Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1996 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Customer Ref: ECL.041.01.01 National Grid Reference: 460550, 399090 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 4.93 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Processing Site, Bankwood Lane, New , , DN11 0PS

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 05-Jul-2018 Page 14 of 15 Historical Aerial Photography Published 1999 This aerial photography was produced by Getmapping, these vertical aerial photographs provide a seamless, full colour survey of the whole of Great Britain

Historical Aerial Photography - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Customer Ref: ECL.041.01.01 National Grid Reference: 460550, 399090 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 4.93 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Processing Site, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, DONCASTER, DN11 0PS

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 05-Jul-2018 Page 15 of 15 Groundwater Vulnerability

Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Customer Ref: ECL.041.01.01 National Grid Reference: 460550, 399090 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 4.93 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Processing Site, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, DONCASTER, DN11 0PS

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v15.0 05-Jul-2018 Page 1 of 6 Bedrock Aquifer Designation

Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Customer Ref: ECL.041.01.01 National Grid Reference: 460550, 399090 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 4.93 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Processing Site, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, DONCASTER, DN11 0PS

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v15.0 05-Jul-2018 Page 2 of 6 Superficial Aquifer Designation

Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Customer Ref: ECL.041.01.01 National Grid Reference: 460550, 399090 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 4.93 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Processing Site, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, DONCASTER, DN11 0PS

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v15.0 05-Jul-2018 Page 3 of 6 Source Protection Zones

Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Customer Ref: ECL.041.01.01 National Grid Reference: 460550, 399090 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 4.93 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Processing Site, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, DONCASTER, DN11 0PS

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v15.0 05-Jul-2018 Page 4 of 6 Sensitive Land Uses

Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Customer Ref: ECL.041.01.01 National Grid Reference: 460550, 399090 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 4.93 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Processing Site, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, DONCASTER, DN11 0PS

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v15.0 05-Jul-2018 Page 5 of 6 BGS Flood GFS Data

Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Customer Ref: ECL.041.01.01 National Grid Reference: 460550, 399090 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 4.93 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Processing Site, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, DONCASTER, DN11 0PS

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v15.0 05-Jul-2018 Page 6 of 6 Envirocheck ® Report: Datasheet

Order Details: Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Customer Reference: ECL.041.01.01 National Grid Reference: 460550, 399090 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 4.93 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details: Processing Site, Bankwood Lane New Rossington DONCASTER DN11 0PS

Client Details: Mr S Burley Environmental Compliance Ltd Unit G1 Main Avenue Trefforest Industrial Estate Pontypridd CF37 5YL

Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Date: 05-Jul-2018 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Contents

Report Section Page Number

Summary -

Agency & Hydrological 1

Waste 36

Hazardous Substances -

Geological 44

Industrial Land Use 48

Sensitive Land Use 58

Data Currency 59

Data Suppliers 65

Useful Contacts 66


The Environment Act 1995 has made site sensitivity a key issue, as the legislation pays as much attention to the pathways by which contamination could spread, and to the vulnerable targets of contamination, as it does the potential sources of contamination. For this reason, Landmark's Site Sensitivity maps and Datasheet(s) place great emphasis on statutory data provided by the Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency; it also incorporates data from Natural England (and the Scottish and Welsh equivalents) and Local Authorities; and highlights hydrogeological features required by environmental and geotechnical consultants. It does not include any information concerning past uses of land. The datasheet is produced by querying the Landmark database to a distance defined by the client from a site boundary provided by the client. In the attached datasheet the National Grid References (NGRs) are rounded to the nearest 10m in accordance with Landmark's agreements with a number of Data Suppliers.

Copyright Notice

© Landmark Information Group Limited 2018. The Copyright on the information and data and its format as contained in this Envirocheck® Report ("Report") is the property of Landmark Information Group Limited ("Landmark") and several other Data Providers, including (but not limited to) Ordnance Survey, British Geological Survey, the Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales and Natural England, and must not be reproduced in whole or in part by photocopying or any other method. The Report is supplied under Landmark's Terms and Conditions accepted by the Customer. A copy of Landmark's Terms and Conditions can be found with the Index Map for this report. Additional copies of the Report may be obtained from Landmark, subject to Landmark's charges in force from time to time. The Copyright, design rights and any other intellectual rights shall remain the exclusive property of Landmark and /or other Data providers, whose Copyright material has been included in this Report.

Natural England Copyright Notice

Site of Special Scientific Interest, National Nature Reserve, Ramsar, Special Protection Area, Special Conservation Area, Marine Nature Reserve data (derived from Ordnance Survey 1:10000 raster) is provided by, and used with the permission of, Natural England who retain the copyright and Intellectual Property Rights for the data.

Scottish Natural Heritage Copyright

Contains SNH information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Ove Arup Copyright Notice

The Mining Instability data was obtained on licence from Ove Arup & Partners Limited (for further information, contact [email protected]). No reproduction or further use of such Data is to be made without the prior written consent of Ove Arup & Partners Limited. The supplied Mining Instability data is derived from publicly available records and other third party sources and neither Ove Arup & Partners nor Landmark warrant the accuracy or completeness of such information or data.

Peter Brett Associates Copyright Notice

The cavity data presented has been extracted from the PBA enhanced version of the original DEFRA national cavity databases. PBA/DEFRA retain the copyright & intellectual property rights in the data. Whilst all reasonable efforts are made to check that the information contained in the cavity databases is accurate we do not warrant that the data is complete or error free. The information is based upon our own researches and those collated from a number of external sources and is continually being augmented and updated by PBA. In no event shall PBA/DEFRA or Landmark be liable for any loss or damage including, without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from the use of this data.

Radon Potential dataset Copyright Notice

Information supplied from a joint dataset compiled by The British Geological Survey and Public Health England.

Natural Resources Wales Copyright Notice

Contains Natural Resources Wales information © Natural Resources Wales and Database Right. All rights Reserved. Contains Ordnance Survey Data. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100019741. Crown Copyright and Database Right. Contains Natural Resources Wales information © Natural Resources Wales and Database Right. All rights Reserved. Some features of this information are based on digital spatial data licensed from the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology © NERC (CEH). Defra, Met Office and DARD Rivers Agency © Crown copyright. © Cranfield University. © James Hutton Institute. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2018. Land & Property Services © Crown copyright and database right.

Report Version v53.0

Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Date: 05-Jul-2018 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Summary

Page 501 to 1000m On Site 0 to 250m 251 to 500m Data Type Number (*up to 2000m) Agency & Hydrological

BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility pg 1 Yes Yes Yes n/a

Contaminated Land Register Entries and Notices

Discharge Consents pg 2 3 3 12

Prosecutions Relating to Controlled Waters n/a n/a n/a

Enforcement and Prohibition Notices

Integrated Pollution Controls

Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control

Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control

Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls pg 6 1 2 1

Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Enforcements

Nearest Surface Water Feature Yes

Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters pg 7 1 3 5 5

Prosecutions Relating to Authorised Processes pg 9 2

Registered Radioactive Substances

River Quality pg 9 1 1 1

River Quality Biology Sampling Points

River Quality Chemistry Sampling Points

Substantiated Pollution Incident Register pg 10 1 5 1

Water Abstractions pg 11 4 (*14)

Water Industry Act Referrals

Groundwater Vulnerability pg 15 Yes n/a n/a n/a

Drift Deposits n/a n/a n/a

Bedrock Aquifer Designations pg 15 Yes n/a n/a n/a

Superficial Aquifer Designations pg 15 Yes n/a n/a n/a

Source Protection Zones pg 15 1

Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences pg 15 Yes n/a n/a

Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences pg 15 Yes n/a n/a

Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences n/a n/a

Flood Water Storage Areas n/a n/a

Flood Defences pg 16 Yes n/a n/a

OS Water Network Lines pg 16 2 25 43 108

Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Date: 05-Jul-2018 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Summary

Page 501 to 1000m On Site 0 to 250m 251 to 500m Data Type Number (*up to 2000m) Waste

BGS Recorded Landfill Sites pg 36 1

Historical Landfill Sites pg 36 1 2 2

Integrated Pollution Control Registered Waste Sites

Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Landfill Boundaries)

Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) pg 37 3 5 4

Local Authority Landfill Coverage pg 40 1 n/a n/a n/a

Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites pg 40 1 1 1

Potentially Infilled Land (Non-Water)

Potentially Infilled Land (Water) pg 40 1 7

Registered Landfill Sites

Registered Waste Transfer Sites pg 41 3

Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites pg 42 1 3 Hazardous Substances

Control of Major Accident Hazards Sites (COMAH)

Explosive Sites

Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances (NIHHS)

Planning Hazardous Substance Consents

Planning Hazardous Substance Enforcements

Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Date: 05-Jul-2018 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Summary

Page 501 to 1000m On Site 0 to 250m 251 to 500m Data Type Number (*up to 2000m) Geological

BGS 1:625,000 Solid Geology pg 44 Yes n/a n/a n/a

BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry pg 44 Yes Yes Yes Yes

BGS Recorded Mineral Sites pg 45 3

BGS Urban Soil Chemistry

BGS Urban Soil Chemistry Averages pg 46 Yes

CBSCB Compensation District n/a n/a n/a

Coal Mining Affected Areas pg 46 Yes n/a n/a n/a

Mining Instability pg 46 Yes n/a n/a n/a

Man-Made Mining Cavities pg 46 1

Natural Cavities

Non Coal Mining Areas of Great Britain n/a n/a

Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards pg 46 Yes n/a n/a

Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards pg 46 Yes Yes n/a n/a

Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards n/a n/a

Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards pg 47 Yes Yes n/a n/a

Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards pg 47 Yes Yes n/a n/a

Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards pg 47 Yes n/a n/a

Radon Potential - Radon Affected Areas n/a n/a n/a

Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures n/a n/a n/a Industrial Land Use

Contemporary Trade Directory Entries pg 48 7 37 15

Fuel Station Entries

Points of Interest - Commercial Services pg 53 4 7 5

Points of Interest - Education and Health

Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production pg 55 4 7 6

Points of Interest - Public Infrastructure pg 56 1 3 5

Points of Interest - Recreational and Environmental

Gas Pipelines

Underground Electrical Cables

Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Date: 05-Jul-2018 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Summary

Page 501 to 1000m On Site 0 to 250m 251 to 500m Data Type Number (*up to 2000m) Sensitive Land Use

Ancient Woodland pg 58 3

Areas of Adopted Green Belt pg 58 1

Areas of Unadopted Green Belt

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Environmentally Sensitive Areas

Forest Parks

Local Nature Reserves

Marine Nature Reserves

National Nature Reserves

National Parks

Nitrate Sensitive Areas

Nitrate Vulnerable Zones pg 58 2

Ramsar Sites

Sites of Special Scientific Interest pg 58 1

Special Areas of Conservation

Special Protection Areas

World Heritage Sites

Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Date: 05-Jul-2018 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Agency & Hydrological

Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Potential for Groundwater Flooding of Property Situated Below Ground Level A13SW 0 1 460450 (SW) 398950 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Potential for Groundwater Flooding of Property Situated Below Ground Level A13NW 0 1 460450 (W) 399094 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Limited Potential for Groundwater Flooding to Occur A13SW 0 1 460400 (SW) 398950 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Potential for Groundwater Flooding of Property Situated Below Ground Level A13NW 0 1 460545 (NE) 399094 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Potential for Groundwater Flooding of Property Situated Below Ground Level A13NW 0 1 460545 (N) 399100 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Limited Potential for Groundwater Flooding to Occur A13SW 2 1 460400 (SW) 399000 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Potential for Groundwater Flooding of Property Situated Below Ground Level A13SE 17 1 460600 (SE) 399000 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Limited Potential for Groundwater Flooding to Occur A13SW 39 1 460400 (SW) 398900 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Potential for Groundwater Flooding to Occur at Surface A13NW 67 1 460400 (NW) 399200 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Potential for Groundwater Flooding of Property Situated Below Ground Level A13NW 113 1 460545 (N) 399350 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Limited Potential for Groundwater Flooding to Occur A13NE 121 1 460700 (NE) 399350 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Limited Potential for Groundwater Flooding to Occur A13SW 151 1 460250 (W) 399000 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Potential for Groundwater Flooding of Property Situated Below Ground Level A8NW 189 1 460400 (SW) 398750 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Potential for Groundwater Flooding of Property Situated Below Ground Level A12SE 266 1 460150 (SW) 398850 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Limited Potential for Groundwater Flooding to Occur A8NW 293 1 460350 (SW) 398650 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Limited Potential for Groundwater Flooding to Occur A7NE 314 1 460150 (SW) 398750 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Limited Potential for Groundwater Flooding to Occur A7NE 352 1 460200 (SW) 398650 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Potential for Groundwater Flooding of Property Situated Below Ground Level A14NW 375 1 461100 (E) 399200 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Potential for Groundwater Flooding of Property Situated Below Ground Level A12NE 400 1 460000 (W) 399094 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Potential for Groundwater Flooding of Property Situated Below Ground Level A18SW 412 1 460545 (N) 399650 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Potential for Groundwater Flooding of Property Situated Below Ground Level A7NE 453 1 460100 (SW) 398600 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Potential for Groundwater Flooding of Property Situated Below Ground Level A12NE 470 1 460050 (NW) 399400

Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Date: 05-Jul-2018 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 1 of 66 Agency & Hydrological

Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Limited Potential for Groundwater Flooding to Occur A8NE 492 1 460750 (S) 398550 Discharge Consents 1 Operator: Harworth Estates Investments Limited A13SW 41 2 460430 Property Type: MINING OF COAL + LIGNITE (SW) 398910 Location: Rossington Colliery West End Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, Yorkshire, Dn11 0px Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Catchment Area: Not Supplied Reference: Eprcb3099ax Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 16th January 2015 Issued Date: 16th January 2015 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Trade Effluent Discharge-Site Drainage Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: River Torne/Rossington Drain Status: Varied under EPR 2010 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 1 Operator: Uk Coal Mining Ltd A13SW 41 2 460430 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (SW) 398910 Location: Rossington Colliery, Rossington, Nr Doncaster, Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Catchment Area: River Torne Catchment Reference: T/83/40025/T Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 8th December 1994 Issued Date: 8th December 1994 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Trade Discharge - Mineral Workings Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Rossington Drain River Torne Status: Post National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date > 31/08/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 2 Operator: Severn Trent Water Limited A13SE 244 2 460800 Property Type: DOMESTIC PROPERTY (MULTIPLE) (INCL FARM HOUSES) (SE) 398900 Location: Grange Lane Housing Estate - Sws, Rossington, Doncaster, Yorkshire Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Catchment Area: River Torne Catchment Reference: T/83/01034/O Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 12th March 1963 Issued Date: 12th March 1963 Revocation Date: 21st August 2002 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: River Torne Status: Revoked (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 2 Operator: Severn Trent Water Limited A13SE 268 2 460830 Property Type: STORM TANK/CSO ON SEWERAGE NETWORK (WATER COMPANY) (SE) 398890 Location: Bankwood Ln Ps, Rossington, Bankwood Ln Ps, Rossington, Dn11 0ps Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Catchment Area: River Torne Catchment Reference: Tsc3059 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 3rd September 2010 Issued Date: 3rd September 2010 Revocation Date: 12th August 2011 Discharge Type: Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Local Ditch Status: Varied under EPR 2010 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Date: 05-Jul-2018 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 2 of 66 Agency & Hydrological

Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Discharge Consents 2 Operator: Severn Trent Water Limited A13SE 271 2 460820 Property Type: PUMPING STATION ON SEWERAGE NETWORK (WATER COMPANY) (SE) 398880 Location: Adj To Bankwood Lane Ps - Storm Of, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Catchment Area: River Torne Catchment Reference: T/83/40104/O Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 4th May 1995 Issued Date: 4th May 1995 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Rossington Drain Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 3 Operator: Severn Trent Water Limited A13SE 329 2 460800 Property Type: PUMPING STATION ON SEWERAGE NETWORK (WATER COMPANY) (SE) 398800 Location: Areas Of Doncaster/Storm/Emerg Of New Rossington P Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Catchment Area: River Torne Catchment Reference: T/83/01612/O Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 6th May 1966 Issued Date: 6th May 1966 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Pumping Station - Water Company Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: River Torne (Tributary) Status: Revoked (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 4 Operator: Uk Coal (Investments) Limited A7NE 516 2 460050 Property Type: MINING OF COAL + LIGNITE (SW) 398560 Location: Rossington Colliery West End Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, Yorkshire, Dn11 0px Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Catchment Area: River Torne Catchment Reference: T/83/40030/T Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 8th December 1994 Issued Date: 8th December 1994 Revocation Date: 12th July 2017 Discharge Type: Trade Discharge - Process Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: River Torne Status: Surrendered under EPR 2010 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 4 Operator: Harworth Estates Investments Limited A7NE 537 2 460030 Property Type: MINING OF COAL + LIGNITE (SW) 398550 Location: Rossington Colliery West End Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, Yorkshire, Dn11 0px Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Catchment Area: Not Supplied Reference: Eprcb3099ax Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 16th January 2015 Issued Date: 16th January 2015 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Trade Effluent Discharge-Site Drainage Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: River Torne/Rossington Drain Status: Varied under EPR 2010 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Date: 05-Jul-2018 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 3 of 66 Agency & Hydrological

Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Discharge Consents 5 Operator: Severn Trent Water Limited A8SE 575 2 460600 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (S) 398400 Location: Horsewell Lane Housing Estate, New Rossington, Doncaster Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Catchment Area: River Torne Catchment Reference: T/83/00545/O Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 30th April 1958 Issued Date: 30th April 1958 Revocation Date: 22nd August 2002 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: River Sence (Soar) (Trib) Status: Revoked (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Unknown Discharge Consents 6 Operator: Severn Trent Water Limited A19SW 591 2 461200 Property Type: STORM TANK/CSO ON SEWERAGE NETWORK (WATER COMPANY) (NE) 399500 Location: Partridge Flatt Road - Sws, Doncaster, Yorkshire Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Catchment Area: River Torne Catchment Reference: T/83/00891/O Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 28th November 1961 Issued Date: 28th November 1961 Revocation Date: 2nd April 2000 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Mother Drain (River Torne) Status: Revoked (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 7 Operator: Harworth Estates Investments Limited A7NE 645 2 459980 Property Type: MINING OF COAL + LIGNITE (SW) 398450 Location: Rossington Colliery West End Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, Yorkshire, Dn11 0px Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Catchment Area: Not Supplied Reference: Eprcb3099ax Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 16th January 2015 Issued Date: 16th January 2015 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Trade Effluent Discharge-Site Drainage Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: River Torne/Rossington Drain Status: Varied under EPR 2010 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 7 Operator: Uk Coal Mining Ltd A7NE 645 2 459980 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (SW) 398450 Location: Rossington Colliery, Rossington, Nr Doncaster, South Yorkshire Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Catchment Area: River Torne Catchment Reference: T/83/40025/T Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 8th December 1994 Issued Date: 8th December 1994 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Trade Discharges - Site Drainage (Contam Surface Water, Not Tips) Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Rossington Drain River Torne Status: Post National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date > 31/08/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Date: 05-Jul-2018 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 4 of 66 Agency & Hydrological

Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Discharge Consents 8 Operator: Severn Trent Water Limited A7SE 670 2 460200 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (SW) 398300 Location: Horsewell Lane Housing Site, Wigston, Leicestershire Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Catchment Area: River Torne Catchment Reference: T/83/01097/O Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 21st August 1963 Issued Date: 21st August 1963 Revocation Date: 22nd August 2002 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: River Sence (Soar) (Trib) Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Unknown Discharge Consents 9 Operator: Severn Trent Water Limited A8SE 693 2 460830 Property Type: STORM TANK/CSO ON SEWERAGE NETWORK (WATER COMPANY) (S) 398390 Location: Bankwood Lane Pumping Station, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, New Rossington Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Catchment Area: River Torne Catchment Reference: T/83/40335/O Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 1st February 1996 Issued Date: 1st February 1996 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Pumping Station - Water Company Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Trib Of Rossington Drain Status: Post National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date > 31/08/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 9 Operator: Severn Trent Water Limited A8SE 698 2 460830 Property Type: Sewerage Network - Sewers (S) 398385 Location: Bankwood Lane Ps, New Rossington Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Catchment Area: River Torne Catchment Reference: CT/83/40335/O1 Permit Version: Not Supplied Effective Date: Not Supplied Issued Date: 1st February 1996 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Sewerage Emergency Discharge Discharge Drain Environment: Receiving Water: Rossington Drain Status: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 10 Operator: Harworth Estates Investments Limited A7SE 801 2 459930 Property Type: MINING OF COAL + LIGNITE (SW) 398290 Location: Rossington Colliery West End Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, Yorkshire, Dn11 0px Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Catchment Area: Not Supplied Reference: T/83/40025/T Permit Version: 2 Effective Date: 16th January 2015 Issued Date: 16th January 2015 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Trade Effluent Discharge-Site Drainage Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Rossington Drain/River Torne Status: Varied under EPR 2010 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

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Discharge Consents 10 Operator: Harworth Estates Investments Limited A7SE 823 2 459920 Property Type: MINING OF COAL + LIGNITE (SW) 398270 Location: Rossington Colliery West End Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, Yorkshire, Dn11 0px Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Catchment Area: Not Supplied Reference: T/83/40025/T Permit Version: 2 Effective Date: 16th January 2015 Issued Date: 16th January 2015 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Trade Effluent Discharge-Site Drainage Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Rossington Drain/River Torne Status: Varied under EPR 2010 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 10 Operator: Uk Coal Mining Ltd A7SE 823 2 459920 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (SW) 398270 Location: Rossington Colliery, Rossington, Nr Doncaster, South Yorkshire Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Catchment Area: River Torne Catchment Reference: T/83/40025/T Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 8th December 1994 Issued Date: 8th December 1994 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Trade Discharges - Site Drainage (Contam Surface Water, Not Tips) Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Rossington Drain River Torne Status: Post National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date > 31/08/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 11 Name: Hanson Aggregates North A13SE 165 3 460685 Location: Rossington Premix Plant, Bankwood Lane, ROSSINGTON, DN11 0PS (SE) 398922 Authority: Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, Environmental Services Permit Reference: EPR 8 Dated: 17th March 1992 Process Type: Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Description: PG3/1Blending, packing, loading and use of bulk cement Status: Site Closed Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 12 Name: Uk Coal Mining Ltd A8NW 437 3 460482 Location: Rossington Colliery, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PZ (S) 398510 Authority: Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, Environmental Services Permit Reference: LAPPC 32 Dated: 1st March 1993 Process Type: Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Description: PG3/5 Coal, coke and coal product processes Status: Authorisation revoked Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 12 Name: British Fuel Company Ltd A8NW 437 3 460482 Location: Rossington Colliery, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PZ (S) 398510 Authority: Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, Environmental Services Permit Reference: EPA 37 Dated: 1st February 1993 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG3/5 Coal, coke and coal product processes Status: Authorisation revoked Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 13 Name: Recycoal Ltd A8NE 532 3 460765 Location: West End Lane, Rossington, Doncaster, DN11 0PX (S) 398540 Authority: Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, Environmental Services Permit Reference: EPR 48 Dated: Not Supplied Process Type: Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Description: PG3/8 Quarry processes including roadstone plants and the size reduction of bricks, tiles and concrete Status: Permitted Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location

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Nearest Surface Water Feature A13NE 0 - 460619 (E) 399092 Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 14 Property Type: Miscellaneous Premises: Unknown A13NE 0 2 460600 Location: Bankwood Lane, ROSSINGTON (E) 399100 Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Pollutant: Rubble/Litter Or Solids Note: Other Adverse Effects; Tributary Torne; Oil & Rubbish In Watercourse Incident Date: 19th March 1997 Incident Reference: 2802202 Catchment Area: Trent Catchment : River Torne Receiving Water: Watercourse Cause of Incident: Deliberate Disposal To Drain Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 15 Property Type: Water Company Sewage: Pumping Station A13SE 191 2 460700 Location: Bankwood Lane Ps, ROSSINGTON (SE) 398900 Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Pollutant: Sewage - Treated Effluent Note: Other Adverse Effects Incident Date: 8th September 1995 Incident Reference: Not Supplied Catchment Area: Trent Catchment : River Torne Receiving Water: Watercourse Cause of Incident: Mechanical Failure Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 15 Property Type: Water Company Sewage: Pumping Station A13SE 195 2 460700 Location: Pumping Station, Bankwood Lane, ROSSINGTON (SE) 398895 Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Pollutant: Sewage - Treated Effluent Note: Other Adverse Effects; Rossington Drain; P.S. Failure Incident Date: 8th September 1995 Incident Reference: 1800214 Catchment Area: Trent Catchment : River Torne Receiving Water: Watercourse Cause of Incident: Mechanical Failure Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 16 Property Type: Food industry A13SE 224 2 460600 Location: Rossington, DONCASTER (S) 398800 Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Pollutant: Miscellaneous - Unknown Note: Fire - 10000 Plastic Crates Incident Date: 8th October 1998 Incident Reference: 2805179 Catchment Area: Trent Catchment : River Torne Receiving Water: Watercourse Cause of Incident: Fire Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 17 Property Type: Miscellaneous Premises: Other A13SE 270 2 460850 Location: Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, DONCASTER, South Yorkshire, DN11 (SE) 398900 Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Pollutant: Miscellaneous - Other Note: Fire Of Plastic Beer Crates; Other Adverse Effects; Incident Date: 17th June 1999 Incident Reference: 2806211 Catchment Area: Trent Catchment : River Torne Receiving Water: Groundwater Cause of Incident: Fire Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Approximate location provided by supplier

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Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 18 Property Type: Civic Amenity Tips/Waste Transfer Station A14SW 364 2 461000 Location: ROSSINGTON (SE) 398900 Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Pollutant: Miscellaneous - Other Note: Blue/Grey Discol; Other Adverse Effects Incident Date: 3rd July 1997 Incident Reference: 2802863 Catchment Area: Trent Catchment : River Torne Receiving Water: Watercourse Cause of Incident: Vandalism Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 19 Property Type: Civic Amenity Tips/Waste Transfer Station A14SW 437 2 461000 Location: Rear York Street, ROSSINGTON (SE) 398800 Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Pollutant: Rubble/Litter Or Solids Note: Amenity Affected; Dyke; Cable Drum; Bottles Etc In Watercourse - Lots Incident Date: 13th June 1996 Incident Reference: 2800818 Catchment Area: Trent Catchment : River Torne Receiving Water: Watercourse Cause of Incident: Vandalism Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 20 Property Type: Coal A7NE 453 2 460100 Location: ROSSINGTON (SW) 398600 Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Pollutant: Oils - Other Oil Note: Not Supplied Incident Date: 11th March 1996 Incident Reference: Not Supplied Catchment Area: Trent Catchment : River Torne Receiving Water: Watercourse Cause of Incident: Leaking Underground Pipe Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 20 Property Type: Coal A7NE 457 2 460100 Location: ROSSINGTON (SW) 398595 Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Pollutant: Oils - Other Oil Note: Amenity Affected; River Torne; Oily Material On Water From Colliery Incident Date: 11th March 1996 Incident Reference: 2800389 Catchment Area: Trent Catchment : River Torne Receiving Water: Watercourse Cause of Incident: Leaking Underground Pipe Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 21 Property Type: Coal A7NE 541 2 460030 Location: Colliery, ROSSINGTON (SW) 398545 Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Pollutant: Miscellaneous - Colour Note: Other Adverse Effects; Orange Dish From O/Fall Incident Date: 20th March 1997 Incident Reference: 2802204 Catchment Area: Trent Catchment : River Torne Receiving Water: Watercourse Cause of Incident: Other Incident/Unknown Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 22 Property Type: Coal A7NE 593 2 460001 Location: Rossington Colliery, DONCASTER (SW) 398501 Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Pollutant: Other Chemicals Note: Other Adverse Effects; Tyres On Fire Incident Date: 13th October 1996 Incident Reference: 2801418 Catchment Area: Trent Catchment : River Torne Receiving Water: Watercourse Cause of Incident: Vandalism Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 23 Property Type: Fire Water A18NE 813 2 460650 Location: Potterick Carr Nature Reserve, (N) 400050 Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Pollutant: Miscellaneous - Other Note: Amenity Affected; Drain; Grass Fire - Lots Of Water In Use Incident Date: 13th May 1996 Incident Reference: 2000701 Catchment Area: Trent Catchment : River Torne Receiving Water: Watercourse Cause of Incident: Fire Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Unknown Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 24 Property Type: Cattle (Dairy) Farming: Other A17NE 939 2 460001 Location: Green Bottom Beck, EMBSAY (NW) 399996 Authority: Environment Agency, North East Region Pollutant: Cattle Land Runoff Note: No Fish Killed; Breen Bottom Beck Incident Date: 17th April 1996 Incident Reference: SL960327 Catchment Area: Aire Tributaries Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Not Given Incident Severity: Category 2 - Significant Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 24 Property Type: Cattle (Dairy) Farming: Other A17NE 943 2 460001 Location: Green Bottom Beck, EMBSAY (NW) 400001 Authority: Environment Agency, North East Region Pollutant: Cattle Land Runoff Note: Pollution Found; No Fish Killed Incident Date: 17th April 1996 Incident Reference: SL960327 Catchment Area: Aire Tributaries Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Unknown Incident Severity: Category 2 - Significant Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Prosecutions Relating to Authorised Processes 25 Location: Bankwood Lane, Rossington, Dn11 A13SE 303 2 460748 Prosecution Text: Storing scrap vehicles without a license (SE) 398798 Prosecution Act: Epa90 S33(1)(A) Hearing Date: 2nd June 2005 Verdict: Guilty Fine: 1500 Costs: 1026 Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Prosecutions Relating to Authorised Processes 25 Location: Bankwood Lane, Rossington, Dn11 0ps A13SE 308 2 460749 Prosecution Text: Breaching wml conditions that prohibited the burning of waste (SE) 398793 Prosecution Act: Epa90 S33(6) Hearing Date: 16th September 2004 Verdict: Guilty Fine: 500 Costs: 350 Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location River Quality Name: Torne R A13NW 0 2 460499 GQA Grade: River Quality B (NW) 399174 Reach: Carr To Rossington A638 Br Estimated Distance 4.9 (km): Flow Rate: Flow less than 0.62 cumecs Flow Type: River Year: 2000 River Quality Name: Mother Drain A19SW 464 2 460945 GQA Grade: River Quality C (NE) 399600 Reach: Potteric Pumping Stn To Conf. R. Torne Estimated Distance 4.2 (km): Flow Rate: Flow less than 0.31 cumecs Flow Type: River Year: 2000

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River Quality Name: St Catherine S Well Stm A7SW 951 2 459862 GQA Grade: River Quality B (SW) 398155 Reach: Alverley Grange Rd Br To Conf. R. Torne Estimated Distance 5 (km): Flow Rate: Flow less than 0.31 cumecs Flow Type: River Year: 2000 Substantiated Pollution Incident Register 26 Authority: Environment Agency - North East Region, Yorkshire Area A13NW 0 2 460552 Incident Date: 12th January 2012 (N) 399175 Incident Reference: 953646 Water Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Air Impact: Category 2 - Significant Incident Land Impact: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Pollutant: Atmospheric Pollutants And Effects: Smoke Substantiated Pollution Incident Register 27 Authority: Environment Agency - North East Region, Yorkshire Area A13NE 42 2 460600 Incident Date: 29th January 2016 (N) 399278 Incident Reference: 1406939 Water Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Air Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Land Impact: Category 2 - Significant Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Pollutant: Specific Waste Materials: Other Specific Waste Material Substantiated Pollution Incident Register 28 Authority: Environment Agency - North East Region, Yorkshire Area A13SE 110 2 460661 Incident Date: 18th October 2012 (SE) 398971 Incident Reference: 1048758 Water Impact: Category 3 - Minor Incident Air Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Land Impact: Category 2 - Significant Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Pollutant: Specific Waste Materials: Vehicles And Vehicle Parts Substantiated Pollution Incident Register 29 Authority: Environment Agency - North East Region, Yorkshire Area A13SE 131 2 460608 Incident Date: 2nd May 2017 (S) 398914 Incident Reference: 1519974 Water Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Air Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Land Impact: Category 2 - Significant Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Pollutant: Specific Waste Materials: Metal Wastes Substantiated Pollution Incident Register 29 Authority: Environment Agency - North East Region, Yorkshire Area A13SE 131 2 460612 Incident Date: 5th April 2017 (S) 398916 Incident Reference: 1513384 Water Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Air Impact: Category 2 - Significant Incident Land Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Pollutant: Other PollutantFlies Substantiated Pollution Incident Register 29 Authority: Environment Agency - North East Region, Yorkshire Area A13SE 136 2 460614 Incident Date: 2nd June 2017 (S) 398912 Incident Reference: 1527968 Water Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Air Impact: Category 2 - Significant Incident Land Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Pollutant: Other PollutantFlies Substantiated Pollution Incident Register 30 Authority: Environment Agency - North East Region, Yorkshire Area A8NE 506 2 460777 Incident Date: 11th July 2005 (SE) 398578 Incident Reference: 328419 Water Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Air Impact: Category 2 - Significant Incident Land Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Pollutant: Pollutant Not Identified: Not Identified

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Water Abstractions 31 Operator: Recycoal Limited A7SE 788 2 459932 Licence Number: 03/28/83/0018 (SW) 398305 Permit Version: 103 Location: Rossington Colliery - River Torne Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Abstraction: Extractive: Mineral Washing Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Not Supplied Authorised Start: 01 April Authorised End: 31 March Permit Start Date: 16th May 2013 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Water Abstractions 31 Operator: Recycoal Limited A7SE 811 2 459900 Licence Number: 03/28/83/0018 (SW) 398300 Permit Version: 102 Location: Rossington Colliery - River Torne Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Abstraction: Extractive: Process water Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Rossington Colliery - River Torne Authorised Start: 01 April Authorised End: 31 March Permit Start Date: 8th October 2012 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Water Abstractions 31 Operator: Uk Coal Mining Limited A7SE 811 2 459900 Licence Number: 03/28/83/0018 (SW) 398300 Permit Version: 101 Location: Rossington Colliery - River Torne Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Abstraction: Extractive: Process water Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Rossington Colliery - River Torne Authorised Start: 01 April Authorised End: 31 March Permit Start Date: 25th May 2001 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Water Abstractions 31 Operator: R J B (Deep Mines) Ltd A7SE 811 2 459900 Licence Number: 03/28/83/0018 (SW) 398300 Permit Version: 100 Location: Rossington Colliery - River Torne Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Abstraction: Extractive: Process water Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Rossington Colliery - River Torne Authorised Start: 01 April Authorised End: 31 March Permit Start Date: 7th November 2000 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Water Abstractions Operator: Messrs Lee & Company A11NE 1041 2 459400 Licence Number: 03/28/83/0062 (W) 399300 Permit Version: 100 Location: Lovershall Farm,Lovershall,Doncaster - Well Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Abstraction: General Farming And Domestic Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Groundwater Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Lovershall Farm,Lovershall,Doncaster - Well Authorised Start: 01 April Authorised End: 31 March Permit Start Date: 1st April 2008 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Water Abstractions Operator: Doncaster Golf Club A15NW 1054 2 461780 Licence Number: 03/28/83/0244/1 (E) 399220 Permit Version: 2 Location: Bessacar - Mother Drain Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Abstraction: Golf Courses: Spray Irrigation - Storage Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Land At Bessacar Authorised Start: 01 November Authorised End: 31 March Permit Start Date: 16th March 2005 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Water Abstractions Operator: Doncaster Golf Club A15NW 1054 2 461780 Licence Number: 03/28/83/0244/1 (E) 399220 Permit Version: 1 Location: Bessacar - Mother Drain Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Abstraction: Golf Courses: Spray Irrigation - Storage Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Land At Bessacar Authorised Start: 01 November Authorised End: 31 March Permit Start Date: 1st April 2004 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Water Abstractions Operator: Doncaster Golf Club A15NW 1054 2 461780 Licence Number: 03/28/83/0244 (E) 399220 Permit Version: 100 Location: Bessacar - Mother Drain Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Abstraction: Golf Courses: Spray Irrigation - Storage Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Land At Bessacar Authorised Start: 01 November Authorised End: 31 March Permit Start Date: 25th September 1998 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Water Abstractions Operator: Mr V M Lee A23SE 1156 2 460830 Licence Number: 03/28/83/0127 (N) 400380 Permit Version: Not Supplied Location: Hagans Nurseries Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Abstraction: Spray Irrigation Abstraction Type: Not Supplied Source: Borehole Daily Rate (m3): 23 Yearly Rate (m3): 5728 Details: Not Supplied Authorised Start: Not Supplied Authorised End: Not Supplied Permit Start Date: Not Supplied Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Water Abstractions Operator: Yorkshire Wildlife Trust A22SW 1291 2 459750 Licence Number: 03/28/83/0263/1 (NW) 400250 Permit Version: 1 Location: Potteric Carr Nature Reserve - The Mother Drain Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Abstraction: Environmental: Make-Up or Top Up Water Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Area At Potteric Carr Nature Reserve Authorised Start: 01 April Authorised End: 31 March Permit Start Date: 1st April 2008 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Water Abstractions Operator: Yorkshire Wildlife Trust A22SW 1291 2 459750 Licence Number: 03/28/83/0263 (NW) 400250 Permit Version: 2 Location: Potteric Carr Nature Reserve - The Mother Drain Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Abstraction: Environmental: Make-Up or Top Up Water Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Area At Potteric Carr Nature Reserve Authorised Start: 01 April Authorised End: 31 March Permit Start Date: 18th January 2006 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Water Abstractions Operator: Yorkshire Wildlife Trust A22SW 1291 2 459750 Licence Number: 03/28/83/0263 (NW) 400250 Permit Version: 1 Location: Potteric Carr Nature Reserve - The Mother Drain Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Abstraction: Environmental: Make-Up or Top Up Water Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Area At Potteric Carr Nature Reserve Authorised Start: 01 April Authorised End: 31 March Permit Start Date: 4th March 2002 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

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Water Abstractions Operator: Yorkshire Wildlife Trust A21SE 1491 2 459550 Licence Number: 03/28/83/0262/1 (NW) 400350 Permit Version: 1 Location: Potteric Carr Nature Reserve - The Division Drain Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Abstraction: Environmental: Make-Up or Top Up Water Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Area At Potteric Carr Nature Reserve Authorised Start: 01 April Authorised End: 31 March Permit Start Date: 1st April 2008 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Water Abstractions Operator: Yorkshire Wildlife Trust A21SE 1491 2 459550 Licence Number: 03/28/83/0262 (NW) 400350 Permit Version: 2 Location: Potteric Carr Nature Reserve - The Division Drain Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Abstraction: Environmental: Make-Up or Top Up Water Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Area At Potteric Carr Nature Reserve Authorised Start: 01 April Authorised End: 31 March Permit Start Date: 18th January 2006 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Water Abstractions Operator: Yorkshire Wildlife Trust A21SE 1491 2 459550 Licence Number: 03/28/83/0262 (NW) 400350 Permit Version: 1 Location: Potteric Carr Nature Reserve - The Division Drain Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Abstraction: Environmental: Make-Up or Top Up Water Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Area At Potteric Carr Nature Reserve Authorised Start: 01 April Authorised End: 31 March Permit Start Date: 4th March 2002 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Water Abstractions Operator: Higgins Agriculture Ltd (Farms Division) A2SW 1638 2 459749 Licence Number: 03/28/83/0109 (SW) 397436 Permit Version: 103 Location: Reach At Rossington Bridge - River Torne Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Abstraction: General Agriculture: Spray Irrigation - Direct Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a river or stream reach, or a row of wellpoints Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Three Areas At Rossington Bridge & Grange Authorised Start: 01 April Authorised End: 31 October Permit Start Date: 18th November 2013 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

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Water Abstractions Operator: Higgins Agriculture Ltd (Farms Division) A2SW 1652 2 459750 Licence Number: 03/28/83/0109 (SW) 397420 Permit Version: 102 Location: Reach At Rossington Bridge - River Torne Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Abstraction: General Agriculture: Spray Irrigation - Direct Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a river or stream reach, or a row of wellpoints Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Three Areas At Rossington Bridge & Blaxton Grange Authorised Start: 01 April Authorised End: 31 October Permit Start Date: 10th January 2008 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Water Abstractions Operator: Higgins Agriculture Ltd (Farms Division) A2SW 1652 2 459750 Licence Number: 03/28/83/0109 (SW) 397420 Permit Version: 101 Location: Reach At Rossington Bridge - River Torne Authority: Environment Agency, Midlands Region Abstraction: General Agriculture: Spray Irrigation - Direct Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a river or stream reach, or a row of wellpoints Source: Surface Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: Three Areas At Rossington Bridge & Blaxton Grange Authorised Start: 01 April Authorised End: 31 October Permit Start Date: 20th July 2001 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Groundwater Vulnerability Soil Classification: Soils of High Leaching Potential (U) - Soil information for restored mineral A13SW 0 2 460451 workings and urban areas is based on fewer observations than elsewhere. A (SW) 399036 worst case vulnerability classification (H) assumed, until proved otherwise Map Sheet: Sheet 18 Nottinghamshire Scale: 1:100,000 Groundwater Vulnerability Soil Classification: Soils of High Leaching Potential (H1) - Soils which readily transmit liquid A13NW 0 2 460545 discharges because they are either shallow, or susceptible to rapid by-pass (NE) 399094 flow directly to rock, gravel or groundwater Map Sheet: Sheet 18 Nottinghamshire Scale: 1:100,000 Drift Deposits None Bedrock Aquifer Designations Aquifer Designation: Principal Aquifer A13NW 0 1 460545 (NE) 399094 Superficial Aquifer Designations Aquifer Designation: Secondary Aquifer - A A13NW 0 1 460545 (NE) 399094 Source Protection Zones 32 Name: Not Supplied A13NW 0 2 460545 Source: Environment Agency, Head Office (NE) 399094 Reference: Not Supplied Type: Zone III (Total Catchment): The total area needed to support the discharge from the protected groundwater source.

Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Type: Extent of Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences A13NW 0 2 460545 Flood Plain Type: Fluvial Models (NE) 399094 Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Type: Extent of Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences A13NW 1 2 460506 Flood Plain Type: Fluvial Models (N) 399223 Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences None Flood Water Storage Areas None

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Flood Defences Type: Flood Defences A13NW 39 2 460487 Reference: Not Supplied (N) 399253 OS Water Network Lines 33 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13SW 0 4 460535 Watercourse Length: 424.0 (S) 399029 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Rossington Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 34 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13SE 0 4 460572 Watercourse Length: 229.0 (SE) 399060 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Rossington Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 35 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NE 4 4 460733 Watercourse Length: 134.1 (E) 399140 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Rossington Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 36 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NW 23 4 460508 Watercourse Length: 1001.6 (N) 399243 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: River Torne Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 37 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NW 45 4 460476 Watercourse Length: 1097.4 (NW) 399237 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: River Torne Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 38 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NW 45 4 460476 Watercourse Length: 6.9 (NW) 399237 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 39 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NW 52 4 460473 Watercourse Length: 19.6 (NW) 399243 Watercourse Level: Not Supplied Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 40 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NW 72 4 460462 Watercourse Length: 59.2 (NW) 399259 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 41 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NW 113 4 460551 Watercourse Length: 776.8 (N) 399352 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 42 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NW 125 4 460449 Watercourse Length: 23.9 (NW) 399316 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 43 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13SE 134 4 460816 Watercourse Length: 145.9 (E) 398993 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 44 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NE 138 4 460865 Watercourse Length: 150.4 (E) 399119 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Rossington Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 45 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NW 149 4 460439 Watercourse Length: 8.3 (NW) 399338 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 46 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NW 157 4 460435 Watercourse Length: 11.3 (NW) 399345 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 47 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NW 168 4 460431 Watercourse Length: 3.7 (NW) 399355 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 48 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NE 170 4 460605 Watercourse Length: 198.1 (N) 399409 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 49 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NW 172 4 460431 Watercourse Length: 294.9 (NW) 399359 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Huxter Well Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 50 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NW 172 4 460554 Watercourse Length: 757.1 (N) 399409 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 51 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NE 173 4 460605 Watercourse Length: 5.6 (N) 399409 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Huxter Well Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 52 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NE 178 4 460606 Watercourse Length: 34.5 (N) 399415 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Huxter Well Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 53 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 195 4 460635 Watercourse Length: 74.6 (N) 399432 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 54 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 195 4 460635 Watercourse Length: 29.5 (N) 399432 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Huxter Well Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 55 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NE 196 4 460845 Watercourse Length: 43.7 (NE) 399313 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 56 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 205 4 460663 Watercourse Length: 8.8 (N) 399442 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Huxter Well Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 57 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 208 4 460671 Watercourse Length: 180.3 (N) 399444 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Huxter Well Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 58 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NE 234 4 460803 Watercourse Length: 7.4 (NE) 399419 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 59 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13NE 234 4 460803 Watercourse Length: 353.0 (NE) 399419 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 60 Watercourse Form: Inland river A12NE 255 4 460182 Watercourse Length: 396.0 (W) 399176 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 61 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SW 278 4 460410 Watercourse Length: 1383.4 (N) 399475 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 62 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14NW 287 4 461012 Watercourse Length: 134.8 (E) 399094 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 63 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14NW 288 4 461014 Watercourse Length: 275.7 (E) 399096 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Rossington Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 64 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 314 4 460743 Watercourse Length: 167.0 (NE) 399542 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 65 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 324 4 460841 Watercourse Length: 79.9 (NE) 399503 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Huxter Well Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 66 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 324 4 460841 Watercourse Length: 14.8 (NE) 399503 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 67 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 332 4 460835 Watercourse Length: 164.9 (NE) 399517 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 68 Watercourse Form: Inland river A13SE 339 4 460840 Watercourse Length: 95.1 (SE) 398813 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 69 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14NW 340 4 461007 Watercourse Length: 29.6 (NE) 399340 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 70 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14SW 353 4 460931 Watercourse Length: 124.4 (SE) 398853 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 71 Watercourse Form: Inland river A12NE 379 4 460131 Watercourse Length: 86.9 (NW) 399358 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Huxter Well Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 72 Watercourse Form: Inland river A8NE 386 4 460603 Watercourse Length: 51.3 (S) 398612 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Rossington Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 73 Watercourse Form: Inland river A12NE 387 4 460137 Watercourse Length: 1245.3 (NW) 399383 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 74 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14SW 392 4 461043 Watercourse Length: 8.5 (E) 398908 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 75 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SW 392 4 460916 Watercourse Length: 8.9 (NE) 399530 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 76 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SW 392 4 460916 Watercourse Length: 51.6 (NE) 399530 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Huxter Well Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 77 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14SW 396 4 461050 Watercourse Length: 191.1 (E) 398912 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 78 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SW 396 4 460913 Watercourse Length: 35.7 (NE) 399538 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 79 Watercourse Form: Inland river A8NW 399 4 460462 Watercourse Length: 63.1 (S) 398545 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Rossington Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 80 Watercourse Form: Inland river A8NW 399 4 460481 Watercourse Length: 18.8 (S) 398547 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Rossington Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 81 Watercourse Form: Inland river A8NW 401 4 460548 Watercourse Length: 67.3 (S) 398556 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Rossington Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 82 Watercourse Form: Inland river A17SE 406 4 460227 Watercourse Length: 159.0 (NW) 399502 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 83 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 406 4 460892 Watercourse Length: 34.2 (NE) 399567 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 84 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 406 4 460892 Watercourse Length: 53.3 (NE) 399567 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 85 Watercourse Form: Inland river A8NW 410 4 460555 Watercourse Length: 8.2 (S) 398560 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Rossington Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 86 Watercourse Form: Inland river A8NE 410 4 460583 Watercourse Length: 28.3 (S) 398565 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Rossington Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 87 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 412 4 460851 Watercourse Length: 95.8 (NE) 399600 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 88 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 412 4 460766 Watercourse Length: 102.2 (N) 399636 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 89 Watercourse Form: Lake A18SE 417 4 460759 Watercourse Length: 12.2 (N) 399642 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 90 Watercourse Form: Inland river A12NE 419 4 460075 Watercourse Length: 70.3 (NW) 399335 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Huxter Well Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 91 Watercourse Form: Inland river A8NE 433 4 460898 Watercourse Length: 24.3 (SE) 398739 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 92 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SW 437 4 460962 Watercourse Length: 9.2 (NE) 399549 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 93 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SW 437 4 460962 Watercourse Length: 90.2 (NE) 399549 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Huxter Well Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 94 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SW 441 4 460959 Watercourse Length: 24.2 (NE) 399557 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 95 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SW 442 4 460942 Watercourse Length: 77.5 (NE) 399574 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 96 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SW 442 4 460942 Watercourse Length: 35.5 (NE) 399574 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 97 Watercourse Form: Inland river A12NE 448 4 460021 Watercourse Length: 1606.6 (W) 399289 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Huxter Well Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 98 Watercourse Form: Inland river A9NW 457 4 460915 Watercourse Length: 351.4 (SE) 398721 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 99 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 475 4 460839 Watercourse Length: 320.9 (NE) 399677 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 100 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 489 4 460846 Watercourse Length: 1643.6 (NE) 399689 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Mother Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 101 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 493 4 460751 Watercourse Length: 289.5 (N) 399721 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 102 Watercourse Form: Inland river A8NW 497 4 460552 Watercourse Length: 1074.9 (S) 398466 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 103 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SW 503 4 460905 Watercourse Length: 194.6 (NE) 399674 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 104 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 503 4 460851 Watercourse Length: 147.1 (NE) 399702 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 105 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SW 503 4 460905 Watercourse Length: 1.8 (NE) 399674 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 106 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SW 503 4 460907 Watercourse Length: 208.6 (NE) 399674 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 107 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SW 515 4 461047 Watercourse Length: 113.7 (NE) 399572 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 108 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 518 4 460771 Watercourse Length: 267.6 (N) 399742 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 109 Watercourse Form: Inland river A8SW 544 4 460439 Watercourse Length: 257.5 (S) 398397 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 110 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14NW 544 4 461200 Watercourse Length: 13.5 (NE) 399416 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 111 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SW 555 4 461092 Watercourse Length: 7.9 (NE) 399579 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 112 Watercourse Form: Inland river A17SE 558 4 460173 Watercourse Length: 18.2 (NW) 399651 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 113 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14NW 558 4 461213 Watercourse Length: 193.0 (NE) 399421 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 114 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SW 562 4 460251 Watercourse Length: 77.1 (NW) 399706 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 115 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14SE 564 4 461258 Watercourse Length: 178.2 (E) 398918 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 116 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14SE 564 4 461287 Watercourse Length: 164.5 (E) 399055 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Rossington Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 117 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14SW 572 4 461239 Watercourse Length: 8.1 (E) 398883 Watercourse Level: Not Supplied Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 118 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SW 580 4 460234 Watercourse Length: 744.3 (NW) 399718 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 119 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14SE 580 4 461247 Watercourse Length: 4.0 (E) 398881 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 120 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14SE 584 4 461251 Watercourse Length: 120.0 (E) 398880 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 121 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SW 585 4 461158 Watercourse Length: 23.9 (NE) 399545 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Mother Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 122 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SW 609 4 461177 Watercourse Length: 8.1 (NE) 399558 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Mother Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 1

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OS Water Network Lines 123 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SW 617 4 461183 Watercourse Length: 424.3 (NE) 399563 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 124 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SW 617 4 461183 Watercourse Length: 398.3 (NE) 399563 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Mother Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 125 Watercourse Form: Inland river A12NW 625 4 459860 Watercourse Length: 16.4 (W) 399361 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 126 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14SW 632 4 461237 Watercourse Length: 90.1 (SE) 398767 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 127 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14SW 632 4 461234 Watercourse Length: 2.5 (SE) 398763 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 128 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NW 636 4 460519 Watercourse Length: 10.9 (N) 399870 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 129 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NW 642 4 460510 Watercourse Length: 1.9 (N) 399875 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 130 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NW 642 4 460510 Watercourse Length: 39.8 (N) 399875 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 131 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SW 643 4 461191 Watercourse Length: 225.1 (NE) 399596 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 132 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NW 644 4 460510 Watercourse Length: 62.2 (N) 399877 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 133 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NE 645 4 460841 Watercourse Length: 5.4 (N) 399856 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 134 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NE 645 4 460711 Watercourse Length: 187.2 (N) 399885 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 135 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NE 647 4 460837 Watercourse Length: 369.3 (N) 399859 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 136 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NE 659 4 460653 Watercourse Length: 124.2 (N) 399896 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 137 Watercourse Form: Inland river A17SW 673 4 459850 Watercourse Length: 24.4 (NW) 399457 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 138 Watercourse Form: Inland river A17SW 673 4 459850 Watercourse Length: 7.6 (NW) 399457 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 139 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19NW 679 4 460996 Watercourse Length: 30.6 (NE) 399825 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 140 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NE 681 4 460804 Watercourse Length: 377.8 (N) 399901 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 141 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19NW 689 4 461026 Watercourse Length: 2.0 (NE) 399819 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 142 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NW 690 4 460391 Watercourse Length: 346.2 (N) 399901 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 143 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19NW 690 4 461028 Watercourse Length: 174.3 (NE) 399818 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 144 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19NW 695 4 460920 Watercourse Length: 725.5 (NE) 399880 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 145 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NW 699 4 460535 Watercourse Length: 81.3 (N) 399934 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 146 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NW 712 4 460408 Watercourse Length: 113.5 (N) 399928 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 147 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NE 720 4 460867 Watercourse Length: 285.0 (N) 399926 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 148 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NE 723 4 460868 Watercourse Length: 157.5 (N) 399929 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 149 Watercourse Form: Inland river A17SW 728 4 459793 Watercourse Length: 357.2 (NW) 399462 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 150 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14SE 729 4 461449 Watercourse Length: 33.9 (E) 399030 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 151 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14SE 729 4 461449 Watercourse Length: 52.6 (E) 399030 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Rossington Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 152 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14NE 731 4 461461 Watercourse Length: 71.8 (E) 399126 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 153 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14NE 733 4 461462 Watercourse Length: 193.0 (E) 399129 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: River Torne Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 154 Watercourse Form: Inland river A7SE 760 4 459966 Watercourse Length: 9.7 (SW) 398315 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 155 Watercourse Form: Inland river A7SE 761 4 459957 Watercourse Length: 125.1 (SW) 398320 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: River Torne Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 156 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19NW 772 4 461199 Watercourse Length: 159.2 (NE) 399785 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 157 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19NW 772 4 461199 Watercourse Length: 104.1 (NE) 399786 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 158 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14SE 777 4 461478 Watercourse Length: 287.0 (E) 398930 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 159 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14SE 780 4 461500 Watercourse Length: 1.3 (E) 399019 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 160 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14SE 781 4 461500 Watercourse Length: 79.1 (E) 399020 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Rossington Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 161 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NE 783 4 460898 Watercourse Length: 373.0 (N) 399982 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 162 Watercourse Form: Inland river A7SE 783 4 459982 Watercourse Length: 1399.7 (SW) 398277 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 163 Watercourse Form: Inland river A17SW 790 4 459761 Watercourse Length: 184.0 (NW) 399539 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 164 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NW 791 4 460305 Watercourse Length: 622.1 (N) 399979 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 165 Watercourse Form: Inland river A17SW 804 4 459719 Watercourse Length: 182.2 (NW) 399485 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 166 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14NE 810 4 461511 Watercourse Length: 644.9 (E) 399355 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Mother Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 167 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14NE 810 4 461511 Watercourse Length: 8.4 (E) 399355 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 168 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14NE 815 4 461514 Watercourse Length: 20.2 (E) 399363 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 169 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14NE 823 4 461516 Watercourse Length: 83.1 (E) 399383 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 170 Watercourse Form: Inland river A9NE 828 4 461415 Watercourse Length: 166.4 (SE) 398678 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 171 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14SE 843 4 461553 Watercourse Length: 53.8 (E) 398964 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Rossington Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 172 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14SE 843 4 461553 Watercourse Length: 472.4 (E) 398964 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 173 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NW 852 4 460547 Watercourse Length: 1.6 (N) 400088 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 174 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NW 854 4 460548 Watercourse Length: 169.0 (N) 400089 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 175 Watercourse Form: Inland river A15SW 865 4 461584 Watercourse Length: 94.0 (E) 399008 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Rossington Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 176 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SE 867 4 461353 Watercourse Length: 7.0 (NE) 399752 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 177 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SE 873 4 461360 Watercourse Length: 7.0 (NE) 399754 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 178 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19NE 874 4 461255 Watercourse Length: 90.7 (NE) 399874 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 179 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SE 875 4 461365 Watercourse Length: 4.0 (NE) 399750 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 180 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SE 876 4 461369 Watercourse Length: 6.4 (NE) 399747 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 181 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SE 878 4 461374 Watercourse Length: 183.5 (NE) 399744 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 182 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14NE 881 4 461568 Watercourse Length: 6.0 (E) 399413 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 183 Watercourse Form: Inland river A7SE 881 4 459915 Watercourse Length: 858.4 (SW) 398204 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: River Torne Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 184 Watercourse Form: Inland river A7SE 881 4 459915 Watercourse Length: 60.8 (SW) 398204 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: St Catherine's Well Stream Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 185 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14NE 882 4 461566 Watercourse Length: 192.1 (E) 399419 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 186 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19NE 882 4 461363 Watercourse Length: 188.5 (NE) 399765 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 187 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19NW 883 4 460927 Watercourse Length: 8.8 (N) 400078 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 188 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SE 889 4 461373 Watercourse Length: 183.8 (NE) 399762 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 189 Watercourse Form: Inland river A14SE 890 4 461538 Watercourse Length: 252.3 (E) 398769 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 190 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19NW 892 4 460930 Watercourse Length: 179.2 (N) 400086 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 191 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19NW 892 4 460930 Watercourse Length: 191.2 (N) 400086 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 192 Watercourse Form: Inland river A23SW 893 4 460425 Watercourse Length: 227.8 (N) 400117 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 193 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19NW 894 4 460938 Watercourse Length: 393.2 (N) 400085 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 194 Watercourse Form: Inland river A23SE 906 4 460618 Watercourse Length: 253.2 (N) 400142 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 195 Watercourse Form: Inland river A23SW 909 4 460514 Watercourse Length: 184.4 (N) 400143 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 196 Watercourse Form: Inland river A15SW 915 4 461642 Watercourse Length: 21.6 (E) 399082 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Rossington Drain Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 197 Watercourse Form: Inland river A7SW 918 4 459855 Watercourse Length: 812.0 (SW) 398201 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: St Catherine's Well Stream Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 198 Watercourse Form: Inland river A15NW 924 4 461652 Watercourse Length: 825.6 (E) 399099 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: River Torne Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 199 Watercourse Form: Inland river A20SW 926 4 461595 Watercourse Length: 259.3 (E) 399471 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 200 Watercourse Form: Inland river A23SE 933 4 460768 Watercourse Length: 32.2 (N) 400163 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 201 Watercourse Form: Inland river A23SE 944 4 460739 Watercourse Length: 118.5 (N) 400177 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 202 Watercourse Form: Inland river A17NE 954 4 460085 Watercourse Length: 4.5 (NW) 400061 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 203 Watercourse Form: Inland river A17NE 958 4 460081 Watercourse Length: 386.1 (NW) 400063 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 204 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19SE 960 4 461547 Watercourse Length: 422.7 (NE) 399646 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 205 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19NE 964 4 461306 Watercourse Length: 76.9 (NE) 399948 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 206 Watercourse Form: Inland river A23SW 967 4 460412 Watercourse Length: 13.9 (N) 400190 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 207 Watercourse Form: Inland river A17SW 983 4 459584 Watercourse Length: 63.4 (NW) 399617 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 208 Watercourse Form: Inland river A3NW 985 4 460560 Watercourse Length: 260.6 (S) 397967 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 209 Watercourse Form: Inland river A17SW 985 4 459565 Watercourse Length: 90.4 (NW) 399583 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 210 Watercourse Form: Inland river A17SW 988 4 459563 Watercourse Length: 39.8 (NW) 399586 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: Trent Primacy: 2

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BGS Recorded Landfill Sites 211 Site Name: National Coal Board A3NW 985 - 460554 Location: Rossington Colliery, DONCASTER, South Yorkshire (S) 397967 Authority: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Ground Water: Information not available Surface Water: Information not available Geology: N/A Positional Accuracy: Positioned by the supplier Boundary Accuracy: Moderate Historical Landfill Sites 212 Licence Holder: Doncaster Council A13NW 0 2 460545 Location: Bankwood Lane, Rossington (NE) 399094 Name: Bankwood Lane Allotments Operator Location: Not Supplied Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied Provider Reference: EAHLD04674 First Input Date: Not Supplied Last Input Date: Not Supplied Specified Waste Not Supplied Type: EA Waste Ref: 0 Regis Ref: Not Supplied WRC Ref: 4400/0403 BGS Ref: Not Supplied Other Ref: 4400/(109)D Historical Landfill Sites 213 Licence Holder: Not Supplied A13SE 275 2 460668 Location: Bankwood Lane, Rossington, Doncaster (S) 398770 Name: Rossington Dumpit Site Operator Location: Not Supplied Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied Provider Reference: EAHLD30209 First Input Date: Not Supplied Last Input Date: Not Supplied Specified Waste Not Supplied Type: EA Waste Ref: 0 Regis Ref: Not Supplied WRC Ref: Not Supplied BGS Ref: Not Supplied Other Ref: WD5 D2, WD 5 D 2 Historical Landfill Sites 214 Licence Holder: Bolland A14SW 285 2 460928 Location: Rossington (E) 398939 Name: Bankwood Lane Operator Location: Not Supplied Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied Provider Reference: EAHLD04673 First Input Date: Not Supplied Last Input Date: Not Supplied Specified Waste Not Supplied Type: EA Waste Ref: 0 Regis Ref: Not Supplied WRC Ref: 4400/0392 BGS Ref: Not Supplied Other Ref: 4400/(98) Historical Landfill Sites 215 Licence Holder: Doncaster Urban District Council A8SW 715 2 460397 Location: New Rossington, Doncaster (S) 398215 Name: Rossington Colliery Operator Location: Not Supplied Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied Provider Reference: EAHLD04675 First Input Date: Not Supplied Last Input Date: Not Supplied Specified Waste Not Supplied Type: EA Waste Ref: 0 Regis Ref: Not Supplied WRC Ref: 4400/0377 BGS Ref: Not Supplied Other Ref: 4400/(83)

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Historical Landfill Sites 216 Licence Holder: Not Supplied A3NW 984 2 460554 Location: Rossington Colliery, Doncaster, South Yorkshire (S) 397968 Name: National Coal Board Operator Location: Not Supplied Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied Provider Reference: EAHLD31288 First Input Date: 28th February 1968 Last Input Date: Not Supplied Specified Waste Not Supplied Type: EA Waste Ref: 0 Regis Ref: Not Supplied WRC Ref: Not Supplied BGS Ref: 1150 Other Ref: Not Supplied Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 217 Licence Number: 104125 A13NW 0 2 460495 Location: Bankwood Ind Est, Bankwood Lane, Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, (W) 399091 DN11 0PS Operator Name: Bolland Skip Services Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, East Area Site Category: Treatment of waste to produce soil <75,000 tpy Licence Status: Revoked Issued: 1st May 2012 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: 24th November 2015 Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 218 Licence Number: 101140 A13NE 0 2 460597 Location: Unit 1 C, Bankwood Lane Ind Est, Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, (NE) 399120 DN11 0PS Operator Name: Tradebe Healthcare Limited Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, East Area Site Category: Clinical Waste Transfer Station + treatment Licence Status: Surrendered Issued: 16th June 2010 Last Modified: 13th February 2015 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: 16th June 2017 IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 219 Licence Number: 43452 A13NE 0 2 460622 Location: Bankwood Lane Industrial Est, Bankwood Lane, Rossington, Doncaster, (NE) 399170 South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Operator Name: Attero Recycling Limited Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, East Area Site Category: Material Recycling Treatment Facilities Licence Status: Transferred Issued: 9th May 2000 Last Modified: 30th September 2015 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 220 Licence Number: 102078 A13NE 11 2 460680 Location: Unit 23g, Bankwood Lane Ind Est, Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, (E) 399100 DN11 0PS Operator Name: Willott Chris Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, East Area Site Category: Vehicle Depollution Facility <5000 tps Licence Status: Modified Issued: 10th January 2011 Last Modified: 4th August 2011 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 221 Licence Number: 102583 A13SE 77 2 460696 Location: Yard 11a, Bankwood Lane, Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 (E) 399032 0PS Operator Name: Cliospares Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, East Area Site Category: Vehicle depollution facility Licence Status: Issued Issued: 19th May 2011 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 221 Licence Number: 43661 A13SE 84 2 460712 Location: 13 Bankwood Lane Ind Est, Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 (E) 399034 0PS Operator Name: Haigh Wilfred Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, East Area Site Category: Metal Recycling Sites (Vehicle Dismantlers) Licence Status: Revoked Issued: 30th January 1992 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: 3rd December 2015 Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 222 Licence Number: 43139 A13SE 146 2 460644 Location: Plot 1a, Bankwood Lane Ind Est, Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, (SE) 398918 DN11 0PS Operator Name: J F Gregory & J A Holmes Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, East Area Site Category: Metal Recycling Sites (Vehicle Dismantlers) Licence Status: Issued Issued: 18th March 1993 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

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Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 223 Licence Number: 101850 A13SE 246 2 460689 Location: Unit 19, Bankwood Lane, Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS (SE) 398829 Operator Name: A And K Autospares Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, East Area Site Category: Vehicle Depollution Facility <5000 tps Licence Status: Modified Issued: 21st December 2010 Last Modified: 20th September 2011 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 224 Licence Number: 43081 A13SE 290 2 460663 Location: Rossington H W R C, Bankwood Lane Ind Est, Rossington, Doncaster, South (S) 398761 Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Operator Name: F C C Recycling ( U K ) Limited Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, East Area Site Category: Household Waste Amenity Sites Licence Status: Modified Issued: 26th February 1993 Last Modified: 29th November 2012 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 225 Licence Number: 43548 A14SW 404 2 460915 Location: Bankwood Lane Ind Est, Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS (SE) 398783 Operator Name: Tanks And Vessels Industries Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, East Area Site Category: Treatment - Biological Licence Status: Surrendered Issued: 21st December 2004 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: 27th November 2008 IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 226 Licence Number: 43740 A8NE 460 2 460653 Location: New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS (S) 398555 Operator Name: Morris & Co ( Handlers ) Limited Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, East Area Site Category: Metal Recycling Sites (Mixed) Licence Status: Modified Issued: 30th August 2007 Last Modified: 3rd August 2017 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

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Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 226 Licence Number: 43077 A8NE 463 2 460654 Location: Morris & Co, Bankwood Lane, Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 (S) 398552 0PS Operator Name: Morris Mr A E Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, East Area Site Category: Metal Recycling Sites (Mixed) Licence Status: Issued Issued: 29th April 1994 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Local Authority Landfill Coverage Name: Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council 0 3 460545 - Has supplied landfill data 399094 Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites 227 Location: Bankwood Lane, Rossington A13NW 0 3 460545 Reference: 98 (NE) 399094 Authority: Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, Environmental Services Last Reported Unknown Status: Types of Waste: Not Supplied Date of Closure: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Positioned by the supplier Boundary Quality: Good Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites 228 Location: Allotments, Bankwood Lane, Rossington A14SW 294 3 460941 Reference: 109 (E) 398936 Authority: Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, Environmental Services Last Reported Unknown Status: Types of Waste: Not Supplied Date of Closure: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Positioned by the supplier Boundary Quality: Good Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites 229 Location: Rossington Colliery A8SW 715 3 460373 Reference: 83 (S) 398218 Authority: Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, Environmental Services Last Reported Unknown Status: Types of Waste: Not Supplied Date of Closure: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Positioned by the supplier Boundary Quality: Good Potentially Infilled Land (Water) 230 Use: Unknown Filled Ground (Pond, marsh, river, stream, dock etc) A8NW 473 - 460326 Date of Mapping: 1905 (S) 398472 Potentially Infilled Land (Water) 231 Use: Unknown Filled Ground (Pond, marsh, river, stream, dock etc) A14SE 577 - 461255 Date of Mapping: 1956 (E) 398906 Potentially Infilled Land (Water) 232 Use: Unknown Filled Ground (Pond, marsh, river, stream, dock etc) A8SW 610 - 460306 Date of Mapping: 1905 (S) 398337 Potentially Infilled Land (Water) 233 Use: Unknown Filled Ground (Pond, marsh, river, stream, dock etc) A7SE 685 - 460132 Date of Mapping: 1905 (SW) 398309 Potentially Infilled Land (Water) 234 Use: Unknown Filled Ground (Pond, marsh, river, stream, dock etc) A8SW 873 - 460259 Date of Mapping: 1905 (S) 398078 Potentially Infilled Land (Water) 235 Use: Unknown Filled Ground (Pond, marsh, river, stream, dock etc) A15SW 904 - 461615 Date of Mapping: 1956 (E) 398962 Potentially Infilled Land (Water) 236 Use: Unknown Filled Ground (Pond, marsh, river, stream, dock etc) A7SW 938 - 459880 Date of Mapping: 1854 (SW) 398158

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Potentially Infilled Land (Water) 237 Use: Unknown Filled Ground (Pond, marsh, river, stream, dock etc) A2NE 988 - 460011 Date of Mapping: 1905 (SW) 398031 Registered Waste Transfer Sites 238 Licence Holder: B.D.R. Waste Disposal Ltd A8NE 306 2 460660 Licence Reference: WD20 D 922 MOD 3 (S) 398740 Site Location: Rossington C.A.Site, Bankwood Lane, Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire Operator Location: Thorncliffe Hall, Thorncliffe Park Estate, Chapeltown, SHEFFIELD, South Yorkshire, S35 2PQ Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, Lower Trent Area Site Category: Civic Amenity Max Input Rate: Small (Equal to or greater than 10,000 and less than 25,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Operational as far as is knownOperational Dated: 26th March 1997 Preceded By WD20 D 922 MOD 1 Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Domestic/Commercial Waste Ferrous/Non-Ferrous Scrap Metal Max.Waste Permitted By Licence Mineral Oils Pharmaceuticals In Retail Cont'Rs Scrap Rubber (Including Tyres) Prohibited Waste Spec.Waste (Epa'90:S62/1996 Regs) Registered Waste Transfer Sites 238 Licence Holder: B.D.R. Waste Disposal Ltd A8NE 306 2 460660 Licence Reference: WD20 D 922 MOD 1 (S) 398740 Site Location: Rossington Dumpit Site, Bankwood Lane, Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire Operator Location: Templeborough House, Mill Close, ROTHERHAM, South Yorkshire, S60 1BZ Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, Lower Trent Area Site Category: Civic Amenity Max Input Rate: Medium (Equal to or greater than 25,000 and less than 75,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Record supersededSuperseded Dated: 26th February 1993 Preceded By WD 5 D 2 Licence: Superseded By WD20 D 922 MOD 3 Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Asbestos Domestic/Commercial Waste Ferrous/Non-Ferrous Scrap Metal Max.Waste Permitted By Licence Mineral Oils Pharmaceuticals In Retail Cont'Rs Scrap Rubber (Including Tyres) Registered Waste Transfer Sites 238 Licence Holder: Doncaster M.B.C. A8NE 306 2 460660 Licence Reference: WD 5 D 2 (S) 398740 Site Location: Bankwood Farm, Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire Operator Location: Waste Disposal Section, North Bridge Depot, Doncaster, South Yorkshire Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, Lower Trent Area Site Category: Civic Amenity Max Input Rate: Undefined Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Record supersededSuperseded Dated: 1st March 1982 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By WD20 D 922 MOD 1 Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Civic Amenity/Refuse Amenity Waste

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Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 239 Licence Holder: Bankwood Processing Ltd A13NE 0 2 460620 Licence Reference: EAWML43452 (NE) 399165 Site Location: Bankwood Lane, Rossington Bridge, DONCASTER, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Operator Location: 323 Road, Rossington Bridge, DONCASTER, South Yorkshire, DN4 5FA Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, Lower Trent Area Site Category: Transfer - with treatment Max Input Rate: Small (Equal to or greater than 10,000 and less than 25,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Operational as far as is knownOperational Dated: 8th May 2000 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Degradable Commercial Waste (As In Post'98 E.A.Lics & Equivalent To 22.09.02) Degradable Household Waste (As In Post'98 E.A.Lics & Equivalent To 22.09.01) Degradable Industrial Waste (As In Post'98 E.A.Lics & Equivalent To 22.09.03) Inert Materials (As In Post'98 E.A.Lics And Equivalent To 21.00.00) Metal Waste/Scrap Metal (As In Post'98 E.A.Lics And Equivalent To 23.00.00) Prohibited Waste Liquid Wastes Material With Any Haz.Code (H1, H2, H3a,H3b,H4,H5,H6,H7,H8,H9,H10,H11,H12,H13,H14) Other Waste/Waste Not Otherwise Specified Powders Sludge Wastes Special Waste (As In Epa 1990:S62 Of 1996 Regs) Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 240 Licence Holder: J F Gregory & J A Holmes t/a H & G Autos A13SE 69 2 460580 Licence Reference: WD20 D 916 MOD 2 (S) 398970 Site Location: Bankwood Industrial Estate, Rossington, DONCASTER, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Operator Location: As Site Address Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, Lower Trent Area Site Category: Scrapyard Max Input Rate: Very Small (Less than 10,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Operational as far as is knownOperational Dated: 18th March 1993 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Max.Waste Permitted By Licence Motor Vehicle Batteries Max.Stor Scrap Motor Vehicles Max.Stor Prohibited Waste Liquid Wastes

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Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 241 Licence Holder: W Haigh A13SE 165 2 460650 Licence Reference: WD20 D 823 (SE) 398900 Site Location: Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire Operator Location: As Site Address Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, Lower Trent Area Site Category: Scrapyard Max Input Rate: Very Small (Less than 10,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Licence lapsed/cancelled/defunct/not applicable/surrenderedCancelled Dated: 1st January 1992 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Dry Cell Batteries Ferrous Metal Scrap Non-Ferrous Metal Scrap Scrap Dom.Goods (Washers/Fridges Etc.) Scrap Motor Vehicles Tyres Wet Cell Batteries Prohibited Waste Liquid Wastes Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 242 Licence Holder: Morris & Co. Handlers Ltd A13SE 192 2 460620 Licence Reference: WD20 D1026 MOD 1 (S) 398850 Site Location: Bankwood Lane, Rossington, DONCASTER, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Operator Location: 16 Castlegate, , DONCASTER, South Yorkshire, DN11 9QU Authority: Environment Agency - Midlands Region, Lower Trent Area Site Category: Scrapyard Max Input Rate: Small (Equal to or greater than 10,000 and less than 25,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Operational as far as is knownOperational Dated: 29th April 1994 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Engineering Steel Scrap Max.Stor. Max.Waste Permitted By Licence Prohibited Waste Liquid Wastes

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BGS 1:625,000 Solid Geology Description: Triassic Rocks (Undifferentiated) A13NW 0 1 460545 (NE) 399094 BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service A13NW 0 1 460545 Soil Sample Type: Rural Soil (NE) 399094 Arsenic <15 mg/kg Concentration: Cadmium <1.8 mg/kg Concentration: Chromium 40 - 60 mg/kg Concentration: Lead Concentration: <100 mg/kg Nickel <15 mg/kg Concentration:

BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service A13SW 0 1 460482 Soil Sample Type: Rural Soil (SW) 399000 Arsenic <15 mg/kg Concentration: Cadmium <1.8 mg/kg Concentration: Chromium 60 - 90 mg/kg Concentration: Lead Concentration: <100 mg/kg Nickel 15 - 30 mg/kg Concentration:

BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service A13NW 156 1 460274 Soil Sample Type: Rural Soil (W) 399138 Arsenic 15 - 25 mg/kg Concentration: Cadmium <1.8 mg/kg Concentration: Chromium 40 - 60 mg/kg Concentration: Lead Concentration: <100 mg/kg Nickel 15 - 30 mg/kg Concentration:

BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service A13NW 258 1 460303 Soil Sample Type: Rural Soil (NW) 399375 Arsenic 15 - 25 mg/kg Concentration: Cadmium <1.8 mg/kg Concentration: Chromium 40 - 60 mg/kg Concentration: Lead Concentration: <100 mg/kg Nickel 15 - 30 mg/kg Concentration:

BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service A12NE 325 1 460185 Soil Sample Type: Rural Soil (NW) 399343 Arsenic 15 - 25 mg/kg Concentration: Cadmium <1.8 mg/kg Concentration: Chromium 40 - 60 mg/kg Concentration: Lead Concentration: <100 mg/kg Nickel 15 - 30 mg/kg Concentration:

BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service A19SW 357 1 460907 Soil Sample Type: Rural Soil (NE) 399491 Arsenic <15 mg/kg Concentration: Cadmium <1.8 mg/kg Concentration: Chromium 40 - 60 mg/kg Concentration: Lead Concentration: <100 mg/kg Nickel <15 mg/kg Concentration:

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BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service A7NE 409 1 460083 Soil Sample Type: Rural Soil (SW) 398680 Arsenic 15 - 25 mg/kg Concentration: Cadmium <1.8 mg/kg Concentration: Chromium 40 - 60 mg/kg Concentration: Lead Concentration: <100 mg/kg Nickel 15 - 30 mg/kg Concentration:

BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service A18NW 541 1 460501 Soil Sample Type: Rural Soil (N) 399772 Arsenic 15 - 25 mg/kg Concentration: Cadmium <1.8 mg/kg Concentration: Chromium 40 - 60 mg/kg Concentration: Lead Concentration: <100 mg/kg Nickel 15 - 30 mg/kg Concentration:

BGS Recorded Mineral Sites 243 Site Name: Rossington Colliery A7SE 611 1 460123 Location: Not Supplied (SW) 398395 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Reference: 1464 Type: Underground Status: Ceased Operator: Not Supplied Operator Location: Not Supplied Periodic Type: Carboniferous Geology: Barnsley Coal (West And South Yorkshire) Commodity: Coal Mine Methane Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m BGS Recorded Mineral Sites 243 Site Name: Rossington Colliery A7SE 611 1 460123 Location: Not Supplied (SW) 398395 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Reference: 1464 Type: Underground Status: Ceased Operator: Not Supplied Operator Location: Not Supplied Periodic Type: Carboniferous Geology: Barnsley Coal (West And South Yorkshire) Commodity: Coal - Deep Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m BGS Recorded Mineral Sites 244 Site Name: Rossington Main Colliery A7SE 667 1 460119 Location: Not Supplied (SW) 398334 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Reference: 174776 Type: Underground Status: Ceased Operator: Not Supplied Operator Location: Not Supplied Periodic Type: Carboniferous Geology: Barnsley Coal (West And South Yorkshire) Commodity: Coal - Deep Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m BGS Measured Urban Soil Chemistry No data available

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BGS Urban Soil Chemistry Averages Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service A18SW 463 1 460545 Sample Area: Doncaster (N) 399700 Count Id: 279 Arsenic Minimum 2.00 mg/kg Concentration: Arsenic Average 15.00 mg/kg Concentration: Arsenic Maximum 73.00 mg/kg Concentration: Cadmium Minimum 0.10 mg/kg Concentration: Cadmium Average 0.60 mg/kg Concentration: Cadmium Maximum 6.70 mg/kg Concentration: Chromium Minimum 16.00 mg/kg Concentration: Chromium Average 64.00 mg/kg Concentration: Chromium Maximum 354.00 mg/kg Concentration: Lead Minimum 19.00 mg/kg Concentration: Lead Average 127.00 mg/kg Concentration: Lead Maximum 1115.00 mg/kg Concentration: Nickel Minimum 6.00 mg/kg Concentration: Nickel Average 26.00 mg/kg Concentration: Nickel Maximum 181.00 mg/kg Concentration:

Coal Mining Affected Areas Description: In an area which may be affected by coal mining activity. It is recommended A13NW 0 5 460545 that a coal mining report is obtained from the Coal Authority. Contact details (NE) 399094 are included in the Useful Contacts section of this report.

Mining Instability Mining Evidence: Inconclusive Coal Mining A13NW 0 - 460545 Source: Ove Arup & Partners (NE) 399094 Boundary Quality: As Supplied Man-Made Mining Cavities Easting: 460100 A7SE 706 6 460100 Northing: 398300 (SW) 398300 Distance: 706 Quadrant Reference: A7 Quadrant Reference: SE Bearing Ref: SW Cavity Type: Fireclay Commodity: Fireclay Solid Geology Detail: No Details Superficial Geology No Details Detail:

Non Coal Mining Areas of Great Britain No Hazard Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A13SW 0 1 460560 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SE) 399080 Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A13NW 0 1 460545 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (NE) 399094 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Moderate A13NW 0 1 460545 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (NE) 399094 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A13SW 0 1 460560 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SE) 399080 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: High A13NW 156 1 460274 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (W) 399138

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Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A13NW 0 1 460545 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (NE) 399094 Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A13NW 0 1 460545 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (NE) 399094 Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Low A13SW 0 1 460391 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SW) 398976 Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A13SW 79 1 460317 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SW) 398939 Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Low A13NE 250 1 460836 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (NE) 399410 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A13SW 0 1 460560 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SE) 399080 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Low A13NW 0 1 460545 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (NE) 399094 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A13NW 156 1 460274 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (W) 399138 Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A13NW 0 1 460545 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (NE) 399094 Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A13SW 0 1 460560 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SE) 399080 Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A13NW 156 1 460274 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (W) 399138 Radon Potential - Radon Affected Areas Affected Area: The property is in a Lower probability radon area (less than 1% of homes are A13NW 0 1 460545 estimated to be at or above the Action Level). (NE) 399094 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures Protection Measure: No radon protective measures are necessary in the construction of new A13NW 0 1 460545 dwellings or extensions (NE) 399094 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 245 Name: Rossington Hydro Dipping A13NE 7 - 460681 Location: Unit 23d, Bankwood Lane, Doncaster, DN11 0PS (E) 399105 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 246 Name: N W Autos A13SE 83 - 460659 Location: Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 399002 Doncaster, DN11 0PS Classification: Car Painters & Sprayers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 247 Name: G A & M Schuller & Sons A13SE 91 - 460707 Location: Bankwood La Ind Est,Bankwood La, New Rossington, Doncaster, South (SE) 399022 Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 248 Name: Grade One Auto Services A13SE 204 - 460730 Location: Bankwood La, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS (SE) 398904 Classification: Car Breakers & Dismantlers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 249 Name: Morris & Co Handlers Ltd A13SE 211 - 460662 Location: Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398853 Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Scrap Metal Merchants Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned in the proximity of the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 250 Name: Triumphland A13SE 236 - 460736 Location: Bankwood La Ind Est,Bankwood La, New Rossington, Doncaster, South (SE) 398870 Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Classic Car Specialists Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 250 Name: Go Green A13SE 238 - 460737 Location: Bankwood La Ind Est,Bankwood La, New Rossington, Doncaster, South (SE) 398868 Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 250 Name: A & K Auto Spares A13SE 260 - 460741 Location: 18 Bankwood La, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS (SE) 398844 Classification: Tyre Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 250 Name: Trackfast Joinery Ltd A13SE 261 - 460718 Location: Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS (SE) 398829 Classification: Joinery Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 250 Name: Hanson Premix A13SE 298 - 460748 Location: Bankwood La Ind Est,Bankwood La, New Rossington, Doncaster, South (SE) 398804 Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Concrete & Mortar Ready Mixed Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 251 Name: Tank & Vessels A13SE 259 - 460788 Location: Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398874 Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Tanks, Vats & Cisterns Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 252 Name: Parker'S Skip Hire A13SE 269 - 460654 Location: Unit 10, Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (S) 398780 Doncaster, DN11 0PS Classification: Chemical Recycling & Disposal Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 253 Name: Tanks & Vessels Industries A13SE 288 - 460862 Location: Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398886 Doncaster, DN11 0PS Classification: Recycling Centres Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 254 Name: Tanks & Vessels Industries A13SE 309 - 460794 Location: Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398820 Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Tanks, Vats & Cisterns Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned in the proximity of the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 254 Name: Prism Coating A13SE 309 - 460794 Location: Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, Rossington, Doncaster, (SE) 398820 South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Powder Coatings Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned in the proximity of the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 254 Name: Keith Scott A13SE 358 - 460817 Location: Bankwood Lane Ind Est,Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, South (SE) 398776 Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Car Painters & Sprayers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 255 Name: F C Y Plc A13SE 331 - 460726 Location: Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS (SE) 398751 Classification: Powder Coatings Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 255 Name: Mr Cash 4 Clothes A13SE 331 - 460726 Location: Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398751 Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 255 Name: Rossington Light Engineering A13SE 331 - 460726 Location: Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398751 Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Engineers - General Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 256 Name: B & W A13SE 341 - 460756 Location: Unit 24 & 25 Oakleaf Ind Est,Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, (SE) 398758 South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Mot Testing Centres Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 256 Name: Discount Fencing & Concrete Products A8NE 349 - 460758 Location: Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS (SE) 398750 Classification: Concrete Products Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 256 Name: Rossington Tyre & Exhaust Centre A8NE 355 - 460760 Location: Bankwood La, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS (SE) 398744 Classification: Tyre Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 256 Name: Elliotts Printing A8NE 357 - 460760 Location: 8 Bankwood La, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS (SE) 398742 Classification: Screen Process Printers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 256 Name: Enviro Diesel Ltd A8NE 363 - 460761 Location: Bankwood Lane Ind Est,Bankwood La, New Rossington, Doncaster, South (SE) 398736 Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Oil Fuel Distributors Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 256 Name: The Conservatory Warehouse A8NE 376 - 460764 Location: Unit 19 Bankwood Lane Ind Est, Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, (SE) 398722 DN11 0PS Classification: Recycling Centres Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 256 Name: H & G Autos A8NE 380 - 460770 Location: Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398721 Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Car Breakers & Dismantlers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned in the proximity of the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 256 Name: Rossington Car Clinic A8NE 389 - 460798 Location: Unit 2,Bankwood La, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 (SE) 398728 0PS Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 256 Name: Tradebe A8NE 389 - 460798 Location: Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, New Rossington, Doncaster, South (SE) 398728 Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Medical Waste Disposal Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 256 Name: Nidge Hines Vehicle Repairs A8NE 389 - 460798 Location: Unit 1 Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 (SE) 398728 0PS Classification: Mot Testing Centres Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 256 Name: G L Filtration Ltd A8NE 389 - 460798 Location: Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS (SE) 398728 Classification: Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Distributors Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 256 Name: Vrs Roofing & Building Supplies Ltd A8NE 389 - 460798 Location: Bankwood Lane Ind Est, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 (SE) 398728 0PS Classification: Builders' Merchants Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 256 Name: Rossington Car Clinic A8NE 389 - 460798 Location: Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS (SE) 398728 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 256 Name: Laser Additive Solutions Ltd A8NE 391 - 460807 Location: Unit 1/A, Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398731 Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 256 Name: Megamould A8NE 391 - 460807 Location: 1a-1c, Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398731 Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Tool Design, Manufacturers & Makers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 257 Name: R M S Locotec A13SE 351 - 460862 Location: Unit 1-6, Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398812 Doncaster, DN11 0PS Classification: Railway Equipment Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 257 Name: Coulstock & Place Engineering Co Ltd A13SE 397 - 460891 Location: Unit 1-6, Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398776 Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Engineering Machine Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 258 Name: Bolland Skip Services Ltd A8NE 422 - 460804 Location: Bankwood Lane Ind Est,Bankwood Lane, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 (SE) 398693 0PS Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 258 Name: Parkinson Plastics Ltd A8NE 422 - 460804 Location: Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398693 Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Classification: Powder Coatings Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 258 Name: Dairy Crest A8NE 433 - 460796 Location: Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, DONCASTER, South Yorkshire, DN11 (SE) 398675 0PS Classification: Dairies Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 258 Name: Information Technology Recycling Solutions A8NE 447 - 460766 Location: 19, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS (SE) 398640 Classification: Recycling Centres Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 259 Name: Uk Coal A8NW 437 - 460482 Location: Rossington Colliery, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PZ (S) 398510 Classification: Coal Mining Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 260 Name: V C Restorations A8NE 461 - 460855 Location: Unit 3, Oakleaf Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398679 Doncaster, DN11 0PS Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 261 Name: Frost A8NE 477 - 460772 Location: 9, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS (SE) 398608 Classification: Commercial Vehicle Bodybuilders & Repairers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 261 Name: Merlin Trades & Diy A8NE 483 - 460774 Location: 7, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS (SE) 398602 Classification: Builders' Merchants Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 261 Name: Britcare Ltd A8NE 505 - 460777 Location: 1, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS (SE) 398578 Classification: Medical Waste Disposal Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 262 Name: Vc Restorations A8NE 540 - 460881 Location: Unit 11, Oakleaf Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398602 Doncaster, DN11 0PS Classification: Classic Car Specialists Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 262 Name: Pioneer Pickle Co A8NE 540 - 460859 Location: West End Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PQ (SE) 398588 Classification: Food Products - Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 263 Name: Rossington Sand & Gravel Aggregates A8SE 667 - 460758 Location: Holmes Carr Rd, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0QB (S) 398376 Classification: Sand, Gravel & Other Aggregates Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 263 Name: Doncaster Fencing Supplies A8SE 667 - 460758 Location: The Builders Yard Holmes Carr rd, New Rossington, Doncaster, South (S) 398376 Yorkshire, DN11 0QB Classification: Builders' Merchants Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 263 Name: Doncaster Aggregates A8SE 667 - 460758 Location: The Builders Yard,Holmes Carr Road, New Rossington, Doncaster, South (S) 398376 Yorkshire, DN11 0QB Classification: Sand, Gravel & Other Aggregates Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 263 Name: Doncaster Aggregates A8SE 667 - 460758 Location: The Builders Yard,Holmes Carr Rd, New Rossington, Doncaster, South (S) 398376 Yorkshire, DN11 0QB Classification: Sand, Gravel & Other Aggregates Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 264 Name: Fellowes Ltd A7NW 743 - 459728 Location: Unit 2, Ontario Drive, New Rossington, Doncaster, DN11 0BF (SW) 398623 Classification: Case Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 265 Name: G A Tuning A9SW 753 - 460971 Location: 22, Edward Street, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PH (SE) 398407 Classification: Car Engine Tuning & Diagnostic Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 266 Name: Dean'S Aggregates A9SW 798 - 460970 Location: 24, Nelson Road, New Rossington, DONCASTER, South Yorkshire, DN11 (SE) 398354 0PJ Classification: Sand, Gravel & Other Aggregates Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 266 Name: Dean'S Aggregates A9SW 798 - 460970 Location: 24, Nelson Road, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PJ (SE) 398354 Classification: Sand, Gravel & Other Aggregates Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 266 Name: Doncaster Sand & Gravel A9SW 798 - 460970 Location: 24, Nelson Road, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PJ (SE) 398354 Classification: Sand, Gravel & Other Aggregates Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 267 Name: Rossington Tools A9SW 825 - 461108 Location: 7, King Avenue, Doncaster, DN11 0PG (SE) 398407 Classification: Hardware Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 268 Name: Fellowes Manufacturing Uk Ltd A6NE 936 - 459486 Location: Ontario Drive, New Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0BF (W) 398737 Classification: Office Furniture & Equipment Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 269 Name: D L Pest Control Services A8SE 942 - 460870 Location: 37, Holmes Carr Road, New Rossington, Doncaster, DN11 0QG (S) 398123 Classification: Pest & Vermin Control Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Points of Interest - Commercial Services 270 Name: Rossington Hydro Dipping A13NE 7 7 460681 Location: Unit 23d, Bankwood Lane, Doncaster, DN11 0PS (E) 399105 Category: Repair and Servicing Class Code: Vehicle Repair, Testing and Servicing Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Commercial Services 271 Name: Scrap Yard A13SE 65 7 460575 Location: Not Supplied (S) 398971 Category: Recycling Services Class Code: Scrap Metal Merchants Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location Points of Interest - Commercial Services 271 Name: Scrap Yard A13SE 69 7 460583 Location: DN11 (S) 398971 Category: Recycling Services Class Code: Scrap Metal Merchants Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Commercial Services 271 Name: Scrap Yard A13SE 145 7 460615 Location: DN11 (S) 398902 Category: Recycling Services Class Code: Scrap Metal Merchants Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Commercial Services 272 Name: Parker's Skip Hire A13SE 269 7 460654 Location: Unit 10 Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (S) 398780 Doncaster, DN11 0PS Category: Recycling Services Class Code: Recycling, Reclamation and Disposal Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location

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Points of Interest - Commercial Services 272 Name: Nidge Hines Vehicle Repairs A13SE 331 7 460725 Location: Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398751 Doncaster, DN11 0PS Category: Repair and Servicing Class Code: Vehicle Repair, Testing and Servicing Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Commercial Services 273 Name: N W Autos A8NE 422 7 460804 Location: Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398693 Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Category: Repair and Servicing Class Code: Vehicle Repair, Testing and Servicing Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Commercial Services 273 Name: Keith Scott A8NE 422 7 460804 Location: Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398693 Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Category: Repair and Servicing Class Code: Vehicle Repair, Testing and Servicing Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Commercial Services 273 Name: Triumphland Classic Car Specialists A8NE 422 7 460804 Location: Bankwood La Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, (SE) 398693 South Yorkshire, DN11 0PS Category: Repair and Servicing Class Code: Vehicle Repair, Testing and Servicing Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Commercial Services 273 Name: Information Technology Recycling Solutions A8NE 447 7 460766 Location: 19 Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, DN11 0PS (SE) 398640 Category: Recycling Services Class Code: Recycling, Reclamation and Disposal Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Commercial Services 273 Name: V C Restorations A8NE 459 7 460850 Location: Unit 3 Oakleaf Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, (SE) 398678 DN11 0PS Category: Repair and Servicing Class Code: Vehicle Repair, Testing and Servicing Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Commercial Services 274 Name: B & W Autocentre A9NW 519 7 460927 Location: Unit 24-25 Oakleaf Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398655 Doncaster, DN11 0PS Category: Repair and Servicing Class Code: Vehicle Repair, Testing and Servicing Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Commercial Services 275 Name: G A Tuning Mobile Engine Tuning Ltd A9SW 753 7 460971 Location: 22 Edward Street, New Rossington, Doncaster, DN11 0PH (SE) 398407 Category: Repair and Servicing Class Code: Vehicle Repair, Testing and Servicing Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Commercial Services 275 Name: G A Tuning A9SW 753 7 460971 Location: 22 Edward Street, New Rossington, Doncaster, DN11 0PH (SE) 398407 Category: Repair and Servicing Class Code: Vehicle Repair, Testing and Servicing Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Commercial Services 276 Name: D L Pest Control Services A8SE 939 7 460869 Location: 37 Holmes Carr Road, New Rossington, Doncaster, DN11 0QG (S) 398127 Category: Contract Services Class Code: Pest and Vermin Control Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Commercial Services 276 Name: D L Pest Control Services A8SE 942 7 460870 Location: 37 Holmes Carr Road, New Rossington, Doncaster, DN11 0QG (S) 398123 Category: Contract Services Class Code: Pest and Vermin Control Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location

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Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production 277 Name: Works A13NE 24 7 460704 Location: Not Supplied (E) 399099 Category: Industrial Features Class Code: Unspecified Works Or Factories Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production 277 Name: Works A13NE 24 7 460704 Location: DN11 (E) 399099 Category: Industrial Features Class Code: Unspecified Works Or Factories Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production 278 Name: Works A13SE 222 7 460744 Location: DN11 (SE) 398891 Category: Industrial Features Class Code: Unspecified Works Or Factories Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production 278 Name: Wks A13SE 249 7 460717 Location: DN11 (SE) 398843 Category: Industrial Features Class Code: Unspecified Works Or Factories Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production 278 Name: Works A13SE 251 7 460733 Location: Not Supplied (SE) 398850 Category: Industrial Features Class Code: Unspecified Works Or Factories Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production 279 Name: UK Coal A8NW 437 7 460482 Location: Rossington Colliery, New Rossington, Doncaster, DN11 0PZ (S) 398510 Category: Extractive Industries Class Code: Coal Mining Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production 279 Name: UK Coal Ltd A8NW 437 7 460482 Location: Rossington Colliery, New Rossington, Doncaster, DN11 0PZ (S) 398510 Category: Extractive Industries Class Code: Coal Mining Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production 280 Name: Tank A8NW 490 7 460240 Location: DN11 (SW) 398476 Category: Industrial Features Class Code: Tanks (Generic) Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production 280 Name: Tanks A8NW 499 7 460252 Location: DN11 (SW) 398463 Category: Industrial Features Class Code: Tanks (Generic) Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production 280 Name: Tank A7NE 524 7 460207 Location: DN11 (SW) 398452 Category: Industrial Features Class Code: Tanks (Generic) Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production 281 Name: Factory A8NE 492 7 460824 Location: DN11 (SE) 398623 Category: Industrial Features Class Code: Unspecified Works Or Factories Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production 281 Name: Factory A8NE 493 7 460824 Location: Not Supplied (SE) 398622 Category: Industrial Features Class Code: Unspecified Works Or Factories Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location

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Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production 281 Name: Tank A8NE 536 7 460876 Location: DN11 (SE) 398604 Category: Industrial Features Class Code: Tanks (Generic) Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production 282 Name: Tanks A7NE 608 7 460046 Location: DN11 (SW) 398445 Category: Industrial Features Class Code: Tanks (Generic) Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production 283 Name: Tanks A7SE 703 7 460052 Location: DN11 (SW) 398328 Category: Industrial Features Class Code: Tanks (Generic) Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production 283 Name: Mine A7SE 711 7 459986 Location: DN11 (SW) 398361 Category: Extractive Industries Class Code: Unspecified Quarries Or Mines Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production 283 Name: Tank A7SE 719 7 460025 Location: DN11 (SW) 398326 Category: Industrial Features Class Code: Tanks (Generic) Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location Points of Interest - Public Infrastructure 284 Name: Outfall A13NW 42 7 460480 Location: DN11 (NW) 399236 Category: Infrastructure and Facilities Class Code: Waste Storage, Processing and Disposal Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location Points of Interest - Public Infrastructure 285 Name: Tanks & Vessels Industries A13SE 259 7 460788 Location: Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, (SE) 398874 Doncaster, DN11 0PS Category: Infrastructure and Facilities Class Code: Recycling Centres Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Public Infrastructure 286 Name: Information Technology Recycling Solutions A8NE 447 7 460766 Location: 19 Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, DN11 0PS (SE) 398640 Category: Infrastructure and Facilities Class Code: Recycling Centres Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Public Infrastructure 286 Name: Information Technology Recycling Solutions A8NE 447 7 460766 Location: 19 Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, DN11 0PS (SE) 398640 Category: Infrastructure and Facilities Class Code: Recycling Centres Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Public Infrastructure 286 Name: Britcare Ltd A8NE 505 7 460777 Location: 1 Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, DN11 0PS (SE) 398578 Category: Infrastructure and Facilities Class Code: Waste Storage, Processing and Disposal Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location Points of Interest - Public Infrastructure 287 Name: Rossington Fire Station A9NW 583 7 460909 Location: Rossington Fire Station West End Lane, New Rossington, Doncaster, DN11 (SE) 398569 0PQ Category: Central and Local Government Class Code: Fire Brigade Stations Positional Accuracy: Positioned to address or location

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Points of Interest - Public Infrastructure 288 Name: Slurry Pond A7SE 857 7 459987 Location: DN11 (SW) 398188 Category: Infrastructure and Facilities Class Code: Waste Storage, Processing and Disposal Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location Points of Interest - Public Infrastructure 289 Name: Spoil Heap A7SE 881 7 460078 Location: DN11 (SW) 398119 Category: Infrastructure and Facilities Class Code: Waste Storage, Processing and Disposal Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location Points of Interest - Public Infrastructure 290 Name: Spoil Heap A2NE 980 7 459957 Location: DN11 (SW) 398065 Category: Infrastructure and Facilities Class Code: Waste Storage, Processing and Disposal Positional Accuracy: Positioned to an adjacent address or location

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Ancient Woodland 291 Name: Holmes Carr Great Wood A8NE 507 8 460624 Reference: 1105342 (S) 398485 Area(m²): 185861.1 Type: Ancient and Semi-Natural Woodland Ancient Woodland 292 Name: West End Wood/Park Wood A14SE 573 8 461259 Reference: 1105344 (E) 398917 Area(m²): 91104.19 Type: Ancient and Semi-Natural Woodland Ancient Woodland 293 Name: Park Wood East A15SW 950 8 461651 Reference: 1105346 (E) 398914 Area(m²): 50771.04 Type: Ancient and Semi-Natural Woodland Areas of Adopted Green Belt 294 Authority: Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council A13NW 0 9 460523 Plan Name: Doncaster Unitary Development Plan (N) 399180 Status: Adopted Plan Date: 31st July 1998 Nitrate Vulnerable Zones 295 Name: R Torne / Three Rivers From Mother Dr To R Trent Nvz A13NW 0 10 460545 Description: Surface Water (NE) 399094 Source: Environment Agency, Head Office Nitrate Vulnerable Zones 296 Name: Nottinghamshire A13NW 0 10 460545 Description: Groundwater (NE) 399094 Source: Environment Agency, Head Office Sites of Special Scientific Interest 297 Name: Potteric Carr A18SE 475 8 460839 Multiple Areas: N (NE) 399677 Total Area (m2): 1175341.07 Source: Natural England Reference: 1000669 Designation Details: Local Wildlife Site Designation Date: 1st June 1984 Date Type: Notified Designation Details: Site Of Special Scientific Interest Designation Date: 1st June 1984 Date Type: Notified

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Agency & Hydrological Version Update Cycle

Contaminated Land Register Entries and Notices Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council - Environmental Services April 2014 Annual Rolling Update Bassetlaw District Council - Environmental Health Department October 2017 Annual Rolling Update Discharge Consents Environment Agency - Midlands Region April 2018 Quarterly Environment Agency - North East Region April 2018 Quarterly Enforcement and Prohibition Notices Environment Agency - Midlands Region March 2013 As notified Environment Agency - North East Region March 2013 As notified Integrated Pollution Controls Environment Agency - Midlands Region October 2008 Variable Environment Agency - North East Region October 2008 Variable Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control Environment Agency - Midlands Region April 2018 Quarterly Environment Agency - North East Region April 2018 Quarterly Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control Bassetlaw District Council - Environmental Health Department June 2014 Variable Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council - Environmental Services June 2014 Variable Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls Bassetlaw District Council - Environmental Health Department August 2014 Annual Rolling Update Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council - Environmental Services June 2014 Annual Rolling Update Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Enforcements Bassetlaw District Council - Environmental Health Department June 2014 Variable Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council - Environmental Services June 2014 Variable Nearest Surface Water Feature Ordnance Survey September 2017 Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters Environment Agency - North East Region December 1998 Not Applicable Environment Agency - Midlands Region December 1999 Not Applicable Prosecutions Relating to Authorised Processes Environment Agency - Midlands Region July 2015 As notified Environment Agency - North East Region March 2013 As notified Prosecutions Relating to Controlled Waters Environment Agency - Midlands Region March 2013 As notified Environment Agency - North East Region March 2013 As notified Registered Radioactive Substances Environment Agency - Midlands Region January 2015 Environment Agency - North East Region January 2015 River Quality Environment Agency - Head Office November 2001 Not Applicable River Quality Biology Sampling Points Environment Agency - Head Office July 2012 Annually River Quality Chemistry Sampling Points Environment Agency - Head Office July 2012 Annually Substantiated Pollution Incident Register Environment Agency - Midlands Region - East Area April 2018 Quarterly Environment Agency - Midlands Region - Lower Trent Area April 2018 Quarterly Environment Agency - North East Region - Ridings Area April 2018 Quarterly Environment Agency - North East Region - Yorkshire Area April 2018 Quarterly Water Abstractions Environment Agency - Midlands Region April 2018 Quarterly Environment Agency - North East Region April 2018 Quarterly

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Agency & Hydrological Version Update Cycle

Water Industry Act Referrals Environment Agency - Midlands Region October 2017 Quarterly Environment Agency - North East Region October 2017 Quarterly Groundwater Vulnerability Environment Agency - Head Office April 2015 Not Applicable Drift Deposits Environment Agency - Head Office January 1999 Not Applicable Bedrock Aquifer Designations British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service August 2015 As notified Superficial Aquifer Designations British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service August 2015 As notified Source Protection Zones Environment Agency - Head Office January 2018 Quarterly Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Environment Agency - Head Office May 2018 Quarterly Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Environment Agency - Head Office May 2018 Quarterly Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences Environment Agency - Head Office May 2018 Quarterly Flood Water Storage Areas Environment Agency - Head Office May 2018 Quarterly Flood Defences Environment Agency - Head Office May 2018 Quarterly OS Water Network Lines Ordnance Survey May 2018 Quarterly Surface Water 1 in 30 year Flood Extent Environment Agency - Head Office October 2013 As notified Surface Water 1 in 100 year Flood Extent Environment Agency - Head Office October 2013 As notified Surface Water 1 in 1000 year Flood Extent Environment Agency - Head Office October 2013 As notified Surface Water Suitability Environment Agency - Head Office October 2013 As notified BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service May 2013 As notified

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Waste Version Update Cycle

BGS Recorded Landfill Sites British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service June 1996 Not Applicable Historical Landfill Sites Environment Agency - Head Office April 2018 Quarterly Integrated Pollution Control Registered Waste Sites Environment Agency - Midlands Region October 2008 Not Applicable Environment Agency - North East Region October 2008 Not Applicable Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Landfill Boundaries) Environment Agency - Midlands Region - East Area April 2018 Quarterly Environment Agency - Midlands Region - Lower Trent Area April 2018 Quarterly Environment Agency - North East Region - Ridings Area April 2018 Quarterly Environment Agency - North East Region - Yorkshire Area April 2018 Quarterly Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) Environment Agency - Midlands Region - East Area April 2018 Quarterly Environment Agency - Midlands Region - Lower Trent Area April 2018 Quarterly Environment Agency - North East Region - Ridings Area April 2018 Quarterly Environment Agency - North East Region - Yorkshire Area April 2018 Quarterly Local Authority Landfill Coverage Bassetlaw District Council - Environmental Health Department May 2000 Not Applicable Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council - Environmental Services May 2000 Not Applicable Nottinghamshire County Council - Environment Department May 2000 Not Applicable Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites Bassetlaw District Council - Environmental Health Department May 2000 Not Applicable Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council - Environmental Services May 2000 Not Applicable Nottinghamshire County Council - Environment Department May 2000 Not Applicable Potentially Infilled Land (Non-Water) Landmark Information Group Limited December 1999 Not Applicable Potentially Infilled Land (Water) Landmark Information Group Limited December 1999 Not Applicable Registered Landfill Sites Environment Agency - Midlands Region - East Area March 2003 Not Applicable Environment Agency - Midlands Region - Lower Trent Area March 2003 Not Applicable Environment Agency - North East Region - Ridings Area March 2003 Not Applicable Environment Agency - North East Region - Yorkshire Area March 2003 Not Applicable Registered Waste Transfer Sites Environment Agency - Midlands Region - East Area March 2003 Not Applicable Environment Agency - Midlands Region - Lower Trent Area March 2003 Not Applicable Environment Agency - North East Region - Ridings Area March 2003 Not Applicable Environment Agency - North East Region - Yorkshire Area March 2003 Not Applicable Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites Environment Agency - Midlands Region - East Area March 2003 Not Applicable Environment Agency - Midlands Region - Lower Trent Area March 2003 Not Applicable Environment Agency - North East Region - Ridings Area March 2003 Not Applicable Environment Agency - North East Region - Yorkshire Area March 2003 Not Applicable

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Hazardous Substances Version Update Cycle

Control of Major Accident Hazards Sites (COMAH) Health and Safety Executive September 2017 Bi-Annually Explosive Sites Health and Safety Executive March 2017 Variable Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances (NIHHS) Health and Safety Executive November 2000 Not Applicable Planning Hazardous Substance Enforcements Bassetlaw District Council - Environmental Health Department April 2015 Variable Nottinghamshire County Council August 2007 Variable Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council October 2015 Variable Planning Hazardous Substance Consents Bassetlaw District Council - Environmental Health Department April 2015 Variable Nottinghamshire County Council August 2007 Variable Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council October 2015 Variable

Geological Version Update Cycle

BGS 1:625,000 Solid Geology British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service January 2009 Not Applicable BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service October 2015 As notified BGS Recorded Mineral Sites British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service May 2018 Bi-Annually BGS Urban Soil Chemistry Averages British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service October 2015 As notified CBSCB Compensation District Cheshire Brine Subsidence Compensation Board (CBSCB) August 2011 Not Applicable Coal Mining Affected Areas The Coal Authority - Property Searches March 2014 As notified Mining Instability Ove Arup & Partners October 2000 Not Applicable Non Coal Mining Areas of Great Britain British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service May 2015 Not Applicable Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service June 2015 As notified Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service June 2015 As notified Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service June 2015 As notified Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service June 2015 As notified Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service June 2015 As notified Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service June 2015 As notified Radon Potential - Radon Affected Areas British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service July 2011 As notified Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service July 2011 As notified

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Industrial Land Use Version Update Cycle

Contemporary Trade Directory Entries Thomson Directories May 2018 Quarterly Fuel Station Entries Catalist Ltd - Experian April 2018 Quarterly Gas Pipelines National Grid July 2014 Quarterly Points of Interest - Commercial Services PointX June 2018 Quarterly Points of Interest - Education and Health PointX June 2018 Quarterly Points of Interest - Manufacturing and Production PointX June 2018 Quarterly Points of Interest - Public Infrastructure PointX June 2018 Quarterly Points of Interest - Recreational and Environmental PointX June 2018 Quarterly Underground Electrical Cables National Grid December 2015 Bi-Annually

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Sensitive Land Use Version Update Cycle

Ancient Woodland Natural England October 2017 Bi-Annually Areas of Adopted Green Belt Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council February 2018 As notified Areas of Unadopted Green Belt Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council February 2018 As notified Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Natural England February 2018 Bi-Annually Environmentally Sensitive Areas Natural England January 2017 Forest Parks Forestry Commission April 1997 Not Applicable Local Nature Reserves Natural England February 2018 Bi-Annually Marine Nature Reserves Natural England January 2018 Bi-Annually National Nature Reserves Natural England February 2018 Bi-Annually National Parks Natural England April 2017 Bi-Annually Nitrate Vulnerable Zones Environment Agency - Head Office December 2017 Bi-Annually Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA - formerly FRCA) October 2015 Ramsar Sites Natural England February 2018 Bi-Annually Sites of Special Scientific Interest Natural England February 2018 Bi-Annually Special Areas of Conservation Natural England January 2018 Bi-Annually Special Protection Areas Natural England February 2018 Bi-Annually

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A selection of organisations who provide data within this report

Data Supplier Data Supplier Logo

Ordnance Survey

Environment Agency

Scottish Environment Protection Agency

The Coal Authority

British Geological Survey

Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

Natural Resources Wales

Scottish Natural Heritage

Natural England

Public Health England

Ove Arup

Peter Brett Associates

Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Date: 05-Jul-2018 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 65 of 66 Useful Contacts

Contact Name and Address Contact Details

1 British Geological Survey - Enquiry Service Telephone: 0115 936 3143 Fax: 0115 936 3276 British Geological Survey, Environmental Science Centre, Keyworth, Email: [email protected] Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG12 5GG Website:

2 Environment Agency - National Customer Contact Telephone: 03708 506 506 Centre (NCCC) Email: [email protected] PO Box 544, Templeborough, Rotherham, S60 1BY

3 Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council - Telephone: 01302 734444 Fax: 01302 734949 Environmental Services Website: Floor 3, Council House, College Road, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN1 1RN

4 Ordnance Survey Telephone: 03456 05 05 05 Email: [email protected] Adanac Drive, Southampton, Hampshire, SO16 0AS Website:

5 The Coal Authority - Property Searches Telephone: 0345 762 6848 Fax: 01623 637 338 200 Lichfield Lane, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 4RG Email: [email protected] Website:

6 Peter Brett Associates Telephone: 0118 950 0761 Fax: 0118 959 7498 Caversham Bridge House, Waterman Place, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 Email: [email protected] 8DN Website:

7 PointX Website: 7 Abbey Court, Eagle Way, Sowton, Exeter, Devon, EX2 7HY

8 Natural England Telephone: 0300 060 3900 Email: [email protected] County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP Website:

9 Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council Telephone: 01302 734854 Fax: 01302 734949 Danum House, St Sepulchre Gate, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN1 1UB Website:

10 Environment Agency - Head Office Telephone: 01454 624400 Fax: 01454 624409 Rio House, Waterside Drive, Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol, Avon, BS32 4UD

- Public Health England - Radon Survey, Centre for Telephone: 01235 822622 Fax: 01235 833891 Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards Email: [email protected] Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0RQ Website:

- Landmark Information Group Limited Telephone: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Imperium, Imperial Way, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 0TD Email: [email protected] Website:

Please note that the Environment Agency / Natural Resources Wales / SEPA have a charging policy in place for enquiries.

Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Date: 05-Jul-2018 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 66 of 66 Site Sensitivity Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Customer Ref: ECL.041.01.01 National Grid Reference: 460550, 399090 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 4.93 Plot Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Processing Site, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, DONCASTER, DN11 0PS

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 05-Jul-2018 Page 1 of 1 Site Sensitivity Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Customer Ref: ECL.041.01.01 National Grid Reference: 460550, 399090 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 4.93 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Processing Site, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, DONCASTER, DN11 0PS

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 05-Jul-2018 Page 1 of 6 Industrial Land Use Map

Industrial Land Use Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Customer Ref: ECL.041.01.01 National Grid Reference: 460550, 399090 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 4.93 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Processing Site, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, DONCASTER, DN11 0PS

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 05-Jul-2018 Page 2 of 6 Flood Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Customer Ref: ECL.041.01.01 National Grid Reference: 460550, 399090 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 4.93 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Processing Site, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, DONCASTER, DN11 0PS

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 05-Jul-2018 Page 3 of 6 For Borehole information please refer to the Borehole .csv file which accompanied this slice.

A copy of the BGS Borehole Ordering Form is available to download from the Support section of

Borehole Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 172310760_1_1 Customer Ref: ECL.041.01.01 National Grid Reference: 460550, 399090 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 4.93 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Processing Site, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington, DONCASTER, DN11 0PS

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 05-Jul-2018 Page 4 of 6