Painting of the 19Th Century in Germany, Holland, Scandinavia
ISO D THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES MASTER M. WILLIAM WRinHT. BY PRINCE PIERRE TROUBETSKOY. ^K ^ Architecture and ^Decoration, fc^ fcj fej fc2 fcj IN THEIR. HISTORY- 'DEVELOPMEHTo^ PRINCIPLES EDITOR,* IN CHIEF EDMUND BUCKLEY, A.M., Pli.D,liniwnrityofCKica9o CONSULTI/fC EDITOFLS J. M .HOPPIN.D.D., Yak University ALFRED V. CHURCHILL ,A.M., Columbia Univerrity fUI/y niusiraivd NATIONAL ART SOCIETY Chicago Art Library Copyright, 1907, bj W. E. ERNST. By couite^y of the lu'tim J*hoto, Co. SYMPOSIUM OF IM,ATO. FKIKRBAL'H. (SEK LESSUN 12.) Painting of the Nineteenth Century in Germany, Holland, Scandinavia and Russia. ROBERT KOEHLER, DIRECTOR OK TIIK MINNEAPOLIS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS. INTRODUCTION. CLASSICISM, (i) bygone periods, and still persist in admir- ing works that utterlj' fail to meet the Within the limited space allowed, it is requirements of an honest, unbiased and not possible to give a complete history enlightened criticism. It is neither an easy of the art cf painting in the nineteenth nor an altogether pleasant task to shatter century in the countries named. But an popular idols; but the historian cannot be effort is made to bring before the student a guided in his estimate of an artist's merits clear picture of the changing conditions out by his popularity, or the esteem in which of which the art dominating certain periods he may have been held during his lifetime. has grown ; and also to explain the nature It has been said, that an artist's real merit of the gradual development, which, rooting can only
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