MD Klina’s Service / 5828 Whittier Blvd. Los Angeles, CA COA 1 Kline’s Service Station Beaver Springs, PA (5) COA 3 Lee Klinger Dodge Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Klivans Cleveland, OH OH Ted Kloeckner Flowers/5630-32 S. Ashland Chicago, IL COA 2 Max Kluegel Bar New York, NY COA 3 Knapp Aerotred Shoes Brockton, MA 13 Knauf / Scioto Co Sheriff Portsmouth, OH OH Knickerbocker Grill NY, NY NY The Knights Life Ins. Co Pittsburgh, PA PA Knippel-Selig / 71st & W. Nat’l West Allis, WI (5) COA 3 Knoer’s Grill/ On the Marsh Tonawanda, NY (5) COA 2 Knudsen Dairy Products Los Angeles, CA CA Knights Life Insurance Co Pittsburgh, PA PA Knowlton’s Owendale, MI MI Kool-Vent Awnings Milwaukee, WI (5) COA 3 Koontz Equip. Corp Emsworth, PA PA Koppel Furniture Co St Louis, MO MO Koppen Theatre Detroit, MI COA 2 Korral Café Inglewood, CA CA Milton Kort / Magician Detroit, MI (5) COA 3 Kosciuzko Hall /Karolina Budz Chicago, IL COA 3 Kosciuszko Liquor Store / 1132 W. Lincoln Ave Milwaukee, WI COA 3 Kotz Shoe Store, 3301 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL COA 3 Kotzen Motors / 13111 Dexter Blvd. Detroit, MI COA 3 Kowal / Comptroller Buffalo, NY NY Elect Kowal / Mayor Buffalo, NY 2-20 Kowalk Motor Sales, 11601 Livernois Detroit, MI COA 3 Kramer & Wroten / Autos Savannah, GA COA 3 Kramer Bros Freight Lines Detroit, MI (5) MI Krason’s / Jeweler / Optician Pittsburgh, PA COA 3 Thomas Kraus / Coca Cola Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Krause Publications/Numismatics Iola, WI COA 3 Krauskopf Garage Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Krenn & Dato, Inc. Chicago, IL COA 3 Kribs Ford City / Page and Warson St. Louis MO COA 3 Krieger’s / Clothing Milwaukee, WI COA 3 35

Kuhn & Co. / Good Clothes Champaign, IL COA 2 Krupp & Tuffly, Inc / Shoes Houston, TX COA 3 Kunkel Apothecary Cincinnati, OH COA 3 W.G. Kupper / Veterinarian Blue Grass, IA IA Percy Kwok / Mecca Temple NY, NY (5) COA 3


L.G. Drug & Liquor Galveston, TX (5) COA 3 L&G Laikin Hoboken, NJ 21-p24 L&J Appliance Sales Bronx, NY COA 2 Labe Savings & Loan Chicago, IL COA 3 The Lacy San Francisco, CA CA Charles Lada & Son, 8032 W. Jefferson Ave. Detroit, MI COA 2 Ladenburg Oil. Co. Norfolk, NE 10 Lafayette Drugs Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Lafayette Furniture Co. / 3256 Cottage Toll Road Norfolk, VA COA 2 LaGrange Country Club LaGrange, IL COA 2 Laguna Federal Savings Laguna Beach, CA CA Lai Fong / Chinese Food Brooklyn, NY NY Lake George / Souvenir Lake George, NY COA 2 Lakeland Bread St. Cloud, MN COA 2 Lalli Motors Brockton, MA 19 S.L. Lamberd Co Baltimore, MD MD Lambskin Lodge A.F. & F. M. St Louis, MO MO-28 Vic Landig / L-9116 Houston, TX COA 2 Loser And Finder / Call Vic Landig / L-9116 Houston, TX COA 2 Landig Funeral Home Houston, TX (5) COA 3 Lane’s Jewelers / House of Happiness Tonawanda, NY COA 2 Laney Sales & Service Ambridge, PA PA Aug. J. Lang San Francisco, CA CA David W. Lanier / Mayor Dyersburg, TN COA 3 Lanier Funeral Home Jackson, TN COA-2 Bank of Lansdowne Lansdowne, PA COA-2 Lantennier Florists Ft. Wayne, IN 2 La Salle Supply Co St Louis, MO MO Latonia / Good Luck Covington, KY COA 2 Lattif Liquors Syracuse, NY 28 Lattof Motor Sales Arlington Heights, IL IL Lauer’s Park Grade School Reading, PA PA Laughlin Furniture Wichita, KS KS Laughing His Way to a Million Los Angeles, CA COA 3 Launderette / 414 Davis St Jacksonville, FL FL Laundromat – Bartlesville Bartlesville, OK OK Laurel Oil Co Hartford, CN 27 Laurel Shop Scranton, PA PA James H. Lawley / Alderman Chicago, IL COA 3 Lawrence Drug Store Pittsburgh, PA PA Lawrence Furniture Co Lawrence, MA 25-MA Lawrence Sanitary Dairy Lawrence, KS KS Lawrence Savings & Trust New Castle, PA 28 J. Byrum Lawson / Legislature Anderson, S.C. SC Lawson Bros. Cleaners Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser 36

Lawson’s Pharmacy / BPOE Sumter, SC COA 3 Lay’s / 75th Anniversary Atlanta, GA 27 John Leali / Commissioner Melrose Park, IL COA 2 Oliver I Lebo Rutherford Heights, PA PA George Ledbetter / Milk Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Lee Furniture Co. Charleston, WV 14 Leeder & Leeder Ins. Brooklyn, NY (5) COA 3 Ray Leedy / Rubber Stamp Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Lee’s Hoagies – Steaks Phoenixville, PA (5) COA 3 Bob Lee’s / 3705 Broadway Ft. Wayne, IN 19 Louis Lefkoe, Inc. 11 N. 10th St. Philadelphia, PA COA 3 Ray Lefman / ANA Governor Kansas City, MO Fankhauser Leggett’s Cleaners Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Lehigh Valley Coin Club Allentown, PA PA Lehighton Transportation Co. Lehighton, PA COA 2 E.H. Lehman / Furniture Haleyville, AL COA 2 Leisure Bar Pittsburgh, PA PA Leland Mast / Directory Co. Overland Park, KS Fankhauser Lemay Terry Bank Luxemburg, MO MO Ray A. Lemmon / Lincoln Life Houston, TX (5) COA 3 Lenmore Shoes Norristown, PA COA 2 “Leo The Radioman” /4230 Lancaster Ave. Philadelphia, PA COA 3 Leon Jewelers / 282 Oliver North Tonawanda, NY (5) COA 3 Leonard’s Driving Range / Bar Appleton, WI COA 3 Leonhardt's Inc. San Francisco, CA COA 2 Vote for Wm. Leonardziak Reading, PA 27 Lerner's TV and App. / 523 W. Mitchell Milwaukee, WI COA 3 Lerza’s / Confectionery Pittsburgh, PA COA 2 “ “ “ “ Hurley, WI COA 2 Levinson’s Men’s Shop / 4248 Manchester St Louis, MO COA 3 Levi’s San Francisco, CA CA Sam Levitt, 122 Fifth Ave. Chelsea 3-8126 (1930) New York City, NY COA 3 Levittown Esso Levittown, PA PA Roy Lewis Bakersfield, CA CA Lewis Grocery / Hydraulic & Pawnee Wichita, KS COA 2 Lewyt Vacuum Cleaners NY, NY 27 Liberty Auto Salvage St Louis, MO (5) COA 3 Liberty Bell’s Dinner House Rincon Beach, CA 19 Liberty Bell Park Philadelphia, PA 19 Liberty Bottling Works Camden, NJ (5) COA 3 Liberty Finance F.H.N. Huntington, W VA (5) COA 3 Liberty Loan Co Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 Liberty National Bank / 1854-1954 Louisville, KY (5) COA 3 Liberty Nat’l Bank Fremont/Lindsey Fremont, Ohio COA 3 Liberty Trust Co / La Vale La Vale, MD MD First State Bank / Libertyville Libertyville, IL COA 2 Libertyville Lumber Libertyville, IL COA 3 Lido Cafe / 1170 Nuuanu St. Honolulu, Hawaii COA 2 Lido Recreation Likely – KC, MO ? Ligget Lumber Sales, Billings 2-3461 (‘55D) Billings, MT COA 3 The Lili Shop Philadelphia, PA PA Paul Lilly Sheriff / Knox Co. Knoxville, TN (5) COA 3 Lima Loan Co. Lima, OH (5) COA 3 Meet Mr. Lincoln / NBC NY, NY (5) COA 3 A. Lincoln Federal / Savings Dresher, PA 20 Lincoln / for Congress Maryland 20 37

Lincoln Chapter 95 O.E.S. Caldwell, NJ COA 3 Lincoln Hall / Henry Abel Newport, KY 28 Lincoln Linoleum Detroit, MI MI Lincoln Loan / 18 W. Van Buren Chicago, IL COA 2 Lincoln Nat’l Bank/ 13th Anniv. Newark, NJ (5) COA 3 Lincoln National Life Ins Ft. Wayne, IN 6-9 Lincoln Nat’l Life / Michael Blum Houston, TX TX-26 Lincoln Oil Co Boston, MA COA 1 Lincoln Oil Co Kokomo, IN COA 1 Lincoln Park / Wells St. / Berg Chicago, IL COA 2 Lincoln Rochester Trust Co. Rochester, NY NY Lincoln Seed & Feed Sioux City, IA 2 Lincoln Woods Farm Saylersville, RI (5) COA 3 Lincoln’s Birthplace Kentucky Hodgenville, KY COA 3 Lincoln’s Boyhood Home Kentucky (1978D) Hodgenville, KY COA 3 Lincoln’s Boyhood Home, Knob Creek, Ky. Hodgenville, KY COA 3 Lincoln’s / New Salem Petersburg, IL COA 3 Lincoln’s Garage Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Lindsay Soft Water St Paul, MN 27 Lindy’s Santa Barbara, CA CA Lines Motor Co Media, PA PA Link up with Lincoln Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Link up with Lincoln (1930) Lincoln, NE NE Linquist Cracker Co. Denver, CO 7 Lindquist Footwear Chicago, IL COA 3 Joe Lipke / Supply House Chicago, IL COA 3 Lew J. Lipman Philadelphia, PA PA Liquor Town Willowbrook, CA CA Bank of Lisle Lisle, IL (5) COA 3 Lisle Moor Co Clarinda, IA COA 2 Lit Bros Philadelphia, PA 19 Little America / Finer Frosted Foods Pittsburgh, PA COA 2 Little Nick / 600 W Nat. Ave Milwaukee, WI COA 3 Little Yankee / South Bay Center Redondo Beach, CA (5) COA 3 Littlestown National Bank Littlestown, PA PA Live Stock Finance Co Omaha, NE NE Local Cleaners Philadelphia, PA PA Eddie Lockhart / Happy New Year Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Lockward Insurance Agency Hialeah, FL (5) COA 3 Hugo Loewenstern / Realtor Amarillo, TX (5) COA 3 Logan Avondale / Post 2978 Chicago, IL COA 3 Logansport / Souvenir Logansport, IN Fankhauser Longhorn Palace Lincoln, NH (5) COA 3 Lookout House / Jimmy Brinks Covington, KY COA 3 Louis Longinotti Bar Cincinnati, OH OH H. Craig Longwell Laguna Beach, CA CA Loraine Cleaners Detroit, MI (5) COA 3 Lord Calvert / Laundry – Dry Cleaners Baltimore, MD MD Lorraine Shoes / 50th Aniv. Bristol, CT COA 2 Los Banos Livestock Com. Co Los Banos, CA CA Loudon Cleaners Loudonville, OH Fankhauser Louis Outboard Milwaukee, WI (5) COA 3 Louis Shoe Store Arnold, PA PA Lovejoy Motors / 1297 Bailey Ave. Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 Talmadge Loyd Co. / Advertising Dallas, TX 21 A. Lube / Lincoln Life Puerto Rico (5) COA 3 38

Compliments Lube Brothers Chicago, IL COA 2 John Lubotsky / Desoto / Plymouth Milwaukee, WI COA 3 A.W. Lucas / Bismarck Bismarck, ND COA 3 Lucia’s Restaurant and Pizzaria, 13250 Gratiot Detroit, MI (5) COA 3 Luckoff’s / Lancaster Lancaster, OH COA 2 Lucky Auto Seat Covers Dayton, OH OH Lucky Boy Bread Galesburg, IL 25 The Lucky Club San Francisco, CA CA The Lucky Coin Club Philadelphia, PA PA Lucky Lewyt / Vacuum Cleaner NY, NY 27 The Lucky Penny Hat / Trade Mark Brooklyn, NY (5) COA 3 Lucky Penny System / 3350 Colfax Denver, CO (5) COA 3 Lucky Spot Sales Los Angeles, CA CA Lum’s Family Restaurant New Bedford, MA 4 Lunday – Thagard / Oil Co South Gate, California 26-28 Lustig’s / Boardman Plaza Youngstown, OH (5) COA 3 Lustig’s / Liberty Plaza Youngstown, OH (5) COA 3 Lustig’s / McGuffey Plaza Youngstown, OH (5) COA 3 Lustigs / Mahoning Plaza Youngtown, OH (5) COA 3 Lustig’s / South Side Youngstown, OH (5) COA 3 Lyndy’s Motel Anaheim, CA CA Neil Lynn / Insurance Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Lynn Chevrolet Kearney, NJ (5) COA 3 Lynn’s Jewelers Columbus, OH OH The Lyon Agency San Francisco, CA CA Elect Lyons / Circuit Court Clerk Boyd County, KY COA 1


M&J One Stop Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 M & M Ready To Wear / 65 Broad St S.W. Atlanta, GA COA 3 M&M Ready To Wear / 176 Mitchell S.W. Atlanta, GA COA 1 M&T Bank / St Patrick Day Buffalo, NY NY M V H S Mountain View, CA COA 2 McAdoo Chevy McAdoo, PA 7 McCann’s Lucky 7th Anniversary Torrington, CT COA 3 A.W. McCloy & Co Pittsburgh, PA PA McConnell / Ford Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser McConnell Real Estate Canada (5) COA 3 McCoy-Weber Jewelry / 515 Locust St Louis, MO COA 2 McCrory / Good Values York, PA COA 2 McFadden & Gannon Pittsburgh, PA PA McFarland’s Music Mart / Ontario St. Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 Don McGavick for State Trustee / F.O.E. Tacoma, WA COA 2 W.A. McGeary Co Vandergrift, PA PA McGray Impl. Co. Garrison, ND COA-2 McInerny Shoes Honolulu, HI COA 3 McKeesport Coin Collector McKeesport, PA 6 McKinley / Roosevelt Canton, OH / NY, NY OH Re-Elect Mayor McLuckey Connellsville, PA PA Loyd McNabb Ropesville, TX TX Mac Dill A.F.B. / Credit Union MacDill AFB, FL(Tampa) 18 39

Macfarlane’s Good Shoes / 2039 Frankford Ave. Philadelphia, PA PA Maass & Kemper / 50th Anniversary Baltimore, MD COA 2 Machon’s Market Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Mackinaw / Souvenir Mackinaw, MI Fankhauser Macmaster – Payne College San Francisco, CA CA Macon Finance Co Macon, GA GA Mac’s Men’s and Boy’s Shop Brooklyn, NY (5) COA 3 Madison Blanche / Swartz & Issacs Co LTD New Orleans, LA LA Madison County LBR Co Anderson, IN IN-24 Madison Currency Exch. /1612 Madison St. Chicago, IL COA 2 Madison Heat Corp. Brooklyn, NY NY Madisonville / Kunkle Apoth. Cincinnati, OH COA 2 Mae’s Smart Shop Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Maffey’s Key Shop Elizabeth, NJ (5) COA 2 Magee Family Picnic Bloomsburg, PA PA Eddie Maier’s Saloon San Angelo, TX TX Magnolia Chemical Co Dallas, TX TX Main Auto Sales Hempstead, NY NY Main Bank & Trust San Antonio, TX (5) COA 3 Malibu Sports Club Malibu, CA CA W.R. Maloney Co North Platte, NE NE Manasquan Beach New Jersey Manasquan, NJ COA 3 Manbeck Baking Co Lemoyne, PA COA 3 Clarence F. Manbeck / Re Elect PA PA Manchester Federal S&L Manchester, NH 20 Bob Mangol / Sohio Independence, OH OH Manitowoc Centennial Manitowoc, WI 11 George J. Manjlovic Ambridge, PA PA David I. Mann / Birthday Philadelphia, PA (5) COA 3 Sam Manning / Allen Co. Motors Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Mann's Avalon Café / 3269 Monroe St Toledo, OH COA 2 Manufacturers Outlet Store Baltimore, MD MD Joe Manzo's / Heights Bar Cleveland, Ohio OH Mapp Tank Co Odessa, TX TX Marathon City Brewing Co. Marathon, WI 16 Marathon County Bank, Wausau, Est. 1875 Wausau, WI COA 3 March of Dimes NY, NY NY Bon Marche Lowell, MA MA Marchio’s Italian Café Omaha, NE NE Margaret’s Confectionery / carry out Columbus, OH OH Marietta Laundry / Dry Cleaners Marietta, GA GA Marine Midland Bank Buffalo, NY COA 2 Marion Loan Company / 1902 Marion, Ohio (5) COA 3 Market Grill Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Markland L/D Markland, IN COA 2 Mark Markowitz Hempstead, NY NY John Marks / Enid Air Enid, OK OK Marks Jewelers Los Angeles, CA CA Marlo Cleaners / 193 Robinson St. Binghamton, NY COA 2 Marlo Twin Twist New York, NY 19 Marquette Park / Currency Chicago, IL 19-22 Victor A. Marsh Los Angeles, CA CA Marshall Field & Company Chicago, IL (1) COA 2 J.R. Martin Pittsburgh, PA PA Martin Funeral Home Lake City, TN 22-COA2 Martin-Meyers Company Philadelphia, PA (5) COA 2 40

Martin Nursery Castro Valley, CA CA Mary & Helen Fish and Chips, 1130 E 7 mile Detroit MI COA 3 Maryland Hotel Cumberland, MD MD Mason, Au & Magenheimer / Mason Mint NY, NY NY Masonic Camp Seven NY, NY (5) COA 3 Masonite Corp Chicago, IL 19 Masontown SESQ Masontown, PA COA 3 Rudy Massa & Jr. Hammer Beaver Falls, PA PA M. P. Masser Inc. / Furniture Chicago, IL COA 3 Mast-Foos Mfg. Co. Detroit, MI (5) COA 2 Master Auto Body Co. Milwaukee, WI COA 2 Master Loan Service Baltimore, MD 11-18p32 Gen Mastrogiovanni / Mayor / Derby Derby, CT COA 2 Matcom Federal Credit Union Edgewater, MD MD-26 Mather Furniture / Jewelry Atlanta, GA 26 Matson’s / The Better Place to eat St Louis, MO MO Mattel Federal Credit Union. El Segundo, CA COA 2 Matthews Plating & Supply San Luis Obispo. CA CA Mauch Chunk Nat’l Bank Mauch Chunk, PA PA Maud’s Flour Davenport, IA 18 Ed Maurer 1877 / 1902 Omaha, NE NE Mausser’s Café Cleveland, OH OH Max’s (M&B) Food Markets Lancaster, PA PA Jack May Insurance Atlanta, GA COA 2 May Diamond Co Los Angeles, CA CA Maybrook Jewelers Maybrook NY NY Mayer Appliance Co / Otter Tail Power Co Bemidji, MN 27 Mead – Bearmore Motor Co Mankato, KS KS Mead’s Fine Bread Amarillo, TX 15 Medarysville Auto Wrecker Medarysville, IN IN Medway/ 4604 N. Western Ave Chicago, IL COA 3 Medwid & Lucas / Jewelers / Hammond Bldg Detroit, MI COA 3 Meeker Liquor Keeker, CO 4 Meeker & Meeker Franklin, OH (5) COA 3 Meguiar’s Mirror Glaze Pasadena, CA (5) (6) COA 3 Elect Joe Meirer Jr. / Magistrate Newport, KY COA 2 Meier TV / 1214 Wells Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser F.B. Melin Co. / Furniture Detroit, MI COA 3 Melody Furniture Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Mel’s 9.99 / clothes Buffalo, NY 8 Mel’s 9.99 / Suits Buffalo, NY NY Menges Mills Market Spring Grove, PA COA 2 Menline Cigar Store Easton, PA PA Menter / Askins / Clothes NY, NY COA 2 Mercedes Oil Co Mercedes, TX (5) COA 3 Merchandise National Bank Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Merchants / 229 E. Hennepin Minneapolis, MN COA 2 Meredith House Bar Washington, IN IN Merrihew Insurance Agency / Greenview Greenview IL COA 3 G. W. Merrill Inc / Hardware Westchester Co., NY 19 Metal Arts Co Inc Rochester, NY 19 Methodist / Men any town/state Fankhauser Mert’s Café Baldwin Park, CA CA The Metropolitan / 6th & Plum Cincinnati, OH COA 2 Metropolitan Business College// Englewood Chicago, IL COA 3 Metz / Beer Since 1864 Omaha, NE NE 41

S.A. Meyer Co Washington, PA PA Meyer Hardware / 112 W. Liberty / A.A. Ann Arbor, MI COA 2 Duwain Meyers / Insurance Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Meyers Jewelers Fairfield, CA 15 Michigan Floor Covering Co., 13401 Fenkell Detroit, MI COA 3 Michons Grocery/ 835 Eastern Ave. Schenectady, NY COA2 Mickey’s Grill Loomis, CA 19-20 Russ Mickler / TV Center Kenmore, NY NY Micro Tool Co., Inc. / Ashby Ashby, MA COA 2 Midland Service Blufton, IN Fankhauser Mid – Continent Oil Co Tulsa, OK 16 Mid-Island Girl Scouts Westbury, LI, NY (5) COA 3 Mid- Missouri Savings Boonville, MO COA 3 Midstate Federal S&L Baltimore, MD MD Mid – State Motors, Inc Chicago, IL IL Mid – Town Liquor Store St Louis, MO MO Midlothian State Bank Midlothian, Il. COA 2 Midwest Feeds Hutchinson, KS COA 2 Midwestern United Life / Insurance Ft. Wayne, IN 15 Mifler Mutual of Illinois St Louis, MO MO Ken Milburn Anadarko & Altus, OK OK Milgram’s Dress Shop Philadelphia, PA PA. Milkovits & Sons / Beer Nazareth, PA COA 3 Millars Magnet Coffee Chicago, IL COA 2 Millburn Store / Centennial Millburn, NJ COA 2 Miller Curio Co. Tucson, AZ (5) COA 2 Miller Jewelry Albion, MI MI Miller Lighting Meriden, CT 26 August W. Miller Chicago, IL 9 Luke Miller / District 2 Oklahoma City, OK OK J. Miller Inc. / Paint Paterson, NJ COA 2 Miller’s Pharmacy Dayton, OH OH Millersburg H.S. Alumni Millersburg, PA (5) COA 3 Mike Millikan/613 State Life Bld. Indianapolis, IN COA 2 Million Item Co Dallas, TX TX Milliron’s / Low Price Los Angeles, CA 19 Millville Nat’l Bank Millville, NJ 26 Milly / For Cars / FE-3469 McKee’s Rocks, PA COA 3 Clarence O. Milstead / 104 Iris / Jackson Jackson, TN COA 2 Milwaukee Saloon Whitefish, MT COA 1 J. H. Mineah Lumber & Coal Marshalltown, IA IA Miner’s Bank Buena Park, CA CA Ming Toy Children’s Shoes Brooklyn, NY NY Mint Masters Franklin Park, IL COA 2 Minute Maid / Health NY, NY? (5) COA 3 Minute Man Car Wash / Medford Medford, MA COA 3 Minyard’s Dallas, TX TX-24 Miracle Children’s Center Coral Gables, FL FL The Mirror Lounge / Tom's Place Des Moines, IA IA Missen Real Estate Peoria, IL COA 2 Mission Bell Soap Los Angeles, CA (9) COA 2 Mission Realty Co Santa Cruz, CA CA Missouri Lime & Concrete Kansas City, MO MO Noel Mitchell / Mayor St. Petersburg, FL FL R.D. Mitchell Jeweler Carrolton, MO MO Robert W. Mitchler Illinois 25-IL 42

Mobley’s Cleaners, Inc. / Men’s Smart Shop Mannington, WV (5) COA 3 Mockingbird Rambler Dallas, TX TX Modern Roofing & Siding Co Los Angeles, CA CA Mohawk Trail North Adams, MA COA 2 Molyneux Chevrolet Inc Rockwood, TN 25 Monarch Carpet & Drapes San Jose, CA CA Monessen Plumbing & Elec. Co Monessen, PA PA Monessen Radio Service Monessen, PA PA Monon-Erie / Passenger Station Hammond, IN 11 Monon Railroad / The Hoosier Line Chicago, IL IL-28 Monroe Auto Sales Rochester, NY NY Monroe Bank Monroe, MI 8 Monroe Investment Co Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Monogram Models Chicago, IL COA-3 Montebello Coal NY, NY (5) COA 3 Monte’s Chicken/ Kedzie & Addison Chicago, IL COA 1 Harold Montgomery / Senator Louisiana COA 2 Montuori Oil Co. Fitchburg Ma COA 2 Monypenny Motors Van Nuys, CA 18 David Moore / District Judge Longview, TX COA 3 Moore-Handley / Merchandise Birmingham, AL COA 2 Loyal Order of Moose Mooseheart, IL IL Mootz’s / Sunbeam Bread Huntington, WV 16 Morgan & Son Los Angeles, CA CA Morgan’s / Gas Oil Akron, OH OH S. Jos. Morrell / Insurance Pittsburgh, PA PA Morris’ Chicken Shack Oakland, CA CA Daniel Morris Shoes Audubon, NJ (5) COA 3 Rob Morris / Ella Kroger Wellston, MO MO Mr. M. Morris / Hair Styling Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Rob Morris / Lang-Lee Wellston, MO MO Morris Motor Co. Morris, IL COA 2 Morristown Bank & Trust Co Morristown, TN COA 2 Morrison / Verdick Implement Morrison, IL COA 3 Mosher Bros / 50th Anniversary Northville, NY 25 Moskin’s Credit Clothes / 105 Capitol St. Charleston, WV COA 3 Moskin’s / 143 South Main St. Kannapolis, NC COA 3 Moskin’s Credit Clothes / 929 4th Ave New Kensington PA PA Moskin’s Credit Clothes / 34 E 6th ST Cincinnati, OH OH Moskin’s / 129 East 6th East Liverpool OH COA 3 Moskin’s 421 Market St Parkersburg, WV COA 1 Moss Pharmacy Hamtramck, MI (5) COA 3 Motor Car Sales Co. / 667 Beretania Street Honolulu, HI COA 1 Mount Holly Rotary Club Mount Holly, NC (5) COA 3 Mount Prospect State Bank Mount Prospect, IL COA 2 Mountain Grove Nat’l Bank Mountain Grove, MO COA 2 Mowrer Milk Bethlehem, PA COA 2 Mr. River Ford Chicago, IL COA 2 Mrs. McCormick’s Beauty Cream Waco, TX (11) COA 3 Jos. Mruk Jewelers NY? (5) COA 3 Mt. Beacon on Hudson Beacon, NY COA 2 Mt. Sinai / Hospital Los Angeles, CA (5) 19 Muehlebach’s Pilsner Beer Kansas City, MO 28 Mukwonago Sesquicentennial / Citizens Bank Mukwonago, WI COA 2 H.G.C. Mueller / Virginia & Bates St. Louis, MO COA 3 43

Muir Drug Stores / Put a Penny Grand Rapids, MI COA 2 Muller Bros / Auto Center Hollywood, CA 19 Muncie National Stockyards Muncie, IN IN Mun-Dell Paper Co San Jose, CA CA Murphy Sales Co Oakland, CA CA Museum of Science Industry Chicago, IL IL Music Bar Los Angeles, CA 26 Music Box Theatre / Kiddies Club Chicago, IL COA 2 Marie R. Mutka / Taxes Orchard Park, NY COA 3 Mutual Benefit Society of Balto. Baltimore, MD MD Mutual Clothing Co. / Family Atlanta, GA COA 2 Mutual Life Ass’n / Family Day NY - ? (5) COA 3 Myer’s Clothes Inc. Norwood, OH COA 2 Mykrantz Drug Stores Columbus, OH COA 2 N

NBC – TV / Meet Mr. Lincoln NY, NY NY NRECA INSURANCE Washington D.C. COA 3 NRL Federal Credit Union Oxon Hill, MD COA 2 NSGA Mt. Prospect, IL COA 2 Nadler’s Dept. Store Cincinnati, OH 15 Nance Lumber Co / Circle N White Red Deer, Albta, CN (5) COA 2 Nanuet PTA Nanuet, NY COA 2 Nashua / 1853-1953 Nashua, NH COA 3 Sim Nathan Redding, CA CA Natick Rotary Club Natick, MA COA 2 National / 75 – 1884-1959 Dayton, OH (5) COA 3 Nat’l Bank of Jackson Jackson, MI MI Nat’l Bank of Northern New York Watertown, NY NY Nat’l Bank of Orange / Orange Co. Orange, VA COA 2 The National City Bank Cleveland, OH OH Nat’l Jamboree / Banks of the Wabash Valley Forge, PA 26 Nat’l Knitted Outerwear Assoc. NY, NY COA 2 National Lead Co. NY, NY COA 3 Nat’l Life & Acc. Ins. / Hurt Bldg. Atlanta, GA COA 1 National Tailors / 347 Euclid Cleveland, OH 9 National Trailer Convoy Tulsa, OK COA 2 National Travelers Insurance Co Des Moines, IA COA 3 National Welding Supply Charlotte, NC 19 Neaville, Elliot & Johnson / Oklahoma Oklahoma City, OK COA 3 Nebraska City Coin Club Nebraska City, NE NE Nebraska Numis. Assoc / 44th Convention Omaha, NE NE Neels-Pearson Shoes Detroit, MI (5) COA 3 Neely’s Serv, Sta Kilgore, TX TX Neenah State Bank Neenah, WI COA 2 Neighborhood Church Ft. Wayne, IN 19 Neil Home Imp. Co / 413 W. Girard Ave. Philadelphia, PA COA 3 H. Boyd Nelson / Grain Belt Boys Alexandria, MN COA 1 The Nelson’s / Season’s Greetings Seattle, WA Fankhauser NEO Bank Ashland, OH OH Nero’s Tavern / Lohmann Cedarburg, WI 28 44

Joe Nesbit / Cavell Ford Ft. Wayne, IN 3 Nettie’s Flower Garden St. Louis, MO 19 Neufeld’s Los Angeles, CA CA Neumode Hosiery Shop / Golf Mill Niles, IL IL Neumode Hosiery Shop, Greenwood Center Greenwood, IN COA 2 Neumode Hosiery Shop, Richmond Square Richmond, IN COA 2 Neumode Hosiery Shop / West Roads Omaha, NE NE Newark Finance Corp Newark, NJ (5) COA 3 Newark Ledger Newark, NJ COA 3 Newcomerstown Sesq. Newcomerstown, OH 8 New Bedford Five Cents Savings Bank New Bedford, MA COA 3 Dedication of New Berlin City Hall / 1960 New Berlin, WI (5) COA 3 New City Creamery / 4803 Ashland Ave. Chicago, IL COA 3 New Hanford Tavern Seattle, WA WA Banks of New Jersey Atlantic City, NJ (5) COA 3 Bank of New Madrid New Madrid, MO (5) COA 3 New Meredith House Bar Washington, IN IN New Process Tire & Radiator Knoxville, TN COA 2 New River Gorge Bridge Near Fayetteville, WV COA 3 New Salem Lodge / Owen’s New Salem, IL 6 New Venice Gardens Massillon, OH COA 3 New York Store / Dunkirk Dunkirk, NY COA 2 Newart’s / 226 So. Wabash Ave Chicago, IL COA 2 Newins Bay Shore Ford / MO-5-1300 Bayshore, NY COA 3 Newman Parts Co. Portsmouth, OH (5) COA 3 Newton National Bank Newton, KS KS Niagara County Cerebral Palsy Clinic Niagara Falls, NY (5) COA 3 Nichley & Sons Seaside Service Stockton, CA CA J.C. Nichols / Vice Pres. A&P Indianapolis, IN (5) COA 2 Nickey Chevrolet Service Chicago, IL COA 3 Nie’s TV Service/ Overland Overland, MO COA 2 Nina’s Smart Fashions Los Angles, CA (5) COA 3 Lodge with Nixon / In 60 It’s any town/state Fankhauser Noble Co Farm Bureau Credit Union Albion, IN COA 2 Noel’s Service Center Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Tom Nolan Jewelers Cincinnati, OH OH Tom Noll / Ford Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Norden Lincoln, NE NE Norm & Ang Esso Road Service Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 Noyes Norman / Sunflower Shoes St. Joseph, MO COA 3 Norman Furniture / 1519 Broadway Gary, IN (5) COA 3 Norman’s / Seat Covers Los Angeles, CA (5) COA 3 Norristown Lunch Norristown, PA PA North Austin Trust & Savings Bank Chicago, IL COA 3 North Canton Chevrolet Sales (1923) North Canton, OH OH COA 2 North Hollywood Federal Savings Hollywood, CA CA Northland Bank St. Louis, MO (5) COA 3 Northland Mortuary / 7239 W. Florissant St. Louis, MO COA 3 Northlands Park Edmonton, Alberta, Canada COA 2 Northrup-Jones / Coffee Club Omaha, NE 3 Northmoor Liquors / mirror Chicago, IL COA 3 North Shore Coin Club Northbrook, IL COA 3 Hollywood Federal Savings N. Hollywood, CA CA North Side Rotary Pittsburgh, PA PA North Syracuse Nat’l Bank N. Syracuse, NY (unv) NY North Towns / Check Cashing Chicago, IL 3 45

The Northern Virginia Bank Springfield, VA COA 2 Northwest Buick Co. Chicago, IL 27 Northwest Reporter Milwaukee, WI 9 Northwestern Blaugas St. Paul, MN COA 3 North York State Bank North York, PA PA Norton’s/ Mobile Home Sales Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Norwalk Upholstering Co Norwalk, OH COA 2 Numismatic News ANA / 1989 Pittsburgh, PA PA Wm. A. Nunn Funeral Director, Garf. 2692 Cleveland, OH COA 3 Jim Nusbaum / Ford Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser


O.E.S./Lincoln Chapter # 95 Caldwell, NJ COA 3 O.E.S/ Radiant Chapter #12. Denver, CO 27 O.K. Cab Co Grass Valley, CA CA OTASCO Tulsa, OK COA 2 Oak Forest Coin Club Oak Forest, IL 27 Oak Hill Hardware Oak Hill, WV 7 Oakland Savings & Trust Oakland, CA CA Oak Lunch Ft. Wayne, IN 3 Oak Radio Supply / 5531 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA COA 1 Oatman Chevrolet Co Oneida, NY NY Oak Leaf Ser. Station/ Ringler & Stuller Cuyahoga Falls, OH COA 3 Oak Park Federal S&L Oak Park, IL 12-14 Oaklyn Barber Shop/1102 White Horse Pike Oaklyn, NJ COA 2 Tom O’Brien Los Angeles, CA CA Observer / St. Louis County Maplewood, MO COA 3 Occident’s / 70th Anniversary Minneapolis, MN 27 O’Dea Finance Company Des Moines, IA (1) COA 3 Oceanside Bowl Oceanside, NY NY Ocean Grove / Children’s Day Ocean Grove, NJ COA 2 Ocean View Grocery / Les Hoggard Ocean View (Norfolk), VA COA 3 Oglebay Park Saddle Club Wheeling, WV COA 1 Ohio Dairy Products Assoc Ohio OH Ohio Lions / District 13 Columbus, OH COA 3 Ohio Turnpike Berea, OH OH Oka Auto Service Waipahu, HI COA 2 Old Colony Packing Co. Boston &Lynn, MA (5) COA 3 Old Home Cottage Cheese Minneapolis, MN 25 Old Mule Ale Homestead, PA 9-16 Old Reading Beer Reading, PA PA Old Second National Bank / River&Downer Aurora, IL 2-p11 Old Spinning Wheel/Evergreen & Reid Ave NYC COA 2 Jay Oliff, Inc. NY, NY NY Edward O’Malley Valve Co. Chicago, IL COA 3 One Day At A Time NY, NY COA 3 Fred A. O’Neal / Insurance Delray Beach, FL (5) COA 3 M. O’Neil / Shoes Akron, OH (5) COA 3 The Onion’s / Season’s Greetings Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser The Open Kitchen /305 W 125th NY, NY COA 2 Order of Rainbows Ardmore, OK OK Fred Oppenheimer / Fulton St. Chicago, IL COA 2 46

Orsahl Auto Body / 4854 Elston Ave. Chicago, IL COA 3 Osage City Grain & Elevator Osage City, KS KS James C. Osburn / Real Estate Jacksonville, FL 3 Osterman & Levy / Jewelers Toledo, OH 18 Abe & Saul Ostrov / Lincoln Nat’l Life Insurance Akron, OH (5) COA 3 O’Sullivan’s Café Pittsburgh, PA 16 Otoe Co Nat’l Bank Nebraska City, NE NE Ottawa Fair / 1904 Ottawa, OH OH Otty’s Key Shop/ 1242 H. ST, N.E. Washington, DC COA 1 Our Home Savings /5418 Oxford Philadelphia, PA COA 1 Ourisman Chevrolet Washington D.C. (5) COA 3 Owl – Rexall W. Hollywood, CA CA Oxford Circle: J.C.C.-P.T.A Philadelphia, PA (5) COA 3 Oxford Cleaners Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser


P.R.R. / Chesapeake Region Maryland & Delmarva COA 2 PA Dutch Country / Souvenir Lancaster, PA PA Central PA. Numismatic Assoc. Lancaster, PA PA P S G & E / Home Service Dept Newark, NJ 24 The Famous Pabst Beer / 125 St Charles St New Orleans, LA LA William V. Pacelli /Alderman Chicago, IL COA 2 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company San Francisco, CA COA 2 Pacific Welding Supply Co. Long Beach, CA COA 2 Pahaska Tepee Yellowstone Park, WY COA 2 Painesville Raceway Painesville, OH 16 Pak-Well Company/123 Fifth Ave. NY, NY COA 2 Palace Clothing Co / 1431 Green Bay Ave Milwaukee, WI COA 3 Palan Ladies Shop Philadelphia, PA PA R.W. “Bob” Palmer / Commissioner Texas City, TX (5) COA 3 Palmerton Sanitary Dairy Palmerton, PA PA Bank of Palmetto Palmetto, FL (5) FL The Pant’s Tycoon / 4000 W. Washington Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Paramount Shoes / Good Hope Rd. Washington, DC (5) COA 3 Parda Credit Union Detroit, MI (5) COA 3 Frank L. Parise / County Commissioner Escambia County, FL COA 3 Park Auto Theatre Alliance / Salem, OH 15 Park Circle Motor Co. Baltimore, MD (5) COA 3 Park Hill Theatre Yonkers, NY NY Park Hotel / R.W. McKallip Harrisburg, PA COA 3 Park Motors Huntington Park, CA (5) CA George Parker / Republican for State Treasurer Missouri COA 2 Parker Fuel Co Baltimore, MD MD Parke’s Coffee Philadelphia, PA 26 Parks AAA Cleaners Los Angeles, CA CA Park’s Cleaners Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Parkview Memorial Hospital Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Parkyakarkus / Lucky Penny Hollywood, CA 20-21 Parma Sesquicentennial Parma, NY NY, Parramore Pharmacy Atlanta, GA COA 3 47

Parrish Shell Service /87 Lafayette Nashville, TN COA 2 Pasadena Credit Jewelers Pasadena, CA CA Pasadena National Bank Pasadena, CA CA Pasadena National Bank Pasadena, TX TX Bill Pastoor Grand Rapids, MI MI Patricola Jewelers Buffalo, NY (5) 25 Patrick Motors Lakewood, Ohio 28 Patterson Appliances / 1502 Ventura Sherman Oaks, CA (5) COA 3 Patterson Insurance Agency / 1935-1960 Forrest City, AR (5) COA 3 Pat’s Old Mill Res. Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Paul’s Shoes / Highland Park Dallas, TX (5) COA 3 John Pavelka’s Tavern Chicago, IL COA 2 Payne & Merrill Baltimore, MD MD Peabody Motors 562-4871 Lindsay, CA CA Pearl Rd. Laundry Cleveland, OH OH Pearl St. Market Bank Cincinnati, OH COA 1 A.W. Pearce / Insurance Memphis, TN COA 2 John & Evelyn Pearson / Winter Garden Ft. Wayne, IN 3 Senator / “AL” Pechan Western PA 20 L. P. Peck / Furniture San Antonio, TX TX Peerless Beverage Co. / Pabst Blue Ribbon Dayton, OH 13 Peerless Furniture Co Atlanta, GA GA Peggy’s / Uniforms Los Angeles, CA (5) CA Pelletier’s / Meet Santa Topeka, KS COA 2 “ “ “ “ “ New Bedford, MA COA 2 A.D. Pelunis Lakewood, OH 20-21 Pendleton Banking Co. (1872-1947) Pendleton, IN 16 (3) Penn Belle Smoke Shop/ Bellefonte Bellefonte, PA COA 3 Penn Book Shop Harrisburg, PA PA Penn – Central Oil Co Kansas City, MO MO Penn Jewelers Philadelphia, PA PA Penn-Mor Hotel Pitcairn, PA (5) COA 3 Penna Grand Canyon / Souvenir Wellsboro, PA PA Penna Lumber & Post Cumberland, MD (5) COA 3 Dr. Eric Penney Thomasville, GA (5) COA 3 Penney Buick Co Fresno, CA CA Pennington Auto Supply Emporia, KS COA 3 Pennsy / Phone 5940 Cumberland, MD (5) COA 3 Penny Crossword Puzzles / Pocket Books NY, NY NY Bill Penney / Rambler Huntsville, AL COA 3 Wayne Penny / Firestone Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Penny’s / Always First Quality NY, NY NY Penny Serenade / Irene Dunn Hollywood, CA 14 People’s Bank / July 1974 Marengo, OH OH People’s Drug Stores –Put a Penny/Gibbs Washington, DC COA 2 People’s Federal S & L Ass’n Inglewood, CA CA The Peoples Finance & Thrift Co Riverside, CA CA People’s National Bank Kingfisher, OK OK People’s Nat’l Bank & Trust / Belleville’s Belleville, NJ COA 2 People’s Outfitting Co Detroit, MI COA 3 People’s Radio / Quality Furniture Chicago, IL COA 3 People’s Trust City Bank Wyomissing, PA PA People’s Union Bank McKeesport, PA PA People’s Union Bank & Trust Duquesne, PA PA J.H. Peres / 2806 Canal New Orleans, LA COA 3 Perkins Welding Works Sacramento, CA CA 48

Perry’s Nut House Belfast, ME ME Petaluma Centennial Petaluma, CA CA Peter Paul Rest. / 414 Crown St New Haven, CT COA 2 Str. Peter Stuyvesant NYC, NY COA 2 Peters Shoes St Louis, MO 23-MO Peterson Road Cleaners / 2718 Peterson Ave. Chicago, IL COA 3 A. F. Petkrka Real Estate-Insurance Norfolk, VA VA Frank Pevert / Hayden at Winter Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Peyser / We Want Irvington, NY NY Peyser / Works Irvington, NY NY Phelps & Armistead / Furniture Roanoke, VA COA 2 Phil and Reds Service Wyandotte, MI COA 3 Phila. Blue Print Co Philadelphia, PA PA Philco Refrigerators Philadelphia, PA (5) COA 3 Charlie R. Phillips Motors Dallas, TX TX Fred F. Phillips / For Senate Saluria, AL COA 2 Phillips 66 / Mystery Motorist Bartlesville, OK OK Phillips Steel Co Long Beach, CA CA Phil’s Flowers / 11th & Holliday Wichita Falls, TX COA 2 Phil’s Tavern / Stranger New Carlisle, IN (5) COA 3 Physician's Ambulance Service / CE 1-3344 Cleveland, OH (5) COA 3 Physician’s Casualty Ass’n Omaha, NE NE Physician’s Insurance Co Austin, TX TX Pickwick Clothes Shop / Elroy Elroy, WI COA 3 Piel’s Light Beer Brooklyn, NY 16 Pierces Nine Cigars Boston, MA 5 Pidgeon’s / Furniture Des Moines, IA 5 Pilgrim Gas Station Brooklyn, NY NY Pilgrim Plymouth, Inc. / 2700 N. Cicero Ave Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Pillsbury Best Feeds Clinton, IA (5) COA 3 Pilot Freight Carriers Winston-Salem, NC 27 Pinkerton Hardware Fairfield, CA CA Pintar's Welcome Bar, /6823 W. Greenfield Ave. Milwaukee, WI COA 3 Pioneer / Belts-Braces-Wallets Darby, PA COA 1 Pioneer Chevrolet Co Taft, CA CA Pioneer Life Insurance Co Omaha or Topeka 26 The Pit Chicago, IL COA 3 Pittsburgh Bank for Savings Pittsburgh, PA PA Pittsburgh Jewelry Co Pittsburgh, PA PA Pittsburgh Zoo Pittsburgh, PA PA Pittsfield G.E. Employees Credit Union Pittsfield, MA MA Pixie Shop Grant City, MO MO The Pizza King / 4809 W. Harrison St Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Plainville Coin & Hobby Plainville, KS KS I’m Penny / Plaza Bank Puppy Chicago, IL 20 A.J. Ploch San Antonio, TX TX Plocky’s Home Furnishings Los Angeles, CA CA Bank of Pocahontas Pocahontas, AK (5) COA 3 J. Poehlman / Eggs & Cheese Baltimore, MD MD Pogue’s New Boys Dept. Cincinnati, OH (5) COA 3 Pogue’s New Men Dept. Cincinnati, OH (5) COA 3 Poland TV & App. Poland, OH (5) COA 3 Poli’s Theatres Various Eastern Locations HQ? Polk Federal Lakeland, FL FL Poll-Parrot Shoes St Louis, MO MO Edw. A. Pollack & Son St Louis, MO COA 3 49

Polmer The Tailor New Orleans, LA COA 3 Pomeroy’s / World’s Fair of Gifts Reading, PA 20-21 Ponchatoula / 1861-1961 Ponchatoula, LA COA 3 Ponderosa Ranch Nevada Incline Village, NV COA 3 Pond’s Super Service / 10400 Grand River Detroit, MI COA 3 Popular Fine Shoes / Puritan Chehalis, WA 28 “ “ “ Lynn, MA 28 Porpoise Island / Smoky Mtns. Pigeon Forge, TN. COA 3 Portland Loan Co / Dekum Bldg. Portland OR COA 3 Portland / Souvenir Portland, OR Fankhauser Porto-Rico Coffee NY, NY COA 2 Post Employees Credit Union Battle Creek, MI MI Posner’s Supply NY, NY (5) COA 3 Post-Chester Cleaners Bronx, NY (5) COA 3 Powers – Clark Co Dallas, TX TX C. Poyet / Chocolate NY, NY COA 2 H.C. Prange Co. Sheboygan, WI COA 3 Precision Bearing / 2851-2853 Farnam Omaha, NE NE Premier Accordion Studio Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 A. C. Prendergast & Co. / Insurance Dallas, TX COA 1 “The Press Café” Oakland, CA CA A.D. Price / Mortician Richmond, VA (5) COA 3 Priester’s Park St Louis, MO MO Princeton Knitting Mills, Inc. NY, NY COA 2 Pro Tek Tiv Erie, PA PA Proclaim Liberty Throughout Brooklyn, NY (5) COA 3 Progressive Finance Atlanta, GA (5) COA 3 See Osborne Order #6504,6660, 6709 PT-LG-CASE JA-5-1820 Bill Oklahoma City, OK OK Public Industrial Bank Denver, CO 15 Publix Cab Denver, CO COA 3 Publix Supermarket Lakeland, FL FL Puccinelli’s Pub San Francisco, CA CA Pullman Bar Aberdeen, WA COA 2 Pure / Motor Oil Chicago, IL 26 Puritan Clothing Co Cape Cod, MA 28 Puritan Road Office / Rockport Rockport, TN (5) COA 3 Puritan Shoe $3.50, 10 & 12 Gratiot Ave. Detroit, MI COA 3 Purity / Milkman Nashville, TN (5) COA 3 Adolph Pusrin & Bro. New York, NY COA 3 Putnam County Bank Hurricane, WV COA 2


Quaker Girl Cigar/ S.R. Moss, Maker Lancaster, PA COA 2 Quakertown S&L Quakertown, PA PA Quick Loans / 507 Texas Ave. Chicago, IL? (5) COA 3 Queen City Coal Co. East Bernstadt, KY 16 Queen City Surplus Stores Cincinnati, OH OH Queen City Trailways Charlotte, NC COA 2 Queens Medical Center / Hawaii Honolulu, HI COA 3 50


RCA Victor TV Set NY, NY (5) COA 3 R & D Motor Express Muncie, IN COA 2 R. & S. Clothes 9741 Jos. Campau Hamtramck, MI COA 3 R&S Shoes Muskegon, MI MI Rabuzzi Motors Los Angeles, CA CA Racine - 63rd/ 6249 Racine Ave. Chicago, IL COA 2 Rack's Tavern Woodburn, Indiana (5) COA 3 G. Dean Rader / Mayor Weatherford, OK OK Radiant Chapter No. 12 O.E.S. Denver, CO 27 Radiant Cleaners Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Dr. R.B. Radman / Glasses Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Raffetto Bros Brooklyn, NY 10 Rainbow Shops Jersey City, NJ 25-NJ F. Ralli Advertising Wichita Falls, TX TX Fred Ramsey / Downtown Service Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Ramsey & Barbee Auburn, IL IL The Ranch Drive-In / 2819 N. Fitzhugh Dallas, TX COA 2 E.I. “Jack” Rand Tacoma, WA 9 P. Ravazzini San Francisco, CA CA Raymond-Lincoln- Rhodes Agency Hawthorne, NJ (5) COA 3 Ray's Service / 1502 S. Robertson Los Angeles, CA COA 2 Reading Premium Beer Reading, PA (5) 15 Reading Purchasing Co Reading, PA PA Reading Terminal Market Philadelphia, PA COA 3 Reading Trust Reading, PA PA Red Crown Bowling Center Harrisburg, PA COA 3 Red Goose Shoes St Louis, MO MO-26 Red Lion First Nat’l Bank Red Lion, PA PA Red River Hardware Moorhead, MN COA 2 Red Stallion / Eagle – Lion Films NY, NY COA 2 Redfern Anniversary Atlanta, GA (5) COA 3 Redford Motor Co Liberal, KS KS Redshaw Paint Supply Omaha, NE COA 3 Redwood Region Conservation Council Santa Rosa, CA (5) COA 3 Murray O. Reed / Chancellor Little Rock, AR COA 3 Reep’s Shoes Yates Center, KS KS Refosco & Pletersek McDonald, PA 28 Regal Clothes Washington D.C. 25 Regent Window Co. /663 Blake Ave. Brooklyn, NY COA 2 Region 9 B S of A Waco, TX TX A.J. Reiman Fine Watch Repairs Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 House of Reinhard Fargo, ND COA 2 Reliable Paint Alhambra, CA 6. Reliable Oldsmobile / 7029 Broadway Cleveland, OH COA 3 Reliance Federal S&L / Q.V Queens Village (NYC, NY) COA 2 Reliance Finance Co / 4719 S. 24th St Omaha, NE NE “Chet” Relph Chevrolet W. Los Angeles, CA CA Relph Chevrolet Co W. Los Angeles, CA CA REM Vending East Hanover, NJ 16 Remy-Martin Inc. / Chestnut & Central Manchester, NH COA 3 51

Re-New Construction co. / Roofing Queens, NY COA 2 Renken Finance Co / 390 Meeting St. Charleston, SC (5) SC Reno / Souvenir Reno, NV Fankhauser Renz / 1 Hr. Cleaners Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Republican Executive Committee Pittsburgh, PA PA Retreat House Boston, Allston, MA (5) COA 3 Rex Finance Co. Providence, RI COA 1 Rex-Anne / Stand 14 / New Central Market Cleveland, OH (5) COA 3 Rexall / one cent sale Los Angeles, CA 12 Reynolds’s Corner Bank / Sylvania Sylvania, OH (5) COA 3 Reynolds’s Junior High Lancaster, PA (5) COA 3 H.T. Reynolds Inc Philadelphia, PA PA Vote for T.L. Reynolds/ M.S.F.A Hillsboro, MD COA 3 Roger Reynolds / Porsche Dallas, TX 17 Reznor Heaters Mercer, PA COA 2 Rhinelander Bank Rhinelander, WI (5) COA 3 Rhodes Jewelers Los Angeles, CA CA Alex Rice / Good Clothes Montgomery, AL 27 Rice Bros. Co / Bakers Baltimore, MD MD Rice – Stix St Louis, MO 26 Thomas L. Rich Los Angeles, CA CA Richmond County Savings Bank NY, NY COA 2 Richmond Hill Savings Bank Queens, NY 20 Richter’s Pharmacy Inc New Braunfels, TX TX Riddle Air Freight Miami, FL 25 John F. Rider / Publisher New York, NY 6 Rider Manuals / Tek Files NY, NY COA 2 Richard Ridley Jr. / Insurance Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Ridgewood Savings Ridgewood, NY 8 Walter Riehlman / Congress Tully, NY 20 Rifkin Bros / Lansdowne Ave. & Girard Ave Philadelphia, PA COA 2 Riggs Motor Co/ 710 Broadway Louisville, KY COA 3 Walt Riglian Texaco / Fairlawn Fairlawn, NJ (5) COA 3 C. “Art” Rinehart / Realtor Kansas City, MO 27 Rio Grande Gas / Tye Los Angeles, CA COA 2 The Ripley Nat’l Bank Ripley, OH OH Ripon State Bank//Ripon-Brandon-Fairwater Wisconsin COA 3 Ritter’s Jewelers Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 Ritz Tavern Milwaukee, WI 11 Jos. Rivardo / Appliance / Sports Detroit, MI 21 Citizens Bank of Riverdale Riverdale, MD MD Rivoli Cleaners/ TAylor 9-5528 Washington DC (5) COA 3 Rivoli Theatre Philadelphia, PA PA Robbin’s Venice, CA CA Robbins & Browne / Got Cleaned Shreveport, LA COA 2 Ray Robbins / Trumpet Los Angeles, CA (5)? COA? Robbins Credit Jewelers Los Angeles, CA CA Roberts Clothing Co St Louis, MO MO Robert’s Plumbing/321 Mt. Vernon Ave. Columbus, OH COA 2 John C. Roberts Shoes St Louis, MO MO John Robertson Chevrolet Coronado, CA COA 2 C. H. Robinson Company Minneapolis, MN (1) COA 2 Lyle Robinson, Inc., Appliances, 20619 Fenkell Detroit, MI COA 2 Robinson’s Home & Auto Supply, 20620 Fenkell Detroit, MI COA 2 Roby’s Stag Restaurant / 222 Walnut S.E. Canton, Ohio COA 3 Roccio’s Service Center / Sinclair Chester, PA COA 2 52

Rochester Bottling Co. (1936) Rochester, MN COA 2 See 7 States / Rock City Lookout Mountain, GA/TN GA/TN Rock Falls Centennial / 1867-1967 Rock Falls, IL COA 2 Elect Rockefeller Concord, NH / NY, NY NY Rocket Fuel /2801 Broadway Galveston, TX COA 1 Rockingham Park Salem, NH COA 2 Rockland Laundry Company / Springvalley 492 Spring Valley, NY COA 3 Rocky Ford Creamery Rocky Ford, CO COA 2 Rocky’s Service Station –Ashland & Lawrence Chicago, IL COA 2 Rodger – Holmes Jewelers Hollywood, CA CA William J. Roehl / Inc St Louis, MO COA 3 Roger’s Credit Clothing, 7038 Harper Detroit, MI COA 3 Rogers Jewelry Co Washington, PA (5) COA 3 Roger’s Sunoco Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Will Rogers Turnpike Oklahoma OK Jack Roland / Mockingbird Rambler Dallas, TX 25-TX Fred Roling Cincinnati, OH OH Rolle Jewitt & Beck / Scout Trading Houston, TX TX Rollerland Oakland, CA CA Romain Clothiers Los Angeles, CA CA Roma’s Pizza Milwaukee, WI 9 R.A. Romine / Ford Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Rommel Body Shop Ft. Wayne, IN 13 Roosevelt Currency Ex. / 1620 Roosevelt Road Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Roosevelt Savings Bank Brooklyn, NY 2-19-20 Ropes Farm Project Ropesville, TX TX Rose / 1321 N. Broadway Knoxville, TN COA 2 Rose Dress Shop / mirror Chicago, IL 20-21 Burt Rose / Ford Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Rose Ice Cream Co. Connellsville, PA (5) COA 3 Rosecroft Raceway Fort Washington, MD 20 Rosedale State Bank Rosedale, KS KS Rosedale Vol. Fire Dept. Rosedale, MD MD Rosenbaum Bros. / 410 E. Federal St. Youngstown, OH COA 3 Rosenblum’s / Woodbine Shoes Nashville, TN (5) COA 3 Rosenblum’s / Clothes Cleveland, OH COA 3 Rosenthal Felder & Co San Francisco, CA CA Rosenthal’s / Family Credit Store Baltimore, MD MD Ross Co. Jewelers Washington DC COA 3 H.E. Ross / Insurance Baltimore, MD (5) COA 3 Herb Ross / 294 William St. / Pawnbroker Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 M.E. Ross / Insurance Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Rossie Motor Sales Ashtabula, OH OH George Roth / Insurance Atlanta, GA (5) COA 3 Rothert's / 60th Anniversary Tyrone, PA (5) COA 3 Richard Yates Rowe / State Treasurer Jacksonville, Illinois 27 Roxie’s Café Long Beach, CA 18 “ “ “ Maywood, Ca COA 2 Royal Furniture Parkersburg, W. VA 19 Royal Jewelers Detroit, MI MI Royal Realty Co / 148 Endicott Arcade St. Paul, MN COA 3 Rubenstein’s / Campbell at College Springfield, MO COA 2 Louis M. Rubin Co. Pasadena, CA COA 1 Rubin’s Bootery Philadelphia, PA PA Arthur Rubloff / Good Luck Chicago, IL 13 Rudack Bros. / Super Mkt. Detroit, MI (5) COA 3 53

Rudell's Battery Service Houston, TX (5) COA 3 Rudisill Service York, PA COA 2 Rudy’s Road Service Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Rulka Pharmacy Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Rung Bros. Furniture Buffalo, NY NY J.C. Russell Post #107 Chicago, IL? (5) COA 3 Russell Mfg. Co. / Rusco Middletown, CT COA 3


S & A Food Markets Los Gatos, CA CA S.I.C. Finance Loans Oklahoma City, OK OK S & Q Clothiers San Angelo, TX TX S & Q Clothiers / 25th Anniv. Enid, OK OK SS. Peter & Paul / 795 Clinton St. Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 S & S Auto Body/ 5840 South Western Chicago, IL COA 3 S & T TELE. Brewster, KS KS St Cloud Range & Equip. St. Cloud, FL FL St. Gabriel / 2160 Mock Rd. Columbus, OH COA 2 St. James Fed. Savings & Loan St. James, MN COA 2 St. John’s Cleaners / 8738 N. Jersey St Portland, OR COA 3 St. Louis Coffin Co St. Louis, MO COA 3 St. Louis, Southwestern R. R. Tyler, TX TX St. Mary’s Cathedral San Francisco, CA CA St. Mary’s / Church Festival Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser St. Petersburg / Savings St. Petersburg, FL 4 Joseph Sabol Jr Duquesne, PA PA Sacramento Street Fair Sacramento, CA CA Safran Chemical & Supply Lynn, MA (5) COA 3 Russell Sage New York, NY 6 Salerno Café Philadelphia, PA PA Will Sales Diamonds Louisville, KY 27 Sal’s Valley Tavern Milwaukee, WI 10 Salvation Army / Women’s emergency fund NY, NY NY Sam & Susie’s / Market Grill Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Sammy’s Sales / Used Cars Schuylkill, PA 20 Camp Samoset / Manny Winston Gilford, NH NH Sample House / Furniture Philadelphia, PA 5 Samuelson’s Cigar Red Oak, Iowa COA 1 Samson Beverage Schuylkill, PA 9 San Benito Co Saddle Horse Show Bolado Park, CA CA San Carlos Wire Wheels San Carlos, CA CA Motors San Gabriel, CA CA San Pedro Lock & Key San Pedro, CA CA Sand Spring Coin Club Sand Springs, OK COA 2 John A. Sand / 683 W. Chicago Ave / Hats Chicago, IL COA 2 Sandack Jewelry Co., 6217 So. Halsted St. Chicago, IL COA 3 Sandia Finance Co Albuquerque, NM (5) COA 3 Sands Electrical Dallas, TX 27 A. E. Sanders / Jewelers Richmond, IN 3 Dee Sanders / For Sheriff McAlester, OK OK Sano Pizza / 4469 W. Lawrence Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Santa Barbara S & L Bank Santa Barbara, CA CA 54

Souvenir of Santa’s Land U.S.A. Putney, VT COA 3 Saratoga Harness Track Saratoga Springs, NY 20 Saratoga Shoe / 24 Caroline St. Saratoga Springs, NY COA 2 Geo. Sarbacher / Congress Philadelphia, PA PA Sargent & Co. / Feed Iowa 10 Earl Sarver Inc. / 550 W. Broad Columbus, OH COA 3 Sataline / Insurance / Plainville 116 Plainville, CT COA 3 Sauder Chevrolet Co Manheim, PA PA Trade with Saul Wichita Falls, TX COA 2 Savelli & Co San Francisco, CA CA Savino’s Shoes Elmira, NY (5) COA 3 Savoy Inn San Jose, CA CA Savings & Loan of Chester Richmond, IN IN See Savitt New Haven, CT 3-18 Sawyer Downs / Vote Yes Shreveport, LA 13 John P. Saylor / Congressman PA 20 Scarsdale Dodge, INC. Scarsdale, NY COA 2 Scatterday's Lumber Yard Lakewood, CO COA 2 W.K. Schaab & Co. Auburn, IN Fankhauser David Scharf, Dist East Liberty, PA PA Schneer's/ Kredit Jewelers-39 S. Tryon St Charlotte, NC COA 1 Schneider’s Dept Store Louisville, KY (5) COA 3 Paul Schenck / Congress Dayton, OH 18 Schenectady Auto Service/Cor. Maxon Rd. Schenectady, NY COA 3 Schenley NY, NY NY Schiff’s Shoes Middletown, OH COA 2 Schillings Best San Francisco, CA COA 2 Schlegel Drug Store Davenport, IA COA-2 Schmidt Insurance E. Peoria, IL (5) COA 3 Ivan Schmidt Inc., Chrysler Plymouth Milwaukee, WI COA 3 Schuetze’s / Clothing Monroe, WI 27 The Schoen’s / Season’s Greetings Darlington, IN Fankhauser Royt Schroder Wichita, KS KS Schulze / for good bread Chicago, IL COA 2 Schuster’s Market New Bedford, MA COA 2 Arthur A. Schwacker St. Louis, MO MO Schwarzman / 5% more Philadelphia, PA PA Harry Schwartz Clothing Pearl Road Cleveland, OH COA 3 Sidney M. Schwartz, / Mecca Temple 1966 NYC COA 2 Scientific Tablet Co St. Louis, MO COA 2 The Scotchmans Corner Los Angeles, CA CA Scottdale Savings & Trust Co Scottdale, PA PA Screw - Ball Tom’s Arcadia, CA CA Scotsman Ice Makers / Gray Prod. Miami, FL (5) COA 3 Scottish Bank Lumberton & Red Springs, NC (5) COA 2 Scotty’s Smoke Shop / Bonheur Joliet, IL COA 2 Joe Scudiere Inc. Detroit, MI COA 2 Seabrook Farms Bridgetown, NJ 27 Search Food Stores White Hall Roodhouse, Greenfield, IL COA 3 C. T. Sherer Co. / Children’s Shoe Dept Worcester, MA (1) COA 2 Sheridan Inn North Chicago, IL 25 William Shieve Cincinnati, OH OH Sea Horse Liquors Ft. Lauderdale, FL FL Sea Lion’s Cave Florence, OR (5) COA 3 Searle’s / Ogallala Ogallala, NE NE Sears / Service Must Shine Chicago, IL 21 55

Seattle/ Souvenir Seattle, WA Fankhauser Second U.P. Church Wilkinsburg, PA PA Second National Bank of Red Bank Red Bank, NJ COA 2 The Security Bank East Northport, NY (5) COA 3 Security Advertising St. Louis, MO 28 Security First National Bank Hollywood, CA CA Bank with Security Nat’l Bank/ 312 N. 8th St St. Louis, MO COA 3 Security Oil Co. St. Louis, MO 12 Security Nat'l Bank East Northport, NY (5) COA 3 Sedalia National Bank Sedalia, MO MO Paul Seeders / Beverage Pottsville, PA COA 2 Hope Seet Co Hartford, CN CN Francis F. Seidel / Funeral Home Reading, PA 20 Selby- Langford &Ewing Lumber Corpus Christi, TX TX Selkirk’s Cobleskill, NY COA 2 Jos. L. Sell / Liquors Baltimore, MD MD Seltzer Pontiac Chicago, IL 14 Sench Jewelers Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 Meet Me / Sennings Louisville, KY 25-KY Sertoma KC, MO COA 3 Servant Enterprises Canoga Park, CA 18 Service Amusement, Inc Fresno, CA CA Seven for a Penny St. Louis, MO (5) COA 3 Seven Seas Center San Diego, CA (5) COA 3 Seward Dry Goods Seward, NE COA 2 Sewickley S&L Sewickley, PA PA Seybold’s / 1333 Huntoon St. Oroville, CA CA Seymour’s / Clothes NY, NY (5) COA 3 The Shack Los Angeles, CA CA Shamblen Milling Co Omaha, NE NE Shamrock / 801 E. South St Frederick, MD MD Shamrock Foods Phoenix, AZ COA 2 Shamrock Petroleum Products Amarillo, TX 13 Shamrock Room / 1403 Webster Alameda, CA (5) COA 3 Shank Furniture Co. Salem, VA COA 2 Shapiro's Shoes / 63rd at Western Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Shasta Dam Summit City, CA (5) COA 3 Shaughnessy Electric Highland Park, CA CA Shaughnessy Electric & Furniture Highland Park, CA CA Shaw Chiropractic Dallas, TX TX Shaw Jewelers / 168 N. State St. Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Shaw’s Jeweler’s / Denver Theatre Denver, CO (5) COA 3 John R. Shearer / Amherst Amherst, NY COA 3 Sheffield Farms Inc. NY, NY COA 2 Shelby Co Farm Bureau Co Op Chrisney, IN IN Keneth Shelton / Van Orman Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Shenandoah Valley National Bank (805) Winchester, VA 21 Jimmie Sheppard / Frigidaire Dallas, TX TX Sheppard’s Pizza Wichita Falls, TX TX C.T. Sherer / Shoes Worcester, MA (5) COA 3 Donald R. Sherman / Co. Commissioner Oklahoma City, OK OK Sherrill City Garage Sherrill, NY 12 Burt M. Shields Burbank, CA CA Shipstad & Johnson Los Angeles, CA 28 Shoe Box / Sammy Grossman Columbus, OH 21 Shoe Fair / 5426 Park Heights Ave. Baltimore, MD (5) COA 3 56

Shoe Fair / 1008 Taylor Baltimore, MD (5) COA 3 Sholem’s in Champaign / shoes Champaign, IL COA 2 Shopper’s Laundry Ft. Worth, TX TX Shore’s Variety Store Philadelphia, PA PA Shorter College/ 85th Anniversary Rome, GA (5) COA 3 Shrewsbury Inc Philadelphia, PA (5) COA 3 Shrine Victory Convention San Francisco, CA CA Shulan’s / 85 S. Main St Akron, OH 21 Shulan’s / 212 Market Ave Canton, OH OH Shulman’s Standard System Buffalo, NY NY Jim Shults / Garvin County Garvin County, OK (5) COA? Harold L. Shyer / Jeweler Nashville, TN (5) COA 3 Edna Sibley / Pure Oil Nashville, TN (5) COA 3 Sid-Indiana-frank / Towels Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Max Siegel & Sons Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Silver Dollar Bar-Grill Pittsburgh, PA PA Silver Dollar Café Cincinnati, OH (5) COA 3 Silver Slipper / (shoes) Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Silver Spring Vol. Fire Dept. Silver Spring, MD MD The Famous / Silver Spur State Line Village, ID COA 2 Silverwoods Los Angeles, CA CA Simmons Finance Co / 1411 Pacific Houston, TX COA 1 Simmons & Clark / Jewelers Detroit, MI (5) COA 3 H. Simon & Sons / Meat Market Portland, OR OR - 22 Marvin B. Simpson Jr / District Atty Ft. Worth, TX TX Simpson Appliances Stratford, CT (5) COA 3 Singing Sam’s Grill Detroit, MI (5) COA 3 Bob Singleton / Insurance Oklahoma City, OK OK WM. Sirlin Mortuary Pittsburgh, PA PA E. C. Sissons / Diamonds Long Beach, CA 18 Sisson’s Dept. Store Binghamton, NY COA 2 Sistek’s Buffet / Milwaukee & Southport Chicago, IL COA 2 Sitar’s Esso / Carteret Carteret, NJ (5) COA 3 Ed Sitler / Congress Uniontown, PA 20 Skate Haven Indianapolis, IN (5) COA 3 Skillerns Drug Stores Dallas, TX TX Skuse Bros Shoes Rochester, NY (5) COA 3 Skyline Caverns, VA. (1950D) Front Royal, VA COA 3 Skyrider Shoes for boys Nashville, TN TN Chas. A. Slama / County Judge Saunders Co, NE NE Gordon B. Slappy / Insurance Tampa, FL (5) COA 3 Slatington Beverage Co Slatington, PA PA-26 Robert M. Slife & Assoc Cleveland, OH (unv) OH C.M. Sloan & Sons / Ambulance Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Slobin Real Estate Detroit, MI (5) COA 3 Smart Shoppe / 4564 S. , CA (5) COA 3 Smirnoff Vodka Hartford, CT 24 Smith Furnishing Co / Clarksburg Clarksburg, WV 25 Smith and Patterson Roseville, CA CA Bob Smith / Plymouth Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Everett W. Smith / For Comm. Ft. Wayne, IN 4 Fred Smith / C.N.A. 3052 Sherbrooke, Quebec Fankhauser Henry P. Smith / Congress North Tonawanda, NY 21 Jack Smith’s / Restaurant Toledo, OH 25 Joe Smith’s 25 Club / 29 E. Baltimore Detroit, MI COA 3 L.W. Smith / Leake Co Carthage, MS (5) COA 3 57

Marshall E. Smith / Justice of Peace Dillsburg, PA COA 2 Robt. Smith / Realtor St. Joseph St. Joseph, MO COA 2 Smith’s / For Acrobat Shoes Walnut Creek, CA (5) COA 3 Snappy Car Wash Oklahoma City, OK OK Snellenburg’s / Santa’s Luncheon Club Philadelphia, PA PA Snow White Palace / Drive In Chicago, IL 25 Park Snowe’s Fitchburg, MA COA 2 Snyder / 418 Wood St. Pittsburgh, PA PA Snyder Savings & Loan Snyder, TX TX A. Snyder Los Angeles, CA CA A. Snyder Diamonds – Jewelry Los Angeles, CA CA Sobel’s Jewelry / Broadway/Pearl Lorain, Ohio COA 2 Carl Soda / Texaco Bronx, NY (5) 25 Solomons Penny Dance Los Angeles, CA CA Soft Sense / Lotion (Bausch & Lomb) Rochester, NY COA 2 Sol’s Grocery & Market Chicago, IL 28 Somebody Sometime / Temporary Help NY, NY COA 2 Sonny Service Oil Indianapolis, IN COA 2 Francis W. Soos / Coins Youngstown, OH 21 Norman Sopp / Service Station Los Angeles, CA 6 Soule’ College New Orleans, LA LA-26 Sylvester Sousa Westerly, RI (5) COA 3 George Schaefer / Southside Tavern St Louis, MO COA 1 South Alma Cheese Factory Alma Center, WI (5) COA 3 South Windsor Bank & Trust South Windsor, CT COA 2 Southern Discount Co St Louis, MO MO Southern Life / Health Insurance Birmingham, AL (5) COA 3 Southern Nat’l Bank Tallulah, LA 23 Travel Great Southern Way Jonesboro, AR (5) COA 3 Southgate / Souvenir Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser South Jersey Coin Club Millville, NJ Fankhauser Southwest Bank / 2301 S. Kings Highway St Louis, MO MO Southwest Federal Savings Chicago, IL COA 2 Larry Sovine / Ford Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Sowa’s Appliance Center Reading, PA PA Goldie H. Spang / Realtor / JE 2277 Norwood, OH COA 3 B.F. Sparr / Clothier Wellington, KS KS Sparta Service Co./ Chevrolet Sparta, WI COA 2 Spartan Coin & Stamp Centers Tulsa & Wichita OK Speaker-Hines Printing Detroit, MI COA 2 Sid G. Spear / Insurance Malone & Massena, NY NY Spears / Jewelers Winston-Salem, NC (5) COA 3 Spector Motor Services Chicago IL COA 3 Speedy Donut Shop / 31-33 Cadillac Detroit, MI (5) COA 3 Speirer’s / Corner 10th & O Lincoln, NE NE Herbert Spencer Cigar NY, NY COA 3 Spencer Co Farm Bureau Chrisney, IN IN Who is Dale Spicer? Charleston, WV COA 3 Spiegel Distributing Co. / Ale Bethlehem, PA COA 2 Spitzer & Deutch Jeweler Brooklyn, NY (5) COA 3 Sportsman Bar / 2008 Farnam Omaha, NE NE Sportsman’s Grill 63-65 Summer St. Lynn, MA COA 3 Charles P. Spriggs / Constable Huntington, W. VA Fankhauser Square Cleaners Chicago, IL 9 Square Deal Furniture Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Square Lumber Co Bronx, NY (5) COA 3 58

Squeeze Inn Café Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Squeeze-In Record Shop Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Stable Bar-B-Q/ 54th & Miami Miami, FL (5) COA 3 Stag Café Newport, KY 25-KY Stag Pants Store Pittsburgh, PA PA H.K. Stahl / Trophy Oil St. Paul, MN (1) COA 2 Staley Employees Credit Union Decatur, IL COA 2 Rush Stallings / Studebaker Montgomery, AL 25 Standard Clothing Co. /Wash. / Near Winter St. Boston, MA COA 2 Standard Computing Laporte, IN 8 Standard Feed Stores Jacksonville, FL (5) COA 3 Standard Slag Co Youngstown, Ohio (5) COA 3 Stanfield's Cyclery/ Whittier Whittier, CA COA 3 Stanley / Hostess Parties Westfield, MA 22 Stanley’s Potato Chips Allentown, PA COA 1 Stanley Shoes / 25th Anniv. New Britain, CT (5) COA 3 Stanley Woolen Mills / 228 N. 18th Birmingham, AL COA 3 Stann’s Drive-In, W. Warren – Outer Drive Dearborn Township MI COA 3 Star Cloak Co. Inc. / 26th Year Chicago, IL COA 2 Star Credit Jewelers 5th and Ludlow Dayton, OH OH (3) Star Pawn Shop St. Louis, MO MO Star Motor Co / Elbow Lake / Starbuck Starbuck. MN MN State Bank & Trust Co. 1936-1971 Brookhaven, MS COA 3 State Drug Co / Levi Noble Lubbock, TX TX State Hardware (with embossed numbers) Ft. Wayne, IN COA 1 State Hardware and Supply Tucson, AZ COA 2 State Jewelers & Clothiers Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 State Loan Co Oakland, CA CA State Sample / Store Detroit, MI COA 3 State Savings Bank / Cottage Grove Cottage Grove, OR COA 2 State Savings/ Eugene// in the Overpark Eugene, OR COA 3 Staten Island Coin Club Staten Island, NY 22 Stayform / Laura Miller Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser L.L. Stearns & Sons Williamsport, PA COA 3 Steelton Diner Steelton, PA 9 Steger Bo-Lanes Steger, IL (5) COA 3 J. Edgar Steigerwald / Potentate Baltimore, MD COA 3 Stein’s Clothiers Lawton, OK OK Steiner’s / Concrete Ludlow Falls, OH (5) COA 3 Rudolph Steller, Inc. Jeweler Milwaukee, WI COA 3 Leonard Stephens / Central Volkswagon Richardson, TX COA 3 Stephenson Nat’l Bank Marinette, WI 8 Step Master Shoes Grand Rapids, MI MI Stepsis Café / 987 E 79th St KC, MO COA 1 Sterling-Harris Ford / 2700 N. Cicero Chicago, IL COA 2 Sterling Pharmacy / 223 Kingston Ave Brooklyn, NY COA 2 Sterling’s Rocky Glen Park Moosic, PA PA Stern & Co Philadelphia, PA PA Stevens Ford / Dave McGovern Milford, CT (5) COA 3 Stevens Ford / A.Y. Freitas Milford, CT (5) COA 3 Stevens Motor Sales Richmond Hill (Queens), NY 27 Stevenson / Kefauver any town/state Fankhauser Stewart & Holmes Drug Co. Seattle, WA COA 2 Guy Stewart & Assoc. / Land Bank KC, MO COA 3 Stewart’s / York Road Baltimore, MD MD Stillbrook Whiskey New York, NY 13-21 59

Stock-Growers & Tagg R Com. Omaha, NE NE Stokes Café E. Cleveland, OH (unv) OH Paul Stone / State Representative Sullivan, IL COA 2 Stone Shoe Co Cleveland, OH OH Stone Lumber Bristol, CN 25-CN Stone Mountain Railroad Stone Mountain, GA GA Stonik Sunoco Detroit, MI COA 3 Stony Island Chrysler Plymouth Chicago, IL COA 2 Stoppel’s / Boy’s Store Bakersfield & Temple City, CA COA 2 Bernard Storey / Elect Rome, GA COA 2 Stork Club NY, NY COA 2 Stork Inn / 4527 Virginia St Louis, MO MO Ezera Storm Sleep Products Norfolk, VA (12) COA 2 Stousser’s Importing Co St Louis, MO MO Stotts-Friedman Dayton, OH (5) COA 3 Stotts - Murphy 12300 E. Jefferson Detroit, MI COA 2 Peter J. Stozky Chicago, IL 28 Dick Strain / Sheriff Oklahoma, City, OK 26 Strasburg Railroad Strasburg, PA PA-22 Strasburg’s of Hollywood Hollywood, CA CA Stratford Driving School Stratford, CT (5) COA 3 Glen Straub / Co. Commissioner Wheeling, W. VA 21 E.A. Strause / Golden Crown Cigars Peoria, IL COA 3 Nathan Strauss, Inc. Brooklyn & New York City 27 Stroehman’s Bread Williamsport, PA COA 3 Stroehman’s / Kee Kaw Bread Williamsport, PA (5) COA? Strousser’s Importing Co. / 621 N. B’dway St. Louis, MO (5) COA 3 Stubb’s Boy’s Suits / Plainview Plainview, TX TX Studio Book Card Shop Los Angeles, CA 18 Sturdiboy-Collegiate / General Dept. Stores Pittsburgh, PA COA 2 Sturdiboy Collegiate NYC COA 3 Sturdiboy / The Fair Beaumont, TX COA 3 Stutz Cleaners Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Str. Peter Stuyvesant NYC, NY COA 2 Style-Rite Furniture of Oneonta Oneonta, NY 22 Suburban Trust Co Langley Park, MD MD Subway Buffet Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Success S&L Assoc. / 3204 W. Cermak Road Chicago, IL COA 2 Sugar Barrel Mild Pipe Mixture Philadelphia, PA (5) COA 3 Suggs Funeral Home Dallas, TX COA 2 Sullivan in 68 / VFW Evansville, IN IN Bill Sullivant / State Rep. Gainesville, TX COA 2 Walter Summers / Trustee Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Ed Summitt / Sheriff Lenoir City, TN (5) COA 3 Summit City Cleaners Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Sun Country Jamboree Jacksonville, FL COA 2 Sun Finance / 312 S. 15th ST Omaha, NE (5) COA 3 Sun Roofing & Siding Oakland, CA CA Sun Roofing Co. / Established 32 years Oakland CA CA Sunbeam Bread / Florida’s Lakeland, FL (5) COA 3 Sunbeam Bread / Mootz’s Huntington, W. VA 16 Sunderland Auto Service Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Get Down With Sundown Boca Raton, FL 28 Sunland Park El Paso, TX TX Sunland Refining Corp Fresno, CA COA 2 Sun Ray- Weissman Lancaster, PA PA 60

Sunset Prune Juice San Francisco, CA 15 Sunsweet Prunes San Jose, CA (7) COA 3 Superior Venetian Blind Co Baltimore, MD MD Supreme Restaurant / Chicago & Damen Chicago, IL COA 2 Surf Cleaners Brentwood, MD MD Susnik’s Tap 1431 E. North Ave. Milwaukee, WI COA 3 Sussex Dry Cleaners 1269 Fillmore Ave. Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 Wolf Sussman / Jeweler Indianapolis, IN IN Suwannee Life / 25th Anniversary Jacksonville, FL FL Swanson-Erie Corp Erie, PA PA L. W. Swem /Farm Russiaville, IN 6 Dr Swett’s / Root Beer MA / PA 23-24 Swift Dry Cleaners Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Swiss Diamond Palace San Francisco, CA CA M.J. Swonger / Furniture Springfield, OH COA 2 Sylvania Savings Bank Sylvania, OH (5) COA 3 Sylvania Bank / Reynolds’s Corner Sylvania, OH (5) COA 3 Sylvia in 68 / VFW Evansville, IN IN Syracuse Letter Co. Syracuse, NY COA 3


T 100 Penny Pincher (Pontiac) Detroit, MI COA 2 T&M Café/ 2301 Holton Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Eddie Tackett / Milk Man LA Otto, IN Fankhauser Tacomy Trust Co Tacomy, PA PA Tagus Ranch Café Tagus, CA CA Wait For Tait St. Louis, MO (5) COA 3 John Talarico / Ford Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Wayne Talbert / American Legion Delphi, IN IN William C. Tallent/Knox County Commissioner Knoxville, TN COA 3 Tan-Kar Oil Montgomery, AL (5) COA 3 Tandem Federal Credit Union Warren, MI MI Jewell Tanner / Sheriff / Hall Co. Gainesville. GA (5) COA 3 Max Taubman Clothing St Louis, MO MO Taub’s Germantown, PA PA The Tavern / Merritt Island Merritt Island, FL (5) COA 3 Taylor Bros. Co Pittsburgh, PA PA F.F. Taylor Co Oakland, CA CA Taylor’s Phonograph / 3216 Kensington Ave. Philadelphia, PA PA Taylorville Nat’l Bank Taylorville, IL COA 2 61

Tech Bros. 1899 – 1939 North Vernon, Indiana COA 2 Teenie Weenie Children’s Shoes Brooklyn, NY 21 Tek-Ni-Kal Credit Union Warren, MI (5) COA 3 Television Center / 114 S. Washington Rocky Mount, NC COA 3 Tell City National Bank Tell City, IN IN Tem – Tex Western Wear Temple, TX TX Temple Noodle House Salt Lake City, UT COA 2 Temple Seniors/ Dance/ May 5, 1940 Chicago, IL COA 3 Terminal Motors / 2750W. Lawrence Chicago, IL COA 3 Terminal Motors / Rambler Chicago, IL 21 Terminal Tower / Souvenir Cleveland, OH OH D.J. Termini, Reg. Druggist Galveston, TX COA 3 Terryville Furniture Store, established 1924, Terryville, CT COA 2 Test Overalls St Louis, MO 26 Texarkana Oaklawn Bank Texarkana, TX COA 2 Texas Rangers / Member Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 The Textile Color Card Assoc NY, NY NY Thanks for the Shoes Mister E. St. Louis, IL (5) COA 3 Thagard Oil South Gate, CA 28 Thatcher & Ott Torrance, CA CA Thetford Cleaners Philadelphia, PA COA 3 M.P. Thielen Dorrance, KS KS Thomas Jewelry/ 6048 Pacific Blvd. H.P. Huntington Park, CA COA 3 Homer C. Thompson Santa Barbara, CA CA Thomson Oil Abbotsford, WI (3) COA 2 Jerry Thornburg / Auditor Muncie, IN IN-24 E.F. Threde / 621 E. Monroe Springfield, IL COA 1 Thrift Shoe Stores Toledo, OH COA 2 Thriftee Hardware McKees Rocks, PA PA Thrifty Clean and Wear Youngstown, OH (5) COA 3 Thrifty Drug Stores Los Angeles, CA COA 2 Tiedemann’s / Ice Cream Queens, NY 25-NY Tidy House Products Co. (Morgan $ in cardboard) Omaha, NE COA 3 Tiedke’s Happy Days Toledo, Ohio OH Jack Tillman Motor Mart Wichita Falls, TX TX Time Magazine / Silver Award Chicago, IL 21 Times Furniture Co Los Angeles, CA CA Tiny's Lounge Santa Fe, NM (5) COA 3 Tip Top / Souvenir Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Ben Tipp / Diamonds Seattle, WA 6 Tire Engineers Jacksonville, FL FL The Tire Shop Fresno, CA CA John Toman / Tax Appeals Chicago, IL COA 2 Tommie / Quick Service Oklahoma City, OK OK Tomson Oil Co. Racine, WI 9 North Tonawanda Centennial North Tonawanda, NY 22 Tonik’s Café Wilmington, DE 27 Tony’s Shell / Straight Path & 14 West Babylon, NY COA 3 Tool Supply Means Fine Tools Dallas, TX (5) COA 2 Topolos Bros San Francisco, CA 18 Topsy’s Chicken Coop Lynn, MA COA 2 Topsy's on the Pike / Saugus Saugus, MA COA 2 Town Drive In Theatre Redford, MI COA 3 Towne Bowling Academy Albany, NY? (5) COA 3 Towson Production Credit Towson, MD (5) COA 3 Traders Bank of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA CA 62

Tragreser Copper Core Jamaica, NY (5) COA 3 Transfer Exchange Cincinnati, OH OH Traucht Store Arlington, Ohio COA 2 Treadwell & Harry Memphis, TN COA 2 Trees of Mystery Klamath, CA (5) COA 3 Trense's Mural Bar / Formerly Bowman’s Aurora, IL COA 2 Tresca the Florist Jacksonville, FL 25 – COA 3 Trevose Federal Savings Trevose, PA 5 Triangle Inn Milton, PA PA Triangle Realty / Lofts New York, NY (5) 25-NY Triangle Service Station Sacramento, CA (5) COA 3 Tri- City Motors Oceanside, CA CA Tri-County National Bank Selinsgrove, PA PA Tri-County State Bank Northampton, PA PA Trio Lumber Jamaica, NY (5) COA 3 Tripp-Herlihy Worcester, MA 28 Tritsch’s Shoe Stores / 1847-1947 Tarentum, PA 12 Tritsch’s Shoe Stores / 50th Anniv Swissvale, PA PA Club Trocadero / Dade Park Henderson, KY COA 2 Trojan Laundry & Cleaners / LA-5-1881 Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Tropic Isle Pet Shop Bronx, NY (5) COA 3 Troy Pharmacy Pittsburgh, PA PA Truckers Transit Home / Leavenworth Jct. Bashor, KS COA 2 Tuckahoe Lithia Water Milton, PA COA 2 Turkey Run State Park Marshall, IN COA 2 Ray Turk’s Sunoco / Rts. 42 & 224 Lodi, OH 27 H. Turner / Bible Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Turner Ford Freemont, CA CA Turners Turn / Wayne Talbert Delphi, IN IN-26 Same as above Indianapolis, IN (5) COA 3 Tucson Federal S&L Tucson, AZ 22 Twenty-Sixth Street State Bank Chicago, IL COA 3 Twin City Federal S&L Minneapolis, MN 22 Twin Gables Service Station Comfort, TX TX Two Door Food Mart / 1737 W. 47th Chicago, IL COA 3 Buy from Tye / Rio Grande Gas Los Angeles, CA COA 3


U.S. Keds Philadelphia, PA PA U.S. Naval Academy Annapolis, MD MD Ulrich-Johnson / Lincoln Nat’l Life Oakland, CA (5) COA 3 Uncle Harry’s Pawn Shop Jacksonville, FL FL Uncle Jake’s Pawn Shop Dallas, TX 13 Underselling Store Annapolis, MD MD Union Bank of Mena Mena, Arkansas 20 Union Bank & Trust Co Los Angeles, CA CA Union Bank & Trust Co / Southway Branch Kokomo, IN COA 2 Union Store Wichita, KS KS Union Store / 5 No. Saginaw St. Pontiac, MI MI 63

Unique Lounge Los Angeles, CA CA Unit #1 Federal Credit Union Lockport, NY NY United Heating & Cooling St Louis, MO (5) COA 3 United S&L Assoc. Porterville &Delano Porterville and Delano CA COA 3 United States Nat’l Bank Costa Mesa, CA CA United Woolen Mills / 105 Grand Ave Milwaukee, WI 25-WI United Woolen Mills /6309 S. Halsted Chicago, IL COA 2 United Woolen Mills / 228 West Water St Milwaukee, WI COA 3 Universal Dry Cleaners / Alhambra Alhambra, CA COA 3 Universal Motor Co. Richmond, VA 12 University Baptist Church Shawnee, OK OK Uptown Florists Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Uptown Radio Co Highland Park, MI 21 Walter J. Urban Co Toledo, OH (5) COA 3 Utley & Jones Pharmacies Norwich, CT (5) COA 3


Vacation House / I Gave Malden, MA (5) COA 3 Vacuum Cleaner Supply Chattanooga, TN COA 2 Vagabond Village Truck Stop Cecil, OH 21 Valentine Motors / Good Hope Road S.E. Wash, DC COA 2 Valley Forge / Souvenir Valley Forge, PA PA Valley Insurance Service Fresno, CA CA Valley Steel Products Co St Louis, MO MO Valley Times Pleasanton, CA CA Valley Towel / Flint Flint, MI MI Valley Trailer Rentals Van Nuys, CA CA Van Camps Pork & Beans Indianapolis, IN COA 2 Vandevers / Golden Jubilee Tulsa, OK OK Van Dyke Clothiers Van Dyke, MI (5) COA 3 Jimmie Van Zandt / Congressman Altoona, PA PA Variety Club of Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA PA Carl Vaughn / Insurance Baltimore, MD (5) COA 3 Ventura Savings Ventura, CA CA Ventura S & L Ass’n Ventura, CA CA Vera Your Hairdresser / 1501 Walnut Philadelphia, PA COA 3 Verdick Implement / Morrison Morrison, IL COA 3 Verner’s Shoes Pittsburgh, PA COA 1 Vernon Downs Vernon, NY NY Vesey’s Star Anti-Cholera Union Stockyards, Chicago COA 1 Veterinary Service Chicago, IL COA 2 Vevay Auto Co Vevay, Indiana (5) COA 3 Vickers’s Oil / Earn more with Wichita, KS 22 Victor Shoe Co Homestead, PA PA Victor Valley Furniture Victorville, CA CA Victory 5¢ - 10¢ / 9th Ave. & 55th St. NYC, NY NY Vigortone Hiawatha, IA COA 2 Vince's Bar / 3229 W. North Ave Milwaukee, WI COA 3 Vine Grove Centennial Vine Grove, KY (5) COA 3 Virco Los Angeles, CA CA 64

State Bank of Viroqua Viroqua, WI 8 Vista Sheet Metal - Lou Walrath Vista, CA COA 2 Vita-Ray Products / Vitamins Waseca, MN COA 2 Vit-A-Way / Livestock Products Ft. Worth, TX (5) 12 Wm. Volcker & Co San Francisco, CA CA Volk-Jaycox McKeesport, PA PA Wm. Volker & Co Kansas City, MO MO Central Volkswagen / 231-4691 Richardson, TX COA 3 Jim Vorndran / S-K Man Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser


WAOV / Day 1450 Night Kansas City, MO MO WCAE / Fun Radio Pittsburgh, PA PA-22 WDGY / Lucky Weegee Penny Hudson, WI COA 2 WEBR / Freelings Buffalo, NY COA 2 WEDO / Music News McKeesport, PA PA WEIR / 1430 Weirton, WV COA 3 WFAA / Early Birds Dallas, TX TX-24 WGAN Radio Portland, ME (5) COA 3 WGAN / TV Studio 13 Portland, ME 13-21 WGBS / Florida’s Most Powerful Miami, FL COA 3 WJPS / your friendly Evansville, IN 10 WKOA / WKOF Hopkinsville, KY 24 WLBK / 1360 DeKalb, IL COA 2 WLW / The Nation’s Station Cincinnati, OH 8 WMTR Morristown, NJ COA 2 WORC Worcester, MA MA W.O.W. / TV, Big 6 Theatre Omaha, NE NE WQAM Miami, FL FL WSAZ (1948) Huntington, WV COA 2 WSE (arrow through letters) Chevrolet-Buick Logansport, IN 22-p21 WSIX / Legion Post 51 Nashville, TN 25-TN WTOL / Radio Toledo, OH OH WTSP St. Petersburg, FL FL WTU / Electric Heating Abilene, TX TX-23 WUST / 1120 Washington, DC (5) COA 3 WVEC-TV Hampton, VA VA Wabash Life Insurance Indianapolis, IN Fankhauser Wagner Baking Co Kansas City, MO COA 3 Wagner Freight Lines Chattanooga, TN COA 2 Wahpeton National Bank Wahpeton, ND 8 Wakarusa Pharmacy Wakarusa, IN COA 2 Wakefield's / Grand Opening / October 1958 Anniston, AL COA 1 Eugene Wald / Optician Milwaukee, WI 21 Waldman's Music Center Chicago, IL (5) COA 3 Walker Street Service Stn / 185 Walker St. SW Atlanta, GA COA 1 Walkerville Brewing Co Windsor Ontario, Canada COA 3 65

Edw. E. Walldren/733 West Erie St. Chicago, IL COA2 Walnut Street Federal Savings Philadelphia, PA (5) COA 3 Walnut Motors / Hudson Kansas City, MO 28 Thos. J. Walsh & Co San Francisco, CA CA Walter’s Body & Fender New Orleans, LA LA Walton Motors / CA 5-7600 or DA 6-3000 Chicago IL (5) COA 3 Walton Motors / JU 3-3800 Skokie, IL (5) COA 3 Ware Trust Co. Ware, MA COA 2 Warehouse Discount / 1625 S.E. Hawthorne Portland, OR COA 2 Warehouse Furniture Market San Antonio, TX TX Warren Bros. / Brushes Chicago, IL COA 3 The Suburb Idea / Wasena Roanoke, VA COA 1 Washington Bld’g & Loan Ass’n Venice, CA CA George Washington S&L Assn. Chicago, IL COA 2 The Washington Shirt Co Chicago, IL 27 Washington Federal Savings Miami Beach, Fl (5) COA 3 Wassell Pittsburgh Co Pittsburgh, PA PA Water White Soap Denver, CO COA 2 Waterloo Drive In Akron, OH 26 Waterloo Savings Bank Waterloo, IA 12 Watkins Employment Service San Antonio, TX TX The Watson’s / Season’s Greetings Logansport, IN Fankhauser Waukegan Centennial Waukegan, IL (5) COA 3 Waukegan Veterans Cab Co. Waukegan, IL COA 3 Waukesha Title Co. Waukesha, WI COA 2 Waverly Co-Op / Banking Waverly, NY COA 3 Wayne Feeds Ft. Wayne, IN (5) COA 3 Wayne Fish Market Ft. Wayne, IN (5) COA 3 Wayne Furniture Victrolas – Edisons Detroit, MI COA 2 Wayne’s Bicycles / 12765 S. Western Blue Island, IL COA 2 Waynedale Pharmacy / 25th year Waynedale, IN Fankhauser Waynesville Security Bank Waynesville, MO(5) COA 3 Byron B. Webb / Pontiac St Louis, MO COA 3 Weber-Erickson-Bunting Co Pittsburgh, PA PA Sell WECO Products/ 1959 Melrose Park, IL (5) COA 3 Jake Wegman / The Arcade Winona, MN COA 1 Richard Wegryn Accordion & Piano Lackawanna, NY (5) COA 3 Wehner Roofing Dayton, Ohio COA 3 Nat Weisberg Jewelers Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 Weilbrenner’s / Service Station Baltimore, MD MD Mel Weinberger / Mr. Mogen David San Antonio, TX (5) COA 3 Ed Weingarten (1905 CP) Decatur IL COA 2 Weinstein & Zuller Jewelers NY, NY (5) COA 3 Weinstein’s Jewelers Nashville, TN COA 2 Weiss Bros Philadelphia, PA PA Weissman’s Philadelphia, PA PA Weitzenkorn Store Pottstown, PA COA 2 Hal Welch/ Lincoln Life Ogden, UT COA 3 Welfare Finance Cincinnati, OH (5) COA 2 Well Made Pillows / 261 5th Ave. NY, NY COA 2 C. Weller / Peekskill Peekskill, NY COA 2 Jay C. Wemple Co’s. NY, NY NY Theo Werner & Co. NY, NY COA 3 Werner Motor Co. Order # 1694 – NY? (5) COA 3 Westchester County S&L Ossining, NY NY Westchester High School Westchester, CA CA 66

West Elizabeth Lumber Co West Elizabeth, PA PA West Erie Plaza Erie, PA PA-23 West Highland S&L / 1434 W. 79th St. Chicago, IL COA 3 West Milton State Bank West Milton, PA COA 3 West Pico Furniture Los Angeles, CA (5) CA West Sacramento Cash Market W. Sacramento, CA CA West Side Drug Temple, TX TX West Windsor Coin Club W. Windsor, NY 23 –COA3 Western Maryland Dairy Baltimore, MD MD Western Meat Co. San Francisco, CA 21-22 Western Stamp & Stencil Omaha, NE NE Westinghouse Ranges Mansfield, OH (5) COA 3 Westinghouse / GOYA NY, NY (5) COA 3 Westwood Shrine Club / Stanley Black Los Angeles, CA 26 Whammy (WLW Radio) -10212 Cincinnati, OH (5) COA 3 Wheatland Coin Club Wheatland, PA Fankhauser Wheatman’s / 719 Prospect Cleveland, OH OH Where on Earth/ Are You Going any town/state Fankhauser Whistle / Vess Beverages St. Louis, MO 26 Whirlpool / Marion Div. Marion, OH COA 2 Whiteface Mtn., N.Y. / Souvenir Wilmington, NY NY White Bros. Jewelers / 624 Canal St New Orleans, LA COA 2 Charlie White Chevrolet Aberdeen, MD MD White City Jersey Farm White City, OK COA 2 Snow White Palace Chicago, IL 25 Appliances Los Angeles, CA 18 White Insurance Agency Los Angeles, CA CA White Line Dry Cleaners St Louis, MO MO White Line Laundry (1949) St Louis, MO (5) COA 3 White Line Laundry St Louis, MO 26 White Mts. / Souvenir Campton, NH COA 2 White Plains Roofing White Plain, NY (5) COA 3 White Way Pharmacy / Overton Park & Cleveland Memphis, TN COA 3 Harold White’s Bar / 15120 Wyoming Detroit, MI COA 3 White’s Tavern / 25th Anniv. Ft. Wayne, IN Fankhauser Kazimierz Wielki S & L Assoc. Philadelphia, PA COA 3 Hank Wiens / Join my Club Enid, OK OK John Wiggler / Delicatessen Queens, NY NY Wilbert Burial Vaults Broadview, IL (10) COA 2 Wild & Cochran Real Estate Dallas, TX TX Wildman’s Jewelers Rochester, NY (5) COA 3 Souvenir of Wildwood Wildwood, NJ COA 2 Wilkes-Barre Hardware-Stove Wilkes-Barre, PA PA Wilkinsburg Federal Savings Wilkinsburg, PA PA Williams Grove Park and Speedway Williams Grove, PA PA O.R. “Bill” Williams/Real Estate Peoria, IL (5) COA 3 Sid Williams Shoes Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 Williams Transfer Co Los Angeles, CA CA William Valley Bank Williamstown, PA 21 Art and Bert Wills// Ashville Inn Ashville, PA COA 3 Wilson’s Chapel / Eagle Grove Eagle Grove, IA 23-IA Wilson’s Leading Jewelry Syracuse, NY 25-NY Wil-Win Pharmacy / 1231 Wilson Chicago, IL COA 3 Wingding KDKA TV Pittsburgh, PA PA Winning Farm / Donated Winchester, MA (5) COA 3 Winsted Frontier Days Winsted, CT COA 3 67

Winterbottom & Co. / Oysters Cambridge, MD 21-22-23 WIS. Improvement Co Milwaukee, WI 23 Historical Soc Of Wisconsin Madison, WI (5) COA 3 Wisniewski’s Cigar Store Detroit, MI MI Wit’s Liquors Lawndale, CA 18 Witt’s Barber Shop Vallejo, CA CA Stanley Wleklinski / Mayor East Chicago, IN COA 2 Chester Wolfe / Mayor Middlesboro, KY 28 Wolfe Printing & Publishing Pittsburgh, PA (5) COA 3 Geo. J. Wolff Co. Aberdeen, WA COA 3 Wolfson’s Drive-Inn Walla Walla, WA COA 2 Wolfson’s / Good Clothes / 3121 Lincoln Chicago, IL 27 Wolfson’s / S.W. Washington Fair Chehalis, WA COA 2 Wolcott Centennial Wolcott, IN IN Wolpert Furniture Miami, FL (5) COA 3 Wonder Bread St Louis, MO MO Wonder Bread KC, MO 23 Woodall & Quarles, Inc., 7 E. Broad. Richmond, VA COA 3 Woodhouse Stationery Washington DC COA 2 Woodland / Yolo Tractor Co Woodland, CA 21 Woodlawn Credit Union Pawtucket, RI (5) COA 3 Woodmen of the World Omaha, NE NE Woodmen of the World / Pacific Denver, CO COA 2 Woods Brokerage Co. Rome, GA COA 2 Woodson-Fennewald Livestock Com. Co Nat’l Stockyards, IL COA 3 Woodside S&L Assoc Woodside, NY NY-23 Wooldridge Machinery Co Sunnyvale, CA 28 S.C Woolf’s Drug Store Garfield& Mich. Chicago, IL COA 3 Wooster-Ashland S&L Wooster/Ashland, OH 18 Wooster – Millersburg S&L Ohio 23 Worcester Federal Savings Worcester, MA 3 Worcester Salt Co NY, NY NY Workmen's Federal Savings and Loan Association Mount Airy, NC COA 1 Victor D. Wormser / Magazines Huntington, WV 23 Wren Acres Drive- In Palmdale, CA CA Denver M. Wright JR St. Louis, MO COA 3 Wright-Bachman / Lumber Indianapolis, IN 6 Wucker Furniture NY, NY COA 3 Wyatt-Evans / 5th Annual Dallas, TX (5) COA 3 Wyoming Hardware Dearborn, MI COA 2


Xenia Locker Storage Xenia, OH COA 2


Y / Souvenir / YMCA any town/ state Fankhauser YE Tavern Philadelphia, PA PA 68

Yeilding's Shoes St. Louis, MO (5) COA 3 Yellow Cab Co. / Call 5-4444 Topeka, Kansas (5) COA 3 Yellow Label Syrup Birmingham, AL 21-p27 Yellowstone Nat’l Park Jackson, WY COA 2 Yellowstone Permanent S&L/ Rexburg Rexburg, ID COA 3 The Yolo Theatre Woodland, CA CA Yonkers Savings and Loan 1888 1958 Yonkers, NY NY (3) H.R. Yoos Motors Kannapolis, NC COA 3 York Paint & Hardware York, PA PA-23 You cant’ sell em / see em NY, NY (5) COA 3 Young Israel of Pelham Parkway Bronx, NY COA 2 Youngstown Kitchens / by Mullins Salem, OH 18 The Youth Centre Baltimore, MD MD


Z.C.M.I. Salt Lake City, Utah COA 3 Zabriskie & L’Hommedieu Coal East Stroudsburg, PA PA-23 Zack’s Jewelers / 1274 Abbott Rd. Buffalo, NY (5) COA 3 Zeamer’s Café Columbia, PA (5) PA Zeidler Bros. Well Patchogue/Shoreham, NY COA 3 Zenith Loan Office, 2965 Woodward Detroit, MI (5) COA 3 Zermi’s Steak & Shake House Placerville, CA CA Zesto / Two Locations Muskegon, MI MI C. Zilka / Upholstery Philadelphia, PA COA 3 Zimmerman’s / 708 Lemay Lemay, MO COA 3 Zion Nat’l Park Cedar City, UT (5) COA 3 Zippo Lighter Bradford, PA PA-23 George Zipprian / Restaurant Baltimore, MD MD William Zoller Company Pittsburgh, PA COA 3 C.J. Zwoyer Maxatawney, PA PA-23


1st Capitol Finance Co Oklahoma City, OK OK 1st State Bank of Buckner Buckner, MO MO 1-2-3-Messenger Service Los Angeles, CA CA (?) 3 Little Tailors NY, NY COA 1 4-H Washington, DC COA 3 12th and Marion Elementary School Reading, PA COA 2 12th Street Pawners, Inc / 3445 W. Roosevelt Road Chicago, IL COA 2 14th Street Bank / 5th Ave. & 14th St. NY, NY COA 2 16th Street Garage / Wheeling Wheeling, WV COA 2 47th & Ashland/4645 So. Ashland Ave Chicago, IL COA 3 63rd & Blackstone/1557 East 63rd St. Chicago, IL COA 3 63rd & Stewart/ 356 W. 63rd St Chicago, IL COA 3 79th & Rhodes Currency Exchange Chicago, IL COA 3 475 Club NY? (5) COA 3 1952 Welfare Drive Huntington, WV (5) COA 3 69

1954 Welfare Drive Huntington, WV (5) COA 3 914 Larkin Street San Francisco, CA CA 999 Store / 800 N. Broadway St. Louis, MO MO

(1) - Information exists to suggest that while the principal operation of this business was at this location its headquarters or other portions of its operations may have exited elsewhere. (2) - Gold Bond Oil was refined by Seitz Oil Products (3) Wrongly attributed to Chatham MA in issue 28 (4) - Co-Loidal – AC / Quix is a product of the American Lacquer and Solvent Co. This co. also had a branch in Tampa, FL (5) Bryan Ryker has posted on line the receipts of the Osborne Coin Co. Where an encased has been ordered and sent to a specific location for distribution. This information is taken from there. This may not be the actual headquarters. (6) Listed as the Mirror Bright Polish Company in the D&B and that is where the order was shipped to. (7) Wrongly attributed to NYC in issue 8; cannot be found in any relevant NYC reference books, but instead, all materials point to Calif., where it is still located today; in 1940 headquarters were in San Jose, confirmed by an email from the company itself. (8) Franklin Gas was a product of Rackliffe Oil Co in New Britain, CT (9) Mission Bell Soap was a product of the Los Angeles Soap Company (10) Listed as the Wilbert A. Haase Company in directories. (11) Mrs. McCormick’s Beauty Cream is a product of the Behrens’s Drug Co of Waco (12) Ezera Storm is a brand name of the Paramount Bedding Corp. of Norfolk, VA

Try to get more info on;

Roy Schroder Insurance / Phone 3-4123 / 1929……Wichita, Kansas

Kern’s Bicycle Shop / 1101 W Broadway / 1946……..Laurelton, NY

Sterling 12 Star Paints & Varnish / 1951D……………Bentonville, Arkansas

Slosson & Co. / the druggist / 1901…………………….Coffeyville, Kansas

New Mavericks;

OH - In Case of Accident Call We. 9222// Policy No. / [incuse stamped no. Here it is 656]\\ KMANGB, 1930D, RD 70

OK-AC-1076-29 - ACE SALVAGE INC., / SCRAP MEDAL / VI-9-1809 TH 6-8167// 1957-D KMANGB/IBGL HS (I am copying and pasting these as they were sent, but suspect this should be scrap metal and not scrap medal)

Ackerly’s Best Wishes / Nov. / 1926 / Music Center’s / 2nd Birthday // 1926, hs

PA – Souvenir of Amoco Dealer Conference * 1953 * // It’s Good Luck To *Ask * Ask * Ask, 1953D, RD

KS – Clint C. Anderson // kmangb, 1948, RD ) ( Minneapolis, MN Anderson Chevrolet?)

MO – Go To Armstrong’s First / The Rexall Drug Store // kmangb, 1950, RD

Associated Grocers, Inc./ 1947-1972/ 25 Years of Quality and Service. 1972 Eisenhower Dollar

OH - Atlantic Greyhound Lines// [dot]\\ KMANGB, 1936, RD

TN - Atomburger / Steaks / 4015 W. Washington / Till (hole) 1 am // kmangb / ibgl, 1946

FL - 15 MIN AUTO WASH / Simonizing-Polishing / 6000 N. E. 2ND Ave // KMANGB/IB/GL, 1948, HS

B.B.B. Line / #B711 / Café Society // 1949, white plastic

OH – Bailey Cafeterias // kmaywhgl, 1958D, RD

WI- Compliments of Bainbridge Cafe, / A. E. Davies Prop. // kmaahm, 1909 IN, rd

CA- Bill Baran & Sons / 1212 N. Broad St. / Hudson [hole] Dealer // kmaywhgl, 1946, RD

PA - Bair Wholesale Co. Tel.28558 for Daggett Chocolate // kmangb/ ibgl, 1946, HS

LOUIS BARONE / FURNITURE SHOWROOM / OFF: MO. 9-6661 / RES: RA. 6-5976 // KMANGB/IB/GL /// HS 1948 cent

Becher’s / Tel. Adams 4866 // Wheat penny, HS

Belknap Mt. AR????? // // kmangb / ibgl, 1956D, RD

Good Administration / Is more than good luck / Bell for Treasurer // kmangb / ibgl, 1954D, HS

IL -- Bell Credit House, Clothes, 3055 Lincoln, 1917 Bell


Frances Bersch Interiors / UN. – 2 – 9842 / Drapery (hole) Stylists // kmangb / ibgl, 1947, RD

Betty’s Adventure Club / Betty Tyson / On Your Yankee Network Station / Saturday Mornings 9:45 – 10:15 // kmangb, 1945, rd

Birson's Liquor Sales // wh (Queens, NY)

Braun-Hunsacker // wh

Brooks – Matthews Realty / W.C. Wynne / 1960D 71

Bunny Taxi Service / Phone 9-3375 // kmaywhgl, 1945, rd

Cabco Insurance / Worth Every Penny // Avoid Accidents and Save Money // 1927, rd

Compliments of / The Calgary Saddlery Co. LTD. / Calgary/ kmangb, 1908, RD

Campus Juniors / Lucky Shoes // kmangb /ibgl, 1946,hs

MA – Still Going “Strong” / The Candy Man / For Over 50 Years / Est. [hole] 1904 // kmangb / ib / gl, 1955, HS

MA – “Still [hole] Going Strong “/ The Candy Man / For Over 40 Years / kmangb / ib / gl, 1946, HS

Central Radio, Dumont Television / Central Radio, Hotpoint Appliances // 1938, HS – green plastic

PA - Ceramic Data Book / Selling for you all year long // kmangb, 1959D, RD

TX – Good For One Loaf / Chatmas & Goldwater / kmangb, 1911, RD – Heavy Wear (TX)

TX - Bank of Cherry Valley / "The Friendly Bank" / FDIC / kmangb/ ibgl, 1965, HS

MN – Lois E. Chidsey / 32nd District / Your Best Bet For Secretary of State // 1953D (New Milford, CT)

MA – This Penny and Ninety Nine Cents/ Will open A Savings Account / At S.D. Childs Bank // Save Your Pennies and The Dollars Will Save Themselves / S.D. Childs Bank, 1904, RD

MA - City Realty Co. / Phone 4218 / Insurance Rents & Loans // kmaywhgl, 1920, RD

OH – * Colegrove Brothers * Meat and Groceries // kmangb, 1920, RD

(18) The One-Price / Columbia Sells it for less // kmangb, 1909, RD

MN – Con’s Ice Cream / Lunches // kmaywhgl, 1946, RD

Cosmopolitan Café / A Friendly Place For Friendly People // 1949, rd

Crawford’s Auto Supply Co. / Good For / $10.00 / On A New Oldsmobile // kmaywhgl, 1925, RD

Crombie’s / Hennepin at Fifth Minneapolis, MN

OK -CALL 525-2743-44 CROPS & R CALL 525-2743-44/CARRY OUT ORDERS// 1968-D KMAHGL/IB/GL HS

IL – Cutty Sark ** Scotch whisky, 1904 Morgan Dollar in a white plastic holder

Cyndy’s / Ice Cream Parlor / 1759 E 79th street / 1941, hs

D.J.H.FURNITURE / Your Credit / To Buy / 1344 FILLMORE // kmaywhgl, 1964, RD

MO -GEORGE N. DAUGHERTY/ ALDERMAN / ELECTION APR. 1, 1947 / 26TH WARD // kmangb/ ibgl, 1946, HS (St. Louis)

TN – R.C. (Bob) Davis / “The Osborne Man” // kmaywhgl, 1947, RD 72

W. A. “Jake” Davis / county Judge / 1956D


CA – DeMuth’s Crackerjack for boys and girls / DeMuth & Co / Fine Shoes /. State St. & Jackson Blvd // g l, 1902, RD (Chicago)

1901 piece: Wm. Dieringer// 447 W. McMicken Ave./ Good for One Drink. – Cincinnati, OH?



IL- Doumont - Schuessler / Business Brokers / F.W. Keefe / PLateau 3330 // kmaywhgl, 1940, RD

IA – Douglas Insurance / 806 Douglas / 423-6233 / “Honestly It’s The Best Policy” // kmaywhgl, 1977, RD

OK- Souvenir of / Bill Doyle CE 2 –2148 / Friday May 13 / Office [hole] Supplies / kmangb/ ib / gl, 1954D, HS

MA - Druggists & Barber's / Coke Dandruff Cure. / "Never Fails" // kmangb/ ib gl, 1901 – squat horseshoe – A.R. Bremer Co – Chicago - http://www.rubylane.com/ni/shops/dacker/iteml/coke-dx2fc-ci-2x2f99

Durland’s Livery / Phone 99 // kmaahm, 1906. RD – LaSalle, IL?

NY -Adam Durr / The Old Timer / Call / He Will Use You Right // kmangb, 1908, RD


Have More Cents / Vote For Walter F. Dziurgot, Alderman 26th Ward, Qualified-Dependable, 1938 Mirror

Economy Sheet Metal Company / Christmas 1923


H.W. Elkins / Bibb Building (KC, MO)

MN – Elm Street Place / Good For 5¢ // kmaahm, 1904, RD

Exchange Tavern/Package Liquor/Ph. Up. 4-9547/13 & Exchange Rev. KMANGB/IB/GL Horseshoe, 1953-D cent

F&W Inn / Food & Drinks With A Kick / 765 Milwaukee/ SEE (hole) 9848 // 1946, hs


Compliments of (hole) Ferndale / Modern Ice Cream Bar / First Anniversary // kmangb / ibgl, 1948, HS

Finance Inc. / Auto or Endorsed Loans / “Fone for a Loan” / 4-2755 / 2026 1st Ave. N. // kmangb / ibgl, 1930, HS 73

IA – Don’t Depend On Luck / Insure / Harold M. Finch / Rialto Building / Phone – [hole] 1022 // kmangb / ib / gl, 1947, HS

MI - Foot Balance Shoes // kmaywhgl, 1945, RD

FOX'S ICE CREAM / CANDIES & LUNCH // kmangb / ibgl, 1947, hs

TN – Freeman [hole] Brothers / Realtors / Real Estate Investments // kmangb / ib / gl, 1971, HS

Chris Fritschmann / lm


Encased 1945-P 1 Cent - Frank Gabriel, Beer Dist. - Phone 29284 / Victory, World Peace, V-E Day, May 8 - V-J Day, Sept. 2

NH -Geary, Simms & Geary / Pianos – Phonographs / * * / Kempton ST. / Near Purchase St. // kmaywhgl, 1920, RD

Smoke Gobbo Cigars / And / Never Be Broke // Good Luck /// Rd Alum, 1910 cent

KY-GO-1083-29 – Good Fortune Feed / The $ Maker, kmaywhgl, 1947,RD

AZ – Grant [hole] County / Farm Supply Co-Op / Your Own / Home Store // kmangb / ib / gl, 1947,HS

TX – Great Southern Life Insurance Co., Jerome Zoeller, PH. –F4126, 1947, HS note, the single letter followed by four digit phone nos. are generally from Texas

Guarantee// Auto Stores, 1957D. (compare to Guarantee Auto Supply identified to Indianapolis above)


OH - Fisherman's Inn / Green Mtn. Falls // kmangb, 1971D, RD

L.J. Goldsmith / Southern Bddg. Accs. / Lush Cotton Prods. // kmangb / ibgl, 1946, HS

?? – Determine To Rate In ’48 / 5000 / Greetings From / O.A. & Laina Greer // kmangb/ ib /gl, 1947D, HS (Kansas City)

The Signal / Frank Griffith // The Signal / 148 6th St., 1898, RD (Los Angeles or SF, CA)

Jim Hammond’s Garage / 17 So. Corona / Gen. Auto Repairing // 1946, r

H. A. LAl(hole) Hardware Co / Stoves, Paints & Oils / 1914

Hairmaster’s / ME-7-2605 / Joe Asbury // Lincoln Memorial Cent, RD

RI - DRINK! / HANLEY PREMIUM EXPORT BEER / IT'S GOOD // kmangb / ig / gl, 1953D, HS (Providence, RI)

IL – Don’t Trust To Luck / But Insure With / John O. Hansen / The Insurance Man / kmaywhgl, 1929,RD 74


Anniversary Sale/ Hattes Livestock// Marketing/ Sale Every Wednesday, 1950 H

TN – “Bill Harvey” Merits Your Vote / August 6th // “Bill Harvey” Thanks You / August 6th, 1946, HS

Hibbings Best Store// 1955, hs

PA – Hauger Suits (good luck symbols) Hauger Overcoats / Your Lucky Change / Chas. C. Hauger Co. / Famous Suit & Overcoat Values / Forty Associate Stores, 1926 encased celluloid mirror

Hebidiar Cigar Store / wh

OR – Hermann / The / Great / Direction / Thurnaer & Gorman // gl / km / ape, 1901,RD

FL – High Art / Custom Tailoring / gl / km / ape, 1901, RD

Home Store / Family Credit Clothiers / 211 Fifth Street // kmangb / ibgl, 1947, HS

GOOD LUCK ON YOUR SUGGESTIONS IN 68 / D. HUGHES MGR PLANT 3 // kmangb / ibgl, 1968, HS Hunter Baltimore Rye, A cent for luck // G. Berg, two blocks west of Lincoln Park / 807 Wells Street , 1901,RD (Chicago – Detroit)

OK - Drink Gettelmans $1000 Beer /At Hilgert's // kmangb/ ibgl, 1903, RD

IL – Sell “Homeowners” / T.J. Ingram General Agent // kmaywhgl, 1956D, RD

We Deliver / Hudson Brother’s Grill / Dial 82 – 1119 / 3513 Hull St. / kmangb, 1951, RD – Likely Richmond, VA, but this is listed as a confectionery in 1955?

PA - 1963-Dc, IUE Member 901 First in service and human relations

IUMSWA No. 81 / Federal Credit Union

FL - Jamaica Plains Diner / Wash. St. [hole] Jam. Plain // kmangb, 1947,RD (Boston, MA)


1963 Penny - Joe & Andy's Anco Service, 3698 S. Archer Ave., 847-9815 (Chicago)


Herb And John’s Service / 3303 West??????ER /??5- 9392 / 24 HR (hole) Service // kmangb / ibgl, 1948, HS

OH - Who Says We Don't Give Samples? / The Hermann Bank / [hole] \\ KMAYWHGL, 1970S, RD (MN)

Don't Go Astray - Take An I.T.O.A. / Independent Taxi Operators Association / Hancock 8700 // kmangb, 1927, RD 75

You Save More Than /Pennies If You / Purchase Here / Jones-Arcade -Stores // 1925 encased mirror

Johnson-Crow / PH. 8-6491 / Insurance / Real Estate // kmangb, 1946, rd

Johnson-Crow & Wadzeck / Ph 8-6491 / Real Estate – Insurance, 1946, rd

K.S.X.T. / 1960 / kmangb / ibgl, 1959, hs (5)

MN – Kendall Smoke House / Good For 5¢ // gwbasd, 1908, Chamberpot

Kieffer Jewelers / Diamonds – Watches – Jewelry / 18916 Michigan Ave / Phone ORegon 7704 // Kmangb / ibgl, 1940, HS

MA - Use Knox’s Bread It’s The Best / J.B. Knox Baker / Good For 2 Loaves / Phone 4853 // kmangb, 1909 (L) , RD

Lakewood Cycle Co. // kmangb / 1bgl, 1946, hs

(21) “Lee Lauerman” / Insurance / Fire-Auto – JE. 2233 // kmaywhgl, 1948, RD

John H. Leaver / General Life Insurance // kmangb, 1936, rd (Royal Oak, MI)

WI – Leon’s / Vending Service // kmangb, 1953D, RD (Madison, WI ?)

MA - Elect / Lilienfeld / Curcio / Kupperman // Gasko / And / Hester / Pd. By / McCann Jt. Mgr, 1973, plastic horseshoe

OR- More Heat - Less Soot - Les Carbon / With Ben Lillebo Stove & Furnace Oils / PH. (hole) 157 // kmangb/ ib / gl, 1948, HS (Longview, WA)


Pete Lodato Auto Service / 1802 3rd Ave. / 43-0722 // 1952D

CT – 50th Anniversary March 1960 / Lorraine Shoes // kmayw / ahgl, 1968D, RD – Kennedy Half Dollar

(25) Lory’s Cab Co. / Ph. ONT. 7878 // kmangb, 1931, RD


(25) Luxor Launderette / Izquierdo Y. Hermandez / 68 East 110th St / Tel. AT 9-9655 // kmangb / ib / gl, 1950D, H (NY, NY)

McCalls Service-Garage WA 2-9811 458 Laredo Hwy Mgr. Mack On the Tails side it say... Transmission Engine- Tune Up Brake // 1960D, plastic

CA - SPEND ME AT McClure’s // GOOD LUCK, 1903, RD

ID – Don McGavick for State Trustee / F.O.E. // kmangb/ ib/ gl, 1962D, HS (Tacoma, WA?)

CO – I Am A Lucky Salesman / With The Magazine Reader Service // kmangb / ib / gl, 1957D, HS

Geo. P. Maloney Motor Co, // wh 76

Maloney’s Sport Center / Complements Of / Larry & Tom // kmangb / ibgl , 1947, hs

1901 "Malvern's Clothiers" "Merit Wins" - "Kneeland" - off center round

(20) Sidney Mandl / 349-359 E Davidson St. / Good Clothing For Men and Boys // kmangb, 1902, RD (Chicago)

Marlyn's Restaurant, 118-120 E. Cermak Road, South Side's most beautiful Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge Air Conditioned Year Round, Home Baking, Phone Vic.0256 // 1937 mirror

FL - MARION MORTIMER TIM / Christmas / 1938 // KMAYWHGL, 1937, RD

Good Luck We Wish You / Good Service We Give You / Martin Motor Co. / ? G. Wordeman // kmaywhgl, 1929, RD


CO – Martin’s Furniture / 2736 So. 6th St. // 1957D, RD

1952D, RD,35mm, brass. Teen Age Dances/ 1943 [cent rev] 1953// Masonic Temple\\ Good Cheer Club/ 1936 [cent obv.] 1953// Lucky Penny.

FL – Melody Lane / John and Kay // kmangb / ibgl, 1950, HS

Merchants Investment Company / ?19 First National Bank Bldg. / Automobile, Financing / Refinancing and Loans // kmangb, 1935, RD

MERCHANTS INV. CO. / LOANS TO $1000 / FIRST NAT'L BANK BLDG // WW2 Victory Reverse, 1945, RD

NH – Mikels For / Congress // kmangb, 1953D, RD

WI - Millburn Store/1856-1956/Centennial // KMANGB Round 1955-D cent

NY – Miller’s Clothing Store, 242 Grand Ave., 1927 [eBay seller said came from a Brooklyn collection] [Miller’s Clothing not listed under Brooklyn in ’40 D & B]

MI-Compliments of / Miller & Harris / Furniture Co // kmangb / ib / gl, 1915, HS - says Belding, MI on 2x2

FL - HOTEL MILLIGAN BAR / Headquarters For / Johnston’s Candies // KMAYWHGL, 1929,RD (Miles City, Montana) or (Chicago)


Modjeska / Master Printers / Phone / 6974 // 1925,rd

CA- Barth Morrison’s / The Boy’s Store Complete / kmaywhgl, 1929

Murray For Sheriff / Use Your Cents / Vote / Murray For Sheriff // Same, 1949, HS (maybe IL?)

AL - The Mutual Store / Family Credit Clothiers / 1314 7th (hole) Avenue // kmangb / ib/ gl, 1946, HS

MT – Use NAPO / Soap Powders // kmangb, 1909, RD 77

PA - 1964-Dc, Invest in America Newport National Bank

OR - Nick's / For Strikes, Spares & Nips // kmangb, 1937,RD

KS – Oasis Liquor Store / 1816 2nd Ave H-0464 // kmaywhgl, 1947D, RD


FL – Brush Your Teeth Clean and Bright Your Orthodontist. 1959D

MO – P & E Taxi // 1947, RD (St Louis)

IA - "SI" PARKER / $ LOANS $ // kmaywhgl, 1947, rd

PETE'S BAR & GRILL / WA 9619 / 100 N. DIVISION / COCKTAIL LOUNGE / GOOD FOOD, kmaywhgl, 1946, hs

Plank Storage / Since 1932 / MA-3-0200 MI-3-9767 // Bi-Centennial 1975D, RD

The Playhouse / Mrs. Floyd F. Walton Owner / Dancing / Food Drinks // kmangb / ibgl, 1947, hs

Primos Auto Service // wh

IN – Loans To Farmers / and Livestock Men / Seven Years To Pay // Call or See Your PCA Office Today / Production / Credit Ass’n. 1961D, HS



PA – To Save a Nickel / Try The Quaker Girl / A 10¢ Cigar For 5¢ / S.R. Moss Maker // gl / kmap, 1901,RD

1909 Indian, H. Compliments of/ Reid's Fancy Bakery/ 55 Elm St. Westfield// Where You Get What You Want/ When You Want It

MN – The Old Reliable Drug Store / J.A. Poetz, prop. // 1901, RD

Remember The Yellow Flag // Congratulations – Accident Free Anniversary, 1960D, Quarter, RD

MA – Reznor (hole) Heaters / More Types More Sizes More Sales // Blank, 1958D Franklin Half, RD, Brass - Reznor Heaters are still being sold today, owned by Thomas & Betts Corp., now headquartered in Memphis. In business since 1888. Oil Fired heaters seem to be their no. 1 specialty. Just because they are in Memphis today doesn't mean they were there in 1958. I emailed the company a couple minutes ago, maybe they'll answer?

I have been to / Robbins & Browne / And Got Cleaned // 1907, CP

Rocket Premium Quality / Save With Rocket // 1940, Plastic Bubble Encased, HS

Rogers Auto Supply / For Your Needs / Call Phones 7-7811 & 7-2122 // Rd 35mm 1946 cent 78

Rubenstone’s / 1614 Susquehanna Ave. / Manufacturing / Jewelers & Opticians / Attention Given To Repair // kmangb / ibgl, 1912D – likely Philadelphia

Good Luck / Tom Ryan’s Bar / December 1954 // 1954D, RD

IL - Sampson & Collier / Electrotype Co. //Our Service & Quality / Save You Money, 1916,RD

CA - Ed Schalk / Chef [hole] de Chemin de Fer 1993 / "MR.ED” // kmangb / ib / gl, 1975D, HS

Schneller’s / Hardware


Serrano/ First/ Anniversary/ Tel. / 766-2313\\ Red/ Cross/ Shoes/ Tel./ 722-4741 // 1962D, Green Plastic


MA - SERViSOFT / Soft Water Service “ We Soften / The Water For You” // kmangb, 1950S

SVEA Ins. Co. // 1901, RD (Orion, IL)

Harry Seidel, Inc. Funeral Home /wh

Sherman's Clothes Sherman's Clothes\\ KMANGB/ IBGL, 1964D, H.

(26) H. Simon & Sons / Meat Market // kmangb, 1920, RD – (Portland)

B. J. Slowey & Son/You Just Can't Beat Fun/Laugh and/Grow Fat 1957-D cent, horseshoe

Tony Smith / For Sheriff // 1937, hs

MO – Insure In “Sure” Insurance / L.L. Snedeker / Phone 874 [hole] or 404 // kmangb, 1947,RD

IN – Bud Snyder’s / Auto Insurance / Payment Plan / FR. 2821 [hole] HI. 7551 // kmaywhgl, 1952D, RD


Sperling Service Station, S. Sperling, Prop. // date unknown, rd - Fargo, OK in 1955.Wonder what the real date of this is?

OK - SPOT CAB / PH. 5-4175 // 1945 KMANGB RD

Star Bonding Co. / 2006 8th Ave. N. / We Never Close / Phone 64 – 3315 // kmangb / ibgl, 1946, HS - Philadelphia


STATE LOAN CO. BROKERS / Room 407 1419 Broadway / LOANS / Personal Financing $10 to $50 // kmangb, 1935, RD

(20) Good for 75¢ on a new Hat / M. Stathas / Pine and Adam St. // kmangb, 1929, RD (Detroit, Green Bay)

NM - Don't Forget / Ralph L. Summeril // Good Luck / Never Broke, 1940S, RD, Brass

WA– Super Value Food Stores, Inc. / Come See / Come [hole] Save // kmangb / ib / gl, 1964, hs (Longview, Kelso, WA?)

OH – Sunshine Cleaners / Phone 4222 // kmangb / ibgl, 1950D,HS

Sig Schwartz, Toys & Novelties, 1930, VF+ (NY,NY)

Swedish Massage and Baths / Phone 411/ F. C. Davison / Over 108 E. Front St. // kmaywhgl, 1930, rd

Advertise and Make a Million / Elton B. Taylor / Ideas / At I – 7308 // kmaywhgl, 1957, RD

OK - T - Vue Matic Drive in Bank / Peoples Trust & Savings Bank // kmangb, 1963D, RD


// kmap, 1901, RD

NM – Thomas / Insurance / & Real Estate / kmangb/ ib / gl, 1967, HS (Lubbock, TX?)

Kwitchurbelyakin / Tinnell's / Fine Fine Foods // gwcs, 1949, cp



IN – Eat / Tobler’s Swiss Milk Chocolate, 1905, RD in bottle cap like encasement.

WOLPER'S EAGLE CLOTHING.....it measures 1 & 7/8" across. I'm fairly certain that Wolper's Dept Store was located in Chelsea, Massachusetts, 1901

MA – My Watch Was / Repaired At / 831 W. Madison St. / Turner Brothers, Jewelers / LPPP / IB / GL, 1903, RD

OH - The Union / Good Clothes For Good Girls // kmangb, 1947,RD (Chester, PA) – The Union Store

Union Store Family Credit Clothers, 117 So. Superior St. (1948S) unknown another series with different addresses note, Joel R told me he has information with the list of Union Store addresses, but he’s never shared it with me; these are horseshoe pieces with late 1940s dates Union Store, 117 W. Campbell Ave. (1936 RD) unknown eBay seller suggested in might be from Roanoke VA (but in Roanoke it is 117 Campbell Ave. SW). According to google maps, the biggest cities with 117 W. Campbell Ave. are Phoenix and Santa Clara (CA). 80

Happy Birthday / From / Aladdin of the Union // Rd 35mm 1946 cent

UNION BANK AND TRUST CO. / April 1974 / SOUTHWAY / BRANCH / OPENING // kmangb / ibgl, 1974, HS

24 Hour Service / Any Place Any Time / United Taxi / Dial 3-9421 // Good Luck, 1948S, RD

MA - United Woolen Mills Co. / Suits to Order $15.00 No More $15.00 No Less / Union Made / 121 Clark St. // 1904, RD (New Bedford, MA?)


MI - Day & Night Golf At / Valley Green Golf land / 18 Hole / Putt & Chip Course // kmangb / ib / gl, 1957D, HS

Victory / Credit Clothiers / 317 So. Stanton St. // 1951D, RD

Vogue Shoes/ 50th Anniversary/March 1969// kmaywahgl, 1969 Kennedy half dollar

PERCY B “BERNIE” VOYLES / YOUR AMERICAN LEGION FRIEND // kmangb/ ibgl, 1972, HS (Pocatello, ID)

Wakefield's / Grand Opening / October 1958 // kmangb, 1958, rd


The Waverly Liquor Co. / 17 SANFORD ST EMIL WUNSCH TREAS. // kmangb, 1909, RD

OR - Vote for Dr. Roger W. Werner / 1967 1968 / Dist. Governor / C – 4 – 6 // kmangb / ib / gl, 1967, HS

OH – West Highland Savings / And Loan Association / 1434 W. 79th St. / Corner [hole] Bishop // kmaywhgl, 1950D, RD (Chicago, IL)

You're Always/ Lucky at/ Wickell's/ Tavern/ Millstadt 6-7071, 1946, hs

I.S. (Red) Wilson / Used Cars / Honestly Sold // kmangb, 1948, hs

Wizard Appliance / Silver Anniversary / 25 Years, 1972 Encased quarter in Lucite.

Wolff’s Pharmacy / 601 E. Woodlawn / 1929

OK-WO-1089-29- Edward V. Wood Ins. Service / Life A&H / C-7172 / Hosp. Ins. / Auto / & Fire // kmangb / ib / gl, 1948D, HS


MT – Yellow Cab / The Thinking Fellow Calls a Yellow / PH. 4626 – 2040 // kmangb / ib / gl, 1948, HS

KS – Yellow Cab – Call 7711 / A Thinking Fellow / Calls A Yellow // kmangb / ibgl, 1949, HS 81

Front 1959d, (Quarter) Brass 38mm – Remember the Yellow Flag. Back – Congratulations/Accident Free Anniversary

1908, H: Compliments of/ Yorktown// Music Co.

WI – Charge / The Wearer / Of / Young’s Hats // ib/ gl / kmangb, 1901, WB

Additional Lawniczak finds in plum: Need More Money Ask Us Norfolk Loan Society Inc. 1946 City Savings and Loan Association, 40 Years of Service, 1947 cent Dubuque Fire & Marine Ins. Co., organized 1883 (1901 cent) Reid’s Fancy Bakery, 55 Elm St. Westfield (1909 Indian), 55 Elm is in Westfield MA, NJ and NY; no Reid’s in any of them in 1940 D & B and not in Westfield NY in 1914 Dun directory. Waverly Liquor Co., Emil Wunsch, Treas., 17 Stanford St. (1909 Lincoln cent) St. Philomena Credit Union Since 1953 – plenty of attributions to Detroit (where there is a St. Philomena Catholic Church – but not listed under credit unions in my 1955 Detroit yellow pages and should have been if there as per the piece – plenty of other St. Philomena churches in the country that are possible)

603-1958-Aarow Rentals & Sales / WA 8-7843 / Sickroom Equipment / Party Supplies – Likely Akron, OH 979-1948- Abbott Lighting Co / FA 3722 605-1946-Aero Oil / quality you expect (New Oxford, PA) http://www.aeroenergy.com/history.htm 343-1930-Aero Gas Station / g/f 1 quart Monogram Oil (Has to be PA, same web site as above) 963-1962- L.J. “Tiny Allen / Good Luck 1010-1909-W.D. Almendinger / 863 Jefferson St.-Chicago? 649-1926-Ambassador Dress Shop 112-1901- Anderson Bros / If we please you tell others (I think this is likely from the Anderson Bros cigar co in WI. This is sometimes referred to as A.B. in advertising or from an Anderson Bros Millinery in Chicago I’m trying to find something with this slogan on it. 1011-1967- Shelly Andrews Co / 761-6450 608-1946-Let Armored Transport Inc, / Be The One Cent With Your Bank Deposit (LA, CA?) 959-1958 – Jim Armstrong / Nut Man 139-1949-Geo. W. Atwood / Candidate for Treasurer 087-1901-Baldwin’s Standard Dried Beef / Not Smoked I saw a maverick token for this company and it adds the information est. 1852 414-1978- Ben Beard / State Representative / Honest Ben http://www.fasthealth.com/corporate/emps/beard.php 472-1946-Bennie’s Bar / 1156 S 9th St / Roast Chicken – Crab 611-1922-Bergland Bros. / 110 Washington St. / North Shore Tailors 617-1946-Bird’s Bakery 416-1946-Blair Taxi Co / Phone 693 (WI, OK, or NE if named after city) Some possibility of Boston, MA. Bob Moffat had a token from Blair Foodland / Taxi on one of his mail bids. 628-1906-Bunnel Transfer & Storage / 428 Central Ave. 654-1977-Bush, Everett / Watch our Dollars / Save Our Pennies 069-1930-Capital Securities Co / 410 Nash BLDG./ 6-6482 168-1887-J.B. Carnell / A Buck for Luck 059-351-1945-Herman A. Carter Finance Co For / Auto Loans 419-1967-Castle Drive Thru / Super Burgers / Taco’s – Hot Dogs - Malts 221-1956-Central Bank / 10th Anniversary / 1946-1956 – This may also be Jefferson City, MO 82

634-1947-Central Park Currency Exchange / Checks Cashed – Money Orders 164-1957-Central Valley Nat’l Bank / since 1892 (Central Valley, NY – AZ – This is a conflicting identification. It is also in the CA catalog. 564-1951-Certified Finance Loans 421-1904-Collins and Koch Star Café / g/f 5¢ in trade 240-1948-Colonial Loans / Colonial Finance Co (Augusta, GA) Needs more research - http://www.downtownaugusta.com/colonialfinance/colonialfinance.htm m-56-28-1975- Community Bank / Bank with the leader 641-1950-Continent Wine & Liquor Co / 7 Stores 1027-1957- Contourella Salon / KE-6-6704 / Paletown Road – Quakertown, PA? 146-1976-Crawford – Phillips / Truck Insurance / 405-236-4677 – This is listed in OK City, OK 479-1901-Cross Lumber / Cheaper than ever 465-1925-The New Crystal Confectionary / J. Andriolo / 2703 North Ave – possible San Angelo, TX 1020-1925 – Day-Bell S&L / 977-1946-Deluxe Cab Co / Phone 115 061-1946-Derry Taxi Co / Phone 6291 (PA?) 317-660-1932-Diefendorf Agency / Selling Ideas (White Plains, NY?) 661-1944-Dixie Bread / Truly the Best 174-1901-G.S. Dolloff & Co / Clothiers and Furnishers 662-1938-Don’s Bar / 26 E. Lake St (This is likely Chicago. I can find a Don’s liquor and tap. Can anyone verify it was at this address?) 192-1925-Dance with Dowling K of C / Midway Gardens / Feb. 12, 1926 (Chicago? –There is a Midway Garden in Chicago. There are also Dowling TX, SD, OH, and MI. 319-1945- Duby’s / King of Drapes 117-1948-Duke Cleaners / 10 Tokens worth $1.00 in trade (Alexandria, VA – Gallipolis, Ohio) http://alexandriava.areaguides.net/coupons.html?ct=106 http://www.galliacounty.org/community/contract_services.html 986-1957- Dysart Dental Laboratories- Some thoughts of this being from TX 358-1947-Eddy’s Bread / Goodness Yes (Helena, Montana – I Think) http://www.greatfallstribune.com/news/stories/20010427/obituaries/515379.html 669-1946-Essential Savings & Loan / 1926-1946 20 Years of Service 671-1945-Falling Waters / Dining Room for Sportsmen / 3916 Broadway (I saw one of these on ebay that the seller thought was from Chicago - Item # 1267428352) 1006 –1946-Family Credit Store / 904 Market St 426-1947-The Federal Life Insurance Co / E. Washington Branch / 4547 Deane Ave (Boston, MA-CT) 847-1981-Leo B. Fonarow / 699-1591 / Execusystems / Realtors – Detroit? 072-1970-Fort Courage / Annual Family Picnic (Spring Branch, TX?) http://www.gocampingamerica.com/fortcourage/ 682-1964-Gallager / Treasurer / Democrat Ticket – This is a typo and should be Gallagher 512-1946-Gambill for Mayor / Honest / Reliable 573-1972-General Window Repair / 3755 Bird Road – 448-0890 (This is likely Miami, the address and phone prefix match there) – Coral Gables 151-1961- Gentleman Jim / Wishes you the best 287-1904-Gertz’s Tailor Shop / g/f 5¢ on every dollar ? -1945- Globe Loan Co / Victory Reverse – This is listed from Tulsa, OK – There is one of these in the current Hartzog auction identified to Centerville, IA? 831-1901-Golden Crown Cigars / Best & Russell Co / J.W. Walters Rep (On ebay I found a 1913 ad with Lovera Cigars from Best & Russell Co of Chicago. They must have been a distributor of tobacco products. There was no mention of J.W. Walters – maybe a salesman? A lot of these cigars are Cuban and the distributors in America must have issued the encased) 1029-1962-First Federal S&L / Grand Forks – South Dakota -1907-Greensboro Commercial and Savings Bank 1022-1947 – J.J. Gross / Law Exchange Bldg. / 5-1826 9-1712 – Likely Jacksonville, FL 497-1902- Vote for George H. Hardner / County Treasurer – Allentown, PA 1050-1955- Harry’s Lounge / 2609 Fourth N.W. 964-1961 – Hevezi’s / Season’s Greetings 83

290-1951-Hilts for mayor 122-1924-Clarence E. Hyde / something to remember me by 503-1949-Ideal Plumbing & Heating Co. / Yonkers 3-7420 (I can find an exact named company in both Chicago and St. Louis. Would need to verify phone # . Yonkers, NY also seems likely) 250-368-1953-Jefferson Bank / Member F.D.I.C – There is a Jefferson Bank in the PA listings 579-1935-J. Talmadge Jenkins / For Sheriff (Many references to Georgia) http://www.augustachronicle.com/stories/020998/obi_038-8610.002.shtml 854-1913-Kelsey’s Café 711-1906-For Hardware / J.B. Kernagham 095-1902-C. Kopeke, 103 E. State St. / g/f 10¢ in trade 1009-1908- F.A. Langan / Tailoring Co / 2020 E. Grand Ave. 718-1906- The Larranaga Cigar / The Best To Smoke 186-1954-Launderers-White Line-Day Cleaners / Save 20% / Cash-Carry 332-1945-Laurence & Florence / The Circle / “Just a little different” 371-1948-Lea Service Co / 804 Lee BLDG – 1003 Main 988-1946-Freda Marlowe Le Grand / Alderman 3rd Ward 721-1905-Simon Lewis / Quail Rye 002- 1923 – London Corset Co / 97 Essex St – likely MA 1015- 1910 – Edward Long / City Restaurant 1054-1961- Lucky Coin Shop / 2924 Central Ave. S.E. 374-1969-Re-Elect Lyons / Circuit Court Clerk 194-1910-M & M Collateral Co / For More Money / Local Agent 732-1902- The Mammoth Store / Big Money Saver / Waterville 586-1964-Merit Transport Co / Sample #AM88 / DE-1-6972 – CA is possible 740-1901-John Meyer / Good for 5¢ Drink 585-1904-McWade’s Miller House / 9.99 suits and Overcoats 099-1948-Milstein for Oldsmobile / DI-2107 /???? 193-1944- Mirro Joe - NY 741-? - Mission Bell Soap 380-1946-Morton Bros / Dodge Plymouth 1003 - 1946 – Moskin’s / 143 South Main St. 1004 - 1946 – Moskin’s / 129 East 6th St 440-1979-John C. Moyer / County Commissioner m-20-28-1938 – Nabor Druggist 144-1920-Neil – Burgess / and / Get to smoking / 5¢ cigars / W & Newark, NJ manufacturer 591-1946-Eddie Nelson Inc / Dodge-Plymouth – Chicago or Los Angeles? 754-1937-Good Eats at Vernon Nootnagel-I think this should be Nothnagel, if so this may be Livingston Co, MO - http://www.greenhills.net/~fwoods/pages/yearstor.htm 592-1946-Norton Home & Auto Supply / Goodyear, General Electric 489-1901-Old Elm Restaurant / Julius Fellner, Restaurant / Wine Vault 859-1922-Overland Hallar Corp / Preston 5710 / Overland or Willys Knight 760-1954-Tommy Padgett / 10:00 A.M. – 10:00 P.M. 761-1947-Frank Perry / Men’s & Boy’s Shoes / 308 W. Market – This may be Frank Petty instead of Frank Perry. Pottstown, PA 899-1948-Roby’s Stag Restaurant / 222 Walnut S. E. / Best in Sports (Address only matches Minneapolis, MN – Sleepy Eye, MN – Canal Fulton, OH) 392-1947-Jessica Rogers / The “IN” Girl 774-1921-Honoring Lewis S. Rosenstiel / May 12, 1958 / Avery Barnet’ Hode’s (Brandeis University) http://www.rose.brandeis.edu/Center/rose_award.html. Jim L adds that Jacob Avery and Barnet Hodes had a law firm in Chicago and suspects that this was given at a testimonial dinner for Mr. Rosenstiel. 534-1946-Ross’s Consumer-Employee-Employer / Profit Sharing Plan 535-1947-Al Rothschild / Representative / Men Prefer Swank I can find a Rothschild Distributing Co listed in Chicago. It indicates this was a men’s clothing business. Is this the same?) 1040-1968- Russ Cal Tap/ 2752 West 63rd / PR 8-9567 – Denver? 84

782-1946-St Johns Cleaners & Dryers / 8738 N. Jersey St (I can find this listed in KC, MO. Would need to verify it was at this address – I think this is more likely Portland, OR 1061-1922- Santa Fe Depot Lunch Room (North Entrance) / Mr. & Mrs. E.M. McInteer [most likely San Diego where the Lunch Room was at the North Entrance of the Santa Fe depot, but there was a Santa Fe depot in many towns] 787-1937-George Schaefer / Southside Tavern 453-788-1920-Schwartz Bros Furniture / Big Store - Little Price 789-1929-Schwartz Shoe Co / Expert / Shoe Fitters *951-1970 – The Security Bank / Free Sample 961-1962 Everett W. Smith / Commissioner / Northern District. 078-1946- Snowball’s Tavern / Beverages – Food / 24 Grant St. 751-1938-The Star / Sid Danbury Manager 547-1909-Star Clothing House / g/f 50¢ - There is information on at least 5 Star clothing houses on the net. All have the same name and early 1900’s. This will be a guess. 817-1940-Stein’s Lucky Penny Clothiers (Lawton, OK – OK) 452-1935-Guy Stewart –Assoc / VI 5501 / 607 Land Bank Bldg / - Bill Waken thinks KC, MO – Phone prefix matches Chicago also. A 1947 encased has the phone # VI - 2100 395-1972- Re-elect Paul Stone / State Representative 872-1945- H.F. Sutter / MDSE B 987-1951 – Texas Rangers (TV Show) 701-1963-Thayer Homes / 4090 N. Dart Road – (This address is only valid in Meadowlands, MN) 875-1909-M.P. Thielen / Grain Dealer (Dorrance, KS) 863-1960-Union Bank & Trust Co / 1930 – 1960 (LA, CA – CA) 882-1936-Union Store / 106 W. Main St (Wichita, KS – KS) 402-??? -United Cleaners and Dryers / United Hat Works / Phone 1741 / 908½ Walnut (This is listed in KC, MO was it at this address?) 829-1950-Value Cleaners / 279 5th Ave 885-1949-Vernon Building Supply Co 456-1946-Veteran’s Cab Co / Phone 706 (Latrobe, PA and Hammond, IN are possible) http://puc.paonline.com/pm_agendas/2001/TNS/tns011101.htm 216-1937-Wardrobe-Phone- Cleaners (Kennett, MO) http://www.bootheel.com/counties/dunklino.html 704-1946-Insured Savings Association of Westchester County (NY is likely) 457-1948-Westchester Typographical Union / No 828 (IL, FL, or NY) 907-1946-Western Foreman’s Club / Compliments of *956-1955 – A Widow’s Mite / Keep hand to heaven on TV / note, this is Osborne order no. 4629, ordered by and delivered to Capitol Souvenir Company in Washington DC; it would seem likely it was going to be distributed or used in D.C., perhaps as part of a campaign, even if the TV show was produced elsewhere. 15,000 pieces were ordered and it is unlikely someone would have had them all sent to one place if there were going to be used elsewhere, unless they were going to be used around the country and the souvenir company was going to repackage them] 407-1947-Al Williams / Good Luck – This is possibly Topeka, KS or NYC 985-1967- Worcel Monteray Mobile Home Center *958-1929 – Wulf’s Cafeteria / 319 S. Market Street 1949 – C. Zapp & Son and never get stuck //