

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,678,808 B2 Barlow et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 16, 2010

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Figure 1: Human Neurogenesis Assay: 5-HTP Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 90 5-HTP

80 A Neuronal POSitive Control


-1 g -8.5 -8.0 -7.5 -7.0 -6.5 -6.0 -5.5 -5.0 -4.5 -4.0 Log ConcM) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 2 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 2: Human Astrocyte Differentiation ASSay: 5-HTP

Astrocyte Differentiation (GFAP) 100 A 90- 5-HTP 80 A Astrocyte Positive Control

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 O -10 -8.5 -8.0 -7.5 -7.0 -6.5 -6.0 -5.5 -5.0 -4.5 -4.0 -3.5 Log Conc(M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 3 Of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 3:

Basa Media U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 4 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 4: Human Neurogenesis Assay: Buspirone Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 100 90- BuSpirone 80 A Neuronal Positive COntrol 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 O -10 -8.5 -8.0 -7.5 -7.0 -6.5 -6.0 -5.5 -5.0 -4.5 -4.0 Log Conc(M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 5 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 5: Human Astrocyte Differentiation Assay: Buspirone

Astrocyte Differentiation (GFAP) 100 A 90 Buspirone 80 A Astrocyte Positive Control 3 70 g 60 50 S 40 s 30 o 6. -1 -8.5 -8.0 -7.5 -7.0 -6.5 -6.0 -5.5 -5.0 -4.5 -4.0 -3.5 Log Conc(M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 6 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 6

Basal Media Astrocyte Positive control U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 7 Of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 7: Human Neurogenesis Assay: Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 100 90 Tandospirone A Neuronal Positive Control

4. O

-8.5 -8.0 -7.5 -7.0 -6.5 -6.0 -5.5 5.0 -4.5 -4.0 Log Conc(M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 8 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 8: Human Astrocyte Differentiation Assay: Tandospirone

Astrocyte Differentiation (GFAP) 100 A 90 Tandospirone 80 A Astrocyte Positive Control

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 O -10 -8.5 -8.0 -7.5 -7.0 -6.5 -6.0 -5.5 -5.0 -4.5 -4.0 -3.5 Log Conc(M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 9 Of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

basal Media 31.6 gly Tandospiro f U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 10 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 10: Rat Cognition Assay: Fluoxetine Novel Object Recognition

A Preference for Novel Object (visits) B Preference for Novel object (time)

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 O Vehicle p < 0.05 Treatment (mg/kg) Treatment (mg/kg) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 11 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 11: Rat Depression Assay: Fluoxetine Novelty Suppressed Feeding

Novelty Suppressed Feeding: Latency to Eat

Vehicle Fluoxetine 10 p < 0.05 Treatment

U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 13 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 13: Rat Depression Assay: BuSpirone Novelty Suppressed Feeding

Novelty Suppressed Feeding

C U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 14 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 14: Body Weight: Buspirone

4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 Day of dosing -- Vehicle -- 0.5 mg/kg 5.0 mg/kg U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 15 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 15: Human Neuronal Differentiation Assay

Dopamine 190 o Dopamine with 1 OuM 5-HTP 170 A Dopamine with 3OuM 5-HTP 150 130 110 90 70 50 30 10 -10 -8.5 -8.0 -7.5 -7.0 -6.5 -6.0 -5.5 5.0 Log Conc (M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 16 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2 auOu?desd! U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 17 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 17: Human Neurogenesis Assay: Buspirone + Melatonin

Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 100110 -0 BuSpironuspirone go. --Melatonin 80 -0-Buspirone + Melatonin 70 60 50 40 30 2O 10 O -10 10–8.5 10-8-0 10-7.5 10-7.0 10-6.5 10-6.0 10-5.5 10-5.0 104.5 10-4-0 ConcCM) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 18 Of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 18: Human Astrocyte Differentiation Assay: Buspirone + Melatonin

Astrocyte Differentiation (GFAP) 100El -o-BuspironuspIrOne 90 --Melatonin --Buspirone + Melatonin

10–8.5 10-8.0 10-7.5 10-7.0 106.5 10-6.0 10-55 10-5.0 104.5 104.0 Conc(M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 19 Of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 19: NSF: Buspirone + Melatonin Novelty Suppressed Feeding (at 21 dayS)



O - Vehicle Melatonin Buspirone Melatonin Buspirone U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 20 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 20: In Vivo Neurogenesis Buspirone + Melatonin

BrdU Positive Cells in Dorsal Granule Cell Layer

Vehicle Melatonin Buspirone Melatonin 3 mg/kg 0.5 mg/kg -- k p < 0.01 (11% increase) Buspirone U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 21 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 21: In Vivo Weight Gain Studies Buspirone + Melatonin


e 6 300 6)

-N g 2 g g s g a & é é 8.

W1S. 280 in g ......

O 260 s -()- Vehicle C i 240 - A - 3 mg/kg Melatonin -- 10 mg/kg Melatonin 3 mg/kg Melatonin + 0.5 220 mg/kg BuSpirone

200 -T ------r --- -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Days of Treatment U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 22 Of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 22: Human Neurogenesis Assay: Buspirone + Baclofen

Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 110 1OO -0 "Buspirone go. --Baclofen 80- -0-Buspirone + Baclofen

10–8.5 10-8.0 10-75 10-7.0 10-6.5 10-6.0 10-5.5 10-5.0 10-4.5 104.0 Conc(M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 23 Of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 23: Human Astrocyte Differentiation Assay: Buspirone + Baclofen

Astrocyte Differentiation (GFAP) 110 -0-Buspirone 1OO 90 --Baclofen --Buspirone + Baclofen

10–8.5 10-8.0 10-75 10-7.0 10-6.5 10-6.0 10-5.5 10-5.0 10-4.5 10-40 Conc(M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 24 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 24

Azasetro - Neuronal Differentiation 110 a Neuronal Positivein a Control O


- 6.25 -6.00 -5.75 -550-525-5.0D 4rs 40 as Log Conc (M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 25 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 25

10 CO - Astrocyte Differentiation

-1) inhur -8.25 -50 -6.76 -5.5 5.25 -5.) -4.5 -.SD 4.25 Log Corc (M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 26 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 26


O -- AZasetron

10 ker-et- Hara-i- -3.25 -6.0 -55 5.5 -S.25 S. 4.75 - 4.25 Log Conc (M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 27 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 27

U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 28 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 28: Human Neurogenesis ASSay: AZaSetron

Human Neurogenesis Assay 110 1 AZasetron

1 g -1. 10-8.0 10-7.5 10-7.0 10-6.5 10-6-0 10-5.5 10-50 10-4.5 10-40 Conc (M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 29 Of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 29: Human Neurogenesis Assay:

Human Neurogenesis Assay Granisetron

10 1 0-8.5 1 0-75 1) 6.5 1 0-5.5 1 0-4.5 Conc (M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 30 Of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 30: Human Neurogenesis ASSay:

Human Neurogenesis ASSay


1 0-8.5 10 -7.5 1 O -6, 5 1 O -5.5 10 -4.5 Conc (M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 31 Of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 31

Mosapride Citrate - Neuronal Offerentiation Neuronal Positive Cotrol O 9. 80 fo

50 40 3. 2

: . 2. S. S.5 S. S.25 -SO 45 d5 (25 log Conc (M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 32 Of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 32

1. 1O 90 Citrate - Astrocyts differentiation 3 so O

is 10 . . . 1. 25 -6.00 -5.75-6.50 -6.25 -500 475 -450 4.25 Log Conc (M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 33 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 33

Carrol Cell Colin


--Mosapride Citrate

-625 6.00 5.75 -55 -S.25 5.0 -45 -4.5 -4.25 Log Conc (M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 34 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

igure 34

U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 35 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 35: Human Neurogenesis Assay: Mosapride

Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 110 100 Mosapride 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 O -, 10-8.0 10-7.5 10-7.0 10-6.5 10-6,0 10-5.5 10-5.0 10-4.5 10-40 Log Conc (M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 36 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 36: Human Neurogenesis Assay:

Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 110 Cisapride 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 2O 10 O 19t, 10-8.0 10-7.5 10-7.0 10-6.5 10-6.0 10-5.5 10-5.0 10-4.5 10-40 Conc (M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 37 Of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 37: Human Neurogenesis Assay:

Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 120 110 Sumatriptan 1OO 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 O 19, 10-8.0 10-7.5 10-7.0 1-6.5 10-6.0 10-5.5 10-5.0 10-4.5 10-40 Conc (M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 38 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 38: Human Neurogenesis Assay: 4-P-PDOT

Agomelatine Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1)

: Agomelatine

O -10 10-8.5 0-8.0 10-7.5 10-7.0 10-6.5 0-60 10-5.5 10-50 10-4.5 10-40 Conc (M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 39 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 39: Human Neurogenesis Assay: Buspirone +

Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 110 100- "0"Buspirone 90 R-Modafinil 80 -0- Combination 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

-9, 10-7.5 10-6.5 10-5.5 10-4.5 U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 40 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 40: Human Astrocyte Differentiation Assay: Buspirone + Modafinil

Astrocyte Differentiation (GFAP) 110 100 - O - BuSpirOne 90 -E-MOCafinil 8O -0- Combination

70 60 50 40 30 20 10

-1, -8.5 10-7.5 10-6.5 10-5.5 10-4.5 U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 41 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 41: Human Neurogenesis Assay: AZasetron + Buspirone

Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 110 OAZasetron 100 D-Buspirone 90 -0- Combination 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

-1, 10-8.0 10-7.5 10-7.0 10-6.5 10-6.0 10-5.5 10-5.0 10-4.5 10-40 Conc (M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 42 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 42: Human Neurogenesis Assay: AZasetron + Baclofen

Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 110 100 - OAZasetron 80 -0- Combination

10-8.5 10-8.0 10-7.5 10-7.0 10-6.5 10-6.0 10-5.5 10-5.0 10-4.5 10-40 Conc (M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 43 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 43: Human Neurogenesis Assay: AZasetron + Captopril

Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 110 100- 0. AZasetron 90- a Captopril

80 -0- Combination

10-8.5 10-8.0 10-7.5 10-7.0 10-6.5 10-6.0 10-5.5 10-5.0 10-4.5 10-4.0 Conc (M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 44 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 44: Human Neurogenesis Assay: AZasetron + budilast

Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) O'AZasetron 'budilast : 0 Combination

1050 -1 AZasetron Concentration 10 -8.5 10-8.0 1 0-7.5 10-7.0 1 O -6.5 1 O -6.0 10 -5.5 1 0-5.0 10 -4.5 1 0-40 10-8.0 10-8.5 10-8.0 10-7.5 10-7.0 10-6.5 10-6.0 10-5.5 10-5.0 104.5 budilast Concentration Conc (M) U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 45 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 45: Human Neurogenesis Assay: AZasetron +

Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1)

100 OAZasetron E - NaltrexOne

-0- Combination

10-9 10-8 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 46 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 46: Human Astrocyte Differentiation Assay: AZasetron + Naltrexone

Astrocyte Differentiation (GFAP) 110 100 - OAZasetron 90 Naltrexone 80 -0- Combination

U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 47 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 47: Human Neurogenesis Assay: AZasetron + Folic Acid

Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 110 - OAZasetron 100 SSSSS 80 -- Combination

10-8.5 10-7.5 10-6.5 10-5.5 10-4.5 U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 48 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 48: Human Astrocyte Differentiation Assay: AZasetron + Folic Acid

Astrocyte Differentiation (GFAP) 110 100 O'Azasetron 90 -- Folic Acid 80 -0- Combination

10-9 10-8 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 49 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 49: Human Neurogenesis Assay: AZasetron +

Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) O'AZaSetron Gabapentin -- Combination : 10.50 -1 1 O -8.5 1 O -7.5 1 O -6.5 1 O 5.5 1 O -4.5 U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 50 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 50: Human Neurogenesis Assay: Azasetron +

Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 110 100 - OAZasetron I-Methylphenidate -0- Combination

5 O

10-8.5 10-7.5 10-6.5 10-5.5 10-4.5 10-9.0 10-8.0 10-7.0 10-6.0 10-50 Conc (M) Methylphenidate Concentration U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 51 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 51: Human Astrocyte Differentiation Assay: AZasetron + Methylphenidate

Astrocyte Differentiation (GFAP) 110 100 - O - AZasetron 90 -O-Methylphenidate 80 -0- Combination 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

AZasetron Concentration -1 3. 10-7.5 10-6.5 10-5.5 10-4.5 r---Hamm 10 -9.0. 10 -8.0 10 7. 10 -6.) 10 -5. Conc (M) Methylphenidate Concentration U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 52 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 52: Human Neurogenesis Assay: AZasetron + Clozapine

Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 110 10090- "ElO-AZasetron Clozapine

8 -- Combination

10-8.5 10-7.5 10-6.5 10-5.5 10-4.5 U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 2010 Sheet 53 of 53 US 7,678,808 B2

Figure 53: Human Neurogenesis Assay: AZasetron + Carbemazepine

Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1)

140 - OAZasetron- Carbemazepine

is -- Combination

10-8.5 10-7.5 10-6.5 10-5.5 10-4.5 US 7,678,808 B2 1. 2 SHT RECEPTOR MEDIATED The role of 5HT1a receptors has been thought to relate to NEUROGENESIS modulation of anxiety, in part because knockout mice lacking 5HT1a receptors display increased anxiety. The animals also RELATED APPLICATIONS display reduced immobility inforced Swimming and tail Sus pension tests. Agonists of 5HT1a, such as buspirone or This application claims benefit of priority to U.S. Provi , have been used as anxiolytics (see Tunnicliff Phar sional Application 60/746,878, filed May 9, 2006, 60/805, macol. Toxicol. 69:149, 1991; and Den Boer et al. Hum Phy 436, filed Jun. 21, 2006, and 60/882,429, filed Dec. 28, 2006, chopharmacol. 15:315, 2000). Another 5HT1a agonist is all of which are incorporated by reference as if fully set forth. 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino), where the R(+)-isomer is a 10 full agonist and the S(-)-enantiomer is a partial agonist. FIELD OF THE DISCLOSURE Antagonists of 5HT1a may be used to accelerate the effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and The instant disclosure relates to methods for treating dis enhance their clinical efficacy (see Arborelius et al. Naunyn eases and conditions of the central and peripheral nervous Schmeiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 353:630-640, 1996). system by stimulating or increasing neurogenesis via use of a 15 Examples of 5HT1a antagonists include and pin 5HT optionally in combination with a dolol. neurogenic agent, neurogenic sensitizing agent or an anti The 5HT4 receptor is another subtype, with multiple C-ter astrogenic agent, or another 5HT receptor modulator. The minal splice variants having been described as 5HT4A disclosure includes methods based on the application of a through 5HT4H (see Blondel et al. (1997) FEBS Lett. 412: 5HT receptor modulator optionally in combination with a 465; Blondeletal. (1998).J. Neurochem 70:2252; Claeysenet neurogenic sensitizing agent or an anti-astrogenic agent to al. (1997) Neuroreport 8:3189: Claeysen et al. (1999) Mol. stimulate or activate the formation of new nerve cells. Pharmacol. 55:910; Van Den Wyngaert et al. (1997).J. Neu rochem. 69:1810; Mialet et al. (2000) Br. J. Pharmacol. 129: BACKGROUND OF THE DISCLOSURE 771; and Mialet et al. (2000) Br. J. Pharmacol. 131:827. Most 25 members of the family, including 5HT4, belong to the G Neurogenesis is a vital process in the brains of animals and protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily. According to humans, whereby new nerve cells are continuously generated some studies, 5HT4 receptor agonists have been observed as throughout the lifespan of the organism. The newly born cells leading to increases in cAMP. The splice variants have been are able to differentiate into functional cells of the central reported to couple positively to adenylyl cyclase and have nervous system and integrate into existing neural circuits in 30 been observed to have similar pharmacological properties. the brain. Neurogenesis is known to persist throughout adult 5HT4 receptors have been reported as displaying constitu hood in two regions of the mammalian brain: the subventricu tive, agonist-independent, activity. The activity has been lar Zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricles and the dentate gyrus observed at relatively low receptor levels which may explain of the hippocampus. In these regions, multipotent neural pro detected silent or inverse agonist activity by Some putative genitor cells (NPCs) continue to divide and give rise to new 35 antagonists. functional neurons and glial cells (for review Gage Mol Psy Citation of the above documents is not intended as an chiatry. 2000 May: 5(3):262-9). It has been shown that a admission that any of the foregoing is pertinent prior art. All variety of factors can stimulate adult hippocampal neurogen statements as to the date or representation as to the contents of esis, e.g., adrenalectomy, Voluntary exercise, enriched envi these documents is based on the information available to the ronment, hippocampus dependent learning and anti-depres 40 applicant and does not constitute any admission as to the sants (Yehuda. J Neurochem. 1989 July; 53(1):241-8, van correctness of the dates or contents of these documents. Praag. Proc Natl AcadSci USA. 1999 Nov. 9; 96(23): 13427 31, Brown. J Eur J Neurosci. 2003 May: 17(10):2042-6, BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE DISCLOSURE Gould. Science. 1999 Oct. 15:286(5439):548-52, Malberg.J Neurosci. 2000 Dec. 15:20(24):9104-10, Santarelli. Science. 45 Disclosed herein are compositions and methods for the 2003 Aug. 8:301 (5634):805-9). Other factors, such as adre prophylaxis and treatment of diseases, conditions and injuries nal , stress, age and drugs of abuse negatively influ of the central and peripheral nervous systems by stimulating ence neurogenesis (Cameron. Neuroscience. 1994 July; or increasing neurogenesis. Aspects of the methods, and 61(2):203-9, McEwen. Neuropsychopharmacology. 1999 activities of the compositions, include increasing or potenti October; 21 (4):474-84, Kuhn. J Neurosci. 1996 Mar. 15: 50 ating neurogenesis in cases of a disease, disorder, or condition 16(6):2027-33, Eisch. Am J Psychiatry. 2004 March; 161(3): of the nervous system. Embodiments of the disclosure 426). include methods of treating a neurodegenerative disorder, Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT or 5HT) has been neurological trauma including brain or central nervous sys proposed to assert its effects through a number of membrane tem trauma and/or recovery therefrom, depression, anxiety, bound receptors. The 5-HT or 5HT family of receptors 55 psychosis, learning and memory disorders, and ischemia of include multiple subtypes. The 5HT1a (or serotonin) receptor the central and/or peripheral nervous systems. In other subtype is one member of the 5HT1 receptor family. Many embodiments, the disclosed methods are used to improve members of the family, including 5HT1a, belong to the G cognitive outcomes and mood disorders. protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily. According to In one aspect, methods of modulating, such as by stimu Some studies, 5HT1a receptoragonists are thought to inhibit 60 lating or increasing, neurogenesis are disclosed. The neuro activation of adenylate cyclase in some cells, leading to genesis may be at the level of a cell or tissue. The cellor tissue decreases in cAMP. Another study suggests that the 5HT1a may be present in an animal Subject or a human being, or receptor is coupled to N- and L-type calcium channels in alternatively be in an in vitro or ex vivo setting. In some Some ganglion cells (see Cardenas et al. J. Neurophysiol. embodiments, neurogenesis is stimulated or increased in a 77(6):3284-96, 1997). 65 neural cell or tissue, such as that of the central or peripheral 5HT1a receptors are distributed in the CNS, and their acti nervous system of an animal or human being. In cases of an Vation has been shown to lead to neuronal hyperpolarization. animal or human, the methods may be practiced in connection US 7,678,808 B2 3 4 with one or more disease, disorder, or condition of the ner Subject may be one that has been treated with an agent that Vous system as present in the animal or human Subject. Thus, decreases or inhibits neurogenesis. Non-limiting examples of embodiments disclosed herein include methods of treating a an inhibitor of neurogenesis include opioid receptoragonists, disease, disorder, or condition by administering at least one Such as a mu receptor Subtype agonist like . In other neurogenesis modulating agent having activity against a 5HT 5 cases, the need for additional neurogenesis is that detectable receptor, hereinafter referred to as a “5HTR agent.” A 5HTR as a reduction in cognitive function, such as that due to age agent may be formulated or used alone, in combination with related cognitive decline, Alzheimer's Disease, epilepsy, or a another 5HTR agent, or in combination with one or more condition associated with epilepsy as non-limiting examples. additional neurogenic agents. In a related manner, a method may include administering a While a 5HTR agent may be considered a “direct' agent in 10 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with one or more that it has direct activity against a 5HT receptor by interac other neurogenic agents, to a Subject or person that will be tions therewith, the disclosure includes a 5HTR agent that Subjected to an agent that decreases or inhibits neurogenesis. may be considered an “indirect agent in that it does not Non-limiting embodiments include those where the subject directly interact with a 5HT receptor. Thus, an indirect agent or person is about to be administered morphine or another acts on a 5HT receptor indirectly, or via production, genera- 15 opioid receptoragonist, like another , and so about to be tion, stability, or retention of an intermediate agent which Subject to a decrease or inhibition of neurogenesis. Non directly interacts with a 5HT receptor. limiting examples include administering a 5HTR agent, Embodiments of the disclosure include a combination of a optionally in combination with one or more other neurogenic 5HTR agent and one or more other neurogenic agents dis agents, to a subject before, simultaneously with, or after the closed herein or known to the skilled person. An additional 20 Subject is administered morphine or other opiate in connec neurogenic agent as described herein may be a direct 5HTR tion with a Surgical procedure. agent, an indirect 5HTR agent, or a neurogenic agent that In a fifth aspect, the disclosure includes methods for pre does not act, directly or indirectly, through a 5HT receptor. paring a population of neural stem cells Suitable for trans Thus in Some embodiments, an additional neurogenic agentis plantation, comprising culturing a population of neural stem one that acts, directly or indirectly, through a mechanism 25 cells (NSCs) in vitro, and contacting the cultured neural stem other than a 5HT receptor. An additional neurogenic agent as cells with a 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with one described herein may be one which acts through a known or more other neurogenic agents. In some embodiments, the receptor or one which is known for the treatment of a disease stem cells are prepared and then transferred to a recipient host or condition. The disclosure further includes a composition animal or human. Non-limiting examples of preparation comprising a combination of a 5HTR agent with one or more 30 include 1) contact with a 5HTR agent, optionally in combi other neurogenic agents. nation with one or more other neurogenic agents, until the In a second aspect, the disclosure includes a method of cells have undergone neurogenesis, such as that which is lessening and/or reducing a decline or decrease of cognitive detectable by visual inspection, marking, or cell counting, or function in a subject or patient. In some cases, the method 2) contact with a 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with may be applied to maintain and/or stabilize cognitive function 35 one or more other neurogenic agents, until the cells have been in the Subject or patient. The method may comprise adminis Sufficiently stimulated or induced toward or into neurogen tering a 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with one or esis. The cells prepared in Such a non-limiting manner may be more other neurogenic agents, to a subject or patient in an transplanted to a subject, optionally with simultaneous, amount effective to lessen or reduce a decline or decrease of nearly simultaneous, or Subsequent administration of another cognitive function. 40 neurogenic agent to the Subject. While the neural stem cells In an additional aspect, the disclosure includes a method of may be in the form of an in vitro culture or cell line, in other treating mood disorders with use of a 5HTR agent, optionally embodiments, the cells may be part of a tissue which is in combination with one or more other neurogenic agents. In Subsequently transplanted into a subject. Some embodiments, the method may be used to moderate or In yet another aspect, the disclosure includes methods of alleviate a mood disorderina Subject or patient. Non-limiting 45 modulating, such as by stimulating or increasing, neurogen examples include a subject or patient having, or diagnosed esis in a subject by administering a 5HTR agent, optionally in with, a disease or condition as described herein. In other combination with one or more other neurogenic agents. In embodiments, the method may be used to improve, maintain, Some embodiments, the neurogenesis occurs in combination or stabilize mood in a subject or patient. Of course the method with the stimulation of angiogenesis which provides new may be optionally combined with any other therapy or con- 50 cells with access to the circulatory system. dition used in the treatment of a mood disorder. Another aspect of the disclosure include methods and com In a third aspect, the disclosed methods include identifying positions wherein two or more 5HTR agents are utilized, such a patient Suffering from one or more diseases, disorders, or as combinations of buspirone, azasetron, clozapine, conditions, or a symptom thereof, and administering to the cisapride, ondansetron, tandospirone, granisetron, patient a 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with one or 55 ondansetron, mosapride, Sumatriptan, agomelatine and the more other neurogenic agents, as described herein. In some like. Also disclosed are 5HTR agents in combination with an embodiments, a method including identification of a subject opioid agent, Such as naltrexone; a PDE agent, such as ibudi as in need of an increase in neurogenesis, and administering last; and/or a GABA agent, such as baclofen or gabapentin. to the subject a 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with In some instances when the 5HTR agent is used alone, it one or more other neurogenic agents is disclosed herein. In 60 cannot be a 5HTR 1a subtype, such as for stimulating or other embodiments, the Subject is a patient. Such as a human increasing neurogenesis or in treating a nervous system dis patient. order. Preferably a 5HTR3 or 5HTR4 agent is used in stimu Another aspect of the disclosure describes a method lating or increasing neurogenesis. including administering a 5HTR agent, optionally in combi Preferred combinations include azasetron with buspirone, nation with one or more other neurogenic agents, to a subject 65 baclofen, captopril, , naltrexone, folic acid, methyl exhibiting the effects of insufficient amounts of, or inad folate, gabapentin, methylphenidate, clozapine or carbe equate levels of neurogenesis. In some embodiments, the mazepine. In addition, the combination of agents can be US 7,678,808 B2 5 6 administered in one formulation, or concurrently or sequen Subtracted. ECso was observed at a tandospirone concentra tially in more than one formulation. A preferred nervous tion of 12.05 uM in test cells, compared to 4.7 uM for the system disorder is depression. positive control compound. The details of additional embodiments are set forth in the FIG. 8 is a dose-response curve showing the astrogenic accompanying drawings and the description below. Other 5 effect of the agent tandospirone, a 5-HT1A agonist. Astrocyte features, objects, and advantages of the embodiments will be differentiation data is presented as the percentage of the astro apparent from the drawings and detailed description, and cyte positive control, with basal media values subtracted. from the claims. ECso was observed at a tandospirone concentration of 8.69 uM in test cells, compared to 19.9 LM for the positive control BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 10 compound. FIG. 9 is a series of immunofluorescent microscopic FIG. 1 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the images of monolayers of human neural stem cells (hNSC) neurogenic agent 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan, a serotonin after immunohistochemistry staining with the neuronal precursor) on neuronal differentiation of human neural stem marker TUJ-1 (green), the astrocyte marker GFAP (red), and cells. Data is presented as the percentage of the neuronal 15 a nuclear cell marker (Hoechst 33342 in blue). The upper left positive control, with basal media values subtracted. ECso image is a negative control (basal media), the upper middle was observed at a 5-HTP concentration of 12.0 uM in test image is a neuronal positive control (basal media plus a cells, compared to 4.7 LM for the positive control compound. known promoter of neuronal differentiation), and the upper FIG. 2 is a dose-response curve showing the astrogenic right image is an astrocyte positive control (basal media plus effect of the neurogenic agent 5-HTP on human neural stem a known inducer of astrocyte differentiation). The lower cells. Astrocyte differentiation data is presented as the per image shows the effect of 31.6 uM tandospirone on hNSC centage of the astrocyte positive control, with basal media differentiation. values subtracted. ECs was undeterminable for 5-HTP FIG. 10 shows the effects of fluoxetine, a selective seroto (greater than concentrations tested), compared to 19.9 uM for nin reuptake inhibitor, or SSRI, on behavior in the Novel the positive control compound. 25 Object Recognition (NOR) cognition assay. Data is presented FIG. 3 is a series of immunofluorescent microscopic as the mean percentage of the visits to the novel object in FIG. images of monolayers of human neural stem cells (hNSC) 10A and mean percentage of the number of time spent (same after immunohistochemistry staining with the neuronal scale) with the novel object in FIG. 10B. The treatment popu marker TUJ-1 (green), the astrocyte marker GFAP (red), and lations were administered vehicle or fluoxetine at 5 and 10 a nuclear cell marker (Hoechst 33342 in blue). The upper left 30 mg/kg. The 10 mg/kg data in each panel are at p<0.05. Flu image is a negative control (basal media), the upper middle oxetine increased both the number of visits to, and the amount image is a neuronal positive control (basal media plus a of time spent with, the novel object, demonstrating a dose known promoter of neuronal differentiation), and the upper dependent increase in cognition. right image is an astrocyte positive control (basal media plus FIG. 11 shows the effects of fluoxetine, a selective seroto a known inducer of astrocyte differentiation). The lower 35 nin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRI, on behavior in the novelty image shows the effect of 10.0 uM 5-HTP on hNSC differ Suppressed feeding (NSF) chronic depression assay. Data is entiation. presented as the latency to eat (or feed), on a scale from 0 to FIG. 4 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the agent 300 seconds, at intervals of 50 seconds, after treatment with buspirone, a 5-HT1A agonist, on neuronal differentiation of vehicle or 10 mg/kg fluoxetine, with the latter at p-0.05, upon human neural stem cells. Data is presented as the percentage 40 a novel food. of the neuronal positive control, with basal media values FIG. 12 shows the effects of buspirone, a 5-HT1A agonist, subtracted. ECso was observed at a buspirone concentration on behavior in the Novel Object Recognition (NOR) cogni of 22.8 LM in test cells, compared to 4.7 uM for the positive tion assay. Data is presented as the mean percentage of the control compound. visits to the novel object in FIG. 12A and mean percentage of FIG. 5 is a dose-response curve showing the astrogenic 45 the number of time spent (same scale) with the novel object in effect of the agent buspirone, a 5-HT1A agonist, on human FIG. 12B. The treatment populations were administered neural stem cells. Astrocyte differentiation data is presented vehicle or buspirone at 0.5 and 5.0 mg/kg. Buspirone did not as the percentage of the astrocyte positive control, with basal demonstrate a significant effect on cognition. media values subtracted. ECso was observed at a buspirone FIG. 13 shows the effects of buspirone, a 5-HT1A agonist, concentration of 13.24 LM in test cells, compared to 19.9 LM 50 on behavior in the novelty suppressed feeding (NSF) chronic for the positive control compound. depression assay. Data is presented as the latency to eat FIG. 6 is a series of immunofluorescent microscopic (feed), in seconds, upon a novel food. The treatment popula images of monolayers of human neural stem cells (hNSC) tions were administered vehicle or buspirone at 0.5 and 5.0 after immunohistochemistry staining with the neuronal mg/kg. The 0.5 mg/kg data are at p=0.08. Buspirone did not marker TUJ-1 (green), the astrocyte marker GFAP (red), and 55 demonstrate a significant effect on novelty suppressed feed a nuclear cell marker (Hoechst 33342 in blue). The upper left 1ng. image is a negative control (basal media), the upper middle FIG. 14 shows the effects of buspirone, a 5-HT1A agonist, image is a neuronal positive control (basal media plus a on rat body weight during chronic dosing. Data is presented known promoter of neuronal differentiation), and the upper as the mean body weight in grams per day (vertical axis) right image is an astrocyte positive control (basal media plus 60 starting with on the first day of dosing. Animals treated with a known inducer of astrocyte differentiation). The lower buspirone showed a dose-dependent decrease in mean body image shows the effect of 31.6 uM buspirone on hNSC dif weight. ferentiation. FIG. 15 is a dose-response curve showing enhancement of FIG. 7 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the agent the effects of the agent dopamine on neuronal differentiation tandospirone, a 5-HT1A agonist, on neuronal differentiation 65 of human neural stem cells by combination with a 5-HT1A of human neural stem cells. Data is presented as the percent agonist (5-HTP). Data is presented as the percentage of the age of the neuronal positive control, with basal media values neuronal positive control, with basal media values subtracted. US 7,678,808 B2 7 8 Increased efficacy was observed with a combination of day, i.p., n=12 per dose group). The results show BrdU posi dopamine and 10 uM 5-HTP or 30 uM 5-HTP than with tive cell counts within the granule cell layer of the dentate dopamine alone. gyrus. Data are presented as percent change in BrdU positive FIG. 16 contains representations of the structures of some cells per cubic mm dentate gyrus. Melatonin or buspirone non-limiting neurogenic sensitizing agents of the invention. alone did not significantly change the number of BrdU posi FIG. 17 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the tive cells. The combination of melatonin and buspirone neurogenic agents buspirone (5HT1a receptor agonist) and resulted in a significant increase in BrdU positive cells com melatonin ( agonist) in combination on pared to vehicle. neuronal differentiation of human neural stem cells compared FIG. 21 shows the effect of chronic dosing of rats with to the effect of either agent alone. When run independently, 10 melatonin, buspirone, or a combination of both agents on each compound was tested in a concentration response curve body weight (circle: vehicle; triangle: 3.0 mg/kg melatonin; ranging from 0.01 uM to 31.6 uM. In combination, the com diamond: 10.0 mg/kg melatonin; square: 3.0 mg/kg melato pounds were combined at equal concentrations at each point nin--0.5 mg/kg buspirone). The combination of melatonin and (for example, the first point in the combined curve consisted buspirone resulted in decreased body weight compared to of a test of 0.01 uM buspirone and 0.01 uM melatonin). Data 15 vehicle treated animals. Results are presented as the mean is presented as the percentage of the neuronal positive control, body weight over days. with basal media values subtracted. When used alone, ECso FIG. 22 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the was observed at a buspirone concentration of 9.4 uM or a neurogenic agents buspirone (5HT1a receptor agonist) and melatonin concentration of >31.6 uM (estimated based on baclofen (GABA receptor agonist) in combination on neu extrapolation to be approximately at 49.7 uM) in test cells. ronal differentiation of human neural stem cells compared to When used in combination, neurogenesis is greatly the effect of either agent alone. When run independently, each enhanced: ECso was observed at a combination of buspirone compound was tested in a concentration response curve rang and melatonin at concentrations of 2.2 LM each. ing from 0.01 uM to 31.6 uM. In combination, the compounds FIG. 18 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the were combined at equal concentrations at each point (for agents buspirone (5HT1a receptor agonist) and melatonin 25 example, the first point in the combined curve consisted of a (melatonin receptoragonist) in combination on astrocyte dif test of 0.01 uM buspirone and 0.01 uM baclofen). Data is ferentiation of human neural stem cells compared to the effect presented as the percentage of the neuronal positive control, of either agent alone. When run independently, each com with basal media values subtracted. When used alone, maxi pound was tested in a concentration response curve ranging mal neuronal differentiation was 62% for buspirone and 74% from 0.01 uM to 31.6 uM. In combination, the compounds 30 for baclofen. When combined, the maximal neuronal differ were combined at equal concentrations at each point (for entiation was 103%. example, the first point in the combined curve consisted of a FIG. 23 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the test of 0.01 uM buspirone and 0.01 uM melatonin). Data is agents buspirone (5HT1a receptor agonist) and baclofen presented as the percentage of the astrocyte positive control, (GABA receptor agonist) in combination on astrocyte differ with basal media values subtracted. When used alone, ECso 35 entiation of human neural stem cells compared to the effect of was observed at a buspirone concentration of 5.7 uM or a either agent alone. When run independently, each compound melatonin concentration of 31.6 uM (no estimation possible was tested in a concentration response curve ranging from to lack of observed effect) in test cells. When used in combi 0.01 uM to 31.6 uM. In combination, the compounds were nation, ECso was greater than all tested concentrations (>31.2 combined at equal concentrations at each point (for example, uM) and astrocyte differentiation was reduced from a maxi 40 the first point in the combined curve consisted of a test of 0.01 mum of 60% with buspironealone to a maximum of 12% with uMbuspirone and 0.01 uMbaclofen). Data is presented as the the combination of buspirone and melatonin. percentage of the neuronal positive control, with basal media FIG. 19 shows the effects of buspirone alone, melatonin values subtracted. When used alone, ECso was observed at a alone, and the combination of the two drugs on antidepressant buspirone concentration of 5.7 LM or a baclofen concentra activity in the novelty suppressed feeding assay. Male F344 45 tion of >31.6 uM (no estimation possible to lack of observed rats were dosed 1x per day for 21-days with 0 (vehicle only), effect) in test cells. When used in combination, ECso was 0.5 mg/kg buspirone (n=12 per dose group, i.p.), 3.0 mg/kg greater than all tested concentrations (>31.2 LLM) and astro melatonin (n=12 per dose group, i.p.) or the combination of cyte differentiation was reduced from a maximum of 60% the two drugs at the same doses. Behavioral testing was with buspirone alone to a maximum of 14% with the combi carried out as described in Example 14. Results shown in this 50 nation of buspirone and baclofen. figure indicate the mean latency to approach and eat a food FIG. 24 is a dose-response curve showing the effect of pellet within the novel environment. Data are presented as aZasetron (5HT3 receptor antagonist) (squares) on the differ latency to eat expressed as percent baseline. Melatonin or entiation of cultured human neural stem cells (hNSCs) along buspirone alone did not significantly reduce the latency to eat a neuronal lineage. Background media values are subtracted the food pellet. The combination of melatonin and buspirone 55 and data is normalized with respect to a neuronal positive resulted in a significant decrease in latency to eat the food control (circles). AZasetron significantly promoted neuronal pellet. The data indicate that the combination of buspirone differentiation, with an ECso value of approximately 17.8 LM and melatonin at doses that do not produce antidepressant compared to an ECso for the positive neuronal control of activity when dosed alone, result in significant antidepressant approximately 6.3 uM. activity when administered in combination. 60 FIG. 25 is a dose-response curve showing the effect of FIG. 20 shows the effects of buspirone alone, melatonin aZasetron (squares) on the differentiation of cultured human alone, and the combination of the two drugs on in vivo neu neural stem cells (hNSCs) along an astrocyte lineage. Back rogenesis. Male F344 rats were dosed 1x per day for 28-days ground media Values are subtracted and data is normalized with 0 (vehicle only), 0.5 mg/kg buspirone (n=12 per dose with respect to an astrocyte positive control. AZasetron did group, i.p.), 3.0 mg/kg melatonin (n=12 perdose group, ip) or 65 not show a significant effect on astrocyte differentiation the combination of the two drugs at the same doses. BrdU was within the range of concentrations tested (EC50 value greater administered once daily between days 9 and 14 (100 mg/kg/ than highest concentration tested (31.6 uM)). In light of the US 7,678,808 B2 10 results shown in FIG. 24, azasetron preferentially promotes reduction of the basal cell count below 80%. Mosapride cit differentiation of hNSCs along a neuronal lineage. rate had no detectable toxicity at concentrations up to 31.6 FIG. 26 is dose-response curve showing the effect of aza uM. setron (squares) on the cell count of cultured human neural FIG. 34 is an immunofluorescent microscopic image of a stem cells (hNSCs). Data is shown as a percent of the basal 5 monolayer of human neural stem cells (hNSC) incubated media cell count. Toxic doses typically cause a reduction of with 30 uM mosapride citrate and stained with the neuronal the basal cell count below 80%. AZasetron had no detectable marker TUJ-1, the astrocyte marker GFAP, and a nuclear cell toxicity at concentrations up to 31.6 uM. marker (Hoechst 33342). The hNSC comprising the mono FIG. 27 is an immunofluorescent microscopic image of a layer are primarily of a neuronal lineage. monolayer of human neural stem cells (hNSC) incubated 10 FIG. 35 is a full eight (8) point concentration-response with 30 uMazasetron and stained with the neuronal marker curve showing effects of the 5-HT4 receptor agonist, TUJ-1, the astrocyte marker GFAP, and a nuclear cell marker mosapride citrate, on neuronal differentiation of human neu (Hoechst 33342). The hNSC comprising the monolayer are ral stem cells. Mosapride was tested in a concentration primarily of a neuronal lineage. response curves ranging from 0.01 uM to 31.6 uM. Data is FIG. 28 is a full eight (8) point concentration-response 15 presented as the percentage of the neuronal positive control, curve showing effects of the 5-HT3 receptor antagonist, aza with basal media values subtracted. Mosapride induced neu setron, on neuronal differentiation of human neural stem ronal differentiation in a concentration dependent manner cells. AZasetron was tested in a concentration responsecurves with a maximum neuronal differentiation 92% of positive ranging from 0.01 uM to 31.6 uM. Data is presented as the control with an ECs of 10.4 uM. percentage of the neuronal positive control, with basal media FIG. 36 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the values subtracted. AZasetron induced neuronal differentiation 5-HT4 receptor agonist, cisapride, on neuronal differentia in a concentration dependent manner with a maximum neu tion of human neural stem cells. Cisapride was tested in a ronal differentiation percent of positive control 57% with an concentration response curves ranging from 0.01 uM to 31.6 ECso of 4.4 uM. uM. Data is presented as the percentage of the neuronal FIG. 29 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the 25 positive control, with basal media values subtracted. 5-HT3 receptor antagonist, granisetron, on neuronal differ Cisapride induced neuronal differentiation in a concentration entiation of human neural stem cells. Granisetron was tested dependent manner with a maximum neuronal differentiation in a concentration response curves ranging from 0.01 uM to 56% of positive control with an ECs of 7.9 uM. 31.6 uM. Data is presented as the percentage of the neuronal FIG. 37 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the positive control, with basal media values subtracted. Granis 30 5-HT1B/1D receptor agonist, Sumatriptan, on neuronal dif etron induced neuronal differentiation in a concentration ferentiation of human neural stem cells. Sumatriptan was dependent manner with a maximum neuronal differentiation tested in a concentration response curves ranging from 0.01 73% of positive control with an ECs of 1.2 uM. uM to 31.6 uM. Data is presented as the percentage of the FIG. 30 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the neuronal positive control, with basal media values subtracted. 35 Sumatriptan induced neuronal differentiation in a concentra 5-HT3 receptor antagonist, ondansetron, on neuronal differ tion dependent manner with a maximum neuronal differen entiation of human neural stem cells. Ondansetron was tested tiation 76% of positive control with an ECs of 14.9 uM. in a concentration response curves ranging from 0.01 uM to FIG. 38 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the 31.6 uM. Data is presented as the percentage of the neuronal neurogenic agent, agomelatine (reported melatonin agonist positive control, with basal media values subtracted. 40 and 5-HT2B/ antagonist), on neuronal differentiation. Ondansetron induced neuronal differentiation in a concentra Agomelatine was tested in a concentration response curves tion dependent manner with a maximum neuronal differen ranging from 0.01 uM to 31.6 uM. Data is presented as the tiation 60% of positive control with an ECs of 23.9 uM. percentage of the neuronal positive control, with basal media FIG. 31 is a dose-response curve showing the effect of values Subtracted. Agomelatine showed a maximum neuronal mosapride citrate (5-HT4 receptor agonist) (squares) on the as differentiation 42% of positive control with an ECso of 8.7 differentiation of cultured human neural stem cells (hNSCs) uM. along a neuronal lineage. Background media values are Sub FIG. 39 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the tracted and data is normalized with respect to a neuronal neurogenic agents buspirone (5HT1a receptor agonist) and positive control (circles). Mosapride citrate significantly pro modafinil in combination on neuronal differentiation of moted neuronal differentiation, with an EC50 value of so human neural stem cells compared to the effect of either agent approximately 15.8 LM, compared to an ECso for the positive alone. When run independently, each compound was tested in neuronal control of approximately 6.3 uM. a concentration response curve ranging from 0.01 uM to 31.6 FIG. 32 is a dose-response curve showing the effect of uM. In combination, the compounds were combined at equal mosapride citrate (squares) on the differentiation of cultured concentrations at each point (for example, the first point in the human neural stem cells (hNSCs) along an astrocyte lineage. 55 combined curve consisted of a test of 0.01 uM buspirone and Background media values are Subtracted and data is normal 0.01 uM modafinil). Data is presented as the percentage of the ized with respect to an astrocyte positive control. Mosapride neuronal positive control, with basal media values subtracted. citrate did not show a significant effect on astrocyte differen When used alone, ECso was observed at a buspirone concen tiation within the range of concentrations tested (EC50 value tration of 9.4 uM or a modafinil concentration of 12.5uM in greater than highest concentration tested (31.6 uM)). In light 60 test cells. When used in combination, neurogenesis is main of the results shown in FIG. 31, mosapride citrate preferen tained with ECso observed at a combination of buspirone and tially promotes differentiation of hNSCs along a neuronal modafinil at concentrations of 4.5 uM each. lineage. FIG. 40 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the FIG. 33 is dose-response curve showing the effect of agents buspirone (5HT1a receptor agonist) and modafinil in mosapride citrate (squares) on the cell count of cultured 65 combination on astrocyte differentiation of human neural human neural stem cells (hNSCs). Data is shown as a percent stem cells compared to the effect of either agent alone. When of the basal media cell count. Toxic doses typically cause a run independently, each compound was tested in a concen US 7,678,808 B2 11 12 tration response curve ranging from 0.01 uM to 31.6 uM. In FIG. 44 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the combination, the compounds were combined at equal con neurogenic agents aZasetron (5HT3 receptor antagonist) and centrations at each point (for example, the first point in the ibudilast (PDE inhibitor) in combination on neuronal differ combined curve consisted of a test of 0.01 uM buspirone and entiation of human neural stem cells compared to the effect of 0.01 uM modafinil). Data is presented as the percentage of the 5 either agent alone. When run independently, aZasetron was neuronal positive control, with basal media values subtracted. tested in a concentration response curve ranging from 0.01 When used alone, ECso was observed at a buspirone concen uM to 31.6 uM, and ibudilast was tested in a response curve tration of 5.7 uMora modafinil concentration of >31.6 uM in ranging from 0.003-10.0 uM. In combination, the compounds test cells. When used in combination, ECso was greater than were combined at a 1:3.16 ratio at each point (for example, all tested concentrations (>31.2 uM) and astrocyte differen 10 the first point in the combined curve consisted of a test of 0.01 tiation was reduced from a maximum of 60% with buspirone uMazasetron and 0.003 uMibudilast). Data is presented as alone to a maximum of 28% with the combination of bus the percentage of the neuronal positive control, with basal media values subtracted. When used alone, ECso was pirone and modafinil. observed at anazasetron concentration of 5.8 uMoranibudi FIG. 41 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the 15 last concentration of 0.72 uM in test cells. When used in neurogenic agents aZasetron (5HT3 receptor antagonist) and combination, neurogenesis is greatly enhanced. ECso was buspirone (5HT1a receptor agonist) in combination on neu observed at a combination of aZasetron and ibudilast at con ronal differentiation of human neural stem cells compared to centrations of 0.11 uM each, resulting a synergistic combi the effect of either agentalone. When run independently, each nation index of 0.17. compound was tested in a concentration response curve rang FIG. 45 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the ing from 0.01 uM to 31.6 uM. In combination, the compounds neurogenic agents aZasetron (5HT3 receptor antagonist) and were combined at equal concentrations at each point (for maltrexone (mixed ) in combination on neu example, the first point in the combined curve consisted of a ronal differentiation of human neural stem cells compared to test of 0.01 uMazasetron and 0.01 uM buspirone). Data is the effect of either agent alone. When run independently, each presented as the percentage of the neuronal positive control, 25 compound was tested in a concentration response curve rang with basal media values subtracted. When used alone, ECso ing from 0.01 uM to 31.6 uM. In combination, the compounds was observed at an azasetron concentration of 5.8 uM or a were combined at equal concentrations at each point (for buspirone concentration of 9.4 uM in test cells. When used in example, the first point in the combined curve consisted of a combination, neurogenesis is greatly enhanced. ECso was test of 0.01 uMazasetron and 0.01 uM naltrexone). Data is observed at a combination of aZasetron and buspirone at 30 presented as the percentage of the neuronal positive control, concentrations of 0.6 uM each, resulting a synergistic com with basal media values subtracted. When used alone, ECso bination index of 0.18. was observed at an azasetron concentration of 5.8 uM or a FIG. 42 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the maltrexone concentration of 0.39 uM in test cells. When used neurogenic agents aZasetron (5HT3 receptor antagonist) and in combination, neurogenesis is greatly enhanced. ECso was baclofen (GABA receptor agonist) in combination on neu 35 observed at a combination of aZasetron and naltrexone at ronal differentiation of human neural stem cells compared to concentrations of 0.16 uM each, resulting a synergistic com the effect of either agentalone. When run independently, each bination index of 0.45. compound was tested in a concentration response curve rang FIG. 46 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the ing from 0.01 uM to 31.6 uM. In combination, the compounds agents aZasetron (5HT3 receptor antagonist) and naltrexone were combined at equal concentrations at each point (for 40 (mixed opioid antagonist) in combination on astrocyte differ example, the first point in the combined curve consisted of a entiation of human neural stem cells compared to the effect of test of 0.01 uMazasetron and 0.01 uM baclofen). Data is either agent alone. When run independently, each compound presented as the percentage of the neuronal positive control, was tested in a concentration response curve ranging from with basal media values subtracted. When used alone, ECso 0.01 uM to 31.6 uM. In combination, the compounds were was observed at an azasetron concentration of 5.8 uM or a 45 combined at equal concentrations at each point (for example, baclofen concentration of 3.9 uM in test cells. When used in the first point in the combined curve consisted of a test of 0.01 combination, neurogenesis is greatly enhanced. ECso was uMazasetron and 0.01 uM naltrexone). Data is presented as observed at a combination of aZasetron and baclofen at con the percentage of the neuronal positive control, with basal centrations of 0.19 uM each, resulting a synergistic combi media values subtracted. When used in combination astrocyte nation index of 0.08. 50 differentiation was reduced from a maximum of 33% with FIG. 43 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the aZasetron alone to a maximum of 5% with the combination of neurogenic agents aZasetron (5HT3 receptor antagonist) and aZasetron and naltrexone. captopril (ACE inhibitor) in combination on neuronal differ FIG. 47 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the entiation of human neural stem cells compared to the effect of neurogenic agents aZasetron (5HT3 receptor antagonist) and either agent alone. When run independently, each compound 55 folic acid in combination on neuronal differentiation of was tested in a concentration response curve ranging from human neural stem cells compared to the effect of either agent 0.01 uM to 31.6 uM. In combination, the compounds were alone. When run independently, each compound was tested in combined at equal concentrations at each point (for example, a concentration response curve ranging from 0.01 uM to 31.6 the first point in the combined curve consisted of a test of 0.01 uM. In combination, the compounds were combined at equal uMazasetron and 0.01 uM captopril). Data is presented as the 60 concentrations at each point (for example, the first point in the percentage of the neuronal positive control, with basal media combined curve consisted of a test of 0.01 uMazasetron and values subtracted. When used alone, ECso was observed at an 0.01 uM folic acid). Data is presented as the percentage of the aZasetron concentration of 5.8 uM or a captopril concentra neuronal positive control, with basal media values subtracted. tion of 5.4 uM in test cells. When used in combination, neu When used alone, ECso was observed at anaZasetron concen rogenesis is greatly enhanced. ECso was observed at a com 65 tration of 5.8 uMora folic acid concentration of 4.5uMintest bination of aZasetron and captopril at concentrations of 1.2 cells. When used in combination, neurogenesis is greatly uMeach, resulting a synergistic combination index of 0.47. enhanced. ECso was observed at a combination of aZasetron US 7,678,808 B2 13 14 and folic acid at concentrations of 0.19 uM each, resulting a maximum of 33% with azasetron alone to a maximum of 4% synergistic combination index of 0.08. with the combination of aZasetron and methylphenidate. FIG. 48 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the FIG. 52 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the agents aZasetron (5HT3 receptor antagonist) and folic acid in neurogenic agents aZasetron (5HT3 receptor antagonist) and combination on astrocyte differentiation of human neural clozapine in combination on neuronal differentiation of stem cells compared to the effect of either agent alone. When human neural stem cells compared to the effect of either agent run independently, each compound was tested in a concen alone. When run independently, each compound was tested in tration response curve ranging from 0.01 uM to 31.6 uM. In a concentration response curve ranging from 0.01 uM to 31.6 combination, the compounds were combined at equal con uM. In combination, the compounds were combined at equal centrations at each point (for example, the first point in the 10 concentrations at each point (for example, the first point in the combined curve consisted of a test of 0.01 uMaZasetron and combined curve consisted of a test of 0.01 uMazasetron and 0.01 uM folic acid). Data is presented as the percentage of the 0.01 uM clozapine). Data is presented as the percentage of the neuronal positive control, with basal media values subtracted. neuronal positive control, with basal media values subtracted. When used in combination astrocyte differentiation was When used alone, ECso was observed at anazasetron concen reduced from a maximum of 33% with azasetron alone to a 15 tration of 5.8 uM or a clozapine concentration of 3.6 uM in maximum of 8% with the combination of azasetron and folic test cells. When used in combination, neurogenesis is greatly acid. enhanced: ECso was observed at a combination of aZasetron FIG. 49 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the and clozapine at concentrations of 0.132 uM each, resulting a neurogenic agents aZasetron (5HT3 receptor antagonist) and synergistic combination index of 0.06. gabapentin in combination on neuronal differentiation of FIG. 53 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the human neural stem cells compared to the effect of either agent neurogenic agents aZasetron (5HT3 receptor antagonist) and alone. When run independently, each compound was tested in carbemazepine in combination on neuronal differentiation of a concentration response curve ranging from 0.01 uM to 31.6 human neural stem cells compared to the effect of either agent uM. In combination, the compounds were combined at equal alone. When run independently, each compound was tested in concentrations at each point (for example, the first point in the 25 a concentration response curve ranging from 0.01 uM to 31.6 combined curve consisted of a test of 0.01 uMaZasetron and uM. In combination, the compounds were combined at equal 0.01 uMgabapentin). Data is presented as the percentage of concentrations at each point (for example, the first point in the the neuronal positive control, with basal media values sub combined curve consisted of a test of 0.01 uMazasetron and tracted. When used alone, ECso was observed at anaZasetron 0.01 uM carbemazepine). Data is presented as the percentage concentration of 5.8 uMoragabapentin concentration of 11.5 30 of the neuronal positive control, with basal media values uM in test cells. When used in combination, neurogenesis is Subtracted. When used alone, ECso was observed at an aza greatly enhanced. ECso was observed at a combination of setron concentration of 5.8 uM or a carbemazepine concen aZasetron and gabapentin at concentrations of 0.9 uM each, tration of 15.7 uM in test cells. When used in combination, resulting a synergistic combination index of 0.24. neurogenesis is greatly enhanced. ECso was observed at a FIG. 50 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the 35 combination of aZasetron and carbemazepine at concentra neurogenic agents aZasetron (5HT3 receptor antagonist) and tions of 0.37 uM each, resulting a synergistic combination methylphenidate (Ritalin R) in combination on neuronal dif index of 0.09. ferentiation of human neural stem cells compared to the effect of either agent alone. When run independently, aZasetron was Definitions tested in a concentration response curve ranging from 0.01 40 uM to 31.6 uM, and methylphenidate was tested in a response “Neurogenesis” is defined herein as proliferation, differ curve ranging from 0.003-10.0 uM. In combination, the com entiation, migration and/or Survival of a neural cell in vivo or pounds were combined at a 1:3.16 ratio at each point (for in vitro. In some embodiments, the neural cell is an adult, example, the first point in the combined curve consisted of a fetal, or embryonic neural stem cell or population of cells. test of 0.01 uMazasetron and 0.003 uM methylphenidate). 45 The cells may be located in the central nervous system or Data is presented as the percentage of the neuronal positive elsewhere in an animal or human being. The cells may also be control, with basal media values subtracted. When used in a tissue, such as neural tissue. In some embodiments, the alone, ECso was observed at anaZasetron concentration of 5.8 neural cell is an adult, fetal, or embryonic progenitor cell or uMora methylphenidate concentration of 2.2 uMintest cells. population of cells, or a population of cells comprising a When used in combination, neurogenesis is greatly 50 mixture of stem cells and progenitor cells. Neural cells enhanced: ECso was observed at a combination of aZasetron include all brain stem cells, all brain progenitor cells, and all and methylphenidate at concentrations of 0.09 uM each, brain precursor cells. Neurogenesis includes neurogenesis as resulting a synergistic combination index of 0.06. it occurs during normal development, as well as neural regen FIG. 51 is a dose-response curve showing effect of the eration that occurs following disease, damage or therapeutic agents aZasetron (5HT3 receptor antagonist) and meth 55 intervention, such as by the treatment described herein. ylphenidate (Ritalin R) in combination on astrocyte differen A "neurogenic agent' is defined as a chemical or biological tiation of human neural stem cells compared to the effect of agent or reagent that can promote, Stimulate, or otherwise either agent alone. When run independently, aZasetron was increase the amount or degree or nature of neurogenesis in tested in a concentration response curve ranging from 0.01 vivo or ex vivo or in vitro relative to the amount, degree, or uM to 31.6 uM, and methylphenidate was tested in a response 60 nature of neurogenesis in the absence of the agent or reagent. curve ranging from 0.003-10.0 uM. In combination, the com In some embodiments, treatment with a neurogenic agent pounds were combined at a 1:3.16 ratio at each point (for increases neurogenesis if it promotes neurogenesis by at least example, the first point in the combined curve consisted of a about 5%, at least about 10%, at least about 25%, at least test of 0.01 uMazasetron and 0.003 uM methylphenidate). about 50%, at least about 100%, at least about 500%, or more Data is presented as the percentage of the neuronal positive 65 in comparison to the amount, degree, and/or nature of neuro control, with basal media values subtracted. When used in genesis in the absence of the agent, under the conditions of the combination astrocyte differentiation was reduced from a method used to detect or determine neurogenesis. US 7,678,808 B2 15 16 The term “astrogenic’ is defined in relation to “astrogen receptoragonists, orantagonists, results in enhanced efficacy, esis” which refers to the activation, proliferation, differentia fewer side effects, lower effective dosages, less frequent dos tion, migration and/or Survival of an astrocytic cell in vivo or ing, or other desirable attributes. in vitro. Non-limiting examples of astrocytic cells include In some embodiments, the 5HTR agent(s) used in the com astrocytes, activated microglial cells, astrocyte precursors positions and methods described herein are substantially and potentiated cells, and astrocyte progenitor and derived inactive with respect to other receptors (i.e., non-5HT recep cells. In some embodiments, the astrocyte is an adult, fetal, or tor). Such as muscarinic receptors, dopamine receptors, epi embryonic astrocyte or population of astrocytes. The astro nephrine receptors, receptors, glutamate receptors, cytes may be located in the central nervous system or else and the like. However, in other embodiments, 5HTR agent(s) where in an animal or human being. The astrocytes may also 10 are active against one or more additional receptor Subtypes. be in a tissue, such as neural tissue. In some embodiments, the For example, the reported 5HTR agent, agomelatine, has astrocyte is an adult, fetal, or embryonic progenitor cell or antagonist properties with respect to 5-HT2B/2C receptors population of cells, or a population of cells comprising a and agonist properties with respect to MT1 and MT2 mela mixture of stem and/or progenitor cells, that is/are capable of tonin receptors under certain conditions. developing into astrocytes. Astrogenesis includes the prolif 15 In additional embodiments, a 5HTR agent as used herein eration and/or differentiation of astrocytes as it occurs during includes a neurogenesis modulating agent, as defined herein, normal development, as well as astrogenesis that occurs fol that elicits an observable neurogenic response by producing, lowing disease, damage or therapeutic intervention. generating, stabilizing, or increasing the retention of an inter The term “stem cell’ (or neural stem cell (NSC)), as used mediate agent which, when contacted with a 5HT receptor herein, refers to an undifferentiated cell that is capable of agent, results in the neurogenic response. As used herein, self-renewal and differentiation into neurons, astrocytes, and/ “increasing the retention of or variants of that phrase or the or oligodendrocytes. term “retention” refer to decreasing the degradation of, or The term “progenitor cell (e.g., neural progenitor cell), as increasing the stability of an intermediate agent. used herein, refers to a cell derived from a stem cell that is not In some cases, a 5HTR agent, optionally in combination itself a stem cell. Some progenitor cells can produce progeny 25 with one or more other neurogenic agents, results in improved that are capable of differentiating into more than one cell type. efficacy, fewer side effects, lower effective dosages, less fre The terms “animal' or “animal subject” refers to a non quent dosing, and/or other desirable effects relative to use of human mammal. Such as a primate, canine, or feline. In other the neurogenesis modulating agents individually (such as at embodiments, the terms refer to an animal that is domesti higher doses), due, e.g., to synergistic activities and/or the cated (e.g. livestock) or otherwise Subject to human care 30 and/or maintenance (e.g. Zoo animals and other animals for targeting of molecules and/or activities that are differentially exhibition). In other non-limiting examples, the terms refer to expressed in particular tissues and/or cell-types. ruminants or carnivores, such as dogs, cats, birds, horses, The term “neurogenic combination of a 5HTR agent with cattle, sheep,goats, marine animals and mammals, penguins, one or more other neurogenic agents’ refers to a combination deer, elk, and foxes. 35 of neurogenesis modulating agents. In some embodiments, The term “5HTR agent” as used herein includes a neuro administering a neurogenic, or neuromodulating, combina genic agent, as defined herein, that elicits an observable tion according to methods provided herein modulates neuro response upon contacting a 5HT receptor, Such as one or more genesis in a target tissue and/or cell-type by at least about of the subtypes described herein. “5HTR agents’ useful in the 20%, about 25%, about 30%, about 40%, about 50%, at least methods described herein include compounds or agents that, 40 about 75%, or at least about 90% or more in comparison to the under certain conditions, may act as: agonists (i.e., agents absence of the combination. In further embodiments, neuro able to elicit one or more biological responses of a 5HT genesis is modulated by at least about 95% or by at least about receptor); partial agonists (i.e., agents able to elicit one or 99% or more. more biological responses of a 5HT receptor to a less than A neuromodulating combination may be used to inhibit a maximal extent, e.g., as defined by the response of the recep 45 neural cells proliferation, division, or progress through the tor to an agonist); antagonists (agents able to inhibit one or cell cycle. Alternatively, a neuromodulating combination more characteristic responses of a 5HT receptor, for example, may be used to stimulate survival and/or differentiation in a by competitively or non-competitively binding to the 5HT neural cell. As an additional alternative, a neuromodulating receptor, a ligand of the receptor, and/or a downstream sig combination may be used to inhibit, reduce, or prevent astro naling molecule); and/or inverse agonists (agents able to 50 cyte activation and/or astrogenesis or astrocyte differentia block or inhibit a constitutive activity of a 5HT receptor) of tion. one or more subtypes of the 5HT receptor. “ICs and “ECso values are concentrations of an agent, in In some embodiments, the 5HTR agent(s) used in the a combination of a 5HTR agent with one or more other methods described herein has “selective' activity under cer neurogenic agents, that reduce and promote, respectively, tain conditions against one or more 5HT receptor Subtypes 55 neurogenesis or another physiological activity (e.g., the activ with respect to the degree and/or nature of activity againstone ity of a receptor) to a half-maximal level. ICs and ECso or more other 5HT receptor subtypes. For example, in some values can be assayed in a variety of environments, including embodiments, the 5HTR agent has an agonist effect against cell-free environments, cellular environments (e.g., cell cul one or more subtypes, and a much weaker effect or Substan ture assays), multicellular environments (e.g., in tissues or tially no effect against other Subtypes. As another example, a 60 other multicellular structures), and/or in vivo. In some 5HTR agent used in the methods described herein may act as embodiments, one or more neurogenesis modulating agents an agonist at one or more 5HT receptor Subtypes and as in a combination or method disclosed herein individually antagonist at one or more other 5HT receptor Subtypes. In have ICs or ECs values of less than about 10 uM, less than Some embodiments, 5HTR agents have activity against one about 1 uM, or less than about 0.1 uM or lower. In other 5HT receptor subtype, while having substantially lesser 65 embodiments, an agent in a combination has an ICso or ECso activity against one or more other 5HT receptor subtypes. In of less than about 50 nM, less than about 10 nM, or less than certain embodiments, selective activity of one or more 5HT about 1 nM, less than about 0.1 nM or lower. US 7,678,808 B2 17 18 In some embodiments, selectivity of one or more agents, in tiation and proliferation, in differentiated neural cells. As a combination of a a 5HTR agent with one or more other described herein, neurogenesis includes the differentiation of neurogenic agents, is individually measured as the ratio of the neural cells along different potential lineages. In some ICso or ECso value for a desired effect (e.g., modulation of embodiments, the differentiation of neural stem or progenitor neurogenesis) relative to the ICso/ECso value for an undesired cells is along a neuronal cell lineage to produce neurons. In effect. In some embodiments, a “selective' agent in a combi other embodiments, the differentiation is along both neuronal nation has a selectivity of less than about 1:2, less than about and glial cell lineages. In additional embodiments, the disclo 1:10, less than about 1:50, or less than about 1:100. In some sure further includes differentiation along a neuronal cell embodiments, one or more agents in a combination individu lineage to the exclusion of one or more cell types in aglial cell ally exhibits selective activity in one or more organs, tissues, 10 lineage. Non-limiting examples of glial cell types include and/or cell types relative to another organ, tissue, and/or cell oligodendrocytes and radial glial cells, as well as astrocytes, type. For example, in Some embodiments, an agent in a com which have been reported as being of an "astroglial lineage'. bination selectively modulates neurogenesis in a neurogenic Therefore, embodiments of the disclosure include differen region of the brain, such as the hippocampus (e.g., the dentate tiation along a neuronal cell lineage to the exclusion of one or gyrus), the subventricular Zone, and/or the olfactory bulb. 15 more cell types selected from oligodendrocytes, radial glial In other embodiments, modulation by a combination of cells, and astrocytes. agents is in a region containing neural cells affected by dis In applications to an animal or human being, the disclosure ease or injury, region containing neural cells associated with includes a method of bringing cells into contact with a 5HTR disease effects or processes, or region containing neural cells agent, optionally in combination with one or more other affect other event injurious to neural cells. Non-limiting neurogenic agents, in effective amounts to result in an examples of such events include or radiation therapy of increase in neurogenesis in comparison to the absence of the the region. In additional embodiments, a neuromodulating agent or combination. A non-limiting example is in the combination Substantially modulates two or more physiologi administration of the agent or combination to the animal or cal activities or target molecules, while being Substantially human being. Such contacting or administration may also be inactive againstone or more othermolecules and/or activities. 25 described as exogenously Supplying the combination to a cell The term “cognitive function” refers to mental processes of or tissue. an animal or human Subject relating to information gathering Embodiments of the disclosure include a method to treat, and/or processing; the understanding, reasoning, and/or or lessen the level of a decline or impairment of cognitive application of information and/or ideas; the abstraction or function. Also included is a method to treat a mood disorder. specification of ideas and/or information; acts of creativity, 30 In additional embodiments, a disease or condition treated problem-solving, and possibly intuition; and mental pro with a disclosed method is associated with pain and/or addic cesses such as learning, perception, and/or awareness of ideas tion, but in contrast to known methods, the disclosed treat and/or information. The mental processes are distinct from ments are Substantially mediated by increasing neurogenesis. those of beliefs, desires, and the like. In some embodiments, As a further non-limiting example, a method described herein cognitive function may be assessed, and thus optionally 35 may involve increasing neurogenesis ex vivo. Such that a defined, via one or more tests or assays for cognitive function. composition containing neural stem cells, neural progenitor Non-limiting examples of a test or assay for cognitive func cells, and/or differentiated neural cells can subsequently be tion include CANTAB (see for example Fray et al. “CANTAB administered to an individual to treat a disease or condition. battery: proposed utility in neurotoxicology.” Neurotoxicol In further embodiments, methods described herein allow Teratol. 1996; 18(4):499-504), Stroop Test, Trail Making, 40 treatment of diseases characterized by pain, addiction, and/or Wechsler Digit Span, or the CogState computerized cognitive depression by directly replenishing, replacing, and/or Supple test (see also Dehaene et al. “Reward-dependent learning in menting neurons and/or glial cells. In further embodiments, neuronal networks for planning and decision making.” Prog methods described herein enhance the growth and/or survival Brain Res. 2000: 126:217-29; Iverson et al. “Interpreting of existing neural cells, and/or slow or reverse the loss of such change on the WAIS-III/WMS-III in clinical samples.” Arch 45 cells in a neurodegenerative condition. Clin Neuropsychol. 2001: 16(2):183-91; and Weaver et al. Where a method comprises contacting a neural cell with a “Mild memory impairment in healthy older adults is distinct 5HTR agent, the result may be an increase in neurodifferen from normal aging.” Brain Cogn. 2006; 60(2):146-55). tiation. The method may be used to potentiate a neural cell for proliferation, and thus neurogenesis, via the one or more DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF MODES OF 50 other agents used with the 5HTR agent in combination. Thus PRACTICING THE DISCLOSURE the disclosure includes a method of maintaining, stabilizing, stimulating, or increasing neurodifferentiation in a cell or General tissue by use of a 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with Methods described herein can be used to treat any disease one or more other neurogenic agents that also increase neu or condition for which it is beneficial to promote or otherwise 55 rodifferentiation. The method may comprise contacting a cell stimulate or increase neurogenesis. One focus of the methods or tissue with a 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with described herein is to achieve a therapeutic result by stimu one or more other neurogenic agents, to maintain, stabilize, lating or increasing neurogenesis via modulation of 5HT stimulate, or increase neurodifferentiation in the cellor tissue. receptor activity. Thus, certain methods described herein can The disclosure also includes a method comprising contact be used to treat any disease or condition Susceptible to treat 60 ing the cell or tissue with a 5HTR agent in combination with ment by increasing neurogenesis. one or more other neurogenic agents where the combination In some embodiments, a disclosed method is applied to stimulates or increases proliferation or cell division in a neu modulating neurogenesis in Vivo, in vitro, or ex vivo. In vivo ral cell. The increase in neuroproliferation may be due to the embodiments, the cells may be present in a tissue or organ of one or more other neurogenic agents and/or to the 5HTR a Subject animal or human being. Non-limiting examples of 65 agent. In some cases, a method comprising Such a combina cells include those capable of neurogenesis, such as to result, tion may be used to produce neurogenesis (in this case both whether by differentiation or by a combination of differen neurodifferentiation and/or proliferation) in a population of US 7,678,808 B2 19 20 neural cells. In some embodiments, the cell or tissue is in an treating a mood disorder in Such a subject or patient. Non animal Subject or a human patient as described herein. Non limiting examples of the method include those comprising limiting examples include a human patient treated with che administering a 5HTR agent, or a combination thereof with motherapy and/or radiation, or other therapy or condition one or more other neurogenic agents, to a subject or patient which is detrimental to cognitive function; or a human patient that is under treatment with a therapy and/or condition that diagnosed as having epilepsy, a condition associated with results in a mood disorder. The administration may be with epilepsy, or seizures associated with epilepsy. any combination and/or amount that is effective to produce an Administration of a 5HTR agent, optionally in combina improvement in the mood disorder. tion with one or more other neurogenic agents, may be before, Representative and non-limiting mood disorders are after, or concurrent with, another agent, condition, ortherapy. 10 described herein. Non-limiting examples of mood disorders In some embodiments, the overall combination may be of a include depression, anxiety, hypomania, panic attacks, exces 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with one or more sive elation, seasonal mood (or affective) disorder, Schizo other neurogenic agents. phrenia and other psychoses, lissencephaly syndrome, anxi Uses of a 5HTR Agent ety syndromes, anxiety disorders, phobias, stress and related Embodiments include a method of modulating neurogen syndromes, aggression, non-senile , post-pain esis by contacting one or more neural cells with a 5HTR 15 depression, and combinations thereof. agent, optionally in combination with one or more other Identification of Subjects and Patients neurogenic agents. The amount of a 5HTR agent, or a com The disclosure includes methods comprising identification bination thereof with one or more other neurogenic agents, of an individual Suffering from one or more disease, disor may be selected to be effective to produce an improvement in ders, or conditions, or a symptom thereof, and administering a treated Subject, or detectable neurogenesis in vitro. In some to the subject or patient a 5HTR agent, optionally in combi embodiments, the amount is one that also minimizes clinical side effects seen with administration of the inhibitor to a nation with one or more other neurogenic agents, as described Subject. herein. The identification of a subject or patient as having one Cognitive Function or more disease, disorder or condition, or a symptom thereof, In other embodiments, and if compared to a reduced level 25 may be made by a skilled practitioner using any appropriate of cognitive function, a method of the invention may be for means known in the field. enhancing or improving the reduced cognitive function in a In some embodiments, identification of a patient in need of Subject or patient. The method may comprise administering a neurogenesis modulation comprises identifying a patient 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with one or more who has or will be exposed to a factor or condition known to other neurogenic agents, to a subject or patient to enhance, or 30 inhibit neurogenesis, including but not limited to, stress, improve a decline or decrease, of cognitive function due to a aging, sleep deprivation, hormonal changes (e.g., those asso therapy and/or condition that reduces cognitive function. ciated with puberty, pregnancy, or aging (e.g., ), Other methods of the disclosure include treatment to affector lack of exercise, lack of environmental stimuli (e.g., Social maintain the cognitive function of a Subject or patient. In isolation), and drugs of abuse (e.g., , espe Some embodiments, the maintenance or stabilization of cog 35 cially chronic use; and ; psychoStimulants). In nitive function may be at a level, or thereabouts, present in a Some cases, the patient has been identified as non-responsive Subject or patient in the absence of a therapy and/or condition to treatment with primary for the condition(s) that reduces cognitive function. In alternative embodiments, targeted for treatment (e.g., non-responsive to antidepres the maintenance or stabilization may be at a level, or there abouts, present in a Subject or patient as a result of a therapy sants for the treatment of depression), and a 5HTR agent, and/or condition that reduces cognitive function. 40 optionally in combination with one or more other neurogenic In further embodiments, and if compared to a reduced level agents, is administered in a method for enhancing the respon of cognitive function due to a therapy and/or condition that siveness of the patient to a co-existing or pre-existing treat reduces cognitive function, a method of the invention may be ment regimen. for enhancing or improving the reduced cognitive function in In other embodiments, the method or treatment comprises a Subject or patient. The method may comprise administering 45 administering a combination of a primary or a 5HTR agent, or a combination thereof with one or more therapy for the condition(s) targeted for treatment and a other neurogenic agents, to a subject or patient to enhance or 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with one or more improve a decline or decrease of cognitive function due to the other neurogenic agents. For example, in the treatment of therapy or condition. The administering may be in combina depression or related neuropsychiatric disorders, a combina tion with the therapy or condition. 50 tion may be administered in conjunction with, or in addition These methods optionally include assessing or measuring to, electroconvulsive shock treatment, a monoamine oxidase cognitive function of the Subject or patient before, during, modulator, and/or a selective reuptake modulators of seroto and/or after administration of the treatment to detect or deter nin and/or . mine the effect thereof on cognitive function. So in one In additional embodiments, the patient in need of neuro embodiment, a methods may comprise i) treating a Subject or 55 genesis modulation Suffers from premenstrual syndrome, patient that has been previously assessed for cognitive func tion and ii) reassessing cognitive function in the Subject or post-partum depression, or pregnancy-related and/or patient during or after the course of treatment. The assess depression, and the treatment comprises administering a ment may measure cognitive function for comparison to a therapeutically effective amount of a 5HTR agent, optionally control or standard value (or range) in Subjects or patients in in combination with one or more other neurogenic agents. the absence of a 5HTR agent, or a combination thereof with 60 Without being bound by any particular theory, and offered to one or more other neurogenic agents. This may be used to improve understanding of the invention, it is believed that assess the efficacy of the 5HTR agent, alone or in a combi levels of Steroid hormones, such as , are increased nation, in alleviating the reduction in cognitive function. during the menstrual cycle during and following pregnancy, Mood Disorders and that such hormones can exert a modulatory effect on In other embodiments, a disclosed method may be used to 65 neurogenesis. moderate or alleviate a mood disorder in a Subject or patient In Some embodiments, the patient is a user of a recreational as described herein. Thus the disclosure includes a method of drug including, but not limited to, alcohol, , US 7,678,808 B2 21 22 PCP, , and opiates. Without being bound by any par cise, hormones or other endogenous factors, and drugs taken ticular theory, and offered to improve understanding of the as part of a pre-existing treatment regimen. In some embodi invention, it is believed that some drugs of abuse have a ments, a Sub-population of patients is identified as being more modulatory effect on neurogenesis, which is associated with amenable to neurogenesis modulation with a 5HTR agent, depression, anxiety and other mood disorders, as well as optionally in combination with one or more other neurogenic deficits in cognition, learning, and memory. Moreover, mood agents, by taking a cell or tissue sample from prospective disorders are causative/risk factors for , and patients, isolating and culturing neural cells from the sample, Substance abuse is a common behavioral symptom (e.g., self and determining the effect of the combination on the degree medicating) of mood disorders. Thus, Substance abuse and or nature of neurogenesis of the cells, thereby allowing selec mood disorders may reinforce each other, rendering patients 10 tion of patients for which the therapeutic agent has a Substan Suffering from both conditions non-responsive to treatment. tial effect on neurogenesis. Advantageously, the selection of a Thus, in Some embodiments, a 5HTR agent, optionally in patient or population of patients in need of or amenable to combination with one or more other neurogenic agents, to treatment with a 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with treat patients Suffering from Substance abuse and/or mood one or more other neurogenic agents, of the disclosure allows disorders. In additional embodiments, the 5HTR agent, 15 more effective treatment of the disease or condition targeted optionally in combination with one or more other neurogenic for treatment than known methods using the same or similar agents, can used in combination with one or more additional compounds. agents selected from an antidepressant, an , a In some embodiments, the patient has suffered a CNS mood stabilizer, or any other agent knownto treat one or more insult, such as a CNS lesion, a seizure (e.g., electroconvulsive symptoms exhibited by the patient. In some embodiments, a seizure treatment; epileptic seizures), radiation, chemo 5HTR agent exerts a synergistic effect with the one or more therapy and/or stroke or other ischemic injury. Without being additional agents in the treatment of Substance abuse and/or bound by any particular theory, and offered to improve under mood disorders in patients suffering from both conditions. standing of the invention, it is believed that some CNS insults/ In further embodiments, the patient is on a co-existing injuries leads to increased proliferation of neural stem cells, and/or pre-existing treatment regimen involving administra 25 but that the resulting neural cells form aberrant connections tion of one or more prescription medications having a modu which can lead to impaired CNS function and/or diseases, latory effect on neurogenesis. For example, in some embodi Such as temporal lobe epilepsy. In other embodiments, a ments, the patient Suffers from chronic pain and is prescribed 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with one or more one or more opiate/opioid medications; and/or suffers from other neurogenic agents, is administered to a patient who has ADD, ADHD, or a related disorder, and is prescribed a psy 30 suffered, or is at risk of suffering, a CNS insult or injury to chostimulant, Such as Ritalin R, dexedrine, , or a simi stimulate neurogenesis. Advantageously, stimulation of the lar medication which inhibits neurogenesis. Without being differentiation of neural stem cells with a 5HTR agent, bound by any particular theory, and offered to improve under optionally in combination with one or more other neurogenic standing of the invention, it is believed that such medications agents, activates signaling pathways necessary for progenitor can exert a modulatory effect on neurogenesis, leading to 35 cells to effectively migrate and incorporate into existing neu depression, anxiety and other mood disorders, as well as ral networks or to block inappropriate proliferation. deficits in cognition, learning, and memory. Thus, in some Opiate or Opioid Based preferred embodiments, a 5HTR agent, optionally in combi Additionally, the disclosed methods provide for the appli nation with one or more other neurogenic agents, is admin cation of a 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with one istered to a patient who is currently or has recently been 40 or more other neurogenic agents, to treat a subject or patient prescribed a medication that exerts a modulatory effect on for a condition due to the anti-neurogenic effects of an opiate neurogenesis, in order to treat depression, anxiety, and/or or opioid based analgesic. In some embodiments, the admin other mood disorders, and/or to improve cognition. istration of an opiate or opioid based analgesic, such as an In additional embodiments, the patient suffers from opiate like morphine or other opioid receptor agonist, to a chronic fatigue syndrome; a sleep disorder; lack of exercise 45 Subject or patient results in a decrease in, or inhibition of (e.g., elderly, infirm, or physically handicapped patients); neurogenesis. The administration of a 5HTR agent, option and/or lack of environmental stimuli (e.g., social isolation); ally in combination with one or more other neurogenic and the treatment comprises administering a therapeutically agents, with an opiate or opioid based analgesic would reduce effective amount of a 5HTR agent, optionally in combination the anti-neurogenic effect. One non-limiting example is with one or more other neurogenic agents. 50 administration of Such a combination with an opioid receptor In more embodiments, the patient is an individual having, agonist after Surgery (such as for the treating post-operative or who is likely to develop, a disorder relating to neural pain). degeneration, neural damage and/or neural demyelination. Also the disclosed embodiments include a method of treat In further embodiments, a subject or patient includes ing post operative pain in a Subject or patient by combining human beings and animals in assays for behavior linked to 55 administration of an opiate or opioid based analgesic with a neurogenesis. Exemplary human and animal assays are 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with one or more known to the skilled person in the field. other neurogenic agents. The analgesic may have been In yet additional embodiments, identifying a patient in administered before, simultaneously with, or after the com need of neurogenesis modulation comprises selecting a popu bination. In some cases, the analgesic or opioid receptor lation or sub-population of patients, or an individual patient, 60 agonist is morphine or another opiate. that is more amenable to treatment and/or less Susceptible to Other disclosed embodiments include a method to treat or side effects than other patients having the same disease or prevent decreases in, or inhibition of neurogenesis in other condition. In some embodiments, identifying a patient ame cases involving use of an opioid receptor agonist. The meth nable to treatment with a 5HTR agent, optionally in combi ods comprise the administration of a 5HTR agent, optionally nation with one or more other neurogenic agents, comprises 65 in combination with one or more other neurogenic agents, as identifying a patient who has been exposed to a factor known described herein. Non-limiting examples include cases to enhance neurogenesis, including but not limited to, exer involving an opioid receptor agonist, which decreases or US 7,678,808 B2 23 24 inhibits neurogenesis, and drug addiction, drug rehabilita methods of treating the diseases, disorders, and conditions tion, and/or prevention of into addiction. In some described herein by transplanting such treated cells into a embodiments, the opioid receptoragonist is morphine, Subject or patient. or another opiate. Neurogenesis with Angiogenesis In further embodiments, the disclosure includes methods In additional embodiments, the disclosure includes a to treat a cell, tissue, or subject which is exhibiting decreased method of stimulating or increasing neurogenesis in a subject neurogenesis or increased neurodegeneration. In some cases, or patient with stimulation of angiogenesis in the Subject or the cell, tissue, or Subject is, or has been, Subjected to, or patient. The co-stimulation may be used to provide the dif contacted with, an agent that decreases or inhibits neurogen ferentiating and/or proliferating cells with increased access to esis. One non-limiting example is a human Subject that has 10 the circulatory system. The neurogenesis is produced by been administered morphine or other agent which decreases modulation of 5HT receptor activity, such as with a 5HTR or inhibits neurogenesis. Non-limiting examples of other agent, optionally in combination with one or more other agents include opiates and opioid receptor agonists, such as neurogenic agents, as described herein. An increase in angio mu receptor Subtype agonists, that inhibit or decrease neuro genesis may be mediated by a means known to the skilled genesis. 15 person, including administration of a angiogenic factor or Thus in additional embodiments, the methods may be used treatment with an angiogenic therapy. Non-limiting examples to treat Subjects having, or diagnosed with, depression or of angiogenic factors or conditions include vascular endothe other withdrawal symptoms from morphine or other agents lial growth factor (VEGF), angiopoietin-1 or -2, erythropoi which decrease or inhibit neurogenesis. This is distinct from etin, exercise, or a combination thereof. the treatment of Subjects having, or diagnosed with, depres So in Some embodiments, the disclosure includes a method sion independent of an opiate, Such as that of a psychiatric comprising administering i) a 5HTR agent, optionally in nature, as disclosed herein. In further embodiments, the meth combination with one or more other neurogenic agents, and ods may be used to treat a Subject with one or more chemical ii) one or more angiogenic factors to a subject or patient. In addiction or dependency, such as with morphine or other other embodiments, the disclosure includes a method com opiates, where the addiction or dependency is ameliorated or 25 prising administering i) a 5HTR agent, optionally in combi alleviated by an increase in neurogenesis. nation with one or more other neurogenic agents, to a subject Transplantation or patient with ii) treating said Subject or patient with one or In other embodiments, methods described herein involve more angiogenic conditions. The Subject or patient may be modulating neurogenesis in vitro or ex vivo with a 5HTR 30 any as described herein. agent, optionally in combination with one or more other The co-treatment of a subject or patient includes simulta neurogenic agents, such that a composition containing neural neous treatment or sequential treatment as non-limiting stem cells, neural progenitor cells, and/or differentiated neu examples. In cases of sequential treatment, the administration ral cells can Subsequently be administered to an individual to of a 5HTR agent, optionally with one or more other neuro treat a disease or condition. In some embodiments, the 35 genic agents, may be before or after the administration of an method of treatment comprises the steps of contacting a neu angiogenic factor or condition. Of course in the case of a ral stem cell or progenitor cell with a 5HTR agent, optionally combination of a 5HTR agent and one or more other neuro in combination with one or more other neurogenic agents, to genic agents, the 5HTR agent may be administered separately modulate neurogenesis, and transplanting the cells into a from the one or more other agents, such that the one or more patient in need of treatment. Methods for transplanting stem 40 other agent is administered before or after administration of and progenitor cells are known in the art, and are described, an angiogenic factor or condition. e.g., in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,928,947; 5,817,773; and 5,800,539, Additional Diseases and Conditions and PCT Publication NOS. WO 01/176507 and WO As described herein, the disclosed embodiments include 01/170243, all of which are incorporated herein by reference methods of treating diseases, disorders, and conditions of the in their entirety. In some embodiments, methods described 45 central and/or peripheral nervous systems (CNS and PNS, herein allow treatment of diseases or conditions by directly respectively) by administering a 5HTR agent, optionally in replenishing, replacing, and/or supplementing damaged or combination with one or more other neurogenic agents. As dysfunctional neurons. In further embodiments, methods used herein, “treating includes prevention, amelioration, described herein enhance the growth and/or survival of exist alleviation, and/or elimination of the disease, disorder, or ing neural cells, and/or slow or reverse the loss of Such cells in 50 condition being treated or one or more symptoms of the a neurodegenerative or other condition. disease, disorder, or condition being treated, as well as In alternative embodiments, the method of treatment com improvement in the overall well being of a patient, as mea prises identifying, generating, and/or propagating neural cells sured by objective and/or subjective criteria. In some embodi in vitro or ex vivo in contact with a 5HTR agent, optionally in ments, treating is used for reversing, attenuating, minimizing, combination with one or more other neurogenic agents, and 55 Suppressing, or halting undesirable or deleterious effects of transplanting the cells into a subject. In another embodiment, or effects from the progression of a disease, disorder, or the method of treatment comprises the steps of contacting a condition of the central and/or peripheral nervous systems. In neural stem cell of progenitor cell with a 5HTR agent, option other embodiments, the method of treating may be advanta ally in combination with one or more other neurogenic geously used in cases where additional neurogenesis would agents, to stimulate neurogenesis or neurodifferentiation, and 60 replace, replenish, or increase the numbers of cells lost due to transplanting the cells into a patient in need of treatment. Also injury or disease as non-limiting examples. disclosed are methods for preparing a population of neural The amount of a 5HTR agent, optionally in combination stem cells Suitable for transplantation, comprising culturing a with one or more other neurogenic agents may be any that population of neural stem cells (NSCs) in vitro, and contact results in a measurable relief of a disease condition like those ing the cultured neural stem cells with a 5HTR agent, option 65 described herein. As a non-limiting example, an improvement ally in combination with one or more other neurogenic in the Hamilton depression scale (HAM-D) score for depres agents, as described herein. The disclosure further includes sion may be used to determine (Such as quantitatively) or US 7,678,808 B2 25 26 detect (such as qualitatively) a measurable level of improve syndromes, borderline personality disorder, non-senile ment in the depression of a Subject. dementia, post-pain depression, post-partum depression, and Non-limiting examples of symptoms that may be treated cerebral palsy. with the methods described herein include abnormal behav Examples of nervous system disorders related to cellular or ior, abnormal movement, hyperactivity, hallucinations, acute tissue trauma and/or injury include, but are not limited to, delusions, combativeness, hostility, negativism, withdrawal, neurological traumas and injuries, Surgery related trauma seclusion, memory defects, sensory defects, cognitive and/or injury, retinal injury and trauma, injury related to defects, and tension. Non-limiting examples of abnormal epilepsy, cord injury, spinal cord injury, brain injury, brain behavior include irritability, poor impulse control, distract Surgery, trauma related brain injury, trauma related to spinal ibility, and aggressiveness. Outcomes from treatment with the 10 cord injury, brain injury related to cancer treatment, spinal disclosed methods include improvements in cognitive func cord injury related to cancer treatment, brain injury related to tion or capability in comparison to the absence of treatment. infection, brain injury related to inflammation, spinal cord Additional examples of diseases and conditions treatable injury related to infection, spinal cord injury related to by the methods described herein include, but are not limited inflammation, brain injury related to environmental , to, neurodegenerative disorders and neural disease, Such as 15 and spinal cord injury related to environmental toxin. (e.g., senile dementia, memory disturbances/ Non-limiting examples of nervous system disorders memory loss, dementias caused by neurodegenerative disor related to other neurologically related conditions include ders (e.g., Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, Parkinson's dis learning disorders, memory disorders, age-associated orders, Huntington's disease (Huntington's Chorea), Lou memory impairment (AAMI) or age-related memory loss, Gehrig's disease, multiple sclerosis, Pick's disease, Parkin autism, learning or attention deficit disorders (ADD or atten Sonism dementia syndrome), progressive Subcortical gliosis, tion deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD), narcolepsy, sleep progressive Supranuclear palsy, thalmic degeneration syn disorders and sleep deprivation (e.g., , chronic drome, hereditary aphasia, amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis, fatigue syndrome), cognitive disorders, epilepsy, injury Shy-Drager syndrome, and Lewy body disease; vascular con related to epilepsy, and temporal lobe epilepsy. ditions (e.g., infarcts, hemorrhage, cardiac disorders); mixed 25 Other non-limiting examples of diseases and conditions vascular and Alzheimer's; bacterial meningitis; Creutzfeld treatable by the methods described herein include, but are not Jacob Disease; and Cushing's disease). limited to, hormonal changes (e.g., depression and other The disclosed embodiments also provide for the treatment mood disorders associated with puberty, pregnancy, or aging of a nervous system disorder related to neural damage, cellu (e.g., menopause)); and lack of exercise (e.g., depression or lar degeneration, a psychiatric condition, cellular (neurologi 30 other mental disorders in elderly, paralyzed, or physically cal) trauma and/or injury (e.g., Subdural hematoma or trau handicapped patients); infections (e.g., HIV); genetic abnor matic brain injury), toxic chemicals (e.g., heavy metals, malities (down syndrome); metabolic abnormalities (e.g., alcohol. Some medications), CNS hypoxia, or other neuro vitamin B12 or folate deficiency); hydrocephalus; memory logically related conditions. In practice, the disclosed com loss separate from dementia, including mild cognitive impair positions and methods may be applied to a Subject or patient 35 ment (MCI), age-related cognitive decline, and memory loss afflicted with, or diagnosed with, one or more central or resulting from the use of general anesthetics, chemotherapy, peripheral nervous system disorders in any combination. radiation treatment, post-Surgical trauma, or therapeutic Diagnosis may be performed by a skilled person in the appli intervention; and diseases of the of the peripheral nervous cable fields using known and routine methodologies which system (PNS), including but not limited to, PNS neuropathies identify and/or distinguish these nervous system disorders 40 (e.g., vascular neuropathies, diabetic neuropathies, amyloid from other conditions. neuropathies, and the like), neuralgias, neoplasms, myelin Non-limiting examples of nervous system disorders related diseases, etc. related to cellular degeneration include neurodegenerative Other conditions that can be beneficially treated by disorders, neural stem cell disorders, neural progenitor cell increasing neurogenesis are known in the art (see e.g., U.S. disorders, degenerative diseases of the retina, and ischemic 45 Publication Nos. 20020106731, 2005/000.9742 and 2005/ disorders. In some embodiments, an ischemic disorder com 000.9847, 20050032702, 2005/0031538, 2005/0004046, prises an insufficiency, or lack, of oxygen or angiogenesis, 2004/0254152, 2004/0229291, and 2004/0185429, herein and non-limiting example include spinal ischemia, ischemic incorporated by reference in their entirety). stroke, cerebral infarction, multi-infarct dementia. While 5HTR Agents these conditions may be present individually in a Subject or 50 A 5HTR agent can be is a ligand which modulates activity patient, the disclosed methods also provide for the treatment at one or more 5HT receptor Subtypes. In some cases, the of a subject or patient afflicted with, or diagnosed with, more ligand may bind or interact with one or more Subtypes. In than one of these conditions in any combination. other cases, the ligand may modulate activity indirectly as Non-limiting embodiments of nervous system disorders described herein. In some embodiments, the agent is an ago related to a psychiatric condition include neuropsychiatric 55 nist of one or more Subtypes. In other embodiments, the agent disorders and affective disorders. As used herein, an affective is an antagonist of one or more subtypes. In additional disorder refers to a disorder of mood such as, but not limited embodiments, the agent is an agonist of at least one Subtype as to, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), hypo well as an antagonist of at least one other Subtype. mania, panic attacks, excessive elation, bipolar depression, A 5HT receptor agent for use in embodiments of the inven bipolar disorder (manic-depression), and seasonal mood (or 60 tion includes a reported 5HT1a receptor agonist (or partial affective) disorder. Other non-limiting embodiments include agonist) such as buspirone hydrochloride (BuSparr). In Schizophrenia and other psychoses, lissencephaly syndrome, Some embodiments, a reported 5HT1a receptor agonist is an anxiety syndromes, anxiety disorders, phobias, stress and , such as, but not limited to, tandospirone, gepirone related syndromes (e.g., panic disorder, phobias, adjustment and . Non-limiting examples of additional reported disorders, ), cognitive function disorders, aggres 65 5HT1a receptoragonists include (CASRN 98206 Sion, drug and alcohol abuse, drug addiction, and drug-in 10-1), MDL 72832 hydrochloride, U-92016A, (+)-UH301, F duced neurological damage, obsessive compulsive behavior 13714, F 13640, 6-hydroxy-buspirone (see US 2005/ US 7,678,808 B2 27 28 0137206), S-6-hydroxy-buspirone (see US 2003/0022899), dependent manner (see Markstein et al. “Pharmacological R-6-hydroxy-buspirone (see US 2003/0009851), ada characterisation of 5-HT receptors positively coupled to ade tanserin, buspirone-saccharide (see WO 00/12067) or 8-hy nylyl cyclase in the rat hippocampus. Naunyn Schmiede droxy-2-dipropylaminotetralin (8-OHDPAT). bergs Arch Pharmacol. (1999) 359(6):454-9); SC-54750, or Additional non-limiting examples of reported 5HT1a aminomethylazaadamantane; Y-36912, or 4-amino-N-1-3- receptoragonists include OPC-14523 (1-3-4-(3-chlorophe (benzylsulfonyl)propylpiperidin-4-ylmethyl-5-chloro-2- nyl)-1-piperazinylpropyl-5-methoxy-3,4-dihydro-2(1H)- methoxybenzamide as disclosed by Sonda et al. (“Synthesis quinolinone monomethanesulfonate); BMS-181100 or BMY and pharmacological properties of benzamide derivatives as 14802 (CAS RN 105565-56-8); (CAS RN selective serotonin 4 receptor agonists.” Bioorg Med. Chem. 167933-07-5); (CAS RN 144980-29-0); 10 (CASRN 132449-46-8); (CASRN 182415-09-4); (2004) 12(10):2737-47); TKS159, or 4-amino-5-chloro-2- , Org-13011 (1-(4-trifluoromethyl-2-pyridinyl)- methoxy-N-(2S,4S)-1-ethyl-2-hydroxymethyl-4-pyrrolidi 4-4-2-oxo-1-pyrrolidinylbutylpiperazine (E)-2- nylbenzamide, as reported by Haga et al. (“Effect of dioate); SDZ-MAR-327 (see Christian et al. “Positron emis TKS159, a novel 5-hydroxytryptamine-4 agonist, on gastric sion tomographic analysis of central dopamine D1 receptor 15 contractile activity in conscious dogs.”: RS67333, or 1-(4- binding in normal Subjects treated with the atypical neurolep amino-5-chloro-2-methoxyphenyl)-3-(1-n-butyl-4-piperidi tic, SDZ MAR 327. Int J Mol. Med. 1998 1(1):243-7); nyl)-1-propanone: KDR-5169, or 4-amino-5-chloro-N-1- MKC-242 (S)-5-[3-(1,4-benzodioxan-2-ylmethyl)amino (3-fluoro-4-methoxybenzyl)piperidin-4-yl)-2-(2- propoxy]-1,3-benzodioxole HCl); ; hydroxyethoxy)benzamide hydrochloride dihydrate as (CAS RN 177975-08-5); (CAS RN 112192-04-8) reported by Tazawa, et al. (2002) “KDR-5169, a new or roxindole methanesulfonate (CAS RN 119742-13-1); trointestinal prokinetic agent, enhances gastric contractile (CAS RN 138298-79-0); (CAS and emptying activities in dogs and rats.” Eur J Pharmacol 434(3): 169-76); SL65.0155, or 5-(8-amino-7-chloro-2,3-di RN 83455-48-5); (CAS RN 135354-02-8); maza hydro-1,4-benzodioxin-5-yl)-3-1-(2-phenyl ethyl)-4-pip pertine succinate (CAS RN 134208-18-7) or eridinyl-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2(3H)-one monohydrochloride: (CASRN 134208-17-6): PRX-00023; F-13640 (3-chloro-4- 25 fluoro-phenyl)-4-fluoro-4-(5-methyl-pyridin-2-ylm and Y-34959, or 4-amino-5-chloro-2-methoxy-N-1-5-(1- ethyl)-aminomethylpiperidin-1-yl)methanone, fumaric methylindol-3-ylcarbonylamino)pentylpiperidin-4-ylm acid salt); (CAS RN 179756-85-5); ethylbenzamide. (CAS RN 146939-27-7); (see Becker et al. “G Other non-limiting reported 5HT4 receptor agonists and protein-coupled receptors: In silico drug discovery in 3D 30 partial agonists for use in combination with a 5HTR agent PNAS 2004 101 (31): 11304-11309); (CAS RN include (CAS RN 364-62-5), 5-methox 107736-98-1); SLV-308; ; and (CAS ytryptamine (CAS RN 608-07-1), RS67506 (CAS RN RN 114298-18-9). 168986-61-6), 2-1-(4-piperonyl)piperazinylbenzothiazole Yet further non-limiting examples include AP-521 (partial (CAS RN 155106-73-3), RS66331 (see Buccafusco et al. agonist from Asahikasei) and Du-123015 (from Solvay). 35 “Multiple Central Nervous System Targets for Eliciting Ben Alternatively, a 5HTR agent may be a reported 5HT4 eficial Effects on Memory and Cognition.” (2000) Pharma receptoragonist (or partial agonist). In some embodiments, a cology 295(2):438-446), BIMU8 (endo-N-8-methyl-8- reported 5HT4 receptor agonist or partial agonist is a Substi azabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-yl)-2,3-dehydro-2-oxo-3-(prop-2- tuted benzamide, Such as cisapride; individual, or a combi yl)-1H-benzimid-azole-1-carboxamide), or SB 205149 (the nation of cisapride enantiomers ((+) cisapride and (-) 40 n-butyl quaternary analog ofrenzapride). Compounds related cisapride); mosapride; and as non-limiting to metoclopramide, Such as metoclopramide dihydrochloride examples. In other embodiments, the chemical entity is a (CAS RN 2576-84-3) or metoclopramide dihydrochloride benzofuran derivative. Such as . Additional (CAS RN 5581-45-3) or metoclopramide hydrochloride embodiments include indoles, such as , or benzimi (CAS RN 7232-21-5 or 54143-57-6) may also be used in a dazolones. Other non-limiting chemical entities reported as a 45 combination or method as described herein. 5HT4 receptor agonist or partial agonist include Additionally, a 5HTR agent may be a reported 5HT3 recep (CAS RN 90182-92-6), SC-53116 (CAS RN 141 196-99-8) tor antagonist such as azasetron (CAS RN 123039-99-6): and its racemate SC-49518 (CAS RN 146388-57-0), BIMU1 ondansetron (CAS RN 996.14-02-5) or ondansetron hydro (CAS RN 127595-43-1), TS-951 (CAS RN 174486-39-6), or chloride (CAS RN 996.14-01-4); (CAS RN ML10302 CAS RN 148868-55-7). Additional non-limiting 50 120635-74-7); aloxi or palonosetronhydrochloride (CASRN chemical entities include metoclopramide, 5-methox 135729-62-3): palenosetron (CAS RN 135729-61-2 or ytryptamine, RS67506, 2-1-(4-piperonyl)piperazinylben 135729-56-5); (CAS RN 15663-27-1): lotronex or Zothiazole, RS66331, BIMU8, SB 205149 (the n-butyl qua hydrochloride (CAS RN 122852-69-1); anzemet or ternary analog of renzapride), or an indole carbazimidamide mesylate (CAS RN 115956-13-3); Zacopride or as described by Buchheit et al. (“The serotonin 5-HT4 recep 55 R-Zacopride; E-3620 (3(S)-endo-4-amino-5-chloro-N-(8- tor. 2. Structure-activity studies of the indole carbazimida methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1-oct-3-yl-2-(1-methyl-2-buty mide class of agonists.” J Med. Chem. (1995) 38(13):2331 nyl)oxybenzamide) or E-3620HCl (3(S)-endo-4-amino-5- 8). Yet additional non-limiting examples include norcisapride chloro-N-(8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-yl)-2-(1- (CAS RN 102671-04-5) which is the metabolite of cisapride: methyl-2-butinyl)oxy)-benzamide-HCl); YM 060 or mosapride citrate; the maleate form of tegaserod (CAS RN 60 hydrochloride (CAS RN 132907-72-3); a thieno 189188-57-6); Zacopride hydrochloride (CAS RN996.17-34 2,3-dipyrimidine derivative antagonist described in U.S. Pat. 2); mezacopride (CAS RN 89613-77-4); SK-951 ((+-)-4- No. 6,846,823, such as DDP 225 or MCI 225 (CAS RN amino-N-(2-(1-azabicyclo(3.3.0)octan-5-yl)ethyl)-5-chloro 135991-48-9); marinol or dronabinol (CAS RN 1972-08-3); 2,3-dihydro-2-methylbenzobfuran-7-carboxamide or lac hydrin or ammonium lactate (CAS RN 515-98-0); hemifumarate); ATI-7505, a cisapride analog from ARYx 65 kytrilor granisetron hydrochloride (CAS RN 107007-99-8); Therapeutics; SDZ-216-454, a selective 5HT4 receptor ago (CAS RN 40796-97-2); (CAS RN nist that stimulates cAMP formation in a concentration 89565-68-4); (CAS RN 123482-22-4); mirisetron US 7,678,808 B2 29 30 (CAS RN 135905-89-4) or mirisetron maleate (CAS RN of the agent. Methods for preparing and administering salts, 148611-75-0); or renzapride (CAS RN 112727-80-7). derivatives, , and metabolites of various agents are Additionally, a 5HTR agent may be a reported 5HT2A/2C well known in the art. receptor antagonist such as (CASRN 74050-98-9) Compounds described herein that contain a chiral center or ketanserin tartrate; : olanzapine; include all possible stereoisomers of the compound, includ (CAS RN 127266-56-2); (CAS RN 87051-43-2); ing compositions comprising the racemic mixture of the two ; ; (CAS RN 120444 enantiomers, as well as compositions comprising each enan 71-5); geoden or ziprasidone hydrochloride (CAS RN tiomer individually, substantially free of the other enanti 138982-67-9); Zeldox or ziprasidone or ziprasidone hydro omer. Thus, for example, contemplated herein is a composi chloride; EMD 281014 (7-4-2-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-ethyl 10 tion comprising the S enantiomer of a compound -1-carbonyl)-1H-indole-3-carbonitrile HCl); substantially free of the Renantiomer, or the Renantiomer MDL 100907 or M100907 (CAS RN 139290-65-6); effexor substantially free of the S enantiomer. If the named com XR ( formulation); Zomaril or ; que pound comprises more than one chiral center, the scope of the tiapine (CAS RN 111974-69-7) or fumarate (CAS present disclosure also includes compositions comprising RN 111974-72-2) or seroquel; SB 228357 or SB 243213 (see 15 mixtures of varying proportions between the diastereomers, Bromidge et al. “Biarylcarbamoylindolines are novel and as well as compositions comprising one or more diastere selective 5-HT(2C) receptor inverse agonists: identification omers substantially free of one or more of the other diastere of 5-methyl-1-(2-(2-methyl-3-pyridyl)oxy-5-pyridylcar omers. By “substantially free’ it is meant that the composi bamoyl-6-trifluoromethylindoline (SB-243213) as a poten tion comprises less than 25%, 15%, 10%, 8%, 5%,3%, or less tial antidepressant/anxiolytic agent.” J Med. Chem. 2000 than 1% of the minor enantiomer or diastereomer(s). Methods 43(6):1123-34); SB 220453 or tonabersat (CAS RN 175013 for synthesizing, isolating, preparing, and administering vari 84-0); (CASRN 106516-24-9); (CAS ous Stereoisomers are known in the art. RN 130579-75-8) or eplivanserin fumarate (CAS RN In some embodiments, a 5HTR agent used in the methods 130580-02-8); hydrochloride (CAS RN 161178 described herein is substantially inactive with respect to other 10-5); (CAS RN 129-03-3); pizotyline or 25 receptors, such as muscarinic receptors, nicotinic receptors, (CAS RN 15574-96-6); (CAS RN dopamine receptors, and opioid receptors as non-limiting 64795-35-3): irindalone (CAS RN 96478-43-2); MDL 11939 examples. (CAS RN 107703-78-6); or (CAS RN 443144 As described herein, a 5HTR agent, optionally in combi 26-1). nation with one or more other neurogenic agents, is admin Additional non-limiting examples of modulators include 30 istered to an animal or human Subject to result in neurogen reported 5-HT2C agonists or partial agonists, such as m-chlo esis. A combination may thus be used to treat a specified rophenylpiperazine; or 5-HT2A receptor inverse agonists, disease, disorder, or condition. such as ACP 103 (CAS RN: 868855-07-6), APD125 (from Methods for assessing the nature and/or degree of neuro Arena Pharmaceuticals), AVE 8488 (from Sanofi-Aventis) or genesis in vivo and in vitro, for detecting changes in the TGWOOAD/AA (from Fabre Kramer Pharmaceuticals). 35 nature and/or degree of neurogenesis, for identifying neuro Additionally, a 5HTR agent may be a reported 5HT6 recep genesis modulating agents, for isolating and culturing neural tor antagonist such as SB-357134 (N-(2,5-dibromo-3-fluo stem cells, and for preparing neural stem cells for transplan rophenyl)-4-methoxy-3-piperazin-1-ylbenzenesulfona tation or other purposes are disclosed, for example, in U.S. mide); SB-271046 (5-chloro-N-(4-methoxy-3-(piperazin-1- Provisional Application No. 60/697.905, and U.S. Publica yl)phenyl)-3-methylbenzobthiophene-2-sulfonamide); Ro 40 tion Nos. 2005/000.9742 and 2005/000.9847, 20050032702, 04-06790 (N-(2,6-bis(methylamino)pyrimidin-4-yl)-4-ami 2005/0031538, 2005/0004046, 2004/0254152, 2004/ nobenzenesulfonamide); Ro 63-0563 (4-amino-N-(2.6 bis 0229291, and 2004/0185429, all of which are herein incor methylamino-pyridin-4-yl)- Sulfonamide); clozap porated by reference in their entirety. ine or its metabolite N-: olanzapine (CAS Formulations and Doses RN 132539-06-1); (CASRN 67121-76-0); sero 45 In some embodiments of the disclosure, a 5HTR agent, quel (quetiapine or quetiapine famarate); optionally in combination with one or more other neurogenic (CAS RN 303-49-1); (CAS RN50-48-6); agents, is in the form of a composition that includes at least epin (CASRN 1668-19-5); nortryptyline (CASRN 72-69-5): one pharmaceutically acceptable excipient. As used herein, 5-methoxytryptamine (CAS RN 608-07-1); bromocryptine the term “pharmaceutically acceptable excipient' includes (CAS RN 25614-03-3); octoclothepin (CAS RN 13448-22 50 any excipient known in the field as Suitable for pharmaceuti 1); (CAS RN 50-53-3): (CAS RN cal application. Suitable pharmaceutical excipients and for 1977-10-2); (CAS RN 69-23-8); or GSK mulations are known in the art and are described, for example, 742457 (presented by David Witty, “Early Optimisation of in in Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences (19th ed.) (Genarro, vivo Activity: the discovery of 5-HT6 Receptor Antagonist ed. (1995) Mack Publishing Co., Easton, Pa.). Preferably, 742457 GlaxoSmithKline at SCIpharm 2006, International 55 pharmaceutical carriers are chosen based upon the intended Pharmaceutical Industry Conference in Edinburgh, 16 May mode of administration of a 5HTR agent, optionally in com 2006). bination with one or more other neurogenic agents. The phar As an additional non-limiting example, the reported 5HT6 maceutically acceptable carrier may include, for example, modulator may be SB-258585 (4-Iodo-N-(4-methoxy-3-(4- disintegrants, binders, lubricants, glidants, emollients, methyl-piperazin-1-yl)-phenyl-benzensulphonamide); PRX 60 humectants, thickeners, silicones, flavoring agents, and 07034 (from Predix Pharmaceuticals) or a partial agonist, Water. such as E-6801 (6-chloro-N-(3-(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl)- A 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with one or more 1H-indol-5-yl)imidazo[2.1-bithiazole-5-sulfonamide) or other neurogenic agents, or with another 5HTR agent, may be E-6837 (5-chloro-N-(3-(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl)-1H-indol incorporated with excipients and administered in the form of 5-yl)naphthalene-2-sulfonamide). 65 ingestible tablets, buccal tablets, troches, capsules, elixirs, A 5HTR agent as described herein includes pharmaceuti Suspensions, syrups, wafers, or any other form known in the cally acceptable salts, derivatives, prodrugs, and metabolites pharmaceutical arts. The pharmaceutical compositions may US 7,678,808 B2 31 32 also be formulated in a sustained release form. Sustained 5%, about 2.5%, about 1%, about 0.5%, about 0.25%, about release compositions, enteric coatings, and the like are known 0.2%, about 0.1%, about 0.05%, about 0.025%, about 0.02%, in the art. Alternatively, the compositions may be a quick about 0.01%, or less than the known dosage. release formulation. In other embodiments, the amount of a 5HTR agent used in The amount of a combination of a 5HTR agent, or a com- 5 vivo may be about 50%, about 45%, about 40%, about 35%, bination thereof with one or more other neurogenic agents, about 30%, about 25%, about 20%, about 18%, about 16%, may be an amount that also potentiates or sensitizes, such as about 14%, about 12%, about 10%, about 8%, about 6%, by activating or inducing cells to differentiate, a population of about 4%, about 2%, or about 1% or less than the maximum neural cells for neurogenesis. The degree of potentiation or tolerated dose for a Subject, including where one or more sensitization for neurogenesis may be determined with use of 10 other neurogenic agents is used in combination with the the combination in any appropriate neurogenesis assay, 5HTR agent. This is readily determined for each muscarinic including, but not limited to, a neuronal differentiation assay agent that has been in clinical use or testing, such as in described herein. In some embodiments, the amount of a humans. combination of a 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with Alternatively, the amount of a 5HTR agent, optionally in one or more other neurogenic agents, is based on the highest 15 combination with one or more other neurogenic agents, may amount of one agent in a combination, which amount pro be an amount selected to be effective to produce an improve duces no detectable neuroproliferation in vitro but yet pro ment in a treated Subject based on detectable neurogenesis in duces neurogenesis, or a measurable shift in efficacy in pro vitro as described above. In some embodiments. Such as in the moting neurogenesis in vitro, when used in the combination. case of a known 5HTR agent, the amount is one that mini As disclosed herein, an effective amount of a 5HTR agent, 20 mizes clinical side effects seen with administration of the optionally in combination with one or more other neurogenic agent to a Subject. The amount of an agent used in vivo may agents, in the described methods is an amount Sufficient, be about 50%, about 45%, about 40%, about 35%, about 30%, when used as described herein, to stimulate or increase neu about 25%, about 20%, about 18%, about 16%, about 14%, rogenesis in the Subject targeted for treatment when com about 12%, about 10%, about 8%, about 6%, about 4%, about pared to the absence of the combination. An effective amount 25 2%, or about 1% or less of the maximum tolerated dose in of a 5HTR agent alone or in combination may vary based on terms of acceptable side effects for a subject. This is readily a variety of factors, including but not limited to, the activity of determined for each 5HTR agent or other agent(s) of a com the active compounds, the physiological characteristics of the bination disclosed herein as well as those that have been in subject, the nature of the condition to be treated, and the route clinical use or testing, Such as in humans. and/or method of administration. General dosage ranges of 30 In other embodiments, the amount of an additional neuro certain compounds are provided herein and in the cited ref genic sensitizing agent in a combination with a 5HTR agent erences based on animal models of CNS diseases and condi of the disclosure is the highest amount which produces no tions. Various conversion factors, formulas, and methods for detectable neurogenesis when the sensitizing agent is used, determining human dose equivalents of animal dosages are alone in vitro, or in vivo, but yet produces neurogenesis, or a known in the art, and are described, e.g., in Freireich et al., 35 measurable shift in efficacy in promoting neurogenesis, when Cancer Chemother Repts 50(4): 219 (1966), Monro et al., used in combination with a 5HTR agent. Embodiments Toxicology Pathology, 23: 187-98 (1995), Boxenbaum and include amounts which produce about 1%, about 2%, about Dilea, J. Clin. Pharmacol. 35: 957-966 (1995), and Voisinet 4%, about 6%, about 8%, about 10%, about 12%, about 14%, al., Reg. Toxicol. Pharmacol., 12(2): 107-116 (1990), which about 16%, about 18%, about 20%, about 25%, about 30%, are herein incorporated by reference. 40 about 35%, or about 40% or more of the neurogenesis seen The disclosed methods typically involve the administration with the amount that produces the highest level of neurogen of a 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with one or more esis in an in vitro assay. other neurogenic agents, in a dosage range of from about In some embodiments, the amount may be the lowest 0.001 ng/kg/day to about 200 mg/kg/day. Other non-limiting needed to produce a desired, or minimum, level of detectable dosages include from about 0.001 to about 0.01 ng/kg/day, 45 neurogenesis or beneficial effect. Of course the administered about 0.01 to about 0.1 ng/kg/day, about 0.1 to about 1 ng/kg/ 5HTR agent, alone or in a combination disclosed herein, may day, about 1 to about 10 ng/kg/day, about 10 to about 100 be in the form of a pharmaceutical composition. ng/kg/day, about 100 ng/kg/day to about 1 g/kg/day, about 1 As described herein, the amount of a 5HTR agent, option to about 2 g/kg/day, about 2 g/kg/day to about 0.02 mg/kg/ ally in combination with one or more other neurogenic day, about 0.02 to about 0.2 mg/kg/day, about 0.2 to about 2 50 agents, may be any that is effective to produce neurogenesis, mg/kg/day, about 2 to about 20 mg/kg/day, or about 20 to optionally with reduced or minimized amounts of astrogen about 200 mg/kg/day. However, as understood by those esis. As a non-limiting example described herein, the levels of skilled in the art, the exact dosage of a 5HTR agent, optionally astrogenesis observed with the use of certain 5HTR agents in combination with one or more other neurogenic agents, alone may be reduced or suppressed when the 5HTR agent is used to treat a particular condition will vary in practice due to 55 used in combination with a second agent such as baclofen (or a wide variety of factors. Accordingly, dosage guidelines other GABA modulator with the same anti-astrogenesis provided herein are not limiting as the range of actual dos activity) or melatonin. This beneficial effect is observed along ages, but rather provide guidance to skilled practitioners in with the ability of each combination of agents to stimulate selecting dosages useful in the empirical determination of neurogenesis. So while certain 5HTR agents have been dosages for individual patients. Advantageously, methods 60 observed to produce astrogenesis, their use with a second described herein allow treatment of one or more conditions compound, Such as baclofen and melatonin, advantageously with reductions in side effects, dosage levels, dosage fre provides a means to Suppress the overall level of astrogenesis. quency, treatment duration, safety, , and/or other Therefore, the methods of the disclosure further include a factors. So where suitable dosages for a 5HTR agent to modu method of decreasing the level of astrogenesis in a cell or cell late a 5HT receptor activity are known to a skilled person, the 65 population by contacting the cell or population with a 5HTR disclosure includes the use of about 75%, about 50%, about agent and a second agent that reduces or Suppresses the 33%, about 25%, about 20%, about 15%, about 10%, about amount or level of astrogenesis caused by said 5HTR agent. US 7,678,808 B2 33 34 The reduction or Suppression of astrogenesis may be readily fective using known methods due, for example, to dose-lim determined relative to the amount or level of astrogenesis in iting side effects, toxicity, and/or other factors. the absence of the second agent. In some embodiments, the Routes of Administration second agent is baclofen or melatonin. As described, the methods of the disclosure comprise con In some embodiments, an effective, neurogenesis modu tacting a cell with a 5HTR agent, optionally in combination lating amount of a combination of a 5HTR agent, optionally with one or more other neurogenic agents, or administering in combination with one or more other neurogenic agents, is Such an agent or combination to a subject, to result in neuro an amount of a 5HTR agent (or of each agent in a combina genesis. Some embodiments comprise the use of one 5HTR tion) that achieves a concentration within the target tissue, agent, such as buspirone, tandospirone, azasetron, granis using the particular mode of administration, at or above the 10 etron, ondansetron, mosapride, cisapride, or Sumatriptan, in ICso or ECso for activity of target molecule or physiological combination with one or more other neurogenic agents. In process. In some cases, a 5HTR agent, optionally in combi other embodiments, a combination of two or more agents, nation with one or more other neurogenic agents, is admin Such as two or more of buspirone, tandospirone, aZasetron, istered in a manner and dosage that gives a peak concentration granisetron, ondansetron, mosapride, cisapride, and of about 1, about 1.5, about 2, about 2.5, about 5, about 10, 15 Sumatriptan, is used in combination with one or more other about 20 or more times the ICs or ECso concentration of the neurogenic agents. 5HTR agent (or each agent in the combination). ICso and In some embodiments, methods of treatment disclosed ECso values and data for a 5HTR agent and herein comprise the step of administering to a mammal a other agent(s) described herein are known in the art, and are 5HTR agent, optionally in combination with one or more described, e.g., in the references cited herein or can be readily other neurogenic agents, for a time and at a concentration determined using established methods. In addition, methods sufficient to treat the condition targeted for treatment. The for determining the concentration of a free compound in disclosed methods can be applied to individuals having, or plasma and extracellular fluids in the CNS, as well pharma who are likely to develop, disorders relating to neural degen cokinetic properties, are known in the art, and are described, eration, neural damage and/or neural demyelination. e.g., in de Lange et al., AAPS Journal, 7(3): 532-543 (2005). 25 Depending on the desired clinical result, the disclosed In some embodiments, a 5HTR agent, optionally in combi agents or pharmaceutical compositions are administered by nation with one or more other neurogenic agents, described any means Suitable for achieving a desired effect. Various herein is administered, as a combination or separate agents delivery methods are known in the art and can be used to used together, at a frequency of at least about once daily, or deliver an agent to a subject or to NSCs or progenitor cells about twice daily, or about three or more times daily, and for 30 within a tissue of interest. The delivery method will depend a duration of at least about 3 days, about 5 days, about 7 days, on factors such as the tissue of interest, the nature of the about 10 days, about 14 days, or about 21 days, or about 4 compound (e.g., its stability and ability to cross the blood weeks, or about 2 months, or about 4 months, or about 6 brain barrier), and the duration of the experiment or treat months, or about 8 months, or about 10 months, or about 1 ment, among other factors. For example, an osmotic year, or about 2 years, or about 4 years, or about 6 years or 35 minipump can be implanted into a neurogenic region, such as longer. the lateral Ventricle. Alternatively, compounds can be admin In other embodiments, an effective, neurogenesis modu istered by direct injection into the cerebrospinal fluid of the lating amount is a dose that produces a concentration of a brain or spinal column, or into the eye. Compounds can also 5HTR agent (or each agent in a combination) in an organ, be administered into the periphery (such as by intravenous or tissue, cell, and/or other region of interest that includes the 40 Subcutaneous injection, or oral delivery), and Subsequently EDs (the pharmacologically effective dose in 50% of sub cross the blood-brain barrier. jects) with little or no toxicity. ICs and ECso values for the In some embodiments, the disclosed agents or pharmaceu modulation of neurogenesis can be determined using meth tical compositions are administered in a manner that allows ods described in PCT Application US06/026677, filed Jul. 7, them to contact the subventricular Zone (SVZ) of the lateral 2006, incorporated by reference, or by other methods known 45 Ventricles and/or the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. The in the art. In some embodiments, the ICso or ECso concentra delivery or targeting of a 5HTR agent, optionally in combi tion for the modulation of neurogenesis is substantially lower nation with one or more other neurogenic agents, to a neuro than the ICs or ECso concentration for activity of a 5HTR genic region, Such as the dentate gyrus or the Subventricular agent and/or other agent(s) at non-targeted molecules and/or Zone, may enhances efficacy and reduces side effects com physiological processes. 50 pared to known methods involving administration with the In some methods described herein, the application of a same or similar compounds. Examples of routes of adminis 5HTR agent in combination with one or more other neuro tration include parenteral, e.g., intravenous, intradermal, Sub genic agents may allow effective treatment with Substantially cutaneous, oral (e.g., inhalation), transdermal (topical), trans fewer and/or less severe side effects compared to existing mucosal, and rectal administration. Intranasal administration treatments. In some embodiments, combination therapy with 55 generally includes, but is not limited to, inhalation of aerosol a 5HTR agent and one or more additional neurogenic agents Suspensions for delivery of compositions to the nasal mucosa, allows the combination to be administered at dosages that trachea and bronchioli. would be sub-therapeutic when administered individually or In other embodiments, a combination of a 5HTR agent, when compared to other treatments. In other embodiments, optionally in combination with one or more other neurogenic each agent in a combination of agents may be present in an 60 agents, is administered so as to either pass through or by-pass amount that results in fewer and/or less severe side effects the blood-brain barrier. Methods for allowing factors to pass than that which occurs with a larger amount. Thus the com through the blood-brain barrier are known in the art, and bined effect of the neurogenic agents will provide a desired include minimizing the size of the factor, providing hydro neurogenic activity while exhibiting fewer and/or less severe phobic factors which facilitate passage, and conjugation to a side effects overall. In further embodiments, methods 65 carrier molecule that has substantial permeability across the described herein allow treatment of certain conditions for blood brain barrier. In some instances, an agent or combina which treatment with the same or similar compounds is inef tion of agents can be administered by a Surgical procedure US 7,678,808 B2 35 36 implanting a catheter coupled to a pump device. The pump DOV 102,677 (see Popiketal. “Pharmacological Profile of device can also be implanted or be extracorporally posi the “Triple Monoamine Neurotransmitter Uptake Inhibitor, tioned. Administration of a 5HTR agent, optionally in com DOV 102,677. Cell Mol. Neurobiol. 2006 Apr. 25: Epub bination with one or more other neurogenic agents, can be in ahead of print), intermittent pulses or as a continuous infusion. Devices for 5 DOV 216.303 (see Beer et al. “DOV 216,303, a “triple” injection to discrete areas of the brain are known in the art. In reuptake inhibitor: safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetic certain embodiments, the combination is administered profile.” J. Clin Pharmacol. 2004 44(12): 1360-7), locally to the Ventricle of the brain, Substantia nigra, striatum, DOV 21.947 ((+)-1-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-3-azabicyclo locus ceruleous, nucleus basalis of Meynert, pedunculopon (3.1.0)hexane hydrochloride), see Skolnick et al. “Antide tine nucleus, cerebral cortex, and/or spinal cordby, e.g., injec 10 pressant-like actions of DOV 21,947: a “triple” reuptake tion. Methods, compositions, and devices for delivering inhibitor.” Eur J. Pharmacol. 2003 461 (2-3):99-104), therapeutics, including therapeutics for the treatment of dis NS-2330 or (CAS RN 402856-42-2), or NS eases and conditions of the CNS and PNS, are known in the 2359 (CAS RN 843660-54-8); art. and agents like (DHEA), and 15 DHEA sulfate (DHEAS), CP-122,721 (CAS RN 145742-28 In Some embodiments, a 5HTR agent and/or other agent(s) 5). in a combination is modified to facilitate crossing of the gut Additional non-limiting examples of such agents include a epithelium. For example, in some embodiments, a 5HTR compound Such as clomipramine, or agent or other agent(s) is a that is actively transported dothiepin, (described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. across the intestinal epithelium and metabolized into the 4,172,074), , , amitriptyline, active agent in Systemic circulation and/or in the CNS. (described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 3,454.554), In other embodiments, a 5HTR agent and/or other agent(s) , , or ; a psychoStimulant of a combination is conjugated to a targeting domain to form Such as and methylphenidate; an MAO a chimeric therapeutic, where the targeting domain facilitates inhibitor Such as (Emsam R); an Such as passage of the blood-brain barrier (as described above) and/or 25 CX516 (or Ampalex(R, CAS RN: 154235-83-3), CX546 (or binds one or more molecular targets in the CNS. In some 1-(1,4-benzodioxan-6-ylcarbonyl)), and CX614 embodiments, the targeting domain binds a target that is (CAS RN 191744-13-5) from Cortex Pharmaceuticals; a V1b differentially expressed or displayed on, or in close proximity antagonist such as SSR1494.15 ((2S,4R)-1-(5-chloro-1-(2,4- to, tissues, organs, and/or cells of interest. In some cases, the dimethoxyphenyl)sulfonyl-3-(2-methoxy-phenyl)-2-oxo-2, target is preferentially distributed in a neurogenic region of 30 3-dihydro-1H-indol-3-yl)-4-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyl-2-pyr the brain, such as the dentate gyrus and/or the SVZ. For rolidine carboxamide), example, in Some embodiments, a 5HTR agent and/or other 1-(beta-mercapto-beta,beta-cyclopentamethylenepropi agent(s) of a combination is conjugated or complexed with onic acid), 2-O-ethyltyrosine, 4-valinearginine vasopressin the fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is readily (d(CH). Tyr(Et)VAVP (WK1-1), transported across the blood brain barrier and imported into 35 9-desglycine 1-(beta-mercapto-beta,beta-cyclopentam cells of the CNS. ethylenepropionic acid), 2-O-ethyltyrosine, 4-valineargin Representative Conditions and Agents ine vasopressin desOly9d (CH), Tyr(Et)-VAVP (WK3-6). The disclosure includes methods for treating depression O and other neurological diseases and conditions. In some 40 9-desglycine 1-(beta-mercapto-beta,beta-cyclopentam embodiments, a method may comprise use of a combination ethylenepropionic acid).2-D-(O-ethyl), 4-valine of a 5HTR agent and one or more agents reported as anti arginine vasopressin des Gly9d(CH), D-Tyr? Et)VAVP agents. Thus a method may comprise treatment (AO 3-21); a corticotropin-releasing factor receptor (CRF) R with a 5HTR agent and one or more reported anti-depressant antagonist such as CP-154,526 (structure disclosed in Schulz agents as known to the skilled person. Non-limiting examples 45 et al. “CP-154,526: a potent and selective nonpeptide antago of such agents includean SSRI (selective serotonine reuptake nist of corticotropin releasing factor receptors.” Proc Natl inhibitor), such as fluoxetine (ProzacR); described, e.g., in Acad Sci USA. 1996 93(19):10477-82), NBI 30775 (also U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,314,081 and 4,194,009), citalopram (Cel known as R121919 or 2,5-dimethyl-3-(6-dimethyl-4-meth exaR); described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 4,136,193), escitalo ylpyridin-3-yl)-7-dipropylaminopyrazolo 1.5-alpyrimi pram (LexaproR); described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 4,136,193), 50 dine), astressin (CAS RN 170809-51-5), or a photoactivat (described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 4,085.225) or able analog thereofas described in Bonket al. “Novel high fluvoxamine maleate (CAS RN: 61718-82-9) and Luvox R, affinity photoactivatable antagonists of corticotropin (Paxil(R); described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,912, releasing factor (CRF)” Eur. J. Biochem. 267:3017-3024 743 and 4,007,196), or (Zoloft(R); described, e.g., in (2000), or AAG561 (from Novartis); a melanin concentrating U.S. Pat. No. 4,536,518), or ; the compound 55 hormone (MCH) antagonist such as 3,5-dimethoxy-N-(1- Zodone (Serozone.R.; described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 4.338, (naphthalen-2-ylmethyl)piperidin-4-yl)benzamide or (R)-3, 317): a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNR1) 5-dimethoxy-N-(1-(naphthalen-2-ylmethyl)-pyrrolidin-3- such as (EdronaxR), (StratteraR), yl)benzamide (see Kim et al. “Identification of substituted (described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 4,478,836), 4-aminopiperidines and 3-aminopyrrolidines as potent or its primary metabolite (BTS 54 505), 60 MCH-R1 antagonists for the treatment of obesity.’ Bioorg , or ; a selective serotonin and norepi Med Chem. Lett. 2006 Jul. 29: Epub ahead of print for nephrine reuptake inhibitor (SSNRI) such as Venlafaxine (Ef both), or any MCH antagonist disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. fexor R.; described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 4,761,501), and its 7,045,636 or published U.S. Patent Application US2005/ reported metabolite , or dulloxetine (Cym O171098. balta(R); described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 4,956,388); a sero 65 Further non-limiting examples of Such agents include a tonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine “triple uptake inhibitor. compound Such as (described, e.g., in Such as U.S. Pat. No. 4,062,848; see CAS RN 61337-67-5; also US 7,678,808 B2 37 38 known as Remeron(R), or CAS RN 85,650-52-8), aripiprazole, risperidone, Ziprasidone, sertindole, , (described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 3,534,041), or . (CAS RN 144598-75-4), (CAS Further non-limiting examples of such agents include ago RN 84371-65-3), bifeprunox or DU-127090 (CAS RN melatine (CAS RN 138112-76-2), (CAS RN 13523 350992-10-8), or ORG5222 (CAS RN 65576-45 86-9), (CAS RN 157284-96-3), mifepristone 6), iloperidone (CAS RN 133454-47-4), (CAS (CAS RN 84371-65-3), (CAS RN 173240-15-8) RN 129029-23-8), SLV 308 (CAS RN 269718-83-4), licar or nemifitide ditriflutate (CAS RN 204992-09-6), YKP-10A bazepine or GP 47779 (CAS RN 29331-92-8), Org 34517 or R228060 (CAS RN 561069-23-6), trazodone (CAS RN (CAS RN 189035-07-2), ORG 34850 (CAS RN 162607-84 19794-93-5), bupropion (CAS RN34841-39-9 or 34911-55 3), Org 24448 (CAS RN 211735-76-1), (CAS RN 2) or bupropion hydrochloride (or Wellbutrin R, CAS RN 10 367514-87-2), or lonasen (CAS RN 132810-10 31677-93-7) and its reported metaboliteradafaxine (CASRN 7), talnetant or SB-223412 (CAS RN 174636-32-9), 192374-14-4), NS2359 (CAS RN 843660-54-8), Org 34517 (CAS RN 1393-25-5) or human secretin (CAS RN 108153 (CASRN 189035-07-2), Org34850(CASRN 162607-84-3), 74-8) which are endogenous pancreatic hormones, ABT 089 villazodone (CAS RN 163521-12-8), CP-122,721 (CAS RN (CAS RN 161417-03-4), SSR 504734 (see compound 13 in 145742-28-5), gepirone (CAS RN 83928-76-1), SR58611 15 Hashimoto “Glycine Transporter Inhibitors as Therapeutic (see Mizuno et al. “The stimulation of beta(3)-adrenoceptor Agents for Schizophrenia. Recent patents on CNS Drug causes phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated Discovery, 2006 1:43-53), MEM 3454 (see Mazurov et al. kinases 1 and 2 through a G(s)-but not G(i)-dependent path “Selective alpha7 nicotinic ligands.” way in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.” Eur J. Pharmacol. 2000 404(1- Curr Med. Chem. 2006 13(13):1567-84), a phosphodi 2): 63-8), saredutant or SR 48968 (CAS RN 142001-63-6), esterase 10A (PDE10A) inhibitor such as (CAS PRX-00023 (N-3-4-(4-cyclohexylmethanesulfonylami RN 58-74-2) or papaverine hydrochloride (CAS RN 61-25 nobutyl)piperazin-1-yl)phenyl)acetamide, see Becker et al. 6), paliperidone (CAS RN 144598-75-4), “An integrated in silico 3D model-driven discovery of a (CAS RN 117-89-5), or trifluoperazine hydrochloride (CAS novel, potent, and selective amidosulfonamide 5-HT1A ago RN 440-17-5). nist (PRX-00023) for the treatment of anxiety and depres 25 Additional non-limiting examples of Such agents include sion.” J Med. Chem. 2006 49(11):3116-35), (or trifluoperazine, fluiphenazine, chlorpromazine, , GW597599, CAS RN334476-46-9), OPC-14523 or VPI-013 , , loxapine, , molin (see Bermack et al. “Effects of the potential antidepressant done, pimoxide, or thiothixene, SSR 146977 (see Emonds OPC-14523 (1-3-4-(3-chlorophenyl)-1-piperazinylpro Altet al. “Biochemical and pharmacological activities of SSR pyl-5-methoxy-3,4-dihydro-2-quinolinone monomethane 30 146977, a new potent nonpeptide tachykinin NK3 receptor Sulfonate a combined sigma and 5-HT1Aligand: modulation antagonist.” Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2002 80(5):482-8), of neuronal activity in the dorsal raphe nucleus. J Pharmacol SSR181507 ((3-exo)-8-benzoyl-N-(2s)7-chloro-2,3-dihy Exp Ther. 2004 310(2):578-83), or GW679769 dro-1,4-benzodioxin-1-yl)methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]oc (CASRN 852393-14-7), or CP-448,187 (CAS RN tane-3-methanamine monohydrochloride), or SLV313 (1-(2, 361343-19-3), GW823296 (see published U.S. Patent Appli 35 3-dihydro-benzo 1.4 dioxin-5-yl)-4-5-(4-fluorophenyl)- cation US2005/01 19248), or NPS1506 (CASRN pyridin-3-ylmethyl-piperazine). 186495-49-8), or (CAS RN 96604-21-6). Further non-limiting examples of Such agents include Yet additional non-limiting examples of Such agents Lu-35-138 (a D4/5-HT antagonist) from Lundbeck, AVE include CX717 from Cortex Pharmaceuticals, TGBAO1AD 1625 (a CB1 antagonist) from Sanofi-Aventis, SLV 310,313 (a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, 5-HT2 agonist, 5-HT1A ago 40 (a 5-HT2A antagonist) from Solvay, SSR 181507 (a D2/5- nist, and 5-HT1D agonist) from Fabre-Kramer Pharmaceuti HT2 antagonist) from Sanofi-Aventis, GW07034 (a 5-HT6 cals, Inc., ORG 4420 (an NaSSA (noradrenergic/specific antagonist) or GW773812 (a D2.5-HT antagonist) from serotonergic antidepressant) from Organon, CP-316.311 (a GlaxoSmithKline,YKP 1538 from SKPharmaceuticals, SSR CRF1 antagonist) from Pfizer, BMS-562086 (a CRF1 antago 125047 (a antagonist) from Sanofi-Aventis, nist) from Bristol-Myers Squibb, GW876008 (a CRF1 45 MEM1003 (a L-type calcium ) from antagonist) from Neurocrine/GlaxoSmithKline, ONO Memory Pharmaceuticals, JNJ-17305600 (a GLYT1 inhibi 2333Ms (a CRF1 antagonist) from Ono Pharmaceutical Co., tor) from Johnson & Johnson, XY 2401 (a glycine site spe Ltd., JNJ-19567470 or TS-041 (a CRF1 antagonist) from cific NMDA modulator) from Xytis, PNU 170413 from Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) and Taisho, SSR 125543 or Pfizer, RGH-188 (a D2, D3 antagonist) from Forrest, SSR SSR 126374 (a CRF1 antagonist) from Sanofi-Aventis, Lu 50 180711 (an alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor partial AA21004 and Lu AA24530 (both from H. Lundbeck A/S), agonist) or SSR 103800 (a GLYT1 (Type 1 glycine trans SEP-225289 from Sepracor Inc., ND7001 (a PDE2 inhibitor) porter) inhibitor) or SSR 241586 (a NK3 antagonist) from from Neuro3d, SSR 411298 or SSR 101010 (a fatty acid Sanofi-Aventis. amide hydrolase, or FAAH, inhibitor) from Sanofi-Aventis, In other disclosed embodiments, a reported anti-psychotic 163090 (a mixed serotonin receptor inhibitor) from Glaxo 55 agent may be one used in treating Schizophrenia. Non-limit SmithKline, SSR 24.1586 (an NK2 and NK3 receptor antago ing examples of a reported anti-schizophrenia agent as a nist) from Sanofi-Aventis, SAR 102279 (an NK2 receptor member of a combination with a 5HTR agent include molin antagonist) from Sanofi-Aventis, YKP581 from SK Pharma donehydrochloride (MOBANR) and TC-1827 (see Bohmeet ceuticals (Johnson & Johnson), R1576 (a GPCR modulator) al. “In vitro and in vivo characterization of TC-1827, a novel from Roche, or ND1251 (a PDE4 inhibitor) from Neuro3d. 60 brain C.432 nicotinic receptor agonist with pro-cognitive In other embodiments, a method may comprise use of a activity.” Drug Development Research 2004 62(1):26-40). combination of a 5HTR agent and one or more agents In some embodiments, a method may comprise use of a reported as anti-psychotic agents. Non-limiting examples of a combination of a 5HTR agent and one or more agents reported anti-psychotic agent as a member of a combination reported for treating weight gain, metabolic syndrome, or include olanzapine, quetiapine (SeroquelR), clozapine (CAS 65 obesity, and/or to induce weight loss or prevent weight gain. RN 5786-21-0) or its metabolite ACP-104 (N-desmethyl Non-limiting examples of the reported agent include various clozapine or norclozapine, CAS RN 6104-71-8), , diet pills that are commercially or clinically available. In US 7,678,808 B2 39 40 some embodiments, the reported agent is orlistat (CAS RN about 12 weeks, more than about 16 weeks, more than about 96829-58-2), sibutramine (CASRN 106650-56-0) or sibutra 20 weeks, or more than about 24 weeks or more. In some mine hydrochloride (CAS RN 84.485-00-7), phetermine embodiments, treatment by administering a 5HTR agent, (CAS RN 122-09-8) or phetermine hydrochloride (CAS RN occurs at least about 12 hours, such as at least about 24, or at 1197–21-3), diethylpropion or (CAS RN least about 36 hours, before administration of another neuro 90-84-6) or diethylpropion hydrochloride, genic agent. Following administration of a 5HTR agent, fur (CAS RN 156-08-1) or benzphetamine hydrochloride, phen ther administrations may be of only the other neurogenic dimetrazine (CAS RN 634-03-7 or 21784-30-5) or phen agent in some embodiments of the disclosure. In other dimetrazine hydrochloride (CAS RN 17140-98-6) or phen embodiments, further administrations may be of only the dimetrazine tartrate, (CAS RN 168273-06-1), 10 bupropion hydrochloride (CASRN:31677-93-7), 5HTR agent. In some cases, combination therapy with a 5HTR agent and (CAS RN 97240-79-4), (CAS RN 68291-97-4), one or more additional agents results in a enhanced efficacy, or APD-356 (CAS RN 84.6589-98-8). safety, therapeutic index, and/or tolerability, and/or reduced In other non-limiting embodiments, the agent may be fen side effects (frequency, severity, or other aspects), dosage fluramine or Pondimin(R) (CAS RN 458-24-2), dexfenflu 15 ramine or Redux(R) (CAS RN 3239-44-9), or levofenflu levels, dosage frequency, and/or treatment duration. ramine (CAS RN37577-24-5); or a combination thereof or a Examples of compounds useful in combinations described combination with . Non-limiting examples herein are provided above and below. Structures, synthetic include a combination offenfluramine and phentermine (or processes, safety profiles, biological activity data, methods “fen-phen') and of and phentermine (or for determining biological activity, pharmaceutical prepara “dexfen-phen'). tions, and methods of administration relating to the com The combination therapy may be of one of the above with pounds are known in the art and/or provided in the cited a 5HTR agent as described hereinto improve the condition of references, all of which are herein incorporated by reference the Subject or patient. Non-limiting examples of combination in their entirety. Dosages of compounds administered in com therapy include the use of lower dosages of the above addi 25 bination with a 5HTR agent can be, e.g., a dosage within the tional agents, or combinations thereof, which reduce side range of pharmacological dosages established in humans, or effects of the agent or combination when used alone. For a dosage that is a fraction of the established human dosage, example, an anti-depressant agent like fluoxetine or paroxet e.g., 70%, 50%, 30%, 10%, or less than the established human ine or sertraline may be administered at a reduced or limited dosage. dose, optionally also reduced in frequency of administration, 30 In some embodiments, the neurogenic agent combined in combination with a 5HTR agent. with a 5HTR agent may be a reported opioid or non-opioid Similarly, a combination offenfluramine and phentermine, (acts independently of an opioid receptor) agent. In some or phentermine and dexfenfluramine, may be administered at embodiments, the neurogenic agent is one reported as antago a reduced or limited dose, optionally also reduced in fre nizing one or more opioid receptors orasan inverse agonist of quency of administration, in combination with a 5HTR agent. 35 at least one opioid receptor. A opioid receptor antagonist or The reduced dose or frequency may be that which reduces or inverse agonist may be specific or selective (or alternatively eliminates the side effects of the combination. non-specific or non-selective) for opioid receptor Subtypes. In light of the positive recitation (above and below) of So an antagonist may be non-specific or non-selective Such combinations with alternative agents to treat conditions dis that it antagonizes more than one of the three known opioid closed herein, the disclosure includes embodiments with the 40 receptor subtypes, identified as OP, OP, and OP (also explicit exclusion of one or more of the alternative agents or know as delta, or ö, kappa, or K, and mu, or L, respectively). one or more types of alternative agents. As would be recog Thus an opioid that antagonizes any two, or all three, of these nized by the skilled person, a description of the whole of a Subtypes, or an inverse agonist that is specific or selective for plurality of alternative agents (or classes of agents) necessar any two or all three of these subtypes, may be used as the ily includes and describes subsets of the possible alternatives, 45 neurogenic agent in the practice. Alternatively, an antagonist Such as the part remaining with the exclusion of one or more or inverse agonist may be specific or selective for one of the of the alternatives or exclusion of one or more classes. three Subtypes, such as the kappa Subtype as a non-limiting Representative Combinations example. As indicated herein, the disclosure includes combination Non-limiting examples of reported opioid antagonists therapy, where a 5HTR agent in combination with one or 50 include naltrindol, , naloxene, naltrexone, JDTic more other neurogenic agents is used to produce neurogen (Registry Number 785835-79-2; also known as 3-isoquinoli esis. When administered as a combination, the therapeutic necarboxamide, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-7-hydroxy-N-(1S)-1- compounds can be formulated as separate compositions that (3R,4R)-4-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-3,4-dimethyl-1-piperidinyl are administered at the same time or sequentially at different methyl-2-methylpropyl-dihydrochloride, (3R)-(9CI)), nor times, or the therapeutic compounds can be given as a single 55 binal torphimine, and . In some embodiments, composition. The methods of the disclosure are not limited in a reported selective kappa opioid receptor antagonist com the sequence of administration. pound, as described in US 20020132828, U.S. Pat. No. 6,559, Instead, the disclosure includes methods wherein treat 159, and/or WO 2002/053533, may be used. All three of these ment with a 5HTR agent and another neurogenic agent occurs documents are herein incorporated by reference in their over a period of more than about 48 hours, more than about 72 60 entireties as if fully set forth. Further non-limiting examples hours, more than about 96 hours, more than about 120 hours, of such reported antagonists is a compound disclosed in U.S. more than about 144 hours, more than about 7 days, more than Pat. No. 6,900.228 (herein incorporated by reference in its about 9 days, more than about 11 days, more than about 14 entirety), arodyn (AcPhe(1,2,3), Arg(4), d-Ala(8) Dyn A-(1- days, more than about 21 days, more than about 28 days, more 11)NH(2), as described in Bennett, et al. (2002) J. Med. than about 35 days, more than about 42 days, more than about 65 Chem. 45:5617-5619), and an active analog of arodyn as 49 days, more than about 56 days, more than about 63 days, described in Bennette al. (2005) J Pept Res. 65(3):322-32, more than about 70 days, more than about 77 days, more than . US 7,678,808 B2 41 42 In some embodiments, the neurogenic agent used in the ride (CASRN 105628-07-7); the metabolite of , which methods described herein has “selective' activity (such as in is hydroxyfasudil (see Shimokawa et al. “Rho-kinase-medi the case of an antagonist or inverse agonist) under certain ated pathway induces enhanced myosin light chain phospho conditions against one or more opioid receptor Subtypes with rylations in a Swine model of coronary artery spasm.” Car respect to the degree and/or nature of activity against one or diovasc Res. 1999 43:1029-1039), Y 27632 (CAS RN more other opioid receptor Subtypes. For example, in some 138381–45-0); a fasudil analog thereof such as (S)-Hexahy embodiments, the neurogenic agent has an antagonist effect dro-1-(4-ethenylisoquinoline-5-sulfonyl)-2-methyl-1H-1,4- against one or more subtypes, and a much weaker effect or diazepine, (S)-hexahydro-4-glycyl-2-methyl-1-(4-methyl Substantially no effect against other subtypes. As another isoquinoline-5-Sulfonyl)-1H-1,4-diazepine, or (S)-(+)-2- example, an additional neurogenic agent used in the methods 10 methyl-1-(4-methyl-5-isoquinoline)Sulfonyl described herein may act as an agonist at one or more opioid homopiperazine (also known as H-1 152P; see Sasaki et al. receptor Subtypes and as antagonist at one or more other “The novel and specific Rho-kinase inhibitor (S)-(+)-2-me opioid receptor Subtypes. In some embodiments, a neuro thyl-1-(4-methyl-5-isoquinoline)Sulfonyl-homopiperazine genic agent has activity against kappa opioid receptors, while as a probing molecule for Rho-kinase-involved pathway.” having Substantially lesser activity against one or both of the 15 Pharmacol Ther. 200293(2-3):225-32); or a substituted iso delta and mu receptor Subtypes. In other embodiments, a quinolinesulfonamide compound as disclosed in U.S. Pat. neurogenic agent has activity against two opioid receptor No. 6,906,061. Subtypes, such as the kappa and delta Subtypes. As non Furthermore, the neurogenic agent in combination with a limiting examples, the agents naloxone and naltrexone have 5HTR agent may be a reported GSK-3 inhibitor or modulator. nonselective antagonist activities against more than one In some non-limiting embodiments, the reported GSK3-beta opioid receptor Subtypes. In certain embodiments, selective modulator is a paullone. Such as alsterpaullone, kenpaullone activity of one or more opioidantagonists results in enhanced (9-bromo-7,12-dihydroindolo3.2-d1 benzazepin-6(5H)- efficacy, fewer side effects, lower effective dosages, less fre one), gwennpaullone (see Knockaert et al. “Intracellular Tar quent dosing, or other desirable attributes. gets of Paullones. Identification following affinity purifica Anopioid receptorantagonist is an agent able to inhibit one 25 tion on immobilized inhibitor.” J Biol. Chem. 2002 277(28): or more characteristic responses of an opioid receptor or 25493-501), azakenpaullone (see Kunick et al. receptor Subtype. As a non-limiting example, an antagonist “1-AZakenpaullone is a selective inhibitor of glycogen Syn may competitively or non-competitively bind to an opioid thase kinase-3 beta.” Bioorg Med Chem. Lett. 2004 14(2): receptor, an agonist or partial agonist (or other ligand) of a 413-6), or the compounds described in U.S. Publication No. receptor, and/or a downstream signaling molecule to inhibit a 30 20030181439; International Publication No. WO 01/60374; receptor's function. Leost et al., Eur. J. Biochem. 267:5983-5994 (2000); Kunick An inverse agonist able to block or inhibit a constitutive et al., J Med. Chem.: 47(1):22-36 (2004); or Shultz et al., J. activity of an opioid receptor may also be used. An inverse Med. Chem. 42:2909-2919 (1999); an anticonvulsant, such as agonist may competitively or non-competitively bind to an or a derivative thereof (e.g., a compound described in opioid receptor and/or a downstream signaling molecule to 35 U.S. Pat. Nos. 1,873,732: 3,814,812; and 4,301,176); carbe inhibit a receptor's function. Non-limiting examples of mazepine, Valproic acid or a derivative thereof (e.g., val inverse agonists for use in the disclosed methods include proate, or a compound described in Werstuck et al., Bioorg ICI-174864 (N.N-diallyl-Tyr-Aib-Aib-Phe-Leu), RTI-5989 Med Chem. Lett., 14(22): 5465-7 (2004)); ; SL 1, RTI-5989-23, and RTI-5989-25 (see Zaki et al. J. Pharma 76002 (), gabapentin; tiagabine; or ; a col. Exp. Therap. 298(3): 1015-1020, 2001). 40 maleimide or a related compound, such as Ro 31-8220, Additional embodiments of the disclosure include a com SB-216763, SB-410111, SB-495052, or SB-415286, or a bination of a 5HTR agent with an additional agent such as compound described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 6,719.520; U.S. acetylcholine or a reported modulator of an androgen recep Publication No. 20040010031: International Publication tor. Non-limiting examples include the androgen receptor Nos. WO-2004072062; WO-03082859; WO-03104222; agonists ehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and DHEA sulfate 45 WO-03103663, WO-03095452, WO-2005000836; WO (DHEAS). 0021927; WO-03076398: WO-00021927; WO-00038675; or Alternatively, the neurogenic agent in combination with a WO-03076442; or Coghlan et al., Chemistry & Biology 7: 5HTR agent may be an enzymatic inhibitor, such as a reported 793 (2000); a pyridine or pyrimidine derivative, or a related inhibitor of HMG CoA reductase. Non-limiting examples of compound (such as 5-iodotubercidin, GI 179186X, GW such inhibitors include atorvastatin (CAS RN 134523-00-5), 50 784752x and GW 784775X, and compounds described, e.g., cerivastatin (CAS RN 145599-86-6), crilvastatin (CAS RN in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,489,344; 6,417,185; and 6,153,618: U.S. 120551-59–9), fluvastatin (CAS RN93957-54-1) and fluvas Publication Nos. 20050171094; and 20030130289; European tatin sodium (CAS RN 93957-55-2), simvastatin (CAS RN Patent Nos. EP-01454908, EP-01454910, EP-01295884, 79902-63-9), lovastatin (CAS RN 75330-75-5), pravastatin EP-01295885; and EP-01460076; EP-01454900; Interna (CAS RN 81093-37-0) or pravastatin sodium, rosuvastatin 55 tional Publication Nos. WO 01/70683; WO 01/70729; WO (CAS RN 287714-41-4), and simvastatin (CAS RN 79902 01/70728; WO 01/70727; WO 01/70726; WO 01/70725; 63-9). Formulations containing one or more of such inhibitors WO-00218385; WO-00218386; WO-03072579; may also be used in a combination. Non-limiting examples WO-03072580; WO-03027115; WO-03027116; include formulations comprising lovastatin Such as Advicor R WO-2004078760; WO-2005037800, WO-2004026881, (an extended-release, containing formulation) or Alto 60 WO-03076437, WO-03029223: WO-2004.098607; cor(R) (an extended release formulation); and formulations WO-2005026155; WO-2005026159; WO-2005025567; comprising simvastatin Such as VytorinR (combination of WO-03070730; WO-03070729; WO-2005019218: simvastatin and eZetimibe). WO-2005019219; WO-2004013140; WO-2004080977; In other non-limiting embodiments, the neurogenic agent WO-2004026229, WO-2004022561; WO-03080616: in combination with a 5HTR agent may be a reported Rho 65 WO-03080609; WO-03051847: WO-2004009602; kinase inhibitor. Non-limiting examples of such an inhibitor WO-2004009596; WO-2004009597; WO-03045949; include fasudil (CAS RN 103745-39-7); fasudil hydrochlo WO-03068773; WO-03080617: WO 99/65897; WO US 7,678,808 B2 43 44 00/18758; WO0307073; WO-00220495; WO-2004.043953, methyl-4-sulphonophenylglycine (MSPG), (RS)--me WO-2004.056368, WO-2005012298, WO-2005012262, thyl-4-phosphonophenylglycine (MPPG), and (RS)-alpha WO-2005042525, WO-2005.005438, WO-2004009562, methyl-4-tetrazolylphenylglycine (MTPG), described in WO-03037877; WO-03037869; WO-03037891; Jane et al., Neuropharmacology 34: 851-856 (1995); (ii) WO-05012307; WO-05012304 and WO 98/16528; and in LY366457, which is described in O'Neill et al., Neurophar Massillon et al., Biochem J. 299:123-8 (1994)); a pyrazine macol. 45(5): 565-74 (2003); (iii) compounds described in derivative, such as Aloisine AR) (7-n-butyl-6-(4-hydroxyphe US App Nos. 20050049243, 200501 19345 and nyl)5 Hpyrrolo2,3-bipyrazine) or a compound described in 20030157647; and (iv) the Group II-specific modulators International Publication Nos. WO-00144206: WO0144246; described below. or WO-2005035532; a thiadiazole or thiazole, such as 10 In some non-limiting embodiments, the reported Group II TDZD-8 (benzyl-2-methyl-1,2,4-thiadiazolidine-3,5-dione); modulator is a Group II-selective modulator, capable of OTDZT (4-dibenzyl-5-oxothiadiazolidine-3-thione); or a modulating mGlu2 and/or mGlu- under conditions where it is related compound described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,645,990 substantially inactive at other mGlu subtypes (of Groups I and or 6,762,179; U.S. Publication No. 20010039275; Interna III). Examples of Group II-selective modulators include com tional Publication Nos. WO 01/56567, WO-0301 1843, 15 pounds described in Monn, et al., J. Med. Chem., 40,528-537 WO-03004478, or WO-030894.19; or Mettey, Y., et al., J. (1997); Schoepp, et al., Neuropharmacol., 36, 1-11 (1997) Med. 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LY341495 is readily permeably across the boxylic acid (ACPD), a broad spectrum mGlu agonist having blood-brain barrier, and has ICso values in the low nanomolar substantial activity at Group I and II receptors; (ii) (-)-2-thia range (e.g., below about 10 nM, or below about 5 nM) against 4-aminobicyclo-hexane-4,6-dicarboxylate (LY389795), 60 cloned human mGlu and mGlu receptors. LY341495 has a which is described in Monnet al., J.Med. Chem., 42(6):1027 high degree of selectivity for Group II receptors relative to 40 (1999); (iii) compounds described in US App. No. Group I and Group III receptors at low concentrations (e.g., 2004.0102521 and Pellicciariet al., J. Med. Chem., 39, 2259 nanomolar range), whereas at higher concentrations (e.g., 2269 (1996); and (iv) the Group II-specific modulators above 1 uM), LY341495 also has antagonist activity against described below. 65 mGlu, and mGlus, in addition to mGlu. LY341495 is sub Non-limiting examples of reported Group II antagonists stantially inactive against KA, AMPA, and NMDA iGlu include: (i) phenylglycine analogues, such as (RS)-alpha receptors. US 7,678,808 B2 45 46 Additional non-limiting examples of reported Group II described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,956,049, 6,825,211, 5,473,077, selective antagonists include the following compounds, indi 5,912.248, 6,054,448, and 5,500,420; US App Nos. cated by chemical name and/or described in the cited refer 20040077599, 20040147482, 2004.0102521, 20030199533 ences: (i) C.-methyl-L-(carboxycyclopropyl)glycine (CCG); and 20050234048; and Intl Pub/AppNos. WO97/19049, WO (ii) (2S,3S4S)-2-methyl-2-(carboxycyclopropyl) glycine 5 98/00391, and EP0870760. (MCCG); (iii) (1R,2R,3R,5R,6R)-2-amino-3-(3,4-dichlo In some non-limiting embodiments, the reported mClu robenzyloxy)-6 fluorobicyclohexane-2,6-dicarboxylic acid receptor modulator is a prodrug, metabolite, or other deriva (MGS0039), which is described in Nakazato et al., J. Med. tive of N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG), a peptide neu Chem., 47(18):4570-87 (2004); (iv) an n-hexyl, n-heptyl, rotransmitter in the mammalian CNS that is a highly selective n-octyl, 5-methylbutyl, or 6-methylpentyl ester prodrug of 10 agonist for mGluR receptors, as described in Wroblewska et MGS0039; (v) MGS0210 (3-(3,4-dichlorobenzyloxy)-2- al., J. Neurochem. 69(1): 174-181 (1997). In other embodi amino-6-fluorobicyclohexane-2,6-dicarboxylic acid n-hep ments, the mGlu modulator is a compound that modulates the tyl ester); (vi) (RS)-1-amino-5-phosphonoindan-1-carboxy levels of endogenous NAAG, such as an inhibitor of the lic acid (APICA), which is described in Ma et al., Bioorg. enzyme N-acetylated-alpha-linked-acidic dipeptidase Med. Chem. Lett. 7: 1195 (1997); (vii) (2S)-ethylglutamic 15 (NAALADase), which catalyzes the of NAAG to acid (EGLU), which is described in Thomas et al., Br. J. N-acetyl-aspartate and glutamate. Examples of NAALADase Pharmacol. 117: 70P (1996); (viii) (2S,1'S,2S,3R)-2-(2-car inhibitors include 2-PMPA (2-(phosphonomethyl)pen boxy-3'-phenylcyclopropyl)glycine (PCCG-IV); and (ix) tanedioic acid), which is described in Slusher et al., Nat. compounds described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,107.342 and US App Med., 5(12): 1396–402 (1999); and compounds described in No. 20040006114. APICA has an ICs value of approxi J. Med. Chem. 39: 619 (1996), US Pub. No. 2004.0002478, mately 30 M against mGluR2 and mGluRs, with no appre and U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,313,159, 6,479,470, and 6,528,499. In ciable activity against Group I or Group III receptors at sub Some embodiments, the mGlu modulator is the mGlu-selec mM concentrations. tive antagonist, beta-NAAG. In some non-limiting embodiments, a reported Group II Additional non-limiting examples of reported glutamate selective modulator is a subtype-selective modulator, capable 25 modulators include (CAS RN 19982-08-2), of modulating the activity of mGlu2 under conditions in memantine hydrochloride (CAS RN 41100-52-1), and rilu which it is Substantially inactive at mGlus (mGlu2-selective), zole (CAS RN 1744-22-5). or vice versa (mGlu-selective). Non-limiting examples of In some non-limiting embodiments, a reported Group II Subtype-selective modulators include compounds described modulator is administered in combination with one or more in U.S. Pat. No. 6,376,532 (mGlu-selective agonists) and US 30 additional compounds reported as active against a Group I App No. 2004.0002478 (mGlu-selective agonists). Addi and/or a Group III mGlu receptor. For example, in some tional non-limiting examples of subtype-selective modula cases, methods comprise modulating the activity of at least tors include allosteric mGlu receptor modulators (mGlu and one Group I receptor and at least one Group II mGlu receptor mGlus) and NAAG-related compounds (mGlus). Such as (e.g., with a compound described herein). Examples of com those described below. 35 pounds useful in modulating the activity of Group I receptors In other non-limiting embodiments, a reported Group II include Group I-selective agonists, such as (i) trans-aZeti modulator is a compound with activity at Group I and/or dine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid (tADA), which is described in Group III receptors, in addition to Group II receptors, while Kozikowskiet al., J. Med. Chem., 36: 2706 (1993) and Mana having selectivity with respect to one or more mGlu receptor han-Vaughan et al., Neuroscience, 72: 999 (1996); (ii) (RS)- Subtypes. Non-limiting examples of Such compounds 40 3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine (DHPG), which is described in include: (i) (2S,3S4S)-2-(carboxycyclopropyl)glycine Ito et al., NeuroReport 3: 1013 (1992); or a composition (L-CCG-1) (Group I/Group II agonist), which is described in comprising (S)-DHPG substantially free of (R)-DHPG, as Nicoletti et al., Trends Neurosci. 19: 267-271 (1996), Naka described, e.g., in Baker et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 5: gawa, et al., Eur. J. Pharmacol., 184,205 (1990), Hayashi, et 223 (1995); (iii) (RS)-3-hydroxyphenylglycine, which is al., Br. J. Pharmacol., 107,539 (1992), and Schoepp et al., J. 45 described in Birse et al., Neuroscience 52: 481 (1993); or a Neurochem. 63., page 769-772 (1994); (ii) (S)-4-carboxy-3- composition comprising (S)-3-hydroxyphenylglycine Sub hydroxyphenylglycine (4CHPG) (Group II agonist/Group I stantially free of (R)-3-hydroxyphenylglycine, as described, competitive antagonist); (iii) gamma-carboxy-L-glutamic e.g., in Hayashi et al., J. Neurosci., 14:3370 (1994); (iv) and acid (GLA) (Group II antagonist/Group III partial agonist/ (S)-homoquisqualate, which is described in Porteret al., Br. J. antagonist); (iv) (2S,2R,3R)-2-(2,3-dicarboxycyclopropyl) 50 Pharmacol., 106:509 (1992). glycine (DCG-IV) (Group II agonist/Group III antagonist), Additional non-limiting examples of reported Group I which is described in Ohfune etal, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. modulators include (i) Group I agonists, such as (RS)-3.5- 3: 15 (1993); (v) (RS)-a-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine dihydroxyphenylglycine, described in Brabet et al., Neurop (MCPG) (Group I/Group II competitive antagonist), which is harmacology, 34, 895-903, 1995; and compounds described described in Eaton et al., Eur. J. Pharmacol., 244: 195 (1993), 55 in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,399,641 and 6,589,978, and US Pub No. Collingridge and Watkins, TiPS, 15: 333 (1994), and Joly et 20030212066; (ii) Group I antagonists, such as (S)-4-car al., J. Neurosci., 15: 3970 (1995); and (vi) the Group II/III boxy-3-hydroxyphenylglycine; 7-(hydroxyimino)cyclo modulators described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,916,920, 5,688,826, propa-B-chromen-1 C-carboxylate ethyl ester, (RS)-1-ami 5,945,417, 5,958,960, 6,143,783, 6,268,507, 6,284,785. noindan-1,5-dicarboxylic acid (AIDA); 2-methyl-6 In some non-limiting embodiments, the reported mClu 60 (phenylethynyl)pyridine (MPEP); 2-methyl-6-(2-phe receptor modulator comprises (S)-MCPG (the active isomer nylethenyl)pyridine (SIB-1893); 6-methyl-2-(phenylazo)-3- of the Group I/Group II competitive antagonist (RS)-MCPG) pyridinol (SIB-1757); (SC-amino-4-carboxy-2-methylben substantially free from (R)-MCPG. (S)-MCPG is described, Zeneacetic acid; and compounds described in U.S. Pat. Nos. e.g., in Sekiyama et al., Br. J. Pharmacol., 117: 1493 (1996) 6,586.422, 5,783,575, 5,843,988, 5,536,721, 6,429,207, and Collingridge and Watkins, TiPS, 15:333 (1994). 65 5,696,148, and 6,218,385, and US Pub Nos. 2003.0109504, Additional non-limiting examples of reported mOlu modu 20030013715, 20050154027, 20050004 130, 20050209273, lators useful in methods disclosed herein include compounds 20050197361, and 20040082592; (iii) mGlus-selective ago US 7,678,808 B2 47 48 nists. Such as (RS)-2-chloro-5-hydroxyphenylglycine 5,808,075, 5,545,740, 5,534,522, or 6,596,869, U.S. Patent (CHPG); and (iv) mGlus-selective antagonists, such as 2-me Publication Nos. 2002/0127271, 2003/0129246, 2002/ thyl-6-(phenylethynyl)-pyridine (MPEP); and compounds 0.150618, 2001/0018074, 2003/0157169, or 2001/0003588, described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,660,753; and US Pub Nos. Bromidge et al., J Med Chem. 19:40(26):4265-80 (1997), or 20030195139, 20040229917, 20050153986, 20050085514, Harries et al., British J. Pharm., 124,409-415 (1998); talsacli 20050065340, 20050026963, 2005.0020585, and dine (WAL 2014 FU), or a functionally or structurally com 2004O259917. pound disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,451,587, 5.286,864, Non-limiting examples of compounds reported to modu 5,508.405, 5,451,587, 5,286,864, 5,508.405, or 5,137,895, or late Group III receptors include (i) the Group III-selective in Pharmacol. Toxicol., 78, 59-68 (1996); or a 1-methyl-1,2, agonists (L)-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid (L-AP4), 10 5,6-tetrahydropyridyl-1,2,5-thiadiazole derivative, such as described in Knopfel et al., J. Med. Chem., 38, 1417-1426 tetra(ethyleneglycol)(4-methoxy-1,2,5-thiadiazol-3-yl)3- (1995); and (S)-2-amino-2-methyl-4-phosphonobutanoic (1-methyl-1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyrid-3-yl)-1,2,5-thiadiazol-4- acid; (ii) the Group III-selective antagonists (RS)-C.-cyclo ylether, or a compound that is functionally or structurally propyl-4-phosphonophenylglycine; (RS)-O-methylserine-O- related to a 1-methyl-1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridyl-1,2,5-thia phosphate (MSOP); and compounds described in US App. 15 diazole derivative as provided by Cao et al. (“Synthesis and No. 2003.0109504; and (iii) (1S,3R.4S)-1-aminocyclopen biological characterization of 1-methyl-1,2,5,6-tetrahydro tane-1,2,4-tricarboxylic acid (ACPT-I). pyridyl-1,2,5-thiadiazole derivatives as muscarinic agonists In additional embodiments, the neurogenic agent used in for the treatment of neurological disorders.” J. Med. Chem. combination with a 5HTR agent may be a reported alpha 46(20):4273-4286, 2003). amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid Yet additional non-limiting examples include besipiridine, (AMPA) modulator. Non-limiting examples include CX-516 SR-46559, L-689,660, S-9977-2, AF-102, thiopilocarpine, or or ampalex (CAS RN 154235-83-3), Org-24448 (CAS RN an analog of clozapine. Such as a pharmaceutically acceptable 211735-76-1), LY451395 (2-propanesulfonamide, N-(2R)- salt, ester, amide, or prodrug form thereof, or a diarylad 2-4-2-methylsulfonyl)aminoethyl 1, 1'-biphenyl-4-yl) cycloheptene, such as an amino Substituted form thereof, or propyl-), LY-450 108 (see Jhee et al. “Multiple-dose plasma 25 N-desmethylclozapine, which has been reported to be a pharmacokinetic and safety study of LY450 108 and metabolite of clozapine, or an analog or related compound LY451395 (AMPA receptor potentiators) and their concen disclosed in US 2005/0192268 or WO 05/63254. tration in cerebrospinal fluid in healthy human subjects. J In other embodiments, the muscarinic agent is an m recep Clin Pharmacol. 2006.46(4):424-32), and CX717. Additional tor agonist selected from 55-LH-3B, 55-LH-25A, 55-LH examples of reported antagonists include (CAS 30 3OB, 55-LH-4-1A, 40-LH-67, 55-LH-15A, 55-LH-16B, RN 206260-33-5) and E-2007. 55-LH-11C, 55-LH-31A, 55-LH-46, 55-LH-47, 55-LH-4- Further non-limiting examples of reported AMPA receptor 3A, or a compound that is functionally or structurally related antagonists for use in combinations include YM90K (CAS to one or more of these agonists disclosed in US 2005/ RN 154164-30-4), YM872 or (CASRN210245 O130961 or WO O4/O87158. 80-0), NBQX (or 2,3-dioxo-6-nitro-7-sulfamoylbenzofaui 35 In additional embodiments, the muscarinic agent is a ben noxaline; CAS RN 118876-58-7), PNQX (1,4,7,8,9,10 Zimidazolidinone derivative, or a functionally or structurally hexahydro-9-methyl-6-nitropyrido 3,4-fcuinoxaline-2,3- compound disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,951,849, US 2003/ dione), and ZK200775 (1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-7-morpholinyl 0100545, WO 04/089942, or WO 03/028650; a spiroazacy 2,3-dioxo-6-(fluoromethyl)guinoxalin-1-yl) clic compound, or a functionally or structurally related com methylphosphonate). 40 pound like 1-Oxa-3,8-diaza-spiro4.5 decan-2-one or a In additional embodiments, a neurogenic agent used in compound disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,911,452 or WO combination with a 5HTR agent may be a reported muscar 03/057698; or a tetrahydroquinoline analog, or a functionally inic agent. Non-limiting examples of a reported muscarinic or structurally compound disclosed in US 2003/0176418, US agent include a muscarinic agonist Such as milameline (CI 2005/0209226, or WO 03/057672. 979), or a structurally or functionally related compound dis 45 In yet additional embodiments, the neurogenic agent in closed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,786,648, 5,362,860, 5,424,301, combination with a 5HTR agent is a reported HDAC inhibi 5,650,174, 4,710,508, 5,314,901, 5,356,914, or 5,356,912; or tor. The term “HDAC refers to any one of a family of Xanomeline, or a structurally or functionally related com that remove acetyl groups from the epsilon-amino pound disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,041,455, 5,043,345, or groups of residues at the N-terminus of a histone. An 5,260,314. 50 HDAC inhibitor refers to compounds capable of inhibiting, Other non-limiting examples include a muscarinic agent reducing, or otherwise modulating the deacetylation of his such as alvameline (LU 25-109), or a functionally or struc tones mediated by a histone deacetylase. Non-limiting turally compound disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6.297.262, examples of a reported HDAC inhibitor include a short-chain 4,866,077, RE36,374, U.S. Pat No. 4,925,858, PCT Publica fatty acid, such as , phenylbutyrate (PB), 4-phe tion No. WO 97/17074, or in MoltZen et al., J Med. Chem. 55 nylbutyrate (4-PBA), pivaloyloxymethylbutyrate (Pivanex, 1994 Nov. 25:37(24):4085-99; 2,8-dimethyl-3-methylene-1- AN-9), isovalerate, Valerate, Valproate, valproic acid, propi oxa-8-azaspiro4.5 decane (YM-796) or YM-954, or a func onate, butyramide, isobutyramide, phenylacetate, 3-bro tionally or structurally related compound disclosed in U.S. mopropionate, or tributyrin, a compound bearing a Pat. No. 4,940,795, RE34,653, U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,996,210, hydroxyamic acid group, such as Suberoylanlide hydroxamic 5,041,549, 5,403,931, or 5,412,096, or in Wanibuchi et al., 60 acid (SAHA), trichostatin A (TSA), trichostatin C (TSC), Eur. J. Pharmacol., 187, 479-486 (1990); cevimeline salicylhydroxamic acid, oxamflatin, Suberic bishydroxamic (AF102B), or a functionally or structurally compound dis acid (SBHA), m-carboxy-cinnamic acid bishydroxamic acid closed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,855,290, 5,340,821, 5,580,880 (CBHA), pyroxamide (CAS RN 382180-17-8), diethyl bis (American Home Products), or 4,981,858 (optical isomers of (pentamethylene-N,N-dimethylcarboxamide) malonate AF102B); sabcomeline (SB 202026), or a functionally or 65 (EMBA), azelaic bishydroxamic acid (ABHA), azelaic-1- structurally related compound described in U.S. Pat. No. hydroxamate-9-anilide (AAHA), 6-(3-chlorophenylureido) 5,278,170, RE35,593, U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,468,560, 5,773,619, carpoic hydroxamic acid, or A-161906; a cyclic tetrapeptide, US 7,678,808 B2 49 50 such as depsipeptide (FK228), FR225497, trapoxin A, apici aligand or effector of a GABA receptor, or by modulating the din, chlamydocin, or HC-toxin; a benzamide, Such as activity of an agent that directly or indirectly modulates MS-275; depudecin, a sulfonamide anilide (e.g., diallyl sul GABA receptor activity). Non-limiting examples of fide), BL 1521, (diferuloylmethane), CI-994 GABA-A receptor modulators useful in methods described (N-acetyldinaline), Spiruchostatin A, Scriptaid, carbam herein include triazolophthalazine derivatives, such as those azepine (CBZ), or a related compound; a compound compris disclosed in WO99/25353, and WO/98/04560; tricyclic pyra ing a cyclic tetrapeptide group and a hydroxamic acid group Zolo-pyridazinone analogues. Such as those disclosed in WO (examples of such compounds are described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 99/00391; fenamates, such as those disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,833,384 and 6,552,065); a compound comprising a benza 5,637,617; triazolo-pyridazine derivatives, such as those dis mide group and a hydroxamic acid group (examples of Such 10 closed in WO99/37649, WO 99/37648, and WO99/37644: compounds are described in Ryu et al., Cancer Lett. 2005 Jul. pyrazolo-pyridine derivatives, such as those disclosed in WO 9 (epub), Plumb et al., Mol Cancer Ther. 2(8):721-8 (2003), 99/48892; nicotinic derivatives, such as those disclosed in Ragno et al., J Med Chem., 47(6):1351-9 (2004), Maiet al., J WO99/43661 and U.S. Pat. No. 5,723.462; muscimol, thio MedChem., 47(5):1098-109 (2004), Maiet al., J MedChem. muscimol, and compounds disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,242. 46(4): 512-24 (2003), Maiet al., J MedChem. 45(9): 1778-84 15 190; baclofen and compounds disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. (2002), Massa et al., J Med Chem., 44(13):2069-72 (2001), 3,471.548; phaclofen; quisqualamine; ZAPA; ; Mai et al., J Med Chem., 48(9):3344-53 (2005), and Mai et THIP; -4-acetic acid (IMA); (+)-bicuculline; gaba al., J Med Chem., 46(23):4826-9 (2003)); a compound linoleamide; isoguvicaine; 3-aminopropane Sulphonic acid; described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,897,220, 6,888,027, 5,369,108, piperidine-4-Sulphonic acid; 4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-5,4-c-pyri 6,541,661, 6,720,445, 6,562,995, 6,777,217, or 6,387,673, or din-3-ol; SR 95531; RU5315; CGP 55845; CGP 35348; FG U.S. Patent Publication Nos. 20050171347, 20050165016, 8094; SCH 50911; NG2-73; NGD-96-3; pricrotoxin and 20050159470, 20050143385, 20050137234, 20050137232, other bicyclophosphates disclosed in Bowery et al., Br. J. 20050119250, 20050113373, 20050107445, 20050107384, Pharmacol., 57; 435 (1976). 20050096468, 20050085515, 20050032831, 20050014839, Additional non-limiting examples of GABA-A modulators 20040266769, 20040254220, 20040229889, 20040198830, 25 include compounds described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,503.925; 20040142953, 2004010.6599, 20040092598, 20040077726, 6,218,547; 6,399,604; 6,646,124; 6,515,140; 6,451,809: 20040077698, 20040053960, 20030187027, 20020177594, 6,448,259; 6,448,246; 6,423,711; 6,414,147; 6,399,604; 20020161045, 2002011.9996, 20020115826, 20020103192, 6,380,209; 6,353,109; 6,297.256; 6,297,252: 6,268,496; or 20020065282: FK228, AN-9, MS-275, CI-994, SAHA, 6,211,365; 6,166,203: 6,177,569; 6,194,427; 6,156,898: G2M-777, PXD-101, LBH-589, MGCD-0103, MK0683, 30 6,143,760; 6,127,395; 6,103,903; 6,103,731; 6,723,735; sodium phenylbutyrate, CRA-024781, and derivatives, salts, 6,479,506; 6,476,030; 6,337,331; 6,730,676; 6,730,681; metabolites, prodrugs, and stereoisomers thereof, and a mol 6,828,322; 6,872,720; 6,699,859; 6,696,444; 6,617,326; ecule that inhibits the transcription and/or translation of one 6,608,062: 6,579,875; 6,541,484; 6,500,828; 6,355,798: or more HDACs. 6,333,336; 6,319,924; 6,303,605; 6,303,597; 6,291,460; Additional non-limiting examples include a reported HDac 35 6.255,305; 6,133,255; 6,872,731; 6,900,215; 6,642,229; inhibitor selected from ONO-2506 or arundic acid (CAS RN 6,593,325; 6,914,060; 6,914,063; 6,914,065; 6,936,608: 185517-21-9); MGCD0103 (see Gelmonetal. “Phase I trials 6,534,505; 6,426,343; 6,313,125; 6,310,203; 6,200,975; of the oral histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor 6,071,909; 5,922,724; 6,096,887; 6,080,873; 6,013,799; MGCD0103 given either daily or 3x weekly for 14 days every 5,936,095; 5,925,770; 5,910,590; 5,908,932; 5,849,927; 3 weeks in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors.” Journal 40 5,840,888; 5,817,813; 5,804686; 5,792,766; 5,750,702: of Clinical Oncology, 2005 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceed 5,744,603; 5,744,602; 5,723.462; 5,696,260; 5,693,801; ings. 23(16S, June 1 Supplement), 2005: 3147 and Kalita et 5,677.309; 5,668,283; 5,637,725; 5,637,724; 5,625,063: al. “Pharmacodynamic effect of MGCD0103, an oral isotype 5,610,299; 5,608,079; 5,606,059; 5,604.235; 5,585,490; selective histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor, on HDAC 5,510,480; 5,484,944; 5,473,073; 5,463,054; 5,451,585; enzyme inhibition and histone acetylation induction in Phase 45 5,426, 186; 5,367,077; 5,328,912 5,326,868; 5,312,822; I clinical trials in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors or 5,306,819: 5,286,860: 5,266,698; 5,243,049; 5,216,159: non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL)' Journal of Clinical 5,212,310; 5,185,446; 5,185,446; 5,182,290; 5,130,430; Oncology, 2005 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings. 5,095,015; 200500 14939; 2004.0171633; 20050165048; 23(16S, Part I of II, June 1 Supplement), 2005: 9631), a 20050165023; 20040259818; and 20040192692. reported thiophenyl derivative of benzamide HDac inhibitor 50 In some embodiments, the GABA-A modulator is a sub as presented at the 97th American Association for Cancer unit-selective modulator. Non-limiting examples of Research (AACR) Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. in a GABA-A modulator having specificity for the alpha1 subunit poster titled “Enhanced Isotype-Selectivity and Antiprolif include and . Non-limiting examples of erative Activity of Thiophenyl Derivatives of BenzamideH GABA-A modulator having specificity for the alpha2 and/or DAC Inhibitors In Human Cancer Cells.” (abstract #4725), 55 alpha3 subunits include compounds described in U.S. Pat. and a reported HDac inhibitor as described in U.S. Pat. No. Nos. 6,730,681; 6,828,322; 6,872,720; 6,699,859; 6,696,444; 6,541,661; SAHA or vorinostat (CAS RN 149647-78-9); 6,617,326; 6,608,062: 6,579,875; 6,541,484; 6,500,828: PXD101 or PXD 101 or PX 105684 (CASRN414864-00-9), 6,355,798; 6,333,336; 6,319,924; 6,303,605; 6,303,597; CI-994 or tacedinaline (CAS RN 112522-64-2), MS-275 6,291,460; 6,255,305; 6,133,255; 6,900,215; 6,642,229: (CASRN209783-80-2), or an inhibitor reported in WO2005/ 60 6,593.325; and 6,914,063. Non-limiting examples of 108367. GABA-A modulator having specificity for the alpha2, alpha3 In other embodiments, the neurogenic agent in combina and/or alpha5 subunits include compounds described in U.S. tion with a 5HTR agent is a reported GABA modulator which Pat. Nos. 6,730,676 and 6,936,608. Non-limiting examples of modulates GABA receptor activity at the receptor level (e.g., GABA-A modulators having specificity for the alpha5 sub by binding directly to GABA receptors), at the transcriptional 65 unit include compounds described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,534, and/or translational level (e.g., by preventing GABA receptor 505; 6,426,343; 6,313,125; 6,310,203; 6,200,975 and 6,399, gene expression), and/or by other modes (e.g., by binding to 604. Additional non-limiting subunit selective GABA-A US 7,678,808 B2 51 52 modulators include CL218,872 and related compounds dis boline, N BOC-L-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carboline-3-car closed in Squires et al., Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav., 10: 825 boxylic acid, tryptoline, pinoline, methoxyharmalan, (1979); and beta-carboline-3-carboxylic acid esters tetrahydro-beta-carboline (THEBC), 1-methyl-THBC, described in Nielsen et al., Nature, 286: 606 (1980). 6-methoxy-THEBC, 6-hydroxy-THBC, 6-methoxyharmalan, In some embodiments, the GABA-A receptor modulator is norharman, 3,4-dihydro-beta-carboline, and compounds a reported . In various embodiments, described in Nielsen et al., Nature, 286: 606 (1980). allosteric modulators modulate one or more aspects of the In some embodiments, the GABA modulator modulates activity of GABA at the target GABA receptor, such as GABA-B receptor activity. Non-limiting examples of , maximal effect, affinity, and/or responsiveness to reported GABA-B receptor modulators useful in methods other GABA modulators. In some embodiments, allosteric 10 described herein include CGP36742; CGP-64213; CGP modulators potentiate the effect of GABA (e.g., positive 56999A: CGP 54433A: CGP36742: SCH50911; CGP7930; allosteric modulators), and/or reduce the effect of GABA CGP 13501; baclofen and compounds disclosed in U.S. Pat. (e.g., inverse agonists). Non-limiting examples of benzodiaz No. 3,471.548; saclofen; phaclofen; 2-hydroxysaclofen; SKF epine GABA-A modulators include aiprazolam, , 97541; CGP35348 and related compounds described in Olpe, , , , cannazepam, chlor 15 et al., Eur. J. Pharmacol., 187, 27 (1990); phosphinic acid diazepoxide, , , , clotiaz derivatives described in Hills, etal, Br. J. Pharmacol., 102, pp. epam, , clozapin, , , diben 5-6 (1991); and compounds described in 4,656,298, 5,929, Zepin, dipotassium chloraZepat, , , ethyl 236, EP0463969, EP 0356128, Kaupmann et al., Nature 368: loflazepat, , , , , 239 (1997), Karla et al., J MedChem., 42(11):2053-9 (1992), 1 HCl, , , , Ansar et al., Therapie, 54(5):651-8 (1999), and Castelli et al., . , , , EurJ Pharmacol., 446(1-3): 1-5 (2002). , , , mexoZolam, In some embodiments, the GABA modulator modulates -HCl, nabanezil, , , nor GABA-C receptor activity. Non-limiting examples of dazepam, -tazepam, , , reported GABA-C receptor modulators useful in methods , , , , , tet 25 described herein include cis-aminocrotonic acid (CACA); razepam, , , Zaleplon, Zolezepam, Zolpi 1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridine-4-yl methyl phosphinic acid (TP dem, , and Zopielon. MPA) and related compounds such as P4MPA, PPA and Additional non-limiting examples of benzodiazepine SEPI; 2-methyl-TACA; (+/-)-TAMP; muscimol and com GABA-A modulators include Ro15-4513, CL218872, CGS pounds disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,242,190; ZAPA: THIP 8216, CGS 98.95, PK9084, U-93631, beta-CCM, beta-CCB, 30 and related analogues, such as aza-THIP; pricotroXin, imida beta-CCP, Ro 19-8022, CGS 20625, NNC 14-0590, Ru Zole-4-acetic acid (IMA); and CGP36742. 33-203, 5-amino-1-bromouracil, GYKI-52322, FG 8205, Ro In some embodiments, the GABA modulator modulates 19-4603, ZG-63, RWJ46771, SX-3228, and L-655,078; NNC the activity of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). 14-0578, NNC 14-8198, and additional compounds In some embodiments, the GABA modulator modulates described in Wong et al., Eur J Pharmacol 209: 319-325 35 GABA transaminase (GTA). Non-limiting examples of GTA (1995); Y-23684 and additional compounds in Yasumatsu et modulators include the GABA analog vigabatrin, and com al., Br J Pharmacol 111: 1170-1178 (1994); and compounds pounds disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,960,927. described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,513,135. In some embodiments, the GABA modulator modulates Non-limiting examples of barbiturate or barbituric acid the reuptake and/or transport of GABA from extracellular derivative GABA-A modulators include , pen 40 regions. In other embodiments, the GABA modulator modu tobarbital, pentobarbitone, , barbexaclon, dipropyl lates the activity of the GABA transporters, GAT-1, GAT-2, barbituric acid, eunarcon, , mephobarbital, GAT-3 and/or BGT-1. Non-limiting examples of GABA , Na-methohexital, 2,4,6(1H.3H,5)-pyrimidin reuptake and/or transport modulators include trion, secbutabarbital and/or thiopental. and related derivatives, such as CI-966: SKF 89976A, TACA: Non-limiting examples of neurosteroid GABA-A modula 45 ; tiagabine and GAT-1 inhibitors disclosed in U.S. tors include alphaXalone, allotetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, Pat. No. 5,010.090; (R)-1-(4,4-diphenyl-3-butenyl)-3-pip tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, estrogen, progesterone eridinecarboxylic acid and related compounds disclosed in 3-beta-hydroxyandrost-5-en-17-on-3-sulfate, dehydroepi U.S. Pat. No. 4,383,999; (R)-1-44-bis(3-methyl-2-thienyl)- anrosterone, eltanolone, . 5-pregnen-3-beta 3-butenyl-3-piperidinecarboxylic acid and related com ol-20 on-sulfate, 5a-pregnan-3C.-ol-20-one (5PG), allopreg 50 pounds disclosed in Anderson et al., J.Med. Chem. 36, (1993) nanolone, , and steroid derivatives and 1716-1725; and related compounds disclosed in metabolites described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,939,545, 5,925,630, Krogsgaard-Larsen, Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry 31, 6,277,838, 6,143,736, RE35,517, U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,925,630, 105-121 (1980); GAT-4 inhibitors disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,591,733, 5,232,917, 20050176976, WO 96116076, WO 6,071,932; and compounds disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,906, 98/05337, WO95/21617, WO 94/27608, WO 93/18053, WO 55 177 and Ali, F. E., et al. J. Med. Chem. 1985, 28, 653-660. 93/05786, WO 93/03732, WO 911 16897, EP01038880, and Methods for detecting GABA reuptake inhibitors are known Hanet al., J. Med. Chem., 36,3956-3967 (1993), Andersonet in the art, and are described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,906,177; al., J. Med. Chem., 40, 1668-1681 (1997), Hogenkamp et al., 6,225,115; 4,383,999; Ali, F. E., et al. J. Med. Chem. 1985, J. Med. Chem., 40, 61-72 (1997), Upasani et al., J. Med. 28, 653-660. Chem., 40, 73-84 (1997), Majewska et al., Science 232:1004 60 In some embodiments, the GABA modulator is the benzo 1007 (1986), Harrison et al., J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 241: diazepine clonazepam, which is described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. 346-353 (1987), Gee et al., Eur. J. Pharmacol., 136:419–423 Nos. 3,121,076 and 3,116.203; the benzodiazepine diaz (1987) and Birtranet al., Brain Res., 561, 157-161 (1991). epam, which is described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,371,085; Non-limiting examples of beta-carboline GABA-A modu 3,109,843; and 3,136,815; the short-acting diazepam deriva lators include abecarnil, 3,4-dihydro-beta-carboline, 65 tive midazolam, which is a described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. , 1-methyl-1-vinyl-2,3,4-trihydro-beta-carboline 4,280,957; the imidazodiazepine flumazenil, which is 3-carboxylic acid, 6-methoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-car described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 4.316,839; the benzodiaz US 7,678,808 B2 53 54 epinelorazepam is described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 3,296,249; 97; the GABA-Bantagonist SCH50,911, which is described, the benzodiazepine L-655708, which is described, e.g., in e.g., in Carruthers et al., Bioorg Med Chem Lett 8:3059-3064 Quirk et al. Neuropharmacology 1996, 35, 1331; Sur et al. (1998); Bolser et al. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 1996, 274, Mol. Pharmacol. 1998, 54,928; and Sur et al. Brain Res. 1393: Hosford et al. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 1996, 274, 1999, 822, 265; the benzodiazepine gabitril; Zopiclone, 1399; and Ong et al. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 1998, 362,35; the which binds the benzodiazepine site on GABA-A receptors, selective GABA-C antagonist TPMPA, which is described, and is disclosed, e.g., in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,862,149 and 4.220, e.g., in Schlicker et al., Brain Res. Bull. 2004, 63(2), 91-7; 646; the GABA-A potentiator indiplon as described, e.g., in Murata et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 6: 2073 (1996); and Foster et al., J Pharmacol Exp Ther., 311(2):547-59 (2004), Ragozzino et al., Mol. Pharmacol. 50: 1024 (1996); a GABA 4,521,422 and 4,900,836; Zolpidem, described, e.g., in U.S. 10 derivative, such as (S)-(+)-3-isobutylgaba or Pat. No. 4,794,185 and EP50563; Zaleplon, described, e.g., in gabapentin[1-(aminomethyl)cyclohexane acetic acid. Gaba U.S. Pat. No. 4,626.538; abecarnil, described, e.g., in pentin is described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 4,024,175; the Stephens et al., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 253(1):334-43 lipid-soluble GABA agonist progabide, which is metabolized (1990); the GABA-A agonist isoguvacine, which is in vivo into GABA and/or pharmaceutically active GABA described, e.g., in Chebib et al., Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. 15 derivatives in vivo. Progabide is described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. Physiol. 1999, 26, 937-940; Leinekugel et al. J. Physiol. Nos. 4,094,992 and 4.361,583; the GAT1 inhibitor Tiagabine, 1995, 487, 319-29; and White et al., J. Neurochem. 1983, which is described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 5,010,090 and 40(6), 1701-8; the GABA-A agonist (THIP), Andersen et al. J. Med. Chem. 1993, 36, 1716; the GABA which is described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 4.278,676 and transaminase inhibitor valproic acid (2-propylpentanoic acid Krogsgaard-Larsen, Acta. Chem. Scand. 1977, 31, 584; the or dispropylacetic acid), which is described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. GABA-A agonist muscimol, which is described, e.g., in U.S. No. 4,699,927 and Carraz et al., Therapie, 1965, 20, 419; the Pat. Nos. 3,242,190 and 3,397,209; the inverse GABA-A GABA transaminase inhibitor vigabatrin, which is described, agonist beta-CCP, which is described, e.g., in Nielsen et al., J. e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 3,960,927; or topiramate, which is Neurochem., 36(1):276-85 (1981); the GABA-A potentiator described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 4.513,006. , which is described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 4,370.338 25 Additionally, the neurogenic agent in combination with a and EP 50.551; the GABA-B agonist and GABA-C antago 5HTR agent may be a neurogenic sensitizing agent that is a nist SKF 97541, which is described, e.g., in Froestlet al., J. reported anti-epileptic agent. Non-limiting examples of Such Med. Chem. 383297 (1995); Hoskison et al., Neurosci. Lett. agents include or tegretol (CAS RN 298-46 2004, 365(1), 48-53 and Hue et al., J. Insect Physiol. 1997, 4), clonazepam (CAS RN 1622-61-3), BPA or 3-(p-bo 43(12), 1125-1131; the GABA-B agonist baclofen, which is 30 ronophenyl) (CAS RN 90580-64-6), gabapentin or described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. 3,471.548; the GABA-C neurontin (CAS RN 601.42-96-3), phenyloin (CAS RN agonist cis-4-aminocrotonic acid (CACA), which is 57-41-0), topiramate, lamotrigine or lamictal (CAS RN described, e.g., in Ulloor et al. J. Neurophysiol. 2004, 91(4), 84057-84-1), phenobarbital (CAS RN 50-06-6), oxcarba 1822-31; the GABA-A antagonist phaclofen, which is Zepine (CAS RN28721-07-5), primidone (CAS RN 125-33 described, e.g., in Kerr et al. Brain Res. 1987, 405, 150: 35 7), (CASRN 77-67-8), (CASRN Karlsson et al. Eur. J Pharmacol. 1988, 148, 485; and Hasuo, 102767-28-2), Zonisamide, tiagabine (CAS RN 115103-54 Gallagher Neurosci. Lett. 1988, 86, 77; the GABA-A antago 3), depakote or divalproex sodium (CAS RN 76584-70-8), nist SR 95531, which is described, e.g., in Stell et al. J. (Na-channel and NMDA receptor antagonist), or Neurosci. 2002, 22(10), RC223; Wermuth et al., J. Med. pregabalin (CAS RN 148553-50-8). Chem. 30 239 (1987); and Luddens and Korpi, J. Neurosci. 40 In further embodiments, the neurogenic sensitizing agent 15: 6957 (1995); the GABA-A antagonist bicuculline, which may be a reported direct or indirect modulator of dopamine is a described, e.g., in Groenewoud, J. Chem. Soc. 1936, 199: receptors. Non-limiting examples of Such agents include the Olsen et al., Brain Res. 102: 283 (1976) and Haworth et al. indirect dopamine agonists methylphenidate (CAS RN 113 Nature 1950, 165, 529; the selective GABA-B antagonist 45-1) or methylphenidate hydrochloride (also known as CGP 35348, which is described, e.g., in Olpe et al. Eur. J. 45 Ritalin(R) CAS RN 298–59–9), (CAS RN 300 Pharmacol. 1990, 187, 27; Hao et al. Neurosci. Lett. 1994, 62-9) and (CAS RN 537-46-2), and the 182,299; and Froestlet al. Pharmacol. Rev. Comm. 1996, 8, direct dopamine agonists (CAS RN 179386-43 127; the selective GABA-Bantagonist CGP46381, which is 7), roprinirole (CAS RN 91374-21-9), and (CAS described, e.g., in Lingenhoehl, Pharmacol. Comm. 1993, 3, RN 99755-59-6). Additional non-limiting examples include 49; the selective GABA-Bantagonist CGP 52432, which is 50 7-OH-DPAT, , haloperidole, or clozapine. described, e.g., in Lanza et al. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 1993, 237, Additional non-limiting examples include 191: Froestlet al. Pharmacol. Rev. Comm. 1996, 8, 127: (CAS RN25614-03-3), adrogolide (CAS RN 171752-56-0), Bonanno et al. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 1998, 362, 143; and Libriet (CAS RN 104632-26-0), (CAS RN al. Naunyn-Schmied. Arch. Pharmacol. 1998, 358, 168; the 91374-21-9), (CAS RN 58-00-4) or apomor selective GABA-B antagonist CGP 54626, which is 55 phine hydrochloride (CAS RN314-19-2), (CAS RN described, e.g., in Bruggeretal. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 1993,235, 18016-80-3), sibenadet hydrochloride or viozan (CAS RN 153; Froestlet al. Pharmacol. Rev. Comm. 1996, 8, 127; and 154189-24-9), L-DOPA or levodopa (CAS RN 59-92-7), Kaupmann et al. Nature 1998, 396, 683; the selective (CAS RN 7101-51-1), (CAS RN GABA-Bantagonist CGP 55845, which is a GABA-receptor 37178-37-3), hydrochloride (CAS RN36085-73 antagonist described, e.g., in Davies et al. Neuropharmacol 60 1) or talipexole (CAS RN 101626-70-4), nolomirole (CAS ogy 1993, 32, 1071; Froestlet al. Pharmacol. Rev. Comm. RN 90060-42-7), (CAS RN 97466-90-5), per 1996, 8, 127; and Deisz Neuroscience 1999, 93, 1241; the golide (CAS RN 66104-22-1), (CAS RN 67227 selective GABA-Bantagonist Saclofen, which is described, 56-9), carmoxirole (CAS RN 98323-83-2), (CAS e.g., in Bowery, TiPS, 1989, 10,401; and Kerr et al. Neurosci RN 37686-84-3), (CAS RN 81409-90-7), Lett. 1988: 92(1): 92-6; the GABA-B antagonist 2-hydrox 65 (CAS RN 87056-78-8) or quinagolide hydro ySaclofen, which is described, e.g., in Kerr et al. Neurosci. chloride (CAS RN 94424-50-7), Sumanirole, docarpamine Lett. 1988, 92, 92; and Curtis et al. Neurosci. Lett. 1988, 92, (CAS RN 74639-40-0), SLV-308 or 203H)-benzoxazolone, US 7,678,808 B2 55 56 7-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-monohydrochloride (CAS RN Preganglionic Nerve Terminals' J. Biol. Chem..., 278(6): 269718-83-4), aripiprazole (CAS RN 129722-12-9), bife 4057-4062, 2003). An additional non-limiting example is prunox, dimesylate (CASRN 608137-33 NMED-16O. 3), (CAS RN 133865-89-1), or adderall or amfe In other embodiments, the neurogenic agent used in com tamine (CAS RN 300-62-9). bination with a 5HTR agent may be a reported modulator of In further embodiments, the neurogenic agent used incom a melatonin receptor. Non-limiting examples of Such modu bination with a 5HTR agent may be a reported dual sodium lators include the melatonin receptor agonists melatonin, and calcium channel modulator. Non-limiting examples of LY-156735 (CAS RN 118702-11-7), agomelatine (CAS RN Such agents include Safinamide and Zonisamide. Additional 138112-76-2), 6-chloromelatonin (CAS RN 63762-74-3), non-limiting examples include enecadin (CAS RN 259525 10 (CAS RN 196597-26-9), 2-Methyl-6,7-dichlo 01-4), levosemotiadil (CAS RN 116476-16-5), bisaramil romelatonin (CAS RN 104513-29-3), and ML 23 (CAS RN (CASRN 89194-77-4), SL-34.0829 (see U.S. Pat. No. 6,897, 108929-03-9). 305), lifarizine (CAS RN 119514-66-8), JTV-519 (4-3-(4- In yet further embodiments, the neurogenic agent in com benzylpiperidin-1-yl)propionyl-7-methoxy-2,3,4,5-tetrahy bination with a 5HTR agent may be a reported modulator of dro-1,4-benzothiazepine monohydrochloride), and delapril. 15 a . Non-limiting examples of Such In further embodiments, the neurogenic agent in used in agents include a melanocortin receptoragonists selected from combination with a 5HTR agent may be a reported calcium melanotan II (CAS RN 121062-08-6), PT-141 or bremelan channel antagonist such as (CAS RN 88.150-42 otide (CAS RN 189691-06-3), HP-228 (see Getting et al. 9) or amlodipine maleate (CAS RN 88150-47-4), “The melanocortin peptide HP228 displays protective effects (CAS RN 21829-25-4), MEM-1003 (CAS RN see Rose et al. in acute models of inflammation and organ damage. Eur J. “Efficacy of MEM 1003, a novel , in Pharmacol. 2006 Jan. 24), or AP214 from Action Pharma delay and trace eyeblink conditioning in older rabbits. Neu A/S. robiol Aging. 2006 Apr. 16: Epub ahead of print), Additional embodiments include a combination of a 5HTR (CAS RN 75695-93-1), (CAS RN 72509-76-3: agent and a reported modulator of angiotensin II function, 3.5-Pyridinedicarboxylic acid, 1,4-dihydro-4-(2,3-dichlo 25 Such as at an angiotensin II receptor. In some embodiments, rophenyl)-2,6-dimethyl-ethyl methyl ester) or felodipine the neurogenic sensitizing agent used with a 5HTR agent may (CAS RN 86.189-69-7: 3.5-Pyridinedicarboxylic acid, 4-(2, be a reported inhibitor of an angiotensin converting enzyme 3-dichlorophenyl)-1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethyl-, ethyl methyl (ACE), or a rennin inhibitor, such as aliskerin. Non-limiting ester, (+-)-), lemildipine (CAS RN 125729-29-5 or 94739 examples of such reported inhibitors include a sulfhydryl 29-4), (CAS RN 166432-28-6 or 167221-71-8), 30 containing (or mercapto-containing) agent. Such as alacepril, (CAS RN52-53-9), (CAS RN 107452 captopril (Capoten(R), fentiapril, pivopril, pivalopril, or 89-1), maleate (CAS RN 132046-06-1), manid Zofenopril; a dicarboxylate-containing agent, such as enala ipine (CAS RN 89226-50-6), furnidipine (CAS RN 138661 pril (VasotecR) or Renitec(R) or enalaprilat, ramipril (Altace(R) 03-7), (CASRN39562-70-4), (CAS or Tritace(R) or Ramace(R), quinapril (Accupril.R.) or quinapril RN53179-11-6), (CAS RN 1951-25-3), 35 hydrochloride, perindopril (Coversyl(R) or perindopril erbu (CAS RN 64706-54-3), (CAS RN 42399-41-7), mine (Aceon(R), lisinopril (LisodurR or Prinivil(R) or (CAS RN 66085-59-4), lamotrigine, ZestrilR); a phosphonate-containing (or phosphate-contain (CASRN 298-57-7), lacipidine (CAS RN 103890-78-4), nil ing) agent, such as fosinopril (Monopril.R.), fosinoprilat, fosi vadipine (CASRN 75530-68-6), (CASRN84625 nopril sodium (CAS RN 88889-14-9), benazepril (Lo 59-2), (CAS RN 132203-70-4), (CAS 40 tensin(R) or benazepril hydrochloride, imidapril or imidapril RN 90729-41-2), (CAS RN 86780-90-7), hydrochloride, moexipril (Univasc(R), or trandolapril (Ma (CAS RN 83200-10-6), ipenoxazone (CAS RN vikR). In other embodiments, a modulator is administered in 104454-71-9), hydrochloride or NZ 105 (CAS the form of an ester that increases biovavailability upon oral RN 111011-53-1) or efonidipine (CAS RN 111011-63-3), administration with Subsequent conversion into metabolites temiverine (CAS RN 173324-94-2), (CAS RN 45 with greater activity. 99522-79–9), dopropidil (CAS RN 79700-61-1), lercanid Further embodiments include reported angiotensin II ipine (CAS RN 100427-26-7), (CAS RN 15793 modulating entities that are naturally occurring. Such as caso 40-5), (CAS RN 114432-13-2), and lactokinins (breakdown products of casein and (CAS RN 123524-52-7), (CAS RN 116644-53-2) whey) which may be administered as such to obviate the need or mibefradil dihydrochloride (CAS RN 116666-63-8), 50 for their formation during digestion. Additional non-limiting SB-237376 (see Xu et al. “Electrophysiologic effects of embodiments of reported angiotensin receptor antagonists SB-237376: a new antiarrhythmic compound with dual include candesartan (Atacand(R) or RatacandR, 139481-59-7) potassium and calcium channel blocking action.” J Cardio or candesartan cilexetil, eprosartan (Teveten(R) or eprosartan vasc Pharmacol. 2003 41(3):414-21), BRL-32872 (CAS RN mesylate: irbesartan (Aprovel(R) or KarveaR) or AvaproR): 113241-47-7), S-2150 (see Ishibashietal. “Pharmacodynam 55 losartan (Cozaar R or Hyzaar(R); olmesartan (Benicar R, CAS ics of S-2150, a simultaneous calcium-blocking and alpha1 RN 144689-24-7) or olmesartan medoxomil (CAS RN inhibiting antihypertensive drug, in rats.JPharm Pharmacol. 144689-63-4); telmisartan (Micardis(R or Pritor R); or Valsar 2000 52(3):273-80), (CAS RN 63675-72-9), tan (Diovan(R). semotiadil (CAS RN 116476-13-2), palonidipine (CAS RN Additional non-limiting examples of a reported angio 965.15-73-0) or palonidipine hydrochloride (CAS RN 96515 60 tensin modulator that may be used in a combination include 74-1), SL-87.0495 (see U.S. Pat. No. 6,897,305), YM430 or starlix (CAS RN 105816-04-4); tasosartan or (4(((S)-2-hydroxy-3-phenoxypropyl)amino)butyl methyl its metabolite enoltasosartan; omapatrilat (CAS RN 167305 2,6-dimethyl-((S)-4-(m-nitrophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine 00-2); or a combination of nateglinide and Valsartan, amol 3,5-dicarboxylate), (CAS RN 104713-75-9), and dipine and benazepril (Lotrel 10-40 or Lotrel 5-40), or dela AM336 or CVID (see Adams etal. “Omega-Conotoxin CVID 65 pril and (CHF 1521). Inhibits a Pharmacologically Distinct Voltage-sensitive Cal Additionally, the agent used in combination with a 5HTR cium Channel Associated with Transmitter Release from agent may be a reported compound (or "monoamine modu US 7,678,808 B2 57 58 lator') that modulates neurotransmission mediated by one or varying potencies against MAO-A and/or MAO-B (e.g., non more monoamine (referred to herein as selective dual inhibitors or isoform-selective inhibitors). "monoamines”) or other biogenic , such as trace Non-limiting examples of MAO inhibitors useful in methods amines (TAS) as a non-limiting example. TAS are endog described herein include clorgyline, L-deprenyl, isocarbox enous, CNS-active amines that are structurally related to clas azid (Marplan R), , , iproniazide, ipro sical biogenic amines (e.g., norepinephrine, dopamine (4-(2- clozide, moclobemide (Aurorix(R), (Nardil.R.), aminoethyl)benzene-1,2-diol), and/or serotonin (Pamate(R) (the congeneric of phenelZine), (5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), or a metabolite, precursor, , levo-deprenyl (Selegiline(R), harmala, RIMAS prodrug, or analog thereof. The methods of the disclosure (e.g., moclobemide, described in Da Prada et al., JPharmacol thus include administration of one or more reported TAS in a 10 Exp Ther 248: 400-414 (1989); brofaromine; and combination with a 5HTR agent. Additional CNS-active befloxatone, described in Curet et al., J Affect Disord 51: modulators are well known in the art, 287-303 (1998)), lazabemide (Ro 196327), described in Ann. and are described, e.g., in the Merck Index, 12th Ed. (1996). Neurol., 40(1): 99-107 (1996), and SL25.1131, described in Certain food products, e.g., chocolates, cheeses, and Aubin et al., J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 310: 1171-1182 wines, can also provide a significant dietary Source of TAS 15 (2004). and/or TA-related compounds. Non-limiting examples of In additional embodiments, the monoamine modulator is mammalian TAS useful as constitutive factors include, but are an “uptake inhibitor,” which increases extracellular monoam not limited to, , p-, m-tyramine, octopam ine levels by inhibiting the transport of monoamines away ine, or 3-phenylethylamine (B-PEA). Additional from the synaptic cleft and/or other extracellular regions. In useful TA-related compounds include, but are not limited to, Some embodiments, the monoamine modulator is a monoam 5-hydroxytryptamine, amphetamine, , 5-methox ine uptake inhibitor, which may selectively/preferentially ytryptamine, dihydromethoxytryptamine, , or inhibit uptake of one or more monoamines relative to one or a metabolite, precursor, prodrug, or analogue thereof. more other monoamines. The term “uptake inhibitors’ In some embodiments, the constitutive factor is a biogenic includes compounds that inhibit the transport of monoamines amine or a ligand of a -associated receptor 25 (e.g., uptake inhibitors) and/or the binding of monoamine (TAAR), and/oran agent that mediates one or more biological Substrates (e.g., uptake blockers) by transporter (e.g., effects of a TA. TAS have been shown to bind to and activate the (DAT), the NE transporter (NET), a number of unique receptors, termed TAARS, which com the 5-HT transporter (SERT), and/or the extraneuronal prise a family of G-protein coupled receptors (TAAR1 (EMT)) and/or other molecules that TAAR9) with homology to classical biogenic amine recep 30 mediate the removal of extracellular monoamines. Monoam tors. For example, TAAR1 is activated by both tyramine and ine uptake inhibitors are generally classified according to B-PEA. their potencies with respect to particular monoamines, as Thus non-limiting embodiments include methods and described, e.g., in Koe, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 199: 649-661 combination compositions wherein the constitutive factor is (1976). However, references to compounds as being active B-PEA, which has been indicated as having a significant 35 against one or more monoamines are not intended to be neuromodulatory role in the mammalian CNS and is found at exhaustive or inclusive of the monoamines modulated in Vivo, relatively high levels in the hippocampus (e.g., Taga et al., but rather as general guidance for the skilled practitioner in Biomed Chromatogr., 3(3): 118-20 (1989)); a metabolite, selecting compounds for use in therapeutic methods provided prodrug, precursor, or other analogue of B-PEA, such as the herein. B-PEA precursor L-, the f-PEA metabolite 40 In embodiments relating to a biogenic amine modulator B-phenylacetic acid (B-PAA), or the B-PEA analogues meth used in a combination or method with a 5HTR agent as ylphenidate, amphetamine, and related compounds. disclosed herein, the modulator may be (i) a norepinephrine Most TAS and monoamines have a short half-life (e.g., less and dopamine reuptake inhibitor, Such as bupropion (de than about 30s) due, e.g., to their rapid extracellular metabo scribed, e.g., in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,819,706 and 3,885,046), or lism. Thus embodiments of the disclosure include use of a 45 (S,S)- (described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. No. monoamine “metabolic modulator, which increases the 6,342,496); (ii) selective dopamine reuptake inhibitors, such extracellular concentration of one or more monoamines by as , (described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. inhibiting monoamine metabolism. In some embodiments, Nos. 3,758,528 and 3,821,249), GBR12909, GBR12783 and the metabolic modulator is an inhibitor of the enzyme GBR13069, described in Andersen, Eur J Pharmacol, 166: monoamine oxidase (MAO), which catalyzes the extracellu 50 493-504 (1989); or (iii) a monoamine “releaser' which stimu lar breakdown of monoamines into inactive species. Isoforms lates the release of monoamines, such as biogenic amines MAO-A and/or MAO-B provide the major pathway for TA from presynaptic sites, e.g., by modulating presynaptic recep metabolism. Thus, in Some embodiments, TA levels are regu tors (e.g., autoreceptors, heteroreceptors), modulating the lated by modulating the activity of MAO-A and/or MAO-B. packaging (e.g., Vesicular formation) and/or release (e.g., For example, in some embodiments, endogenous TA levels 55 vesicular fusion and release) of monoamines, and/or other are increased (and TA signaling is enhanced) by administer wise modulating monoamine release. Advantageously, ing an inhibitor of MAO-A and/or MAO-B, in combination monoamine releasers provide a method for increasing levels with a 5HTR agent as described herein. of one or more monoamines within the synaptic cleft or other Non-limiting examples of inhibitors of monoamine oxi extracellular region independently of the activity of the dase (MAO) include reported inhibitors of the MAO-A iso 60 presynaptic neuron. form, which preferentially deaminates 5-hydroxytryptamine Monoamine releasers useful in combinations provided (serotonin) (5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE), and/or the herein include or p-chloro amphetamine (PCA) MAO-B isoform, which preferentially deaminates phenyl or the dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin releasing ethylamine (PEA) and benzylamine (both MAO-A and compound amineptine (described, e.g., in U.S. Pat. Nos. MAO-B metabolize Dopamine (DA)). In various embodi 65 3,758,528 and 3,821,249). ments, MAO inhibitors may be irreversible or reversible (e.g., The agent used with a 5HTR agent may be a reported reversible inhibitors of MAO-A (RIMA)), and may have phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor. In some embodiments, a US 7,678,808 B2 59 60 reported inhibitor of PDE activity include an inhibitor of a et al., Eur. J. Med. Chem., 35: 463-480 (2000), or Barnette et cAMP-specific PDE. Non-limiting examples of cAMP spe al., Pharmacol. Rev. Commun. 8: 65-73 (1997). cific PDE inhibitors useful in the methods described herein In some embodiments, the reported cAMP-specific PDE include a pyrrolidinone, such as a compound disclosed in inhibitor is (SB-207499); ; tibenelast U.S. Pat. No. 5,665,754, US20040152754 or (LY-186655); ibudilast; (RP73401): : US20040023945; a quinazolineone, such as a compound dis cipamfylline (HEP-688); (CP-80633); theophyl closed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,747,035 or 6,828,315, WO line; isobutylmethylxanthine; mesopram (ZK-1 17137); Zar 97/49702 or WO 97/42174; a derivative; a phe daverine; ; (ZK-62711); nylpyridine, such as a compound disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. (LAS-31025); (BY-217); pumafentrin (BY-343); 10 denbufylline; EHNA; ; ; ; 6,410,547 or 6,090,817, or WO97/22585; a diazepine deriva tolafentrine; Isbufylline; IBMX; 1 C-485; dyphylline; vero tive, such as a compound disclosed in WO 97/36905; an lyline; bamifylline; pentoxyfilline; enprofilline; lirimilast Oxime derivative, Such as a compound disclosed in U.S. Pat. (BAY 19-8004); filaminast (WAY-PDA-641); benafentrine; No. 5,693,659 or WO 96/00215; a naphthyridine, such as a : nitroquaZone; : ; piroxi compound described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,817,670, 6,740,662, 15 mone; ; aminone; ; imaZodan or 5-me 6,136,821, 6,331,548, 6.297.248, 6,541,480, 6,642,250, or thyl-imaZodan; indolidan; ; carbazeran; ampiZone; 6,900,205, or Trifilieffet al., Pharmacology, 301(1): 241-248 emoradan; motapizone; phthalazinol; lixazinone (RS 82856); (2002), or Hersperger et al., J Med Chem., 43(4):675-82 ; bemorandan (RWJ 22867); (BM (2000); a benzofuran, such as a compound disclosed in U.S. 14,478); (MCI-154); saterinone (BDF 8634); Pat. Nos. 5,902,824, 6,211,203, 6,514,996, 6,716,987, 6,376, tetomilast (OPC-6535); benzafentrine; Sulmazole (ARL 535, 6,080,782, or 6,054,475, or EP 819688, EP685479, or 115); revizinone; 349-U-85; AH-21-132: ATZ-1993: AWD Perrier et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 9:323-326 (1999); a 12-343; AWD-12-281; AWD-12-232: BRL50481; CC-7085; , such as that disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6, 191, CDC-801 CDC-998; CDP-840; CH-422: CH-673; CH-928; 138, 6,121.279, or 6,127.378; a benzoxazole, such as that CH-3697: CH-3442; CH-2874; CH-4139; Chiroscience disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,166,041 or 6.376.485; a purine 25 245412: CI-930; CI-1018; CI-1044: CI-1118; CP-353164: derivative, such as a compound disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. CP-77059; CP-146523: CP-293321; CP-220629; CT-2450; 6.228,859; a benzamide, such as a compound described in CT-2820; CT-3883; CT-5210: D-4418: D-22888; E-4021; U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,981,527 or 5,712,298, or WO95/01338, WO EMD 54622; EMD-53998; EMD-57033; GF-248; 97/48697 or Ashton et al., J. Med Chem 37: 1696-1703 GW-3600; IC-485; ICI-63197; ICI 153,110; IPL-4088; (1994); a Substituted phenyl compound, such as a compound 30 KF-19514; KW-4490; L-787258; L-826141; L-791943: disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,297.264, 5,866.593,655,859, LY181512: NCS-613; NM-702; NSP-153; NSP-306; NSP 034, 6,245,774, 6,197,792, 6,080,790, 6,077,854, 5,962,483, 307; Org-3.0029; Org-20241: Org-9731: ORG 9935; 5,674,880, 5,786,354, 5,739,144, 5,776,958, 5,798,373, PD-168787; PD-190749; PD-190036; PDB-093; PLX650: 5,891,896, 5,849,770, 5,550,137, 5,340,827, 5,780,478, PLX369; PLX371; PLX788; PLX939; Ro-20-1724; RPR 5,780,477, or 5,633,257, or WO95/35283; a substituted 35 132294; RPR-117658A: RPR-114597; RPR-122818; RPR biphenyl compound, such as that disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 132703; RS-17597; RS-25344; RS-14203: SCA 40; Sch 5,877, 190; or a quinilinone, such as a compound described in 351591; SDZ-ISQ-844; SDZ-MKS-492. SKF 94.120: SKF U.S. Pat. No. 6,800,625 or WO98/14432. 95654; SKF-107806; SKF 96231; T-440: T-2585; WAY Additional non-limiting examples of reported cAMP-spe 126120; WAY-122331; WAY-127093B; WIN-63291; WIN cific PDE inhibitors useful in methods disclosed herein 40 62582; V-11294A; VMX 554; VMX 565; XT-044; XT-611; include a compound disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,818,651, Y-590; YM-58897; YM-976; ZK-62711; methyl 3-6-(2H-3, 6,737,436, 6,613,778, 6,617,357, 6,146,876, 6,838,559, 4.5,6-tetrahydropyran-2-yloxy)-2-(3-thienylcarbonyl)benzo 6,884,800, 6,716,987, 6,514,996, 6,376,535, 6,740,655, bifuran-3-ylpropanoate: 4-4-methoxy-3-(5-phenylpenty 6,559,168, 6,069,151, 6,365,585, 6,313,116, 6,245,774, loxy)phenyl)-2-methylbenzoic acid; methyl 3-2-(4- 6,011,037, 6,127,363, 6,303,789, 6,316,472, 6,348,602, 45 chlorophenyl)carbonyl-6-hydroxybenzobfuran-3- 6,331,543, 6,333,354, 5,491,147, 5,608,070, 5,622,977, yl)propanoate; (R*R*)-(+)-methyl 3-acetyl-4-3- 5,580,888, 6,680,336, 6,569,890, 6,569,885, 6,500,856, (cyclopentyloxy)-4-methoxyphenyl-3-methyl-1- 6,486,186, 6,458,787, 6,455,562, 6,444,671, 6,423,710, pyrrolidinecarboxylat; or 4-(3-bromophenyl)-1-ethyl-7- 6,376,489, 6,372,777, 6,362,213, 6,313,156, 6,294,561, methylhydropyridino 2,3-bipyridin-2-one. 6,258,843, 6,258,833, 6,121,279, 6,043,263, RE38,624, U.S. 50 In some embodiments, the reported PDE inhibitor inhibits Pat. Nos. 6,297,257, 6,251,923, 6,613,794, 6,407,108, 6,107, a coMP-specific PDE. Non-limiting examples of a coMP 295, 6,103,718, 6,479,494, 6,602,890, 6,545,158, 6,545,025, specific PDE inhibitor for use in the combinations and meth 6,498,160, 6,743,802, 6,787,554, 6,828,333, 6,869,945, ods described herein include a pyrimidine or pyrimidinone 6,894,041, 6,924,292, 6,949,573, 6,953,810, 6,156,753, derivative, such as a compound described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,972,927, 5,962,492, 5,814,651, 5,723.460, 5,716,967, 55 6,677,335, 6,458,951, 6,251,904, 6,787,548, 5,294,612, 5,686,434, 5,502,072, 5,116,837, 5,091,431; 4,670,434; 5,250,534, or 6.469,012, WO 94/28902, WO96/16657, 4490,371; 5,710,160, 5,710,170, 6,384,236, or 3,941,785, or EP0702555, and Eddahibi, Br. J. Pharmacol., 125(4): 681 US200501 19225, US20050026913, US20050059686, 688 (1988); a griseolic acid derivative, such as a compound US20040138279, US20050222138, US20040214843, disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,460,765; a 1-arylnaphthalene US20040106631, US 20030045557, US 20020198198, 60 lignan, such as that described in Ukita, J. Med. Chem. 42(7): US20030162802, US20030092908, US 20030104974, 1293-1305 (1999); a quinazoline derivative, such as 4-3',4'- US20030100571, 20030092721, US20050148604, WO (methylenedioxy)benzylamino-6-methoxyquinazoline) or 99/65880, WO 00/26201, WO 98/06704, WO 00/59890, a compound described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,932,407 or 4,146, WO9907704, WO9422852, WO 98/20007, WO 02/096423, 718, or RE31,617; a pyrroloquinolone or pyrrolopyridinone, WO 98/18796, WO 98/02440, WO 02/096463, WO 65 such as that described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,686,349, 6,635,638, 97/44337, WO 97/44036, WO 97/44322, EP 0763534, Aoki 6,818,646, US20050113402; a carboline derivative, such a et al., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 295(1):255-60 (2000), Del Piaz compound described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,492.358, 6.462,047, US 7,678,808 B2 61 62 6,821,975, 6,306,870, 6,117,881, 6,043,252, or 3,819,631, EMD-53998; EMD-57033; NSP-306; NSP-307: Revizinone; US20030166641, WO 97/43287, Daugan et al., J Med NM-702; WIN-62582: ATZ-1993: WIN-63291; ZK-62711; Chem., 46(21):4533-42 (2003), or Daugan et al., J Med PLX650; PLX369; PLX788; PLX939; anagrelide; carbaz Chem., 9; 46(21):4525-32 (2003); an imidazo derivative, eran; ampiZone; emoradan; or a compound disclosed in U.S. such as a compound disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,130,333, Pat. No. 6,156,753. 6,566,360, 6,362,178, or 6,582,351, US20050070541, or Non-limiting examples of reported PDE4 inhibitors US20040067945; or a compound described in U.S. Pat. Nos. include a pyrrolidinone. Such as a compound disclosed in 6.825, 197, 5,719,283, 6,943,166, 5,981.527, 6,576,644, U.S. Pat. No. 5,665,754, US20040152754 or 5,859,009, 6,943,253, 6,864,253, 5,869,516, 5,488,055, US20040023945; a quinazolineone, such as a compound dis 6,140,329, 5,859,006, or 6,143,777, WO 96/16644, WO 10 closed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,747,035 or 6,828,315, WO 01/19802, WO 96/26940, Dunn, Org. Proc. Res. Dev., 9: 97/49702 or WO 97/42174; a xanthine derivative; a phe 88-97 (2005), or Bi et al., Bioorg Med Chem. Lett., 11(18): nylpyridine, such as a compound disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 2461-4 (2001). 6,410,547 or 6,090,817 or WO97/22585; a diazepine deriva In some embodiments, the PDE inhibitor used in a combi tive, such as a compound disclosed in WO 97/36905; an nation or method disclosed herein is . In some 15 Oxime derivative, Such as a compound disclosed in U.S. Pat. embodiments, the caffeine is administered in a formulation No. 5,693,659 or WO 96/00215; a naphthyridine, such as a comprising a 5HTR agent. In other embodiments, the caf compound described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,817,670, 6,740,662, feine is administered simultaneously with a 5HTR agent. In 6,136,821, 6,331,548, 6,297.248, 6,541,480, 6,642,250, or alternative embodiments, the caffeine is administered in a 6,900,205, Trifilieff et al., Pharmacology, 301(1): 241-248 formulation, dosage, or concentration lower or higher than (2002) or Hersperger et al., J Med Chem., 43(4):675-82 that of a caffeinated beverage Such as coffee, tea, or soft (2000); a benzofuran, such as a compound disclosed in U.S. drinks. In further embodiments, the caffeine is administered Pat. Nos. 5,902,824, 6,211,203, 6,514,996, 6,716,987, 6,376, by a non-oral means, including, but not limited to, parenteral 535, 6,080,782, or 6,054,475, EP819688, EP685479, or Per (e.g., intravenous, intradermal, Subcutaneous, inhalation), rier et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 9:323-326 (1999); a transdermal (topical), transmucosal, rectal, or intranasal (in 25 phenanthridine, such as that disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6, 191, cluding, but not limited to, inhalation of aerosol Suspensions 138, 6,121.279, or 6,127.378; a benzoxazole, such as that for delivery of compositions to the nasal mucosa, trachea and disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,166,041 or 6.376.485; a purine bronchioli) administration. The disclosure includes embodi derivative, such as a compound disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. ments with the explicit exclusion of caffeine or another one or 6.228,859; a benzamide, such as a compound described in more of the described agents for use in combination with a 30 U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,981,527 or 5,712,298, WO95/01338, WO 5HTR agent. 97/48697, or Ashton et al., J. Med Chem 37: 1696-1703 In further alternative embodiments, the caffeine is in an (1994); a substituted phenyl compound, such as a compound isolated form, such as that which is separated from one or disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,297.264, 5,866,593, 5,859,034, more molecules or macromolecules normally found with caf 6,245,774, 6,197,792, 6,080,790, 6,077,854, 5,962,483, feine before use in a combination or method as disclosed 35 5,674,880, 5,786,354, 5,739,144, 5,776,958, 5.798.373, herein. In other embodiments, the caffeine is completely or 5,891,896, 5,849,770, 5,550,137, 5,340,827, 5,780.478, partially purified from one or more molecules or macromol 5,780,477, or 5,633,257, or WO95/35283; a substituted ecules normally found with the caffeine. Exemplary cases of biphenyl compound, such as that disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. molecules or macromolecules found with caffeine include a 5,877, 190; or a quinilinone, such as a compound described in or plant part, an animal or animal part, and a food or 40 U.S. Pat. No. 6,800,625 or WO98/14432. beverage product. Additional examples of reported PDE4 inhibitors useful in Non-limiting examples of a reported PDE1 inhibitor methods provided herein include a compound disclosed in include IBMX: vinpocetine; MMPX; KS-505a. SCH-51866; U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,716,987, 6,514,996, 6,376,535, 6,740,655, W-7; PLX650; PLX371; PLX788; a ; or a 6,559,168, 6,069,151, 6,365,585, 6,313,116, 6,245,774, compound described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,861,891. 45 6,011,037, 6,127,363, 6,303,789, 6,316,472, 6,348,602, Non-limiting examples of a PDE2 inhibitor include 6,331,543, 6,333,354, 5,491,147, 5,608,070, 5,622,977, EHNA; PLX650; PLX369; PLX788; PLX 939; Bay 60-7550 5,580,888, 6,680,336, 6,569,890, 6,569,885, 6,500,856, or a related compound described in Boess et al., Neurophar 6,486,186, 6,458,787, 6,455,562, 6,444,671, 6,423,710, macology, 47(7): 1081-92 (2004); or a compound described 6,376,489, 6,372,777, 6,362,213, 6,313,156, 6,294,561, in US2OO2O132754. 50 6,258,843, 6,258,833, 6,121,279, 6,043,263, RE38,624, U.S. Non-limiting examples of reported PDE3 inhibitors Pat. Nos. 6,297,257, 6,251,923, 6,613,794, 6,407,108, 6,107, include a dihydroquinolinone compound such as cilostamide, 295, 6,103,718, 6.479,494, 6,602,890, 6,545,158, 6,545,025, cillostazol, Vesnarinone, or OPC3911; an imidazolone such as 6,498,160, 6,743,802, 6,787,554, 6,828,333, 6,869,945, piroXimone or enoXimone; a bipyridine such as milrinone, 6,894,041, 6,924,292, 6,949,573, 6,953,810, 5,972,927, aminone or olprinone; an imidazoline Such as imaZodan or 55 5,962,492, 5,814,651, 5,723,460, 5,716,967, 5,686,434, 5-methyl-imaZodan; a pyridazinone such as indolidan: 5,502,072, 5,116,837, 5,091431; 4,670,434; 4,490,371; LY181512 (see Komas et al. “Differential sensitivity to car 5,710,160, 5,710,170, 6,384.236, or 3,941,785, diotonic drugs of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterases isolated US200501 19225, US20050026913, WO 99/65880, WO from canine Ventricular and sinoatrial-enriched tissues. J 00/26201, WO 98/06704, WO 00/59890, WO9907704, Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 1989 14(2):213-20); ibudilast; iso 60 WO9422852, WO 98/20007, WO 02/096423, WO 98/18796, mazole; motapizone; phthalazinol; trequinsin; lixazinone WO 98/02440, WO 02/096463, WO 97/44337, WO (RS 82856); Y-590: SKF 94.120; quazinone; ICI 153,110; 97/.44036, WO 97/44322, EP 0763534, Aoki et al., J Pharma bemorandan (RWJ 22867); siguaZodan (SK&F 94836): col Exp Ther. 295(1):255-60 (2000), Del Piaz et al., Eur. J. adibendan (BM 14.478); pimobendan (UD-CG 115, MCI Med. Chem., 35: 463-480 (2000), or Barnette et al., Pharma 154); saterinone (BDF 8634); NSP-153; ; a 65 col. Rev. Commun. 8: 65-73 (1997). quinazoline; benzafentrine; sulmazole (ARL 115): ORG Non-limiting examples of a reported PDE5 inhibitor useful 9935; CI-930; SKF-95654; SDZ-MKS-492: 349-U-85; in a combination or method described herein include a pyri US 7,678,808 B2 63 64 midine or pyrimidinone derivative, such as a compound PLX788; Zaprinast: ; or a compound described described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,677,335, 6,458,951, 6,251,904, in US20040106631 or Maw et al., Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 6,787,548, 5,294,612, 5,250,534, or 6,469,012, WO 2003 Apr. 17: 13(8): 1425-8. 94/28902, WO96/16657, EP0702555, or Eddahibi, Br. J. In some embodiments, the reported PDE inhibitor is a Pharmacol., 125(4): 681-688 (1988); a griseolic acid deriva compound described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,091,431, 5,081,242, tive, such as a compound disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,460, 5,066,653, 5,010,086, 4,971,972, 4,963,561, 4,943,573, 765: a 1-arylnaphthalene lignan, such as that described in 4,906,628, 4,861,891, 4,775,674, 4,766,118, 4,761416, Ukita, J. Med. Chem.42(7): 1293-1305 (1999); a quinazoline 4,739,056, 4,721,784, 4,701,459, 4,670,434, 4,663,320, derivative, such as 4-3',4'-(methylenedioxy)benzyl)amino 4,642,345, 4,593,029, 4,564,619, 4,490,371, 4,489,078, 6-methoxyquinazoline) or a compound described in U.S. Pat. 10 4,404,380, 4,370,328, 4,366,156, 4,298,734, 4,289,772, Nos. 3,932,407 or 4,146,718, or RE31,617; a pyrroloquino RE30,511, U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,188,391, 4,123,534, 4,107,309, lones or pyrrolopyridinone, such as that described in U.S. Pat. 4,107,307, 4,096,257, 4,093,617, 4,051,236, or 4,036,840. Nos. 6,686,349, 6,635,638, or 6,818,646, US20050113402; a In some embodiments, the reported PDE inhibitor inhibits carboline derivative, such a compound described in U.S. Pat. dual-specificity PDE. Non-limiting examples of a dual-speci Nos. 6,492,358, 6,462,047, 6,821,975, 6,306,870, 6,117,881, 15 ficity PDE inhibitor useful in a combination or method 6,043,252, or 3,819,631, US20030166641, WO 97/43287, described herein include a cAMP-specific or cGMP-specific Daugan et al., J Med Chem., 46(21):4533-42 (2003), and PDE inhibitor described herein; MMPX; KS-505a; W-7; a Daugan et al., J Med Chem., 9; 46(21):4525-32 (2003); an ; Bay 60–7550 or a related compound described imidazo derivative. Such as a compound disclosed in U.S. Pat. in Boess et al., Neuropharmacology, 47(7): 1081-92 (2004); Nos. 6,130,333, 6,566,360, 6,362,178, or 6,582,351, UK-235,187 or a related compound described in EP 579496; US20050070541, or US20040067945; or a compound or a compound described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,930,114 or described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,825, 197, 6,943,166, 5,981,527, 4,861,891, US20020132754, US20040138249, 6,576,644, 5,859,009, 6,943,253, 6,864,253, 5,869,516, US20040249148, US20040106631, WO951997, or Maw et 5,488,055, 6,140,329, 5,859,006, or 6,143,777, WO al., Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2003 Apr. 17: 13(8): 1425-8. 96/16644, WO 01/19802, WO 96/26940, Dunn, Org. Proc. 25 In some embodiments, a reported PDE inhibitor exhibits Res. Dev., 9: 88-97 (2005), or Bi et al., Bioorg Med Chem dual-selectivity, being Substantially more active against two Lett., 11(18):2461-4 (2001). PDE isozymes relative to other PDE isozymes. For example, In some embodiments, a reported PDE5 inhibitor is Zapri in some embodiments, a reported PDE inhibitor is a dual nast: MY-5445; dipyridamole; vinpocetine: FR229934; PDE4/PDE7 inhibitor, such as a compound described in 1-methyl-3-isobutyl-8-(methylamino)xanthine; furazlocil 30 US20030104974; a dual PDE3/PDE4 inhibitor, such as Zar lin; Sch-51866; E4021; GF-196960; IC-351; T-1032: daverine, tolafentrine, benafentrine, trequinsine, Org-3.0029, ; ; ; DMPPO; RX-RA-69; L-686398, SDZ-ISQ-844, Org-20241, EMD-54622, or a KT-734; SKF-96231; ER-21355; BF/GP-385; NM-702: compound described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,521,187, or 6.306, PLX650; PLX134; PLX369; PLX788; or vesnarinone. 869; or a dual PDE1/PDE4 inhibitor, such as KF19514 In some embodiments, the reported PDE5 inhibitor is 35 (5-phenyl-3-(3-pyridyl)methyl-3H-imidazo[4,5-c.1.8 sildenafil or a related compound disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. naphthyridin-4 (5H)-one). 5,346,901, 5,250,534, or 6,469,012; tadalafil or a related Furthermore, the neurogenic agent in combination with a compound disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,859,006, 6,140,329, 5HTR agent may be a reported neurosteroid. Non-limiting 6.821,975, or 6,943,166; or Vardenafilor a related compound examples of Such a neurosteroid include and disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,362,178. 40 allopregnenalone. Non-limiting examples of a reported PDE6 inhibitor useful Alternatively, the neurogenic sensitizing agent may be a in a combination or method described herein include dipy reported non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) or ridamole or Zaprinast. an anti-inflammatory mechanism targeting agent in general. Non-limiting examples of a reported PDE7 inhibitor for Non-limiting examples of a reported NSAID include a use in the combinations and methods described herein 45 cyclooxygenase inhibitor, Such as indomethacin, , include BRL 50481; PLX369; PLX788; or a compound , cofecoxib, , or . Additional non described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,818,651: 6,737,436, 6,613,778, limiting examples for use in combination with a 5HTR agent 6,617,357; 6,146,876, 6,838,559, or 6,884,800, include , , , , pare US20050059686; US20040138279; US20050222138; coxib, , , , , bufex US20040214843; US20040106631; US 20030045557; US 50 amac, , , etofenamate, flobufen, isoxi 20020198198: US20030162802, US20030092908, US cam, kebuZone, lonazolac, , metamizol. 20030104974; US20030100571; 20030092721; or mofebutaZone, , oxyphenbutaZone, paraceta US2005O148604. mol, phenidine, , , Salicyla A non-limiting examples of a reported inhibitor of PDE8 mide, , , , , activity is dipyridamole. 55 , , benorylate, aloxiprin, , Non-limiting examples of a reported PDE9 inhibitor useful , , , fenbufen, benoxapro in a combination or method described herein include SCH fen, , piroXicam, meloxicam, , , 51866; IBMX; or BAY 73-6691. fenclofenac, , , xyphenbutaZone, phenylb Non-limiting examples of a PDE10 inhibitor include utaZone, feprazone, azapropaZone, or mefe sildenafil; SCH-5 1866; papaverine; Zaprinast; dipyridamole; 60 namic acid. E4021; vinpocetine: EHNA; milrinone; rolipram; PLX107: In additional embodiments, the neurogenic agent in com or a compound described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,930,114, bination with a 5HTR agent may be a reported agent for US20040138249, or US200402491.48. treating migraines. Non-limiting examples of Such an agent Non-limiting examples of a PDE11 inhibitor includes include a , Such as or almotriptan malate; IC-351 or a related compound described in WO9519978: 65 or naratriptan hydrochloride; or riza E4021 or a related compound described in WO 9307124; triptan benzoate; Sumatriptan or Sumatriptan Succinate; Zol UK-235,187 or a related compound described in EP 579496; matriptan or , or froVatriptan Succi US 7,678,808 B2 65 66 nate; or or eletriptan hydrobromide. Embodiments modulator as described by Miyachi et al. (“Potent novel non of the disclosure may exclude combinations of and an steroidal androgen antagonists with a phthalimide skeleton.” SSRI or SNR1 that result in life threatening serotonin syn Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 1997 7:1483-1488): osaterone or drome. ; hydroxyflutamide; or a non-steroidal Other non-limiting examples include an ergot derivative, antagonist described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,017.924. Such as or dihydroergotamine mesylate, Other non-limiting examples of a reported modulator or ergotamine tartrate; diclofenac or diclofenac include a retinoic acid receptor agonist Such as all-trans ret potassium or diclofenac sodium; flurbiprofen; amitriptyline; inoic acid (TretinoinR); isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid); nortriptyline; divalproex or divalproex sodium; 9-cis retinoic acid; bexarotene; TAC-101 (4-3,5-bis(trimeth or propranolol hydrochloride; Verapamil; 10 ylsilyl)benzamidelbenzoic acid); AC-261066 (see Lund et al. (CAS RN 361-37-5); metoclopramide: “Discovery of a potent, orally available, and isoform-selec (CASRN 58-38-8); acetaminophen; topiramate; GW274150 tive retinoic acid beta2 receptor agonist.” J Med Chem. 2005 (2-(1-iminoethyl)aminoethyl-L-homocysteine); O 48(24):7517-9); LGD 1550 (2E,4E,6E)-3-methyl-7-(3,5-di ganaxalone (CAS RN 38398-32-2). ter-butylphen-yl)octatrienoic acid); E6060 (E60604-5-7- Additional non-limiting examples include a COX-2 inhibi 15 fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)benzobfuran-2-yl)-1H-2- tor, Such as celecoxib. pyrrolylbenzoic acid; agonist 1 or 2 as described by In other embodiments, the neurogenic agent in combina Schapira et al. (“In silico discovery of novel Retinoic Acid tion with a 5HTR agent may be a reported modulator of a Receptor agonist structures.” BMC Struct Biol. 2001; 1:1 nuclear hormone receptor. Nuclear hormone receptors are (published online 2001 Jun. 4) where Agonist 1 was pur activated via ligand interactions to regulate gene expression, chased from Bionet Research (catalog number 1G-433S). in some cases as part of pathways. Non-limiting Agonist 2 was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Sigma Ald examples of a reported modulator include a dihydrotestoster rich library of rare chemicals. Catalog number S08503-1); a one agonist Such as ; a 2-quinolone like synthetic acetylenic retinoic acid, such as AGN 190121 (CAS LG121071 (4-ethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-6-(trifluoromethyl)- RN: 132032-67-8), AGN 190168 (or tazarotene or CAS RN 8-pyridono.5,6-g-quinoline); a non-steroidal agonist or par 25 118292-40-3), or its metabolite AGN 190299 (CAS RN tial agonist compound described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,017.924: 118292-41-4); etretinate; acitretin; an acetylenic retinoate, LGD2226 (see WO 01/16108, WO 01/16133, WO 01/16139, such as AGN 190073 (CAS132032-68-9), or AGN 190089 and Rosen et al. “Novel, non-steroidal, selective androgen (or 3-pyridinecarboxylic acid, 6-(4-(2,6,6-trimethyl-1-cyclo receptor modulators (SARMs) with anabolic activity in bone hexen-1-yl)-3-buten-1-ynyl)-, ethyl ester or CAS RN and muscle and improved safety profile.” J Musculoskelet 30 116627-73-7). Neuronal Interact. 2002 2(3):222-4); or LGD2941 (from col In further embodiments, the additional agent for use in laboration between Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc. and TAP combination with a 5HTR agent may be a reported modulator Pharmaceutical Products Inc.). selected from thyroxin, tri-iodothyronine, or . Additional non-limiting examples of a reported modulator Alternatively, the additional agent is a vitamin D (1.25 include a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) 35 dihydroxyvitamine D) receptor modulator, such as calcitriol Such as andarine, ostarine, prostarin, or andromustine (all or a compound described in Ma et al. ("Identification and from GTX, Inc.); or a bicalutamide derivative characterization of noncalcemic, tissue-selective, nonsecos such as GTX-007 (U.S. Pat. No. 6,492,554); or a SARM as teroidal vitamin D receptor modulators. J Clin Invest. 2006 described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,492,554. 116(4):892-904) or Molnar et al. (“Vitamin D receptor ago 40 nists specifically modulate the Volume of the ligand-binding Further non-limiting examples of a reported modulator pocket.” J Biol Chem. 2006281 (15):10516-26) or Millikenet include an androgen receptor antagonist Such as , al. (“EB1089, a vitamin D receptor agonist, reduces prolif bicalutamide, , or ; a 2-quinolone such as eration and decreases tumor growth rate in a mouse model of LG120907, represented by the following structure: hormone-induced mammary cancer.” Cancer Lett. 2005 229 45 (2):205-15) orYee et al. (“Vitamin D receptor modulators for inflammation and cancer.” Mini Rev Med Chem. 2005 5 (8): CF 761-78) or Adachi et al. “Selective activation of vitamin D receptor by lithocholic acid acetate, a bile acid derivative.” J 21 N Lipid Res. 2005 46(1):46-57). 50 Furthermore, the additional agent may be a reported corti O N N s Sol receptor modulator, Such as or its H H prodrug methylprednisolone suleptanate; PI-1020 (NCX 1020 or -21-nitrooxymethylbenzoate); flutica or a derivative compound represented by the following sone furoate; GW-215864; Valerate; beclom Structure: 55 ethasone; ; or BVT-3498 (AMG-311). Alternatively, the additional agent may be a reported aldos terone (or mineralocorticoid) receptor modulator, such as CF spironolactone or eplerenone. In other embodiments, the additional agent may be a F 21 N 60 reported progesterone receptor modulator Such as (CAS RN 1993.96-76-4); mesoprogestin or J1042: J956: medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA); R5020; tanaproget; tri O N N megestone; progesterone; ; melengestrol acetate; H H mifepristone; ; ZK1373.16; ZK230211 (see Fuhr 65 mann et al. “Synthesis and biological activity of a novel, (see Allan et al. “Therapeutic androgen receptor ligands' highly potent progesterone receptor antagonist.’ J Med Nucl Recept Signal 2003: 1: e(009); a phthalamide, such as a Chem. 2000 43(26):5010-6); or a compound described in US 7,678,808 B2 67 68 Spitz, "Progesterone antagonists and progesterone receptor the subtype-selective muscarinic agonist PD 151832. Life modulators: an overview.” Steroids 2003 68(10-13):981-93. Sci. 1995.56(11-12):845-52), vinconate (CASRN 70704-03 In further embodiments, the additional agent may be a 9), PYM-50028 PYM-50028 (Cogane) or PYM-50018 reported i) peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (Myogane) as described by Harvey (“Natural Products in (PPAR) agonist Such as muraglitazar, tesaglitazar, reglitazar, Drug Discovery and Development. 27-28 Jun. 2005, London, GW-409544 (see Xu et al. “Structural determinants of ligand UK.” IDrugs. 2005 8(9):719-21), SR-46559A (3-N-(2 binding selectivity between the peroxisome proliferator-acti diethyl-amino-2-methylpropyl)-6-phenyl-5-propyl), dihy vated receptors.” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2001 98(24): droergocristine (CAS RN 17479-19-5), dabelotine (CAS RN 13919-24); or DRL 11605 (Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories); ii) a 118976-38-8), Zanapezil (CAS RN 142852-50-4). peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha agonist like 10 Further non-limiting examples include NBI-113 (from clofibrate; ciprofibrate; fenofibrate:gemfibrozil; DRF-10945 Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.), NDD-094 (from Novartis), (Dr. Reddy's Laboratories); iii) a peroxisome proliferator P-58 or P58 (from Pfizer), or SR-57667 (from Sanofi-Syn activated receptor delta agonist such as GW501516 (CASRN thelabo). 317318-70-0); or iv) a peroxisome proliferator-activated Moreover, an agent in combination with a 5HTR agent may gamma receptor agonist like a hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid 15 be a reported modulator of the nicotinic receptor. Non-limit (HODE); (v) a prostaglandin derivative, such as 15-deoxy ing examples of Such a modulator include , acetyl Delta12, 14-prostaglandin J2; a thiazolidinedione (glitaZone), , carbamylcholine, , ABT-418 (structurally Such as pioglitaZone, troglitaZone; rosiglitaZone or rosiglita similar to nicotine, with an ixoxazole moiety replacing the Zone maleate; ciglitazone: balaglitazone or DRF-2593: AMG pyridyl group of nicotine), epiboxidine (a structural analogue 131 (from Amgen); or G1262570 (from GlaxoWellcome). In with elements of both epibatidine and ABT-418), ABT-594 additional embodiments, a PPAR ligand is a PPARY antago (azetidine analogue of epibatidine), , SSR-591813, nist such as T0070907 (CAS RN313516-66-4) or GW9662 represented by the following formula: (CAS RN 22978-25-2).

In additional embodiments, the additional agent may be a reported modulator of an “orphan’ nuclear hormone receptor. 25 Embodiments include a reported modulator of a X receptor, such as a compound described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,924.311; a farnesoid X receptor, such as GW4064 as described by Maloney etal. ("Identification of a chemical tool for the orphan nuclear receptor FXR J Med Chem 2000 30 43(16):2971-4); a RXR receptor; a CAR receptor, such as 1,4-bis(2-(3,5-dichloropyridyloxy)benzene (TCPOBOP): or SIB-1508 (). or a PXR receptor, such as SR-12813 (tetra-ethyl 2-(3,5-di In additional embodiments, an agent used in combination tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)ethenyl-1,1-bisphosphonate). with a 5HTR agent is a reported aromatase inhibitor. In additional embodiments, the agent in combination with 35 Reported aromatase inhibitors include, but are not limited to, a 5HTR agent is ethyl eicosapentaenoate or ethyl-EPA (also nonsteroidal or steroidal agents. Non-limiting examples of known as 5,8,11,14, 17-eicosapentaenoic acid ethyl ester or the former, which inhibit aromatase via the heme prosthetic miraxion, CAS RN 86227–47-6), docosahexaenoic acid group, include anastroZole (ArimideX(R), letrozole (Fe (DHA), or a retinoid acid drug. As an additional non-limiting mara(R), or Vorozole (Rivisor.R). Non-limiting examples of example, the agent may be omacor, a combination of DHA 40 steroidal aromatase inhibitors AIs, which inactivate aro and EPA, or idebenone (CAS RN 58186-27-9). matase, include, but are not limited to, exemestane (Aroma In further embodiments, a reported compound sin(R), androstenedione, or formestane (Lentaron(R). may be used as an agent in combination with a 5HTR agent. Additional non-limiting examples of a reported aromatase Non-limiting examples of Such a compound include pirac for use in a combination or method as disclosed herein etam (Nootropil.R.), , XXiracetam, , 45 include , 4-androstene-3,6,17-trione (or (EnerbolR), mesylates (Hydergine(R), gal “6-OXO), or Zoledronic acidor ZometaR(CASRN 118072 antamine or hydrobromide, Selegiline, centro 93-8). phenoxine (Lucidril.R.), desmopressin (DDAVP), nicer Further embodiments include a combination of a 5HTR goline, Vinpocetine, , vasopressin, millacemide, agent and a reported selective estrogen receptor modulator FK-960, FK-962, levetiracetam, , or hyperzine A 50 (SERM) may be used as described herein. Non-limiting (CAS RN: 102518-79-6). examples include tamoxifen, raloxifene, toremifene, clo Additional non-limiting examples of Such a compound mifene, baZedoxifene, arzoxifene, or lasofoxifene. Addi include anapsos (CAS RN 75919-65-2), nebracetam (CAS tional non-limiting examples include a steroid antagonist or RN 97205-34-0 or 116041-13-5), metrifonate, (or partial agonist, such as centchroman, clomiphene, or drolox CAS RN 155773-59-4 or KA-672) or ensaculin HCl, rokan 55 ifene. (CAS RN 122933-57-7 or EGb 761), AC-3933 (5-(3-meth In other embodiments, a combination of a 5HTR agent and oxyphenyl)-3-(5-methyl-1,2,4-oxadiazol-3-yl)-2-oxo-1,2- a reported receptor modulator may be used as dihydro-1,6-naphthyridine) or its hydroxylated metabolite described herein. Non-limiting examples include synthetic SX-5745 (3-(5-hydroxymethyl-1,2,4-oxadiazol-3-yl)-5-(3- , endogenous cannabinoids, or natural cannab methoxyphenyl)-2-oxo-1,2-dihydro-1,6-naphthyridine), 60 inoids. In some embodiments, the reported cannabinoid JTP-2942 (CAS RN 148152-77-6), (CAS RN receptor modulator is rimonabant (SR141716 or Acomplia), 104383-17-7), ladostigil (CAS RN 209394-27-4), choline , , marinol, or sativeX (an extract con alphoscerate (CAS RN 28319-77-9 or Gliatilin(R), dimebon taining both THC and CBD). Non-limiting examples of (CAS RN 3613-73-8), tramiprosate (CAS RN 3687-18-1), endogenous cannabinoids include arachidonyl ethanolamine omigapil (CAS RN 181296-84-4), cebaracetam (CAS RN 65 (anandamide); analogs of anandamide, Such as docosatetrae 113957-09-8), fasoracetam (CAS RN 110958-19-5), nylethanolamide or homo-y-linoenylethanolamide, N-acyl PD-151832 (see Jaen et al. “In vitro and in vivo evaluation of ethanolamine signalling lipids, such as the noncannabimi