Office Attendants and Cleaners Certified
OFFICE ATTENDANTS AND CLEANERS CERTIFIED For the first time in the history of “You can use the certificates the judiciary, office attendants and to get jobs elsewhere includ- cleaners have been certified after ing overseas because IWED they received training to improve is an accredited training or- their performance on the job in a ganization (ATO) by bid to make Jamaica’s judiciary NCTVET- Heart Trust/NTA the best in the Caribbean in three and HEART is a recognized years and among the best in the institution,” the Chief Justice world in six years. emphasized. The four-day training, which was One of the participants in the conducted by the Institute of training exercise Rosemarie The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes OJ CD, Workforce Education and Devel- Chanteloupe from the Chief Justice, hands over certificate to Jennifer opment (IWED) at the Knutsford Manchester Parish Court said Bryan from the Traffic Court at the Award Court Hotel in Kingston “I learn a lot and I appreciate Ceremony for Office Attendants held at the everything that they did for (November 18-19, 2019) and Riu Terra Nova All-Suite Hotel in St. Andrew on Hotel in Montego Bay, St. James December 19, 2019. us. The training helped us to (November 21-22, 2019), covered learn more about our work ethic and to have better a range of topics such as: custom- and urged them to apply what they have customer relation skills.” er relations, proper sanitation, garnered from the training exercise to food handling practices and pro- their jobs. Another participant, Shaun cedures, occupational safety and Huggarth from the Hanover Chief Justice Sykes said the training is workplace professionalism.
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