Handbook 2017


Vision: Our vision is to provide educational experiences and opportunities that will engage and motivate all students to learn, discover and critically analysis their knowledge to equip them to become informed citizens of the future.

Mission: To inspire in pupils the love for learning and to lead the students into becoming Life Long Learners.



Page Title 1 Vision and Mission 2 Contents 3 Letter from the Relieving-Principal 4 General Information 5 School Times 5 Key Learning Areas 6 Assessment Policy 7 The School Library 7 Computer and IT 7 Learn to swim 8 Homework 8 Excursions 8 School Development Days 8 Assemblies 8 School Uniform 9 Equipment for school 9 Sun Smart 9 Newsletter 10 Attendance 10 Custody of Children 10 Kindergarten Enrolments 10 Jerangle Student Welfare Policy 11 FISH Philosophy 12 Emergency Contact Numbers 12 Sickness during School Hours 13 Infectious Diseases 13 Children with special needs 13 School Bus 14 Children requiring Medication 14 Parent and Community Association 14 School Staff 15 3

Letter from the Relieving Principal

We welcome you and your child/ren to Jerangle Public School.

Jerangle is a small rural school with a compassionate and supportive community. Our school offers a warm, caring educational environment where communication is open and welcome. Children are encouraged to develop academically, socially and emotionally to their full potential. Jerangle staff link individual learning for all students in a secure, engaging and positive way and provide stimulating learning experiences which are personalised and responsive to individuals.

We have an enthusiastic and engaged P and C which meets once a term to discuss future directions and ideas to support the teaching team at Jerangle.

The school offers a well-rounded academic program which caters for a wide range of students. Some specific programs include Count Me In Too, L3(Literacy program) Multi-Lit, as well as a dynamic Home Reading program. Physical activities are also highly regarded and a diverse variety of PE activities are delivered during the year to enhance classroom and academic learning. Jerangle runs an Active After School Sport program in Term 1 and 4.The children at Jerangle enjoy the music program where students get the opportunity to learn the guitar as well as participating in an engaging drama program. Students are privileged at Jerangle to have a wide range of IT resources, including computers, laptops and interactive white boards, iPads and video conferencing facilities. Students at Jerangle are immersed every day in technology and are confident to use it.

Thinking outside of the box is encouraged at Jerangle, through problem solving and questioning activities. Students are also encouraged to participate in structured play activities in the playground, tennis court and sand pit areas including traditional sports, invented games and student/ staff competitions.

Jerangle is part of Small School Network and is actively involved in a range of excursions and learning days where we visit nearby schools including and . We also participate in a range of excursions including live theatre, the Life Education Van, and our annual swimming program sports carnivals and overnight excursions.

We warmly and sincerely welcome you to Jerangle Public School and look forward to being part of you and your child’s learning experience.

Michael Schwetz Jerangle Relieving-Principal

4 General Information

Address 2892 Jerangle Road JERANGLE NSW 2630

Telephone (02) 6454 3127

Fax (02) 6454 3177

Email [email protected]

Web http://www.jerangle-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Facebook @jeranglepublicschool

School Times

Teachers are on duty daily at 8:30 am, therefore, any child at school before that time run the risk of being involved in an accident without adult help being available. It is therefore unwise to send your child to school early.

Classes Commence: 9:00am

Crunch and Sip: 10.15am

Recess: 11:00 -11:40am

Lunch: 1:00 – 1:45pm

School Concludes: 3:00am

Children are not allowed to leave the grounds without permission.

5 Key Learning Areas

There are six key learning areas and their components in the primary curriculum area.

English • Reading and viewing • Writing and representing • Talking and listening • Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary • Handwriting and using digital technologies • Thinking imaginatively and creatively • Expressing themselves • Reflecting on learning.

Mathematics • Number and Algebra • Measurement and Geometry • Statistics and Probability

Science and Technology • Natural environment • Made environment • Working scientifically • Working technologically

Human Society and Its Environment • History • Geography

Creative and Practical Arts • Music • Visual Arts • Craft • Drama

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education • Personal Development • Health Education • Physical Education • Child Protection

6 Assessment Policy

Methods of Assessment

Assessment of pupil progress is made on a progressive basis throughout the year. Assessment sources include teacher observation, anecdotal records, standardised tests, teacher-made tests and check lists. Personalised Learning Plans are created to specifically address individual needs and are regularly evaluated to maintain student progress.

The National Testing Program (NAPLAN) takes place annually for Year 3 and Year 5 levels.

Reporting to Parents

Formal progress reports are sent home at the end of Term 2 and 4. However, throughout the year parents and teachers are encouraged to meet to discuss any concerns they have.

The School Library

The school library is open to students each day, and borrowing occurs during class time. All parents are encouraged to take an active interest in their child’s leisure reading and encourage the use of our library’s facilities. Library books should be carried in a library bag.

Computer and Information Technology

Jerangle boasts an impressive array of ICT. Each room equipped with Wi-Fi connectivity and video conferencing equipment. Students regularly use iPads, desktop and Laptop computers to access a range of online learning. Students are encouraged to use to computers to research and present information. 2017 has seen the introduction of Lego robotics to develop the coding skills students will need in the future.


Learn to Swim

Jerangle students join with PS to participate in Learn to Swim classes during Term 4 each year. All students take part in this program. Classes are delivered in and are conducted by Michelle’s Swim School.


Homework is set to allow the children to develop positive learning habits often required in high school, to consolidate learning covered in school, and to foster strong home - school links. It is also a good bonding time with your child. Minimum homework required includes number skills, daily reading (if possible to a parent) and practise their weekly spelling. At times throughout the year additional projects on specific topics are set to encourage research skills and enhance presentation techniques.


Excursions are an important part of the school’s curriculum. The school attempts to include both local and ACT venues. These vary according to the units of work covered in class. School uniform must be worn on school excursions. Permission notes are sent home on green paper for excursion, please return promptly with money, if required. The school supplies name badges for your child that are kept at school.

School Development Days

NSW schools are allocated School Development Days for the professional development of staff. Normal classes are suspended on these days. Parents will be given advanced notice of dates so that they can make appropriate arrangements for their children.


An assembly is held 2.40pm each Friday, where students receive awards of achievements throughout the week. This promotes individual self-esteem and achievement and gives students an opportunity to take pride in their school, parents and family are warmly invited. At the end of each year a Presentation Assembly is held, where yearly awards for achievements, sporting awards and special awards are celebrated with the wider community.

8 School Uniform

School colours consist of green and white. Children are required to wear school uniform daily, as it is a symbol of unity and pride.

Winter: Children wear grey pants and green jumpers with a green polo shirt or skivvy.

Summer: Children wear grey shorts or skirts with a green polo shirt. Girls can wear a green check dress.

Embroidered shirts and jumpers are available on order from South East Embroidery – 40 Bombala St Cooma. Green bucket hats are available from the school.

Equipment for School

Students will need to have a bag such as a back pack so that they can access recess and lunch independently. It is often a good idea to have a personalised key ring on the zipper so your child can identify their bag easily. All personal items must be labelled with your child’s name such as lunch box, drink bottle and jumpers.

Sun Smart

Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world. The major cause of skin cancer is cumulative unprotected exposure to the sun. Research shows that most skin damage occurs during childhood and adolescence.

For these reasons Jerangle PS encourage the following behaviours. • All children are required to wear a hat whilst out in the playground during Term1 and 4. Jerangle has a no hat play in the shade policy during Term 1 and 4. • School uniform hat is bottle green with a wide brim.

9 Newsletter and Notes

A school newsletter is issued to the oldest in each family every three weeks and can also be accessed on the school web site and Facebook. Most of the information about school and its events will be issued to you in the newsletter. It is important that the newsletter is read and events noted. Other notes will be sent home throughout the week. • Newsletter will be printed on white paper. • Permission Notes or Surveys that have to be returned to school on green paper. • Amendment to notices on yellow paper. • Stop Press or Urgent information on red paper.


Under the Public Instruction Act, all absences must be explained in writing to the teacher, orally (this can be done via a phone call to the office) or via email. Frequent absences obviously hinder educational progress and your co-operation in eliminating unnecessary absences is essential.

The school will work with parents to resolve persistent attendance issues. Continued problems will result in a referral to the Home- School Liaison officer for investigation.

Custody of Children

If custody/ access are restricted the school must be notified of this fact. A legal document is required to substantiate claims.

Transfer to another school

Please contact the school office when you are transferring your child to another school. A Transfer Certificate will be completed. This has to be presented to the new school on enrolment.

Kindergarten Enrolments

Kindergarten enrolment forms should be completed and returned to the school office. You will need to provide a birth certificate, immunisation record and proof of residential address. Please note that if your child is not fully immunised a certificate is required to that effect. The Kinder Orientation Program is held during the latter part of each year. 10

Jerangle Student Welfare Policy

Jerangle School’s welfare consists of 3 basic strategies to address negative comments made by students and to build a harmonious atmosphere in the classroom and playground.

Strategy 1 – Zero tolerance to negative comments. The following actions will occur when any student has made a negative comment towards a student, staff member or visitor. 1. Verbally apologise to the offended person(s). 2. Write an apology to the offended person(s) and hand it to them. 3. Miss the next session of play time. 4. Have copies of written apology sent home to the parents of both parties. 5. Copies of the apology to be retained under student file.

Strategy 2 – Building individual resilience.

Implement the “I” statement and explicitly teach students to use this powerful tool to overcome frustrating or annoying behaviour that students may experience.

Strategy 3 – Active Bystanders There is no such thing as an innocent bystander. Therefore, if a student overhears negative comments being made they need to execute 2 actions: 1. Inform the offending student that negative comments are not acceptable at school, 2. Tell a staff member of the incident.

11 The FISH Philosophy

Jerangle School operates under the FISH philosophy which is based on 4 main elements to function. These are:

• Choose your attitude • Make someone’s day • Being there • Have fun

The school uses these key concepts to develop resilience, respect, honesty and friendship to all students.

Students are rewarded for good behaviour as well as academic pursuits and are given “Fish Bites” that can be collected and traded for a choice at the prize box.

Emergency Contact Numbers

Often a school needs to contact parents and carers when a child is sick or has had an accident. Up to date numbers are a necessity. If you change your address or phone number, please let the office know. When necessary the school will make contact in this order. 1. Home Number 2. Mobile Number 3. Work Number 4. Other emergency Number 5. Medicare number and placement of child on card

12 Sickness During School Hours

Children who become sick during school hours will be given a chance to lie down and be closely monitored by an adult. If the child continues to be unwell, parents will be contacted and asked to collect their child. Occasionally children have accidents and appropriate first aid is administered. Parents will be notified of serious accidents.

Infectious Diseases

On occasions children need to be excluded from attending school because of certain infectious diseases. In all cases, the school should be notified of sickness of pupils.

The more common infectious diseases include: Chicken Pox- exclude for 7 days from appearance of rash. German Measles- exclude for 7 days from appearance of rash. Measles- exclude for 5 days from appearance of rash or until a medical certificate of recovery is produced. Infectious Hepatitis- exclude until cleared by a doctor. Mumps- Exclude for 14 days until cleared by a doctor.

Other common diseases which may require exclusion include:

Ringworm- exclude until the day after treatment has been commenced. Then keep covered. Conjunctivitis- exclude until discharge from eyes ceased. Impetigo (septic sores) - exclude if sores are on exposed surface such as face, scalp, hands or legs. Allowed to return to school if sores are properly covered by a clean dressing or healed. Pediculosis (Lice in hair) - exclude until hair has been treated.

Children with Special Needs

Any disability or special needs should be brought to the attention of the school at the earliest possible time so that appropriate action may be taken to provide care, personnel and equipment necessary.


School Bus

A school bus service operates to and from the school. Details of the route are available from the school office. All children using the bus service are expected to exhibit courteous behaviour whilst on the bus. Parents will be notified if unacceptable behaviour occurs.

Children Requiring Medication

Normally children who are required to take or be given medication during the day are ill and should not be at school. Where medication is required for a child it must be administered by a trained staff member. Parents are asked to provide details of medication, dosage and times in writing to the class teacher and school office. Parents are required to show prescription information to the office prior to the school administering medication.

Parent and Community Association

The P and C Association meetings are held in the school library on a regular basis. Meetings are held once a term or as needed. Times and agenda are advised in the newsletter and email. All parents are welcome to attend the P and C meetings and are encouraged to take part in the educational, social and fundraising events organised by the P and C.


School Staff 2017

Relieving Teaching Principal: Michael Schwetz Part Time Teacher: Lisa Coyne Part Time Teacher: Liz Fitzgerald School Administration Manager: Helen Boate School Learning Support Officer: Kelsey Rourke School Learning Support Officer: Helen Boate School Learning Support Officer: Carolyn Ewart General Assistant: Peter Ewart