The Berkeley Beacon
LIFESTYLE OPINION ARTS Student founds Kenyan nonprofit Tinder loving care The Girlie Project performs live The Berkeley Beacon Emerson College’s student newspaper since 1947 • Thursday, October 10, 2013 • Volume 67, Issue 2 Students file fed complaint, say college mishandled sexual assault cases RA said she was forced to resign after defending resident are federal laws that prohibit sexual dis- Evan Sporer, Beacon Sta crimination at educational institutions and require reporting of crimes on and A resident assistant was fired from near campus, respectively. her position after attempting to as- “The school has consistently been sist one of her residents who had been treating its survivors unfairly, and it sexually assaulted, according to a press wasn’t until I adamantly and passion- release from End Rape on Campus ob- ately supported a survivor that I was tained by the Beacon. In a later state- put on probation and then fired for ment to the Beacon, the RA said she was other outstanding reasons,” Manderlink forced to resign and not fired. wrote in a statement to the Beacon, ref- Dylan Manderlink, currently a se- erencing other incidents of sexual as- nior, was an RA on the eighth floor of sault that she said have gone reported the Little Building last fall. During that and unreported. time, her resident, then-freshman Sar- According End Rape on Campus’ re- ah Tedesco, reported to the college that lease, Manderlink lost her position as an she had been sexually assaulted in an RA after she began to support Tedesco. off-campus incident, according to Te- “I think their timing of putting me on desco.
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