THE Black history at Gustavus remembered GUSTAVIAN p. 6-7 WEEKLY Established 1891 February 15, 2013
[email protected] Issue 13 Clark Johnson wins special election with help from the ‘Gustie vote’ is the candidate who is going the momentum going and now to do what is best for this dis- supporters in Congress are trict and what is best for the writing a bill that would legal- state. You might think that this ize same-sex marriage within election doesn’t matter, but it the state. Since Clark [Johnson] matters a lot. If you believe in won, I’m really enthused to see a fair tax system, if you believe how he pushes for that because in funding for education, then he has made it clear that it is Clark Johnson is your candi- one of his objectives,” Leitzman date,” Governor Dayton told said. the crowd on Monday. Both Leitzman and Nelson “Because the seat was vacated said that mobilizing the Gustie we have to have a special elec- vote was essential to winning tion, but this is a special election in the special election. They because it is a special opportu- both credited the Gustavus nity. This legislative session has Democrats’ ability to mobilize the opportunity to really change Gustie voters through publicity, Minnesota. I want you to know phone-banking and the rally for that I will listen to you, I will Johnson’s victory. learn from you and I really want “I think that even if people you to understand that I will didn’t go to the rally, just know- work hard.