Water Efficient Exotic


Crepe Myrtle Evergreen Frangipani Frangipani Frangipani Frangipani Frangipani speciosa Plumeria obtusa Plumeria rubra ‘Darwin Creme’ Plumeria rubra ‘Darwin Harney’ Plumeria rubra ‘Darwin Yellow’ Plumeria rubra ‘Tricolour’

10m x 6m 5-6m x 5m 4-5m 5m 7–8m 4-5m

Medium sized with Reliably evergreen and suited to a tropical A stunning Frangipani with large single A stunning Frangipani with large single Showy single yellow with a deep One of the most multi-coloured crepe-like pink, magenta or purple climate. This tree can grow up to 8m high pink and yellow flowers. pink and yellow flowers. Rich free curl on each petal. Deliciously fragrant Frangipanis with red, pink and yellow flowers. Fantastic feature tree. Warm and has dark, shiny, leathery, blunt ended draining site in full sun. it thrives in warmer climates. Once flowers. sunny site with well-drained soil. and scented, creamy white flowers established they require little water. with a yellow centre, 4-5 cm in diameter.

Indian Mast Tree Bladdernut Tree Yellow Trumpet Tree Polyalthea longifolia ‘Pendula’ pinnata Tabebuia aurea

Watering requirements

DURING ESTABLISHMENT AFTER ESTABLISHMENT Limited irrigation Limited irrigation (every 2 weeks) (every 2 weeks)

Weekly irrigation Weekly irrigation (weekly) (weekly)

Regular irrigation Regular irrigation (twice weekly) (twice weekly)

8-10m x 1m 6m 8m x 5m Living Water Smart would like to thank and acknowledge the assistance and knowledge of The Landscape Studio in the creation of this document. A slender columnar shaped tree with A very hardy evergreen shade tree with A medium size deciduous tree with fantastic hanging foliage. Perfect for a dense compact crown. The Bladdernut bright yellow trumpet flowers. Suitable These plants are proudly endorsed as water wise by narrow spaces. Prefers full sun. tree is somewhat deciduous but with for planting in deep soil on larger Greening Australia some dry season watering can retain its properties. cover. Very slow growing. Prefers well drained soils and full sun.

Email [email protected] Phone 08 8995 5861 @livingwatersmart livingwatersmart.com.au Water Efficient Exotic Plants


Desert Rose Pride of the Cape Bougainvillea Powder-Puff Red Powder-Puff Madagascar Dragon Tree Adenium sp. galpinii Bougainvillea sp. Calliandra brevipes ‘Hula Girl’ Calliandra haematocephala Dracaena marginata

1-2m x 1m 2m x 2m Size/Height varies 1.2m x 1m 3-4m x 3m 2-4m x 2-4m

Prefer full sun and rich, well-drained Evergreen medium to tall with A showy shrub or rambler that will Compact shrub with pink pom pom Attractive shrub with a spreading red A striking sculptural plant with long soil. Pruning will improve the shape and bright red flowers. Can be pruned to perform at its best with little attention. flowers. Plant in a full sun for longest powder puff flowers. Full sun to part pointed foliage. Best in full sun or part encourage more branches and flowers. required height and shape. Full sun. Colourful flowers that vary from pink, flowering period. Prune spent flowers. shade. Prune to desired size. Plant in shade. Prune to desired size. red, purple to bronze. Dwarf varieties Prefers well drained soil and moderate a full sun for longest flowering period. are available. watering. Tolerates prolonged dry spells Prune spent flowers to encourage dense once established. growth habit and continued flowering. Roseflake Hibiscus Ixora Ixora Superking Henna Murraya Mini Murraya Hibiscus rosa-sinensis ‘Roseflake’ Ixora chinensis ‘Sunkist’ Ixora macrothrysa ‘Super King’ Lawsonia inermis Murraya paniculata Murraya paniculata ‘Min-a-Min’

2m x 1-2m 40cm-1m x 40cm-1m 1.5-2m x 1.5m 2-5m x 2-5m 2-30m x 1.5-3m 60cm-1m x 1-2m

A very hardy evergreen Hibiscus shrub A hardy neat compact shrub with a A tall growing Ixora shrub. Large clusters A straggly tall shrub with small flowers A stunning hardy evergreen rounded A compact growing hardy hedging with showy red flowers. Can be pruned profusion of red flowers. Great hedging of red flowers for full sun or part shade. that produce a beautiful perfume. Plant shrub with deep green foliage. Produces plant with small dark green leaves and to size and shape. Looks great when or low screening plant for full sun or Great as a screening plant, hedging to take advantage of dry and wet season clusters of highly perfumed flowers fragrant white flowers. Slow growing but mass planted as a screen or hedge. part shade. plant or a backdrop to smaller plants. breezes. followed by red berries. Thrives in worth the wait. An excellent screening Tip prune to encourage dense bushy full sun to part shade. An excellent or hedging plant. Can be pruned to growth. Can be kept pruned to desired screening or hedging plant. Can be desired height. height. pruned to desired height.

Email [email protected] Phone 08 8995 5861 @livingwatersmart livingwatersmart.com.au Water Efficient Exotic Plants


Dwarf Red Frangipanni Dwarf Pink Frangipanni Plumeria rubra ‘Cherry Clusters’ Plumeria obtusa ‘Darwin Petite Pink’ Tabernaemontana ‘Little Emerald’ Tunera subulata

7m x 8m 2m x 2m 50cm x 50cm 60cm x 60cm

Dwarf Frangipani with stunning red Evergreen dwarf Frangipani withy highly Attractive shrub with glossy leaves and A clumping shrub with Hibiscus-like white flowers. scented pink flowers. Also known as white star shaped flowers. Flowers most and yellow flowers with a brown centre. Dwarf Pink Singapore. of the year. Prefers well drained soil in full sun. Prune to encourage dense, bushy growth.


Dianella Evergreen Giant Lirope Purple Fountain Grass Orange Trumpet Vine Dianella revoluta Euphorbia milii hybrids Liriope ‘Evergreen Giant’ Pennisetum purpureum Petrea volubilis Pyrostegia ignea

60cm x 60cm 1.5m x 1m 60cm x 60cm 1m x 1m

Clump forming plant with strappy Slow growing spreading shrub with A small but beautiful drought tolerant Purple foliage and pink feathery plumes. Evergreen climber with rough leaves and Evergreen climber with delicate tendrils leaves. Grows best in well drained dark green succulent leaves and showy plant. This is an evergreen grass with Prefers a sunny well drained site. long lasting display of star shaped deep and showy orange trumpet like flowers. soils. Ideal plant to use as an edging to flowers. May be harmful if eaten. Prune strappy leaves and can remain evergreen Cut back to ground level after flowering. blue flowers. Full sun to part shade. planting beds. to keep compact. Prefers a sunny well and attractive throughout year with little drained site. care and feeding. Looks best as a mass planting. Full sun or part shade.

Email [email protected] Phone 08 8995 5861 @livingwatersmart livingwatersmart.com.au Water Efficient Exotic Plants


Bismark Palm Sago Palm Dioon Cycad Mauritius Hemp Chinese Fan Palm Footstool Palm Bismarkia nobilis Cycas revoluta Dioon spinulosum Furcraea foetida var. mediopicta Livistona chinensis Livistona rotundifolia

10m x 7m 2m x 2m 2-3m x 3-4m 2m x 2-3m To 10m To 10m

A spectacular fan palm with huge blue- A slow growing palm-like plant with In cultivation, this is one of the most Beautiful succulent based plant. Full sun Very hardy tall fan palm for well- drained A slow growing tall fan palm from South grey fan leaves up to 3metres across. striking architectural foliage. trouble free cycads. Grey-green arching to filtered light. Wavy sword-shaped soil in sun or part sun. East with a smooth, brown trunk It has stout, smooth, grey trunk to harmful if eaten. Prefers full sun to part foliage. Will grow in full sun or shade. leaves that lack any spines. A decorative and broad circular shaped leaves. In about 10m There is also a green leaved shade. In the span of a few years can become creamy band occurs down the middle its natural habitat it can grow to up to form. Suitable for larger properties.It sizeable plants. Soil should be loose and of the leaf. The stalk reaching to 20 metres in height but in a garden requires a sunny, warm, and well drained contain a good quantity of humus. 5 metres tall produces strongly-scented situation usually it will not grow that tall. position and is drought tolerant. greenish-white flowers attractive to bees.

Dwarf Date Palm Fiji Fan Palm Cardboard Palm Wild Sago Spineless Yucca Macrozamia moorei Phoenix roebelinii Pritchardia pacifica Zamia furfuracea Zamia integrifolia Yucca elephantipes

3-10m x 2-5m 3m x 2-3m 10m x 4m 2m x 1.5m 1.5m x 1.5m 1.5-2m x 1.5m

The tallest of Australia’s cycads, it can A small to medium sized palm although A tall fan palm that grows a single stem A tough zamia that grows in full sun to Zamia integrifolia is a small clumping, An evergreen plant known for its grow to 10 metres in the wild, but more older plants can be quite tall. It has a thick that is up to 30 cm in diameter. The leaf part shade. An excellent foliage plant. tough, woody cycad. An excellent architectural, bold sword-shaped leaves, usually to around 5 metres. It is slow crown of dark green fronds. Although the blades are fan-shaped. Once established foliage plant that can be used under and grey markings on the trunk which growing but a very easy care plant that plant normally has only a single stem, this is a very hardy palm that will survive . Best in dappled shade. look like elephant skin. It is a hardy can be grown in sun or shade. Drought it sometimes produces several. with minimal water. Well drained soil plant, drought tolerant, and grows in full tolerant. Seeds are poisonous. and full sun. sun to part shade.

Email [email protected] Phone 08 8995 5861 @livingwatersmart livingwatersmart.com.au