Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on (IJCAI 2015)

Anytime Inference in Probabilistic Programs with TP -Compilation

Jonas Vlasselaer, Guy Van den Broeck, Angelika Kimmig, Wannes Meert, Luc De Raedt Department of Computer Science KU Leuven, Belgium fi[email protected]

Abstract also been addressed using lazy clause generation [Aziz et al., 2015], but only for exact inference. Existing techniques for inference in probabilistic The key contribution of this paper is -compilation, a logic programs are sequential: they first compute TP novel inference technique for probabilistic definite clause the relevant propositional formula for the query of programs that interleaves construction and compilation of the interest, then compile it into a tractable target rep- propositional formula for WMC (steps (1) and (2)). Our sec- resentation and finally, perform weighted model ond contribution, and formal basis of -compilation, is the counting on the resulting representation. We pro- TP Tc operator that generalizes the T operator from logic pose T -compilation, a new inference technique P P P programming [Van Emden and Kowalski, 1976] to explicitly based on forward reasoning. T -compilation pro- P construct the formula. At any point, the WMC of the current ceeds incrementally in that it interleaves the knowl- formula provides a lower bound on the true , and edge compilation step for weighted model counting we thus realize an anytime algorithm. with forward reasoning on the logic program. This leads to a novel anytime algorithm that provides As in the purely logical setting, forward reasoning with the hard bounds on the inferred . Fur- TcP operator allows one to answer multiple queries in par- allel, which is not supported by earlier anytime PLP algo- thermore, an empirical evaluation shows that TP - compilation effectively handles larger instances of rithms based on backward reasoning [Poole, 1993; De Raedt complex real-world problems than current sequen- et al., 2007]. Furthermore, forward reasoning naturally han- tial approaches, both for exact and for anytime ap- dles cyclic dependencies. This avoids the need for additional proximate inference. propositions for breaking cycles and simplifies the compila- tion step. Finally, our approach is amenable to online infer- ence. That is, when clauses are added to or deleted from the 1 Introduction program, TP -compilation can update the already compiled Research on combining probability and logic for use with re- formulas, which can cause significant savings compared to lational data has contributed many probabilistic logic pro- restarting inference from scratch. While forward reasoning gramming (PLP) languages and systems such as PRISM is common in sampling-based inference approaches in prob- [Sato, 1995], ICL [Poole, 2008], PITA [Riguzzi and Swift, abilistic programming, e.g., [Milch et al., 2005; Goodman et 2011] and ProbLog [De Raedt et al., 2007; Fierens et al., al., 2008; Gutmann et al., 2011], these do not provide guaran- 2013]. Inference algorithms for PLP often rely on a three teed lower or upper bounds on the probability of the queries. step procedure: (1) transform the dependency structure of We obtain an efficient realization of the TcP opera- the logic program and the queries into a propositional for- tor by representing formulas as Sentential Decision Dia- mula, (2) compile this formula into a tractable target repre- grams (SDD) [Darwiche, 2011], which efficiently support sentation, and (3) compute the weighted model count (WMC) incremental formula construction and WMC. While our ap- [Chavira and Darwiche, 2008] of the compiled formula. Step proach can easily be extended to handle stratified negation, (1) is shared by exact inference [Fierens et al., 2013] and ap- for ease of presentation we focus on definite clause pro- proximation techniques based on compiling selected subfor- grams which cover real-world applications such as biolog- mulas or sampling [Renkens et al., 2014; Poon and Domin- ical and social networks and web-page classification tasks. gos, 2006]. It is well-known that this step is computation- An empirical evaluation in these domains demonstrates that ally expensive or even prohibitive for highly cyclic logic pro- TP -compilation outperforms state-of-the-art sequential ap- grams, as additional propositions are needed to break every proaches on these problems with respect to time, space and cycle [Fierens et al., 2013]. This limits the applicability of the quality of results. sequential approach in real-world domains with cyclic depen- The paper is organized as follows. We review the necessary dencies, such as gene interaction networks, social networks background in Section 2. Section 3 and 4 formally introduce and the web. The most common solution is to use an approx- the TcP operator and corresponding algorithms. We discuss imate (simplified) logic program. Recently, the problem has experimental results in Section 5 and conclude in Section 6.

1852 2 Background On our example, this results in: We review the basics of (probabilistic) . I 0 = ∅ 2.1 Logical Inference ∆I 1 = {e(b, a), e(b, c), e(a, c), e(c, a)} A definite clause program, or logic program for short, is ∆I 2 = {p(b, a), p(b, c), p(a, c), p(c, a)} a finite set of definite clauses, also called rules. A defi- ∆I 3 = {p(a, a), p(c, c)} nite clause is a universally quantified expression of the form ∆I 4 = ∅ h :− b1, ..., bn where h and the bi are atoms and the comma denotes conjunction. The atom h is called the head of the ∞ S i TP (∅) = i ∆I is the least Herbrand model as given above. clause and b1, ..., bn the body.A fact is a clause that has true as its body and is written more compactly as h. If an 2.2 Probabilistic-Logical Inference expression does not contain variables it is ground. Most probabilistic logic programming languages (e.g. ICL, A Let be the set of all ground atoms that can be constructed PRISM, ProbLog) are based on Sato’s distribution seman- from the constants, functors and predicates in a logic pro- tics [Sato, 1995]. In this paper, we use ProbLog as it is the P Herbrand interpretation P gram .A of is a as- simplest of these languages. ∈ A signment to all a , and is often written as the subset of A ProbLog program P consists of a set R of rules and a set true atoms (with all others being false), or as a conjunc- F of probabilistic facts; an example is given in Figure 1. As tion of atoms. A Herbrand interpretation satisfying all rules common, we assume that no probabilistic fact unifies with a P Herbrand model in the program is a . The model-theoretic rule head. A ProbLog program specifies a probability distri- least Her- semantics of a logic program is given by its unique bution over its Herbrand interpretations, also called possible brand model, that is, the set of all ground atoms ∈ A that a worlds. Every grounding fθ of a probabilistic fact p :: f in- are entailed by the logic program, written P | . = a dependently takes value true (with probability p) or false As running example we use a logic program that models a (with probability 1 − p). For ease of notation, we assume that graph (see Figure 1). The facts represent the edges between F is ground. two nodes in the graph (we ignore the probabilities at this A total choice C ⊆ F assigns a truth value to every moment) and the rules define whether there is a path between (ground) probabilistic fact, and the corresponding logic pro- two nodes. Abbreviating predicate names by initials, the least gram C ∪ R has a unique least Herbrand model; the proba- Herbrand model is given by { e(b, a), e(b, c), e(a, c), e(c, a), bility of this model is that of C. Interpretations that do not } p(b, a), p(b, c), p(a, c), p(c, a), p(a, a), p(c, c) . correspond to any total choice have probability zero. The probability of a query q is then the sum over all total choices whose program entails q: 0.4 :: edge(b, a). 0.5 :: edge(b, c). a b X Y Y 0.8 :: edge(a, c). 0.7 :: edge(c, a). Pr(q) := pi · (1 − pi) . (1) path(X,Y ):- edge(X,Y ). C⊆F:C∪R|=q f ∈C f ∈F\C c i i path(X,Y ):- edge(X,Z), path(Z,Y ). As enumerating all total choices entailing the query is infea- sible, state-of-the-art ProbLog inference [Fierens et al., 2013] Figure 1: A (probabilistic) logic program modeling a graph. reduces the problem to that of weighted model counting. For a formula λ over propositional variables V and a weight func- The task of logical inference is to determine whether a pro- tion w(·) assigning a real number to every literal for an atom gram P entails a given atom, called query. The two most in V , the weighted model count is defined as common approaches to inference are backward reasoning X Y Y or SLD-resolution, which starts from the query and reasons WMC(λ) := w(a) · w(¬a) . (2) back towards the facts [Nilsson and Maluszynski, 1995], and I⊆V :I|=λ a∈I a∈V \I forward reasoning, which starts from the facts and derives new knowledge using the immediate consequence operator The reduction sets w(fi) = pi and w(¬fi) = 1 − pi for TP [Van Emden and Kowalski, 1976]. probabilistic facts pi :: fi, and w(a) = w(¬a) = 1 else. For a query q, it constructs a formula λ0 such that for every total Let P be a ground logic pro- Definition 1 (TP operator) choice C ⊆ F, C ∪ {λ0} |= q ↔ C ∪ R |= q. While λ0 may gram. For a Herbrand interpretation I , the TP operator re- use variables besides the probabilistic facts, their values have turns to be uniquely defined for each total choice. We briefly discuss the key steps of the sequential WMC- TP (I ) = {h | h :- b1,..., bn ∈ P and {b1,..., bn} ⊆ I } based approach, and refer to Fierens et al. [2013] for full de- The least fixpoint of this operator is the least Herbrand model tails. First, the relevant ground program, i.e., all and only k of P. Let TP (∅) denote the result of k consecutive calls of those ground clauses that contribute to some derivation of i i−1 the TP operator, ∆I be the difference between TP (∅) and a query, is obtained using backward reasoning. Next, the i ∞ ground program is converted into a propositional formula in TP (∅), and TP (∅) the least fixpoint interpretation of TP . The least fixpoint can be efficiently computed using a semi- Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF), which is finally passed to naive evaluation algorithm [Nilsson and Maluszynski, 1995]. an off-the-shelf solver for weighted model counting.

1853 The resources needed for the conversion step, as well as the tion implicitly contains a tuple (true, >), and, just as in reg- 1 size of the resulting CNF, greatly increase with the number ular interpretations, we do not list atoms with λa ≡ ⊥. of cycles in the ground program, as additional variables and clauses are introduced to capture the least Herbrand seman- Definition 3 (TcP operator) Let P be a ground probabilis- tics of every cycle. For example, the conversion algorithm tic logic program with probabilistic facts F and atoms A. Let implemented in ProbLog returns, for the complete grounding I be a parameterized interpretation with pairs (a, λa). Then, 0 of a fully connected graph with only 10 nodes, a CNF with the TcP operator is TcP (I) = {(a, λa) | a ∈ A} where 26995 variables and 109899 clauses. ( For exact inference, it is common to compile the CNF into 0 a if a ∈ F a target representation for which WMC is polynomial in the λa = W (a :- b ,...,b )∈P (λb1 ∧ · · · ∧ λbn ) if a ∈ A \ F. size of the representation. Anytime (approximate) inference 1 n constructs the full CNF first, and then incrementally compiles Intuitively, where the T operator (repeatedly) adds an atom [ ] P a set of chosen subformulas Renkens et al., 2014 . a to the interpretation whenever the body of a rule defining a is true, the TcP operator adds to the formula for a the de- 3 The TcP Operator scription of the total choices for which the rule body is true. In contrast to the TP operator, where a syntactic check suf- We develop the formal basis of our approach that interleaves fices to detect that the fixpoint is reached, the TcP operator formula construction and compilation by means of forward requires a semantic fixpoint check for each formula λa (which i i−1 reasoning. The main advantages are that (a) the conversion to we write as I ≡ TcP (I )). propositional logic happens during rather than after reasoning within the least Herbrand semantics, avoiding the expensive Definition 4 (Fixpoint of TcP ) A parameterized interpreta- introduction of additional variables and propositions, and (b) tion I is a fixpoint of the TcP operator if and only if for all 0 0 at any time in the process, the current formulas provide hard a ∈ A, λa ≡ λa, where λa and λa are the formulas for a in bounds on the probabilities. I and TcP (I), respectively. Although forward reasoning naturally considers all conse- quences of a program, using the relevant ground program al- It is easy to verify that for F = ∅, i.e., a ground logic pro- lows us to restrict the approach to the queries of interest. As gram P, the iterative execution of the TcP operator directly common in probabilistic logic programming, we assume the mirrors that of the TP operator, representing atoms as (a, >). i finite support condition, i.e., the queries depend on a finite We use λa to denote the formula associated with atom a number of ground probabilistic facts. after i iterations of TcP starting from ∅. How to efficiently We use forward reasoning to build a formula λa for every represent the formulas λa is discussed in Section 4. 1 atom a ∈ A such that λa exactly describes the total choices In our example, the first application of TcP sets λe(x,y) = C ⊆ F for which C ∪ R |= a. Such λa can be used to e(x, y) for (x, y) ∈ {(b, a), (a, c), (b, c), (c, a)}. These re- compute the probability of a via WMC, cf. Section 2.2, inde- main the same in all subsequent iterations. The second appli- pendently of their syntactic representation. cation of TcP starts adding formulas for path atoms, which we illustrate for just two atoms: Definition 2 (Parameterized interpretation) A parameter- ized interpretation I of a ground probabilistic logic program λ2 = λ1 ∨ (λ1 ∧ λ1 ) ∨ (λ1 ∧ λ1 ) P with probabilistic facts F and atoms A is a set of tuples p(b,c) e(b,c) e(b,a) p(a,c) e(b,c) p(c,c) (a, λa) with a ∈ A and λa a propositional formula over F. = e(b, c) ∨ (e(b, a) ∧ ⊥) ∨ (e(a, c) ∧ ⊥) ≡ e(b, c) λ2 = (λ1 ∧ λ1 ) = (e(c, a) ∧ ⊥) ≡ ⊥ For instance, in Figure 1, we can use λe(b,a) = e(b, a) as p(c,c) e(c,a) p(a,c) e(b, a) is true in exactly those worlds whose total choice includes that edge, and λ = e(b, c) ∨ (e(b, a) ∧ e(a, c)) That is, the second step considers paths of length at most 1 p(b,c) and adds (p(b, c), e(b, c)) to the parameterized interpretation, as p(b, c) is true in exactly those worlds whose total choice but does not add a formula for p(c, c), as no total choices includes at least the direct edge or the two-edge path. making this atom true have been found yet. Similarly, the A naive approach to construct the λa would be to com- third iteration adds information on paths of length at most 2: pute I ∞ ∅ for every total choice ⊆ F and to i = TR∪Ci ( ) Ci W V 3 2 2 2 2 2 set λa = f, that is, the disjunction explicitly i:a∈Ii f∈Ci λp(b,c) = λe(b,c) ∨ (λe(b,a) ∧ λp(a,c)) ∨ (λe(b,c) ∧ λp(c,c)) listing all total choices contributing to the probability of a. ≡ ∨ ∧ Clearly, this requires a number of fixpoint computations ex- e(b, c) (e(b, a) e(b, c)) 3 2 2 ponential in |F|, and furthermore, doing these computations λp(c,c) = (λe(c,a) ∧ λp(a,c)) = (e(c, a) ∧ e(a, c)) independently does not exploit the potentially large structural overlap between them. Intuitively, TcP keeps adding longer sequences of edges con- Therefore, we introduce the TcP operator. It generalizes necting the corresponding nodes to the path formulas, reach- the TP operator to work on the parameterized interpretation ing a fixpoint once all acyclic sequences have been added. and builds, for all atoms in parallel on the fly, formulas that 1 are logically equivalent to the λa introduced above. For ease Thus, the empty set implicitly represents the parameterized in- of notation, we assume that every parameterized interpreta- terpretation {(true, >)} ∪ {(a, ⊥)|a ∈ A} for a set of atoms A.

1854 i Correctness We now show that for increasing i, TcP (∅) 4.1 TP -Compilation reaches a least fixpoint where the are exactly the formulas λa The TcP operator is, by definition, called on I. To allow for needed to compute the probability for each atom by WMC. different evaluation strategies, however, we propose a more Theorem 1 For a ground probabilistic logic program P with fine-grained algorithm where, in each iteration, the operator probabilistic facts F, rules R and atoms A, let λi be the is only called on one specific atom a, i.e., only the rules for a which a is the head are evaluated, denoted by Tc (a, Ii−1). formula associated with atom a in Tci (∅). For every atom P P Each iteration i of T -compilation consists of two steps; a, total choice C ⊆ F and iteration i, we have: P 1. Select an atom a ∈ A. i C |= λa → C ∪ R |= a i i−1 2. Compute I = TcP (a, I ) Proof by induction: i = 1: easily verified. i → i + 1: easily The result of Step 2 is that only the formula for atom a is i+1 i verified for a ∈ F; for a ∈ A \ F, let C |= λa , that is, updated and, for each of the other atoms, the formula in I is W i i i−1 C |= (λ ∧ · · · ∧ λ ). Thus, there is a the same as in I . It is easy to verify that TP -compilation (a :- b1,...,bn)∈P b1 bn ∞ i reaches the fixpoint Tc (∅) in case the selection procedure a :- b1,..., bn ∈ P with C |= λ for all 1 ≤ j ≤ n. By P bj frequently returns each of the atoms in P. assumption, C ∪ R |= bj for all such j and thus C ∪ R |= a.  4.2 Anytime Inference Thus, after each iteration , we have i ≤ . i WMC(λa) Pr(a) Until now, we mainly focused on exact inference. Our algo- Theorem 2 For a ground probabilistic logic program P with rithm is easily adapted for anytime inference as well. i probabilistic facts F, rules R and atoms A, let λa be the i Lower Bound formula associated with atom a in TcP (∅). For every atom Following Theorem 1, we know that, after each iteration i, a and total choice C ⊆ F, there is an i0 such that for every i WMC(λa) is a lower bound on the probability of atom a, iteration i ≥ i0, we have i ∞ i.e. WMC(λa) ≤ Pr(a) = WMC(λa ). To quickly increase i and, at the same time, avoid a blow-up of the for- C ∪ R |= a ↔ C |= λi WMC(λa) a mulas in I, the selection procedure we employ picks the atom which maximizes the following heuristic value: Proof: ←: Theorem 1. →: C ∪ R |= a implies ∃i0∀i ≥ ∈ i ∅ . We further show ∀ ∈ j ∅ → i i−1 i0 : a TC∪R( ) j : a TC∪R( ) WMC(Λa) − WMC(Λa ) j C |= λa by induction. j = 1: easily verified. j → j + 1: i i−1 i−1 j+1 φa · (SIZE(Λa) − SIZE(Λa ))/SIZE(Λa ) easily verified for a ∈ F; for other atoms, a ∈ TC∪R(∅) implies there is a rule a :- b1,..., bn ∈ R such that ∀k : where SIZE(Λ) denotes the number of edges in SDD Λ and b ∈ T j (∅). By assumption, ∀k : C |= λj , and by φa adjusts for the importance of a in proving queries. k C∪R bk i−1 j+1 Concretely, Step 1 of TP -compilation calls TcP (a, I ) definition, C |= λa .  i ∞ for each a ∈ A, computes the heuristic value and returns Thus, for every atom a, the λa reach a fixpoint λa exactly the atom a0 for which this value is the highest. Then, Step 2 describing the possible worlds entailing a, and the TcP oper- performs Ii = Tc (a0, Ii−1). Although there is overhead ator therefore reaches a fixpoint where for all atoms Pr(a) = P ∞ 2 involved in computing the heuristic value, as many formulas WMC(λa ). Using Bayes’ rule, we can also compute condi- ∞ 0 0 are compiled without storing them, this strategy works well tional probabilities Pr(q|e) as WMC(λq ∧ λe)/ WMC(λe) in practice. with 0 ∞ for > and 0 ¬ ∞ for ⊥. λe = λe e = λe = λe e = We take as value for φa the minimal depth of the atom a in the SLD-tree for each of the queries of interest. This value is 4 Algorithms a measure for the influence of the atom on the probability of the queries. For our example, and the query p(b, c), the use As in logical inference with TP , probabilistic inference iter- of φa would give priority to compile p(b, c) as it is on top of atively calls the TcP operator until the fixpoint is reached. the SLD-tree. Without φa, the heuristic would give priority This involves incremental formula construction (cf. Defini- to compile p(a, c) as it has the highest probability. tion 3) and equivalence checking (cf. Definition 4). Then, for each query q, the probability is computed as WMC(λq). Upper bound An efficient realization of our evaluation algorithm is ob- To compute an upper bound, we select F 0 ⊂ F and treat tained by representing the formulas in the interpretation I by each f ∈ F 0 as a logical fact rather than a probabilistic fact, V means of a Sentential Decision Diagram (SDD) [Darwiche, that is, we conjoin each λa with f∈F 0 λf . In doing so, we 2011], as these efficiently support all required operations. simplify the compilation step of our algorithm, because the Hence, we can replace each λa in Definition 3 by its equiv- number of possible total choices decreases. Furthermore, at alent SDD representation (denoted by Λa) and each of the a fixpoint, we have an upper bound on the probability of the ∞ Boolean operations by the Apply-operator for SDDs which, atoms, i.e., WMC(λa |λF 0 ) ≥ Pr(a), because we overesti- 0 given ◦ ∈ {∨, ∧} and two SDDs Λa and Λb, returns an SDD mate the probability of each fact in F . 0 equivalent with (Λa ◦ Λb). Randomly selecting F ⊂ F does not yield informative up- per bounds (they are close to 1). As a heuristic, we compute 2The finite support condition ensures this happens in finite time. for each of the facts the minimal depth in the SLD-trees of

1855 the queries of interest and select for F 0 all facts whose depth 1000 1000 100 100 is smaller than some constant d. Hence, we avoid the query 10 10 to be deterministically true as for each of the proofs, i.e., 1 1 Tp-comp. Tp-comp. 0.1 0.1 Time in Seconds cnf_d-DNNF Time in Seconds cnf_d-DNNF traces in the SLD-tree, we consider at least one probabilistic cnf_SDD cnf_SDD 0.01 0.01 fact. This yields tighter upper bounds. For our example, and 10 20 30 40 10 15 20 25 30 Domain Size Domain Size the query path(b, c), both of the edges starting in node b are 1e+06 1e+07 at a depth of 1 in the SLD-tree. Hence, it suffices to com- 100000 1e+06 10000 100000 pile only them, and treat both other edges as logical facts, to 1000 10000

Edge Count Tp-comp. Edge Count Tp-comp. obtain an upper bound smaller than 1. 100 cnf_d-DNNF 1000 cnf_d-DNNF cnf_SDD cnf_SDD 10 100 10 20 30 40 10 15 20 25 30 4.3 Online Inference Domain Size Domain Size One query. Multiple queries. An advantage of forward reasoning is that it naturally sup- ports online, or incremental, inference. In this setting, one Figure 2: Exact inference on Alzheimer. aims to reuse past computation results when making incre- mental changes to the model, rather than restarting inference 1000 1000 Tp-comp. Tp-comp. 100 cnf_d-DNNF 100 cnf_d-DNNF from scratch. Our TcP operator allows for adding clauses to cnf_SDD cnf_SDD and removing clauses from the program. 10 10 1 1

For logic programs, we know that employing the TP op- 0.1 0.1 Time in Seconds Time in Seconds erator on a subset of the fixpoint reaches the fixpoint, i.e. 0.01 0.01 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 ∞ ∞ ∞ Domain Size Domain Size ∀I ⊆ TP (∅): TP (I ) = TP (∅). Moreover, adding defi- 1e+07 1e+06 ∞ nite clauses leads to a superset of the fixpoint, i.e., TP (∅) ⊆ 1e+06 100000 100000 ∞ 10000 TP ∪P 0 (∅). Hence, it is safe to restart the TP operator from a 10000 1000 1000 previous fixpoint after adding clauses. Due to the correspon- Edge Count Tp-comp. Edge Count Tp-comp. 100 cnf_d-DNNF 100 cnf_d-DNNF cnf_SDD cnf_SDD dence established in Theorem 2, this also applies to TcP . For 10 10 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 our example, we could add 0.1 : : e(a, b) and the correspond- Domain Size Domain Size ing ground rules. This leads to new paths, such as p(b, b), and One query. Multiple queries. increases the probability of existing paths, such as p(a, c). When removing clauses, atoms in the fixpoint may become Figure 3: Exact inference on Smokers. invalid. We therefore reset the computed fixpoints for all to- tal choices where the removed clause could have been ap- plied. This is done by conjoining each of the formulas in the Exact Inference parametrized interpretation with the negation of the formula We use datasets of increasing size from two domains: for the head of the removed clause. Then, we restart the TcP Smokers. Following Fierens et al. [2013], we generate operator from the adjusted parametrized interpretation, to re- random power law graphs for the standard ‘Smokers’ social compute the fixpoint for the total choices that were removed. network domain. For our example, if we remove 0.5 : : e(b, c) and the rules con- Alzheimer. We use series of connected subgraphs of the taining this edge, we are removing a possible path from b to c Alzheimer network of De Raedt et al. [2007], starting from a and thus decreasing the probability of p(b, c). subsample connecting the two genes of interest ‘HGNC 582’ and ‘HGNC 983’, and adding nodes that are connected with at least two other nodes in the graph. 5 Experimental Results The relevant ground program is computed for one specific Our experiments address the following questions: query as well as for multiple queries. For the Smokers do- main, this is cancer(p) for a specific person p versus for Q1 How does TP -compilation compare to exact sequential each person. For the Alzheimer domain, this is the connec- WMC approaches? tion between the two genes of interest versus all genes. Q2 When is online TP -compilation advantageous? For the sequential approach, we perform WMC using ei- ther SDDs, or d-DNNFs compiled with c2d5 [Darwiche, Q3 How does TP -compilation compare to anytime sequen- 2004]. For each domain size (#persons or #nodes) we con- tial approaches? sider nine instances with a timeout of one hour per setting. Q4 What is the impact of approximating the model? We report median running times and target representation sizes, using the standard measure of #edges for the d-DNNFs We compute relevant ground programs as well as CNFs and 3 · #edges for the SDDs. The results are depicted in Fig- (where applicable) following Fierens et al. [2013] and use ure 2 and 3 and provide an answer for Q1. 3 the SDD package developed at UCLA . Experiments are run In all cases, our TP -compilation (Tp-comp) scales to on a 3.4 GHz machine with 16 GB of memory. Our imple- larger domains than the sequential approach with both 4 mentation is available as part of the ProbLog package . SDD (cnf SDD) and d-DNNF (cnf d-DNNF) and produces smaller compiled structures, which makes subsequent WMC 3 4 5

1856 computations more efficient. The smaller structures are Papr Porg WPMS TP -comp WPMS TP -comp mainly obtained because our approach does not require aux- Almost Exact 308 419 0 30 iliary variables to correctly handle the cycles in the program. Tight Bound 135 81 0 207 Loose Bound 54 0 0 263 For Smokers, all queries depend on almost the full network Genes No Answer 3 0 500 0 structure, and the relevant ground programs – and thus the Almost Exact 1 7 0 0 performance of TP -compilation – for one or all queries are Tight Bound 2 34 0 19 ebKB Loose Bound 2 22 0 44 almost identical. The difference between the settings for the W No Answer 58 0 63 0 sequential approaches is due to CNF conversion introducing more variables in case of multiple queries. Table 1: Anytime inference: Number of queries with difference be- tween bounds < 0.01 (Almost Exact), in [0.01, 0.25) (Tight 10000 100 Bound Loose Bound No Answer Tp-comp. Tp-comp. ), in [0.25, 1.0) ( ), and 1.0 ( ). 1000 Tcp-inc. Tcp-inc. Tcp-inc.-total 10 Tcp-inc.-total 100 10 1 Papr Porg 1 0.1 MCsat5000 MCsat10000 MCsat

Time in Seconds 0.1 Time in Seconds In Bounds 150 151 0 0.01 0.01 10 15 20 25 30 20 50 80 110 140 Out Bounds 350 349 0 Domain Size Domain Size Genes N/A 0 0 500 Figure 4: Online inference on Alzheimer (left) and Smokers (right). Table 2: Anytime inference with MC-SAT: numbers of results within and outside the bounds obtained by TP -compilation on Papr , using 5000 or 10000 samples per CNF variable. Online Inference

We experiment on the Alzheimer domain discussed above, 500 and a variant on the smokers domain. The smokers network has 150 persons and is the union of ten different random 400 power law graphs with 15 nodes each. We consider the multi- 300 ple queries setting only, and again report results for nine runs. 200 WPMS-0.001-error WPMS-0.01-error WPMS-0.05-error We compare our standard TP -compilation algorithm, Number of Queries 100 Tp-comp.-0.001-error Tp-comp.-0.01-error which compiles the networks for each of the domain sizes Tp-comp.-0.05-error 0 from scratch, with the online algorithm discussed in Sec- 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time in Seconds tion 4.3. The results are depicted in Figure 4 and provide an answer to Q2. Figure 5: Anytime inference on Genes with Papr : number of For the Alzheimer domain, which is highly connected, queries with bound difference below threshold at any time. incrementally adding the nodes (Tcp-inc) has no real benefit compared to recompiling the network from scratch (Tp-comp) and, consequently, the cumulative time of the in- approaches. The first compiles subformulas of the CNF se- cremental approach (Tcp-inc-total) is higher. For the lected by weighted partial MaxSAT (WPMS) [Renkens et al., smokers domain, on the other hand, the incremental approach 2014], the second approximates the WMC of the formula by is more efficient compared to recompiling the network, as it sampling using the MC-SAT algorithm implemented in the 7 only updates the subnetwork to which the most recent person Alchemy package . has been added. Following Renkens et al. [2014], we run inference for each query separately. The time budget is 5 minutes for Papr and Anytime Inference 15 minutes for Porg (excluding the time to construct the rele- We consider an approximated (Papr ) as well as the original vant ground program). For MC-SAT, we sample either 5,000 (Porg ) model of two domains: or 10,000 times per variable in the CNF, which yields ap- Genes. Following Renkens et al. [2012; 2014], we use the proximately the same runtime as our approach. Results are biological network of Ourfali et al. [2007] and its 500 con- depicted in Tables 1, 2 and Figure 5 and allow us to answer nection queries on gene pairs. The original Porg considers Q3 and Q4. connections of arbitrary length, whereas Papr restricts con- Table 1 shows that TP -compilation returns bounds for all nections to a maximum of five edges. queries in all settings, whereas WPMS did not produce any 6 WebKB. We use the WebKB dataset restricted to the 100 answer for Porg . The latter is due to reaching the time limit most frequent words [Davis and Domingos, 2009] and with before conversion to CNF was completed. For the approx-   random probabilities from 0.01, 0.1 . Following Renkens et imate model Papr on the Genes domain, both approaches al. [2014], Papr is a random subsample of 150 pages. Porg solve a majority of queries (almost) exactly. Figure 5 plots uses all pages from the Cornell database. This results in a the number of queries that reached a bound difference below dataset with 63 queries for the class of a page. different thresholds against the running time, showing that We employ the anytime algorithm as discussed in Section TP -compilation converges faster than WPMS. Finally, for the 4.2 and alternate between computations for lower and upper Genes domain, Table 2 shows the number of queries where bound at fixed intervals. We compare against two sequential the result of MC-SAT (using different numbers of samples

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