Appendix H Religion Codes
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Appendix H Religion Codes Including HBCIS abbreviations Queensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection QHAPDC RELIGION CODES BY HBCIS ABBREVIATION HBCIS CODE RELIGION NAME ABBREVIATION 2801 Abor Aboriginal Evangelical Missions 7011 Agno Agnosticism 2231 Alba Albanian Orthodox 6051 Ance Ancestor Veneration 2222 AnCh Ancient Church of the East 2013 AnCC Anglican Catholic Church 2012 AnCA Anglican Church of Australia 6131 Anim Animism 2232 Anti Antiochian Orthodox 2401 ApoA Apostolic Church (Australia) 2901 ApoQ Apostolic Church of Queensland 2212 ArmA Armenian Apostolic 2402 Asse Assemblies of God 2229 AssA Assyrian Apostolic, nec 2221 AsCE Assyrian Church of the East 7012 Athe Atheism 6011 Aust Australian Aboriginal Traditional Religions 6031 Baha Baha’i 2031 Bapt Baptist 2403 Beth Bethesda Churches 2802 Born Born Again Christian 2051 Bret Brethren 1011 Budd Buddhism 6991 Caod Caodaism 2079 Cath Catholic, nec 2075 ChaC Chaldean Catholic 6059 ChRe Chinese Religions, nec 2902 Chri Christadelphians 2803 ChrM Christian and Missionary Alliance 2404 ChrC Christian City Church 2405 ChrL Christian Life Churches International 2406 ChrO Christian Outreach Centres 2407 ChrR Christian Revival Crusade 2903 ChrS Christian Science 2112 ChCN Church of Christ (Non-denominational) 2151 Ch.L Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) 6992 C.Sc Church of Scientology 2804 Ch.N Church of the Nazarene 2111 Ch.C Churches of Christ (Conference) 2152 ComC Community of Christ 6052 Conf Confucianism 2805 Cong Congregational 2214 Copt Coptic Orthodox Church 9999 DNWV Does not wish to be visited Appendix H Religion Codes Page - 2 HBCIS CODE RELIGION NAME ABBREVIATION 6132 Drui Druidism 6071 Drus Druse 2239 EaOr Eastern Orthodox, nec 6993 Ecka Eckankar 2216 EtOC Ethiopian Orthodox Church 2806 Ethn Ethnic Evangelical Churches 2408 Fait Faith Churches 2411 Four Foursquare Gospel Church 2253 Free Free Reformed 2412 Full Full Gospel Church 2904 Gnos Gnostic Christians 2233 Gree Greek Orthodox 3011 Hind Hinduism 7013 Huma Humanism 2807 IndE Independent Evangelical Churches 2113 IntC International Church of Christ 4011 Isla Islam 6997 Jain Jainism 6119 JaRe Japanese Religions, nec 2131 Jeho Jehovah’s Witnesses 5011 Juda Judaism 2905 Libe Liberal Catholic Church 2171 Luth Lutheran 2234 Mace Macedonian Orthodox 2072 Maro Maronite Catholic 2073 Melk Melkite Catholic 6139 Natu Nature Religions, nec 0004 NAge New Age, so described 2906 NewA New Apolstolic Church 2907 NewS New Churches (Swedenborgian) 7010 No R No Religion, nfd 0003 NotD Not Defined 0001 Not Not Stated 2219 OriO Oriental Orthodox, nec 2999 OthC Other Christian, nec 2899 OthP Other Protestant, nec 6133 Paga Paganism 6134 Pant Pantheism 2499 Pent Pentecostal, nec 2251 Pres Presbyterian 6994 Rast Rastafarianism 2908 Rata Ratana (Maori) 7014 Rati Rationalism 2252 Refo Reformed 0002 RelB Religious belief, nfd 6999 Reli Religious groups, nec 2911 RelS Religious Science Appendix H Religion Codes Page - 3 HBCIS CODE RELIGION NAME ABBREVIATION 2912 RelF Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) 2413 Revi Revival Centres 2414 Rhem Rhema Family Church 2235 Roma Romanian Orthodox 2236 Russ Russian Orthodox 2271 Salv Salvation Army 6995 Sata Satanism 2237 Serb Serbian Orthodox 2311 Seve Seventh-day Adventist 6111 Shin Shinto 6151 Sikh Sikhism 6171 Spir Spiritualism 6112 Suky Sukyo Mahikari 2215 SyOC Syrian Orthodox Church 6053 Taoi Taoism 2913 Temp Temple Society 6113 Tenr Tenrikyo 0005 Thei Theism 6996 Theo Theosophy 2074 UkCa Ukrainian Catholic 2238 UkOr Ukrainian Orthodox 2914 Unit Unitarian 2415 Upen United Pentecostal 2331 UniC Uniting Church 2808 Wesl Wesleyan Methodist Church 2071 West Western Catholic 6135 Wicc Wiccan/Witchcraft 2915 Worl Worldwide Church of God 6998 Zosm Zoroastrianism Appendix H Religion Codes Page - 4 .