Special Townwide Edition with This Is Westfield 2007 Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, May 3, 2007 OUR 117th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 18-2007 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com
[email protected] SIXTY CENTS Fyffe to Review Student Broadcasts, Sparks Censorship Debate By VICTORIA McCABE sible. Ms. Riegel said the BOE approved Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Miss Angus said that, as research the broadcast curriculum last year – WESTFIELD – Westfield High for her piece, she attended four town “it calls for standards of research School Interim Principal Dennis council meetings and called and e- quality and journalism ethics.” She Fyffe’s decision to invoke his right to mailed council members repeatedly declined to comment on whether she prior review of “Blue Devil News” since mid-January. believed “BDN” journalists violated (“BDN”) television shows on TV-36 She said she believed her piece was those ethics. has sparked censorship debate be- “opinionated but fair.” She said no “There has been a policy in place tween student journalists, teachers council member or BOE member con- that says the principal must review and school and town officials. tacted her personally after the com- student publications in advance,” Mr. Mr. Fyffe’s decision to review each mentary aired; she said Mr. Hynes Foley said. “I don’t think it’s feasible program before student journalists was the first to inform her about “dis- for Mr. Fyffe to review everything submit it to the local-access channel taste” for her piece and that she later that students produce…I’m actually came after a commentary segment in spoke with the principal regarding going to amend the policy to make its the most recent “BDN” broadcast prior review.