
Coupling of rock uplift and river incision in the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif,

Noah J. Finnegan†* Bernard Hallet David R. Montgomery Department of and Space Sciences and Quaternary Research Center, University of Washington, P.O. Box 351310, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA Peter K. Zeitler Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lehigh University, 31 Williams Drive, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015, USA John O. Stone Department of Earth and Space Sciences and Quaternary Research Center, University of Washington, P.O. Box 351310, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA Alison M. Anders Department of , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 245 Natural History Building, 1301 West Green Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA Liu Yuping Chengdu Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, 2 Beisanduan, Yihuanlu, Chengdu 610081, Sichuan Province,

ABSTRACT of local , rock uplift, thermal weak- rates of tectonic uplift is also documented in ening of the , and deformation: numerical models (Whipple and Tucker, 1999; Geodynamic modeling demonstrates the (1) Whereas along the rest of the Himalayan Anders, 2005). Such work has led to wide strong potential for erosion to infl uence the front, high relief and high rock uplift rates acknowledgment of the idea that rates of rock pattern and style of deformation in active are essentially continuous, the high relief and uplift with respect to the and rates of sur- mountain belts, but fi eld studies yield con- rapid in the syntaxis is restricted face erosion should be driven toward a dynamic fl icting views on the importance of erosion to a “bull’s-eye” pattern exactly where the balance in actively uplifting ranges. Coupling in infl uencing orogenesis. Here we compare largest river in the Himalaya, the Yarlung between rock uplift and surface erosion, in turn, patterns in river power, inferred excess fl u- Tsangpo–Brahmaputra, has the most energy has important implications for geodynamics. vial-transport capacity, topographic relief, per unit area available to erode its channel This is because patterns in topography and cli- precipitation, and mineral-cooling ages to and transport sediment. (2) The location mate, to the extent that they reveal erosion rate assess the coupling between surface erosion of rapid incision on the – patterns, can provide constraints on spatial gra- and rock uplift within the vicinity of the Brahmaputra has been pinned for at least dients in rock uplift rates, which commonly lack Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif, an active 1 m.y., and without compensatory uplift of clear surface expression in heavily dissected antiformal structure within the eastern the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif dur- and hard to access (e.g., Seeber and Gor- Himalayan syntaxis. Our rich and dense data ing this time the river would have eroded nitz, 1983; Finlayson et al., 2002; Wobus et al., set reveals a tight spatial correspondence headward rapidly, incising deeply into Tibet. 2003; Kirby et al., 2003; Wobus et al., 2006). of fl uvial incision potential, high relief, and Additionally, recent models demonstrate that young cooling ages. The spatial coincidence is Keywords: river incision, rock uplift, climate, the width and height of active mountain ranges most easily explained by a sustained balance tectonics and evolution, eastern Hima- may be controlled by rates of erosion (Whipple between rock uplift and driven layan syntaxis, Namche Barwa. and Meade, 2004; Stolar et al., 2006; Roe et by river incision over at least the last ~1 m.y. al., 2006; Willett et al., 2006). Finally, coupled The Yarlung Tsangpo– INTRODUCTION surface and thermo-mechanical models show is the largest and most powerful river in the that focused erosion, even on the comparatively Himalaya, and two lines of evidence point The potential for spatial patterns in erosion to local scale of a large river system, can to its active role in the dynamic interaction infl uence the location of deformation in active have dramatic consequences for the deforma- mountain belts is well established in numerical tion of crustal lithosphere, leading to localized models (e.g., Willett, 1999; Beaumont et al., feedbacks between erosion, deformation, and †E-mail: [email protected] *Present address: Department of Earth and At- 2001; Koons et al., 2002). Additionally, the ten- rock uplift (Koons et al., 2002). mospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Snee Hall, dency for rivers to grow steeper, convey more The latter scenario, dubbed a tectonic aneu- Ithaca, New York 14853-1504, USA water, and become more erosive with higher rysm, arises from the dynamic interactions of

GSA Bulletin; January/February 2008; v. 120; 1/2; p. 142–155; doi: 10.1130/B26224.1; 12 fi gures; Data Repository item 2008002.

142 For permission to copy, contact [email protected] © 2007 Geological Society of America Namche Barwa Uplift Incision localized erosion, topographic stresses, rock The second and more general goal of this by a spectacular arcuate defl ection around the uplift, thermal weakening of the lithosphere, and paper is to provide additional insight into how indenting corner of geologic units, deformation (Koons et al., 2002). The Nanga sustained high erosion rates are expressed topo- structural fabric, topography, and global posi- Parbat–Haramoosh massif in Pakistan exhibits graphically and geomorphologically in active tioning system (GPS)–derived plate velocity the interconnected geomorphic, geophysical, mountain belts. Despite considerable attention, vectors (Tapponnier et al., 1982; Royden et al., petrologic, and geochemical evidence that ini- there is still little consensus on which topo- 1997; Hallet and Molnar, 2001; Zhang et al., tially inspired the aneurysm model (Zeitler et graphic metrics are likely to refl ect adjustment 2004; Sol et al., 2007). al., 1993, 2001a; Meltzer et al., 1998; Park and to long-term rates of rock uplift. The Namche Embedded within the syntaxis is an active Mackie, 2000): a large, powerful, and rapidly Barwa–Gyala Peri massif and its surround- antiformal metamorphic structure, the Namche incising river, the Indus, cuts a deep gorge adja- ings are ideally suited as a natural laboratory Barwa–Gyala Peri massif, which is composed cent to an isolated, high-relief massif marked by to elucidate the coupling between erosion and of Precambrian Himalayan basement that has extremely rapid cooling, and an upwardly bowed rock uplift in active mountain belts, because recently been undergoing active deformation and Moho. Nanga Parbat’s eastern counterpart, the the study area is characterized by large and rapid unroofi ng, partially coeval with an anatec- Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif, punctuates now well-constrained gradients in exhuma- tic episode under way for the past 10 m.y. (Burg the eastern terminus of the Himalaya Arc. The tion, precipitation, fl uvial power, fl uvial-sedi- et al., 1997; Booth et al., 2004; Malloy, 2004; major east-fl owing orogen-parallel river, the ment transport capacity, and topographic relief. Zeitler et al., 2006). Field mapping and thermo- Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra, wraps around Thus, the likelihood of discerning a signal in chronometry indicate that the northern tip of the the Himalayan arc here, cutting a spectacular both exhumation and topography that is above syntaxis is cross-cut by a major north-dipping gorge into the easternmost high Himalaya. Field inherent noise levels is arguably higher here crustal-scale shear zone and fault, the Nam-La observations, analysis of coarse-scale digital- than elsewhere in the Himalaya. thrust zone (Ding et al., 2001) (Fig. 1A). The elevation data, and mineral-cooling age data Finally, because the extent to which patterns Nam-La thrust bounds to the south an anti- suggest that the superposition of the 5-km-deep in precipitation alone control patterns in exhu- formal crustal pop-up (Burg et al., 1997) that Yarlung Tsangpo gorge and the rapidly cooled mation remains vigorously debated (Reiners et contains the two highest peaks for several hun- and deeply incised Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri al., 2003; Burbank et al., 2003; Wobus et al., dreds of kilometers along the Himalaya: the massif is consistent with local coupling between 2003; Thiede et al., 2005), our third goal is to 7782 m Namche Barwa and the 7294 m Gyala erosion and crustal deformation in this region examine patterns in precipitation independently Peri. Cooling ages drop to the north across this (Burg et al., 1998; Zeitler et al., 2001b; Koons of patterns in river incision potential to assess inferred structure, indicating that the Namche et al., 2002). However, until recently, neither the their spatial relationship to apparent exhuma- Barwa–Gyala Peri antiform has been recently nor the thermal history of this tion rate gradients. This is possible within the and rapidly exhumed relative to the surrounding region has been characterized with suffi cient study area because, in contrast to the majority of terrain (Burg et al., 1997; Malloy, 2004; Zeitler detail to confi rm such coupling with any satis- other Himalayan rivers with little source area on at al., 2006). The antiform itself is complexly faction, and hence to begin to address the unique the , the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brah- folded but shows fabrics and fold axes consis- geodynamics of this region. maputra River conveys a huge volume of water tent with N-S to NW-SE compression (Burg et The fi rst of the three goals of this paper, there- from the Tibetan Plateau in comparison with the al., 1998; Ding et al., 2001; Kidd et al., 2006). fore, is to investigate the tectonic aneurysm volume of locally sourced orographic precipita- Just to its north the Namche Barwa–Gyala hypothesis by assessing the extent of coupling tion within the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri mas- Peri antiform is fl anked by the Jiali Fault Zone, between regional denudation driven by the sif. Thus patterns of orographic precipitation a SE-NW–oriented dextral strike-slip fault Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra River and rock within the massif and patterns of river power that accommodates clockwise crustal rotation uplift within the core of the eastern Himalayan on the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra River are around the syntaxis (Armijo et al., 1989; Burg et syntaxis. To this end we fi rst review newly pub- effectively independent of one another and can al., 1998). Recent activity on the fault is evident lished biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages, zircon (U-Th)/He be deconvolved and compared individually to in much of the topography in the vicinity of the ages, and structural geology from the Namche patterns in mineral cooling to assess the relative syntaxis (Figs. 1A–1B); however, slip rates are Barwa–Gyala Peri massif. We next compute spa- infl uences of both river incision and precipita- unconstrained, and the presence of the fault is tial patterns in river power to provide an index tion on rock uplift. inferred on the basis of its topographic expres- of the rate of detachment-limited fl uvial incision sion and the juxtaposition of differing litholo- within the fi eld area. However, acknowledging OVERVIEW OF GEOLOGY, gies along its trace. the important dual role of sediment in both sus- TECTONICS, AND GEOMORPHOLOGY An interesting topographic consequence of an taining and suppressing channel incision, we also indenting plate corner is that it will tend to entrain use river power and valley-bottom sediment stor- The eastern Himalayan syntaxis is the east- major orogen-parallel rivers that have been forced age, respectively, as indices of bed load transport ern termination of the great Himalayan Arc. to fl ow behind the mountain front as peaks have capacity and excess transport capacity within the As such, it spans the transition from dip-slip uplifted (Koons, 1995; Zeitler et al., 2001b). On conceptual framework of the saltation-abrasion along the Himalayan front to a much smaller scale, this is analogous to a river model of Sklar and Dietrich (2004). We compare the largely strike-slip tectonics responsible for being diverted by a growing anticline and forced patterns in the two indices of fl uvial incision accommodating the northern motion of India to fl ow around its tip. In the case of the eastern rate to patterns in mineral cooling and mapped relative to SW China and Myanmar (Burg et syntaxis, the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra structures to assess the accord between regional al., 1997). The syntaxis is developed over the turns to the south at and through the Namche denudation driven by river incision, deformation, NE corner of the indenting Indian plate and is Barwa–Gyala Peri massif after fl owing east for and exhumation over the Quaternary. We then a crustal manifestation of the complex litho- >1200 km across the southern part of the Tibetan discuss the implications of this coupling in light spheric deformation taking place in this region Plateau and along the backside of the High of geodynamic models for this region. of structural transition. The syntaxis is marked Himalaya. It is worth noting that in the complex

Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2008 143 Finnegan et al.

94°45'0"E 94°15'0"E 95°15'0"E 95°45'0"E in <100 river km over one of the most spectacu- Jiali º lar knickpoints in the world. A The spatial coincidence of the Yarlung Tsangpo gorge and the Namche Barwa–Gyala 30°15'0"N Fault Peri antiform initially led Burg et al. (1997) to suggest that regional denudation driven by the incision of the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra passively paced rock uplift associated with an Gyala Peri E-W–trending crustal-scale buckle fold (also Zone recognized by Ding et al., 2001) within the syn- Namche Barwa taxis, thereby enabling nearly 30 km of rock uplift and exhumation since the late Miocene 30°45'0"N ust -La Thr (Burg et al., 1997). More recently, Zeitler et al. Nam (2001b) and Koons et al. (2002) suggested that Faults instead of passively accommodating rock uplift Rivers Lhasa Bl. Seds within the antiform, denudation driven by the Lhasa Bl. Metaseds Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra has localized Layered gneiss - Lhasa Bl. basement and perhaps even triggered the rock uplift of the Gangdese plutons Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri antiform. Greater Himalayan, 31°15'0"N 30 km Tsangpo Suture, The physical mechanism by which a river Tethyan metaseds can trigger rock uplift in an orogen is provided Indian (?) basment 29º 00' by the tectonic aneurysm hypothesis (Zeitler et gneisses WSFK 20060811 al., 2001b; Koons et al., 2002). According to Yiggong Tsangpo the aneurysm hypothesis, focused incision by B a large river, provided that tributary channels and hillslopes remain coupled to the incision Parlung Tsangpo of the main trunk stream, will create a rapidly

Po Tsangpo eroded valley or valley system that simultane- ously focuses topographic stresses and increases Dongxiu River tectonic stresses because of the preferential removal of crustal cross-section area within the zone of rapid denudation. Where the is already near compressive failure, these effects may yield localized deformation and brittle fail- ure within the valley. Thrusting, combined with continued erosion, brings hot rocks toward the surface. The advection of heat toward the surface

Yarlung Tsangpo– with exhumed rocks has the effect, in turn, of Brahmaputra dramatically reducing the integrated strength of the crust, thereby further encouraging deforma- tion in the initial locus of erosional exhumation (Koons et al., 2002). Importantly, without chang- ing the far-fi eld tectonic stresses, strain rates within the impacted region increase owing to thermal weakening and localization of deforma- Figure 1. (A) Geologic and tectonic map of the eastern syntaxis (Burg et al., 1997, 1998; tion. From a frame of reference attached to the Ding et al., 2001; Kidd et al., 2006). (B) LANDSAT-7 Satellite overview of the map region in Earth’s surface, this is manifested in increasing (A), highlighting major rivers. Arrows indicate river fl ow directions. rates of rock uplift with respect to the surface (Koons et al., 2002). Therefore high topography and relief related to increasing vertical rock- evolution of the region, it is also possible that an Where the Nam-La thrust crosses the Yarlung uplift rates will develop in association with the ancestral Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra River Tsangpo–Brahmaputra, the river steepens and initial excavation of the river valley. In this way, initially fl owed to the southeast and out through accelerates, abruptly transitioning from a sand- isolated topographic massifs with high relief and the Irrawaddy, Parlung, or Lhuit drainage, and bedded to a boulder-strewn channel. Approxi- rapid cooling can paradoxically owe their exis- was captured at the syntaxis (Brookfi eld, 1998; mately 30 km downstream of the Nam-La thrust tence to river incision. Although the importance Koons, 1995; Zeitler et al., 2001b; Clark et al., the river undergoes a second abrupt transition, of erosion is widely acknowledged at the orogen 2004). In either case the end result is the same, entering a narrow bedrock gorge centered scale (e.g., Willett, 1999), what distinguishes the which is that the largest river in the Himalaya is between the summits of Namche Barwa and tectonic aneurysm hypothesis is that it suggests a now slicing through the highly deformed region Gyala Peri. Here, the river begins its drop from physical mechanism for a much more localized at the core of the syntaxis. the Tibetan Plateau, descending >2 vertical km coupling between erosion and rock deformation.

144 Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2008 Namche Barwa Uplift Incision

CONSTRAINTS AND OBSERVATIONS the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif. Most we interpret their reported ages as cooling ages, directly, such ages refl ect the thermal histories of treating patterns in these ages as proxies for pat- He and Ar Thermochronometry their host rock. In a region like SE Tibet that has terns in relative exhumation rates. In particular, been subjected to repeated structural events and we use (U-Th)/He zircon ages to determine the Malloy (2004) and Zeitler et al. (2006) that is marked by rugged and possibly changing time since a sample cooled from 185–210 °C reported an extensive suite of (U-Th)/He and topography, attempts to convert cooling informa- (Reiners et al., 2002), and 40Ar/39Ar biotite ages 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages for apatite, zircon, and tion into exhumation rates will be complicated to record the time since a mineral cooled from biotite from terranes in SE Tibet, with many by the evolving thermal fi eld (e.g., Stuwe et al., 300–335 °C (Grove and Harrison, 1996). In of their data coming from within and near to 1994). Therefore, following Zeitler et al. (2006), order to illustrate gradients in exhumation in the fi eld area, we have highlighted young cooling ages in the study area in Figures 2 and 3. 94°0'0"E 95°0'0"E 96°0'0"E The mineral-cooling data reveal a prominent “bull’s-eye” pattern of young ages confi ned to the Zircon (U-Th)/He Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif and its imme- Age (Ma) 0.0 – 1.0 diate vicinity that is expressed in the higher-tem- 40 39 1.0 – 3.0 perature data sets, (U-Th)/He zircon and Ar/ Ar > 3.0 biotite, reported in Malloy (2004) and Zeitler et al. (2006) (Figs. 2 and 3). However, important differences between the patterns are revealed by 30°0'0"N 30°0'0"N the two data sets. Young biotite ages (0.9–2 Ma) are contained within the mapped, bounding struc- tures of the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif. In contrast, extremely young zircon helium ages (0.3–1 Ma) extend across terranes and structures, expanding the region of apparently rapid exhu- mation into the lower Parlung River watershed, in comparison with the pattern of 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages. Zeitler et al. (2006) suggest that this pattern is most likely to refl ect the recent acceleration of erosion owing to the northward propagation of 29°0'0"N 95°0'0"E 96°0'0"E the north-plunging Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri antiform, and that overall the thermochronomet- Figure 2. Spatial distribution of zircon (U-Th)/He ages in the vicinity of the ric data provide evidence for considerable and Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif. Stars denote the locations of Namche Barwa rapid exhumation of the antiform relative to its and Gyala Peri. surroundings since 5 Ma or earlier.

Topographic Relief and Basin-Averaged 94°0'0"E 95°0'0"E 96°0'0"E Erosion Rates

Biotite 40Ar/39Ar Age (Ma) Rock uplift drives relief production in active 0.0 – 2.0 orogens, and in the Himalaya high relief is 2.0 – 6.0 associated with high rock-uplift rates (e.g., > 6.0 Seeber and Gornitz, 1983; Lavé and Avouac, 2001; Bendick and Bilham, 2001). A relation- ship between relief and erosion rate, in turn, is 30°0'0"N 30°0'0"N expected in active orogens where rates of slope- dependent surface erosion and rock uplift have had suffi cient time to equilibrate, such as is likely for the Himalaya, where convergence has been ongoing for 50 m.y. (e.g., Hodges, 2000). In the vicinity of the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri antiform, 10Be-derived erosion rates in river sediments clearly increase (R2 = 0.81 for power law fi t) with topographic relief and mean basin slope (Table DR11). This trend, corrected for 29°0'0"N 95°0'0"E 96°0'0"E 1 40 39 GSA Data Repository Item 2008002, details re- Figure 3. Spatial distribution of biotite Ar/ Ar ages in the vicinity of the lated to river power calculations and 10Be analysis, Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif. Stars denote the locations of Namche Barwa is available at www.geosociety.org/pubs/ft2007.htm. and Gyala Peri. Requests may also be sent to [email protected].

Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2008 145 Finnegan et al.

94°0'0"E 95°0'0"E 96°0'0"E the effects of snow and ice cover, holds over an order of magnitude of erosion rates (0.1–4 mm/ Topographic relief A yr) and over a 3000 m range of mean relief. The > 3300 m trend is also consistent with 10Be-derived catch- > 2900 m ment erosion rates from the western Himalaya > 2300 m and various erosion rate measurements else- where indicating that the erosion rate increases nonlinearly with relief (Vance et al., 2003; 30°0'0"N 30°0'0"N Montgomery and Brandon, 2002). We note that numerical modeling (Niemi et al., 2005) demonstrates that 10Be erosion rate estimates for small-order, landslide-dominated catchments, such as we sampled along the Par- lung River, will tend to systematically under- estimate basin-averaged erosion rates because large and infrequent landslides dominate the erosion of these catchments, but typically these are not sampled. Our data (Table DR1; see foot- 29°0'0"N note 1), however, indicate that the small fi rst 95°0'0"E 96°0'0"E and second order catchments draining into the Parlung River exhibit uniformly higher erosion 5 rates, 1.9 ± 0.39 to 3.57 ± 0.74 mm/yr, than the B Parlung Basin as a whole, 1.07 ± 0.22 mm/yr, 4 or than any of the larger catchments sampled, with the exception of NB-4–04. This is most 3 likely due to the fact that the smaller basins sampled in our analysis are much steeper on 2 average than the larger basins. Hence, although Rate (mm/yr) 10 Be Catchment Erosion drainage basin size may infl uence our Be ero- 10 1 sion rate estimates, it appears that this effect is secondary to the much larger infl uence that 0 relief variation has on basin-averaged erosion 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 rates within the study area. In Figure 4A we plot regional patterns in Mean Catchment Relief (m) relief, calculated as the maximum range in eleva- Figure 4. (A) Patterns in topographic relief in the vicinity of the Namche Barwa– tion within a ~10 km radius circle for each pixel Gyala Peri massif. Areas with no data coverage are those with relief <2300 m. in the GTOPO 30 digital elevation data set. Fig- Gray stars denote the locations of sediment samples taken for 10Be analysis. ure 4B, in turn, shows the close correspondence Black stars show the locations of Namche Barwa and Gyala Peri. (B) 10Be basin- 10 between areas of rapid erosion inferred from Be averaged erosion rate vs. mean topographic relief for sampled catchments. analyses, and areas of high relief. For this fi gure, relief was computed at each point in the water- shed (again as the maximum range in elevation within a ~10 km radius circle for each pixel in actual comparisons of patterns of precipitation precipitation for the study area at a resolution the watershed), and then these points were aver- and exhumation rates along the Himalaya yield of ~10 km × 10 km. As discussed by Anders et aged for the entire watershed to yield a single confl icting views of the apparent infl uence of al. (2006), this spatial resolution refl ects an opti- basin-averaged relief value. Taken together, Fig- precipitation alone on rock uplift (Burbank mization of grid resolution and temporal sam- ures 4A and 4B show, much the same as the pat- et al., 2003; Thiede et al., 2005). To further pling density. At the ~10 km × 10 km resolution, tern in cooling ages, a “bull’s-eye” of high relief explore the role of precipitation in infl uenc- each pixel records between ~2856 and ~12,696 and high inferred erosion rates centered on the ing exhumation within and around the Namche individual instantaneous rain rate measurements Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif. Barwa–Gyala Peri massif, we defi ne precipita- over the period 1998–2001, from which the mean tion patterns with the TRMM (Tropical Rain- annual precipitation rates shown in Figure 5 are Precipitation fall Measuring Mission) satellite. As described computed. The gross pattern of precipitation in in the next section, we also use the TRMM the fi eld area is closely related to the topography For the Himalaya the extent to which oro- satellite data to generate river discharges that of the syntaxis (Anders et al., 2006). The lower graphic precipitation patterns directly infl u- incorporate observed spatial patterns in precip- Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra Valley appears ence patterns in long-term exhumation rates itation, as well the drainage basin architecture to funnel moisture up-valley to the fi rst major is debated. Although it is speculated that oro- of the study area. northward bend in the river, at which point pre- graphic precipitation patterns are important Using the TRMM-derived rainfall data set cipitation falls off steeply to <1 m/yr. Heavy to the geodynamics of the Himalayan front compiled by Anders et al. (2006) for the period precipitation therefore appears restricted to the (Beaumont et al., 2001; Wobus et al., 2003), 1998–2001, we are able to defi ne mean annual region to the south and downstream of the high

146 Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2008 Namche Barwa Uplift Incision

94°0'0"E 95°0'0"E 96°0'0"E rainfall on the 30 arc-second GTOPO 30 DEM Annual precipitation of Asia. Anders et al. (2006) show that estimates > 1 m of river discharge using TRMM data system- > 2 m atically under-predict gauged mean annual > 3 m discharges for 21 Himalayan catchments, prob- ably owing to the fact that TRMM’s relatively infrequent sampling interval does not capture 30°0'0"N 30°0'0"N all precipitation events. Anders et al. (2006) cal- culate, specifi cally, that TRMM-derived annual river-discharge measurements are on average 22% lower than gauged discharges. We there- fore apply a correction to the TRMM-derived river discharges to compensate for the system- atic underprediction by TRMM of actual mean annual discharges. Channel slopes and elevation profi les for the Jiggong Tsangpo, Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmapu- tra, and most of the Parlung Tsangpo were cal- 29°0'0"N culated from the 3 arc-second (~90 m) Defense 95°0'0"E 96°0'0"E Mapping Agency Digital Terrain Elevation Data Figure 5. Patterns in mean annual precipitation in the vicinity of the Namche (DTED) for Asia. Because of the inherent noise Barwa–Gyala Peri massif. Areas with no data coverage are those with <1 m of pre- in digital elevation data, we averaged river ele- cipitation annually. Stars denote the locations of Namche Barwa and Gyala Peri. vation data by 10 km reaches in order to obtain smooth and statistically signifi cant river eleva- tion profi les and channel slopes. The vertical topography of the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri and Avouac, 2001; Roe et al., 2002) and channel accuracy of the 3 arc-second data is estimated massif. Importantly, the TRMM data indicate width variation (e.g., Lavé and Avouac, 2001; to be ±18 m (U.S. Geological Survey, 1993). that heavy rainfall does not penetrate the rapidly Montgomery and Gran, 2001) in modifying However, as we have averaged the 90 m resolu- cooled Namche Barwa-Gyala Peri massif. spatial patterns in stream power or shear stress tion data into 10 km reaches, the standard error has led to more refi ned approaches to inferring of the mean elevation for each elevation bin RIVER INCISION spatial incision-rate patterns (e.g., Lavé and becomes ±1.7 m. We calculate channel slope, Avouac, 2001; Finnegan et al., 2005; Whittaker in turn, by computing the centered difference The detachment-limited stream power model et al., 2007). In keeping with these approaches, elevation gradient using the elevation points (Howard, 1994) provides an index of the rate of we compute spatial patterns in river power for directly upstream and downstream of the point fl uvial incision where the mechanism of inci- the large rivers within the syntaxis using direct of interest. Hence, over this 20-km-length scale, sion scales with the magnitude of mean bed measurements of channel width and TRMM errors in mean channel slope can be expected to shear stress or stream power, such as is expected satellite-derived river discharges, in addition be as high as 3.4 m out of 20,000 m, or ~0.02% where erosion is dominantly due to the pluck- to measurements of channel slope determined when 3 arc-second elevation data are averaged ing of jointed bedrock (Whipple et al., 2000). from digital elevation data. The combination of over 10 km reaches, as we have done. Although this family of models overlooks a TRMM data and channel width measurements Three arc-second DTED data were unavail- number of important characteristics of mountain allows us to compute river power in a manner able for the Po Tsangpo, the lower Parlung, and channels (e.g., Stock and Montgomery, 1999; that incorporates pronounced orographic precip- the Dongxiu river system, whereas 3 arc-sec- Sklar and Dietrich, 2001; Sklar and Dietrich, itation patterns (Fig. 5), and the rich variation in ond SRTM topographic data are for the most 2004; Molnar et al., 2006), stream power and channel width observed within the vicinity of the part unusable in the fi eld area owing to wide- shear stress models have nevertheless been vali- Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif (Finnegan et spread data dropouts there. We therefore use dated in many settings (e.g., Stock and Mont- al., 2005). the GTOPO30 30 arc-second DEM (http://edc. gomery, 1999; Kirby and Whipple, 2001; Lavé We calculate mean annual river power for the usgs.gov/products/elevation/gtopo30/gtopo30. and Avouac, 2001; Wobus et al., 2003). Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra and its major html) to determine river slopes for these riv- Commonly, stream power or shear stress tributaries in the vicinity of the Namche Barwa– ers, again by averaging the elevation data into approaches assume that the variables that are key Gyala Peri massif as follows: 10 km reaches to smooth noise in the data. Most to incision scale in a simple way with either slope of Eurasia in the GTOPO30 data set is simply or drainage area, and then via a series of further Ω = ρgQS/W, (1) a resampled version of the DTED 3 arc-sec- assumptions and substitutions (e.g., Whipple and ond data (http://edc.usgs.gov/products/eleva- Tucker, 1999) cast incision as a function of quan- where ρ is the density of water, g is the accel- tion/gtopo30/gtopo30.html), which, as men- tities that can be obtained from a digital elevation eration due to gravity, Q is mean annual river tioned above, has a nominal vertical accuracy model (DEM). In this way, spatial patterns in inci- discharge, S is channel slope, and W is chan- of ±18 m. Assigning this same vertical accu- sion rates can be inferred over broad geographic nel width. racy to the GTOPO30 derived data, we there- domains (e.g., Finlayson et al., 2002; Wobus et We obtain estimates of mean annual river fore compute that for elevation averaged over a al., 2003). Wide acknowledgment of the impor- discharge throughout the fi eld area by routing 10 km reach the standard elevation error will be tance of orographic precipitation gradients (Lavé annually accumulated TRMM satellite-derived ±5.7 m. Again, using a centered difference slope

Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2008 147 Finnegan et al. computation, this means that errors in slope will rivers smaller than the Po Tsangpo, lower Par- footnote 1). Figure 6 illustrates the spatial pat- be as high as 11.4 m out of 20,000 m, or 0.06%. lung, and Dongxiu Rivers because for smaller, tern in river power in the vicinity of the Namche We emphasize that although these may initially lower-order channels the grid resolution of the Barwa–Gyala Peri massif. Overall, mean annual seem like optimistic error evaluations, they GTOPO30 DEM approached the size of indi- river power varies from <10 W/m2 outside of the apply only to the data averaged over 10 km. vidual valleys. Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif to a maxi- Additional uncertainty in estimating river lon- We measured channel width for all of the riv- mum of ~4000 W/m2 in the heart of the Yarlung gitudinal-profi le slopes is also introduced where ers in the analysis directly from satellite imag- Tsangpo gorge. The analysis shows that high DEM grid resolution is much larger than river ery. For the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra, Jig- river power is centered in the region of the high channel width, as is almost always the case for gong Tsangpo, and Parlung Tsangpo, channel topography and extreme relief within the Namche GTOPO30. In this case, the fi ne-scale structure width was sampled every 100 m from a continu- Barwa–Gyala Peri massif. The reaches of high of rivers, such as meandering, is lost, and pixels ous map of channel width created by digitizing power along the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra identifi ed via geographic information system channels from 28.5 m pixel resolution LAND- and the Po Tsangpo together dissect the rapidly (GIS) fl ow accumulation algorithms as “river” SAT 7 images of the rivers at high fl ow, thereby cooled Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif. pixels may actually average in substantial parts providing an estimate of bankfull width. Like An alternative conceptual framework for mod- of adjacent hillslope elevations. Consequently, elevation, these width values were then aver- eling the rate of bedrock channel incision is pro- local channel elevation may be overestimated aged over 10 km to obtain a reach-mean channel vided by the saltation-abrasion model proposed on the basis of the amount of hillslope eleva- width. For the Po Tsangpo, lower Parlung, and by Sklar and Dietrich (2004), which provides an tion included in a given grid cell, whereas fl ow Dongxiu river system, we measured channel explicit treatment of the infl uence of bed load length can be underestimated because of the width directly from Google Earth (earth.google. sediment supply and transport on river incision, degree to which meandering is not represented com/) for every 1 km of channel. A reach-aver- as described below. Where bed load abrasion is in the DEM. The combination of these errors aged channel width was then obtained by aver- the dominant incision mechanism, coarse sedi- produces additional uncertainty in channel slope aging these measurements over 10 km. Because ment carried by rivers—depending on sediment calculations that are not included in the accu- the pixel resolution of the LANDSAT imagery supply relative to transport capacity—can either racy estimates discussed above. for all of the measurements of width is 28.5 m, promote incision by providing tools or inhibit In order to assess the uncertainty introduced channel widths are known to, at best, within 1 incision when deposited as a protective alluvial into our slope estimates owing to the coarse res- pixel. Therefore we assign an uncertainty in cover (Gilbert, 1877; Sklar and Dietrich, 1998). olution of the 30 arc-second GTOPO30 DEM, these measurements of ±28.5 m. The Sklar and Dietrich saltation-abrasion model we directly compare channel slope for the Yar- To compute mean annual river power across incorporates this fundamental nonlinearity lung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra computed from the the study region, we assume a liberal discharge imposed on incision by sediment dynamics. GTOPO30 30 arc-second DEM averaged over uncertainty of ±20% and propagate this along As formulated, the saltation-abrasion model 10 km to channel slope computed from the DTED with the previously discussed uncertainties in requires, at a minimum, direct constraints on both 3 arc-second DEM averaged over 10 km. This channel width and slope into the calculated values sediment supply and transport capacity integrated comparison is shown in detail in Figures DR1A of river power. Channel slope, width, discharge, over a time scale of signifi cance to the process and DR1B (see footnote 1). However, to summa- and power data are presented in Table DR2 (see of bedrock channel incision (i.e., centuries to rize, channel slopes computed from GTOPO30 are on average 12% ± 8% higher than channel slopes computed from the DTED 3 arc-second 94°0'0"E 95°0'0"E 96°0'0"E data for the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra. This is because the GTOPO30 data set, as discussed Mean annual 2 above, neglects some of the meandering in the river power (W/m ) > 360 channel that is captured by the DTED data, 180 – 360 yielding a fl ow length difference of ~2.5% over 0 – 180 the 400 km of the river addressed in this study. To compensate for this systematic overestima- tion of channel slope by GTOPO30, we apply a 30°0'0"N 30°0'0"N correction to all slope measurements estimated from GTOPO30 data. There is also considerable scatter in the plot of DTED slope versus GTOPO30 slope (Fig. DR1A; see footnote 1), from which we compute a standard error in slope of 0.0033 for the GTOPO30 data averaged over 10 km. This means that beyond the 0.0006 slope uncertainty inherent in the spatially averaged GTOPO30 data, there is an additional 0.0033 uncertainty resulting from the sampling issues discussed 29°0'0"N 95°0'0"E 96°0'0"E above. Therefore, slope estimates for the Po Tsangpo, the lower Parlung, and the Dongxiu Figure 6. Patterns in mean annual river power in the vicinity of the Namche river system are known only to within 0.004 Barwa–Gyala Peri massif. Areas with no data coverage were not included in the at best. We did not expand the analysis to any analysis. Stars denote the locations of Namche Barwa and Gyala Peri.

148 Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2008 Namche Barwa Uplift Incision

millennia). Although we lack direct constraints channels with relatively higher excess transport channel that is already at its sediment-transport on bed load supply within the study area, we sug- capacity. In these reaches, alluvial deposition capacity will lead to rapid deposition of alluvial gest that the spatial extent of sediment terraces following spikes in sediment supply owing to, cover and suppression of channel incision. In and deposits in valley bottoms in the vicinity of for instance, glacial advances or landslides, is such an example, continued relative base-level the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif delineates apparently suppressed by high sediment-trans- fall and channel steepening or climate-driven regions of the channel network with little or no port capacities. changes in sediment supply or transport capac- excess transport capacity, and where sediment Within the framework of the saltation-abra- ity may provide the only means for a channel supply is near or above the intrinsic capacity of sion model, patterns in river power, in turn, pro- to erode through protective alluvial cover and the channel to convey it. This inference is justi- vide an index not of incision rate but rather of begin incising its bed again. An example of a fi ed by the fact that long-term storage of sedi- bed load transport capacity. Thus comparison of transition to cover-limited behavior is apparent ment, fundamentally, refl ects sediment supply Figures 6 and 7 reveals that areas of high sedi- in the before and after images from a landslide rates that exceed transport rates. For this reason, ment-transport capacity (i.e., power) within the delivered to the Yiggong Tsangpo in 2000 that we argue that the distribution of incised alluvial Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif are generally triggered extensive alluvial deposition (Fig. 8). terraces and currently braided channel reaches spatially coincident with reaches of high excess The images, which bracket the event in time, provides a proxy for supply relative to transport transport capacity, whereas reaches of low and show the total inundation of the formerly narrow capacity integrated over the recent geologic intermediate power are associated with exten- past. Figure 7 depicts the spatial pattern of val- sive sedimentation and incised alluvial terraces, ley bottom deposits throughout the region of the both indicative of low excess transport capacity. Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif. The striking Insight into relative rates of bedrock incision Sept. 23, 1999 pattern of deposition indicates that the heart of emerges via recognition of the fundamentally the massif lacks long-term sediment storage alto- different dynamics of channels that are at or gether, whereas its distal regions appear far less near transport capacity in comparison with those capable of evacuating sediment supplied from that are well below transport capacity, such as is upstream. We note that in the Yarlung Tsangpo apparently the case in the heart of the Yarlung gorge, signifi cant sediment deposition is absent Tsangpo gorge. Channels with low excess trans- despite numerous feeding into the river, port capacity, Sklar and Dietrich (2004) argue, and documented peaks in regional rates of bed- will have incision rates that are fundamentally rock landsliding here (Bunn et al., 2004). limited by the extent of alluvial cover depos- Just as the presence of valley-bottom alluvial ited on the bed. Hence, positive perturbations deposits provides an index of low excess trans- in sediment supply in these channels will drive port capacity channels, we further argue that the further sediment deposition and erosional shut- absence of alluvial deposits provides an index of down. For example, a landslide delivered to a

94°0'0"E 95°0'0"E 96°0'0"E

Valley Bottom Nov. 15, 2001 Sediment Landslide Location

Figure 8. Limit of Alluvial Deposition Figure 9. 30°0'0"N 30°0'0"N

Tools Limited ? Low Qs/Qt

Cover Limited ? High Qs/Qt 5 km

29°0'0"N 95°0'0"E 96°0'0"E Figure 7. Valley Bottom Sediment storage in the vicinity of the Namche Barwa– Figure 8. Paired LANDSAT images, show- Gyala Peri massif, a proxy for low excess transport-capacity channels. The loca- ing the Yiggong Tsangpo before (September tions of the reaches shown in Figures 8 and 9 are indicated in the fi gure. Stars 23, 1999) and after (November 15, 2001) a

denote the locations of Namche Barwa and Gyala Peri. Qs/Qt refers to the ratio of landslide, which occurred in 2000. Arrows bed load sediment supply to bed load capacity. denote the fl ow directions of major rivers.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2008 149 Finnegan et al. channel with a thick blanket of alluvial cover supply of sediment. Thus, in regions of exten- bed load transport capacity relative to supply, delivered from the landslide. sive bedrock landsliding, low excess transport- and (4) rapid cooling centered on the Namche In contrast, based on both the saltation-abra- capacity channels are likely to be unstable over Barwa–Gyala Peri massif (Fig. 10). Because of sion model (Sklar and Dietrich, 2004) and on geologic time, oscillating between periods of this close spatial association of patterns in relief, observations from bedrock incision experiments alluvial deposition and renewed incision result- mineral cooling, sediment-transport capacity, (Sklar and Dietrich, 2001; Finnegan et al., ing from ongoing base-level fall. This effect will and river incision potential determined indepen- 2007), channels with relatively greater excess also be reinforced by the fact that alluvial chan- dently in two ways, we infer that the exhuma- transport capacity will tend to have incision nels are typically wider and therefore less power- tion of the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif rates that are limited by the availability of ero- ful than bedrock channels for the same slope and is driven by the incision and effi cient sediment sive tools rather than the extent of alluvial cover discharge (Finnegan et al., 2005), suggesting that transport of the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra deposition. Hence in the tools-limited regime, an channels may become less capable of transport and the Po Tsangpo. The oversteepened slopes excess transport capacity channel may undergo following sediment deposition. and pervasive bedrock landsliding within the enhanced incision when supplied with landslide Although landsliding and high sediment sup- gorge (Bunn et al., 2004) provide additional debris. Figure 9 shows a reach of the Yarlung ply rates (Fig. 4) are prevalent throughout the independent evidence that landscape lowering Tsangpo–Brahmaputra River within the Yarlung study area, we argue that the effects of landslides within the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif is Tsangpo gorge. Note that despite numerous will tend to amplify river incision in the Yarlung coupled to river incision, much as has been sug- large bedrock-landslide scars in the photo, sedi- Tsangpo gorge, whereas landslide debris will gested for the Nanga Parbat massif in the west- ment storage is minimal within the channel and retard channel incision in the regions with lower ern Himalayan syntaxis (Burbank et al., 1996). valley bottom, confi rming that the channel is river power. Thus the regions of high power and Additionally, the similarity between patterns of capable of evacuating supplied landslide debris, excess transport capacity shown in Figures 6 relief—a good proxy for basin averaged ero- and suggesting tools-limited behavior. and 7 will incise effi ciently over geologic time sion rates (Fig. 4)—and patterns of river incision Importantly, whereas low excess transport- in comparison with regions of low power and potential further supports the interpretation that capacity channels can undergo a virtual shut- low excess transport capacity. hillslopes and tributary catchments are slaved to down of erosion from an infl ux of sediment, high the incision of the mainstem Yarlung Tsangpo– excess transport channels may be able to sustain DISCUSSION Brahmaputra and the Po Tsangpo. Finally, the incision indefi nitely, even if provided with a high conforming patterns of the current topogra- Evidence for Coupling of River Incision phy and of mineral cooling as recorded in both and Rock Uplift 40Ar/39Ar in biotite and (U-Th)/He in zircon indi- cate that the high erosion rates expressed by the Taken together, the patterns in zircon (U- current topography and fl uvial geomorphology Th)/He ages, biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages, topography, have been sustained for at least 1 m.y. (the age of and refl ect a striking spatial the youngest 40Ar/39Ar age) and probably longer. coincidence of (1) extreme topographic relief, We emphasize that without being directly (2) high river incision potential, (3) high fl uvial coupled to hillslope erosion, river incision alone,

94°0'0"E 95°0'0"E 96°0'0"E

0.0 – 2.0 Biotite Mean Annual Valley Bottom 2.0 – 6.0 40Ar/39Ar River Power (W/m2) Sediment > 6.0 age (Ma) > 360 0.0 – 1.0 Zircon 180 – 360 0 – 180 Topographic Relief 1.0 – 3.0 (U-Th)/He > 3300 m > 3.0 age (Ma)

30°0'0"N 30°0'0"N

Figure 9. Photograph of the Yarlung Tsangpo– Brahmaputra within the Yarlung Tsangpo gorge, showing numerous large bedrock landslide scars and minimal sediment storage 29°0'0"N in the channel. The photograph was gener- 95°0'0"E 96°0'0"E ously provided by Allan Ellard, a member of Figure 10. Superimposed patterns in topographic relief, sediment deposition, the 2002 kayaking expedition in the Yarlung river power, zircon ages, and biotite ages. Stars denote the locations of Namche Tsangpo gorge. Barwa and Gyala Peri.

150 Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2008 Namche Barwa Uplift Incision because of its relatively limited spatial area, incision of valley bottoms for river incision to the tens of kilometers of exhumation within the would be insuffi cient to infl uence mass fl uxes drive rock uplift over a wide area (e.g., Burbank Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif since the within an active orogen, as what we suggest et al., 1996). The alternative, that in effect the Pliocene (Burg et al., 1997; Booth et al., 2004; is occurring within the Namche Barwa–Gyala incision of the Yarlung Tsangpo gorge refl ects Booth et al., 2007), it is essentially impossible Peri massif. The erosion of hillslopes and trib- a transient wave of incision propagating into for the young mineral ages in valley bottoms to utary channels must therefore be slaved to the Tibet, is unlikely for three reasons. First, given refl ect cooling owing to recent incision of only a 5-km-deep valley. Second, bedrock mapping in the syntaxis indicates that peaks are structur- ally continuous with rapidly cooled and deeply A exhumed rocks in the gorge (Burg et al., 1997), suggesting that deep exhumation is continu- ous across peaks and valleys. Third, if the very Namche Barwa young cooling ages in valley bottoms have been set simply by headward cutting of the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra into Tibet, we anticipate A that downstream of the knickpoint’s current location there would be a trail of young cool- ing ages, corresponding to the former location of the propagating knickpoint. This scenario, however, is inconsistent with the older cool- ing ages present downstream of the knickpoint (Fig. 11). These arguments, taken together with the observations of the extremely steep slopes and active bedrock landsliding within the Yar- A' lung Tsangpo gorge, lead us to conclude that the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra River is driving regional denudation within the Namche Barwa– Gyala Peri massif. 6000 40 Because Namche Barwa and Gyala Peri are

) Mean annual B 35 currently glaciated (Fig. DR2; see footnote 1), 2 2 5000 river power (Watts/m ) and were much more glaciated in the recent past Biotite 40Ar/39Ar age (Ma) 30 (Montgomery et al., 2004), it is also natural to 4000 25 consider the role of glaciation in the exhuma- 3000 20 tion of the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif. Although we cannot rule out the possibility that 15 2000 Cooling age (Ma) glacial erosion, rather than fl uvial erosion, is

River power (Watts/m power River Zircon (U-Th)/He age (Ma) 10 driving exhumation within the Namche Barwa– 1000 5 Gyala Peri massif, we offer several observations A A' that point to fl uvial erosion as the key process 0 0 driving regional denudation. First, what sets the A Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif apart from Incised terraces C 5000 3000 other high Himalayan peaks is not its steepness Braided reach 4500 2500 or ice volume, but instead its close spatial asso- 4000 ciation with the largest and most powerful river 2000 in the Himalaya (Finlayson et al., 2002). Hence, Relief (m) 3500 1500 to explain close coupling between glacial ero- 3000 River elevation (m) elevation River Local relief (m) sion and rock uplift here, we would have to pro- 1000 2500 vide an explanation for the reason why glacial

500 2000 erosion rates in this region would be unusually A' high. Neither the ice volumes, precipitation, nor 0 1500 hillslope angles are particularly remarkable by 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 Himalayan standards, so we fi nd no immediate River Distance (m) suggestion for why glacial erosion would be Figure 11. (A) Perspective satellite view of the study area, showing the reach of the higher here than elsewhere in the Himalaya, as Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra (A–A′) within the study area. (B) Longitudinal pro- is the case for river incision. Moreover, based on fi le of zircon (U-Th)/He ages, biotite 40Ar/ 39Ar ages, and river power along the Yar- fi eld observations (Fig. DR2; see footnote 1), it lung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra. Uncertainty in river power is shown with line thickness, appears that large and potentially erosive valley whereas error bars for mineral-cooling age data are smaller than the data symbols. glaciers did not extend into the region of rapid (C) River elevation, topographic relief, and sediment storage along the Yarlung cooling outlined in Figures 2 and 3. Addition- Tsangpo–Brahmaputra. ally, in the lower Yarlung Tsangpo gorge and

Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2008 151 Finnegan et al. along the Po Tsangpo, we compute high river region discussed below are well explained by incision rates between 1 and 10 mm/yr, the ~2% power and note young mineral-cooling ages, dynamic coupling between denudation driven gradient Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra knick- but the landscape in these regions is far from the by river incision and rock uplift. point would, according to equation 2, propa- infl uence of active glaciers, and the low chan- From the perspective of a buckle fold origin gate upstream at a minimum rate of between nel elevations (<2300 m) and the lack of obvi- for the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif (Burg 30 and 300 km/m.y. The fact that high inferred ous glacial deposits in these regions make Qua- et al., 1998), the patterns of relief, river mor- river incision rates and young zircon and biotite ternary glaciation unlikely. Hence, without any phology, and cooling ages shown in Figure 10 cooling ages are all spatially colocated along signs of active or past glacial erosion over much would require a fortuitous coincidence of the the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra, however, of the “bull’s-eye” of rapid cooling shown in location of maximum buckle folding and the indicates that the location of rapid incision has Figures 2 and 3, it is hard to invoke glacial ero- location of the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra not propagated upstream. Otherwise we would sion as the chief erosive agent in the study area. knickpoint. As noted earlier, high topographic observe a mismatch between the location of Finally, we note that although glacial erosion relief is closely associated with rapid rock uplift current rapid incision and the location of rapid itself may not be the primary driver of exhuma- inferred from GPS and seismicity (Bendick exhumation in the past, as revealed by the cool- tion within the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri mas- and Bilham, 2001) along the Main Himalayan ing age data. Thus we infer that the Yarlung sif, the damming of the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brah- Thrust. However, whereas high relief forms a Tsangpo–Brahmaputra knickpoint has been maputra by glacial advances likely unleashed more or less continuous band along the Hima- pinned by the uplift of the Namche Barwa– repeated catastrophic glacial dam-break fl oods layan front in response to uplift along the Main Gyala Peri massif—an inference also supported down the Yarlung Tsangpo gorge over the Qua- Himalayan Thrust, in the core of the eastern by the localization of high relief within the zone ternary (Montgomery et al., 2004). These fl oods syntaxis high relief, rapid cooling, and by infer- of rapid cooling and high inferred incision rates may have been essential for the rapid incision of ence rock uplift are extremely localized within a (Fig. 11). Without compensatory uplift of the the Yarlung Tsangpo gorge over the Quaternary. region of rapid inferred river incision. Given the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif, the Yarlung However, without more detailed glacial and gla- apparently highly localized nature of rapid rock Tsangpo–Brahmaputra knickpoint would have cial lake chronologies in the region, the impor- uplift within the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri propagated well into Tibet. tance of these events, and by extension glacia- massif, it is therefore striking that the steepest In considering the coincidence of the Yarlung tion, on the landscape evolution of the Namche portion of the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmpatura, Tsangpo gorge and the Namche Barwa–Gyala Barwa–Gyala Peri massif remains uncertain. the largest river in the Himalaya and Tibet, is Peri massif, one might ask how what is widely Exhumation of the Namche Barwa–Gyala centered precisely on the Namche Barwa–Gyala regarded as the most erosive river in the Himalaya Peri massif is also unlikely to be related to Peri uplift. This is particularly notable because (Finlayson et al., 2002) became superimposed crustal extension, which is often invoked as the rivers tend to be defl ected around actively uplift- on the one structure apparently capable of bal- exhumational mechanism for isolated meta- ing antiforms (e.g., van der Beek et al., 2002) ancing its incision? As noted previously, Koons morphic massifs. Where extensional faulting rather than incorporated within their structural et al. (2002) argue that isolated, active, high- is responsible for unroofi ng deep crustal rocks, or topographic culminations—that is, unless the relief metamorphic massifs spatially colocated there is no reason to expect a close correspon- rivers themselves are responsible for the loca- with large and erosive rivers is an expected con- dence between erosion and exhumation, because tion of the structure (e.g., Oberlander, 1985; sequence of erosional, thermal, and mechanical faulting itself is the primary mechanism of mass Zeitler et al., 2001b; Koons et al., 2002; Simp- coupling in an active orogen. Hence, the colo- removal above a core complex. Additionally, son, 2004; Montgomery and Stolar, 2006). cation of the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif the thrust motion along faults bounding the A longitudinal perspective of the river reveals and the Yarlung Tsangpo gorge is not likely to Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif (Burg et al., that the great knickpoint of the Yarlung Tsangpo– be a coincidence but instead probably emerges 1998; Kidd et al., 2006) and the structural fabric Brahmaputra and its zone of rapid inferred inci- from the strong coupling between denudation mapped in detail by Burg et al. (1998) are both sion rates are centered directly on the region of driven by river incision, deformation, and rock inconsistent with extensional exhumation. rapid zircon and biotite cooling, as well as on uplift within this region of the Himalaya. Prior studies have recognized the importance the zone of extreme local relief (Fig. 11). In the of the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra to the absence of tectonic uplift, the rate of knickpoint Inferring Long-Term River Incision Rates geodynamics of the syntaxis (Burg et al., 1998; propagation upstream for an orogen-traversing from Fluvial Geomorphology Zeitler et al., 2001b; Koons et al., 2002). Zeitler river such as the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra et al. (2001b) and Koons et al. (2002) attribute can be estimated via equation 14 in Lavé and Prior fi eld studies investigating evidence for uplift of the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif Avouac (2001), a model for the erosive propaga- coupling between rock uplift, surface erosion, directly to the infl uence of regional denudation tion of a steep river reach into a mountain front: and fl uvial geomorphology have focused on the driven by river incision via the tectonic aneu- relationship of several fl uvial geomorphic indi- –1 ρ ρ rysm hypothesis. In contrast, Burg et al. (1998) m(x,t) = S(x) (1 – c/ m)i(x,t), (2) ces of incision rate to a variety of exhumation suggest that the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra rate data (e.g., Burbank et al., 1996; Burbank and its tributaries, although vital to the exhuma- where m is the knickpoint propagation rate et al., 2003; Wobus et al., 2003; Vannay et al., tion of the massif, are nevertheless antecedent upstream, i(x,t) is the vertical incision rate of 2004; Mitchell and Montgomery, 2006; Wobus ρ ρ to what is fundamentally a lithospheric buck- the knickpoint, S is channel slope, and c and m et al., 2006). Burbank et al. (1996), Wobus et al. ling instability. It is challenging to distinguish are the density of the crust and , respec- (2003), and Vannay et al. (2004) report spatial between these end-member models for the tec- tively. As noted by Lavé and Avouac (2001), correlations of river steepness and muscovite tonic development of the Namche Barwa–Gyala because equation 2 assumes local isostatic com- mineral cooling ages in the western Himalaya, Peri massif, because both require a close cor- pensation, it provides a conservative estimate of central Nepal Himalaya, and Sutlej Valley, respondence between surface erosion and rock knickpoint propagation rates in most settings. India. In contrast, Mitchell and Montgomery uplift. However, a number of features of the Nevertheless, assuming a reasonable range of (2006) and Burbank et al. (2003), respectively,

152 Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2008 Namche Barwa Uplift Incision illustrate that trends in river power are not well in exhumation across the Namche Barwa–Gyala (and therefore local base level) than they are to correlated with those in apatite ages from the Peri massif have been sustained over the recent local precipitation totals and the processes that western Cascades of Washington State, and geologic past, and that in the absence of min- depend on them. Otherwise, we would antici- from the central Nepal Himalaya. Additionally, eral-cooling data, fl uvial geomorphology can pate a closer relationship between exhumation Tomkin et al. (2003) show that apart from even provide an important proxy for patterns in exhu- patterns and precipitation patterns. agreeing with cooling ages, patterns in river mation in studies of active tectonics, as has been power also are not correlative with incision rates suggested by others (e.g., Finlayson et al., 2002; CONCLUSIONS in the Olympic Mountains of Washington State. Wobus et al., 2003, 2006). All of this suggests that inferring long-term inci- We have compared spatial patterns in inferred sion rates strictly from fl uvial geomorphology is Precipitation and Exhumation detachment-limited incision rates and saltation- an imperfect art at best and that factors such as abrasion potential to patterns in topographic sediment supply (e.g., Brandon and Gasparini, As discussed in the introduction, a virtue of relief, precipitation, and exhumation rates 2005) or the glacial legacy of a mountainous our study area is that we are able to compare pat- refl ected by zircon- and biotite-cooling ages in landscape (Mitchell and Montgomery, 2006) terns in precipitation and patterns in river power the vicinity of the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri may confound attempts to infer long-term inci- independently with patterns in mineral-cool- massif. Mapping indicates a spatial colocation sion rates solely on the basis of present-day ing ages. This is possible in the vicinity of the of high incision-rate potential, sediment-trans- channel morphology. Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif because the port effi ciency, relief, and mineral-cooling Acknowledging these complications, we have addition of locally derived orographic precipita- rates focused on this massif. Only patterns in presented two separate methods for inferring tion to the Yarlung Tsangpo gorge accounts for precipitation appear uncorrelated with those in patterns in rates of river incision throughout the only ~10% of the combined discharge of the mineral-cooling ages, suggesting that it is not study area. Despite the potentially complicating Po Tsangpo and Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmapu- directly tied to exhumation within the Namche effects of sediment supply and cover on estimat- tra, which together drain ~200,000 km2 of the Barwa–Gyala Peri massif. Taken together, these ing rates of river incision (Sklar and Dietrich, Tibetan Plateau. Hence, precipitation and river observations suggest strongly that regional 2004; Brandon and Gasparini, 2005), in the power on the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra denudation driven by river incision, combined vicinity of the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif River are effectively decoupled and can each be with effi cient sediment evacuation within the there is a strong correspondence of incision rates compared to exhumation rate patterns to assess region of the Yarlung Tsangpo gorge, is closely inferred from only river power patterns and those the relative strengths of these two forcings on coupled with vertical rock uplift. inferred from taking sediment dynamics more patterns of mineral-cooling ages. Isolated, active, high-relief metamorphic directly into account. More signifi cantly, both of Although patterns in orographic precipita- massifs spatially colocated with large and ero- these indices of river incision also provide rea- tion have been found to control patterns in sive rivers are an expected consequence of ero- sonably accurate and complementary pictures of exhumation of the Himayalan front (Thiede et sional and thermo-mechanical coupling in an the spatial patterns in long-term erosion-rate gra- al., 2005) and the Washington Cascades (Rein- active orogen (Koons et al., 2002). A number of dients inferred from mineral-cooling data. ers et al., 2003), there is no clear spatial rela- key features of the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri Thus despite numerous reasons for why a tionship within the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif suggest that the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brah- snapshot of river morphology should reveal little massif between patterns in precipitation and maputra River plays a signifi cant role in con- about the long-term erosion of a landscape, river- cooling ages (Fig. 12), as there is for patterns trolling lithospheric dynamics here: (1) Along power patterns and sediment-deposition patterns in river power and cooling ages (Fig. 11). We much of the Himalaya front, areas of high nevertheless appear to conform to exhumation interpret this as evidence that within the study relief and young cooling ages form a continu- gradients within the study area. This in turn area, hillslope erosion rates are much more ous band related to active rock uplift along the underscores the fact that present-day gradients closely coupled to local-channel incision rates Main Himalayan Thrust. However, high relief and rapid mineral cooling in the vicinity of the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif is restricted to a “bull’s-eye” pattern precisely in the region cut 3500 14 by the largest river in the Himalaya, the Yarlung A Tsangpo–Brahmaputra, suggesting that rock 3000 12 Mean annual uplift is equally localized. (2) The coincidence precipitation (mm/yr) of high river power, high relief, and the pat- 2500 Zircon 10 (U-Th)/He age (Ma) terns in young zircon- and biotite-cooling ages 2000 8 requires that the location of rapid incision on the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra be pinned for at 1500 6 least 1 m.y. Without a close balance between the 1000 4 uplift of the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif River Ele Annual precipitation (mm/yr) Annual

vation Long Profi Zircon (U-Th)/He age (Ma) and the incision of the Yarlung Tsangpo–Brah- 500 2 le A' maputra knickpoint, a wave of headward inci- 0 0 sion would have propagated rapidly into Tibet. 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 Within its deep gorge, the Yarlung Tsangpo– Brahmaputra is the most powerful reach of river River distance (m) in the Himalaya. It is therefore striking that it is Figure 12. Profi les of elevation, precipitation, and zircon (U-Th)/He ages along the colocated with the one structure that is appar- Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra. ently capable of balancing its incision.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2008 153 Finnegan et al.

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