
llnm r Of Gateway To Hongvr Junior College the Ranger T imes Famed Ixike Leon A Small City with Big Industry — A Bright for New Industry

VOLUME 43 PRICE 10 CENTS UANCEK, TKXAS, SUNDAY. 0 •«**• 100000 killowatta oughby, who recently resign- substitute charge of USN (Ret i. National Cam - ter million persona iaaid. “ and I This will be the Iasi hearing I ^ breaking into Mrs Hussey s , .. | said, “and we're plawilf too of the "Space Age," point-' caP,c**F The public paign Chairman for USO, In spite of the b«g stalls qumeruu* impruvewienta tn the ing out that the space aiouiul, P»**r advocates who would before the construction begins n native of Ranger where home and committing an act -Th, ,-urrent unreal all tics, the one end only pur immediate future In addition u». and the sj.se- within us. i * * * «»<> l*'r c ,n l "»•*•* ‘ m ,“ * j she graduated from high ef burglary He was declared ove, (he world and our appar- prne of USO remains that o f ; ^ (>ur Mnr|t.r , tatKm for projects, are the greatest made at his meeiag. , . , _ , ll equally as important by lhe court to be a delinquent j Fnt uniVersal involvement providing an individual, per-^ ,, ^ (aniniea. we'd 1 dangers to the mdejienden po­ The new highway will leave f * 00' E? lyn * ' “outer' space, becuuse the Her hus­ and was sentenced to the state cauaea u, t<> wonder what he sonai service for every man ltkc to rm pbuitf w wer comjjames but indicat the present Highway 80 near - "*■ *wo " “oghter* power for the fabulous future reform school at Gatesville.' ho,*, We all hope and and woman in uniform Cer-|. the FM2461 intersection and band. Lindsey Clements, 24 hour road service for the is within man. ions are good that congress Ai that tune. Mr Conner ex- ,trlva jor peace. tatnly, it is no more than any , is now taking note of these re-enter Just east of Ranger works for Ray HoweU Lease convenience of truckers and “Choice aqd attitude make plained that as a delinquent. | thr m„ ntun. " canlin one of us would do ourselves maneuvers, he pointed out. Hill. Co. of Hreckrni idga. motorists " the difference, he said. The Nathan Curry could he held u,, Adimral Burke "our coun if we could he there A second circuit is also he-1 — ■■ ■ ■ The family moved here re- Bill s Trurk Center features rare we're constantly re­ I ** GatasvUla until he reached , jry mult remain strong and Generous support of th e popular Mobil gasolines, lub- minded of, he called the race ing planned for the recently |T|mdar I 'r n u /L r cently from Hie. kenrtdgg Mtf jh, agetf 17, al which time (.,,rt dependent upon the completed "steel pole" line IzIIlHT AiMmtltT are making their homo at 107 UNITED WAY through youi rtcanta end d ie s e l foeU with for intelligence, or explosion; he could be charged and tried young people in uniform in from Fort Worth to Odessa . . . - N Dixie St Their chlldfon local united campaign will In- I special discounts for truckers, the rncc for growing up, or lor murder as an adult I , U pB,u of the world Their sure the continuation of thr (The station also handles ail by way of Graham, Mr Fish , aie Janice, senior at Kastiggd blowing up. |S Buried 111 The closed door hearing, and morale er said Work is progressing High School, and Cindy, a th. a - ,wa I ------■nrf h,h,vlor • r •'services of USO for our boys brands motor oil additives, Frank Sayre, Eastland Dis­ ! ••r*r lF dependent upon us arKj girls in service, truly tires, acx-eaauriea. etc. too on the connecting of ser­ fourth grader al South Ward judge to all attorneys and wit- trict Manager, was master of here at home One of the heat providing tham "a home a Meador said that improve­ vice between four major Tex­ -1 cerem onies for the event Friday Service Elementary School Jnosses to make no comment reminders we can offer them way from home as power companies for add­ ments planned include butane In an expansion of womai^a| regarding the hearing other 1 „ ,be jjSO servae made poasi installation and a new lew ed strength and reserve, he Funeral services for Joseph news coverage Mrs. H. 1 ; than the above mentioned y- federated giving indicated to service refrigerated Flmer Crowder. 50, waie 'O'Brien will hausila tiuh nesA. *facts, '* were the “ first ‘ of many! throughout the nation trucks. contributing factors which Mr. (yrcnneljic Following the banquet, bingo held et 2 p m Friday, Oct Il.|and (Ith, r Hem. of interest for The USO Is a member A native of Eastland County, 60, Not 70, and a dance were held in the m lhe United Fentecoatel women in Eastland County have appeared to veil the case agency of the Texas United National Guard Building site Church with burial In Oik- with secrecy. Meador is an Arm y veteran She may be reached at MA Fund, along with eleven other Dies; Sen ires of the Korean Wer He is the In Breckenridge wood Cem etery M. M. Ot- A series of legal actions be- 9-2413 son of Mr and Mrs R. M well of Gainesville offici­ f» n when young Curry was Meador of Cross Plains and Legal Speed ated Rust Funeral Home was Evelyn is an esperien.ed ^ rhar^d^ with murder fol Held Friday m u a«- ______newspaper employee, having L h|, ,7|h b|fthd bu, for several years after hla dia- T. I). Stewart, in charge of arrangements. All Girl Indoor u ,7 • | . worked ri»nnt rrt ently for th_____ * ! i__^ . . . . __, I Frwm W r.renwelge 57. of charge from the armed forces Mr Crowder, who lived at Breckenridge American, and r*n?.*‘" " ‘ .** lh; »""* 00 Park Drive, had been a . . "• Gatesville Attorney John Rodeo To Be Route 2, Cisco, died a lt p *•* employed as a truck For Pickups Roii"li Fish resident of Cisco for t w o *“rl,' r ,or lh* R-*Wer Times W(,ttl „f w|| , mp)oy m Wednesday in Eastland ' dnver b7 thr Halliburton Com- months, having moved here before moving from that i '*y_ by the Currys, and failing I,. csaslis 'ilsip Memorial Hospital following a | P*ny The maximum legal *|>eed from Del-eon. He died at 7 45 Both Mrs Clements a n d b, gHln a hearing in Eastlarvl 811 .’HI"Ifvtdf I lengthy illness He had been! “ *• wife, Maude Meador, dinner Apt in seriously ill II days | will supervise management *f limit for pickups is fit) miles p m. Wednesday in Graham ^trs O BDen will be happy to County on a halwas corpus. an hour, and not 70, Eastland T D Stewart of Ranger won j Hospital. He was stricken 30 assist in lhe preparing* of * newt he eventually obtained a hear-1 The Sweetwater Lion* Club A resident of F.astl-nd Coun ; ‘ *f' * h*Th •*T0 “ for publication. in the district court in Odesea j has issued invitations to fe- ly 21 rears, he was horn A *4 ^ * d*lIJ »«'. > County residents arc being $5 for having caught the! minutes earlier and rushed to complete service—short order Ust winter, where young Cur j male rodeo contestants m this prll 25. 1906 in Llano County | rem inded. largest fish of the week The the hospital sandwiches, fried chicken, six- ry was ordered released to the ares to enter their "Sweet He was a retired stockmen | They are also being re - carp weighed 7 pounds, 121 Horn August 25, 1913, I n 1 fling steaks and other fine Mrs. Ola Mills custody of his parents. water Linn* Club All-Girl In- He was matried to Ednaj minded that it's best to lie a j ounces. ! Erath County, he marrtod fai­ 'food s Within a day or two. a m ur­ door Rodeo". i Tonne Dec 20, 1930, in Cisco. | legally licensed driver too, be- lle also won $10 00 f o r I ter J. Courtney on Septem- The couple has a daughter, der charge was filed by Dis The event will take place1 Funeral services were cause the Department of Pub- weighing in the most fish for her 15. 1934, in Eastland. He , Shelley Rae, 5, who will be Ruriril lndarlmn trict Attorney Earl Conner, on Saiurday. November 2. [ Hwlsl at 4 p m Friday. Oct 1 klc Safety is currently con- the month, a total of 14 4|wat employed by West Texas | enrolled in kindergarten in ducting spot drivers license jiounds. eight ounces ' Produce Co. and Nathan Curry was indictThere will be two performan- ■*.II. ■"in Rust Funeral -• Home - — Funeral services for Mrs. checks in the county, Sgt Rog- Mrs Bertha Mahaffey of I Survivors include his wife; .. . , , ©d for murder by an Eastland j ces, one in the afternoon at Chapel with burial following ****** 18 er W. So seller has announced ' Eastland won 210 for catching two sons. James Walter and . *. . 1' . • were r < a County grand jury, but remain- 2 and one that night at 7 30 i in Oakwood Cem etery : a. Theae legal requirements the largest fish at the month, Ricky Joe. both of the home;' r ,M Friday ri ay morning in the ed free on hond A hearing An All-Around Saddle and Surviving M r Grenwelfe < tilllll? Hamner Funeral Home of and others will be topics for weighing 13 jiounds. 12 ounces four daughters, Mrs Di r k for a change of venu. re trophies will he awarded to ire his wife one daughter, I SilUfilll! M«-**I S«'t Eastland with interment in discussion when the Eastland Other big fish winners for Hollis of Odessa. Mra. Kay quested by Attorney Watts, the event winners Hull rid- Mrs Garland Pharr of Cisc o, j * ” ^ the Carbon Cemetery of Car­ County Law Enforcement Of- the month are D H Moss of W. Joiner of Deleon, Miss was granted, and after four Ing. wild-cow milking, barrel his father, Emil Grenwelge ! The Eastland County Sing- bon. ficers Association meets at the Desdemona; 24 pounds. 4 Lucille Crowder of Stephen- days and 150 witnesses the and flag races, pole trending four brothers, Ben Grenwelge j *ng Convention will hava an Spot Restaurant tn Cisco Mon- ounces; D. L. Kinnaird o f ville, and Miss Wanda Crow- Mrs. Mills passed away was denied Trial was set for riding, and ribbon roping <>f Winters, Oscar and Alfred 'all day session Sunday. (M o- day. Oct 14, at 7 p. m. Eastland. 40 jxiunds 11 j der of the home; five grand- Tuesday. O ctober 8, 1963, in June. 1963. in the 91st District rnake up the program of acti- Grenwelge of Llano County. ! her IS. at Mountain Top Business at the meeting will ounces; Dean McDonald of children; and three brothers, El Paso, Texas. Court of Eastland, with Judge vlties and Rudolph Grenwelge of “Come spread your lunch include the election of officers Eastland, six pounds, eight J W Crowder of Cisco. Char- She ia survived by one1 W. J Oxford of Stephenville Any woman or girl who is Scranton. Arkansas, and three j with us and enjoy a great to head the county-wide nr- ounces. lie Crowder of Dublin and Cc- daughter, Mrs E T Taylor presiding, but after several interested in entering this sisters. Mrs William Spohn of day of tinging and fellowship”, ganization This will lie the The total weight of t h e cil Crowder of Fort Worth, of El Paso; three sons, George ! days, when a jury had still rodeo, ran write Girls Rodeo, Temple, Mrs Lilli© Lang of | is the invitation Issued by Mrs. group's second meeting. Sose- catches for the month was 216 Nephews will serve as pall- and Carl of El Paso, and E not been selected, Judge - Box 1178, Sweetwater, for en-iCaspell, Texas, and Mrs An-1 H A Tyrone, secretary ef the said. ! pounds, IS ounces. bearers. M. of Carbon. I (Continued on Page Seven ) try blanks | nie Wagner of Rrenham. | organization Ranger Bulldogs Surprises Jacksboro, 16-7

A hitler memory hung hea­ of the fire by a score of 16 to began to move The quarter the two point conversion and fender before taking McGee's Tiger three only to have a the aid of their 203 lb. full- ing up yardage and he rlodt. vy over the Rulldog camp go­ It . ended with the Bulldogs on the the Bulldogs led, 8 to 7. 33 yard pass into the end zone five yard Illegal motion pen­ hack. Dale Gideon, only to The final score, Ranger 16, ing into the fu m e with Jacks­ As the first quarter wore on Tiger 31. Jacksboro received the kick for the clenching touchdown alty thwart the scoring threat have their hopes frustrated Jackaboru 7. boro Friday night, rat ailing | it looked as though a rejieat O(jelling the second quarter. off and tallied 16 yards before The pass for 2 was good and The Tigers roared hack, with once again via the fumhie HTATINTU S a 40 to 0 defeat at tha hands performance was in the mak­ Ranger moved to the Tiger 15 giving the ball up on the Bull­ Ranger led 18 to 7 Ranger recovered, ran one Ranger Jarksbore of thr Tigers on a simitiar tve- ing. before the Bulldogs were before the drive was halted dog 43 Jacksboro took the kickoff play and returned the favor. 15 First Down* ning one year ago able to dig in on a far from Taking over on downs, Jacks­ Hanger took over on downs, and drove to the Ranger IS Javcee-Etles Jacksboro ran what was to 12 yard line only to fumble wit he their last two plays of the 220 Yards Rushing 185 By the end of the game, this adequate turf. boro failed to secure the nece­ and picked up two first downs Ranger led 16 o 7. game before Lee Auslwirn in­ n Yards Passing 32 memory was replaced by one Jacksboro received the ojien ssary yardage for a first on five plays before the end Attend On third down after two tercepted a pass on the Tiger 5 of 13 Passes Comp. 3 of 8 much more palatable, as the ing kickoff, moving 23 yards down of the halt, left them stranded plays got only two. Newnham 19 3 for 33 Punts, Avg 2 for 33 Bulldogs pulled a victory out before being Jarred loose from After a runback of 10 yards on the Tiger 34. quirk-kicked to the 50 On an 1 Fumhie* taint 4 . lhe hall. by Renteria to the Tiger 45, The Bulldogs received the Cisco Meetin« With a little m ore than two attempt tn field he kick, 1 Passes Int By 8 Recovering the fumble on Ranger began their first scor­ second half, opening kickoff, Seven members of the Ran minutes left to play, the Bull­ 3 for 15 ; their own 37, the Bulldogs ing drive. with L, H. Pounds returning Jacksboro fumbled and Ran­ ger Jaycee Files attended the dogs kept to the ground, eat Pen Yds 2 for 20 ger picked up a quick thirty ran three plays for a net loaa Newnham carried for 7, to the 30 monthly meeting of the Cisco yards and a first down at mid­ of 3 yards, before punting to Drennan for 10 and 3. Ed­ After Newnham earned for Jaycee-Ette* Tuesday. Octo field. the Tiger 47 monds carried for 3. Dren­ f. McGee tried their right end her 8 at the Spot Cafe The Bulldogs drove to the Rangers Draw Defeat In Jacksboro covered the ne­ nan for 1 and 3 This made with Drennan following the A minimum requirement of cessary 53 yards to pay dirt it first and ten on the Tiger play As McGee was stopped to members for a charter picking up two first downs in 18. Pounds carried for 1 and he lateraled to Drennan who .Singing Convention with the Slate organization hes the process. quarterback Johnny McGee added to the gain making the now been met The club It j Game With HSU Jr. Vanity The Bulldogs received the passed 17 yards to Drennan to collaboration good for II yar la I’ lminefl Sunday in the process of filing tor j kickoff and moved for a total climas the scoring drive. Mc­ Ponds carried for 2, Newn­ their charter. The Ranger Junior Collage On the third play of the hall The Eastland County Sing­ of one yard before Kay Newn- Gee slid off right tackle for ham for 8. M cGee kept for The m em bers of the Rsnger , Rangers fought a ctoae hut game, Tom Napotitano hit four and the first down From ing Convention will meet all club going to the Cisco meet [ losing battle with the HSU Gene Boltoa with a 59 yard ham was called upon once a- day Sunday. Oct 13, at Moun­ gam to perform hla punting the 27. McGee carried for ing were Joy Gum, Betty Junior Varsity in Ahitene pass for the Rangers first tain thp according to an an­ ! chores naught, four and minus five Fletcher, Phyllis Shinn. Gwen Thursday night, with the Abi­ score to hruig up fourth end need­ nouncement by Mrs H A Arnett, Cathy Downing. Bon Coming in for a repeat Receiving the punt. Jacks- lene team coming out on top ing eleven for the firat. Tyrone, secretary. The pub­ nte Stewart, and Audrey Y ar­ performance. John McKee j boro was held to no gain on by s score of 35 to 24. three tries and waa forced to Expecting a screen pass the lic has Iwen invited to attend brough. once again returned a punt In e gam e that was wide for fin yard* and Ranger’s a© punt Tigers cooperated beautifully, 1 the day nf fellowship and sing The next meeting of t h e shifting their defense to cover ing and to bring lunches, Ranger Jaycee-Ettes will be open, offensively, saw both cond touchdown of tha ©va­ From this point, as the clock M0NUMINTS ticked off the ftnai seconds of for this, allowing ample time which will be spread together al the home of Gwen Arnett, teams make long passing and in* _ JIMMY BRENNAN the firat quarter, the Bulldogs Ranger . Dial MI 7-MBOj for Drennan to shake bis fe-I at 12.20 p. m. November 2 at 7:00 p. m. running gains for touchdowns. (Continued on Page Seven.)

u. ISSEHi *

“ Kill GALAHAD* BACK ON RANGER SCREEN C h i l l RANGER TIMES llobo Party Am i Two W a y O d * W 11 1963 (lum pfirt* P ros itlc M e e t s A t (H u b

The Ranger Times N i g h t H ouse Friday

!'5 m U m Cammmmty him nal Sm 191V The Community Clubhouse The Banger Garden Club U*|»< I»H tll»Hnb»J J«M i. i m was the scene of a make be met Friday at I) 30 a in. for a lntsrv-1 u ascend clsas matter at the postoffir* at Kan|tr, lieve bonfire for a group of regular meeting at the C om ­ Cwcu under Uu- act of C*ngrs*s of March I, 1*7». hoboes Saturday night, Oct* munity Club House her 5, when the Hhu Pi Chap Mrs K L. H am rick, presi­ i utdiahod Semi Weekly Tfcurailayt and : ter t>I Heta Sigma Phi entrr- de at, called Uie meeting to By Eastland County Newspaper*. Inc tamed iiwathprs and gur u older after which Mrs. David JAY BETHANY. Editor with a "Hobo Party. Allltip, secretary, read the minutes of the Iasi meeting At thr ba-ginnsne o f th e] Ona Wook by carrier in city ______.11 Mrs. D. t Pulley, ire.ism nights festivities, everyone ; ___ 96 er, gave the financial report One month by carrier in city ------was seated around the bonfire One year by mail on Kangsr RED Kvutee — 6 50 of the club Mrs Hamrick and enjoyed a delirious hobo heard committee*’ reports Ona year by mail in county „ , 4 M supper of Sluuiguikm (with Mrs. Richard Henderson, Ona year by mad in . « *5 poadtun belly i, arid better Elvis 1‘realey sings to pretty .hum Blackman in “Kid chairman of the ticket com - Ona fear by mail out at _ • 91 Known as stow, and apple ci­ Galahad" in rotor showing Wednesday Bargain Night I mittee of the November Flow­ One year by mail out at 0.96 der, Stories were toid around er Show and Mrs. Pulley, c<> the campfire. at your Hanger l>rive-ln Theater. 1 chairm an, were on hand with BOSE CAPITA! — Muaicipol Rot* Gorden at tytar is on# of •OTIC* TO m U JC -Any arrnneua reflectloa Several games were enjuy- j tickets to i» sold for the show the fan*si in ih* rvotacn waih 14.000 busk#s ond 3P5 vorietie* ■ standing er ssputatiua at any perron, firm or ed by the gnaip and Mrs. Kd which b oom from May until No»*mb*r Upwords Ot 50 000 Vincrimii lg‘"ioii Tour (ICY To I N ovem ber 15. Mi* Jesse- wtueb may appear la the relamna of A>« n ea r Shinn walked away with the | White reported progress of the psrtoaa vml »h* gorden eoch yeor. Tk# 1963 Tyler koi« • ill be gladly corrected upon totng brouynt to the prise for being the best dress­ ■ b II II i n l I 'Arbor Day Planting Commit Ftfsbvol wad be held October 11. 19 ond 30. ed hobo. a t U \ti\iliarv M pfls l>c H eld \l O lden ^ ^ “ r* w A ■* "• Mines John Gum. Ful Sunn. puled for the Civic Commit- Gerald Williams. Hobby Ha­ E J. Gilbert. Charles Arnett. Monilav Ni«lil The Olden Com munity Cert- „ rney, Have Uuwnuig. and Lar­ Hamrick, Allsup. Henderson, •er u sponsor mg a "43" tourn- “ r,M9 ’arl" M,ll,^ n ■"d. ry Parker were guests Pulley, While. Milliken. Rob­ CLASSIFIED The American legion Aug ament Saturday night. Oct- **r* w>',t* w*!r* ,n rh“r** of Members present included erson. Allen. Lewis, and Kuy. iliary met at the Legion Hall. .dier Ittli at 7 10 p m. in ***• Progrum iheme. “ Making Mrs Fred Bennett, K d g a r — -- ape Plans The next meeting will he a FOR SALE FOR SAL* OR TRADE l»: i , « 'o » * - J■ - J J Monday mght. October 7 fcr.hr community budding Free | !*■**■*• "w 'lord Ecunohne pickup Heater Black, Felton Huff. D nerd u n.cu|a(. mpettolf with th, c0^ m ^ , rrv rd aftd Mrs MHUken ■poke on "Ev- “ Flower Arranging W ork­ FOR SAL* M “A” with and runs good 1300 too cheap Fhnn. Hill Lyley Dun Y*r prMMtMt Mrs Kuby a rear, entry fee of tl per person en “ lu**un*[ *•* uGanfen ' Design' shop." N ovem ber 8 at the bsiy i at 6T9S. Garland Greenlee, Ml brough. and Jim l^ w is. Mr* Wh Couh House. mounted wood ■ Will presiding tenng the tournament will be White spoke on 10U cords of fir# wood. Con 7 1914. 15 Committees reported 13 via- .b a rged . Now for Summer tart M K O ff Uriel Mi 7 3971 REAL ESTATE tts m ade to the nick, seven Entries can be picked up at j Color, S E N D Y O U R if , KOK SALE — 1 <54 Chevy with card* sent and 17 telephone the Farm Bureau office In i Arrangement* were display- Newly decant LAUNDRY TO US | wina-fi, 5Ui Wheel and Rolling FOR SALE R calls m ade Kastland, Kelly's Grocery in ' ed by Mme« J T Rol» i ■ FOR SALE SPECIAL — Short Tall iggg Chev Rig Up ** *«w to house. 4 rooms, bath, Monday night. N ovem ber 4. or can be purchased Henderson, and Allen Dabney Take washday out of your aleeve sport shirts, various pal 21 Wineh, Gui OttOChad gaiage Real bar at 8 SO p m . a supper will by mail from I E Tally Bar Horticulture specimen w as home, use our professional tarn*. $1 96; two for IS 59 Pots*. Both look and run real t®111 I'tima after 5 P he held at the Legton Hall her Shop. Ulden. Lute entries grown by Mrs ftoiwrt Allen services So easy — so con­ MI 7 1495 Army Surplu* Store. Ea*tland. u gj Wtlh Winch. Gin “ | American la-gton ami Auxil­ may lie purchased at the duor Hostesses for the meeting venient — so inexpensive! r»*“- 1 Pole*, and Kig Up Bed John* stir li.o s e a rtsa n i iary ------member*- —~ and “■">their —wefam- ; All proceeds go to the Com Iwere Mines L H. Kay, Joe ! ■ ------i ton Trurk, Croaa Plain* 13 . K-.K " asi — 'dies are invited and everyone mumty Building Furul. Prises Jackson and E L. M. Mullen CISCO FOR SALXt A ekieken keooder ■ ...... - - J* .. .. j Tr.wn.er, te •*k«* *° br,n« ■ covered will be awarded. Those present were Mines ■ a rkl.w^ fimshar, keth yoR j a i j ; _ instated hunt- J Townr7',d.sh Cook.*., cake, pie and sand-.L. R Gob Use. R. V. Rob.naon. Strum Ijiiimlrv far IS* no *. D. Prurtt, M 7-193 9 .______" | Th# 17th District Conven - 1 w iches will he for sale Offi- G. F William*. R. M Jones. Ml 7 1491 — RANGER mg boots. | l4 96 Insulated tin _ _ farm | tion will convene In Sweet | rial tournament rules will be Joe Deiuus. F E. Langston Straws. tf derwear. r 96 up: 36 30 shells.1 ru *< SAI-» UK) acre Good improvements. Phone | •■b'f. October 19 20 Mme* otwerved L L Bruce, Bess Hnmteman. 93 96 box: 36-09 shells. 93*5. ' ’ ...... ■ FOR SALE: Minnow*, worm*, MAm 9- 182t> u. Eastland. 1 « *«uby Greer. Hmvsrd Elw.md, fishing tack!* Just south of lb sated sweatshirts snd sll ______Oma Ewing and A H Powell school building*. Strawn. Call types gear, guns snd ammo RANCH ICS AND FARMS were trie, ted .IS delegates Get ready now We trade 4251 TF 649 acres good grass 6 miles I Alternate* are Mme*. J F. guns. Bruce Pipkin Sport NW Ranger I Byas. Emma Ewing. C. E. Center, Eastland tf FOR YOUR VIEWING PLEASURE i-i^i g mile* N. Ranger i Wortham and Ruth Browning FOR SALE: A double 299 14 miles NW Hanger met-1 During th# tiusineas session ent electric Ci FOR SAIJI — Gas rook stow. it was voted to meet just once A teal bargain at 6300 home and improvement*. 926 Mink cabinet. $699 a month; the first Monday’ and m It tl A D ;*c SW Gorman, houae, 2 KKB< — ( HANNW. • ETVT — CHANNEL 11 KKI.D — CHANNEL 9 Ptwine Mi 7-3913. tanks. 76 acres bottom. night of each month at 7 p m .] Pruftt s. Strawn, Teaaa TF »i N|» AY • r k s t f s t i s s a f 4il acres 11 prsnut allotment IS 4ft 116*1 PSfadr 4 *• WftH WSR. t^o Dtl.le Tins* 4 fungi* isit Our .- t■ r«- mill * 31 Sian Os t ou Movie v 1 •*» U9*|PUU9| T SB iaHIN l>|« • OS Mlkl* Asa. t A MavaDck * Ml <-srl»-M a Wl Tfc- |I*|>W«V» HAVING A PARTY? Com* by near Cartnn 975 0U per acre ItoV all \rijilllM H\u NOTICE J r I JO A n . KaJI • no H ii41»» I S) ff*Mrlpf*t»hera I SS |«»ttirffu*ld s ss rwith for a »• t v g .u s Me Manger Timm offlr* ami 190 acres 7 miles N Eastland 4 SB Itotidtas* I •» Nltow off W IS-ud <*k s>r% •«» ■ »» II B'wldis«g Our Liw* of Su|terb T IS i:<»|i-ll S » kuasa uf 7 SS |«R|»t V«»4«e 4 'ft RplB Spec p d up your Pan* Napkin* NOTICE: I do ironing in my 99600 00 ft SB Mwri i'm ilv in NkiWN 14 SB As « Th9« 99 B MM MuOt 130 acre* near Cottonwood, M irl M om liiv b SR n.Rii Uhtii htD lft An leinfeL 15 UM All-tar 4. 4ffl« So Pal view Qua'ity 7 it, Th* HIM* 4 » AR Heuf • home for tl 19 a down and 1. IV NKVA9 IB 4ft MmaIB 1 lift* Movie II (W N W I 'W H*g Pldura 4 w >MU Oaiury TOR SALE- C 99 Wirhu g dm pants, tftr each Phone MI 7- house and barn, plenty of wa­ 4.SB NHUMTH 2 W. Heather II IS M siH aO • SB Truth ft Su Mr Md ter. |7? 50 per acre I The Royal Neighbors of A- RPSI* ST t UU 9*40fal.U • II SB («lga * »fff B 4ft itiur.fc g tm I -RR*t# kw dram pulling machine with 1761 after 4 p m. 14 T OS Today * «» N«lrft (1« TELEVISION » mm H .M.i olaa ft mt Ba Marti* n liltg attachment 4" to 7“ 937 arte- SW Eastland, good j mertea met Monday. October • W Bsi Whet S A NNf N*wi SSWWS9AS » YD ( hutch T ftft Kd Sullivan • U Mexlllatloaa 3 oft Jim fluerl* t IS ('•II N*ftor * (»* Judy Oar la tl V drilling line m e country 995 09 acre 17 for a regular meeting. • aft NlCWM .ft’Nm fur Dad Black & White — Color WANTED A Lassie Collar 6 hi VA .ft1 for 4 4 Bl PHro W Mila T SS Ka«*4lla S Ml Pagrye Ip .fo Pat'S tfc* Na 9 uu U s la Loa. ■urk H H Dan 667 below lake near East Thoae present were Mmes t> *m ('ttsiwsira s 4 lb ffa In o se * t SB OsBiuoaa 4 >a» Punay Cs. , ii.j»» All Anb*rit-a|S hu N««bb Pup. Phone Ml 7 3496 15 If •« T4g I «h IryHI'B We«th«r lel*. pKone PO 2 2459 Albany. land Auda Lumas. Ottff Lewts, ft SB M ur Islah* ft Aft Quirk Draw • -Hj M<>mp R ' m 4 N» HuiwfSMn STEREO Maudie Ellis, I/rtta Smith. II « T r IM Dn» ft SB HuM ft*toy B SB Msl Allen t 'Oft S H«.f «RM if t» Chagt Time-io >. Darwia Muy 144 2 acres, house, good land, Al -SB Tr sr Oat • .NVWr*. is as New* t : 4f Neva A II.3S Np4 am H tlrSS M- vi* _ _ _ 1 ..... _; HEW .AMD: For inhumation N Eastland I>eona Arterbum , Virgie II ftft NHU N»V| « J» Ruts Nnw IS off* Mu% lea • MB Yftgi Hear AM & FM Combinatitms FQRSAl.h Rveiy family ogn \ leading to reco very of approx- wards, Nora Roush. Virgin ll-BU K rsi A V M S MtakU |1 Si Cilrl Talk • *» Oiayena* K SN O ff 134 acres good land N. East IS lft I>e»*ttoas l » H ••toed Alar If i*. KKWH T SR MriNkdway • 2E rtlgn oa 1 (■• K*f Hi arm OWW a A t home frveaet Up j imately MOO tart of inch land. 9U0 0U per acre Pulcher, Joyce Hoover, l^eila IS 9n ( arlooso » an Harry H«4l tl IS Wtmilwr • w AUrirf t.ulf ft .At KunrWe Ham l |A Hears I iMrw right models and vhast tjna- pip# taken from C- E Allen Ftffert. Winnie Pirkle. Edna 1 •» N b Talk « SD Mill Data If fD B erm gkow 9 00 Rowllag RADIOS 7 mb Paris N*w. 3 30 l*y. tu H*.v 1965 acres near DeLeon, well I 3. MW NKWaffI" an N«wa If ft Par Tim* lu w N -Was ' 4 ss D«s BrMs Prices start at 9169 96- Us« ,<>**. early last summer. Call fenced, plenty wairr. coastal Huffman and Mr C E Bell. 1 W Th* !Vw lft 14 Weethsr I MU 1 Altla M*f 10 It U le show 7 Sft off Prlandly 4 Su Ml*a DrouM 1 V0 Mr.tie u Ml NKWH I (mi (’apt Kang ft an l.ov* H<* your credit at Goodyear Set |m I 7 1506 ur Ml 7-1696 71 berm udx I Faye Hull of Eastland was I .PI L. You hr tit jm Nat Maws REFRIGERATORS I elected to •■eneficial m em ber- 2. JU l IK.a‘1 SalB as lualgiaS it News IS « Me.1 it at* *♦ mu 4*HH M*wb ft »i ( runk. W*wb Jf vice store 309 E Main, East I — ------— ------1600 acre* near Strawn, sorm- 9-SB I U v* 1.1*9?: 4 SU N*tn • ^ land tf I HE1 J* WAfTTED latin Amen- j ship and will be Initiated Oct­ With Frwaer l" » Keel Me*i. 4'IS W*gtftw prudm torn. T« Mate AT — i-i— ------I ran, pecan picker* and thrash- ober 21. th e next meeting • IS ( os. ( Urs I ftb NBC H«wa Tl RaitlT Com|>nrtnient |(> Mi I Vie A HI. « 16 II K News 1 MM Todav 1 ftft le Toting I It MadMall ma 2 b6 Nava II Oft l-av* off |J « *• Tell Trulk YOR SALE T'^i vatu. -m rn Housing furnished. Ap- * “ •*“ ,* 7 “ ’^r* N R* UlU’ |ntgh« at which time the h.rth 7 4RI |(e trill* 2 DO flat ll.JWt* II A (‘UM New* 7 mm (iot a Mae. , minerals. 999 09jp e r a. re j Amy , upper wtn ^ „ TVf^ m B OS Mty WlMM 2 M IT l*oa*t Ba IM3- GE filter flow w»»h»r-> ply Southwestern Nut C o , • Jn V\ r.| ff..r W i um k p u * f a t R SB (kftnvng 4 '» Punny Co II SO Hi for To. 7 SB l.ucy MhuW A 19S seres $14,000 00. imptovv • RS Kuity Km 4 SS H«i«m6R 11 46 Cdg Light B Mil |»«nny TUut ^ a n d matching dryers Big 13 I Gordon. Texas. Phone 3751. tfc « 30 l-udge will begin at 7 30. • All members are requested U> ll.uuTr lal Imy. 4 SB ft’a Kntm |ft no New* t 46 N f«i A New »ml Cued 12 SB At (he Wrl 9 up P Mid*. W. mo t go before Or'ober 9th NOTICE I will not t land. wear their formal*. II SB Tr ac Cub ft SO Hast- H Wy. lft St M*vI# a wi Mrt.rtw I DS t‘aa*W.»rd IP 4H> New* stbt* fur any drbts or rheekt 202 acres below Comanche, I 11 (A N*W« *> JI«T9, Wos. II SB (Hrl Talk C SS Obeyenn* FURNITURE 1 SO Hou**|»artV 10 16 Wealksv M M Out 964 ui.de U wdl U Members discussed going to u «S NwWw S u t 4 as hpti. N ftt til mii New* T.S0 trim* Tim* 2 ‘10 Tell truth |0:f» Nrearwl 9 a s m «• » these "waits thru given by Eddie L Jacoby Mr* 9 room house. 9100 00 per acre Graham on Monday October If It PevolloM *. .st Mr Nuvak If lft Weat her S SR Peter dune ? 2ft D Kdw I" Sft N Allen 193 acres 7 mil** NE Goldth- If 3ft CsfUiftS* t SS Itwslign If » rarm Mh^rlB w> N WawlKer 2 Su Kxlg* of Nit*12 SO New* F ash ilaj" bargains at Good Pink Stafford 13 14 to the West Texas Rally If 4t Sugar H wl % •«• |t H n* 12 St Oar Time lv lft |*«|e Hl,..w ri M i n i waite, 9191 00 per sere, 150 sen which will be held October 14- 1 «» f»*o Taik ft *t Andy Wm* 1 <■> 1.11 tie* M..r i2 MU NB:«VM New Shipment of ft 3N Sign Oft 2 in Kdg* of Nil* ***** Wv' UOOM •rroRTt'NiTV ft* kl 1 * KMC NRMTrift » ComatM 1 fft Muvia If «• Mv.llt.lR ft 30 HtiurlRe Mem I m xtnrg 15. I The IR. 9ti tn T- tilghl LINOLEUM 3 Al liack. Father pem SALE We have !h new ' D • •» >•«»•' *'•'« »'*v»t. 190 acres 9 miles NE Goldth- J 7 16 Mpa.-e Angel •* •«*•« fWf General FWtrir refrige-- 7°“ r«n “P •« M<» Prr watte 6125 00 per acre 7 SR Off Priendly 3 1» l-w. to Bear. ator* m stork whu h must he I month or more in your spare S OT r*pt Kaag i uu Dw. Srl4. 330 acres 7 miles W Cisco S|M-ciai- on 'L al 9 UU CBS N*wt 4 SO Mia* ftn.uk sold befntr the 1964 morfcli Itlm* * lU> *“ selling Simply house, barn, improvements. GUNS 9 *» I laove Lur 6 ftft leOWB B*k at. intandueed Prices stair by loratuig individuals, bust- RANGER LUMBER ip on Heal Mc*a. ft Su I'ronk New* $95 i XI per acre IS SU RoM Par • mb .New* at $179.96. t ime in and let's 640 acre* on Cisco-Mot an VEAL CUTLETS II (HI | nvt of |.|f « K» W rlllM who need financing Writ* at It 16 CBM New* rift M B N*w« talk trade at your Goodyear road, $90 00 per acre. llrMitid Tenderued once to NATIONAL EQUITY. II SD Mr. ffor To. « so Mar IMIlaa Hawke Store. Eastland tf 61 arret NW Ranger, bouse, II 46 la off (Jov. 7 on Hed MkoKoa Inc Rob 2u530. Dallas 39. T ex ­ (No Fat or Bones) ROIIINSON II (H* N»tu II R0 Pel Juac. good bottom land. G ! AND SUPPLY CO. EUMSALE~flee the new. 1994 as, for interview in your area 10 Iba. $K.90 If 16 New«f9*i a so lark B*nn9 4 acres wtth house, Morton FI KNIT! RK & T V If Sft World 1s»rB v (*» («*rry Moor* Ganrr.il Electric TVs at Good 1 Oft Pawaaord |tt m> N*W* year Service Store Price* NOTICE - Carpenter and gen­ Valley . $2500 00 LI N< HKON PATTIES MAKE THOSE NEEDED HOME REPAIRS NOW 1 SU Hake Offf IP 3ft New rwl U kr properties lots and cot­ .‘i to 1 lb. Before Winter Seta In. . . You'll He (.lad You Did! .lack Robinson start at 999 00 Large selec eral repair work Fra* aatl 403 405 Main St. tage* (Y«al Bonelew) S toa k a) ( omplete Line of tion to chouse from Easy malax Contact M. E Offteid Plmnc Ml 7-3122 budget terms. Your TV trade Pkon* Ml 7 3971 after six 1 acre. 3 bedroom house. MY. 10 Uie. i6..V) HI ILDING MATERIALS . . . GLASS . . . PAINTS in Will make th* down pay o'clock. tf $5500 00 105 N. Commerce — RANGER — Ml 7-14X1 RANGER merit Payments as low as 93 House and 2 lots in Fast land. SIRLOIN STEAK (*lvin and Hull Brown Southern 91700.00 Cut Li (Inter weekly. JOS E. Mam. East FOR RENT land if 12 acres house. Older. 94, (Choice Meat) FOR RENT 3 and 3 bad room 000 00 io ih*. »*.»:> Television FOR SALE »r Trada — Mod­ rottages wtth living room, House 38 acres E Ranger. em six ttnln motel wttih three WFAA — CHANNKL • W B.r — CHANMKL9 kitrhen and hath. 9)9 per 812.000 00 ROUND STEAK bedroom rexidesna. Imcssted month and up Inquire on Good peanut and coastal Cut to Order (Choice) RANGER arKDAt Systems U. S Higbwny 9(1, Eastland, around Gormsm. 7 SO Weal Thaa f» <«> Meet Prwm Park ( ana FOR HF.JfT Apartment, clean tale please contact: PI HF PORK SAUSAGE 9 t"< Tile Atiawer 4 SB Une Mtar M 9 16 l.lght Tim* 4 SB Won Wrld POR BALK - t, ton 1954 Ford 9 SS Mvlag Wurd ft w> Adv in »• DRY 9 SU ('hrta Que* 7 30 «lHINDI, Corporation and bills paid* 309 Elm. 19 RICK WHEAT Country Style 9 46 Marred Ht f (R> » Hex. .ft id su rr*»a off PU» B no Boiaansa pickup See after 5 p m . 964 RANCH AND FARM (All Pork) !«»•■» N*v*r BeUve 4 SB Tfc* Trav*t* 10 k) Faith for 9 (*• Willie May* Cherr y St u 10 lft la W9n|n3g 7 SO Ar A Trial 11 («• CHI'HCII lt» tm T*« Nea FOR RENT Two bedroom HERA IC E S 10 lit*. S.t.W , A Hr uf Wig. I <« r ll K a ! H «> Wijrwhlp » » lee Mart • CLEANERS 12 Hft M-vle IS lft Weather POR SAIJC: 3 large bedroom unfurnished apartment Call FOiietr MAin 6-2131 I 4ft New* rh**'hlO J6 New* r»8**l If ua iHRrrry I* MS C. • R*ywt 1 «. We* ehfh p SO A Marlin houae Cooper add it run on Ml 7 3149 tf 301 N Seaman. Eastland FISH STICKS U uo 1 Key'd IO fft Ls*< lft* npe You Need a I Rft fM dng **ar 11 *•» Dvigveltig S SS 1 -adie* (eOlftl OB Mon I* paved at reel Servant guar (’SKI) EQUIPMENT, 1 ox. Breaded Stick-* I lft Uviug 43 i; ou NKWm A *• Mkosruajw 12 US Sign Off M L TKRRF1.I ------ft US PM I 44-0 4 JU Ctd H«»wl —....- ter* and double garage Ml 7 i FOR RENT Duplex apart- 10 Iba 44.50 4*111 11 TV CABLE tf • m O a Mile* > 36 NKWM Other (rood Meal Buts 7 uu Today Skui S on Match (S m FOR SALE Baby bed m good *•«*>• *»«an »>» ***'0 ALL PURPOSE SR 4P 41 7;Sf. W ralW S SO M.vom for Connection A t alia Me « IO Op Ltfl I « Que*a Day JeiM IKE I 2ft N*wa 4 '» Ml.- M.Miave condition MI 7 3149 u j C*U after 3 g m. Ml 7-1633 tf « 4U Itovdluitil m Who - Trta*4 9 00 Ma> Wh*B 4 »> Acs Ion ft f 4U lhrv..tio«i*i S US Traill • Sft NBWM ft SB Mu - Br 3-IN-0NE OIL 9 »» Word ff«»r W a no New. For Complete FOR SAIJI Westtrqrhmise T ! FOR RENT 9 roea i furnished RANGER 7 MS Mr l*WBf»«r 4 g« M< IB UU Conorvitra n g lu Weathar V. 103 B lundell 13 tmerit Phene Ml 7-1999 • lft Kiag * 4M ft 4ft (U> J F o r lft » Ml* Idnka g |ft Waudher I 9" M >v1* f(Bl KaporiS 11 (M Tr- UM Im f J6 Moertf.dlo I) Oils Everything 14 OS Price Night 4 SB Outer Malt Television SALE^ OR- TRADE ~ I 9 S 7 _____ F a l l )1 SB Tr «r Cub « SO Muvl* FOB F r o z e n E i m k I s It* JR 7 Key* T ■*> Wog Train It 64 New* • jn H wood Mtar Buick. 4 dosr hardtog. This, FOR RENT. Fur rushed apart II so Tea Krai* 9 0B IImiU Total tl so High Nsaa « (It Mitch Miller •Prevents Rust. |1 gi Path Kno 10 Oft Cfc. • B*p a n d If M Dateline to gg M*w* Enjoyment car is loaded. Extra clean and m en t privsle bath, three rooms Ml 7-32X1 214 N . Austin j If *JS (J*a Ncay O R MM News 1 (Vi P*o Talk to I?. Weaifcug m garfert condition Garland , np lift » SB Qu«*4i Day pair of famous Csdar Crest Pickup A Delivery t 2ft Newt 4 no Mir Mourn S a» i6*v..u«.uai t SB Vifca “ B m May Wfc«« 4 m A«4l*n ft Ranger — Kiuilland Boots that aaaurs ywu eomlort! IJAT1N AMERICANS, PECAN 4 4ft N.o.ail Mia. ft su Traill ft fft NBC N**» ft go Hu Br an day I WANTED f 9R» Mr Pepper 4 «B M .Vle Service 9 jn Watd ttrr W g 00 New* *U • lft B la g B u d ft 4ft K c is os Conewatra a ft 1ft Weather tang Walitngton dip on boots.! O o o A r l n a n automobile* PICKERS AND THRASHERS • MO K<*»‘* • ON N W • Ctaco IS 00 I’ rha Might 4 IR ( (Bahai 20% IUacount on Cash 10 SB Mla* I.Ink* 4 2ft BssgftBHM black, tan and rough out. Eight Any m ake - Any Model HI SS f Kay* v SR MaSlato * H 11 SB f r. 1st Im, g «> Mr Novak Inch tog Sport man insulated Considered, Housing Furnished 11 at Taw. Krai* • so or Mfc*w as and Carry 11 •• Tr ar Cas 7 » Redigo u ss r*»h Rn* t «s rugttiv* II tM N *w» g «0 B*«ar flfcaw and non insulated, from 99 96 BLEVINS MOTOR CO. 17 S6 De**tt»* s ou And > Will If os UMI Boas N NRfSf _____ We Give S4H Green | so PeW Talk to lft TONIOM1 to 11196. Register tor 9 NEW Jmy B levtn a Applyi SOUTHWESTERN NLT (XL kS IS J B*a*4l |0 4B Afcff, ■ 1 fft NIW* N*w« u i« New* 1 us Day la Co *11 is l-*te S B . Hunger gas W M M automaftciMM- py, |«A M M I S» TBs Dm. if «s MBsafteess GORDON, TEXAS t to Day Mi o n ll « rBf»s ftft W Stamp* t '4 Is ?»*•!n« tf io Mid My*u gun value 8149*. Nothing to j l3 w

s i * *


) W * lit* tin* (.n r* l nl W u r t h F im m I M arl at a n y tint* iifllirot* t tnii|ilt*lt* IV rftirinan t-t*«! MeFeatures! Saturday. >ovr*nih**r 2.'L Ilm r*ilj\. Ntivt iiiln r 211 S a tu rd a y . N u m h iIm i ,*IO :i:|iinir at Worth Fooil you can wh«>le family. Gat a FUFF: Tl< KFT for rath ftt-VOli ia PORK SAUSAGE Aiatout t Slat Ik Rail wiivt* a HJKE Tlt'KFT to any one of THREE tuiliny WORTH FOOD MAItTS raah ntittrr tapra. Ht!RRV* parformanraa of M<>*«Uh Tt*ni|

It'a r*»y Saxe your Worth Fund Mart caah register TAPES — TODAY! Stauft t Piennuin Ik n , FRANKFURTERS nil ncKEI ------SfEfJAl NOTICE. IT.FASF redeem your ea**h regiMet tape.** an early. your* — UfiUt'in your raah rex inter tape* at your near Froien U-oi Hg an ponaiNe no that you call get the iierformanre of Bar B-Q CHICKEN eat Worth Final Mart. Ta|ies mu»t lie ilateit Ortala r IS your choice. Do not wait • Start Collecting your t icketn TODAY! or later untl redeemed lie fore November Hi. Take the Tati* 0 Sea Froien Portions 17 02 Pig W O R T H 1 HADDOCK ngn ^Rpmg |arg|pw|ae«yw ’ 9 O O P m a i *; t Grocery Features! FREE! )** MONTKOO STAINUSi TEA SPOON jj * (HUNK TUNA - - J No V» Cans ^ 9 * • w rn c o u m n nut nuneunaa or**®-* on Mont , • • 4*nri<«*t cauaaw M/naail*** *u«< • *H ^ 18 02 Hgi •<»u s i m m u c n noniTiawn >n’u*r* Pil'CC ' CAKE MIXES r « mil 41 t> I •• MIAV iw'i «M T illlB k so. IMB JUICE f*my H*"*"*n J 4402 Cans CLOROX liquid Blrarb V» QJ Wimk lug TAMALES b *■ »*• “ iJ No 300 Cans ^ 9 ' APPLE SAUCE w‘" 35*02 Class Check These Values! MllMIII II AMU J,No 300 Cans BLACKEYED PEAS — « i Rainbo Pickles IMII S lim 2 ,fc ®» Jar* 49c

Sl.ll Kl) 4 J4KK4MS DOUBLE Produce Features! Green Slantas lleer Hranil 2N" MS ran* 27c **------‘ ** V**W**«| . T W t|i Pwerha*. 0f $7 %0 Mo10 POTATOES US No I Red Cello Bag 1 0 Lb Bag Frozen Food Featur es! ONIONS U S. No I Yellow Ik Apple Dumplings PII.I.SH I RY’ Karh Extra Fancy Rome Beauty APPLES Cherry Berry Crisps P il l SHI RY I'.ai-b LEMONS California Sunlntl Apple Crisp 1*11.1 SKI KY la< h Enchilada Dinners PATIO • I* M ph( TOMATOES Deliooui Vine Ripened Lb STIMULATING! EDUCATIONAL! FUN!

PII.I.SHI RV Wand art at tba inlmul I r q Froslings FII.I.SRt’ RY CARR — Ph|. 39c 4ty ot. Wonders of the Cake Decorations HKTTY < R«M KKR STARTER I.K i llT t RI HT Animal Kingdom Noodles Romanoff 47c SET eotorful FREE! White or Yellow — t lb. ph|. Corn Neal 21c W IV il.O W ALBUM AND OVER Drtl I V I II' Pillar* ALBUM Cut tireen — No JH Can 29c AM* 400 PICTURES Picture PACKET NO. 1 Spaghetti « . . . 2 ,..... 27c J W f wNh teal hy a profMatarv. rook*** ip rti in i rito Chili With Hearts — No 1H C an 39c Aveiloblu Only 1 I *Mi|»**ti l . » n d «»« I I f l o 4M M l Cut Ukra m rnn — n# mi ran ISC ot WORTH FOOD MART *■*■« » «U N. J w IV MW la rg e Hoi 32c Hydrox Cookies * _ » » . . *. 39c “ uH Drelerg*nt 23c ‘ Condensed All ----- *2.29 t h u c o u p o n o o o o r*wi IM 14 f« «krt M PrpRH* %o. 14 • nd |A Lux Flakes la rg e Box 33c Vim Tablets

Lifebuoy Soap 2 Reg Han 23c Lifebuoy Soap 2 H-th N. *r - v ,

r,0 H O M S SAII tireen "lamp* with thin I oupim ft Parckann of Two Regular Parfcages of MOY M. in DOING — 2 fur 21c Void After Wednesday. CM It, IMB ) WORTH FOOD MART R day. Ona o f the first ordara who spoke on "Danger From RANGER TIMES (sii*toii Dixon* of business will lie the elec­ New Era Club Within'' Mrs. L L. Bruce m l ^S(IS Hear* tion of the IU83-N4 officers At Helps Hm I And Ciev., SwkJ.iv. 0. i dulls and miniature furniture O ctober S. | Mrs. Brards presented the Mm* H o o t The review was prcccedcd ! first part of the study. "The ...... “Su|>port the United Fund l>rive" by a luncheon of chicken ape { Christian Family and Their ghetti. marinated green beans Money" by Dr. David Gray- Frenitli** ( h e r cranberry salad and hot rolls heal The lifr cycle of the M ay Insurance Agency The invocation was given by family began with marriage |{rl>« k;i!i Mi*i*l D. L PULLEY JEWELRY Mrs. Luther Gohlke M r s and ended in death. Em phas­ INSURANCE-REAL ESTATE James Townien president, in­ is was placed on spending of The Ranger Rchekah Isadge W I. Sipn Rhone Ml 7-3SS2 203 MAIN — RANGER. TEXAS troduced Mrs Charles Mlljl- money in each phase of the No 244 met Tuesday night. ken, who In turn introduced family life Mrs James Town- October 8 at 7 30 p in in the J Mrs Morris Each member ^ - ira presented the second part regular session with noble introduced her guest. i of the lesson, “The Family Grande Mae Hunt in the chair I Mrs F P. Brashier, Jr , On ami Off the SfriTfs — ! In com e", Business was transacted and Which Twin b Injuring closed the meeting by reading Those present were Mines sick reports given. Two mem- | The (.saw More oa sa the club collect . . . . owners o f land an well an prospective owner* M' l old. Townxril. Katliff. hers. Mr. and Mrs. T J Smith Hostesses were Mmes Ed­ o fte n discuss with us the many problem* growing M ill Kilt Hi Mi* I 1 K Hrarda. Nicksick. J. E Mat­ cam e in by transfer. Penny r r ^ win Lummus. James Katliff. ou t »f the ownership of real estate. One of the tug CLI H PILLOW ? thews, J. A Johnson. J W prue was given by Mrs. Lia- 1 and Larry Parker problems. of coorae. is the title proidem. We re­ •rat One at Kerry Harmon. John Ivy. David All­ ■la Eiffert and won by Vila m in d them that a few dollars invested in an ab­ t.sm r — Oaly 15c sup. C. E. May, E L Dan- Sharp. ley. J. t» Turner, Beverly Those present were Mmes | stract now may save them hundreds o f dollars later llirllitlax I lull Dudley. Jr. E H Mills. Gas­ Oliff Lewis, Laura Todd, Ruby i on . The old saying that *’a stitch in time saves ton Dixon. C N Adams. Tom Greer. tails Eiffert. Edna ( njnc" is still true and very -n ly applies itself to Meet* U ilia Stewart, and Glenn Eyffe. Blackwell, Ada Euves, Lena m an y mmL-rn-day, real estate transactions. Patterson, Ethel Johnson, lam- SPECIAL le Colder, Sylvia N'-sl. Vila j Mr*. W iIlium * I»itliii^ < lull Sharp, Lena Smith. Mr. T. J Earl Bender & Company OUTSIDE Smith Mr C. E. Hell (Abstracts since 1923) Te The Variety Birthday Club I n j o x * Kit It*. Tile Keliek.ih and Odd Fel­ met Saturday night October low Convention will lie held 1 PAINT 3 at the home of Mrs Her­ ui Hanger October 17th. bert Williams The group ILi i Im-cih - 1 'V t ‘ t l ALL COLORS enjoyed Italian food prepared by Mrs. Lennni of Strawn. The Lone Hangers Riding Value ______$f>.9.*» n all Rl I ON \ AX alrlte* Sold During the in.mill rtf Oetolwr . . . I av.tw.it now for

I hridiius. * 4

W© Are Not 3 Double-Dome

Our I Q. ig not In the Genius class. nor do we •ijrn our name with a Ph D. We are neither high nor low-brow, just good old middle-brow. BUT. and we do aay this boastfully, when it come* SPEED MERCHANTS! to insurance— we will stand up to the best of them. We ...The little lady will pass them all with her bedroom telephone:::cvcry time! are seasoned by years of experience and represent Across town or across the continent, there's no faster way equipment routes your call another way — in fractions o f the beat and strongest in­ to get from one piece to another than by telephone. Just a second. surance companies. spin the diet and seconds later you’re talking. These and many other improvements add up to greater Insurance has berome sjiecd, convenience and reliability. Our never-ending goal more complex than it was This almost “ instant" communication is made possible year* ago You need expert by a continuous flow of service improvements. is to improve your telephone service and make it mors help to be sure yt are valuable to you. / ■*—* ~ " v Modern equipment automatically guides your call to its a a • properly protected. May destination. 11 one voice pathway is busy, ehxLrooic Making telephone aerv.es better to servo you better

C L MADOOCKS l CO D. E. PULLEY JEWELRY SOUTHWESTERN 203 MAIN - RANGER TfXAS 17-1171 *1Irij 1 - i- -*i t • -i......

m m m r n m »M wftwaa ted by Mr* F W and T)«e Royal Service program RANGER TIMES Olden WMU Mra. Lula Lexter, Mrs. Pete was arranged and supervised ‘1UN0CIST HOME HEAD HONORED FOR 30 YEARS SERVIC Sunday, Odober 13 1963 Page Five Roger* gave a report on the by Mrs Carl Bulter program Browsing ' H old* M rrtiii" progress of last year* work. Chairman. Prayer time wa* led by Mu* Other officer* who outlined I al interests on the ifg a! Igvel, The Olden Baptist Mission­ Nannie Allmon prayer chair­ plan* for the new year were With Bev Farm Bureau To in Austui and in Weehiiigto**." ary Union held its annuel man. those assisting were Mrs Mr*. I K Tally M ikSIi.ii study Cozart said He explained •'manning meeting Monday, K. W Griffin, anil Mrs. J D. chairman, Mis* Nannie All • Women's fashions may seem that one of the benefits a Oct 7, with Mm J I) Brown­ Browning. Mr* Jim Thacker- inon P la y er chairm an, Mr*. fickle, yet tu some extent they Sla«e Annual memlierslitp in Farm Bureau ing, President in charge of the son played our Hymn for the Grady Jackson Stewardship reflect the state of the world buy* IS full-time repiesenta- m eeting jyear “ 0 God our help in age* chairman, (Mr*. Jim Thacker- for they tell how we feel a- Member l)ri\e non in the ! LegaUaUsee Bible meditation was direc­ pa st". non substituting!, and Mrs. bout it. And the way we dress 1 and national t "(■m e ' Myrtle Warren Community influences the way the world Ten aollars is a small fee "Three out o! every fotzrnr- Chairman looks at us to pay to protect an invest­ gam/ed farmers'and rancher* The W. M U watchword for The sportive look — most ment amounting to thousand* Ml this nation belong Mi Farm SAVE MONEY. BY SAVING this year “O give think* unto prominent in fashion news for of dollers, but hat's alls Bureau." he explained the Lord; call upon his nam e; fall — Is the climax of a trend mgtnhership ui Farm Bureau our organization spurns na ef­ make known hi* deeds among that has been building for cost*, according to Jack Co­ fort to obtain maximum mem- GOLD B0I1D STflmPS the people. Psalm 105 I was some time. It is most typical rset of Cisco, president of the bership participation in th e emphasized throughout t h e of the casual American way of Eastland County Farm Bur­ development of polniee that meeting, in which all new of­ life. The clothes are designed eau guide the orgamzaion on' •11 ficers took part, a* all o f • to suit the action filled lives Mr Cotart announced that levels." fleers and committee chair­ of moat women today. The the local county organization The Eastand County Farm men stood in a com m itm ent lines are easy and relaxed. is staging its unnual clean-up Bureau ha* set a quota of 575 cerem ony And sportive fabrics are a membership drive beginning member families for 1988 With all hand* joined all natural for the layerrd look of Octobei 14 and continuing Last year the organization h a d sung "B lest tie the tie that two piece dresses, skirts, Mr. Hubert Johnson, Super!ntcndenl of the Methodist through October 18 1 562 ehi oiled bind*" and the closing prayer shirt-type blouses, vests, pull­ Home, Waco, Texas, since August 1, 1933, wa* honored The county farm leader de­ wa* led by Mrs. Grady Jack- overs and jackets. recently by the Home's Alumni Association for his thirty clared that membership in Women who wear the sport- year* of service to children. Mr and Mrs Johnson, at right, Farm Bureau is the best as­ tive clothes may be of any surance that a farmer o r Adories rereived an avalanche of card*, letters and telegrams from R EA D TH E CHRISTIAN SCI IM F age, m ay live in I o w n or in former residents of the home Mrs. Kthel Gregory Rodger* rancher has that his economic future is protected Mr. Easton The obliteration of evil in the country One thing she of Houston, Texas, President of the Alumni Association, "F a rm Bureau is owned and I Kd> Origmulg the redemptive and heating must remember is to coordi­ is shown presenting the greetings to Mr, and Mra John* n. work of Christ will be em- controlled by it* m em bers and nate her outfit carefully from Congratulations came from hundreds of former rasidents CLASSIFIEDS Tru-Wulk phued at all Christian Sci­ head to toe. For although ts primarily designed to safe­ of the home now living around the world. Superintendent ence churches this Sunday. the sportive look is casual, It guard and promote agricultur- Sni;irlairc.s Johnson has guided the Methodist Home during its gresleet Liner Scriptural readings include is far from careless. this verse from Fphesians Accessories complementing period of growth The home now cares for over 450 children, (5:8): "For ye were some­ the easy lines and bulky fab- and in its 78 year history has eared for over 8.008 boys and m m . R A W l I N S mm times darkness, but now are rics of garments are shoes of girl*. The Methodist Home serves Texas and New Mexico. ye light in the Lord: walk I fine leathers and low stacked as children of light." I heels to he worn with darker N SF$*»E N T A related passage from the WSCS Mold* ian Families Spend their M 0 S IVY l! A G jt toned hosiery; smaller, more Christian Science trxtliook will : compact handbags in match- Money", and Mrs Nlcksu-k be read: "Let unselfishness, I ing leathers or colors of fab­ Second Session who gave lesson number (our, goodness, mercy, j u a t i c e, rics. and gloves that go to all "Kconomic Decisions of the Sues - 1 to It health, holiness, love— t h e lengths. Christian Family", W id th * AAAA t» I> kingdom of heaven — reign The sportive look features ( >f ItiHik Study Mrs. Brazda gave a short within us, and sin. diseasr. a four-button glove that dis­ devotional on service with the and death will diminish until appears smoothly under long The Womans Society o f meeting closing by the group M M ili i H t repeating the Lord's Prayer. i they finally disappear" (Sci­ ; sleeves, and the short sleeve Christian Service of the First, Hot Office Open-. 7 p. m. — Show Start* 7:15 p. si. Methodist Church held the Session number 'four will Box offer t lo,e* 9.M THf ART OF “ LOW HEEL SM AN SHIP", Our ence and Health with Key to glove to complement the j the Scriptures by Mary Bak sleeve that stops at the elbow second session of their meet Tuesday, October 13 st Urn Me (ikitdrrn under tl free) — Lark Wed. • Than. dashing little-heel shoe it port and parcel of today's 9 30 a m. rt Kdily, p 248). lor half way down the arm. hook study. 1 "Die Christian Bargain Night* 8 5 c ______related approach to fashion. Cleverly shaped for The Bible Lesson is entitled: | The barr space o f the arm I Family and Its Money". The interest center prepar­ eoty groce, just a few light, cushioned steps will show "A re Sin, Disease, ami Death ! may be filled with bracelets. I Thursday October 10 at 9 SO ed by Mrs B. L McCord con­ Sunday - Monday - Tuesday — Oct. 15 • 14 - 15 KealT". sisted of a balance scale on you its advantages, make you a confirmed devotee. When the arm is covered, a m in the Martha D orcas “THE OEOKt.E K \ n " I«»*< A omit the bracelets. Class Room. a brown cloth. One side held Jayne Mansfield — liarrie Chase — Julie Lmdufl Noturally, it fits as though made for your foot alone. Mrs. Ted Nicksick. presi - I replica* of the church, READ THE ClAVtlflEDS HuU complement the sport­ It's a Red Cross Shoe I ive look botn in shape and tex­ dent, opened the meeting the other outweighing them Wednesday - Thursday October 16 ture and have much impor­ with prayer Mi A W Braz- with luxuries, represented by JOEL McCREA a* tance in the full fashion pic­ da. Secretary of Christian So­ a car and jew elry with the “ THE OKI. OIOMAV* Ttie largest selection in tlii* men of l-mlics fonts. ture with the passing of the cial Relations presented Mrs caption, "Do you balance your C. K May who gave lesson scales or do they tip too niuth in c o iio i; Suit*, 1)r»sse* mill Iteady-to-Wenr nml Shoos. Also -U , beehive hair style. Hair of \ the wind is part of the co­ numtier three, “How Christ­ fur luxuries? h complete selection of Men'* ami Hoy’s Clothing ordinated sportive look. and Shoes. ALL NATIONALLY ADVERTISED SI NDAY — MONDAY HU AN OS. Open 12:15 Open 4:15 Y O U R S W I T H Lacasa JTFie first fulllenqtt\ Hootenanny News bohq Musical evcrl't mm sara Mr. and Mrs. Clark Drad- j ford arc to be congratulated IPG-t ! over the birth of a new grand- W'K ALSO REDEEM IN MERCHANDISE , daughter at Odessa Septem- GOLO HONO HOOKS { ber .30 T h e n e w baby, ROUND-UP HOOKS : daughter of Mr. und Mrs. Joe BLACK COLD HOOKS | Bradfard weighed seven f A « « PRUDENTIAL HOOKS | pounds and fifteen ounces and DOUULK THRIFT HOOKS | has been named Victoria Lyn. | Joe is at Iowa Stale College, TUESDAY ONLY Ames. Iowa doing research I work. ALL SEATS 15c Mr. and Mrs A O. Temple The Popular Store j ton returned from California I’h. Ill 9-2701 Hreckenridge, Texa* Saturday, where they a Herat - JAMES STEWART 1 ed the funeral of his brother. , Calvin. Funeral services JUNE ALLYSON were al the funeral home of National City. Burial w u - Wednesday morning in th e Slitilc^ic Military Cemetery of San Diego with full Militury Hon Air Command I or* sgcffws'AV so *AtT ON »ANCte Mil I l m • »»» Color In TK O IM iO U IlV ] Several of our young peo pie attended the Dallas Fair ADULTS 50c KIDDIES UNDER 11 FREE STARTS WEI). Saturday. There was a plannin meet­ — NOTICE — Open 4 45 - Show j 00 For the lienefit of I hone who wimt to retire ea rly or ing for the adult and junior 7 20 - 9 45 groups of Training Union at muHt study, u r now open our t*i\ office at 6:45 and the A N. Bradford hom e Sat­ the picture start* at 7:00. Adult urday night Mrs James SI NDAY MONDAY - Tl ESI)AY ' O. Smith, new president of the ______O C T O H K it IS - I t - 15 Dr i adults was in charge of their 41 k meeting. Mrs. G. V. McUow- en. Junior Sponsor was in THE MOST WONDERFUL LNTERTAINMLNU Child charge of their meeting. :tv Mr. and Mrs. G. V. M c- Gowen had as visitors Satur­ 9<>!g

ncoat-mawaoP CLASSIFIEDS m dkx ann- t o n m m m s iw m Behind many "For Always safe and ... Sale" signs there I* a sad gtory: A family < lot he* come in *11 size*, and mother appreriafes the esoe xnd EACH WEDNESDAY IS it i borrowed more than they could afford to convenience of safe, fin moles* electric clothe* drying.Clhonr Ml 7-1107 204 Mala Ranger. Texa* Ml 7 -lf 11 RANGER TIMES Mr and Mrs Charles Nick- Mr and Mrs. Delmon Eaves choice) 24 to 17.7 cents; gtock- er calves Mvy. choice) 22 to Pag* Su Sunday October 13. 196) of Mineral Wells spent Sun­ attended the TF.SCO Banquet day here with her parents. Mi in Brerkenridge on Tuesday 24 8 cents; pairs of cows and PEANUTS Slid Mis J. D M< Masters. night. calves $130 to $176; butcher hogs 14 to 16 cents; sows 12 Several persons from here to 14 cents. WANTED Desdemona News attended the funeral services We arc buying peanulg The annual "roll call" Sun invited held Sunday at Dublin f o r Surplti* Food* ft ill and are an approved gov* Aunt Nettie Sharp. 83 They AU C TION ernment warehouse. day observed the past Sunday lh- Iii-trihutrd Soon «l the First Baptiil Church The Rev and Mrs Derrel were Mr and Mrs Ferrell Le­ HOMS was enjoyed by a I a r (• Doaey were in Hamby Sun­ wis. Mines Ollie Fein. Mil | Distribution of L’SDA Sur­ $2.00 Ton — I>ried ton Perry, J M Wilson Wil plus Foods will begin Monday, crowd Food was served at day night where he preached I R EPO R T Peanuts the noun hour and singing and cot, Edna Clayton and Callie Oct 14, according to J W $5.00 Ton — Field Dried Sharp. Elder, Sr., Eastland County speaking was heard in the af Mr and Mrs Jerry Buck- A total of 1430 cattle. 148 I V o m its ternoon ■ ■ , bogs, and 177 sheep and goat* Welfare Distribution Program ley and children spent th e Mr. and Mrs Sam Iverson i were sold to 88 buyers at representative. Our dryer is now in op­ A revival meeting will be weekend here with his par-, of Stephenville attended "roll ID5a...... 3 c c - n S i the Eastland Auction sale last Oct. 14 is the date for resi­ eration . . . Your IVunuta held at the Bible Baptist ents. Mr and Mrs K O Buck call" Sunday and visited at i r t | Tuesday. Prices were report­ dents of Kusllund, Olden, and dried in the sacks with Church Sunday Oct 13 through ley. thr drug store with old friends „ r . ed as follows. Hanger Tuesday, Oct. 15. is no w a ste o r loa.t. Oct. 20 The Rev Hate Grit friends. Butcher bulla IS to 18 8 the date for those from Pio­ FARM A KAXII fin will be the evangelist and The S. E Carters of Furt i cents; butcher raws 13 to 14 8 neer, Rising Star. Okrs, Car­ Paul Foa will lead the sing­ Worth spent the weekend here­ Mr and Mrs Jess Griffith cents, canners and cutters 8 to bon. Gorman, and Desdemona SUFI'I.Y ing The public is cordially with the Bud Carters. had relatives visiting here 13 cents, butcher calves 21 to Wednesday. O. t lti. is fur Cisco 23 4 cents, stacker calves (LI. Cisco, Scranton, and


mm* 4 H m.an*94 If W4tW>|*$ i fdr. Ngfi fltocto* llow miny ways is electricity used ia this picture? W a«h A 1 rar How many ways is It used in your borne • Do you ever wonder a tut happens when you plug trio a wall outlet’ Where does the j >». r come litun’ You usually rant see it unless it Is in a light. r o m i N \ h) (11 tu-es blow* Mhy should you NEVER touch «n electrical o v ert with wet hands’ Scon * of 4 H Club nu-mbem could tell * S-Gor» Hack Skirt y 4 the inv.u is Tti y found them while working in the 411 electric p:e am Turough the Cooperative Eatenuon Service >•• ; p» >pie have scces* to some of k Action Sleeves t • t ,« p! -I I. I : ii d me - and mlornsativo liteiaturo in the r octj il u.-U I'-ojs and girl* inUivsteJ u» ete.U.cdy should see C on cea led S k irt Zip|>er th- en-intv extension *--n L this week. ing the University of Texas, \ S ise 6 to 12 for a visit. j Mrs Dorothy Branham and Mm. Jimmy Bryan a n d I 'children are here with her par- Elizabeth of Houston and Mrs. I \ Half Signs 1 ents. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rhonnte Rickburg were visit-1 Moore for an indefinite visit nrs at the Kokom o Baptist I4H to 24S wrhtle her husband is in M ex­ Church Sunday morning ico working. Mr and Mrs Henry Scitern were in Houston the first of I The new pastor .ind wife of the week for Mr Scitern’s ! the Bible Church the Kev checkup at the M D Ander- j A ls o and Mrs Odis Niblett, have son Hoapital. moved Into the parsonage. Mr and Mrs. J L. Morrow ( Due run 1‘ut-lst-ml entertained the Junior Train-1 Mr. and Mrs Bobbie Rurle- ing Union Class members and I son and Jerrel o f Amarillo their parents with a party ini >h»*atli t niform spent the weekend here with their home on Sunday night I relatives. after church Those attending were Mr and Mrs Claudel S lip A to JO Several from here attended Fuller. Chnsti and Ricky. Mr the funeral in Breckenrtdge of and Mrs Glenn Jordan and Mrs. Heeler, the mother id Teddy and Mrs Wayne Eaves * 8 “ I the late Jimmie Heeter. Johnny and Bobby. Refresh­ ments of cold drinks, chip) SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs Sylvia Ahemathy, Di- and dips, cookies and i c el antha Wilson ami Joey spent cream were served. the weekend in Wichita Falls Larry Bryant spent Friday TO MOTORISTS AND TRUCKERS M O D E O’DAY and family. night with Teddy Jordan Almost everyone in t h e| last Side of Square The Bob Carltons* of Gor­ community was in Gorman on KASTIJLND man visited over the week­ Diumond Jubilee Parade and end with the Manford Lewis all agreed that it was hest f.imily. parade ever seen In Gorman Congratulations are certainly BILL and MAUDE MEADOR in order for those who worked long and hard to make the parade the great success It OF CISCO Kokomo was. Mm Rhonme Huh burg was dinner guest of Mr und Mrs. are proud to announce they have taken over ownership and operation NEWSPAPERS News J L Morrow on Sunday of the former ROGERS TRUCK CENTER on Thurber Hill, U. S H* MRS GLENN JORDAN Mr and Mrs William Eddy Highway 80. eight miles east of Hanger Having operated the popular Visiting with Mr*. W F Eaves and children of E a s t - Truck Harbor near Cisco for several years, we are intimately ac­ Bryant Wednesday were her land were visiting with Mr. quainted with the needs of truckers and the motoring public . . . and and Mrs Delmon Eaves on twin sister. Mrs. J C. James cordially invite all our friends to visit us in our new lucation You'll Monday night. ARE TOP SALESMEN of Ru< ker and her sister-in- Mrs Cara Sessum. Mrs. get prompt, friendly, efficient service — 24 hours a day, seven days law. Mrs. L. F Pittman of a week! De Leon and a brother, Mr. Tranny Stephen and Mrs J. C Caraway were dinner J E Pittman of Cisco. Numerous improvements sre being made, including butane In­ TrlrtisiiMt. like ratlin In-fore if Iml fo a far greater degree, Mrs. Jimmy Bryan and guests of Mm Victor Pack at her home near Carbon on Sat­ stallation and an ire dock to servile refrigerated trucks. Stop by — Elisabeth Ann of Houston we'll be looking (or you! hat brought altout major eliancr* in the advertising picture, spent the weekend with Rev, urday. and Mrs Buel Bryan. Jimmy Kathryn Caraway was a • h has hewn an aggrnsnivr rom|»etitor with 'he other media, ann Bryan was in Mobile. Ala. on mnni the Carbon High School business students making the trip to the State Fair at Dallas on it* appetite for the advertising dollar, with the coal of pritdue- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gra­ ham and Patricia and Mn. I Saturday Graham's sister and brother-! Mrs Cara Sessum reports iliu even tirade It program* running to romparativeh astro­ In-law. Mr and Mrs Bob' that her son. Mr and Mrs FINEST FOODS Pierce of Midland visited over F.uliee Sessum have moved to nom ical Mini*, seciiis iusatiahle. the weekend with Mr a n d Denver. Colo from San An­ Aliy llotir— Day or Night! Mrs R Q Graham. tonio. They visited with Mrs Wheel your appetite in to Maude's cafe Whether a be- Mr amt Mrs Delmon Eaves Sessum enroute to Denver Hut the power of the written word atill get* top recognition. and children, Vance Lam in- Mm Cara Sessum received tween-meal xnack or delirious, sizzling teak. Mexican m m st*- w *» -we vnaaar" ark and Mr and Mrs F C. | word on Monday that her son- foist, fried chicken, sea food, barbecue, breakfast, lunch, An announeement from Sears, Koehuek and Company will Eaves of Gorman spent Sun­ in-law John Kiker of Roby is etc., you can depend on us for taste-tempting appetite ill in the hospital at Robv day in Austin where they met pleasers. Yes, meet your friends at Muude's — for finest The Kikers are former resi­ interest those who like to read an well a* to Mare. last year Mr and Mrs Paul Norris , foods! Ann and Jackie of Fort Worth, ! dents of Kokomo and well known here the figure wan $.'»H million, whirh represented 71.2 per cent Mr and Mm. Byron I-atn - BEST COFFKF ON IIH.IIW A1 80 mack and Marilyn of Lake Mr Ward Mangum of Los Jackson and Lyndon and Glen­ Angeles. Calif., visited with of Sear*' total retail media expense. The halunee went to ad­ da! Lam mack who are attend- his cousin. Mrs. B R Parker one day last week. He also vertising through rireularw. niagaxine*. radio ami trle%i*ioii. \ cii«-d vi ith friends in the com ­ munity. ami other meslia. Afe*/Gillette Mr and Mm C G Wheel er of Carlsbad. N. Mex . and OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY Adjustable Razor Mm. Floyd Wood and Arthur A spokesman tell* the story t “ llii* in tangible evidence of 9 Srttmg* (w Suprri Sham! Gene of Carbon were visiting with their brother, Mr and our continuing faith in thr potency of newspaper adverti«ing. Mrs Albert Hendricks on K ouik] th e Cluck Tuesday. HO\l> From the day Sear* opened it* firwt retail More, the eompany SKKMCK Flats Our ha* made greater and greater u*r of newspaper*. It in ohviou* mcRpiwnuuL Specialty! ^ ^ ■ T O U f l BILLS that Scan More manager* continue to regard the newspaper a* their major medium for more than hiMorleal reason*. Their A Urn ***• e* oVTU ao# Ummmi TRUCK Shrinks Hemorrhoids evaluation i« ha*cd on the da*-l«»-da* re*ult» in their •tore*.’* l» « i ilffcAl «l $A Anil «—I t Without Surgery M0III GAS Television advertising is a cateh-a«-cateh-ean affair — you Sttps Itch - Relieves Pain CENTER have to l*e looking at the net at the moment anil it'* gone in Per IN* (l»t U«M trmmm h • «*»• tMNk.il** BuiwU ll** *

    *A)«f & MOTEL (#re;#f*»g Ilka POMA am to a pfibU m l* Tl»o t« a »ww Eitotor awlMtolM* ( Nto -dlo» llwy. R0, 8 Mile* F-nat tovorjr at t r i W l i H—BW MNnarfl HANtiKH. TKXAS The Ranger Times tovtitato TWi AitoetM la »-• a***- •Alf »• aayaaartarf af M ilM fit f i r m Phone Ml 7 9iUk'l “•. At all 4r«f N RANGER TIMES Frits Huffman, M V. Harriann. RANGERS- HUSSEY- K U Hanley. Jo«ie Nix. C. T October 13. 1963 P*9« Seven Brockman, J O. Kexroat, H fAKlNING THE WRONG FIRE Continued from Puge 1. (Continued from Page Oua/y ’ C. Pounds, Jeff Laughlin. G ford ordered the case trans­ were read and approved by the The Ranger* lad almost the M Hargu*. H N .Sherman, ferred to The 29th . Hjatrlet Morlun Valiev club. entire second quarter follow­ Robert Kincaid, L. E Orm*. Court in-Puto•! ’««*•* trial Mrs Robert Kincaid cave a ing Bolton'* score from the Jim- Bond, C M Piqjuc, AJvin ] Whs ief T6r f T i l ! Wflhduy. t II Club report and the coun­ seven. ltD Club lias Kincaid, and our two guest*. Oof 14 cil report was given by Mu. With only five second* left Mr*. Nicholaun, and M ix Lep More thap two yeafjs and West. to play in the half. Abilene Wednesday Meet ley three month* have gone hy The neat meeting will be came on to score the go-ahead Mr*. Alvin Kincaid t* report since Nathan Curry was first October 23. and will be u Hal- touchdown, taking the lead in­ er fur the club. i barged with crime wdi^i The Morton Valley Home ! loween party. The Fiatwood to the half tune Ire now denies. Tire state Demonstration Club met in the and Olden clulw will be in On three consecutive or CM* has subpoened about 30 wit­ sum*, when the Ranger* were club hom e Wednesday even VIted SOCIETY CAIiNDAI nesses. M r Conner »aid and uig fur than legulai meeting Mr*. Beverly NuhoUon driving, they drew penalties the prosecution plans to pre­ Mr* Friti Huffman presided county agent. gave the piugium OCTOBER 17 •if IS yard* each. This killed sent the evidence as *;a-edijy and Mr* C. T Brockman led on "Up-dating a Garment", af- The 1920 Club will meet 1 the drive and forced the Ran- as possible. Sam Cleveland, ' gen to give up the hall after the opening exercise* Mrs ter which the meeting win____ ad-Thursday, October 17. '*Ui- district attorney of I'.rafh, 2o*ie Nix gave th»- devutiunul )nui in d mid rerabei . M hang- t ternational Challenge" a ill !«• having it on the Cowboy'* 30 and Palo Pinto counties j yard line before die penultie* *11 Galatian* Mr* G M i ed their out dated dresses the theme with Mrs, J. K will aaaist the prosacutjaR. began to net them hack irEIJ< called the roll, wh oh The hostess, Mrs I) J West, Matthews as program leader and Mr. Conner aaid "We u/e was answered with “my fa served punch and homemiide Mrs. buule Perlstsrtn will pre- I was Abilene's ball game certainly hopeful that we will ^ from the half time on. although obtain a jury " vorite color”, Tha nunutes cookies to the following Mmr* sent "Furopenn Travelogue." the Ranger* came back to acute Ju ry se’eyl-ltfi I*..* t-Xy-eclad ' once again half way through I to take from a day and a Ssljj the fourth quarter. to two days. When questh . osar The tntnhdosn came on a < rmorramg the-(entence thrt (34 vnrd dash by John McKee,, *t.rt« will ask. Mr Conner re-f Thanks A Million full wow mg excellent down fir Id ptiE*3. ‘ AH wp can Ret. Tin-* blot king, paving the way for der the law, if a juvenile turn- the score i m d * a f»uyd<-r while under 17, Going to the air once again. • » * c ‘ " • * *? * 1 TO OUR MANY (.001) FRIENDS! At,den. iced „ a way w ith a 1 *,U '* " 2 for your deeply appreciated patrotuiKe during; 24 yard p m . pUy. Park, to w* d»" ‘ “ "•*. Undi rhdi. for th. final *<"t* | "'V.. *■ i Attompv lutts na? not ajh . of th# hall gam e. the four yearn we operated ROGERS TRUCK peared in the county if) r P d ^ I Tht Kingft k iettdinn ground months in varwicction with the* ! fiu n tm r p h * John Me Kit aod case Observer* expected bias . CENTER on Thurla-r Hill. U. S. Highway HO. • Gene Bolloo McKee carried lo seek another < hang* of i 14 time* for W yard*, end Aoi venue as he rtld not uopegg 7 eight miles east of Ranger. ; ton hod 41 yards on 13 trips enthusiastic about Palo Pints a Five m em bers of the de- « nen the simwim-emei* wag • ? fensive team played both of- made last June , A We hope you will continue to favor our i fen at* and defense. Young Curry has spent » Outstanding on defensive ouite summer gt home tg|K play were Bryun White. Way hi* parents the F P C u rry *., nuccex.Hors, KILL and MAUDE MEADOR, y $ I K " , f V ne Thresher, Albert Pot/i, in Cisco. Effort* to enroll * 1 Rudy Rameief and Eddie him m school were defeated in ^ with your loyal and value |Nitnmage. We ALLTHIK64 ACT PO*S'Bi.E TO HIM THAT B I U E V I T H * C M T / tr (Mjex; 9Z3) Franr 91st District Court IsN, month, i : "Wo feel thsit our quarter* ______-i___ ► know they will plea.se you and to both of * v . I back has com e uf age." said CARD O r TII ANKK * assist an! coach Parker. “ He We wish to thank th#- ft ends.^ them go our must sincere p ood undies fo r played a tmm game and we relative*. Dr W P Watkins,* , Ion*, potato salads, apple sauce, i think hr will continue to do so and Dr Luther (yihlke. *Mk ( o l l i - i L ib ra ry j for the remainder of the sea* uhundaiit success in serving you fine folks at gingerbread, milk and butter th.- staff at Ranger School TUESDAY Chicken and son.** Hospital for the prayers, g p c dumplings, seasoned Englldi ( Continue* In MIIMtY IN Fit it RF> and cm , uraging words to KILL'S TRICK CENTER - new name, but pea*, glazed carrots, stuffed mt Karen Kent-. - »c aieptf celery, whole potatoes with Ad6 for 43 7 Punts, tvg B for 33 3 We will always deeply cherish your friend- | the schools lunchrooms, "Due librury The RJC library i* _ __ v . fresh oranges), hot rolls, hut. in the continual process of * for 60 P«-n . V .Is 10 f..r 120 to luck of space we request ter and milk. j adding new and bctlAI books * PtlBlbl** l iwt I ! ship. | that adults not cal in the THURSDAY: Chile, pinto 1 to its shelves to insura that | * 1 lunchrooms except on special bean* spaghetti, pickles, on­ students and others who usr for art lover* ta Greek N -u.p Sincerely, occasions such as Public ion rings, green *alad. grated,.. , .__ . ,, , I Sch '? » * Among ihe new title* kre law,k« will prove interesting i served the students during the milk. | three exceptional hiograph-1 and helpful A Simplified. ! week of Ortoher 14-U FRIDAY Oven fried fish MONDAY: Hamburgers on catsup, macaroni and chennai?” Mr **«>*•. to m f H T O M ROGERS Gown j homemade butter-bun*, cheese with white sauce. asoned *"gway by Leicester Hemmg- Coins by Hugh M sticks, pickles, lettuce, tom .- i way. Sinclair Lewi* by Murk Knight and Com Dictionary, black -eyed peas, combination Sthorer. and Sir Isaac New- and Guide bv C C Chamber ' wj toes, green pepper sticks, on- sa.ad (<• I cry, upples, carruta, ^ pv j| jy Anthony. lain and Fred Keinfield cabbage with french dressing), | ^ eX ,« and the Amrrlcnn v •!..-• twrek ■■ '-ide , 11 *' > ookie*. corn frontiers]-* , ■•! 11 . \. 11 1 %■ the following AmeiicanSyui l '|u**r*». butler, and Lht T iP rr- rLi*TL*::c milk. lory of Texas by Herbert and net . The World of Amphibians UJt Virginia Gambrel!. The Face* and Reptile* bv Hohert Mart j We're Tickled Pink . . . llo > p ila l !\u h h - of Texas and The Great Buf en* The KeyKev to HandwntbigjHindwmmK * "Csinj huntin’ with falo Hunt by Wayne Card Analyst* bjr Irpw* World art is < overed by Road to M.indulay by R H ! • younjef boy? Patients listed in Ranger \ these hookat Winslow Homer. ' Beattie Jr. and The New Bor General Hospital Saturday American Artist and His roi I4.uA of Halid by Kunelye, "7 TTBctOfcm this— With our new PAPER TREE morning were Mrs H S Work by Albert Ten Eyck Van Kroknver Brown, Mrs tether Buckby, Gardner; From the Byzantine Mi--, Linn iBvite* the publi*' Mrs Arru- Marlow, Miss Eu- Masters to the RcnaiKsan. <- to come and brow-.e in the lib t fJTChol a toy." nice Tiume. Mr*. Jens Carter, by Galienru- Francastel: and rary and make uw of Banger j and invite you to Mr*. Emma Green, Mrs. Dori* E u rop ea n Painting in the Fif Junior Colon Id-rary I *..1 | B i t U h Shoot* McCoy. Mr*. M D Undrrwoid, tecnih Century, a co m p 'la -, tie - The library it oje-n 9 a - 1 Karen Boles. Elmer Abernathy,; Hon of some of Europe's great m. until J p m and from 6 , TRF mnOKAt RIFTT ArSCCIATIW I Mrs W H Rucker. Mrs Ruth est paintings. Another book p. rn to 9 pm , ■ - Rucker. R B Thomas. Roy Come by see the many beautiful Viindergill. Mrs Travis Reese. Mrs tsab. II Hilburn. Nn G. ;(i Minna k. Mrs Jim la-wis and baby girl. G C MiGowun Mrs Dotsie Johnson Mrs. Kav PARTY NAPKINS and ACCESSORIES | Dunn and baby girl, and Mrs. i J U O'Shields and itaby boy.

    we have on display READ THE CLASSIFIEDS

    We have received 4X0 packajreg of the most Ix-autiful assortment TI,I/’ll /» * !/.lull \A of NAPKINS. PLACE MATS, and COASTERS, that you have

    ever seen Come by soon and make your selections.

    • 1‘) l.um-lir-nii Mii|tkiiiH

    ® 12 l>f-wij£i»M (» i i H i n m U

    ® 6 D n igiw Plarc Mat*

    • 21 HrvtTiijM* INiipkiiiM

    • 17 DmiptiR Ilrip Coafttrrn

    • 1 Di-i^'ii Dinner Napkin*

    Itol you ran keep A lto . . . II Million ninl Unity Shourr Na/tkint tWrir riirruliH h alo hood llisiufili the year* 1 ^ - . —i ■ + ,m _ _ in |i><>fr»i>>nal pli..l..gi .iph« \ 11 >■ r n «|iliiw a|>|«m«tmrnl( The Ranger Times al your comrinrnre 211 ELM — HANGER CAPPS Dial Ml 7-1101 STUDIO i

    pBPPPW W 000 inmates of the Texas De­ annual meeting wtU close with mate contests Include a mad A dance wtU he partment of C'orrectkiWi The a luncheon at 12 45 p in scramble, bareback and sad­ day night m oney is used to furnish re­ Mr* Ann M arshall of San Annual Texas Prison Rodeo dle bronc riding, wild horse Sweetwater City Commie - I race, Brahman bull riding, ligious. educational, ret rdl Angelo, immediate past state .loner Dirk Penik will wel - tional and health services not State Senior Vlce-Comman- president of the Ladies Aux­ and the prison's famous char­ come delegates to the city in supplied by legislative appro­ jder Ed J Krenek of Austin iliary. will represent the De­ iot race. VIA District!! a Joint session of VFW and priations. j will be principal speaker a t partment of Texas in session* Set For Sundays In October The Prison Rodeo is held in ladies Auxiliary units Sun­ Reserved seat tickets S0 t I the meeting, which will be of the Ladies' groups. Mrs the prison's $1 million stadium day morning District Chap­ HUNTSVILLE — There'll be on Oct M as the star attrac­ 12 40. 63 75 and 64 40. tax in­ Convention Set ■ held at the borne quarters of Delle Wilson, of Abilene. Dis­ which has a 30.000 seating cap- lain Merle U Harris of Sweet­ entertainment and thrills gal­ tion. cluded, may be obtained by I Sweet water Post 2474 District trict Auxiliary president, will ' acity. The show begins at 2 water will hold a memorial ore at the 32nd Annual T ex ­ Terry Wilson, who portrays writing Rodeo Ticket Office, Commander Ray Ashley of conduct separate meetings of p. m . and m oves at a fast For This « eek service. as Prison Rodeo in Huntsville the role of Bill Hawk in the Huntsville, Texas, enclosing I Snyder will preside during that unit. pace for two hours. during each of the four Sun­ weekly Wagon Train televis­ check or money order. Sweetwater's Veterans of main sessions of the conven­ Main busnets season of the District * is comprised of day performances in October. ion series, has been booked for Net proceeds from ticket Foreign Wars and Ladies Aux- tion. I cun vent on will begin at 11 00 Veterans of Foreign Wars In addition to exciting rodeo a personal appearance for the sales go Into a special fund for pcuy delegates will convene Registration will begin at 11 a m Sunday with Ladies Aux­ posts m Abilene. Sweetwater. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS CBBtggtl featuring the prison second Sunday, on Oct. 13 the benefit of more than 12,- in Sweetwater this weekend a rn Saturday, with hospi­ iliary groups holding a separ­ Brownwoud. Cisco. Portland, system's toughest inmate rid­ Winding up the 1063 Prison fcr the Fall Convention of Dis­ tality hours and a Dutch ate sessocn at the Holiday Mo- Kotan. Merkel, Hamlin. Breck ers, this year's special guest Rodeo series will be Diary trict *. DeparUnent of Texas. lunch set fur the afternoon ; tel banquet room. The semi- enrtdge. Snyder. Anson, Colo­ stars will include four of the Dean, former baseball pitch­ rado City and Stamford. FALL I.EAGl ES ORGANIZING nation's foremost celebrities. ing ace and currently a pro­ FREE GAMES minent television sportscaster. For the opening event on TO NEW I.EAGl K BOWLERS READ THE CLASSIFIEDS Oct. 6, the stellar attractions As an added highlight, Linda ATT i:\TU >\, PE AM T tiKOH KKS! were Minnie Pearl of Grand Loftis of Fort Worth. Miss Texas for 1061-62. a singing (If you have never bowled in a league & sign up Ole Opry fame, and Eddie An­ for a fall leajrue. fill out thix cou|>on and bring to WE ARE NOW I'O IM ; derson. Jack Benny's popular sensation, will appear on the "Rochester" Minnie Pearl program each Sunday in Oct­ the Fiesta Bowl for FREE GAMES). will return to the rodeo arena ober. PLAN NOW Inmate cowboys will contest N A M E ...... the wildest prison-produced ro­ *4.00 Ton Bonus BRING YOUR deo stock ever assembled in ADDRESS...... TEL. NO...... any rodeo arena, said Albert NOTICE: W ry Special Brice* for Partiea! FAMILY & FRIENDS Moore, veteran director of ON III I k |»E\NI TS these annual events. The in- * * • DELIVFRED TO Ol K PLANT IN GOKMAN Dear Editor: Federal control of property without title or waiver of the ow ner's rights is in violation SUNDAY of law, a willful and false s2.00 Ton Bonus conception, which is causing CUMjPJlt so much hell as of now. ON BAGGED PEANUTS BUFFET Under the Constitution of UEU\ EKED TO Ol K PLANT IN GOKM \N the United States the individ­ ual is exempt from abitrary interference by the govern - DINNER ment with his liberty, h i s property or his opinion This Ol K l IIAKf.ES FOR Cl STOM (LEANING & DRYING 11:30 to 2:00 P. M. is not true of the Kennedy 4 • * Administration ... that which CLEANING ...... $6.00 par ton is not true is false and that 1 >K\ !M i ------.—------——.— ______$8.00 |>er ton — Menu — which is false is a lie —- a sranger in the eye of the law. CH O IC E of MEATS CLEANING & D R Y IN G ...... $900 per ton A beautiful thing may be Theew* rates are Itaned on gross weight liefore cleaning ami drying. Turkey & Dressing ugly A thing may he ugly yet beautiful, but a lie is a bat Roast Beef * Ham less thing, base though it he. and Other Meat the work of a warped mind bent on doing what is wrong ON AUTO INSURANCE NEW . . . TO BETTER SERVE YOl ! Dishes The Bill of Rights. In the ... ia a Rood reason why YOU should join the Two Vegetables I Constitution, is written in Since last iw-a.-u n. we have added Ml driers — and now have 90 plain words which plainly ex drying bins. Also . . a new Cleaner has lieen added . . . Soup or Salad | press then meaning, corrupt another l nloading Facility is in service — and semitrailers that Bill of Rights, as is being FARM BUREAU! can now l«e dumped! Dessert Drink fought for. and you substitute COMPSEHtNSIVE • COLLISION • UABIMTY the rule of man for the rule ME0ICAI • UNINSURED MOTORIST CLAUSE* A®d — remember - if you wish to place your peanuts in loan. Hot Rolls of law and man, as free, has GORMAN I’ EANl T CO. in an approved warehou.se with a answered the last roll call. OHf or nm many aovantagcs or king a farm buwgau mcmbc * is tmt great savins contract with Southwestern Peanut Growers Association. For Any person or group of per YOU CAN NCAU2C IN AUTO INNURAHCF FOR OVER 10 COMSCCl/TIVt YEA** ¥ ARM IJM .A Ii further information, write or call __ sons attacking the ConstilUs (MAURA MCE COM FAhllb HAVE B E E N PAYING II 1/1% ORVIllCNOtt OFR MORE ON AUTO INS4M- 1.25 lion of the Untied States ut kn ANCt PREMIUMS. IN ADORTION. YOUR TFB POLICY ASSUMES TOTAL COVERAGE PON YOU AMO YOUBCA* *CVCN PROTECTS YOU AGAINST OPIVCPS WHO CARRY NO INSURANCE JOIN THE enemy of freedom, an enemy TH D U * AWO* " H O A P E EN JO Y IN G G R E A T E R P R O T E C T IO N . P A S T E P C L A IM S E R V IC E AMD L IB E R A L Childs Plate — 75C of America — my enemy, •* * » * * -• »1TN TEXAS PAPM BUREAU INSURANCE CAU. YOUP TPS AGENT TOOAY. here, up to here, and here • • • after the enemy of all man­ CALI. kind. PAT MOSELEY GORMAN PEANUT (0. VICTOR HOTEL A thing is as he. the e r i - Hence of the facts decide that MY IMA LOVE I’hoi.. RE L22M. Coruiun. Texas COFFEE SHOP which is determ ined. MA 9-1701 — Eastland Cisco, Texas C C. Ballard 208 W. Commerce Route 1 Moran, Texas f IRE • AUTO M O BILE-CRO PM A II & FARMERS COMPREHENSIVE LIABILITY




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