Remarks Honoring the 2003 Women's National Basketball Association
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May 22 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2004 in Amsterdam, Secretary Spence Abraham sources of energy. Yet, these measures have is meeting with petroleum producers from been repeatedly blocked by Members of around the world on actions they can take the Senate, and American consumers are to help the U.S. and global economy. Also, paying the price. Three years is long we have reformed Federal regulations to enough. I urge the Congress to end the allow badly needed improvements and ex- delays and pass comprehensive energy leg- pansion of the Nation’s petroleum refin- islation. eries, so that more gasoline can get to the With the right policies, we will maintain market quickly. the strong forward momentum of the But our Nation must address funda- American economy, which is creating thou- mental energy challenges that have built sands of new jobs for American workers. over time. I have increased fuel economy Thank you for listening. standards for SUVs, vans, and pickups. And 3 years ago, I submitted to Congress a na- NOTE: The address was recorded at 11:50 tional energy strategy that would address a.m. on May 21 at Louisiana State University our long-term energy needs. It called for in Baton Rouge, LA, for broadcast at 10:06 tax incentives for fuel-efficient hybrid vehi- a.m. on May 22. The transcript was made cles, more exploration in places like Alaska, available by the Office of the Press Secretary and greater use of ethanol, a reliable source on May 21 but was embargoed for release of energy produced on our farms. until the broadcast. The Office of the Press This national strategy would help make Secretary also released a Spanish language our country less dependent on foreign transcript of this address. Remarks Honoring the 2003 Women’s National Basketball Association Champion Detroit Shock May 24, 2004 The President. Thank you all for coming. This is an historic season for the Shock. Welcome to the Rose Garden, and con- After all, you went from worst to first. Isn’t gratulations to the 2003 WNBA champion- that right? ship team from Detroit. That’s who we’re Team member. Yes, that’s right. [Laugh- here to honor. It’s good to welcome the ter] coach. [Laughter] I don’t know if 20 years The President. And interestingly enough, ago they would have thought of you as a in winning the championship, you drew the coach. largest crowd in league history, which says something about the talent and the flair William Laimbeer, Jr. I know. I know. and the charisma of the players. I think [Laughter] one of the things that good teams do is, The President. But he made a pretty darn they decide to be a team. They come to- good one, didn’t he? I’m real proud of your gether and say, ‘‘We’re going to win as leadership. a team.’’ And that’s what this team did. There was tremendous discipline, hard I want to thank Tom Wilson for being work, and good leadership. And I’m proud here; Val Ackerman, here as well. I want of the fact, and I know the women on to thank the players and the coaches for this team are, that you were Coach of the coming. Year in the WNBA. 918 1 2005 11:38 Dec 19 2006 Jkt 201942 PO 00000 Frm 00918 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\201942A 022 201942A Administration of George W. Bush, 2004 / May 24 I said they came together as a team, much the Steps to Success program, which but they had great talent. Ruth Riley was gives the players a chance to speak to chil- the WNBA Finals MVP. The Rookie of dren about nutrition and exercise and self- the Year was Cheryl Ford, and a member image. In other words, these players are of the 2004 Olympic team was Swin Cash. mentors as well as good players. They’ve This is a team with talent but learned to achieved an interesting status, a champion- blend the talent for a greater whole. ship status, and now they convert it to help- They tell me that they changed the road ing somebody change their life or some- there by the stadium to Three Champion- body to be loved. ship Drive. Is that right? I appreciate so very much the McKees- Team member. Yes, that’s right. port, Pennsylvania, effort. Coach, when you The President. It must be pretty intimi- had the whole team there to distribute 20 dating for a team to pull up on Three tons of food, I mean, it’s a really fine exam- Championship Drive to play. ple of what a champion means. I also appreciate most of all the fact that And so today it’s my honor to welcome many of the players on this team are in- to the Rose Garden true champs—great volved with helping others. I know there athletes and really fine people. Congratula- is a strong commitment to literacy on the tions. I’m glad you’re here. team. These women understand that a child cannot succeed in America unless they can NOTE: The President spoke at 10:08 a.m. in read, and I appreciate you taking your the Rose Garden at the White House. In his championship status and converting it into remarks, he referred to William Laimbeer, something really important in our society, Jr., head coach, and Ruth Riley, Cheryl Ford, besides winning basketball games. and Swin Cash, players, Detroit Shock; Tom Swin Cash and Ruth Riley have come Wilson, president and chief executive officer, to the National Book Festival. I know be- Palace Sports & Entertainment; and Val Ack- cause my wife was the founder of it, and erman, president, Women’s National Basket- she was most appreciative. I appreciate so ball Association. Remarks at the United States Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania May 24, 2004 Thank you all. Thank you, and good dent of the Governing Council. This crime evening. I’m honored to visit the Army War shows our enemy’s intention to prevent College. Generations of officers have come Iraqi self-government, even if that means here to study the strategies and history of killing a lifelong Iraqi patriot and a faithful warfare. I’ve come here tonight to report Muslim. Mr. Salim was assassinated by ter- to all Americans and to the Iraqi people rorists seeking the return of tyranny and on the strategy our Nation is pursuing in the death of democracy. Iraq and the specific steps we’re taking to We’ve also seen images of a young achieve our goals. American facing decapitation. This vile dis- The actions of our enemies over the last play shows a contempt for all the rules few weeks have been brutal, calculating, of warfare and all the bounds of civilized and instructive. We’ve seen a car bombing behavior. It reveals a fanaticism that was take the life of a 61-year-old Iraqi named not caused by any action of ours and would Izz al-Din Salim, who was serving as Presi- not be appeased by any concession. We 919 ug 31 2005 11:38 Dec 19 2006 Jkt 201942 PO 00000 Frm 00919 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\201942A 022 201942A.