THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER, 20, 1866. 6225 Chester, in the .caunty of Lancaster; and to em- of Norbury and parish of , in the power the corporation to make, construct, and county of Chester; which conduit or line of maintain, the several works and effect the objects pipes will pass from, through and into, the hereinafter mentioned, or some of them (that is parishes, townships, extra-parochial and other to say) : places of Bowden Edge, in the parish of Chapel- 1. A reservoir, with all necessary approaches, en-le-Frith, Chinley, Bugsworth and Brownside, embankments, waste weirs, diversions of streams in the parish of Grlossop, all in the county of ;and roads, conduits, sluices, pipes, outlets, and Derby, and Teardsley-cum-Whaley, in the parish pther works and conveniences connected there- of Taxall, and Disley, Marple, and Norbury, in with, .to be situate upon the Hockham Brook, the parish of Stockport, all in the county of ^otherwise called the Wash Brook, the embank- Chester. Jment. thereof being at a point about 97 yards in 8. A conduit or line of pipes commencing in jt.n~qrth-easterly direction from the bridge there and out of the said reservoir (No. 4) at or near over "the; said brook, in the hamlet of Wash ; its embankment, in the township of Chinley, which reservoir will be situate within the town- Bugsworth and Brownside, in the parish of Glos- 'ship of Chinley, Bugsworth, and Brownside, in sop and county of Derby, and terminating by a :~ihe parish of , and of Bowden Edge, in junction with the last-named conduit or line of "the parish of Chapel-eri-le-Frith, all in the county pipes (No. 7) in the township of Chinley, Bugs- of Derby. worth and Brownside, in the parish of Glossop 2. A reservoir, with all necessary works as and county of Derby, at a point about 20 yards aforesaid, to be situate upon the Cowburn Brook, in a north-westerly direction from the bridge near Ford Hall, the embankment thereof being at which carries the turnpike road leading from a point about 578 yards in a south-easterly direc- Chapel-en-le-Frith to Hayfield, over the said : tion from the junction of the Wash, Cowburn and Slack Brook, otherwise called Lady Shaw Brook. Boych Brooks; which reservoir will be situate 9. A conduit or line of pipes commencing in in the said township of Bowden Edge, in the and out of the said reservoir (No. 6) at or near its parish of Chapel-en-le-Frith, and county of embankment, in the township of Chinley, Bugs- Derby. worth and Brownside, in the parish of Glossop 3. A. reservoir, with all necessaiy works as and county of Derby, and terminating by a junc- ^aforesaid, to be situate upon the Roych Brook: tion with the said conduit or line of pipes (No. 7) ^aforesaid, near to Shire Oaks, the embankment in the township of Chinley, Bugsworth and e. thereof- being at a point about 774 yards in a Brownside, in the parish of Glossop, in the _ .north-easterly direction from the said junction of county of Derby, at a point about 20 yards in a .jtheWash, Cowburn and Boych Brooks; which north-westerly direction from the bridge which ••.reservoir will be situate in the townships of carries the turnpike road leading from Chapel- .. Chinley, Bugsworth . and Brownside, in the en-le-Frith to Hayfield, over the srid Slack 1-parish of Glossop, and of Bowdeh Edge, in the Brook, otherwise called the Lady Shaw Brook; .parish of Chapel-en-le-Frith, all in the county of all of which two last-mentioned works are jDerby. situate wholly within the said township, parish, 4. A reservoir, with all necessary works as and county. "; aforesaid, to be situate upon the Slack Brook; 10. A 'reservoir, with all necessary works as otherwise called the Lady Shaw Brook, near the aforesaid, to be situate upon certain lands adja- • -Slack ; the embankment thereof being on or near cent to the turnpike road from Stockport to the site of a portion of the road leading from Disley, at a point near to and in an easterly Brownside Farm to Bennett Barn Farm, and direction from the milestone there indicating 10 : about 480 yards in an easterly direction from the miles from ; such lands belonging to bridge which carries the turnpike road from Lieutenant-Colonel William John Legh, of Lyme, 'T Chapel-en-le-Frith to Hayfield, over the said in the county of Chester; and being in the occu- Slack Brook, otherwise called the Lady Shaw pation of William Chatterton, of Millgate Farm, , Brook, which reservoir will be situate in the as his tenant; all in the township of Norbury " township of Chinley, Bugsworth and Brownside, and parish of Stockport, in the county of "in the parish of Gflossop, in the county of Derby^ Chester. & A reservoir, with' all necessary works as 11. A conduit or line of pipes commencing in ^aforesaid, to be situate upon the said Slack and out of the said reservoir (No. 10) in the said : otherwise called Lady Shaw Brook, township of Norbury and parish of Stockport^in ":ij:ear;t7pper Fold Farm; the embankment there the county of Chester, and terminating at the r'/of being; about -277- yards in a north-easterly junction of Wellington-road South with Higher • "direction from. Upper Fold Farm-house ; which Hillgate, in the borough 'of Stoekport, in - the : reservoir will be situate ^in the said township of township and parish of Stockport, all in the ; Chinley, Bugsworth and Brownside$ in the county of Chester; which conduit or line. of parish of Grlossop, in the county of Derby. pipes will pass from, through, and into the 6: A reservoir, with all necessary works as parishes, townships, extra-parochial and other aforesaid, to be situate upon the Hollow Shaw places of Norbury, Torking'ton, Bramhall, and Brook, near Hollow Shaw Farm, the embank- Stockporb, in the parish of Stockport, and of ment thereof crossing the Hollow Shaw Brook Handiorth-cum-Bpsden, in the parish of Cheadle, • aforesaid at a point about 365 yards in a north- all in the county of Chester, and also all such easterly direction from the Bridge which carries other embankments, conduit pipes, culverts, cuts, "":the turnpike road from Chapel-en-le-Frith to catchwater and other drains, tanks, filter beds, •?• -Hayfield, over the said Hollow Shaw Brook ; sluices, engines, and other works and conveniences '2- which reservoir will be situate-in the said town- in connedtion with the works hereinbefore de- ship of Chinley, Bugsworth and Brownside, in scribed, or any or either or them, as may be ,% the -parish of Glossop and county of Derby. deemed necessary or expedient; and which said <—'- 7. A conduit or fine of pipes commencing in intended reservoirs, aqueducts, conduits, pipes, •" and out', of Reservoir No. 1, at or near its em- and other works, will be situate in, or pass from, • bankment, in the township of Bowden Edge, in in, through or into the several parishes, town- t- the' parish of Chapel-en-le-Frith, in the county, of ships, and extra-parochial and other places fol- i .iperbyV.and terminating; in. .the: service reservoir lowing or some 9? them; that is to say, Bowden .vheranaffcer.:described^ (No.. 10),: in the township. Edge, Chinley, Bugsworth, and Brownside, all in "••' '••