Abbot, Ezra, 62 Abingdon, Lord, 287, 300 Abolition, Horace
INDEX Abbot, Ezra, 62 American Ships of the Colonial & Revolu- Abingdon, Lord, 287, 300 tionary Periods, by Millar, rev., 532-534 Abolition, Horace Greeley's views on, 209 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Abolitionists, in Phila., 370-371 449, 460 Academy of Music, Fenian lecture at, 217 American Theatre Company, 150 Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, American Unitarian Association, 53, 57 Amusements: fancy dress parties, 223, 224; Actors: favor Lecture on Heads, 166-176; in Phila. in 1839, 500; in 1840, 523-524 public repute of, 361 Andalusia, Biddle estate, 4, 28, 29 Adams, Donald R., Jr., Finance and Enter- Anderson, Richard Clough, 95 prise in Early America, rev., 129-131 Anderson, Maj. Robert, 185, 186, 187, 190 Adams, Henry, on Gilded Age, 334 Animal magnatism, 501 Adams, John (1735-1826), 358; death of, 99; Anthracite coal. See Coal trials of John Fries, 435-443 Arch Street Theatre, 524 Adams, John Quincy, 373; poem of in Anna Architecture: Nicholas Biddle's views on, 29; Breck's album, 107-108 in Phila., 380 Addison, Alexander, 436 Archives, of Pa., Dr. Shenk's missing series, Agriculture: Nicholas Biddle's observations 4I5-43I on, 17-18, 28; in Boston area, 520 Albion, loss of packet ship, 244 Archives Search Room, Harrisburg, 417 Albion, N. Y. newspaper, 503 Armstrong, Gen. John, Jr. (1758-1843), 3, Algiers, Dey of, 41, 42 4, 6 Allston, Washington, 15, 21 Arson, of Pa. Hall, 370-371 Almanacs, printed by Wm. Dunlap, 148 Ashton, Mr., actor, 175 Ambivalent Americans: The Know-Nothing Asparagus, m Party in America, by Baker, rev., 133-135 Aspinwall, Anna Lloyd Breck (Mrs.
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