Eur. Phys. J. A manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor)

Preprint no. NJU-INP 038/21 Distribution amplitudes of light diquarks

Ya Lu1,2, Daniele Binosi3, Minghui Ding3, Craig D. Roberts1,2, Hui-Yu Xing1,2, Chang Xu1,2 1School of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210093, China 2Institute for Nonperturbative Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210093, China 3European Centre for Theoretical Studies in and Related Areas, Villa Tambosi, Strada delle Tabarelle 286, I-38123 Villazzano (TN), Italy Email: [email protected] (Y. Lu); [email protected] (D. Binosi); [email protected] (M. Ding); [email protected] (C. D. Roberts); [email protected] (H.-Y. Xing); [email protected] (C. Xu)

2021 March 04

Abstract Accumulating evidence indicates that soft Regarding -based descriptions of the pro- +quark (diquark) correlations play an important ton, whose valence-quark content is two u and role in the structure and interactions of con- one d quark, an isoscalar-scalar diquark, [ud], and two stituted from three or more valence-quarks; so, it is isovector-pseudovector diquarks, {ud}, {uu}, are nec- worth developing insights into diquark structure. Using essary and sufficient to explain its structure and in- a leading-order truncation of those equations needed teractions. Other diquark correlations are possible, e.g. to solve continuum two-valence-body bound-state prob- isoscalar-pseudoscalar; but analyses show all such ad- lems, the leading-twist two-parton distribution ampli- ditional correlations to be irrelevant so far as tudes (DAs) of light-quark scalar and pseudovector di- properties are concerned [3–6]. The [ud] is dominant, quarks are calculated. The diquark DAs are narrower providing roughly 60% of the proton’s normalisation and taller than the asymptotic profile that characterises [1]; but {ud}, {uu} are crucial because, inter alia, their . Consequently, the valence in a presence enables the d valence-quark to participate in diquark are less likely to carry a large light-front frac- hard interactions, as illustrated elsewhere [7, Sec. 3.6]. tion of the system’s total momentum than those in a Theories of the proton that omit pseudovector corre- . These features may both influence the form of lations are in conflict with quantum chromodynamics DAs and be transmitted to diquark distribution (QCD); indeed, they are kindred to models of the me- functions (DFs), in which case their impact will be felt, son spectrum that contain the but exclude the e.g. in the proton’s u and d valence-quark DFs. ρ-meson. This last remark is supported by the observation 1. Introduction. — Modern experimental facilities and that at leading-order (rainbow-ladder, RL) in a widely- wide ranging theoretical studies have provided strong used symmetry-preserving truncation scheme for the indications that soft1 quark+quark (diquark) correla- continuum bound-state problem [8,9], clear and marked tions play a prominent role in structure [1]. For analogies can be drawn between J P mesons and J −P di- instance, theory suggests that diquark correlations form quarks. Thus, for many reasons, it is useful to consider as a sure consequence of dynamical chiral symmetry arXiv:2103.03960v2 [hep-ph] 13 Mar 2021 pairings, e.g. pseudoscalar mesons ↔ scalar diquarks, breaking (DCSB); namely, as a corollary of emergent and vector mesons ↔ pseudovector diquarks. Regard- hadronic mass (EHM), itself responsible for almost all ing diquark mass scales, this is highlighted in Ref. [6, visible mass in the Universe [2]. Moreover, phenomenol- Fig. 3]. ogy points to a possible role for diquarks in explain- The presence of diquarks within hadrons is mani- ing the appearance of tetra- and penta-quark hadrons, fested in many ways [1]; but basic signals, characteris- and experiments have revealed signals for diquark cor- tics and insights can be drawn from analyses of hadron relations in, amongst other things, the proton’s flavour- wave functions. The proton is the simplest system in separated electromagnetic form factors [1]. which diquarks appear; so its wave function is a sensi- ble place to begin. 1“soft” means the correlations have electromagnetic sizes typ- In quantum field theory, proton structure is described ical of mesons; hence, they are not pointlike diquarks. by a Poincar´ecovariant Faddeev amplitude, Ψ. As ex- 2 plained and illustrated elsewhere [3,4], in concert with Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes (masses in GeV): realistic interaction currents [10–12], knowledge of Ψ enables predictions to be made for measurable proton mπ Eπ Fπ m0+ E0+ F0+ [ud] . (2) properties. However, Ψ does not have the probability 0 3.56 0.46 0.77 2.72 0.30 interpretation of a Schr¨odingerwave function in quan- tum mechanics. Despite the large difference in mass, arising because A hadron’s light-front wave function has a proba- the chiral-limit pion is a Nambu-Goldstone mode, the + bility interpretation [13–15]. This quantity can be ob- π and 0[ud] Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes are semiquanti- tained from Ψ by light-front projection [16], as illus- tatively similar, possessing the same sign and ordering, + trated by the calculation of the proton’s leading-twist but with the 0[ud] amplitude being roughly 30% smaller dressed-valence-quark distribution amplitude (DA) in numerically. Ref. [17]. As evident therein, the pointwise behaviour With dressed-quark propagators and Bethe-Salpeter of the proton’s DA depends upon the functional forms amplitudes in hand, the associated leading-twist DAs of the analogous DAs of the active diquark correlations can be computed via light-front projection. For the pion within the proton. These functions depend on x, the [24]: light-front longitudinal momentum-fraction of a quark within the diquark. (The other quark carriesx ¯ = 1−x.) fπ ϕπ(x; ζ) = NctrDZ2(ζ, Λ) Z Λ Hitherto, these quantities have been modelled, but not x calculated. Herein, we remedy that by presenting the × δn(kη)γ5γ · nχπ(kηη¯,P ; ζ) , (3a) dk first predictions for the x-dependence of diquark DAs. χπ(kηη¯,P ; ζ) = S(kη; ζ)Γπ(kηη¯,P ; ζ)S(kη¯; ζ) . (3b) 2. Insights from a contact interaction. — Before completing a numerical study of the meson and di- Here we write general formulae, valid when the Bethe- quark bound-state problems using realistic kernels, it Salpeter amplitudes are momentum-dependent, and Nc R Λ is worth using a related, algebraic framework in order = 3; the trace is over spinor indices; dk is a symmetry- to learn what might reasonably be expected. Such is preserving regularisation of the four-dimensional inte- provided by a symmetry-preserving formulation of a gral, with Λ the regularisation scale; Z2 is the quark vector×vector contact interaction (CI) [18]. Working in wave function renormalisation constant, with ζ the renor- x the chiral limit, so that the current-masses of the u and malisation scale; δn(kη) = δ(n · kη − xn · P ), n is a 2 d valence quarks are zero, and solving the gap equation light-like four-vector, n = 0, with n · P = −mπ in the using an interaction strength that produces a reason- meson rest frame;n ¯ is a conjugate light-like four-vector, 2 n¯ = 0, n · n¯ = −1; kηη¯ = [kη + kη¯]/2, kη = k + ηP , able value of the pion’s leptonic decay constant (fπ = 0.10 GeV), one obtains a u = d dressed-quark mass kη¯ = k − (1 − η)P ; and fπ is the pion’s leptonic decay M = 0.36 GeV – a scale typical of QCD [19–23]. The constant, so CI dressed-quark propagator is S(k) = 1/[iγ · k + M]. Z 1 + dx ϕ (x; ζ) = 1 . (4) Using the CI, the pion and 0[ud]-diquark are de- π scribed by correlation amplitudes with the following 0 forms, where P is the total momentum of the system: For future reference, a dependence on the resolving scale, ζ, is also indicated explicitly here. Typically, however,  1  it will be suppressed. Γπ(P ) = γ5 iEπ(P ) + γ · PFπ(P ) , (1a) + 2M For the 0[ud] system, the analogous expression is  1  † 3¯ Γ0+ (P )C = γ5 iE0+ (P ) + γ · PF0+ (P ) . (1b) f + ϕ + (x; ζ) = N tr Z (ζ, Λ) 2M 0 0 c D 2 Z Λ x C† × δn(kη)γ5γ · nχ0+ (kηη¯,P ; ζ) , (5a) Here, C is the charge conjugation matrix. Since the dk contact interaction is momentum-independent, the am- C† † χ0+ (kηη¯,P ) = S(kη)Γ0+ (kηη¯,P )C S(kη¯) . (5b) plitudes do not carry any dependence on the relative 3¯ momentum between the valence constituents. In this case, the trace over colour gives Nc = 2 because The amplitudes in Eqs. (1) satisfy algebraic Bethe- the diquarks considered herein are colour-antitriplet cor- Salpeter equations [5, Eq. (12), Eq. (25)], which differ relations. Again, f0+ is defined such that only by a relative multiplicative factor of one-half in the Z 1 diquark equation. In the chiral limit, these equations dx ϕ0+ (x) = 1 . (6) yield the following masses and canonically normalised 0 3

��� + the 0[ud] and π is the mass obtained as a solution of their respective Bethe-Salpeter equations: m + > mπ. ��� 0[ud] Notably, contact interaction calculations of 0+ and π ��� [ud] electromagnetic radii produce r0+ ≈ 1.1rπ [18]. π ��� 3. Rainbow-ladder kernel. — In continuum studies φ � + � of the hadron bound-state problem, the RL trunca-

φ ��� tion has long been used to deliver predictions for ob- ��� servables [3,4]. With a judicious choice for the kernel, φπ ��� φ�+ this symmetry-preserving truncation provides a good description of those systems wherein (i) orbital angu- ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� lar momentum does not play a material role and (ii) � the non-Abelian anomaly can be neglected. In all such Fig. 1 Two- DAs for the pion and scalar diquark cases, corrections to RL truncation interfere destruc- computed using a symmetry-preserving regularisation of a tively, i.e. largely cancel amongst themselves. vector×vector contact interaction. Regarding systems constituted from two valence bod- ies, one considers the Bethe-Salpeter equation: Using Eqs. (1a), (2), (3), Ref. [25, Sec. III C] com- Z Λ [Γ (k; P )] = [χ(q; P )] (q, k; P )rs, (11) puted the contact-interaction pion DA:2 tu srK tu dq

ϕπ(x) = Θ(x)Θ(¯x) , (7) where r . . . u denote colour, flavour and spinor indices, and χ is defined through Eq. (3b). For mesons, the RL where Θ(x) is the Heaviside function. The same result truncation is specified via (l = kη − qη = kη¯ − qη¯) is obtained in symmetry preserving treatments of the a a Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model, e.g. Ref. [26]. This distri- rs λ λ K tu = Iµν (l)[iγµ ]ts[iγν ]ru , (12a) bution produces the following Mellin moments: 2 2 2 Iµν (l) = I˜(l )Tµν (l) , (12b) Z 1 2m 2m h(x − x¯) iπ = dx (x − x¯) ϕπ(x) (8a) where {λa|a = 1,..., 8} are the generators of SU(3)- 0 colour in the fundamental representation and l2T (l) = 1 µν = , (8b) l2δ − l l . 1 + 2m µν µ ν Expressing the diquark Bethe-Salpeter equation in ≥ † m ∈ Z . All odd moments vanish. terms of Γqq(kηη¯,P )C , the only change to Eq. (12a) Using Eqs. (1b), (2), (5), one readily obtains is replacement of the second Gell-Mann matrix by its negative transpose [27]: λa → [−λa]T. Now the origin 0 2 4 h(x − x¯) i0+ h(x − x¯) i0+ h(x − x¯) i0+ . (9) of the one-half multiplicative factor mentioned above 1 0.27 0.15 becomes clear, viz. a a Noting the form of ϕ (x) in Eq. (7) and capitalising λ λ 4 π 1c meson: Ic = Ic , (13a) on the fact that Gegenbauer polynomials of degree “ 1 ” 2 2 3 2 a a T form a complete orthonormalisable set with respect to λ c [−λ ] 2 c 3¯c diquark: iλ = iλ , c = 2, 5, 7 . (13b) the weight function w(x) = constant, one can use the 2 2 3 moments in Eq. (9) to construct an approximation to At this point it is worth emphasising that diquark + the 0[ud] DA: correlations are coloured. Only in connection with part- nering coloured objects (e.g. quark or another diquark) 19 1/2 9 1/2 ϕ0+ (x) = 1 − 40 C2 (2x − 1) + 100 C4 (2x − 1) . (10) is a colour singlet system obtained. Consequently, di- quarks are confined. That is not true if RL truncation The DAs in Eqs. (7), (10) are compared in Fig.1. is used alone to develop the quark+quark scattering Despite the similarities between their Bethe-Salpeter problem [28]. Corrections to this leading-order trunca- amplitudes, especially the fact that both are indepen- tion have been studied using an infrared-dominant in- dent of the relative momentum between the valence teraction [29]. In fully self-consistent symmetry-preser- + constituents, the 0[ud] DA is appreciably narrower than ving analyses, such corrections purge bound-state poles that of the pion. The conspicuous difference between from the quark+quark scattering matrix, whilst pre- 2In such contact interaction studies, Λ = ζ plays a dynamical serving the strong correlations [9, 30]. These studies sig- role, defining the range of interactions, and Z2 → 1. nalled that, as coloured systems, like quarks and , 4 diquark propagation is effected by a compound two- Table 1 Static properties of mesons and diquarks evaluated point function whose analytic structure is unlike that with the bound-state kernels described in Sect. 3. The current ζ2 of an asymptotic state [31–34]. Nevertheless, the prop- mass m = 5.0 MeV, which is commensurate with other es- timates [54]. For comparison, meson empirical values are [54] agation is characterised by a mass-scale commensurate (in GeV): mπ = 0.138, fπ = 0.0924, mρ = 0.775, fρ = 0.153. with that obtained in RL analyses. (N.B. π and 0+ do not possess a transverse decay con- [ud] √ Predictions for meson and diquark properties follow stant. “[·]”√ entries in decay constant rows list fmeson/ 3 or 2 immediately from numerical calculations once I˜(l ) is fdiquark/ 2. All dimensioned quantities in GeV.) specified. Experience has produced the following form ch π 0+ ρ 1+ [35](s = l2): [ud] {ud} mch 0.14 0.89 0.72 1.04 2 2 1 ˜ 8π −s/ω2 8π γmF(s) fch 0.091 [0.053] 0.072 [0.051] 0.14 [0.083] 0.088 [0.062] 2 I (s) = De + , ⊥ Z2 4  2 2 f 0.11 [0.063] 0.054 [0.038] ω ln τ + (1 + s/ΛQCD) ch (14) where: γ = 12/(33−2N ), N = 4; Λ = 0.234 GeV; m f f QCD limit, we solved the quark gap and pion Bethe-Salpeter τ = e2 − 1; and sF(s) = {1 − exp(−s/[4m2])}, m = t t equations. Following Ref. [52], the numerical procedures 0.5 GeV. Eq. (14) preserves the one-loop renormalisa- have evolved to the point where this exercise is straight- tion group behaviour of QCD. Moreover, 0 < I˜(0) < ∞, forward. The algorithm improvements in Ref. [53] were reflecting the fact that a nonzero mass-scale ap- a valuable step along the way. pears as a consequence of EHM in QCD [36–39]. With a renormalisation point invariant current-quark The only parameters in Eq. (14) are D, ω. For ground- massm ˆ = 7.2 MeV, which corresponds to a one-loop state pseudo-scalar- and vector-mesons, ω = 0.44 GeV, evolved current-mass mζ2 = 5.0 MeV at ζ = 2 GeV, Dω = ς3 = (0.8 GeV)3 yield results for a raft of static 2 one obtains the pion mass and decay constant in Ta- and dynamic properties that are in good agreement ble1. The decay constant is obtained by computing with experiment, see e.g. Refs. [40–48]. Notably, with the zeroth Mellin moment of both sides in Eq. (3). Dω fixed, observables in these channels are practically Solving the analogous RL 0+ Bethe-Salpeter equa- unchanged on ω/GeV ∈ [0.4, 0.6] [35]. Hence, in prac- [ud] tion yields the associated mass and decay constant in tice, Eq. (14) is a one-parameter Ansatz. Table1. As usual, the “decay constant”, obtained by The kernel defined by Eqs. (12), (14) preserves computing the zeroth Mellin moment of both sides in QCD’s ultraviolet behaviour; so, a renormalisation pro- Eq. (5), has the meaning of a value for the pseudovec- cedure must be implemented when solving the bound- tor projection of the 0+ wave function onto the origin state equations. We use a mass-independent momen- [ud] in configuration space. Owing to their different colour tum subtraction scheme with renormalisation scale ζ = √ √ structures, the natural comparison is f / 3 ↔ f / 2. ζ = 0.33 GeV [47, 48]. At ζ , the dressed quasiparti- π [ud] H H These values are listed in square brackets in the table. cles obtained from the quark gap equation express all With numerical solutions for the quark propaga- properties of the under consideration. For tors and meson/diquark Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes in instance, they carry all the hadron’s momentum. This hand, one can use Eqs. (3) or Eqs. (5) to compute DA approach ensures that parton splitting is properly ex- Mellin moments of nonzero order. Their direct calcula- pressed via ζ-evolution of hadron wave functions [49– tion is possible using the numerical technique described 51], thereby eliminating a known deficiency of truncated in Ref. [55]. For the light-quark systems considered herein, bound-state kernels [46–48]. the scheme is adequate for n ≤ 4. Since all systems con- 4. DAs using a realistic interaction. — The asymp- sidered have DAs that are symmetric around x = 1/2, totic profile for the leading-twist two-parton DA in QCD precision of the numerical procedure can be ensured by is [49–51]: checking the following identities:

ϕas(x) = 6xx¯ . (15) 1 3 3 2 1 hxich = 2 , hx ich = 2 hx ich − 4 . (17) The first two independent Mellin moments of this dis- Access to moments n > 4 is possible using the per- tribution are: turbation theory integral representation scheme intro- hx2i hx4i duced for this purpose elsewhere [24]. However, expe- . (16) 3 1 rience has shown that when combined with physical ϕas 10 = 0.3 7 = 0.143 requirements, such as the known x ' 0, 1 endpoint be- 4.1 Pion and scalar diquark. — Using the kernel de- haviour and unimodality for the DAs of ground-state scribed in Sect. 3 and working in the isospin-symmetry pseudoscalar and vector mesons, the first four moments 5


∥ ��� φπ ��� φρ φ�+ ⊥ φρ φ�� ��� ��� ∥ + + φ� ⊥ � ⊥ φ�+ ��� φ � ��� π +

∥ � φ�� φ � + φ �

� ��� ��� ⊥ ρ φ φ �

��� ∥ ρ ��� φ

��� ���

��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� � �

Fig. 2 Left panel – A. Two-particle DAs for the pion and scalar diquark computed using the QCD-connected RL kernel described in Sect. 3. Right panel – B. Similarly for the two-particle DAs of the ρ-meson and pseudovector diquark. In both panels, the asymptotic profile “as” is included for reference.

are sufficient to reconstruct a sound pointwise DA ap- where the “up” values yield the smallest result for hx4i 1 proximation. (Unimodality is violated by scalar and in Eq. (18), etc.; hence, the tallest DA at x = 2 . some pseudovector meson ground-state DAs and by the + The π and 0[ud] DAs obtained using Eqs. (19), (20) DAs of radially-excited mesons [56, 57].) are depicted in Fig.2A. As anticipated and reproducing + Results for the first two nontrivial π and 0[ud] DA the result in Ref. [24], the pion’s DA is a broad, con- moments are listed here: cave function, which is both narrower and flatter than ϕ (x). On the other hand, the 0+ DA is narrower π [ud] as [ud] than ϕas(x); so, as in the contact interaction study, hx2i 0.315 0.284 . (18) 4 much narrower and taller than ϕπ(x). Here, too, com- hx i 0.159(9) 0.115(4) putations of the electromagnetic radii of these systems Beyond quadrature error, which is negligible, there is produce r0+ ≈ 1.1rπ [58]. 2 4 no uncertainty in hx i. The uncertainty in hx i arises 4.2 ρ-meson and pseudovector diquark. — The above from extrapolation, following the algorithm in Ref. [55]. analysis can be repeated for J = 1 systems follow- Comparisons with Eq. (16) suggest immediately that ing Refs. [55, 59], yielding the masses and decay con- ϕπ is broader and flatter than ϕas because the moments stants in Table1. (Since we assume isospin symme- of ϕπ are greater than those of ϕas and larger moments try, it is unnecessary to distinguish between {uu} and indicate more support on the endpoint domains. Con- {ud} diquarks.) In this case, there are two decay con- versely, ϕ0+ must be narrower and taller than ϕas. stants and an associated DA for each state considered: With these indications in mind, we chose the follow- ϕk,⊥, describing, respectively, the light-front fraction ing reconstruction functions [46, 55]: of the system’s total momentum carried by a quark in h √ i either a light-front longitudinally or transversely po- ϕπ(x) = nπxx¯ 1 + απ xx¯ + βπxx¯ , (19a) larised state. For the ρ-meson, they are obtained via  2 2 ϕ0+ (x) = n0+ xx¯ exp −a0+ (x − x¯) , (19b)

where the computed values of nπ,0+ ensure unit nor- k malisation, Eqs. (4), (6). The moments in Eq. (18) are n · P fρϕρ(x; ζ) = mρNctrDZ2(ζ, Λ) Z Λ reproduced using: x ρ × δn(kη) γ · nnν χν (kηη¯,P ; ζ) , (21a) dk απ βπ a0+ ⊥ ⊥ 1 fρ ϕρ (x; ζ) = − NctrDZT (ζ, Λ) up −2.52 2.00 1.43 2 , (20) Z Λ mid −2.57 2.03 1.37 x ⊥ ρ × δn(kη) nµσµαOαν χν (kηη¯,P ; ζ) , (21b) low −2.64 2.10 1.31 dk 6

⊥ where Oαν = δαν + nαn¯ν +n ¯αnν and ZT (ζ, Λ) is the Given the relation between valence DAs quark tensor-vertex renormalisation constant [59, Ap- and distribution functions (DFs) [61]: pendix A]. The expressions for the 1+ DAs are obvi- {ud} 2 ous by analogy, remembering that the colour factor is q(x; ζH ) ≈ ϕ (x; ζH ) , (25) “2” in this case. then the features of diquark DAs revealed herein will The lowest independent Mellin moments of the ρ also be transferred into their DFs. Hence, diquark DFs and 1+ DAs are: {ud} are likely narrower than those of their counterpart mesons. (Explicit checks of this expectation are underway.) That ρ ρ⊥ {ud} {ud}⊥ k k being so, then valence quarks sequestered within a di- 2 . (22) hx i 0.306(3) 0.310(1) 0.266(2) 0.281(2) quark correlation inside a proton will be less likely to 4 hx i 0.155(9) 0.158(6) 0.108(8) 0.110(8) participate in a hard interaction than the bystander va- The complexity of the Bethe-Salpeter amplitude for lence quark. Such effects should be manifest in the ratio J = 1 systems, highlighted elsewhere [60, Sec. V.B], of d and u quark DFs in the proton. Our analysis may means that extrapolation is also required to obtain hx2i therefore be useful in informing future calculations of in these cases; hence, an uncertainty is listed. baryon DFs. Comparisons between the values in Eq. (22) and those As noted above, we employed RL truncation in this in Eqs. (16), (18) suggest the following ordering of DAs: study, which is state-of-the-art for ab initio studies of baryon properties in the continuum [1,3,4]. Notwith- standing that, owing to confinement, certain aspects of ⊥ k ϕπ >B ϕρ >B ϕρ >B ϕas (23a) diquark correlations may be affected by corrections to ⊥ k this leading order truncation. Accordingly, it is worth ϕas >B ϕ[ud] &B ϕ{ud} >B ϕ (23b) {ud} replicating the analysis described herein using the more where >B indicates broader-and-flatter-than. Using sophisticated bound-state kernels that have recently been Eqs. (19), the moments in Eq. (22) are reproduced by developed [62–64]. the following coefficients: Acknowledgments. — We are grateful for construc- tive comments from Z.-F. Cui, Z.-N. Xu, P.-L. Yin and αk βk α⊥ β⊥ ak a⊥ ρ ρ ρ ρ 1+ 1+ J.-L. Zhang. Work supported by: Jiangsu Province Hun- up −1.99 2.07 −2.45 2.08 2.67 1.67 . (24) dred Talents Plan for Professionals; and National Nat- mid −2.57 2.56 −2.49 2.05 2.51 1.52 ural Science Foundation of China (grant 11822503). low −2.99 3.00 −2.52 2.02 2.36 1.38

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