The Independent Advance-Titan Student Newspaper of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Campuses Vol. 126, No. 6 Oct. 17, 2019 Senate Campaign Immigration Fall Pub Crawl Alumni induction Stay Connected UWO UP dis- @theadvancetitan student Campus hosts dreamer patched Eight UWO alumni sets sight certificate training to help to 161 calls were inducted into the @titan or @atitansports on state “DACAmented” and “un- during the Titan Athletics Hall of senate seat. DACAmented” students annual Pub Fame on Oct. 13 at the @theadvancetitan overcome challenges. Crawl. Culver Family Welcome Center.
[email protected] Page 5 Page 3 Page 9 Page 7 Wisconsin weed laws are half-baked By Bethanie Gengler to prosecute marijuana possession
[email protected] in small amounts, and it may be treated as an ordinance violation On Jan. 1, 2020, Illinois will with a ticket. officially legalize recreational In 2018, members of the Osh- marijuana and Wisconsin will be kosh Common Council wanted to surrounded by weed. reduce the fine for possession of Illinois will join 10 other states marijuana from $325 to $25 but that have legalized recreational were only successful in getting it marijuana and 33 states that have reduced to $200 plus court costs. legalized medical marijuana. Bor- Oshkosh City Council mem- dering state Minnesota allows ber Jake Krause, who supported medical use while Michigan al- the fine reduction, said the fine lows recreational use. Canada has amount would have depended also legalized recreational pot. on the weight of the marijuana, Wisconsin residents can now which could vary if it were mixed drive just a short distance to pur- in with food or other substances.