Advanced development zones of the Primorsky territory as a basis for regional integration in the APR 249

Advanced development zones of the Primorsky territory as a basis for regional integration in the APR Zonas de desarrollo avanzado del territorio de Primorsky como base para la integración regional en el APR ABSTRACT The study of the zones of advanced development as part of the territorial structuring system of Primorye allows to trace the formation of recreational and tourist groups within the borders of the zone of advanced development. The purpose of the work is to analyze the elements of the territorial structure oriented to tourism in the development of the fundamentals of regional cross-border cooperation. The authors applied structural-functional and group approaches, which allow them to comprehensively consider the components of the territorial structuring of the tourism industry as a unique system for the development of the Primorye recreational complex. The methodological basis of the research is the analysis of recreational and tourist advanced development zones in Primorye. As a result of this study, the recreational and tourist sectors of the region were analyzed, potential prerequisites for the development of cooperative tourism links at a regional level and their integration in the Asia-Pacific region were identified. The integrated application of special theoretical approaches in the study of the territorial structuring of the Primorsky Territory in the field of tourism allows the identification of characteristics and patterns, as well as the prerequisites for the formation and development of the tourism industry within advanced borders. . development area, and determine the regional integration links of cross-border cooperation in recreational and tourism activities.

Keywords: areas of advanced development, integration, territorial structuring, structural- functional approach, cluster approach, tourism, region.

Copyright © Revista San Gregorio 2018. eISSN: 2528-7907

RESUMEN El estudio de las zonas de desarrollo avanzado como parte del sistema de estructuración territorial de Primorye permite rastrear la formación de agrupaciones recreativas y turísticas dentro de las fronteras de la zona de desarrollo avanzado. El propósito del trabajo es analizar los elementos de la estructura territorial orientada al turismo en el desarrollo de los fundamentos de la cooperación regional transfronteriza. Los autores aplicaron enfoques estructural-funcional y de grupo, que les permiten considerar de manera integral los componentes de la estructuración territorial de la industria del turismo como un sistema único para el desarrollo del complejo recreativo Primorye. La base metodológica de la investigación es el análisis de zonas de desarrollo avanzado recreativas y turísticas en Primorye. Como resultado de este estudio, se analizaron los sectores recreativos y turísticos de la región, se identificaron los requisitos previos potenciales para el desarrollo de vínculos de turismo cooperativo a nivel regional y su integración en la región de Asia y el Pacífico. La aplicación integrada de enfoques teóricos especiales en el estudio de la estructuración territorial del Territorio de Primorsky en el campo del turismo permite identificar características y patrones, así como los requisitos previos para la formación y el desarrollo de la industria turística dentro de las fronteras de avanzada. zona de desarrollo, y determinar los vínculos de integración regional de la cooperación transfronteriza en actividades recreativas y turísticas.

Palabras clave: zonas de desarrollo avanzado, integración, estructuración territorial, enfoque estructural-funcional, enfoque de cluster, turismo, región.

Copyright © Revista San Gregorio 2018. eISSN: 2528-7907

Yuliya S. Lebedinskaya Elena S. Koshevaya Galina V. Petruk

Vladivostok State University of Economics and State University of Economics and Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Russian Federation Service. Russian Federation Service. Russian Federation

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Olga V. Shnaider

Higher Education Togliatti State University. Russian Federation


only ensure the national security of the state borders in the East, but also envisage the se- ttlement of relations and the smoothing out of the escalation of tension in the Asia-Pacific region. In this regard, the study of advanced development zones as the basis for the for- mation of weak but economically promising relations of cooperation between the Russian Far East and the bordering countries of the Asia-Pacific region is relevant. The greatest significance in this matter of interaction is Problem statement given to the Primorsky Territory. It is preci- During the last decades, the eastern territo- sely the political, economic and social center ries of the Russian Federation begin to orient of Primorye; according to M.Yu. Shinkovsky, themselves more actively in their develop- it can serve as vents in the global world [5], ment towards the Asia-Pacific region coun- thereby determining the key points of politi- tries due to actively developing economies cal, economic, social, legal and cultural inte- of China, Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea. raction with the countries of the Asia-Pacific The Far East, by virtue of its economic and Region. A similar opinion was held by I.D. Sa- geographical location, is of strategic impor- nachev, who turned his attention to the fact tance in ensuring the national security of the that “growth policies act as key geostrategic borders of the Russian Federation. The Far points” [6] establishing geopolitical and eco- Eastern territories are of strategic importan- nomic forms of cooperation with neighboring ce for the Russian Federation, and their de- countries. In this direction, it is worth no- velopment “is one of the national priorities, ting the views of P. Ya. Baklanov, who having the key to solve many economic, social, de- analyzing the government concept of the pro- mographic and even geopolitical problems” gram of socio-economic development of the [1]. In this regard, the Russian state develops Russian Far East, and considering the growth and implements a set of targeted programs ai- of the priority development areas, suggested med at the development of the region, one of that “international cooperation is possible in which: the “Program for the Development of priority of our activities” [2] one of which is the Far East and the Baikal Region until 2025” the formation of recreational and tourist ad- became a key tool for regional development, vanced development zones. Today, according since it proposed the formation of a network to P.Ya. Baklanov, within the boundaries of of advanced development territories (advan- the Primorsky Territory, it is possible to orga- ced development zones) [2]. To date, about 15 nize the following advanced recreational and advanced development zones have been es- tourist development zones: Muravyinaya, Sh- tablished in the territory of the south of the makovskaya, Khasanskaya, Vladivostokskaya. Far East [3] within the boundaries of which, An assessment of their territorial structure according to P.Ya. Baklanov, the interaction will make it possible to determine the degree and development of priority activities is ca- of development of the multiplicative effect rried out, where the transit and transport in- and regional integration in the Asia-Pacific frastructure acquires a cross-border, regional region. As a result, the object of this study and integration significance for the economy are the centers (focuses) of economic and in- of the Russian Far East. It is worth noting that dustrial specialization established within the the formation of the advanced development recreational and tourist advanced develop- zone is an attempt by the government to solve ment zones, as well as functioning transport the main problems of the region related to the and logical infrastructure and information lack of labor resources, high migration of peo- and communication links with the prospect ple to the European part of , the lack of a multiplicative territorial effect. They act of sustainable transport, logistical infrastruc- as regional integration units for cross-border ture and information and communication cooperation. Their formation and develop- links that are necessary for economic inte- ment is carried out in accordance with the Fe- gration and cross-border cooperation with deral Law No. 473-FZ dated 03.30.2015 “On border countries of the Asia Pacific Region. the territories of advanced socio-economic In addition, the tactics chosen by the gover- development” [7]. nment for the development of the region not Yuliya S. Lebedinskaya, Elena S. Koshevaya, Galina V. Petruk, Olga V. Shnaider : “Advanced development 251 zones of the Primorsky territory as a basis for regional integration in the APR.”

Theoretical and methodological undoubtedly the basis for creating prerequi- basis for the study of advanced sites for the formation of similar forms of ac- development zones tivity in neighboring border areas. Content The organization of advanced develop- analysis of research problems in the field of ment zones with the potential for growth of transport infrastructure allows us to note a the multiplicative effect and the formation of rather significant radius of publications by the foundations of regional integration and Russian scientists in this field, namely, Yu.V. cross-border cooperation can be considered Tsarionova, Yu.Yu. Kuznetsov, S.L. Antonov, within the framework of the structural-func- V.A. Blaginin and others. tional concept of I.M. Maergoiz, Yu.G. Saus- hkin, P.M. Alampiev, G.M. Lappo. The main However, due to the fact that the analyzed content, which consists in the fact that the ele- growth points (focus centers), transport and ments of the territorial structure (centers-fo- logistics infrastructure, information and cuses, transport and logistics infrastructure communication links are studied from va- and information and communication links) rious theoretical and practical aspects of the are explored as a system of interrelated struc- sciences, and also have in their development ture-forming and structure-organizing ob- a complex-structural combination, which in jects of economic activity. The advantages of aggregate constitutes “territorial structure of using the structural-functional approach as intersectoral integration” [8], and their mul- a synthesis of cooperation between priority tidimensionality leads to the emergence of activities and transport and transit comple- many problems that require further research. xes within a small, compact territory are the Thus, the issues of territorial structuring of work of P.Ya. Baklanova, A.V. Moshkova, M.T. focus centers and transport and transit com- Romanova, G.E. Tretiak and others. plexes in the formation of a regional integra- tion unit of cross-border cooperation in the The idea of the development of ideas about form of organizing recreational and tourist growth points (centers-foci) is considered advanced development zones are not suffi- in the context of theories of polarized deve- ciently disclosed. All of the above is relevant lopment and growth policies by F. Perroux, in the study of this area and determines its J.R. Budville. On the basis of their theoreti- purpose: analysis (assessment) of the territo- cal views, it can be assumed that leading and rial structural elements of the tourism indus- new sectors of the economy concentrated in try in the development of the foundations for individual points (populated points) can act regional integration and cross-border coope- as an impulse for development and stimulate ration in the Asia-Pacific region. To achieve it in various forms (recreational and tourist this goal, it is necessary to consider the com- activities) to neighboring territories. ponents of recreational and tourist-purpose advanced development zones, identify poten- Economic growth of focus centers is not tial advanced development zones for the de- possible without the proper level of develop- velopment of regional integration links with ment of transport and transit infrastructure the Asia-Pacific Region, and construct a map and information and communication links; with the proposed locations of designed tou- the problem of their formation can be inves- rist clusters in the Primorsky Territory. tigated within the framework of the organi- zational and functional concept by M. Porter, The methodological basis of this study and the system paradigm by G.M. Lappo. is based on the analysis of recreational and Both theories give a complete picture of the tourist advanced development zones in the formation of the frame structure (economic Primorsky Territory. The main methods of frame, supporting frame) and the special role research include comparative analysis, struc- of the linear elements of the territorial struc- tural and functional analysis, and graphic ture (transport and logistics infrastructure descriptions. and information and communication links) in it. The use of paradigmatic foundations The rationale for the use of structural-functional and within the framework in the study of terri- cluster approaches in the study torial structuring allows us to discover and of advanced development zones. establish economic ties with other growth points (centers-foci) of various specializa- Analysis of research with the use of the tions located in other territories, which are structural-functional approach in the wor- 252 REVISTA SAN GREGORIO, 2018, No.27,SPECIAL EDITION.DECEMBER (248-259), ISSN: 1390-7247; eISSN: 2528-7907 ks of I.M. Maergoiz, Yu.G. Saushkin, P.M. - Allows us to compare regions with each Alampiev, G.M. Lappo, M. Porter, and P.Ya. other on a global scale and determine their Baklanov allowed to highlight its following competitiveness, as well as evaluate the effec- advantages: tiveness of clusters and regions [9].

− Observance of the “integrity” principle as The essence of the cluster approach to the an obligatory condition for the development regional development management is that the of the territorial structuring elements; management of the region is formed in the form of a system of purposeful influence of − Correlation within the system of cen- the management entity (executive authorities) ters-focuses of various economic orientations on the economic clusters of the region. with certain patterns of their development and functioning; The main elements of this approach are:

− Concentration of an integrated transport 1. Assessment of regional development and transit infrastructure having such system opportunities based on an analysis of the feature as manageability to certain extent; competitiveness of economic clusters in a gi- ven region. − Economic frame (supporting frame) - interconnected placement (layout) of se- 2 The use of primarily indicative methods of ttlements, the main industrial complexes, influence on clusters, primarily through the transport, recreational and resource zones development of cluster infrastructure and the throughout the region. formation of the organizational and legal con- ditions for its activities, that is, the internal The complex combination of these condi- and external environment of their existence. tions leads to the formation of a sustainable economic system within the region and be- 3 Stimulation and support of communica- yond. The presence of such a system crea- tions between enterprises and elements of the tes prerequisites for the emergence of new cluster infrastructure. mechanisms of interaction based on market relations, and for the development of com- 4. Adaptation of social and engineering in- petition among economic entities, and also frastructure of the region to the interests of ensures the development of cross-border re- the development of regional clusters. lations. The most successful use of a complex organizational structure is observed in the Analysis of the territorial Primorsky Territory in the formation of ad- structure of advanced development vanced development areas. The key advantage zones. here is the concentration of elements of terri- torial structuredness within a small territory, The Far East, and in particular the Primors- where market mechanisms of interrelations ky Territory, are territories with a huge poten- are clearly manifested. At the same time, of tial for development, especially in the field of fundamental importance will be a multiplica- recreational tourism; a significant part of the tive effect, creating prerequisites for regional mineral, energy, biological, land resources is international cooperation in priority sectors concentrated here. In addition, the unique of the regional economy. economic and geographical position of the Primorsky Territory makes it possible to deve- One of the most popular methods in the lop integration cross-border cooperation with modern economy, allowing for consideration the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and of the region as a complex and in its interre- creates all the prerequisites for a large-scale lations is the cluster approach. It provides the investment recreational and tourist business. following features: In Primorye, there are more than 2 thou- - Allows considering production within the sand archaeological and historical monu- whole complex of its interrelations (produc- ments, there are also various natural objects tion, consumption, and sales infrastructure); suitable for mountaineering and rock clim- bing, 160 well-known karst cavities (under- ground manholes, niches, grottoes, caves), Yuliya S. Lebedinskaya, Elena S. Koshevaya, Galina V. Petruk, Olga V. Shnaider : “Advanced development 253 zones of the Primorsky territory as a basis for regional integration in the APR.” of which about 40 are objects of caving. The The hospitality infrastructure of Primors- water rafting facilities are 15 rivers of the Sea ky Territory is characterized by a process of of Japan basin with a total “floating” length of active development. In Primorye, there are about 500 km and 7 rivers of the Ussuri river about 450 enterprises that receive tourists, basin with a total “floating” length of about including 200 recreation centers, hostels and 400 km [11]. In addition, the national parks, boarding houses. There were 150 enterpri- thirteen state natural reserves, the Botani- ses in the hotel industry of Primorsky Terri- cal Garden of the Far Eastern Branch of the tory in 2013. By 2017, the number of hotels Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Arbo- in Primorsky Territory increased in 1.6 times retum of the mountain-taiga station to them compared with 2013. The total number of of the region named after Academician V.L. employees in the service sector of collective Komarov, sanatorium-resort organizations accommodation facilities (CAF) of the region and tourist centers are established in the Pri- is about 6 thousand people. The infrastruc- morsky Territory. ture of services rendered to tourists is repre- sented by a network of institutions, including The region has 184 units of state and public more than 200 recreation centers, 151 hote- museums, picture and art galleries; over 2000 ls, 23 sanatorium-resort institutions, about units of historical and cultural monuments 1,100 catering establishments, and more than (urban planning, architecture, monumen- 100 transport enterprises carrying out pass- tal-visual arts, and archeology), theaters and enger transportation [13]. cinemas, a seaquarium, more than 300 units of leisure establishments, and about 30 large The results of the analysis of indicators for sports complexes [11]. The possibilities of the collective accommodation facilities in the leisure and entertainment sector within the Primorsky Territory by types of accommoda- framework of the general concept on develo- tion for 2016-2017 are shown in Table 3 [13]. pment of the Primorsky Territory are expan- ding. The creation of a tourist and recreatio- Table 2 (See Annexes). Indicators of collec- nal special economic zone on the territory of tive accommodation facilities of Primors- the Russky Island and the “Primorye” gam- ky Territory by type of accommodation for bling zone on the territory of Artyomovsky 2016-2017 urban district gives a new impetus to the de- velopment of entertainment infrastructure. As can be seen from the data above, at the end of 2017 there were 800 tourist sector ob- The physical infrastructure of Primorsky jects which provide accommodation services Territory is represented by a network of roads, to tourists in the Primorsky Territory, inclu- railways, and sea and river routes. The region ding: 514 (64%) recreation centers with inven- is the largest transport hub in the Far East tory of 45,214 places; 251 (31%) hotels with with a unique combination of almost all types room capacity of 15 498 beds; 35 enterprises of transports. However, the transport infras- (5%) are sanatoria, health and recreation re- tructure is weakly connected with the tourist sorts with room capacity of 9 990 places. By industry and mainly provides for cargo trans- the number of places, the largest share falls portation. In the “Concept of development of on recreation centers - 64%; 22% on hotels; transport of the Russian Federation”, interna- 14% on sanatoriums. In terms of the number tional transport corridors (ITC) are provided, of persons accommodated, the largest share which pass through the Primorsky Territory; belongs to recreation centers - 53% (966,588 they are presented in Table 1 [12]. people); 39 % - to hotels (703,653 people); 8% - to sanatoriums (142,752 people). Thus, the Table 1 (See Annexes). International trans- most popular are hotel rooms. port corridors passing through the Primorsky Territory The highest rates of growth in the num- ber of people accommodated are accounted The road network is being improved, and for the sanatoriums (211.38%) and recreation transport infrastructure facilities are being centers (130.17%). In terms of the services built within the framework of the general provided, the largest share is accounted for concept of development of the Primorsky Te- by hotels (42%); 30% fall on recreation centers rritory as a transport and logistics center. and 28% on sanatoriums. Recreation centers of Primorsky Territory with an average room 254 REVISTA SAN GREGORIO, 2018, No.27,SPECIAL EDITION.DECEMBER (248-259), ISSN: 1390-7247; eISSN: 2528-7907 rate of 1386 rubles and an average annual load of the Primorsky Territory and the autono- of 21% received income of 2,255.2 million ru- mous non-profit organization “Tourist Infor- bles; hotels with an average room rate of 785 mation Center of the Primorsky Territory”. rubles and 51% loading received income of vThe result of their joint work was the trans- 3 122.4 million rubles. Sanatoriums with an formation of objects of the tourist industry, average price of 955 rubles and loading of 68% as well as the creation of new objects of the received income of 2,025.1 million rubles. tourist show, cultural objects, transport and The total number of people placed in collecti- tourist infrastructure; holding major event ve accommodation facilities was 1.81 million events; Participation of Primorsky Territory people [13]. in significant international tourism exhibi- tions and investment fairs in China, such as: According to the law of Primorsky Territory Russian-Chinese EXPO in Harbin, BITE in “On the strategy of socio-economic develop- Beijing, CITM in Kunming and city of Sha- ment of Primorsky Territory until 2025”, and nghai, an exhibition on border trade in Sui- the author’s analysis carried out, the tourism fenhe, meetings of the Tourism Council of the industry occupies one of the priority places in Enhanced Tumangan Initiative [14]. the development of the regional economy, in- cluding the transformation of the city of Vla- Despite the relative increase in tourism, in divostok as a center for regional integration at the Primorsky Territory there are problems in the international level. However, despite the the development of a recreational and tourist positive prerequisites and the huge potential complex of infrastructural, financial, person- of the Far Eastern region, and, in particular, nel, and marketing character [15]. of the Primorsky Territory, there are problems of a socio-economic nature. This is poorly Thus, in Primorye, international transport developed territory: its infrastructure and corridors are mainly focused on freight tra- investment opportunities are underdevelo- ffic; passenger traffic is not considered in ped, and also it has a rather low demographic them, and roads and other transport arteries potential: according to P.Ya. Baklanov, about intended for tourism within the Primorsky 6.5 million people live in the region [2]. These Territory generally have a negative develo- problems create barriers to the formation of pment trend. In general, most of the tourist Primorye as a recreational and tourist center. infrastructure is in a difficult situation and In this regard, a program was developed for tends to decrease. Thus, over the past 10 the development of tourism in Primorye until years, the number of cultural and leisure ins- 2017. Thanks to its implementation in the re- titutions has decreased by 125 units, and the gion, the situation in the field of tourism has number of folklore, music, theater, and others improved significantly. groups - by 840.

Currently, according to the latest report on The emerging trend does not allow a ho- the implementation of the state program “De- listic view of the regional tourist product to velopment of tourism in Primorsky Territory” form, reduces the scope of providing services for 2017, the inbound tourist flow amounted to domestic and foreign tourists. to 517.9 thousand people, compared to 460.13 thousand people in 2016, it grew by 12% [15], Innovative and educational services in this what indicates the recreational and tourist at- sector of the economy are very poorly develo- tractiveness of Primorye for the Asia-Pacific ped. There are no specialized training agen- region countries. The main tourist partner is cies for the tourism industry in the region. China; this situation is partly explained by the Training in this specialty is being conducted presence of a common border with a length in five non-specialized universities of the re- of 1,145 km and an agreement on visa-free gion. In the system of secondary vocational group tourist trips concluded between the go- education, this area of training is present vernments of the Russian Federation and the only at the Vladivostok shipbuilding college. People’s Republic of China. It is followed by In other educational institutions, cooks, con- the Republic of Korea, Japan, the Philippines, fectioners and hairdressers are trained for the India, and Vietnam. A significant increase in sector of services. foreign tourists from became possible due to the active work of the controlling authority of It is advisable to include the following to the executive power - the tourism department the factors hindering the development of re- Yuliya S. Lebedinskaya, Elena S. Koshevaya, Galina V. Petruk, Olga V. Shnaider : “Advanced development 255 zones of the Primorsky territory as a basis for regional integration in the APR.” creational and tourist center for the services nication links, as well as objects of the tou- sector: rist industry. In order to develop the elements of territorial structuring, the state program - The lack of integrated tourism products, “Development of tourism in the Primorsky the formation of which is largely determined Territory for 2013-2020” is being adjusted by the lack of coordination and interdepart- and successfully implemented. Its main task mental fragmentation of infrastructure. Sin- is to increase the competitiveness of the tou- ce, each subject of the tourist sphere is trying rist market in the Primorsky Territory, what to create its own product and sell it indepen- satisfies the needs of Russian and foreign ci- dently; tizens in high-quality tourist services. The designated goal is achieved by implementing - Poor development of innovation, informa- a task that is significant for the territorial tion and educational infrastructure. In fact, structuring: creation of the tourism industry in Primorye, the core of the recreation and infrastructure using a cluster approach. tourist center had not been formed yet. The educational system responds poorly to the Currently, the following activities are be- demands of the labor market; specialties de- ing implemented in the Primorsky Territory manded by the branches of the recreation and under the state program “Development of tourist center are opened in non-specialized tourism in the Primorsky Territory” for 2013- universities, what does not allow for forma- 2020: tion of its full-fledged core. As a result, it is difficult to obtain information services and − Creation of tourism industry infrastruc- consulting support to tourist companies ope- ture using a cluster approach; rating in the local market; − Formation of the recreation and tourist - Extremely slow commercialization of in- cluster “Pedan” in the territory of the Shkoto- frastructure facilities that make up the con- vsky municipal district; tent of the tourist product. As a rule, objects that form the basis for tourism are state-ow- − Formation of a recreational and tourist ned and their use is governed by regulations cluster “Ussuriisk-Mikhailovka” in the te- and standards, which is caused by the need rritory of the Ussuriysky urban district, Mi- for their preservation. Because of this, their khailovsky and Spassky municipal districts; use for commercial purposes is difficult. Efforts to commercialize face a lack of mo- − Organization of the recreation and tou- tivation among the employees of these ins- rist cluster “” in the territory of titutions and poor coordination on the part Arsenyevsky urban district and Yakovlevsky of state authorities in the region. At the same municipal district; time, without the use of these facilities, the normal functioning of a regional recreational − Establishment of the -Parti- and tourist center is impossible. zansk recreation and tourist cluster in the te- rritory of the Nakhodka urban district, Parti- Overcoming these negative trends is possi- zansky and Lazovsky municipal districts; ble only within the framework of the deep in- tegration of tourism sector participants into − Formation of a recreational tourism clus- the cluster and the promotion of infrastruc- ter “Khasansky” in the territory of the Kha- ture development by regional authorities [16, sansky municipal district; 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]. − Development of a recreational and tourist These problems have a negative impact in complex in the area of the Primorsky Terri- one degree or another on the formation of tory; Primorye as a recreational and tourist cen- ter. As a result, decisive measurees being put − The establishment of a health and fitness in the first place to transform the territorial cluster on the territory of the Kirovsky muni- structuring of the Primorsky Territory due cipal district of the Primorsky Territory; to the formation of new and functioning of the former objects of transport and transit − Of particular importance in the Primors- infrastructure and information and commu- ky Territory is an investment development 256 REVISTA SAN GREGORIO, 2018, No.27,SPECIAL EDITION.DECEMBER (248-259), ISSN: 1390-7247; eISSN: 2528-7907 project, an integrated entertainment resort Kirovsky, TRK Nakhodka-Partizansk, TRK “Primorye” located in the territory of Artyo- Ussurisk-Mikhailovka, and TRK “Integrated movsky urban district in Muravyinaya Bay complex Primorye”. The proposed map-sche- [15]. me suggests the development of transport and transit infrastructure and information The specified projects of the tourism indus- and communication links as a tie in forma- try are included in the register of the federal tion of relationships between centers and foci target program “Development of domestic and of recreational and tourist nature within and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation outside the advanced development zone, what (2011-2018)” and are priorities in the field of creates prerequisites for the development of tourism. The key moments of attracting tou- the business sector and competition among rists here will be their individual peculiarity, business entities, thus ensuring the construc- which will manifest itself even more at the tion of a cluster development management completion of the stages of their formation, system. Functional coordination of all ele- where the cluster management system will ments of territorial structuring is achieved function in full force. The projected tourism in the process of preparation and implemen- clusters are shown in Table 4, which is based tation by state authorities of decisions in the on the reports of the Primorsky Territory in field of tourism development, and also orga- the field of tourism [14] and the materials of nization of activities to attract tourists and the state program for the development of tou- promote the region in the Russian and inter- rism in the Primorsky Territory [15]. national tourism market. The most promising segment here is business and cultural tou- Table 3 (See Annexes). Designed tourist rism, since it most closely corresponds to the clusters recreational realities of the Primorsky Terri- tory area and makes it possible to effectively These projects which are functioning at the use the infrastructure created for the APEC initial stage already bring a certain contribu- summit, to consolidate Primorye’s status as a tion to the development of the tourist sphere business and cultural center. Especially, here of Primorye. Thus, the sanatorium treatment it is worth noting the activities of the auto- zone Primorskoye Ring, the Emerald Ring nomous non-profit organization “Tourist In- cluster, and the Pidan cluster in 2015-2017 formation Center of Primorsky Territory”, the were visited by 1,326.03 thousand foreign Tourism Department of Primorsky Territory, tourists [14]. Their development to the final small and medium-sized businesses. result will ensure the creation of objects of economic and infrastructural recreational Thus, the proposed recreational tourism and tourist activities of the international le- clusters will ensure the functional interrela- vel, what will undoubtedly lead to an increase tion of all elements of the system, which will in the volume of incoming tourist flow from have a beneficial effect on the organization the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and, and development of tourist industry facili- accordingly, to an increase in investment in ties in the Primorsky Territory and will also the development of the regional economy contribute to the multiplicative effect, not opportunities for small and medium-sized only within Primorye, but also beyond the businesses engaged in tourist and recreational international level: regional integration of activities. The implementation of projects on cross-border cooperation with countries of the formation of recreational tourism clusters the Asia-Pacific region. and the development of the integrated enter- tainment resort Primorye will ensure the de- Conclusions velopment of a strong economic framework, elements of which will be endowed with eco- The advanced development zones are the nomic and political functions and focused foundation for the development of recreatio- primarily on the development of regional nal and tourist clusters, the organization of integration of cross-border cooperation with the business sector and the growth of econo- the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. The mic entities of tourism, the formation of re- authors identify 7 zones of location for the gional integration ties with the border coun- proposed and projected recreational and tou- tries of the Asia-Pacific Region. The advanced rist clusters in the Primorye Territory: TRK development zones have the advantages to Arsenyev, TRK Khasansky, TRK Pidan, TRK create a competitive, business and cultural Yuliya S. Lebedinskaya, Elena S. Koshevaya, Galina V. Petruk, Olga V. Shnaider : “Advanced development 257 zones of the Primorsky territory as a basis for regional integration in the APR.” center of Primorye in the Far East. At present, 6 advanced development zones are allocated on the territory of Primorye for the creation and development of tourism using the cluster approach, within the boundaries of which it is planned to form sustainable conglomerates of tourist development. It is thanks to the in- tegrated implementation of recreational and tourist projects of the cluster type that the di- rection designated by the government in the creation of the Primorye tourism center will become possible. This will ultimately affect the dynamics of the growth of number of tourists, so, according to the predicted data, their number, in this case, will be 7.5 million [14] and it is possible that Primorye will reach a significant level of development of tourism in Russia.

The economic structure (supporting fra- mework) created will fulfill the task of a sta- bilizer which will preserve the intrasystem functional links between the elements of territorial structuring, as well as form re- gional transboundary cooperation with the Asia-Pacific region countries. The formation of cross-border ties in the recreational and tourist sphere will be one of the directions for the development of the economy of the Rus- sian Far East in the Asia-Pacific region. 258 REVISTA SAN GREGORIO, 2018, No.27,SPECIAL EDITION.DECEMBER (248-259), ISSN: 1390-7247; eISSN: 2528-7907

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Table 1. International transport corridors passing through the Primorsky Territory

Table 2. Indicators of collective accommodation facilities of Primorsky Territory by type of accommodation for 2016-2017

Table 3. Designed tourist clusters