Management of Landscapes in Estonian National Parks

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Management of Landscapes in Estonian National Parks Management of Landscapes in Estonian National Parks Kaja Lotman adviser, Environmental Board National parks are located in different landscape regions Landscape management • Combined measures for conservation of semi-natural habitats within Natura 2000 network, • Based on the national guidelines for management and restoration of relevant habitat types • Management plans for the national parks and action plans for protection of species • In some cases also the spatial planning of the municipalities has a role Landscape management Regular management • Included in EU Rural Development Plan (financed by CAP Pillar 2). • It includes appropriate grazing of the pastures and mowing and removal of the hay after the set date from the meadows Restoration of open landscape • Restoration of the semi-natural habitats is based on national inventories and funding and includes measures like : • bush cutting • in some cases also stump removal • topping of high grass • erecting fences for pastures • and other similar measures that precede resumption of mowing or grazing. • Also investment from EU Structural Funds Restoration of open landscape Coastal landscapes and islands • Supporting transport of grazing animals to the islands • Greating voluntary camps for young people Karula National Park - for the protection of the hilly moraine landscapes of Southern Estonia LAHEMAA NATIONAL PARK protection coastal landscapes of Northern Estonia Semi-natural grasslands MATSALU NATIONAL PARK for the protection of the characteristic biotic communities of Western Estonia and of the natural and cultural heritage of the Väinameri Sea Semi-natural grasslands SOOMAA NATIONAL PARK protection of the mire landscapes and floodplain landscapes of transition zone of Estonia VILSANDI NATIONAL PARK the protection of the coastal landscapes of the Western Estonian archipelago Habitat restoration for Bufo calamita Control over building development and workshops for local community to learn to protect cultural heritage (Karula) The Boards of National Parks – advising and sharing information Landscapes of community memory • Kudas Palmse vald rikkaks saanud. • Kord läinud üks Palmse härra mere ääre jalutama. Näinud mere ääres ilusa naisterahva. See olnud näkk. See näkk hakanud rääkima: “Mul on kurvad päevad. Ma olen sunnitud tormi merel tõstma. Ma tean aga, kui ma seda teen, siis palju inimesi merel ära upub. Sellepärast ei taha ma mitte seda teha. Näe seda sõrmust mu sõrmes.” Nende sõnadega näidanud härrale sõrmust oma sõrmes - “kui keegi seda sõrmust saaks ära kiskuda, siis pole mul vaja tormi tõsta. Ole sa nii hea, näri see sõrmus katki!” Härra närinudki sõrmuse katki. “So, nüüd olen ma vaba!” öelnud näkineiu ja andnud Palmse härrale kaks kotti kulda tänutäheks. Härra läinud kullaga koju. Pole omale sellest sugugi võtnud, vaid jaganud ühe koti kulda vaestele, teisest kotist andnud iga Palmse peremehele pihutäie kulda. Sest ajast saadik saanud Palmse vald rikkaks ja on tänapäevanigi rikas . • E 37024 (10) < Kadrina khk., Hõbeda v. – Alfred Constantin Kivi < Heinrich Thalfeldt (1898) Thank you! Ave, Krista, Liina, Kaie, Kaarel, Jako etc.
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